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Subscribers to the Community Chest Those who have contributed $100 or more to the Community Chest arc as follows: Hathaniel B. Aaronsoii_ 100 Charles Abbot __ __ 160 Ur. and Mrs. Dean O. Aeheson_ $45u Mrs. Theodore C. Achilles_ 300 Mrs. Charles E. Acker_ 100 ByTon Adams .. __ 1.500 Dr. and Mrs. Roy D. Adams_ 100 John P Agnew * Co._ 100 Aldon Construction Co._ 100 Harry Alexander. Inc_ 100 Mrs. Byrce Allan_ 150 Robert S Allen _200 The Allies Inn _ 400 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Altemus. 200 American Brewery. Inc. 600 American Building Association_ lOO American Fire Insurance Co. _ 250 American Security and Trust Co_ 6.000 Mrs. Cooley Amory_ 160 Anacostia Bank - 100 Gen. and Mrs. S. T. Ansell _ 126 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Armstrong_ 100 Army and Navy Trading Co._ 225 Col. and Mrs. P M. Ashburn__ 150 Miss Mabel Ashenfelter_ 100 Clyde B Atchison 100 Mrs. Frederic Atherton- 300 Percy Lee Atherton . .- 630 Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Atwood— 150 Mrs. Hugh D. Auchlncloss -- 2.000 Mr and Mrs. H. Thomas Austern._ 100 Mrs. Louis W. Austin_ 300 B Walker K., Bachrach - 100 Benoit Baer. jr. 1B0 Mr, and Mrs. David A. Baer- 125 Howard H. Baily 100 Justice Jennings Bailey_, 120 Bruce Baird _ 100 A H Baker & Co. 200 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Baker 400 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baldwin _ 100 Mr and Mrs A. L Baldwin — 120 Mr. and Mrs Frank C. Baldwin.. 100 Mr. and Mrs R. L. Baldwin_ 100 Bank oi Commerce and Savings_ 230 Mr and Mrs John S. Barbour_ 120 Charles M. Bardwell - 100 Robert S Barrett 100 Ma). David S. Barry- 200 William P Bartel- 100 LeRoy Barton_ 100 Baskin & Co. 100 Mr. and Mrs. Leo Baum 100 Dr. and Mrs. J. Breckinridge Bayne 150 W. L. Beale _ - 100 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Becke_ 300 N. Raymond Beebe 150 Dr. and Mrs Edwin B. Behrend- 300 Miss Esther M. Behrend_ 110 Melvin Behrends _ 600 Rudolph B Behrend 250 Mr. and Mrs. F Lamont Belln_ 600 Mrs. Charles J. Bell- 306 Bell Clothrs 100 Mr and Mrs Laurence V. Benet_ 250 George R. Beneman 1.750 Mr and Mrs John E. Benton- 110 Mrs. Emile Berliner 4.500 Mr and Mrs Harry 8. Bernton_ 150 i amfs W. Berry - 110 dr. and Mrs. James Berrall_ ISO lavid S. Brthune 100 dr. and Mrs. Dion 8, Birney_ loo drs. Douglas P. Birnie 100 dr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Bishop_ 150 diss Margaret W. Bisland _ 150 dr and Mrs David' Blair- 100 l^nry P. Blair _ - 600 3r. Montgomery Blair lr._ 100 Wendell Y. Blanning_ 100 Blick Coal Co. - - 150 Mr and Mrs Edward G. Bliss_ 100 Miss Elizabeth B. Bliss 150 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood Bliss_ 8.000 Mrs. Delos A. Blodgett _ 500 Miss Mabel T Boardman 700 Phil Bobys. Inc., and Regal Clothlnf Co Inc. . _ 350 Mrs. John Bolt _ . _ 100 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bonsai_ 300 George I. Borger_ 126 Harry K. Boss_ 100 6. Russel! Bowen _ 150 Mrs. Ward T. Bower_ 150 Mis* Lucy G. Boyce . _. 100 Mr and Mrs Crosby Noyes Boyd 130 Justice and Mrs. Louis D. Brandela 125 Edgar N Brawner _ 100 Mrs Julia A F. Breese_ 150 William L. Breese 150 Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Breunlnger_ 200 Eelig C. Brez _ 115 Lyman J. Briggs - 200 Bright-Shepherd Co.. Inc.- 100 Harry H Brodle - 150 Brookings Institution 705 Mrs. Robert 8 Brookings- 2.400 H. A. Brooks . - 240 William S. Broughton - 120 Mrs. Phillip M. Brown 100 Mr. and Mrs. Wrisley Brown- 500 Brown Brothers Corp. . —- 300 Roy A. Brownell 100 Mrs. Willard H. Brownson _ 2.000 Mr. and Mrs. George B. Bryan- 200 Frederick Buchoiz - 250 E. H. Bunnell .... . _ 120 C P Burgess 100 Mr. and Mrs. E K. Burlew - 100 Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Burling_ 2.000 Mr. and Mrs. William L. Bush- 650 futler-Flynn Paint Co. __ - 100 lysses Butler -- 100 Mr and Mrs. Fulton Brylawski _ 150 Mrs. Helen Brylawski_ 100 j A. Julian Brylawski_ 125 c. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cafritz_ 6.000 Dr. and Mrs. James A. Cahill_ JOO i Mr. Louis G. Caldwell 3 0o Mr and Mrs. Daniel J. Callahan_ non Thomas A. Cantwell _ 3 00 : Capital Awning Co._ 150 j Capital Transit Co_ 2,500 - Dr. S. L. Carson_ 100 T. D. Carson _ 3 00 Mrs. Thomas L. Casey_ 300 William R. Castle -- - _ «oo Comdr. and Mrs W. D. Chandler, ir. 100 i Mrs. Frederic L. Chapin_ loo j Mrs. Higgins Chapin _ 200 Mrs. Selden Chapin__ 100 Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Chappell— 800 Clarence M. Cbarest _ 800 Chestnut Farms-Chevy Chase Dairy S.00Q W. Wallace Chlswell . 200 Mr. and Mrs .H. Lawrence Choate . 186 Dr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Christie_. 600 Church of the Epiphany_ 100 The City Bank__ 800 Mr. and Mrs Appleton P. Clark. Jr. 180 Dr. William Earl Clark— -_ 800 Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey L. Clarke_ 250 Mrs. Powell Clayton_ 115 Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Clephane— 100 Mr. and Mrs. Augustus F. Cleveland 100 Judge James A. Cobb _ _ . 100 Mr. add Mrs. Philip O. Coffin_ 700 Cohen’s 100 Nathan M. Cohen — __ 200 Maurice J. Colbert 8c Cau_ 100 Miss Jean 8 Cole 100 Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Colladay_ 800 John B. Colpoys_ 100 Samuel A. Colton_ 100 Columbia Nat'l Bk. of Washington 600 Columbia Planograph Co. _ - 176 Columbia Typographical Union No. 101 _ _ 400 Commercial Credit Co. _ . 100 Commercial Office Furniture Co_ 200 Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Compton_ 80o Mr. and Mrs. William S. Conant_ 800 Russell A. Conn 100 The Rev. Eugene J. Connelly 100 Mai. Oen. and Mrs. Wm. D. Connor 100 Consumptive Relief Society of Denver. Colo. _ 100 Continental Baking Co._ 600 Cooley Brothers _• 100 Mrs. Avery Coonley 1.100 Mr and Mrs. Charles O. Cooper_ 126 Mrs. Charles I. Corby_ 8.400 Mrs. Karl W. Corby_ 600 Mrs. Charles I. Corby_ 200 C. I. T. Corp. _ 200 Edward Costlgan_ 160 Joseph J Cotter — 100 Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Cottrell_ 120 Dr. Sidney Charles Cousins_ 100 Mrs. Frederick V. Covelle 100 Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Covington— 600 J. Harry Covington 3d 100 Mrs. David Cushman Coyle ... loo Charles H Cragin 160 Mr. and Mrs G Bowdoln Craighill 260 Miss Emma C Crans 100 Mr. and Mrs. William S Culbertson 100 Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Cunlbertl • 200 Mr. and Mrs. William L. Custin _ 100 D. Dr. and Mrs. Worth B Daniels _ - 300 Mrs. Howard Davidson 400 Ambassador and Mrs. J. E. Davies. 10.000 Nathaniel P. Davis * ]00 Miss Cynthia Davis _ 100 Miss Helen Brooks Davis _ 150 Mr. and Mrs. Dwight F Davis _2.750 Mrs. John H. Davis ,- 120 Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Deaver_ 300 Mr. and Mrs. Frederic A'. Delano,. 400 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Dennis,- 600 Mrs. Chauncey Mitchell Depew - 10.000 Mrs. Daniel B. Devore_ 2.000 Dr. George Dewey _ 100 Joseph De Young. Inc._ 200 Diamond Cab Co_ 100 A. B. Dick C<f. - - - _ 100 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dledrlch _ 250 Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Dieterich_ loo District Title Ins. Co. 350 Dr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Dodek - HO Miss Alice Dodge 100 District Wholesale Drug Corp_ 100 Dome Oil Co . Inc._ 100 Walter Donaldson - 200 Edward W Donn. 1r. 150 Mrs. Murray T. Donoho_ 100 John P. Donohoe A Sons_ 100 William H Donovan_ 200 John A. Dore 100 Miss Laura U. Dorsey - loo Mr. and Mrs. James L. Dougherty - 100 Mrs. Gedrge F Downey_ . . - 100 Mrs. Tracy Dows_ 100 Harold E. Doyle . 100 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Droop .