Newspaper Page Text
STORES FOR RENT. . BRING YOUR BUSINESS TO THE SOUTH west Market. ?. new adjoining stores. *.’nd commercial, each 15x0*; suitable auto I 8ale*rooms or auction rooms tire and bat tery business, produce farm implements, flower and feed or seeds or any wholesale business. Liberal terms to responsible parties for long lease. Natl._043S. NEAR PA^ AVE—STORE. *J ROOMS t3h.nO; good business, also apt. above. .30? rd at, s e North 14’0. Ar;. 355._•_ IDEAL LOCATION. Main street, Rockville. Md Store suit able an.v business. Box ls»;-A Star. SILVER SPRING. Three new stores. Full basemriil. heat furnished. Excellent location ior tearoom, bakery, delicatessen, cleaning and pressing or upholstering business; s.35 >»in and Sb5 Der month MARYLAND REAL ESTATE CO.. 7Phh Georgia Ave._Shepherd 5100. BIG INTOWN STORE—$50. INCLUDES -LOOO-FT. BASEMENT. Nr. Union StRtion and Main Post Office. Bideualk trapdoor, hea* 1 voori tor grocery auto supplies, liquo-. wholesale or retail, etc. 4* H st. n.e. ;:.-v . 54::;. _OFFICES FOR RENT AVAILABLE "DEC KM BET !. Center of downtown. Evans B’dg., 14’0 New York ave. n.w.- Iffir - v.- 5 cum *Q. ft. Also sing> a: VI5 and " ' FaM elevators. ‘M-br. servu e® occupancy. E QUINCY SMITH. INC., hut)! 15th st. n.w. District 005;. WATER FRONT PROPERTY. ATTRACTIVE SHORE-FRONT COTTAGE, five rooms and tiled finished bathroom, front and side porche* superb water our- : look, electricitv: exceptionally fine plo ‘V.- ‘ 250; $100 cash. S’.'3 mon h!y. Sterling 0551. • OUT-OF-TOWN REAL ESTATE. MOVING TO NEW YORK- WILL SACRI flee attractive home in res'rictod suburb! on Long Island. Easy commuting. Phone 1 Fhepherd 4435. AUCTION SALES. _TOMORROW. Large Storage Sale Household Effect* of MGISTEREP* Evpry O^*cript»on at Public Auction At Sloan’s 715 13th St. Saturday November 19th At 10 AM. Bt order of the Federal Storace Co . for *torare charjrrs, and From Other Source*. Terms; ( ash. C. G. Sloan A- Co.. Inc., Aueti. Established 1801. Cut Eichberg, Auctioneer "The Old Reliable” PUBLIC AUCTION! OF AUTOMOBILES Late Model Chevrolefs, Dodges, Fords, Buicks, also Earlier Models Saturday, Nov. 19 12:30 P.M. Sharp Eichberg Auction Sales, Inc. 1227 R St. N.W. * DOUGHERTY AUCTION SALES. INC.. AUCTIONEERS AUCTION SALE OF AUTOMOBILES Cars of All Makes and Models Saturday, Nov. 19th 10:30 A.M. Lite Model Fords. Plymouth*. Chev rolet*. Dodges and Other Makes AT 51 Eye St. It.E. Adam A. Weschler A Son. Auctioneers. Modern and Antique FURNITURE HOTFE CARPET—RUNNERS ADDING MACHINE—FIFE CASES Ev order Lew's H. Earner. Trustee in Bankrupted National Cap.tal St'irave <fr Mm ma Cn., el al. Antique Sheraton Tea Table, Hepplewhite Hunt Board, Maple Chest of Drawers, Chairs, Mah. Dining Table, Portraits in Oil, Old Prints, Mirrors, Oriental Scatter Rugs, Modern Suites, Desirable Odd Pieces, Radios, Etc. BY AUCTION AT WESCHLER’S 915 E St. N.W. TOMORROW Commencing at 9 O'clock A M. Continuing Throughout the Day. Hotel Carpet—Runners—1 I A.M. 50 DRESSES | no 1 ;.js _FUTURE. fHOS. J. OWEN A* SON. AUCTIONEERS. 1431 EYE ST N.W. TRUSTEES SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE BEING A TWO-STCRY BRICK DWELLING. CONTAINING SIX ROOMS j AND BATH ALSO GARAGE: KNOWN AS 1412 ORREN STRFFT NORTHEAST \ By virtue of a certain deed of trust, re corded in Liber No. 5\'S0 a: folio I of the land records of th'- District of Columbia, i • nd at the reauest of the party secured ! thereby, the undersigned will sell at public j auction, in front of the premises, on TUES DAY THE TWENTY-NINTH DAY OF NOVEMBER 1038. A3’ FOUR-THIRTY j O'CLOCK PM. the following-described land and premises situate in the District of Columbia, and being lot numbered one hundred thirty-three 11: i:.) in Beniamin H Gruver’s subdivision of lots in square numbered forty hundred and sixy-one <40fil>. as per plat recorded in Liber '1*: 1 at folio 8 in the surveyor's office of the District of Columbia TERMS OF SALE: Purchaser to pay one fourth of the purrhasp price in cash the balance in three installments in one. two and three years, respectively, with inter- , est at the rate of six f<i> per centum per : annum and secured iv. deed of tru i on the property sold, or all cash at th" option I of the purchaser: taxes paid or adjusted j to the date of sale, purchaser to pav in- ! terest on purchase price from date of sale to date of settlement at six <Ht per centum j per annum all conveyancing recording, revenue stamps, etc,, at the cost of the ! purchaser: good title or no sale A deposit I of $250 wiy be required at the time of | gale and settlement, to be within thirty <30) davs of the date of sale, or deposit, forfeited, and the property refold at the , coat and risk of the defaulting purchaser, j after five <5> days’ previous advertisement j qf said resale in some newspaper published ; in Washington. D. C. J. WRILEY JACOBS •Surving Trustee. 1 5‘h St. N.W . BQlT-dAds.exSu&hol Washington. D. C. Zed I.. Williams, Auctioneer. Real Estate AUCTION Mon.. Nov. 21st. 2 .30 P.M. Pv order of owner ire '' ill s*ll c' Pub lic Auction, subject to a ? lode. ‘ first trust of $1,01)0. vcyable s' a per month: price chore firs* try* 1~> he raid in cash—the ?,-story valuable brick home located opposite L iicoln Park, at 1220 NORTH CAROLINA AVI NX. 2 Baths. Modern Heat. Large Lot; Premise* in Splendid Condition through out. Home owners, speculators and in vestors cordially invited to inspect thifr property today. Attend the sale. Mon., Nov. 21st. at 2:30 F.M.. Md whatever you choose. Here is dandy property. Complete details announced at sale. For further information, rail the Auctioneer s office. Phone NA. 2620. 010 New TnrW Ave. N.W. AUCTION SALES. FUTURE. _ THOS. J. OWEN & SON. AUCTIONEERS. 14.11 Eye St. N.W. | TRUSTEES' SAI.E OF VALUABLE TWO STORY. BASEMENT AND ATTIC STONi.-AND-FRAME DWELLING CON TAINING EIGHT (hi ROOMS. THREE l-1 ATHS AND LAVATORY. BEING I'REMiSES NO. HIIMl FOXHALL ROAD N.\ . By o» a certain deed of trust duly rr--lulrci m Liber No. 04.17. folio et ai.. of ihe land records of the District of Columbia, and at ihe request of the party erurec thereby, the undersigned trustees will .>e.l a pub.ic auction. in lront of the prrmi-f.-. on TUESDAY. THE TWENTY NINTH DAY Oi- NOVEMBER. A.D. AT THREE O'CLOCK P.M.. the followinR d escribed land and premia situate in the Dis’r.r of Columbia, ar.ri designated as and being lot i.f:v-ni:ie « '»!>) in William C. Miiier and A1!;>• >:’ N. Miller’s subdivision of lo: m rm.a: thir.ien hundred and thiry-eigh 11:;;io » as prtr pla; recorded in Liber No. : .