Newspaper Page Text
. Bond Trends Uneven With Changes Held To Fractions Some German Dollrr Issues Drop Point; U. S. Group Quiet Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Ralls. Indust. Otll P'«n Net change unc. —.1 unc. —.2 Today, close 59.9 99.1 94.0 63.0 Prev. day 59.9 99.2 94.0 63.2 Month ago 60.5 98.9 95.0 64.7 Year ago .. 71.6 97.4 92.5 65.7 1938 high.. 70.5 100.3 95.1 67.0 1938 low . 46.2 93.0 85.8 59.0 1937 high.. 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 low... 70.3 95.5 90.3 64.2 1932 low... 45.8 40.0 64 6 42.2 1928 high..101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 Ten Low-Yield Bonds. Today 110.3 110.3 M'nth ago 109.9 Year ago 107.9 1938 high 110.4 1938 low 106.7 " 1937 high 113.7 1937 low 107.0 1928 high 104.4 1932 low 86.8 (Comnlied b» tne Associated Press.) Br the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Nov. 19—Trends were mixed in a quiet bond market today with gains and losses, in most cases, confined to fractions. Widest swings appeared among foreign dollar loans, where some German issues dropped a point or more. United States Government obligations were inactive, with prices tanging from off 5-32 to up 1-32. Among the domestic corporates a few rails enjoyed trading favor. Southern Railway 4s advancing nearly a point on a few sales. Other 1 gainers in this sector were St. Paul St. Louis-San Francisco 4'2s and Illinois Central 434s. On the off side were Santa Fe 4s. Of the few actively traded issues, Goodyear 4s dipped a wide fraction, j Baldwin Locomotive stamped 5s picked up around a point on light volume. Gainers included Anaconda Copper 4'2s. Armour < Delaware! 4s, Loew’s 3Gs and Commonwealth : Edison convertible 3L-s. Lower were American Telephone 3’4s, American Water Works 6s. International Paper ! 5s. National Dairy 334s and Texas Corp. 3'2s. New York traction issues con tinued strong with advances of more than a point recorded for Brooklyn Manhattan 4>2s and Interborough refunding 5s. Announcement of unification negotiations to be held next week spurred interest in the group. Investing Companies NEW YORK, Nov 19 t/P*.—Investment i Bankers Conference, Inc: Bid Asked. I Admin Fd 2nd Inc . 13.<»4 13.87 j Affiliated F Inc . .. . 4.13 4.57 j •Amerex Hold _ . 23.125 24.625 ' Am Bus Shrs _. _ ....... 3.55 3.92 i Am Gen Eq Inc . _ 55 .62 I Am Ins Stocks . _ 5.25 5.75 | "Bancamer Blair . 4.00 5.00 ; •Bankers Nat Inv Corp A 6 625 7.625 1 Basic Industry _ .. 3.69 Boston Fund Inc _ 16.50 17.65 Broad St Inv _ . 25.76 27.55 Bullock Fund .......... _ 15.125 16.375 Can Inv Fund . .. _ 4.on 4 35 Chemical Fund _ __ 30 29 1 1 13 Comwlth Invest ... 3.72 4.05 “Continental Sh pf 8.50 9.25 ! Corporate Trust __ 2.43 .. _ Comorate Trust AA _ 2.37 -- Corp rT AA mod __ 2.88 _ Corp Tr Accum Ser _ 2.37 _ Corp Tr Acc mod _ . _ 2.88 _ Cumulative Tr Sh 4 84 _ Depos Bk Sh N Y A _ 1.38 _ Depos Ins Shrs A ... 2.99 Depos Ins Shrs B 2.67 _ _ Diversified Tr C _ 3.90 Dividend Shrs 1.34 1.44 Equity Corp ?3 pf .... ... 28 00 31.00 Fidelity Fund Inc . 20.15 21.70 •First Boston Corn 20.on 21.00 First Mutual Tr Fd ^ 7.52 8.16 F seal Fund Bk Sh _ 2.35 2.61 Fiscal Fund Ins ... 3 35 3.72 Fixed Trust Sh A . 9.98 Fixed Trust Sh B 7.88 Foreign Bond Assoc _ 6.88 7 48 Found Tr Sh A 4 25 4.55 Fund Investors Inc _. . 3 8 43 19.93 1 Fund Tr Shrs A .......... 5.27 5 88 Fund Tr Shrs B 4 67 Gen Capital Coro 32.12 3*4 54 Oui Investor- Tr 5.08 5.53 Group Sec Agricultural new 5.72 6.23 Groun See Automobile new 5.32 5.79 Group Soc Aviation new 7.97 8.67 Group Sec Building new 7.85 8.54 Group See Chemical new 6.91 ; .52 Group Sec Foods new 4.16 4.54 Group Sec Invest Shrs new 4.17 4.55 Group Sec Merchandis new 5.54 6.03 Group Sec Minin'! new 7.19 7.82 Group Sec Peiro’eum new 5.22 5 69 j Group Sec R R Equip new 4.57 4.98 Group See Sr^el new 7.01 7.63 Group Sec Tobacco 5.30 5.77 Incorp Investors 18.46 19.85 Ttv»l Sec. Bank Group 1.01 1.12 l Instl Sec. Insurance „ 1.32 1.46 Investor:-; Fd “C" Inc . 