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DIRECTORY OF UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS (Continued.* 308 FARRAGUTST. N.wT New a at., 3 rooms, bnth. large ya d. |BB per mo Dial 272J 01 Ran <-'’ '•'‘ 2434 16th ST. N.W. NEW BUILDING NOW READY. S rms.. d. a . kit., bath $05.00 SHANNON & LUCHS CO 1505 H St, N.W._National 2345. DOWNTOWN LOCATION WITHIN WALK m* distance of Govt, buildings and renter of city. 4 rooms, bath. elec, refg., janitor aervice-- $45. EDWARD D. COLEMAN, PI9 N. Y. Ave. N.W. Natl. 6502. NEW DUPLEX APT. (NEAR 15th AND H STS N.E.* S rooms, kitchen, bath, laree back porch: close to schools, stores and trans portation. $42.50. CHAS. L. NORRIS. 2195 Pa. Ave; N.W._West 0490. 5804 14th ST. N.W. 2 rooms, d. a., kit., bath. porch $47.50 SHANNON 5; LUCHS CO 1505 H St N.W. National 2945. fTSP LANIER PLACE. APT. 49-RE ception hall, living room, dining room, i bed rooms, bath, kitchen, pantry and porch Manager. Ap’. 2. THOS. J FISHER CO. INC. 738_15th St N.W. _District t,S30. Fflfi KALORAMA RD.—1 ROOM AND PRth: 5 rms. kit and 2 baths, refrigera tion on house current RANDALL H HAGNER & CO.. INC.. _132J Conn. Avo._ Decatur 300*). 1424 CHAPIN ST N/W . NR. MERIDIAN Park—2 large, attractive rms.. dinette, kitchen, tile bath with shower; elevator. Incinerator, refg.; res. mgr.; $55 to $*42.50. 245*4 20th st. n.w.. The Rockledge.. over looking Rock. Creek Park 2 large, attrac tive rms., kitchen, bath with shower; refg.. elevator, incinerator; res mgr.; $55. 2son loth st. n.w.— 1 rm. and bath. §30: I rm, kitchen, bath. $37.50. Owned ami Managed bv McINTIRE PROPERTIES. INC., __ Adams *4150. *$50.50—512 TENN. AVE. N.E.—5 R., B.. a m.i. NEWSOM. 1110 H ST. N.E._LINC. 20 71. Ts*»l CALVERT ST.’N.W.—2 TO *5 ROOMS and bath; all outside, large, airy, spacious rooms: large porches, shower bath. G E. refrigeration: abundance of closet space; resident manager. RANDALL H HAGNER A CO.. INC.. ^ 132 1 Conn. Ave. Decatur 3*3)0._ 3153 MT. PLEASANT 8T N W NO. 5. Threp bed rooms, living room, dining room, kit., bath: elec refrigeration; $70. (See Janitor.) 201 2nd ST. N.E NO 21. Four rooms, kitchen, bath. $05, electric refrigeration. See Janitor. 2432 FA. AVE. N.W.. NO. 2. Two rooms, kitchen, bath (available October 1); $42.50. Heated. 2451 1 Sth ST. N.W . NO. 20 Two rooms, kitchen, bath, newly deco rated; $45. 911 CONCORD AVE N.W.. APT. 1. New duplex apt 2 bed rms. In rm . dinette, tile bath and shower, screened-in porch; avail. October 1st; $52.50 month, j 2109 F ST. N.W . APT. 104 1 rm kit . din. bath. Murphy bed; i •vail October 1st. See resident manager. ■ §37.50 month. FTOYD E DAVIS CO _ St. N W National 0352. KENNEDY COURTS, 103 Kennedy St. N.W. 2 Rooms. Kitchen. Dinette, Bath, $47.50 to $55.50. EDW. P. SCHWARTZ, INC., _1014 Vt. Ave._District fi'lin, 1112-16 10th ST. 8.1. New building, near Navy Yard: apts. of . rms.. k. and b. (with shower); service porch; automatic gas heat. $37.50 TO $40.50. FLOYD E. DAVIS CO. _733 13th St. N.W. National 035"._ MODERN APARTMENTS. 4812 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. 2 rooms, kit., bath. ref*. $57 WHITECROFT. 