*. folio lhu. of the records oi-tr.e rffic oi ihe surveyor of the District oi Columbia. Subject to a perpetual right o' wav ior purposes of ingress and egress of pnvatfi.v owned automobiles over ihe s i . h four <4‘ feet of said lo; and together \v.a p^rpe uai right, of wav for purposes of ingress ; r.d caress of privately owned automobile' over the north four <4» feet of lo finy-eif.hi <bM in sain square. Subject to ‘he covenant» of record. irrrQs: Sold subject to a prior deed of trus; Io; Sl 5, further particulars of which will b» announced at time of sale, the purchase price above said trust to be paid M <»0(viM' a* date of settlement and remainder in 1. T and B years after date sr tlement. or all cash at option oi pur enaser. a deposit, of $1,000.00 required. Conveyancing, recording, etc., at pur enw^er’s cos'. Terms to be complied with witlv.n thirty days. otherwise deposit lovRited and :he property may be adver tised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. CARL C CRAMPTON. , , , DION S. BIRNEY _nol v\l Trustees. | HOI.I.IS K. FRITTS. AlOIONFFR I*.ink of < timmrrcf A Savings Bldg. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE GROCERY STOCK, FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT CONTAINED WITH IN PREMISES 101 FOURTH STREET SOUTHEAST; ALSO FORD DELIVERY TRUCK. By,virtue of a certain deed of trust chatirls. dated January ‘.’Mh, l r.nd duly recorded in Liber ;i;«i at four) of 'he land records ot the Distrirt ol Columbia and at the request of the patty .secured thereby, the undersigned trustees win sell at public auction within the prem ises 1 01 4th Street S E . on THURS DAY THE SEVENTEENTH DAY OP NOVEMBER AD. lil.'is. at TEN O'CLOCK A.M., ali and singular the Roods chattels and personal prop ertv named mentioned and de scribed In nart as follows: McCaskey account register National cash reg ister, Corona adding machine, eisht foo- refrigeration show case 'Hill make*. Dayton mnne.vwemhi '•.out put inc scale. ‘.’4 -lb. electric: Coca Cola elec nc soda box. Dayton elec tric grinder, refrigeration box. meat tenden/er. meat block, electric rc li iteration plan: and coils «Frick make, fight-foot plate glass dis play rase, di-play counter. Ford de livery truck and all other goods, chattels belonging to said grocery business. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. Will first 'op offered as an entirety ?nri :f no satisfactory bid i<= received, v. ill then be sold in detail. IRVING B. YOCHELcON, SOI OMON GROSSBERG. no l'Mil'i Trustees. a THE ABOVE SALE HAS BEl N POSTPONED until TUESDAY NO VEMBER nd. ItUfs. SAME TIME AND PLACE BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. no.J *J. 1 4.1 ti ls WAREHOUSES WANTED. 10.000 TO 15,000 SQUARE feet, near railroad siding. Call G. E. DOWNER, Natl. 0753, or evening's Geo. 9012. TRAILERS FOR SALE. HOUSE TRAILER. is*:;; Indian fully equipped; siltn*. Call Berwyn S-F- .’l. Beltsy1 lie. Md._ AUTOMOBILES WANTED. CASH FOR ANY MAKE CAR. WE PAY OFF THE NOTES Leo Rocca Ir.c.. o-T-n-n n. Y. Ave. n.e _Na11 CASH FOR YOUR CAR. Dftn'i Sell Until You See Us. Whether Car Is Paid for or Not. BARNES MOTORS, 1729 14th St. BEST PRICES. SUPERIOR MOTORS. 1 4; h AND P STS. DUPONT l.'WO. TIRES FOR SALE. THOUSANDS OF J_ MM /XX , Give-Away Prices - *■ All Sires Thousands of food 's tires taken in trade mi sale of new * tires All guaran- % teed to be in first v class condition! K BE\ IILXDEEY. , , 621 Po. Ave. N.W. v I I 3446 14th St. N.W \ 1 1000 Bladcnsburg Rd. Nf. x j_ | Adorns^ 8100 ^ \ AUTO TRUCKS FOR SALE. CHEVROLET 1937 S-ion: rea unable; perfect condition. Cal! Columbia 930X. FORD 1035 stake: going: out of business; perfect condition: $105. 1 3,30 Halt st. s.w. AUTO TRUCKS WANTED. 1 ’j-TON PANEL TRUCK (used*, or larger! Apply f. M. Pa ugh. rear o:;o D st. n.w. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. AUBURN 1035 convertible ^dan. Sporty to the last degree and a real value. Powcr ful motor, excellent condition. 1030 trade ins force us to sacrifice this fine car. H. B. Leary. Jr.. A: Bros . 13*21 1 1th si. n.w. Potomac 4 000. BUICK 1037 special 1-door sedai, with trank: only driven 1*2.000 miles by owner. Dupont_6737._ BUICK 1030 de luxe sedan, privately owned; good condition; $x<» cash. Emer son 37 04. BUICK 1037 model 41 sedan, jet-black! finish likf* new. radio and heater, low mileage, one careful owner: Butler Bonded; i reduced to $1*2 7. Lee D Butler. Inc., 11*21 :21st n.w. District 1:21$. Open eve nings. BUICK 1030 convertible coupe, radio, heater. 0 wheels, as sporty a car as you ever stepped inside and a real value. 1039 trade ins force us to sacrifice this fine car. H. B. Leary. Jr.. A: Bros,. 13*21 14th st. n.w. Potomac 4000. BUICK coupe: absoluetely runs fine: any demonstration: sacrifice. $1$. full Price. Mr. Roper 17 30 R I. n.e._ • j BUICK 103: *41" 4-dr. trunk sedan. . Finished in glossy black, performance and condition equal to many later models. A fine value for the particular buyer. 1939! trade-ins force us to sacrifice this fine car. H. B Leary. Jr., A; Bros.. 13*21 1 1th si. n.wr. j Potomac 4900. _ _ I BUICK 1930 sedan: new tires; excellent ! transportation: full price. $X7: a bargain. ; Lee D. Butler. Inc 11*21 *2J st n.w. Dis trict 1*21.$. Open evenings.__ _ j BUICK 1930 convertible sedan. xo-C: 6 steel wheels, large trunk, excellent top. brown ]pather upholstery. You can readily tPll this car had unusual care: $595. C. C. C Guaranty Capitol Cadillac Co.. 1 *2*2*2 *2t2nd st. n.w. Natl. 3300. Open Sun. and eve. _ BUICK 1930 5-passenger touring sedan. 81: large trunk. 0 steel wheels, black finish, spotless interior, excellent tires and a splendid motor Here is real value at $495. C. C. C. Guaranty CaDitol Cadillac Co.. 1 *2*2*2 *22nd st. n.w. Natl. 3300. Open Sun and eve. BUICK 1936 5-passenger touring sedan: large trunk, excellent grey Daint. all good tin., radio and heater. A very clean car: $19.*>. C C C Guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co.. 1*2*2 2 *2‘2nd st. n.w. Natl. 3300. Open Sun and eve. BUICK 1937 5-passeneer touring sedan, model 61: grey finish: excellent tires, spot less interior. This is a very clean car; ST25. C C. C. Guaranty. Canitol Cadillac Co 1222 22nd st. n w. Natl. 3300. Open bun. and ev<\ CHEVROLET 1930 de luxe sport sedan, knee-action wheels, built-in trunk, excep tionally clean inside and out. five fine tires, excellent finish. Nowhere in the citv can you ma’ch this car at our low, Honest Price of $425. Money-saving General Motors terms. Owens Motor Co.. 0323 Ga. ave. _ _ CHEVROLET 1930 town sedan: motor, paint, tires and general condition of this fine car will please the most critical buyer; low price at $425. PACKARD. 