Newspaper Page Text
Weddings Announced Miss Nathalie Lazarus Becomes Bride of Mr. P. W. Klaus The marriage of Miss Nathalie M. Lazarus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morton L. Lazarus of Baltimore, and Mr. Philip W. Klaus, son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Klaus of Richmond. Va., took place yesterday at 5 o'clock at the Belvedere Hotel. Baltimore, fol lowed by a dinner and dancing. The bride wore a gown of white satin with a tulle veil held in place with a cap of lace and carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the val ley and orchids. She was attended by her two sisters, the Misses Lor raine and Mae Lazarus; Mrs. Alfred Lowenthal, Mrs. Frank Kahn. Miss Margaret Wertheimer, Mrs. Sidney Lefkowitz and Miss Elizabeth Whit lock of Baltimore, and Miss Alice West of Washington. They wore gray blue satin gowms made with a tight bodice and full skirts and car ried arm bouquets of yellow roses. The bridegroom had for his best man his brother, Mr. James Klaus of Richmond. The ushers were Mr. Robert Kauf mann of Washington. Mr. Robert Holfheimer of Norfolk. Va., Mr. Jacob Katz and Mrs. James Wein berg of Baltimore and Mr. Stanley Clipper of New York. A dinner and dance was given for the bridal party and out-of-town guests the night before the wedding. The bride is well known in Wash ington where she has often visited. Among the Washingtonians at the wedding were Mrs. Harold Levi and her son, Mr. Malcolm Levi. Miss Lillian Gillard Weds Mr. Kenneth A. Ford. Miss Lillian Mae Gillard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Douglas Gillard, was married Saturday eve ning to Mr. Kenneth Aaron Ford of Louisville, Mo., son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ford of Louisville. The cere mony was performed at the Eastern Presbyterian Church at 7 o'clock by the Rev. Alfred Barrows, pastor of the ghurch. * Mr. L. Guzman, a member of the Marine Band, was the organist for the occasion, and Miss Aurelia Bir mingham sang. The marriage took place before an altar banked with chrysanthemums, autumn leaves, ferns and palms, and the church was lighted with candles. The bride, who was given in mar riage by her father, wore a princess gown of white satin trimmed with lace, and she had a two-tiered veil. Her shower bouquet was of white roses and lilies of the valley. Miss Helen Betram was the maid of honor and wore a royal blue satin gown with a slight train. There were flowers in her hair and 1 she carried yellow chrysanthemums and wore a cameo pendant, a gift of the bride. The bridesmaids were Miss Eliza beth Sinclair Hall, a cousin of the ; bride, from Bloomfield, N. J.. and Miss Marjorie Buffington of Berw-yn, Md. Their rose berry color slipper satin gowns were made like that of the maid of honor, and their acces sories were the same, except that I their chrysanthemums were lav ender. The bride's mother wore a wine velvet dress and hat and her corsage was of gardenias. Mr. Hubert Ford was his brother's best man, and the ushers were Mr. James Douglas Gillard, jr., brother ■ of the bride, and Mr. Harvey Collins of Clarendon, Va. A reception at the home of the bride's parents followed the cere mony, after which the couple left on their wedding trip, the bride wearing a green w^ool costume with dubonnet accessories. After Decem ber 1 they will live at 3101 Pennsyl vania avenue S.E. Mr. Ford is employed in the Public Health Service. Among tne out-oi-town guests were Mrs. Elizabeth Gillard of j Bloomfield, the paternal grand mother of the bride, and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hall and their son, also of Bloomfield: Mrs. Martha Wylie j and her son of Kearney, N. J.: Mr. and Mrs. C. Gillard of Irvington, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. E. Kelley, Rah way, N. J.; Mr. W. Gillard and his son of West Orange, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Robinson of Radburn, N. J. Heitmuller-Littleton Wedding Held Wednesday. At a quiet wedding in the Keller Memorial Lutheran Church here, | Mrs. Charlotte Christine Littleton; of Harrisburg, Pa., was married Wednesday to Mr. Henry Lewis Heit muller of Washington. The cere mony was performed by the Rev. J. Harold Mumper, pastor. The bride wore a w'ine lace gown with coat and hat to match and black accessories and a corsage of gardenias and lilies of the valley. Mrs. Heitmuller, who is well known in Takoma Park, has been a Bible worker for several years. Mr. Heitmuller is connected with the Navy Department. Miss Genevieve Stepper Weds Mr. Horace von