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SURPRISE -By Gluyas Williams 'N._’ • • v v** 1 - » i' tr i t c 1 ■OEODES 16BRUSH GETS UP ON STOOL GETS TOOTH PASTE, TRIES TOCLEAN UP BBS TEETH ALL BY IN ORDER TO REACH IN SO DOING KNOCK- POWDER WITH TOWEL. WMSELF AS A TOOTH PASTE IN IN6 BOX OF BATH SUCCEEDING CHIEF PLEASANT SURPRISE CABINET POWDER OFF SHELF LY IN SPREADING IT TOR MOTHER ALL OVER EVERY v THING SQUEEZES PASTE WTS BRUSH MO- STARTS TO PUT OECIDES HE'D BETTER POT Cf TUBE, GET- NtHTARIlY IN THINGS AWAY, UP- LEAVE THINGS AS TWG A SPECK OH MOUTH AND CON- SETTING BOTTLE THEY ARE, ANO 60ES UBeWJSH ANO SIOERS TEETH OF THROAT GARGLE TO TELL MOTHER A '£5*^LPEAi-' BRUSHED BOUT his PLEASANT ON FLOOR SURPRISE »*«■ >T Tt. »m 1m.)___IC-31 TOONERVILLE FOLKS —By Fontaine Fox 1 Tm« Powerful. Katrinka’s regular Hallowe'en job CROSS-WORD puzzle ^ ■ " ■ ■ * * ■ 1 1 ■ HORIZONTAL. 1. Chart. 4. To debate. 8. Coral forma tion (pi.) 12. The whole of 13. Otherwise 14. Norse explorer. is. To observe. lfi. Separate. 18. Rips. 20. Mountain In Greece. 21. Therefore. 1. Long pole on sailing ship. 2. Sheltered side. 3. To delight. 4. State of disorder. 8. Chemical suffix. 8. American poet. 7. Compact. 8. Winged steed. 32. Garden im- 34. Electrical plement. engineer ! 23. Spanish ,, 'abbr) • . room. 35‘ ^evince in „ „ Belgium. 27- Era- 37. To cut. 29. To stuff. 38. Skill. 30. Catarrh cure. ' 39. Winglike. 31. Negative. ! *?• ®ma11 ruS _ J 41. Measure 32. Representa- ! (abbr) tion of earth’s 42. Protective surface. ditch. 33. Race of 44. Ecclesias lettuce. tical service. VERTICAL. ». Goddess of vengeance. 10. Lithuanian monetary unit. 11. Frozen water. 17. Unit of electricity. 19. Artificial language. 22. Befall. 24. Degree (abbr.). 25. Malign look. 26. Encourage. 27. Woman's name. 28. Score. 29. Equal. 30. Male swan. 32. Whispers. 33. Small home. 36. Parent. 37. Flat-bot tomed boat. 38. Bring into harmnnv (Couyrlaht, J0.T8.) 47. Personal outfit of bride. 51. Swiss canton. 52. One who inherits. 53. Mica of Muscovite. 54. Short sleep. 55. Snakelike fish <pi.) 56. Become sullen. 57. Type meas ure (pi.). 40. Parts of sailing ships. 41. Parent. 43. Bone. 44. Black swamp earth. 45. Persia. 46. Clips. 47. Article. 48. Female ruff. 49. Lubricate. 50. Entire. LETTER-OUT r___ * _ Lteter-Out for a tennis term. 1 BLESSING | | 1 CONSPIRE 2 3C AXA/VCD Letter-Out, and the average per- _ JAW T CK aon sees about fin ol them. < 4 VALISE I fought <abou"nhimnCe 8 W8S I ^ 5 IMPLIED Letter-Out and It's translucent. g Remove one letter from each word and re-arrange to spell the word called for in the last column. Print the letter in center column opposite the word you have removed it from. If you have "Lettered-Out" correctly It’s a type of knife. Answer to Saturday's LETTER-OUT. Letter-Out (G) GRABBER-BARBER (he’ll trim you). (R) BIDDER-BIDED (he waited). (O) MAESTRO-STREAM (a flow). (V) STRIVEN-INTERS (he buries). (E) BECOMING-COMBING )he’s cleaning the horse). (Copyright. 