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APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. (Continued.) §609 13th ST. N.W.—A CLEAN. LIGHT. Znd-floor duplex apt., has 5 rooms, kitchen and bath, rear porch and garage: heat furnished. Key on first floor. Reasonable rent to good tenant.__ LIVING ROOM, BED ROOM. KITCHEN, dinette, private bath; refrigeration, gas. elec., heat furnished: reasonable. 1932 Biltmore st. n.w._Adams l 149.__ 3402 BAKER ST., BRENTWOOD. MD.— 3-room apt.. £35; employed couple pre ferred._26* 2415 E ST. N.W.—LIVING ROOM. 2 BED rooms, kit., bath: walking distance In terior: reasonable: res, mgr._2, *_ 51V QUINCY ST. N.W.—-ENTIRE 2nd PL., 3 Ige. rms.. kitchen, pvt. bath: heat, gas, elec. All outside rms'.: adults. Col (>K!U-W. 12th ST. N.E.. 315. NO. 4—TWO ROOMS, kitchen, bath: beautiful apartment: A-l condition: rent reasonable. To inspect phone MR. TOMS. District 2434. or see lanitor. Other apartmentsavailable. __ 1603 KEARNEY ST N.E.—2 RMS.. KIT., pvt. bath: gar., refrigeration opt.: reas.: adults. _____ 5524 8th ST. N.W. (CORNER OP 8th AND Longfellow 1. 2 rms.. kit. and bath, newly dec.: Frigidaire on house current. Mod ern bldg., outside rms. Rent, £47.oO. See Janitor or call Met. 2713._ __ 1623 LANIER PL. N.W.—VERY ATTRAC ttve apt.. 4 exposures: living room, dining room, kitchen. 2 pantries, sun porch. 3 bed rooms. 2 baths, maid's room, garage; rent j^easonable. Apply Apt. 201. _ _ 2819 14th N.W.. APT. 3—3 RMS.. KIT., bath, Frigidatre. £42.50. Apt. 4—1 rm.. rec halb_baOi. Frigidaire. S3.,.__ 833 8th ST. N.E.—-ENTIRE 2nd FL.t 4 rms. private bath; all outside rms.: o double closets, new Frigidaire and gas range: adult* only._ _ boWNTOWN. 1757 K ST. N.W.—SPA CIOUS. 3 rms.. kit . bath with shower; ele vator. quiet bldg . free refg.: S7n. E. QUINCY SMITH. INC.. 90!) 15th st. n.w. District 9057. *4800 DAVENPORT ST. n7w.—LARGE gtudio rmw bed room. kit., dinette and priv. balh; sec floor priv. home: light, gas. heat and_refg.: $00 a mo. Cley. 1317^ 1513 NEAL ST. N.E.—4 RMS. KIT., priv. bath; heat. gas. elec.: conv. cars, busses: adults._ Lincoln Ho74-J._ REEDEIl 3834 13th ST. N.E.—3 ROOMS, kitchen and bath; refrigeration free: new stove and linoleum; corner apartment, re duced See janitor or phone MR. TOMS, District 3KU. Oyher apartments available. 1613 EYE ST. N.W —ENTIRE FLOOR;* 3 rms. kit. and bath: elec, free refrig eration; $70 per mo.; annual lease to responsible person. _ ST N <><: 3 ROOMS kit., porch, semi-priv. bath. priv. home; rnr. cars, bus. Georgia 4004. 1 :> i O 3:Trd ST. S.E.. RANDLE * HIGH lands—rms.. k.. b.; semi-detached brick: Frigidaire. gas, elec, heat; gentile adults. 216 G ST. N.W.—.r LARGE ROOMS, bath; entire 2nd floor; heat. gas. elec., refg. furnished; reasonable. 3-ROOM APT.; HEAT. GAS. LIGHT; $40 month. 1124 North Capitol st. 2205 1st ST N.w!—2 RMS.. KIT.7>RIV7 bath; 2nd floor; nr. cars; employed adults; $45.___ _ 3306 HOLMEAD PL N.W.—5 ROOMS, bath and porctu excellent location; $5i>. THE CHARM OP OLD ALEXANDRIA ON cobbled st.. near river: small kitchenette apt. bed room. 1‘i-story livine room, fireplace, bookshelves; $50. Phone Temple 2538. 1363 MONROE ST N.W.—3 ROOMS kitchen and bath; heat, light, gas and elec, refg.: $60. 447 RANDOLPH ST. N.W.— 1 RM K ITCH - en. gas rpfg.. semi-baih. $35: or 2 rms kitchen semi-bath. $45: heat, light, gas Included. IDEAL FOR YOUNG COUPLE; NEW floors, new linoleum in kitchen, newly painted; two rooms and kitchen and semi-private bath: gas. elec, and heat furnished, 1 block from luc bus fare 5„m;nv„from D- c ' S35 per mo. Walnut 1661 ROSEDALE ST. N.E.—ENTIRE 2nd floor. 2 rooms, kit., screened porch, pvt. rath, elec refg., gas. elec., heal; a.m.i. aaults; $3S._Atlantic 0942-W. SPRING VALLEY. WESTERLEIGH SECN ♦jon. corner 40th and Sedgwick n.w.— New 5 rooms; fireplace, yard: $85 mo : Mass. ave. io Upton, left to 4!>th and left to Sedgwick. WALTER M. BAUMAN _National 6223. ROOMS AND BATH:'GAS. ELEC. AND heat furnished; $30 month. 030 E st. f W. oyi REEDER, 2824 12th 1ST-N.E.—2 R K and b.; refg. free: new stove and lino! ; corner apt.: reduced. See janitor or phone MR. TOMS. District 2434. Other apartments available. ADULTS- VFRO. MD. AVE.~N E — NFAR Capitol: 3 rooms, kit., bath: all outside rooms: first-class condition; $52.50. Lin eoln_6505-J. __ 231 15th ST. S.E.—NEW BLDGn RENT from $45 to $57.50._National 2405. 4205 18th ST. N.W.—ATTRACTIVE ° rooms, fully equinped kit., dinette and bath. $55. gas, elec, included: adults only. 15S7 D ST. S.E.—3-ROOM UNFURNISHED : heat, gas, elec.. $35. J42? TAYLOR ST. N.W.—LARGEROOM. breakfast room and kitchen; gas. elec, hear: near car line: adults. 2 ROOMS. KIT., PVT. BATH: NEWLY papered, painted; gas. heat. elec, included. |35 mo. 81 1 Kentucky avr. s.e. FOR RKNT I\ HILLCREST S E ROOMS hath and garage; separate entrance. Lin coln 2823.__ 3 4 th AND GIRARD—2 ROOMS7kiT 7 PVT bath: entire 3rd floor, heat, light, gas; $37.50._Col._0258._ 5235 7th ST. N.W.—2 RMS., KIT7~PVt7 bath, inclosed porch; nr. cars, stores, bus: $4 7.50 incl. elec, refrigeration, heat, gas, ; elec., c.h.w. Available Oct. 15. _ 2325 FAIRLAWN AVE.. APT. 4; HALF j block Pa. ave. s.e.—Detached 4-family apt. lacing park. 2 rooms, kitchen, bath. screened porch. $42.50._Adams 4042-W. 5510 7th ST. N.W.—C ROOMS. KIT., bath: heat. gas. light furn.; rent. $50. Call Randolph 2876. _ Vicinity of iVth and Columbia rd. —2 rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath: cont. h.w.. elec. refg.. light, gas. oil heat in cluded. Call Columbia 5222._ 2617 PA. AVE. N.W.—1 LARGE. AIRY room, dinette, kit., private bath; incl. elec.. gas. Frigidaire; S35-$37.50._ Vo 18 6tJi ST. N.W.—6 RMS., BATH: BET. house; oil heat, refg.: use of phone, gas. elec, incl.: $05._Randolph_3QP0 TWO ROOMS. KITCHEN AND BATH: corner apt.: double exposure: in spotless building; near schools, cars and bus line: Frigidaire on house current. 4566 Georgia >ve. n.w._$48J»0. *215 EMERSON Sf7~NW.. APT. 307— Living room, bed room, dining room, kitch en, bath: electric refrigeration on house current; conv. transp.; $60. See janitor. ___26* 2138 CALIFORNIA ST. N.W.. HALF block west of Conn, ave.: best residential section: 1 rm.. bath to 3 rms.. kit . bath. $30-$65: free elec. refg. Apply res. jngr.^_102._ _ 2000 16th ST. N wT^LBED-RM. APT. with IIv. rm.. din. rm.. kit., bath; $80; $as. lights included. _ ENTIRE 2nd FLOOR; 3 ROOMS AND path; elec, refrigeration, elec., gas and heat furn.: $45: adults. 205 Dith n.e. 26* IDEAL LOCATION. 3404 LONGFELLOW h w.—2 large, bright rms.. kit., din., bath, in new bide.: near parks, stores, cars buses; reas. rent; open. Potomac 4350-W. _ <»*•* £ LARGE ROOMS. KITCHEN. PORCH” semi-private bath: 1. h„ it. included; $40. 429 Newton pi. n.w. «r PK RD- N.W.—•’ R.. K . B.: REFG ; S.G.50 THOMAS P. BROWN. 615 4th st. a.w. National 6872._ 23.15 40th ST. N.W.—3 R.. b! "elec • h;-Wh.: $55. THOMAS P BROWN. 615 4th st. s.w._Nationai_ 6872. 4401 14th N.W,. NEW WEBSTER_2 AND u rooms; up to date; low rent; Frigidaire. Manager. __ 1201 CLIFTON NW~2~:LARGE RMSTIl .and private bath, porch: entire 2nd t!.; .*♦5:jtas. Jight turn. 4416 3rd ST. N.W.-—.7 ROOMS. KITCHEN, phone: gen.U^:' *****•• SJl^MINN AVE S! ROOMS KITCH S£kJn8ldalre; tlie bath, porch: $46. Met. <06o. °f>* NKW APARTMENTS^ 2320 FAIRLA WN ™?iv.s e—*, lar?e rooms' kit., din., large 5°”*1 amble close space and bath: re frigeration. heat and hot water furn : con venient location: strictly white neighbor H FISCHER. J 518 25th_st! s.e i?,SELMCLNT—ROOMS. KITCHEN; acreened porch, private bath: refrigeration. Col" n.V\5riClty free' Near Meridian Park. Itoor ®FrrNCT N W.- ENTIRE SECOND gentiles. r" k“ PTt~ b" Dor^h: Priki^aire; anrfB h?t 6 R??-M-n L1_,VTNG ROOM.' KJT. gg3e025riC5thrastrt,gr^t0r; "**5 4007 WISCONSIN AVE N.W.—5 ROOMS, hath, large reception hall: spacious back porch.__ 719 FERN PL. N.W.. NEAR WALTER Reed—2 rm.. k.. b.; private entrance; heat, gas, elec, refgr,; adults: $55. 