- 350 Mr. and Mrs Edward H. Droop — 450 Samuel A. Drury.. _ 300 M. D. Dubb 250 Claud# W. Dudley 100 Mr. and Mrs. H. R. DuMny. Jr- 400 Dr. Ethel C. Dunham _ 180 D. J. Dunlgan. Inc. 250 Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomas Dunlop.- 180 James Clement Dunn . 100 Mrs. James C. Dunn 1,000 Mr. and Mrs. W. McKee Dunn_ 800 Alexander V. Dye_ 120 J. E. Dyer Sc Co.__ 175 E. Joseph B. Eastman __ 3«0 The East Washington Savings Bank 100 Merriner S Eccles _ _ 100 Mrs. George M. Eckels . _ 115 Dr. and Mrs. Lewis C. Ecker- 100 Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Edge_ 250 Maurice Eiseman — 100 Mr. and Mrs Jacob Eisenmann-- 150 Dr. Martha M. Eliot __ 200 Elite Laundry Inc. . . _ _ 1.000 Wade Hampton Ellis 100 Mr. and Mrs Albert H. Ely. Jr— 100 Dr. Charles R. Ely... 125 Mrs. Louise C. Ely _. _ _ 500 C. Engel At Sons, Inc._ 100 Philip Ershler 100 Mrs. William Corcoran Eustis_ 4.500 Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Evans. Jr. _ 120 The Evening Star Newspaper Co.-- 40.000 Dr. Paul J. Ewerhardt _ 010 E. B. Eynon Co. 120 F. Mr. and Mrs. Fenton M Fadeley __ 250 Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Fahnestock_ 200 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fairbanks_ 120 Mr. and Mrs. Herman Fakler _ ion Dr. W. Marion Falls _ 100 Thomas J. Fannon & Sons _ 100 Mr. and Mrs. William 8haron Ffcrr 200 Waldron Faulkner _ 200 Mrs. Waldron Paulkner_ 140 J. H. Ferry __ - . _ 350 Mr. and Mrs. David E. Finlay— 450 FirematPs Insurance Co._ 300 Dr. Aubrey D. Fischer _ 100 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Flather. Jr— *50 Mr. and Mrs. J. Spalding Flannery 1,000 Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Fleming— 750 R. V. Fletcher_ 100 rcn Mr1":::;::::::::::::: ijgj Ford Motor Co. -- 850 Miss Margaret Raub Fox_ 200 Mrs. Allie 8. Freed. — 100 Bishop and Mrs. James X. Freeman 250 RussellJP. Freeman- ' 120 Owen B. French 100 Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Freudberg- pO Mr: and Mrs. David Friday- 100 Norman B. Frost . 100 G. The Misses Seeder_ 100 Mrs, Thomss T. Gall . __ 300 Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Oalllard — $1,200 Mr. and Mrs. L Oassenhelmer.. 325 H. Prescott Ostler_ .. — 100 J)a«d M. Oattl_... 100 oseph D Oattl 100 Joseph Oawler's 8ons. Inc._ 850 Mrs. Joseph A. Oeler_ 100 John B. Oeler — 250 General Motors Acceptance Corp. . 105 Oeorae's Radio Co. ... ■ 260 Mr. and Mrs. Blmon Oerber ._ 150 Rabbi and Mrs. N. Gernstenfeld . 126 Mr. and Mrs. Morris Gewlrs- 160 Henry P. Gibbs 1«0 Pred 8. Olchner Iron Works_ 200 Mrs. Robert Giles_ 100 Thomas H. Gill _ 100 Mrs. Helen D. Given 100 Mr. and Mrs. Isadora Glasser_ . 100 Glassman and Ostrow _ 1.000 Olobe-Wernlcke Co. _ 100 Mrs. Charles C. Olover _ 1.500 Mrs. Charles C. Glover. Jr._ 100 Charles C. Glover. Jr. _ 800 Herman Goldberg . .. 100 Hyman Ooldman 100 Mr. and Mrs. Marc 8. Goldnamer 600 Samuel Gompers Lodge. No. 45. P. A. A. M. 100 George L. Ooodacre ..- 100 Mr and Mrs. Spencer Gordon_ 300 Mrs. Nelly Lamer Gore _ 100 Max Gorin 260 M. J. Gormley _ 160 Albert 8. Goss 100 Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Gower_ 250 Graduate Nurse Asso of D. C._ 100 Mr. and Mrs. H A. Gray __ 150 Miss Nellye M. Gray ... _ 100 Mrs. Cary T. Grayson 300 The Great Atlantic A Pacific Tea ^ Mrs. Devereux Green _ ITS Mr. and Mrs James Green _ 200 Miss Marla Devereux Green_ 125 Ernest W. Greene 100 Comdr. Joseph Greenspun ._ 100 Henderson B. Gregory . __ 200 Charles M Greiner 100 Clark C. Grifflth -- Hoo Mrs. Duncan Lawrence Groner._ 300 Dr. Thomas A Groover 240 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Grosner 600 Gerald D. Grosner — 150 Mrs. Isidor Grosner 250 Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gruman _ 100 Mr and Mrs Jacob S. Gruver- 350 Gude Bros. Co.