11.52 12.29 Keystone Custodn B 2 21.99 24.13 K*-' lone Custodn B 3 14.89 16.37 Tv--vs tone Custodn K l I 5.03 16.51 -Kf-'stone Cu-todn K 2 11.23 12.47 Keystone Custodn S 2 3 5.01 16.58 • vry * one Custodn S 4 5.29 5.92 Maryland Fund 5.90 6.46 Mass Invest Tr . 21.76 23.09 Mutual Invest . 32.02 33.14 Na'ion Wide Sec __ 3.48 % Nation Wide Voting _ - 1.40 1.55 Nat! Investors .. _ _ 5.99 6.38 New England Fund 13.67 3 4.70 N Y Stocks. Automobile . . 5.66 6.14 N Y Stocks. Aviation 9.76 10.55 N Y S eeks. Bk Stocks _ 7.27 7.8? N Y Stocks. Bldg Supply 8.59 9.29 N Y Stocks. Elec Equip 8.45 9.14 j N Y Stocks. Insurance _ 9.43 10.19 N Y S'ock. . Machinery _ 8.65 9.35 N Y Stocks. Oils 8.59 9.29 N Y Stocks. R R Equip 8.28 8.96 N Y Stocks. Steel 9.03 9.7 6 North Am Bond Tr ctfs . 52.375 _. - Nor Am Tr Shares 1953 2.28 I Nor Am Tr Sh 1955 __ _ 2.80 j Nor Am Tr Sh 1956_ _ 2.75 I Nor Am Tr Sh 1958 ... _ 2.43 _ _ Plymouth Fund Inc _ . . .46 .52 Putnam <G> Fund 15.06 16.11 Quarterly Income Sh 11.10 12.15 •Schoellkopf-Hut Pom . 1.00 2.00 Selected Am Sh Inc 9.90 30.80 Selected Income Sh . 4.37 Sovereign Invest _ .74 .81 Spencer Trask Fund .-36.41 17.42 Stand Util Inc .58 .63 Super of Am Tr A_ 3.49 - Super of Am Tr AA . __ 2.37 -; Super of Am Tr B. - 3.60 - Super of Am Tr C __ 6.87 - Super of Am Tr D. _ 6.87 h Supervised Shrs 10.33 11.23 Trustee Stand Inv C_ 2.57 _ _ Trustee Stand Inv D .. . 2.51 Trusteed Am Bk “B" .57 .63 Trusteed Industry Shrs 1.00 1.12 Wellington Fund 13.76 15.09 •Quotations not furnished by sponsor or Issuer: all others are obtained by I. B. C. from those sources. . .• ——— — Snort-Term Securities (Reported by Smith, Barney & Co.l Bid. Asked Am Tel A Tel 5%s 194.5 112% 112% Auburn Auto Co 4%s 1959 2ft 30 Austin A Northwest 5s 1941 ,0V, <4% Baldwin Locom W 5s 1940 99% 101 Central Foundry 6s 1941 J00% HI,, Ches A Ohio Ry 6s 1939 102 102V, Commercial Credit 2%s 1942 102% 102% Container Corn 5s 1943 99 4 100 Cuba Northern Ry 5%s 194. 35 35% Delaware A Hudson 4s 1943 58 58V, Edison HH Ilium 4s 1939 190% H.H4 Oen Pub Service 5%s 1939 100% 10. Or Rapids A Ind 4%s 1941 103% 104% Houston Oil 5>2s 1040 101 /* 10«* Illinois Steel 4%s 1940 105% 100 , ToM Merc Marine Hs 1941 53 66% Inti Tel A Tel 4%s 1939 _ loo1., 100% Laclede Gas Light 5s 1939. 79% 80% Lake Erie A West 5s 1941 61% 88 Leh Val Ter Ry 5s 1941 . 60 69% Louisville A Nash 4s 1940. 100% 100% Michigan Central 4s 1940 _ 84 94% Midland R R N J 5s 1940 15% 17% Mtlw A Northern 4%s 1939 iS V* 52 New York Tel Co 4%s 1939 103% 104 Pennsylvania Co 3%s 1941 99% 102 Penn-Dlxle Cement Hs 1941 90 92 Penna R R Co 4s 1943 107% 111 Phils Balt A Wash 4s 1943 308 109 Rio Gr Western 4s 10.39 39% 40% !cr St k4'33 1939 103% Tex AN Orleans 5s 1943 94% Vanadium CorD 5s 1041 J 90% 100% ,,Tarner Bros tis 1930 90 Western N Y A Pa 4s 104.3 104 104% White Sewine Mach Hs 1040 101 Va 101% --• -—— Metal Market NEW YORK. Nov. 19 (TV—Copper, electrolytic, spot. 11.25; export. ! . 3- steady; spot and nearby. 4'i-w forward. 40.35. Lead, steady; tBn- N5^,eYo.r,k- S-10-15: East St. Louts, •i.o.i Zinc aieady; East St. Louis, spot Iron. »1UmlnUm. antimony, quicksilver, platinum and Chi wolframite unchanged. 4 ' NEW YORK BOND MARKET Bt private wire direct te The star. Approximate Tramactioni Today. Domestic Bonds_ 2.380.000 Foreign Bonds-— .440.000 U S Govt Bonds_ 60.000 TREASURY. High. Low. Close. 2%s 1949-53_ 102.2 102.2 102 2 2V,« 1950-62_ 102.2 102.2 102.2 2%s 1958-63_ 102.15 102.15 102,15 2%s 1955-60_ 104.5 104.4 104.6 3s 1946-48_ 108.2 108.2 108.2 3s 1951-55 _ 106.17 106.17 106.17 3 'i s 1943-45_ 109.19 109.19 109.19 3%s 40*43 June. 105.8 105.8 105.8 3%s 1946-56 ... 