Newspaper Page Text
HOUSES UNFURNISHED. (Continued.) DOCTORS^ Modern residence and office combined; Ideal location. 1936 Conn. ave. n.w. BANDOZ. INC.. 2 Dupont circle n.w. De- , catur 4010._j PLAT POR RENT. \ 3021 15th 8T. N W. J 6 rooms, bath, hardwood floors, electric : Winger at ion. $H5. 110 INGRAHAM ST N.W. New house: 7 rooms. 3 baths, recrestion ‘ room, garage; elec, refg.; lame back yard; , 590. 1 _ 1917 LINCOLN RD. N.E. I _ Nr. McKinley High School: newlv dec.: > • rooms, baih: h.-w.h.: elec.: $62.60. I EDWARD D. COLEMAN, } •19 N. Y. Ave. N.W. Natl. 6562. \ 1716 NEWTON ST. N.WT- \ Semi-detached. 7 rooms, oil heat. House i newly redecorated inside and out; $60 J per month MOSS REALTY COMPANY, ° _ METROPOLITAN 1776. c BURLEITH. I Several modern homes In this de- * lightful community now available: 1 6 rms. and bath, some with porches: $ garage: refrigeration: $80 up. See s Mrs. Watson. .3702 R st. n.w. e SHANNON & LUCHS CO. d ._1506 H St N.W'._National 2345. s CHEVY CHASE, J 5.322 41st ST. N.W. I " rooms. 1 \? baths, sarasp. oil heat: > new-house condition; $85 monthly. Decatur p ioOl. Columbia 1AT3, evenings. CO* < 2319 N. NOTTINGHAM ST.i * ARLINGTON, VA. i Detached brick bungalow. 5 rooms and 7 bath, hot-water heat, front porch, garage: i very large lot; just off Lee Highway, and a 20 minutes downtown Washington; $65 v month. , 4600 BAYARD BLVD. } Brick, corner home; 5 rooms and bath. 1 gas heat- gas refrigerator: porch; beautiful t yard; garage; rent. $87.50. 237 K ST. N.E. * Brick. 6 rooms, bath, hot-water heat. J •-car garage: $45 i A. S. GARDINER, { _ 1510 K ST. N.W. NATL. 0334. , WOODRIDGE. I House with 5 rooms and bath, sleeping j Porch and breakfast room on first floor * rooms and oarn on .nd floor; recreation i, room and toilet In basement,; corn, hot , yater: rrraae; $00: possession Oct. 1st. , 3063 Vista st. 2600 Brentwood rd—6 r.. 1 oil heat. $5.V 3221 13th st.—6 r.. like c new. $60. 3110 r.’th—Brick. 6 rooms. A All open Sunday. H C. MAYNOR. 260o r prentwood rd. n.e. North 4333.__ 1 1507 BUCHANAN ST. N.W. j T rooms, first-floor lavatory, maid's c room. bath. auto. heat.. refriKeratlon: fine * condition. Reasonable to reliable small k family, OWNER.Georgia 2514, 26* \ FOR WHITE. ! _ HOUSES. i $91 Fern pi n.w.—10 rms, 3 b $125 on , 2924 Macomb st. n.w.—11 rms, b. 110.0(1 J 6000 Moorland lane. Bethesda, Md. 9 rms.. 3 b, gar. 110.00 , 13 Williams lane. Chevy Chase, Md. . —7 rms, b. _ _ 90 00 1 4414 14th st. n.e.—41 rms, b. 85.00 1 1214 Randolph st, n e.—7 rms, b. 72.50 ! 1813 Kilbourne pi. n.w.—6 rms, b, 1 dbl gar. 70.75 £ 3910 N. Hamp. ave. n.w.—8 rms., b. 70.00 l j 5401 7th st. n.w.—0 rms, b. 70.00 | 1 1439 You st. n.w,—R rms, b.; heat I c furn. 07.50 s 1225 Shepherd st. n w —6 rms, b„ t gar. _ _ _ 06.00 1 #09 Monroe st. n w —7 rms, b. 05.00 ( 3540 11th st. n.w.—0 rms, b. 00.00 , 1414 Irving st. n.w.—8 rms., b. . gar. . _ 80.00 f 1208 Ridge rd, Silver Spring. Md. —5 rms, b. _ 57.50 t 1004 Quebec pi n.w.—0 rms . b. 52.50 , 2016 Portner pi. n.w.—6 rms , b.: heat furn. . , __ 50.00 1. 1281 Penn st. n.e.—6 rms, b. 47.50 1 1029 7th st. n.e.—8 rms. b, gar. 42.50 r 1016 28th st. n.w.—6 rms, b. _ 40.00 ? 1743 L st. n.e.—4 rms, b. _ 37.50 .’ 241 17th st. s.e.—4 rms, b._ 33.00 1 plats t The following are 2 rms, kit, d. a, c bath, with screened porch: s 1—2300 40th st. n.w, _ $50.50 j 1— 1710 New Hamp ave. n.w_ 47.50 v 3— 76(t Princeton pi n w,___ 47.50 , 4— 2228 40th st. n.w. _ 46.50 » 4—39.34 loth st. n e. _ 46.50 , 3—907 Quincy st. n.w.~_ 45.00 J 3— 306 Decatur at. n.w,_ _ 43.50 2 2— 2712 6th st. nte__ 42.00 _• 1—100 Emerson st. n.w_ 42.00 < 4— 431 Kennedy st n.w _ 41.50 t 1— 311 Crittenden st. n.w._41.50 1 4—2201 16th st. s.e. _ 39 50 t 2— 1610 R st. s.e. _ _ _ 39.00 2— 412 Evans st. n.e_ 38.00 £ 1—-1616 E st. n.e. _ 37.00 ( 1—1714 Bay st. s.e _ . __ _ 34.00 7 Heat Included in the Following: , 4—1812 D at. n.e. _ $45.00 J The following are 3 rms, kit, d. a . , bath, with screened porch: t 1— 903 Quincy st. n.w._$52.50 0 3— 1505 W st. s.e. _ 40.50 < 2nd #, 2813 M st. n w — , 4 rms, k, b. _ __ $42.50 2— 1516 7th st. n.w.—4 rms, kit, , b, latrobe heat _ 25.00 B. F. SAUL CO., National 21no._925 15th St. N.W. | m„ ■ . j Furnished and ‘ Unfurnished j HOUSES AND | APARTMENTS i | 5 Best Sections of City { and Suburbs ^ Randall H. Hagner & Co. jj Incorporated V 1321 Conn. Ave. Decatur 3600 J 801 FERN PL.N.W. I j One Square East ef 7300 Georgia Aye. t Beautiful detached frame home, ' ,(j containing 10 rooms, 3 baths 2 If and extra lavatory, with de- £ tached double garage. Electric s refrigeration, gas heat. I<ocated J r on 1 V2-acre lot, beautifully land- a beeped. Key at 804. * *125 I i B. F. SAUL CO. i ' NaU. >100. #25 15th St. | J CLEVELAND PARK ij 2934 Porter St. I i ..rtect condition, brick, 6 rooms and 2 rear porches, 1 enclosed. Hot-water heot, r I ' r 2 baths, servant's quarters, 1 garage, front and back garden. l Open Sun., 10 to 5; Price, $85 ’ For Information Coll West 0615 f i * i < FOR COLORED. 1337 6th St.— | 5 rms b. -J30.n0 r 812 Morton st. n.w.— ] Six rooms _„__$25.5n 1 812 H st. s.w.— 1 6 rooms _ $22.50 1 FLATS. t 2—£209 8th st. n.w.— i 8 rms.. kit., bath _ J22.50 * B. F. SAUL CO., < National 2100. 925 15th St. N.W. J HOUSES WANTED TO RENT. ( FURNISHED DETACHED HOUSE BY 4 ■ Quiet adults; reasonable rent in considers- J tion of excellent care; Nov. 1; references. ! Cleveland 3528._ l RETIRED OFFICER DESIRES TO RENT ' home in Chpvy Chase. Md.. furnished; * $130 per month. Telephone before 12 noon 1 for appointment. Wisconsin 3078-w. ADULTS WILL ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY j and give excel, care to home or apt. and i pay nominal rent if desired; fireplace and j 2 baths necessary. Clev. 0305. WE CAN RENT YOUR , VACANT PROPERTY. CALL MOSS REALTY CO.. TOWER BLDOMET. 1778. { * HOUSES FOR SALE. I REPOSSESSED DETACHED HOUSES, j J2.750 to Slfi.000. Chevy Chase. D. C.. , nearby Va. and Md. Federal housing 1 monthly payments, lesa than rent 10% J cash. Telephone for list. Brokers, atten- 1 tion. FULTON R. GORDON, 142* Eye st. ' p w.. Dist, 5230. Eves., Clev. 5091. ] ON EAST CAP. ST.—HOUSE IN PERFECT 1 condition, southern exposure. 9 large rooms, j large yard to alley. Lincoln 0819._26^_ ! LOVELY 10-ROOM HOUSE NEAR 15 th and Clifton, finest location for boarding , and rooming: owner retiring, will sell furn. L. H. THAPfcN. Wisconsin 5440._ FOR LARGE FAMILY — NEW CHEVY , Chase detached brick, corner; 5 bed rooms. 2 baths, living room, dining room and kitchen: garage; oil heat. R. B. WARREN, owner and builder. Natl. 9452; eve.. Wise. 8159.2~* COUNTRY ESTATE—NEW SMALL ES- - tate. nearing completion. 1 V< acres, corner ; Bradley blvd. and Burning Tree rd. (3'4 1 mllas west of Wie. ave. on Bradley blvd.); I brfek. early American design, lovely trees. I R. B. WARREN, owner. Wise. 1<329; eve.. Wl»c. 3169. * 27* HOUSES FOR SALE. (Continued.) 