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THREE DIE IN CHAIR IN BELLEFONTE, PA. Slayer of Woman and Girl arid Two Desperadoes Are Electrocuted. th» Associated Press. BELLEFONTE, Pa, March 28.— Three young men who met for the first time in Rockview prison’s death house died within 11 minutes today, the first triple execution in Pennsyl rania in four years. They were Ralph Hawk. 21-year-old Franklin County farmer convicted of the ‘‘torch slaying’’ of his sweetheart's mother and sister, and two despera does, Fred Reibaldi, 27, and Albert Gregg, 32, both of Philadelphia. The heavy-set, black-haired Hawk was the first to die. He walked ■teadily to the chair. He had announced he was “ready to die” and silently watched the straps adjusted. The current was turned on at 12.31 a.m. Three minutes later, the prison physician announced he was dead. Reibaldi and Gregg followed quickly. Reibaldi swaggered into the room between two guards, gazed around the chamber and called out “So long warden. Good luck to you. That's all.” As the mask was fixed he attempted to speak again and was still mumbling aa the current was turned on at 12:36. He was dead three and a half min ute# later. Gregg, sobbing spasmodically, glumly watched the straps fastened. The •witch swung down at ,12:42 and he was dead three minutes later. Hawk confessed he burned to death Mrs. Hazel Gelwix and her daughter, Helen. 15, and unsucessfully sought in 1937 to kill his fiancee. Kathryn Gelwix, in an attempt to escape mar riage. Kathryn disclosed at the trial •he was to become a mother. Reibaldi, a paroled convict, held up • motorist at a stoplight in 1937 and robbed him of $40. As he started to flee, two policemen ran toward him. He killed one of the officers, Maurice Handloff, but the other captured him. Gregg, paroled convict from Illinois Penitentiary and former resident of Milwaukee, killed C. Morgan Knight, 28-year-old Philadelphia bond broker, in shooting his way out of a Philadel phia department store after holding up a cashier on the eighth floor. He was captured as he dodged into a hotel across the street. HULL’S PLAN STUDIED T/ONDON. March 28 t.-P).—Secretary of State Hull's proposal for establish ment of an international committee to aid political refugees from troubled European lands was studied today at a conference of officials of the foreign office and home office. Officials previously said the proposal was receiving the "most sympathetic consideration'’ of the British govern ment. ‘HOOFPRINTS OF 1938’ DRESS TRIAL TONIGHT Eli tire Cast of 1,000 to Assemble for First Full Rehearsal. Opens Thursday. First dress rehearsal of "Hoofprints of 1938,” costumed pageant to be presented in five performances at Port Myer, beginning Thursday night, will be held tonight, when the entire cast of more than 1,000 persona will br as sembled after several weeks of inten sive separate rehearsing of the various acts and scenes. Capt. John B. Reybould has de signed gorgeous costumes to make the pageant one of the most colorful ever attempted by the Army post. Those taking part in scenes from the life of Tamerlane, when he conquered a world which was ruled from the saddle, will wear gowns and robes of the type that were the rage In his day around the capitals of Asia. The pageant is divided into three parts. The second part, "The Ballet of Horses,” will feature Capt. Isaac L. Kitts and American Lady in waltzes, together with the artillery march and the hunt ride. The last part, "Life and Death on the Prairie,” will show the hazards encountered during the* days of the prairie schooners and early settlement of the West. -• P. W. A. WILL OPEN KEY WEST HIGHWAY 175-Mile Overseas Hoad Will Be Used Tomorrow for First Time Since 1935. An overseas highway, linking Key j West, Fla., with the mainland for the first time since 1935, will be opened j tomorrow, the Public Works Admin- ; istration announced today. Utilizing railroad bridges, partially washed away by the 1935 hurricane, the P. W. A. has constructed a 175 mile highway between Miami and the southernmost city In the United ■ States. A P. W. A. loan of $3,600,000 en- ! abled the Overseas Road and Toll Bridge District to purchase the right ; of way and reconstruct