27* 380 ALLISON ST. N W —2 ROOMS ~ KIT ~ aeml-pvt. bath: oil heat. gas. c.h.w.; use of phone._ _ 1631 D ST. n:'e":—2-ROOM. KIT~SEML pvt, bath apt.; adults: reasonable. ONLY $5^—RECEP. HALL, 3 VERY LGE. rms . bath. kit., porch, perfect condition; adults only._LAVENIA file F st._n.e._ BACHELOR APT.. 1 RM. AND BATH; also 1 rm.. kit., bath; adults only. EVANSTON 3427 13th st. n.w. _ SUNNY APT.'. £ VERY LGE. RMS.. HE cep. hall, lovely kit., porch; adults only. EVANSTON. 3427 13th st. n.w._ 3221 HIATT PL.—3rd-FLOOR APT.. 2 rms.. kit., bath, porch: h.-w.h.; S35 month, adults: refs. Col. 1227-W._ 8018 PORTER ST. N.W.. APT. 301 — Owner will sublet attractive, co-operative apt. to refined gentile adults: liv. rm.. bed room. bath, dinette, kit., lge. closets: garage. See janitor. 3024. or call Cleveland 9240 to inspect.___ LIVING ROOM. BED ROOM. KITCHEN, dinette, bath; elec., heat. refg.. gas furn. 1932 BUtmore st. n.w. Adams 1140._ WOODRIDGE—3 RMS.* KIT., 8EMI-PYT. bath; with refg.. free gas. elec. 1S21 Jackson st. n.e._ _ NEW. 1 st-FLOOR APT.. AUTOMATIC heat. alec, refg.; pvt. tile bath; reas. 1736 D st._n.e.___ 1428 IRVING ST. N.E.—ENTIRE 2nd floor, detached house. 3 rms.. lge. kit., lge. glassed-in porch, pvt. bath; $50; heat, gas. elec., phone, elec. refg. Included. Potomac 0989.__ __ 1025 7th ST. N.W.—3 ROOMS. KITCHEN and bath. gas. elec; heat furnished: $30.50 H H. CARTER. 613 15th st. n.w. National 4178. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. 816 RANDOLPH ST.—6 ROOMS AND bath: 1 block from car and dub; 2 porches; a.m.i.; $57.50.________ 4012 GEORGIA AVE—NEWLY COM pleted. 1 room, dinette, kitchen, bath, shower. Frigidaire; c.h.w.; oil heat. Con veniently located._ __. 2 OR 3 LARGE ROOMS; CONVENIENT TO stores theater and car line. 8.) S st. n.w. FOR RENT OCT 1 —SEMI-DET. HOUSE, heat furnished. 4 bed rooms, open fire place. large lawn, garage. Best location, Rockville. Md. MRS. O. H. W. TALBOTT, 405 W. Montgomery ave., Rockville, Md. Rockville 80.____ 140.9 TRINIDAD AVE. N.E.—2 ROOMS, kitchen, s^mi-private bath, screened porch; on bus line. Reasonable. _ JUST COMPLETED—4 - ROOM AND BATH apt., heat and hot water furnished. 1530 Neal st. n.e., 1 \u blocks north 15th and H sts. n.e.__ NEAR SOUTH DAKOTA" AND RHODE Island aves.—Second floor of detached two family house; living room, bed room, din ette. kitchen, bath, garage. Adults only, $50. Decatur 4543.___ 1610 l mh ST. S.E — 2nd-FLOOR APT . 3 rms., pvt. bath and entrance. Also lst-fl. apt.._3 rms.^rec. rm„ bath._ 1121 " EAST CAPITOL. FACING PARK— Comfortable and attractive 1 and 2 room ants.; light, heat. gas. elec, refg., use of phone. Also 4-room apt.. 308 5th .st. s.e. 12 S ST. N.E—2 ROOMS KITCHEN, bath, front apt.; newly decorated: auto, heat, c h.w.; elec, refg., table-top gas stovt. Adults.__ 315 12th ST. N.E.. APT. 4—2 RMS., kit. and bath: beautiful apt.; A-l con dition; rent reasonable. To inspect phone MR. TOMS. District 2434. or see janitor. Other apartments available. _ MODERN—FOUR LARGE FRONT ROOMS facing Truxton Circle; kitchen and bath; elec, refrigeration, heat, hot water, large porch; $60 Decatur 0746 2612 WOODLEY PL.--SECOND FLOOR; living room, fireplace, kitchenette, dinette. 2 bed rooms, bath, porch; $80. including gas. electricity. Adams 2400._ 4025 13th ST N.E.. MICHIGAN PARK—3 rooms, kitchen, dinette, private bath; gas. e.lec.._Frigidaire. oil^heat_included in rent. THE" CRESCENT. 1085 CRESCENT PL. n.w.—2 rooms dinette, bath. $37.50 and $45. R. O. BELT. Union Trust Bldg. DUPLEX" FLAT~FOR RENT,” 3904 8th si., n.w . Petworth—5 large, airy rooms, pantry, bath, screened back porch: cedar lined closets, cellar, oil heat, automatic hot-water heater; ‘2 block to express bus service.__ 20* 1630 MASS. AVE. S.E.—TWO ROOMS, kitchen, semi-private bath screened-in porch, 1., h., g. furnished; reasonable. _20*_ 3 720 MASS. AVE. N.W.—8 RMS. AND 2 baths. Elevator. RANDALL H HAGNER & CO.. INC., 1321 Conn. Ave._Decatur_360< GEORGETOWN—3300 P ST. N.W. 2s rooms, kitchen and bath; electric re frigeration, gas furnished. 1625 15 th ST. N.W. 3 rooms, kitchen, bath, porch, electric refrigeration: rental. $5U. C. H. HILLEGEIST CO., 1621 K Bt N.W. National 8560. 1120 7th ST. N.W.—2 RMS., KIT., BATH, $45 month. RANDALL H HAGNER & CO . INC., _1321 Conn. Ave._Decatur 3600. 1716 H ST. N.W.—2 RMS.. KIT., BATH, porch, heat. $67.50. 1712 Conn. ave.—2 rms., kit., bath, heat. $55. 1418 IrvKg st. n.w.—2 rms., kit., bath, heat. $55. 1933 Biltmore st. n.w.—3 rms., kit., bath, porch, heat, $55. 4 824 Reservoir rd. n.w.—2 rms., kit., bath, porch. $47.50. 1744 Columbia rd. n.w.—3 rms., kit., bath, porch, heat. $45. 1415 Oak st. n.w.—2 rms., kit., bath, porch. $43. PERCY H RUSSELL COMPANY. National 1581._1J3I K St. N.W. NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE. 1343 CONN. AVE. —Studio apt., 2 rms., kit., bath. Fire Place. RANDALL H. HAGNER & CO.. INC . __ 1321 Conn. Ave. Decatur 3600. 2110 19th ST. N.W.—NEXT TO GRAM mer school: 2 rooms, kitchen, bath: 2 exposures: Frigidaire on house current: newly decorated: $45. _LINKINS CO 1733 De Sales St. N.W. 1333 CONN. AVE.—4~RMS . KIT.. BATH. $85 month. Elevator RANDALL H HAGNER & CO.. INC., _1321_Conn. Ave._Decatur^ 3600. TWO ROOMS.' KITCHEN AND BATH. Completely redecorated, table-top gas range, etc.; rent. $45. includes elec, re frigeration. THE MARDAV APTS.. 815 Maryland _ave._n.e.____ 1338 19th ST • JUST OFF DUPONT CIR cle*—2 rms., kit., bath. $65 month. RANDALL H HAGNER & CO . INC.. _ 1321 Conn. Avf\ _ Decatur 3600. 3220 WIS.—2 R . K AND B._$4 0 1803 Newton—2 r., k. and b _$37 _Met, 4300. North 1200. * 4 10 INGRAHAM ST. N.W. 3 rooms and kitchen; gas. eiec., heat furnished. Randolph 1290._ 2222 QUE ST.—2 BED ROOMS. LIVING room, dining room, kitchen and bath; 3 rooms, kitchen and bath 2 bed rooms, liv ing room, room, kitchen, reception hall and 2 baths: electric refrigeration; elevator service; resident manaeer; excel lent location. RANDALL H. HAGNER & CO.. INC., 13.2 1 Conn. Ave _ Decatur 3600. 1436 R ST. N.W —1 RM„ KIT AND BATH' $35 month: 2 rooms, kitchen. ba*h and inclosed porch. $42.50 and $45.00 month: 3 rooms, kitchen and bath. $60; resident manaeer: electric refrigeration. RANDALL H HAGNER A: CO.. INC., 1321. Conn. Are Decatur 3600 3 BED ROOMS. LIVING ROOM. DINING room, kitchen and bath: oil heat furn.: close to stores, churches, schools and Navy Yard. 1916 14th st. s.e. Call Mrs. Burdick. ADELBERT W. LEE. 1334 H 81 N Dial 4606, 6720 STRATHMORE. BETHESDA. MD? Lovely 5-room and bath apt.; back porch, elec. refg.. automatic heat; 1 block bus and stores: only $7,250. GOSS REALTY CO. * Wisconsin Ave._Wisconsin 2553. 1 12 1 COLUMBIA RD.—TROOMS. KITCH en bath and porch: refrigeration on house. RANDALL H HAGNER & CO.. INC., _1321 Conn._Ave. _ Decatur 3*iun 821 EYE ST. N.E. APT 1—2 ROOMS, kitchen, bath. auto, gas heat, refrigera tion. $33.50. 301 Seaton pi. n.e.. Apt. 2—2 rooms, kitchen, bath. auto, gas heat, refrigera tion. $40.50. 305 Seaton pi. n.e.. Apt. 1—2 rooms, kitchen, bath. auto. ga§ heat refrigeration (both apts. inclosed rear porches*. The Arden. 1420 R st. n.w.. Apt. 2—3 rooms, kitchen, bath. $52.50. C. W. SIMPSON CO . _1024 Vermont Ave._Met. 5700. _ 2310 ASHMEAD PL.—2 ROOMS KIT~ bath. $55.00 and $57.50; refrigeration on house current. RANDALL H HAGNER & CO., INC., _1321 Conn. Ave._Decatur 3600._ ONE SUITE AT POPULAR ••DEV ONSHIRE"—the buildings at the CREST of Washington! This is a front CORNER apartment of foyer, living room, bed room, connecting balh (tub and shower*, dinette ‘furnished* and kitchen 'FREE re frigeration)—for $57.50! You have courteous 24-hour switchboard and elevator service, proximity to new schools, stores, cars, buses, etc. tsummer or winter, you win nno tne utmost real comfort and pleasure at ‘ 'DEVONSHIRE"—411 5 Wis consin ave. n.w._ 1310 )8th ST. (NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE) —Studio apt. of 2 rms.. kit., with fireplace. RANDALL H. HAGNER & CO.. INC., 1321 Conn. Ave._Decatur 3600. THE ZEBULON. 