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' GARR BROTHERS FREE UNDER ROND 4 - Denhardt Slayers Await In dictment by Grand Jury October 4. By the Associated Press. SHELBYVILLE, Kv„ September 25.—Free on bond, the three Garr brothers, accused of the slaying last Monday night of Brig. oen. Henry Denhardt, awaited today the action * of a Shelby county grand jury sched uled tn convene October 4. Their bonds, totaling *50.000, were quickly executed yesterday by six family friends of the Oarrs after County Judge Harry F. Walters bound them over to the grand jury. The brothers—Roy, Jack and Dr. E. s. Garr—are charged with murder In j warrants sworn out Tuesday, but can I be prosecuted only on indictments. + Dr. Garr and Roy returned to their ; homes near La Grange, in Oldham { County. Jack Garr, 37-year-old | “baby'’ of the trio, said he was going to his home near Cincinnati. Judge Walters’ decision to grant the brothers bail was cheered wildly by the crowd that had jammed the court room all day and heard Roy Garr, 46-year-old farmer and bird dog trainer, assume full responsibility for the death of the 61-year-old gen eral. who had been indicted and once tried for the slaying of his fiancee, Mrs. Verna Garr Taylor, 40, "baby sister” of the Garrs. g “I Was Scared.” Describing the shooting, which oc- i furred on this bluegrass city's almost- j deserted Main street as the former lieutenant governor and adjutant gen eral of Kentucky was walking with his attorney, Rodes K. Myers of Bowl ing Green, Roy Garr said: "I saw Denhardt go for his right hip. and by God, I went for my gun. I was scared and I started shooting and didn't stop until I had emptied my gun.” Roy disputed testimony by Myers that he had fired a “coup de grace” shot into the general's head after he lay dead in the doorway of a hotel toward which he ran headlong after M the attorney warned "general, there are the Garrs!” and shots rang out. Dr. Garr. 48-year-old veterinarian, testified he fired two shots, but did not know w hether either struck Den hardt. Jack Garr. according to testimony, was not armed. Cite General's Threats. Further to bolster their self-defense stand. Dr. Garr and Roy related threats they said had been made against them by Denhardt. * At Bowling Green. Jesse Denhardt, a brother, and Miss Bertha Denhardt, I ' ■■ ■ 11 Garr Brothers Get Bail The Garr brothers, Dr. L. S.. Roy and Jack, as they watched William Belnap sign bail, a total oj $50,000. for them yesterday in the Shelby County court, house at Shelbyville. Ky. The papers were signed afrer an all-day examining trial in u'hich the brothers were charged ivith the murder of Gen. Henry H. Den hardt. —Copyright. A. P. Wircphoto. I spinster sister of the slain man. i,ssued a statement asserting they would leave prosecution of the Oarr case to the commonwealth. "We have no intention of participat ing in another Roman holiday such as disgraced the previous trial.” they said, referring to the general's first trial last April on a charge of murder ing Mrs. Taylor November 6. 1936. The jury reported it was unable to agree. The statement continued: "If the officers whose duty it is to enforce the law are derelict in the discharge of their sworn duties in the case of an obviously cold-blooded murder, there will rest on the State and dignity of the commonwealth a stain which will degrade them in the eyes of the Nation.” -• $16,000 FOR RESEARCH Amount Awarded Junior Chamber by Brooklyn Institution. SCOTTS BLUFF. Nebr., September 25 i/Pt.—Roswell Roaengren of Buffalo, N. Y„ national president of the United States Junior Chamber of Commerce, said last night the organisation had been allotted *16.000 by the Brook ings Institution at Washington to be used for “research purposes.” Rosengrer. made the announcemen at the Nebraska Junior Chamber o ! Commerce convention here. -• Gold in South Africa. Gold produced In the Transvaal o South Africa in July was valued a more than $34,785,000. HOUSING mis SLIGHT NEW DEAL Administration ignored as Thanks Are Voted to Five Men. Fifty men and women whose chief interest in life is the eradication of city slums snubbed the Roosevelt ad ministration today in voting thanks to five men for bringing into exist ence the national housing law with Its $520,000,000 available for low cost housing. The delegates to the'two-day con ference of the American Federation of Housing Authorities at the Hay Adams House adopted resolutions of pleasure at the efforts of these men on behalf of housing: Mayor La Ouardia of New York City, Representative Steagall of Ala bama and Senator Wagner of New York, the nominal co-authors of the act: Paul B. Betters, executive secre tary of the United States Conference of Mayors, and William Green, presi dent of the American Federation of Labor. The resolutions neglected mention of the P. W. A. Housing Division guided by Secretary of the Interior Ickes. al though that agency has been the chiei factor In America's war for slum elim ination during the past four years. In deed. Catherine Bailers, executive sec retary of the Labor Housing Confer ence, ' put the administration out of the picture altogether when she re marked about the Wagner act: "This law was not dictated by the White House. It is the result of a na tional demand.” Labor occupies a strategic position in improvement In housing in the United States, Miss Bauers told the ex perts, because the laboring men and women demand Improved dwelling fa cilities. To spur her hearers to de mand adequate Federal aid for remedy ing the housing situation