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SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE. (Continued.) LOVELY 5-ROOM AND BATH BUNGA low. beautiful Hyattsville Hills; price $3,750; terms. W. MOORE. 13 Littlefield tve.. Hyattsville.__ OUTSTANDING VALUE. We have the only well-built, brand new. 4-bed-room brick house that we know of in Arlington County for $7,500; this includes a detached brick garage and h.-w.h.. an extra size elec, refrigerator and first-class gas range; very convenient to buses, schools, churches and stores. We will consider as little as $500 down with about $05 a month payments. M. LAZO CO.. INC.. ‘2801 Wilson Blvd., Arlington. Va walnut 0880. _ Clarendon 13. S7.P50—NORTH WOODSIDE, SILVER SPRING. MD. RESTRICTED. Beautiful, modern. 6-rm.. bath. 2-story det. brick home; large lot: fine shrubbery: on paved road, l block from new junior high school. OWNER. Alexandria 27# l-W. No agents. ___ FOR SAI.E AT A BARGAIN. A moaern home in Virginia, with six rooms, bath, large pantry, oil heat, electric hot-water heater, electric kitchen, fireplace in living room; large lawn, beautifully landscaped; eighteen minutes from the White House Telephone for appointment. Walnut 8474 _ „ BARGAIN. 28 a , with 1.450 feet paved Stale road: 4-r. house. 2 barns, garage, chicken house; electricity; school, city bus; truck, chicken, tobacco land; 2 a. wood; creek: most beau tiful home site; 3 1 mi. D. C ; closing es tate: sacrifice, cash, half former owner's; adjoining land $500 a. up: make good sub division; price $4,500. "WENZ.” Floral Park. Md.; auto route No. 5; P. O.. Brandy winp Md. Open Sundays. 28* NEW SUBDIVISION—NEARBY VA. $6,250. REAS. DOWN. MO. PAY. Attractive 5-room. 2-story brick with tVt»~5asemem: insulated; JUST COM PLETED. surrounded by beautiful, big trees. w 9ihffi,rm houses nr. completion McCLAINE. 2100 Wilson Blvd . Clar.. Va. Wal 9382 Day. eve. TAKOMA PARK—NEARING COMPLE tion. Brick bungalow located close to school, bus and stores. 5 large rooms first floor, two large rooms second floor. Choose your own paper and paint. Built-in garage, "replace and hot-water heat. Bargain at $n,9ol). .. ROBERT E. LOHR. . 311 Cedar SI. Georgia 0881._ . R ROOMS AND BATH—$4,000. Hot-water heat gas, electricity. 74-ft. frontage, paved street. ERVIN REALTY CO. Call Hyattsville 765. . 2*a ACRES 460-ft. frontage, on Defense Hiehwav. atore and dwelling: electricitv sandwiches and beer. $3,750; terms. ERVIN REALTY OO.. call Hyattsville 765 TAKOMA PARK. MD„ J* mile from D C. line, -facing Z streets, large lot. built-in garage; first-floor plan, living-dining room, bed room, large enough for twin beds, modern kitchen and dinette Lnd-floor plan. Z spacious bed rooms and bath. St.fion Unfurnished—$8,000 Furnished. Inspection By Appointment Only, JOS. A. HERBERT & SONS, 1*18 15th St. N.W. Republic 0440. 515 East Capitol. _Lincoln QUIP. MORE SPACE. MORE CHARM, MORE VALUE In this modern 6-room brick at 503 y NELSON ST ASHTON HEIGHTS. VIRGINIA Architectural distinction a auperb combination of smartness, comfort • nd convenience, close to shops, trans portation. schools and churches; a 10 minute drive to Washington. This de lightful home is ready for immediate de livery at a price under $10,000. One block off Pershing drive ‘ A QUALITY LIST. . C W. CLEVER CO INC., at 1121 N. Irving st.. Arlington. Va.. has selected for your consideration a group of properties of unusual value from the standpoint of their attractiveness, desirability of loca tion and price. $8.600—New. modern brick now’ ready for delivery. Z large bed rooms and bath downstairs. 3 b. r. and bath upstairs recreation room: fireplace oil heating plant down stairs; lot 60x1*25; garage. $6-850—New Colonial type brick bungalow. 5 rooms, very modern, fully in sulated; unusually nice. $4,050—Not a new house, but in fine condition; 7 rooms. Z baths, mod ern: plenty of large shade trees All are within *2 blocks of busi; exclusive rtsidential sections. Stop at our office Sunday or any day during the week for further particulars. ~ BETHESDA. Brick Colonial. 5 rooms and nursery room, large open porch, electric kitchen, full basement, oil heat, detached garage: $7.P‘25. Built and now occupied b.v owner. For further details call Wise. 54*21. *26* ARLINGTON. NEARLY NEW. Lovely English Normandy home. 5 rooms •nd sleeping porch glass inclosed, shower. lOO'V E.-P. insulation; 8*2x130 corner lot; fraction of original cost. 1315 N. Vernon st. ~~ HIGHLAND PARK, VA’" $8,250 AND UP. We Invite you to inspect this week end » 2-story Cape Cod home on 8u-ft. im proved corner lot; living room with flre ttlace. full basement with lavatory, terms. We also offer several larger homes nearbv «t attractive figures, including 8-room, air-conditioned home now under construc tion To reach: Drive to Clarendon Monument, there right out Washington blvd.. IV4 miles past Glebe rd. to Mc Kinley st.. turn left on McKinley. 1 block to exhibit home at ltiu2 McKinley st. W. S. HOGE, Jr., . Walnut 7840. Eves Walnut 0158._ SILVER SPRING. $350 CASH—$55 PER MONTH. 8-rm. house with acre land; good ••sidential section. m WM. F._CARLIN. 8115 Georgia Ave WAVERLY HILLS, VA. " $6,750—TERMS. $ new Cape Cod brick houses on wooded lots. 5 rms.. insulated, large attic, oil burner Come out to 4111 and 4117 18th «t n. Out Lee Highway to Glebe rd.. left to 18th at., then left to 4113. W. S. HOGE. Jr., 3815 Lee Highway. Walnut 7040. _ fiEAR falls church, va: An inspection will show you real value In a new white brick. 7-room. 2-bath home; 'i-acre approved lot: breakfast room, full basement with lavatory. Call W. S. HOGE, Jr., Walnut 7140._Eves. Walnut, fills. $350 DOWN—$50 MONTH. One and one-half miles from Key Bridge; h -w h.; a m i.; large wooded lot;* $4,000 for quick sale. $500 DOWN—$45 MONTH. Two acres with Colonial bungalow, wood #d site. 7 miles from Alexandria, something &ew and different; paneled living room. irge fireplace, spring water: bath can be added; $3,750; also one with 1*2 acres at §3.500. $300 DOWN—$45 MONTH. Two acres at Lanham. Md.: five rooms •nd bath. Areola heat: $4,750: nicely financed. Fine place to live or would show •ood return as investment. _ W s. HOGE. Walnut 7940 or Evenings. Walnut 9158. SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR RENT. FALLS CHURCH BUNGALOW. 6 ROOMS? bath, elec, range, refrigerator. Holland furnace, garage, shrubbery, $60. Walnut 9392 evenings. __ __25* ALEXANDRIA—BRICK HOUSE. 8 ROOMS? 3 baths,, hot-water heat: centrally located; reasonable rent._Phone Alex 88 COLMAR MANOR. MD.—BUNGALOW. 5 rooms »nd bath; rent. $40. Phone Green wood 286-W. evenings or Sunday. 26* A RETIRED. MIDDLE-AGED. BRIDG Hi playing couple who desire country life and congenial neighbors may rent completely furnished bungalow directly on Chesapeake Bay. near Annapolis, for a very nominal yum. If you fit this description rent will bejmade to fit your income Bov 408-S. Star. NEW BRICK HOME. PLENTY OF ROOM. Two baths and servant's toilet. Oil heat. Refined Navy community. Phone OWNER. Walnut 21)00._ Very attractive bungalow ~in Maryland Park . 4 rooms, h.-w h . a m i., large yard Phone Hillside 0302-J, or in quire HENRY POHL, 818 Valley st.. Mary land Park. Md._ 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. A.M.I. 103 WTL? son ave.. Colmar Manor, Md.; $40 During day phone Met. 2966. Nights, Emerson 9094 _ FOR CAREFUL ADULT FAMTLYfMODERN 6-room brick house, unfur., never occupied: In good, convenient neighborhood near stores, churches: 1-fare bus and car lines; trees, shrubbery and fruit: on large lot. Apply OWNER, next door. 119 Maple ave.. Takoma Park. Md.___ « RMS.. TORN.. PART OR WHOLE. TO responsible people. Alexandria 3248-J. ___26* *! RMS.. BATH: OIL HEAT TNCL.. $75? 1514 North Wakefield st.. Arlington. Va. Clarendon 1204.__ _ FIVE AND SIX ROOM HOMES. Available In Edgemoor and Chevy Chase Sections. TOMPKINS. Wisconsin 6444. NEAR VIRGINIA—#65.00. NEW 5-room. 2-story house, full base ment. amt; large lot. beautifully land scaped; fine, big trees: new subdivision. MrCLAINE 2100 Wilson blvd.. Clarendon. Va. Walnut 9292. day and evening._ 9 RMS. BATH. ELEC. AND GAS: •ld-fa«htoned place: wonderful yard and trees: nearby Md.: homelike and desirable: possession 5 days: $57.50 ger month. From owner. Box 452-R. Small country estate, 1 beautiful yard and shrubbery: 15 min. to downtown. W. S. HOGE, Jr., Walnut 7940. Eves., Walnut 9158. SUBURBAN^ROP.—SALE OR RENT • ROOMS AND BATH. FULL BASEMENT garage: beautiful lot. 100x150 ft.: most convenient location. No. 19 Cecil ave.. Hy attgrllle. Md. Reasonable. Call OWNER. National 8717 or Columbia 1143 for In-, apectton. 26* 1 SUBURBAN PR6PERTY WANTED. HOUSE WITH ALL IMPROVEMENTS, reasonable rent, not less than three acres. Must have a barn or outbuilding suitable for two horses, near Washington. Lincoln 6087. INVESTMENT PROPERTY FOR SALE. 6 R . B„ BRICK. N.W., RENTING FOR $25.50. Price, $1,050. THOMAS P. BROWN. 