6420 14th St. N.W. ■Several desirable suites 2 rooms, dinette, kitchen, bath. Electric refrigeration; $50 up. See resident manager. Apt. 101. 308 18th PL. N.E. Apt. 1—-2 rooms, dinette, kitchen, bath and screened porch: electric refrigeration. Tenant furnishes own heat; $42.50. 1 1 5 FIFTH ST. S.E. Housekeeping apartment of 2 large rooms and semi-nrivate bath. Electric refrigera tion. Heat and hot water included: $25. Adults only. 4414 CONDUIT RD. N.W. Apt. 3—2 rooms, dinette, kitchen, bath and screened porch. Locker. Heat in cluded; $55 „„ L. T. GRAVATTE, 720 loth St. Realtor._Natl. 0753. 1901 WYOMING AVE. fALTAMONT)—4 rms.. kit. and bath: electric refrigeration; resident manager. RANDALL H. HAGNER & CO . INC , _1321 Conn. Ave._Decatur 360a_ REAL HOME COMFORT IN MOD • ern apartment. Choice location, off 16th. near Roc! Creek Park. Open fireplaces, high ceilings, cedar closets, modern baths and kitchens. FREE refrigeration. Select environ ment. $60 for 2 rooms, kitchen and bath, with 3 exposures. $120 for 5 rooms, kitchen and 2 baths, with 4 4 exposures. Lovely outlook from all windows. SEE NOW at "The CLARENDON.” 5620 Colorado ave. n.w. _ ] C,C>N~N. .AVE.—3 ROOMS, KITCHEN and bath. >or>. RANDALL H. HAGNER * CO.. INC, _1321 Conn. Ave._Decatur 3600 APT. .72 1226 14th—1 R„ K.. B. _ $30.00 APT. 22. 1230 14th—1 R.. K., B $3° 50 POSSESSION GIVEN OCT. 1. OWNER ON .PROPERTY SUNDAY. 1 TO 2:30 PM AFFLECK. 2423 PA. AVE. WEST 3053. STUDIO APT. (REAR OF 1643 CONN aye., just off R st.)—Liv. rm. with fire 5?.$£e,fl dln.*nB,rm ■ kit.. 2 bed rms (one living6™ aCe> and bath; roof Bardcn off RANDALL H. HAGNER & CO., INC., 1321 Conn. Ave,_Decatur 3600. . _ 6400 4th ST. N.W. " _nd fl. corner-duplex; 2 r. k . b . porch fi£tn Aduiti.3, |57°5o: Avallable Octob" „ HARRY K PITTS CO, 1010 15th St, N.W. Met. 0100. 1824 BELMONT RD.—2 ROOMS. KIT bath, porch, rec hall. $60 month; 3 rooms! kit. bath rec. hall $72.50 month; electric refrigeration: resident manager RANDALL H. HAGNER & CO, INC, 1321 Conn. Ave. Decatur 3600, 1405 WHITTIER ST. N.W. Apt. No. 4—Corner. 2nd floor: large living room, two bed rooms, kitchen with dinette, bath, porch: adults; rental $75 Open. HARRY B. PITTS CO.. 1010 15th St. N.W._Met. 0100. 1015 N ST. N.W. (ALABAMA)—4 ROOMS kit. and bath, $65 and $70 mo.; electric refrigeration; resident manager. RANDALL H. HAGNER & CO., INC.. 1321 Conn. Ave._Decatur 3600, 2812 QUARRY RD N.W. 3 rooms, kitchen and bath. $60.00. Electric refrigeration, automatic heat. PHILIP B. KEY. Jr.. 927 16th St. N.W. Met. 5386. Jt' ' i APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. 312-14 21st ST.NEAR GOVT. BUILD ings. Reasonable, rental. Approx, size each. 12x40. RANDALL H HAGNER & CO.. INC . 1321 Conn. Ave^_Decatur 3600. 1480 GIRARD STREET N. W. 5 rooms and bath. Heat furnished. Electric refrigeration. $62.50. See janitor. 5418 3rd STREET N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen and dinette. New building. Gas heat and refrigeration. $47.60. Open Sunday. GOSS REALTY CO.. _1405 Eye N.W._Natl. 1353. 1818 RIGGS PL.—1 ROOM. KIT., BATH, din. alcove; resident manager. RANDALL H. HAGNER A CO.. INC., __1321 Conn. Ave. Decatur 3600. 7813 EASTERN AVE.. APT 1. Excellent apt. consisting of 2 rooms, dinette, kitchenette and bath. Immediate possession. __ 4514 CONN. AVE. (PONCE DE LEON)— Lie. rm.. bed rm., dinette, kit., bath; also 1 bed rm.. liv. rm. din. rm. kit. screened Dorch; also 2 bed rms., liv. rm., din. rm., kit. screened porch. RANDALL H HAGNER & CO., INC., 1321 Conn. Ave^___Decatur 3600._ -near' new' schools! Lovely LARGE apartment in quiet, building less than a square from new grade and junior high schools. Comprises foyer. THREE pleasant, rooms, kitchen, bath and LARGE OPEN PORCH. Close to stores, cars, buses, theater, etc. INSPECT now—at 1823 California st N.W. 3830 14th ST.—-2 ROOMS. KIT. BATH and porch; also 3 rooms, kit., bath and porch; refrigeration on house current; large, airy porches; res. mgr.; garage. RANDALL H HAGNEF A CO.. INC., 1331 Conn Ave. DccatUl 3600 2127 P ST. N.W.— 1 RM.. KIT.. DINETTE, dressing rm. and bath. Also 2 and 3 rms . kit., bath. $40.00 to $50.00; elec, refrigera tion: resident manager. RANDALL H HAGNER & CO.. INC., _1321 Conn. Ave. _ _Decatur 3(500. 3314 MT. PLEASANT ST.—2 ROOMS', kitchen, bath. $50; electric refrigeration; resident manager. RANDALL F HAGNER & CO.. INC., 1321 Conn Ave i U ca tur 3«oo STUDIO APT.. BELOW DUPONT CIRCLE, near Conn. ave. and N st.—2 rms.. kit., bath, open fireplace. 1308 18th st. RANDALL H. HAGNER A CO.. INC . 1321 Conn. Ave_ Decatur 3600._ THE LINDY 4222 14th St. N.W. 2 rooms, kit., bath $47 50 Newly Decorated. Refr. on House Current. THE WOOD. 210 T St. N.E. 2 rooms, kit., bath _ $42.50 Newly Decorated. Refr. on House Current. 1211 3oth St. N.W. 2 rooms kit., bath, _ _$30.00 HARRY A. OLIKER CO.. 11th and K Sts N W Nall 7 1 7 1303 RANDOLPH ST N.W. — 1 RM.. KIT., bath. Murphy bed, $42.50: also 2 rooms, kit., bath. $47.50 and $52.50; refrigera tion on house current. RANDALL H HAGNER & CO.. INC . 1321 Conn. Ave. Decatur 3*;oo 820 EASLEY ST.. SILVER SPRING. MD.— 2 rms., kit., bath: elec. refe.. storage > closets: heat furn : $40 month. FRANK S. PHILLIPS DIST 1411. 1009 R. I. AVE. N.W.—-2 R. AND B. $24 330 John Marshall pi.—4 r. and b. $38 1443 E. Cap.—r. and b $40 HENRY SCHAFFERT. 330 John Marshall PI. 3501 J3th ST. N.W.—2 ROOMS KITCHEN” bath. $47.50. $52.50 and $55.00: refrigera tion on house current: resident manager. RANDALL H HAGNER A- CO . INC . _1321 Conn hvi Decatur 3000. 661 MORRIS PL. N.E. Modern apartments of two rooms, kitch en and bath; electric refrigeration. JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS, _3i4 Pennsylvania Ave 8.E._ WELDON HALL, 1262 21st ST. N W Gas. elec and refrigeration on house. 2 ROOMS. KITCHEN. BATH—$53.50. CARVEL HALL, 3915 K St N.W Electricity and Refrigeration on Housp. 1 ROOM. KITCHEN. BATH—$42.50. PENFIELD. 909 20th St N.W. Electricity and Refrigeration on House. 1 ROOM. KITCHEN. BATH—$41.50. NORTHMINSTER, 2114 N St. N.W. Electricity p.nd Refrigeration on House. 1 ROOM. KITCHEN. BATH—$43 56. 2 ROOMS. KITCHEN BATH—$32.50. TIVERTON. 3121 24th St. N W. Gas and Refrigeration on House. 3 ROOM. GRILL CLOSET. BATH $35 50 1 ROOM. KITCHEN. BATH—$39.50. 2 ROOMS. KITCHEN BATH—'$50.60. L. W. GROOMES, 1719 Eye St. N.W. 1900 LAMONT ST. N.W. Randle Mansions, available now Large living room with balcony, overlooking Rock Creek Park: ben room, junior dining room, kitchen and bath with built-in shower. $62.50 Available Oct. 1. a similar apart ment on lower floor . $57.50 Elevator. SHANNON fz LUCHS CO _1505 H St. N.W. National 3345. SPECIAL BARGAIN. 2007 O ST. N.W Just 1 Square South of Dupont Circle. 5 Large Rooms and Bath. $60 and $65. Janitor and -Elevator Service. Howenstein Realty Corp., _3 4 1 8_ H _St._N.W-_District_7S77. 1750 HARVARD ST. N.W. THE RICHELIEU—An apartment with southern exposure now avail able in this attractive building, con sisting of entrance hall, living room, bed room, kitchen and bath: elec, refrigerator on house current: ele vator: near 3 8th and Columbia rd. shopping center $52.50 SHANNON fz LUCHS CO _1 505 H St N.W._National 2.345. 2008 16th ST. N.W. One and Two Room Apartments. _Resident Manager. Apt. 1._ 17th ST. N.W . OPP MAYFLOWER HOTEL. Four apartments: bachelor room and bath to two bed rooms, bath, living room and kitchen: newly redecorated: just avail able: full front and rear exposures: good ' light and air: convenient location. Prices. $35-$6(> month. W. C. & A. N. MILLER, 3 339 17th Sm_N.W._Pist. 4464. 3625 16th ST. N.W. THE RICARDO—Available October 1st at this fashionable address beautiful apartment, consisting of foyer, living room with adjoining porch overlooking 16th st. and Rock Creek Park: two spacious bed rooms, kitchen and tile bath with built-in tub and shower: elec, refrigerator on house current: elevator $80.00 SHANNON fz LUCHS CO __i;>05 H S: N.W. National 2345 LOWEST RENT IN D. C. INTOWN 4-ROOM APT.—$98. Good bldg., renovated. Large, bright rooms and closets. Phone Met. 1229. 16th ST. APT.