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Notes From the Social Calendar of Washington and Its Environs Secretary Hull Entertains For Canadian Premier At Luncheon Party Prime Minister Will Be Guest Of Minister and Wife at Dinner This Evening The Secretary of State, Mr. Cordell Hull, entertained at luncheon today at the Carlton in honor of the Prime Minister of Canada, the Right Hon. Mackenzie King, who is spending a few days in Washington and is a guest at the Canadian Legation. The Prime Minister was accompanied to Washington by Dr. O. D. Skelton, undersecretary of external affairs of Canada. This evening the Prime Minister will be the honor guest at dinner of the Minister of Canada and Lady Marler. Tomorrow the Minister and Lady Marler will be hosts at luncheon for the visitor from their country, who will leave the Capital Sunday. His Britannic Majesty's Ambassador and the Hon. Lady Lindsay entertained at dinner last night at the Embassy, when their guests were r - members of the British, Canadian and United States trade delegations. The guests included the Assistant Secretary of State and Mrs. Francis B. Sayre, Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Grady, Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. E. Dana Durand, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar B. Ryder, Mr. and Mrs. A. Manuel Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pasvolsky, Mr. John D. Hickerson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. White. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. MacLean, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie C. Wheeler, Mf. and Mrs. George B. L. ityner, Mr. A. E. Overton, Mr. Norman Robertson, Mr. J. A. Stirling. Mr. Hector B. McKinnon. Mr. L. D. Wilgress, Miss H. V. Lupton. Mr. T. H. Hammond, Mr. Keith Officer, Sir Owen Chalkley and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Summerscale. The Secretary of Labor. Miss Frances Perkins, will have as her guests over the week end her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. David M. Hare, and Miss Elizabeth Poole, who arrived from New York today. The Secretary will give a small party this afternoon 'for her guests and this evening Mr. and Mrs. Hare will be hosts at dinner at the home of Miss Perkins on California street. Before coming to Washington Mr. and Mrs. Hare were hosts at the formal opening of the former's color photography studio in New York. Senora de Samoza. wife of the President of Nicaragua, who will leave tomorrow for her home in Nicaragua, was the honor guest at dinner last night of the Minister of Nicaragua and Senora de De Bayle, who enter tained in the Legation. The other guests were the Ambassador of Mexico, Senor Don Francisco Castillo Najera; the Minister of the Dominican Republic and Senora de Pastoriza, the Minister of Panama and Senora de Boyd, the Minister of El Salvador and Senora de Castro, the Charge d’ Affaires of Honduras and Senora de Caceres; the Ambassador of Ecuador, Senor Capitan Colon Eloy Alfaro; the Minister of Costa Rica and Senora de Castro Beeche, Col. and Mrs. Calvin B. Matthews and Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Warren. Senora de Samoza will be received by Mrs. Roosevelt at the White House today. The Minister of Panama and Senora de Boyd entertained at luncheon yesterday at the Mayflower in compliment to Senor Jose Antonio Sosa and Senora de Sosa of Panama City, who are returning to New York today for a three-weeks’ visit before returning to Panama. Other guests at the luncheon were Senora Maria Luisa de Sosa, sister-in-law of the honor guest, who lives at the Mayflower; her daughter, Senorita Eugenia de Sosa; Senora Graciela Jimenez and Senorita Dora Boyd, daughter of the hosts. The Minister and Senora de Boyd will be hosts at the Mayflower to two of their daughter's friends from National Park Seminary over Thanks giving, Miss Marcella Arias and Miss Hilda Ballarino. The Assistant Secretary of War and Mrs. Louis Johnson will be guests j of former Governor Peery of Virginia at the football game between Virginia Military Institute and Virginia Polytechnic Institute in Roanoke, Va.. on Thanksgiving Day. Saturday following they