'OUR BED~ROOMS “JUST OFF ~f Uth~ BT. Uttcr finished basement, automatic heati ■xcelient neighborhood; very easy terms. Randolph 1231._ _ I.B.: 10-ROOM 2-STORY BRICK HOUSE] -w.h.. suitable for 2-famlly apt.: priced nly $6.6<)0._ L. H. THADEN. WUC 6440. JEW FIREPROOF BUNGALOW. Jfi.RfiO; .re rooms and bath, garage, air-condl loned heat; see furnished sample at lontgomery ave.. lust, south of East-West lighway. midway between Conn, and Wis. ves. Phone Wise. 2660; after 7 pm. ieo, 6543._27* ,OVELY 2-STORY BRICK; 6 R.. 2 B., ml. garage 60-ft. front; near Walter teed Hospital; $11,600; cost $14,600. Now sed as 2 apartments. A real buy. DIs riri 0162. .DL'LI) YOU PAY $11,600 FOR MODERN eiached house costing about $16,000? even r.. b (4 b. r.l; Chevy Chase, D. C. argaln._District 0162. Y OWNER—t BED ROOMS. SEMI-DE iched. Inspect this home and make (Ter. Small down payment. 617 Rock reek_Church rd. Columbia ssio EW: *10.750. CHEVY CHASE D, C..: 6 la. light rooms. 2 b . garage; near bus: 11 i m p. Splendid buy. Your chance. Ustrlct 0192. 7.0611 — PETWORT H. NEAR SCHOOLS, Lores, bus and street cars; 7-room brick, as heat, oak doors throughout, tiled bath, eep yard. 3-car garage, inclosed porches, ’reened and weather-stripped. In perfect indition. modern kitchen equipment, omfortable terms. For information call ational 0856. Evenings. Cleveland 7096. HEVY CHA8E D C.—f 5-ROOM BRICK, nglish architectural home, priced at only 0.000; 3 nice sized bed rooms, deep lot. )dded and shrubbed; convenient to Ne raska ave. transportation; terms. MR. WEED, Natl. 0860. Evenings, Cleveland 000. Uh AND FAR RAGUT STS. ~N . W —M UffT •11 at. once, detached house. 6 bed rooms. ?ry large rear porches, automatic heat; icrlflce, |9 ISO. Wisco&sln .»44 <» LITTLE MORE ROOM. A LITTLE BET ?r neighborhood, a little better construc lon. add up to an unusual value. 6334 8th st. tCh. Ch.). Out Conn. ave. to lilitary rd . right 6 blocks to 38th st., [ght 300 ft. on 38th. bordering on Rk. k. Pk. Open._Take a, 1 ook \_ TTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. NR. 8ANI *rium, Takoma Pk.. Md. Large lot. nr. fores, school, bus. Owner leaving city; Eurmce. 3*;>.ouu. mui jrvenneoec ave. hep. 198Q-J._ AROAIN—AMER. UNIV. PK.—4 BED ms.. 2*,2 baths, oil heat; 2-car gar.; beaut, it. $i 1.750 _Consider trade. Pot. 0924. DGEMOOR. MD - NEW BRICK HOUSE, st-floor den. lavatory. 3 bed rooms, 2 aths: $9,360. Potomac 0924, 323 RENO RD N W SACRIFICE BY wner leaving city; detached. H-room ouse of fluted brick. 4 bed rms . 2 baths, pacious porches, built-in garage; near chools. churches, stores and bus. Phone merson 2631.___ E . NEAR PA. AND MINN. AVES.-rt-R. nd b brick, h.-w.h . elec.: two-story rick garage. To close estate. *5.7 50. log 255-T. Star. 20* AUI 'S ADDITION-DETACHED. 8 RMS.. baths. 3 large porches, garage: reason ble. By OWNER. Randolph 077 7. 20* 8th AND PARK RD - 10 R. 3 B . LARGE Ide and rear yards: $11,000 trust. Sell. 1.300 above cost; at $25,000 you'll have his._Dist. Qao. 3048. EAR' UNION STA.. OOVT. OFFICE?; eal buy. 9 r. modern, furn.. $5,950; 400 cash: fine home, business proposition; ice yard, alley. Dist. 5404. ACRIFICE — BEAUTIFULLY WOODED >t. new center-entrance Colonial home. 0 irge rooms. Vermont slate roof, cooper ownspout and gutters, insulated, caulked, creened. open wood-burnine fireplace, de ached garage with overhead doors, fe deration automatic heat. OWNER, ienrgia 3527, or Adams 3198 after 5 p.Hl. 600 CASH. $60 PER MONTH."NO RE ewals: near 3rd and Longfellow sts. 0 irge rooms 3 Inclosed porches, same as wo extra rooms: concrete front porch, uilt-ln garage, completely reconditioned: ery low price. Georgia 352 7 or Adams 19R after^ 6 p.m._ IRECT FROM OWNER. MOVING OCT 1 -Save commission on too low price. 2042 lcKinley_st. n w . Chevy Chaae._D._C._ 215 MASS. AVE. N.W.— NEW BRICK -bed-rm house. 2'i baths: high location; elow appraised value. OWNER, Wis jnsin 6170. EAR CAPITOL. UNION STATION. SIS ' St. N. E Modern 30-ft. Colonial brick ouse. porches, oil burner. Terms if de ired. Open 2 to 4 p.m. or key 600 E r. E B. W. BAILEY. Adams 4780._ EAR CAPITOL—HAVE SEVERAL OOOD to 12 room houses. MR8. WILLIAMS, on E_St. N. E. _Phone_Lincoln 3143. <4- ALABAMA AVE S.E--6 ROOMS', rick, detached house;; oil heat, uilt-in garage. lovely side porch, shrub ery. large rear and back yards, with ish pond: excellent condition; only 8.250: see this house by al! means R. i. DUNNE. 804 H st. n.e. Lincoln 7636. ROOMS. 3 SLEEPING PORCHES : COR - er detached house: ami.; oil burner, etached garage: house 8 ft, above side walk with stone wall around lot wonder ul front porch: located in best section f Woodridge: the price is only 8(1.000. R } DUNNE. 604 H at. n.e. Lincoln 7636. 071 Oth ST. N.E.— fi-RM. BRICK: A.M I.: or quick sale, 55.850: only $850 cash; Oil rent at once tor $60. R. G. DUNNE 04 H st. n.e. Lincoln 7636. 150 44th PL. S.E.—4 ROOMS BATH, etached brick bungalow: a m i : shrub erv and side porch; must be sold: priced o.2o(>. R. G. DUNNE. 004 H st. n e. .Incoln 7636. 40 ATLANTIC ST. S.E^DETACHED rame bungalow, with 6 lots. 75x125; for uick sale, $3,000. R. G. DUNNE 004 _Lincoln 7630._ U8TOM-BUILT 6-ROOM BRICK; CO inial: new-house condition. 4415 38th t. n.w._ AROE BRICK CORNER-< 1 7'ROOMS- 7 athsi; stone wall around entire prop rty; new heating plant, plumbing, wlr ig. decorations. 2-car garage, ramp; first oor corner made into doctor’s office: tree! entrance, treatment rooms: located orner of Cathedral ave. at 27th *t Open or inspection until in p.m : Sun. 10 to phone Columbia 6348. Wlll trade. • ARGE CORNER PROPERTY IN NEED repair: cheap: suitable for beautiful lme Contractors, attention, nams 8405-j, og« ULL SELL MY HOME ON HOtlTST-NEAR Westchester Apts., for Sa.otio less than 1 Bid. Brick. 8 rooms. 2 baths, built-in arage: immediate possession; excellent mdition. Box 320-T. Star. "Vr^nI28hEE P1L NE 'MICHIGAN PK.) -n-room bungalow: upstairs partly fln hed. oil burner; yard, with fruit: $6,500 ?om\n-;Ul^,v.NOR£,AR-TYPE BRICK. 5 Joms and bath on first floor; 2 rooms and a m on second floor; oil. air- : andlfioned heat. Every home denotes un- i *ualiTPI1?aracier: accessible to schools and o minutes bus schedule time to the heart r»nth£ Clty: re8.sir.,cted residential section, all Emerson 6936. Walnut 7263 for in fection. ICINITY OF SOLDIERS'-HOME AND amonl st.-—Beautiful semi-detached brick. I rms. and bath, hot water, gas heat., rice. $5. ,oO. Small cash, balance monthly, all evenings. Cleveland 9271. OW DOWN PAYMENT AND TERMS LIKE ‘nt buys new. modern 6-room detached Ick home, automatic heat, built-in garage. Ice neighborhood. Near transportation nd schools. Choice section. 8ilver Spring istrlct 597B. Evenings. Adams 6847. LAKE UP AND READ. THINK AND ACT— am offering this Dronprtv at ric*. sen tills week. No I am not broke, ot even bent. Solely because my wife is ck and must be taken to New York for nange of air and treatment. This prop 'tv will double these prices in 5 years nother CAse of 14th and Park rd. or 18th nd Columbia rd. If you have no nose for !al estate, ask any first-class realtor JO toms. 3 baths, automatic gas heat and all le trimmings. Lot 65x125: $10,500; cost 2b.000, a few thousand cash Also the sst lot In this section. 50x125: $0,850. *08 Colorado ave. n.w. Phone Oeorgta •108. Oet busy, see them, buy them if you f Wise, either_or both. R A M 1 PORCHES: PUR. OR UNFUR . xtra kit.; brick: many extras: $250 cash. ;nt, $,0. Price. $6,750. furn. OWNER, :ox 349-T. Star. _ _ 26* KTWORTH BARGAIN—NEAR BT.^GA riel s Church , brick row home, arranged cr 1 families: fine condition: garage, nclosed rear porches: 2 mech. rfg*. 4423 th n.w. Open daily. Eve. phone Wise. 15(1._ 186 CATHEDRAL AVE. N.W?