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Militant Public Held Essential to Reduce Crime Judge Curran Speaks To Federation of Business Men The crime problem will remain acute until there is a persistent and militant demand by the public for better administration of criminal justice. Judge Edward M. Curran of the Police Court told the Fed eration of Business Men's Associa tion last night at the organiza tion’s monthly dinner-meeting at the Hamilton Hotel. “It is only a dream of the vision aries that some day an aroused public opinion will eliminate or ganized crime," Judge Curran said. “Organized crime will never be elim inated, but it may be minimized and controlled whenever public sen timent is sufficiently aroused, stays aroused and is wisely directed,” he caid. The permanent solution does not lie in force and punishment, but | with the family, the school, the I church and the community, Judge Curran said, adding that it is essen tial for parents to rear their chil dren in paths of obedience and re spect for authority. After citing the school as an im portant factor in training of chil dren, Judge Curran said failure of parents and children to attend church and Sunday school is threat ening the church’s “influential place it held in days agone as a most ef fective force in crime prevention.” In its attempt to eliminate slums, the Roosevelt administration is wag-! ing war against the breeding place of crime, he said. “In this war on crime we stand j as men in the ranks of humanity j who are under the law of duty that j allows us no stopping place short of! our utmost capabilities. Whatever in human nature is hopeful, gener- i ous. aspiring—the love of God and trust in man—is arrayed on one side and on that side let us stand,” i Judge Curran concluded. Tire Business Men’s Federation in dorsed erection of a memorial to Thomas Jefferson, but at a site that I will not sacrifice cherry trees in the Tidal Basin area. The federation installed these offi cers: Fairfax Oyster, president; B. Houston McCeney, first vice pres ident; R. W. Parry, second vice president; Arthur F. Carroll, jr„ secretary; John M. De Marco, treas urer; J. Nelson Anderson, general counsel, and Joseph Batl, assistant general counsel. - — • Plans for Pistol Range Are Blocked by Seal Plans of a group of Georgetown business men to establish a pistol range on a lot adjoining the sev enth precinct station. 3218 Volta place N.W.. to be used jointly with members of that precinct were blocked yesterday by a ruling by Corporation Counsel Elwood H. Seal. He held that the Commissioners were without authority to permit the use of District property for the requested purpose or to enter into a lease or contract with the pistol club. He advised the Commission ers, therefore, they could not accede to the request unless and until Con gress had specifically granted them authority. At a board meeting to day the Commissioners upheld Mr. Seal's decision. Maj Ernest W. Brown is said to have been sympathetic to the plan for the pistol club but raised ques tions about the authority of the Commissioners to approve the idea. The application was filed for the Georgetown group by John Paul Jones. Government Employes To Meet Sunday L. A. Moyer, executive director and chief examiner of the United States Civil Service Commission, aad J. Finley Wilson, grand exalted ruler of the I. B. P. 6. E„ will be special guest speakers at the second anniversary meeting of the United Government Employes on Sunday at 4 p.m. at Shiloh Baptist Church, Ninth and P streets N.W. Dr. R. W. Brooks, pastor of Lin coln Temple Congregational Church, will deliver a sermon and the choir of Shiloh Church will have charge of a musical program. The Rev. E. L. Harrison, pastor of Shiloh Baptist, and the Rev. C. T. Murray, pastor of Vermont Avenue Baptist Church, also will participate in the program. The meeting will be in celebration of wage increases obtained for more than 