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Tennessee Financier Is Elected to High Position in A. B. A. P. D. Houston Selected Second Vice President In Close Contest By EDWARD C. STONE. P. D. Houston, elected second vice president of the American Bankers Association after one of the bitter est contests in the organization's history, is chairman of the board of the American National Bank, Nash P. D. Houston. ville, ana a na tive of Tennes see where has was born 64 years ago. He defeated W. Laird Dean of Topeka. Educated in Lewisburg, he started his banking career there but soon found his way to Nashville where he be came cashier and manager of the First Savings Bank & Trust Co. Later he became vice president of the Fourth <fc First National Bank. At present Mr. Houston is a di rector, vice president and treasurer of the Tennessee Central Railway Co., director of the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co., direc tor of the Welch Grape Juice Co., director and president of the Hermi tage Hotel Co.. Nashville, director of Phillips & ButtorfI Manufactur ing Co., director of the Nashville Industrial Corp.. director of a realty company, trustee and member of Executive and Finance Committee of Vanderbilt University and trus tee of Fisk University. He is past president of the Ten nessee Bankers Association and served as treasurer of the American Bankers Association 1931-1933. He is a past member of the executive council and has had assignments to various committees of the national association. Mr. Houston is married and has two sons, one identified with the banking business in Nashville. He belongs to the Masons and Knights of Pythias. Dairy Firm totes Dividends. | Directors of National Dairy Prod- l ucts. which has two Washington j units, declared a dividend of 20 cents j a share on the common stock yester day. same as the previous quarter. ; when the rate was reduced from 30 cents a share, which had been the j dividend level for five years. The latest dividend will be paid Decem ber 15 to stock of record November 29. Quarterly dividends of $1.75 a share on the preferred stocks were also voted. ' The directors of the Lincoln Serv- | Ice Corp. at their meeting held yes- ' terdav. declared the regular quar terly dividend of V2rc and a par ticipating divdend of IT on the 6T cumulative participating pre ferred stock. The directors also de clared the regular quarterly divi dend of 1*4 T on the 7T cumulative prior preferred stock and the regu lar quarterly dividend of 25c on the common stock. All dividends are payable December 12. to stockhold ers of record November 30. President Charles Delmar announced today. Committee I’lans Campaign. Members of the Advertising Com mittee of the District Bankers As sociation are completing final plans for the opening of the 1939 Christ mas Savings Clubs on November 30. it was learned today. The com mittee includes: Willard F. Barker, president Mor ris Plan Bank, chairman; Robert L. Flather. American Security & Trust Co., vice chairman: Eliot H. Thomson. Washington Loan dc Trust Co.; George O. Vass. Riggs National Bank, and E. Percival Wilson. Na tional Savings & Trust Co. Due to steadily improving business con ditions in the Capital, predictions are already heard that next year's clubs will exceed 1938 both in the number of members enrolled and In the amounts subscribed. Campbell Addresses Auditors. J. Forbes Campbell, assistant to Leo T. Crowley, chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., addressed the National Association of Bank Auditors and Controllers at the Houston convention, at which Arthur J. Linn, auditor of the Ham ilton National Bank, presided. During his address Mr. Campbell said that the Federal Deposit In surance Corp. has already made a study seeking to determine how much its liabilities would be in creased if the maximum deposits given insurance protection should be increased to $10,000 or even $25,000 from the present $5,000. The survey was made for the benefit of those who think that Con gress must increase the limit some time. It is indicated that liabilities W'ould not be substantially increased were such a move adopted. Bank women Secure Speaker. Miss A. Patricia Morss. chief of the Division of Child Welfare, Dis trict of Columbia, will be the speaker at the Thanksgiving meet ing of the Bank Women's Club next Monday at Normandy Farms. Mrs. Mildred O'Donnoghue of Riggs Na tional Bank. Miss Mary Craven of Hamilton National and Miss S. Winifred Burwell of National Metro politan are in charge of arrange ments for this event. Newly elected officers of the Se curity Club of the American Se curity & Trust Co. include: Henry S. Kenworthy, president; Kenneth Birgfeld. first vice president; Robert P. Talley, second vice president; Daniel J. Murphy, treasurer; Hazel R. Zoerner. secretary, and the fol lowing members of the Board of Governors: George F. Lingebach, York D. Hollingsworth. Mary Faulk ner and Ross W. Morgan. At the first business meeting of the year the officers were introduced, travel mo tion pictures shown, buffet supper served, followed by dancing. I Washington Gas Reached 105. Washington G?s Light preferred stock reached 105 on the Washing ton Stock Exchange today, the fourth new 1938 high mark regis tered this week. There was one sale of 10 shares. The closing bid was 105. with none offered. Anacostia & Potomac River Railroad 5s were strong again today, a $1,000 bond moving at 86. Chairman Leo T. Crowley of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. told the United States Building and Loan League in Chicago that the only solution to the earnings problem is the reduction of dividend payments and expenses. He said dividends should not exceed 3 or 3Va P®1 cent. TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE By Private Wire Direct to The Star. 2:30 o.m. Prev. 1938 Stock and Sales— , **«* High, Low. Dividend Rate Add 00. High. Low. Close. ch«e. 61 36% Abbott Lab(1.60a)_. 