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Church of Epiphany Plans Communion For Young People Diocese of Washington To Send Delegates to 8 O'Clock Service Services at the Church of the Epiphany tomorrow will begin with a corporate communion at 8 o'clock for the Young People's Fellowship of the Diocese of Washington. At 11 o'clock there will be morning prayer, litany and sermon by the Rev. Dr. Z. B. Phillips. The special theme of the sermon tomorrow, "The Consideration of Idolatry as One of the Most Dangerous Things in Our Modern Life.” This is the eighth sermon in the series on "The Opportunities of Life in Our Present Day Civilization.” The Young People's Fellowship will meet at 6:30 p.m. At 8 p.m. there will be evening prayer and sermon by the Rev. Mr. Fraser. The special theme of the sermon will be "Forgiveness of Sins.” v This is the final sermon in the series on "The Creeds.” The services on Thanksgiving Day are holy communion at 8 a.m„ morning prayer and sermon by the rector at li o'clock. At this service there will be special music under the direction of Adolf Torovsky. - -• ■ — Christian Endeavor All Christian Endeavorers from the Alumni to the Juniors are re quested to attend the Harry Holmes meeting at New York Avenue Pres byterian Church November 29 at S p.m. He will present a survey of the World Christian Endeavor Convention in Australia. Misses Winn Fluharty and Mar garet Shaw will be hostesses of the lea tomorrow at 6 o'clock by the New York Avenue Christian En deavorers. A meeting will follow at 6:45 p.m., under the leadership of Miss Beulah Williams. The topic will be “Gracious Living.” The Seniors of the Eastern Pres byterian Church will meet tomorrow at. 7 p.m. for a social tea. At 7:45 p m. they will conduct the evening church service. Miss Augusta Kauff man will be in charge. Three Thanksgiving baskets will be pre pared for the needy in the parish. "Gratitude” will be the topic of the Eckington Intermediates tomor row at 7 p.m. The leader will be Miss Jane Miller. The Sunday night discussion group of the Georgetown Presby terian Church will meet tomorrow under the leadership of Albert Col lins. The topic will be "How to Get Money and Keep Friends. "The Co-operative Movement” will be the topic of the Albright Memorial Seniors tomorrow at 7 p.m. Stewart Maida will be the leader. A meeting on social service will be held by the young people of Sherwood Church tomorrow at 7 p.m. Roy Meinzer will be the leader. The Seniors will meet under the leader ship of Miss Betty Koop at 6:45 p.m. The Intermediates will meet in the primary room at 5:30 p.m. “Gracious Living” will be the topic, led by Dick Mattingly. This group will hold a Thanksgiving sunrise service at 6:30 am. Thanksgiving day at the home of the sponsor. Miss Helen Sherwood. The Sixth Presbyterian Union will hold a party on December 2 at Sligo Cabin. The Seniors of Eastern Presby terian will present a play December 6. “Aaron Slick From Punkin Crick.” Money for sponsors of the bill board posters should be in to the local office this week. Joe Turner. 3606 Veazey street N.W.. is handling this display for January. Board meeting of the union will be held Monday at the Federation I of Churches Building. Covenant-First Union has opened Its "Fellowship House.” Thirty-sixth street and Massachusetts avenue N.W., each Tuesday evening for entertainment. Russell Bailey of Covenant-First Is the quiet hour superintendent of the City Union. He will have as his assistants Mrs. Bailey and Mrs. Ross Whitney of New York Avenue Christian Endeavor. The International Society re quests all registrations for the Cleveland Convention of 1939 be made through the local offices. All Christian Endeavor groups giving Thanksgiving baskets may obtain names of needy families from Mrs. Murray or Mrs. Brown of the Federation of Churches. . , , -» St. Peter’s Spiritual. Beginning tomorrow to November 36 at 8 p.m. the Rev. S. G. Franklin will conduct a series of services. Christadelphian Chapel TS* Webster 8t. N.W.i S. S.. 10:00 a.m. Preaching. 11:1ft a.m. Public Invited._ THE WASHINGTON ECCLESIA. S. 8.10:00 a.m. Service. 11:00 a m. 888 Eye St. N.W._Public Invited.^ 3Frtrn&B Friend* Meeting of Washington. (Established 1030—2111 Florida Ave.) Meeting lor Worship First Day (Sunday) at 11 a.m. Sunday school. 