OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, September 30, 1937, Image 5

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1937-09-30/ed-1/seq-5/

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Many Gaps Remaining to Be
Filled—Recent Talks
Starting Point.
PARIS, September 30 (N.A.N.A.),—
Impressions of the most competent
observers on the spot as to the Hitler
Mussolini meeting cannot as yet be
regarded as final. Their impressions
will become more definite when the
German foreign minister, Baron Con
stantin von Neurath, begins to en
lighten the foreign ambassadors and
, especially the British envoy, Neville
Henderson, who is now particularly
favored by the German government.
It is agreed by mast that the meet
ing must be regarded as a starting
point only, and that several important
gaps are still to be found in the pro
gram of Italo-German action. These
gaps are not likely to be filled until
Berlin and Rome have had an oppor
tunity to test Franco-British soli
► clarity regarding Central Europe and
the Mediterranean.
However, unless Britain should re
solve to give Germany a free hand in
Austria and Czechoslovakia—an un
likely contingency—the probabilities
ere that the Italo-German bloc will
gradually consolidate and, as a con
sequence, the French-British anti
bloc will assert itself. The process,
however, will be a lengthy one, since
neither Berlin nor London wishes such
a development to occur because it
would preclude chances of an Anglo
German settlement.
Dure Moving Force.
The moving force within the Italo
German association is assuredly Mus
solini, who insists upon an equal ilis
• tribution of profits and does not lelish
the prospect of Germany going ahead
In Central Europe, while Italy is
forced to mark time in the Mediter
ranean and be left there to face
British naval and air rearmament
next year.
Meanwhile, the following points can
be recorded: First, in a general way.
Germany and Italy remain true to the
so-called system of the four-powers'
pact, whereby Western Europe would
practically abandon Central and East
trn Europe to their fate.
Second. j^ll ignored is the question
Whether Hitler has succeeded in ob
taining Mussolini's adhesion to a
more drastic enforcement of the
Austro-German treaty of July, 1936,
which would imply the admission of
Austrian Nazis into the Austrian cab
inet and even perhaps the ordering of
a plebiscite. It is surmised that Mus
solini endeavored to have such an ad
vance of the German cause postponed
Rt any rate until Germany's full mili
» tary support in the Mediterranean has
been promised him.
Third, regarding Spain things are
seen in a clearer light. Mussolini told
Hitler that he would not concede to
France and England the withdrawal
of so-called volunteers fighting in
Spain and tried to obtain Germany's
military assistance in pase Fiance and
England should bring the issue to a
head. However. Hitler is believed to
have explained to him that the ques
tion of military assistance was not of
ftctual interest, because Great Britain,
soothed by Italian concessions (ad
hesion to the Nyon Convention and a
promise to send no more troops to
Spain), could not be easily persuaded
by France to take her side in a long
sustained, energetic attitude in rela
tion to the recall of volunteers.
Warlike Risks Now Opposed.
It is known that Hitler's most mod
erate advisers consider the present
circumstances unfavorable to an as
sumption of warlike risks by Germany.
Particularly, they are not far from
considering Japan's campaign against
China calamitous from the German
viewpoint as bound to detract Japan
j from bringing pressure to bear upon
Soviet Russia, a pressure which Ger
man military authorities have always
deemed important. These authorities
express the opinion that Japan at
tacked at the wrong time and in the
' wrong direction.
Fourth, when Hitler visits Rome,
perhaps in November, the question of
an Italo-German alliance will be ex
amined again and more thoroughly ac
cording to the circumstances then in
Such are the indications that can
now be given without plunging into
too far-fetched speculation.
(Copyrieht. 19,37. by the North American
Newspaper Alliance. Inc.)
Temple of Osiris Excavations.
Excavations are being made on the
site of an ancient Temple of Osiris at
Abusir, Egypt.
With the Nation’s Richest
Doris Duke Cromwell, reputed to be the richest girl in the
U'orld, was all smiles yesterday, and so was her husband, James
Cromwell, when they arrived in Almeda, Calif., from Honolulu
on the Panamerican Clipper. It was her third trans-Pacific
flight and his fourth.
John Jacob Astor, 3d, and his wife enjoying an evening at
a New York night club. —A. P. Photos.
War Risk Insurance Issuance
Killed by Spain, China Havoc
By the Associated Press.
LONDON, September 30.—The long
range destructive power of modern
aircraft has caused British insurance
companies to cease issuing war-risk
Citing the havoc wrought by bomb
ing planes in Spain and China, nearly
300 British companies yesterday is
sued a statement declaring the de
velopments of aerial warfare have
Introduced an incalculable hazard in
euch insurance.