24th and N sts. n.w. Republic 0145^_ CHEVROLET 1936 2-door master sedan; new finish: guaranteed mechanically and priced at $395. which is a bargain: $95 down and only $21.11 monthlv Call us for home demonstration. Leo Rocca. Inc.. Branch, 1518 Penna. ave. a.e. Atlantic 8683. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. (Continued ) CHEVROLET 1037 de luxe sport sedan knee-action, hydraulic brakes. 5 fine tires built-in trunk, heater, appears new and performs perfectly. Written 3o-day guar antee; $415. Hammond Motors. (3000 Wis consin ave. Wls. (3550._ __ *_ CHEVROLET master de luxe sport coupe 1030; dark blue; excellent condition: ne*' tires; one owner; cheap for cash. No deal ers._____ North 3404._ CHEVROLET 1030 town sedan, trunk, radi i and heater equipped; one owner; condition and appearance above average, and priced $7 5 below actual value, $375. Schlegel & Golden. Dodge-Plymouth dealers. 333 Carroll st.. Takoma. D. C. Georgia 0500. CHEVROLET 1030 master de luxe town sedan: 18.000 miles: little Used: excellent condition throughout: $310. Dupont 537A. _ 3o* CHEVROLET late 1038 *.‘-door sedan 3.000 miles; being sold to settle estate: no trade-ins; priced at $5*20 lor quick sale Call District 004 1 or 004 13th st. n.w. CHEVROLET 1030 master coach. 2 5,000 actual miles, all ‘brand-new tires, radio, heater, defroster, clock, etc.; performance guaranteed for only $117. Ai’s Motors. Inc., 3034 Wilson blvd.. Arlington. V». Walnut 8300. CHEVROLET 1031 de luxe Victoria: must sell immed.: fine appearance: mechanically perfect; eood tires: $85. Clev. 0131. CHEVROLET 1030 and 1037 3-door trunk edans. driven very little, look like new. Small down payment, take over notes due. See Mr. Nolan. Finance Co., 33nd and N Ms. District 80S7. CHEVROLET 1037 cabriolet; black paint, excellent top brown leather upholstery, all good tires. This is a very clean car: $305. C. C C. Guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co., 1333 33nd st. n.w' Natl. 3300 Open Sun. and p\e. CHEVROLET .station wagon, good running condition; »M5 Warfield Motor Co. Ford-Lincoln-Zephvr dealers, “5“5 Sherman ave n.w. Adams Mono. CHEVROLET 1 Si.'iti de luxe coupe. “master ” radio, heater; finest condition: sacrifice. no trades. terms: deal only #J5 cash. > 1 !♦ month Roper. IT.TO R. I n.e. • CHEVROLET IM.Ti 4-door de luxe, must sacrifice, original finish, perfect condition, like new. Atlantic 5I5.T-W. CHEVROLET 1de luxe sport sedan. Do noi Ik misled into paying a big price lor a car ol this kind. We will match our car against any in Washington. Maryland or Virginia lor quality, appearance, per formance and reliability. Our car is equipped with “ visors. “ windshield wipers, de luxe steering wheel, clock, lighter, clean mohair upholstery, new floor mats, safety plate glass all around, kiiir action wheels, biy. built-in trunk perfected hydraulic brakes; all-steel Fisher body, with !• isher no-draft ventilation: G. M. anti-freeze in rediator. Honestly Prcied at *.»“.> and it is worth the money. Libel al. low-cost General Motor* terms, tree driving lessons ll desired. Owens Motor Co.. ti.TJ.T Ga. ave. CHEVROLETS. Fords, Plymouth*. Dodges’ Buicks. Pontiacs, etc. ail models. Down payments as low as *“5. weekly or monthly notes, take over balance due. Finance company clean-up of repossessed cars. On display at Union Service Center. ““nd and N sts. n.w. District *t»*7. CHRYSLER 1M.57 Royal touring sedan; the best model by CHRYSLER: high-grade car m new-car condition and appearance; save considerable yu this practically new car: reduced to *M5. PACKARD. :Mth and N sis. n.w. Republic 0145. CHRYSLER 1 U.C 4-door touring seaan. all the pep and power of a thoroughbred, smart green finish, built-in trunk, motor purrs to perfection; an outstanding value lor only $5i»5. better hurry for this one. Torn > Bargain Center. 1st and N. Y. ave. n.e Met. !»10l. CHRYSLER J!».’>7 de luxe “-door sedan, almost new. vety small down payment, take over notes due. See Mr. Cannon. Finance Co., :l“nd and N sts. n.w. Disl. Mi* 7. CHRYSLER litfifi coupe, gun-metal finish. O. K. motor, good rubber, very clean: a bargain at sill. Lee D. Butler. Inc., i 1**1 •.1st n.w. District 1 fi is. Open evenings. CHRYSLER lhfii Royal 4-(ir. touring sedan, m smart blue, overdrive, radio, rear wheel shields. Truly it has everything, infill trade in- ,ori e us to sacrifice this fine car. H. E. Leary. Jr., Bros., Ififil. 14th st. n.w. Potomac 4iohi. CHRYSLER 4 *■♦»” convertible sedan. Dr.\e it and see why owners are so en thusiastic. Fine motor, clean as a pm. radio, heater. lhfin trade-in - force us to sacrifice mis fine car H. B. Leary. Jr.. Bros . Ififil 1 *th st. n.w. Potomac 4mm CHRYSLER Ihfil 4-door de luxe small down payment, take over not-*-. See ,\Ir. Finance Co., fifind and N Ms. n.w. DlStllC* MiM CHRYSLER Ihfil Royai 4-dr. touring sedan. Owneo by prominent merchant and given best of care. Tins car invites your most crit,cai *n.-pec.iion and demonstration. Reamed to Tom - Bargain Center, 1st and N. Y. ave. nr. Met. him. DE SOTO l!»fi# touring sedan: black finish: radii and heater, one owner who stave it the best of care, n- w throughout re duced to Sfiib PACKARD, fifth and N Ms. n w . Republic til ; A. DE SOIO JJifiii fi-dr. to iring sedan. You’ll likp y' performance and condition White wall Tires gun-metal finish. IJifid trade in- force in- to sacrifice 'his fine car. H. B. Leary Jr., Bros., Ififil 14 h st. n.w. Potomac 4!•(m DE SOTO 1 1 two-door -rrian: low mile sb •• black, perfect. See dealer. Mr. Flood. 4fifi 1 Connecticut ave Clev. • DE SOTO Hlfif fi-door touring sedan: built in trunk space: new tires all around black factory finish appears new: spotless inside: fine moor: hydraulic-. Written fi«»-dav guarantee: Hanvnona Motors, <>!hmi Wisconsin ave. Wis. H5M». • DODGF. 1!».>U de luxe 4-dr. trunk sedan with heater, built for long, economical service. Its powerful engine w.!; give you all the speed you could a-k for. Im perfec ridiin- comfort and safety assures of complete • a’isfac'ion always. No more than :*fi4.i*i* monthlv will buy this car when you use you; car a - down pavmrnt. B ; todav and pay NOTHING r.iri, nex: year. Today’s price. *vVi.">. The Trew Motor Co. l.V’h i 4th M. n.w. and It’ll and Pa. ave s.p. DODGE !!*.".7 four-door de luxe with large trunk. ^nerfec See dealer. Mr. Hood. 4i Connecticut. CIpv. >4»D. DODGE IH.'JS 4-door trunk sedan: beauti ful greet, metallic Ann interior 'po'less. has onlv h ri drr e:i 1 ! nun miles b' promi nent Chevy Ch * resident: n»w-rer uhim. Special today. Kearnc . .">nl.; Conn, ave. CIpv HSSS is* DODGE 14-door tourin'. sedan: buik m trunk: finish atui interior clean aud bright, custom radio and iieatcr: color blue: fioa iri; power. 