Newspaper Page Text
Sratlya. BAXTER. PERCY MULLANE. On Thurs day November 17. 1938. at his residence. 6404 9th st. n.w.. PERCY MULLANE BAXTER, ated 84 years, beloved husband of Minnie Ida Baxter and father of Nor man. Howard and Charles Baxter. Mrs. Bertha Rueaes. Mrs Gertrude Powers. Mrs. Thelma Pumnhrey. Mrs. Marauerlte Bamberaer and Mrs. Irene Simpson. Friends are invited to call at Hunte mann's funeral home. 6732 Georaia ave. n.w Funeral services Monday. November 21. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 20 BRADIN. CLARK W. On Thursday. November 17. 1938. at Oarfleld Hospital. CLARK W. BRADIN of 2218 13th st. n.w.. beloved son of the late Robert and Har riet Bradin Funeral from the V. L. Speare Oo.. 1009 H st. n.w. on Saturday. November 19. at 11 a.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. BROOKS. ADOLPHUS. On Friday. No vember 18, 1938, ADOLPHUS BROOKS of 1864 6th st. n.w.. husband of Aurelia Brooks, father of Mildred Brooks. Re mains resting at Frasier's funeral home. 389 R. I. ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. CALLAN. GERTRUDE. On Thursday. November 17. 1938. at her residence. 3837 Myrtle ave. n.e. GERTRUDE, beloved wife of the late Andrew F. Callan. Funeral from the above residence on Saturday November 19. at 8:30 a m Re ouiem mass at St. Francis De Sales' Church at 9 a m. Relatives and friends are invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 18 CALLIS. ROBERT HERBERT. On Thurs day. November 17. 1938, at the Naval Hospital. ROBERT HERBERT CALLIS. be loved husband of Millicent Callis. father of Rnb»rt W Callis and Mrs. Catherine Travers and brother of Mrs. Mabel Page *nd Bernard O., Charles L. and Garnet T Callis. Funeral services at the W. W chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. 517 11th st se.. on Monday. November 31. at 1:30 n.m.: thence to Fort Myer Chanel, where services will be held at 3 n.m. Intkrmont Arlington National Cemetery. 30 CARTER. FRANCES. Departed this life Wednesday. November 16. 1938. at 450 P st. n.w. PRANCES CARTER, wife of the late Alex Carter She leaves to mourn their loss seven daughters, two sons and a host of grandchildren and great-grand children. Remains resting at Ruth Dabney lc Co.'s funeral home. 453 O st. n.w Mass will be offered at Holy Redeemer Church Saturday. November 19. at 9 a m., for the repose of her soul. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery • It la lonsome without you. dear mother. We miss you. The rocking chair that you sat in seems so lonely It Is hard to give you up. but God knows best 'Ve shall always remember your sweet voice. You will never be forgotten. DAUGHTER. DAISY S. WOODSON. 18 COLEMAN. ROSA LEE. On Wednesday. November 16. 1938. ROSA LEE COLEMAN. .remains resting at Frazier's funeral home. .189 R. I. ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. COOPER. AUGUSTA JOHNSON. On Wednesday. November 16. 1.938. at Po tomac. Md.. AUGUSTA JOHNSON COOPER devoted wife of Daniel W. Cooper, loving mother of Gladys O. Welford A and Pres ton O. Cooper. She leaves two grand sons and many other relatives and friends. Body resting at the Snowden & Davis' funeral home. Rockville. Md. Funeral Saturday. November 19. at 0 p m.. at Mount Glory Church. Cropley. Md . Rev. Gibbs officiating. CORBIN. WILLIAM DAVIS. Suddenly, on Wednesday. November 16. 1938 at casualty Hospital. WILLIAM DAVIS COR BIN of Berwyn. Md . beloved husband of Emeline Corbin. He also is survived by e- '-t brothers. Funeral services at the W W Chambers Co. suborban funeral home 918 Cleveland ave.. Riverdale Md.. on Saturday. Novem ber 19. at 3 p.m Relatives and friends are Invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Ceme tery. y 19 GHELMINI. NELLIE. On Thursday. November 17. 1038. al her residence. 2215 N st. n.w.. NELLIE GHELMINI. beloved wife of the late William Ghelmini. mother of Marv William. Valentine and Helen Ghelmini. Funeral services at the above residence on Saturday. November in. al 8:30 a m : thence to St. Stephen's Catholic Church. 