First Vice President
Of A. B. A. Is Well
Known Here
Robert M. Hanes Heads
Wachovia Bank & Trust
At Winston-Salem
Robert M. Hanes,, new first vice
president of the American Bankers’
Association, is widely known among
Washington financiers. He is presi
dent of the
Wachovia Bank
& Trust Co.,
Winston - Sa
lem, N. C., where
he was born in
18 9 0. He was
educated at
Wood berry For
est School,
Orange. Va..
Uni v e r s i t y of
North Carolina
and the Harvard
School of Busi
n e s s Adminis
Mr. Hanes
Robert M. Hanes.
served overseas in fhe artillery dur
ing the World War, being discharg
ed with the rank of major. His
first business position was with an
ice company. Joining the staff of the
trust company after leaving the
Army, his rise was rapid. He soon
became vice president and shortly
afterward was elected president.
The A. B. A. official is a director
In the Southern Railway, the P. H.
Hanes Knitting Co., Hanes Dye &
Finishing Co.. Security Life &
Trust Co.. Atlantic Joint Stock
Land Bank, Greensboro Joint Stock
Land Bank, State Capital Life In
surance Co., and the Indera Mills
Co., of which he is vice president.
Mr. Hanes has served as president
of the Winston-Salem Chamber of
Commerce, in both branches of the
North Carolina General Assembly,
and is a director of the North Caro
lina Sanatorium. He is also a mem
ber of the Federal Advisory Council
of the Fifth Federal Reserve Dis
In the A. B. A. he has been a
member of the Executive Council,
vice president of the State Bank
Division and chairman of its com
mittee on Federal legislation. A
past president of the North Caro
lina Bankers' Association, he is a
Democrat, married and belongs to
several clubs in his home city.
New Directors Announced.
Robert Lassiter, chairman of the
board of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Richmond, reports that L. E.
Johnson, chairman of the board of
the First National Bank at Alder- ]
son, W. Va.. has been elected by the j
banks in Group 3 as a Class A di
rector in the Richmond Bank. He I
succeeds himself.
The report states that Edwin Mai- !
loy, president and treasurer of the j
Cheraw Cotton Mills, Inc., Cheraw, j
6. C., was elected by the banks in I
Group 2 as a Class B director in the j
Richmond Bank. He also succeeds j
himself. Each director was elected
for a term of three years, expiring
December 31, 1941.
Freeman Scores Intolerance.
Addressing the American Bank
ers’ Association at Houston, Bishop
James E. Freeman of this city de
clared that the growing spirit of
hate and intolerance is an ominous
and portentous phase of present-day
“There is nothing in life,” said ;
Bishop Freeman, “more precious
than freedom to live our own lives
and exercise ourselves within the
law, to register our judgments
through a free ballot and to wor
ship God according to dictates of
conscience. Take these things away
and we become vassals of the state
and lapse into slavery.
“Democratic government and
democratic institutions should not
be forfeited at any price,” he de
More Switching Into Stock.
Action of Washington Gas Light
preferred stock during the week in
dicates that many holders of the
$8,500,000 issue of Washington Gas
Lights 5s, 1958, which have been
called for redemption, are continu
ing to shift their funds into the pre
ferred issue. Without waiting for
January to arrive, many holders
are turning in their bonds and re
ceiving 104!i, with full interest to
the call date.
The demand for the 4>2 per cent
preferred stock has become much
larger than the supply. From around
100. the stock has gradually climb
ed to 105, four new peaks for 1938
having been reached in the past few
days. At 104 Vi, the stock yield is
just 4V2 per cent. Now it returns a
little less than that.
Holders of the Gas bonds, noting
the scarcity of bonds yielding 5 per
cent, are contenting themselves by
going after the preferred stock. At
least that is the answer members
of the exchange give for the recent
Heard in Financial District.
Seattle was selected for the 1939 1
convention of the American Bank
ers’ Association by the Executive
Council. Atlantic City is already
after the 1940 session.
Joseph W. Sener of Baltimore
was elected to the Executive Council
of the National Security Traders’
Association at Coral Gables, Fla,
yesterday. The new president is
Willis M. Summers of New York, j
Thomas W. Brahany. manager of ;
the Washington office of E. A. Pierce 1
A Co., was a recent visitor in Wall i
On account of the new wages and
hours law, some Washington banks
which have been opening at 8:30
am. for the benefit of Government
workers are considering the advis
ability of moving up the opening
time to 9 o'clock.
U. S. Treasury Position
By the Associated Press.
The position of the Treasury on No
vember 17: Receipts. $1:1.713.81)5.67; ex
penditures, $23,571,187.40; net balance.
#2.533,093.410.18. Including $1 .fill). 180.
238.49 working balance; customs receipts
for the month. $15,603,980.48.
Receipts for the fiscal year (since July
$2,117,851,464.92: expenditures. $3.
*88.471,720.10; including $1,003,975.
ft.31.24 of emergency expenditures: excess
cf expenditures. $1,270,620,255.18: gross
delft. $38,545,270,269.14. an increase of
$14,739,392.84 over the previous day: gold
assets, $14,169,874,768.92.
Tobacco Markets
By the Associated Press.
Poundage and average prices per hun
dredweight reported yesterday by Old Belt
tobacco markets in Virginia follow:
Danville _ 737.712 $20.27
South Hill_153.3116 19.22
Clarksville _ 47.634 20.75
•South Boston_ 310.000 19.69
•Thursday s sales.
Montreal Silver
MONTREAL. Nov. 19 UE-—Silver futures
closed 160 points off. T'tBld; November,
Bj Private Wire Direct to The Star.
Prev. 19.38 Stock and Sales— Net
High Low Dividend Rate Add 00. High. Low. Close. ch«e.
12% 6v4 Adams Exp (.10e)_ 2 11% 11% 11%+ %
24 14% Adams-Millis 1.25e. 1 23 23 23 - %