—DETl arge lot: new condition: oil heat. 2 baths: 300-8500 cash; might rent, exchange, me so. bus. stores, etc. Conduit rd to Tathedral ave. Open Sat., Sun.. Mon. TWNER. _ __ ofl. TP PER 16th ST.. 1308 GERANIUM — Xively Colonial home: liv. rm. with fire lace; sun parlor, screened porch. 3 bed ms., finished attic; maid's room, bath In asement. House insulated, screened; awn nss. oil heat, garage. Open daily. Geo. 114. SEOROETOWN; 1527 33rd SrT~N?W.— Ixcellent location. fi-room brick, auto tatic heat: $0,000, or offer: terms. Open -6 Sunday.___ SEORGETOWN: 1527 33rd fTT. N?W^ Ixcellent location: 0-room brick, automatic leat; $9,000 or offer; terms. Open 2-6 (urn___ 12 INGRAHAM STREET N.W.—FOR ale by owner—Six rooms, klass-inclosed un room, screened sleeping porch, all in rst-class condition: cellar on yard level: nusual lot, 1.48 feet deep, with garage on aved alley: Frigldatre: oil burner: storage ot water and new cabinet sink: within lock of bus: vacant: open for Inspection laturday and 8unday. * 531 ALTON PLACE—NEW HOUSE; 7 ooms. 2 baths: oil heat: attic bed room, t. J. MAZZA. Cleveland 3816. * :HEVY CHASE. D. C.—NEW. DETACHED? -room brick and frame; slate roof; copper lashing: full basement: attic; oil burner; arage; weather-stripped, insulated: open ■11 day Sunday: easy terms; under $9. mg.oo. • i2R 8th ST. N.E.7~ NEAR-F 8T.—FIRST ommercial xone: frame house. R rm».. lath, hot-air heat: good condition: 2-car netal garage. Free of all encumbrances. ■RICE. $.4,950. ANNUAL INCOME. $840— lear Kith and Mass. ave. n.e.—2 complete ipts. of 3 rms. and bath each, hot-water ieal. elec, refrigerators, hardwood floors: n good condition. Tenants furnish own leat. )IOT^B917._W. L. MOORE. GEO 2802. WOODSIDE PARK VIA 16 th ST. All brlrk. 3 bed rooms and child’s bed ooir. 2 full baths: attached garage: wide ot with flower garden: quiet street; owner caving city: worth fully $10,000. Owner gill make very substantial reduction for ash over trust. M. K. ARMSTRONG, Shepherd 2145._ LTTRACTIVE 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. 2 led rooms, h.-w.h.. oil burner: 93-ft. rontage on corner lot in Maryland: V« acre round: well landscaped: one-car garage. BRODIE & COLBERT. INC.. National 8876. #07 Eye St. N.W. HOUSCS FOR SALE. NEAR 18th AND COL. RD.—DETACHED. Brick house occupied by doctor: 10 rooms. 2 baths, h.-w.h.. oil burner, brick garages. 6 cars. 3 rented at 88 mo. each. BRODIE A COLBERT INC.. National 8876. _ 11 (17 Eye fit. N.W. _ 8.160 TO 8760 CASH. New brick, 2. 3 and 4 bed-room homes, automatic heat, slate roof. Insulated: lot 60x160: near school. Call Met. 1116 be tween 6 and 8:30 p m 4816 46th 8T. N.W . *10.850—One of finest NEW-HOME values of the day. Detached brick Colonial, modern to mtnut*: 2 BATHS. 7 ROOM8: 100% inaulated. In American University Park, between Davenport and Elllcott sts. OPEN TODAY, ll TO S P.M. BOBS A PHELPS. NATIONAL 8300._ SELECT SECTION OP GEORGETOWN. House contains 4 large rooms on the first floor and 6 large bed rooms (all with ’ high ceiltnga), back stair way, pantry, maid's room and bath. 3 open fireplaces, automatic heat: beautiful gardens; house is 2007 Que at. n.w. Open. In excellent condition and is now vacant. We do not know of any house for sale today In Oeorgetown at $20,000 that compares with this one at $15,000. MADISON BUILDING CO,. _1417 KJST. NATL. 8300 _ NEAR 81 GABRIELS CHURCH. Six large rooms, house in good condition; convenient stores and transportation. Phone Columbia 7H60-H Georgia 1650, * SILVER SPRING PROPERTY. WAPLE A JAMES. INC., Silver Spring Office. 8433 Oeorgia Ave._Shepherd 5200. 606 GREENWOOD AVE. Brand-now home; splendid location: near bus in Takoma Park; 6 rooms; air conditioned; large lot. garage; easy terms; $1,850. Open every day. HARRY P PITTS CO.. 1010 15th at. N.W. Mel. 0100. BARGAIN—$8.050—BARGAIN. Pacing Port Slocum Park; 7 rooms f4 bed roomsi. bath; reconditioned through out: looks like new; convenient to stores, schools and buses; equipped with auto matic heat: built-in garage; easy terms arranged; will consider trading for lot or small home in good section. For ap poimment. MR. FIELDS Oeorgia 2(142. marietta park. Semi-Detached. Two Baths. Automatic heat, recreation room, break fast room; t> rooms; built-in garage. ‘1 screened back porches and Colonial front porch; priced for quick sale at $8,950; terms. M. B WEAVER. WAPLE A JAMES INC Dist. 3346. 1334 14th St. N.W. Ciev. 4944. MASS. AVE . NEAR CATHEDRAL. Good-size 0-room house. 3 baths, maid's room, large' lot: owner anxious to sell. M. B. WEAVER Cleveland 4944. WAPLE JAMES. INC.. 1 '• '• 1 14th S' N.W. Dist 3347, BRAND-NEW. Woodside Terrace. Big fi-rootn brick home for $8 950; good-size lot. furred, weather-stripped, screened caulked: insulated, slate roof; automatic heat; close to stores and trans nortation. Clev._4H44. M. B WEAVER Dist. .1.140 NEW BRICK BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, fireplace, floored attlr auto matic heat. refrigeration. insulated, screened; garage; easy terms. Out Nichols ave. to Ala., left to Jlth pi., riaht to 12th and Congress Sts. BE WAPLE * JAMES INC . _1224 14th Si N.W.__District .1.147. _ NEAR Jlth AND PA. AVE. S E $3,000. 5 rms . bath: brick, porch good yard to 20-ft. alley; $.16(1 cash, $.1* 5(j per month. Columbia 21K4-J. WIS. AVE. AND MASS AVE Vacant. Immediate Possession. Detached modern brick dwelling new house condition: six large rooms. 2 baths, oil heat, -.’-car brick garage; reasonably priced: terms. JOHN SCRIVENER A BRO _ District .1580._»14 O Sc N W. BUNGALOW FRAME. „ t $4,260. Southeast: 2 bed rooms. 2 porches, bath cellar, hot-water heat, excellent condl tlon. Easy terms. Columbia 21M-J. SHEPHERD PARK TMyrHJr^PNSIDER SMALL ROW HOU8E f,, I?ADE °n a center-hall brick Colonial In beautiful Shepherd Park containing three large bed rooms, two baths, recrea i°. ™om side and rear porches in sulated weather-stripped, screened auto slxty-foot*ldt.Rn<* ‘ tW°'CRr ,RrR*e on » DIRECT FROM OWNER, —. _Box 21H-T. star. 2d* *4 .10(1— MODERN N.E. HOME hi. w.f0??1*- hot-water heat, front porch, n cellar: narage: in fact, a com f nd comfortabie home in a convenient Ii'h.tnd« ?or f 9"*ok sale al a T$1 *111 sell It at first Inspection 1 on this one Phone R. M HOOKER Metropolitan 2flfl.1 _ Prom I (o !< Call Adams 4380. BARGAIN IN ROOMING HOUSE roRoRm.»CenxIal. HiBh. J1 rooms 18 bed rooms Must sell. *10.500. G. B LI KEN 8 Potomac 68.17. pmwBTO^'^ UNDER 666 nClf?WORTH—1> large rooms, near Grant as desire. hrir?IOHH^?OD‘~~®em'-c,elac;^Pc^ tapestry brick, entirely reconditioned; G E re P^\house condition. r?nPJStTON REALTY CO., GEO 8300. _Georgia Ave. Eves.. Col I H8-> GEORGETOWN—OPEN ~ 1632 32nd ST.—$12,500. Detached « Rrm. 1 B. Old Colonial. w. J. I.EO KOLB. INC.. _ J !37Wlg Ai p West 0002$ A VERY DESIRABLE 5-RMl and bath, corner house, Pet worth section; a m i., attrac tively priced. Day. Natl. 3331; evenings, after 5:30, Emerson 9194. $6,250—8750 CASH. Bungalow. 5 rooms, screened porch, fire place. kitchen, pantry. Frigidaire. elec, stove, h.-w h . blower attached: full base ment ‘.’-car garage, large lot: exclusive sec tion Silver Spring; near school and trans portation. _ , _ COFFMA N REALTY CO . 