2 61 60 60 -1 62 28 Acme Steel (1)_ 2 47 47 47 -2% 12% 6% Adams Exp «.10e)._ 12 12 11% 11%-% 24 14% Adams-Millls 1.25e. 1 23% 23% 23% 67% 40 Air Reduct'n(la) - 16 64% 62% 62% -1% 1% % Air-Way Elec Appl. 7 1% 1 1 - % 13% 8% Alaska Juneau .60a. 14 10 9% 9% — % 1% % Alleghany _ 2 1% 1% 1% 17% . 6% Alleghany $30 ww.. 9 15% 13% 14 —1% 17% 6 Alleg’y pf $40 ww._ 2 13% 12% 12%-% 17% 5% Allegh'y pi xw 3 13% 12% 13 — % 21% 7% Alleghany pr pf 6 18% 17 17 —1% 29% 14% Alleg-Ludlum Steel. 38 27% 25% 25% -1% 14% 4% Allen Industries 4 11% 11 11 — % 197 124 Allied Chem (6)_ 9 184% 181 182% -1% 12% 7 Allied Kid <.50e)___ 2 12 12 12 - % 14% 8% Allied Mills (.50e)_. 10 1374 13% 13% - % 1.3*4 474 Allied Stores ... 53 12% 11% 1174-% 70% 38 Allied Stores pf (5). 1 67% 67% 67% 65% 34% Allis-Chalmers 1.50. 34 49% 47% 48 -1% 20 11% Alpha PorCem(l).. 2 19% 19 19 3% 1% Amal Leather _ 3 3 3 3 — % 24 10 Amal Leather pf_ 1 21 21 21 —2 78 65 Amerada (2) .. 12 73 71% 71% -1 28*4 23 Am AgrlcCh (Del). 2 24% 24 24 -% 23% 10 Am Rank Note 70s. 12 18% 17% 18 - % 63 46% Am Bank N pf (3).. 20s 58 67 58 +3 14% 6% Am Bosch . 22 8% 7% 7% - % 52 23% Am Brake Sh(.75e). 3 44 44 44 -3% 105% 70% Am Can (4) 6 99 96% 96% -1% 176% 160% Am Can pf (7)_ 1 175 175 175 34% 12% Am Car * Edy ... 12 31% 29% 30 -1% 67% 27 Am Car&Fy pf 2.50s 2 52% 49 49% -6% 23% 9% Am Chain A C BBe . 21 22% 20% 20% -1% 125 88% Am Chicle (4a) _ 4 123 123 123 9% 4% Am Colortype _. 1 8% 8% 8% + % 15 9 Am Come’l Alcohol. 3 14 12% 12% -1% 16% 8% Am Crystal Sugar.. 3 11*4 11% 11% — % 6% 2% Am Encaustic Til . 3 4*4 4% 4% 5% 2% Am & Foreign Pwr. 11 3% 3% 3% — *4 20% 10 Am & For Pw $6 pf. 4 13% 13% 13% - % 25% 137, Am * For Pw $7 pf. 2 18 17 17 -1 12% 5% Am * For Pw 2d pf. 2 9% 8% 8% - % 15 9 Am Hawa’n SS (1). 4 14 13% 13%-% 5*4 2 Am Hide & Leather. 15 5% 5% 5% — % 2'i 1% Am Ice 1 1% 1% 1% 8% 4% Am International... 8 8 7% 7% — % 29% 12% Am Locomotive .. 13 27 25% 26 —1 79 41 Am Locomotive pf_. 1 73% 73% 73% — % 17% 10 Am Mach & Fy 80 . II 16s, 15% lfi - V, 5% 2% Am Mach & Metals. 5 4% 4% 4% - % 45 23 Am Metals ( 75e)... 24 40', 39% 39% -1% 29% 20 AmNews (1.25e) . 30a 27 26% 27 7% 3% Am Power & Light 38 6% 5% 5% - % 41% 16% Am PS-L 85 pf 2 50k 4 35% 34 34 -1 47% 19 Am P&L $6 pf (3k) 3 41 40% 40% -1 19% 9 Am Radiator 51 17% 16% 16%-% 165', 148s. Am Radiator pf (7) 10a 165 165 165 24% 13% Am Roiling Mills 70 23% 21% 91% -1% 80% 58 Am Rolling Mills pf 2 75% 75 75 -1 20% 14% Am Saf Raz (1.60). 9 16% 16 16% - % 23% 7% Am Seating .. 2 19% 19% 19% - % 35% 22% Am Shipbldg (2a) . 120s 33% 33 33% - % 58% 28% Am Sm & Ref 2 25e. 42 54% 51% 52% -3 138 103 Am Sm ft R pf (7) . 1 137 1.37 137 61% 45% Am Snuff (3a) . 3 60% 60 60 - % 38 15s. Am Steel Foundry.. 21 35% 33 33% -1 11% 6% Am Stores ._ 2 9% 9% 9% 19 12 Am Stove < 20e) . 1 16% 16% 16% - % .31 20 Am Sugar Refining. 4 25% 24% 24% — % 117% 99% Am Sugar R pf (7). 1 105% 105% 105% 20% 12% Am Sumat Tob(la). 1 20 20 20 150 111 Am Tel * Teles (9) 5 148 147% 147% - % 88'i 58 Am Tohacco (5) 6 86% 85% 85% —1% 91% 58% Am Tobaoco(RK5) 9-88% 87% 87% -2 9% 37, Am Tvpe Foundry 27 9% 8% 8% — % 16% 6 Am Water Works . 24 14% 12s, 13% — % 91 68 Am W W 1st pf'6). 1 86% 86% 86% +1% 7% 3% Am Woolen .. 4 6% 6 6 — % 45 23% Am Woolen pf .. 6 40% 86% 38s. -2% 9s, 4% Am 7.itic .. 29 8% 7% 7% — ", 42% 21 Anaconda Copper . 126 35% 34 34% —1% 21% 10% Anchor Hoc G 30e 1 18% 18% 18%-'. 20% 10 Andes Copper l 15', 15% 15% — % 4% 2 APW Taper 3 3% 3% 3',+ % 314 20 Arch-Dan-Mid 1.25e 6 294 284 28'.- 1. 1224 116 Arch-Dan-M pf17) 10s 121". 1214 1214 1034 82 Armour( Del )pf(7). 2 103 1024 1024 -4 7 34 Armour (111! ... 10 54 54 54 — 4 534 244 Armstrong Cork 24 524 514 514 — 4 13 64 Arnold Const 625e. 4 124 12 12-4 84 24 Artioom Corp .. 1 74 74 74 — 4 124 4 Assoc Dry Goods .. 9 US 11 11 - 4 444 224 Atchison ... 56 414 384 384 -14 72 40 Atchison pf ... 5 674 664 664 —14 294 14 Atl Coast L(1.50g). 15 274 254 264 -1 274 17*. Atl Refining (1) ... 16 234 22', 224-4 94 54 Atlas Corp <.25e)... 7 84 84 84— 4 484 384 Atlas Corp pf <3) .. 7 46 45". 46 68 36 Atlas Powder 2.25e. 1 67 67 67 64 24 Auburn Auto lr) __ 3 44 44 44 34 2 Austin Nichols 3 34 34 34 — 4 , 24 124 Austin Nich pf(A) 40g 214 214 214 — *• 6 24 A viat'n Corel.I85e) 23 5*. 54 54 — 4 154 5 Baldwin l.^coctfs 81 134 134 134 — 4 11 4 Balto & Ohio ... 10 74 74 74 - 4 12,', 54 Balto * Ohio pf 14 94 9 9 - 4 36 29 Bangor & Ar(2 50).. 1 30 30 SO - ", 234 124 Barber Asphalt 9 20 194 194 — 4 14 5 Barker Brothers ._ 1 12 12 12 — 4 214 104 Barnsdall (1) ... 19 17", 174 174 - 4 21 9 Bayuk Cpr 5625e... 10 204 19 19 -14 194 114 Beatrice Cr (la)_ 1 174 174 174 4- 4 115 4 944 Beech-Nut (4a' ! 3 115 1144 114', + 4 9 5", Belding-Hem 625e 1 7', 74 74 254 84 Rendix Aviation 39 23', 214 22 - *, 194 15', Reneficial Ln 1.25e 5 194 194 194 + 4 56 264 Best & Co i2.325e) 5 534 52*, 53 - 4 77'4 294 Beth Steel ._ 134 744 714 72', -2 181, 124 Beth Stl 5% pfil).. 2 17'. 17'. 17',- 4 1144 75 Reth Steel pf(7) ... 3 113 1124 112’, -1 29', 174 P.icelow-Sanford .. 2 264 26 264 24 4 94 Black & Deck'25e) 2 21'. 214 214- H 19*, 104 Rlaw-Knox 15 184 174 174 — 4 214 134 Bloonilnrd’le ,5625e P's IS', 18', 184 -IT, 354 19 Boeing Airplane 2L9 33 30'. 314 - ’, 304 15% Bohn Alum & Br ... 2 27 27 27 - 4 100 82 Bon Ami (A ) (4) .. 30s 1004 100 1004 + 4 52 40 Bon Ami (B) (2.50) _ 60s 494 49 49 - 4] 19% 15 Borden Code) _ 22 17% 17% 174-%! 36% 164 Borc-Uarner _ 29 324 314 32 -14 4*4 2 Boston ft Maine ... 1 2*. 24 24 - 4 28 14 Bower Roller Bear. 2 254 254 254 -1'. 144 54 Bridgeport Brass . 26 134 13 13 — 4 37*. 124 Brisffs MfK (.50e) . 32 324 31'/* 31'4 -14 40V* 20 BriKKS&Strat 2.25e. 1 32 38 38 +1 134 54 Rklvn-Man Transit 20 134 124 124 - '4 38 164 Rklyn-Man Tran pf 11 384 364 364 - V* 24 14 Bklvn* Queens 3 24 24 24 10*, 3*. Bklyn & Queens pf- 10 / 94 9 9 - Vi 234 104 Bklyn Union Gas . 4 194 184 184 -4 144 54 Bruns wick-B(.50e) 2 124 124 124 - 4 134 54 Bucyrus-Erle 6 ll7, 114 114 — Vi 1004 75 Bucyrus-E pf (7)--. 10s 100 100 100 — 4 74 3'* Rudd Mfp _ 88 7V* 64 6*» - V* 544 25 Budd MfK pf_ 420, 52 4.8 48 -3 5*4 3 Budd Wheel _ 5 64 5 5 - 4 25*4 13V* Bullard Co 1 224 224 224 - 4 39 154 Bulova Watch (3e). 4 354 35 35 -1 164 6*4 Burlinpr'n Mills(l). 9 14V, 14 14 22V* 14', Burr's Add M 50e . 