112.26 112.25 112.25 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 2%s 1939-49 102.13 102.10 102.13 FOREIGN BONDS. Hl(h. Low Close. Abitlbl P & P 5s 63 .. 65% 65% 65% Antioqula 7s 45 D ..999 Argentine 4s 72 Feb . 81% 81 81 Argentine 4s 72 Apr.. 81% 81% 81% Argentine 4%s 71_ 9014 90% 9014 Australia 4 %s 56_101% 100V* 101% Australia 5s 55_ 10414 10414 10414 Australia 5s 57_ 104 103% 103% Belgium 6s 55 _104% 104% 104% Belgium 6%s 49_ 107 107 107 Brazil 6%s 26-27_ 10% 10% 10% Brazil 6%s 27-57_ 10 10 10 Brazil 8s 41 _ 14% 14% 14% Brisbane 6s 50 _102% 102V4 102% Buen Aires 3s 84_ 40 40 40 Buen Air 4%-4%s 77. 52% 51% 61% Canada 2%s 45_102% 102% 102% Canada 3s 67 98% 98% 98% Canada 3 %s 61_103% 103% 103% Canada 4s 60_110% 110% 110% Canada 5s 62_110% 110% 110% Chile 6s 60_ 16% 16% 16’,> Chile 6s 63 16% 16% 16% Chile Mtg Rk 6s 62 14% 14% 14% Chile Mtg Bk 6%s 57. 14% 14% 14% Chilean Mnn L 7s 60.. 13% 13% 13% Cologne 6%s 50 ... 20% 20% 20% Colombia 6s 61 Jan_ 17 17 17 Colombia 6s 61 Oct_ 17 17 17 Copenhagen 4 %s53__. 94*4 94% 94% Copenhagen 5s 62_ 98 98 98 Cuba 4 tis 77_ 57% 57% 57% Cuba 5 %s 45_ 70% 69% 70% Cuba 5 V4s 53_ 102 102 102 Denmark 4 %s 62_ 98% 98% 98% Denmark 5Vis 55_100% 100% 100% Denmark 6s 42_104% 104% 104% Fiat dob 7s 46 105 105 105 > GerGen Elec 6s 48.._ 54% 54% 54% Ger Govt 5%s65 _ 25% 25 2514 German Govt 7s 49__ 29% 28% 28% Ilseder Steel 6s 48_ 38 38 38 j Japan 6Vis 54 ... 82% 82% 82% I Jugos Mtg Bk 7s 57_ 41% 41% 41% Lombard Elec 7s 52._ 59% 59% 59% Medellin 6 Vis 54_ 8 8 8 Mexico 5s 45 asst_ 1% 1% 1% Milan 6 Vis 52 _ 62% 62% 62% New So Wales 5s 58 .. 101% 101% 101% Nord Ry 6%s 50_ 102 102 102 Norway 4s 63 _... 101% 101% 101% Norway 4 %s 65_103% 102% 102% Norway 4 tis 56_ 106 106 106 Norway 6s~43 _105% 105% 105% Oriental Dev 6 %s 58 . 53% 53% 53% Pernambuco 7s 47_ 5% 5% 5% Peru 6s 60 _ 10% 10 10 Peru 6s 61 _ 10% 10 10 Prussia 6Vi8 51_ 21% 21% 21% Queensland 7s 41_104% 104% 104% Rhine Rhur 6s 53 _ 23% 23% 23% Rio rie Jan 6 'is 53_ 6% 6 6 Rio Gr do Sul 7s 66_ 7 7 7 Rio Gr do Sul 6s 68_ 6% 6% 6% Rio do Sul 8s 46 _ 8 8 8 Rome 6 Vis 52 ... 68 67% 68 Sao Paulo C 6%s 57.. 6% 6% 6% Sao Paulo St 6s 68_ 6% 6% 6% Sao Paulo St 7s 40_ 19 18% 19 Sao Paulo St 7s 56 .7 7 7 Saxon St Mtg 6%s 46. 23% 23% 23% Serbs 8s 62 _ 29% 29% 29% Tokyo City 5 Vis 61_ 55% 55% 55% Un Stl Wk 6 Vis 47 A 47% 47% 47% Uru 3%-4-4%s adj 79 40% 40V. 40% Yokohama 6s 61. 571* 57 57 DOMESTIC I0NDS. Alleg Corp 5s 49 _ 72% 72% 72% Alleg Corp 6s 50 stp . 37% 37% 37% Allis Chalmers 4s 52 109% 109% 109% Am & For Pw 5s 2030 53% 53 53% Am 1 G Ch 5 Vis 49_ 104 103% 104 Am Inti BVis 49 _ 102 102 102 Am'*«tT3V»861_105% 105% 105% Am"'.isr3%s66_ 105 104% 105 Am T & T 5%s 43 ... 112% 112% 112% Am Wat Wks 6s 75_105% 105% 105% Anaconda db 4 Vis 50. 106 105% 106 Anglo Chil Nit db 67 .. 32% 32% 32% Armour Del 1st 4s 55- 98 97% 98 Armour Del 4s 67_ 98 • 97% 98 A T&S Fe 4s 05-55 ... 93% 93% 93% A T&S Ee gen 4s 95 105% 105% 105% A T&S Fe CA 4’is 62. 106% 106% 106% Atl Coast L clt 4s 52.. 69% 69% 69% Atl &D 1st 4s 48 .. 34 34 34 Baldwin Loco 5s 40.. 101 101 101 B&O 1st 4s 48.. 49% 49% 49% B & O 4 Vis 60 _ 12% 12% 12% B&O 1st 5s 48_ 50V. 50 50% B&O ref 5s 95. 18% 17% 18% B&O 5s 96 F ... 18% 18 18% B&O ref 5s 2000 D... 18 17% 17% B&O ref 6s 95 _ 18% 18% 18% B&O Swn as 50 _ 33% 33 33 Beth Steel 3 Vis 52_ 98% 98% 98% Beth Stl 3V*s 66 _ 100 100 100 Beth Steel 4 %s 60_ 106 105% 106 Bos & Me 5s 55 _ 29% 29% 29% Bos & Me 5s 67 27% 27% 27% Bklyn Man T 4 Vis 66. 78% 77% 78 Bklyn Un El 5s 50 _ 88 88 88 Bklyn Un Gas 6s 45... 106% 106% 106% Bklvn Un G 5s 57 B... 97 97 97 Bklyn Un G rf 6s 47.. 106% 106% 106% Brown Shoe 3%s 50 . 108 108 108 Buff R&P cn 4 Vis 57 . 