9:45 a.m. All Interested are welcome. rUENDS MEETING (ORTHODOX) 13th and Irving Streets N.W. ‘ 8:4R a m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.— fleeting for worship. All welcome._ Sfpfttg &rtPttfg First Divine Science Church Grafton Hotel, Conn. Ave. at De Sales 11 a.m.—Cosmic Consciousness and l’nur Individual Problem." Thurs. 8 p.m.—Thanksgiving Service. REV. G. L. PATCH. Minister. $rutlj &grtiirga A TRUTH CENTER MRS. APPLETON, Leader 1713 K Street N.W. Sun.. 11 a.m—"Thanksgiving." Tues.. 8:1ft—“Security. Wed.. 3 p.m.—"Peace.” Thun.. 8:16—"Healing." Interviews—Tuea. dc Thurs.. 2-5; Wed.. 4-8 p.m, • IlntPgrBdiBt UNIVERSALIST NATIONAL MEMORIAL CHURCH Cor. 18th and 8 Streets N.W. Rev. Frederic W. Perkins. D. D. 10:00 a.m.—Church School and Adult Forum. 11:00 a.m.—Service of Worship. THE CHALLENGE TO AMERICA National Capital Choir. Jessie Msslers. Director. H. Jerome Graham. Organist. rlr • SENATOR M. M. LOGAN. Senator Logan, Back, To Teach Bible Class Senator M. M. Logan of Ken tucky has returned to the city and will teach the Stevenson Bible Class tomorrow morning in Bethany Bap tist Church. He is beginning his seventh year as teacher of the class. The Rev. M. P. German will speak at both morning and evening serv ices. His subjects are “The Narrow ing of Life” and “New Faith De mands New Forms.” The young people will take part in the evening service. The junior church, under the leadership of Mrs. Jaeger, will meet at 11 a m. The union Thanksgiving service of the Bloomingdale churches will be held in Bethany at 10 am. Thursday. Dr, S. B. Daugherty, pastor of the United Brethren Church, will be the speaker. Dr. Smith Will Speak At Foundry Church Dr. Chesteen Smith will preach tomorrow morning in Foundry M. E. Church on “A Dangerous Denial of Spiritual Values.” Dr. Karl W. Deutsch, a Sudeten German, will speak at 8 p.m. on Czechosloakia Yesterday and To- i day.” Dr. Deutsch attended the German University at Prague and was the Sudeten delegate from Czechoslovakia at the recent World Youth Congress, representing the Social Democratic Youth Movement and the Club of All-German Demo cratic Youth. At the Wesley Class meeting, at the home of Mrs. W. L. Irvin. 3336 Quesada street, Tuesday evening, Mrs. Art Brown will review the "Biography of Benjamin Frank lin.” by Carl Van Doren. At 11 o'clock on Thanskiving Day : a service will be held. Dr. Frederick ' Brown Harris, minister. B. Y. P. U. News East Washington Heights—The Stewardship Commission will pre sent the program, under the direc tion of Richard Jenkins. Topic. “Stewardship in Our Daily Life.” A business meeting will be held Saturday evening at the home of Ruth Jenkins. The fifth session of the stewardship study course will be held Sunday at 5:30 p.m. at the home of Ruth Jenkins. Fifth—The program will be under the direction of the Stewardship Commission, led by Alberta Settle. Topic, “What Christ Taught About Last Things.” / Metropolitan—The Service Com mission. led by Walter Sampson, will present a program at 6:30 p.m. on "Expressing Our Gratitude.” Takoma Park—Marjorie Carter will lead the Stewardship Commis sion in presenting a program on "Tithing.” Grace—The Stewardship Com mission. under the direction of Evelyn Unrue. will present the pro gram at 6:45 p.m. Potomac Heights Community. "The Church and the Kingdom of God” will be the theme of the Rev. O. C. Randall tomorrow at 11 a m. Thanksgiving Day services will be held at 10:30 a.m. flJbnrrh nf (Eljrigt 14th St. Church of Christ 3460 14th St. N.W. 10:00 a.m.—Bible Study. 11:00 a.m.—"Follow the Lord.” 8:00 p.m.—Guest Speaker. g>rlf-$Uali2atiott SELF-REALIZATION FELLOWSHIP BRAHMACHARI JOTIN of India Sages of Yore. Sunday, Nov. 20, at 11 A.M. 4748 Westorn Ave. N.W. Between Chesapeake and 49th Sts. pnaitiur (Christianity National (Cljurrli nf floaitiur (Eljrigtiantty Dr. G. F. Fraser. Pastor. 1726 H St. N.W. Sunday. November 30. 11:00 a m—"THE ORIGIN OF RELI GIONS." 8:00 p.m —"THE GREAT SILENCE.” Classes on Wednesday. ALL CLASSES FREE • (Chriatian CHRISTIAN ®ljr -National Qlitg Thomas Circle RAPHAEL H. MILLER, IVAN H. DUGAN, Ministers S):45 a.m.—Bible School. 10:50 a.m.—Morning Worship. "Outgrowing a Sense of God." 7:45 p.m.—"The Fear of Over doing." Sermons both morning and evening by Mr. Dugan. !Nintl| Street 9th A D, Sts. N.E. CLIFFORD H. JOPE. Minister IVM. GEO. ORAM. Assistant 0:30 a.m.—Bible School. ll:OOa.m.