616 4ih si. s.w._ National 6872. PRICE. $5,050: ANNUAL INCOME. $840. Near JOth and Mass. ave. n.e.; 2 complete apts. of 3 rms. and bath each. Hot-water Tleat. elec, refrigerators; hardwood floors. In good condition. Tenants furnish own -heat. Dist. 8917. \V. L. MOORE._Geo. 2802. SOUND INVESTMENT. NEW COR. BLDG, adjoining theater. Modern drug store, apt. above. $235 month. 7-year lease. Price. $25,000: terms. KRAFT, Natl. 0583; Evenings Adams 2218. • FOUR- FA MI L Y ~AP A~RTM ENT7B UILDIN OS, each apartment with three rooms, dinette and large back porch and each apartment with separate modern automatic heating system; each tenant furnishing own heat, gas and electricity. All rented and show ing excellent return on investment re auired. For particulars see Mr. Walter, B F. SAUL CO.. _925 15th St. N.W’. _ Natl. 2100._ NEW’ STORE AND API. ABOVE. Leased for 3 years to one tenant. $1,800 per year average: located in heart of Silver Spring; beautiful building over 25 feet wide; oil heat, terrazzo floor, metal ceiling and other features: can be sold for less than 10 times gross rental. Also new- store being built in same lo cation where possession is available. LEROY GADDIS 3 013 15th St. N.W._ National 1277. CONN. AVE. INCOME, $4,(180—PRICE. $40,000. A modern, well-built building on this most important street at a balcain price, and with a probability of unlimited in crease in value. Complete information available. J A. WEINBERO. Jr.. Woodward Bldg.__ NationalJP180. Safe Investment. Annual Rent. $360. Price, $2,500.00 Each. W’e have five row-brick houses of 6 rooms, bath, electricity, each subject to a straight first trust of $1,500 at 5\a% interest. Will sell one or all. J. DALLAS GRADY & SON, 1104 Vermont Ave. District 0178. BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE AND BATH: ALSO tea room known as The Old Barn on U. S. route 1. four miles south of Fredericksburg. Va. W. F MONSON. The Old Barn. Fred ericksburg Va. * * m-unour, ouoin c,oc» x. r mo i coinm. zone upper J4th st., consisting of larpe. attractive house easily converted into studio apts.; finished basement rooms usable for business. Columbia 0234. 20* AURORA HILLS. VA. Five-room frame bungalow, lot 50x150; zoned commercial; wonderful opportunity. McCLAiNE. 2loo Wilson blvd.. Clarendon, Va Walnut 9202. day. evening. BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT. 1015 15th ST. N.W . ENTIRE 1st FLOOR as offices. 43-40 Capitol court s w., mod ern fireproof garaRe 2.500 sq. ft. Apply 1015 15th st. n.w., 2nd floor. NEAR 2nd. MASS. AVE. N.W.. 725 2nd ST n.w.—New building, large store and 2 apts.. two rooms, kitchen and bath each. Open Sunday, lo a m. to 5 p.m. 20* 1420 K ST. N.W. Attractive. First Floor. Approx. 1.400 Sq. Ft.—High Ceiling. Desirable for Office or Store NATIONAL METROPOLITAN BANK, Trust Department. _ National 1308. 12th AND G STS. N.W Entire Third Floor—Elevator Service. Approx. 1.7*0 Sq. Ft —Modern Bldg. Very Desirable. NATIONAL METROPOLITAN BANK. Trust Department. National 1308. 2603 CONN. AVE. Store and two apartments; will rent separately. B. CRIFASI CO., OR YOUR BROKER NATIONAL Hi 911. 1024 VERMONT AVE. BUSINESS PROP FOR SALE OR RENT. NEAR 18th AND COLUMBIA RD. 2406 18th ST. N.W. Attractive Semi-Detached Building Containing store 18x00 with double show windows and two apts. of 3 rooms, kitch enette. bath and porch each. _CALL POTOMAC 59.32_ FARMS FOR SALE. ■T_>H ACRES. CULTIVATED. !• MILES EAST of Warrenton: mile frontage on highway. . Barns, box stalls, house, outbuildings, I streams, springs. GLADYS WINFIELD. Fairfax. Va* • 140 ACRES. NEAR ACCOKEF.K. MD 20 miies from D. C : $2,250: $250 cash. $25 monthly Greenwood 3100. $50 DOWN; 10 ACRES/ WOODED. ON county road. 12 miles D. C . $500. Lin eoln 5970-W. 27* 50 ACRES. MONTGOMERY COUNTY, 30 miies from Washington, on highway; six room house, modern; bath, electricity, run ning water; very good condition; $(1.5(10; ! terms. N O. HINES & SONS. Dist. 7 740. j TRACTS OF UNIMPROVED LAND 41 a acres. 13 miles D. C with 200- I yard county road right of way to wide j part of Piscataway Creek, close Potomac: best, of bass fishing and ducking; high j building site: $300: terms. 4'4 acres. 12 miies D. c 700 feet front- I age on road, level, flat timber land, small I stream: $250; terms. $50 cash, balance ' monthly. 7'2 acres. 11 miles D. C. clear, level, high land with 425 feet road frontage, good soil: *050: terms. S100 cash, bal ance monthly. REASONABLY PRICED FARMS 40-acre farm, 12 miles D C.. good 4 room bungalow, poultry houses, outbuild ings. orchard: rich, level land, high eleva tion, beautiful view: $3,450: terms. $300 cash, balance monthly. 119-acre farm. 13 miles D. C.: 0-room house m grove. 4-room tenant house. 2 large tobacco barns: level land: excellent tobacco soil, corn and pasture land: $5.5(10. 129-acre farm, out Central ave, near Davidsonville: tl-room house, attractive lo cation. large trees, very large tobacco bain: most excellent tobacco and vegetable soil: electricity and water in house: $0 500. W. G. WILLIAMS. Natl. 0572. Clev. 0242. _ 26^_ OUTSTANDING FALL BARGAINS. No. 1—40 acres, all fenced, well wa tered, '2 cleared, comfortable, ti-room house, city elec., good set of outbuildings. I Ideal dog, poultry or stock farm, near Rockville. Priced $0,500. *2.000 cash. No. 2—300 acres, well watered all cleared except 10 acres; large Colonial house. 2 tenant houses, barn and out buildings; city elec.. State pike frontage; Maryland. 27 miles from W'hite House; $50 per acre JOHN A. BRICKLEY, Suite 209-210 Barr Bldg. District 7321. 17 MILES FROM D. C.'~ LINE— SMALL acreage tracts at sacrifice prices; the Ideal spot for the aniet country home. lf> acres, all wooded; over 4n0 leet road partly wooded, for only $1.1 2«>. THE MARYLAND REALTY. _ 015 lOtft St. N.W. 40 ACRES. 12 MILES FROM D. C. LINE; good tobacco soil: 4-room bungalow. In need of repair. $.2,475: easy terms. THE MARYLAND REALTY, 915 10th St. N.W., __National 8095. _ FOR SALE OR' TRADE. 1H5 ACRES ON Paved Slate road: tf.2 acres wooded, first growth timber. Remodeled 8-room house, laree shaded lawn: .2 good barns and other outbuildings: $7,000; terms. THE MARYLAND REALTY. 915 10th ST. N.W. __National 8095. _ _ EARLY AMERICAN. Brick nogged construction; 8 rooms and bath, electricity and furnace heat, original mantlepieces and floors: tobacco barn, stable and other farm bldgs.: 98 acres sandy loam soil: 5.200 ft. frontage; on paved Md. Route 224, south of Washing ton; $7,000; terms. THEODORE F MENK. 1724 20th St. N.W. Pot. ,2707. 9 to 5. Evenings and Sunday. Col. 7845. 26* FARMS FOR RENT. MONTGOMERY COUNTY 'MD' DAIRY farm. 125 acres, part clear, part woodland, Old Georgetown rd. and Grosvenor lane, northeast corner, between Bethesda and Rockville: old house, dairy barn. silo, milk house, pump house, etc.: $35 month. SHANNON & LUCHS CO.. _ 1505 H Si. N.W. _ National 2345. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. MD. $25 per mo.: just north of Bethesda. on Lux lane; li-rm. frame house and sheds; about 20 acres; no water or lights in house. SHANNON & LUCHS CO.. 1505 H St. N.W. National 2345. _LOTS WANTED. WANTED. FOR ALL CASH. AT REASON able price, group of lots in good section of District of Columbia, suitable for im mediate building of row or detached homes XorR s»le^ Give location and price. Box RfAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. SIX-ROOM BRICK DWELLING IN WASH.. D. C.. well financed, excellent location, for improved or unimproved property in Miami, Fla. Box 329-T._Star. 2ti* 8-ROOM HOUSE. PAINTED^INSIDE AND out, in Bluefield. W. Va.. exchange for farm in Maryland. Virginia or Southeastern States. Box 327-T. Star. 26* WILL TRADE MY $ 1.050 EQUITY IN modern 6-room suburban bungalow, on beautiful lot. for what have you. Must have some cash. Box 309-T. Star. 27* REAL ESTATE SALE OR EXCHANGE. IRVING ST —8 La'RGE. BRIGHT ROOMS, a.m.i., ideal for roomers or two families. Terms or small house as first payment; $7.850. Cali Berwyn 195. _ _ CHEVY CHASE. MD. Beautiful, new, center-hall Colonial brick, 8 rms . 2 baths; lot 117-ft. front and con tains about 32.000 sq. ft.; handsome trees and landscaping. Trade for small prop erty. OWNER_ Georgia 4404. LARGE HOME. 2 BATHS. CENTER HALL: beautiful grove: Montgomery County. 50 min. from downtown. Out-of-town owner must sell. W. S. HOGE, Jr., , Walnut 7940. Eves., Walnut 9158? LOTS FOR SALE. HAVING JUST PURCHASED A HOME, I will sell my lot, 50x160 feet, near Wilson lane and Glen Brook rd.. 1 square from Edaemoor, near achools, stores and trans portation, at reduced price ol $1,600. Cleveland_lH35. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS (2), 80x150; excellent residential section in nearby Maryland; restricted; all improvements: $3,600 each._8hepherd 4HHH._ 1 TO 5 ACRE HOME 8ITES. LOCATED IN one of the most beautiful sections of near by Montgomery County. Md.; nearly 200 acres of high, rolling ground: part meadow and part wooded; only a short drive to Washington over an excellent road: rea sonable._Box 351-S. Star. IN HILLANDALE. PROM ONE-HALF ACRE up. A restricted and growing development. Prices are still low', wooded or cleared sec tions. Terms arranged We can help and finance your hothe. Adams 0022. 28* BEAUTIFUL LARGE LOTS WITH VIEW of Potomac River. $450-$75l), on easy terms: can assist in obtaining money to finance your home: this properlv is ad iacent to the Ml. Vernon Memorial Blvd. Box_181-T. Star. _ EXCELLENT NORTHWEST SITES. PRICED jow GEO. E DIEFFENBACH Lot Specialist. Natl. 8860, 1101 Vt, ave. n.w. Em. 4117 LOT. 75x150: BEAUTIFUL LOCATION, Mass. Circle in Westmoreland Hills. Po tomac 4459.__ 3 BUILDING LOTS. . DESIRABLE FOR apartment; 5.800 sq. ft.; near oth and L Sts. n.e : $4,000 cash. R. G. DUNNE, 004 H st. n.e. Lincoln 7030. BEAUTIFUL HOME SITE. S.E. CORNER Kith and Colorado ave. n.w. Call Adams 6207.__ 50X183. FACES 2 STREETS; FRUIT trees, all improvements; 1 square from bua. 510 North Monroe st.. Arlington. Va. POTOMAC HEIGHTS SECTION. SHER rier pi.—Approx. 40 x170. clear of encum brances; will sell on reasonable terms, or low price for cash. DIXIE REALTY CO., National 8880. CHEVY CHASE VIEW,' MD! 18.000 sq. ft. at He per ft.; oil grade; all improvements. Will take half cash and second trust for balance. Also lot on 32nd st . near Tennyson st.. 50-ft. frontage, very deep MR. PRICE. Columbia 3430-J after 5 P.ffl,_Office. National 1052. _ __ 4 ROW-HOUSE LOTS. One square from Wis. ave.. south of Cal vert st.. $HOO each. National 1)357. 20* APT. OR FLAT SITES. 1. Fori Drive bet. 13th and 14th n.w. 2. Peabody bet. 13th and 14th n.w. 3. 5 lots River road and 44th st. 4. Kennedy near North Capitol st. 6. 6 lots Conduit rd. and W si. n.w. See Our Signs on Above Lots. THOS. D. WALSH, INC., _Dist. 7658. Dim . 7550._ FIRST COMMERCIAL ZONE—$1,500. Conduit road# community of stores serving a progressive residential section; an excellent opportunity. See Mr. Moore, evening phone Cleveland 2M35. ADELBERT W. LEE 1343 H St. N.W. Dist 4«on SELECT A SITE IN BEAUTIFUL WOODMOOR, The Perfectly Planned Community Adjoining Indian Spring Goll Course. Superb sites available—none less than 70-foot front. MOSS REALTY CO . Tower Bldg. Metropolitan 177(1. Woodmoor—Shep. 4517. COLORED LOTS IN DEANWOOD AND FAIRMONT HEIGHTS. $75 up; eaay terms: help build District 9170 _R EAL JESTATEW A N TED. DON’T Lose your property by foreclosure. We can sell it quickly for ready cash above trust. Our auction method gets results. No obligation. Call or see us at once N. C. HINNES & SONS, phone District 7740. ACREAGE FOR SALE. BRADLEY FARMS. $2,750—A GORGEOUS site of 5 acres, facing River rd. boulevard, adjoining a beautiful $25,000 estate. Drive out River rd. just beyond Congressional Club and see this unusual bargain. COUN SELMAN <v O BRIEN 6805 Wisconsin ave.# Bethesda Md. Wisconsin 4240. 12 TO 2 ACRE TRACTS. $25 DOWN ~$ 10 Per month. 2 to 22 acre tracts; $50 down. $20 per month. All on good road with telephone, elec, available. Within 12 miles of Washington, in Va EDWIN LYNCH-HARRY L. CARRICO. Annandale. Va. Alexandria 876-W-4. 12 ACRES. $1,500 Long front on good road, half cleared, balance woodland. ERVIN REALTY CO. Call Hyattsville 765. FOR SALE ACREAGE^ About 5 acres. Arlington County, on South Court House rd.. near radio towers; terms if desired; any reasonable offer con sidered 12 acres Montgomery County, adjoining Congressional Club, offered to close an estate. M. T. BALLARD. 1221 Eye St. N.W. WATER F R O NT PRO PE R TV. WOODLAND POINT. ACRES ON THE Potomac, excellent beach, wooded, for onlv $1.1100: 412 acres on water front, a bar gain. $450. Woodland Point, where the Potomac is 8 miles wide and offers good bathing, fishing, crabbing and duck hunting. THE MARYLAND REALTY. Kent R Mullilcin, pres., 915 loth st. n.w. National 8095,__ LAKE JACKSON -LOO CABIN. 4~ RMS; baih. completely furnished: running waier. elec : very reas. Open for inspection Sun day W. C. HASBROUCK Columbia 1915-W. $10(1 DOWN, $15 MONTH—8 ACRES ON wate-. $5(j miles D. C.; $750. Lincoln 5970-W. g7* BEVERLY BEACH. ON CHESAPEAKE BAY. Send for Free Booklet. _Post Office, Mayo, Md._ CUSTOM-BUILT BRICK BUNGALOW.UN furnished: vale. $7,000: sacrifice. $9,250. Shep. 1919. at Annapolis Roads Club. 25* THREE-ROOM BUNGALOW On salt water. 27 miles from Washington: bathing, boarding, fishing, club house, stores: house deliveries o[ groceries and ice. free school bus: total price of bungalow including two lots. $299: easy terms. Box 40-K. Star___ WOODLAND POINT — EIGHT - ROOM house, just remodeled: 4 rooms and hath downstairs. 9 rooms, bath and large glass inclosed sleeping porch upstairs, basement, hot-water heat. This house has a long frontage on the Potomac River. :t acres of good land, good beach, good crabbing, good fishing, duck hunting and excellent boat harbor. $8,750. terms. THE MARYLAND REALTY. _915 lllth St._N.W._National 8095._ SALT-WATER POTOMAC. 8 acres. 7-room frame house, no im provements: 4U0-ft. beach shore, artesian well, orchard, garden and shade trees. Lo cated in St. Marys County, 70 miles from Washington: only $2 500. THEODORE F. MENK. 1724 20th St. N.W. Pot. 2707. 9 to 6. _Evenings and Sunday. Col. 7845. 26* SPECIAL FALL OFFER. There are still a few choice lots avail able at COVE POINT BEACH at reduced prices. NOW 1s the time to buy and save difference. Prices range $08 to $700. with 10rr down, balance monthly. In addition, as SPECIAL FAVOR, we will clear lot of ui u.'m a ivjuu. Him »uajainccu by owner. Wisely restricted. 1343 H ST. N.W. MET. 3683. ~ OUT-OF-TOWN RIAL ESTATE. ♦ /-ROOM HOUSE. LARGE LOT VARIETY of fruit; 3-room home in rear: occupied by owner: sell entire. $5,000: please write. O. L. FISHER. 2303 Tangerine ave., South St. Petersburg. Fla. 26* OFFICES FOR RENT. SUBLET CORNER SUITE OVERLOOKING park. :i rooms. SI25 month. L. H. WOOL SEY. Hill Bldg.. 17th and Eye. Natl. 0024. _;_25* 602 F ST N.W.—LARGE. OUTSIDE room, near all Govt, and court buildings; heat, light and janitor furnished. MR. ROGERS. Met. 8352. __ 1402 RHODE ISLAND AVE.—TWO LARGE light rooms, second floor. Key at 1340 14th St. n.w. _ 27* Vo22 ~ VERMONT AVE.—IDEAL FOR beauty parlor, barber shop or office: two large rooms; will redecorate. Sterling PI 17. c.____26*__ ATTORNEYDE8IRBS TO SUBLEASE PART of his office space. 732 Woodward Bldg. District 7320. _ IDEAL FOR DOCTOR OR DENTISTi 4222 14th St. N.W.. Corner 14th and Varnum Sts. First-Floor. Corner Apt.. $47.50. HARRY A OLIKER CO.. 11th and K Sts. N.W._National 7157. 1115 15th ST. N.W. Second floor, front: 22x60: with vault, large plate-glass display win dow: $10(i. Smaller offices available. SHANNON & LUCHS CO . _ 1505 H St. N.W. National 2345. 13th AND E STS. N.W. (N.W. Corner; Above Drug Store.) 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors, 35x52 ft. each: corner space, large windows, good light and ventilation; heat furnished; lease all or part. H. CLIFFORD BANGS, _200 Investment Bldg._Met. 0240._ DOWNTOWN OFFICE. S.E. CORNER 11th AND K STS. N.W. HARRY A. OLIKER CO , 1014 K St. N.W._Natl. 7157. ARLINGTON, VA. Modern, attractive new offices, connect ing and single, with every convenience. In on the of the fastest-growing towns in the U, S. Business and professional men should not delay investigating the opportunities whicn Arlington offers. Prices from $22.50 to $4 5 month. C W. CLEVER CO.. Arlington, Va. OFFICES WANTED! PHYSICIAN DESIRES OFFICE AND RESI dence. centrally located, or with family In desirable neighborhood: awitchboard preferred. Box 24P-S. Star.__ _ WANTED—LONG LEASE. OFFICE FLOOR with living Quarters above. Decatur 4860. WAREHOUSES^ FORS ALE. BRICK WAREHOUSE. ALEXANDRIA. VA~ —4,500 sq. ft. floor space, Just off King st.. nr. river. Only $3,500: terms. See Mr. Hartung. GRAHAM A OGDEN. INC., Realtors. 803 King «t., Alexandria, Va. Alexandria 1300. DESK SPACE FOR RENT. AVAILABLE AT $8, $10 Alto JIB MONTH ly. Milling eddree* serviced. Butte 1121. Denrlke Building. _STORES FOR RENT. J01 14th ST. S.E.—BEAUTIFUL CORNER store, tiled door, modern. HENRY SCHAF FER r.h. in John Marshall ph_ DESIRABLE STORE. Ml 2 N ST. NW PhoneDlstrlct J)MHlt._Adam«_026H.__28* DISSOLVING PARTNERSHIP-—WILL SELL fixtures al sacrifice. Ideal for delicatessen or grocery. Moderate rent. Act now. .150'.’ Conn, ave. Emerson <1464. 26* 1733 F N.W. NEAR GOVT. DEPT8 — Good stand for small business. R O. BELT._Union Trust Bldg. Natl. 3346. 87* 4818 GEORGIA AVE. N.W.. A few doors from Colony Theater: 16xM0; best block on Ga ave. Georgia A072. • __ 8084 14th ST. N.W. 20x,0 ft., good for any business, 1100 mo „„ „„ 6506 2nd ST N.W. 20x28 ft., good location. $50 mo. WAPLE Ar JAMES. INC.. _1884 14th St. N.W. District 3346._ STORE FOR RENT. S.W. Corner _ 5th and E N E. _ •_ 44(14 12 GEORGIA AVE. N W. New store. 