28 28 82 Buff R&P cn4Vis57rg. 24% 24% 24% Bush Ter Bldg 5s 60_. 55 55 55 Canada Sou 5s 62 98 98 98 Canadian N 5s 69July 116 116 116 Can Norn 6%s 46 123V* 123% 123% Canad'n P db 4s perp. 81% 81% 81% Canadian Pac 4%s 46. 98% 98% 98% Can Pac 4>is 60 ... 94% 94% 9i% Canadian Pac 5s 44_112% 112 112% Cent 111 E&G 5s 51 ... 102% 102% 102% Cent New Eng 4s 61.. 26% 26% 26% Cent of N J 4s 87 . 21 21 21 Cent of N .1 gen 5s 87. 22% 22 22 Cent N .1 gn 5s 87 rg_. 21 21 21 Cent Pac 1st rf 4s 49.. 73% 73% 73% Cert’d deb 5%s 48 .. 82 82 82 Cham P&F 4%s 38-50 99% 99% 99% Ches & O 3 % s 96 D_ 96% 96% 96% Ches &0 3%s 96 E — 97 97 97 C&O gen 4 %s 92 . 119% 119% 119% C&O K& A 1st 4s 89. 110% 110% 110% Chi & Alton 3s 49 _ 12% 12% 12% Chi B&Q gen 4s 5*_ 98% 98% 98% Chi B&Q 4%s 77_ 91% 91 91 Chi B&Q ref 5s 71_ 94% 94% 94% C B&Q 111 div 3%S 49. 98% 98% 98% Chi &E 111 5s 61 14% 14% 14% Chi Grt West 4s 59 ... 20 20 20 Chi Ind & Lou 5s 47—. 11% 11% 11% CM&StP 4Vis 89 C_ 26 26 26 Chi M&St P 5s 75_ 9% 9% 9% CM&StP&Padj 5s200( 3% 3 3% Chi & NW gn 4s 87_ 15 IS 15 Chi&NW 4%s 2037_ 8% 8% 8% Ohi&W 4 %s 2037 C_ 9% 8% 8% Chi & NW 4%s 49_ 5% 5% 5% ChiRI&Frf 4s34ct.. 7% 7% 7% Chi Rl&Pgen 4s 88 .. 17 17 17 Chi R I & P 4 %s 52 A- 8% 8% 8% Chi RI&P cv 4%s 60.. 3% 3% 3% Chi Un Sta 3%s 63 .. 105% 105% 105% Chi & W In cn 4s 52_ 89% 89% 89% Childs & Co 6s 43 .. 77 77 77 Clev Un Ter 4%s 77.. 73% 73% 73% Clev UnTer6%s72._ 87% 87% 87% Colo F & lr 5s 43_ 102 102 102 Colo F & Ir 5s 70_ 60 60 60 Colo & So 4%s 80_ 43% 43% 43% Col G&E 5s 52 May_ 96% 96 96 Col Gas & El 5s 61_ 94% 94% 94% Colum Ry P&L 4s 65.. 109% 109% 109% Cornel Cred 3 %a 61_ 103 102% 103 Com Inv Tr 3 %s 61—. 105% 105% 106% Com Ed cv db 3%s 68 107% 107 107 Comwlth Ed 3%s 58 n 107% 107% 107% Comw Ed 3%s 65 H_. 107% 107% 107% Comwlth Ed 4s 81 F_. 108% 108% 108% Consol Ed db 3%s 48. 106% 106% 106% Cons Ed NY 3 %s 66_105% 105% 105% Cons Ed NY 3%s 58.. 104% 104% 104% Consol Oil 3%s 61_ 103 102% 103 Consum Pwr 3 %s 66.. 105% 106 105 Consum Pwr 3%s 65- 106% 106% 106% Consum Pwr 3 %s 70- 107% 107% 107% Consum Pwr3%s65 — 108% 108% 108% Container deb 5s 43... 100 100 100 Crane Co 3%s 61- 106 106 106 Crown C&S 4s 60- 104% 104% 104% Crown Will P «s 61— 103% 103i| 103% Cuba RR 1st 6s 52- 38% 38% 38% Dayton P&L 3 %* 60.. 108 107% 107% Den & RGW rf 5s 78_. 8% 8% 8% Des M&F D 4s 35 ct— 3% 3% 3% E T V & Ga cn 5s 58— 82 82 82 Elec Auto Lt 4s 52-108% 108% 108% Erie 1st 4s 96_ 42 42 42 Erie gen 4s 96_ 23 28 28 T' Low. Close. Erl* ref 5s 67_ 12% 12% 12% Erl* ref 6* 75_ 12% 12% 12% FlaECRy 4%s59.__ 63% 63% 63% Fla E C Ry 5a 74_ 9% 9% 9% FlaECRy 4a 74 ct... 8% 8% 8% Fonda J&G 4s *2 tiled 1% 1 1 Fonda J&G 4s 62 ct... Ill Gan Stl Cast 6%s 49.. 67 66% 66% Goodrich 4%s 66_ 99% 99% 99% Goodrich 6a 46 . .. 100 99% 100 Goodyear T&R 6s 67.. 103H 102H 102H Goth Silk H 6s 46 ww. 88% 88 88% Grt Nor Ry 4s 48 G... 96% 96% 96% Grt Nor Ry 4a 46 H ... 86 85 86 Grt N Ry 1st 4%s 61.. 99% 99% 99% Grt N Ry 4%s 76 D .. 84 83% 84 Grt N Ran 4%a 77 E- 84% 84% 84% Gulf Sta Util 4s 66_107% 107% 107% Hock Val 4%s 99_117 117 117 HoeiRllst mtg 44_ 68 68 68 Houston Oil 5%s 40.. 101% 101% 101% Hudson Coal 5a 62 A.. 37% 37% 37% Hud & Man Inc 6s 57.. 13 12% 13 Hud & Man rf 5s 57_ 46% 46% 46% 111 Cent ref 4s 53_ 50% 50% 50% 111 Cent ref 4s 55__ 65 55 55 111 Cent 4%s 66 _ 45% 45% 45% ICC&StE NO 5s 63 ... 52% 52% 52% Inter RT 1st rf 5s 66.. 70 70 70 Inter R T 6s 32 ... 43% 42% 43% Int Grt Nor 5s 66 B... 17% 17% 17% Int Grt N adj 6s 52_ 3% 3% 3% Int Hydro El 6s 44... 76 76 76 Int Paper 1st 6s 47_§97 ’ 97 97 Int Paper ref 6s 55_ 89 89 89 Int Ry C A 6%s 47._ 84% 84% 84% Int T&T cv 4 Vis 39_100% 100% 100% Int T&T 4 %s 52_ 65V* 64% 64% Int T&T 6s 55 _ 69% 69 69 Iowa C 1st & rf 4s 51.. 4 4 4 Kans C FtS&M 4s 36.. 