8403 Oa. Ave.. Silver Springy_Shep.41 33. NEAR Columbia Country Club. Attractive six-room, two-bsth. Colonial type brick, less than five years old. excel lent condition: large living and screened sleeping porch overlooking garden, beautiful fio-foo*-front lot on crest of hill: maid's room and bath in basement; $13.350. 110 Aspen st. Wise. H318-J. 4726 RENO RD NEW CENTER-HALL COLONIAL. An excellent house with unsually large bed rooms, library maid's room and bath, recreation room; air conditioned; $18,750. Cleveland 8400. Apt. 333. _• $5,950 TO $6,450. 1110 45th PL SI. Beautiful n*w Cape Cod bungalow: liv ing room, dining room, two bed rooms, tile bath. General Electric kitchen, full base ment. Drive out Penna. ave. s.e. to Alabama ■ I'a turn la f • tn llib n| . „ v._ B. P. EVANS. INC 807 15th St. N W. National 7780. 28* STOP! T have found the most unusual value In Chevy Chase. D. C„ 1 block from trans portation: new. all brick and beautifully built with a lot 180 ft. deeD. The first floor consists of a LARGE LIV. RM . dining rm . ULTRA-MODERN KIT., and breakfast rm.. the second floor has 3 bed rms.. 2 which will hold twin beds and 2 lovely baths. A finished third floor is another of its many features. The price Is $10,750. and I defy comparison at this price. Call Clev. 2705 for further Information._ A RARE BARGAIN. NEARLY NEW. DETACHED. 3-BED-ROOM. 2-BATH BRICK HOME. Only one year old; placed well back from street, on lo ely shady lot 75 feet wide, oil heat, maid's room and extra bath In base ment. If built today would necessarily sell for $2,000 more than the very low price of $0,460 and splendidly financed. Investigate. Call MR. HATLEY. Wisconsin_4643. OPEN TONIGHT TO 10 P.JVT “The Electric Garden Home,” BARNABY WOODS. To the quaint appeal of an early stone and-brtck farm house, framed In the beauty of a virgin forest and bathed In a harvest moon—add the charm of a formal Barden and the enchantment of modern lighting and you have living at Its best. Drive out tonight and see this most in teresting of all exhibit homes. Furnished by Mrs. Sarah W. Mood.v with pieces from Potthast. Bros., of Baltimore. “Makers of the True Antiques of Tomorrow." To reach, olease follow directions carefully; Out Conn. ave. to Chevy Chase Circle, right on Western ave. 1 mile to exhibit house at corner of Arcada and Western. Our representative will direct you to “The Electric Garden Home." THOMAS J. FISHER & CO., INC., 738 15th St. N.W._Dlst. 6830. FORCED TO SELL. Owner must dispose of this practically new detached stone and brick Colonial bungalow: 2 bed rooms and bath on first floor; 2 bed rooms and bath on second floor: situated on a beautifully wooded and landscaped lot lust off Wilson lane In Bethesda. Containing over 12.000 feet of ground. An opportunity to save at least $2,000. Inspection by apoolntment only. Call Cleveland 9304 for further Information. CHEVY CHASE. D. C. 3170 Tennyson St. (Just East of Utah Ave.) New Detached Brick. 6 Rooms. Including Kitchen. With Breakfast Nook. 2 Complete Baths, Large Closets. Floored Attic. Furred Walls. Weather-stripped. Rock Wool Insulation: Gas Furnace: Choice Location: Very Near to Bus. Outstanding Value at $10,850. This Is an Electric Health Kitchen. _Open 2 to 9 P.M._28* $8,950. UPPER 16th ST. $500 CASH. An attractive, new Colonial brick home: 6 large rooms. 2 baths, recreation room, oil heat. Can be converted for 2 families If desired. $75 monthlypayment includes taxes and Insurance. This is a bargain. Call Columbia 7680. ~ H0US1S FOR SAH.__ The Last of the Beautiful BLAIR COURT HOMES. $8,850. This distinctive fl-room brick Colonial, corner of Gist ave. and Blair court. Silver Sprint, will be opened for Inspection Sun day. Three unusually larxe bed rooms, lovely kitchen and bath, spacious porch, attached aaraae with overhead doors, large corner landscaped lot. A eem of a home at a moderatejprlce._ Shep 3330. 20* THE HOME YOU HAVE ALWAYS WANTED, IN PETWORTH. _ CALL COLUMBIA ftftBS-M. 1841 BURKE ST. S.E. NEW BRICK HOMES. (Between 18th. Iftth. B and C Sts.) Six rooms, two baths, finished recreation room In basement; hardwood floors and trim; hot-water heat, oil burner. $7,450. $500 Cash—$02.50 Monthly. Pays everythin*. Interest taxes, water rent. Insurance and curtailment. See agent on premises. Phone District 2434. STEUART BROS., INC. SILVER SPRING, MD., HIM Radnor rd.. Just eouth of Franklin ave—New brlrk bungalow, large kitchen, tiled bath, full dining room, living room with open fireplace. 1 large bed rooms, room for 2 rooms and bath In attic h.-w h: 75-ft. lot: price reduced to $7.(150. Will make attractive terms io earnest home seeker. This house Is beautifully located. In an area of advancing prices, adjacent to Indian Spring Club and Sligo Valley Park Open now for inspection. Phone Silver Soring OKI. _ OWNER MUST SELL. 3100 WORTHINGTON ST. Chevy Chase. D. C. OPEN TODAY. SUNDAY and MONDAY. 2 to 5 P.M— ONLY $10 500. Attractive corner brick (painted while!, trimmed with stone. Three larae bed rooms end two modern baths. Built only a few months. Must be seen to be appreciated. Out Western ave. to Tennyson to 31st, then north toJiouse._ 3125 CENTRAL AVE. N.eT The biggest buy for the least money 7 r. oil heat beautifully landscaped lot ii. oeriuR is DPiirvmK. open Sunday. H. C MAYNOR, 2(105 Brentwood rd, n.e. North 4338, WHY PAY RENT When we will aell you a dandy fl-r. house for only $250 down pnvmeut and *55 monthly? H. C. MAYNOR, 2805 Brent wood rd. n.e _ _ $4,250—SOUTHEAST. Convenient to Capitol and Library; three-story brick; seven rooms and bath: hot-water heat: an excellent buy either for a home or Investment. JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS, _314Jpenna. Are. BE __ $7,350. 1 838 POTOMAC AVE 9 E. Colonial brick six lame rooms and tile bath, oil heat, inclosed rear porches An ideal home that can be purchased on very a'tractive terms. JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS, _ 314 Penna. A ve. BE _ $5,750—VACANT. 1 R°R A ST S E Near Eastern High School. Just re decorated throughout: Colonial brick. six rooms and tile bath, hot-water heat, double rear porches, garage. Can be Hold on very easy terms. JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS, _ 314 Pent', a Avp 8E. $7.500—NEW CONDITION. Northwest brlclc. 8 spacious rooms, tile bath. 3 porches Half block of all con veniences. Randolph 5418. BETHESDA. MD. New bunralow, 5 rooms bath porch, full hasement. Isrite attic, automatic heat, a barratn. $5 750: *750 cash 00*8 REALTY CO . 8800 Wisconsin Ave N.W Wise 7553 OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. 4001 MARLBORO PL N W (Shepherd St.. Between 3rd and 4th > Lovely corner brick, near St Oabrlel's Church. 7 larae rooms and finished attic. Excellent condition Esslly arranged as 2 apts Priced at only $8,050. _LEO M BERNSTEIN CO Met. *>400._ COME AND SEE WOODMOOR, The Perfectly Planned Community Adjoining Indian Spring Golf Course. A fully developed community, only 20 minutes’ direct, drive from downtown out Irtth st Into Colesvllle rd. Beautiful New' Homes of Many Types. EXHIBIT HOME, 107 PIERCE DRIVE. Furnished by W. Sc J. Sloane. Open Every Day and Evening. MOSS REALTY CO Tower Bldg Metropolitan 1776. _Woodmoor—Shep. 4517. Open Daily and Evenings. 117 Quackenbos st. n.w.—New detached brick. H rooms, recreation room. 2 baths, gas heat detached garage deep lot. STROUP REALTY CO . Georgia * I .2S OPEN—BURLEITH—$6,950. 