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AUSTRIA MENS NEWS CENSORSHIP Mail and Wire Messages Put Under Scrutiny by Nazis. By the Associated Press. VIENNA, March 12.—Foreign cor respondents felt the pinch of tighten ing censorship today in Nezified Aus tria. t S. A. (Black Shirts) men stood con stantly at the side of the chief of Aus tria’s oldest news agency, supervising all his calls and information to for eign journalists. They also tapped all outgoing tele phone calls. The mail was watched. The private news agency head ad vised his clients to ask no questions, lest they be considered incriminating. Code System Evolved. He evolved an elaborate code sys tem, in which, for example, talk of a rase garden could mean the move ment of German tanks. The United States Legation made representations in connection with the detention of Alfred Tymauer, corre spondent for the International News Service, an American agency. A photographer for an American photo agency temporarily was refused permission to make pictures of a pa rade tonight. The refusal, by a minor Nazi official, was withdrawn after representations to a higher-up. Local Calls in German. The correspondents’ local telephone conversations to the government tele graph office had to be in German, but those to points abroad could be in any language. Delays in completing telephone calls abroad were noticeable, particularly those to London. The Nazis hinted an explanation of the delay in the London calls lay in Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler's hatred of British newspapers. ——-• ARMY ‘FORTRESSES’ IN FRIENDLY RAID Land Troops at Tampa, Fla., Then Hop Off for Langley Field for Lunch. Bj the Associated Press. TAMPA, Fla., March 12.—Eight of the Army’s giant "flying fortresses” led a friendly air attack on Tampa from Michigan today to demonstrate how the Army can cover the Nation in an emergency. The big “fortresses” roared into Drew Field at about 250 miles an hour with squadrons of smaller bombers and buzzing little pursuit ships in their wake. They came here from Selfridge Field, Mich., in four hours and a half, flying five minutes apart. After land ing 109 troops they left for Langley Field, Va., for lunch. “Just a routine little errand,” an officer said. “This is not a maneuver. We're just ferrying men hpre for the ground crews of other ships. The practice flying will start Wednesday.” There were no bombs aboard. The big planes w ere in and gone in half an hour. More planes will be in and out to morrow as the Army concentrates one “wing” of its Air Corps in Florida to rehearse its ability to perform away from home. WOODRING MAKES PLEA FOR‘SERENITY’ AT HOME Uncertain Situation Abroad Calls for Support of Government, Says Secretary. By the Asscciated Press. ORLANDO, Fla., March 12.—Secre tary of War Harry H. Woodring to night voiced a plea that “all be serene on our domestic front" while the International situation is “uncertain end disturbing.” The cabinet member spoke at a meeting of the Young Democratic Clubs of Florida. Because of the crisis in world af fairs, Mr. Woodring said, “ it is more Important than ever that all be serene on our domesic fron. Patriotism and common sense alike counsel support of the Government. “We believe that our representative democracy is ideally suited to the needs of free Americans. We want no dictatorships, no Communist state, no corporate government, no totalitarian nation, or any other alien political institution. We are satsfied with our Republic.” Mr. Woodring devoted much of his address to a review of the Roosevelt administration and to criticism of the Republican party. Foxhunters to Fly. ELKTON. Md., March 12 UP).—A 20 -acre aviation field will be provided for the fifth annual Cecil County Breeders’ Pair and Foxcatcher Hounds race meet, September 9 and 10, at the estate of William du Pont, Fair Hill, near Elkton. A national cup race over a three-mile brush course will feature the meet. Rome (Continued From First Page.) open expression of the sentiments and will of the Austrian people, confirmed in an unequivocal manner by the striking public manifestation with which the events have been greeted.” French Plan Objected To. The Fascist body said of the French proposal: “The grand council takes note of the rejection by the Fascist gov ernment of the french suggestion