1301 LONGFELLOW ST. N.W. 1 rm.. Murphy bed. kit., bath., refg., $45. enon eye st. n w. 3 rooms, kitchen, bath. ref. _ . $o5 ATI,ANTIC. 1305 10th S.. N.W. 3 rms.. kit., bath. relg. __ $50 HOMESTEAD. 1314 11th ST. N.W. 2 rms., kit., bath, porch $37.50 WOODFORD 504 3rd ST. N.W 3 rms.. kit., bath _$32.50 3517 13th ST. N.W. 2 rooms, kit., bath. refg. _$42.50 FLAT. „ . 710 7th ST. S W. 3 rooms, kit., bath __ $35.50 Open lor Inspection. FRANCIS A. BLUNDON CO., _805 H St. N.W. 2701 COURTLAND PL. N.W~ One Block West of Conn. Ave. and Klingle Rd. 1 Room. Kitchen and Bath. Rooms. Kitchen and Baih. Double Exposure Cross Ventilation. Electricity and refrigeration included in rental. $47.50 to $65.00. __SEE RESIDENT MANAGER._ --. THE LORELEI, 6024 8th ST. N.W. Facing: Govt. Park. New Fireproof Building. Apts, of *! rooms, dinette, kitchen end hath. Venetian blinds, automatic refriger ation. Oxford kitchen cabinets, tiled baths and showers, hardwood floors; individual locker space in basement. RENTALS. *50 AND UP. OPEN FOR INSPECTION DAILY TO fl PM. BOSS & PHELPS, 1417 K N.W. NATL. 9300. AT BEAUTIFUL ‘MERIDIAN PARK Quiet apartments delight fully located and convenient to schools, stores, cars and buses. RE FRIGERATION. three or more ex posures, many special features! Foyer, Large Living Room, Small Dining $40.00 Room. Kitchen. Dress ing Alcove and Bath <Double Murphy B^d>. Living Room. TWO $62.50 Rooms. Small Din ing Room. Central Bath and Kitchen. __visit now i ir»th st._N.w._ GEORGETOWN, 3050 N ST. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen, both, refrlaoialion. Slid. J. McKENNEY BERRY, l.tft.T Wis. Av*. N.W. West O.M:i-Q5H I 1321 BELMONT ST. N.W. 1 room, kitchen, bath. d. a. ?.‘l4 no j 2 rms.. kit., bath, dinette 40.00 | SHANNON .V LUCHS CO . 3519 13th ST. N.W. : rms., kit. dinette, bath fdn.on 1 rgis. <■: bed rms.i. kit., din., bath fir.50 i Elec Frelnecratlnn on House Current. ; Nr cars, buses, stores, schools, churches t.nd theaters. See these today. BRODIE COLBERT. INC.. 1 3 707 Eye St. N.W. National 8R7S._ DOWNTOWN APT. Living room, bed room, kitchenette, tiled jaxh, built-in tub and shower. $50. availabi e now HARRY A. OLIKEJt CO , , 10] 4 K St. N.W. Natl. 7157._ ! 326 DELAFIELD PL. N.W. Duplex: heat and hot water furnished Frigidaire: Z r.. d. n kit., bath, porch $52.50 aSHANNON A: LUCHS CO I _1505 H St. N.W._National 2345. I 1616 16th ST. N.W. Two rooms, dinette, kitchen and hath. Also 4 rooms, dinette. Kitchen and wo baths. $02.50. Electric refrigeration, witchboard and elevator service. See rcs dent manager. 1862 ONTARIO PL. N.W. ~ rooms, kitchen and bath? electric efrlBeratlon, $47.50. ' , 2645 CONN. AVE. N.W. Anls. of 2 and .'t rooms, kitchen and iath. electric rcfriseration, $57.50 and 175.00. BOSS & PHELPS, J417 K St. N.W. National #300. Ilf* KENNEDY BT. ! bed rcoms. living room, kitchen and bath: heat and hot water $57.50 314ft MT. PLEASANT ST. L bed room, reception room, dressing room, kitchen and bath $50.00 0010 W1LIXDW ST. N. IV. L b'd room, living room, dressing room, kitchen and bath $50.00 •T.T! flELAPIELD PL. N.W. I rooms and bath $57.50 