Newspaper Page Text
. I WEATHER. -—--■ OJ. S Weather Bureau Forecast.) Tn 11 a . . _ _ Mostly cloudy, followed by showers and X Ull ASSOClEtfid PreSS cooler today; tomorrow fair and rather XT j -itt* cool; moderate shifting winds, becoming INeWS Ella WlFephotOS ' Sunday and ruu report on B-i,_| Every Afternoon. (A1) Means Associated Press. WITH DAILY EVENING EDITION ' * No. 1,697—No. 34,116. £n«roncV *£**«££..“d.11" WASHINGTON, D. C., SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 26. 1937—114 PAGES * FIVE CENTS TEN CENTS —.. : " - , - ' - P* WASHINgTON ATO SUBURB BRITAIN AND FRANCE BID ITALY TO TALK SOLUTION OF SPANISH WAR ISSUES Parley Suggested in Joint Note to Rome. SEEK REMOVAL OF VOLUNTEERS Threat to Open Up Frontier Paris’ Ace Card. BACKGROUND— Crisis arose in relations of Italy With Britain and, France as result of activities of piratical submarines in Mediterranean and conclusion of Nyon agreement for international patrol to suppress mysterious at tacks. Italy refused to participate in patrol unless given parity with France and Britain, which latter refused to grant. Alleviation of conflict follows informal discus sions in Geneva and Rome. By th* Associated Press. PARIS, September 25.—Officials confirmed today that Britain and Prance have taken preliminary steps to bring Italy into a tripartite con ference to seek solution of the most dangerous international issues arising from the Spanish civil war. A Joint note by Britain and France, _ guggesting such a conference has been gent to Rome, it was stated, and the Italian government has been noti fied that this note would be fol lowed shortly by another proposing that representatives of the three na tions meet at the French foreign Mussolini's Return Awaited. A French spokesman said this sec ond note probably would be dispatched immediately after Premier Mussolini's return from Germany. , Although spokesmen declined to discuss propositions to be made to the conference, it was generally under •tood that France and Great Britain would try to bring about the with drawal of foreign volunteers from Spain. Falling to obtain Italy’s consent bo this, they would seek guarantees ■gainst the sending of more “volun teer” troops into Spain. Arms Halt Also Seen Topic. The question of stopping the trans portation of foreign arms and muni tions to Spain also was expected to Pa discussed. A threat to throw open her frontier lor such armaments shipments is an ace card which France may play, ob servers believed, In case Italy is un willing to co-operate in the way France »nd Britain desire. It was announced here that Admiral Pini, adjutant to the chief of staff of the Italian Navy and head of the Italian delegation, would come to Paris Monday for a conference to arrange for Italy to participate in the Mediterranean “anti-piracy” pa trol. MADRID CLAIMS VICTORY. Plot te Overthrow Regime Behind Lines Also Spiked. MADRID. September 25 1/P).—’The Spanish government tonight an nounced an important victory on the North Aragon front near the French border while behind the front officials told of crushing a great plot to over throw’ the Madrid-Valencia regime. Two hundred persons have been ar rested in the round-up of conspirators the government accused of using the Chilean Embassy for headquarters. Other hundreds of insurgent sym pathizers who have hidden under diplo matic protection in Madrid legation buildings since outbreak of the civil MfAK Miava K/\l i Avn/l tn Ka in inonnr/iir cause of disclosure of the plot. Rebel Concentrations Annihilated. Government dispatches from Aragon said insurgent concentrations near Huesca had been annihilated on that middle-border front. “Hundreds of truckloads” of enemy Soldiers were trapped by aerial bomb ers, declared the communique, at a point where the insurgents were at tempting to mass troops to stem gov ernment pressure just, below the French border. [Insurgent dispatches to Irun, near the frontier, confirmed a gov ernment advance east of Jaca along the towering Pyrenees, but did not disclose the. exact extent of the drive.] Government bombers converged on the insurgent troop trucks that were so closely packed “not a bomb was W’asted,” said the communique. “Men and materials were blown to bits.” The Huesca front, lying at the back door of rich industrial Barcelona, holds the key to the central Franco Spanish border. Government dis patches said capture of Jaca resulted in a government push through a dozen towns and villages of the region along the Gallego River and the cap mre of many prisoners. Quick Punishment Demanded. Disclosure of the widespread behind the-lines plot led to immediate de mands for quick punishment of con spirators the government said were headed by 17 army officers, all now under arrest. Leading a force of 8,000, they were to attack Madrid's t government defenders from the rear while 