__ 300 Gulf Oil Corp_ 150 Gunther Brewing Co., Inc_ 100 Miss Bell Gurnee 175 Charles Stuart Guthrie .. 100 Mr and Mrs. William M. Guthrie - 175 Frank W. Gwathmev 250 H. E R. Haas 200 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Haas- 200 Mr. and Mrs. John I. Haas _ 1.000 Mrs Jennings Hackett - 125 Dr. and Mrs. Francis R. Hagner _ 200 Mrs. Randall H. Hagner _ _ - 400 Mrs Chandler Hale 500 Mrs. Sarah Stokes Halkett_ Son James L. Hall . 120 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hall - - 200 Mrs. Suzanne M. Ham 150 Mrs. Charles Hamilton — 100 Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hamilton. Ir. __ 360 Hanse Hamilton 300 Mrs. Mae L. Hamilton _ ITo Hamilton National Bank_ 1.500 John W. Hanes - mo Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hannay - 600 William V. Hardie 144 Mrs. B Laurlston Hardin_ loO R. Harris A Co . - 750 W. H. Harrison _ 200 Nelson T Hartson - - 150 Col. and.Mrs. Frank L. Hatch- 100 Mr. and Mrs. M. H Hawkins_ 750 James D. Hayes 100 Mrs. Perry 8. Heath - 500 Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L. Hechinger 750 Alexander Hecht _ 600 The Hecht Co._ 7.000 N. H. Heck 100 E. Heidenhelmer Inc. i"i> Mr. and Mrs. Giles F. Hellprln- ISO H. J. Heinz Co. _ 100 Arthur Hellen 240 Mrs. Edith B. Helm _ 250 Guy T. Helvering - 100 Mrs. Smith Hempstone . loo Mr and Mrs. Charles B. Henderson 300 James B. Henderson . 100 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Herman - 200 Mr. and Mrs. Isidore Hershfleld ._ InO Herzmark and Safer Storage Co. - 250 W. H. Hessick Sons Co. _ 100 Clarence B Hewes loo Hewes. Prettyman & Await_ 2.>0 Harry K Hickey _ 100 Mrs. Bishop Perkins Hill_:_ loo William Hurd Hill _ 500 Mrs. William Hurd Hill - 100 Wilmer A Hill _ 120 Mrs. H. Hilleary 150 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Himmelfarb_ .50 Mrs. Gilbert M. Hitchcock_ 300 Mrs Charles Hofer - 250 Myron Hofer 600 Howard and Hoffman_ 100 Hohenstein Bros. loo Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Holbrook_ 100 Lindley W. Holbrook_ . 100 Holton Arms School 1.000 Mr. and Mrs. George P. Hoover- 150 Mr. and Mrs. Reeve Hoovwr- 150 Milton Hopfenmaler Estate- 500 Hopkins Furniture Co. - 100 Harold L. Ickes_ 100 John Ihlder - 150 William Q. Illeh_ _. - 200 Internat’l. Business Machines Corn. 500 International Distributing Corn..- 1.000 James 8. Y. Ivins._ 200 J. Imperial Japanese Embassy_ 100 Frank R. Jelleff Inc. ___ 0.600 Mra. C Frances Jenkins_ 100 Coleman Jennings _ 1.700 Mrs. Hennen Jennings _ 2.300 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johansm_ 100 Dr. and Mrs. L. B. T. Johnson_ 200 Mr. and Mrs. O. H. P. Johnson_ 250 Johnson St Wlmsatt. Inc._ 100 Mrs. E. Newlands Johnston_ 800 Mr. and Mrs. F. Henry Jonea_ 200 . Edmund L. Jones _ 200 Miss Helen 8 Jdnes_ 020 W. A. Julian ... _ 075 K. Dr and Mrs. Howard F. Kan#_ 100 8. Kann Sons Co.. Inc. - 7.000 Mr. and Mrs. David B. Karrlck- . 300 James L. Karrick. Jr. _ 175 Mrs James L. Karrlck-,2_ 400 Kass Realty Co., Inc. _ 600 Di. and Mrs. Jacob Kate _ 300 Mr. and Mrs 8. H. Kauffmann_ 1.560 Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kauffmann ... 4.100 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Kaufman.- 000 D. J. Kaufman. Inc. _ 1.000 Harry Kaufman Inc. 600 Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Kaufmann_ 3.000 Dr. Harry M. Kaufman_ 125 Ell M. Kaumerman __ 125 Miss Helen M. Keane _ 300 Mrs. Frederic A Keep 0.000 Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Kefersteln_ 000 J. Frank Kelly. Inc._ 200 Lee B. Kemon 100 Mrs. John B. Kendall_ 200 John B Kendall Co. 200 Mr. and Mrs. William B. Kerkam.. 