will attend the Armv-Navy game in Philadelphia, accompanied on both trips by their daughters. Miss Lillian Johnson and Miss Katherine Johnson. Miss Lillian Johnson is attending Finch Junior College in New York City this winter, but expects to spend the holidays and an occasional week end with her parents at the Mayflower. i The Assistant Secretary of the Navy and Mrs. Charles Edison were the guests of honor for whom Rear Admiral and Mrs. William Rea Furlong entertained at a dinner party in the blue room at the Shoreham last evening. Other guests included Rear Admiral and Mrs. Joseph R. Defrees, Rear Admiral and Mrs. Arthur P. Fairfield; Rear Admiral and Mrs. Stan ford C. Hooper and their niece. Miss Helen Corvale.v of Los Angeles, who is visiting them: Capt. and Mrs. Sherwoode A. Taffinder, Capt. and Mrs. Charles M. Austin, Capt. and Mrs. Robert L. Ghormlev, Capt. and Mrs. Felix X. Gygax, Capt. and Mrs. Ferdinand L. Reiehmuth; Capt. and Mrs. Chester Wells of Woodend. Chevy Chase. Md.; Capt. and Mrs. Ezra G. Allen, Capt. Jonathan S. Dowell and Comdr. and Mrs. Louis E. Denfeld. Miss Doris Gibson, daughter and official hostess of Senator Ernest W. Gibson, arrived in Washington yesterday from her home in Brattleboro, Vt., and is at the Wardman Park Hotel. She will be joined there by Sena tor Gibson the first part of next week, and they will leave shortly there after by motor for Florida, where they will spend the weeks prior to the opening of Congress. Senator Gibson and his daughter will have an apartment at Ward man Park during the congressional season. Lt. Col. John Millikin. U. S. A., and Mrs. Millikin will entertain at a cocktail party this afternoon in their quarters at Fort Myer, where Capt. Millikin is on duty. Imported Kid Gloves \ 2.65 reduced from $2.95 to $5.00 Clasps and slipons of select kidskin — beautifully fash ioned. Not all sizes in every style. Colors include block, brown, white. Mad Orders Filled Charge It Pay in January 1314 F Street N.W. -m mm irrwr MISS SYLVIA HO BAN ALEXANDER, Who ivas presented to society yesterday afternoon at a tea given by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Renick Alexander, at their home on New Hampshire avenue. —Underwood & Underwood Photo. Wedding Party Chosen Envoy’s Daughter And Fiance Feted Mr. Frank Knowlton of Boston, will be best man for his brother, Mr. Robert Knowlton at the latter's marriage to Senorita Rebeca Trucco. daughter of the Chilean Ambassador. Senor Don Manuel Trucco. The wedding will take place Saturday, November 27. and Senorita Trucco will have her sister. Senorita Marta Trucco. as her maid of honor and only attendent. The ushers will include Senor Don Sergio Huneeus. Counselor of the By the Way -Beth Blaine Several luncheons preceded the concert at Mrs. Joseph Leiter s yes terday afternoon. Senora de Espil entertained at the Argentine Embassy in honor of Mrs. Floyd Blair and Mrs. William MacCracken had several friends lunching with her at the 1925 F Street Club. At Mrs. Mac Cracken's luncheon I met for the first time Mrs. Robert Guggenheim whose marriage to Col. Guggenheim took place last January. The Gug genheims will spend the winter in Washington and have leased the beautifully-furnished house of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schoellkopf on Macomb street. Small and slender, Mrs. Guggenheim is lovely to look at, with pale gold hair, blue eyes and an absolutely flawless complexion. Yesterday she wore a smart brown and blue plaid jacket with a plain brown skirt, and a brown hat and two quills on the side. In addition to being a very charming young woman. Mrs. Guggenheim is a painter of considerable talent and told us that she goes to art class every morning at the Corcoran Art Gallery. Mrs. MacCracken says she is still busy getting settled in her house, haying a slight set-back when (Continued on Page B-5.) (See PARTY, Page B-4.) SAMPLES 1 Drnm. Cult, Uwn 1 *♦» iik; I SIZES 10 UP TO 5Z , I LUCKY STRIKE DRESS SHOPS V 1212 G STREET N. W. Tahirs. Chairs. Linen. China. Glass. Silver. First-class Cooks and Waiters. W. H. SIMPSON’S CATERERS Weddings - Dinners Receptions MET. 3994 ISIS M ST. N.W. NEWPORT. R.t. BEST & CO. 4411 CONNECTICUT AVE., N.W., NEAR ALBEMARLE ST. Emmon 77M Comfortable and Smart Growing Girls’ Shoes For Dawn-to-Dusk Wear Kiltie-Tongue Oxford in tin calfskin. Sizes 3Vi to 9 . . . . . . . 