—“A Nation Thankful.” 7:45 p.m.—“Meaning of Baptism." Dr. Pratt to Preach On 'Passion for The Impossible' Mount Pleasant Adult Forum Will Hear Ottenberg Talk Dr. D. Butler Pratt will preach at Mount Pleasant Congregational Church tomorrow morning on "The Passion for the Impossible.” In the adult forum at 10 o’clock in the series on living religions Louis Ottenberg will speak on “The Jew in American Society Today.” The discussion group will meet at 6 p.m. Douglas Stephenson, who visited the reformatory at Lorton, Va., this week with a criminology class of American University, will lead the discussion. The 20-40 Club, following supper at 6:30, will conclude its open forum on the question of public utilities I and vote on the Congregational Church economic plebiscite. On Saturday evening, November 26, a "kid party” will be held at the Strong residence, 1011 Seventeenth street. The annual union Thanksgiving service on Thursday at 11 a.m. brings together the churches of the Mount ! Pleasant area at this church. The sermon, "Thankful for What,” will be delivered by Dr. Frederic W. Per kins, minister of the Unlversalist National Memorial Church. --m Dr. Burgan to Preach At Hamline Church "A Night Adventure” will be the subject of Dr. H. W. Burgan at Hamline M. E. Church tomorrow morning. At 8 p.m. the young peo ple will conduct the service. How ard Stingle, president of the Epworth League, will preside. The following will assist: Miss Alice Stockdill, Jack Wilhelm, Earl Hodgdiw, Miss Jane Leitzell, Dwight Ellis, Miss Florence Yeager. Miss Olive Stock dill and Frank Mervine. Prof. Charles H. Omo will be installed as teacher of the Brotherhood Bible Class tomorrow morning. He takes the place of Prof. Theodore B. Man ny. who died a month ago. The Junior High League will be entertained by the Junior League of the Petworth M. E. Church at 6 p.m. At 6:45 the Epworth League will meet. Miss Hazel Robertson will conduct the devotions and James Murray will speak on "The Spirit of Thanksgiving.” On Tuesday night the Hamline Brotherhood will meet at 8 o'clock. Dr. J. C McDowell will speak on ‘‘Some Colonial Thanksgiving Stories, and Kindred Tales.” Elec tion of officers will be held. Thanksgiving services will be held Thursday at 10:30 o'clock. There will be no evening service. On Friday night the Epworth League will sponsor an interna tional party. Games and refresh ments. --•- ■ ■ Miss Utley to Preach Uldine Utley, evangelist, who is on a Thanksgiving tour, will hold service here on Wednesday at the Petworth M. E. Church at 8 p.m. "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” will be the subject of her sermon. __ Wlfite (Crofifl_ White Cross Church of Christ Divine Services Every Sunday. 4 P.M. 1810 Ontario Plaee N.W. Rev. Jane B. Coates, Pastor "How to Overcome AU Difficulties.” Message Seance Follows Church Service. Every Wednesday. Midweek Message and Healing p m Subject Wednesday. “Haunted Houses I Have Visited." A peace blessing given. All Reached. Consultations by Appointment. Col. 6227. • Spiritual &riettrr Church of Spiritual Science Or. Z. A. Wright, Paator. 808 EYE STREET N.W SUNDAY SERVICE—7:30 p.m. ADDRESS by REV. M. MILLS. Mtuwn to all by clergy, Rev. M. Mr Farland, Dr. A. Frederick. Dr. Z. A. Wright, Rev. J. Gray and Rev. M. Milla. Seances. 1/VO N. J. Ave S.E.. Mon.. Wed. and FrL at 8 p.m. Line. 10037 * (gfrrtfltiatt &rirnre Christian Science CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Branches of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ Scientist, Boston, Mats. First Church of Christ Scientist Columbia Rd. and Euclid St. Second Church of Christ Scientist 111 C St. N.E. Third Church of Christ Scientist 13tb and L Sts N.W Fourth Church of Christ Scientist 16th and Meridian N.W. 8UBJECT: “SOUL AND BODY” SERVICES— Sunday. 11 A.M and 8 P.M. Sunday School—11 A.M. WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING— 8 o clock RADIO PROGRAMS SUNDAYS. 3:00 A.M. STATION WJSV. SECOND AND FOURTH FRIDAYS, 12 30 P.M. STATION WRC. READING ROOMS FIRST CHURCH—730 17th St. N.W. Hours 9 to 9 (except Wednesdays, 9 to 7, and Sun days and holidays, 2:30 to 5:30). SECOND CHURCH—111 C St. N.E. Hours. 