VM. H. SAUNDERS CO., INC., 1510 k n.w, ___pist. 1nils RHODE ISLAND GARDENS 230 Rhode Island Ave. N.E. Elevator and secretarial telephone service, electric refrigeration on house current. Convenient to stores, schools and trans portation. Two rooms, kitchen, dining alcove and bath. $54.50 to $61.50 Resident Manager on Premises B. F. SAUL CO. Natl. 2100 925 15th St. i! SIS®cySMSi a/ejKjffiilifiMSii 8 I i i 3 I 9 3 l HARVARD HALL | l 1650 Harvard St. N.W. I jj Overlooking Rock Creek Park ® 3 A PT. of 2 Rooms, Dinette, jj Kit., Bath and Porch | =! 24-hour Elevator and Switch- gj j hoard Service — Swimming £| 3 Pool—Gymnasium — Billiard Ej jj Room. ij Resident Manager f iL’Sfa? Make a Move for the Better * t Thli Tall A Distinctly Different ■ V# Apartment Cfie^artottfe 39th & Idaho Ava. N.W. Drive out Mn*». Ave to 39th. turn left on 39th to Idaho Ave. 1 and 2 rooms, kitchen, dining alcove and bath Large Rooms, Large Closets, Casement Windows, G. E Electric Kitchens, Special Sinks, Venetian Blinds. Sun Deck. Secretarial Service. Entire Building Air Cooled. Resident Manager. WEAVER BROImc REALTORS Washington Building District 9486 ! CHALFONTE APTS. 1061 Argonne PI. N.W. 1 rm.. kitchen, dinette, bath $45.00 2 rms.. kitchen, dinette, bath $57.50 2 rms., incl. por.. kit., din., bath. i $70 00 24-hour elevator and switchboard j*i service. Apply Resident Manager HAMPTON COURTS | 2013 N. H. Ave. N.W. 1 rm.. kitchen, bath $42.50 2 rms.. kitchen, bath 3 rms.. kitchen, bath $75.00 24-hour elevator and switchboard service Apply Resident Manager | THE PARKADE 1 157 Tark Road N.W. 1 rm.. kitchen, dinette, bath $40.00 2 rms.. kitchen, dinette, bath $57 50 3 rms . kit . foyer bath $07.50 Apply Resident Manager Philip P. Peyser & Co. J 028 Investment Bldg. Dist, 3710 DUNSMERE 2523 11th St. N.W. 1 room. kit. and bath *40.nn 2 rooms, kil and hath *47.50 Electric Refrigeration. CALVERTON 1073 Columbia Rd. 24-Hour Elevator and Switchboard. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath *00.00 ST. ALBANS 2310 Conn. Ave. 24-Hour Switchboard and Elevator Service 1 room kit . bath and porch, *52.50 2 rooms kitchen and bath *72.50 3 rms. kitchen and bath with porch .. ___*-*85.00 2701 CONN. AVE. 24-Hour Elevator and j Switchboard Service. 2 rms.. kitchen and bath $65.00 3 rms.. kitchen and bath .$90.00 FRONTENAC 4550 Conn. Ave. 24-Hour Elevator and ' Switchboard 8ervice. 1 rm.. dinette, k. Sc b.. porch. *52.50 CORTLAND 1780 Euclid St. N.W. 24-Hour Elevator and Switchboard Service. 2 rms. kitchenette and hath. *57.50 4 rms.. kitchen and bath *85.00 FALKSTONE COURTS 1401 Fairmont St. N.W. 24-Hour Elevator and Switchboard Service. 2 rms.. kitchen and bath_$55.00 4 rms.. kitchen and bath *80.00 A Few Terr Desirable Furnished Apartments. BUSS * fitrcmcs 1811 Columbia Rd. N.W. Adams 3500 Holidays and Nights. Phone Adam* 4548 ■ ! The Stanley Arms 1125 12th St. N.W. Apts, of 1 Room, Kit., Dinette and Bath. Refrigeration on j house current. Murphy bed. / Rentals from $47.50 lo $55.00 Resident Manager AMERICAN SECURITY & TRUST CO. l.Mh & Pa. Ave. N.W. Na. 48I.t Make Your Selection From These Attractive