13x80, in good location, Rent reasonable. GOSS REALTY COMPANY. 1405 Kn at. _ National 1353, _ 2406 18th ST.. ATTRACTIVE STORE, NEAR COLUMBIA RD. High celling double show windows: suitable to tailoring, childrens wear, or any general business Rental. $85. _ CALL POTOMAC 5832. _ 7312 GEORGIA AVE. N.W. Modern atore. 30 x100*, suitable for grocery, drug restaurant or auto mobile show room; immediate pos session; $110 SHANNON & LUCHS CO.. _1505 H 8t. N.W. _National 2345. 1630 You St. N.W. Approximately 16x50 Ft., $75. HENRY J. ROBB, INC., 1024 Vt. Ave. Dist. 8141. _MON EY~TO ToAN~ MONEY TO LOAN ON D. C. REAL ESTATE at lowest Interest rate. Prompt aerv’e*. JESSE E. HEISKELL 1115 Eye st, n.w FIRST-TRUST MONEY TO LOAN ON D. C. real estate. 50> Interest: quick service P. J. WALSHE. INC.. _11 <17 Eye St. N.W . National 6468. MONEY WANTED. WANTED—#1.000 SECOND TRUST FOR repairs on valuable real estate. Box 317-T. Star. otl. GOVERNMENT CLERK. PERMANENT? wishes long-period loan of $2,000: monthly repayments. Box I^oti-T. Star. 26* _AUCTION SALES. _* FUTURE. THOMAS L. CARTER. AUCTIONEER. Auction Sale of Unredeemed PI pH fi'flo ON MONDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER TWENTY-SEVEN. ]y.37. AT In O'CLOCK. I will commence to sell, at the establish ment of E Heidenheimer. Inc.. 605 King st.. Alexandria. Va . all pledges upon which the interest Is overdue up to this date. Ticket holders kindly take notice. E. Heidenheimer, Inc., Brokers. se23.24.25 THOMAS J. OWEN A- SON, AUCTIONEERS, 14.11 EYE ST. N.W. TRUSTEE S SALE OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. BEING A ONE-AND-ONE HALF STORY. FRAME DWELLING CONTAINING SEVEN ROOMS AND BATH KNOWN AS 2IK!7 FOURTH i STREET NORTHEAST By virtue of a certain deed of trust, re- 1 corded In Liber No. r.4r.!> at folio 4of the land records of the District of Colum bia. and at the request of the party se cured thereby, the undersigned will sell at public auction In front of the premises, on FRIDAY THE FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER ltUt, AT FOUR-THIRTY O CLOCK P M., the following-described land and premises situate in the District of Columbia, and being lots numbered twenty-four <24) and twenty-five < 2 5» In square numbered thirty-six hundred and thirty-four <3rt3J> In Edwin R. Maiden's subdivision of part of "Metropolis View ’ now called "Central Addition" as p**r plat recorded in the office of the surveyor for the District of Co lumbia in Liber 4!* tt folio 15. Terms of sale: Purchaser to pav one fourth of the purchase price in cash, the balance in three installments in one. two and three years respectively, with Interest at the rate of six »t>» per centum per an num. and secured by deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser: taxes paid or ad lusted to the date of sale: purchaser to pav Inter est on purchase price from date of sale to date of settlement at six (H> per centum per annum: all conveyancing recording, revenue stamps etc., at the cost of pur chaser good title or no sale A deposit of $250.00 will be required at the time of sale and settlement to be within thirty (3<*> davs of the date of sale, or deposit forfeited, and the property resold a' the cost and risk of the defaulting purchaser. | after five <5i days’ previous advertisement i of said resale in some newspaper published j in Washington. D r J. WRILEY JACOBS Surviving Trustee. 925 15th St. N.W., _se21 d&dsexSn_Washington D C.__ THOMAS J OWEN & SON. Auctioneers. 1431 Eye St. N.W. TRUSTEES SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE BEING A TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING CONTAINING SIX ROOMS BATH AND LAVATORY. KNOWN AS j 2454 ONTARIO ROAD NORTHWEST, j By virtue of a certain deed of trust re- l corded in Liber No. 5024 at folio 255 of the Land Records of the District of Co lumbia and a: the request of the party j secured thereby the undersigned will sell at public auction in front of the premises, on TUESDAY THE TWENTY-EIGHTH < DAY OF SEPTEMBER. 1937. AT FOUR THIRTY O'CLOCK PM. the following- . described land and premises situate in the District of Columbia, and being lot num bered eiehty-eight <88> in M J. Keane's f subdivision of lots in block numbered ' eleven OP Meridian Hill.” a? per plat < recorded In the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia m Liber 71 at folio srt. Terms of sale: Purchaser to pa* one fourth of the purchase price in cash, the < balance in three installments in one two and three years, respectively, with interest < at the rate of six <rt) per centum per annum, and secured by deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash at the option of the purchaser: taxes paid or adjusted to the date of sale: purchaser to pay in terest on purchase price from date ol sale to date of settlement at six <rt> per centum per annum: all conveyancing, recording, revenue stamps, etc., at the cost of the purchaser: good title or no sale. A deposit of $250 will be required at the time of sale and settlement to be within thirty (.30) days of the date of sale, or deposit forfeited and the property resold a: the cost and risk of the defaulting purchaser, after five «5> days' previous advertisement qX said resale in some newspaper published in Washington. D C. J. WIRLEY JACOBS. Surviving Trustee. 925 15th St. N.W.. Washington. D. C. sel 5 ■ - i ~ ' ~r i Adam A. Wesehler A Son, Auctioneers 9l.% E Street N.W. Important Historical Antiques for Settlement of on Estate. Furniture-Paintings j Adornments-China By Auction AT NO. 11 NEWLAND ST. j Chevy Chase, Md. MONDAY V September 27, 1937, Commencing at 2 O’clock P.M. j Buhl Marble Top Console. Desk and Center Table. Carved French Walnut Bedstead with Cane Background; also Dressing Table to match; Marquetrie Desk. Chair and Mirror; Cnusual Swell-front Chippendale China Cabinet; Carved French Black Oak Hall Chairs, High-back English Needlepoint Arm Chair. Four-piece Mid-Victorian Suite with open-work carving. White Mahog any Brass-mounted Chiffonier. Poly chrome Mirror. Elaborate Matching Lamps. Inlaid Tortoise Shell and Ivory on Ebony Cabinet (Magnificent Historical Piece), Carved WTalnut and Needlepoint Fire Screen, Occasional Chairs. Large Tapestry Hall Screen; Green Lacquered Console and Mirror, Hand-painted Brocaded Panel Screen, Brass Fireplace Fixtures. Marble Bust. Historic Spanish Chandelier. Satsuma Lamps I'ndergla/ed Ming Vase. Crystal i and Ormulu Clock Set. Bronze Pedestal Clock, Other Decorative Objects. Fine China, Paintings. Two Oriental Runners. Etc. INSPECTION PERMITTED SEPT. 26th. 10 A M. to 5 P.M. TERMS: CASH. Adam A. W’eschler Ac Son. Auct*. ae24,25,26. ~ LEGAL NOTICES. NEEDHAM C. TLRNAGE, Attorney. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE United States for the District of Co lumbia Holding a Probate Court.—In re: Estate of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN SPATES. Deceased.—Administration No. 41,888.— Application having been made herein for probate of the last will and testament of said deceased, and for letters of adminis tration c. t. a. on said estate, by Needham C. Turnage, it is ordered this 9th day of September A.D. 1937, that John Spates, Lewis Spates, Allie Spates the unknown heirs at law and next of kin of William Spates deceased; William Lansdale. jr., Lola Baxeres. Harold Hobbs. Lola Hobbs. Mrs. Clayton Hexton. Mrs. Walter Sullivan, the unknown heirs at law and next of kin of Mrs L. H. Grant, deceased, and all oth ers concerned, including all unknown heirs at law and next of kin of Benjamin Frank lin Spates, deceased, appear in said Court on Monday, the 18th day of October, A.I). 1937. at 16 o'clock A M., to show caVse why such application should not be granted. Let notice hereof be published in the ‘‘Washington Law Reporter” and the “Eve ning Star” once in each of three successive weeks before the return day herein men tioned—the first publication to be not less than thirty days before said return day. JENNINGS BAILEY. Justice. (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Clerk of the Probatt Court. ag 11,18,20 LEGAL NOTICES. (OontUiUMl.) MILFORD F. SCHWARTZ. Alton*?. Investment Bill. DISTRICT COURT OF THR UNITED States for the Diatrict of Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—Estate of Barbara Fleckenstein Creswell. Deceased.—No. ML 110. Administration Docket 112.