30 16% Addressog#ph(1.40). 2 28% 28 28 -1%
67% 40 Air Reduct'n(la)... 1 63% 63% 63%+%
13% 8% Alaska Juneau .60a. 2 9% 9% 9%
1% % Alleghany .- 6 1% 1% 1%
17% 6% Alleghany 130 ww.. 3 14% 14% 14%+ %
17% 6% Allegh’y pf xw ... 1 13 13 13
29% 14% Alleg-Ludlum Steel 13 26% 26 26 + %
14% 4% Allen Industries ... 1 11% 11% 11% + *4
.14% 8% Allied Mills <.50e).. 4 13% 13% 13%+%
13% 4% Allied Stores_ 10 12 11% 12 + %
70% 38 Allied Stores pf(5). 1 67% 67% 67%
65% 34% Allis-Chalmers 1.50. 2 48% 48% 48% + %
3% I*, Amal Leather_ 13 3 3
78 55 Amerada (2)._ 1 72 72 72 + %
23% 10 Am Bank Note ,70e. 4 18 17% 18
14% 6% Am Bosch . __ 3 7% 7% 7% + %
52 23% Am Brake Sh(.75e). 5 44% 43% 44
135 114 Am BrSh pf(5.25)_. 80s 130% 130% 130% - V4
105% 70% Am Can <4) 8 97+4 97 97 + %
34% 12% Am Car & Fdy __ 2 30+4 29% 30% + %
23% 9% Am Chain & C .55e.. 8 21 20% 21 + %
125 88% Am Chicle (4a)_ 1 123 123 123
9% 4% Am Colortype . 1 8% 8% 8%
16% 8V4 Am Crystal Sugar_ 1 11% 11% 11%
5% 2+4 Am & Foreign Put. 7 3% 3% 3% + %
20% 10 Am & For Pw $6 pf. 1 13% 13% 13% - %
12% 5% Am & For Pw 2d pf. 1 8% 8% 8%
5% 2 Am Hide & Leather. 1 5% 5% 5% + %
20% 13% Am Ice pf (1.25e)_ 1 15 15 15 -%
8% 4% Am International_ 1 7% 7% 7% + %
29% 12% Am Locomotive _ 11 26% 25% 25% — %
79 44 Am Locomotive pf.. 2 73 73 73 — %
17% 10 Am Mach & Fy 80.. 12 15% 15% 15%-%
5% 2% Am Mach & Metals. 2 4% 4% 4% + %
45 23 Am Metals (.75e)_ 4 39% 39 39%-%
29% 20 AmNews <1.25e)._ 10s 26% 26% 26% - %
7% 3% Am Power & Light. 11 6 5% 6 + %
41% 16% Am P&L $5 pf 2.50k 4 34% 34 34
47% 19 Am P&L J6 pf (3k). 2 40 40 40 - %
19% 9 Am Radiator _ 53 16% 16% 16% — %
24% 13% Am Rolling Mills ... 23 22% 22 22%+%
20% 14% Am Saf Raz (1.60).. 5 16% 16% 16%
68% 28% Am Sm & Ref 2.25e. 10 53 52% 52% + %
38 15% Am Steel Foundry— 11 34% 33% 33%
11% 6% Am Stores _ 2 9% 9% 9%
20% 12% Am Sumat Tob(la). 1 20 20 20
150 111 Am Tel & Teles (9). 5 148 147% 147% + %
88% 58 Am Tobacco (5) .. 2 86 86 86 + %
91% 58% Am Tobacco(B)(5). 4 87% 87% 87% + %
9% 3% Am Type Foundry.. 1 8% 8% 8% + %
16% 6 Am Water Works_ 26 13% 13 1.3 — %
7-% 3'% Am Woolen_ 16 6 6
9% 4% Am Zinc _ 11 8 7% 8 + %
424 21 Anaconda Copper 44 344 344 344 + 4
1034 82 ArmourtDel )pf (7)_ 1 1024 1024 1024 - 4
7 34 Armour (111) 8 54 54 54 + 4
534 244 Armstrong Cork_ 9 524 52 524 + 4
84 24 Artloom Corp __ 2 74 74 74 + 4
124 4 Assoc Dry Goods_ 3 114 114 114 + 4
394 27 Assoc Invest (2)—. 1 37 37 37
4 44 2214 Atchison _ 22 40 384 39 + 4
72 40 Atchison pf _ 3 67 66 66 —4
294 14 Atl Coast L(1.50g). 2 264 26 4 264 + 4
274 174 Atl Defining (1) — 5 224 224 224 - 4
1094 1014 Atl Refining pf (4). 1 1084 1084 1084
94 54 Atlas Corp (.25e) — 11 84 84 84 + 4
68 36 Atlas Powder 2.25e. 2 67 67 67
64 24 Auburn Auto (r) — 4 4 4 4 —4
6 2V, Aviat’n Corp(.185e) 62 54 5 4 54 + 4
154 5 Balovrtn DoCO cifs— 10 134 134 134
11 4 Balto & Ohio _ 16 7V* 74 74- 4
134 54 Balto & Ohio pf_ 3 84 84 84 - 4
234 124 Barber Asphalt . _ 2 20 194 20 + 4
34 214 Barker Bros pf 2.75. 100s 334 33 33
214 104 Barnsdall (1) 5 174 174 174 — 4
21 9 Bayuk Cgr .5625e_ 2 194 194 194 + 4
194 114 Beatrice Cr (la)_ 1 174 174 174
254 84 Bendix Aviation_ 25 224 21s. 224 + 4
19V* 154 Beneficial Ln 1.25e.. It 194 194 194 + 4
774 394 Beth Steel ... 49 724 72 724 - 4
294 174 Blgelow-Sanford_; 2 27 26 26 —4
19** 104 Blaw-Knox 10 174 17 174 + 1 *
55 37 Blumenthal (S)pf_ 10s 48 48 48 -2
354 19 Boeing Airplane 59 324 314 31**
100 82 Bon Ami (A) (4a) 20s 100 100 100 — 4
52 40 Bon Am (B) (2.50a) 50s 49 484 49
194 15 Borden Code)_ 9 174 17 174
364 164 Borg-Warner_ 4 32 314 314 — 4
44 2 Boston & Maine_ 1 24 24 24 + 4
144 54 Bridgeport Brass— 26 134 134 134 + 4
374 124 Briggs Mfg (.500 . 21 314 314 314 + 4
134 54 Bklyn-Man Transit. 30 13V* 124 13 + 4
38 164 Bklyn-Man Tran pf 7 384 374 374 +1
104 34 Bklyn & Queens pf- 2 94 94 94 + 4
134 54 Bucyrus-Erle _ 5 114 114 114 - 4
74 34 Budd Mfg _ 13 64 64 64
54 3 Budd Wheel .. 3 54 54 54 + 4
39 154 Bulova Watch <3e). 3 354 35 354 + 4
164 64 Burling’n Mills* 1). 1 144 144 144 + 4
22V* 144 Burr's Add M 50e . 4 194 19 19 + 4
17V* 64 Bush Term B pf(r). 30s 124 124 124+ V*
10 54 Butler Bros . 2 8** 84 84 - V.
5 24 Butte Copper_ 4 44 4 44
154 6 Byers (A M)Co_ 2 134 134 134 + V.
22 13 Byron Jacks'n 1.25e. 2 184 18V* 18V* + 4
244 154 Calif Paca (1.25a)— 3 214 214- 21*.
24 1 Callahan Zinc — 4 2 14 14
104 54 Calumet&Hec .25e-. 2 84 84 84
204 84 Campbell Wyant -- 3 174 174 174 — 4
214 124 Canada Dry < .25e)_ 6 17 164 164 + 4
464 374 Canada Southn(3)_. 10s 464 46V* 464
84 5 Canadian Pacific - 9 64 64 64 + 4
44 24 Carriers & Gen 15e. 5 4 34 4 + Vj
107Vii 624 Case(J I)(5e) 2 90 4 904 904 + 4
120 984 Case(J DCo pf(7)„ 50s 115 1144 115 +1
58 294 Caterpill Trac (2)_ 9 454 444 444
264 9 CelaneseCorp _ 9 234 23 234 + 4
164 13V* Celotex (new) __ 2 14 14 14 + V*
28 194 Cent Aguirre 1.50... 4 22 21 21 - 2
54 2 Central Foundry _ 6 44 44 44 + V*
59V* 26V* Cerro de Pasco (4)-. 16 49 484 484 — Vi
124 44 Ccrtaln-teed _ 7 104 10 104
46 174 Certain-teed pf_ 60s 404 401** 404 +14
384 22 Ches & Ohio <2e)__. 7 334 334 334
14 4 Chi & East Ill(rJ— 1 4 4 4
IV* V* Chi Great Wn(r)_ 2 4 4 4
1 4 Chi Mil StP&P(r)_. 12 4 4 4
14 4 Chi M StP&P pf(r). 3 4 4 4
54 2 Chi & Northw pf r) 1 34 34 34 +4
IV* 4 Chi R I & Pac(r) - 2 4 V, V*
3 14 Chi RI&P7% of (r). 5 IV* 14 14
134 3V* Childs Co 4 124 114 124 + V*
884 354 Chrysler Corp (2e). 43 814 81 814 +14
76 59 City Ice & F pf 6.50. 50s 76 75Vi 76 + 4
274 104 Clark Equip (.250- 1 24 24 24
30V* 154 Clev Graphite 75e.. 1 284 284 284 -4
604 324 Climax Mobil(.90e). 13 554 544 554 - 4
17 74 Colgate-Pal-P ,50a - 11 154 154 154 + V*
1074 874 Collins & Aik pf (5). 260s 1074 1064 1064 - 4
234 94 Colo Fuel & Iron 2 204 204 204
224 134 Colum BC (A) 1.25e 1 17% 174 174
224 13 Colum B C(B) 1 25e 2 17 164 164 -4
94 54 Columbia Gas & El. 24 7V* 714 74 + 4
19 9 Col Pic vtc 2.50<?„f.. 2 164 16 16 - V.