1:; dr..ulics, room ;ni cal ami >ound: fine tire- ^4f».'► l !•:{.'» coupe wi;n tumble >t*ai: attractively verin lshed: radio ami heater, seat covers: be.-t tunning otder • ood rubber; !».» Written ■'h»-da.v guar.iniei Imminond Motors, tituiu Wisconsin ave. Wiv n.V><». i * DODGf 1 !».*.7 *l-door de luxe touring S’; driven carefully by one owner; its appear ance and condition prove to you it is .in exceptional car at a sacrifice price. >.V7'.Y Le.i Rocca. Inc., Branch. New York and Florida aves. n.e Me1 ropolitan H.'fiiW Phone us lor home demonstration DODGE’. ‘.'-pan. coupe. It's finished :n a shiny black with spo'less upholstery, excellent tires ami possessing a motor that v. »il give sparkling performance. Its eouipnien- is all de luxe and libs a fully Kuaranitf'd Trtvv Value. Trade m your car and v.*l ."*<» monthly -or -will buy it. Buy today and you have nothing to pay until next year. Today's price—$4.">4. The Trew Motor Co.. 1 .V.HJ 14th st. n.w. and 14th and Pa. ave. s.e DODGE IH.h; 4-door touring sedan: Semi nob black finish, broaticioth steel-cut up holstery. econom;c:u motor. performs l.ui.tif !y; radio ami healer to add to your enjoyment.: only >1.■»."», Call u. for home demonstration. Leo Rycca Inc . Branch, J."»1N Peima. ave. s.e. Atlantic m;s;; DODGE 1 H.'CV coupe, lias rum ole seat all good tires, clean interior, perfect perform ing motor, hydraulic brakes, steel body; bargain price of SkH.T Call R. \V. Thomp son. Natl. HK.‘>i». Hill A: Tibbitts. J114 Vermont ave. n.w. DODGE I ‘1-door sedan, gun-metal gray finish, original paint and tires, one owner. This car is in exceptionally tine conditio’:, very low mileage, and priced low at Schlegei i‘c Golden. Dodge Plymouth dealers Carroll st., Ta Uom * D. C. Georgia H.bttH. DODGE 1!».5N touring sedan radio, beauu fu. original dark green finish, very low mileage; * car that, snows exceptional care and one that will please the most exacting buyer. Offered at a tremendous savings: fully guar.mteed: liber;'.! trade and terms. Coast-In Inc. 4th and Fla. ave. n.e. All. T'fiM). Open eves, and Sunday. DODGE 1 4-door trunk sedan, perfect condition, repossessed, very small down payment, take over notes due. See Mr. Henderson Finance Co.. ”Mnd and N fcts. n.v District Sfihl. DODGE -passenger t.'-door touring mg .sedan• black paint, excellent tires, snoi less interior. Here is real value in a clean car *<:*.:» r» C C C Guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co.. I‘.’”*3 \'*'nd st. li.w. Natl. Ooen Sun. and eve. DODGE i !*:*.♦» de luxe sedan: beautiful con dition: radio, heater; sacrifice. terms. Mr P-oer. J ; :t«» R. _I n « _ _ * DODGE l!l.'i5 4-dr. touring sedan. Save on upkeep as well as purchase price. Here is real economy in fine transportation. Smart black finish. 1 !*:?!♦ trade-ins force us to sacrifice this fine -car. H. B. Leary, Jr.. A: Bros.. 1.TJ1 14th st. n.w._ Pot. 4!*00. DODGE Jr.’-door sedan: excellent float ing power enRine. hydraulic brakes, fine rubber, very clean interior; $4ffT. Lee D. Butler. Inc., Jlk’l *Jlst st. n w. District I *> 1 s. Open evenings._ _ _ DODGE 1SWH ”-door de luxe trunk sedan. This car. driven by ONE owner, has exceptionally low mileage. The black finish is perfect and the performance, economy and dependability are unques tioned Our ‘ Trew Value” guarantee is vour protection. Your car is probably more than the down payment necessary—if it is terms will be less than $”!! monthly, and you pay nothing until next year. The Trew Motor Co. l.V’fi 3 4th st. n.W. or 3 4th and Pa ave. s c. j FORD 1 !».*{«> V-.s trunk Tudor sedan; in excellent mechanical condition. Your choice of black or blue color. All good tires up holstery immaculate. Large trade allow ance and long terms. Choice at $•”">!*. Call R. W. Thompson. Natl. Rili & Tib bitts. 1114 Vermont ave._n.w_._ FORD !!»:?; r»o Tudor sedan, unusual con dition looks like new. little used: sacrifice. Col. filHU-M. Dealer. FORD 19:17 tourine snail your iii.i.i Ford and *240 will purchase this fine car that's in excellent condition mechanically and in appearance Lee D Butler. Inc.. 1121 21st n.w District 121X.__ FORD 1 h.'tti V-X Tudor. We have two of these cars one blue and one black both have been thoroughly reconditioned and are in tiptop shape. Good tires, good bat teries and ready for winter driving. Your choice at *329. Long, easy terms on bal ance. Call Mr. Blessing. Natl. 9X5(1. Hill k Tibbitts. JJ14 Vermont ave. n.w._ FORD 193(1 convertible coupe, black, new sport too. radio, beater rumble seat. Price. *419 Warfield Motor Co.. Ford-Llneoln Zephyr dealers ibranch). 1707 14th at. a w. Adams 8000. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE._ FORD lO.'td de luxe coupe: perfect. See dealer. Mr. Flood. 4*:?!1 Connecticut. Clev. 8401._ _ FORD 10.14 Tudor, good paint, clean In terior excellent tires, motor smooth and powerful; a real bargain at only $175. Call Mr. Blessing. Natl. 11850. Hill & Tibbitts^l 114 Vermont ave. n.w._ FORD lO.'H coupe black, wlii’e wheels, all good tires, reconditioned Motor: $180. Warfield Motor Co. Ford-l ncoln-Zeohyr dealers (branch). 1707 J Uh st. n.w. Adams 8000 FORD 10.17 Tudor touring sedan: excellent and economical V-8 motor fine rubber: very clean Your JO.'ifi Ford and $10.80 will by this outstanding P,( HID Lee D. Butler. Inc., lr.’l *JJst n.w. District 1«18. Open evenings. FORD l!K«7 Tudor: built-in trunk space: gray finish: spotlessly clean and performs satisfyingly: tires ej|tellent $.’J'55: liktd Tudor, black finish and bedford cloth inte rior verv clean: splendid V-8 motor: f> fine tires. JH'JT.V J convertible coupe: excel lent top and tires, rumble seat; sound me chanical condition pleasing appearance, Slot). Written .’to-day guarantee with each. Hammond Motors. 0000 Wisconsin ave. Wis. 0550. FORD JO.'tO de luxe conv. s-dan <built-in trunk!, radio and heater, otjginal Wash ington blue finish beautiful condition, ex cellent top. spotless leather interior, per fect tires and a completely reconditioned motor: original cost over *1 ooo: our price less than half at only $4H5 liberal trade; easy terms: fully guaranteed. Coast-In. Inc 4th and Fla ave. n e. Atlantic i‘JOd. Open eves and Sun. _ FORD 1004 Tudor. $105 due Finance Co. Small down payment. Set* Mr. Henderson. Finance Co.. T.’nd and N Ms. n.w. Dist. 8087. FORD 1005 Tudor; beautiful condition: radio, heater: pnlv $\! I 7 >17 cash. *15 mo._Roper._l7.‘lo R. I li e. _* . FORD l!W7 de luxe club coupe: Just like new; radio, heater: sacrifice. *47 5. Mr. Roper. 