Apts. THE MADISON TERRACE IMS Krnn.riv St. N.W. j BEAUTIFUL NEW BUILDING | 2 large rooms, dinette, kitch- I en and bath. Corner apt., *67.50 | Oas. electricity As refrigeration free. I Elevator service beautiful lobby, Roof Garden. THE GELHAVE 405 10th St. N.E. | | (Desirable N.E. Section) 2 large rooms, kitchen and bath *47.50 Elec. Refg. on House Current. ] Res. Mgr. Atlantic 7400. j j L. E. Breuninger & Soni, Inc. ■ 1730 K St. N.W. NAt. 2040 j - r r 906-912 Gallatin St. N.W. I Modern, new building, thoroughly Insu- ? lated. with outside corner apartments. [■ One block from Georgia Avenue, near stores, schools, churches, park, car and C bus lines. [ 2 bed rooms, living room, kitchen and [ bath; modern kitchen equipment. $65.00 to $67.50 H. L. RUST CO. im»l 13th St. N.W. NA. 8100 [ _ i ~ C —— [ ^ Ij, M ^1,, .M . ,T~riy|r^^ -m! i tt—tit: i l th —i—mammae 555S5SS;S? !§ | I New Apartment Building THE METROPOLITAN 200 Rhode Island Ave. N.E. Five-story elevator building; with secretarial telephone service; |! Venetian blinds throughout. ijji One, two and three rooms, kitchen, dining alcove and bath (some with porches). A Few Furnished Apartments Available. I Resident Manager on Premises E THE PARAMOUNT f 829 Quincy St. N.W. Corner Quincy St. and Georgia Ave. |' Modem five-story elevator building. Painted walls in some f I; apartments. Two rooms, kitchen, dining alcove and bath (some with sun porches equipped with Murphy beds). Resident Manager on Premises B. F. SAUL CO. No. 2100 925 15th St. HILLTOP GARDENS i| Group of S New Buildings 6300 Block 14th St. N.W. Drive out nth or nth St. to Sheri dan St., turn on Sheridan to lkth St. LARGE ROOMS EXTRA LARGE KITCHENS CROSS VENTILATION VENETIAN BLINDS LARGE CLOSETS ELECTROLUX GAS REFRIGERATORS GAS RANGES EXTRAORDINARY KITCHEN CABINETS TWO ROOMS <rcA »■/* KITCHEN «P->U «0 DINETTE <£/-•} CA TILED BATH Rrsldrnt Manat,, on Prcmisra. 1101 Tuckfrman Si.__ ipgppwjsjjR.a SlMPUil-L_-r I. uvjNGTRO^J .mmhhHIIMMIis Select your apartment home from the choice modern apart- s=-r lj ments in this cool, auiet huildine. \ Elevator. Convenient to all stores, ^ | schools, transportation, etc. Apartments completely redec orated, floors refinished. table top stoves, etc. 1 room, kitchen and hath. *,» rooms, kitchen, bath. i Some with screened porches. pUp $42.50—$52.50 Electricity, gas refrigeration | free Inspect Day or Evening See Resident Manager The New Hampshire 3800 N. H. Ave. N.W. K n ssr-IE -, nit nit. im nit. mi .rn »» 1 THE CUMBERLAND I j 14th and Mass. Are. N.W. j j A very desirable 2 bed room ; j and a 3 bed room and bath apt. on the front with a delightful 11 j outlook on Thomas Circle. Available first of October. A 111 2-room and bath apt. now avail- ) Jl able. . ji \ See Superintendent or j George F. Hunt, Agent j; / 1331 Mam. Ave. N.W. ) || Telephone National 21.IB Jjj f ' $ ' HIGHLANDS Conn. Ave. at California St. Corner apt., double living room. 2 bed room*, hath, dining room, pantrv. kitchen and ma«d‘« room. I"nfurnUhed. % I 25. Furnished, with hotel service, gI AO. Corner apt.. 2 bed room*, double . living room, dining room, kitrh cn. pantrv and bath, unfur nished. *102.50. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ WESTMORELAND California St. of Conn. Ave. Bed room. living room, fover. kitchen and bath. all new plumbing and equipment. gB?.50. 2 bed room*, living room, kitch- ;; ;::j: en and bath, new plumbing and equipment. *85. . >:•¥ F.lectricltv Included In Rent. 21 -Hour Flevator and Switch hoard Service. LINKINS CO. || 1733 De Sales St. Dl. 3522 || *<>,. ..'J'/.v/:- • s r nm mxmxliiCh u mx j.tx iir Available October 15th T THE EDDYSTONE ' | 1301 VERMONT AVENUE N.W. ^ I QUIETEST I II DOWNTOWN £ l|. APARTMENT HOMES || | 1 WASHINGTON g ! J J. A. McKEEVER CO., INC. g Ira Managing Agents P ill District 9706 1625 K St. N.W. || j a - — j i AVAILABLE j I for j I OCTOBER First | I OCCUPANCY / ft 5741 I If COLORADO i \ AVENUE N.W. I \ MODERN j 'i Apartments of one [ I room, kitchen, di- f J nette, both ond / dressing closet ... I , i rentols of $47.50 in- | \ elude gas and elec \ tricity. \ A,R \ COOLED ( i 1 Inspect Soturdoy " ’♦ or Sundiy After noon / . 5 —LmJ Northwest Flats Tn semi-detached buildings having thrpp exposures, gas heat and screened rear porch. n Two rooms, kitchen, dining alcove and bath. Apt. I — (1st fl.> nil Crittenden St. N.W. (Key in Apt. 2.) . | $41.50 'i Apt. i—(2nd ft 1 .210 Decatur St. N.W. (Key in Apt. 3.) $43.50 | B. F. SAUL CO. Na. 2100 025 15th THE EMBASSY 1613 Harvard Street N.W. At Mt. Pleasant St. fir 16th Apts, of 2 * 4 rooms, dinette, kitchen & bath, $70.00 to $00.00 Modern kitchen equipment—eleva tor and secretarial telephone serv v ice—electric refrigeration without charge. Resident Manager. Col. 9200 <38 loth St. N.W. District (>830 |THE NEWARK! 3621 Newark St. N.W. (At Wisconsin Ave.) Four-story elevator build ing; electric refrigeration on house current. 2 rooms, kitchen, dining alcove and bath . $54.50 to $60.50 3 rooms, kitchen, dining alcove and bath_$76.00 Resident Manager an Premises B. F. Saul Co. No. 2100 925 15th St. 1801 16th St. N.W. | (The Somerset House) ji A MODERN Building ) very conveniently located One room, kitchen and .1 hath \ $48.00 1 Two rooms, kitchen and bath $69.00 f 3 rooms, kitchen and hath $95.00 Ef/’c. refrigeration, ele- 11 > valor and switchboard service. Resident man I a*fr' .7 ,. ■■■■ -—i- ■■ H. L. Ri^st Company in torn isth st. N.w. f|| II National 8100 , 1664 COL. RD. N.W. 1320 FAIRMONT ST. N.W. 2 rms.. kit . bath *52.60 & $55.nn 1 rm . kit . dinette and hath $35.on 3 rooms kitchen, hath $60.00 2 rms.. kit. bath and foyer $50.00 Electric Refrigeration. Electric Refrigeration. Building Newly Remodeled. - - 1321 FAIRMONT ST. N.W. 2902 PORTER ST. N.W. 1 nnm and bath $30.00 I 2 rooms, kitchen and bath $62.50 1 rm 1 wicctrlc"® Electric Refrigeration. Electric Refrigeration. 1631 S ST N W 1745 K ST. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath' $55.00 } ™ 51? "2 Electric Refrigeration. Elevator 1 rm • MurPhy bp°- bath. $4 *.50 Service. _ -- 2131 O ST. N.W. 6645 GEORGIA AVE. 1 room and hath $25 on I I 2 rooms, kitchen, bath $52.50 2 r00m,LjL.VnT';; S’jf.^tinn S50-0U Electric Refrigeration on House. Electrolux Ref, lgeratlon. 