OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, November 18, 1938, Image 26

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1938-11-18/ed-1/seq-26/

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To Exhibit
Mrs. Clara Boone to
Be Hostess at
Tea Sunday
Mrs. Clara Isabelle Boone, fashion*
1st. who is opening an exhibit of
fashion sketches in the studio of the
League of American Pen Womfn at
the Grafton Hotel, will be hostess
at the league's first art tea of the
season Sunday from 3 to 6 pm.
She will be assisted by a number
of prominent women.
The league also is interested this
week in the poetry festival at the
Arts Club, which opened last night
with a program at which works of
league members were read. Mrs.
Inez Sheldon Tyler presided last
night and tonight will lecture on
Robert Browning at a session which
also will include readings by Maurice
Jarvis of the Arts Club.
At this afternoon's session of the
poetry festival Miss Margaret Tol
son, pianist, will illustrate phonetic
principles of rhyme.
The Pen Women were invited to
participate in this festival through
the courtesy of Frank B. Steele,
president of the Arts Club, and
Charles Edward Russell, chairman
of literature.
Tiie league’s tea Sunday is ex
pected to be one of its outstanding
events of the fall. Those who will
pour include Mme. Peter, wife of
the Swiss Minister; Mrs. William
Doak, Mrs. Prank W. Mondell. Mrs.
Flora McGill Keefer, Mrs. Harvey
W. Wiley and Mrs. Riley Moore.
Others assisting will be Miss
Marshall Adams. Mrs. Minnie L.
Briggs. Mrs. Harriet Hawkins Cham
bers, Miss Nama Hennessey. Mrs.
Florence Nebecker. Mrs. Nell Streigel
of Phoenix, Ariz.; Mrs. William
Fitch Kelley. Miss Helen Marshall
Collins. Mrs. Ellen May Bloedorn.
Mi.ss Mary Mason, Mrs. Elizabeth
Tilton and Mrs. Ethel B. Davis.
Mrs. Tyler and Miss Katherine
Wooten will assist in greeting the
guests. Miss Jean McCandlish will
be in charge of a musical program.
Several out-of-town guests are ex
Tiny Senorita
Hostess Today
Little Senorita Isabel Recinos, bet
ter known to her family and olose
friends as “Cookie,'* is hostess this
afternoon to celebrate her fifth
birthday anniversary. The party was
arranged by her parents, the Guate
malan Minister and Senora de
Recinos. and the guests number about
25 of the young friends of “Cookie"
and her older sister, little Senorita
Mary Recinos, aged 8. who is a stu
dent at the Sacred Heart Convent.
The guests were bidden for 3:30
o'clock and games of interest to
those of their years are being played
until time for the birthday cake and
other refreshments.
-9-- ■ , , .
Mrs. Garter Renamed
Southern Cross Chapter. United
Daughters of the Confederacy, held
the annual meeting at the Willard
Hotel on Wednesday, when Mrs.
Martha Carter was unanimously re
elected president for her fourth term.
Other officers e'ected were: Mrs.
Harvey Ball, first vice president;
Mrs. Minnie Thayer, second vice
president; Mrs. Louise Preston,
treasurer; Miss Rosa Lee Busby,
corresponding secretary ; Mrs. Min
nie Ogden, recording secretary; Mrs.
Grace Odell, historian; Mrs. Thomas
Ferguson, parliamentarian; Mrs.
Ruth Pyles, registrar; Mrs. Mary
Thomas, auditor; Mrs. Katherine i
Kurry, custodian.
Mrs. Grace Odell was elected dele
gate and Mrs. Ruth Pyles alternate
to the District Convention on De- j
cember 6 at Confederate Memorial
Hall, 1322 Vermont avenue.
Mme. Wankowicz
To Give Tea
Mme. Wankowicz. wife of the
Counselor of the Polish Embassy,
has issued cards for a tea Tuesday
afternoon, December 6. from 5 to 7
o'clock to meet her sister, Mme.