3622 S ST. N.W. A modern brick home, just put in A-1 condition, in a fine restricted residential section, nr. graded. Gordon Jr . and West ern High Schools Excellent direct, bus and car service downtown. A FINE HOME OR INVESTMENT. BRODIE & COLBERT, INC., 1707 Eye 81. N.W._NatL_887.V 4700 47th ST. N.W. COLONIAL—Beautiful home on large, attractively landscaped corner lot Built J 9,22 to order for particular owner by W. C. A A. N. Miller. First floor; Living room, dining room kitchen and large screened porch. Second floor: .2 bed rooms. 2 baths. Gas heat. Rear lawn inclosed by attractive rose covered fence. Ideal for children or flower garden Price. $12 000. Seen by appointment only. Phone Dist. 4404. W. C. & A. N. MILLER. _1119 17t.h 8t. N.W._Dist._44R*._ SMALL CASH PAYMENT. SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Longfellow st. n.w.—New. elevated, de tached brick: R bright, airy rooms, rec. room. 2’a tiled baths. Convenient to all stores and bus. Own-r will sell for less i than cost Lincoln 2571-J._ MT. PLEASANT. 1737 KENYON 8T. 9 room*. l‘» baths. Rood condition: splendid location: house open every after noon: this is an absolute baraain. and yon should see It. Wm M Throckmorton. Inc.. _Investment Bldg._District HOP2._ BEAUTIFUL BRICK HOME; 5 rooms, tile bath with shower. Screened and weather-stripped Small cash pay ment and monthly rent will pay for this home: in nearby Va BRODIE & COLBERT, INC., _1707_ EyeSt.N.W._NaU KSTfK_ SPECIAL OFFERING. $13,500. BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED ON CATHE DRAL OPPOSITE HISTORIC ESTATE 4 b. r.. 2 baths, auto. heat, garage: ex cellent condition. Call Adams 6173 for Inspection.__ AMAZING VALUE. New Detached Home, $9,950. Paneled living room and dining room. If you want a beautiful home, see this today. 21* EAST UNDERWOOD ST.. OH. CH . MD. Out Conn. ave. to Underwood it.. 3 blocks to house. Carefree comfort with modern gas appliances. BROWN BROS. CORP.. DIBTRICT 2724. CHEVY CHASE, 5322 41st ST. N.W. 8 rooms. 1’j baths, oil heat: new-house condition: single car garage: price. *8.750; *750 cash, #80 monthly. Decatur 0501. Col. 1973._29* $2,500—INVESTMENT. Horn* located In fine neighborhood, renti for *30 monthly. This is a real sacrifice. Call Adams 6173 for an inspection._ CAPITOL HILL. One block to Supremo Court, attractive 2-storjr home; 8 rooms, bath, electricity. Priced only *3.750. A person with *750 cash and *30 per month can overcome the high cost or rents by starting with It. It’s an excellent Investment. L. T. GRAVATTE, 72P 15th St. Realtor. Natl. 075.3. Evening. Phone Georgia 4987. OLD GEORGETOWN. A renovlaed home; lot. 32x120: hao liv ing room, dining room, kitchen and pantry 8n 1st fl.: 3 bed rooms and bath on 2nd Bryant gas furnace, electricity, in sulated sidewalls and ceilings. Side drive garage. Vacant and ready for occupancy. Priced, #15.000. _ L. T. GRAVATTE, 729 15th St. Realtor. Natl. 0753. Evenings. Mr. Owen, Col. 8166._ SACRIFICE SALE BY OWNER. 4345 KLLICOTT ST. N.W.—*10.250. After 8 months of occupancy owner It being transferred from Washington and la forced to sell charming NEW DETACHED two-story Colonial BRICK SIX-ROOM home near stores, bus. trolley and schools. LANDSCAPED plot 45x100. AUTOMATIC gas heat, separate water heater. CON CEALED RADIATION, completely Insulated and weather-stripped, slate roof, coppei water pipes, oak flooring. CARPETED STAIRS and VENETIAN BUNDS. 3 large bed rooms, one of which la paneled. 2 Vi tile batha, screened-in porch, fully equipped kitchen. storage attic. RECREATION ROOM. OARAGE, work bench and tools, garden equipment, ebo. INQUIRE ol OWNER AT PREMISES. Phone Emerson 4637. _OPEN TOR INSPECTION. UPPER 14th ST. If you are looking for a bargain In a large corner home that can be used for many purposes, and la located In a most convenient neighborhood, phone National 2040 for further detail*. Prlee le** than *18,000. m y* __HOUSES FOR SALE. N.W. BARGAIN. ' 81!» Whittier «t. n.w.—Attractive de tached home In new-nouae condition: 8 large rooma. bath, oil heat, large lot. ga rage. front porch. Price, $8,nfl0. Open until n n.m. _ 3034WmveR NTg.OROW^c°D03,7. 1338 NEWTON ST. N.W.—fi HOOM8; modern: vgcant. Open for Inapection Sat urday and Sunday 'til 0 p m. Price very reasonable. B. CRIFASI CO., 1034 Vermont, Ave. National fllHO. We Will Take Your House in Trade—So Inspect 4808 ELLICOTT ST. N.W. $10,750. OPEN DAILY 'TIL 0 P M. A beautiful detacned all-brick home, facing a beautiful Qovernment park: n very large rooma. 3 complete baths, slate root, copper downspouts. (Uttering and flashings: thoroughly Insulated and copper acreened throughout Detached garage on rear ol large lot. Easiest kind of terms will buy this beautiful home. A. 8. GARDINER. 1510 K St. N.W._National 0334. 14 ROOMS—3 '/2 BAHTS. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, Just off 14th at. n.w.—Brick, semi detached: new oil burner with Summer hook-up: 2-car brick garage: house in per fect repair; suitabLc for rooming house. Outstanding value a? $12,4.50. Call Erner aon 4570. __ .SACRIFICE. BETHESDA, MD. CAPE COD BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, base ment. space for 2 additional rooms in attic; large wooded lot. beautiful shade trees. Owner transferred, must sell, or'v $H.;I50. Small cash payment. Permanently financed. GOSS REALTY CO., _8300 Wise. AVE_ wise B55S. CHEVY CHASE—$9,750. T am leaving the city and necessarily forced to sell m.v attractively designed home at a sacrifice. 7 large rms.. Including living room. 33x13. opening onto screened porch. Ilixll; 3 large and 1 smaller bed rooms with lovely sun porch, recreation room of knolty pine paneling: lot 76x330. nearly Vs acre, beautifully landscaped. nousf pracucany new ana situated along a group of new homes in highly restricted subdivision. One look is worth a thousand words. For particulars call Georgia 1420. CORNER BUNGALOW, $7 450 OPEN SUNDAY. 2 TO 6 P.M. ft larie rooms and bath, private screened side porch, all on one floor, new heating plant and oil burner, elec. refg.. screens, weather-stripped, awnings, detached ga rage. 200 Qu&ckenbos st. n w. is the ad dress. a delightful and convenient location. DI8T gflrr. W I MOURE GBO 2802 PRICE. $5,750. 105 and 107 Grant ave. Takoma Park Md These arp 0-room and bath. 2-story stucco houses which have been completely reconditioned and are located on a paved street in one of the best sections of Takoma Park Convenient to stores, schools and transportation. Call Shep. 20QQ. TakomaJPark Bank for appointment i $7 950 NO DOWN PAYMENT. You pny only monthly Daym»nts fust Ilk, rent. Beautiful, new six-room brlrk house on wide avenue, overlooking entire ntv: tlie hath, electric health kitchen, furred walls, dry basement. Only one left at these terms Drive out Penna ave 5 e. to Alabama ave. turn left to Southern ave. to No '313. .__ 311* BRIGHTWOOD. 9S.350. fi-rm. brick .semi-detached house com pletely reconditioned. Ha« table-top gas range, electric refrigeration, and Inlaid Itnoleum. all new. H -w.h Convenient to schools, store*, theater street car and bus transportation, and within 4 block* of Takoma Recreation Center. Good terms. I i WM. H. SAUNDERS CO.. INC., _1919 K st. N.W. District 1015._ $4,990, Will build on your lot a brick bungalow large living room, dining room two bed . rooms, tile bath kitchen, full basement, het-water heat. Sample house can be seen. Permanently financed low monthly pay ments. Phone BUILDER. National 7760. 