2,500 cohorts took over Internal control of the besieged city, according to the plans disclosed. The names of 125 civilian leaders, Including many women, were pub lished indicating they were already under arrest. The Argentine and Chilean Em bassies were the only foreign head quarters mentioned specifically in the government's accusation, which said that Falangists were principal sup porters to the plot. The communique disclosed that many nationalized Argentines. Chileans and Panamanians were under arrest or were expected to be seized zoom P — Hitler, Duce Go to War Games After Brilliant Munich Fetes Dictators Have Little Time for Talk Amid Glittering Festivities Schmel ing Steals Show at Tea. o: in.isuuiucu nets. MUNICH,- Germany, September 25. —The brown-shirted and black-shirt ed rulers of Germany and Italy had their first meeting in three years here today, and after demonstrating they were brethren under their shirts, moved on to Mecklenburg to night for army maneuvers. Premier Mussolini seemed well pleased with the tremendous welcome accorded him by Reichfuehrer Hit ler in this gayly decorated, cheering city, even though he may have missed the shouts of “Viva 11 Duce,” which have come from every crowd he has faced in the last 15 years. Most or tne shouting was tor Chan cellor Hitler until Max Schmeling, the heavyweight fighter, brought here as part of the stage dressing for a display of 400 of Germany's most beautiful stage and movie stars, stole some of the show. Obviously embarrassed in his top hat and morning coat. Max was the center of attraction at a tea given for Mussolini this afternoon. A bevy of the actresses swarmed around the big boxer. Mussolini and Hitler had little time for political talking, but their fol lowers disclosed that they managed (See MUNICH, Page A-5.) BUCK CASE KILLS SPECIAL SESSION . - Administration to Withhold Legislative Program Until January. BACKGROUND— Farm legislation, revision of tax laws and labor standards bill are three administration issues due for consideration of Congress. When last session ended in August, spec ulation arose immediately over pos sibility of President calling legis lators back in November to hasten action on some of these. Thus far. Chief Executive has kept own coun sel on matter. Plans of the administration to call a special session of Congress Novem ber 9 have been shelved, it was learned yesterday on good authority. When President Roosevelt left Hyde Park for a tour of the West last Wednesday he gave congressional leaders to understand that he had given up the idea of a special ses sion and would await until Congress convenes in January to submit his legislative program. Administration confidants here did not entirely discount the Dossibility the President might succumb to pres sure for a special session from farm leaders in the West and. revive the plan for a special session call for November 8, but this was considered doubtful. here predicted the idea of a special session would be abandoned a few days after the publication of a series of newspaper articles imputing Ku KIux Klan affiliations to Associate Justice Hugo L. Black. It would be folly, so the argument ran, for the President to provide his critics in Congress with a forum for prolong ing the uproar over the Black ap pointment. What the President de sires most, it was said, is an end of the Black incident, and he is not likely, his advisers say, to give Con gress an opportunity to attempt im peachment proceedings. While it is doubted that impeachment would succeed, nevertheless the President realizes, it was said, that such a pro ceeding would keep the Black ap pointment in the public eye per haps for weeks. (Copyright, 19.1T. by New York Herald Tribune.) $300,000 MILL FIRE Hundreds Temporarily Homeless After Blaze in Massachusetts. SOUTH ATTLEBORO, Mass., Sep tember 25 (/P).—Fire tonight destroyed the woodworking and lumber plant of the Joseph B. Charpentier Mill & Fin ish Co. here with a 106S Charpentier estimated at $300,000. Hundreds were made temporarily homeless and all traffic on the main line of the New Haven Railroad be tween Providence and Boston was blocked for hours as the flames raged out of control. Heavily rumbling explosions pre ceded the outburst of flame in a half acre storage shed of the lumber com pany, filled with mahogany and other expensive hardwoods. Pilots New Craft Juno Over 15-Mile Course at 62.265 M.P.H. Average. It took Jack Rutherford eight years to win a President's Cup race, but the popular Long Island sportsman last night appeared headed for a repetition of his victory in 1936 on the basis of a record-breaking performance in the first heat of the annual renewal of the classic in the President’s Cup Regatta yesterday afternoon. Coming to the power boat wars with a new craft, the Juno, Rutherford covered the 15 miles in 13:47 