OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, March 28, 1938, Image 23

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1938-03-28/ed-1/seq-23/

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Virginia Westbrook
Ao one is useless in the world
who lightens the burdens of
it for any one else.—Dickens.
Nntice That
Helpful Spirit
throughout The Palais
Royal! Everywhere is a
friendly desire to serve.
Step up to the Neckwear
Department and admire
one of those gay “Top
pettes.” The alert sales
girl slips one of these
mysterious little trans
formers over her head
and demonstrates how it
converts your costume
into a new spring crea
tion. A dash of gay color,
a silky new front for your
blouse, a sash for your
waist . . . then she ex
plains how versatile this
Toppette is . .. how it can
be worn beneath your
jacket instead of a blouse
... or how it can top any
dress with newness and
chic. Every color that
spring prescribes . , . and
such soft, graceful neck
lines. Only_$1.00
.4 Beguiling
—“Copper” rings a sweet
note in the new feminine
prettiness. Sailors. Bre
tons. Bonnets and OfT
the-Face Hats in the rich
copper tone that flatters
blonde, brunette and
brownette ... a glorious
accommodating color
that goes with “just
everything.” A group that
will win every feminine
heart and fancy . . . some
with multi-colored rib
bon trims. The Palais
Royal Millinery Depart
ment, Second Floor, $5.00
Your Escort
Will Rejoice
—if you slip your powder
puff, lipstick and other
little make-up fresheners
into a darling beaded
Evening Bag instead of
into his pocket. So earn
an extra smile on your
next "date” by appearing
with an adorable little
Evening Bag from The
Palais Royal Handbag
A Flowpr
On Your Lapp!
—is spring cheer to your
costume—be it new or
old. Remember, this is a
flowery, a truly feminine
season—so don the flower
of your choice from the
vast garden of spring
blossoms that look so real
they almost convince you
of a fragrance. Lovely,
graceful sprays and bou
tonnieres at the Trim
mings Department,-_50c
*Fess Up
—are you wearing last
season’s discarded dress
around your home for
your housework? For
shame! You can pur
chase a dainty, really
smart and colorful Zip
per Frock with very be
coming white collar and
cuffs ... a dress to make
you look adorable and
feel your own sweet self
... a dress that is as
pretty as new after in
numerable tubbings. $1.95.
The Most
Luscious Sandwich
—minced S m i t h f i e 1 d
Ham, hard boiled egg and
lettuce on rye bread is
Just one of the tempting
sandwiches served in The
Palais Royal Fountain
Tea Room in the Down
stairs Store. Such a gen
erous sandwich and bev
erage costs only_25c
Year's Allotment Totals
$112,050—Report Lists
Aubrey Williams, executive director
of the National Youth Administration,
said today 810 students in 11 colleges
and universities in the District of Co
; lumbia were receiving assistance this
! year under the administration’s stu
! dent aid program.
On a monthly basis of $12,450. Mr.
Williams' report pointed out, the allot
i.ment to students in the District totals
$112,050 for the year.
The report for local schools shows
the following expenditures:
i Student Monthly Yearly
! Institution. Quota. Allot Allot
j American ;:ii *N40 $:.5M0
i Catholic iail ° oss is
Dumbarton Col.
of Holy Cross 4 no 540
I Gallaudet : in.-, ntr,
i Gforaetown isj •* ; |.-, .'4 445
! Geo. Wash;nyton 247 115 IY
• Howard s:i j.2t:> 11.205
j Im aculata Jr. c. ;i 4r» 4o.-,
1 Miner Teachers 4? :ir» ;i_,
i Tflntty 29 495 9 915
Wilson Teachers ;.|u 4 .,«»<)
' 819 $12,430 $112,050
; ^ Out of total allotments of $10,236.
j 726 to all the States this year. Mar.v
! land institutions received $112,117,
i amounting to $12,975 in monthly
! grants to 865 students in 27 schools,
j The University of Maryland leads the
I list with a yearly allotment of $33,345
i for 247 students.
In Virginia the disbursements this
year will total $203,550. out of which j
j 1.509 students in 43 institutions are I
being assisted.
The total number of siudent.s re- J
ceiving aid this year in the United 1
States, including Puerto Ric6, is !
| 75.993. Last year's total was 124.818. J
Due to improved conditions. Mr. Wil- '
liams reported, one-third fewer ml- 1
lege and graduate students applied for !
aid. j
Brother, 10, Testifies at Inquest
Exonerating- Driver of Car in
Traffic Fatality.
A coroner’s jury today declared ac
cidental the death Friday of Virginia
Assaid, 12, victim of a traffic accident,
; after an inquest marked by testimony
j of the girl’s 10-year-old brother, who
| was playing with her when she was
! struck by an automobile while playing
: in the street in front of her home, at
j fi55 B street N.E.
The verdict exonerated William E.
Muench, 38, of 1513 Oates street N.E.,
driver of the car.
The girl’s brother. Thomas Raymond
Assaid, contradicted testimony of other
witnesses that she ran into the side !
of the car.
"The front hit her first," the boy !
| testified, "then she twirled around to
I the side of the car and fell in the ;
street on her stomach.”
Under direct questioning by Coroner !
A. Magruder MacDonald as to who !
he had been talking to about t.he ease, j
Thomas replied, "My mother and that I
man back there," pointing to a spec
tator in the room, who identified him
, self as Edward Nace, a roomer at the
Assaid house.
Police who investigated the case said
a doorhandle on the right side of the
car. which apparently caused the fata]