12 194 184 184-4 34 1'/, Bush Terminal 2 24 24 24 -4 174. 6*4 Bush Term B pf(r). 140g 14 124 124 -24 10 54 Butler Bros .. 1 8% 84 84 +4 24 164 Butler Bros pf 1.50. 2 224 21 21 -1 5 24 Butte Copper - 4 44 44 44 —4 154 6 BversiA M)Co — 12 13V, 13 13 - 4 44V*, 20 ByerstA M)Co pf . 10s 404 404 404 + 4 22 13 Byron Jacks’n 1.25e 8 18*, 184 184 — 4 244 154 Calif PacK (1.25a) . 7 224 214 214 +4 24 1 Callahan Zinc . 19 14 14 14 104 54 Calumet&Hec .25e . 15 84 8', 84 — 4 204 84 Campbell Wyant .. 3 18 174 174 - 4 21V, 124 Canada Dry ( 25e)_. 19 17V* 164 164 -4 84 5 Canadian Pacific _ 25 64 64 64 — 4 42 21 Cannon MIlls(1.50e) 2 364 36 364 -4 86 634 Caro Clin&O (5). 10s 824 824 824 +4 224 124 Carpenter Stl(.30e). 4 20 194 194 —1 44 24 Carriers & Gen 15e. 1 34 34 34 + 4 1074 624 Case(J I )(6e) „ 7 934 904 90S -14 58 294 Caterpill Trac (2)._ 15 464 444 444 —14 1064 1004 Caterpillar T pf(5).. 2 103 103 103 +4 264 9 CelaneseCorp _ 30 244 23 234 —1 164 144 Celotex (new) ... 13 144 134 134* — 4 724 46 Celotex Corp pf(5)_ 60s 67 67 67 —1 _ 28 194 Cent Aguirre 1.50_ 4 234 23 23 54 2 Central Foundry_ 14 44 4H 44 — 4 110 994 Cent 111 Lt pf 4 50__ 40s 110 110 110 14 7 Central RR of N J— 1 9 9 9 + 4 84 4 Central Violeta ... 1 64 64 64 — 4 59V* 264 Cerro de Pasco <4)_ 16 494 484 484 + 4 124 44 Certain-teed _- 20 104 104 10V* — 4 46 174 Certain-teed pf .. 200s 424 39 39 -34 33% 18 Champ Paper &F_ 8 30% 29 29 —1% 106 94 Champ P&F pf(6)„ 20s 99 99 99 + 1% 12% 6 Checker Cab Co _ 1 10% 10% *10% — % 48% 27% Ches Corp (4.70e)._ 2 41m 40m 40m-im 38rn 22 Ches & Ohio <2e)_ 87 34% 33 33% -1% im m Chi & East IlHrJ 4 H Vi Mi 4 im Chi & East 111 pf(r). 1 2m 2m 2W - V4 lVi m Chi Great Wnir)_ 6 m % % — m 15V. 81. Chi Mail Order _ 5 13m 13 13 - m 1 % Chi Mil StP&P(r)._ 3 % % % ;m % chi m stp&p pf(r>. 6i mm 1% % Chi & Northwntr).. 2 % % m 514 2 Chl & Northw pf (r). 1.8 8 3 - Vi 19 6m Chi Pneu Tool — 7 17 16m 16% — % 2m 1 Chi RI&P 6% pf(r). 4 1% lm 1% + Vi 3 im chi ri&p 7% pf (r). i im im im 13m 3% Childs Co ... 16 12m 11% 11% - % 51 25 Chile Copper <2) 50g 40 40 40 88m 35% Chrysler Corp <2e). 118 83% 79% 80% —2% 13% 7*4 City Ice&Fuel 1.40e. 7 10% 10 10 — % 76 59 City ice & F pf 6.60. 80s 76 75% 76% - % 5% 2 City Stores — 2 4% 4% 4% 27% 10% Clark Equip (.25e)— 1 24 24 24 115 106 Clev El Illu pf 4.50. 60s 112% 112% 112% - % 30% 15% Clev Graphite 75e— 2 29% 28% 28% 60% 32% Climax Mobll(.90e). 16 56% 54% 55% -1 25% 10% Cluett Peabody 66e 7 22% 21% 21% - % 142% 105% Coca-Cola <4.50e) — 2 135% 135 135 -1% 17 7% Colpate-Pal-P 60a. 36 15% 14% 15 - % 39% 13% Collins &Alk 1.25e.. 3 35 34% 34%-% 107% 87% Collins & Aik pf (5). 100s 107 107 107 +% 23% 9% Colo Fuel & Iron— 3 21% 20% 20% -1% 8% 3% Colo & Southern_ 70s 6 6 6 — % 11% 4% Colo & Sou 1st pf .. 20s 8% 8% 8% - V4 22% 13% Colum BC (A) 1.25*. 8 17% 17% #7% - % 22% 13 Colum BC(B) 1.25* 3 17% 16% 17 - % 9% 5% Columbia Gae A El- 91 7% 7 7-1* 2:30 p.m. Prev. 1938 Stock and Bales— Het Hlsh. Low. Dividend Rate Add 00. Hlsh. Low. Close, chss 88 |67 ColumG&Bpf A(«). 2 774 77 77 -4 19 9 Col Plo vtc *.60%f_. 4 17 164 164 -1 984 634 Columb'nCarb(4).. 3 964 944 944 -24 694 23 Cornel Credit (4)_ 19 564 65 65 -14 64 314 Cornel InvTr (4) .. 6 60 584 584 -14 1124 90 Cornel Inv T pf 4.26. 1110 110 110 -4 124 54 Cornel Solvents __ 30 104 104 104 -4 28 224 Comwlth Edls 1.60.. 15 274 264 264 - 4 24 1 Comwlth & South’n. 90 14 14 14 654 25 Com & South pf (8). 8 62 49 49 -34 94 34 Condo-Naat Pub_ 1 74 74 74 - 4 29 16 Congoleum-Nalrn_ 5 26V* 254 254 — 4 144 44 Conn Ry & Lt pf_ 10* 74 74 74 +4 254 104 Consol Aircraft_ 72 244 224 234 -14 104 44 Consol Cigar (.75e). 1 94 94 94 -4 75 55 Consol Cgr pf(7)... 10* 74V* 744 744 344 17 Consol Edison 42) 70 314 30 31 104 884 Consol Edls pf (6).. * 1034 103 103 -4 24 1 Consol Film _ 4 24 2 2 114 44 Consol Film pf 76k. 8 11 104 104 -4 74 24 Consol Laundries— 5 7 64 64 — 4 104 7 Consol 011 (.80) 86 9 84 9 +4 74 24 Consol RR Cuba pf. 1 34 34 34 17v* 9v* Container Corp 16 164 164 154 — 4 264 84 Conti Baking (A)_ 10 204 194 194 - 4 24 14 Conti Baking (B)_ 3 2 2 2 49 364 Conti Can (2e)_ 13 394 384 384 -4 114 6 Conti Diamond_ II 104 94 94 - 4 364 214 Conti Insurd.60a). 5 364 354 36 --4 14 4 Conti Motor _ 25 14 14 14 354 214 Conti Oil (Del) (1)— 35 304 294 294 - Vf, 29% 10 Conti Steel (le) .. 2 28 27 27 -1% 56 40 Corn Exchange (3). 20s 50 50 50 —1% 70% 53 Corn Products (3)— 17 65% 65 65 - % 5% 2% Coty. Inc_ 5 5 4% 4% — % 42% 19 Crane Co . _ ... 28 38% 36% 37 - % 117% 85 Crane Co cv pf (B) . 1 116% 116% 116% - % 29% 21% Cream of Wheat(2) 3 28% 28 28 - % 10% 5% CrosleyCorp . 3 8% 8% 8% — % 43% 22% Crown Cork & Seal. 41 40 38 38% -1% 15% 7% Crown Zeller(.76e). 34 13% 13% 13%-% 92% 58 Crown Zeller pf(6). 30s 91 90 90 -1% 44% 19% Crucible Steel ... 19 41% 38% 38% -2% 94% 70 Crucible Steel pf... 2 92 91% 91%+ % 6% 3 Cuban-Am Sugar... 4 5 4% 4% — % 87 58% Cuban Am Sug pf_ 10s 70 70 70 -2% 21% 12 Cudahy Packing .. 3 14% 14 14 -% 8% 4% Curtis Publishing . 2 6% 6% 6% — % 66 35 Curtis Puhllsh'g pf. 2 47 47 47 - % 7% 3% Curtiss-Wright . 100 6% 6% 6% - % 28% 12% Curtlss-W (A) (le) 62 28 27 27% - % 29% 13% Cutler-Hammer_ 6 25% 24% 24% — 1% 8% 4% Davegg Stores _ 1 6% 6% 6% — % 11% 6% Da vison Chemical . 1 8% 8% 8% — % 110 102% Dayton P&L pf 4.50. 60s 109 109 109 -% 25% 13% Deere* Co(l.35e) . 60 21'% 20 20% - % 25 19% Deere & Copf (1.40) 2 24% 24% 24%-% 17 9 Deisel-Wem-G .75e. 2 16% i6% 16% - % 24% 7% Del* Hudson _ 82 24 21% 22% -1% 8% 4 Del Lack & Wn ... 62 8% 7% 7% - % 2% >, DltioGi Wn pf(r). 11 1 1 + % 115 76 Detroit Edison (6e) 1 112% 112% 112% - % 40% 25 Devoe & Kay (A) (1) 70s 35% 35% 35% -1 30% 20% Diamond Mtch 1.25a 2 29% 29 29 41% 31% Diam’d M pf 1.50a . 1 41 41 41 23% 11 Distlllers-Sea 1.60e. 14 21% 21% 21%-% 91% 65% Distil-Seag pf (5)1 90 90 90 -1% 17 8% Dixie-Vortex 1 12% 12% 12% + % 25% 12 Doehler Die Casting 5 22% 21 21% -1% 34% 27% Dome Mines (le) II 31% 31 31 70% 31 Douglas AlrcftCle). 74 68 65% 66%-% 140% 87% Dow Chemical (3) . 6 135% 134% 134% -1% 14 6% Dresser (B) . 1 10 10 in 8% 1% Dun hi 11 Internat'l.. 36 8% 7% 8% +1% 151% 90% Du Pont (1 75e> ... 13 147', 144% 144'. -2% 137% 130% Du Pont deb (6) .. 