36 36 36 KCFS&Mrf 4s36ct. 33% 33% 33% Kans C Ter 1st 4s 60 .. 108 108 108 Kings Co Eight 5s 54. 97 97 97 Koppers Co 4s 51 ... 102% 102 102 Kresge Found 4s 45 ._ 104 104 104 Laclede Gas 6s 41 A_ 45* 45* 45* Lautaro Nitrate 75_ 29 29 29 Leh Yal Coal 5s 64._ 28 27* 27* Leh Val 4Vis 2003 ... 21* 21* 21* LiKS & Myers 7s 44 .. 129* 129* 129* Liquid Carbon 4s 47— 110* 110* 110* Loew s 3*s 46 _ 102* 102* 102* Long Isl ref 4s 49_ 82* 82* 82* La & Ark 5s 69 ... 81* 81* 81* L & Nash 3 * s 2003 ... 80* 80* 80* L&N unif 4s 40 _ 100* 100* 100* L & N 4 Vis 2003 _ 90* 90 90* Me Cent RR 4s 45_ 74* 74* 74* Manhat Ry 4s 90_ 35* 34* 35* Mead Co 6s 4 5 _ 104 103* 103* MStP&SSM ns 38 6* 6* 6* MStP&SSM 5s 38 gtd. 8 8 8 Mo K & T 4 * s 78 35 35 35 Mo Pac 5s 65 A_ 17* 17* 17* Mo Pac 5s 77 P_ 18* 17* 17* MoPacasSIf_ 18* 17* 17* Mo Pac 5 *s 49 ... 3* 3* 3* Mob & Ohio 4 *s 77... 29 28* 29 Mont Pwr 3*s 66_ 98* 98 98* Nassau Elec 4s 51_ 34* 34* 34* Nat Acme 4 *s 46 __ 101 101 101 Nat Dairv 3*s 51ww. 104 103* 104 Nat Dis PC 4Vis 45 . 107 107 107 Nat Gypsum 4VVs 50 . 104 104 104 Nat R M 4V.s 26 asst. 1 1 1 Nat Steel 4s 65 ... 108 107* 108 New Eng RR 5s 45_ 22* 22* 22* New E T&T 4*s 61_ 123* 123* 123* New Orl P S 5s 52 A— 101* 101* 101* New Orl P S 5s 55 B 101*101*101* New Orl Ter 1st 4s 53 73 73 73 N Y Cent 3 *s 52 ... 66* 66V* 66* N Y Cent con 4s 98 67* 67* 67* N Y Cent rf 4*s 2013 56* 56* 56* N Y C rf 4*s 2013 n .. 57 56* 56* N Y Cent rf 5s 2013 .. 62 61* 61* N Y Chi&StL 4*8 78 . 47* 46* 46* N Y C&StL 5*s 74 A. 54* 54* 54* N Y Edis 3*s 65 D_ 106* 106* 106* NY NH & H 4s 55_ 12* 12* 12* NY NH & H 4s 57 ... 6* 6* 6* NY NH & H 4 *s 67_ 13* 13* 13* NY NH & H cl 6s 40 .. 22* 22* 22* NY NH * Hcv 6s 48.. 14 13* 14 N Y Tel gen 4*s 39.. 103* 103* 103* j N Y W&B 4 *s 46_ 4* 4* 4* Niag L&O 5s 55_ 107* 107* 107* Niag Sh 5 *s 50 _ 97 97 97 N'orf Southn 5s 61 ct— 15 15 15 Norf & W 1st 4s 96... 119 119 119 No Am Ed 5s 69 C . 104 103* 104 Nor'n Pac gn 3s 2047.. 50* 50 50 Nor’n Pac 4s 97 _ 83* 83* 83* North Pac 6s 2047_ 66* 66 66* Ohio Edison 3*s 72.. 101* 101* 101* Okla Gas& E 4s 46 103* 103* 103* Oreg W RR 4s 61_ 104 104 104 Otis Steel 4*8 62_ 77 76* 76* PacG* El S*s 66._ 105 104* 104* Pac G & El 4a 64 ...111*111*111* Pac T&T 3*s 66 C—_ 107* 107* 107* Penn Co 3 *s 44 D ... 100 100 100 Penn Dixie C 6s 41 A_ 91 91 91 Penn P&L 4*s 81 ... 104* 104* 104* Penn RR 3%s 70 . 87* 87* 87* Penn RR cn 4s 48 stp. 109* 109* 109* Penn RR 4 Vis 81_ 92* 92* 92* Penn RR 411 s 84_ 92 92 92 Penn RR 4*s 60_115* 115* 115* Penn RR gn 4*s 65— 95* 95* 95* Penn RR db 4*s 70— 84 83* 84 Penn RR gen 5s 68 .. 104 103* 103* Peoria & E inc 4s 90_ 6 6 6 Pere Marq 4*s 80 66* 66* 65* Phelps Dodge 3 Vis 52 114* 114 114 Phila Co 5s 67 ... 99* 98* 99* Phila Elec 3 Vis 67 —. 110 109* 110 Phila R C& Ir6s 49— 4* 4* 4* Philippine Ry 4s 37 .. 14 14 14 Phillips Petrol 3s 48.. 109* 109* 109* Pitts C & Ir 4 Vis 52 93 93 93 Pitts&W Va 4 * s 60 C 51 51 51 Port Gen El 4 Vis 60 . 63* 63* 63* Porto Rico A T 6s 42.. 46* 46* 46* Postal Tel &C 5s 53— 15* 15* 15* Reading R 4Vis 97 A.. 74* 74* 74* Rem-R’d 4*s56 ww_. 102* 102* 102* Republic Stl 4Ws 50 — 107* 107* 107* Republic Stl 4*8 56— 95 94 95 Republic Stl 4Ws 61— 94 94 94 Rio Gr Wn 1st 4s 39— 40* 40* 40* SaRuenay Pw 4%s 56 105% 105% 105% StL IMAS RAG 4s 33. 60% 60% 60% StL-San Fr 4s 50 A .. 10% 10% 10% StL-San Fr 4s 50 ct-_. 9% 9 9 St L San Fr 4%S 73 .. 10% 10% 10% StLSF4%s78ctst. 9% 9% 9% St LSW ref 6s 90 . 14 13% 13% St LS W 1st ter 6s 52. 20% 20% 20% StPKSL4%s41 ... 7% 7% 7% Seabd A L 4s 50 stp—. 16% 16% 16% Keab'd A L 6s 46 A_ 9% 9% 9% Seabd A L 6s 45 ct 8% 8% 8% Seabd A-Fl 6s 35 A ct. 4% 4% 4% Shell Un deb 3%s 51- 105 104% 105 Simmons Co 4s 52_ 99 99 99 Skelly Oil 4s 51 —_ 104 103% 104 Socony Vac 3%s 50... 106% 106% 106% Southn Cal G 4s 65 . 