the 11 bridges for highway purposes. The road has been hard surfaced for its full length. From 1935 until the present trav elers to Key West were forced to use ferries across two long stretches be tween keys. |— ■ ■ _ ED, PLEASE WRITE Mom’s worried about that cough j your cold started. Khe wants you I to try Listerine Cough Drops. I '1 hey loosen phlegm and contain other ingredients that soothe and i cool a ticlcly throat. Made from a specialist’s formula, they’re, medicated, not mere candy. Write Mnm. F.d, and tell her you’re taking Listerine Cough Drops. BETTY r j ■ sthetcIh - f f u rfi*>o«)y New, All-Way Stretch IS. V. D. Shorts for Men ■ Unbreakable Buttons! ■—B. V. D.’s latest bid for an everlasting niche in the “Underwear Hall of Fame” . . . all-Way stretch shorts with unbreakable buttons and are sewn on with 23 stitches, 3 loops and linen thread. The seats are made to stretch as you move (an exclusive B. V. D. feature which spells the utmost in comfort). Tie side and lastex waist styles of woven madras, fine printed broadcloth or white broadcloth. Sizes 30 to 42. Athletic Shirts, 35c, 3 for $1 —FIb* quality combed yarn in 1*1 and Swiss rib. Sizes 38 to 48. « t Men’s Store;—Street Floor. W. P. A. TERMED FAILURE IN MEETING EMERGENCY Community Mobilization Head Urges National Belief to Serve All Equally. Charging failure of the W. P. A. as an emergency measure, Allen T. Burns, executive director of the Community Mobilization for Human Needs, has recommended to the Sen ate Committee on Unemployment and Relief a flexible national program of relief to serve all on an equal basis. He declared in a statement sent to the committee that the majority of the newly destitute unemployed have had to go on home relief during the recession, rather than on W. P. A. "It is unfair that the large group on home relief should receive an aver age of only 122 a month and those on W. P. A. ISO a month," Mr. Burns said. “Such a situation need not and did not exist under F. E. R. A." Mr. Bums proposed joining of Fed eral, State and local governments In a unified system by which there would be adequate relief for all and special treatment for none. .. .— y 1 ' — The Oriental woman’s hair is long, thick, absolutely straight and of a wonderful glossy blackness. DEBATE ON N. R. L. B. Catholic U. and W. and L. Teams Will Meet Tonight. The Shahan Debating Society team of Catholic University will oppose a team from Washington and Lee Uni versity at 8:15 o’clock tonight on the subject, "Resolved, That the National Labor Relations Board Should be Empowered to Enforce Arbitration in All Industrial Disputes.” Catholic University will take the negative side. The debate will be held at McMahon Hall on the school campus. ——— ■ • ■ Fraternity Club to Meet. The weekly luncheon of the Wash ington Interfraternity Club will be held at 12:30 p.m. tomorrow at Wes ley Hall, 1703 K street N.W. I _advertisement. Now You Can Wear FALSE TEETH With Real Comfort ?'“a»ant. alkalina powdei, keeps teeth firmly set ail dav Deodorizes. No gummy, gooey pasty taste or feeling. To eat and laugh In m!nlnr.f*J,,8it *Drink,p * little FA8TEETH on your plates. Oet. it today at any drug store. Accept no substitute. Talaphona District 7200 SPRING SALE OF NEEDED .. STATIONERY 9 Unusual Bargains for Your Home and Your Office! See The Miniature FASHION SHOW7 of the Famous "SHAN-RAY" A Crown-Tested Spun Rayon Fabric Plain Colors, 59c —Don’t miss it. you’ll find it well worth sePing! A fashion show in minature featuring advance Spring dresses Snade by McCall patterns of •’SHAN-RAY”! You'll he inspired by the wide selection of colorful Spring prints and glorious plain colors. What is more ‘ Shan Ray" boasts a linen-like weave that lends itself so well to the new fashions. . . And— It’s Fully Pro-Shrunk It’s Crease-Resistant It’s Quality Tested It’s Easy to Sew It’s Color Fast It's Luxable Kann’s—Street Floor. COATINGS & SUITINGS *1.44 * —Pine English-woo! Shetland. Heatherlafn. Kaufman's Tweeds, Kingsley’s English Tweeds. Juilliard's nubby weaves, navy and black chalkline suitings, fleeces! All wool fabrics and wool and rayon mixtures ... All colors . . . A11 54 Inches wide. • 39-in. Rayon Lining Crepet_39c yd. • 36-in. Tarzon