35*, 274 Colum Pic pf (2.75). 1 31V* 314 314-4
594 23 Cornel Credit (4)_ 7 554 554 554 + 4
64 314 Cornel lnv Tr (4)_ 1 58V, 584 584
12V* 64 Cornel Solvents _ 8 104 104 10%
28 22V, Comwlth Edis 1 60.. 3 274 27 274 +4
24 1 Comwlth & South’n. 16 14 1*4 14 + 4
29 15 Congoieum-Nairn — 1 25% 25% 25% — 4
254 104 Consol Aircraft — 13 234 23% 234
344 17 Consol Edison (2)— 18 31 30% 30*,-%
104 884 Consol Edis pf (5)— 3 1034 1034 103'., + 4
2% 1 Consol Film _ 2 2 2 2
104 7 Consol Oil (.80) ... 6 9 84 84 - Vi
5% 24 Consolidation Coal- 1 44 44 44
174 94 Container Corp- 2 154 154 154 — 4
264 8% Conti Baking (A)_ 12 204 20 20V, + %
49 364 Conti Can i2e) — 3 39 39 39 +4
116 107 Conti Can pf (4.50). 1115 115 115
114 f Conti Diamond — 5 104 10 10 +4
36'* 214 Conti Insurd 60a). 1 354 354 354 -4
17* 7, Conti Motor _ 2 14 14 14-%
354 214 Conti Oil (Delld)— 8 294 294 294 -4
294 10 Conti Steel de) .... 1 27 27 27
704 53 Corn Products (3)_ 2 654 654 654 + 4
5% 24 Coty. Inc _ 4 44 4% 44 + 4
424 19 Crane Co —_ 10 374 374 374 + 4
117'/* 85 Crane Co cv pf (W_ 1116 116 116 -4
29% 21% Cream of VVheat<2) 2 27% 27% 27%-%
43% 22U Crown Cork & Seal. 1 39 39 39 + %
15% 7% Crown Zeller(.75el_ 7 13% 13% 13%-%
92% 58 Crown Zeller pf(5). 40s 89% 89 89 -1
44% 19% Crucible Steel ... 3 39% 39 39 + %
941 a 70 Crucible Steel pf... 2 90 90 90 -1%
13% 5% Cuba R R pf _ 20s 8% «% 6*1 - %
6% 3 Cuban-Am Sugar... 10 5% 5 5% + Vi
87 58% Cuban Am Sug pf .. 10s 68 68 68 —2
66 35 Curtis Publlsh’g pf. 1 46% 46% 46%-%
7% 3% Curtiss-Wrlght . _ 82 6% 6% 6% + %
28% 12% Curtiss-W (A) (le). 37 27% 27% 27% + %
25% 13% Deere & Co(l.35e)_ 15 20*, 20% 20%+%
24% 7% Del & Hudson _ 13 23 22% 23 + %
8% 4 Del Lack & Wn ... 6 7% 7% 7% - Vi
115 76 Detroit Edison (6e) 1 112% 112% 112% + Vi
40%, 25 Devoe&Ray(A)(l) 120s 36 35% 35% - %
41% 31% Diam’d M p^l 50a._ 1 41% 41% 41% + Vi
11 5 Diamond T Motor_ 1 9% 9% 9% — %
23% 11 Distillers-Sea 150e. 3 21% 21% 21%+ %
91% 65% Distll-Seag pf (5)._ 1 91 91 91 +1
34% 27% Dome Mines (le) .. 14 30% 30% 30%-%
70% 31 Douglas Alrcft(3e). 22 67% 66% 66%+ %
8Vi l*, DunhiU Internat’l.. 13 8% 8% 8%
151», 90% Du Pont (1.75e) .. 6 145 143% 144 -*,
8% 3% East'n Rolling Mills 5 7% 7% 7% — %
187 121 % Eastman Kodak (6) 4 180'% 180% 180% +1%
23% 10% Eaton Mfg Co _ 4 21% 21 21 - Vi
5% 2 Eltington Schild... 2 3% 3% 3% - %
35*i 13% Elec Auto L (.60e)_. 6 32% 32 32%
12% 6 Elec Boat (.60#)_ 21 11% 11% 11%-%
14 6% Elec Pwr & Light_ 13 11% 11% 11%-%
46% 22% Elec Pwr & Lt pf._ 2 36% 36V, 36%
35 21% Elec Stor Bat (2)_ 2 31% 31% 31%-%
2% Vi Elk Horn Coal_ 4 2% 2 2 -%
29% 17 El Paso Nat G (2)._ 4 29% 29 29%+%
10% 2% Eng Pub Service._ 7 8% 8% 8%
71 38% Eng Pub Svc pf (5). 1 67 67 67 - %
2% 1% Eqult Office Bldg... 1 2 2 2 + %
6% 1% Erie RR (r) 4 2% 2% 2% - %
16 6% Evans Products__ 3 13 12% 12% - %
21% 8 Ex-Cello (,60e)_ 3 19% 19% 19%+%
2% 1% Exchange Buffet__ 3 2% 2% 2% — %
40% 19% Falrbanks-Morse._ 1 35 35 85
35% 22% Fajardo Sugar (4).. 1 32% 32% 32%
5% 2% Fed Motor Truck_ 6 4% 4% 4% — %
36% 22% Fidelity Phoe 1.60a. 1 84% 34% 34% - Vi
26% 16% Fireston{(1.25e)_ S 24% 23% 23% - W
100 76 Firestone pf («)_ 2 98% 98% 98% -
Prey. 1938 8tock and Sale*— Met
High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low Close, cbge.
30 10% Fllntkote_ 6 26% 25% 25%
21 16 Florsheim (A)(1)— 1 18% 18% 18%
4% 1% Follansb Bros (r)— 1 4 4 4 - %
29% 11 Foster Wheeler- 6 26% 24% 25
3% 1% Gabriel (A)_ 19 2% 2% 2%
8% 4% Gar Wood indust_ 1 6% 6% 6%
9% 4% Gen Am Invest- 2 8% 8% 8%
58% 29 Gen Am Tran 1.125e 2 63 53 53 + %
136 115 Gen Baking pf(8)„ 100s 133% 133% 133% + V*
6% 2% Gen Bronze___ 6 4% 4% 4%
19% 6% Gen Cable_ 4 16% 15% 16 + %
87 35 Gen Cable pf_ 1 80 80 80 -3
48 27% Gen Electric (.90e). 34 43% 43% 43%-%
40% 22% Gen Foods (2) 8 38% 38% 38%- %
116% 108% Gen Foods pf 4.50— 1 115% 115% 115% + %
1% % Gen Gas & El (A) . — 2 111
53% 25% Gen Motors (1.50e). 52 49% 49% 49%+%
9% 4 Gen Outdoor Adv_ 1 7% 7% 7%
12% 6% Gen Print Ink .30e— 2 10% 10% 10% - %
2% 1% Gen Public Service. 6 1% 1% 1% - %
27% 12% Gen Ry rfignal ... 3 23% 23 23% + %
2% 1 Gen Realty & Util— 1 1% 1% 1% - %
41% 15% Gen Refractories... 2 36% 36% 36% — %
34 13 Gen Steel Cast pf... 510s 29% 28 28%
16% 8% Gen Thea Eq(.75e) 6 151* 15% 15%
27% 9% Gen Tire & Rub 50e. 4 25% 25% 25% + %
11% 6% Gillette Saf R .55e— 2 8% 8% 8%+%
61 50 Gillette S R pf(5)._ 1 55 65 55 -1%
15% 5 Oimbel Bros .. 13 13% 13% 1314 + %
67 37% Gimbel Bros pf(6)_. I 60% 60% 60%+%
28% 13 GliddenCo - 3 25% 25% 25%
26% 10 Goodrich (B F) 12 24 23% 23%
65% 32 Goodrich(BF)pf(5) 9 66 65% 65% + %
36% 15% Goodyear 42 32% 31% 32% — %
106 69% Goodyear pf <5) 1 101 101 101 -%
6% 2% Gotham Silk Hose— 6 5% 5% 5% + %
2 % Graham-Paige__ 3 1% 1% 1%
8% 2% Granby Consol__ 5 7% 7' 7
2% 1 Grand Union _ 1 1% 1% 1% + %
24 20 Grant (WT> pf (1). 1 24 24 24
28% 12% Great North’n pf _ 17 25% 25V* 25% + %
15% 9% Groat NoOrct 75e. 13 15% 14%. 15% +1%
28% 13% GreenlH L)(1.60a). 1 25% 25% 25% -1
21 7% Greyhound (.80) 36 19% 19% 19%+%
1% % Guantanamo Sugar. 11 1 1 — %
28 12 Guantanamo Su pf.. 10s 20 20 20 - %
35 30 Hack Wat pf(1.75). 10s 33% .33% 33% + %
13% 5 Hall (W F)Prtg_ 1 12% 12% 12%+ %
.34% 15 Harb-Walker .. 4 29% 29% 29% -1%
74 50% Hat Corp pf(6 50)_. 10s 73 73 73 -1
11 5% Hecker Prod(.60) h 10% 10 10%+ %
73 43% Hercules Powl 90e) 1 69% 691* 69’* + %
21% 15 Hinde&Daueh Pap'r 1 20 20 20 - %
52% 17 Holland Eurn(2) ._ 5 46% 46% 46%
118 98 Holland Fur pf (5).. 40s 115 115 115