17.50 R I. n.e _ _* FORD lO.’J.J 4-cyl. roadster, new top. side curtains, heater, clock, etc. Reconditioned, quiet motor, sparkling finish, compare our down payment of only *7. Al's Motors. ;»0-.’4 Wilson blvd . Arlington. Va. Walnut h’.MMI. FORD rumble-seat coupe fin*.* running car. lots of good truiiiportat jot lor only down. Al’s Motors. Inc.. I Wilson b!\d.. Arlington. Va. Walnut 8’.’!»o. FORD Ri.ll Tudor: very good condition; *;. 1 cash. Adams .’■1855. _ j FORD 1 de luxe Fordoi trunk sedan. Original black finish, powerful V-8 recon ditioned motor. Practically new tires all around. Truly a bargain ht this price. *:IN}|. Call It. W. Thompson. Natl. !»8.iU. Hill Ac Tibbitts. 1111 Vermont ave. n.w. _ , FORD 1 !*.58 Fordor. «'•«» horsepower, black, used 1 1 ,(M»(! miles one man s loss is an other's gain. This car was surrendered because of financial difficulties and is a bargain at *R*5: no trade. Warfield Motor Co F’ord-Lincoln-Zephvr dealers ibranchi. 17»»7 14th si. n.w Adams MUM! _ FORD Tudor: driven j•‘HMMi miles; perfect, original black finish spotless mo hair upholstery: trillv an .xceptional car and our low I!»:!!» price makes it an out standing value: unconditionally giiaian teed only M u!l down Triangle Motors, new location. J401 Rnode Island ave. n.e. Dec. ti.'hui. FORD I Tudor. This car has been thoroughly checked and w:'l give some one many miles of economical transportation. Low down payment can b»- an aimed Priced at onlv >1 l!». Call R. W Thompson. Natl. :iV»<i. Hill A: Tibbitts, J114 Vermont ave. n.w. _ FORD 1 !»;!.'• de luxe Tudor with trunk: black finish, dean whipcord upholstery: built-in Motorola radio unconditionally guaranteed: only V.’.o down and VI per week Triangle Motor'-, new' location. 1401 R. I ave. n e Dec. t. son. FORD i!*:{7 Tudor; original blue finish, mohair upholstery, excellent tires. has heater and built-in Motorola radio, car is winterized and un«onditlona’.lv guaranteed. Your 1 car anti oiil> Mi "»!* »>er month btus this * xceptional car T:.angle Motors, new location. J4ol R. I ave. n.e. Dec. r»;joo FORD 1 li.Ti de luxe 1-ortior trunk sedan maroon finish like brand-new. low actual mileage equipped w:'h radio, heatei and blower. Large allowance on your car m trade and long, easy t nils on balance. Call Warren Sanders Nall. Hill A: Tibbitts 1114 Vermont sue nw. FORD 1 !•:**» coupe dandy motor, good rub ber excellent transportation lot only M!*."». Lee D. Butler. Itu I 11 *: 1M n.w. Divrirt VMS Open eveunt.v FORD 1 * *: J 4 sedan1 must sell for unpaid balance. VI 1 !♦. term . Mr. Roper. iDiO RIne FORD l!».Ti Fordo: tourn g .edan You 11 shop long to equal this \alue a; onlv vui;». Excellent black Uni.--h. ru«,v and looks fine. !!•;{!» trade-ins force us to sacrifice De fine car. H. B Leary. Jr Ac Bios.. 1 1 1 4 r h s', n.w Po.omac 4 to hi. FORD 1 standard sedan, new tires, engine completely overhauled. Phone District 4 DM B: 14 FORDS I !#:«."* de luxe Tudor-. We have on hand 5 of these car' all have been through our shop, put in tiptop mechani cal condition. Some have new tires and new paint iobc. All ar*' guaranteed to be real bargains at this price. Your choice at onlv v.’.TY If you have a 1!»T’ or It'd;: Ford to trade we will give you top allow ance and arrange terms to suit you on balance. Call Warren Sanders Natl. uVoO. Hill A Tibbrts. 1114 Vermont a\e. nw __ GRAHAM lMlifi sedan O K motor, very good pa.nt. fin rubber very clean splendid car for only Vhti. Lee D. Butirr. Inc., l i Ml -list st. n.w. District T.’I V Op< n ev enines. LA SALLE 1 s»:i7 V-s club coupe, b wneeis. white sid v. alls, very clean, owner must sacr.flce. >!»!*.’>. North n!*7.Y *.*o* _ LA SALLE 1J» »h 5-Da.ssengrr touring sedan: excellent black, paint all good tires, spo' le.-s interior Yh:s CadMlac-bui't_ car is certainly remarkable value at *.*♦!*."». C. C C Guaranty. Cannoi Cadillac Co. •: :nri st. n.w. Natl. Onen Sun. and ev . LA SALLE Jh.:; trunk sedan, beautiful ^rc.-n finish radio and heater: low mile age should appeal in ever' detail to the person cie.-irine to own _ a fine Car at a moderate price, now *7 7 5 Warfield Motor Co. Forri-Lincoln-Zenhvr dealers (branch*. J 7 <*7 1 4 rh M n w Adam> *<»(">. LA SALLE 1 f»:::i 5-passenger sedan: exrel i;*ni black Point, b wire wheels, trunk ack A i lean c ar that i • )>r \>-nt > remarkable \aim* at *!!».“». C C. C Guaranty. C * i o. Cadillac Co. 1 '.’■.’ml st. n.w. N . ::::•*(* Open Sun and rve. LINCOLN 1 J*::» limousine black, good con cu*i, ,n *!*.'•, Warfield Motor Co. Ford Liipoln-Zeohyr dealers. *:r» Sherman ave. n w Adams .*(•(*»• LINCOLN-ZEPHYR I!*:, coupi black, low mileage perfect. S(i47. Set dealer. Mr. Flood. 4*?\’ I Connecticu*. C iev M'H . LINCOLN-ZEPHYR ih.l.S sedan unusually attractive garnet finish, white wall lire.-, companv cat drive this l -cylinder before you buy any new car m the medium priced field and be convinced that n is the .style leader: that one set of tire? wn. run *.’*i (too to .'{(*.ouo mile.' and that we guarantee 14 to I* miles to the gallon of ga* We offer tin car a? an outstanding value at *1 1*5 Lincoln-Zephyr Dial rib uiot. Adams MMMi. Warfield Motor Com pany branch. I 7«*7 14th st. n.w. LINCOLN-ZEPHYR 1!»:*.7 sedan, roomy and comfortable for six Da-.seiue: ■: smooth, powerful economical motoi new-car finish and condit on* 14 to 1* miles to the gallon guaranteed: your opportunity to own a car that is in keeoim with practically all of tin* 1 !♦:::♦ models at hii unusually attrac tive price: *745. Wa: field Motor Co . Ford Lii:coin-Zei)hvr dealers (branch*. 17(>7 J llh st n v Adams *<mmi LINCOLN-ZEPHYR J !*•*»“ M ilan, roomy rt pa.-seugi 1. beaut iful green finish, tires like new. radio, heater and blower unusually low mileage: trade your 1 !*::*; Ford. Chev rolet. Olds or Pontiac sedan and pay us monthly. What, a deal. Call Mr. Blessing. Natl. 08.70. llili & libbitts. 1114 Vermont ave. n.w. LINCOLN-ZEPHYR lh.t; sedan, roomy t» passenger. low mileage, one owner uiame on request!, like new mechanically and m appearance, radio, heater and white sidewall tires; reduced to *741; Butler Bonded Lee D. Butler. Inc., l I ** I 221st n.w. District 1*118. Open evenings NASH 1!».'{.'» de luxe four-door sedan: $.*t.*tr»: perfect. See dealer Mr. Flood. 4*2*21 Conn _Clev. 8401. _ _ _ OLDSMOBILE 1 !#-*{#» de luxe ‘.’-door trunk sedan. d-cylinder: gun-metal finish, excel lent motor, verv good rubber, snot less in terior: one owner. Special today. *.T15. Kearnev. f>oi:i Conn, ave 18* OLDSMOBILE 19.44 touring sedan: built in trunk: knee action, hydraulic brakes; smooth, efficient motor. fine tires, vtrv clean and sound throughout, black finish: heater. Written 40-da.v guarantee: .V2*2.». Hammond Motors. 