109% 109% 109% Southn Nat G 4 %s 51. 101«4 101% 101% So Pac col 4s 49_ 54 54 54 So Pac ref 4s 55_ 69 69 69 So Pac 4 %s 68_ 63 53 53 So Pac 4%s 69_ 63% 53 53 So Pac 4%s 81 .. 53 52% 62% So pac Ores 414s 77_ 58 57% 58 So Ry Ren 4s 56 A_ 55 54'% 54% So Ry 5s 94 .. 79% 79% 79% Sowst Bell T 3s 68 C— 102% 102V. 102% Southw B T 3%s 64 . 110% 110% 110% Stand Oil N J 2%s 53. 102% 102% 102% Stand Oil NJ 3s 61 — 104% 104% 104% Studebaker cv 6s 45 81 81 81 Swift A Co 3%s 50__106% 106% 106% Tenn El Pw 6s 47 A 95 95 95 Term As St L 4s 53_102% 102% 102% Texas Corp 8%s 51 106% 106% 106% Texas A Pac 6s 79 C— 87 87 87 Third Av ref 4s 60 - 41 41 41 Tide Wat Oil 3%s 52. 105% 105% 105% Un Pacific 3%s 70 ... 95 94% 94% Un Pacific 1st 4s 47—. Ill 111 111 Un Pac ref 4s 2008 . 105% 105% 105% Utd CRr W Strs 5si2. 82 82 82 United DruR 6s 63_ 74 72% 74 U S Steel 3%s 48 104% 104% 104% Utd Stkyds4%s 51ww 92% 92% 92% Utah LAT 5s 44 .. 96% 95% 95% Utah Pwr A Lt 5s 44- 96% 96 96 Vanadium 5s 41 _ 100 99% 100 Va Ir C A C 5s 49_ 46 45 45 Va Ry 1st 3%s 66_105% 104% 106% Wabash 1st 5s 39_ 44 43% 44 Wabash 2d Bs 39_ 27% 27% 27% Wabash 6%s 75_ 11% 11% 11% Walworth 4s 65 _ 66% 66% 66% Warner B cv 6s 39 cfs 90 89% 90 Wash Term 4s 46_108% 108% 108% West Md 1st 4s 62_ 84 84 84 West Pacific 5s 46 A.. 25% 25% 25% West Union 6s 61_ 65% 65% 65% West Union Es 60. _ 65% 65 65 Wilson A Co 3*8 47— 92 92 92 Wilson ACo 4s 55_101% 101% 101% Yffstwn SAT 4s 61_103% 102% 103% Federal Land Banks NEW YORK. Not. 19 UP).—Federal Land Bank bonds: Rate. Maturity. Bid. Asked. *s July. 1046-44 _111% 111% 3V«1 May. 1065-45 __105% 105% 3s July 1055-45 _104% 104% ■Is Jan.. 1056-4# _104% 104% 3S M*v. 1050-46 61 Individuals Made Million Each in 1936 B? the Associated Press. The Treasury said yesterday there were 61 Individuals who made $1,000,000 each in 1936. A final tabulation of income tax returns for that year showed per sons with over $1,000,000 income were distributed as follows: New York. 25; Delaware, 7; Penn sylvania, 6; New Jersey, 5; Illinois, 5; Michigan, 4; Florida, 2; Maryland, 2; Connecticut, 1; District of Columbia, 1; Nevada, 1; Tpxas, 1, and Vir gina, 1. Curb Bonds DOMESTIC BONDS. High. Low. Close. Ala Power 4Via (17 ... 85’/. 85% 85% Ala Power 5s 40 A . . 102Va 10-Va lJl-Za Ala Power 5s 51 (*(> 99 Ala Power 5s 5(1 98 98 98 Alum Co Ltd 5s 48 „ 105% 105% 15% Am G A E 5s 2028 108 1( 8 18 Ark P * L 5s 5(1 ..._ 100% 1(10% 100% As El Ind 4%a 5.1_ 4(1 4(1 40 As G A E 4%s 49_ HO 29% . 0 As G A E 5s 50_ .32% 32 .12 As 5 A E 5s 08 . _ .30% .30% 30% As T A T 5 %s 55 A _ 77 77 77 Alan city El 3%s 64 . 10.3% 10.3% 103% Bald Loco 6a 60 . 100 98% 98% Bell Te C 5s 65 A 110% 110% 110% Blrm El 4%s 68 .. 88% 88 Va 88% Caro Pw A Lt 5s 60 . 98% 98 98V, Cent I1PS fts SO E . 103% 103% 10.3% Cen 111 P S 4%s 07 F 10.3% 103V. 103% Cent 111 P S 5s (18 G . 10.3 102% 103 Cent IPS 4%s 81 H . 102% 102% 102% Central Pw 5s 5T D 8ft 8ft 8ft Cent Pw A Ll 5s 5(1 . 98% 1)8% 08% Cent St El 5s 48 3.V, 33% 33% Cent St El 5%s 54 .32% 32% 32% Cer. Si PAL 5%s 5.3 54% 54% 54% Chi Dls El 1%a 70 A 104% 104% 104% Chi MAI11 4%s 50 A 99 99 99 Chi Kys 5s 27 cod 42% 42% 42% Cities Svc 5k 50 69% 09% 00% Cit S PAL 5%s 52 74 7.3% 73% Cit S P A L 5%s 49 _ 74 74 74 Comnuty P A L 6s 57.. 75 75 ,5 Cons Gas of B 5s 39_102% 102% 102% Cons O Util 6s 4.3 st 61V. 61% 61% East O A F 4s 60 A _ 08 07% 08 Edis El Illu 3Vis 65 . 109% 109V. 109% Emo Dl. El 6s 52 99Vi 99% 90% Erie Light 5s 07 107% 107% 107% Fla Pwr couen 4s 06 00% 00% 00% Florida PAL 5a 54 . 94 0.3 V. 04 Gary E A G 5s 44 st 08 08 08 Gatineau Piv 5s 50 104% 104% 104% Georgia Pw 5s «7 07% 00% 07% Georgia PAL 5s 78. 03 02 0.3 Glen Alden Cl 4s 05 73 7.3 7.3 Hall iW Fi (is 47 st A loo loo loll 111 Pwr A Lt Hs 53 A 101% loi3, 10)’, III Pw A Lt 5%s 54 B 90% 09% 00% III Pw A Lt 5s 50 C 97 % 07% 07% Indian E C 6%s 53 B loo% loo', 100% Indian E C 5s 51 C 803, 80% 80% Indiana Ser 5s 50 . 