25th st. and Pa ave. n.w. where requiem mass will be offered at » for the re pose of her soul. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Si Mary's Cemetery. Services by the W W. Chambers Co. IS GRAFF. CARL J. F. On Thursday No vember IT. 1038. at his residence in Rich mond. Va . CARL J F GRAFF, beloved husband of Elsie M. Graff Services at the J. Wm. Lee chapel. 4th at. and Mass, ave n.e.. on Monday. No vember 21. at 2 p m 20 HARKINS. SUSAN REBECCA. On Wed nesday. November lfi. ln.'iS. at her resi Sf.n£Ss.it3fL 'v *'• n-w.. SUSAN REBECCA HARKINS, beloved wife of the late Charles Rodgers Harkins and mother of Miss Marv Josephine Harkins and the late John S Harkins. Funeral services at the W W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Chapin st n w on Thursday. November IT. at x p.m. Rela tives and friends invited to attend Inter ment St. Clair Cemetery Greensburg. Pa. on Saturday. November If) 18 HAWKINS. MAJ. GEORGE THOMSON. On Thursday. November IT. 1038. at his residence. ltilH l«th st. n.w . Mat GEORGE THOMSON HAWKINS, beloved husband of Norma Fuller Hawkins. Remains resting at Zurhorsts funeral parlors. 301 East Capitol st Services will be held at Fort Mver Chapel on Monday. November 21 at 11 a m. Interment Arlington National Cem etery. with full military honors. 20 HENYON. MILLARD PAIL. On Wed nesday. November 16. 1.038. MILLARD PAUL HENYON. beloved son of Mary A. and the late Samuel E. Henvon. Funeral from his late residence. 2410 3rd st. n.e.. on Saturday. November 10.' at. 8:30 am: thence to St Martin's Church. North CaDitol and T sts.. where mass will be offered at 0 a m for the re pose of his soul Relatives and friends In vited Interment Prospect Hill Cemetery. 18 JOHNSON. MARY ELIZABETH. De parted this life suddpnly. on Tuesday. No vember In. 1038. while visitine in Balti more. Md . Mrc MARY ELIZABETH JOHNSON (npp Whitine* wife of the late Joseph H Johnson, devotpd mother of Mrs Naomi Johnson Williams, stepmother of Joseph Howell Johnson sister of Mrs. Alberta V Peters. Mrs. Ruth Hines. Rev Beniamin H Whitinc. Walter Whitina and Levi Whitina. She also leaves a dauehter tn-law. Mrs Jessip S Johnson: a son-in law. J. D. Williams, and a host of other relatives and friends Remains mav be viewed after 4 p.m Friday. November 18. at her late residence 200 S st n w Funeral Saturday. November 10. at 1:30 rnm . from Ebenezer M. E. Church. 4th and D sts. s.e. Rev F F Kina officiating Relatives and friends invited. Intermpnt Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Arrange ment* by John T. Rhines & Co.. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. i 8 JOHNSON. MRS. MARY ELIZABETH. All officers and members of Datcher Court. No. 2. Heroines of Jericho, are reauested L. of Sister MARY ELIZABETH JOHNSON, on Saturday, No vember 10. 103S. at 1 D m. from Ebeneser M E Church. 4th and D sts s.e MRS. MARQARET KEY KELSON. ___ _ Most Ancient Matron. HARTWELL T WILLIS. Worthy Joshua MAYME L STEWART. Secretary. JOHNSON. MARY E. All members of th» Julia McN. Henrv Auxiliary. No 2. Armv and Naw Unions are hereby noti fied of the death of Lady Comrade MARY E JOHNSON Called meeting Friday November is. 1038. at 7:30 Dm.. at Scot tish Rite Hall. mineral Saturday, November IP. from Ebenezer M. E. Church, corner 4th and D sts. s e. Wear uniforms. ELLA CRUMP. Lady Commander. HATTIE MINKINS. Lady Ad.iutant. JOHNSON. MARY E. Officers and mem bers of Miriam Chanter. No 4 0 E S. are reouested to be cresent at the funeral of Sister MARY E JOHNSON, on Satur day. November In IPitK. at 1 :.70 nm. from Ebenezer Church. 4th and D sts. s.e. By order of the worthy matron SISTER LUCY DAVIDSON. W M BROTHER ROBERT ANDERSON. W P. SISTER BLANCHE BURTON. Secretary. MONTGOMERY, MARIE. On Thurs day. November IT. lP.'tH. at her residence' TOP L st. s.w . Mrs. MARIE MONTGOM ERY. loving mother of Mrs. Annie Davis. Mrs. Margaret Green and James Mont gomery She also leaves seven grandchil dren. four great-erandchildren. other rel atives and friends Remains at the John T Rhines A Co. funeral chaDel. ,!rd and Eve ftS. S W. Notice of funeral later MURRAY. PETER F. Suddenly, on Thursday November l". 