Miss Bauers said: "Two years from now we will be facing the biggest housing shortage in our history." The chief housing need after low cost slum clearance projects is a 13,000 to tS.ooO house for small in come persons not poor enough to demand public housing, John Fahey, chairman of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, told the meeting. He suggested that such housing should Interest private financing, which can not foot the bill fof slum-clearance projects. The meeting closes this afternoon. -. Martha Raye Divorce Quiet. LOS ANGELES, September 25 | (#1— Hi-de-ho Martha Raye will have I a quiet divorce. Percivai Westmore yesterday was appointed guardian of Brother Buddy, ! a minor. He dismissed Buddy's answer ! to Martha's divorce complaint in which : Buddy blamed his mother-in-law, ! Mrs. Mabelle H. Reed, for his marital i grief. Buddy now plans to make only a general denial to cruelty charges. The couple has been married but six weeks. Father, Three Sons, Deputy and Another Man Held to Wise Grand Jury. fey the Aasoclkttd Prett. WISE, Va.. September 34.—Five men yesterday were bound over to the Wise County grand jury by Trial Judge J. T. Hamilton In connection with the Blackwood Coal and Coke Co. pay roll holdup September 15. Deputy Sheriff C. W. McNutt, one of 10 persons arrested in connection with the robbery, waived preliminary hearing and four others against whom ; warrants had been Issued were dis missed on motion of Commonwealth's Attorney Fred B. Greear Sent on to the grand jury at yester day's hearing were John Cleek and three sons, John R. (Buck) Cleek, Carl (Zeke) Cleek and Harry (Hack) Cleek and Roy Palin. “Just Like Picking Cherries.” At the hearing In a packed court room Buck Cleek testified the first suggestion of the robbery was made by McNutt about two months ago. He said McNutt, who accompanied the two pay roll ofllclaU of the coal com pany, told him it would be "just like picking cherries." Buck Cleek told Trial Justice Ham ilton that the booty was to be spa three way*, with McNutt and ”tw men from Tennessee.” Cleek testified he had several tele phone conversation* with McNutt, on two days before the robbery. He sai: the officer told him there would b two other person* in the car carryin the money but that they would b unarmed Other witnesses called by Greea were Lyle Bellamy, a deputy employe: by the coal company; Sheriff J. t Quillen of adjoining Scott County; ; L. Osier, manager of the coal com pany; E. F.^Buell, pay roll auditor, an Hasel Bellamy and Mrs, Joe Davidsor WHERE TO DINE. piSiiSii The two women testified they new ) Buck and Harry Cleek and Palin in three automobiles which "came down . the road” after the holdup. . Buck, Harry and Zeke Cleek are 1 charged with being the masked trio » which halted the pay roll car. ! -- • --» _WHERE TO DINE. 5 BONAT’S cafe I 1022 Vermont Ave. • j Wappi/ to Announce A BIGGER AND BETTER j RESTAURANT . t i?3UTRT0EFOUF8oS!,RSVICB I * IMP°RT|rr.RT.^i,t?T UWOM LIDO GRILL 1208 18th St. N.W. Announces... new Family Style pa. I — DINNER DU Served from 8 to 9 P.M. (Except Sunday) j Minestrone Soup 2 Different Kinds of Meot 3 Vegetables and Spaghetti Solod—Apple—Cheese Coffee—Tea Also a la Carte Service Entertainment 8 P.M. Till Midnight Fin«»t Impnrl.d Win., and Mlitrd Prink. ___ _ Woodward Sc Lothrop ; 1()TB IIth F and G Streets Phone District otfOO il ■ Hi ^ Wall-to-Wall Carpet Does Make a Big Difference in the Appearance of Your Rooms Your rooms will take on a larger, more spacious appearance as soon as you install wall-to-wall carpet. It does, of course, have the added advantage of being easier to keep clean, and serves as a better back ground for innumerable arrangements of your furniture. You can match halls and rooms, or, if you pre fer, you can find blends or contrasts that will best set off the intended tone of each of your rooms; And this can all be yours at very low cost with our Woodward & Lothrop Special Broadloom, a high-grade carpet made of deep, resilient, three-ply yarns in a choice of ten popular colors. 9 and 12 foot Upon request we will send a represent- 27-inch width ■widths ative to take measures and submit estimates without charge. (Tele- CZf\ phone District 5300). Deferred payments on purchases of $25 or more may be arranged for a slight additional carrying charge. - Square yard c„m ^ ^ Lineal yard I r'A..- f ~ 3 Repair Parts STOVES FURNACES BOILERS Mott Complete Stock in the City Fries, Beall & Sharp 734 10th St. N.W. Woodward & Lotiiroi* 10™ II™ r »m> <; ^TUrrt* Paova nimnicr S.IOO Stort Hours— 9:30 A.M. to 5:45 P.M. You are cordially invited to a Bernat Hand-Knit Fashions Showing in the Tea Room, Seventh Floor Tuesday and Wednesday at 3:30 o'clock Directed by a Stylist from the Emile Bernat Mills One W'eek Only—Special Selling Bernat Boucle-de-Laine 200-yord boll, regularly 75c A*t Nra»L*wt*K, Wwwtm Tiotm A$ ''i < CMr. . __ » i*' Helena Rubinstein's personal representative will be here nextweek to demonstrate the marvelously effective new Beautilift Masque and to give advice on your individual beauty problems. She will show you the quick, effective way to re-sculpture your contour with Beautilift Masque, bringing back to your throat and chin the youthful lines of beauty. Mask, lotion and head $fT band - Special Pore Masque, to refine skin texture, $2. Youthifying Herbal Masque, for quick "pick-up," $2. Let Madame Rubinstein's personal representative prescribe a sci entific beauty program to meet your individual skin requirements. Toilbtriis, Aisli 13, First Floor. I_L_2_S_