4 136% 136 136 - % 119% 109% Du Pont pf (4 50) 1 118% 118% 11%% + % 8% 3% East'n Bolling Mills 5 7% 7% 7% - % 1ST 1211 a Eastman Kodak (6) 2 182 179 179 -3 23', 10% Eaton Mf* Co .. 2 21", 21% 21',- % 5% 2 Eltineton Schild _ 4 34* 3% 3% — % 3.3', 13% Eire Auto L ( 5de).. 38 33% 31', 32%-'. 12% 6 Elec Boat (.60*1 _. .32 12% 11% 11% - % 14 fi% Elec Pur * Ltcht . 46 12% 11% 11%-% 41% IK Elec Pwr&Lt $S pf.. 3 33% 33% 33% 46% 22% Elec Pwr & Lt pf... 7 39% 36% 36% -1% 3.3 21% Elec Stor Pat (2)... 2 33% 32 32 - ", 2% % Elk Horn Coal ... 3 2% 2% 2% - % 29% 17 El Paso Nat G (2)._ 6 29 28% 29 4.3% 33 Endicott-.JohnCt)._ 1 43% 43', 43% - 10% 2% Ens Pub Service 32 9 8% 8% — % 72 40 Enj; Pub Svc pf .3.50 5 71% 71 71 79% 46 Ens Pub Svc pf<6)_ 1 73 73 73 -2 2% 1% Eqult Office Bids .. 9 2 1% 1% — % 9% 2% Erie RR 1st pf (r) .. 3 4 4 4 6 2% Eureka Vacuum Cl- 2 4% 4% 4% 16 6% Evans Products 7 13% 12% 12% — % 21% 8 Ex-Cello (.60#) _ 17 20 19 19% - % 2% 1% Exchange Buffet_ 1 2% 2% 2% 11% 3% Fairbanks Co pf ... 50s 7 6% 6% - % 40% 19% Ealrbanks-Morse .. ft 37 3.3 35 —1% 35'. 22% Fajardo Susar (4).. 3 32% 32% 32%-% 16% 6% Fed Lt & Traction.. 1 14% 14% 14% — % 5% 2% Fed Motor Truck_ 7 5% 4% 4% — % 4% 1% Fed Screw ... 1 3% 3% 3% - % 2% 1 Fed Water Svc(A).. 2 1% 1% 1% — % 29 12% Federated D S (1) 2 28 27% 28 + % 90', 67% Federat’d DS pf 4.25 1 86% 86% 86% -3 36% 22% Fidelity Phoe 1.60a. S 35% 35 35% - % 26% 16% Firestone <1.25e)... 11 24% 23% 23% - % 100 76 Firestone pf (6) 2 99% 99 99 - % 4.3% 24% First Nat Strs 2.50. 7 41 39% 39%-% 30 10% Fiintkote . 38 27 25% 2.5% —1 % j 39% 19% Florence Stov 1 50# 3 34 33% 33% -1% 37% IS Food Machine! 75e> 3 36% 36 36 -1 109% 85 Fond Mach pf(4 50) 10s 108% 108% 108% 29', 11 Foster Wheeler 6 26% 25 25 -1% 32 19% Freeport SulDh (2). 8 28% 28 28 - % 3% IV* Gabriel f A) ... 3 2% 2', 2% - % 5% —"2% Gafr (Robert) _ 4 4% 4% 4% 18 10 Gairl Robertlpf ... 1 13 13 13 - % 8% 4% Gar Wood Indu't_ ft 6% 6% 6% — ', 19% 13 Gaylord Cont (1) .. 1 19% 19% 19% - % | 9', 4% G»n Am Invest 4 8% 8% 8% — % 58% 29 Gen Am Tran 1.123e 8 53 51% 52% -1% 11% 6% Gen Bakins ( 60a) . ft 9% 9% 9% - % ft's 2’s Gen Bronte ..._ 11 4'. 4% 4% 19% 5% Gen Cable _ 17 17 15% 15% -1% 38% 11 Gen Cable (A)_ 2 33% 33 33 - % 28 20% Genfigar (2) . 1 25 25 25 + % 48 27v* Gen Electric (,70e). 125 44% 43% 43% - % 40% 22% Gen Foods (2) ... 14 39% 38% 38% - Vi 1% % Gen Gas & El(A)..: 10 1 1 1 70% 50% Gen Mills (3) ... 2 69% 69% 69% 125 118 Gen Mills pf (6) 20s 122% 122 122 -2 53% 25% Gin Motors (1.50e). 210 50% 48’, 49% -1 124% 111% Gen Motors pf (5)— 2 123% 123 123 -% 9% 4 Gen Outdoor Adv... 2 7% 7% 7% — % 12% 6% Gen Print Ink .30e_. S 11% 10% 10%-% 27% 12% Gen Ry signal - 7- 24% 23 23 -1% 26% 13% Gen Realty & U pf- 2 22% 22% 22% - % 41% 15% Gen Refractories 6 37% 36% 36% -1% 34 13 Gen Steel Cast pf . 280* 31 28% 28% -1% 16% 8% Gen Thea Eq(.75e). 7 16% 15% 15%-% 20i, 14 Gen Time Inst 2 19 19 19 - % 27% 9% Gen Tire* Rub 50e 36 26 24% 24%- % 11% 6% Gillette Saf R 55e . 5 9 8% 8% 61 50 Gillette S R pf(5).. 1 56% 56% 56% 15% 5 Gimbel Bros .. 32 14% 13% 13%-% 67 37% Gimbel Bros pf(6)-. 3 61 60 60 -2% 28% 13 Glldden Co _ 10 26% 25% 25%-% 3% 1% Gobel (Adolf) - 2 2% 2% 2% 3% 2% Gobel Brew l.lOe).. 2 2% 2% 2% 26% 10 Goodrich(B F) 29 24% 23% 23%-% 65 32 Goodrich <BF)pf(5) 19 65% 64% 65% + % 36% 15% Goodyear ... 62 33% 31% 32% - % 106 69% Goodyear pf (5) .. 4 102% 101% 101% -1% 6% 2% Gotham Silk Hose.. 8 5% 5% 5% — % 2 % Graham-Paipe- 25 1% 1% 1% — % 8% 2% Granby Consol- 3 7% 7 7 — % 2% 1 Grand Union 2 1% 1% 1% - % 14% 8 Grand Un T pf 1.25k 3 13 12% 12% 22% 10% Granite City Steel . 4 19% 18V, 18% -1% 30 19 Grant (WT) 1.40... 6 27% 27 27%+% 28% 12% Great North’n pf . 53 26% 24% 25%-]% 15% 9% Great No Or ct .75e. 7 14% 14 14 — % 32 23% Great Wn Su 2.40a_. 4 29% 29 29 140 122 Great Wn S pf (7) .. 10* 140 140 140 28% 13% GreentH L.) (1.60a). 2 26% 26% 26% + % 21 7% Greyhound (.80) 139 20% 18% 19% -L % 1% % Guantanamo Sugar. 1 1% 1% 1% 24 8 Gulf MobftNor pf 1 21% 21% 21%-1% 30 24 Hacken Water 1.50e 1 28% 28% 28% - % 13% 5 Halil WFlPrtc — 9 12% 11% 11% - % 101 88% Hamilton W pf (6)-. 30s 100 100 100 +1% 34% 1ft Harb-Walker- 6 31 29% 30% — % 7% 4% Hat Corp (A)- 10 7% 7 7 — % 6% l1/* Hayes Body - ft 4% 4% 4% — % 106 76% Hazel-Atlas Gl(5)„ 1 107% 107% 107% +1% 11 ft% Hecker Prod(.60)_ 30 10% 9% 10 - % 10ft 80% Helme(G Wl(fta) ... 4 105 104% 10ft + % lftft 140 HelmelG W)pf(7)~ 40s 160 160 160 +6 20% 10 Hercules Motor - 2 17% 17% 17% — % 73 42% Hercules Pow(.90e). 7 70% 69% 69% — % 60 40 Hershey Choc (3)2 56% 55 55 —2% 105 80 Hershey cv pf<4a)_. 1 105% 105% 105% + % 52% 17 Holland Furn(2) — 6 47% 46% 46% —1% 118 98 Holland Fur pf (5).. 10s 115 115 115 . — % 25% 11% Holly Sugar (2e)__. 1 16% 16% 16% — % 66 48% Homestake(4.60) . 7 60% 59% 59% — % 35% 17% Houd-Her(A)(2.50) 1 32% 32% 32% -1% 18% 6 Houd-Hershey(B).. 5 16 15% 15% — % 71% 46% Household Fin (4a). 2 72% 72% 72% +1% 9% 5 Houston OH — 10 7% 7% 7% — % 53% 23% Howe Sound (3) 5 47% 46% 46% —1% 35% 20% Hudson Bay <1.60e) 19 32% 32% 32% 10 6 Hudson Motor- 7 8% 8% 8% 2% % Hupp Motor - 37 2% 2 2% — % 17% 6% Illinois Cetitral- 70 16% 15 15% —1% 28% 12 Illinois Central pf— 4 25% 24% 24% -2 44 23 Illlnios Cent LL»(4). 20s 43 42 42 -1 30% 14% Industrial Rayon - 3 26% 24% 24% -1% 117 60 Ingersoll R’d 6.50e_. 4 112% 110 110 —2% 95 66% Inland Steel(2.50e>. 2 89% 89% 89% 19% 7% Inspiration Copper. 29 16% 15% 16 — % 6% 3% Insuranshares .10e. 2 5% 5% 5% 9% 2% Interboro R T (r)— 25 9% 8% 9% — % 34% 15 Interchemical - 3 30% 29% 29% —1% 98 80 tnterchem pf (6) .. 10s 92 92 92 6% 2 Intercont'l Rubber. 6 4% 4 4 — % 16% 6% Interlake Iron — 50 15% 14 14% — % 3% 2 Inti Agricultural-— t 2% 2% 2% 29 15 Inti Agrl pr pf (2k). 1 25 25 25 -1 179% 130 Inti Bus Mach (6a). 2 178% 177 177 -1 70 48 Inti Harvester 2.15e 19 64% 61% 61% -1% 164% 141 Inti Harvest pf (7). 1 159 159 159 -1 9% 3% Inti Hydro-El (A).. 19 7% 7 7 -% 4% 2 Inti Mercantile M._ 2 3% 3% 3% - % 11% 6% Inti Mining (.35e)_. 4 9 8% 9 67% 36% Inti Nickel (2)_ 82 64% 62% 63 -1 140 182 InU Nickel pf (T)... 1 132% 132% 132% - % 2:80 P.m. Prev. 1938 Stock and Sales— Net Hlth. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. Rich. Low. Close, chit. 16* 4* lntl Paper & Pwr— 61 13* 12* 13 - * 62* 18* lntl Paper & Pw pf. 66 48* 45* 46 -2* 48* 28* lntl Rys CA pf (5k). 10s 43* 43* 43* 29 19* Salt (1.50a)_ 1 29* 29* 29*+* 36* 12 lntl Silver_ 2 31 31 31 +1 94* 46* lntl Silver pf (2k).. 80s 90 88 88 -1 11* 6* lntl Tel & Tfeleg_ 37 9* 9 9 -* 11* 6 lntl Tel&Tel for ct. 3 9* 9* 9* 18 6* Interstate Dept St_ 3 16*’ 15* 15* — * 83*. 63 Interst D S pf (7)_30s 83 83 83 -* 72 44* Jewel Tea (4)_ 2 70 70 70 111* 58 Johns-Manvllle_ 12 103* 100 100* -2* 130 122 Johns-Manv pf(7)_. 10s 127 127 127 -1 78 49* Jones & Laugh pf_160s 71 70 70 —1 24* 1214 Kalamazoo S .626e.. 1 20 20 20 -2 13* 6* Kan City Southern.. 3 10* 10 10 — * 22 12* Kaufm'n Dept l.lae. 2 20* 20 20 -1* 16 10* Kayser (J) _ 1 14* 14* 14*-* 14* 4* Kelsey-Hayes (A).. 1 12* 12* 12*-* 10* 3 Kelsey-Hayes (B)_. 3 8* 8 8 - * 61 26* Kennecott (1.75e,) . 86 45* 43* 44* - * 14* 6* Keystone S&M 65e. 10 13 12* 12*-* 30 19 Klmberly-Clk (1)_.. 1 27* 27* 27* 19* 9 Kinnev (GR)pr pf.. 20s 16* 16* 16*+* 22* 15* KresRe (SS) 1.20 ._ 8 21* 20* 20*-* 21* 12* Krocer Groc(1.60>_. 23 20 19* 19*+ * 18 8 Laclede Gas _ 70s 12* 12 12*+ * 30 15 Laclede Gas pf_ 40s 21 20* 21 + * 17 8* Lambert Co (1.50) .. 6 16* 16* 16*+* 28* 10* Lee Rub & T(2.50e). 5 25* 24* 25 - * 1* * Leh Valley Coal .. 1 *4 *4 * 5* 1* Leh Valiev Coal pf. 1 3* 3* 3*-* 7* 3 Leh Valley RP. .. 31 5* 5 5 - * 29 19* Lehman Corp(.90e). 13 27* 26* 26* - * 12* 6* Lehn & Fink (.50e). 18 12* 12* 12* + V4 *5* 19* I.erner Stores (2) .. 3 33 31* 31* -2* 58* 23V4 Llbbey-Ow-F 1.25e. 15 55* 64 54* -1 9 6 Libby Mc.N & Lib 2 6* 6* 6* 1014 81 Ligg& MyersUa) . 2 1004 1004 1004 18 144 Ijlly Tulip Cup 1.50. 1 174 173* 174+4 404 204 Lima Locomotive... 3 36 35 35 —1 50 29 Link Belt (1.25e)_ 1 49 49 49 - % 214 124 Liquid Carbll.25a). 7 194 19 19 -4 624 33 Loexv's, Inc <2e)_ 14 604 584 584 -14 9 % Lort. Inc _ 181 74 7 74 - 4 634 26 Lone Star C (3)_ 7 584 58 68 -1 54 24 Long-Bell (A) .. 3 44 44 44 234 144 Loose-WilesU.Ooe). I 214 214 214 - 4 106 92 Loose-Wiles pf (5). 30* 105 105 105 214 134 Lorn lard (1.20) ... 5 204 194 194 - 4 154 125 Lorillard pf (7) .. 40* 1524 1524 1524 19% 124 LoulsG&E(A)1.50.. 3 174 174 174 -4 564 294 Louisville & Nash_ 5 524 504 504 —14 154 84 McCall Corp (1)- 2 134 124 134 +4 134 6 McCrory Stores ... 6 12 114 114 - 4 204 10 McGraw Klee (1)... 5 184 18 184 124 7 McGraw-Hill — 2 11 10% 10% - 4 534 354 McIntyre Tore (2).. 7 504 494 50 264 134 McKeesport Tin_ 10 214 20 20 —1 94 5% McKesson & Rob .. 31 84 84 84 - 4 41 27 McKess* R pfl3)_. 1 394 394 394 114 5 McLellan Strs 60a.. 5 104 10 10 - Vi 324 16 Mack Trucks ... 15 31 ’a 294 294 —14 494 244 MacvtR H)<2> . 33 44% 42% 42% -1% 19% 10 Madia Sq Gar 1.65e . 3 17% 17 17 -4 404 184 Magma Cop 1,50e 2 374 37 374 104 2% Man Ry mod gtd(r) 3 9 84 8% - 4 204 54 Man Ry gtd (r)_ 50s 114 144 144 -14 24 14 Maracaibo Oil .. 2 1% 1% 1% 74 4% Marine Midl'd ,30a . 24 5% 54 64 — 4 16 7 Market St Ry pr pf. 70s 8 74 74 — 4 144 54 Marshall Field_ 21 134 124 124 -4 34% 14% Martin (Glen)_ 66 32% 31 324 + ■% 74 24 Martin-Parry_ 2 5 44 44 — 4 61 25 Masonite (la) _ 2 564 66 56 — 4 364 194 Math Alkfli (1.60).. 7 35% 344 344 - 4 63 284 May Dept Strs (3).. 3 494 494 494 -1 74 34 Maytag Co 3 54 54 53a — 4 154 64 Mead Corp - 2 13 13 13 - 4 574 324 Melville Sh(2.875a). 1 49 49 49 -4 74 34 Mengel Co 11 7 64 6% — 4 29% 14 Mengel 5% pf 2.50. 220s 28% 26 26 -24 474 26% Mesta Mach <3e) . 6 444 424 424 — 4 144 54 Miami Copper 7 124 IPs IPs — 4 224 124 Mid Cent Pet <.60e). 9 16 15% 154-4 30% 154 Midland Steel .- 4 274 264 264 -1% 92 461 j Minn-Hn Ros (2e).. 3 85 834 834 —14 8 4 M inn-Moline Imp... 8 64 6% 64 — 4 17% 10-4 Mission Corp (le).. 2 14 14 14 -4 34 14 Mo Kans & Texas .. 6 2% 2 2 114 44 Mo Kans & Tex pf.. 15 94 84 84 — 4 24 4 Mo Pacific <r) _ 1111 3% 14 Mo Pacific pf (r)... 1 14 14 14- 4 20% 10 Mohawk Carpet_ 3 18% ]K% 18% - % 107*, 87 Monsanto (2) .. 6 103 102 102*4 - % 117% 111 Monsanto pf(4.50).. 10s 116% 114% 114% -2 54% 25 Mont Ward (1.50e) 51 50% 4«% 49% - *, 40% 25 Morris&Essex 3 875 20s 39 28% 38*4-', 22*4 10% Motor Products 4 19% 19 19 - *, 17% 8 Motor Wheel ( 40e). 4 15% 15% 15% — % 32 11% Mueller Brass 35e . 3 28% 28 28 - % 8% 4 Mullins Mfg (B)_ 5 6% 6% 6'4 — % 64% 26 Mullins Mfg pf 30s 40 40 40 -3', 110 95 MurphyiG C)pf(5). 100* 107 107 107 10% 4 Murray Corp .. 10 8% 8% 8% — % 12% 6% Nash-Kelvinator_ 16 9% 9'* 9'-, - % 29 7% Nash Chat & St L,_ 150* 25 25 25 14% 8% Natl Acme _ 5 13% 13 13% — % 13% 6 Natl Aviation 55 13% 13 13% - % 28 15', Natl Biscuit (1.60). 21 26% 25% 25%-% 168% 150 Natl Biscuit pf (7) . 1 166’, 166% 166’, 4- % 19 10% Natl Bond&Inv 76e 3 IS IS 18 - % 30*. 12% Natl Cash Reg (1) . 23 25% 24% 24%-% 16% 11% Natl Dairy ( 80e) . 29 13% 13% 13% - % 115% 106% Natl Dairv pf A<7) . 10*115 114 114 -% 10', 3% Natl Dept Stores .. 2 9% 9 9% - % 20 17% Natl Distillers (2). 25 28% 27 27% -1% 20% 11% Natl Enam & Stpg . 1 19 19 19 -1 16*4 5 Natl Gypsum . 41 15% 14% 14% — % 31 17% Natl Lead (.50) 56 27 26% 26% - % 178% 154 Natl Lead pf A (7) l 169% 169% 169% -3% 145% 127 Natl Lead pf B (6) 50* 141% 141% 141% 4- % 28% 13% Natl Malleable Stl.. 3 25% 25% 25% 9% 5 Natl Pwr & L(.60).. 8 8% 8% 8% - % 81% 44% Natl Steel (1) ... 41 80% 78% 79%-% 23 12% Natl Supply . 21 19 18 18 - % 82 63 Natl Sup pr pf 5.50 1 68% 68 68*4 - % 40 28 Newberry J.T (1.60e) 1 38 38 38 — % 19% 9% Newport Indus 31 17% 16% 17 — % 1% 1 Newpt In rts Nov 23 103 1% 1% 1% — % 48% 20 N Y Air Brake_ 4 43% 42 42 21% 10 NY Central _ 164 20% IS', 18*, -1'. 22% 7 N Y Chi & St L - 3 16% 16 16 -% 38% 12% N Y Chi & St L pf 11 30% 28 28 -2% 37% 18 N Y C Omnibus (4e) 8 36', 35', 36 - % . 11% 5', NY Dock pr 90s 8% 8% 8%-*, 634 54 X Y Lack & Wn (5). 40s 61 61 61 -2 2% 1% N Y N H & H(r)_ 5 1% 1% <1% 7% 2% X Y N H & H pf (r). 6 4% 3% 4 -% 1% % X Y Ont & Wn (r) — 4 % *4 % 15% 4% X Y Shipbuilding... 11 13', 12', 12%-% 14 4 Norfolk & south(r) s 4 4 4+ 4 198 133 Norfolk & Wn HO). 2 180 179 179 -6 108 100 Norfolk & \V pf(4) 50s 1074 1074 1074 - 4 1S4 54 North Am Avia 40e 189 164 154 154 — 4 264 134 North Am Co (.90*) 103 23 224 224 564 454 North Am Co pf (3). 