0900 Wisconsin ave. Wis tSo.*iO _ _ • _ OLDSMOBILE 1 947 8-cylmder coupe: beau tiful Pacific sea green finish, driven only 9.700 miles: a perfect car: ideal for docor This car can't be duplicated at this price. 8.79.V Leo Rocca Branch New York and Florida aves. n.e. Metropolitan H,)»l*.’. Phone us for houir demonstration. OLDSMOBILE 1991 4-door trunk de luxe sedan, beautiful maroon finish, t tires that are like brand-new. hydraulic brakes, low mileage, unusually clean interior. Large trade allowance on your car and terms to suit your income. Bargain price today. Call Mr. Blessing. Natl. 98.70. Hill Tibbitts._ J I 14_Vermont ave. n.w._ OLDSMOBILE ‘2-door sedan, like new. Reas, offer considered. Original owjper. Excellent for Southern trip. Phone Decatur *271)1-J. __ OLDSMOBILE 1990 t;-cyl. touring sedan, a one-owner car. exceptionally low mileage, appearance and performance above average, radio: an ideal used car 1or only $497. Al's Motors. Inc.. 219:24 Wilson blvd., Arlington. Va. Walnut 8*200. OLDSMOBILE 1 030 5-passenger 3-door touring sedan. 6-cylinder; large trunk, gray paint, spotless interior; all Rood tires and a splendid motor. *135. C. C. C. Guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co. 1333 33nd st. n.w. Natl. 3300 Open Sun and eve.__ OLDSMOBILE 1030 5-passenger 2-door I touring sedan X-cylinder; large trunk, the ; original blu*1 finish Is perlect. Spotless in i tenor, excellt-iu tires. Here is surely ft clean car: *445. C C C. Guaranty. Capi tol Cadillac Cm.. 1333 33nd st. n.w. Natl. 3300._Open Sun. and eve. OLDSMOBILE 1037 coupe, six. black, radio. 15.(MM) miles bv one owner: an excellent value. *«;x.» Warfield Motor Co.. Ford Lincoln-Zephvr dealers (branch). 1707 14th st. n.w. Adams XOOo. PACKARD 1030 model 130-B convertible sedan: new top. new paint, very smart looking car that you will be proud to own and drive: in excellent condition meehani ! cally and in appearance; *735. PACKARD. | 34th and N sts. n.w. Republic 0145.__ PACKARD 1037 model 130-C sedan: gun metal: low mileage: one owner: fine motor; very clean: readv for safe winter driving: reduced to *845 PACKARD. 24th and N sts._n. w._Republic 0145.___ PACKARD ] 035 convertible couoe. model 120; smart appearance, happens to be a car that was well cared for and not used a great deal; careful inspection will con vince you that it is an outstanding value: ?4*.S. Warfield Motor Co. Ford-Lincoln Zeohyr dealers 'branch). 1707 14th st. n.w. Adams 9000. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE._ PACKARD 3OR7 model T30-C touring se dan: black finish: heater; one owner; low mileage: truly a fine car. reduced to $075. PACKARD, ^4th and N sts. n.w. Republic 0145.___ _ PACKARD 10RK club convertible six cylinder. black, used .1 005 miles bv prom inent member diplomatic corps: $*05. War field Motor Co, Ford-Lincoln-Zephvr deal ers (branch), 1UI7 J4th st. n.w. Adams kooo __ _ PACKARD IOC convertible coupe. 1‘fo-C: excellent green paint green leather uphol stery. all good tires. This is surelv a fine clean car: $075. C C C. Guaranty. Cap itol Cadillac Co.. 1 ‘I'l'l T.'nd st. n.w. Natl. RROO. Open Sun and eve. PACKARD J0R5 model r.’o. beautiful Brewster green finish condition and ap pearance of this car is above average. Low mileage. A genuine bargain at $4R0. Sehlegel a- Golden Dodge-Plymc*th dealers, •i.t.t Carroll st.. Takoma D. C. Geo. !*50!». PACKARD 1 !*.{.“) 5-passejiger sedan, model T.’oo. This is surely a beautiful car. All original paint and equipment : black finish and low mileage; $545. C C. C Guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co. 1 T.’nd si. n.w. Natl, ri.'too. Open Sun. and eve. PACKARD 1!).'{() five-passenger sedun. Tills is not a worn-out automobile but a nice looking clean car that, runs good and will give a comfortable, safe ride. Only *!)5. Warfield Motor Co.. Foi d-Lincoln-Zephvr dealers. 55 Sherman ave n.w. Adams 8000 PACKARD 3 S»:ti5 7-passenger Imperial, model Idol. Black finish d disc wheels, lender wells, radio Here is really a hew car in appearand- and condition. The mile age is low: c C. C Guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co . I *!*»*.• \’\*nd .st. n.w. Nail. .'.'{on. Open Sun. and eve. PACKARD 1*»:57 5-passenver -I-door tour ing sedan. I\*U-C blue finish all good tires, spotless interior and a splendid mo tor. You cannot find value like this else where in a clean car. Priced for flays only at #d4fi C c C Guaraniv. Capi tol Cadillac Co. I *.**.'*’ ml st. n.w. Natl. :t:;nn Open Sun. and eve. PACKARD fi-passenger touring sedan, model ldd|: d disc wheels, large trunk, black fini h: additional opera seat: trunk rack radio and heater This is one of these unusujt1 cars. It certainly is priced low at * I C C C Gllaraht \. Capi tol Cadillac Co. •.'hid st. n.w. Natl. •T‘»Oil Open Sun and e\e. PACKARD 1!»:S7 H-passenver ‘.’-door tour log sedan d-cv!ihder Black paim ■ line, clean upholstery. All • ood tire-, and a splendid motor. Our price certain'- Is n-'ht on this car- c C o Guar anty. Capitol Cadillac C •.'•.’nd M. i. w Nat! .TP'i) Op-n Sun and * ve PACKARD 1 Pdt; model I'.'n-H sedan! P lews ter green: fuse conch:-on mechan: caliv and in appearance- rcativ for safe winter driving; low price at " l!»:» PACK ARD. ‘M t h and N sis. n w Republic nH.'.. PLYMOUTH 1P.57 touring sedan: blue fin ish: low mileage- one owner: excellent float in*-power en*ipe hydraulic brakes; very clean, economic. ] family car w:',. PACKARD. ** 11h and N sts. n.w. Republic PLYMOUTH 1 M.'.T coupe de luxe: S4fiS: perfect See dealer. Mr. Flood. -ITil Con nertifut (’lev hbil PLYMOUTH 1 !»1«; 4-door trunk sedan: gun-metal finish, low mileage one owner: Very cleat ' special todav. *:{!»%: terms keurnev r.nir, Conn, ave _ l *• PLYMOUTH 1 fi::T 4-door touring sedan: i..dlo and heater: factory finish Jn Run me a:: littl- mile-.u *• by original owner: nearly new *4 7.%: 1 f♦ :7 ’.’-door trunk sedan: built -m radio: hot-water hea‘er: wh.'e sidewall fin-" black finish: appears n* v. and runs beaut ifully They have hy draulic brake.". Wrt’ten .'50-day guarantee: % 1 . %. Hammond Motors. 0!M»o Wisconsin ave. Wisconsin t*.%%o • PLYMOUTH sedan: looks, runs fine: sacrifice. *!.'»!* terms *.5o cash. *11 month R mer 17 :<» R I n e • PLYMOUTH ! !»:;•; de luxe road'-r finest condition: all new tires .sacrifice- ■*■11*. Mi Roper, l 7 fin R T n e • PLYMOUTH '?» de lux?* coupe; its perfect pei forming motor has been thoroughly checked: hydraulic brake: Moravn n tan finish; radio don'' w.