66 48% Homostake(4.50) 1 59% 59% 59% - %
35% 17% Houd-Iler<AH2 50) 1 92 32 32 -%
18% 6 Houd-Hershey (B). 3 15% 15% 15%
9% 5 HoustonOil _ 6 7'-: 7'-. 7%
53% 23% Howe Sound (3) . 1 46% 46%. 46%-%
35% 20% Hudson Bay (150e) 9 33% 33 33% + %
3% 1% Hudson * Manilat_. 3 2 2 2
10 5 Hudson Motor_ 8 8% 8% 8% - %
2% ,% IIupd Motor _ 12 2% 2 2%
17% 6% Illinois Criitral_ in 15% 15% 15% 4 %
30% 14% Industrial Rayon .. 3 24% 24% 24% + %
95 56% Inland Steel(2 50e). 4 911% 90 90 + %
19% 7% 1 nspiratton Copper. 10 16% 16 16% + V»
5% 3% Insuranshares ,10e. 12 5% 5% 5%
9% 2% Interboro R T (r)_ 8 9% 9% 9%
34% 15 Interchemical .. 1 29% 29% 29% + %
5% 2 Intercont’l Rubber. 14 4 4
16% 6% Interlake Iron .. 24 14'i 14% 14% %
29 15 Inti Agri pr pf (2k)_ 2 24% 24% 24% - %
70 48 Inti Harvester 1.60. 9 62% 62 62 + %
9% 3% Inti Hydro-Ell A).. 9 7% 7% 7% 4 %
11% 6% Inti Mining «.35c)_ 3 9 9 9
57% 36% Inti Nickel (2) .. 23 53 52% 53
15% 4% Inti Paper & Pwr .. 13 13% 12% 13%-!-%
52% 18% Inti Paper * Pw nf. 14 47’, 46 47 t1
I 48% 28% Inti Rvs CA Pf (5k) 10s 43', 43% 43% + %
| 29% 19% Inti Salt (1.50a). . 1 29% 29% 29% - %
| 35% 28 Inti Shoe (150)_ 1 33 33 33 - %
11% 5% Inti Tel & Teleg ... 18 9% 9 9
| 11% 6 Inti Tel&Tel for ct. 3 9% 9', 9% - %
18 6% Interstate Dept St. 1 15% 15% 15% 4 %
| 83% 63 Interst D S pf (7).. 210s 80% 79', 79% -3%
| 24 16 Island C k Cl 1 50e~ 2 20% 20% 20%-%
72 44% Jewel Tea (4) .. 1 69% 69% 69% - %
130 122 Johns-Manv pf(7)„ 10s 127 127 127
78 49% Jones & Laugh pf . 10s 69 69 69 —1
13% 5% Kan City Southern- 1 10% 10% 10% 4 %
14% 4% Kelsey-Hayes (A).. 1 12 12 12 - %
10% 3 Kelsey-Haves (B)_. 3 8 8 8
51 26% Kennecott (1.75e) _ 35 44% 43% 44%+ %
14% 6% Keystone S&M 65e. 5 13 12% 13 + %
19% 9 Kinney (GR)prpf.. 20s 16 15% 15% -1
22% 15% Kresge (SS) 1.20 .. 5 20% 20% 20%
21% 12% Kroger Grocll.60).. 16 20% 20% 20%+ %
17 8% Lambert Co (1.50) . 3 16 16 16 -%
28% 10% Lee Rub & T(2.50o) 1 25% 25% 25%+%
7% 3 Leh Valley RR 3 5 5 5
12% 6% Lehn&Fink <1.25e> 18 13% 12% 13% 41%
58% 23% Libbey-Ow-F 1.25e. 5 54% 54% 54% — %
9 6 Libby McN & Lib .. 1 6% 6% 6%
37% 25 Life Savers! 1.60a). 1 34% 34% 34% — %
103% 81% Ligg & My(B)(4a). 2 100 100 100 -%
175% 157 Llgg&My pf (7)... 1 175 175 175
1 50 29 Link Belt (1.25e)... 1 46% 46% 46% -2%
[ 21% 12% Liquid Carbd 25e)_ 1 19% 101, 19% 4 %
62% 33 Loew's, Inc <3e) 8 58% 58% 58% + %
9 % Lort. Inc _ 25 7% 7 7% 4 %
\ 63% 26 Lone Star C (3)—_ 1 57% 57% 57% — %
j 5% 2% Long-Bell (A) 3 1 4 4 — %
23% 14% Loose-Wiles(1.05e) 3 20% 20% 20% - %
! 21% 13% Lor (Hard (1.20) ... 2 20% 20% 20% 4 %
154 125 Lorillard pf (7) .. 10s 151% 151% 151% -1%
56%. 29% Louis* Nash <4e)_. 1 51% 51% 51% +1
15% 8% McCall Corp (1) .... 1 12% 12% 12%-%
20% 10 McGraw Elec d)_ 2 18% 18% 18%
9% 5% McKesson* Rob_ 20 8% 8% 8% + %
11% 5 McLellan Strs 60e_. 2 10 10 10
32% 16 Mack Trucks _ 9 30% 29% 29% - %
j 49% 24% Macy(R H)(2) .. 10 43 42% 42%
19% 10 Jladis Sq Gar 1.65a.. 1 17 17 17
40% 18% Magma Cop 1.50a - 1 37% 37% 37% — %
71, 4% Marine Mldl'd ,30a . IS 5% 5% 5% 4 %
16 7 Market St Ry pr pf. 60s 7% 7% 7% - %
14% 5% Marshall Field_ 5 13% 12% 13 +%
34% 14% Martin (Glen)_ 73 33% 32% 33 + T*
7% 2% Martin-Parry__ 2 5 5 5 4 %
61 25 Masonite (la) _ 1 56 36 56
36% 19% Math Alklli (1.50).. 7 34% 34 34%
53 28% Slay Dept Strs (3).. 2 49% 49% 49%
7% 3% Maytag Co • 1 5% 5% 5% — %
57% 32% Melville Sh(2.S75a). 2 48% 48% 48%-%
7% 3% Mengel Co .. 7 S', 6% 6%
29% 14 Mengel 5% pf 2.50. 190s 26% 25% 26%+%
14% 5% Miami Copper 112 12 12 4 %
22% 12% Mid Cont Pet (.60e). 3 15% 15% 15%-%
111 76 Mid Stl 1st pf (8)... 10s 109% 109% 109% - %
92 46% Minn-Hn Ros (2e)— 1 83% 83% 83%-%
8 4 Minn-Moline Imp 3 6% 6 6 — %
1% % M St P&SSM LL(r) 200s % % %
3% 1% Mo Kans & Texas ..12 2 2
11% 4% Mo Kans & Tex pf.. 1 8% 8% 8%
2% % Mo Pacific (r)_ 2 % % % - %
3% 1% Mo Pacific pf (r)_ 4 1% 1% 1% + %
107% 67 Monsanto (2) ... 11 102% 101% 101% -1<%
54% 25 Mont Ward (1.50e). 32 50% 49% 60 4 %
17% 8 Motor Wheel ( 40e). 4 15% 14% 14%-%
8% 4 Mullins Mfg (B)... 2 6% 6% 6%
64% 26 Mullins Mfg pf 10s 41 41 41 41
15% 9% Munsingwear(.25e). 2 13 12% 12% — %
10% 4 Murrav Corp _ 1 8% 8% 8%
12% 6% Nash-Kelvlnator_- 9 9% 9% 9%
14% 8% Natl Acme . 7 13% 13 13 — %
13% 6 Natl Aviation ... 8 13% 13% 13% 4 %
28 15% Natl Biscuit (1.60). 4 26 25% 26 4 %
168% 150 Natl Biscuit pf (7).. 1 166 166 166 — %
90% 65 Natl Bd & In pf (5)_. 1 94% 94% 94% +4%
30% 12% Natl Cash Reg (1).. 3 25% 24% 25%+%
16% 11% Natl Dairy (1 e) ... 8 13% 13% 13%
10% 3% Natl Dept Stores.1 9% 9% 9% #
30 17% Natl Distillers (2).. 7 27% 27% 27% + %
16% 5 Natl Gypsum _ 17 14% 14% 14%+%
31 17% Natl Lead (.50) 15 27 26% 26% + %
28% 13% Natl Malleable Stl.. 1 24% 24% 24%+%
9% 5 Natl Pwr & L(.60).. 9 8% 8% 8%
81% 44% Natl Steel (1)_ 10 79% 79% 79%+%
23 12% Natl Supply _ 11 18% 18 18
19% 9% Newport Indus . 43 17% 17 . 17%+%
1% 1 Newpt In rts Nov 23 68 1% 1% 1%
21% 10 N Y Central .. 48 19% 18% 18%+ %
38% 12% N Y Cht & St L pf 8 28% 27% 28
37% 18 NYC Omnibus He) 3 36% 36% 36% + %
4% 2 N Y Dock . _. 100s 4 3% 4 + %
7% 2% N Y N H & H pf(r). 4 4% 4% 4% + %
15% 4% N Y Shipbuilding .. 6 13% 13 13 + %
1% ■% Norfolk & South (r) 5 % % % — %
198 133 Norfolk &vWn (10). 1 179 179 179
108 100 Norfolk & W pf (4) 220s 107 107 10* -%
16% 5% North Am Avia 4fle 48 16% 15% 16 + %
26% 13% North Am Co (.90*). 12 22% 22% 22%-%
102 87% North Am Ed pf(6). 1 102 102 102
14% 6% Northern Pacific . 10 12 11% 11% - %
100% 92% Northn Sta Pw (5). 1 100% 100% 100% + %