3-5 min utes, an average speed of 65.265 miles per hoar, which wasn't far from 8 miles an hour better than the previous mark of 57.692 m.p.h. set by George Reis of Lake George, N. Y., in capturing the cup race with his El Lagarto In 1932. Rutherfurd had a best lap time of 67.669 m.p.h. for the 2Vi-mile course off Hams Point and when he got the checkered flag from the judges aboard the Coast Guard cut ter Apache, he had left in his wake five competitors. Closest to him, but not near enough to threaten, were the Notre Dame, President's Cup winner in 1935, owned by Herb Mendelson of petroit and driven by Clell Perry, and the Alagi, owned and driven by Count Theo Rossi of Turin, Italy. m HI UCIIIIIU. Far in the ruck were the Impshi, owned by Horace Dodge, Detroit motor magnate, and driven by Joe Schaefer, and Miss Palm Beach, with Ruther ford’s wife, Mrs. Maud Rutherford, at the wheel. Stalled on the course was Delphine IX. another Dodge boat, driven by grizzled Frithiof Ericson, whose ill fortune is an old story in boat racing. The way the opening heat was run before thousands lined along the Po tomac seawall and in pleasure boats dotting the edges of the lane looked like an unbeatable combination com ing into the second and third heats this afternoon, which will wind up tlie gruelling 45-mile test. This is particularly trfie in view of the fact that Juno, as a curtain-raiser for her President’s Cup appearance, tore over the Potomac yesterday morn ing in a mile trial on the straightaway course at a speed of 84.6065 m.p.h. for a new American record, far surpassing old marks. Has Made 90 M. P. H. 'J'HERE are too many “ifs”- in this game to take anything for granted. Rossi's Alagi, which finished sec ond to the Notre Dame in the De troit Gold Cup, Labor day, has done better than 90 miles an hour on the straightaway, and members of the racing clan say if the Italian boat ever gets off in front, and has smooth wa ter for her journey instead of taking the wash of her competitors, some body is going to know that they have been to the races. Rossi also has another potential starter for the wind-up in the Ara dam, which was kept out of the first heat by magneto trouble. The Italian nobleman, who is the first foreign competitor in the history of the President’s Cup, kept mechanics at (Continued onPage B-6, Column 5.) Clue to Two Missing Generals Sought From Russian Singer n* tk. _j_j -_ PARIS, September 25.—Baffled Surete Nationale agents questioned a veiled Russian singer for several hours tonight seeking some clue to the mys terious disappearance of two Russian Czarist generals—one the singer’s hus band. Mme. Nadine Plevitskaia, wife of missing Gen. Nicholas Skobline, was placed under arrest after the ques tioners failed to shake her assertion she knew nothing of the strange case. Orders were issued also for the ar rest of Skobline after Surete agents raided his suburban home. Skobline dropped from sight Thurs day morning after reporting that his chief, Gen. Eugene de Miller, head of emigres who belonged to the late Czar’s armies, had vanished after starting for a rendezvous he feared was an ambush. Surete officials worked on the theory Skobline might have engineered hie I 1 cnier s abduction. They asserted evi dence supporting this theory was found in the raid on Skobline's home and in discrepancies in Mme. Plevitskaia's stofy. Investigators declined to disclose whether they considered a foreign Dower had plotted the abduction of De Miller or whether his disappearance was merely the result of a quarrel within the Paris White Russian colony. Gen. Constantin Erdelli, who pre sided over a White Russian court of honor in 1935, said that Skoblliie was tried on charges of being a Soviet agent since 1919 and of taking part in the abduction of Gen. Alexandre Koutiepoff in 1930. KoutiepofI was never found. “The court of honor acquitted Skob line because of lack of proof but it did not establish his Innocence,” Er delli declared, adding that "his con duct in the De Miller case confirms the suspicions of many of us.” \ t JAPANESE RESUME BIG SHANGHAI PUSH ON MEE FRONT Counter-attack by Chinese Spurs “War’s” Heaviest Use of Artillery. RELATIVE OF HIROHITO IS REPORTED WOUNDED Invaders' Planes Spread Destruc tion in Central and Southern Cities in China. BACKGROUND— Their troops stalemated in struggle with Chinese national troops around Shanghai, Japanese military leaders have taken to air with their invasion of China. Pow ers were warned week ago that Nan king would be subjected to terrific aerial bombardments and for eigners were warned Japan would not be responsible for their safety. Last week Japanese planes bombed Canton, Nanking and half dozen other central and coastal Chinese cities, killing and wounding thou sands, despite repeated protests of powers. Br the Associated Press. SHANGHAI. September 26 (Sun day).