1 56 56 56 + 4 102 874 North Am Ed pf(6) 2 102 101 102 +1 144 64 Northern Pacific _. 43 124 114 12 — 4 44 14 Norwalk Tire _ 11 44 34 34 — 4 144 84 Ohio Oil (.I0e) — 14 104 94 94 -4 324 194 Oliver Farm Equip. 7 30 284 284 —14 194 74 Omnibus Corp _ 14 184 18 18 — 4 10 4 Oppenhelm Coll_ 1 84 84 84 — 4 294 134 Otis Elevator*.45e). 5 28 26', 264 -1 147 122 Otis Kiev pf(6)_ 10s 140 140 140 -1 154 64 Otis Steel 42 144 134 134 -4 76V* 40 Owens-Ill G1 1.50*.. 10 72 70', 704 -4 114 6 Pac-Am Fisneries.. 6 74 74 74 — v* 54 24 Pac Coast 20s 4 4 4 - 4] 20 10' j Pac Coast 1st pf_ 60s 19 19 19 -', 94 34 Pac Coast 2d pf_ 10s 74 74 74 - V* 154 94 Tac Finance*.90e).. 1 14 14 14 30 224 Pac Gas & Elec 12).. 12 294 284 284+4 43 32V* Pac Lighting (3)— 4 42 404 404 -14 194 94 Pac Mills . I 144 144 144 - 4 149 1324 Pac T&T pf *6)_ 100s 1474 147 147 -2 31 184 Pac Tin spl (lei .. 1 24 24 24 -1 154 104 Pac Westn Oil 75g- 2 12 114 114-4 6 34 Packard Motor_ 74 54 5 5 — 4 94 64 Pan Am Petrol_ 1 74 74 74 - 4 2 1 Panhandle - 6 14 14 14 614 29 Paraffine *1.50e)_ 1 584 584 584 — 4 13V* 54 Paramount ... 90 114 104 104 — 4 101 65 Paramount lst(6) — 4 954 93 93 —24 134 64 Paramount 2d(.60). 2 114 114 114-4 30 16 rark & Tilford ... 1 24 24 24 -1 34 14 Park Utah Mines .. 15 24 24 24 424 314 Parke Davls(l»70e). 2 414 414 414 + 4 214 13 Parker Rust *.90).. 1 194 194 194 24 IV* Parmelee Trans — 5 2 2 2 144 34 Pathe Film - 42 134 124 124 -4 134 84 Patino Mines* 25el. 7 11 104 104 -4 684 41 Penick & Ford (3e). 1 58 58 58 854 55 Pennev*J C)2.50e._ 8 80 79 79 -4 54 24 Penn-Dixle Cam .. 1 44 44 44 - 4 30 104 Penn-Dixie pf (A)-. 1 24 24 24 154 10 Penn Glass Sand .. 3 144 144 144 244 144 Penn Railroad (,50e) 63 224 214 21% - % 42 224 Peoples a & C(le)-. 2 374 36% 36% - V* 17% 54 Pere Marquette- 1 154 164 154 - 4 384 15 Pere Marquette pf- 10s 324 324 324 43 17% Pere Marq prior pf- 20s 36 35 35 -24 134 7% Petrol Corp (.40a)- 6 94 9% 9% - 4 474 17% Phelps Dodge(.45e) 63 444 42 42% -14 43 30 Phila Co $6 pf (3) .. 1 39 39 39 -4 44 24 Phila Rap Tr pf (r) 30s 3% 3% 3% - 4 % 4 Phila Read C&l (r). 1 % % % 143% 754 Philip Morris 6.76a. 15 92 90 914 - 4 1444 114 Philip Morpf (5) - 2 137% 137% 137% -14 44% 274 Phillips Petrol (2). 23 41% 39% 40 -4 34 2 Phoenix Hosiery . — 1 34 34 34 —4 43 304 Phoenix Hos pf 3.60 30s 35 * 34 35 -14 9 4 Pierce Oil pf — 1 ' 74 74 74 - 4 264 204 Pillsbury FI 1.60- 1 24% 24% 24% + % 74 34 Pitts Coal _ 6 6% 64 64 - 4 36 20 Pitts Coal pf_ 6 274 25% 25% -1% 94 44 Pitts Screw_ 34 94 8% 8% - 4 16% 74 Pitts Steel - 3 16 144 144 -4 62 204 Pitts Steel pf B_ 60s 41 40% 404 -3% 30 114 Pitts Steel 6% pf— 70s 28 28 28 -4 l 4 Pitts Term Coal ... 1 % % % - 4 12 34 Pitts Term Coal pf. 20s 5% 5% 6% 174 6 Pitts WVa . 200s 164 16 154 - 4 25% 15 Plymouth Oil(1.40). 3 21 21 21 11 8 Pond Creek Coal—. 1 94 94 94 -4 154 64 Poor & Co(B) _ 6 13% 13 13 -14 3% 14 Porto R Am To (A). 3 24 24 24 14 4 Porto R AmTo(B). 6 % H % 4% 1% Postal T*Cpf(r)— 2 2 14 14-4 134 4% Pressed Steel Car— 36 12 104 11 -4 2:30 D.m. Prer. 1038 Stock »n<l 8alcs— Wet High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 13% 4% Press Stl Cist.25g. 8 11% 10% 10% -1% 89 89% Proctor &Gam(2) .. 4 57% 56% 56%-% 122% 114 Proct&Gam pf (5). 80s 116% 116% 116% + % .35% 25 Pub Svc N J (2.2«e). 13 33% 32% 33 115% 101% Pub Svc N J pf (6).. 1115 115 115 + % 39% 21% PullmanCo(1.125e). 42 36 34% 35 -1 13% 8% Pure Oil _ 27 10% 10% 10%-% 88% 74% Pure Oil (5) _ 2 80% 80% 80% - % 15% 7 Purity Bakerles(le) 11 13% 13% 13% — % 9% 4% Radio Corp <.20e)._ 250 8'% 7% 7% - % 66% 37% Radio cv pf (3.50).. 5 63% 61% 61% -2% 5% 1% Radio-Keith-Or(r). 10 2% 2% 2% 10% 3% Raiir’dSecIllStk-. 150s 9% 9% 9% - % 24% 8% Rayonier. Inc _ 5 17 16% 16% 29% 18 Rayonier. Inc pf_ 1 23% 23% 23% + % 22 10% Reading Cofl.60e).. 4 17 16 16 -% 30% 18 Reading 1st pf (2).. 1 23 23 23 +% 27% 13% Reading 2d pf (2)_ 1 20 20 20 -% 6% 2% Real Silk Hose_ 1 5% 5% 5% + % 17% 9% Rem Rand (.90a)... 31 16% 15% 15% -1 3% 1% Reo Motor . _ 19 2% 214 2% — % 25% 11% Republic Steel_ 352 25% 23% 23%-% 78% 39% Rep Steel cv pf_ 1 76 76 76 -1 77'4 38 Republic Stl pf (A). 1 72% 72% 72% -2% 1954 774 RevereCopper _ 2 17% 16% 16% — 14 85 65 Revere Copper pf_ 30s 80 80 80 —2 17% 10 Reynolds Metals... 2 13% 13 13 -1% 12% 4% Reynolds Spring . 4 10% 1(6% 10% — % 46% 33% Reyn Tob (B) 2.90e. 5 45 44% 44%- % 8% 5 Richfield Oil _ 13 7% 7% 7% - % 13% 7% Ritter Dental . 1 10 10 10 -1 3.7 13 Ruberoid Co (.«»•) 8 30% 29% 29% - % 29!•» 12 Safeway Stores (2e) 3.) 294 27 274 — Vi 82 58 Safeway pf (5)_ 10s 80', 804 804 -1 90 68 Safeway pf (6)_ 10s 98<4 984 984 106 79 Safeway pf <7)_120s 108 108 108 +1 494 254 St Joseph Rd(.75e)_ 12 46 454 454 -14 IS 4 St G-San Fran(r)._. 1 4 4 4 34 14 St R-San Fr pftr).. 1 14 14 14-4 54 2 St R Southwn(r) _ 20s 24 24 24 —1 274 134 Schenley Distillers. 28 214 204 204 -1 85 62 Schenley pf(5.50) . 1 75 75 75 — 4 14 4 Schulte Retail S(r). 9 4 4 4 — 4 74 3 Schulte n S pfir) .. 1 64 64 64 504 344 Scott Paper! 1.20e). 3 604 494 504 4 4 Seaboard A R (r) - 1 4 4 4 3 14 Seaboard A R pftr). 1 2 2 2 -4 274 154 Seaboard 011 (1) ... 2 22 214 214- 4 804 47 Sears Roeb'k (3a)_ 42 744 724 73 -14 18 94 Servel. Inc (1)_ 3 164 164 164 -4 23 10 Sharon Steel ... 2 214 20 20 -1 68 454 Sharon Steel pf(5).. 1 704 704 704 +24 94 3 Sharp* Dohme . 19 74 7 74 — 4 494 36 Sharp & D pf(3.50). 2 484 474 474 -1 124 64 Shattuck <FG) .40.. 10 12 IIS 114-4 184 10 Shell Un OIK.35e) . 8 144 114 144 + 4 106 4 93 Shell L'n Oil pf 5.50. 2 103 1024 1024 -4 94 44 Silver King Coal’n.. 5 7 64 64 — 4 354 124 Simmons Co ( 50e>.. 22 324 31 SIS - 4 214 144 Simnnds Saw t ie) . 3 234 234 234 — 4 344 184 Skelly Oil (le) ... 4 274 264 27 - 4 122 45 Sloss-Sheff (le) ... .90s HO 110 110 105 91 Sloss-Sheff pf (6) . 40s 103 103 103 -1 24 13 Smith (AO) 2 204 204 204 -1 194 10 Smith &Corona .75e 1 174 174 174 — 4 144 84 Snider Pkg (,75e) . 6 134 124 13 - 4 164 10 4 Socony-Vac (.50) 34 13 124 124 — 4 34 14 South Am Gold * P 6 24 24 2 < 28 164 So Port R Sug 1.75*. 1 204 20 . 