10118 near Silver Sonne Md PETER F MURRAY of To 17 14th st. nw father of Frank Murray. Body resting at the Warner E. Pumnhrey funeral home. 8474 Georgia ave.. Silver Soring Md Services and interment private. Kindly omit flowers PLUMLEY. ANNIE C. On Thursday. No vember IT. lfl.TR. at Kingston. N J, AN NIE C. PLUMLEY daughter of the late Samuel and Cornelia Plumley Funeral from V. L Spearr Co innp H st. n.w.. on Monday. November 21. at 2 p.m. v 20 PULLIAM. SCOTT G. On Thursday. November IT. 1P.T8, at his residence. 15 2nd at ne. SCOTT G. PULLIAM beloved husband of Helen B Pulliam, father of Louise Alley and grandfather of Millard Alley. Remains resting at the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e.. until !» p m Friday. Novem ber 18. Services and interment Harrodsbura. Ky. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium «tb and Mui. Aw. N.E._ Lincoln MM Frank Geier’s Sons Co. 1113 Sinntt SI N.W. U.i' 0477 Modern Chanel._Tel. National Mlj V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successor to nor connected with the ori(ina) W R Speare establishment 1009 H St. N.W. National"atwii FUNERAL DESIGNS GUDTBROSTCO. Norml PtoS _1*12 F St N.W_ National 4S7S GEO. C. SHAFFER EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICE8. PHONE NAT. OIOS. •jfiSH Cor. 14th & Eya Last of Brady Gang Pays for Crimes In Electric Chair James Dalhover, Gunman For Mob, Is Executed At Michigan City By the Associated Press. MICHIGAN CITY, Ind., Nov. 18.— The last gangster of the A1 Brady mob of Midwestern killers, once de scribed as the worst in the coun try, died in a swift and efficient Federal execution here today. Little red-haired James Dalhover of Madison, 32-year-old gunman for the gang, paid in State prison's electnc chair for the slaying of Paul V. Minneman, Logansport State policeman, shot after the $2,500 Goodland State Bank robbery, May 25, 1937. His death was as quick as but more quiet than those of his fel low mobmen, Alfred Brady and Clarence Lee Shafer, jr., of In dianapolis. Federal agents shot them when they captured Dalhover in Bangor, Me., October 12, 1937. In a few brief minutes just after midnight the condemned man was hustled from the death cell between two guards, strapped in the chair and electrocuted. Physicians pro nounced him dead at 11 minutes after 12 (C. S. T.). Less than an hour and a half be fore, Dalhover' had lost his last fight for life. In a special night ses sion of Federal Court at Hammond, Judge Thomas W. Slick of South Bend turned down a petition to get him a new hearing. The petition said the gangster had pleaded guilty to a murder charge in South Bend November 15. 1937, because he feared mob violence. Dalhover's lawyer rushed the paper from Washington by airmail. There yesterday the United States Su preme Court denied his plea that it stay execution and reconsider its refusal to review a Chicago Federal Circuit Court ruling upholding the sentence. Dalhover gave up farming and bootlegging in the Southern Indiana hills three years ago to join the gang in looting banks, jewelry stores, gro ceries and theaters of hundreds of thousands of dollars. RUSSELL. SARAH. Departed this life on Friday. November IS. l<*38. at her resi dence. 131 Heckman st s.e SARAH RUS SELL. beloved wife of Staff Seret. Clar ence Russell <retired*, cousin' of Cvnthia Henderson. Remains resting at Eugene Ford's funeral home. 1300 South Caoitol st. Notice of funeral later. SELBY. LANDONIA R. On Fridav. No vember J S. 193#. at her residence. •’09 17th st. s.e. LANDONIA R SELBY uiee Briscoe*, daughter of Edward and the late Martha Brisco and wife of Alfred H F. Selby. Surviving are her mother-in-’aw. Mrs. Amelia H Selby, and other relatives and friends Remains resting at the Mc Guire funeral home Notice of funeral later 19 SMITH. ELIZABETH D On Friday. November is. 193# at 1130 2*>nd. st. n.w ELIZABETH D. SMITH Remains resting at Frazier’s funeral home. 3#9 Rhode Island ave. n.wr Notice of funeral later. SPERRY. EDITH MARCY On Thurs day. November IT. 193# at Boulder. Colo, in