—Japanese infantry launched fierce drives today along a 40-mile front from Lotien, north of Shanghai, to the devastated Kiangwan civic center on its outskirts. (Prince Hiroyoshi Fushimi. com mander of a Japanese destroyer flotilla, was reported in Tokio to have been slightly wounded in fighting near the Shanghai water front. The prince is the eldest son of Prince Hiroyasu Fushimi, a cousin of Emperor Hirohito.) The new Japanese offensive ended a week’s lull during which heavy rain prevented infantry action. Firm ly entrenched Chinese troops counter attacked, forcing the Japanese to ^hrow newly landed reinforcements into the fighting. Chinese sources declared that the defense lines, al though sorely pressed, remained in to nf The Japanese brought into action the heaviest artillery they have yet unlimbered on the Shanghai front in a combined barrage with air bomb ers and naval guns. Foodstuffs’ Removal Allowed. For the first time since the unde clared war began, the Japanese per mitted the removal of foodstuffs and other merchandise from Japanese-oc cupied areas of the International Settlement. They had insisted until now that the warehouses remain locked to prevent any possibility of food or material reaching the Chinese Army. Hundreds of motor trucks brought out more than $10,000 worth of Ameri can and other foreign merchandise, including medicines. The heavy file of trucks caused a serious traffic jam. At the peak of the congestion Japa nese bluejackets opened rifle fire among the trucks on what they said was a Chinese spy who eluded them by diving into the Whangpoo River. Great Chinese Cities Devastated. China’s greatest cities, except those under Japanese occupation, were sub jected yesterday to devastating bomb ing by the Japanese air forces, rang ing over nearly all the eastern provinces of this invaded land. Hundreds of Chinese non-combat ants died. Property damage ran into millions of dollars. Terror and anguish ruled half a dozen great communities with populations approaching or pass ing the million mark. Nanking, the capital, wras punished by five successive waves of Japanese air raiders, who remained over the city a total of seven hours. Officials said the death toll in the bombings, part of Japan's announced campaign to destroy the center of Chinese mili tary resistance, would approach 200. Wuhan Area Raided Anew. Hankow, Wuchang and Hanyang, the Wuhan citifes of the middle Yangtze Valley, suffered a new series of early morning raids, within a few hours of the terrible air attack the Japanese airmen made on these same cities, comprising a great commercial center, late Friday. Chinese officials revised their esti mates of the dead in Friday’s Wuhan raid upward to nearly 1,000 and said more casualties had been added when enemy planes again attacked Hankow, 450 airline miles from the coast, before dawn. Nanchang capital of Klangsi Prov ince and Chinese aviation center, was heavily bombed, and Canton, the great metropolis of the South, was subjected to a series of minor raids. Late last night the Chinese air force struck back with a raid on the Jap anese air field in Yangtzepoo, at the eastern end of Shanghai’s Interna tional Settlement. The attack was made in heavy darkness, before the moon rose. In the North China campaign, Jap anese army spokesmen declared the columns which Friday captured Pao tlngfu and Tsangchow, key points of the main Chinese defense system across Central Hopeh, were co-solidat lng their positions preparatory to fresh advances. Down the Peiping-Hankow Railway a vanguard was marching on Tingh sien, 115 miles from Peiping, and the Japanese hoped to reach the Yellow River before snow falls. In the Far Northwest the Japanese claimed an important victory in the capture of Pingtichuan, gateway to Eastern Suiyuan Province and only 75 miles northeast of Kweisui, the provincial capital. Chinese forces driven from Tsang chow were reported retreating rapidly southward along the Tientsin-Pukow Railway toward Shantung Province and military authorities here believed the way was opened for a Japanese invasion of Shantung. Radio Programs, Page F-7. Oonplate late, Pi|« A*i ♦ ITS MORE PERSISTENT THAN MARYS LITTLE LAMB' BA-BA-BLACK SHEEP! Hoofed Animals Must Go Into Quarantine, Others Coming by Express. . (Pictures on Page B-l.) BY WILLIAM H. SHIPPF.N. Jr., Staff Correspondent of The Star. BOSTON, Mass., September 26.