—LOW RENT. 2 RMS.. KIT . TO 4 RMS.. K . $47 TO $65. Modern apt. bldg. Large, bright, outside rooms; handy to cars, stores, etc. 3033 16th st.. near Columbia rd. Adams 0947. 1417 NEWTON ST. N.W. Newton Hall—Elevator, refriger ation included. Resident manager. 2 rooms, kitchen and baih $50.00 SHANNON & LUCHS CO . _ 1505 H St. N.W. _National 3.345. VERY LOW RENTS' COMFORT - able apartments in ouiet. well-kept buildings within walking distance of downtown. Recessed radiation, par ouet floors, unusual closet space. REFRIGERATION and OPEN CON CRETE PORCHES! Foyer. Living Room. $42 50 Bed Room. Kitchen, v ' Bath and PORCH. FRONT CORNER — Large Center Foyer, $50 00 THREE Bright Rooms. * " Centra! Bath. Kitch en and PORCH. See Janitor at “The MORTON, 1432 R St. N.W. _ QUIET LOCATION. 6100 14th ST. N.W. Out 16th st.. right on Sheridan st„ right on 14th st. to 6100. Detached, new building. cross-ventilation. overlooking Rock Creek Park; 2 and 3 rooms, dinette, kitchenette, bath, shower. A restful home —see them today. . / BRODIE & COLBERT, INC., 1707 Eye St. N.W._Natl. SS75. NEW BUILDING. 401 DOUGLAS ST. N.E. 3 Rooms. Bath. Elec. Refg. $50.00. JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS, _314 Pennsylvania Ave. 8.E._ 1420 CHAPIN ST. N.W. Byron Hall—Refrigeration Included. Resident Manager. 2 rooms kitchen and bath $45.00 SHANNON & LUCHS CO.. _1505 H St. N.W._National 2345. 4226 7th ST., COR. VARNUM. 3 or 4 rooms, bath, shower! refrigera tion; front; near Grant Circle: janitor. ♦ 3—323 KENNEDY ST. N.W. 2 rms.. kit., bath, dinette, porch; awnings; redecorated. Key at Apt. 4-$42.00 3—1721 TRINIDAD AVE. *N.E. 2 rms.. kit., bath, dinette, porch; awnings, redecorated _ $40.50 2—1227 QUEEN ST. N.E. 2 rms.. kit., bath, dinette, porch: elec, refg.; redecorated_$39.00 1—1440 W ST. N.W. 3 rms.. kit., bath; redecorated_$45.00 445 TENNESSEE AVE. N.E. 3 rms.. kit. and bath; redecorated. $32.50 R. V. MARCERON, 613 15th St. N.W._Natl. 6588. 4840 N. H. AVE. N.W. 1 rra., Murphy bed. din., kit.. bath „ _67.50 2 rms., din,, kit., bath 57.60 Heat and hot water furnished. SHANNON & LUCHS CO.. 1505 H St. N.W. National 2345. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED._ NEW APTS.. 1315 PEABODY ST. N.W.: 2 rooms, bath, kitchen, dinette . $57.50 CONCORD MANOR. 5011 5th st. n.w.i 3 rooms, bath, kitchen, dinette. $57.50 to $50.50 1207 PARK RD. N.W.; 2 rooms, kitchen and bath __ $45 00 1537-1541 KENILWORTH AVE. N.E.; 2 and 3 rooms, bath, kitchen, dinette. __ $43.50 to $47.60 EDWARD P. SCHWARTZ. INC.. 1014 Vt. Ave. N.W. Dlst. 0210. ~ 217 19th ST. N.E, Ant. 3. 2nd floor; large living room, di nette. modern kitchen and bath, bed room, screened sleeping porch, elec, refrigerator; available October 1; $44.50. See any time. Also corner apt. available $45.50. D. C. GRUVER. MO Investment Bldg. Na tional 1.737; eves., Cleveland 71(40. 3217 CONN. AVE. Modern Elevator Bldg. Rarely available, park apts. now avail able. 2 exposures; best transportation fa cilities; near local theater and shopping district: 2 and ;i r.. k.. dinette, b. and rec. hall: $,->7.50 to $75. including refriger ation and elec.; 2 rooms, on court. $52.60; no children or dogs. __ Res. Mgr. 3222 WIS. AVE. 1 room and bath $25 00 SHANNON A; LUCHS CO.. _ 1505 H St. N.W._National 2345. DOWNTOWN—CLOSE TO GOVT DEPTS. Modern hreproof building with short walk of main business district; switchboard and elevator service. FREE refrigeration. LARGE PORCHES, every comfort and re finement. Foyer. Larse Living $52.50 Room. Kiictftn, Bath and PORCH. CORNER SUITE— Foyer. Large Living $65.00 Room. Large Bed Room, Kitchen, Bath and PORCH. Sec Res. Mgr. at "The PENTILLY,” __ I M2 K Si. NW. __ NR. CAPITOL & LIBRARY, 310 East Capitol St. Large apartments of two rooms kitchen and bath. Electric _refg. Rear porch. JOHN P. DONOHOE & SONS, _314 Pennsylvania Ave S E. 1242 QUEEN ST. N.E. 2 rms . d a . kit., b porch $41.00 SHANNON & LUCHS CO . _1505 H St. N.W. Natl. 2345. NEWPORT, 2164 FLA. AVE. N.W. 2 Rms.. Kit., Bath. $42.50 to $45. Prigldairc Optional. LANSING. 116 N. CAR. AVE. S.E. 5 K.. Kit.. B . $42.50. Apply Janitor or Call _Potomac H3S7-W._ 649 B ST. N.E. 1 room, kitchen, semi-private bath: heat, hot water and elec, fur nished: comulereiv new 1109 MT. OLIVET RD. N.E. 3 rooms, dinette bath $:(5.on 4 rooms and bath: automatic heat 10.50 1113 MT. OLIVET RD. N.E. 3 rooms, dinette and bath: auto matic heat no JOS. A. HERBERT & SONS, 018 15th ST N.W. REPUBLIC 0440. 51 5 EAST CAPITOL ST LINCOLN 0 120. 427 4th ST. N.W.—$32.50. 3 room*?, bath* laniior service Across Pension Park. BERNSTEIN :\H 5th st. n \\ Met .5400 * MODERN DOWNTOWN LOW-RENT APTS. $37.50: 2 R . K . $55. Convenient, fireproof bide 21-hour ele va'or. switchboard service: refrigeration on house current. 1030 R st. n.w. Pot. lmm. THE PRESIDENTIAL, 1020 10th ST. NAV. Within walking distance downtown shopping center and Government build ings Modern—fireproof—restricted. 24 hour elevator service. I Room and Bath 3 Rms . Kit., Bath and Foyer. 4 Rms.. 2 Baths. Large Kit. and Foyer. Unusually Large Rooms. Completely Redecorated. Soundproof Construction Resident Manager. Met. 2537. THE MUNSEY TRUST CO., _NATIONAL 8080. " 2300 18th ST. Five rooms, kitchen and bath: all out side rooms: in excellent condition; electric refrigeration. $50.00. 2605 ADAMS MILL RD. Two rooms, kitchen and ba’h; electric refrigeration. $47.50,and $52.50. 101 WILLARD AVE. At Wisconsin ave and District line—5 rooms, bath and porch. $55.00. 1809 BELMONT RD. Available Oct. 1. Two room , kitchen and bath- front apartment: southern exposure electric re frieeration $45.00 and $55.00. National Mortgage & Inv. Corp., National 58.23. J312 N. Y. Ave N.w 900 19th ST. N.W." Cor. Eve st.: refrigeration included: switchboard: 2 eleva’ors. 2 rooms, kitchen. ba*h _ SfiO.OO Resident Manager. SHANNON K LUCHS CO 1 > H St N.W. National 5 1323 VT. AVE. N.W. WALK TO WORK. LOW RENTALS. LARGE RMS.. HIGH CEILINGS' NEWLY , DECORATED 1 rm , k . Semi-pvt b : elec. ref.__S32.5f 1 rm.. kit., bath: elec, ref_:i7.5( 3 rms.. kit.. bath_. . _ _ 4,-, oi KEYS AT APT. 1 WAGGAMAN-BFAWNER, _ 1700 Eve S' Met £1860 AT CONN7 AVE. BRIDGE. 3221 CONN, AVE. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath $56.5f Electric Refrigeration. Elevator HIGBIE. RICHARDSON A- FRANKLIN, _ I5W_K Sr. N.W Natl. 2076 1840 MINTWOOD PL. N.W 3 large rooms, hall, kitchen, hath ant porch. Also 2 large rooms, hall. ba*h anc porch. Convenient, light and well kept Owner resident. ADAMS 0300._ 3010 WISCONSIN AVE. N.W. Opp. National Cathedral—2 rooms, dinette, kit. and hath. $52.50: 2 rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath and porch. $H5: free Frigidaire. See resident manager. Apv 102. J C. WEFnoN rn . rrrt* k n n 3011. new' apartment BUILDINGS. 301-305 HAMILTON ST. N.W. Conveniently Located Near Stores and Transportation. $55 Per Month. Large living room: cross ventilation ir bed rooms: large dinette, large closets bath, kitchen, awnings. Resident Manager on Premises. PAUL D. CRANDALL, Agent, _Investment Bldg. Dist. 9246. 6805 GA AVE. N.W. 2 Rooms. Kit., Dinette and Bath. Electric Refrigeration. $50.00 to $52.50. THE MARCHETA~ 1121 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. N.W. (Bet. Dupont and Wash. Circles). One room, kitchen, dining alcove. Mur Phy bed. large dressing closet and bat! with shower, $40. Two rooms, kitchen and bath. Murph: bed in bed room; shower: $55.00. Refrigeration on House Current: Elevator Apply Resident Manager. West 07KO. THE MUNSEY TRUST CO. __NATIONAL 8080. NEAR NAVY YARD, 921 8th st. s.e.—4 rooms, kitchen, bath heated; $42.50. GUARANTY REALTY, INC. 3 706 K St. N.W._National 0587 $55.00 MONTH. Living room, two bed rooms, kitchen full tile bath, shower, screened porch; ga: refrigeration: individual gas heat furnishec by tenant: three exposures. Apt. 4. 490i 1st st. n.w. (out New Hampshire ave. t< Emerson). Open for inspection. Cal HUGH WARREN. National 0452. Evenim and Sunday. Wisconsin 3159. 1628 UPSHUR ST.NW. 6 rooms. 14/2 baths, h.