2.400 of the lower-salaried workers in the Government service. Three Men Hunted In Hotel Robbery Police today are looking for three white men suspected in the theft of two suitcases valued at $100 each from the Colonial Hotel last night. The baggage, belonging to Logan Waddle of Somerset County. Ky., and Barney R. Acuff of Fountain City, Tenn., contained a number of railroad passes and files as well as clothing. Police also notified stamp agencies to be on the lookout for $475 worth of the new $5 Calvin Coolidge stamps that went on sale yesterday at the Old Post Office Building. The stamps were purchased by Louis S. Gross of 2807 Connecticut avenue. The clerk laid them on the counter and Mr. Gross turned to reach in his pocket for money. When he turned back they were gone. The 95 stamps were in a cellophane en velope. Goodwill Industries Head Coming Here William J. Kurth of Boston, pres ident of the National Association of Goodwill Industries, will arrive in Washington tomorrow for a meet ing Monday of the Industries' Train ing School Commission at its head quarters, 1220 New Hampshire ave nue NW„ on Monday. The commis sion will outline plans for the three week course to be given here be ginning January 16 for executives of Goodwill Industries in the South ern region. Traffic Director William A. Van Duzer will speak on safety before the Goodwill Industries Boys' Club at 8 p.m tomorrow at "The Dugout” at 1218 New Hampshire avenue N.W. NOW OPEN THE NEW PEOPLES DRUG STORE i Connecticut Avenue and Albemarle Street (in the 1 Park and Shop Unit) Place Your Order$ Now! PERSONALIZED Christmas CARDS With Your Photograph 10 for *1.00 25 for $2.00 Your friends like to receive cards with this added personal touch. Have your name put on. too—for only 50c extra an order. Choice of sentiments. Kwikwoy Electric II Corn Poppers II 98c «&> Bottom t* erooved to prevent ecorcn in* top is p e r f o reted for shektne out un popped kernels. Electric Double Sandwich Toasters 1 movable grease receiver. tra. » __ I Kwikwoy Electric Whippers $1-98 1 I With pint-and-a I half glass bowl. I switch in motor I and rubber cord. for this fresh, week-end WHOLESOME! - a m CANDY SPECIALS Burgundy Chocolate Covered TENDER Nougatines Pound There’s an art to making good nougatines . . • ana here they are at their finest 1 Creamy, delicious .. . choco late-coated. Burgundy, Mill* Chocolate Covered MAPLE WHIPPS ^ ^ Pound The goodness of a whipped cream center, combined with a delicious maple flavor and creamy milk chocolate coat ing. Visi-Vac Glass Coffee Makers ‘sTJ 98e Brews *11 the fls I vor from the cof frt . leaves no arounds or sediment. Heavy Glass Fruit Reamers 8835 fnift^Juices Qc Libby 9-Ounee | Safedge Tumblers B9C do en Sparltline. clear class tumblers with the Safedee that won't chip. Burgundy Chocolate Covered COCOANUT . CREAMS ^ Pound rresh grated cocoanut^ j kneaded into smoothcream and coated with rich, dark chocolate. One of our candy favorites! ICDCC A SAMPLE riVCC BOTTLE Of so SUNSHINE SHAMPOO To the first Ji.ono lsdles visit ing our stores. A Deliciout Lunch . . , Roast Turkey SANDWICHES With Cranberry Sauce 25' ft Thick slice* of fresh de licious turkey' meat on nlain or toasted bread. A Rich Filling—A Light Qrutt! PUMPKIN Chiffon Pie 1 Ac IU si!.* _ rmm Extra-creamy, extra-fluffy, and txtra sood. $1.25 Petrolagar, pint.89c $1.00 Wampoles Preparation, pint - 75c 50c Phillips Milk of Magnesia-29c 60c Bromo Seltzer..36c 60c Campanas Italian Balm.39c $1.00 Peoples Cod Liver Oil, pint - - 69c 55c Lady Esther Face Powder.28c $1.00 Lavoris Mouth Wash.57c 50c JERGENS LOTION 31c j 50c CALOX TOOTH POWDER $1.00 VITALIS HAIR TONIC 57c 75c FITCHS DANDRUFF REMOVER Shampoo 33°j SOc \ IPANA TOOTH PASTE P. fir P. WHITE NAPTHA SOAP 4c 3 FOR 10c _i 25c IVORY FLAKES LARGE 23c r MASSO ' TOOTH BRUSHES k Dandruff Flakei Are More Contpicuoul When You Wear Dark Clothei—Keep Tidy With WILDROOT Hair Tonic a.. 44c a?. 63e Wildroot