1436 W ST. N.W. THE LINDBERGH 3 rooms, kitchen and bath $40.00 _ 200 Mass. Are. N.W. - 2 rooms, kitchen bath and ,007 f'rsNN AVr aj w dinette $52.50 to $60.00 4007 COIN IN. AVI. N.W. Switchboard. Elevators. Shower. 2 rooms, kitchen, bath, dinette. Frigidaire on House Current. $60.00 _ Electric Refrigerator Elevator. Secre- -yam a iiiL cr M \g/ tary. Switchboard. „ Z8U V,7 „14lh J I„ _ 2 rooms, kitchen and bath $47.50 3616 CONN. AVE. N.W. Electrolux Refrigerator. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath.^ ^ ^ 1124 10th ST. NW. Electric Refrigeration ori House. 1 room. kitchen and bath .... $42.60 - 2 rooms, kitchen and bath $62.50 215 FMFRSON ST N W Gas, Electric Refrigeration Included Apt. 202—Bed rm.. living rm.. dining , .. __ rm kit., bath $60.00 1205 N. CAPITOL ST. j Electric refrigeration on House. 5 rooms, kitchen and bath $50.00 Key with janitor at 4012 N. H. Ave. _ 750 FARRAriiTST nw 2900 CONN. AVE. N.W. ^3U rARRAUUl o I. N.W. 4 large rooms, kitchen and two Apt. 20,—Bed rm.. living rm.. baths $110.00 dining rm . kit . bath $60 00 Electric Refrigeration. Switchboard. ; Electric Refrigeration on House. Elevator Key with jan. at 4012 N. H. Ave. -' 3024 PORTER ST. N.W. e room.^kUchfn aTd b"t'^' $57.50 3 rms., kit., bath. *60.oo and $67.50 Electric Refrigeration Elevator and Electric Refrigeration. Switchboard Service H. G. SMITHY CO. 811 15th St. N.W. National 5903 CHOICE DOWNTOWN LOCATIONS WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE OF ALL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS The Willsonia 1830 K St. N.W. . 1 room, dressing closet, kit. ond both...$49.50 1 room, kitchen, screened porch, bath $55.00 2 rooms, kitchen and bath_ _$72.50 The West End 2124 Eye St. N.W. 1 room and bath_ -.$37.50 2 rooms, kitchen and bath_$62.50 Go.,, Electricitv. Retriaeration and Switchboard Service included in Rent in Both Buildmvs. Elevators. Resident Uanaven. J. A. McKeever Co., Inc. Managing Agents 1625 K St. N.W. District 9706 '>ri. -- ji — I STONELEIGH COURT 1314 MASS. AVE. N.W. Conn. Ave. and L St. N.W. Downtown Residential Section. 1 and 3 rooms, kitchen, bath and 1 room. kit. and bath $50.00 *ovpr — $75 to $120 1 rnv. kit., foyer, dinette and Elevator. Resident Manager. bath $02.50 J ■ 2 rooms, kitchen dinette, | BLAIR PARK APTS fo>er and bath $82.50 and $85.00 j L Ave. dining alcove »nd bath '$47.50 Resident Manager Elec. Refg. Gas Stoves. Res. Mgr. - ALTO TOWERS 8511 GEORGIA AVE. . 3>o« wi*. Ave. n.w. Silver Spring, Md. 1 rm ■ kit.- dinette, bath *40.50 2 rooms, kitchen and bath $45.09 2 rooms, kit., dinette, bath and Electric Refrigeration. por£h, . . $02.50 •_Elec. Refrigeration on House Current. 4917 1st ST NW Elevator Resident Manager 3 rooms, kitchen, dinette and THE CHANCELLOR ' 311 Mass. Ave. N.E. THE GELMONT l kitchen^and bath #45.00 -Q..- ... c# m r - rooms, kitchen and bath $o« .50 1 rm Irh a rooms. kitchen and bath $82.50 5 rooms' kit.’. bath' Cl°$55 to $59 50 EiPC' R"ft~ °n (' Rp5- «”• Refrigeration. Gas and Electricity , ..... Included. Resident Manager. NO. 3 RIGGS COURT On Dupont Circle. BONIFANT COURTS 2 rms.. kit., bath, fireplace $85.00 035 Bontfant St!