for concerted action, which being without foundation and withoift possibility, would have succeeded only in render ing more difficult the international situation.” The letter from Hitler was read to newspaper men as the Grand Council and Premier Mussolini weighed the international situation in another part of the palace. The council had heard the communication a half hour earlier. Ciano indicated Italy had no re sponsibility for recent Austrian events. He told the Grand Council that Kurt Schuschnigg, deposed Austrian chan cellor, had not informed Italy/ on his talks with Hitler at Berchtesgaden February 12. Since Austria, Hungary and Italy were bound under the Rome protocols to keep one another informed on mat ters of vital, common importance, Italian political circles said Schusch nlgg’s omission was regarded as a breach of faith. Hitler’s letter contained the follow As Hitler Left Fatherland to Take Over Austria This picture, sent by radio from Berlin to New York, shows Chancellor Adolf Hitler deft) as he left Munich by auto yesterday on his triumphant entry into Austria, preceded by troops, planes and tanks. At right is Commander in Chief Wilhelm Keitel, in the center the chauffeur, while in the background the sivastika emblem adorns the plane in which Hitler flew from Berlin. —Copyright, A. P. Wirephoto. Vienna (Continued From First Page.) of wildest enthusiasm greeted the conqueror. Peasants, workers, school children and Austrian Nazis lined the streets and highways. Children showered flowers into his auto. Old women wept as he passed, hailing him as “the liberator of Austria.” Women knelt in prayer after he passed. Crowds waiting in Linz, the Upper Austrian capital, were worked into a frenzy as his 2-nule long caravan neared the city. Six German tanks and lines of German troops moved into Linz as the citizenry roared its approval. New Outbursts on Appearance. Hitler’s eventual appearance brought new outbursts. ‘‘I do not know what day you will be called.’’ he told them, referring to Schuschnigg's postponed plebiscite on support of the government. "I hope it is not far off. Then you will have to stand by your conviction. I believe I can be proud of my father land before the entire German people. It must prove to the entire world any other attempt to part this people will be in vain.” Hitier found Linz crowds hoarse from hours of shouting in the flag draped streets. The new Austrian cabinet welcomed him as well as boy hood friends, many of whom had not seen Hitler for many years. Yesterday saw Hitler’s first step on Austrian soil for about 25 years, as far as is known publicly. He left Aus tria in 1912 to live in Munich, and last his Austrian citizenshp when he joined the Bavarian Army in 1914. Vienna Prepares Big Greeting. Vienna's greeting to her new chief tain today was expected to be even more dramatic, bolstered by even more soldiers, tanks and planes. Already the beautiful city hall plaza in Vienna has been renamed Adolf Hitler Square. After a turbulent day of reorganization in government of fices, Vienna Nazis turned out for a gigantic torchlight parade last night. His entry into Austria and plans for his arrival in Vienna were all car ried out with Hitler’s great sense of showmanship. He delayed his entry into Linz until the waiting populace had been worked into emotional frenzy. Nazis Take Over Government. As the first German troops marched unmolested into Austria, Nazis book over all government posts, from provin cial governorships down. In cities they assumed control of telegraph, telephone and radio communications. Strict censorship wras imposed. Newspapers immediately felt the Nazi fist, which thrust into all phases of Austrian life. German warplanes swooped down on Vienna, bringing more than a thou sand infantrymen to take command of the capital. Other squadrons scat tered. Nazi pronouncements of union, while army trucks spread more thou sands of German troops to strategic posts throughout Austria. Church Bells Sealed. When Hitler's car slowly crossed the Inn River bridge yesterday, sep arating Germany and Austria near ing explanation of Germany’s actions: "There is not involved in this act (the German nltimatum to Austria) anything but legitimate national de fense, therefore action which any man of character in my place would discharge in the same