rids the scalp of loose dandruff particles, keeps the hair lustrous and v well-groomed. Use Kleenex When You Have a Cold to. Avoid Self Re-Infection! KLEENEX Box 13c of 200 I 3 These wonderfully soft disposable tis sues eliminate un pleasant handker chief washine w hen you have a cold . . are easy on tender noses. Always Comfortable—Always "Certain-Safe” MODESS SANITARY NAPKINS Box of 12 20c Three exclusive fea tures are responsible for the softness, de o e n d a b 1 lit? and thorouah comfort of Modess . and the reasons why more and more modern women are usint them. The Pleasant Antiseptic— LISTERINE 75c 14-Ounce Bottle Tests have proven that persons who gargle regularly with Listerlne have fewer colds than non-garglers. Helps keep breath sweet, too. Avoid Dishpan Hands, Use Non-Sticky Pacquins HAND CREAM The regular use of Pacquin’s Hand Cream helps guard against the coarse, painful effects of water. Hands stay lovely, smooth, young-look ing. A little goes far. Much Eaaier to Digett Than Plain Cod Liver Oil—A Tonic for Young or Old . .. SCOTT'S EMULSION 60c $1.20 Qy C Size- Size_ A great tonic for people who need vitamins A and D . . . and especially to build your child’s resistance to colds and disease. ARLING CHOCOLATES Each one is just a bite . .. but what a delicious bite. Ten precious flavors, en cased in fine chocolate . . . and you can have a pound of any one kind or an as sorted pound for only 19c. MILK CHOCOLATE COV ERED: Caramels, nouga tines, nut chews or French fudge. DARK CHOCOLATE COV ERED: Vanilla whipps, mint creams, cocoanut creams, orange marmalades, maple nut creams or rum-and butter ovals. 30c Hills Cascara Quinine Tablets 19c 35c Vicks Vap-o-Rub Salve-24c 35c Laxative Bromo Quinine-24c 65c Mistol Nose Drops'.45c 50c Graham Cold Capsules-45c $1.00 Thompsons Nasal Inhalant 89c 35c Hills Nose Drops. - 24c 30c Rel Head Cold Jelly.24c 75c Vapex Inhalant.59c 65c BiSoDol Antacid Powder-44c 75c Baume Ben-Gay, tube-50c 75c Noxzema Cream, boudoir jar - - 37c 60c Musco Rubbing Oil Liniment - - 49c . 60c Rem For Coughs. 49c 60c Sal Hepatica -.39c 60c Pertussin For Coughs- - 51c $1.00 Ironized Yeast Tablets.71c See Every Play of the Came With Three Power Trojan Binoculars WitK Carrying Strap The matched scientific lens give a positive focus for sharp detail. Easy on the eyes. Don't Be Late—Own a Good Clock ... Cheerio Alarm Clocks Round or C5 Q Square Design A practical clock . . good looking enough for the boudoir, but not too fussy for the kitch en. Keeps excellent time. Choice of colors. .Rich in Vitamina That Your Syatem Needs to Keep You Strong and Healthy . . . THOMPSON'S Vitamin A-B-D CAPSULES $1.25 Box of 25_ $3.25 Bottle of 100__ Rich in disease-resisting vitamin A. ricket-prevent ing vitamin D, and nerve protecting vitamin B. More Economy—Better Shavei, With SCHICK INJECTOR BLADES Pack AQC Pack of 12 of 20 # ^ They take a better edee and hold It loneer. because they are twice as thick as other blades . . they are individually honed and stropped, so you can't help but set smoother, less painful shaves. For Modern, Comfortable Sanitary Protection . . . TAMPAX, 3Sc Box Ac of 10_Xi7 Internal sanitary protection that does away with pins and belts . . . is comfortable and INCONSPICU OUS. J 25c 1 Feenaminf Chewinf Laxative ll9‘i Palmolive SOAP (Limit of 4) 5‘ 60c NEET CREAM Depilatory 34' i 55c Lady ESTHER CREAM 25‘ SOc ’ IODENT TOOTH POWDER 34‘ i 35c Frostilla Brushless SHAVE 29e, 1 50c Frostilla LOTION 37e i r $1.00 ' DRESKIN COOLIES For Dry Skin with Compact 89c, STOP FOOT PAINS! Relief From Tired, Aching Feet and Legs JUNG'S ARCH BRACES These light, super-elastic braces relieve foot pains by assisting weakened muscles. Plain Elastic Braces 98c and $1.47 With Metatarsal Cushion $1.96 and $2.45 ASK FOR FREE BOOKLET—"The Causes of Foot Pain, and How to Relieve Them." . Price* May Vary Slightly in Maryland and Virginia Store§ on a Few Item§ Which Are Under State Contract Lowe•