12 to 5;30 p.m. week days. 2:30 to 5:30 Sun days and holidays. THIRD CHURCH-Colorado Bldg., 14th and G Sts. Hours, 9 to 9 (Wednesdays, 9 to 7:30, and Sundays and holidays, 2 to 6). FOURTH CHURCH—Riggs Bank Bldg., 3300 14th St., 9 to 9 week days; Wednesdays, 9:30 to 7; Sundays, 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Holidays. 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. All are welcome to attend our church services and use our reading roomt. First Church of Christ Scientist EAST FALLS CHURCH, VA. At Little Falla Street Station Sunday Services. 11 a.m. and 8:00 o.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. Wednesday Services. 8 PH Reading Room in Maoonle Templo Building on Lee Highway CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Alexandria. Va Georxe Maion Hotel. Sunday Serviee and Sunday School. 11 a.m, Wednesday Service, S DR. HENRY W. SNYDER. Dr. Snyder Will Mark Nine-Year Pastorate Marking the ninth anniversary of his pastorate tomorrow. Dr. Henry W. Snyder, at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, will preach on “Enemies of the Cross” at the morning serv ice and on “Modern Daniels” in the evening. Dr. Snyder came to Wash ington from Johnstown, Pa., No vember 20, 1929. Since then the old church property at Eleventh and H streets N W. was abandoned and the congregation has become established in the ground floor of an imposing new Gothic edifice at Connecticut avenue and Everett street N.W. The Men’s Club will meet Monday evening at the home of Howard B. Homer, 5310 Nevada avenue N.W. W. D. Termohlen will give a talk on “Europe.” On Thanksgiving Day at 10:30 a.m. Dr. Snyder's sermon will deal with "The Spirit of Thanksgiving.” The annual turkey dinner and bazaar, sponsored by the Ladies’ Aid Society, will be held Decem ber 1. Praise Service The Rev, Dr. John Bailey Kelly, pastor of the Georgetown Presby terian Church, will preach on ■'Feed ing the Hungry" at the 11 o'clock service, which will be the annual praise service of the Women's So ciety of the church. The church will co-operate with the other churches in Georgetown in the union Thanksgiving service. The Junior Young People's So ciety will meet at 5:30 p.m. in Cissel Chapel, with Dorothy Burke as leader. The Senior Young People's Society will meet at 7 pin. in Cissel Chapel. ---- » Self-Realization. Brachmachari Jotin of Calcutta, India, will speak on "Sages of Yore" tomorrow morning at 11 a m. at 4748 Western avenue N.W. THEMARGARETSPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF IMMORTALITY RALEIGH HOTEL. 12th and Po. Ave. N.W. Rev. Mrs. Margaret R. Mandis N. S. A.. MinUtcr Sunday. S p.m.. Messages. Mri. MandU. Mrs. Mister. Mrs. McDonald. • MYSTIC CHURCH OF CHRIST Services Sunday and Wednesday at 8 p.m. Healing and Consultation daily 1C to fl p.m. Healing each meeting. 7 to 8 pm. DR. F. L. DONCEEL. Teacher. __13*2 R. 1. Aee. N.W. * REV. MRS. M. R. MANDIS 2809 14 i h 8t. N.W. Megsare Service every Friday at 8 p.m;_ADams 3299. _ • J. K. Simmons. 1341 Newton' Bt. N.W. Message Meetlngi every Thurs., 8 P.M. Readings by Appt. Col. 4342. MRS. MISTER. 1250 10th St. N.W, Seance Wed.. 8 p m. Advice daily._DI._27ti«. _ • MRS. ELISABETH McDONALIF-—Message Service Tues.. 8 p.m. and Thurr.. 2:30 p.m. Apt. 3. 1IIH G, Cor. 12th N.W. Appt. dally. Met._A3«3.___ • Unity Spiritualist Church 1326 Mass. Ave. N.W. Sonday. at 8 P.M. Lecture by Bey. Harry P. Strark. Spirit greetings by mediums of the church. No message service Thursday night. Mrs. Strack out of the city. _____ Spiritual Psychic Science Church Rev. NUa. Trance Medium. Prayer and message meeting Thuraday evening at 8 o'clock. Developing classes Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock Private counsel daily. Tele phone Atlantic 3986 for appointment. 1123 Penn. Ayr. S.E.. Apt. 2. LONGLEY MEMORIAL 3423 Holmead Place N.W. Between 13th and 14th at Newton 8t. Rey. Daniel J. Cave. Minister. Sunday. November 20. Healing Service. 7:15 p.m. Lecture at 8 p.m. Guest Speaker. Rev. Otto Penter. Messages by Mrs Eggers and Rev. Miry Brown. Message Service Wednesday, 8 p.m. ___Miss_Crouse._o Rev. Mri. Carol E. McKinitry 1342 Gallatin St. N.W. at 6000 Black 14 th St. Ordained by the Intern'l General Assembly of Spiritualists. "Blessed are they that menrn, for they shall be comforted.” Matt. 5.4. Message Meetings Toes, and Frt. eves.. 8 p.m. Public welcome. All reaebed. Georgia 6363. _ • The First Spiritualist Church Services at the Psychic Center. 131 C Street N.E., Bandar. 