way. “Also, your excellency would not have acted otherwise if Italian des tiny were involved. I, as Fuehrer and a National Socialist, can not do other wise. “In this critical hour for Italy I have shown you the firmness of my intentions. Do not doubt that also in the future there will be no cause for change in this respect. Brenner Is Frontier. “Whatever may be the consequences in future events, I have traced clear the German frontier with regard to France. Now I draw it equally clear with regard to Italy. It is Brenner. This decision will never be Jeopardized or attacked.” Hitler’s letter said that “events have burst upon us unexpectedly,” because he had had no inkling that Schusch nigg would order the plebiscite, can celled yesterday. Ciano reoeived a telegram from the TERMITES Most of our jobs come through the recommendation of our customers. Free Insvection Guaranteed Treatment TERMITE CONTROL CO. A Washington.Owned Company „ „ „ w O Pruitt. Mar. Natl. Press Bid*. NatL *711 "Ask Our CustomsrsT Braunau, on Austria's northern fron tier, not far from Czechoslovakia, church bells pealed a greeting to the returning native son. With him were Gen. Wilhelm Keitel, commander in chief of Germany's armed forces, and other Nazi chief tains. For half an hour Hitler stopped in Braunau for a sentimental visit to his birthplace. At other villages along his route scenes of wildest enthusiasm greeted him. 1,100 Persons Arrested. Vienna's police chief estimated 1,100 persons had been arrested Friday night, most of them Fatherland Front officials and others who asked mod eration as Nazi-ism came to Austria. TJie Fatherland Front, formerly Austria's only legal political party and the organ which attempted to dam the Nazi stream, was dissolved as Nazi organization spurted with emergence of a National Socialist government. In addition to German troops thou sands of the “Austrian Legion,” Nazis who fled to Germany after their un successful putsch in July, 1934, streamed back across the border to take part in the victory. Prominent Persons Seised. Among Austrians arrested were nu merous prominent citizens of Salzburg, who were placed in "protective cus tody” by the new regime. They in cluded a Catholic newspaper editor, twc Jewish merchants, the president of the Salzburg Labor Bureau and several police officials. A several months’ old decree cut ting Austrian exports to Germany by 40 per cent, to allow for ultimate equalization of German debts of 60, 000.000 schillings «$11,340,000) to Aus tria, was suspended immediately. This was taken as an indication of extremely close commercial arrange ments—that Austria was being drawn into Germany's four-year economic self-sufficiency plan. NEW SUSPECT REPORTED ARRESTED IN SPY CASE U. S. Officials Decline Comment on Seizure of Second Airplane Mechanic. By the Associated Pres*. NEW YORK. March 12.—A second Seversky Aircraft Corp. employe to night was reported seized in connec tion with a probe of the sale of American military secrets to foreign agents, but Federal officials declined comment. Employes of the Farmingdale, Long Island, plant in which some of the Army’s fastest pursuit planes are under construction, said two Federal agents took into custody a mechanic a few hours after Otto Herman Voss, 39, German-born aircraft worker, was ordered held in default of $10,000 bond. Voss was charged with delivering and inducing others to deliver “to agents of a foreign power certain documents, writings, code books, sig nal books, photographs, instruments, and information relating to the de fense of the United States.” new Austrian government assuring a determination to continue ‘‘the in timate relations so happily existing.” Many Italians Apprehensive. When German troops arrived at Brenner Pass, many Italians were ap prehensive, even thought German and Italian commanders exchanged ges tures of friendship at the border. The government, in acquiescing in extension of German power to the Tyrolese Alps, openly abandoned a cardinal point in its foreign policy for 20 years—an independent Austria. This point previously had been held to be Imperative to the security of Italy. Burk's Dustproof Watch Crystals <Wer« Protection tor Your Watch ROUND, 35c • ODD SHAPES, 50c ERNEST BURK • 1105 6 St. N.W. ^Room 306 ^^^^^District 2773^ NERVES ESTTSSm?! Millions of people ere suffering