wound in the girl's stomach, had been
bent outward away from the ear by the
. impact. They told the jury there was
j no mark on the front, of the ear to
’ indicate the girl had been hit first by
that part of the machine.
k —-• . _
| I
Since That Time Minima Have
Been Set for More Than 20.000
Women in D. C.
One year ago tomorrow the Su
! preme Court handed down the derision
which had the effect of validating
the District's minimum wage law.
The statute, which had been ruled
unconstitutional in 1923. after being
in operation five years, was put into
effect again by the unprecedented
derision of the high tribunal in over
ruling a previous action and upholding
the constitutionality of the minimum
I wage law of the State of Washington,
j The decision was handed down March
I 29. 1937.
Since that time the District Mini
j mum Wage Board has set basic wages
for more than 20.000 women employes
in the District. Last February 14 the
minimum wage set for retail clerks
went into effect. Some 12.500 women
! were affected by this decision.
| On May 8 the new basic wages for
women employed in hotels, restaurants
j and allied industries will go into op
; eration. affecting some 8.000 women.
The board is now engaged in fixing
minimum wages for female employes
in laundries and dry-cleaning estab
lishments, and it is estimated this
will apply to some 4.500 women work
ers. The board has completed its
public hearings in this case, and
' will hold the first of several executive
j Hearings tomorrow.
The Social Security Board an
nounced today an allotment of $159,
574.31 for public assistance in the
District for the fourth quarter of the
fecal year April 1 to June 30. This
was one of the Federal grants total
ing $12,343,348.33 for 12 States, Alas
ka and the District,
This allotment, the board said, was
I divided $108,978.71 for the aid of
: 3.100 aged persons and $50,595.60 for
| the aid of 3,850 children.
G. A. R. Commander Dies.
DES MOINES. Iowa. March 28 <PP).—
John F. Risley, 91, Iowa G. A R
commander, died at the Veterans’
Hospital here yesterday. He was in
jured March 15 in an automobile ac
cident in which his wife was fatally
Now Real Economy!
1 do*. St. Joseph Aspirin _... 10a
3 do*. St. Joseph Aspirin __20o
®Vi do*. St. Joseph Aspiri n_35a
Marian Keith’s
“Mother and Daughter”
Shirtwaist Frocks
A glorified edition of the perennially popu
lar shirtwaist frock . . . designed to be
equally as flattering to a size 42 as to a
size 14 . . . so that mother and daughter
can indulge in the new whimsy of being
identically clad. Shown in Powdered Rose,
Clipper Blue, Lettuce Green, Bermuda
Sand and Navy. Sizes 14 to 42.
Exclusive with The Palais I^ayal
Better Dresses
. . . Third f loor
With Peaked Lapels
• Navy
• Oxford
• Cambridge
• Black
• Brown
We present a 1938 ver
sion of Springes favorite
classic . . . the man
tailored suit. Slim as a
reed, with a tiny nipped
in waist, unadorned
skirt, and a casual coat,
somewhat longer than
suit coats of last year.
Shown in herringbones
and mannish worsteds,
in sizes 12 to 20.
Suits . . . Third Unor
Dress Up in a Charming
Cotton Dirndl
With Matching 2-Way Scarf
A dirndl . . . but such a dirndl! Where be
fore have you seen such brightness of color,
such nicety of fit, so humorous a pocket (it's
a loose swinging pouch attached to the wide
flat waistband) or so provocative a bodice?
And there is a matching triangle to wear
over your curls or as a scarf. Sizes 12 to 18
in two attractive styles.
Collon Dresses . . . Third Floor.
in New Zipper
House Coats
Prepare to be captivated
by this stunning new
house coat . . . Its dis
tinctive features include
an amusing fringe on
sleeves and pockets, a
clever bias back skirt
fullness, and above all
... a most amazing
print, a bit. like a Navajo
pattern. In black-and
white. navy - and - white
and wine - and - white.
Sizes 14 to 20.
House Coats . . . Third floor
• Calf
* * Goatskin a soft pouch of
• Pigskin grain ioatskiH< ,n
m n A he swung hy n
l atcnt handle that loops
• Gabardine through two cop
• pery rings, 12.
It is the material that makes the bag this . . , ,
season . . . and unusual leathers are shown v dl
... in unusual grains ... all handsome and “^(.y-bg ■[ P
durable. Available in charming novel, and rhuukv eildedtlast
favorite shapes ... in navy, copper, roseberry, *!?>•
red, green and black. u * g’
Leather Goods . . . First Floor
All Charge Pur
chases Made Dur
ing Remainder of
Month Will Ap
pear on M a y
Presents Three Proofs That
Style Arch Shoes
Can Be Smart
A Perforated Kid Pump
Exclusively at The Palais Royal
Styled for street, dress or business wear
. . . with graceful lines combined with fine
craftsmanship for complete foot comfort.
The trim heel and front accents are of
patent, brighter than ever against the
Lattice-Front Calf Pump
Exclusively at The Palais Raya!
As dainty a slipper as you can imagine . . .
with flattery to spare in the finely shaped
instep, in the close fitting perforated front.
Like all 'Princr'ss Royal Style Shoes there
is a built-in arch for perfect comfort.
A Gabardine Front Strap
Exclusively at The Palais Royal
Perforations are swirled in interesting de
signs to give distinclion to this graceful
shoe. Gabardines are also shown in many
other styles . . . including T-straps, ties
and oxfords ... in black, brown and blue,
in sizes 4 to 10; widths AAAA to D.
Footwear , . . Second Floor.

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