1R.1R.) Solution to Yesterday's Puzzle. Bedtime Stories By THORNTON W. BURGESS. How do you suppose Old Man Coyote felt as he lay hiding in the clump of withered ferns and saw Buster Bear upset all his carefully laid plans for a good meal on one of those busy seekers for sweet little beechnuts? I can guess, can't you? All he could do was to keep per fectly still and hope that Buster would go away. He had one cause for satisfaction, anyway, and this was that he hadn’t been discovered. No one knew that he was there or anywhere about. He hoped that no one would find it out. You aee 1f CHARLIE CHAN -By Alfred Andriola AT the REGENT HOTEL, CHARLIE CHAN AND HIS SON, LEE, DISCUSS WAR AND , DEATH. — "■ WORLD IS VAST 5TORE- J HOUSE TOR INSTRUMENTS I OT DEATH/ THIS HUMBLE A PERSON IS WEARY Of \ 1 WAR AND MURDER/> gee, pop, rr's Funny r hear Y is no doubt reason YOU TALKIN'ABOUT BEIN' 1 "FOR PRESENT CON TIRED O' DEATH AN' GUNS/ Jr CLUSlON-' NOTHING -YOU'VE CERTAINLY HAD <M \WEARtE5 MAN LIKE PLENTY Of DEALIN'S WITH Wv TOO MUCH OF SAME l |m Both/ ^ thing/ ^ <«j M«-\nu,uht Syndinitf. I nr. J GOSH. . PoPf LOOK/ v-^ THIS'S If BRING ] NO PNfc R NOT£, HERSQUICKLY/ MOON MULLINS—Plushie's Worry Department (Follow Moon Mullins in the Colored Comic Section every Sunday) _gy Vuillard Y GOOD GOSH, LORD PLUSHBOTTOM ARE YOU ALWAYS SUCH A BOTHER TO YOURSELF? . / TARZAN AND THE FORBIDDEN CITY (Follow Tarzan in the Colored Comic Section every Sunday) v m*n. rs. ht w 1 Copyright, 19i8 by Cfcic*f« —By Edgar Rice Burroughs Determined to die rather than submit to recap ture, Tarzan, Heien and Herkuf awaited the stalking ptomes. One of the ceatures flourished his sharp trident. It was the signal to attack. The others closed in on the hapless fugitives, thrusting viciously. A low growl, the instinctive growl of a fighting beast, rumbled within Tarzarrs helmet. His trident shot out. It found its mark in the gnarled body of a ptome. whose trident was recovered by Helen. Herkuf dodged a blow nar rowly, then drove at his attacker. Ill Riu lu — T» Rh O ■ fll *• Puum Ml M4 R1»»i DrnMWW k» k FEATURE SYNDICATE. Inc | Helen stood bravely against her particular assail ant. Now that the battle had actually begun, she found herself strangly calm. Her athletic training, her remarkable muscular co-ordination, enabled her to parry skilfully the thrusts of the over-anxious ptome. Two ptomes soon lay dead on the floor of Lake Horus. but the other gave no sign of abandon ing the combat. Tarzan realized the singular perils of this submarine battle to him and his friends. The ptomes had only to puncture their water suits to drown them! Traflamarlt a a o 11 r <1 Por D. 8. Patent Offlet OAKY DOAKS—Her Heart's in the Right Place I THINK THAT MAGIC BUT shf CAN LAMP GIRL 15 , DANGEROUS OF JAIL i ) WHEN SHE COMES BACKTHIS TIME WITH THE HACK* r=S YEH/ SAW, WE'LL BE BUT WILL THROUGH With JJ SRE BE THROUGH HER WITH U5 ? TTTi. \iv _ we'll have to take A CHANCE - EENIE MEENIE-- j INSTEAD OF A HACK* H SAW, I BROUGHT YOU A | BLACKSMITH/ AW, JENNY YOU DO THE SWEETEST THINGS'/ DAN DUNN—Secret Operative 48 (Folloxc Dan Dunn in the Colored Comic Section every Sunday) _By Normon Morsh V>AN punn HAS FOLLOWED MONA TO EUROPE BELIEVING THAT SHE IS ONE OF A GANG OF JEWEL SMUGGLERS HE HAS A ROOM NEXT TO HERS JN THE HOTEL HE MANAGES TO STRIKE UP A CONVERSATION W/TH MONA// I'LL ASK THAT MAN TO ACCOMPANY ME TO THE MUSEUM—HAVING A MAN WITH ME WILL AVOID SUSPICION OF THE GUARDS AS I LOOK OVER THE CROWN JEWELS WHICH ARE __ BEING EXHIBITED THERE--’ fl AND AFTER W& STEAL THE JEWELS X CAN THROW SUSPICION ON HIM WHEN WE MAKE OUR 3ETAWAV—HMMM--HE IS SUPPOSED TO MEET ME DOWNSTAIRS IN >■—\ TWO MINUTES--/ AH'. X SEE \ THAT >OU ARE I WONDER ON TIME-SHALL JUST WHAT WE GO TO IS SO THE MUSEUM INTERESTING -- IN THAT MUSEUM?