4% 1% Norwalk Tire 8 4 3% 4 + %
14% 8% Ohio Oil (.20e)_ 8 9% 9% 9%
32% 19% Oliver Farm Eauip. 2 28% 28% 28% + Vi
19% 7% Omnibus Corp 1.30e. 3 18% 18% 18%-%
10 4 Oppenheim Coll .. 1 8% 8% 8%
29% 13% Otis Elevator (.60).. 8 27 26% 26% - %
15% 6% Otis Steel .. 19 14 13% 14 +%
22% 10 Outb’d Mot(1.85e)_. 3 22 21% 22
76% 40 Owens-111 G1 1.60*.. 7 71 70% 70%
20 10% Pac Coast 1st pf_ 10s 19% 19% 19%+%
9% 3% Pac Coast 2d pf .. 10s 6% 6% 6% - %
30 22% Pac Gas& Elec(2).. 1 28% 28% 28%-%
43 32% Pac Lighting (3) .. 1 41% 41% 41%+1%
116% 87 Pac Tel & Tel (6).. 40s 114% 114 114 -%
31 18% Pac Tin spl (le)_ 2 24 24 24
6 3% Packard Motor__ 45 5% 5 5
2 1 Panhandle_ 1 1% 1% 1%
13% 5% Paramount _ 12 10% 10% 10% + %
3% 1% Park Utah Mines... 4 2% 2% 2% - %
14% 3% Path* Film 38 12% 12% 12%-%
13% 8% Patino Mines(.25e). 2 11% 11 11 + %
85% 66 Penney!J 02.60#_ 1 79% 79% 79% + %
5% 2% Penn-DixleC#m—_. 1 4% 4% 4%
15% 10 Penn Glass Sand .. 3 14% 14 14%-%
24% 14% Penn Railroad(.50e) 28 21% 21% 21%-%
112% 110 Peoples D pf (6.50).. 30s 115 115 116 +2%
17% 5% Per# Marquette __ 1 14 14 14 -1%
13% 7% Petrol Corp (.40a).. 1 9% 9% 9%
47% 17% Phelps Dodge (le).. 23 42% 42% 42% + V*
43 30 PhilaCo *6 pf (3)_. 1 39% 39% 39%+%
143% 75% Philip Morris 6.75a. "7 91% 91% 91%
44% 27% Phillips Petrol (2)_ 14 40% 40 40
26% 20% Pillsbury FI 1.60... 1 24% 24% 24% + %
9% 3% Pitts Coke * Iron_A 1 9 9 9 - %
9% 4% Pitts Screw_-_ 1 I 8% 8% 8% + %
Prev. 1938 Stock and Sales— Net
Hlah Low Dividend Rate. Add 00. Blab. Low Close. Cbaft
16% 7% Pitts Steel _ 1 14% 14% 14%
62 20% Pitts Steel pf B_ 40a 42 40% 42 +1%
17% 6 Pitts W Va _ 30a 16% 15% 15%
16% 6% Poor * Co(B)_ 5 13% 13% 13%+%
4% 1% Postal T&C pf(r)_ 3 1% 1% 1%
13% 4% Pressed Steel Car_ 26 11% 10% 11
69 39% Proctor & Gam(2).. 3 67 66% 57 + %
122% 114 Proct&Gam pf (6). 30s 117 116% 117 +%
35% 25 PubSvcNJ (2.20e) 2 32% 32% 32%-%
150 132 PubSvoN J pf(8).. 10s 148 148 148 -2
39% 21% Pullman Col 1.125e) 37 35% 34% 35
13% 8% Pure Oil 4 10% 10% 10%
15% 7 Purity Bakerles(le) 41 14% 13% 14% +1
9% 4% Radio Corp (.20e)_ 27 8 7% 8 + %
66% 37'/* Radio cv pf (3.50).. 1 6Ui 61% 61%-%
5% 1% Radio-Kelth-Or(r). 6 2% 2% 2%
10% 3% Rallr’d Sec 111 Stk._ 10s 8% 8% 8% - %
24% 8% Rayonler. Inc __ 2 16% 16% 16% + %
17% 9% Rem Rand (.90a)_ 15 16 15% 15%+%
3% 1% Reo Motor__ 7 2% 2% 2% — %
25% 11% Republic Steel_ 82 24% 23% 24 + %
78% 39% Rep Steel cv pf_ 1 76 76 76
19% 7% Revere Copper . 2 16% 16% 16% — %
46% 33% Reyn Tob (B) 2.90*. 5 44% 44% 44%+%
8% 5 Richfield Oil 8 7% 7% 7% + %
29% 12 Safeway Stores (2e) 4 28% 27% 27%
82 58 Safeway pf (5)_ 10s 82% 82% 82% +2
99 68 Safeway pf (6) ... 30s 98% 98 98 - %
49% 25% St Joseph Ld( 75e). 2 45% 45% 45%+%
1% % St L-San Fran(r)_ 6 % % %
3% 1% St L-San Fr pf(r).. 1 1% 1% 1%
27'a 13% Schenley Distillers. 10 20% 20% 20% + %
1% % Schulte Retail Sir). 41 % % %
% % Seaboard A L (r) .. 4 % % %
3 1% Seaboard A L pf(r). 1 1% 1% 1% - «
27% 15% Seaboard 011 (1) ... 5 22% 21% 21%+ %
80% 47 Sears Roeb’k <3a>._ 13 73% 73 73%+ %
18 9% Scrvel. Inc (1)_ 9 16% 16% 16% + %
23 10 Sharon Steel _ 5 20 19% 19%-%
9% 3 Sharp&Dohme ___ 5 7% 7% 7%
12% 6% Shattuck (FG) .40.. 9 11% 11% 11% - %
28% 20% Sheafter Pen 1.75e.. 20s 27% 27 27 - Vi
18% 10 Shell Un Otl(.35e) . 2 14% 14% 14%-%
106% 93 Shell L'n Oil pf 6.50. 2 102% 102% 102%
9% 4% Silver King Coal'n.. 5 6% 6% 6*. + %
35% 12% Simmons Co ( 50e)_. 4 31% 30% 30% — %
14% 8% Snider Pkg (,75e)_ I 13 13 13
1(?% 10% Socony-Vac (.50) . 36 13% 12% 13
3Vs 1% South Am Gold & P. 2 2% 2% 2% + Vi !
28 16% So Port R Sue 1.75«. 3 20% 20% 20%
25 19% Southn Cal Ed 1.50a 4 23% 23% 23%
22% 9% Southern Pacific . 31 19% 18% 18%+ V4 j
21% 6Vi Southern Railway.. 22 18% 18% 18% + %
31% 8% Southern Rv pf . 8 28% 27% 27% + % 1
4% 2 Sparks Wlthlncton. 1 3% 3% 3% - %
40 15% Sperry Corp < 60e) _. 47 39% 38% 39% + % ,
17% 7% Spicer Mfg Co . 10 11% 11% 14% - %
44 29 Spicer Mfg pf A (3) 10s 42 42 42 -2
15% 6% Spiegel. Inc . 10 13% 13% 13%
70% 48% Spiegel Inc pf 4 50. 20s 65 64 65 n 1
9% 6% Stand Brands 625e. 21 7% 7% 7%
3% 1% Stand Com Tob (r). 1 2 2 2 — %
5% 2 Stand G&E (r) ... 12 4 4 4
115 4% Stand G&E pf (r) ... 6 8% 8% 8% — %
34% 25% Stand Oil Cal (la).. 1 4 28 27% 28
35% 24% Stand Oil Ind (1) 8 27% 27% 27% - % I
68% 39% stand Oil N J (la).. 9 52% 52% 52%+%;
71% 49 Sterling Prod(3.80). 2 68% 68''. 68% -r %
11 5 Stokely Brothers . 1 7% 7% 7% — % ,
17% 6% Stone & Webster- 16 14% 14% 14%
9% 3Vi Studebaker-- 8 7% 7% 7% + V» ;
59 4.5 Sun Oil (1) _... f> 57 56% 57
14% 9% Sunshine Min(2.40) 8 10% 10% lO'i
43% 17% Superheater (.50).. 3 37% 37% 37% + %
4% 1% Superior Oil - 8 3% 3% 3% + %
23% 8% Superlor Steel _ 2 21 21 21
21 15 Swift & Co (1.20)... 6 19% 19% 19%-%
29% 22% Swift Inti (2) .. 1 27% 27 , 27%
10% 4% Symington ww 25e. 3 9 8% 9 + %
< 8% 3% Symington iw .25«. 3 7 7 7 + %
8 3% Tenn Corp'n _ 1 6% 6% 6%
49% 32% TexnsCorp(2) _ 19 43% 43% 43% + %
5% 2% Tex Gulf Pod .15e . 15 4% 4% 4% — %
38 26 Tex Gulf Sul (2) 4 32% 32% 32% - U
11% 6% Tex Pac Land T 15e 4 8% 8% 8%
5% 2% Tlfe Fair . 5 4 4 4 - %
5% 2% Thermoid 1 4% 4% 4%
28% 8% Thompson Prod . 3 26% 26% 26% - %
4 1% Thompson-Starrett. 5 2% 2% 2% + %
15% 10% Tide-Water A Oi 1). 2 13 12% 12% - %
98 77% Tide-W A O pf 4.50. 1 92 92 92 + %
19% 8 Timken-Detroit 3 17% 17% 17% + %
55% 31% Timken Roll B (le) 4 51% 50'. 51 - %
12% 8 Transamerica(.75) 1 9% 9% 9%
Prev. 1938 6tock end Sales— Net
High. Low. Dividend Rate Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge.