-w.h., refriger ation, built-in garage; $85. 110 SUNNY SIDE RD., Silver Spring. Md. Six rooms, bath, built-in garage; ver: good condition; $75. 8 SUNNYSIDE RD., Silver Spring. Md. Five rooms, bath. elec, ranee and re frigerat.ion, h.-w. h., built-in garage #76.25. 232 CUSTI3 AVE.. Del Ray. Va. Five rooms, bath, h.-w.h., detached ga rage; $50. WEAVER BROS., INC., Washington Bldg,_District 9486. 4063 GRANT ST. N.E., APT. 2. 3 rooms (2 bed rooms), kitchen, dinette, bath, large yard_$45.0( 2504 10th ST. N.E. 2 rms.. kit., dinette, b. and porch. $54.5< Refrigeration on House Current. See Resident Manager. 4425 14th ST. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath $46.5< Refrigeration on House Current. See Janitor. EDW. M. WILLIS, investment Bldg. National 7479. 1 APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED._ THE FORD APARTMENTS, £24 13th BT. N.E.— NEW BUILDING. av Two 3-room, kitchen, dinette and bath re apartments. REASONABLE RATES. Discount for Yearly Lease. GAS AND REFRIGERATION INCLUDED -- IN RENT. _See Janitor on Premises. 1 THE DUDLEY, f 1438 R ST. N.W. re 2 bed rooms, living room, reception hall. n. kitchen, bath porch, refrigeration. fo This apt. is in fine condition and the px rent is more than reasonable. See resident ar manager, Apt. 45. C. W. SIMPSON CO.. 4«! 1024 Vermont Ave. Metropolitan 6700. ' INTOWN—LOW KENT. 1 RM„ KIT.. $.18: 3 RMS.. KIT.. $50. Modern elevator apt. bldg.: convenient, w BLAIR. 1321 M st. n.w. National 6437. Lt LYON APARTMENTS, ci CLARENDON, VA. ™ 3103 10th ST. NORTH. <■ Detached two-story brick building; indi- v vidual lockers in basement; gas heat, nuto- ■■ matic gas refrigeration; shower, porch, lar»e yard. 2 Rooms, Kit., Bath—$48.50. See resident manager. Apt. 20, 1008 Highland st. north. B. F. SAUL CO., _National 2100. 025 15th St. N.W._ 1954 COLUMBIA RD„ SCHUYLER ARMS. A verv desirable first-floor apt., C£7 ^0 suitable for doctor’s office ^ * H. L. RUST CO., 1001 15th St. N.W. National 8100. 6oTpark rdTn.wT 3 rooms, kitchen and bath, $47.60; heat, hot water and refriceration. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO., INC., 1510 K N.W District 1015. 2440 16th ST. N.W. Park Tower, opposite Meridian Hill Park—Switchboard. 3 elevators: re frigeration included: garage in bldg. H rooms. 2 baths, porch $135.<»0 5 rooms, bath, porch 125.00 2 r.. d. a., kit., bath, porch 70.00 1 rm„ d a . kit., bath. dressing room 62.50 Resident Manager. SHANNON *c LUCHS CO.. 1505 H St. N.W._National 2345. 1201 EUCLID ST. N.W. Twe rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath, con crete back porch heat, hot water free, $52 :>n BIRON, Met 7750 or 5112._ 2901 16th ST. N.W. The Radnor Elevator. Resident manager. Refrigeration Included. 5 rooms bath, porch $85.00 SHANNON A: LUCHS CO 1505 H St N.W. National 2345. UNUSUAL OFFER. CHOICE N.W. APTS —LOW RENT. j 2 R . K . $45; 3 R . K . $55; 4 R . K,. $70. Modern bldg ; largo. bright, outside rms. ! I6th and Park rd Columbia >061. _ , 3901 FULTON ST. N.W. 2 rms.. d. a., kit., bath $57.50 In-a-rioor bed electric refrigeration. SHANNON A. LUCHS CO. ? _ 1505 H 8t. N.W,_National 2345. BEAUTIFUL NEW APT. 8413 Maple ave Silver Spring—Within* one block of Georgia ave. shopping center, j Available October 1. Large living room, kitchen dinette, bed room. bath, large screened-in porch. Heat and hot water furnished. Abundance of closets; $55. j Apply superintendent. 8417 Maple ave.. side entrance. Drive out Georgia ave. to I 84U() turn west one block to Maple ave. i BRADLEY. BEALL A: HOWARD. National L (»27 1._Evenings. Georgia 7306._ - 54 R. I. AVE.—49 T ST. N.W. 5 4 rooms, kitchen and bath $50.00 h 3 rooms, kitchen and bath 45.00 ‘ w SHANNON A LUCHS CO a I _1565 H St N.W. Na 234 C THE COOLIDGE, S 3100 Wisconsin Ave. N.W. £ Near car and bus line. Good janitor p; service Refrigeration on house current, Apt. 30l. 4 rooms bath. S80 Apt 303. 3 rooms, bath. $45. Ring janitor’s bell or call Adams 3000._p( 308 2nd ST. S.E— 7 5 rooms, bath _ _ $59.50 '; 223 tith ST. S E.— S. 3 rms.. bath. elec, refrigeration 52.50 914 S. C AVE. S.E.— C 3 ran., bath _ 52.50 220 4th ST. SE- ,1 5 rms,. bath _ 52.50 _ 1377 A ST. N E — L 5 rms.. bath _ 49.50 Y 142 CARROI L ST S E— 3 rms, bath. elec, refrigeration 47 50 M 210 1st ST. S E — f ic 4 rms.. bath. elec, refrigeration 45.00 v ft 18 A ST. S E.— • st 4 rms . bath . _45.00 719 8th ST. S E — A 3 rms., bath _ 35 00 N 623 PENNA AVE SE- fr 3 rms.. bath _ 32.50 r< 122 D ST S.E — .» rms., bath _ 35.00 v FLATS. r 1357 S C. AVE S E— Jf I rms.. bath, h.-w.h.. elec_$48.50 ~ 513 B ST. S.E.— 5 rms. bath, h.-w.h.. eiec_ 42.50 *' TOO E SI SE. - J,1 *> mis, bath h -w.h, elec_ 42.50 - 2218 NICHOLSON S E— 1 4 rms, bath, h.-w.h, elec_ 38.00 r 811 L ST S E — C 4 rms, bath, lat, elec. _ 30.00 " JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS, { 314 PENNA AVE SE S LINCOLN 0iiN4._ _ . 2417 PENN. AVE. KW. 3 Rms, Bath: Elec. Free: 820.50. ? D CONNOR A: SON. 2420 Penn Ave. N.W._West 1205, \ KEW GARDENS, * 2700 Que St. N.W. P 2 rms . dinette, kit . bath $55 *o $85. j 3 rms, dinette, kitchen, bath, porch, ,$80 j THE ST. REGIS. 2219 California St. N.W. ^ A*tractive Apts.. All Outside Rooms. 5 rooms, kitchen, bath porch $115.00 t 4 rooms kitchen and bath___$100.00 r 1326 GIRARD N.W. \ Living room. 2 bed rooms, kitchenette, s built-in cabinet, elec, refrigeration, large a closets, built-in bath with shower, high ceilings: very_reasonable: adults._ F 5311 8th ST. N.W. THE JEFFERSON. ? 2 rooms, kitchen, bath $47.50 1 Refrigeration Included . SHANNON & LUCHS CO.. 5 _ 1505 H S’ N.W. National 2345. {? WHY PAY HIGH RENT? s BRIGHT. MODERN PORCH APTS, NEAR Kith AND PARK RD. J n Pmr 1 Dm, C X - X Dm., Modern bide.: laree. brieht rms ; fine fit- P tings: fireplace. slecp._porch._Adams_PK2>v 0 1812 & 1814 NORTH CAP. ST. I Just. North of S St. N.W. n 5 Big Rooms and Bath. f $.'>0 and $52.50. j? Very convenient location to churches, .i stores and schools. Z Open—See Janitor. - Howenstein Realty Corp., __ 1418 H St ._N. W._District 7877. 1201 CLIFTON ST. N.W. 3 rooms, kitchen, bath, porch. electric refrigeration $00.00 SHANNON «fc LUCHS CO.. _1505 H_St. N.W._ National 2345. 314 V ST. N.E. f 2 Rooms. Kitchen and Bath. 0 Electric Refrigeration. n $40.50 to $45.00. 4812 3rd ST. N.W. 2 r.. d. a., kit., bath, porch *52.50 Heat and Hot Water Furnished. SHANNON & LUCHS CO.. 1505 H St. N.W. Natl. 2345. E COLORED— *31150—3123 13th ST. N.W. n —One r.. k.. b.. inch heat, light: open. a T. D. WALSH. INC.. 815 11th n.w. Dis- a trict 7558-7559. ___ COLORED—5 RMS. AND B.. 1032 6th - n.e.. $35: 3 rms. and b.. 1846 7th n.w., ' *4o: 8 rms.. w, and s.. 26 Mass. ave. n.w., *40. BEHREND. 1317 F. _1* < COLORED—432 Sth ST. S.W. 2 rooms, kit., bath, porch ..$35.00 , Possession Oct. 1. SHANNON <fc LUCHS CO . 1505 H St. N.W. National 2345. f APARTMENTS SUBURBAN. 207 62nd ST . CAPITOL HTS.—8 RMS.! kitchen, semi-private bath, gas stove; gas, . elec., oil heat; $35; adults. Cap. Hts. 436. ? 26* " 3 LARGE, LIGHT ROOMS. UNFURN.; 3 1 light, gas. h.-w.h. furn: plenty h. w. n , Space for car. Reasonable. 37 Wine ave., j. ■ Hyattsvillc. Md. ____v 3 ROOMS, KITCHEN, BATH. UNFURN.. a elec., gas incl.. $50. No children. 907 C Thayer ave.. Silver Spring, Md. Phone Sliver Spring 50-M._ UNFUR. 2 R.. KIT.. BATH. S30: NEW v, brick house. Landcver rd.. lust beyond en- . ■ trance Oheverly. Md. Adults. •__ DESIRABLE lst-FLOOR APT.. COMPLETE- r iy furnished: 4 rooms, private bath; gas. r elec.; oil heat: G. E. refrigerator: Va block p to car and bus. Call Hyattsville 444-W, p before 8:30 a m. or after 6 p.m.: adults: r reasonable._ p 5684 6th ST. NORTH. ARLINGTON VA.— t 4 rooms, semi-pvt. bath: completely furn.: $ hey. gas, elec, refg incl. Clarendon 63-M. 1702 N. TAYLOR. ARLINGTON—2 LARGE unfurn. housekeeping rooms and sleeping - porch: semi-pvt. bath: garage; $35. Nr. Washington-Lee School. TAKOMA PARK—NEW 6-ROOM APT., r bath: 2nd floor: $60 mo.: automatic heat, refg. furn. 23 Kennebec ave., Takoma Park. Md. (1 block off Flower.) Shepherd' I 1568. 