8 i.m Lecture by the Pastor, REV. ALFRED H. TERRY Third of a Series on "Journeys in the Spirit World." "ACTIVITIES IN SPIRIT WORLD" Followed by Spirit Messages Or. Terry (Ives Consultations by ap pointment. Phone Lincoln 1672. * Fraternal Spiritualist Church 1329 N St. N.W. Ellen Rockwood, Minister Sunday, 7:45 P.M. Subject: "DO WE SEE?" Geest Orcmntst. Menaces From the Platform. Menace Circles Tues. and Thurs.. 8 p.m.—Pauline Brans Wed.. 8 p.m.—Rev. Rockwood. A Welcome to Ail. * The Church of Two Worlds Incorporated. Chartered Under the National Spiritualist Association. Hotel Continental Pacinf Capitol Plasa Rev. H. Gordo* Burroughs Minister Sunday, 8 p.m., Address by the Minister Wednesday, 8 p.m.. Message Service ~ REINCARNATION The Church of Advanced Thought DK. H. HAMID-BtTRR, Loader. World-Known Spiritual Healer. International Society Psychic Research. Service Sunday. 7:30 p.m. Lecture “NEW YOUTH” Full Messages _ „ Consultations, Heallnt. Classes Dally by Appointment. 12-8 p.m. All Principal Lantnatas Spoken._ 11T Eleventh Street N.W. Metre. S1SS Two Doors From Palais Royal. * Bible Sunday Observance December 7 7 The American Bible Society has announced that Bible Sunday will be observed by the Protestant Churches of America on December 11. This observance will have spe cial significance this year because of the fact that the Bible has been translated into 1,008 languages. Dr. Robert E. Speer estimates that nine-tenths of the peoples of the world may now hear the Holy Scrip tures read in their own tongues or some portion of it. It is likely that by the end of the current year the number will have reached 1,020. For many years the Bible has far outstripped all other books in cir culation. Its translatioif into all the principal languages of the world and hundreds of dialects guarantees the continuance of its unrivaled dis tribution. Most of the Christian Churches of Washington and vicinity will in some manner observe this day. Lit erature is furnished for this pur pose by the American Bible Society, Park avenue and Flrty-seventh street. New York, N. Y. Rev. C. H. Jope to Talk On 7A Nation Thankful7 "A Nation Thankful” will be the subject of the Rev. Clifford H. Jope at the Ninth Street Christian Church tomorrow at the commun ion service. This is the third Sun day of “Loyalty Month” and the silent roll call again will be taken. The Junior church, Andrew Shan non director, will meet at 11 am. Theme, “Practicing What We Preach.” Margie Elwood, Ellsworth Browning and Edward Comingore will appear on the program. Continuing the evening series on fundamentals of Christian faith, the pastor will preach on “The Meaning of Baptism.” The Disciples Home Association will meet in the church Tuesday evening. The telephone company glee club will give a concert. Union Thanksgiving service of Northeast Washington will be held at the Eastern Presbyterian Church at 10:30 am., with Dr. Clifton K. Ray. pastor of Epworth M. E. Church, as the preacher. The offer ing will be for the Central Union Mission. Cutljrrait (Bmtt i m*rniVtmm JtWt j Mmu B. land, Paiiir. — P 4.S a m.—Sunday School. Classes for All. 11:00 a.m.—“Twentieth Century .lodgment Day.” Sermon by the Pastor. 6 30 p.m.—Confirmation Hour. “God's Law and Our Lives. (Ail welcome.) Thanksgiving Services. Thursday, _November 34. 11 A.M. TRINITY MISSOURI SYNOD 4th and E SU. N.W. REV. HUGO M. HENNIG Rev. C. Stuebe. Assistant 8:30 a.m.—German Service. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—English Service. INCARNATION" gallaxiA^n.w. (Maryland Synad. United Lutheran Cbarch) The Service. 11 a.m. _Bible 8ehool. 9:45 a m._ TAKOMA Seventh and Dahlia N.W. (Three Blocks East of Walter Reed.) Rev. J. Adrian Pfeiffer. Palter. 8. 8. at 9 45._MorningWorshipat 11. FAITH Lee Blvd. at Jackson. Arlington, Va. Sunday School. 9:30; Morning Worahlp. U:()o a.m.; Fellowship. Wed.. 8:00 p.m. _REV, GEO. J. GREWEXOW. Paster_ ST. MATTHEW’S LUTHERAN Kentucky Ave. at Iftth St. S.E. Rev. Theodore Paul Fricke. 8. T. M. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—“Giving and Gathering.” Thanksgiving Day Service—10:00 a.m. | ——— Augustana Lutheran Church Arthar Or HJelse. D. D.. Palter. Morning Worihlp held every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock in the assembly room of 2400 Sixteenth etreet N.W Sunday School and Bible Study at 9:45. Atonement Rhode Island Ave. Lutheran N. Capitol St. OUE OBJECTIVE HOWARD E. SNYDER, PASTOR. Sunday School_9:45 a.m. Morning Service_11:00 a.m. Luther League-7:00 p.m. Vesper* _8:00 p.m. THE REV. W. E. LA RUE. Rev. W. E. La Rue to Give Anniversary Sermon ‘ Year Number Eighteen” will be the subject of an anniversary ser mon of the Rev. William E. La Rue, as he begins the 18th year of his pastorate at Takoma Park Baptist Church tomorrow morning. Mrs. A. L. Anderson will sing a solo, "Thank God for Blessings,” by Vaughan Warrick. This will be Mrs. Anderson's last appearance with the choir as she is moving to the West. In the evening the young people's chorus will sing and the pastor will speak on "Interesting Incidents From Church History.” This church will participate in the union community Thanksgiving serv ice on Thanksgiving Day at Trinity Episcopal Church. _Uuthpran ST. MARK’S LUTHERAN Rlh and Independence A*e. S.W REV. 1. LUTHER FRANTZ. Paater. 11 :()0 a.m.—"Grateful Nererthelei*." 9:45 a.m.—43. S._H:30 p.m.—Luther League. Wore/up in Thii Charming Stont Church CHRIST LUTHERAN (MISSOURI SYNOD) 16th and Gallatin Sts. N.W. REV. J. FREDERIC WENCHEL. Paater. 9:45 a m.—Sunday School. | 11:00 a.m.—Sermon on “The Perils of Growing Old.” 6:00 p.m.—Walther League. Young People’s Society. ST. PAUL’S Cenn. A ve. and Everett St. BEV. HENRY H. SNYDER, D. D. Pastor O 'IO a ru.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Sermon: "Enemie* «f the Crow." 8:00 p.m.—Sermon: "Madern Dan* lela.” j I—————^„ LUTHER PLACE ' ; Memorial Church At Thomas Circle Re?. Dr. Csrl C. Runimn, D. D., Pastor. 11 O'clock Service— “IF LOVE DIES,** „ The Pastor. P 4.*>a.m.—Sunday School 4:30 p.m.—Intermediate Luther League. 5 ^ p m.—Senior Luther League. 7:00 p.m.—Young People's Luther . League. 10.30 a.m.—Thursday. Thanksglv , _lng Service._ ' __~ 1 1 ■ 5 CHURCH of the REFORMATION I OfMiite Feiger-Shakospeare Library 212 Eaat Capitol Street Dr. Oscar F. Blaekwelder, Paster. Dr. John Weidley. Pastor Emeritus Key. Ralph W. Loew. Assistant Pastor 8 30 a.m.—Mstln Serrice. Sermon, "The Meaning of Chris tian 8eenritr.’’ Rev. Loew. 9:30 a.m.—Sundav School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. Sermon. “The Basis of Christian Confession.” Dr. Black welder. 0:45 p m.—Luther Leagues 8:00 p.m.—Evening Worship. Sermon. "Is It Well to Publicise Personal Surrender to Christ?” Dr. Blaekwelder. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED. Srrfyrrn CHURCH OF THE BRETHERN 4th and North Carolina Aye. 8.E. DR. WARREN D. BOWMAN. Pastor. Dr. Bowman will speak at both services. At 11:00 a.m his subject will be “Lily Work.” At 8:00 o'clock he will speak on "Foundations of a Christian Home.” Church School at 0:45 a m. urufy -bTrequest Albert Thatcher Yarnall In His Famous. Modern stream-lined, potent address, "20th Century 'Acre* of Diamonds'" • Health. Help, Prosperity In yonr own hack yard) Also, as again reuaested, "Reincarnation"; "Do the Dead Lire?" This Sunday Evening, 6 and I P.M. Mezzanine A Roam, Mayflower Hotel auspleet International Society of Seekers of the Truth PREE MEETINGS — ALL WELCOME HHrlhohial lEpwropal jUrltiahtet lEptempal jRrttjoiiiHt episcopal (kljurrlj Headquarters—Methodist Building, 100 Maryland Ave. N.E. Besident Bishop. Edwin Holt Hushes, D. D.. LL. D. District Superintendent, fc. Ellis Wlllioms, D. D. Church School in All Churches at 9:45 A.M. DOUGLAS MEMORIAL llth and ■ Sts. N.E. Bar. Clarence H. Cerkran, Minister. Worship. 11 A.M. and 8 P.M. ELDBROOKE Wisconsin Are. and Blear Bd. N.W. Bee. Walter M. Michael. D.D.. Minister. Worship. 11 A.M. and 8 P.M._ ROSEDALE 41A Tennessee Aeenne N.E. BEV. WM. A. HAGGEBTT. D. D. Services. 11 A.M. and 8:00 P.M. HAMLINE 16th and Alllsen Sts. N.W. Bee. H. W. Barren. D. D., Minister. Worship. 11 A.M. and 8 P.M. WESLEY ‘ Conneetleat Are. and Jocelyn St. Bee. J. Lather Neff. Minister. 11:00 a.m.—"Who or What Is God?" » PETWORTH N. H. Are. and Grant Cirele N.W. Dr. Truth Steelman. Minister. Worship. 11 A.M. and 8 P.M. McKENDREE MASONIC HALL Bhede Island and Mills Are. N.E. Bee. Samuel E. Bose. B. D„ Minister. Worship. 11 A.M. and 8 P.M. WAUGH Third and A Streets N.E. A. B. MeKInley, Minister. 11:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Metropolitan Memorial The National Chareh Nebraska and New Mexico Avenues. WILLIAM ANDREW REESE. Minister 11:00 a.m_“The House of Rlmmen." WOODS IDE ASIA Georria Avenue. (Silver Sprint. Maryland.) Rev. R. D. Smith. Ph. D., Minister. Worship. 