10% 4 Transcontl & W Air 11 9Vi 9 9
4% 2% Tri-Cor#inental . 7 4'/. 4W 4V* + Vi
V* A Truax-T rts Nov 30. 8 A A A
28% 16% 20th Cent-Fox (2) 13 27 26% 27 + Vi
13% 6 Twin Coach_ 6 11% 11% 11%
6 1% Ulcn & Co_ 14 4 4
15Vi 7% Union Bag & Paper. 4 12% 12% 12%+%
90% 67 Union Carbide 2.40# 13 87 86% 87 +.%
22% 17% Union Oil Cal 1.20.. 1 19 19 19
83% 69% Union Pac pf (4)- 3 79 79 79 -3
38 19% Unit Aircraft!.60«). 32 37 36% 36%+%
13% 5 Unit Air Lines .. 29 12% 12% 12%
73% 39 Unit Carbon 3.25e .. 1 68 68 68 + %
4% 2 Unit Corp'n_ 33 3% 3% 3% - %
7% 4% Unit Drug.— 1 6% 6% 6% - %
8% 3 Unit Electric Coal.. 3 7% 7% 7%
39% 21% Unit Eng & Fdry (2) 1 36 36 36 +1
67% 60 Unit Fruit (3) 6 59% 68% 58% +1%
12% 8% Unit Gas Imp (1)— 14 11% 11% 11%+%
13 4% U S & For’n Secur_ 1 11 11 11
115 55 US Gypsum (2)_ 2 104 104 104 +1
10% 4% U S Hoffman_ 1 8% 8% 8% - %
7% 3% U S Leather_ 1 6% 6% 6% - Vi
13% 5% US Leather (A)... 3 11% 11% 11%
49% 21% U S Pipe & Fdy (2). 6 44% 43% 43%+%
7 2% U S Realty & Imp— 16 5% 5% 5% + %
56Vi 21 US Rubber _ 50 50% 49% 50% + %
108% 45% U S Rubber 1st pf _ 9 107 106% 107 +1%
72% 44% U S Smelt & Ref(4). 1 64 64 64
70% 55 U S Sm&R pf(3.50). 1 68 68 68
71% 38 US Steel 89 66% 65% 66%+ %
121 91% U S Steel pf (7) ... 1 115% 115% 115% - %
36 29% U S Tobacco 1.35e_- 2 33% 33% 33% - Vs
• 5% 3% Unit Stockyard*- 1 3s. 3% 3%
3% 1% Unit Stores (A)_- 4 2% 2% 2% + %
15 7% Univ-Cyclops _ 2 14% 14% 14%
70 27% Univ Piet 1st pf- 60s 65 64 65
1% % Util Pwr & L (r)- 2 % % %
28% 11Vanadium Corp- 9 26 25% 25% + %
36% 14% Van Raalte (2) - 1 34% 34% 34%
18% 13% Victor Chem (.55e)_ 1 17 17 17
5% 2% Va-Caro Chemical— 1 3% 3% 3% — Vi
32V« 15% Va-Caro Chem pf— 1 26% 26% 26%
116% 105 Va El Pwr of(6)_ 20s 116 116 116
4% 1% Wabash fif A (r)- 2 2% 2% 2% + %
20% 13% Walgreen (1) — 1 16% 16% 16% — %
87 74 Walgreen pf (4.50). 2 84 84 84 -2%
10% 4% Walworth Co _ 10 8% 8% 8% + %
4 2 Ward Baking (B)._. 3 2% 2% 2% — Vi
8 3% Warner Bros Piet - 14 6% 6% 6%
45 20 Warner Bros Pic pf. 2(Ts 39% 39% 39% +1%
31 16% Warren Fy & P (2). 2 27 27 27
34% 17 Wayne Pump 2.50e. 5 31% 31 31% — %
39 25% Wesson Oil(2.50e) . 1 35 35 35 + Va
97% 74 West Penn El pf (6) 20s 95% 95 95
102%- 82% West Penn El pf<7) 20s 101% 101% 101% - Vi
24% 12% Westn Auto Sup (1) 1 22% 22% 22% + %
1% % Western Pacific 4 % % %
3% 1 ■„ Western Pacific pf.. 4 1% 1% 11* - V.
34% 16% Westn Union Teleg. 7 25 % 25% 25% — Vi
33% 15% Wsthse Air Br 1 Ole 9 29% 29 29 + %
124% 61% Westhse Elec 2.50e. 3 117% 116% 116% - %
21 9% Weston Elec Inst.— 2 17% 17% 17% — %
32% 14% Wheeling Steel- 5 29 28% 28% + %
95 75 Wheel Steel pf ._ 1 811- 81% 81% +1%
11 5 While Rock Min S . 1 7% 7!* 7% — V*
21% 8% While Sew Mach pf. 1 19% 19% 19% — %
3% 1% Wilcox Oil & Gas. .. 3 .2% 2% 2% + %
3% 1% WUlys-Overland — 4 2% 2% 2%
6% 3% Willys-Overl'd pf.— 2 5% 5% 5% - %
5% 3 Wilson & Co - 2 4% 4*. 4 %
27 . 10% Woodward Iron_ 2 25 25 25
53% 36 Woolworlh (2.40) _ II 51% 50% 50% — %
27% 11% Worthington Pump. 3 24% 24% 24% + %
21% 8 . Yellow Truck . 18 18% 18% 18i + %
109 71 YellowTruck pf(7) 80s 102 102 102
25% 9% Young Spg & Wire, 4 20% 20% 20% + Vi
57% 24 Ykstwn Sheet & T-. 22 52% 61% 52%+ %
28 11% Ygstwn Steel Door. 4 24% 24%. 24% -r 1%
25% 9 Zenith Radio _ 4 20% 20V« 20%
5% 2% Zonite Products_ 14 4 4
Approximate Sales ot Stocks on the N. Y. Stock Exchange.
11:00 A.M 210.00U l-.uu Noon 440.0UU
s Unit ot trading 10 shares
•In Dankruptcy or receivership or oelng reorganized under
Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed oy such companies.
Rates ot dividend in the :oregcing taDle are annual disburse
ments oased on the last quarterly or semi-annual declarations
Unless otherwise noted, special or extra dividends ara not In
xd Ex dividend xr Ex rlgnts a Also extra or extrac o 1-10
share of 82 prelerence stock d 1-75 share of *3 preference stock
e Declared or paid so tar this year f Payable in stock e Paid
last year h Cash or stock, k Accumulated dividend paid or de
clared this year
Baltimore Markets
Ssedal Dispatch to the Star.
BALTIMORE, Md.. Nov. 19 —Pota
toes. 100-pound sacks. 60al.l5; Idaho,
2.00a2.10; sweet potatoes, barrel,
1.50a 1.75; bushel, 80a 1.40; nearby,
half bushel. 30a50; yams, bushel, 75a
1.15; beans, bushel. 1.25al.50; beets,
nearby, bunch. I'^a2; broccoli, crate,
1.00a!.25; California. 1.50al.75; Brus
sels sprouts, half drum, 1.25al.75;
quart, 5al0: cabbage. 50-pound
sacks. 20a30; busheU 25a35; 1'2
bushel hampers. 40a65: carrots,
bushel. 35a85; WTestern crate. 3.50a
4.00: cauliflower, crate. 75a 1.25; cel
ery-. crate, 1.25al.90: California. 2.35a
2.50; collards, bushel. 35a40; cucum
bers, bushel. 1.25a2.00: eggplant, 1'.
bushel crate. 1.25al.75: lettuce, Ice
berg. Western, crate. 3.50a4.00: lima
beans, bushel. 4.25a4.75; mushrooms.
4-quart basket, 50a75: okra, bushel.
1.75a2.25; onions. 50-pound sack. 75a
1.00; Western. 1.10al.25: peas, bushel,
2.50a4.50; peppers. 1',2-bushel crate.
1.75a2.25; spinach, nearby, half
bushel, 20a30: squash, bushel, 1.75a
2.00: tomatoes, lug. 1.25a3.00: turnips,
nearby, purple tops, half bushel, 15a
25; yellows, per 100 pounds. 40a50;
apples, bushel. 25al.75; Western, box,
1.50a2.25: cranberries, quarter-barrel
box. 3.00a4.00: eighth-barrel box,
1.75a2.00; grapefruit, box, 1.00a2.50;
grapes. California, lug. 1.25al.50;
honeydews, crate. 1.50a2.00; oranges,
box, 1.50a2.50;; pears, bushel, 1.00a
1.15; lemons box, 2.25a4.25; limes,
box, 35a85; tangerines, box, 1.00a 1.40.
Dairy Products.
Live poultry — Chickens, Rocks,
pound, 18a21; mixed colors, 15a20;
culls. 10a 12; fowl. Rocks. 20a21;
mixed colors. 18a20; Leghorns, 13al6;
roosters, 12al4; ducks. Pekins. 15al7;
Muscovy, 15al7; guineas, each. 35a
50; turkey hens, 25a26; toms, 21a22.
Eggs—Nearby, ungraded, dozen,
white, large, 36a38: medium. 32a34;
mixed colors, 30a32. Receipts, 1,437
Butter—Print. 92 score, pound, 28
a29; 90 score, 26a26; country rolls,
18; packing stock, 13al4. Receipts,
743 tubs.
Livestock Market.
Cattle, 100. Compared with Fri
day last week: Steer market mostly
strong to 25 cents higher; medium
and good grades around 1,000 to
1,300 pounds, mostly 8.00a9.60; top,
10.40, for 1,558-pound grassers; plain
light weights down to 7.00 or below;
she-stock mostly 25 cents higher;
plain and medium grade heifers,
5.00a7.50; good weighty kinds in
small lots to 8.50 and individual
head to 9.00; good cows scarce;
few up to 6.50 and individual head
to 7.00; plain and medium grades
fat dairy breds mostly 5.00a5.50;
bulk low cutters and cutters, 3.50a
4.50; top sausage bulls, 7.00. /
Calves, none. Compared with Fri
day last week: This week’s market
unchanged; good grade vealers, 11.50
al2.00; bulk plain and medium
grades, 8.00al0.50.
Hogs, 525. Steady with Friday and
mostly 10 cents lower than week
ago; packing sows unchanged; good
and choice 120 to 160 pounds, 8.30a
8.50; practical top, 8.50; 160 to 200
pounds, 8.20a8.40; 210 to 240 pounds,
7.95a8.15; 250 to 300 pounds, 7.60a
7.95; good packing sows, 650a7.40.