FREE! , “nerves'• end don’t know what to do about it. Scientists ive recently proven that many conditions of nervousness such as neuralgia, neuritis, insomnia, fatigue, loss of appetite, constant worry, constipation and many muscular achee and paint are due to lack of certain vital food substances, which, when taken by the sufferer, give amaxing relief. Neural-Aid, an inexpensive, DRUGLESS preparation con tains these all-important food elements. Suf ferers who dip this ad and bring it in can » PREE SAMPLE of Neural-Aid and full Information. THE VITA HEALTH FOOD CO. 619 12th St. N.W. (Botwaan FOG) Text of Hitler’s Speech By the Associated Pres*. VIENNA, March 12—The com plete text of Adolf Hitler's speech today at Linz, Upper Austria, fol lows : "I thank all of you who are (fathered here and who give by your presence testimony it is not the wish of only a few to found this new Pan-Germany, but it is the will of the German people It self. < "It would be fine also if some of our well-known international seekers after truth could not only see the truth here, but also recog nize it. "When I once departed this city I had the same feeling and conviction that fills me today. "Picture my feeling of emotion, after such long years of faith, to see it imy faith) brought to ful fillment in rapid shouts of joy when fate called me from this city to be leader of the Reich. “Then fate must have given me a commission, and it can only have been a single commission, to return my beloved Fatherland to the German Reich. "I believed in this Divine com mission. I lived and fought for it. I believe I now have fulfilled it. And you are witnesses to it. "I do not know what day you will be called < apparently referring to a plebiscite such as Schuschnigg had called and then canceled). I hope it is not far off. "Then you will have to stand by your conviction. I believe I can be proud of my Fatherland before the entire German people. I must prove to the entire world any other attempt to part this people will be in vain. "Just as you then will be obliged to perform your duty for this Ger man future, so is all Germany pre pared to fulfill the obligation to you in seeing you liberated. And she begins to fulfill those obliga tions today. •'You will see in the German sol diers who are marching in from all sections of the Reich, you will see in them fighters who are ready and willing to sacrifice everything for the entire community of Ger man people, for the power of our Reich, for its glory. “Now and forever Germany. Sieg Heil. (Hail victory.)” ——. %-— — Soda Fountain for Middies. ANNAPOLIS, Md„ March 12 l/P).— A soda fountain, with tobacco and candy available, is being planned for the use of the midshipmen at the Naval Academy, it was learned today. The fountain will be located under the rotunda of Bancroft Hall, the mid shipmen dormitory. NEVER SAY: I AM SORRY I AM LATE Look ot This j "Timely Value," / You Get it All > for Only One i Dollar I ANY MAKE WATGH • Cleaned, adjusted • Bal. wheel noised • Demagnetized • Guaranteed 1 year On our ree- ] ®'d* ?* h»'-e BRING THIS »«■(•<3 satis- _ _ , ■ Bed custom- COUPON era This is vvw 1 wl' positive proof Any Shape ■lability!! r*" Crystal-ZMC Be wise Main 7Kaa Spriny ... I DC Washington's Largest Watch Repair Companw J. F. ADAMS 804 F St. N.W. Trade Mark NAT. 2032 as in Grandmother’s Day SUNDAY DINNER ... at Harvey’s is enjoyed by discriminating diners. Why don’t you, too, discover this historically famous restaurant. $1.25 jfflM SHORE DINNER MH| m (12 Noon Til Midnight) |f APPETIZER SOUP SEA TOOD m VEGETABLES SALAD m m DESSERT BEVERAGE |§ Choice of SEA FOOD (In Semaon) || Soft Cloms, Casino or Steamed— H Ponned Fish—Imperial Crab, Hot || m or Cold—Fried Oysters—Shrimp §| m Newburg—Filet of Sole—Fried M Soft Crab—Fried Sea Scallops— §§ |1 Fried Soft Cloms— i|| itTasuSHio isss * B I 1107 Connecticut Avenue 1 ROY C. WALLACE ENTERS RACE IN TENNESSEE Former Controller Announces He Is “Candidate of No Clique or Faction." Bj the Associated Press. NASHVILLE, Tenn., March 12 — Roy C. Wallace, former State con troller, announced today for the Dem ocratic nomination for Governor and said, “I am the candidate of no clique, faction or combination.’’ Previous to Wallace's announcement, the contest was between Gov. Gordon Browning and Prentice Cooper, Shel byville lawyer who bears the indorse ment of E. H. Crump. Memphis politi cal leader and bitter foe of the present State administration. Mr. Wallace advocated co-operation with the T. V. A. and with all of Pres ident Roosevelt's policies. He also said he favored local option control of liquor rather than the State-wide pro hibition in effect now. The primary is in August. DATA GIVEN LIBRARY BY ‘FATHER OF N. R. A/ _ ' Vanderhoof Presents Documents to Support Claim That He Originated Idea. B» the Associated Press. GREENWICH, Conn., March 12.— Prank E. Vanderhoof disclosed today ! that he had donated to the Library of Congress original documents which he said supported his contention that he was the "father of the N. R. A.” The Greenwich inventor reported the Library requested the data several weeks ago "for permanent historical display.” He made public a letter from Linn R. Blanchard, chief of the Library's division o 1 accessions, acknowledging receipt of the gift with cordial appreciation.” Mr. Vanderhoof contends that long before the National Recovery Admin istration, later scrapped by a Supreme Court opinion, came into being, he outlined a similar plan for unemploy, ment relief to various officials. Among those to whom he submitted the plan, Mr. Vanderhoof said, were Herbert Hoover, then President, and President Roosevelt, who at the time was Gov ernor of New York. DENTISTRY By Dr. Vaughan Rendering a highly standardized pro fessional service at exceptionally rea sonable fees, and on terms of credit every oni can afford. DR. VAUGHAN, Dentist 932 F St. N.W. Dl. 7863 Dr. Rowell, Dental Surgeon CHECKING ACCOCNT WITH INITIAL OE EfiMnwIiW P0S,T *s low as l@i OOESR ON OUR METERED UflU|EiiIgSSi ■KZZQHIH SERVICE PLAN 0f *>drr~ PqwetTlnnurance Corporation One way to get A RAISE! M.kt mart veleoblete yw •*• ploy.r tkro.qk k.Owl.d*. •* « tortlg* la*gea«t. Htndr*. tt MCr.tori...«l..- | SfioTw..Mr*,—. I ..**•— ->• £ I bMT, Many new classes storting this coming week. 1 BERLITZ '.ANGUAGES I 1115 Connecticut Avenue, Washington, D. C. 8 N. B. LEARY, JR., & BROS. AND ASSOCIATES WASHINGTON’S LEADING AUTOMOBILE MERCHANTS CHxrsie# aM» piyAiouTH ^ Every community points with pride to certain individuals and business houses that have attained a position of leadership through service and fair dealing. Ownersof Chryslerand Plymouth cars hereabouts, enjoy the pleasure and satisfaction of dealing with out standing motor car merchants. Chrysler is proud of their success. They have sold fine products in a fine way ... by really studying the transportation and service needs of buyers. As a result, they have earned the support of a growing body of owners in every field. The low-priced Plymouth ... the economical Chrysler Royal . . . the Chrysler Imperials, noted for phenomenal performance ... the efficient Plym outh Commercial Cars ... all have reached an all-time high in popularity. You’ll like the fair dealing and service responsible for this merited success. Why not drop in and get acquainted? There you will find every modem facility for servicing cars of every make. And you’ll find Chrysler built cars in every price range, all with Chrysler’s famous engineering features ... all built to Chrysler’s exacting standards of precision manufacture. And you’ll meet the leading automobile merchants in this territory. ★ ★ ★ Price* ready to drive in Detroit including Federal taxe*. ★ CHRYSLER ROYAL . .. Coupe, $91*. Four. Door Touring Sedan with trunk, $1010. Eight other body *tyles. ir CHRYSLER IMPERIAL . . . Coupe, $1121. Four-Door Touring Sedan with trunk, $1198. Four other body »tyle*. ir CHRYSLER CUSTOM IMPERIAL... 5 or 7-Paa •enger Sedan, $2295. Sedan Limouaine,$239S. Above price* do not include ttate or local taxe* if any. For delivered price in your locality, »ee your Chrytler dealer. ★ ★ ★ ir Tww m on Major Boms, Columbia Notwork, Evary Thursday, B to 10 P. M., L S. T. i KmmmmMmMmmmMmmmmiwmMmmMMmmmmummmmmawmmmmm 1612Youst. N.w. H. B. LEARY, JR., fir BROS., Distributors POtomac 6000 DISTRICT MOTOR COMPANY COAST-IN. INC. GEORGETOWN MOTOR CO. HICRS-PADL, INC. SKINKER MOTOR COMPANY ISIS 14th Strmt—-P.tomae 1000 407 FU. Are. N.E.—Atlantic 7200 3342 M Street N.W.—Wect 1850 5*20 WUc.ncln Aee.—Clee. 2101 1740 M at C.nn. N.W.—Dtit. 4749 WKS&vra&Sr arvimjassk “TSSco tow- msruss^t cEFpXFiu. a$E2SlJ£Vr ,AAL£LnVa.ERvva.10R ■‘"WS SERVICE AL S^IOTORS^JtNC.