her 85th year. EDITH MARCY SPERRY, beloved wife of the late Rear Admiral Charles Spillman Sperry. U. S N, Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 18 STEELE. WILLIAM BLAIR. On Wed nesday. November 10 193H. at Georgetown University Hospital. WILLIAM BLAIR STEELE, beloved husband of Alice G. Steele and father of Eleanor and Doris Steele. Relatives and friends mav call at Hvsong’s funeral home. 1300 N st. n.w.. on Friday. November 18. baisreen 5 and 8 p.m. Services and interment Philadelphia. Pa. 18 STINE. RICHARD W. On Fridav No vember 18 1038. at Garfield Hospital. RICHARD W. STINE, beloved husband of Maud E Stine and son of Andrew B and Margaret W. Stine, father of Mrs. Irene C Gochenour Funeral services at the W. W Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. 517 1 l»fh st. s.e . on Monday. November 21. at 11 a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery 20 THl'RWOOD. JOHN. On Wednesday. November 16. 1038. at Casualty Hospital JOHN THURWOOD formerly of 731 Oth st n w Interment at National CaDitol Memorial Park Cemetery on Saturday. November 10. at 10 am T. Frank Murray luneral service. 741 11th st. s.e. ULLMAN. ALICE ANN. On Wednesday. November 16. 1038. at her residence. 51 S st. n.w . ALICE ANN ULLMAN <nee Boebs>. the beloved wife of David J. Ull man and sister of Daisy L. Haves. Funeral services, private, at the above residence on Friday. November 18. at 2 p.m. Interment in Congressional Ceme tery Services bv the W W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home 18 VERNON. LYDA B. On Thursday. No vember 17. 15)38. at Sibley Memorial Hos pital. LYDA B VERNON, beloved wife of James C Vernon of 1515 Oates st. n.w. Funeral services Saturday. November 10. at 11 am. at the J. Wm. Lee funeral home. 4th st. and Mass ave. ne.. the Rev. Robert Lewis of Christ Church. St. Mi chael's. Mri . officiating. Relatives and friends invited. WOLFORD. SARAH FRANCES. On Thursday. November 17. 1038. at her resi dence. 1820 Clydesdale place n.w.. SARAH FRANCES WOLFORD She is survived by five daughters and two sons. Services on Saturday. November IP. at 2 p.m.. at Hysong's funeral home. 1300 N st. n.w. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Columbia Gardens Cemetery. In fflemmiam. BRANSOME. JUNIOR. In sad but lov Ine remembrance of our beloved husband and father. JUNIOR BRANSOME who passed away ten years aao today. Novem ber is. lie’s. For us vou did your verv best. May God arant you eternal rest. DEVOTED WIFE AND CHILDREN • DICKEY. LAURA V. In sad but lovina remembrance of our dear mother. LAURA V DICKEY, who died twenty-one years aao today. November IS. IfUT. Till memory fades and life departs. You will live forever in our hearts. Mother HER LOVING SON AND DAUGHTER-IN LAW HERBERT AND CARRIE DICKEY. • HUMM. MARY CATHERINE. In lovina remembrance of our beloved dauahter. MARY CATHERINE HUMM. who died two years aeo. November IS. 1938. No one knows how much we miss you. No one knows the bitter pain We have suffered. Since we lost you Life has never been the same. In our hearts vour memory linaers. Sweetly tender fond and true: There is not a day. dear dauahter. That we do not think of you FATHER AND MOTHER. • JOY, HANNAH F. In lovina memory of my dear mother. HANNAH F JOY. who died twenty years aeo today. November IS. ISIS. Anniversary mass at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart. HER DAUGHTER. MARGARET JOY SCAN LAN. LUCAS. MALINDA. In memory of our dear mother. MALINDA LUCAS, who de parted this life two years aao today. No vember 18 103fi We are thinkine of you. dear mother. Just thinkina of the past. Picturina you in our memory Just as we saw vou last. HER CHILDREN. SAMUEL DOUCHE AND EMORY. FERRY, LOHN. In loving remembrance of my darling son. LOHN PERRY, who passed away one year ago today. Novem ber 18. 1937. Qone. but not forgotten. HIS DEVOTED MOTHER. LOUISE PERRY • QUALLS. JOHN B. In loving remem brance of our dear one. JOHN B. QUALLS, who passed away two years ago today. November 18. 