Radisky. Mrs. William E. Viett of Rockville, Md., announces the marriage of her niece. Miss Genevieve Stepper, to Mr. Horace von Radisky, petty offi cer in the Medical Corps of the United States Navy. Miss Anna Parker Bride Of Mr. A. G. Simmonds. Mr. and Mrs. N. Nelson Parker i announce the marriage of their daughter Anna Elizabeth to Mr. Al bert Gordon Simmonds, son of Dr. and Mrs. S. J. Simmonds of Arling ton. which took place Saturday aft ernoon in Richmond, Va. --- Party (Continued From Page B-3.) Chilean Embassy; Senhor Joao de Deus Ramos, Secretary of the Portugese Legation: Senor Don Miguel E. Quirno-Lavalle, Com mercial Attache of the Argentine Embassy: Dr. Fernando Sacasa, Mr. Samuel Bigelow of Richmond, Mr. Robert Peet and Mr. James Kilbreth of New York, and Mr. Thomas Adams, Mr. William G. Perry, jr., and Mr. Walter Watson. Senorita Trucco and Mr. Knowlton have been constantly and continu ously entertained since the an nouncement of their engagement, the bride-elect and her fiance having a wide circle of friends in Wash ington. Tomorrow afternoon they will be guests of honor of the Secre tary of the Italian Embassy, Nobile Benedetto Capomazza, who will en tertain at cocktails, and Sunday I the Second Secretary of the Argentine Embassy and Senora de Zuberbuhler, who were married last spring, will give a cocktail party for the prospective bride and bride groom. Monday evening the former United States Ambassador to Chile and Mrs. William S. Culbertson will en tertain at dinner, their daughter, Miss Junia Culbertson acting as hostess for Senorita Trucco and Mr. Knowlton. The dinner will be pre ceded by a cocktail party which Miss Katharine Du Bose will give for them, and the following evening Miss Stellita Stapleton will be hostess at dinner for them. Mr. William Ryan will entertain at dinner Wednesday evening for Senorita Trucco and Mr. Knowlton, the dinner to be followed by a the ater party, after which Mr. Ryan will be host at supper for his guests. The j final party for this popular couple w'ill be the cocktail party Thanks giving afternoon which Miss Dolly j Corbin has planned. Guests at the dance tomorrow eve-1 ning which the Ambassador will give for his attractive daughter and her j fiance will number about 100, in- , eluding a small part of the wedding party, those who will come from out of town being unable to come until next week. Saturday Special! 300 £IRS Dickerson J Arch Lock Shoes | Arch Relief A good size range but not in every style. $10.50 and $12.50 values. One day only with this ad. $£.85 All Salei Final FINE ATKINS SH0ES 1005 Conn. A»*. N.W. NA. 4*85 Sweeping, Saucy Skating Skirt JIMOkt-ITi; Silk or Wool. 10-95 The type of standby frock to be found with pleasant frequency on our fourth floor. Lovely line of bodice, tapered-laced waist. Raspberry, Honey, Powder. Sizes 9-15. FOURTH FLOOR CHARGE ACCOUNTS INVITED MRS. EUGENE EDWARD ROBINSON. Formerly Miss Mary Elizabeth Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Walker. —Hessler-Henderson Photo. MRS. EDWARD JOSEPH CROWLEY. Formerly Mrs. Elise Katherine Fincher of Atlanta. Ga. The couple will make their home at 1456 Rhode Island avenue. —Harris-Ewinq Photo. J\nmv^arij culminates our celebration of our 34 years of progress with the final events of our 34th Anniversary Sale . . . Csfcrf*** Fur-Trimmed Winter COATS Anniversary Sale A very special purchase makes possible these un usual coats for this low An niversary Sale price. You'll And coats with fur sleeves, fur plastrons, fur tuxedos ... all the new fashions. third floor Fur-Trimmed Winter COATS Anniversary Sale Such luxurious furs as Silver Fox, Mink, Persian. Beaver, and equally regai furs trim the finest quality woolens in the most wanted fashions for winter 1938-39. third floor New Winter DRESSES Anniversary Sale Dresses for daytime, afternoon, and evening . . . exciting styles in types for every occasion of the day or night. In quality fabrics of silks and rayons. Sizes for juniors, misses, and women. second floor actual i2 asd' *3 Lace-Trimmed or Tailored GOWNS Anniversary Sale Beautifully tailored gowns, some with embroidery, or trimmed with dainty laoes . . . with puffed sleeves, deep de colletage, or high-cut types in quality rayon and slllc satins, crepes or rayon prints. ttreet floor Debutante Tea Given Miss Sylvia Alexander Feted By Many Friends (Continued From Page B-3.) Wells, Miss Jane Bodine, who is a guest at the Alexander home, and Miss Emily Vaux Cresson of Phila delphia, who is a guest of Mrs. Tuckerman. Yesterday’s Debutante Descendant