—Ap** Plication ha/ing been made herein for probate of the last will and testament of said deceased, and for letters of Admlnis ■fion c.t.s. on said estate, by Katherine T. Cook it is ordered this 7th day of Sep ember AD. 1937. that John Creswell. thereabouts unknown, and all others con cerned appear in said court on Monday. :he JMth day of October. A.D. 1937. at 10 b'clock A M,, to show cause why such ap plication should not be granted. Let no ice hereof be published in the “Washing on Law Reporter” and “Washington Eve ning Star," once In each of three succes sive weeks before the return day herein mentioned, the first publication to be not leys than thirty days before said return lay. .JENNINGS BAILEY Justice. <8eal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register )f Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk >f the Probate Court._sel 1.18.26._ K. F. BROOK*, Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OF THR UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 62.090. Adminis tration.—This is to Give Notice; That the ttubscribers. of the District of Columbia have obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia, Letters Testa mentary on the estate of Randall H. Hag oer, late of the District of Columbia, de ceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscribers, on or beiore fie 3rd day of September. A.D. 1938; otherwise they may b.v law be ex cluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under our hands this 3rd day of September, 193;. MARGUERITE COLTON HAGNEK 2339 S Street. GEORGE N. RAY, 1321 Conn. Ave. THE RIGGS NATIONAL BANK OF WASH . D. C. By SIDNEY F TALIA FERRO, Vice President and Trust Officer. • Seal. ‘ Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Co lumbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. _sel 1,18.26__ SMITH, DElBtRT A RISTIG, Attorneys, 815 15th SI. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Co urnbia, Holding Equity Court.—In the Mat er oi Pennsylvania Public Utility Stock holders Protective Association.- -Equity No. $5439 - ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE.—Upon :onsideration of the petition of Pennsyl vania Public Utility Stockholders Protective Association for dissolution of said associ ation. it ts by the Coin! this 17th day of September, 1937. ORDERED that all per sons interested in said corporation appear n the District Court of the United Stales ror the District of Columbia Holding Equity "ourt and show cause by the 25th day of October. J937, if any they have, why said :orporation should not be dissolved. 3RDERED FURTHER that a notice of this jrder shall be published in some newspaper 2f general circulation weekly for three successive weeks, the first insertion to be :iot le*s than one month before the day Axed for showing cause as aforesaid. JENNINGS BAILEY Justice. 'Seal.) A true ’opy. Test: CHARLES E STEWART. Clerk. By H B DERTZBAUGH. Asst. Clerk. icl ft.25.oc2 ___ • « • univi'C.1 ■ iiitvi dc/i DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States lor the District of Columbia Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 52.072. Adminis tration.—This i« to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters of Adminis tration on the estate of Giuseppina Natoli. ia!e of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims agalnsi ihe de ceased are hereby warned to exhibit the *ame. with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or be fore the 2nd day of August. A D. 1938. itherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my land this 8th day of September. 1937. *NTONINA NATOLI. 135« Florida Ave. N E (SeaM Attest THEODORE COGS WELL Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. ClerK of the Probate Court. __s*i 1.18 •:.*> HAMILTON AND HAMILTON. Union Trust Building. Attorneys for Plaintiff. :N THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE United States for the District of Col urn >ia UNION TRUST COMPANY OP THE DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA Trustee Plain iff vs. OLIVIA D BECKER et al. De endant*.— Equity No. 84.738 —The object )f this suit is to obtain a decree declaring he termination of a trust created by the Will of Conrad Becker deceased, for the >eneflt of William Becker and directing he trustee as to the party or parties to vhom the corpus and accrued income of (aid trust should be distributed. Upon notion of the plaintiff. It is this 14th day )f July 3937 ORDERED that the de endant* WILLIAM BECKER CHICAGO ILLINOIS and the UNKNOWN HEIRS AT jAW AND NEXT OF KIN OF WILLIAM 3ECKER. DECEASED cause their appear ing to be entered herein on or before the Irst rule day occurring three months after lie day of the first publication hereof itherwise the cause will be proceeded with is in case of default. Provided a copy of his order be published twice a month for hree successive months in the Washington law Reporter and in The Evening Star. Wore said dav JOSEPH W. COX. Justice. Seal.) ATTEST CHARLES E STEW ART. Tierk by R D. QUINTER. Jr.. Asst. Clerk. Jylff.30.an14.ff8 sell 25 __ T. STANLEY HOLLAND. Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia, folding Probate Court.—Estate of Pear on Chapman Deceased.—No 52.188. Ad nlnlstration Docket 1 12.—Application hav nx been made herein for probate of the ast will and testament of said deceased, ind for letters testamentary on said estate. >y the American Security and Trust Com >any it is ordered this 3rd day of Sep ember. A D 1937. that William G. Chap nan. an incompetent, and Dr. J S De Farnette. custodian of the said W’illiam G. Thapman and all others concerned, ap >ear in said court on Monday, the 18th lav of October. AD. 1937. at 10 o’clock AM to show cause why auch application hotild not be granted Let notice hereof >e published in the “Washington Law Re no ter” and The Evening Star, once in ach of three successive weeks before the eturn day herein mentioned, the first mblication to be not less than thirty days Wore said return day JESSE C. ADKINS. Fustice. (Seal.) Attest THEODORE 7008WELL. Register of Wills for the Dis rlct of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Tourt. _ _sel 1.18.25. MILLAN * SMITH. Attorney.. DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia folding Probate Court.—Estate of Kate Stone Reich a rd. deceased.—No 52.154. Administration—Application having been nade herein by Clifton L. Tschiffely for irobate of the last will and testament of aid deceased, and for letters of admin stration eta on said estate praying that luch letters Issue to some suitable per lon It ia ordered this 8th day of Sep ember, 1937. that Fannie Tschiffely >mtth. Frederick L. Tschiffely. Jennie L. lice. Elizabeth Rice. Elberta Rice. George l. Rice. Wiilson R. Tschiffely. Vandelia r. Cadle. Vernon G. Griffith. Ella T. Man ilng. Steuart Tschiffely and Cecil Cissel. tnd all others concerned, appear in said ?ourt on the 3 8th day of October 1937. it 10 o’clock A.M to show cause why auch ipplication should not be granted. Let tofice hereof be published In The Washi ngton Law Reporter and The Evening 3tar once in each of three successive weeks Wore the return day herein mentioned, he first publication to be not less than ub.'S uriuie bbiu iciuui «»/. jbiji HINGS BAILEY. Justice. -Seal.) Attest: rHEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills or the District of Columbia. Clerk of the arobate Court._sel 1.18.25. L. RUSSELL ALDEN, Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Hold ng Probate Court.—Estate of Rachel _,eFaune Davis. Deceased.—No 52.254. ^ministration Docket 112.—Application laving been made herein for probate of he last will and testament and codicil of ;aid deceased, and for letters testamentary >n said estate by Nettie V. Mace, it is >rdered this 22nd day of September. A.D. 1937. that Samuel Davis and Charles Davis, non-residents, and the unknown h*irs at aw and next of kin of Rachel LeFaune Davis, deceased, and all others concerned, ippear in said court on Monday, the 1st lay of November. A.D. 1937. at 10 o'clock \ M . to show cause why such application should not be granted. Let notice hereof published in the “Washington Law Re porter” and “The Evening Star.” once in *ach of three successive weeks before the •eturn day herein mentioned, the first publication to be not less than thirty days jefore said return day. ALFRED A. WHEAT. Chief Justice. fSeal.i Attest: VICTOR S MERSCH. Deputy Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk )f the Probate Court._se25.oc2.9_ ARTHUR PETER and W. H. BADEN, Attorneys. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States fo* the District of Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—Estate of Gilbert foung. Deceased.—No. 52.260. Adminis ration Docket 112.