Hogs from doubtful areas and those
fattened on garbage or swill and
price premiums occasionally paid
for through billed rail consignments
purchased for reshipment not rep
resented in above quotations.
Sheep, 125. Compared with Fri
day last week: Lamb market mostly
around 25 cents higher; top 35 cents
higher; bulk good and choice grade
70-80-pound ewes and wethers, 9.75
9.85; week’s top, 10.00, paid Monday
for deck 80-pound average; plain
and medium grades, 650-8.50; most
ly 8.00 down; slaughter ewes strong
to 50 cents higher: mostly good
weighty offerings at 350-4.00; small
lots choice handyweights to 4.50.
Old thin sheep. 1 00-2.50.
Grain Market.
Opening prices were: Wheat. No.
2. red. winter, garlicky, spot, demos
tic, 65h: November delivery, 6512.
Setting prices were: Wheat. No. 2.
red. winter, garlicky, spot, domestic,
6512: November delivery, 6512. Corn,
No. 2. yellow, domestic. 54a57; West
' ern billing at premium over this
price. Cob corn nominal, with re
I ceipts insufficient to establish a
| market: country prices reported
new. 1.80a2.00 a barrel. Oats, No. 2.
white, domestic, 37a42; No. 3. 36a41.
1 Excepting grain on track, there is
an additional charge of 134 cents a
bushel for storage and elevation on
sales of oats. Rye, No. 2, 55a60.
Barley, 50a55. Hay, ton, 10.00al3.00.
Straw, ton. 7.50.
Flour, barrel, winter, patent. 3.85a
4.15; winter, straight. 3.05a3.35;
spring, patent. 5.00a5.25; spring,
straight. 4 75a4.95; hard winter, pat
ent, 4.65a4.70; rye. dark to white.
3.10a4.00. Mill feed, ton, spring
bran. 24.00a25.00; standard middling,
-• . —
Dollar Goes Higher
On London Mart
B> the Associated Press.
LONDON. Nov. 19—1The United
States dollar was ahead •"» of a cent
in final foreign exchange trading to
day. closing 4.70'8 to the pound and
compared with a similar rate for
sterling in New York over night.
French francs finished at 178.69 to
the pound, against 178.62 yesterday.
Insurance Stocks
NEW YORK. Nov. If) i/p>.—Investment
Bankers’ Conference. Inc.:
Bid. Asked.
Aetna Cas (3a) _ . Ini 111
Aetna Ins (1.on) _ 45*4 47*4
Aetna Life <la)_ 24 34 2rt*4
Am Equit (1) _ 2H34 ‘2814
Am Ins Nwk (da)- 3 M14 1334
Am Reins (!.(»()> _ 3(»d 3S*a
Am Reserve (1*2)_ 27*2 23
Am Surety (2I/a)_- 51 53
Automobile (la> _ 33 35
Balt Amer (.2oa)__ 534 (;34
Carolina <1.3«) _ 2334 25*4
City of N Y (1.20) _ 2n‘4 *:i34
Conn Gen Lif (.80)_ 25*4 27*4
Contin Cas (1.20) _ 33 35
Fid Dcp (4a) _ 112*2 114
Firemen's Nwk (.30)- hi* l(>d
Frank Fire (la* __ 27 28*2
Gen Rei#ur r 1 a)__ - . 38*'2 40
Glens Falls (1.00)_ 433* 4534
Globe Rep (d)_ 13U 143/4
Globe & Rut _ 28 31
Gt Amer Ins (la)_ 24*2 20
Hanover (1.00) -- 30* 4 32*4
Hartford Fire (2)__ 74*4 77*2
Home Fire Sec_ 2*.a 3*8 !
Home Ins (la)_ 2f>*4 30** I
Homestead (1) _ 173,4 10*4 !
Knickerbocker (12) - 10 11 *2 ,
Lincoln Fire _ _ 2*4 2% 1
Maryland Cas - 3** 4*4
Mass Bond (3*4)- 52 54 V2
Merc Tns __ 4 0
Natl Fire (2). Old 63d
Natl Liberty (.20a). __ 7d Sd
N Hampshire d.(><))_ 443* 40* »
N Y Fire ( 70e)_ _ 10 1T*2
Nor River d)_ 20 *27 d
Phoenix (2a) _ 79 Va 83*4
Prov Wash (1) - 33 35
Revere (P» In (1.20a)_ 23 24*4
Rh Isl Ins . _ _ 4 0
Rossia Ins _ 43* 53*
St Paul Fire (8)_ 225 230
Sorinxfleld (4Via)_124 127
Sfun Life (15)_ 430 480
Travelers (16)_ 448 458
T7 S F1d & G_ 15*/2 17
U S Fire (2) 54 50
Westchester (1.20a) _ 32 34
a Also extra or extras,
e Declared or paid so far this year.
Dividends Announced
NEW YORK. Nov. 10.—Dividends de
clared. Prepared by the Standard Sta
tistics Co.
No Action Taken.
New Bedford Cordage Co.
Pe- Stock of Pay
Rate. riod. record, able.
Nat Cas Co of Det 20c ._ 11-30 12-22
Pac Indemnity Co . 10c_12-15 1-3
Am Radiator & Std San „ .
in cum pf $1.75 Q 11-28 12-1
Briggs Ar Stratton ,75c 12-2 12-15
Kans Okla & Gulf Ry
tin of A ... 53 S 11-22 12-1
Do O'!, pf B_$3 S 11-22 12-1
Do ti'r Df C _ $2 11-22 12-1
Kans Util in pf .$1.75 Q 12-21 1-3
Met & Thermit Corp $1 Q 12-1 12-JO
Do in pf _ __ $1.75 Q 12-20 12-23
Muskogee Co . 25c 12-1 12-15
Nat Casualty Det 25c G 11-30 12-15
Na D Prod in Pf A $1.75 Q 11-20 12-15
Do in pf B $1.75 Q 11-20 12-15
New Bedford Cordage
in pf $1.75 Q 11-21 12-1
Pacific Indemnity 40c Q 12-15 1-3
Texas-New Mexico Util
in pf $1.75 Q 11-21 12-1
ValsD Corn $4 cv pf $1 __ 11-25 11-30
West Mi* St Fdy
in tfTmf _i7t4c q _ n-i
Do cv ,>f 43Hc Q 1°-1
Railway Express
Plans Issue to
Redeem Bonds
B> t'lo Associated Press.
The Railway Express Agency,
Inc., asked the Interstate Commerce
Commission yesterday for authority
to issue $16,000,000 of serial notes to
redeem on March 1. 1939. an equal
amount of outstanding 5 per cent
serial bonds.
The express agency's application
said the notes would bear less than
5 per cent interest, resulting in a
considerable saving to it. The ex
press agency proposes to pay off the
notes in 20 semi-annual installments
of $800,000 from June 1, 1939, to
! December 1, 1948.
The notes will be guaranteed by
railroads in proportion to the
amount of stock they hold in Rail
way Express.
Rich Hold Small Part
Of Tax-Free Issues
Ey the Associated Press.
The Treasury said yesterday that
slightly more than half of the in
dividually-owned tax-exempt bonds
in this country are held by persons
having incomes of less than $50,000
a year.
A special study of 1936 income tax
returns showed that persons with
incomes of more than $5,000 re
ported owning $4,751,084,000 of State,
local and Federal tax-exempt bonds
and about $2,400,000,000 of these
were owned by persons in income
classes below $50,000.
Although the Treasury has asked
Congress to forbid bond exemptions
in the future to prevent wealthy
persons from hoarding funds in ex
empt issues, the report showed mil
lionaires owned only 4.35 per cent
of the exempt bonds, which was
slightly less than the share of per
sons earning less than $10,000.
There were only 61 millionaires,
however, and nearly 450,000 persons
in the less-than-$10,000 group.
125 Tons of Lead Sold
NEW YORK, Nov. 19 (JP).—St. Jo
seph Lead Co. reports 125 tons of
Southeast Missouri pig lead sold yes
terday at $4.95 per 100 pounds, East
St. Louis: 1.000 tons at $5.10, New
York, and 100 tons at the New York
Chicago Livestock
CHICAGO. Nov. 19 //Pi (United States
Department of Agriculture I.—Hogs. 11.000.
including 10.500 direct: largely a clean
up trade: about steady with Friday'a
average: several good and choice lots
and loads scaling 170 to 200 pounds 7.50
00: no outstanding offerings available:
few around 120-pour.d pigs. 7.25: ship
pers took 150 and 500 holdovers: com
pared with week ago. good and choice
sows and gilts. 100 pounds, up. steady
(o 10 lower; packing sows, steady to
10 higher.