11 A.M. and 8 P.M._ UNION Twentieth Street South of Pennsyl vania Avenue N.W. JOHN R. EDWARDS. D. D. Minister. 11:00 a.m.—"Freedom of Soul." 8:00 p.m.—"Before the Calendar _Came."__ CALVARY Columbia Rd. Near Fifteenth St. N.W. ORRIS GRAVENOR ROBINSON. Minister. Worship, 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. ' LINCOLNROAD Lincoln Read and Tea St. N.E. REGINALD H. STONE. D. D. Worship. 11:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. RYLAND 10th and D Sts. S.W. Rev. R. G. Newell. Worship. 11 A.M. and 8:00 P.M. TRINITY Kth and Penna. Ave. S.E. Rev. Daniel L. Ennis, D. D. Minister. Worship. 11 A.M. and 8 P.M. FOUNDRY*?.”;,. "The Church of the States" FREDERICK BROWN HARRIS, Minister 11:00 a.m —“A DANGEROUS DENIAL OF SPIRITUAL VALUES,’• Dr. Cheiteni 8:00 p.m.—“CEECHOSLOVAKIA TESTERDAT AND TODAY," Dr. Karl W. Deutach. Dr. Ray Announces Tomorrow's Themes "The Need of the Church” will be the subject of Dr. Clifton K. Ray, pastor of Epworth M. E. Church South, tomorrow at 11 am., and at 8 pm., "All Is Not Gold That Glit ters.” The Young Adults and the Young People’s Department meet at 7 pm. A business meeting and social of the Minot Class will be held at 8 pm. in the home of R. R. Mc Conchie, 245 Eleventh street 8E. The usual prayer meeting for Thursday will be cancelled on ac count of the Thanksgiving services held that morning. This church will meet with six other churches on Capitol Hill for the annual Thanks giving service to be held in Eastern Presbyterian Church, and for which Dr. Ray will preach at 10:30. His sermon subject will be "The Joy of Tranksglving.” mb ifli00tmiarg Alltanrg Washington Gospel Tabernacle 5714 Georgia Ave. N.W. MISSIONARY CONVENTION Three Services 10:15 A.M., 3:00 P.M.. 1:30 P.M. R«v. A Helferi. Indie: Mri. K. Rom Tibet: Re*. George Morgen, home werker. , , WELCOME. Cbrlitien end Miulonery Alllenee. Hnitg Society of Washington, D. C. 1326 Eye Street N.W. Met. 1889. Rev. George F. Sheldon, Leader lender—9:45. Sunday School: 11:00. Lec ture; 0:45. Good Word* Club: 8 00 Evening Service. Center Open Dally. na«es—Tuei., 2:30 and 8:00: Wed 8 00: Thura.,_6:00—Unlty_Llterature for Sale. SEW COLONIAL HOTEL Authorized Unity Ministry MARGABET ANN FELDT. Paster 1100 a m —“Thank, be te Ged.“ and “The Holy Communion." Wednesday. 8 PM Praia# and Prayer Serrlee. COMING—NOVEMBER 27 OB. GEORGE M. LAMS A SUBJECT: “ORIGIN OF THE BIBLE." PHONE DISTRICT 3130 gganggltettr (Cgtttrr | The Full Gospel TABERNACLE 915 Mast. Ave. N.W. REVIVAL Evangaliat Lura Johnson “The Miracle Girl” PI Speaka Each Night at ^^B 7 45. Except Satur ^ W Sunday 11 am. and V 7 :30 p m EVERYBODY INVITED. B. E. MAHAN, Pastor _ffiazamtg ■ T IBBaWP First Church of tho Nazarene Cor. 7th and A St*. N.E. t A.M.—'“The Naxarene Hour.” 900 kc—Radio Station WFMD 11 A.M. Morning Worship. 7:30 P.M. Evangelistic Service. _qfygpBflphg TIBET & LAND OF MYSTERY IJ Hazel B. Burns Sanday, Nay. SO, S P.M. Ban.7 0:30 P.M-Christian Mystic Class. Tim., 8 P.M.—Blayatsky Class. Than., 8 P.M.—Kabtli and Tarot. Friday, 8 P.M.—Axiomatic Clas*. WASHINGTON LODGE T.S. 1216 H Si. N.W. Sunday. Not. 30. at S:1S P M. “Brotherhood; Neceaaity For” Questions invited. Wednesdays at 8:15 n.m.—Study Class. Library open Sunday and Wed., 7:30: Sal.. 1:30 to 4. United Lodge of Theosophists Hill Bide.. 17th and Eye Sts. M.W. Mo Dues. Fees or Collections. Jlenterontal CALVARY CHURCH (FenteeoataJ) The White Church with the Red Cron at 1911 H St. N.W. Take Fenna. Art. Cara ta 19th Si. Sunday School__9:30 o.m. Morning Worship_11:00 a.m. Sacred Concert ..—7:30 p.m. Evangelistic . 7:45 p.m. Wednesday, Proise..8:00 p.m. Friday, Prayer...8:00 p.m. REV. JONAS E. MILLER, Minister SPECIAL RADIO BROADCAST Sunday. 3:30. COO pm. from the Church. WFMD. 900 Kil. • Unitarian ALL SOULS’ CHURCH 16tb and Harvard Streets. Minister, ULYSSES G. B. PIERCE, D. D. 9:45 A M —Church School. 11:00 AM.—Morning Worship, "THE UNEXPECTED GOD.” 5:00 p.m.—Program of Bach Music. 5:30 p.m.—"Florida Parks.” 7:30 p.m.—Motion Picture Hour, "MOTHER CAREY'S CHICKENS.” Uaptiirt lajrtiat CENTENNIAL 1th and I Streets N.E. Wilson Holder, Pastor. 9:30a.m.—Bible School. 11:00 a.m.—“God’s Great Love.” “My Task,” sung by Charles Haycraft. Mrs. Marie C. Deal, choir director and soloist. 