—Application having >een made herein for probate of the last will and testament of said deceased, and or letters testamentary on said estate, by The Washington Loan and Trust Company, t is ordered this 23rd day of September. VD 1937, that Isabelle Bigelman. Marshall Higelman. and the unknown heirs at law ind next of kin of Gilbert Young, de based. if any. and all others concerned, ippear in said* court on Monday, the 1st lay of November. A.D. 1937, at 10 o'clock \.M., to show cause why such application should not be granted. Let notice hereof >e published in the “Washington Law Re porter” and The Evening Star, once in •ach of three successive weeks before the •eturn day herein mentioned, the first publication to be not less than thirty lays before said return day. ALFRED A. WHEAT. Chief Justice. iSeal.) Attest: flOTOR S. MERSCH. Deputy Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk )f the Probate Court. _se25.oc2.P^_ CHAPMAN W. FOWLER, Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Hold ng Probate Court.—Estate of Frederick Schuler, Deceased.—No. 62.249. Adminis ratlon Docket 112.—Application having pee^ made herein for probate of the last will and testament of said deceased, and tor lettera testamentary on said estate by 3race E. Schuler, it is ordered this 21st lay of September. A.D. 1937, that Calvin \. Rohm and James Rohm, minors, and Edward Rohm, custodian of said minors, ind all others concerned, appear in said :ourt on Monday, the 1st day of November. \.D. 1937, at 10 o’clock A M , to show :ause why such application should not be (ranted. Let notice hereof be published in ;he “Washington Law Reporter* and “Eve nine Star.” once in each of three successive seeks before the return day herein men mned. the first publication to be not less than thirty days before said return day. ALFRED A. WHEAT. Chief Justice. /Seal.) attest: VICTOR S. MERSCH. Deputy Regis ej of Wills for the District of Columbia, Dlerg of the Probate Oourt.^^e26,oc2,9 _LEGAL NOTICES._ NORMAN R. BILL, Attgrney. DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Hold In* Probate Court.—No. 61.954. Adminis tration.—This Is to Give Notice: That the aubscriber. of tbe District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the Dtatrlct of Columbia. Letters of Collection on the estate of George A. Post, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the tame, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the aubscriber. on or before the Hth day of August. A D. 1998: otherwise they may oy law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 14th day of September. 19.17. KINKEAD W. HEN TON. 1945 Calvert ST N W. <8eal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court.__gel 8.25.0C2_ GEORGE C. GERTMAN, Attorner. DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED . States for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 51.145. Adminis tration^—This Is to Give Notice: That the aubscriber. of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters Testamentary on the estate ot Mary Magdalena Desio, '■te of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or be fore the 2nd day of September. A D 1918; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 2nd day of September. 19.97. ALMA DESIO VON 8TEINNER 211 E Street N W. (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the Dis trict of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Com-*- _iell.18.26_ R. P HOLLINGSWORTH, Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED Stales for the District of Columbia Hold ing Probate Court —No. 62.106. Adminis tration.—This Is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obi allied from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia, Letters Testamentary on the estate of Frank L. Biscoe late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased *r» hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenti cated. to the subscriber, on or before the 2nd day of September. A D 1998: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all bene fit of said estate. Given under my band this 2nd day of Sepiember. 1997 ANNIE LOUISE BISCOE 201(1 Kalorama Rd. 'Sral.l Attest THEODORE COGSWELL, Register of Wills for the District of Co lumbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. _sel 1.18.26 HERBERT L. DAVIS. Jr., Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED Staler f°r the District of Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. 61.911. Ad ministration.—This Is to Give Notice That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters Testa mentary on the estate of John 8 Prick, n.i District of Columbia deceased. All persons having claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof, legally 7 :-, me .luubviiuri, UII UI Ur lore the 21st day of September. A.D. 193X: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate Given under wt£™,d. thls -,st day of September. J937. MARTHA V.' SNOW 1 19 J 1th St N E ISeal i Attest: VICTOR S MERSCH. Deputy Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Cleric of the Probate Court. WALTER M. BASTIA.N. Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. 52.’7J. Ad ministration —This Is to Give Notice: That the subscribers of the District of Colum bu have obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia Letters Tes tamentry on the estate of Alice Farhood. late of the District, of Columbia, deceased All persons having claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscribers, on or t,1)« day of September. A D. 19.IX otherwise they may by law be ex cluoed from all benefit of said estate Given under our hands this 2nth dav of September 1937 EMIL PARHOOD. "Itc Ave N W. WILLIAM FARHOOD Veazey St NW 'Seal. i Aries:: VICTOR S MERSCH, Deputy Register of wills lor the District of Columbia Clerk* of tne Probate Comt se2S.oc2,9. CHARLES L. NORRIS, Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED uria,es„for ,he District of Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. 51.935 Ad ministration—This Is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters Testa mentary on the estate of Mary A Ciark late of the District of Columbia deceased. All persons having claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or betore the 1st day of September. A D L93X otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under wyw1Laild.ihis lst day of September. 1937. JAMES M , WOODWARD. 723 2»th St.. , 'S**1*1. ’ Attest THEODORE COGS WELL Register of Wills for the District* °l s?nllinxb'*' clerk 01 lhe Probate Court. CAMDEN'R-MrATEE,'Attorney! DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia Hold Court.—Estate of MARY BENISCH. Deceased—No 51.754. Adm Doc. 111.—Application havnjg been made herein for probate of the last will and testament and cod.cil of said deceased and for letters testamentary on said estate, by I Camden R McAtee. it l, ordered this 14th day of September. A.D. 1937. that Loretta Keenan. Shorelands. Brooklyn P O . and ail others concerned, appear in said Court on Monday, the 25th day of October, A D i y.H.. at 10 o clock A M., to show cause why such application should not be granted. Let notice hereof be published in the ' v* ashington Law Reporter and Evening Star, once in each of three successive weeks OIa? lbe return day herein mentioned, the first publication to be not less than ltU.r.^-.dav*s bt*fore said return da*. JEN ,Ji|S,ice iSeal i Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court.____selx 25 oc2 NICHOLAS J. HALPINE, Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED „ riates f°r District of Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. 52 274 Ad ministration.—This Is to Give Notice. That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters of Admin istration on the estate of C. Nathaniel Boyd. Ibe ^strict Columbia, deceased. Ah persons having claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same with ihe vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or be fore the Cist day of September. A.D 10:ts: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under mv hand this Cist day of September, jfl.C? FLORA M BOYD. PCH Euclid wSi N W <Seal.i Attest: VICTOR S MERSCH. Deputy Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. seC5.ocC.fl._ B. F. GARVEYrAttorney. DI STRUTT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. 5!.PH? Ad ministration.—This Is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of Nicola Natoli, *a,te tbe District of Columbia, deceased. All nprsnn« hovinir r~ a ,• w „ -j „ ceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 13th day of July. A.D 1938; otherwise they may by law bp excluded from all benefit, of said estate. Given under my hand this 8th day of September. 1937. ANTONINA NATOLI. Admrx.. 1358 Florida Ave.. N E (Seal.! Attest: THEO DORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court.__sell,18.25. JOSEPH FitzGERALD, Jr., Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED Slates for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.-—No. 62.215. Adminis tration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters of Adminis tration ..n the estate of Charles Parker, late of the District of Columbia, deceased All persons Having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenti cated to the subscriber, on or before the 1st day of September. A.D. 1938: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all bene fit of said estate. Given undpr mv hand this 1st day of September. 