3 RMS., OIL HEAT. LIGHT, GAS. NORGE: r adults. 921 North Quincy. Clarendon. Va. I Walnut 7282. SILVER SPRING. NEW APARTMENTS. £ i 2 rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath, large a screened sleeping porch 10x14; across t street from grade school: 1 block from n shopping center, 3 blocks to 150-acre park, a Maryland Real Estate Co., 7906 Georgia Ave. Shepherd 2401. APARTMENTS WANTED. SINES8 MAN DESIRES ONE-ROOM, 1 >wer bath lurnlshed apt. vicinity Conn. ;., bet. K st. and Dupont Circle; state it. Box 259-T. Star._26* i ALL APT.. FURN., SUITABLE 3 PER is, preferably near Woodridge School, ; over $50 mo._North 2473-R. 1 ROOM APT., FURN., FOR ADULTS, child; gentiles: references; $40 to $45 mth; occupancy Oct. I Sheg. 8718-J. FURN. RMS . KITCHEN AND BATH IN ined home, with private entrance: best v. section, for gentleman connected with ■elgn embassy. Box 254-T. Star. 20* IRNISHED APARTMENT FOR COUPLE d child, suburban considered; dishes, en. silver unnecessary; $4U-$45. Adams 93-W._ RN. ROOM. KITCHENETTE. BATH'; ddle-aged couple; no pets; Government ploye. Box 2XH-T. Star. 28* ANTED—APTS.. FURN. AND UNFURN. rge waiting list. Our special service to enU gives you quicker results. No listing arge MR. GILLER, National *7897. 8_10*h ST. N.W. 25* O-OPERATIVE APTS’ FOR SALe7 OWN YOUR OWN APARTMENT HOME 100% CO-OPERATIVE APARTMENTS 3016 TILDEN ST. Apt. 301 An opartment with 3 ex posures, 3 bedrooms, 2 beths, enclosed sun porch, living ond dining rooms ond kitchen. $4, 000 reduction for immediate resole. Terms less than rental value. OPEN TODAY AND SUNDAY i r.M. TO DARK Hampshire Gardens 236 Farragut St. Apt. 103 S'X rooms, 3 exposures, 3 bedrooms, Price $7,250, reas onable cash, monthly payments $7848 per month, including maintenance. OPEN TODAY & SUNDAY ALSO Four rooms, 2 exposures, 1 bedroom Price $4,100. Reas onable cash, monthly payment, $44.98, including maintenance. Shown by Appointment Call Georgia 5741 V.’e heve other desircble list ings In 1661 Cre-ent Place, 7022 Porter St, 1623 Lamer Pace, the Netherlands, the Clydesdale and in venous other fine locations, oil at attractive prices end terms less than rent for comparable accomodations. BOSS & PHELPS 1417 K St. REALTORS. NA. 9300 HOUbtb rURNIjlitD._ DMPLETELY FURNISHED NEW 0-ROOM >me. including elec, refg . oil burner, eiec. ashei. ironer. sweeper, etc.; very reason de to responsible party. Call Falls lurch 48$.___ ■>RNFR HOUSE. 5 ROOMS. GARAGE I heat: reasonable. Available October I. lone L NELSON. West 11 tin._ jEVELAND PARK—ATTRACTIVE COM etely furn. 8 rms.. 2 baths, garage: oil at: October 1. Phone Columbia 433d._ ESPONSIBLE COUPLE TO RENT “ MY rnished six-room and bath house in s.e. ir particulars call Atlantic 0372 after p m._25* X-ROOM HOUSE NICELY FURNISHED, ult-m garage will rent at a sacrifice. ill Sterling 8845._25* ! $ DECATUR ST. N.W.—d ROOMS AND ith. garage, gas-fired h.-w h . elec, refg.; impletPly furn. open for inspection; $15; i small children. J. C. WEEDON CO.. re? K n.w._Met. 3<»11._ Y HOME. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. FRIG aire. radio. Beautyren mattress inst. hot ' ater . $55; references; aduits. 20 Barney Cottage City. Md. Greenwood 2401-J. flLINGTON. VA . 2703 NO 24th ST — ?wly decorated, modern home; large liv g room, fireplace, screened porch, 3 bed oms. 2 baths. 15 min downtown Wash gton: grade school within 2 blocks; $80. alnut 0154._ [CHMOIVD AVE 721 SILVER SPRING, d.—5-room bath bunealow. gar., com etely furnished. Frigidaire. radio, a.mi.: mvenient to stores, schools, churches end ans. Excellent neighborhood. Available * responsible party from Oct. 3 to Nov. r._Shep. 2768-M.__ ACING PARK—2031 PARK RD.—0 ms.. 2 baths; well furnished; lease. leveland 71 in. Open 3 to 5.__ 704 CATHEDRAL AVE.—PLEASANT, Dmforta'ple home: oil burner, elec. refg.. ar.; 4 bed rooms. 2 baths: $125 mo. at 4 to !r Sun. 10 to 5. Adams 5342. RMS. SCREENED POR., GAR . WHITE “lghborhood: close bus: $35.50. Key t lo Wash. ave.. Cap. Hts. Hillside 543-M._ fELL-FURNISHED fi-ROOM HOUSE AND arage: automatic oil heat. elec, refg.; ?as._1342 Otis pi._nw._ URNISHED. H-ROOM HOUSE, GARAGE: ngidaire beautiful ground . 325 W. radley lane. Chevy Chase. Md. Phone II sco ns in 23* 18-W. _ 20* T. RAINIER. MD.—NICELY FURN. 5- i n. bungalow, automatic heat and refg.: arage: $00. Apply DUNN A: CO., 3333 . I. ave.. Mt. Rainier. _ URNISHED HOME. REASONABLE TO 3ung couple. Owner would like to re ‘rve l room and porch. Shepherd 2040-W tier 2 p.m. Saturday or any time Sunday. OXHALL—ATTRACTIVELY FURN.. SIX >om. finished basement suite with lav-a iry. gas heat, deep yard, garage: close to 30d school; *125. WAVERLY TAYLOR. 1C.. Nat 1. 1040 or Wiscon si n 577P._ •07 GARRISON ST. N.W.—0-ROOM [>use: large lot: automatic nil hear: ca ige._Emerson 5._ 10 RITTENHOUSE ST. N.W.—6 ROOMST ith: garage: Electrolux, h-w.h.; near hools. bus line. Call at house or phone eorgia 1674. $75 per mo. 26* ETWORTH—CORNER. NICELY-FURnT rooms, center hall, a m l.; refg.. garage: 76 Near bus and school. Adams 2465, :ASS. PARK—ATTR . QUIET ENVIRGN lent: 8 rms., 3 baths, lge. sleeping porch, replace, garage, tel. OWNER, Clev. 8426, ACING PARK—2031 PARK RD.—f) RMS.. baths, well furnished; lease. $110 per ;onth. Cleveland 7176. Open 3 to 5. 600 WHITTIER ST N W, Six rooms, bath, garage, oil heat. CLIFTON ST.. NR. 14 th N.W. Eight rooms, two baths, garage, oil heat. BRODIE A- COLBERT. INC 1707 Eye St. N.W. NATL. 8875. CHEVY CHASE. D. C.. 3004 JOCELYN ST. N W. Eight rooms. 2 baths, glassed and ■reened sleeping porch; oil burner: com letely furn.: 2-car garage; $150. Open unday from 11 to 3. EDWARD D. COLEMAN. 10 N. Y. Ave. N.W._National 6562, 440 PARK RD. N.W. Six Rooms. Bath. Porches. $75.00. Electric Refg.. Oil Heat. H. G. SMITHY CO.. Sll 15th St. N.W, National 5003. ETHESDA, MD.—5 ROOMS AND BATH: new home with fireplace, garage, storage ttic and Bryant air-conditioned heat; callable Oct. 1. NEWBOLD DEVELOPMENT CO.. ill Wise. Ave.. Bethesda. Md. Wise. 5286. DETACHED HOME, hevy Chase. D. C.. 3008 Huntington t. n.w.—8 rms.. inc. porch. 2 baths, au smatic heat; garage; available Oct. i; ent. $125. GEORGE I. BORGER, 43_ Indiana Ave. N.W. Natl. 0350. 810 DAHLIA ST. N.W. NEAR WALTER REED HOSPITAL. Owner temporarily away from city, eslres to rent practically new. well-fur ished. modernly equipped detached brick ouse. for 8 months from Oct. 1. 6 rooms, inette. finished recreation room in base icnt; 2 baths with showers: automatic eat: elec, refrigeration, garage. Con tnient to stores, transportation, and recre tion facilities. Rent, $125. Telephone ■eorgia 8518._' MT. PLEASANT. 1604 Lanier pi.—Desirable corner brick ouse semi-detached; good location: at ■active appearance: shrubbery in front, nail inclosed garden in rear, built-in ?a ige. First floor: Living room, dining >om. kitchen, entrance hall and foyer with iano, large front porch and inclosed rear orch over garden. Second floor: 4 bed roms. 2 baths, large glassed-in sleeping orch. Third floor, open. Well furnished iroughout. Electric refrigeration, gas heat; 125 per month for immediate occupancy. W. C. & A. N. MILLER, 1119 17th St. N.W, District 4484. 29 OAK WOOD RD., Hyattsville. Md. 5 rooms, bath, h.-w.h., Frigidaire. ga ige, large attic, $60. 3615 EASTERN AVE., MT. RAINIER. MD. 5 rooms, bath, sleeping porch, b.-i. ga ige, refrigeration, $65. WEAVER BROS., INC.. Washington Bldg._District 9486. MODERN SIX-ROOM AND BATH ROW rlck house, two Inclosed porches in rear nd porch in front; house in nice condi on. Rent to adults only. Price, $85 per lontn. Located on Madison st.. near Qa. ve. To inspect, phone National 2265. WM. T. BALLARD, 1221 Eye St. N.W. HOUSES FUR. OR UNFUR. 30 SHEPHERD ST. N.W.—EXCELLENT esidentlal neighborhood: 0-room and bath * >rick. modern conveniences; electric resig nation. new gas range, h.-w.h.: porches, , rard. 2-car garage. Immediate possession. ‘ 577.50. To Inspect, call Cleveland 0100 or DIXIE figALTY CO., National 8880._ 'JEW BRICK BUNGALOW; 5 ROOMS. >ath, large yard: automatic heat: reason able. 10 Jefferson st. n.w. Randolph >050. 