— The Washington Zoo's collection ex pedition to the East Indies was hurry ing homeward today. Delay might cost the lives of valu able animals, and Dr. William M. Mann, director of the Zoo and leader of the expedition, was making every effort to expedite the final phase of the long voyage. It seemed probable that the more than 1,000 specimens could not be unloaded from the S. S. Silverash at Staten Island before tomorrow morn ing. Most of the animals then will go to Washington in two special ex press cars on a fast passenger train. Giraffes to Go to Quarantine. The four giraffes and other hoofed creatures are to be sent to Athenia, N. J., for two weeks of quarantine, a precaution against the possible im portation of hoof and mouth disease. Most of the expedition's big animals are in this group, with the exception of the tapirs. Representatives of the National Geographic Society, which financed the expedition', in co-operation with the Smithsonian Institution, are aid ing Dr. Mann with the final arrange ments. Yesterday was a busy day aooard the “ark.” Dr. and Mrs. Mann re ceived many visitors on board the Silverash and a throng of sight-seers sought permission to inspect the cargo. Among visitors was Dr. Harold Cool idge. a zoologist at Harvard, and Mrs. Coolidge, who returned only two days ago from an expedition to Sumatra to study the habits of native apes. Dr. and Mrs. Coolidge were frequent guests of Dr. Mann at the latter's base camp in Sumatra, while on the Other side of the world the Coolidges presented the Washington expedition with two nnnamvan oears. Finds Bears “Grown Up.” At that time the bears were cubs. Yesterday Dr. Coolidge found his pets aboard the Silverash. They were as big as large dogs, but seemed to remember their former master, licking his fingers when he greeted them. Not so agreeable was a black leopard presented to the expedition by an East Indian prince. As the visitors strolled by his cage on deck, the leopard shot a paw between the bars, ripping the trousers of the ship’s local agent. The agent was not injured, however. Federal regulations regarding the animal shipment were many and va ried. A Department of Agriculture agent examined trie hay and grain on board. Customs men questioned those who went ashore with packages. The Plant Quarantine Bureau sent an in spector aboard. In addition, immi gration men watched the gangplank to prevent illegal entry of aliens. Throughout the daylight hours yes terday the Silverash unloaded hemp, rubber and other East Indian products. Guide's Time in U. S. Limited. The immigration laws will prevent Lyang Gaddi, veteran guide and a native of Borneo, one of expedition’s most valuable assistants, from re maining in the States more than 30 days. Gaddi talked to a Nation-wide radio audience yesterday from a micro phone aboard the Silverash. He spoke bravely, although those who knew him said he shook as he never had at a tiger’s charge or the attack of a python. Dr. Mann and other members of the expedition plan to show Gaddi the time of his life before he leaves for the East Indies. Meanwhile, Gaddi is helping by studying Eng lish. Only yesterday Dr. Mann asked Gaddi, "Well, No. 1 boy, are all the animals dead?” A grin split Gaddi’s copper-colored countenance and he bobbed like a dory in a choppy sea. “Yes sir, yes sir,” he cried, in his new-found tongue, "all animals dead.” -• 30 Drown in Danube. BRAILA, Rumania, September 25 C4*).—Thirty Rumanian passengers drowned today when the passenger boat Lydia and the freighter Sema vada collided and sank in the Danube River. The Lydia's oaptain and three crew members were saved. 4k • Dies Abroad EDWARD A. FILENE. EDWARD A. FILENE EXPIRES IN PARIS Boston Merchant Stricken With Pneumonia on Way to London—Was 77. PARIS (Sunday), September 26 C45).—Edward A. Filene, Boston mer chant prince and philanthropist, died at the American Hospital here to day. The 77-year-old merchant waflered a pneumonia attack last Saturday while on his way to London after a tour of Europe. Brought to the hos pital here, his condition gradually be came worse because of complications. He died at 3:45 am. (9:45 p.m. Saturday, E. S. T.). His attending physician said a “respiratory failure induced by pneu monia” caused death. Lillian Schoedler, Filene's secre tary, a physician and two nurses were at his bedside. A crisis had been predicted for today. Filene had been driving to Boulogne, France, on his way to England when he contracted a cold. He returned to Paris and pneumonia developed rap idly. Although he had been in good health during his Summer vacation in Europe, his strength was not great enough to carry him through the crisis night. Devoted Life to Social Justice. Edward Albert Filene devoted his life to make realities of his concep tions of social justice. Son of an immigrant, the interna tional financier who started life as a store clerk preached the gospel of low-ccet production, higher wages, shorter hours, community service and (See FILENE, Page A-14.) NEED FORTAX CUT Survey Reveals That Local Businesses Will Pay 44 Per Cent Bigger Levy This Year. BACKGROUND— A committee of District offi cials has started study of revision of city's tax structure and Com missioners ivill recommend changes to Congress in January. They plan a $50,000,000 budget