1937. RACHEL RICHARDSON PARKER. 472 Clarks Court S.W. (Seal.i Attest: THEODORE COGS WELL Register of Wills for the Dislrict of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. _sel 1.18.25 GEO. FRANCIS WILLIAMS, Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 51.M2K. Adminis tration.—This is to Give Notice: Thai the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters of Adminis tration c. t. a. on the estate of Mary E. Cumberland, late of the District of Co lumbia. deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers there of. legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 13th day of July. A.D. 1938: otherwise they may by law be ex cluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under its corporate name this 22nd day of September, 10.37, THE LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON By: GEO. FRANCIS WILLIAMS. Trust Officer. (Seal.) Attest: VICTOR S. MERSCH. Dep uty Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. gc25.oc2.9__ BRUCE BAIRD. Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 52.082, Adminis tration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters Testsmrntary on the estate of Harrison Howell Dodge, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or be fore the 13th day of September. A.D. 1938: otherwise they may by law be excluded lrom all benefit of said estate. Given under its hand this 22nd day of September. 19.37. NATIONAL SAVINGS AND TRUST COM PANY. By H. PRESCOTT OATLEY. Presi dent. (Seal.) Attest: VICTOR 8. MERSCH Deputy Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court. ee25,oc2.0 ^ _LEGAL NOTICES. I. STANLEY HOLLAND. AlUrwer. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 62.256. Adminis tration.—This is to Oive Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters Testamentary an the estate of Ruth Yeaton Stuart, late af tht District of Columbia, deceased All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenti cated. to the subscriber, on or before the Hth dav of September. A D. 1038: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all bene fit of said estate^ Given under my hand this 17th day of September. 11137. AMERI CAN SECURITY AND TRUST COMPANY By EARL G. JONSCHER. Assistant Trust Officer. Executor Estate of Ruth Yeaton Stuart. fSeal.i Attest: VICTOR S MERSCH. Deputy Register of Wills for the District ol Columbia Cleric of the Probate Court. ge'IS-ocg.fl _TRAILER CAMP! 3PRINGBANK TRAILER PARK—INDI vidual lots: running water and sewer con nection each lot: completely modern bath rooms: 20 minutes' drive to all Govt, bldgs. Opposite Penn Daw Hotel. J Va miles south of Alexandria on Richmond highway. _THAILERS FOR SALE" AUTO CRUIHER. America s Finest Travel Coach. 1357 Conn. Ave._ Terms. Anderson Trailer Coach MADE TO ORDER—COST $1,405. Used 4 months; has plenty of extras; must sell due to change of business. WILL SELL FOR $875. Sea Mr. Lake. Washington Tourist Camp. Saturday P.M.—All Day Sunday. 26* __ garage* for rent—: GARAGE OR WAREHOUSE: NR NORTH Capitol and H; 40x52: fireproof: 2nd com mercial E. P. SCHWARTZ. INC.. 1014 Vermont ave._ District H210. GARAGE OR WAREHOUSE. CENTRALLY located. 1701 Kalorama rd n.w 3 floors containing approximately 04.000 sq li ol usable space; ramps to each floor, 3 entrances. H. L RUST CO lOOIJSth St. N.W. National 8100. GARAGES WANTED. WANTED^-GARAGE OR SPACE FOR fl~OR 7 cars for auto repairing. Box 245-T. 8tar. _2d* AUTO TRUCKS FOR SALE. FORD '35 panel delivery ideal for grocery, liquor store etc.; a bargain, $H45: small 1 down payment; terms as low as $20 i monthly. Inc . dth and Florida j ave. ri.e. Open evenings. Atlantic 7200. _AUTOMOBILES WANTEPT~ CASH FOR YOUR CAR. HIGHEST PRICES PAID txrv-.rsfv.rsw. /“’r. V i n, Tic,; J XT«.4. 1 See MR. BARNES. 1729_14th St! C/iSH FOR YOUR CAR—Highest prices paid. Superior Motor Cars, Inc., 1320 14th st. n.w. De. 1300. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. AUBURN 1934, model 652X sedan; this car combines some of the finest safety features ever built into an automobile with smart, modern appearance: the 1934 Auburn is still one of the beauty winners for graceful flowing lines which with its safety-steel body, safety hydraulic brakes, safety bridge steel frame, safety shockproof steering plus modern ventilation control and a large number of other features make it an ideal car for the buyer needing a safe and beautiful automobile. For this week only. $339. The Trew Motor Co . 1526 14th st. n.w.. and 14th^and Pa ave. s.e. BUICK sedan. 1929: excellent tires, new battery, new clutch; pvt. owner; $75. Cleveland^ 1455.___ BUICK sedan, model 87. 1931: excellent condition; motor perfect; $160 cash. Wal nut 2096- 7 26* BUICK 1930 '-passenger spdan; roomy and powerful, paint and interior are very clean, white sidewall tires; 18.000 actual miles; MOO. Pohanka Service, 1126 20th st. n.w. District 91 4 1. __ BUICK 1929 sedan; the original dark green finish is perfect, upholstery is clean and shows no wear, has 5 very good tires and it runs perfectly; a good-looking car that will give some one many miles of flne ervice; $125. Pohanka Service. 1126 20th at. n w._District 9141. _ CHEVROLET 1933 master sedan; jet black finish excellent; fine free-wheeling motor, air wheels with excellent tires clean mo hair upholstery, verv sound throughout: heater: $265. Pohanka Service. 1126 20th »t. n.w District 9241._ CHEVROLET 1935 master coach: your in spection will convince you of the original owner’s care, the black finish is perfect, spotless inside flne tires: smooth, quiet motor: $415. Pohanka Service, 1126 20th it n.w._District 9141. _ CHEVROLET 1936 sport sedan; a real beauty, finish almost like new; interior ha* been thoroughly vacuum cleaned: knee action wheels: perfected hydraulic brakes: built-in trunk: quiet,, powerful economical motor, five flne tires Honestly Priced at $585: pay $160 down, mo pmts arranged to suit your budget. Owens Motor Co., 6323 Ga. ave._ CHEVROLET 1936 de luxe master 4-door trunk sedan: you can be proud to own this car for the paint, tires, soft-colored uphol- « stery and general mechanical condition are so nearly new that the average person would believe it to be a brand-new auto- ! mobile- equipped with all the many famous Chevrolet features such as turret top hy draulic brakes, knee action, easy-shift ; transmission economical 6-cylinder en gine. etc. Why pay more when this re markable value can be bought for only *590? The Trew Motor Co.. 1526 14th st. n.w . and_ 14th and_Pa._ave._se._ CHEVROLET 1932 de luxe sedan: In excel lent mechanical conditions; interior has been thoroughlv vacuum cleaned flne finish. Rood tires. Here is a car you will be proud to own and drive Honestly Priced at $235. Terms to suit you. Owens Motor Co . 6323 Ga. ave. _ CHEVROLET 1931 roadster; excellent run ning condition; practically new tires and top; $60 cash. Sat. and Sunday, between 3 0 and 1 Dm. 6536 Wessling lane, Beth esda. Md.___ CHEVROLET 1930 coupe: new top. tires, battery, heater: good condition priv. party: reas. for cash. Walnut 707L_ CHEVROLET 3 930 coach: here is satis factory transportation for thousands of miles at low Honest Price of $95: good motor, top. tires, paint and upholstery: terms arranged. Owens Motor Co.. 6323 Georgia _ave.__ CHEVROLET 1936 master town sedan; beautiful original black finish almost like new; clean interior: has had exceptionally fine care, built-in trunk. Honestly Priced at $550. and it -is worth the money: liberal terms. Owens Motor Co.. 6323 Georgia ave. CHEVROLET 1.931 sport coupe: rumble seat; quiet, powerful, economical 6-cvl. motor; clean interior, good finish flne tires Honestly Priced at $150 terms to suit you. Owens Motor Co.. 6323 Ga. ave. CHEVROLET 1933 master coupe; sacrifice. Ji**?: Perfect mech. cond. Mr. Mayes. 4ol5 3 4th st. n.w. Rand 4220. Accept small payments: truly a bargain. CHEVROLET coach. 1936: good condition reasonable._517 Morse st. n e. CHEVROLET 1936: mechanicallv perfect; especially good engine. 18 to 20 mi. per Katiun. xtar is ciean ana new looking in every way. A bargain. $485; private owner. 3445 Mt. Pleasant st Phone Adams 7284 after 5 p.m., Saturday and all day Sunday. __ CHRYSLER 1931 de luxe sport coupe; original dark blue finish. 6 wire wheels, metal tire covers, fine tires, clean inside, runs perfectly, very sporty and attractive. fl/5. Pohanka Service. 1126 20th st. n.w. District 0141. DE SOTO 1932 de luxe four-door sedan with heater: driven since new bv Chew Chase owner: unusual value; $199. 