3060 ELLICOTT ST. N.W. REASONABLE RENT. 4 bed rms.. 2 baths, a 1st floor complete with all necessary rms.. including butler s pantry and lavatory. Large, lovely lot: 'a plock transportation and schools: inspec tion by appointment only. Call Cleveland 2705 between 9 and 12 a.m. _HOUSES UNFURNISHED. 57 BRYANT ST. N.W. (2nd ST. N. OF Wl $75; brick; 1 family; ii large rms., 8 closets h -w.h., newly papered. See 10 a.m. to 4 P m 811. 6p. 200-J. CHEVY CHASE. D. C.—DETACHED 6 rms., bath. $80; 8 rms., bath, oil heat, $05; n. ol Foxhall Village, 8 rms. 3 baths (1 bath 1st floor), reconditioned. $75; nearby Md.. 5 rms.. bath, reconditioned, $50; nearby Va„ 5 rms,. bath, lot 100x150. $55. FULTON R. GORDON. 1437 Eye st. n.w. District 6250; evenings, Cleve land 5001,_ FOXALL—8 ROOMS. 2 BATHS. DOUBLE rear porches: gas heat; built-in garage; deep yard Natl. )040 or Wise. 5770. KENII WORTH. 5121 QUARLES ST.—n room and bath brick bungalow: all modern: large cement cellar: hot-water heat; rent. $50.00 Apply PENN REALTY CORP.. 474 K street n.w_Metropolitan 128.1._ 025 FLORIDA AVE. N.E.—10 ROOMS-! baths; newly redecorated. National 1880. 1717 UN. RD. nTE—5 R., B.. $42,50. 152 Uhland Terr. n.e.—6 r.. b., $58 .1500 So. 10th st.. Arlington. Va . $05. D H JOHNSON CO.. 041 N. Y. Ave. N.W. MANNING DR.. EDGEMOOR—NEW. MOD era home. 4 bed rooms. 2 baths: $00. Phone after 5 p.m. Wisconsin 2770-M. INDIAN SPRING PARK. MD.—ATTRAC tlve 0 rooms, brick. IVi baths: fireplace, full basement, oil heat, garage. Va block to bus; $05. Shepherd .TL.’Q-R._25* $65 RENT TO PARTY BUYING FURNI ture; 0 rooms. 2 glass-inclosed porches; auto, heat: desirable neighborhood; conv. transp.. shopping district, schools. Ran dolph 1221, CHEVY CHASE D C.. CORNER .18th AND Jenifer sts.. one block west ol Conn —At tractive center-hall plan. 4 bed rooms 3 baths, maid’s room and bath; $125. OWN ER. Wisconsin 57 75._ 001 BUTTERNUT ST. N.W.—2-STORY frame, detached. 7 rms . 3 baths, garage; a m.i. Phone District 0804. 11 30 FERN ST. N.W.—3-STORY, SEM! detached brick; 7 rooms. 3 baths, garage, a m.i. Phone_District 0864 •108 SEATON' PL. N.E.——6* RMS.. BATH; newly decorated. $47.50. 0.15 M st. n.e — H rms.. bath. elec. refg.. garage. $57.50. L. V. THACKER, 2720 12th st. n.e. Po tomac 2.187. 1805 IRVING ST. N.W.—7 RMS.. B. <4 bod rooms); oil heat. Electrolux. :: porches; new-house cond.; ready Oct. 1; $90. Call Columbia 0544. EDGEMOOR. BETHESDA. MD~ 7108 Clarendon rd.—5 rms.. brick bungalow; 4 yrs. old: gar.: h.-w.h.• elec refc • $7.5 51!> OGLETHORPE HT. N.W.—tt RMS. and bath. Arrangement for 3 families if desired: $85. w H. WALKER, 220 Shore ham Bldg._National J (iso._ din F ST. N.E—il-RM B'RICK. BAThT n-w.h., a.m.i.: good edndition. OWNER, Cleveland 5585. 3300 1 nth" ST. N. W.—ATTRACTIVE " SIX rooms and bath, back porches, brick ea rage Call National 0700. 20* . 1847 CHESAPEAKE ST N.W.—DETACHED six-rtwm house, oil heat: convenient to schools: $80. Call at property Sundav afternoon or call THOMAS J FISHER A: CO.. INC . Dntnct 88.311._ 42 1 COLUMBIA RD" N.W.—0 ROOMSAND bath, porch off bed room: $47.30. W. H. WALKER. 220 Shoreham B.ds. National 1080. THE CHARM OF OLD ALEXANDRIA. ON cobbled st„ near river: old woodwork, fireplaces. 2 recently remodeled: small house; 2 living rooms. 2 bed rooms, large bath, closets, brick-floored dining room, kitchen, brick terrace; $05 and $70. Phone Temple 2338._ BETHESDA—ti EXTRA LARGE "ROOMS: a.m.i.: trees, garage: immediate posses sion: $8o._Wisconsin 51 o l - j 23'1 =«». ?T. N.W—NICE LOCATION: small English basement home: 8 rms 2 landS’ofloiat0ry’ S95: wm seU- Ci£ve SILVER SPRING. B MILES OUT—$40 50 4-room bungalow (newc a.m i. BAINS RE ALT Y CO. Shep. 389U or 1869. 3 HOUSES. JOINING. CONTAINING rooms newly decorated 435-437-439 ~G FORD1' Apply 62 H st- n.e. MR. SAN JUST ^COMPLETED: BEAUTIFUL CO lontal m. brick home, garage; 2 baths; large recreation rm . lavatory in base 011 heaJ- a‘r conditioned exclusive ^c ion. nearby Va : conv. bus, schools. churches, stores: 8100. W'alnut Shot WOODRIDGE 14U5 LAWRENCE ST N.eZ rvwri?irc?s'T> bath: h.-w.h.; fireplace: $«5, OWNER. Potomac 1847 *>(i •J2"! ST.. NR. CATHEDRAL—DETACHED: Planned. 3 bed rooms. 2 batns. porches, garage: $125. Cleveland_842ti. f> ROOMS. BATH. SLEEP PORCH. GA~ y«?->«yfe yard, h.-w.h.: good cond.: StiO. l°day or any evening Georgia "5*5^ ®' pilone District 6273 or NEW 5-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW. a'mT 4419 Beck B»dSik 34fti* WISCONSIN AVE. N.W—$ ROOMS efface, oil heat if desired. Apply 3413 Wisconsin ave. Cleveland tt.'ts.i. VVEST OF GEORGETOWN. OFF CONDUIT rcJ—tv-room frame. 2 porches, h -w h utet' 8^iPer mo- JOS- C. ZIRKLE. Dls 308 JBR Y A NT ST. N .E.—3 RCOMSTkiTCH en. ba h. .. porches, h.-w.h.. garage' newlv decorated- $4(6 Pot. 2425-R aftM.2 P m • DESIRABLE HOME NEAR DUPONT aa»Cfe' .V room' , •'< baths. Rent for £af;!Smtiy ouly: no rooming and boardme. Rent, $125 EDW p SCHWARTZ. INC.. 1(114 Vt. ave ' Disti SEMI-DETACHED CORNER BRICK. B rms.. .i porches, screens, awnings, metal garage: near Wis. ave. bus, Emerson 383H. 4540 49th—ATTRACTIVE DET.. 6 RMS~ Z„ P°r • fireplace. Electrolux rrtg.: double garage: cor.; long lease. Emerson 1589. K?BA?T. SI* N RESTRICTED white neighborhood; s rooms, bath, ga rage. $90 a month._Line. 9404. CH* 3^9 MCKINLEY STREET. CHEVlTiraASE ’ six-room modern house; rental._ S,q._Agent on premises. • ™L7ID4p SECTION N E^IX-ROOMSi J-”?;1- he?V,->'acam afrer October 20: 2HM. $'Ne«r^,0rrCn 5t' Adams ?i!i'’,N?NTH N.W.—6 ROOMS AND BATH, sleeping porch, garage. R. o. BELT Onion Trust Bldg.. Natl. 334b! 27 ~-CAR GAR. 371 6 MASK !?,?; U..w'v5199-_6 nns. and h.. 5195 Con duit rd.. $65._BEHREND. 1317 F nwi l* PET YOUR RENT (NO CASH DOWN) PAY iunMn»^i0mfi fiI$1 Cond road. $60; END. 1317‘f pI‘ 6 e- (col >* ?•>'>. BEHR TAKOMA—MODERN D ETAC H ED K~ si. porch, barh; location and condition fine. Shep. 2408. ?X„,P'YNER CHEVY CHASE SECTION, excellent condition. ft rooms. ° baths a«™? beat-K beautiful trees and lawn; ■■ Pgr month. Phone Cleveland 4. ANACOSTIA, D. C.—5 RMS RATfT Areola heat. $.17.50. Call Lincoln 08?fl-M. PL. N,E —SMALL HOUSE. 5 r,bath’ Areola hot-water heat: nr. Tech High; good condition: $45. Emerson a5L’.~t!th. ST- N W._6 ]RMS~bath: ».?la.Knrv’chw and °!ant Market: M?t1' 43"61' Inqmre 912 12th 5t- D.W. CHEVY CHASE. D. (C7. western ave.; brick, center-hall Colonial near Chevy Chase Circle; con V rooms. 3 baths, maid’s room, nrst-noor lavatory: oil heat and electric refrigeration: garage: may be seen by appointment: rent. $150 per month EDWARD H. JONES & CO 5520 Conn. Ave. Clev. 2300. _ 647 LAMONT ST. N.W o rooms, kitchen and bath: eleva tor and hot-water heat_ $52.50 2930 MACOMB ST. N.W. 6 rooms and bath. elec, refrigera tion. garage - $80.00 121 ROCK CREEK CHURCH RD. 6 rooms, bath, oil heat, garage. elec, refg-__- -$70.00 3369 STUYVESANT ST. N.W. Detached. 8 rms„ 2 balhs (lst-floor lavatory), oil heat, maid's room and bath- _ _$110.00 3507 RODMAN ST. N.W. 8 rms.. bath, maid’s rm. and bath. elec, refrigeration, oil heat. gar._ $95.00 H. G. SMITHY OO 811 15th St. N.W. National 5903. 3312 19th ST. N.W. 6 rooms, bath, front porch. 2nd-floor kitchen with inclosed dining porch: high elevation, overlooking Rock Creek Park; garage: $75. Open Sunday. HARRY B. PITTS CO.. 1019 15th St, N.W._Met._0100. __ LARGE CORNER HOME AT 1535 OLTVE ave. n.e.—Fine condition, grounds, garage; immediate lease at $65 month. Half of large home at 1603 Minnesota ave. n.e.: grounds, garage: share healing cost: immediate lease at $37.50 month to small family. CHARLES A. APPLEBY. Owner. 1601 Minnesota Ave. N.E. _Lincoln 5384.__ CHEVY CHASE. £>. C. 6409 31st pi.—7 rooms. " baths; brick, containing maid’s room and bath, screened porch, recreation room in basement, fin ished attic: garage: oil heat. elec, refriger ation. Now available. $125 per month. EDW. H. JONES & CO.. INC., 5520 Conn Ave._Clev. 2300, 3427 OAKWOOD TERRACE N.W. 6 rooms, bath and garage. 