/ Silver Spring. Md. Studl° Ant, Electric Refrigeration. 2 rooms, kitchen, dinette and^^ ,020 MQNR0E ST N>w. Gas Refrigeration. Resident Manager. 3 rms . kit., dinette, bath $03.50 - Electric Refrigeration. Res. Manager. 59Cn2rner3pheab^dV St^' THE RANDOLPH 2 rooms, kitchen, dinette and 1372 Randolph St. N.W. bath $50.50 2 rooms, kitchen and bath $47.50 Electrolux Refg. Resident Manager. Refgr. on House Currrnt. Res. Mgr. 2601 CALVERT ST. N.W. THE FAIRFAX 2 rooms, kitchen and bath $00.00 1200 Fast Capitol 8t. Refrigeration on House Current. 4 rooms, kitchen and bath--$50.00 WEAVER Washington BROS INC Dis,g'ct ! I ^ Building REALTOR! 9488 I 3 3 3 3 | i i s i e a I a !! NEW APARTMENTS 2nd Street Near Rhode Island Ave. N.E. New duplex apt.. S and ♦ room* and bath large rear yard and wooded lawns. Rentals include heat $82.60. 4037-4048 7th St. N.E. University Park 1 bed room, Uilng room, dinette-kitchen, porch bath _ . $A2.50 Heat. Hot Water. Electric Refrigerator Furnished. Wm. H. Saunders Co., Inc. 1519 K St. N.W. Dlat. 1015 1 3A1 Massachusetts * ^ ** * Avenue N.W. (At Thirteenth At.) ^ DOWNTOWN Apt. Within easy walking distance of business centers. 1 room & bath bo hplcr opt..$35.00 2 rooms, foyer, kitchen, bath end inclosed porch $62 &• $64 • These Apt.. Famished If Desired at Slight Addi tional Cost.) Large reception hall, living room, 2 bed rooms, kitchen, both & inclosed porch_$80 24-hour elevator and switchboard service Re frigeration and gas on house meter. Resident manager. National BBS.'!. Walter K. Bachrach, Ajt. Oe. 5000 S(. ! •utiful e-front »‘l£ d% r n 'Large vss ■ I The Beautiful New CENTURY Apartments 2651 16th St. N.W. (Corner of Fuller Sf.) High-speed elevators, electric kitchens, corner casement windows, and many other modern features. Living room, dinette, kitchen and bath unit* $57,50 to $62.50 Living room, bed room, junior dining room, kitchen end bath unit*_$85.00 Rentals include electricity far lighting, cooking, re frigeration, etc.; secretarial phone service, 24-hour ele vator service, etc. BOSS & PHELPS Reprewentative on Premiitt I 1417 K N.W. Natl. 9300 Resident Manager, Adams 2000 RANDOLPH STREET k*. ki w —in this attracts bui'dmgjare designed to appeal to homeseekers 1 seeking modern require ments, convenience and economy. Inspect the two-room, kitchen, di nette and bath apart ments, with complete kitchens, etc. The mod est rentals of $55 and $57.50 include gas and [ T? electricity. * -;" Resident Manager DOWNTOWN APARTMENTS Walking Distance of Everything Save Car Fare and Time VERY REASONABLE RENTS Park Central 2000 Conn. A ve. Corner 19th end F St.. N.W. New Apt gIcJg Free Radio and Friridaire All-Elertric Kitchen* $55.00 —Living room with portable $60.00 —Efficiency apt,, living room. ‘ dinette table and chairs. dressing room with Murphy dressing room with Murphy bed. sun -.