4221 Conn._Clev, 8401. Dealer. DE SOTO 1936 de luxe custom 2-door sedan, has such famous equipment as Philco radio, built-in aero-type trunk, finished in Chase steel-cut Velmo uphol stery: sacrifice. $600: will give terms. Mr._Colb>\_Atlantic_7731 -J. DE SOTO 1937 de luxe 4-door trunk se dan; gun metal finish, overdrive trans mission: driven less than three months: cannot be told from new: substantial re duction: will accept small trade. Colum bia 3331-W. _ DODGE 1933 4-door trunk sedan: body and motor excellent condition; good rub ber; $49!*. discount for cash. Met. DODGE 1937 4-door trunk sedan, this is a company car owned by Leo Rocca, Inc.: carries a new-car guarantee, and has been assigned for my use as salesman. If you &uy this car now you can save approxi mately $175. Phone National 7321, ask for Mr. Greenstreet. 1 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALI. (Continued.) DODGE 3 937 de luxe two-door touring •edan; perfect condition; $699. 4221 Conn. Clev, 8401. Dealer, DODGE 4-door. 3 936. trunk: condition ex cellent: owned by lady must sell. Mr. Rq.venbcrry. i218 Conn, ave. _ I)ODGE 4-door v>dan fast four;" ft 5,ne .condition; $56. A. F. 8kinner. 2626 Woodley p] nw |i DODGE ’27 4-cylinder roadster— rumble seat, good condition, good Urea. 1017 17th it. n e._Atlantie_j6231-M_ }®^6 de luxe “ convertible Fordof u\Pd b7 banker’s wife since new; 840tlbUDeanie?lt7; 3006' 4221 Conn. Clev. FORD 1936 black Tudor! mechanically upholstery spotless; sac., $-95: will accept trade; can be financed Met. 3477. Apt. 806. __ coup* radio and heaterT snlendid V-8 engine, all-steel body in black baked enamel: clean mohair interior; 5 very good tires; appears and performs ex ?w!.£nt*y: $:*35. Pohanka Service, 112ft -.01 h sL_n.w._District 914J._ FORD 1937 Tudor touring sedan, owner will sacrifice $365 equity for $176. Buyer Tempi?™*.?*7™*"1* 01 S26*30 per mppth. FORD 3 936 de luxe Tudor touring""sedan! largJe irunk- radl°- h “w beater; littls used; $426 Deni.-r Columbia ' FORD 1937 de luxe 5-pa's club rabrio]r\ driven 4.500 miles; cost $850 new. $595. Dealer. Columbia 6186-M. FORD de luxe sedan, very finest condition: original owner must .sacrifice only $216; not interested in dealers. 3223 Adams Mill rd. n.w.__ FORD 1936 V-8 Tudor sedan, sparkling V-8 performance, safety-steel body famo * Ford economy and dependability—these ara the Qualities that sold a million of thr a cars last year. Today, with splendid c*:s by the initial owner, this nearly new car wirh its fine paint, immaculate condition, represent your opportunity to buy a car only slightly used for a fraction of its original price. $469. The Trew Motor Co . 3 526 14 th st. n.w., and 14th and Pa. ave. ».e. _ FORD 1936 convertible coupe black with white tires; beautiful condition; $515. 4221 Conn. ave. Clev 8401. Dealer LINCOLN-ZEPHYR sedan, black whits sidewall tires; this car has had best of care; owner must sacrifice; will take car in trade; easv rermv. Cali Georg.a 0958. NASH 1932 sedan. good paint and nr*** and it runs perfectly; a real bargain at only $125. Pohanka Service. 1126 20rh it. n.w. Dial NASH 1932 model *990” excellent eond: dition: priv. owner; black paint; very reas for quick sale^_ Potomac 4657 OLDSMOBILE 1934 de luxe four-door se dan; real value; $399. 4221 Conn. Clev. 8401. _Dealer.__ OLDSMOBILE 3935 coupe, original marooli nmsh appears new. upholstery clean and unworn smooth, efficient motor; all ex veilent tires: knee action: hydraulic brakes; *465. Pohanka Service. 1126 20th st. n.w. District 914 1._ OLDSMOBILE 1931 de iBXS *Dort coudp. attractive new Arabian sand finish, ft wood wheels, trunk rack, very attractive and sporty and will give some one many mile* of satisfactory service $1«5. Pohanka Service. 1 126 20th sr. n w Dist 914 1 OLDSMOBILE 1937 4-door touring sedan? driven about 1.400 miles, just like new throughout and a new-car guarantee: daric olue finish and has the large built-in trunk: $875. Pohanka Service, ll”t| 20th at. n.w._District 914JL_ OLDSMOBILE 1937 demonstrators and official cars in 6 and 8 cylinder sedans. 4-door touring sedans and coaches: like new in every detail substantial reductions, new-car guarantee and service policy Trade your car NOW. it is worth more on one oi the practically new cars. L P 8teuart. Inc., 1401 14th at. n.w., or 620 H at. n.e. _____ OLDSMOBILE 1933 sport coupe: the~origi nal black finish is like new. spotless in side. 5 fine tires, rumble seat, mechan ically will pass most careful inspection, very low mileage, formerly owned and driven by prominent diplomat $2*5. Pohanka Service. 1126 20th st. n.w. J>.s trict 914 1 OLDSMOBILE 1933 de luxe touring 5-pass, coupe attractive tan metallic finish. 6-wheel equipment, metal tire covers large built-in trunk; very attractive and will give some one many miles of fine service; *295. Pohanka 8ervice, 1126 20th st. n.w._District 914_L PACKARD^—Must sacrifice beautiful '34 coupe with rumble new-car condition in every respect; 26.000 miles; 75% off eos»: terms. Mr. Hallock- Ridge 272_ PACKARD “120” sedan with trunk: da luxe equipment: special finish: radio, heater. Low mileage. Bargain. Call Po tomac 5347. _ _____ PLYMOUTH! 1933 coupe: rumble perfect mech. cond : good tires, radio: lady owner will sacrifice. *195 terms if necessary. 3422 Garfleid s* n w Cleveland 2900 PLYMOUTH coupe. 1935. with air wheels; excellent condition Owner Govt worker. Phone Col. 6838-W, Apt. 4. 1?56 Coium bta rd._ PLYMOUTH 1937 4-door touring sedan, low mileage; car is owned by Leo Rocca* Inc . and has been used by me as sales man’s demonstrator: carries full new-car guarantee. You can save approximately $175 if you act at once Phone National 7321. ask for Mr. Casey._ PLYMOUTH de luxe '36 sedan (touring with trunk* with lovely radio and beau tifully cared for. Am closing my apart ment and leaving town Bargain for a quick deal. I cannot accept a trade Met. 9079. Mrs Causby. 25“ PLYMOUTH 1933 P. D. coupe, rumble seat; excellent condition and appearance. $225. terms._Brashers. 1339 1 4tn st. n.w. PLYMOUTH 1935 PJ sedan: the exceptional economy, beauty and safety of this auto mobile were the factors which caused It to be the best seller in the history of the Plymouth six; with hydraulic brakes, all ateel safety body double drop frame and cross section steering it was and still is one of the safest cars that can be bought the Carter carburetor, valve seat inserts and four rings to a piston combine to make this car sensationally economical to operate: the beautiful lines of this car are as modern as a new car Priced special for a limited time only. $459. The Trew Motor Co . 1526 14th st. n.w., and I4th and Pa. PLYMOUTH 1935 de luxe coach, trunk. 3396 ttrmi. Bruhtri. 1339 14th it. 1.1 PLYMOUTH 1939 sedan driven Olliy 9 0 ' miles: price. $550. $100 down See this car si Reed's Serv. Sta., 9th and N sts. n.w. __27* PONTIAC demonstrators and official cars in sedans, louring sedans and coaches: low mileage, new-car guarantee and serv ice policy: these cars must be sold before arrival of new 1938 Pontiacs Your op portunity to own a practically new car at low cost: full trade allowance for your old car and balance to suit you: come in today._L^P Steuart. Inc.. 1440 P_sr n w. PONTIAC 1935 sedan; splendid straight 8 motor, black factory finish very clean, spot less inside, knee action, hydraulic brakes, all excellent tires: $495. Pohanka Service. 1128 2Qth st. n.w._District 914 L_ PONTIAC 1937 de luxe business coupe, 8-cyl. with radio: carefully driven: $89P. 4221 Conn. Clev. 8401. Dealer._ PONTIAC 1930 sedan, good tires and running condition: $75 cash. Call Georgia 3247.__A_ REO 1933 Rovale Victoria: finished in a beautiful Brewster green, with four new tires, spotless interior and mechanically tested and O K. d by our factory-trained mechanics, this is one of the most spec tacular bargains we have ever offered the semi-automatic clutch with control button on floor board and hydraulic brakes mak*» this one of the easiest and safest cars to drive that you could buy: the aero-dynamic design and slanting radiator grill keen it looking modern. For a’ limited time only. $259. The Trew Motor Co., 1526 14th at. n.w. and Mth anri Pa ave. sp._ STUDEBAKER 1934 cruising sedan: very modern appearance and it performs fault lessly; clean and sound throughout and tht tires are very good: $325. Pohanka Service. 1 128 20th st. n.w. District 914 1 _ TODAY’S BEST BUY 1937 CHEVROLET Sport Sedan, many CCQP extra*. Sava aver » r J $225. Liberal finance plan. Car fully guarantaad. SUPERIOR MOTORS TWO LOCATIONS 14th AS Sts. 1399 14th *t. N.W. DEca. 497 L DEea. J999 to *100 MORE For Your 1936, 1935, 1934 Chevrolet, Ford, Dodge and other standard makes in trade on 1937 Pontiac Demonstrators ' and Official Cars * These cars have been driven very little- equal to new in every respect—sold with new-car guar antee and service policy—ACT QUICKLY I ARCADE PONTIAC, INC. Direct Factory Dealer 1419 IRVINS ST. N.W.—ID. 967S > 11" \ 1