300 Mr. and Mrs. Harry King - 115 Mr. and Mrs. Milton W. King.. 2.400 Homer L. Kltt St Co. 100 H. J. Klossner . _ 100 Fred 8 Kogod 300 Baroness Serge Korff_ 150 Koss Pharmacy . __ 100 8. S. Kresge Co_ _ 1.200 L Laidlaw A Co 100 Mrs. Wilton J. Lambert _ 100 Mrs. Cary D Lanahorne_ 150 Marshall Lang borne 700 Julius Lansburgh Furniture Co_ 300 Wilbur La Roe. Jr. __ _ 600 Irwin Laughlln _ 750 Mrs Irwin Laughlln _ 600 John O Laylin _ 100 Mrs. David Meade Lea_ 100 Leaman and Martvn '100 Mrs. Alexandra McDonald Lee_ 100 Col and Mrs. Harrv R. Lee _ 100 William E. Lee - 100 Mrs. Frederic P. Lee 100 Mr and Mrs Edgar Kent Legg. Jr. 000 Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Leigh 100 Mr and Mrs Marshall O. Leighton 100 Maj. and Mrs Henry Leonard 500 Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Leonard _ 160 Lerner Shop 100 Mr. and Mrs Paul E. Lesh_ 226 Joseph Levi . - 100 Albert M. Lewers 100 Mr. and Mrs Reeve Lewis_ 200 Ernest L Lewis 100 Sir and Lady Willmott Lewis_ 175 Mr and Mrs. A. E. Llchtman_ 600 Liggett Drug Co. 100 Lincoln National Bank _1,200 Lady Elizabeth Lindsay_ . 400 Willard 8 Lines 100 Miss Grace Denlo Litchfield 100 Mrs. Demarest Lloyd and children 500 Col. and Mrs Morris E Locke _ 750 Mrs. Thomas W. Lockwood _ _ 100 Mrs George Cabot Lodge_ 300 Miss Bertha H. Looker - 100 W A Lockwood Dental Co. _ loo Karl D Loos 300 Mrs Jacob L. Loose_ 600 Henry Lorentz__ 100 M. O Lorenz_ 100 Max C Louis 100 Miss Flora M and Richard K. Lyon ino Col. and Mrs William Lyster _ 200 M. The G B. Macke Corp_ inn Donald F MacKenzte _ ISO The Madeira School 600 Comdr. John H. Matruder, Jr... 120 C. D Mahoflle _ _ .... loo G P. Mangan .. . _. _ . 100 Manhattan Laundry 000 Dr and Mrs Charles Rlbori Mann loo Dr. and Mrs William B. Marbury _ ISO Marlow Coal Co __ 600 Mr and Mrs George P Marshall .. 1.000 Mr and Mrs. John Marshall _ 2on Mr. and Mrs. T W. Marshall_ 100 Marvin's Credit. Inc. _ 600 Max C Mason -. 10(V G Grant Mason. lr. _ ISO Miss Annabel Matthews_ loo David Max 600 Mrs George J May 130 Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Mayer_ 12S Mrs Ernest D Mayer 125 I. Joseph Mazo _ 126 Mr. and Mrs Russell McBride_ ion W. W. McBryde ... - ISO George P. McCabe _ 100 Dr. M. A. McCall _ 140 George E. McCann -- .. 100 Dr and Mrs Arthur J. McCarthy LJO William McClellan 800 Mrs. Malcolm 8. McConlhe- 200 A SENSATION, Definitely, A SENSATION! . £&/ MEN’S SUITS LONG-WEARING, PURE-WOOL WORSTEOS This season's smartef models, this sea son's smarter patterns, at this season's lowest price. And mind you, it's TIMELY, right when you can't wait longer to buy your Winter suit. Don't hesitate—you'll never find a better "buy" than ALL-WOOL WORSTEDS at $21! Get here early and have the advantage of first selection! Regulars, stouts, longs, and shorts. Follow the crowd to Eiseman's—Saturday. OVERCOATS $0 A. 75 A TOPCOATS These coats are typical of Eiseman's value-giving policy. They're well tailor ed of serviceable, warm woolens.- Your style, size and color! Don't delay! NOTHING DOWN—4 MONTHS TO PAY EISEMAN’S * F STREET AT SEVENTH Comdr. and Mm. Alan McCracken.. 100 I BHBSSeff-JSETKr.:::::::::::: Mrs. Dan McGettigan _. - 800 Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Mclnerney 170 CorD:::::::: It Frank McManamy - 100 Rev. John M. McNamara- 175 Mr. and Mrs. F. W. McRernolde— 150 Miss Leila Mechlin _ 200 Dr. Edward B. Metis_ 600 Mrs. Eaward B. Meigs_ 200 Lowell Mellett _ 100 The A. W. Mellon Educational and Charitable Trust of Pittsburgh. Pa __ _ ... 11.000 W. C. Mendenhall _ _ 100 Mr. and Mrs. Carroll B. Merrlam.. 100 Mrs. 8. F. Merrlam_ 100 William P. Metcalf_ 100 B. H. Meyer . _ 150 Mr. and Mrs. Martin W. Meyer... 126 Herbert A. Mlhllls 100 Dr. and Mrs. Adolph C. Miller_ 2.00Q Carroll Miller _ 100 Francis P. Miller _ 100 Mrs. Henry W. Miller . 