Anna de Romer, who will arrive
next week for a visit of two months
or more in this country. Mme. de
Romer is a distinguished artist of
Poland and has executed portraits
of many famous men and women of
To Hike in Virginia
The Capital Hiking Club will leave
1416 F street N.W. Sunday at 10
a m. for a 5-mile walk along the
Potomac Trail from Great Falls,
Va., to Villa Ecuador. Va . A treas
ure hunt will be conducted at the
end of the hike. I
At new at modern art, Krinklc Kid
it the Shoe World’s artistic con
tribution to the winter wardrobe
of smart women. Grainy in ap
pearance, it it exquisitely salt and
supple — an unusual, beautiful
1207 F • 7th & K • 3212 14»h
Catholic Daughters
To Hold Reception
The Catholic Daughters of Amer
ica at 2:30 o'clock Sunday in thfe
Willard Hotel will hold its reception
for new members. One hundred and
thirteen candidates will be received
into the organization.
Miss Josephine Walsh, grand re
gent, and her staff of officers will be
assisted by Mrs. Gertrude Brennen,
grand regent of Court Forest Glen,
and her degree officers. A banquet
will be held. The mistress of cere
monies will be Miss Josephine Mc
The Catholic Daughters’ Glee
Club, under the direction of Harry
X. Walsh, with Miss Teresita Ku
nold as accompanist, will present
musical numbers. Miss Margaret
Moran will render two solos.
Miss Mary Weide, chairman of
membership, will introduce Miss
Josephine Walsh, grand regent, who
will extend a welcome. Addresses
will be given by Miss Augusta Uhl,
territorial deputy , the Rev. Dr. John
K. Cartwright, chaplain; Miss Flor
ence Winter, chairman of the Con
vert League, and the Rev. Francis
Cassidy of the department of educa
tion of the Catholic University, who
will be the principal speaker.
Christmas Seal Sponsors
Devise School Lesson
As part of the Christmas seal edu
cational program the Arlington
County Tuberculosis Association has
prepared a lesson to be taught by
county school teachers entitled
"Christmas in the Home,” depict
ing home living years ago.
A pamphlet entitled "Christmas
Seals and Their Function” will be
distributed to students, telling the
story of the seals, it was announced
by Mrs. N. R. Davies, county school
For the younger children a con
test has been devised whereby any
child who tells two persons about
the sale of Christmas seals will be
given a small badge made of the
double-barred cross, emblem of the
Capt. Henry T. Wright
Will Be Retired
Capt. Henry T. Wright, Navy Con
struction Corps, has been ordered
detached from duty with the United
States Maritime Commission about
December 1, and will return to his
home In Mobile, Ala., to await re
Capt. Wright, a native of Green
Spring. Ala., where he was born Jan
uary 2, 1875, entered the Navy in
1894 as a midshipman and served
during the Spanish-American War
aboard tha U. S. S. Texas. Follow
ing the war he was sent to Paris,
France, for a course in naval archi
tecture. and upon his return was
appointed an assistant naval con
structor. He rose to the rank of
temporary captain during the World
War, while on duty with the Con
struction Corps.
In 1926 Capt. Wright was assigned
to the Shipping Board here. He then
served as a member of the Navy
Board of Inspection and Survey, with
additional duties as a member of
the Joint Merchant, Vessel Board.
He went to Newport News. Va., in
JWMQM 4M iinnniiw
oi aAfan iiuftrhTiii sills
oompilso oar shewing :
of Cfafetmaa cards for
fcfoyeat. Lath* show
you haw a&acfivefy
your name can ha Im
printad from our cpedtl
types or from your en
graved plate. Make your"
selection now—lelsure
ly. rafter than tn the
busy days to" follow—
• from the most Varied
array of cards to he
found tn Waahiadton.
fwjra&rs and^aUontrs
*1217' <5 STREfcT ' r .