for 1939. If finally approved, this would call for continuation of the $9,000,000 addi tional tax load adopted for this year. Renewing its demand for a reduction in District taxes next year, the Board of Trade revealed last night that a survey of a variety of local businesses shows their actual tax bills this year will reach a total 44 per cent greater than last. These concerns—some large, some small, and of dissimilar types and methods—paid a District tax Mil last year aggregating $671,356. This year they will be called on to pay $968,729, an increase of $297,373, the trade body found from a tabulation of tax ac counts. Heaped atop the local bills are the enlarged Federal tax burdens which will mean, the trade body reported, that whereas this group of business houses last year paid a grand total levy of $1,213,010. the 1937 bill will mount to $1,745,252, or $532,242 more. This likewise Is an increase of 44 per cent. Keminaing me commissioners ana congressional committees that “there is a law of diminishing returns.” the board voiced fears that “to continue to force an intolerable tax burden on the people of the District will only undermine the economic structure of the community.” It warned that the consumer ultimately has to pay the taxes and that the mounting city levies means a higher cost of living. Average Increase Is 95 Per Cent. To appraise the full force of the $9,000,000 increased District tax load, ordered by Congress to balance the current year’s budget, the board an alyzed returns from the tax question naire it sent to the business houses and reported that the average increase in local taxes this year would be 95 per cent. It found the average increase in the Federal levies paid by these same concerns would be 208 per cent. The average increase in the Federal and District levies, taken collectively, would be 56 per cent. The trade body fought at the last session of Congress to lighten the tax increase. It renewed its argument as to the necessity of safeguarding the economic stability of the Dis trict when the Commissioners indi cated they will sponsor a $50,000,000 budget for the next fiscal year. Such (See TAX CUT, Page A-8.) Merrill and Airline to Contest $500 Fines on Airport Take-Off Capt. Henry T. (Dick) Merrill and Eastern Air Lines will contest charges of violating the Federal regulation limiting operations at Washington Airport, it was learned last night. They are expected within a day or two to file with the Bureau of Air Com merce a demand for hearings and re mittance of *500 fines assessed against each of them. It is understood that contention will be made that the Bureau of Air Commerce had not notified the air line or its pilots of the new regulation officially at the time of the alleged violation and that official notification was not made until some time after ward. Merrill, interviewed in Miami at the end of the flight during which the alleged violation occurred, denied any knowledge of a violation. He said he had made a normal take-off from Washington Airport upon the customary signal from the airport control tower. Samuel J. Solomon, manager of the airport, confirmed the fact that a “go ahead" signal had been flashed to Merrill from the control tower. Airport officials, he said, had received from the Commerce Department at that time no instructions concerning limitations on use of the airport and have not yet received such offi cial notice. The only information airlines or airline pilots had of the restrictive regulation, it is said, was through newspaper accounts and through a mimeographed copy of a press release on the subject issued through the press section of the Commerce De partment. This press release was posted on a bulletin board at the air port, it was said. It was not until some time after Merrill's alleged illegal take-off that the three airlines operating out of Washington received official notifica tion, over the signature of Secretary of Commerce Roper, that the regula tion had been promulgated, it was said. Merrill Didn't Know. Airline operations officials imme diately gave written notice of the ruling to all of their flight crews. It is the opinion of airline officials that the new regulation did not become effective legally until the official noti fication had been received. Merrill, it is said, had no knowledge of the order at the time of his alleged violation, on September 10. He was en route from New York to Miami at the time and did not stop here long enough to have an opportunity to see the press release on the bulletin board or to read newspaper accounts of the order, supposedly to have been effec tive September 7, It was said. ft $48,000,000 LIMIT FOR 0. C, BUDGET HOUSE UNIT’S PLAN Road Projects to Absorb $2,000,000 Increase in Current Figure. EARLY START ON WORK IS DESIRED BY COLLINS Hazen Declares Commissioners Are Determined