Rayon Linings_69c yd. Kann's—Street Floor. Another Lot of COTTON DRESS LENGTHS 59' Per Length —Three times a “sell out”! Every one likes this idea of buying a “dress-length” . . . to 4 yard pieces (enough for a dress) of plain and printed cottons, including— Pique* Dimities Lawn* Percale* Voile* Seertuckers Shantung* Broadcloth* Muslins Crashes Kann's—Street Floor. Open Stock Dinner Sets £L *4.98 —Three lovely patterns ... Ptcs«B Garden, Gold Band Eggshell and Trellis... All on fine Ameri can porcelain! All open stock which means you can add to your set at any time I You can’t make a mistake which ever you choose—any one of them will look charming on your table. Kann’e—Third Floor. aSSrS®* \ forty cent* on «vW7 ^ *nd Special Purchase — Manufacturer's Surplus Boxed Writing Papers .Wc Values —Specially purchased lots and a leading manufac turer's mill ends of fine stationery. Rome boxes with 24 sheets and 24 envelopes, others with as manv as 72 envelopes and 50 envelopes. Plain and bordered papers. Note, letter size and flat sheets. White, Ivory, blue, gray, and granite. Ribbon tied. Smart Book Ends j "Asherettes" 69c i 79c ■ —An attractive assortment of com- j —»1 00 values. A stunning assort* position book ends . . . Scotty, Ow!, j men* of these “Silent Butlers" . . . Horae, Cornucopia and Swan de- j t arious shapes made of metal with signs ... In an antique finish. ) hand-painted decorations. Informalities j $1 Fountain Pens 39c j 49c —48 bordered sheets and 48 enve- ) —The wpII known ‘ tnk-D-Cator" lopes with two or three letter mon- j lever-filling pens with visible ink ogram in a contrasting color. For ( indicator. Black only! Fine for short notea. \ school, home or office use. $1.50 Waste Baskets ! $5 Poker Racks 89c s3.98 •eme imperfect i —Revolving mahogany or walnut —Extra large size waste baskets in 1 finished rack filled with 200 eom a variety of styles Some with , position poker chips. . . . The print designs, others in fabric \ rack with cover . . , The chips colors. / Interlocking. New Pan American Designs And “American Beauty" Playing Card.« —Gay. colorful cards depicting the tra- M B ditional beauty of the "Old Spanish wr Main.” Choice of three designs . . . * Or B B B B Treasure Island, Rhumba Dancers, Mexi and Peasants. All with gilt edge, in gift boxes. Also af the same price— American Beauty Playing Cards in discontinued Congress designs. Personalized Phone Book Covers 69c —Full size rovers with your three letter monogram . . . Black, brown, green or red cloth bound with stiff backs. | Walnut Pipe Rack and Tobacco Jar j 81.88 | —Black walnut rack that holds six pipes and earthenware jar (holds ’-3 lb 1 with clay humidifier In air tight cover. Personalized Desk Pads With Genuine Leather Corners-A —12x19, 16x21 and 19x24 inch pads with one blotter. 1C Your three-letter monogram and genuine leather V 22-kt. gold tooled corners_.. Full 1 lb. Mpa*lire—.\o Box Stationery OOa 10? Folded Sheets —A full pound without box or wrapping! 102 Sheeta of white linen paper . . . and every penny of your 29c goes Into the quality of the paper. i Packages of Envelopes to match (25 in package), 19c Pliofilm Bridge Table Cover Kann's Typewriter Paper —50c value. Waterproof cover In , „„„ . . . ._ .. „ _ . four colors with contrasting edges. I -500 sheets -White Bond Paper. Complete with envelope cover, 39c i1 59c valuf>-- -- Suede Bridge Table Cover 50c Indexed Letter File —$1.00 value . . . Plain red, brown, i_ . . ... blue and green!, also grey novelty i1 -Correspondence sire with new checks ... 59e \ style flat bAclc- Rustproof-39e Aristocrat Initialed Paper 100 Cataline Poker Chips —24 sheets, 24 envelopes of Vel- i _. _. , TT . . .. .__ lum paper with one blue steel die- 1 —*2 *° V* stamped initial. All initials. 39c n three or four colOT C0?.t**" Eaton's Highland Linen * 5 —Pound Paper—Gladstone size— 10c Desk Blotters 72 folded sheets and 50 envelopes. —19x24-inch blotters in mosaic $1.10 value...89c , patterns and all colors ..6 tor 39« 1 Lb. Royal Mail Vellum ( u w , D —Gladstone size, folded sheet ... Maytime Waxed "aper or Monarch size, flat sheet. (Enve- ] —125 feet in cutter box. Reg 25e, lopes—2 pkgs. 25c)...-29e 17* Stationery—Kann's—Street floor.