8309 SOUTH DAKOTA AVE. N.E. 5 rooms and bath, detached. 1824 ONTARIO PL. N.W. 6 rooms, bath, oil heat; garage. 2949 TILDEN ST. N.W. Seml-det.. 8 r., 2 b., oil heat, garage. Also Homes In Chevy Chase. D. C. BRODIE & COLBERT. INC 1707 Eye St. N.W. Natl. 8875. HOUSES UNFURNISHED. _ (Oontlnued.) . ~ 3323 14th ST. N ET and bath> garage, hot-water ieat. $50 mo. 2408 30th ST. N.E. 22™ „and bath- garage, hot-water leal. $52.50 mo 303 LONGFELLOW ST. N.W T rooms and bath, garage; rent, *75 mo. 238 MADISON 3T. N.W. 7 ro°nts and bath, garage: rent. *75 mo. , ,'WAPU: & JAMES. INC.. _l-24 14th St. N W __ Ptst. 3345. 408 G ST. N.E. "rooms and bath; rent. *40 month. Open lor insriectlon. 1M, WAPI.E A- JAMES. INC . _1224 14th St. N.W._Dist. 3348. 113 B 8T. S.E. n If-/ i2?2 n ?/„ batbsj over souvenler store; rmn !or Ist-rlass rooming house. X?ni,C !grtssl?nal Library. Keys in store below. Apply J. c. WEEDON & CO.. 1727 a st. n.w. - 327 WEBSTER ST. nTw o-room brick house, double porches In rear; refrigeiatlon: one-car garage; *75 4008 41st ST. N.W. « i,T,?2m and detached frame: 1st n ; i vlng room, dming room, bed room and lavatory: ,.nd fl.. 4 bed rooms and bath* electric refrigeration; *75 • - 1127 ALLISON ST. N W. H-room and bath brick; inclosed double berCl *S*75 reaf' garage’ Possession Octo _ ’ 1509 VAN BUREN ST. N W. .n2‘?,om' 2,'batb house; sleeping porch and sun parlor: 2-car garage electric re frigeration; near Walter Reed Hospital; ’ 1230 18th ST. NW. Idvatr?;' SaB*a.!flffi„d,g55,of0SWS« garage’ j?iotfr M r00ra and bath* 1*car 1806* LAMONT ST N.W. 10-room. 2-bath, semi-detached house: large basement, small porch in rear; ga rage: $110. GOBI! REALTY COMPANY 1405 Eye St._ Natl. 1353. BRENTWOOD MD7 " 1iVy —Detached. 8 rooms ar.d bath. elec. refg.. brand-new h.-w. heating system: very large lot; vacant and in good condtior.: *52 50 WM. M. THROCKMORTON. INC.. Invest. Bldg. Realtor. Natl. 8092. „ , , 2905 OTIS ST. N E. ’ 6 r. andlb 2-story detached frame; *55. Keys at 2901 Otis St N.E. „ HARRY a. KITE. 1010 Vermont Ave;_National 4«48. 711 C ST N.E.—O R. AND B.; A.M.TT newly decorated: *45 1378 E st. n.e_8 r. andl b.: a.m.i.: newly decorated: *47.50. _HALL A BRO . 1204 H St N.E. .... , NEAR WALTER reed; 2~ h yT- , N W.—SEMI-DETACHED brick house: 7 large rooms. 2 baths, 3 Calf ^Georgia ‘ 1*978 ar3,t' avai,abIe CLEVELAND PARK N W ,SV—8 rooms. 2 baths: oil beat elec, refrigeration: sleeping porch; ear: close shopping center and bus. Now available. *115. EDW. H. JONES & CO. INC.. 5520 Conn. Ave. Clev. 2300. BETHESDA, MD. “ 57o Maple Ridge rd.—8 rooms. 2 baths new white brick, screened porch, bullt-iri garage, oil heat. elec. refg. Can be shown by appointment only. Price. *100. Avail aole October 1 EDWARD H. JONES & CO.. INC. 5520_Conn. Ave.__Cleveland 2300. 5)28 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. N.w' ' New brick house, fi rooms. 2 baths, rec reation rm. bullt-ln gar.. 3 porches, gal heat and refg. $;w 1517 BUCHANAN ST. N.W. ««»•: 3 porches, gar.. G. E. refg.. excel, condition: smi 4531 ILLINOIS AVE. N.W. tlon-r$70 50 h' 3 porches' Perfect eondi _OWNER Col. 4613. .3218 MACOMB ST.. CLEV PARK ’ ii„7„„be,.l„L00m.'l i'eeping porch. 2 baths. LS” with fireplace. 18-ft. din. room. Si?hP™-cA.iki Chen- Pantry. full basement witft maid quarters. 2-car trarafre OLIVER ST.. CHEVY CHASE 6 rooms.) ba-h. brick h.-w.h., garage: reconditioned throughout: $8o month 3706 MASS. AVE. N.W. y Cath • Mass, aves.: best lo kii;bed room7 2 baths, large living rocm. dining room, kitchen, built-in garage --story detached brick: large front yard; _ ’FRANK S. PHILLIPS. DIST. 1411. 2412 39th ST. N.W., ' Glover Park—6 rms , 2 baths, garage, oil *?eat- «nc ?se5, peeping porch, recreation room. Apply P. E. MALONEY Clev. 7640. . 501 xth ST. S.W. 6 rooms and bath, a.m.i_$60.00 1409 NORTH CAPITOL ST 6 rooms and bath, h.-w.h_$55.00 _ 6022 4th ST. N.W. Corner bungalow. 5 rms. and bath. h.-w.h., garage--$65.00 CHEVY CHASE, MD.. _ „ . . ,103 SPRING ST. Det brick bungalow. 5 rms. and bath, one-car garage, h.-w.h_$75.00 Available October 15. FLOYD E DAVIS CO.. _■33 12th St. N W. National 0352. 103 P ST. N.W.—7 R., B.. ELEC. $55.00 104 G st. n.w.—6 r.. b.. elec. __ 42.50 1322 4th st. s.w.—0 r. b. elec.. *»•-* h- - 88.50 , COLORED. Ib09 Meigs st. n.e.—5 rooms _$15.50 THOMAS P. BROWN. _«15_4th St. S.W. Natl. 6872. 1336 TAYLOR ST. N W. Two-story and cellar brick: semi-de tached: 9 rooms, bath: oil burner; built-in garage and detached 2-car brick garage; $90. 904 MASS. AVE. NX Two-story and cellar brick: 8 rooms, oath; hot-water heat: electricity; $85. 817 BUCHANAN ST. N.W. Brick: 6 rooms, bath; hot-water heat; electricity; 2-car garage: electric refrigera tion: $70. To be newly renovated and ready by October 1. L. T. GRAVATTF 729 15th_St._Realtor._Natl. 0753. CAREFREE COTTAGE IN OVERBROOK. A new home with 4 rooms and bath, side porch, storage attic, air-conditoned heat. $60 THE NEWBOLD DEVELOPMENT CO 7611 Wise. Ave.. Bethesda Md. Wise. 6286. 2322 FIRST ST. N.W.—9 R.. B.. $70.00 1644 Monroe st. n.w.—T rms.. bath. $57.50 1014 Quebec pi. n.w.—6 r . b . gar . $52.50 EDWARD P SCHWARTZ. INC . 1014 Vt. Ave- N.W. Dist. 6210._ 102 ASPEN ST.. CHEVY CHASE. MD.— Detached. 6 rooms. 2 baths. G E h.-w.h., oil burner: first-floor lavatory, maid's room, shower, garage- $125. 2515 Wisconsin ave—S-bed-room corner residence. 2 baths, oil h.-w.h.. 2-car ga rage; $100. J. McKENNEY BERRY, 1363 Wisconsin Ave. N.W. West 0513-0514. 3809 20th ST. NX 6 rms. bath: h.-w.h, elec., garage: available October 1st. $67.50. GEORGE I. BORGER, _rt4.'J Ind. Ave. N.W._ Nationa.^350._ COMPLETELY REDECORATED . COLONIAL BRICK HOME. 4 bed rooms. 2 baths, first-floor lava tory. finished 3rd floor and bath: new re frigerator. new gas range, oil burner, 2-car garage: $145 month. 4717 Blagden ter. n.w. toiumd 1 a hum, BIG HOMES. Several large houses on wide, deep lots in Che\y Chase Md.. for rent. $100 to $250 per month. MOSS REALTY COMPANY. _METROPOLITAN 1776. 3900 20th ST. N.E. WOODRIDGE D. C. Beautiful, tf rooms and bath: am.l.; available Oct. 1; $70. Emerson 8108. BUNGALOW. Near Indian Spring Golf Club. 5 rooms, nice yard Rent. $55 per month MOSS REALTY COMPANY, _METROPOLITAN 1778,_ S45 PER MONTH. Five large rooms, newly papered. Lot 200 ft. deep. 213 Holly ave.. Takoma Park. Md. MOSS REALTY COMPANY. __ METROPOLITAN J 770._ NEAR 14th AND PARK RD. 1428 Parkwnod PI. N.W—$85. LARGE COLONIAL HOME Living room, dining room, four bed rooms, two baths, screened rear porch, kitchen, two-car garage: electric refriger ation; laundry tubs and extra lavatory in basement. 1404 K._C A FRITZ._District P08Q. OPEN TODAY. 3831 Everett St.—8 rooms. 2 baths oil burner: new-house condition: agent on premises. DIXIE REALTY CO„ Natl. 8880. 4509 7th ST. N.W. 8 rooms, bath, garage, h-w.h.: newl# papered and painted throughout: $85. 1404 QUINCY ST. N.W. 8 rooms, bath, h.-w.h.: newly papered and painted throughout: $80. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO.. INC., 1519 K _N.W._ District 1015. 902 JACKSON ST. N.E. 8 rooms, bath, porches: hot-water heat, electricity: $55. SHANNON & LUCHS CO.. _1505 H St, N.W. National 2345. GLOVER PARK. 4 bed rooms. 2 baths, sun parlor, built in garage, automatic heat. This house is in excellent condition. Rent. $J»2.50. MOSS REALTY COMPANY. __METROPOLITAN 1776. UNIVERSITY PARK, MD. New last December—3 bed rooms, 2 baths large shaded yard. Rent, $100 per month MOSS REALTY COMPANY, METROPOLITAN 1778. GET OUR COMPLETE LIST OF APTS. AND HOUSES. WILL MAIL THIS UPON REQUEST. JOHN F. DONOHOE & SON, 314 Penn. Ave. SE. Lincoln 0084-0085. 1505 28th ST. N.W. Georgetown—8 rooms. 2 baths: 4 bed rooms: h.-w.h.: $75. SHANNON & LUCHS CO.. _1505 H St. N.W. National 234B. 1621 OTIS ST. N.E. Detached brick house: 8 rms.. tiled bath with shower; h.-w.h.; garage $75.00 2417 Minnesota Ave. S.E. > 8 rooms and bath: in excellent condi tion - -- -$50.00 R. V. MARCERON, 613 15th 8t. M W- _ Natl. 68M. (Oontlnued on Next Page.)