* MUTT AND JEFF— Aw, Well, It's Too Late to Settle This One Anyway IJuL W D.v frt.'nh«f. .Svndlcl._»*> ■» —By Bud Fisher listen, don't you know mow to play football yet? when . you CATCH THE BALL ALL YOU DO IS HOLD ONTO fT ANDf* RUN FOR THE 60AL LINE! HELLO, LOHOOH?\ LEMME SPEAK TO ) PRIME MWISTER HE'HI LE CHAMBERLAIN,) —i PLEASE' j-' -—r x-s IfiS HOKTEHSE American women OF THE SAMCWElffltr HAVE SfMtlERFEET THANTKECHW6SE BUT THERE ASS LFSS OF THEM. the Gobblers and the Grouse and Happy Jack Squirrel didn't know that he was watching their feeding place they would be likely to be less watchful and grow careless. Then, though he had failed this time, he might be able to catch one of them later. So Old Man Coyote kept perfectly still and hoped for a chance to slip away unseen. Then he would come the next day and try again. The one thing he feared was that Buster Bear might take it into his head to see if any beechnuta had fallen In that dump of ferns. Buster him nervous. Several times Buster came almost over to the clump of ferns, and Old Man Coyote made ready to run. But each time Buster turned aside and Old Man Coyote sighed with relief. At last Buster began to work farther and farther away, and it looked very much as if /Did Man Coyote need worry no longer about the danger of being discovered. In a few minutes the way would be clear and he would slip out of his hiding place and away. It was Just then that Sammy Jay mm* that way looking far a plaoa in which to hide a nut he carried in his bill. He stopped to rest a minute in a tree that grew on the very edge of that clump of ferns. Sammy had hidden many sweet, brown, little beechnuts in many places and he couldn't quite make up his mind where to hide this par ticular one. As he sat there try ing to think of a new place he grew careless and the fat, sweet, little nut slipped out of his bill and fell down through the branches plump on Old Man Coyote hiding among the withered ferns. Hew that su a parttoutastr Am little nut. It was the biggest and fattest one Sammy had found. He felt sure it was much the sweetest. He didn’t want to lose it. So down flew Sammy after it. He saw just where it fell among the withered ferns and he was Just about to drop among them when he saw some thing else. He saw the gray coat of Old Man Coyote. With a harsh scream Sammy checked himself Just in time and flew back up in the trees. Then how he did scream! His voice rang an through the Green Forest. Every body stopped hunting nuts to listen. “Thief! Thief! Thief,” screamed Sammy Jay at the top of his voice. “Everybody watch out for Old Man Coyote! Here he is! Here he is! Thief! Thief! Thief!” Old Man Coyote knew then that it was useless to hide longer. He got to his feet and glared up at Sammy Jay. If looks could hurt, Sammy Jay certainly would have fallen right down dead that instant. But looks can’t hurt and Sammy only screamed the louder. Old Man Coyote was too angry for words. He was too upset and •aery mn to snarl. Ha simply . 1 turned, and with such dignity as h 1 could show, trotted aw’ay. Samm followed him all the way to th edge of the Old Pasture, and by th sound of Sammy 's voice all the othe little people knew just where Ol* Man Coyote was going. He wai going home. (Copyright, 1938.) ---- Twizzler Answer The guest who had won the gamv must have had the numbers 16, 18, 17, 17, 17, 17, to total the even 100.