1930. Treasured thoughts of one so dear Often bring a silent tear: Thoughts return to scenes long hast. Time rolls on. but memory lasts. HIS DEVOTED WIFE MAMIE QUALLS; HIS SON. NATHANIEL AND GRAND DAUGHTER MARION QUALIS. ROSSON. PAULINE WITHY. In loving memory of our wife and mother, PAULINE WITHY ROSSON. who died ten years ego today. November 18. IP'18. Gone, but not forgotten. HER DAUGHTERS AND SON-IN-LAW. PEARL. NORINE. WALTER AND HUS BAND GEORGE S. ROSSON. • STEELE. ANNIE L. In loving memory of our dear wife and mother. ANNIE L. STEELE who died fifteen years a(o today. November 18. 1903 THE FAMILY. • WILLIS. JOHN. In sad but loving mem nrv of mv dear husband and our father. JOHN WILLIS who departed this life two years »~o today. November 18. 1930 Pigeon Visitor Pecks Daily for Breakfast Even carrier pigeons know a good handout when they get one. One of these messenger birds plumped down exhausted on the window sill of G. E. Reedy's apart ment on the tenth floor of the Dupont Circle Apartments Sunday. The bird was fed popcorn. After a feast, it curled up for sleep. Since then it has hung around the roof of the apartment and each day at 7:30 a.m. pecks at the window for breakfast. The Reedys tried peanuts and other food, but the visitor held out for more popcorn and Anally got it. “Expensive tastes,” complained Mr. Reedy. The pigeon is banded and num bered M38KB2216IF on the left leg and Q561 on the right, all of which mystifies the Reedys. Percy Mullane Baxter Dies in Home at 65 Percy Mullane "Baxter, 65, died at hi6 home, 5404 Ninth street N.W., yesterday. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Monday at Hunte mann Funeral Home, with burial following in Cedar Hill Cemetery. A native of Washington, Mr. Bax ter was an upholsterer for W. B. Moses 33 years, and for the last 10 years he was employed at the House Office Building. He is survived by his widow, Minnie Ida; three sons, Norman, Howard and Charles; four daugh ters, Mrs. Bertha Rueges, Mrs. Ger trude Powers, Mrs. Thelma Pum phrey, Mrs. Marguerite Bamberger and Mrs. Irene Simpson; one sister, Mrs. Leona Helwig; two brothers, Frank and Woolsey, and six grand children. Prayers to Be Offered In Two Synagogues Special prayers will be offered at two synagogues tonight for the re lief of “distressed Jews and Catho lics in Germany." At Beth Sholom Synagogue and Talmud Torah. Eighth and Shep herd streets N.W.. the congregation will launch a series of 16 forums dealing with the question of minori ties in Europe. Services will begin I at 8 p.m. and will be conducted by i Cantor Samuel Vigoda, assisted by a special choir. Rabbi M. H. Levin son will be the speaker. Rabbi Harry Silverstone will ad dress the Tifereth Israel Synagogue, ( Fourteenth and Euclid streets N.W., at 8 p.m. on “What Anti-Semitism ! Does to Humanity.” Cantor Charles j Intrater will conduct the service. A. W. McWhorter Dies; Was College Professor B> the Associated Press. KNOXVILLE. Tenn., Nov. 18.— Ashton W. McWhorter, 61. professor of classical languages at the Uni versity of Tennessee, died unexpect edly last night at his home. Dr. McWhorter was graduated from Roanoke College, Salem. Va.. and received his doctor of philosophy degree from Johns Hopkins. He had taught also at Presbyterian College, George Washington Uni versity and the University of the South at Sewanee. Tenn. He was acting president of the University of Tennessee from 1917 to 1919. Probe Report Youth Is at Burnt Mills Police today were investigating a report that Nick Lemberos, 14, of 439 Massachusetts avenue N.W.. re ported missing from his home yes terday. was in a Boy Scout camp near Burnt Mills, Md. The boy’s father told police his son had been missing since Wed nesday morning, when he left for the Abbott Vocational School. The boy was wearing a blue cap, brown I trousers, a sweater and tan shoes. -• Georgia, South Carolina Linked by New Bridge i B> tlie Associated Presa. 1 SYLVANIA, Ga„ Nov. 18.