140 Mai. and Mrs. Jesse I. Miller_ 226 Mr. and Mrs. Neville MUier_ 160 Mrs. Robert N. Miller.:_ 105 W. L. Miller . _ 100 Mr. ana Mrs. Abbot g. Mills inn Mr. and Mrs. C. Powell Minnlgerode 100 Benjamin Saunders Minor_ 200 Dr. and Mrs. John Minor _ 300 •Edward W. Mint* Co.. Inc_ 100 Lennard H. Mitchell_ 300 Herbert H Moflltt - 100 Mrs. Rose Saul Montgomery_ 100 R. Walton Moore 100 Mrs. Howell Moorhead j_ too Howard Moran 100 Mrs. James Dudley Morgan- 1.300 Mat Sldne* Morgan - 110 Thomas P. Morgan. Jr._ 132 Chester Morrill __ 130 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Morris- 100 Edgar Morris Sales Co. 130 Mr. and Mrs. George M. Morris- 600 Martin A Morrison 100 Mrs Oenrge V H Moseley — 230 Harold G Moulton 250 Mount Pleasant Congregational Church League of Service 100 Munsev Trust Co. 200 •Miss Jennie and Curtis Murchison 200 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin G. Murphy 120 Mr. and Mrs. Paul F^ Myers - 100 Mr and Mrs. Wilson B. Nairn --- 100 Earl Nash 100 Mr and Mrs. Milton Nathan 215 National Permanent Building Asso ciation - - 150 National Biscuit Co. 100 National Capital Insurance Co. of District of Columbia 125 National Cathedral Association _ 120 National Furniture Co. - 400 National Radio Institute --- 240 National Savings * Trust Co- 1,200 National Trlb. Corp 100 Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Neal - 450 Dr. and Mrs. Charles P. Neill - 300 Mr. and Mrs. Frank F Nesbit- 400 Mr and Mrs Fleming Newbold- 600 Mrs. Haywood Newbold 160 Brig. Gen and Mrs H. C. Newcomer 100 Mrs. Francis G Newlands -- 250 New York Decorating Co. - 200 John B. Nichols 300 Edward J Noble Foundation . 300 Dr. Sofle A. NoVdhoff-Jung -- 100 Mr and Mrs Gerson Nordllnger . 300 Mrs. Richard W. Norton 300 Mr and Mrs Frank B Noyes- 2.500 Mr and Mrs Newbold Noyes- poo Theodore W. Noyes - - - 4.000 O Miss Katherine E. O'Day. - ion Roger O'Donnell . - - _ loti O E S Electa Chapter. No. 2 . inn Mr and Mrs Burton Oppenhelm loo O. E. 8 Bethlehem Chapter No. 7 100 Col. and Mrs. Godwin Ordway _ 100 Samuel H Ordwa*. Jr , 100 Mr and Mrs. Louts Ottenberg- 275 Joseph Ottenstein 125 Ourisman Chevrolet Sales Co. 750 P Packard Washmeton Motor Car Co. 120 Miss Cassie Parker .- . ion Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Parker Jr. 400 Mr*. O. M. Psrkhurit_ 100 ! Mis* A. M. Parkin* .. _...__ 100 Dr. ana Mrs. Julius H. Parmeles_ loo Carl E. Parry ___ 150 Mrs. Rushmore Patterson___ 1 oo Mr. and Mrs. A. Hardin* Paul_- 200 Leo H. Paulier_ 125 8hn J. Payette_ 150 ary P. Pearson „ _._ 100 r. and Mrs. W. E. Pearson_ 240 Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Peell#_ 400 J. C. Penney Co. . _ _ 300 Peonies Drue Stores. Ine_ 8.400 Peoples Life Insurance Co.._ 1,200 Mr. and Mrs. Nelson E. Perln_ 150 Dr. Frederic W. Perkins_ 150 R Ross Perry. Jr.. _ BOO Mrs. R Ross Perry sr._ 150 Gen. John J. Pershin*_ 1,000 Miss Nana Heath Peters_ 200 Miss Elsa M. Peterson_ 300 Zellmer R. Pettet _ 100 Theodore D. Peyser- _ 100 m. and Mrs. J B Phillips __ 200 Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Phillips_ 1,000 Percy W. Phillips_ 200 James P. Pierce __ _ 100 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co_ 100 George P. Plummer_ 100 Pontiac Motor Co.. __ 100 Mr. and Mrs. John Poszehl_ 100 Potomac Electric Power Co_ 15.000 Edward C. hotter _ 120 Bylyan Pownermaker _100 Mr. and Mrs. J Erls Powell_ 250 Mr and Mrs. W. 8. Pratt. Jr_ 300 Walter Prendereast 100 Leslie E. F. Prince _ 10O Mr. and Mrs. John L. Proctor_ 1,200 George C. Pumphrey_ 150 Herbert Putnam__ 150 Q. George Quirk_ _ 100 ft. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Randolph_ 125 The Very Rev. T. A. Rankin_ 100 Paul L. Rapp 100 Joseph L. Raugh _ 100 Dr and Mrs John A Rem on 204 The Right. Rev. and Mrs. P. M. Rhinelander 400 Dr. and Mrs. E. Clarence Rlce__ _ 240 B Rich’s Sons _ BOO Mr and Mrs. Herbert J. Rich II ISO Mrs Sallie R. Rich 300 Miss Janet E. Richards 100 Mrs G. K. Richards 200 Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Richardson 100 Mr. and Mrs Donald R. Rlchberg BOO James A. Richmond __ 100 Riggs National Bank _ _ 7.500 Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Ring __ __ 1 000 Mr. and Mrs. W. McC. Ritter_ ROO Dr William C Rives 8.000 Charles F Roberts 150 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Robertson 125 The Rockport Fund Inc. _ 600 Miss Edith Rockwood 100 Admiral William L. Rodgers_ 100 Mr and Mrs. F. E. Rogers_ 350 Mrs. H Rogers 100 Mr and Mrs. Harry Roller_ 100 Daniel C. Roper 200 Mrs. Edward Rosenbaum _ 300 Mrs, Fannie R. Rosenthal _ 100 Rosslyn 8teel and Cement Co_ 100 Rothstein Dental Laboratories_ 300 Dr L 8 Rowe __ 240 Miss Sara Ruben 100 Mr. and Mrs. George Ruble*_ 600 William C. Ruedtger_ 100 Dr Sterling Ruffin _ 250 Mrs Cuno H. Rudolph _ 110 Mrs David J Rumhoueh _ __ TOO Mr and Mrs H L. Rust. Jr._ 2.000 William K. Ryan 150 8. Mr. ana Mrs. Haipn L. Babin_ 200 Vincent Saccardi 100 St. Martina Catholic Church _ 100 8t. Matthew's Roman Catholic Ch. 150 Saks Fur Co. and Mrs. Rose Saks - 150 David H. and Miss Julia Salomonloo Everett Sanders_ 200 Joseph Sanders _ 600 Sanitarv Grocery Co_ 6 000 Miss Aanes A. Saul 220 Mr. and Mrs Andrew Saul_ .100 Bernard F. Saul . _ 250 B F Saul Co. _. _ 2,250 W H Saunders Co . Inc._ 100 Mrs. B Francis Saul_ 700 John Saul 750 Mrs John T. Schaaf _ 110 Mr. and Mri. Max Scher__.. 100 Mri. Pannti Bchlosberg__ 100 Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Schlosbira_ 100 Laurence P. Schmeckebler_ 150 William E. Schmid_ 100 Capt. J. A. Schofield_ 100 Mrs. Charles Schwarta_ 260 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T. Schwarta 000 Brig. Oen. and Mrs. O. P. 8criven_ 100 Sears. Roebuck A Co. ... 1.350 Second Natl. Bank of Washington _ % 300 Security Sav. and Commercial Bank 500 L. P. Selbold. Inc. ___ 105 Henry P. Seldemann_ 100 Admlrai IJavfd P.' SellerilT"!!" Mrs. David P. Sellers - - 150 Mr. and Mrs, Harry H. Semmes _ 600 Mrs. John Sevier __ 100 Charles J. Shapiro. Inc_ 125 Miss Margaret E. Shea _ 100 Franc E. Sheiry Ptg. Co._ 100 Shell Union Oil Co_ 100 Harry Snerby .. .. _ 250 Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Sheridan- 1.000 Miss Belle Sherwln __ 1.200 Mr. and Mrs. Paul ■. Shorb_ 750 Mr. and Mrs. Jouett Shouse_ 420 Jack Shulman _ 330 David P. Silverman . . 200 Simon. Koenlgsberger A Young_ 750 Berkeley L. Simmons _ 100 Dr. and Mrs. Abram Simon__ 125 James H. Simon__ 300 Mrs. Louis Simon 150 Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Simpson._ 225 Dr. and Mrs. G. Victor Simpson_ 200 L. E. Sinclair . - 100 Sisterhood of the Washington He brew Congregation_ 100 Skinker A Garrett _ 100 Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Slade_ 100 Harry Slattery. 100 Mrs. Herbert J. Slocum _ 2.000 J. H. Small A Sons. Inc_ 100 H. A. Smith __ 100 James E. Smith _ _ _ 200 Dr. and Mrs. Philip S. Smith_ 300 Robert Palmer Smith_ 100 G. P. Snyder 100 Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Depew Snow 100 Society Circus Fund, Ft. Myer. Va. 100 H. W. Sohon _ _ _ 100 Harry P. Somerville 240 Mrs Thomas Somerville_ 200 8orootimlst Club loo Miss Prances A. Sortwell_ 200 Mrs Richard Southgate_ loo William W. Spalding _ 100 Mrs. Thomas M Spaulding_ 180 Samuel Spencer ... .. 100 Harold B. Stabler . 100 Justice and Mrs. Wendell P. Stafford 120 Standard Brands loo Standard Cigar & Tobacco Co_ 120 Standard Oil Co. ol N. J_ 250 Mrs. Daniel C. Stapleton _ 400 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sterrett_ loo David L Stem _ 100 Charles W. Stetson__ 100 Mrs. Alexander 8 Steuart . _ 100 Mr. and Mrs. Henry L Stlmson _ 100 Admiral and Mrs. Edward R. Stitt. 100 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Stohlman^. loo Rev. and Mrs. Anson P 8tokes_ ROO Stone’s Mercantile Agency. Inc_ 3oo John P. Story & Co. _ _ 100 Mrs. Joseph Strauss . _ 175 Strayers Business College _ 100 Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Street_ 120 Lee A. 8trong . --— 100 Mrs. Henrv Alvah Strong_ 8.000 L. Corrin Strong __ . . _ 3.500 Mrs. L. Corrin Strong. 