They warned that the wars in
Spain and China "suggest what would
happen were a powerful enemy to
attack the capital of any one of the
more important European countries
where property of immense value is
gathered in comparatively small
areas, like the city and docks of
The statement added that there is
no means of estimating the economic
rate of premium on war-risk insur
ance in the face of such a potential
“The Great War can be no guide,
owing to the vast strips made in
the perfection of offensive weapons
since the armistice,” it declared,
“The wide radius of action of mod
ern aircraft had made the area of
of destruction almost illimitable. In
cendiary bombs have increased enor
mously the potential damage to prop
New policies and those renewable
after today will carry a clause stat
ing that no liability is attachable to
fhe company it, the event of war
(declared or not) civil war or re
The statement added that insurance
companies throughout the world were
falling in line with this policy.
DON'T... I
"automatic" your home 1
heating "piece meal." Tie I
it up in "one complete lj
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ply of hat water the
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C. S. LO.S’G
Of course, automatic heat with
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burns coal at actually less cost
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even house temperature, saves
furnace work and provides
clean heat.The Whiting Stoker
can be quickly installed in your
furnace at small cost and paid
for in convenient monthly in
. . . Learn how the fl'hiting Stoker
Phone, Write or Call
i — t
714 13th St. Natl. 3068
HERZOG’S, INC., the store for men a—
at this low price!
otumb o
Woy below the price rfr* ^g—^
they'll sell for o few ^ B B_B
days. Fine 1937-'38 ^
overcoots in Oxford, ^ B B B •
Brown, Blue ond Plati
num Grey. A su- T~. 7j ~
perb garment, superbly ^5^ About Our
tailored, the genuine 4 WAYS TO PAY!
Royo coating Worumbo. -
Rebels Get Valley Path to
Seaport Objective in
Mountain Battle.
By the Associated Press.
HENDAYE, Franco-Spanish Fron
tier, September 30.—Spanish in
surgents were reported today to have
stormed mountain fortifications of
the Asturian defenders of Gijon, rip
ping open the path for an advance
down the Nalon River Valley to their
seaport objective.
In the face of a persistent, wither
ing fire, Gen. Miguel Aranda’s shock
troops drove up six peaks west of
the mountain town of Tama, in the
Oviedo-Leon provincial border region,
and drove the Asturian, or govern
ment, troops from their strategic in
The daily insurgent communique
said Aranda’s men battered their way
across the 6-foot barriers on the
5,000-foot peaks, known as ‘‘Madras
Ridge," and with the rout of the
Asturians cleared the way for the
river valley advance.
While this mountain fighting was
in progress yesterday, double columns
of insurgents moved toward Gijon
on the eastern front. A brigade
pushed at Cangas de Onis—previously
reported captured—after occupation
of the nearby village of Onis yes
terday morning.
To the south of this spearhead the
second column arrived on the shores
of Lake Ercina, a short distance from
Covadonga. Both Covadonga and
Cangas de Onis are more than 30 air
miles east of Gijon.
The Central Army stafT headquar
ters at Madrid asserted Zaragoza, one
of Generalissimo FrancLsco Franco’s
chief bases in the northeast, was now
within range of government artillery.
■ 1 -.. - --
Italy will spend nearly $15,000,000
on defense in the next year.
Autumn Days, With Their
Chilly Dampness, Are Here
Fill Your Bin With
Penn State Anthracite
Or if you have an
Oil Burner, you utill
need a supply of
Fuel Oil
Don't shiver on the damp, chilly
days of foil—remember, it costs
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able than to yet sick and pay
doctor’s bills' Courteous Service
* Always! Our fleet of Metered
Trucks will deliver fuel oil promptly
Phone, Write, or Call
1 ‘ “ f
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714 13th St NatL 3068
We are pleased to announce that our large f^jj
fleet of fuel oil trucks are now equipped with
These Master Meter Duplicators have
been tested and approved by the De
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These machines automatically
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gether with tested, sealed and §§|
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714 13th St. N.W. Natl. 3068 |
Opposite the Telephone Bldg.
. No heating worries all Winter long; plenty of
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Get ALL the details regarding efficiency, economy, perform
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The Nation's Outstanding Suit Value
Tke : 3ark Fifty
Fashion Park has concentrated its entire fa
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Fifty Dollars
Fashion Park Top Coats
Pargora • West of England Wor
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i You even pay for
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... famous for its adapt
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its latest model, points
the season's style-trend
. . . exemplified in the
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brim ... and the marked
up-tilt at the back.
Knox Hats, $5.50 to $20
C/f{eni /i'car ^to^c
IR, o^i!,°1 smEi~o Mm
I They’re In!
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I Lamgora
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