—Several I thousand persons assembled here j today for opening of a new $538,000 steel and concrete bridge linking : Georgia with South Carolina and forming a New York-to-Florida highway. The structure, known as the New Burton's Ferry Bridge, spans the Savannah River. Prominent officials of both States joined in the ceremonies. Speakers included Senators James Byrnes of South Carolina and Walter F. George of Georgia. -• American tourists spent $40,000,000 in Mexico last year. Society Girl's Death Puzzles Officials B» the Associated Press. SPRINGFIELD, Mass., Nov. 18 — Despite a medical examiner’s deci sion of suicide by poison, police to day were mystified by the death of Elizabeth Dorr, 23, whose pajama clad body was found in a comer of her family's garage. The Junior Leaguer and Smith College graduate had been to the theater Wednesday night with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy O. Dorr. Her absence from the house was not noticed until her mother went to her room yesterday morning. Later, a maid discovered the body. The fact that the ignitions of both cars were oil and the gasoline tanks filled added to the mystery at first as police worked over the body with an inhalator. Although Medical Examiner C. J. Downey reported the girl died from poison, he said no poison was found in a preliminary autopsy. A further analysis of the organs will be made today by State Police Chemist Jo seph Walker. Parents of the girl were unable to give authorities any clues. Their daughter’s diary’, they said, did not Indicate that she- was troubled. Dr. Nisan Turow Jewish Center Speaker Dr. Nisan Turow, Hebrew author and educator, will be guest speaker at the first of a series of lectures sponsored annually by Chavruta, a Hebrew speaking society. The meet ing will be held Sunday at 8:30 p.m. in the Jewish Community Center. Dr. Turow, who is professor of He brew literature at the Jewish In stitute of Religion, will speak on • The Psychology of the Jew in the Diaspora,” discussing the wander ings of the Jewish people through the ages. The speaker will be introduced by Dr. Jehiel Davidson, president of the society. Dr. Isaac Stone, chair man, and Mrs. Carl Ginsburgh, co chairman of the Speakers’ Commit tee, are in charge of arrangements for the series, which is co-sponsored by local Zionist groups. --• --——* Ex-Foreign Minister Of Yugoslavia Dies b* the Associated Press. ZAGREB, Yugoslavia, Nov. 18 — Anton Trumbitch, former Yugoslav foreign minister, who was known as "the treaty maker,” died today. He was 76 years old. M. Trumbitch, as Yugoslav dele gate to the Versailles Peace Confer ence, played an important role in the reshaping of Central Europe after the World War. He was spokesman for Serbs, Croats and Slovenes in the post-war dismemberment of the Austro-Hun garian empire and frequently con ferred with members of the United States peace treaty delegation, espe cially Woodrow Wilson, of whom he was an ardent admirer. M. Trumbitch, born in 1863 at Spjft—of which he later was Mayor rose through early-century leader ship of the Croat National Party, which worked for harmony between Serbs and Croats. 19-to-l Chance Seen For Lifelong Sanity By the Associated Pres*. This year's American babies who grow to maturity will have a 19-to-l chance of going through life sane. These odds were given today by Dr. Harold F. Dorn, statistician of the United States Public Health Service. Although the odds for previous eras weren’t figured out. Dr. Dorn said the chances of avoiding un sound minds have grown slightly smaller—not so much because in sanity is increasing, but because people live longer and insanity oc curs more often in elderly persons. Every person in Belfast. Northern Ireland, is to be fitted for a gas mask once a year. Funeral Sprays >3 up /^FLOWERS { J Dupont Circle. Dupont 70ee WOODLAWN One of Washington's Oldest and Most Beautiful Colored Cemeteries CEMETERY _ t ' For information that if honest; «-| Reference that is real— Just ask your neighbor about The Funeral Home of Deal. , Open for Public Inspection DAILY UP TO NOY. 20th 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. Sacred Music Recitals—Weekdays, 8 to 9 P.M. PROGRAM FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 Marie C. Deal. .. Soprano