645 p.m.—Baptist Training Union. 7:00 p.m.—B. Y. P. U. Meetings for Christian Train ing. 8:00p.m.—“Something for Nothing.” Thanksgiving Day Service, 9:00 a.m. We have the latest R. C. A. amplifying equipment. DCTWADTU '*•> * Randolph St». iLi “ vlilll Rev Hrnrr J Smith J 1:00 a m—Sermon and Quartet Music "UNMEASURED SERVICE" S no p.m—Choir Night. Soecia1 Music. "THE VOLUME OF GOD S GRACE." ft:30 a m.—S. S. Classes, (or all ages. 0:45 a.m.—Yaden Bible Class for Men. Cordial welcome awaits you at all services. CHILLUM 'has. J. Sheets 0:30 a.m.—Sunday School 11:0O i.m—"Don't Mar God’s Joy.” 6:45 p.m.—B Y P Unions KENDALL fllh *rX len Franklin Stevens. Minister. 11 on a m.—"Thankful Nryerthelesa ” 8:00 p.m—“The Wanderinr Man.” SECOND 17th and Fast Canitol Sts. Rer H. M. B Jones. D. D.. Pastor. 0:30 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—“Right and Wrong Esti mntrs.” 7:00 n.m.—B Y. P T7 8:00 n.m.—“From Yonth to Agr. “CHEVY chase” Western Are. W. of Circle. Rev. Edword O. Clork, Pastor. 0-45 a.m.—Church School Session. 11:00 a m.—“Notional Re-Dedication." 8:00 p.m.—Sermonette and Motion Pic ture: “The Pa»-Ofr ” VAUGHN CLASS For Men Calvary Baalist Church 8th and H Sts. N.W. Sunday—9:30 A.M. Pioneer Adult Class of the V. S. Come and Enjoy Our Fellowship WEST WASHINGTON^ 31 «♦ and N Streets N.W CHARLES B. AUSTIN. Pastor Worshlo 11:00 n.m. and 8 on n.m. METROPOLITAN I Sixth and A Sta. N.E. JOHN COMPTON BALL, D. D. Pastor. REV. ROBERT CARLTON SAVAGE, A»iilant Morning at Eleven “Thanksgiving Salmagundi” Evening at Seven Forty-five Harvest Home “A Bumper Crop” Baptism Follows Evening Sermon. SPECIAL Sun Riae Praiae Service Thursday, 7 to 8 O’Clock A.M. Do not miss this great Thanksgiving day testimony service it will cheer your heart and brighten your day Dr. Ball Leads Service. CALL A TAXI. Maryland Avenue 14th and Md. Ave. N.E. W. A. Emmans. Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. B. V. P l'.. 7 p.m. 1! 00 a.m.—“The Purification of Sin«.” 'Studies in the Book of Hebrews > 8:00 p.m —“God’s Seven Wonders." f>—“Gods Radio in Heaven.” I WrPrccb { Christ ' Coming Again. rilM'T | E Near 7th S.W. » * ■ Dr. J. E. Briggs. Pastor, n ona.m.—A Cloud of Witnesses. Mis sionary Pageant; men women and chil dren invited . .... 7:4.3 pm—“Why Be Thankful? S S 9:30 a.m.- -Dr. Thos. Browne will teach the Berea Bible Class and Mr. Bell the Baracss B T O fi:39 pm.—Bring one win one Onion Southwest Thanksgiving Service at C.ors-ch M. E. Churrh »nd Onion Baptist Service at F'rst Baptist in-3n a m Thanksgiving offering for the two Baptist Homes Welcome._ GRACE 9th and South Carolina Are. U P. PASTOR. F. W. JOHNSON 9:30 a.m.—Bible School. Classes for all. SERMON TOPICS: li nn a m.—“A Osefol Christian in the Making." _ 715 p m.—“Persecution—When It Win I Fnit ” fi 4.3 pm.—B Y. P O 13 grmiDsi Praver Meeting Thursday at S p m. All Welcome. TlFDUi Piney Branch Road IAKUiuA and Aspen St N W. 11:nna m.—“Tear Number EigMeen. ’ 745 « n—“H'stoHcat Incidents. William E. La Bne. Pastor. TCMDI 17 10th mn* N »H I’ 1 H Street! N W. MTVTSTF.B. RANDOIPn L. GREGORY. 9 3n a m.—church School. 11 nn a.m.—“The Church Is Worth Hefptnr." ... s:nn p.m.—“How Can I Be Sure?" /if*8th and H Sts. N.W. tEUiUUttVP w. S. ABERNETHY, Minister. Rev. F. E. Johnston. Assistant. 11 am—"THANKSGIVING AND CONTENTMENT.” 8 pm —"LIFE’S BROKEN THINGS.” 7:45—Thomas Moss. Organ Recital 9;30_Sunday School. 11:00—Junior Church. 6 and 6:45—Young People’s Groups. ---- __ _ k i. Are. and 3nd St. N.W.. M. F. GERMAN. Mlnlitsr. D17TU ANY ll:OOa.m.—“The Nsrrewlnr ef Life.” OLinnn A s on p.m.—“New Felth Demends New Fermi.” The Steeenien Bible Cleei Ineltei Yep Jo Heer Senator M. M. Leten an Earneit Expositor ef Bible Troth._ j&atwma* baptist Memorial 16th and Columbia Road N.W. Gove G. Johnson. Pastor. A. Lincoln Smith, Assistant Pastor. 11am—“THE SACRIFICE OF THANKSGIVING.” 8 p.m —“THE STRENGTH OF JOY IN THE LORD.” 9:40, Bible School: 6:45. Training Unions. Thursday, 8 p.m.—“Reasons lor Thanksgiving.” I n C T 16th and 0 Streets N.W. I lx d I Edward Hughes Pruden, Pastor 11 a.m.—“The Primary Passion of a Saintly Life.” 8 p.m.—“A Standing by Which to Test Your Religion." Union Thanksgiving Services, 10:30 a.m., Thursday, Nov. 24, ’ Rev. M. C. Stith of Brookland, Pastor. Come to Sunday School, 9:30 a.m.; B. Y. P. 9:45 p.m.