Cattle. 500: calves. .300; compared
Thursday last week: Medium weight and
weighty fed steers, grading good and
better. 50 cents higher: extreme In
stances 75 or more up on shipper ac
count; comparable yearlings and light
steers. 25-50 hlBher; common and me
dium grades, all weights, strong to 25
higher; short-fed light cattle predomi
nated in run. week-end scarcity follow
ing last week’s sharp break, stimulating
upturn: all grades, fat heifers, steady,
choice and plain grades scarce, firm:
cows slow, steady, bulls. 10-15 higher:
vealers, 50-75. lower: best heavy fed
steers. 13.35; light steers. 13.15; long
yearlings 12.00: 937-pound yearling
steers. 11.00; heifers. 10.75: short load.
11.10: mostly 8.75-11.25. steer and yearl
ing trade, with week's average cost around
9.70; all she stock In light supply: 5.000
head Western run. mainly Stockers and
feeders which moved actively.
8heep. 3.000. Including 1 000 direct:
Late Friday fat lambs. 10-25 higher;
small lots natives to city butchers. 9.H6:
bulk range fed lambs to packers and
shlopers. 9.40-9.50.
For week ending Friday. 2,500 directs:
Compared Thursday last week: Fat lambs.
25-50 higher: yearlings around 25 higher:
fat sheep, fully steady: feeding lambs,
strong to 1(1 higher: week's tops paid
at close, fat native lambs 9.05: fed
Westerns. 9.50; closing bulks, fat na
tives. 9.00-9.50: fed Westerns. P.25-9.50
jack’s top yearlings. 7.75: best ewes,
ij^n. ha-id'-v\-.icht -"hitc faced feeders
Selected Stocks Up
Fractions in Slow
Short Session
Aircrafts More Active
Than Others, but
Fail to Get Far
Stock Averages
Induit. Halil. Util. 8tks.
Net change +.3 unc. unc. +.1
Today, close 75.0 21.2 35.9 51.5
Prev. day.. 74.7 21.2 35.9 51.4
Month ago. 77.7 21.7 36.5 53.1
Year ago... 61.4 20.9 34.0 44.3
1938 high- 79.5 235 376 54.7
1938 low... 495 12.1 245 33.7
1937 high—101.6 495 54.0 75.3
1937 low... 57.7 19.0 31.6 41.7
1932 low... 175 8.7 23.9 16.9
1929 high-146.9 153.9 184.3 157.7
1927 low... 51.6 95.3 615 61.8
(Compiled by the Associated Press.)
Associated Press Financial Writer.
NEW YORK, Nov. 19.—Efforts to
work up a rally in today’s stock
market met with only half-hearted
response and the best selected issues
could do was to retrieve fractions of
their recent losses.
While the business picture offered
some encouragement to recoverv
proponents, trading forces seeming!*
were disinclined to get too far out
on a buying limb pending more as
surance the “correction" of the post
Munich upswing had about run its
Further study of the Anglo-Amer
ican and Canadian trade treaties
brought varying opinions in the
financial sector regarding benefits
which may accrue to the United
States from the pacts. In some
quarters it was suggested the new
commercial set-ups may have to be
in force some time before actual
dollar results for the countries in
volved can be gauged.
Aircrafts were relatively lively in
I an otherwise slow-motion session,
but most were unable to get very
far off the ground. A few motors,
rails, maii orders and specialties re
ceived mild support. The majority,
though, followed a narrow groove.
Closing prices were no better than
The list put a foot forward at the
start. Quotations were around the
top in the first hour. There was a
subsequent let-down with the ticket
! tape idling. Transfers for the two
hours were around 450,000 shares.
In the resistant division where
United States Steel. Youngstown,
Chrysler. General Motors, United
States Rubber, Montgomery Ward,
International Harvester, Douglas
| Aircraft, Glenn Martin, Curtiss
I Wright “A,” Eastman Kodak, Na
tional Cash Register. American Tele
phone. New York Central. Santa Fe,
Southern Pacific. Anaconda and
Standard Oil of New Jersey.
Lacking climbing power were Con
solidated Edison, North American,
Electric Power & Light, Bethlehem,
General Electric and Westinghouse.
Predictions that air armaments
would be pushed up to around 9.000
fighting planes or more bolstered
aviation stocks.
Fractions to around a point
higher in the curb were Lockheed,
Bellanca Aircraft. American Cyna
mid B and Seversky Aircraft. Mont
' gomery Ward A slipped nearly 3.
•-•-— ■■
Washington Exchange
Capital Traction 5s—$500 at 83.
Washington Gas Light pfd.—10 at
105, 50 at 105.
Bid and Asked Prices
Bid. Asked.
Anacostia A- Pot 5s _ Mi 88
Ana & Pot Guar 5s_ IO! >
Cap. Traction R R 5s_ So 85
City A- Suburban 5s _ 8,V« 87
Georcetown Gas 1st 6* _ 116
Pot Elec. Pow :S'4s _ Ki6>a 108‘/»
Wash Gas 5s 1058 lots,
Washington Gas 5s I960_120'a
Wash. Rwy. & Elec. 4s .101 __
Chevy Chase Club 1st 4 Us 104
Col. Country Club 1st 4V„s 10.3 _ _
Ter. Rf. At Wh Cor. 1st 4 Us 103 ....
Amer. Tel. At Tel. <91 _ 148
Capital Transit Co 8!« 8a«
N & W. Steamboat 14) 57Va 70
Pot. Elec. Pow OG old («) *113
Pot El P 5UG pf. 15.501 • 11.3
Wash. Gas Lt new <1.201 23'i 27
Wash. Gas pfd (4.50) 104U 105
Wash. Ry. A- El com ic.30) •621 _
Wash. Ry A- El. pfd (5) •113
Amcr. Sec. A- Tr. Co. <eS) . 250 270
Bank of Bethesda (.75) _. 25 30
Capital <4) 133 _
Commer At Savings (elO) 230
Liberty (0) 165 175
Lincoln (15) 200
Natl Sav. At Tr. _ 203 215
Pr Georees Bk Ar Tr (.601 17 22
RiRCs (c8) .. _ __ 269 280
Rices pfd (5) . __ 101
Washington (6) 125
Wash. Loan At Tr. (fS) 230 240
American (toi __121 _
Firemen's 0.20) 28 _
Na; lonal Union (.75) _ 15
Columhia (k.30) ... 12 _
Real Estate (mti) 160 _
Carpel Corn. 02.00)_ 25 . ..
Lanston Monotype (4) _ *54 62
Lincoln Serv. com (hi.00) 18'i 23
Line Serv prloi old (3 60) 61
Mercenthnler Lino, (p.501 24 25U
Peonies Dr S. com (t].00)_ 27 32
Peoples Dr. S pfd. (6.50) . 113 . .
Real Est M. A' G. Pfd. (50) 4'a 6
Security Storage (5) 115 125
Ter. Ref. At Wh. Core. (3) 60 68
Wdwd. A Loth. com. 01.50) 51 60
Wdwd. As Loth. pfd. (7)_118 .. .
• Ex dividend
♦Plus extras, e 2% extra 12*44!. ex
tra. h 75c extra c S14 extra paid No
vember 30 1937 k 30c extra, m $3 extra,
o 60c paid September 20 1938.
Washington Produce
BUTTER—90 score. 1-oound prints. 28:
tub. 27: 1 .-pound. 20: 02 score. 1-pound
prints. 30; >,.-pound prints. 31.
MEATS—Choice beef. 20: good beef. 10:
calves. 17; lambs. 18: veal. 17: fresh pork.
20: pork loin. 23; fresh ham. 10: fresh
skinned ham. 16%: smoked hams. 25: large
smoked skinned hams. 22: smoked skinned
hams. 20; piece bacon. 24: sliced bacon.
28; compound. 10%; lard. 9%.
LIVESTOCK—Pigs. 120-140 pounds,
B.45%-7.045/.: light pigs 140-160 pounds.
7.04%; 100-210 pounds. 7.29%: 210-240
pounds. 6.79%; 250-300 pounds. 3.70%
4.79%; calves. 10.20%-10.7P%: medium
calves. 5.04%-7.04%: culls. 2.84%.
Prices paid shippers net f o b. Washing
ton. By the United States Bureau of Agri
cultural Economics. _
EGOS — Market steady. Government
graded and dated eggs: Whites. U. 8. ex
tras large. 40: U. 8. extras, mediums. 20:
U. 8. standards, large. 35%: U S. stand
ards. mediums. 26%: U 8. trades. 26%:
pullets. 24: nearby ungraded eggs, current
receipts, whites 31-32: mixed colors. 27-28.
UVE POULTRY—Market slightly weak
er. Live turkefs slightly stronger. Fowl:
Colored, all sires. 17-18: No. 2 18-14: Leg
horns. 11-13: roosters. 10-11. Chickens:
Virginia Rocks, broilers and fryers, all
sires. 17-10: No. 2. 12-14: Delaware Rocks
and crosses, broilers and fryers, all sires.
17-10; No. 2. 12-14: mixed colors, fryers.
14-16: No. 2. 11-12: Leghorns, broilers, all
sires. 14-15: capons. 7 to 0 pounds. 25-28:
slips. 16-18. Turkeys: Young hens. 10 to
12 pounds 23-25: young toms. 15 ooundg
and uc. 22-23: No. 2. 15-16; old hens. IV
20- old toms. 18-20. Guineas. 2 pounjTT
- -^ver. 60 a nair: under 2 pounds. 40f»