1344 RANDOLPH ST. N.W7 Attractive row brick, in new-house con dition: 8 rooms, tile bath, concrete front porch: oil heat, large lot, garage near cars, schools and stores. Price. $0,250. Open until o pm WILLIAM R THOROWOOOD 2024 R^I. Ave N E __ Dec 0317. A PERFECT GEM. Shepherd Park. The Most Modern New Home Ever Built in Washington. 7 Rms 2 Baths; Air Conditioned: Oarage $13,050; Terms. Natl. 0583. Adams 2218. EXCEPTIONAL bargain; $11,950. I6th and Varnum at. nw—0 spacious rmi *5 bed rms ». 2 baths: gas heat; ! southern exposure garage coat owner $17,000: terms arranged W. B KRAFT _Natl. 0583 F’. e - . Adams 2218 _•! 117 HAMILTON ST.’N.W. You can live in complete privacy on the 1st fl while you rent the 2nd fl to help meet your monthly payments. Completed ! equipped kitchen and coiaplcte bath with tub and shower on both floors. French i doors shut off one floor from the other. OPEN DAILY WM. H SAUNDERS CO., INC., DISTRICT 101 ft. 1345 JEFFERSON ST. N.W. Thoroughly reconditioned and as good as new; 7-rm. house with oil h -w h.. elec, refrigeration and gas range. Many other pleasing features. OPEN 2 TO ft P M WM. H SAUNDERS CO.. INC.. _DISTRICT, 1 h 1 ft _ ANTIQUARIUM. Early American; interesting, rare old pieces from collection of Mary Crockett Peebles atudio. Displayed with exceptional originality In interior decorating in beau tiful new $14,500 Colonial home at 4208 i 4ftth st. n.w. Drive out Massachusetts I ave . turn right at 40th st. one block and 1 right again to 45th st. W. C. & A. N. MILLER. _111 1 7th St. N.W. Dist. 4464._ RESTRICTED NORTHEAST. $500 Cash—$55 Monthly. New o-ronm Colonial brlrk. automatic heat, beautiful bath with Neo-Angle tub; detached brick garage on a deep lot: con venient to everything. A real bargain and should be #een Immediately. To inspect. call Columbia 48ft 1.__ _ 3718 LIVINGSTON ST. N.W., 1 CHEVY CHASE. D C. bed rooms*, with l bed room and bath on 1st floor: garage: lot. 150' deep with large trees: high-reilin« basement with full-sized windows, good recreation room possibilities*, large kitchen with pantry. Located Only 1 - Block From Conn. Ave. Convenient to stores, schools, churches, transportation and other conveniences. An established section of flne homes, good neighbors and secure values. Completely reconditioned and refinished Nke new. with all the best features of older construction. PRICE. $12,600. Open Until 9 P.M. New Chevy Chase Homes Priced at $10,950 (which is under the murk*,) Detached Brick Homes 6 big rooms 2 complete both* attic, garage large lot Convenient term,. Will eoniider trade. MODEL HOME NOW OPEN. 5441 32nd Sf. N.W. (Ju«t nerth nf Military Road at 32nd) WAPLE & JAMES, INC. l-m 14th St. N.W. Dintrlet *347. L / SPECIAL I V bargains REDUCED FROM $22,500 TO $16,500 7603-5 16th St. 10 rooms, 4 baths, 6 bed rooms, 2-cxr brick garage, oil heat. Lot 50x149. Beautifully situated and convenient to new schools and shop ping center. Don't miss this opportunity to se cure a real bargain. Open and Lighted Come Out Tonight Howenstain Realty Corp. 1418 B N.W. DIst. 7877 *—n HOUSES rOR SALt. CLEARWOOD, K new community of homes from $5,000 lo $7,500. Modern 4, 5 and 6 rm«„ 1 and < l baths, sewer, water. «as. elec.; 2 biles. ! to 15-mln. bus. Sidewalks, curbs, streets. 1 * miles to downtown. Low down payment; terms. Out Rhode Islan 1 ave. to 1 flth ri.e., left at Queens Chasel rd. Follow J l2 miles past D. C. line to property or call Greenwood .'i4fitt for free car service. _CLEARWOOD DEVELOPMENT CO,_ ] 3011 FOXHALL RD. A fine Colonial residence of moderate size and price in beautiful Wesley Heights. Offered for sale because of 1 the owner leaving the city. . Open for your inspection Sat., 2-5 p.m.; Sun., 11-2 p.m., and 3-6. SANDOZ. INC., _ ~ Dupont Circle Dtc, 4010. ONLY $500 CASH. BALANCE LIKE RENT. Large ti-room all-brick house*, lot* 100x ISO: every modern convenience: attached garage: carefree comfort with modern gas appliances. There are only three of these nne homes fone la a corner) in a fine, re stricted section. STRMQHT °UT CONN AV0 1'i MILES BEYOND CHEVY CHASE LAKE TO SAUL HOAD AND PROPERTY. _ A. S GARDINER. _Hill R St. N W._National 0344. $1,000 SAVING. NEW, ULTRA-MODERN. OIL HEAT—2 PORCHES—GARAOE ■'I large bed rms., uv. rm.. din. rm„ beau tifully equipped kit. and bath, shower: large recreation rm.. full attic and cellar. 1 block bn*. to stores and school. WOODLAND DRIVE WOODSIDE PARK. Out Georgia ave.. 4 blocks past traffic light at Silver Soring, turn right, on East Grace church rd. one block, then right i to houses. OPEN DAILY. _Owner’s Phone. Shepherd 3783_ BRICK BUNGALOW. Nr. River Rd. and Western Ave. * rooms, bath, oil heat; splendid con dition: 1 ‘j blocks from bus. Not onlv a splendid home but really an Investment. INVESTIGATE. KELLEY. STEELE A BRANNER Dist. 7 « 4 I _ Eves. Em£rson_fi.'{.*)7. DO YOU NEED 4 bod rooms at a moderate price’ Do you 1 want a modern, up-to-the-minute BRICK home in one of n.w. Washington's nicest ' sections? If you should, by all means In spect this delightful home OIL HEAT !!', baths, furred walls, slate roof, nicely land scaped lot •Ifm ft. deep. '1-car detached taraee. CHESTNUT TRIMMED THROUGH OUT. Owner paid substantially more than ; the present price of *10 RBO. on a lower market, and has since spent over *1.000 In worth-while improvements, for further information call Clev. '1735. OPPORTUNITY Situated on one of the highest point* in Washington, on a beautiful wide avenue where all the homes are new and pretty, I* this attractive English Normandie brick home. Six large rooms, two beautiful baths, elaborate recreation room, two stone fireplace*, one-car garage. This is vour last op portunity to secure a home on this avenue. Convenient to schools, stores and express bus transportation. 5235 New Hampshire Ave. N.W. BEITZELL 1515 K St. N.W. District 3100 811 Maple Lane Silver Spring, Md. A 3 Bed Rooms A Recreation Room A Hardwood Floor, A Venetian Blind* A Oil-burning Furnace A Charming Rock Garden A Large Lot A Near Cathol c School, || Church, Store, and Busi nes, Section. Open Sunday 10 to 5 TO REACH: Drive out Georgia Are. to Post Office in Silver Spring, turn right l blocks to house. Call Owner, Wise. 6363 HILLCREST HOMES Just Finished 2 New Homes j Large rooms, recreation room, , oil heat, attic; modem in every j detail. | Open to 9 F.M. 32nd Cr W Sts. S.E. (Juat North of Alabama Ave.) See These Homes Now WAPLE tx JAMES, INC. ! 1224 14tVl 84. N.W. Di. 8347 $4,875 Betheada, Md. 202 Southwick St., Huntington Terrace Exhibit Bungalow Paneled living room. 2 bed rooms, kitchen and bath. Completely In sulated throughout. Bryant con ditioned-air heated. Carefree com fort with modern gas appliances. TO REACH: Drive out old Georae town road 12» miles north of Bank of Bethesda. left on Southwick st.. two blocks to home Marshall-Walker, Inc. 1147 Conn. Avfl. Wis. 4398 See This New Detached Home Open Daily Until 9 F.M. 4912 43rd PI. N.W. 6 rooms and bath (first-floor lavatory), finished attic, Vene tian blinds, large landscaped ;j lot; modern construction and finish; low price, reasonable terms. EDW. M. WILLIS, Investment Bldg., National 7479 You Are Missing Some* j thing If You Don’t See WOODSIDE VILLAGE (Georgia Ave. at 9500 block) i Tarn rirht on Corwin Drive. j i • You will nee our sivn. (( / 7 different design*. j Worthy of your consideration and \i( i inspection. Furnished model home, ij Open to 9 P.M. j 906 Corwin Drive j 6, 7 and 8 rooms, 2 baths. ! Priced $8,950 to $10,750 ! 