—vi...., iviurpns room with Murphy bed. kitchen tile cpa bpmbmation sun room or dining bath. room, kitchen and bath. $69 50—Living room, dressing room _„ _ _ ^ " with Murphy bed. sun room $75.00 Corner apt., large living with Murphy bed. dinette, kitchen and room, bed room, kitchen hath. and bath. 580.00-Cprnprn.par,men,. mrecep- $99>50-Be.u,.fu,eorner apt, rec. rnnm with Murphy bed. bed room in(r mnm * large llv gncTVhowerChfn' ,,,e ba,h' bullMn tub Ini jVIiramar Corcoran C ourts Cor. 15th, R. I. Avo. Cor. 23rd and D St». N.W. Free Radio and Friridaire Trtt Friridaire Current $55 00—Large bright living room *,e nn rtvin, a.— . *03.l/U w)th dtn,tl, tab,„ $45.00-L!sing room dressing room and chairs, dressing room with Murphv ,r,d h..v, 1,n Mun>bJr bed. kitchen bed cozy sun room, kitchen with special RTn $75'00-«-*lfu,Af-"bl:0.Or.ment. $67.50-^PO-^^hal^ lMn. room, kitch^KS. SUn r°°m- bed kit'chen £$ ^ r°°“ 24-hour switchboard and elevator service. Open and lighted until 10 p.m. See Resident Manager for Reservations EXCELLENT VALUES $35—3212 Georgia Awe. N.W. Right Downtown 1st Floor—Living room bed room. ten on iaio u c. imu kitchen »nd bath—equipped with eaU.OU—1419 N 5t. N.W. i Bryant gas heater. Apt. No. 8—Reception hall living room, bed room, kitchen and hn*h $36.50—1714 W. Va. Awe. N.E. Rrl«W«‘re heat and hot water fuVhedl I . , „ . t- , . . Available October 1st. Apt, No. 4—Living room bed room. dinette, kitchen and bath: screened tro en » e. », rear porch—equipped with Bryant gas »s^su 3435 Brown 5t. N.W. I|| heater. Rec. hall, living room, bed room kitchen dinette and bath. Electric $39.50—1715 Capitol Awe. N.E. refrigeration. Apt. No. 2—Living room, bed room. — __ . dinette, kitchen and bath, screened rear $50.00—1665 Lamont St N W porch — equipped with Bryant gas __, . heater . .**?■ ' Living room, bed room. dln«t*e. kitchen and bath; electrical refrigrra 5611 7th St. N.W. t,on $42.50 Jcrt' room.8 dinette? kitch- $55.00—640 Buchanan St. N.W. a^teiUKrw.h,sw& ass: / ation. $45.00—1615 Corcoran St. N.E. Apt No. 1—Living room. 2 bed $55.00—4829 4th St. N.W. rooms, dinette, kitchen and bath: Ant , u.n „ , screened rear porch—equipped with JL. room. Bryant gas heater. Available Oct. 1st. kltc^n *nd bath electric refrigeration. Heat and hot $47.50—1716 Capitol Awe. N.E. watpr Inrnl,hPd Apt. No. 2—Living room, bed room. .. . . ... dinette, kitchen and bath: screened 4Z07 Arkansas Awe. N.W. rear porch, heat and hot water fur- tEQ en Ant s .... nlshed. Janitor service. $59.50 Af.1- *~Rpcpptt"n haI1 living room, bed room. 1211 St NF dinette, kitchen bath, screened porch. 1Z33 Kaum at. n.fc. heat and hot water furnished. Elec $47 50—Apt. N°- 1—Living room, stove and refrigeration. <^**'*,w bed loom, dinette, kitchen and bath, screened rear porch: heat 1 acn I di xi \xr and hot water furnished. janitor lobO Clydesdale PI. N.W. ’ service. Available October 1st. Convenient to stores, theaters, ear | I $49.50—49 Concord Awa. N.W. r“*‘ Frlgldall'p- Nr- 1Rth *“d' Col. Apt. No. 1—Living room. 2 bed I rooms dinette, kitchen and bath. $47 —Apt. 202—Reception hall ; screened rear porch. Refrigeration. 77' living room with Murphy $49.50—7412 Georgia Awe. N.W. * ' kltch',‘ and bath Apt. No 1—Living room, bed room. $55 00—Apt. 304—Front apt re j "*•—porch 14th & K CAFRITZ District 9080 •I i (Continued on Next Pim.) ~™ ’