5.00 Open Pump with nyon grosgnin bow. In black patent leather or brown euede. 3 Vi to 9 . 5.00 Silver Kid Evening Sandal with rhineKone buckle. Size* 3V4 to 9 ... » 6.95 THREE favorites from our famous shoe Collection for growing girls. Sturdy shoes for school and play. Smart styles for parties. EASY PARKING SPACE Debutante Tea for Miss Alexander Beautiful Flowers And Candles Grace Rooms of Home Mr. and Mrs. Edward Renick Alexander yesterday formally pre sented their daughter Sylvia to Washington society at one of the loveliest debutante teas ever given in the Capital. The attractive home of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander on New Hampshire avenue was lighted with candles for the occasion and the mirrored rooms were filled with many beautiful flowers sent by the debutante's friends. Miss Alexander, wearing a full skirted. old-fashioned deep cream brocaded satin with a tiny rosebud pattern, looked like a portrait of one of her ancestors as she stood to receive with her mother. She held her bouquet of roses in a silver filagree holder which had been her great-great-grandmother's. Mrs. Alexander, wearing a lace gown of burgundy color, with a corsage of orchids, was assisted by her daughter, Miss Louise Alex ander, who wore a gown of fuchsia with a wine-color waist, and carry ing a bouquet of orchids and lilies of the valley. Mrs. John M. Carter of Philadel phia, another daughter, presided at the punch table, wearing a short sleeved gown of plum color, with a silver fox scarf across her shoulders and a corsage of orchids. Others who assisted Mrs. Alex ander were Mrs. William Barret Ridgely, Mrs. Walter Tuckerman. Mrs. P. Lee Phillips. Miss Eleanor Connolly, Mrs. Donald Alexander of Detroit and Mrs. Albert Pepper Ger hard of Philadelphia. Assisting Miss Alexander were Miss Helen Creen, Miss Mae Ashby Proctor. Miss Margaret Townsend. Miss Eleanor Meem, Miss Mary (Continued on Page B-4J Dinners Before Sail Loft Dance Comdr. William W. Hall. U. S. N.. and Mrs. Hall will have guests dining with them this evening and later with them will attend the first of the dances for this season to be given in the Sail Loft of the Navy Yard. Comdr. Harley Cope. U. S. N., and Mrs. Cope will entertain at dinner this evening in their quarters in the Navy Yard before the dance in the Sail Loft. ---- Count Potocki In New York The Polish Ambassador. Count Jerzy Potocki. has gone to New York, where he is spending several days at the Ritz-Tower. He is ex pected to return early next week. MISS ROBERTA QUIRK, Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Quirk, who will be presented at a tea dance Friday. December 23. Miss Quirk, wbo attends Goucher College in Baltimore, is spending the week end with 'her parents at their Chevy Chase home. —Underwood & Underwood Photo. Residential Social Notes Mrs. Herbert Sparrow Spends Winter in Connecticut Mrs. Herbert George Sparrow, widow of the late Capt. Sparrow,1 U. S. N„ is spending the winter in Greenwich, Conn., at the home of her mother, Mrs. Wellington Parker Kidder. Mrs. Sparrow's son and daughter in-law. Lt. and Mrs. Herbert Spar row, jr.. are at Schofield Barracks. . where Lt. Sparrow is attached to the 13th Field Artillery. Miss Catherine J. Collins, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Collins of Woodley road, has left for Hart ford and Greenwich. Conn., where she will be the house guest of Mrs. Ralph C. Eckels and her niece. Miss Marie C. Noone, for the Thanks giving holidays. Miss Marcia Stauffer and Mr. Guy (Continued on Page B-15.) o* ^ I *1 are always "SALE-PMCfD” % Thirty-tight million pairs of A. S. Bock Shoo* hove boon bought by the public during the lost 10 year* ... always at a price equivalent to a “SALE PRICE “ This enormous, strictly-cash. low-profit business has made it possible for A. S. Beck to save their customers thousands of dollars. Regardless of when you buy or what type of shoe you select, you know in advance that | l A. S. Beck's one low price I is actually a •£ . £ M6»«>**. V'*' *V>C* / 10**