204 + 4 141 128 South Po R S pf(8) 10s 141 141 141 25 194 Southn Cal Ed 1.50a I 234 234 234 -4 224 94 Southern Pacific 86 20 , 184 18-4 -14 214 54 Southern Railway _ 64 194 18 184 — 4 314 84 Southern Rv pf 61 294 264 274 —14 44 2 Sparks Withlnsrton 3 34 34 34 — 4 24 194 Spencer KelK 1.40o) 2 22 22 22 -14 39 ', la , Sperry ( orp ).60e) 162 49 38 38** — 4 174 74 Spicer Mfg Co .. 1 154 154 154 — 4 154 64 Spiegel. Inc . 13 11 134 134- 4 704 484 Spiegel Inc pf 4.50. 110* 654 61 64 -14 31 124 Square DCo(.45e) . .3 284 28 28 - 4 94 64 Stand Brands ,625a. 62 7 4 74 7 , — 4 34 14 Stand Com Tob (r). 3 24 14 24 - 4 54 2 Stand G&E (r) _ 5 44 4 4 — 4 114 44 Stand G&E pf (r) 12 94 84 84 - 4 23 104 Std G&E $6 prpf(r) 5 19 19 19 + 4 28 13 Std G&E $7 prpf(r) 1 234 22 22 -14 344 254 Stand Oil Cal (la) . 41 284 274 28 - 4 354 244 Stand Oil Ind <1 )... 23 28 274 274 -4 504 324 Stand Oil of Kan . 1 50 50 50 - 4 584 394 Stand Oil N J (la) . 29 53 524 524 -4 344 174 StRrrett (LS) (le) 1 32 32 32 -4 714 49 Sterling rrod(3.80) 5 694 684 664 -1 124 6 Stewart-Warner . 3 104 104 104 — 4 174 54 Stone & Webster_ 72 154 144 144 — 4 94 34 Studebaker 35 84 74 74 — 4 14". 94 Sunshine Mlnf2.40) 8 11 in", I04 - 4 434 174 Superheater (.50) _ 5 384 37 37 —14 44 14 Superior Oil .. 14 34 34 34—4 234 84 Superior Steel _ 6 22*. 21 21 —14 32 174 Sutherl'd Pap 1.60 . 4 304 30 304 21 15 Swift & Co (1.20) 15 204 194 20 294 224 Swift Inti (2) 2 274 27 , 274 104 4", Symington ww .25* 6 94 84 84 — 4 84 34 Symington nt .25# 5 74 64 64 — 4 94 5 Talcott J (.60) . 1 84 84 84 - 4 54 44 Telautograph 40e.. 4 5 5 5 8 34 Tenn Corp’n 2 64 64 64 — 4 494 324 Texas Corp (2) .. 44 454 434 434 -14 54 24 Tex Gulf Pod .15e 19 54 44 44 — 4 38 26 Tex Gulf Sul(1.50e) 3 324 324 32'.-', 124 7 Tex PacC&Oi 40) 4 94 9", 9', 114 64 Tex Par Land T ,15e 7 84 84 84- 1, 26 13 Texas Pac RU 2 234 22 22 -2 54 24 The Pair 1 44 4", 44 — 4 54 24 Thermoid _ 2 44 44 44 24 1 Third Avenue _ 1 2 2 2 -4 284 84 Thompson Prod 10 264 254 26 — 4 4 14 Thompson-Starrett 2 24 2', 24 — '« 19 54 Thompson-Star pf 1 13 13 13 -6 4 154 104 Tide-Water A O'1) 12 134 13 13 -4 88 774 Tide-W A O pf 4.50 1 91'.. 914 914 -14 194 8 Timken-Detrolt 8 17", 174 17 , — ', 554 314 Timken Boll B (le) .3 524 51 51 -14 124 8 Transamerica (.75) 4 94 94 94 104 4 Transcont) & W Air li 94 9 9 — 4 124 44 Transne & Willms 3 114 104 I04 — 4 44 24 Tri-Continental . 24 44 44 4(, — 4 91 77 Tii-ContT pf (6) . 1 90 90 90 6'. 34 Truax-Traer Coat 1 44 44 44 i, Truax-T rts Nov 30 11 ■*, & fa 154 S' a Truscon Steel 2 15 144 144 284 164 20th Cent-Fox (2) 44 274 264 26', — 4 38 254 20 Century F pfl.50 6 364 354 354 — 1., 134 6 Twin Coach 16 12 114 114 — 4 6 14 den & Co 2 4 4 4 4 — 4 1 69 41 Underw’d-E-F 2.50e 4 674 67 67 4- 4 154 74 Union Patt& Taper 7 134 124 124 — 4 904 57 Union Carbide 2.40e 29 8K4 864 864 —14 224 174 Union Oil Cal 1.20.. 8 194 19 19 - 4 ; 994 554 Union Pacific (6i 11 95 4 94 4 95 4 4-14 38 194 Unit Aircraft( 50e) 122 374 36 364 — 4 134 5 Unit Air Lines 95 13 12 124 — 4 20 14 Unit Biscuit 1.15e 5 184 174 174 — 4 734 39 Unit Carbon(2.50e) 4 664 674 674 —14 4', 2 UnitCorp’n _ 43 34 .34 34 — 4 38 22'i UnitCorp’npf_ 14 354 314 344 — 4 7'. 44 Unit Drue _ 10 64 64 64 — a, 104 44 Unit Dyewood 1 8 8 8 — 4 84 3 Unit Electric Coal 8 74 74 74 — 4 394 214 Unit Enc & Fdry(2) 4 35 35 35 -14 674 50 UnitFruit(3) 11 604 574 574 -3 124 84 Unit Gas Imp (1) 22 12 114 114-4 113 100 Unit Gas Imp pf(5) 1 1134 1134 1134 4- 4 104 6 Unit Mer & Mfft ... 13 7'. 74 74 -', 84 3 Unit Paperboard .. 3 74 74 74 — a, j 14 4 U S Distributing: .. 6 *« «4 4 — 4 13 44 U S & For’n Secur . 7 114 11 11 -4| 85 62 U S * For Sec pfl 6) 1 81'* 80 80 -2 124 54 U S Freight . 2 11 11 11 +4 115 55 U S Gypsum (2) ... 8 107 102 103 -4 304 134 U S Indus Alcohol.. 4 28 27 27 —14 74 34 U S Leather _ 4 6'* 64 64 — 4 134 54 U S Leather (A) . 3 12 114 114—14 494 214 U S Pipe & Fdy (2). 11 45', 4.34. 43', -2 7 24 U S Realty & Imp _ 5 54 54 54 — 4 564 21 US Rubber .. 173 52 48', 494 -24 1084 454 U S Rubber 1st pf _ 25 108 1044 1054 -14 724 444 U S Smelt & Ref(4) 4 644 64 64 -1 704 55 U S Sm&P. pf(3.50). 5 69 68 68 + 4 714 38 US Steel 171 684 654 65', -24 121 914 U S Steel pf (7) 2 1174 116 116 -24 36 294 U S Tobacco 1.35e 2 344 33', 34 474 40 U S Tobacco pf 1.75 100s 44'* 444 44',— 4 5-4 34 Unit Stockyard* 10 3', 34 3'*— 4 104 84 Unit Stkyds pf .70_ 2 84 84 8 * — *. 34 14 Unit Stores (A)_ 2 24 24 24 — 4 15 7V, Univ-Cyclops .. 2 144 144 144 814 48 Univ Leaf Tob(3a). 4 794 774 774 -44 68 274 Univ Piet 1st pf_120s 70 65 65 -2 14 4 Util Pwr & L <r)_ 8 4 -4 4 14 Vs Vadsco Sales _ 1 4 4 4 284 16 Vadsco Sales pf_ 20s 23 224 23 -54 287* 114 Vanadium Corp_ 22 27'* 254 254-14 364 14V« Van Raalte (2)_ 1 34V, 344 344 — Va 42 301* Vick Chemical(2a). 2 404 4(t 40 —1 184 134 Victor Chem (,55e). 2 17 164 17 — 4 64 24 Va-Caro Chemical— 1 4 4 4 — V4 327* 154 Va-Caro Chem pf-_. 2 264 264 264 —1 1164 105 Va El Pwr pf(6) 50* 1164 116 116 44 14 Va Iron Coal & C . . 20* 34 3 4 34 154 54 Va Iron Coal & C pf. 40* 114 114 114+ 4 72 37 Vulcan Detin 1.50e_ 40* 734 73 73 +1 44 14 Wabash pf A (r) 2 3 24 24 — 4 84 54 Waldorf Sys (.40e). 3 7Vi 74 7V, + 4 2074 134 Walgreen (1)- 2 17 17 17 54 30 Walker(H)<4) - 12 51 4 497i 50 -2 194 174 Walker(H)pfd)- 1 194 197* 194 + 4 104 44 Walworth Co - 23 84 8 4 84 — Vi 4 2 Ward Baking (B)— 1 27* 27* 27* 8 34 Warner Bros Piet— 26 6 4 6 4 64 — 4 474 14 Warren Bros (r) 7 34 34 34 - 4 31 164 Warren Fy & P (2). 10 28 27 27 -1 25 11 Waukesha Mot d>- 3 224 22 22 344 17 Wayne Pump 2.50e. 13 334 314 3174 -14 44 lVi Webster Elsenlohr. 3 34 34 37* — 4 39 254 Wesson Oil(2.50e)- 1 344 344 344 1024 70 West Penn El(A)7_ 10* 95 95 95 974 74 West Penn El pf (6) 30* 95 94 95 +1 102V4 824 West Penn El pf <7) 60s 102 102 102 + Vi 1194 11174 West Penn P pf(6). 10* 1184 1184 1184 - y4 244 124 Westn Auto Sup (1) 3 234 22 22 -1 44 24 Westn Maryland_ 1 34 34 34 9 3 Westn Md 2d pf_ 1 7 7 7 -4 34 14 Western Pacific pf.. 1 14 14 14 + 4 344 164 Westn Union Teleg. 27 274 25'* 254 -14 334 164 Wsthse Air Brl.Ole 14 30 284 284-14 1244 614 Westhse Elec 2.50e. 32 1184 115 1161,-1 144 103 Westhse Elpf 3.50e. 10s 135 135 135 (Continued on Page A-23.) Stocks Losses Range From Fractions to More Than $3 Steels and Motors Lead Decline as Heavy Selling Appears Stock Averages 30 13 15 30 Induit. Ralls. Util. 8tks. Net change —.4 —.2 Unc. .2 Today, noon 75.8 21 6 36.3 52.2 Prev. day . 