<it. call u- for home demons’rat ion todav •'.57%: or.’v **"*;down, balance v_* 5 I 1 a month L-u Roc c a Inc . Branch. ].'»!* Penna. ave. A'lsmtic PLYMOUTH I fi-door touring sedan" gun-metal gray finish, cui.-inai pain: and tires one owner Ipw m.have and pric'd right at Sch'egel <Y oolrien Doov - Plymouth dealer.- Carroll s: la near, a I) c ( *•%»;!• PLYMOUTH 1 !•;:»; de luxe i: g sedan '•xc**llent float itn-power cnc :n» hyri;aufic brakes good rubber. fine appearance throuKhotr reduced to Butler Bonded Lee D Butler Inc 1 1 *: 1 n w I>:s'rieu l’l* Op»ui even.:.-.' FRANK SMALL, Jr. THE HOME OF “Guaranteed Uaed Cara” Today’, Special 1<1X7 I'ORI) Tt’DOK SliDAN $395 Oar **ed can arc told with a ttrartg 30-dav guarantee. Sac iit firct? 2(5 Pa. Ave. S.E. Line. *2077 Open Eve*. Peak Performance —something you con be sure of when driving one of our cars. You can easily SEE their beauty—but only a demonstra tion con prove their mechanical quality. Added to these features is a surprising economy of price and maintenance. Buy now while PRICES are LOWER BCICK l!»::s Sedan. U](Q , Trunk. Blaek bcick net: snort. Coupe. •! wheels. ^ BCICK l»:f! I'dinslV W««", Convert. Sedan BITCH ltd: Coaelc Trunk Spare BUCK inti:. Sedan” W‘Mlt Blaek. ■■ill" «"»♦»«*»* BCIC K I ted C abriolet. £| Very smart ■ ■ 9W9W 1936 Buiek Sedan $£ "tireeS fflSK pleasintr appearance and line mechanical order, good nil lnt. knee action, hy- ||CA draulics. Drastically d*twU reduced to ^ CHEVROLET 1»:I7 Coach. Black, clean »~ * * ** CHEVROLET !!»:'. I Vnass. Coupe. Sound • ’ * *y CHRYSLER IM.17 Sedan. Like ne» DODGE IIKMI Trunk }<44S ‘•-Door Sedan ’’ ■ w9m FORI> Ih’G Sedan. mark. A-1t OLDSMOBII.E ’:il Sedan. (Slot Real buy ** ■ 60 OTHER BARGAINS Emerson ft Orme "HOME OF THE BUICK" 17th & M Sts. N.W. Dirt. SI00 Open Evening. _AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE._I PLYMOUTH lO.'tS de luxe trunk sedan; original Mack finish, spotless upholstery, low mileage excellent tires. A perfect per forming motor, hydraulic brakes. Large trade allowance on your old car and easy terms. Bargain at $.*145. Call Warren Sanders. Natl. PH50. Hill Ac Tibbitts, JI14 Vermont ave._n.w._ PLYMOUTH de luxe 4-door touring sedan: lustrous jet-black finish, spotless mohair upholstery very low mileage, ex cellent 4ires and perfect motor: truly a car that snows exceptional care: fully guaran teed: liberal trade and terms: priced right ht onlv $540. Coast-In, Inc.. 4th and Fla. ave n.f All. T*foo. Open eves and Sun. PLYMOUTH 1 !*:{•» 4-dr. touring sedan, radio. ! a truly car that has benefited by unusual care, black finish and upholstery just, lik•• new W»* have serviced it since new and n is perfect mechanically, very low mileage. Compare car and price at *405 loin's Bargain Center, J st and N. Y. ave n.e. Met. Pl«l. __ PLYMOUTH 1 de luxe 4-dr. touring sedan, la ho. heater. This isn't a salesman's car or a car used for business. Used by one family jince new. Original gun metal finish, upholstery spotless, guaran teed pe fleet mechanically reduced to Tom’s Bargain Center. 1st and N. Y. ave. n e. Met. HUH. PLYMOUTH I !»:s4 \!-door and I !».'{•> 4-door. Sma'l down payment, take over notes due. See Mr. Cannon Finance Co., *,!*!nd and N sts. u w. District KtJKT. PLYMOUTH IP.'iT 4-dr. touring sedan. Practically new with low mileage, can't be beat for a bargain, radio equipped 1 trade-ins force us to sacrifice this fine car. Hurry. II 13. Leary. Jr. Ac Bros., l.T.’l 14th >.t. n w. Potomac 4!mm». PLYMOUTH 1 !•;{.{ p. u. coach Economy in tht* popular model. You'll shop far and loin 1.0 equal this value 1 !«.'{!* trade ins, force Us to sacrifice fills fine car. 11. B Leary. Jr., <"k Bros , i.T.’l J4th M. n.w. Potomac 4‘nm. PLYMOUT H J !#;<•; de luxe 4-dr. touriny -edan. One of tlje most popular cars Plymouth ever produced. Sinai t y un-metal finish, built-in trunk, a real value I !»:$!» trade-in: force Us to sacrifice this fine car. H B I.- cry. Jr., .V: Bros , J.T.’l J Ith M. n.w. Potomac 4!Hio. PLYMOUTH Until de luxe '.’-dr. touriny sedan. In smart black finish, runs and looks fine. A real value. 1 !*.'.!• trade-ms force to sacrifice this fine car. H. B. Lea i y. Jr. A Bros., I.T.’l J4th t>l. n.w. Potojn •' Itinn. PLYMOU TH 1 !*::•; de luxe town sedan. ] built-iu trunk quo ! motor, «ood tires, clean 1 intern : excelleur Jini-h. Nowln re in ’he J city can you match ’his car at our low. \ Hones1 Price of >:t«0. Money-savin* Genera! Motors terms. Owens Motor Co.. ikfLl C.a ave. PONTIAC 1 hits convertible coupe <i-cyh: tray never sold, used 4nO miles: perfect bargain See dealer Mr, Flood, 4,.’•., 1 Connecticut. Clev. MnJ. _AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. PONTIAC 193? de lux* coup*. 6-cyl : *486. j perfect See dealer. Mr. Flood. 4MMl Conn. Clev. 8401. __ PONTIAC 1937 "8” convertible coupe: j beautiful red finish: new top. seat covers. ! radio and heater, white sidewall tires: 1 very sporty and attractive car that’s ex- j cellent in every detail: $075. PACKARD. '.’4th and N sts. n w. Republic 0145. PONTIAC 1934 roach' excellent condition , every wav: private owner: $185 or best | offer. 1440 Meridian pi nw. Apt. 33. PONTIAC 1936 4-door. H-cylinder touring .vdan: green finish, dual accessory group: | custom built-in radio and heater, new-car ; transportation at a ridiculously low used car price $485. Leo Rocca Inc . Branch. New York and Florida aves. n e. Metro politan 956M. Phone us for home demon- ; st rat ion PONTIAC 1931 sedan: new paint, new tir**s. j new seat covers: runs fine and it's clean. ; Plenty of satisfying unused mileage at a .small price: SIM5. Written 30-day cuaran- ; tee. Hammond Motors. 6900 Wisconsin j ave. Wis. 6550. _•_j PONTIAC i 931 '.’-dour sedan. 6-cvlinder. [ perfect radio original owner; sacrifice. ! *495 Woodlev 0SM3 PONTIAC 1935 convertible coupe: $194. See dealer Mr. Flood. 4MM1 Connecticut.! Clev. 84 01.___ PONTIAC '*8'’ touring coach: beau tiful green flni.h: heater: low mileage: new-car appearance and performance; one owner a fine cai reduced to *)>.t5. PACK ARD. ‘Mih and N sir. n.w. Republic !) 145. PONTIAC 1 !>.'{? 4-door touring sedan, radio ! and heater; low mileage: like new mechani cally and m appearance; Butler Bonded: Lee D. Butler. Inc. 1 1 1 "1st n.w. District I" IS Open evenings. PONTIAC lf#:M sport coupe with rumble seat: >l8t}: period. See Mr Flood, dealer. ) 4"" I Connedicut. Clev. 84D1. STUDEBAKER Dictator *‘h" converti ble coupe: new flni.h and top; rumble seat, leather upholstery: flue mechanical order: good rubber Idea! personal or business | car. Written .in-day guarantee fr"J5. Hammond Motors. t»J)00 Wisconsin ave. Win. n. _ _ * _ STUDEBAKER lfh*<7 Dictator cruising se- , dan. low nnleag*. one owner, new -car ap pearance arid performance, reduced to . Butler Bonded. Lee D Butler. Inc.. 11"! ‘.’1st n.w. District ]"18. Open eve nings and Sunday?