57% 57% 57% Interst Pw 5s 57 58''. 58% 58V, Interst Pw Os 62 42% 42 42 Interst P S 4%s 58 F 70% 78% 781, Ital 8u Pw Os 03 A 4 8 Vi 4 8 Vi 48% K.v Utilities ns 01 88% 88% 88% Kentucky U fts HO I 80% 80% SO’, Ken U 6%s 48 D loo*, loo% 100% Lehieh P S Os 2020 A . 105V. 105 loft La Pw A Lt fts 57 100% 106% 100% Metron Edis 4s 71 E 106% 106% 106V, Midland V R R 5s 43 6.3 63 63 Minn PAL 4%s 78 08% 08% 08% Minn P A L 5s 55 104 10.7% 103% Miss Pow 5s 55 80% 80% SO3, Miss Pw A Lt 5s 57 01% 01 01 Nat P A L (is 2026 A 07% 07% 97% Nat PAL 5s 20.7(1 B 90% 00% «o% Nat Pb S 5s 78 end 38 38 38 Nevad Cal El 5s 56. 84% 84% 84% New E G A E 5s 4 8 . 54', 54 54 New E C. A E 5s 50. 64% 54 54 New E Pw 5s 48 00% 00% Oil1, New E Pw 5 Vis 54. 01% 9IV, (11% New Or 5s 42 st Dd . OH Of) 00 New Or PS 6s 40 A 87% 87% 87% N Y P A Ll 4%s 67 HIT’. 107% 107% N Y S E A O 4%. 80 100'. 00’. 1 IK)% No Con U 5%a 48 A 62% 52% 52% No Ind P S fts HO D 106% 106 106 No Ind P S 4%s 70 E 104 103%] 04 Okla Nat Gas 5s 46 10.3% 103% 103% Okla P A W 5s 48 04% 04% 04% Pac PAL 5s oft . 70". 70", 70% Penn C LAP 4%s 77 92% 92% 92% Penn Oh E 5%s 59 B 9.7 02% 03 Prop GlAC 4s 81 B 91% HI". 01% Pits Steel (is 48 08% OS', 08% Potomac E 4%s 61 F 108% 108% 1 (is3, Potomac E 5s 56 E 107*. 107% 107% Pub S N I 4%s 81 F _ 102’. 102% 102% Pug Sd PAL 5%s 49 78% 78 78% Pug S PAL 5s 50 C 7 5% 75% 75s. Pug S PAL 4%s 50 D 73V, 72% 72% Quee GA-E 5%s 52 A 7 5 75 75 Safe H Wa 4%s 70 109% 100% 100% Shrrid Wyo Hs 47 71% 71 71% S E PAL 6s 2025 A 05 04'4 9ft Sou Cal Ed 3%s 60 _ 108% 108% 10ff% 8ouw L A P fts 57 A. In4% 104% im<% Souw Pb Svc Hs 45 A 104 104 104 Std Gas A El 6s 66 B 62 62 62 Stand Pw A Lt 6. 57 62 61% 61% Tenn El Pw fts 56 Oo 00 PO Texas Elec 5. 60 08’. 08", H8’« Tex Pw A L fts 56 103' i 10.3Vi in.3% Tex P A L 6s 2022 A lol inn% 101 Twin CRH 6Vis 5.2 A 56 56", 56 Unit Lt A Pw 5%. 50.. 106% 106% 106% Unit L A Pw H%s 74 77 V, 77% 77% I’-tt LARD 5’is 52 87 82 82 Unit L A R M 6s 52 A 112% 112% 112V, Utah PAL 4%s 44 02". 02% 02% Utah PAL 6s 2022 A 84% 84% 84V, Va Pub Sex fts 50 B 86% 86% 86% Wald Ast Hot .fts 54 _ 2.3 23 23 Wash R A E 4s 61 107". In7% 167% Wash W A P .fts 60 105% 105% 105% West T Ut .fts 57 A 08% 97% 08 We U G A E .Vis ft.ft A 105 104’. 104% fLis-Min L A P .fts 44 107V. 107% 107% fts P A L 4s 66 ion 09% 00% adkin Rlv P 5s 41 104% 104 104% FOREIGN BONDS. H E&U Ry 6%s 38 mat. .30 29 29 Hanover City 7s 39 . 21 21 21 Parana Brar 7a 68 8% 8% s% Sante Fe A 4a 45 st . 58 58 58 ww—With warrants, xw—Without war rants. n—New. st <stp)—Stamped. ^Negotiability impaired by maturity. tCompanies reported in receivership. -.-. Three D. C. Men Form Mining Concern Special Dispatch to Tht Star. BALTIMORE, Nov. 19.—Jerry C. Myers. H. Le Roy Cannon and George E. Lorentz, all of Washing ton. have filed Incorporation papers with the Maryland State Tax Com mission for the Fullers-Earth Mining Corp., Point Lookout, Md. The cor poration has authorized capital stock of 10,000 shares, par value, $10 each. Bank Loans Decline To New Low Point By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Nov. 19 —Business loans of banks in the financial center of the Nation sank to a new low for the entire recession during the week ended November 16. The fact this measure of business borrowing has not shared the up turn scored by industry generally is attributed in banking circles to declining inventories, and the fact many of them were carried by bank loans. The liquidation of these stocks of raw materials and finished goods, of course, was followed by repayment of advances. Commercial, industrial and agri cultural loans of reporting Federal Reserve member banks in New York City, compared as follows: Week ended Nov. 16, $1,420,000,000 Previous week __ 1,425,000,000 Same period last year. 1,860,000,000 New York Bank Stocks NEW YORK. Nov. 19 OP/.