1 More house than you have seen i I before for the money. Will con- ( elder trade. Equipped "Carefree , J Comfort with Modern Gas Appll- , 1 ances." ((> WAPLE A JAMES, Inc. ! mt nth st. n.w. dl 3347 ! ( __HOUSES FOR SALE. WASHINGTON CIRCLET *8,500—C-atory brick, 8 room*, btlh. lee., h.-w. heat; corner of alley. Ideal for : famine*. .let, 20'J5. D B. BARRY. 1807 H Sr N W SACRIFICE. BRICK BUNGALOW. . *5,500. 5 room*, tile bath, attic. Corner lot - i.-w.h.: good n.w. location, any reasonable emu accepted. GOSS REALTY CO. 1405 Bye St._Natl. 135*. TWO NEW VALUES. 310 GALLATIN ST. N.W. Brick, 8 room* <4 bed room*), 2 bath*; lompletely modern with a completely quipped kitchen. 241 INGRAHAM ST. N.W. Brick. 7 large rooms. 3 bed rooms. 9. lath*- recreation room m’lth fireplace and avatory and toilet in basement. Kitchen t eaulppcd with refrigerator, range, built n cabinets and linoleum. OPEN DAILY. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO.. INC., _ DISTRICT 1015. _ _ 321T CHAPPELL RD. N.W. Somethin* new in a modern 8-room prick detached home Drive out to the >800 bjk. of Broad Branch rd. to Chappell d. and lnapect. OPEN ” TO 5 P M. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO., INC., DISTRICT 1015. ESTATE ON PLYMOUTH ST. . If you want the best de luxe home value In the finest section, and are willing to pay around *30.00(1. phone National 2040 [or further particulars. Chevy Chase, D. C. 5323 29th St. N.W. X INSPECT TONIGHT | 6 New Homes Ju*t South «f Military Road 8 Big Room*, 2 Bath, Big lot. Garage. High elevation. Double porches. Gas heat. 4 Style* io Choose From Don't go war out in Maryland or Vir ginia and spend half your time on the road. Our (oration I* only A minutes to Irtlh St. and Ik 10 squares (hi* side of C hevy Chase Circle. Drive out to 59th and Military Rd. ana thence South square or take Conn Are. bus to kOth and Military Ra. and walk east one square. Open Until 9 P.M. Howenstein Realty Corp. 1418 H N.W._ DIM. 7817 ARLINGTON *6,950 Guaranteed for 1 Year •*» and H rm brick stone houses. Incom parable for the price Beautiful sub division. Wonderful neighborhood. HO. fr lots loc bus line Near schools. 15 minutes to Washington Small Cash Payment Balance Monthly Until Paid For Hlnn Wirerlr Hill. Addition Hiihlr Protected mnd Eielu.iee Come and tee it all we aak TO REACH■ Turn on Lee Htnhu'nv at Rosstvn, an through Cherrvdale blnekt. turn lett on Tavlor St. of Marcv S Store and lollou sign. Sample House Open Daily and Sunday Built by Hine's Engineering 1511 K St. N'.VT. See Your Broker NEW DETACHED BRICK —Center Hall $9,650 *1 1)00 cash. ?H5 per month will buy this beautiful home Has « large well-arranged rooms two complete baths, breakfast room off kitchen finished attic heated auto matic heat: furred walls, rock wool insulation and large concrete front porch with iron balustrades Con venient to two bus lines, also stores and schools Open Until 9 P.M. Daily ! Bloir Road and Milmarson PI. N W _ . , model home 5 Milmarson PI. N.W. WILE CONSIDER TRADE WAPLE & JAMES, INC. ir.M 1 Ith St, N.W.PI, s-t 17 BiiiiiiiiiiiirNnifijiiiiiiiiiiiriiriiiii^ H IF INTERESTED r = We would like you to investi- =E == gate the new homes now on dts- =E = Play at ' := = Country Club Village - == Of particular appeal to the === = home buyer Is architecture that — = is of accepted types, yet charm- EEE = ingly diversified =: = Differently designed homes = === lend a freshness to a common- —— = Hy which invites people to live = = there. = _ This fact i« reflected in Country Club Village, where no = - two homes are alike, which is - = located in a densely wooded sec- - = tion of the metropolitan area of = = Montgomery County, where = - values are advancing rapidly— r—— = and only is minutes from = = downtown, with all improve- = = ments completed = = To those who appreciate finely =. = built homes at a moderate price = - and who know that a home is a • = lifetime investment, we can = - truthfully say that Country = - Club Village is outstanding and - = that it is an ideal place to live. = —- We still have a few more —— beautiful sites. See us. We = == shall gladly give you any In - = y* formation and help you with - = your new home problem. No =s obligation. = === Out Moss. Are. Extended === keep right into River Rond -in# = -- yardt to vrovertp or mile he- = === vond Kenwood Country Club. - M JOHN F. WYNKCOP H= Col. 6705 Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiii TO THE THRIFTY 5 Built—3 Sold Something to See New Homes New Plan A lovely one-family home or can be arranged for two families. Finished Recreation Room. In addition to the large rooms— we have back porches built of concrete, and deep lots. A new and different automatic heating outfit—air conditioned, where heat ing cost will be less than half. The price is surprisingly low. Model Home Now Open 1521 Ootes St. N.E. (Just West of Sears. Roebuck"' 1 | Will Consider Your Lot in Trade Louii Marathon—Builder WAPLE & JAMES, INC. 1224 lllh St. N.W. District 3317 3 Fine Values In Shepherd Park j 7905 13th St. N.W. New Breuninger-built homp. detached brick. 2-car brick garage. wooded lot. 3 bed rooms 2 baths, lavatory, sewing room, study, and recreation room; air conditioned. Be sure to see this. 1204 Holly St. N.W. fl rooms, detached 1-car garage, oil heat, deep lot. thoroughly recondi tioned Lowest price we have ever quoted In Shepherd Park. (R DM). 7616 13th St. N.W. A BREUNINGER-BUILT house com pletely reconditioned. 4 bed rooms, solarium. 2 baths oil heat, deep lot beautifully landscaped, only 3 blks. to school, no thoroughfare to cross. 1413 Delafield PI. N.W. (One Block From 14th St.) Large, detached brick, just recondi tioned throughout. 0 rooms. 3 baths. 2 large porches, large modernised kitchen. 3-car brick garage with quar ters above. A wonderful home for the large family. L. E. Breuninger & Sons, Inc. 1730 K St. N.W. Natl. 2010 _ HOUSES FOR SALE. SACRIFICE—PET WORTH. . , ^ *5.750. ...” T™*- *n(i bath, built-in garage h -* h . screened porches: we consider this thg best bargain we have seen this year. GOSS REALTY CO., 3 405 Eye St. National 1353. __Evening. North 5HH5-J. COLORED—NEAR UNION STATION E ST. SiV ifi5fenktP<land :ird' -Semi-detached. ei.o'Wi,^?? brick, .t-atory; a rooms, bath. J1*'- .t™!' "’‘.J.lf'ouse condition: *0.000: easy terms._ OWNER. 1113 Euclid ai 3rt* and<*«S1iu7jfINaMA£ PARK—*350 CASH and f t, 50 per month. 534 35th nl n e nnd rPar porches; new-house Randolph'an44,m0t!Crn- Ca“ MR **»* _ “ COLORED. ’ -hd gt. n w.—7 rooms. Prlre, Tail'.? Lu. K^,y. terms: 2 brick houses in 1400 blk. D at, s.e. Price. S4 OfiO Easy term* G. H LALEGER 1410 H at nw Plat. i*l». Everjfeg Georgia 30ft 1 . 3o gOLoREDT ' An unusual opportunity to get a two family house in a most desirable Columbia rd location. All papers handled b» build ing association. No note renewal* no first trust Quarterly interest. A small down payment, balance like rent Call Adami 0043. 