This sanforized shrunk label on every shirt. It's your ' guarantee of a perfect fit at all times. Not a low-price shirt sale bnt » sale for men who want QUAIJTY iSHIRTS_AT_A_JLOW_WIICE!_^Evepy_oijie_SaiiforlsEed-Shrunk! ,3.00-$4.00-$5.00 Imported Shirtings in this Sale of (3/r ' J i i le« SELDOM, IF EVER, ON SALE AT THIS PRICE! SIX FOR $11.75 • All of Imported Shirtings! • Regular and Tab Collars! • Plain and French Cuffs! • All Sanforized-Shrunk! is a most unusual event! Its very seldom that $3.00, $4, $5 imported shirtings such as these go on M sale. But a nationally famous maker sold his entire stock of imported bolted fabrics at a sacrifice price to our better grade shirt maker. And we picked up the entire lot to sell for only $1.98! We probably won't be able to repeat a sale like this for a long time! All made with rigid tailoring specifications found only in the finest shirts! The large size, 20-line ocean pearl first quality buttons will withstand any laundering! Every one with a French front construction and self facing throughout! (Ask any woman what this means to a shirt.) British stripings, all-over Jacquard pat terns and neat figures! H K Imported white on white and “Joshua Hoyle" 2x2 gleaming broadcloths. Get enough for yourself and lay away some for Christmas Gifts. • The Hecht Co . Men's Shoo. Mem Tloor ) For Town and Country Wear Mallory’s “Encore” *5 A Tyrolean model that would make even a Swiss guide yodel with joy . . . yet it's adroitly tamed for town and country wear. In the new Alpine mixtures of grey, blue, brown and green. || (Men s Hats. Second Floor) The Smart WING TIP in * Packard Kent Shoes Step into a shoe that has everything. A Wing Tip may be worn for business, street wear and sports. And it's right there, too, for hours after dark. You can do no wrong when you select a Packard Kent. There's comfort; there's smartness; there's durability. Other styles, of course. (Mon's Shoes, Main Floor) THE HE F STREET AT SEVENTH NATIONAL SIOO Men! A Topnotch Value at a Rock-Bottom Price! Sheldon Two-Trouser SUITS 29.75 WE'VE made many friends with our Sheldon suits in the past twenty years. And kept them, too! Which shows that for every dollar spent, they received dollar's worth of value! We're not saying that these are $40 and $50 suits, but WE'RE EMPHATICALLY STATING THAT YOU'RE GETTING TOPNOTCH VALUE AT A ROCK-BOTTOM PRICE ... . $29.75. We'r* going to make many more friends with suits of such renowned workman ship and tailoring. You can take our word for it. . . These Sheldon Two-Trouser Suits are Right! Come in tomorrow and discover for yourself why the celebrated Sheldon labej has been a standout in Washington for the past two decades. Exclusive in Washington With The Hecht Co. Men’s Shop—Second Floor • Worsteds! • Shetionds! - • Cheviots! • Tweeds! • Herringbones! • Diagonals! • Stripings! • Checks! Plaids! • Heather Mixtures! • Single Breasteds! • Double Breasteds! • Lounge Models! • Sport Backs! • Plain Backs! • Sizes for Regulars, Shorts, Longs, Stouts!