to Fight for More Funds. BACKGROVNG— Shrinking Federal contributions, accompanied by increasingly ex pensive municipal services, have kept District budget makers in trouble for past several years. Local taxpayers now are feeling pinch as Congress levies new and increased taxes. During same period numer ous desired construction projects have been deferred because of fis cal situation. BY JAMES E. CHINN. Irrespective of the size of the budget the Commissioners may frame for the 1939 fiscal year, the House Subcommit tee on Appropriations, which writes the annual District supply bill, plans to keep the total from exceeding $48, 000,000. The appropriation for the current fiscal year was $46,000,000. Commissioner Melvin C. Hazen has indicated thg new budget might go as high as $50,000,000, despite the protest of the Washington Board of Trade and a number of civic organizations against any increase over the current appro priations. The exact figure, however, will not be known until the latter part of the week when the Commissioners complete the task of slashing the &R5.000 000 hnHtrpt rw’nmmpnHat.lfin* nf the department heads. The $2i)00.000 increase over cur rent appropriations to be allowed by the subcommittee in the coming fiscal year, it was indicated, will be absorbed largely by highway projects which will be financed with unappropriated rev enue to be derived from the new’ motor vehicle weight tax. Outline of Projects. Chairman Collins of the subcommit mittee disclosed he is particularly anxious that a start be made In the coming fiscal year on the proposed $20 000.000 five-year highway improve ment program of Capt. H. C. White hurst, director of highways. Already Collins has made a tentative outline of the projects he Intends to support. Heading the list is a new headquarters building for the Police Department, which is to form the first unit In the long-contemplated municipal center development. The others, all designed to remove traffic hazards and facilitate the movement of traffic, follow: 1. Redesign of Dupont, Thomas and Scott Circles. 2. Construction of an elevated highway over K street as a by-pass for traffic through Georgetown. 3. Construction of a new bridge across Rock Creek from Connecti cut avenue to Sixteenth street. 4. Widening of a number of streets in the business section, par ticularly Twelfth street from New York to Massachusetts avenue, the north side of New York avenue from Fourteenth to Fifteenth street, and Twelfth street from Consitution to Independence ave nue. Listed in Program. Nearly all these projects are listed in the initial installment of Capt. Whitehurst's five-year program. One exception is the proposed viaduct over K street w’hich Capt. Whitehurst planned to delay later in the five-year program. Capt. Whitehurst included replace ment of the Pennsylvania Avenue Bridge over the Anacostia River in his program for the coming fiscal year, but Collins said the need for relieving congested conditions on M street through Georgetown is “more acute,” and should take precedence over a new Pennsylvania avenue bridge. The proposed Pennsylvania avenue bridge is estimated to cost $2,000,000. Capt. Whitehurst suggested a starting appropriaion of $650,000 in the com ing fiscal year, a similar sum in the 1940 fiscal year, and $700,000 more in 1941 to complete the project. Cost of the proposed by-pass ex press highway for Georgetown was estimated at $1,800,000. $600,000 Highway. A new highway crossing Rock Creek, which Collins is especially anxious to see constructed, would cost, according to Capt. Whitehurst, at least $600,000. Plans for revamping Dupont and Thomas Circle call for construction of underpasses for street cars to per mit complete segregation of street cars and vehicular traffic. New traffic directional islands would be built at Scott Circle. Although the total amount of the budget of the Commissioners is still uncertain, Hazen insists it will not be less than $50,000,000. He pointed out the figure would be predicated on a Federal payment of $7,500,000 in the coming fiscal year, an increase of $2,500,000 over the current ap propriation. “Of course, if Congress refuses to increase the Federal payment,” he de clared, “it will be simple for the House Appropriations Subcommittee to keep the total within the $48,000, 000 goal. “But the Commissioners are deter mined to fight for an increase in the Federal payment, and I believe there is some' hope of success. If we get the additional $2,500,000, it probably will be allocated to the public schools.” ■ ■■ "■ ■ ■ • Truck Strike Ends. SYRACUSE, N. Y„ September 35 (JP).—Upstate New York’s truck strike, which had kept 12.000 men idle since Friday morning, ended today when a majority of the larger operators agreed to union demands for a contract pro viding for a haulage rate of 2V2 cent* a mile for all drivers. k