25* colored: An unusual opportunity to aet a .vplen did eiRht-room home in a most d*sir*b!i downtown location entire houae In firat class condition, hot-water heat electru 'iRhts. traraRp space for thrpp cars «pr> brirlc fireplace. Just th«® type down'owr home to suit those particular In theii selection. Price. *7.15o. Reaaonab:i terma can bp arranaed CHAS D SAGER «*:4 14th 8t N W. __National 003ft._ COLORED--DESIRABLE F’OR DOCTOR OR DENTIST. Near 18th and Columbia Road. Offered at *.’1.000 under original price Colonial, tapestry brick, semi-detached. *. big rooms and bath, 3 porches, deep lot. Just reconditioned. Automatic heat. Cat District 1311 _ __ COLORED See Theae NEW HOMES Before You Buy! 1 ALL SOLD BUT 3 | STONE-STEEL-BRICK HOMES B*'‘er hurrr If you wish to Invpert • these new homes that are new in construction, new in design new in equipment. Although JUST OPENED only of these New 8T ONE-ST EEL BRICK HOME3 remain unsold. Capital View America's Finest Colored Community. SEE MODEL HOME 5218 E Capit-I Street OPEN WEEK DATS AND SUNDAYS \ 1:00 F.M. to 0:00 F.M. Drv\e nut Benmno Rond to c?v*rrjl Avenue, turn left to property. j CAPITAL VIEW REALTY CO. 925 New York Avenue N.W. National 979? HOUSES WANTED TO BUY._ IMMEDIATELY. CASH FOR BARGAINS: any brick houses. Call E W BAILEY Adams 4T80. or 14115 Meridian pi. n.w ALL CASH AT ONCE FOR ANY BRICK Oil frame house in the city any condition white or colored EARLE W. MANSON 117_Evn.w. District MOTT 'Ji;• 0 TO 8 RMS.. PREFER OLD HOUSE ALl cash: poss. in 45 days. E. A GARVEY. Dirt 4508. Eve. and Sun.. Geo. fiOOo.J 138 Vt.ave CASH FOR HOUSES BRICK OR FRAMB white nr colored, any condition. E A BARRY._04:ih ] 4:h n.w. Columbia 6080 1 HAVE 81.500.00 TO INVEST IN'"BRICfi house, subject to one trust. th*f is rent^t or will rent from $40.00 to $60.00 pel month. Box 20H-T Star. 26* N E. OR SF CAPITOL TO LINCOLN Park; any fl to 12 room houses; ready r«v| buyers Call E W BAILEY. Adam* 4‘«*»i or mail at once to 1436 Merid;an pi n w. SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE 6-ROOM AND BATH COLONIAL HOME IT* nearby Virginia: h.-w.h.: lot 45x100; np* garage: easily made into 2 act* pa* In, home by ren’ing one. Phone Lincoln 10421 after ?_p m._ WILL SELL 1 TO 3 ACRES ON NO ! Highway on easy term*. Suitable for home tourist camp, club gas station grocer: store, repair station, barbecue stand an* other enterprises. This property U nea. Washington.__Box 250-T. Star RIVERDALE. MD.—7-ROOM HOUFtf good furnace: lot 90x160: near car and b i line, double garage large fish pond, chic* en house, grape arbor, strawberries, flo? ers and shrubbery. Price. $6,500. Smal down payment, #45 month, cot ers In-errs and principal. Phone Greenwood_l 7$«-R STUDIO VILLAGE- -SIX-ROOM BRlrK well located, near bus. school; on nice lot. 3 bed rms . 12x22 liv. rrn.. full basement garage: two years old newly redec.; ranei and Kelvlnator; $6,750. Any reas. terms MR. HALLOCK. owner. Ridge 272 OWNER ORDERED AWAY OFFERS CO lonial home having seven large room* ' two and half baths porch, garage. Lm 1 150X195 in one of the finest development* ; of Mont Co. a* sacrifice price of $9 f»5o I Call Adams 0022._ _ _26* HOUSE. ELEC . WATER. FULL BASE ! ment. floored attic: J* mi out Colesvill* , Pike to Carroll’s Garage: $1,500. McCLEAN NEW BRICK BUNGALOW: 5 RMS BATH automatic heat. Electrolux built-in ga rage; price #6.250 25-27 Kennebec ave. : Tak Pk. Shep. 156S. WASHINGTON GROVE. MD.— 5 ROOM! i and bath, elec . 2-car garace. chicks i house: lot 100x150: $2,500. R. R. WAY I LAND. Jackson k54* • MODERN 4 ROOMS. BATH. ACRE ~ Oil we will build to your plan like rent. Fair* I fax 59-W-l. GLADYS WINFIELD 26 BY OWNER-—VIENNA? VA —WASHING* I ton 12 miles: attractive homp sites, lots oi acreage: 30 acres: woods, spring streams macadam road: rea*onably priced. JO* SEPH BERRY. Vienna. Va. Phone Vleani I MODERN 5-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW* with tile bath, h.-w.h. with oil burner, built-in garage, screened, weather-stripped; I cases and cabinets: price. *5.500; ea-i 1 terms ZANTZINGER CO 90S Balto. pika Riverdale._Greenwood 1*19. ALEX ANDRIA—ARC H IT ECT' S "NEW. XTn" usual home: air-conditioned, fully insul ated: 0 rooms. .’{ showers; large studtfl living room has knotty pine walls and real fireplace; other features; larae corner lo\ 15 minutes to D. C ; beautiful trees attrac tive views: reasonable. Phone Alexandria .‘i.'U.'l-M for directions. • BUNGALOW. 0 LARGE ROOMS. A M I ; hot-water heat; beautiful lot: convenient bus and stores: .'10 min. downtown: a real home, direct from owner at a sacrifice; • furnishings also for sale: terms Eleven ! Franklin ave., off Edmonston rd.. Roger I Heights. Md._ ; ARLINGTON COUNTY THREE VERY attractive homes, all modern and desirabii located: 5-r. bungalow on 1 acre; frur, shrubbery, flowers. 5-r. bungalow; ? lot.'; 100x200: 12 minutes out. fi-r. Colonial type residence, near bus and schools. All high, dry and healthful, with garages. O BYARS. 708 s Lincoln st . or write for mt •uto. P. O Bn\ |81* I ngton Va. 27* McLEAN VA —li ACRES AND fi-ROOlvj bungalow: owner on premises. MRS F E, YOUR NEW HOME IN BEAUTIFUL T\ koma Pk new streets: a m i., built-id i garage: lge. recreation rm.. model kit ; j buses, stores schools. Priced right easlli , financed. Open nights ajtd Sundays. «f»1 : Houston ave., Takoma Pk.. Md. Shea 401 7 - J. BY OWNER. NEW BRICK HOME.~4*RMS^ 2, 0Tl 1st fl 2 lge. rms. with full tile bath, shower on 2nd fl : 2 lge. porches: built-in garage: full basement h.-w.h j lot oOx2.'hi; nr. Washington-Lee High School Can be seen day or evening. Phor;# Clarendon 1K5H. LYON PARK. VA~ BEFORE IT'S r‘TCx1 late. ' See this new brick bungalow at 517 N. Garfield st Priced at S«.?5n; nothing to equal it for the money: expert* •nee the freedom and comfort of living tti this fine residential section of Virginia; just off Pershing drive LYON PARK. VA.. II! N IRVING ST - A lucky number for some one. a 5-room bungalow, between Pershing drive and i the new Lee Memorial Blvd Open Satur day and Sunday: no agents. FOR SALE BY OWNER NEW 7-R005L 2-bath brick house ami., oil burner. 119 No. Glebe rd.. Arlington. Va. Claren don _192-J._ FOR SALE BY OWNER 7-ROOM HOUSE! in an abundance of shrubbery; h -w.h ; double garage with apt. above 119 No. Glebe rr! . Arlington. Va. Clarendon IP r. fi-ROOM BRICK HOUSE. PRACTICALLY new. tile bath, attached garage, sacrifice, *750 down, balance like rent. 708 Maple ave.^Takoma Park. Md. MT RAINIER-NEW COLONIALTBRlCg homf. n rms.. ttle bath, open fireplace: oil heat insulated a.m.t. lae. «prch, at* tached garaae: T«-ft. frontage #81R •■‘Sth st.. Mt. Rainier. $7,500; terms. OWNER. Greenwodd 3073._ NEW BUNGALOW:-BATH BASEMEN"? and garage: electricity; hardwood floors subsided, subfloored: telephone: basement lavatory: on hard road; 3 acres, and 13 apple trees, bearing: 13 miles from D C, out old Colesvllle pike, near Browns Cor ner: $1,750.00. terms. HERBERT E. THOMPSON owner__“ SPECIAL. SILVER SPRING, MD ' 5-ROOM BRICK BUNOALOW $4,050 Small Cash Payment. Balance $15 Mo Located on Caroline ave. at Franklin ave . 4 blocks off Colesville pike, 5 rooms tiled bath, hot-water heat, hardwood floors, city water, sewerage: lot uoxll4. OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. L G. RICHARDSON. ARLINGTON va WALNUT 783R, 1 (Continued on Next Page.) •