Gertrude Miller ... Contralto Sid Willoughby . . . Organist DEAL FUNERAL HOME 4812 Georgia Ave. N.W. Phone GE. 8700 Branch Home: Unlit tad ‘TU Ntw Bank h turn* 816 H Street N.E. Hiller Government Blamed by Briton For Jewish Attacks Marquess of Zetland Says Four-Power Hope Is Shaken B» the Associated Press. TORQUAY, England, Nov. 18 — The Marquess of Zetland, secretary of state for India, today, laid Ger nany's anti-Jewish measures square ly at the door of, Chancellor Hitler s government. In an outspoken address, the 62 year-old peer became the first Brit ish cabinet member directly to ac cuse the German government of responsibility for the anti-Jewish violence of the past week. He said it had “rudely shaken” his hope that the four-power Munich agreement of September 29 would open a new chapter In human his tory. Slaying "Detectable.” Declaring that the assassination of the German diplomat Ernest vom Rath by a Jew In Paris last week was “detestable,” the marquess said: “But one stands aghast at the wholesale and vindictive retaliation against thousands of innocent per sons In which the German govern ment have thought fit to Indulge." He quoted Propaganda Minister Paul Joseph Goebbels as having ex pressed a desire that Great Britain show no Interest in how Germany solved the Jewish question. He re plied thus: “The mere expression of a wish on the part of even so exalted a person as the minister of public en lightenment is incapable of stifling the conscience of a whole people and not the conscience of the British people only but of the whole civilized world.” Haven Promised “Some.” He promised that Britain would find a “haven for some, at least” of the German Jews "within the con fines of the British Empire.” He spoke at a National govern ment rally. Prime Minister Cham berlain and other prominent Britons had condemned the antl-Jewiih ac tions previously, but none used such pointed phrases as the scholarly Far Eastern administrator and in vestigator. Three Held in $1,500 On Lottefy Charge Thiee colored men were being held under $1,500 bond by police to- i day charged with operating a lottery and possessing lottery slips. The men were arrested yesterday j in two raids in the 1300 and 1400 j block of Ninth street N.W. by mem-; bers of the vice squad headed by Detective Sergt. George C. Deyoe. The raide.s broke into a house in the 1400 block and arrested John D. Graves, 43, and Howard F. Davis, 29. A small amount of marked money was recovered and a quantity of numbers slips, although many of the slips had been thrown into a stoVe, police said. Graves was also charged with selling liquor without a license. At a store in the 1309 block, police arrested John A. Boone, 39. He was charged with operating a lottery and having lottery slips. Milburn T. ZIRKLE Co. PVNEKAL D1BECTOU Amtmtanci Serciet 510 C St. N.E. Line. 5537 Nartb EM* .1 Park ’ Cellar Jfyill Washington’s Most Beautiful Cemetery Nnconntction ictthjinv other cemetery T. Frank Murray Funeral Rome Dignified end Courteous Sendee on any price fenerel desired. AMBULANCB SERVICE 741 11th St. S.E. LINCOLN 2204 Sensational Sale of (Dyed Coney) In th* Newest 1938-39 Silhouette - Enrich your wardrobe ond assure yourself of cold weather comfort by buying one of these handsome, warm and serviceable coats. They are fashioned of soft, lustrous Block Northern Seal (Coney) in full length and three-quarter length models. Boxed or semi-fitted. New clever sleeves; rich heavy linings and every coot backed by a written guarantee. Here are some Beautiful Furs offered at Savings from 20% to 40% In till* Sale: RUSSIAN PONT (D»fd» NATURAL RUS SIAN FITCH MINK DYED FITCH SABLE DYED MUSKRAT BEAVER DYED CONEY SIBERIAN SQUIRREL NATURAL MUSKRAT CHINESE KIT DYED CARACUL SKUNK HUDSON SEAL (Dred Muskrtn Pay a Little Each Week or Month Gray Processed Lamb, Kit Fox Sleeves $119.50 SEAL (Dyed Coney) A DEAR’S 1 Guarantee . ,r»l» everyJjJr -‘jyS^s.jrsjS » •trw1*’ transfection ,j w( behind •;«r7f;7 eo»t P«e^S»te. W,thI*W« * ^ fTd^er 1 I1'** **,*£<** the time ^tn*t 5s® CHINESE \ KIT i CARACUL DYED i V\WM '