of Noted Architect. Miss Alexander is the great great granddaughter of James Hoban, the architect of the White House and close friend of George Washington. Her mother, the former Elise Hoban, made her debut in Washington, where the family has lived for gen erations. Among the many guests who at tended the reception were Miss Jane Eustis and her mother, Mrs. H. Chotard Eustis, Miss Eleanor Flood, the Misses Margaret and Claire Cot ter, Miss P. Austine McDonnell, Miss Caroline Cecil, Mrs. Hamilton Fish, jr.; Dr. and Mrs. Breckenridge Bayne, Mrs. Henry Parsons Edwin and her sister, Mrs. David Saint Pierre Gaillard; Mrs. Royal Mc Kenna and Miss Bambie McKenna, Msgr. Edward L. Buckey, Miss Lydia Loring, Mrs. Henry D. Flood, Mrs. William T. Mann and her mother, Mrs. William Beale, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grant Meem. Almost every debutante now in town was there, and the young gentlemen of Washington turned out in force to enjoy the affair. -9 ..— Greece has purchased over twice as much from the United States this year as last. RU C Beauty Our Duty ttlAMID AMD <TOR»P C*H Mr.Pylo na.ii57 L SANITARY CARPIT S I RU6 CUANINO CO. I lObINDIANAAVfJj LOTS OF FUR OR JUST A LITTLE ... BUT A MUFF IS A "MUST" WITH YOUR NEW FUR-TRIMMED COATS Specially Priced $50 We repeat, mufb are a “must" this season Vogue prophesies, Raleigh presents them. And seldom have we seen such exquisitely lovely coats. Choose lit tle boyish collars or Persian and Leopard-Cat . . . or enormously full cc!:ars of blended Cross Fox, Red Fox and Wolf. All these luxurious furs are mounted on superb new woolens. From a marvelous new fabric .... BEAUTIFUL ROBES $6 50 This soft wrap-around robe pays a gracious compliment to your figure. Slimming, flowing lines fall to the ground, and never hint in ‘heir sophistication of the "homey" warmth to be found in this smart creation. Sizes 12 to 20. Also small, me dium, and large. Blue, royal,-wine, dusky £ rose. FOUR-THREAD 'BUSINESS STOCKINGS * AT A SPECIAL PRICE Silk from top to toe. Extra heel and toe reinforcement. Garter run-stop. Picot tops. Lovely Ra leigh Hosiery at a sacrifice. 3 pairs, $2.15 RALEIGH HABERDASHER NAtionil 9540 1310 F Strut Mr. and Mrs. Goss Honor Miss Pelley At Dinner Party Miss Mary Jane Pelley and Mr. Wil lem Dirkse-van-Schalkwyk, whose marriage will take place tomorrow evening at the Shoreham Hotel, will be honored tonight at a dinner party by Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Goss. The party, which will follow the wedding rehearsal, will be given at the home of the hosts. Last evening Mr. and Mrs Harry C. Butcher entertained for the bridal party with a dinner in the Blue Room at the Shoreham, and among the guests, in addition to the princi pals of the wedding party and their attendants, were the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jeremiah Pelley, and Mrs. Pelley's sisters. Mrs. Fin nis E. Davis of Paducah, Ky.. and Mrs. Lyde Windate of Madison, Wis., who have arrived for the wed ding. Another affair yesterday for the couple was the cocktail party which Mr. and Mrs. Murray Borden, jr., gave at their home, with Lt. <j.g.> William R. Cox as joint host. RALEIGH HABERDASHER NAHoiul 9540 1310 F Strut PERFECTION IN A SHEERED BODICE "Paulina" Evening Dress $1695 Combination of ^ the Season's Newest Colors. Purple and Fuchsia, Royal and Powder You'll float o'er the dance floor in vvill o-the-wisp loveliness in this gorgeous gown . . . Sheered drapery is most gently feminine over the bodice Yards arc yards of skirt billow 'neath your tin waist. Sizes 12 to IS. YOU'LL LOVE THIS "PAULINA" Afternoon Dress Shown here is just one of the lovely new Paulinos just ar rived in Washington. You'll rave about the smart belt that goes right into a stitch ed pocket . . . These re markable new dresses com* in more colors than you can imagine. King Red, Im perial Purple, Royal Blue. 12 to 20 All of them so per fectly executed they seem incredible at $16.95 and that's not all . . . Paulina Dresses are sold ONLY at Raleigh Haberdasher. Teal Blue Wine Royal Blue Gold Cruise Red Boy Blue Grapetone Cactus Green $5 The New KNOX 'Vagabond' exclusive with Raleigh Here it is again—the lovable little felt hat that customers are buying in twos and threes! Shame lessly becoming, with a new rake to the crown . . . and a brim you can flip four ways. It's all things to all women . . . two kinds of a country casual, a wide-eyed Breton and a town-type Cloche. In every color under the sun. Head sizes 21 Vz to 24. A RALEIGH CHARGE ACCOUNT IS CONVENIENT