Girls, here ore the shoes thot will leod the style
regatta right through the winter, because they're
stoutly built to be ship-shape in all wind and
weather. The style shown comes in natural, tan
or brown nobby grain or ruff-buck, with crepe or
leather soles, in sizes 4 to 8. There's a big selec
tion of other wall-lasted, square-toc styles, too,
at 2.95 and 3.95.
1207 F • 7th & K • 3212 14th
1207 F • 7th 0 K • 3212 14th
Diamond Lace Top
Chiffon Hosiery
3 prs. 2.50
(Regularly 1.00 Three-Thread Crepe)
Timed just right for your early Christmas shopping
. . . and you'll want several pairs for yourself at
this reduced price, too. Ringless 3-thread crepe
chiffon hosiery, with pencil-point seams, run-proof lace
tops that won't bind because they s-t-r-e-t-c-h, and
double reinforcements in toe and heel, where the
wear comes. Six timely colors . . . Autumn, Ginger,
Havana Tan, Misty, Cinnamon and Tile Beige.
PHONE ORDERS, District 5470
1931 as a superintendent of con
struction and naval Inspector of
ordnance, returning to Washington
in 1936 to rejoin the Shipping Board,
later absorbed by the present Mari
time Commission.
■ ■ • ■ ■ ■■
Appalachian Trail Club
The Potomac Appalachian Trail
Club will hold its second rock
climbing trip Sunday in the Bull
Kun Mountains, Paul Bradt, 1847
Mintwood place N.W., is taking res
ervations, and the special bus will
leave Pennsylvania avenue and
Eighteenth street N.W. at 7 am.
Navy Invites Bids
On Training Airship
Bids for construction of a Navy
training airship will be opened at
the Navy Department February 2,
it was announced today.
Circulars for information of pros
pective bidders and plans, specifica
tions and other data will be issued
in the near future by the depart
The airship is to be limited in
size to a maximum capacity of
1.000.000 cubic feet of helium lifting
gas and a maximum length of 325
Two to Speak at Meeting
Mrs. Alice Hyatt Mather of Chi
cago. executive secretary of the In
terstate Narcotic Association. Inc.,
and Dr. J. P. Shively of the Wash
ington Sanitarium will be the prin
cipal speakers at a meeting spon
sored by the Allied Organizations,
Inc., and the Anti-Cigarette Alliance
of the District at 8 o'clock tonight at
the Anacostia Baptist Church, Thir
teenth and V streets S.E. The Rev.
Thomas E. Boorde, pastor, will pre
--• - ■■■
Brazil Is larger than continental
United States, including Alaska.
for a festive
social season
Lights! Action! Gaiety' ... be ready to get into the swing of the glamorous
holiday social season. V/e spotlight two especially lovely creations from a bril
liant new formal collection. Seated: Silk Chiffon, floating clouds of it, the
skirt whirling forth in fabulous fullness from the deftly draped bodice. Rich
nurple with subtly blended two-tone panel front. Right:
Schiaparelli adaptation in rich rayon crepe, with figure
flattering shirred bodice and a wee bust-length bolero.
Black, purple or red. Both styles, 12 to 18.
answering fashion's
clarion call to
Color—brilliant as a neon ^
sign—fashion's current crus
in midseason hots! We fea
ture a sparkling new col
lection in rayon-and-wool
Duvetyn and rayon Bag- j
heera ... in the beloved ’jj
draped brim, high crown ^
toques. Two-tone or solid
colors to complement any
our fastest-selling
fur coat at
It has a true mink coloring
that deceives even experts!
The skillfully blended stripes
give you an erect slimness
. . . and look particularly
smart as they spiral up the
sleeves. A handsome coat,
and a superb value! Many
other lovely furs, of course,
at this same low price.
Richly Furred
at a special
They're worth considerably
more than $50, as you'll
know the minute you see
them! The coat sketched
has a clever sleeve arrange
ment of silver fox on a rich
Juilliard nubby wool. Others
with Blue-Dyed Red Fox,
Cross Persian Lamb, Jap
Mink and dozens of other
luxurious furs. Sizes for
misses and women in the

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