76.2 21.8 36.3 52.4 Month ago, 76.8 21.5 36.3 52.6 Year ago... 60.2 19.9 33.0 43.2 1938 high.. 79.5 23.2 37.8 54.7 1938 low __ 49.2 12.1 24 9 33.7 1937 high..101.6 49.5,54.0 75.3 1937 low... 57.7 19.0 31.6 41.7 1932 low... 17.5 8.7 23.9 16.9 1929 high..146 9 153.9 184 3 157.7 1927 low... 51.6 95.3 61.8 61.8 (ComDlled by the Associated Press.) By VIC TOR FI BANK. % Associated Press Financial Writer. NEW YORK. Nov. 18— Stocks took a beating in today's market, with steels, motors and recently* strong leaders dropping fractions to more than 3 points. While dealings were slow the. greater part of the time, offerings* occasionally were sufficiently heavy to put the ticker tape behind. Buy ing support frequently stemmed the | selling tide, but closing prices in t many eases were around the lows of the day. Transfers approximated 1,500.000 shares. Specific reasons for the setback were scarce, although some quarters thought nervousness over interna tional affairs was revived by Ger many's recall of her Ambassador to. ; Washington, duplicating the step* i taken by the United States in order ; ing Ambassador Wilson home from Berlin for "consultation." Again, many traders cashed profits on the lengthy upswing because of i the feeling that the "correction" which started the forepart of this week may have yet some distance to go. The new Anglo-American pnd Canadian trade treaties general!" were termed constructive in Wall Street, although there were a U v dissenters who believed the British got the best of the deal. Busins s news, on the whole, was more favor able than otherwise. A handful of aircrafts, farm imfc plements and rails did well in the morning, but, the majoritv event ually trailed the rest of the list downward. Conspicuous losers included V S. Steel. Bethlehem. Youngstown. Gen eral Motors, Chrysler. U. S. Rubber. Du Pont, Westinghouse, Alin'd Chemical, U. S. Gypsum. Johns Manville. United Aircraft, Interna tional Harvester. Texas Corp., Santa Fe and Southern Pacific. In the curb Long Island Lighting preferred stocks were exceptionally weak on the omission of dividends on these issues. Falling also were Aluminum Co.. Electric Bond fic Share. American Cyanamid "B ’ Gulf Oil and American Gas. Chicago Grain E> the Associated Press. CHICAGO. Nov. 18.—Adversely | influenced by downturns of securi ties. wheat suffered nearly a cent a bushel loss in Chicago today. Setbacks of wheat values were in ! the face of the fact that securities weakness was associated with Ger many's recall of her Ambassador to the United States. Ordinarily, po litical news of this character has an opposite effect on grains from i that on securities. At the close Chicago wheat futures were lower, compared with yesterday's finish. December. 6* 64U; May. 661 ^-3s : corn ’.-N | down. December. 477B-ri,: May. | olV'V and oats unchanged to >s off WHEAT—Ontn H:ch. Low- Cioe December ,*U : ■ .05 .♦;:;T« >■ \ -*;4’r March o.V’r i Mav !r .»;o'K .oo’* July ‘4 .oo’r »;♦;* ^- #;#> .* ’ CORN — December ,4s .48'4 47% 4 7 7• -.4 ‘ 4 ! March .50 May .5! 1 j .51 3* .51 .51 >4- 5’ - ! Julv .57% .5*2 • t .5*2 .5*2 ’ 4-.5 2 * OATS— December .*25 3 * .75% 757r .7534 Mav *2»iT« 70% 7d-34 July .70% .7n‘a .70% .20% SOY BEANS December .7::T 2 .?•**% Mav . 7 O'14 .70% .70% 70', | juiv .77% .77 34 RYE— ! December 4 21« 4 7 ’ 4 4 2 .4*2% Mav 4 4% 44% 44 4 4 4% Julv 4 514 45'* LARD— December 7 '25 7 *25 7 17 ’ .' January 7 .‘15 7.:»7 7.7*2 March 7.05 7 85 7.87 ' * 2 Mav 8 07 8 10 7 05 7 05 C’hicaro Cash Market. Cash wheal No. 2 mixed 05%: Minnie hard. 55'2-57 corn. old. No. 7 mixed. 4; %-4S% No I yellow. 40’ 4- No. I white 50'*: sample 4:*.1 *-44' ?: n^w No. 1 1 mixed 40 No 1 yellow. 4S,4-40% Nu I 1 white. 5t» oats No 7 white. 7* ->■ j sample. 75'4 barley. T’linois ;•%■ 7. ! Michisan and Wisconsin. 45-70: soy b'aP'. ! No. *2 yellow. 7 4-7 1% timothy seed *2 j 05 nominal red clover seed. 17.0U-15.0O. nominal: red top. 8.75-0*20. Winniper Trice*. i WINNIPEG. Nov. 18 -.7'.—Grain ranee today WHEAT— Pre'. Hich. Low. Close. close December .5ir.» .5i» ..aft'*-** 5 *'» May .02*2 .*>2‘,b-i2 M'-m4 July .0314 .H2'g .03’4 .03 OATS— December .27sg .2 7*2 .27'a .27 8g Baltimore Quotations • I BALTIMORE Nov. is T>.—Wheat. No 2 ; red winter, carlicky. soot, domestic. 65a4. I Corn. 54-57. New York Cotton B> the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Nov. 18.--Cotton^ failed to maintain midmornins re coveries on foreign buying todav and prices reacted when liquidation de veloped following an easier trend in the stock market. March sold off from 8.54 to 8.49 by midafternoon, when the list was unchanged to 2 points net lower. Futures closed 3-H lower. Open. High. Low. Last. December _ 8.H8 8.H7 S HO 8 HO January 8.58 8.5ft 8.53 8.53n March . _ 8.50 8 54 8.45 8 45-46 May - - 8 2ft 8 34 S.2H 8 27 July _ 8.0ft 8.13 8.OH 8 it! October 7 7H 7.80 7 75 7.75-76 Spot nominal; middling, ft.30. n Nominal. Cottonseed Oil. Cottonseed oil lost early advances of 3 to 5 points today following withdrawal by England of import duties on lard and around noon was points net higher to 2 lower. The market reacted on the disap pointing preference of lard at Chicago, continued large hog receipts and reports of poor cash trade. May at noon sold at 7.01. Crude oil was quoted 8>a cents In the Southeast and Valley and G-'i* cent* in Texas. New Orleans Prices. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. is <tP).—Cotton futures opened steady today but quotations were mixed because of hedge selling in distant months and irade and other buy ing or nearby deliveries. Initial transaction* were 3 points net higher to M lower with December at 8.78; January. 8.80; March 8 81: May. 8.4M; July. 8.MO; October 7.85: December (new), 7.83, and March <1040). 7.00 bid. Cottonseed oil opened stPady: Decemfrr/. 7.10 bid: January. 7.M7 bid. March. WO bid; May. 7.50 bid; July. 7.80 bid. Britain plans to spend >500,000.000 on military aircraft in 193S.