-. STUDEBAKER I !*?{'» custom .sedan, dandy ino'or very good rubber, economical lamily car. reduced to >"!♦!; truly a bargain. Lee D. Butler. Inc.. 1 1" 1 "1st n.w. District l"ls Open evenings and Sundays. STUDEBAKER 1 !♦.'{."» Dictator cruising ee dan. large trunk O. K. motor, good rubber, very clean: low price a? Lee D. Butler Inc.. 11"! "1st n.w. District J"l'». Open evenings TERRAPLANE 1!».:1 two-door sedan, fl-cyl : perfect: sir,', See dealer Mr. Flood. 4"" 1 Connecticut. Clev. 84ul. / THESE BUICKS Car No. Year 539 '37 544 '37 533 '37 474 '36 596 '37 579 '36 611 '36 617 '36 Model tl Special 1-Door Trunk Sedan Model Special Ope^.i seat Coupe. Radio, white side* tires. Model 1*»-C Special Conv. I Door Sedan. Model | C entury 1-Door Trunk Sedan. Model 17 Special I-Door Sedan. Built-in Comfort. .Model CiC.-S Coupe; rumble seat fi w heel* Model II Special 1-Door Trunk Sedan; fi wheel*. Model XI Roadma*ter, fi ll heel. I-Door. Trunk. Wo» New $775' $735 $795 $765 $895 $845 $645 l $595 $745 I $725 $665 $625 $575 I $545 $645 $625 20 Other Buicks for Your Selection and 50 Other Makes and Models STANLEY H. HORNER, Inc. Buick Dealer for Over 25 Yeart nil I4lh N.W. Open Evenings AUTOMOIILIS FOR SALK. WILLYS 1P3A d* luxe 4-doorSrunk sedan: healer etc.; driven only 4.000 mllei: «»erl» nee. vino Owner. Col. 807ft._Deiler. WILLYS de luxe coupe, like new, low mile aee. economical operetlon. owner* report 30 miles per gallon. A fine cer redueed to *•'»«* • Butler Bonded Lee D Butler. Inc.. 1131 3lst n.» District ISIS, open eve nings and Sundays ZEPHYR demnnstratora. 10.'lH. aa much ee $4on off. Ser Mr. Taylor, sales manager. Northwest Motor Co. 6130 Wisconsin ave. Wisconsin 30 4._ WASH AUTO TRADE AS«N "uniform used motor vehicle warranty insures against hiah cost of repairs. IF YOU CAN PAY $20 per month and h«v§ a car to trad* regardless of year or condi tion. I can put you Into a modern, up-to minute reconditioned and guaranteed JPrtA Ford sedan. See me at once. Warren Sanders. Hill Tibbitr*. Inc . 1114 Vermont ave.. or call National .0850. WASH AUTO TRADE ASSN. unTfoTm used motor vehicle warranty. Get one when you buy._ PRIVATE OWNER will aell on terms either Ih.'lH Chrysler c-8 Alrstream sedan, radio heater, overdrive fine condition. 2P.O00 actual; Ford club cabriolet. 4 >00 miles, spotle* radio, dove gray, white-wall tires. Jackson l_8t>« WASH. AUTO. TRADE AS8 N. uniform used motor vehicle warranty protect* you and saves money. PQNTIACS 19.'IT Pontiac "8” 4-Door (SOB Tou'in* Sedans *099 19ST Pontiac “S" -’-Door CROC Too . in* Sedans 9999 1938 Pon'lie •'*•• 4-Door C47R Ton • in* Sedans 9919 1938 Pop iac "8” -'-Door CJ4C Toiuin* Sedans 99**9 1938 Pin-iiac “8’* 4-Door $445 1936 Pon'iac *‘6'* ?-Door Ton'inf Sedans 1935 Poniiac "6” 2-Qnor f QOC Sed*na 90CQ CHEVROLETS 1937 Chevrolet Master Tnvrn Sedans 1934. Chevrolet I-Door #j|3C Touring Sedan _ 1931* Chevrolet fOIC Tmrn Sedans _ IQ 1939 Chevrolet %-Door f 4ftC SHsn . 9vQtf 1935 Chevrolet 4-Door . $345 1934 Chevrolet 4-Door _ $175 OLDSMOBILES 1937 Old< “ft” 1 -Door £535 T*urinf Sedan*-- *Vli¥ 193ft Old* “ft * £iiK Coupe _ l9M ss:„ '-'D~r_ S365 1933 Old* “ft” 4-Doer £375 lourinr Sedan*- w 1934 Old* “ft” 4-Door £9£K lourint Sedan* PLYMOUTHS 1937 Plymouth 4-Door louring Sedan - 9949 1937 Plymouth 2-Door #4QK louring Sedan _ 9*999 1936 Plymouth I-Door (J4C Touring Sedan _ 1936 Plymouth 2-Door €OAR louring Sedans _ 9999 1935 Plymouth 2-Door 99QR louring Sedan #499 L P. STEUART fc 1325 14th i.W. Dec. 4800 * Open Tnrfny ★ NEXT TO A NEW CAR A CHERNERIZED CAR IS BEST ★ TRADES POUR IN ON NEW 1939 LINCOLN-ZEPHYR, MERCURY, FORD to give you a greater variety of GHERNERIIED SAFE for Winter Driving! g Give your family the safety of Chernerized K protection during the treacherous weather ggj^^ just around the corner. You need depend- ie ability most when the weather worst ! Drive a Chernerized Car. || 1 ’37 OLDS. Touring Coupe, Radio ’37 Buick Model'64 2-dr. Sedan, Radio 1937 Ford De Luxe 8389 T udor ^**^*^*^ 1937 Ford De Luxe 8489 Tudor Touring 1937 Plymouth Touring 8549 Sedan _jP 1936 Ford Tudor $319 1936 Ford Tudor Trunk $359 1936 Ford Fordor De Luxe $415 1935 Ford Tudor $239 ISLM . $259 $269 1935 Ford De Luxe Fordor MIQ Touring ™ 1935 Packard 120 $429 1934 Graham $239 TWO 1938 FORD V-8 DEMONSTRATORS $150to$250off Tudort, De Luxe Tudora, De Luxe Fordora 1781 FLORIDA ® AVENUE N.W. Branch: Conn, A Nebratha Avow. N.W,-—NOrth 8565 Only Uncle Joe Gives These 30 Exclusive CHERNERIZING OPERATIONS • 1—Body and chassis washed and cleaned, -\ • **—Motor cleaned. Grease and oil removed from power plant. V • 3—Inspection by Service Super visor for necessary repairs. V • 4—Reconditioning of motor; necessary replacements made. V • .1—Transmission tested, neces sary repairs made. V • ft—Rear axle construction in spected. necessary replacements made. \ • 7—Front construction inspected; worn parts replaced and thor oughly tightened up. V • 8—Steering construction check ed; adjustments or replacements made. V • —Wiring inspected for bad connections, etc. \ • 10—Wheels removed: necessary replacements of bearings, wash ers. etc. V • 11—Brakes inspected; linings replaced if necessary. \ • 1‘i—Inspection for necessary bodv and fender repairs. V • 13—Paint examined, reflnlshed where necessary. V • I I—Roof or top examined, leaks repaired or new materials In stalled. \ • 1.1—Roof or top re-dressed. V • I ft—Glass examined and re placed where chipped or cracked. > / • 17—Upholstery cleaned. re paired where necessary er ma terials replaced, a • 18—Chassis and all back can ning gear painted. V • 19—Bulbs, reflectors or lenses replaced where necessary. V • *»0—Windshield wipers inspect ed. necessary repairs or replace ment* made. \ • •;l—Bumpers inspected, bent er broken units replaced, a' • Ti—Tires inspected; replace ments made where necessarf • •»:*—Car thoroughly lubricated and springs sprayed, v • *;i—Crank case drained, flushed ;<nd refilled with fresh oil. V • •».%— Radiator inspected, cleaned nut or repaired as necessary, a • '!rt—Body bolts checked and tightened. \ • *»7—Battery tested; connections checked or replaced; new bat tery installed if necessary. V • *»H—Body and fenders cleaned and Simonited exnertly. V • **9—Road-tested to cheek per formance. V • :iO—Last, but not leaat. our guarantee goes with rrery Chernerized car. V