400 Mr and Mrs William G 8tuart 100 i Mr. and Mrs. William N Sturtevant 200 j Mr. and Mrs Arthur Sundlun 380 I Justice and Mrs George Sutherland 400 Mr. and Mrs Lloyd H. Sutton_ 240 Oliver E. Sweet 100 Dr. and Mrs. Chester D. Swope_ 160 T- ! Mrs. William Howard Tafv_ 200 W. Waverly Taylor. Jr. _ 175 ; Terminal Refrigerating At Ware house Corp. Ann Mr. and Mrs. Eliott Thurston 100 Mrs. Charles Tllghman 100 , Mr. and Mrs. Francis D Thomas _ 126 ■ Mr. and Mrs. Corcoran Thom_1.000 Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Thompson_ 44o i Thompson's Dairy _ 600 ompson_ 220 ompson_ loo Mrs. B. W. Thoron .. _ 125 1 Mr. and Mri. Hugh a. Thrill_ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thurtell_ Walter N. Tobrlner_ O. Carroll Todd_ Mr. and Mr». B. R. Tolson_ Louis H. Towbes _ Frederic N. Towers_ Mai Oen Charles O. Treat_ Trinity College _ _ __ The Rev. and Mrs. F. Bland Tucker Mr. and Mrs. William O. Tulte _ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Tumulty_ Joseph P. Tumulty. Ir. _ _ Mr. and Mrs. John R. Turner_ Joe Turner __ Mr. and Mrs. I. 8. Turover_ Mr. and Mrs. John W Turrentlne.- 125 ■ Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Tuttle_ 200 1 Twentieth Century Club . . _ 400 I u. Harry E. Ullman _ 100 United Assoc, of Journeymen Plumb ers and Steam Fitters of V. S. and Canada ___ inn United Clay Products Co. _ 3nn United Mine Workers of America_ 100 United Trust Co. of the D. C. _ 600 Mr. and Mra. Dennis A. Upson_ <40 a V. Mr. and Mrs R. A. Van Orsdsl_ *50 OeorseO Vass ion Mr. and Mrs. George B. Vest__ ISO W. Mr. and Mrs. Flovd Waggaman . *23 Waggaman Ac Brawner. Inc_ aoo Louis J. Wahl __ _ fnn Mrs. Mary Vaux Walcott_ 700 Oeorge E. Walker. Inc_ 250 Mr. and Mrs. W H. Walker_ 200 Benjamin B Wallace . 100 Walter Reed Hospital Nurses_ *25 C W. Warburton 120 Mr. and Mrs. George 8. Ward_ 100 Mr. and Mrs. Bates Warren_ inn Washington Baseball Club_ 800 Washington Gas Light Co. . 10,000 Washington Hebrew Congregation • Sunday School) . _ JTB wasnmgton Ladies' Auxiliary Jewish ' Washington Loan Si Trust Co. J 745 Mr and Mrs. Robert C. Watson __ ion Mr and Mrs J. Harvev Wattles.. 185 Capt. and Mr*. Chester Welli_1,000 Miss Marguerite M. Wells_ 300 Mrs Frank A. West___ 150 Whaley-Eaton Corp. _ 100 Catherine Wheeler _ ino * The Misses White __ loo Mrs. Lipscomb White _ inn MS. and Mrs. Walter White _ _ inn Dr. and Mrs. C. Stanley White_ 300 A Barbara Wiegand _ 125 - Miss El'rabeth Wiegand_ 125 Henry M Wiegand _ . 126 Martin T. Wiegand_... 125 Mr*. Dean Wilder __ 550 Mrs. Thomas 8. Wiles_ 600 Mrs. Harvey W Wiley loo • Mr. and Mr* H. Blaklston Wilkins Ino Mr. and Mr*. John F. Wilkins_ 600 Mr*. John R Williams_ 300 Mrs. Henry K. Willard_ 650 The Willard. Inc. _ 600 Mr. and Mrs William B. Willard 275 Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Wllmer 700 Mrs. Mabel Walker Willebrandt _ _ 250 Westel W. Willoughby _ 3no Lucius Wilmerdlng. jr._ _ inn Mrs. Luke Wilson 1,000 Mr. and Mrs Charles F. Wilson.. 100 Mrs. John C. Wilson .. _ 250 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd B. Wilson_ 720 Frank J. Wilson 120 Miss Harriet Patterson Winslow_ 200 Miss Mary N. Winslow___ 250 William R. Winslow _ 100 Witt & Mlrman _ inn Wolf Si Cohen. Inc 120 ^ Mr and Mrs. Charles O Woodbury 150 Mr* Charles H Woodhull_ 1.600 ] F. W Wonlworth Co. _ 750 J J. B. WyckofI 100 I Y. . Edward G Yonker_ Ann Young * Simon _ 1.250 Elmer B. Young_ 1M5 Z. A C Zabriskie _ 100 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zarln_ 125 H Zjrkir, A- 8ons, Inc. _ 2A'> Davio Zoslow_ 100 Others. Memorial to Mrs. Sidney Taliaferro 600 i MVfmnffiTffvv P/srx/cr8500TODAY F0X A FREE estimate of the cost for a whole season of AUTOMATIC GAS HEATING in your Jiome*