—Investment Bankers’ Conference. Inc.: Bid. Asked. Bk of Am NTS (SF> (2.40) _ 45% 47% Bank of Man (1.15e)_ 14% 18% Bankers' Tr (2) — _ 42% 44% Brooklyn Tr (4) 77 82 Cen Han Bk A: Tr (4>_ 85 88 Chase Nat (1.48) .'10% 32% Chem Bk At Tr 11.80)_ 41% 43% Commercial (8) 141 147 Cont Bk At Tr (.80)_ 12 13% Corn Ex Bk At T (3)_ 49% 50% Empire Tr (.001 14% 15% First Nat (Bosi (2) _ «9 41 First Natl (100) _1050 lfttto Guaranty Tr (12) _ "42 247 Irving Tr (.00) 9% 10% Manufactuiers' Tr (2» „ 38% 40% Manufacturers' Tr pf (2)_51% 53% Natl City (1) _ 23% 25 N Y Trust (5)- 86% 88% Public (1%) _ 27% 29% Title O At T- 0% 7% e—Declared or paid so far this year. Baltimore Stocks Special Dispatch to the Star. BALTIMGRE, November 19.— Sales Stocks* High. Low. Close. 111 Baltimore Transit % A A 30 Balto Transit pfd 1% 1% 1% 20 Con Pw 5% pf Allfl 110 110 75 Eastern Bug As vt 0% 0% 8% 21 Fidelity At Depos 113% 113% 113% 101 Houston Oil pf vtc 18% 18% 18% 300 Mar Tex Oil Co 1% 1% 1% 100 Nor American Oil 1 V« 1% 1% 75 U 8 Fidel At Guar 16 18 18 Rubber Futures NEW YORK. Nov. 19 (/Pi.—Crude rub ber futures closed 5-13 higher. Sales, No. 1. standard. 70 contracts. December. 18.05b: March. 16.04-08: May. 16.04-05. Smoked ribbed, spot. 18.06n. b Bid n NomI~-' O New York Cotton By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Nov. 19.—Cotton fu tures opened 1 lower to 4 higher. Lower cables were offset by trade covering in near months and foreign buying of the distant. December, 8.63; January. 8.33; March, 8.47; May, 8.26; July, 8.06; October. 7.79. Trading centered around evening up of December and transferring contracts forward. Cotton goods sales for the week were about half of current production in the print cloth division. March sold off from 8.47 to 8.45 shortly after the first half hour, leaving the market 1 point net lower to 3 higher. Commodity Credit Corp. reported 271,770 bales entered the loan dur ing the week, bringing the total thus far in the year to 2,683,899. Futures closed unchanced to 4 lower. Open. High. Low Last.. December __ 8.0.1 8.*14 8.fin 8.fill January ...'t 8.fill 8.48 8.4!ln March _ 8.47 8.48 8.4:2 8.4:2 May . _ 8.S« 8.*28 8":| *.«:» July _ 8.08 8.08 8.0" 8.0.1 Dctober 7.70 7.70 7.78 7.75 Spot, nominal; middling. 8.0i. n Nominal. Cottonseed Oil. Bleaehable cottonseed oil futures closed unchanged to :i lower. Sales, fio contracts. December. 7.48- January. 7.0": March. 7.71b; May 7.81b. July, 7.00b. b Bid. -•-■-. Chicago Stock Market CHICAGO. Nov. 19 r/P).—Following 1s the complete list of transaction* on the Chicago Stock Exchange today: High. Low. Last. 50 Artnft B Bear h H s 1<m Allied Lab 1 3% 1 3% 13;/» Hi Am Pub Svc nf 0? 07 07 109 Am Tel A Tel 117% 147% 147% 50 Armour * CO 5% 5% 5% loo Aro Eouip lo3. lo3. 10% 10 Aviation Corp 5Vz 5% 5% 15o Avia At Tran* 3 3 .3 50 Bastian-Bless 12’a 12% 12% 50 Bendix Av 22% 22% 22% 1 lo Borc-Warner .31% .31% 31% looBurd Piston Ring 3% 3% .3% 35 Butler Bros 8% 8% 8% 100 Butler Bros nf _ 22 22 22 20 Cen 111 P Svc of 71 71 71 *50 Chi Corp 2% 2% 2% 300 chi Corp pf . 35 35 .35 100 Chi Flex Shaft 73 73 73 251 Chrysler Corp 81% HI Hi % 50 Cowlth Edis 27 27 27 .‘to Consumers Co B 1% 1% 1% 10 Container Corp 15% 15% 1*Q 50 Cudahy Pack pf 53 52% 52% 45 Deere A’ Co 20% 20% 20% 20 Dexter Co 5 5 5 150 Dodge Mfg lo Hi 10 200 Elgin Nat Watch 22% 22% 22% 250 Fitz Simons A: C 10% ]o% io% 50 Goodyear TAR .32% .32% )32% 1 oo Ot Lakes Dredge 25% 25% 25% loo Heileman <Gj Br o% o% o% 150 Houd-Hor B 15% 15% 15% 25 Hupp Mot 2% 2% 2% 100 111 Cent RR 15% 15% 15% 4 Inland Steel _ oo% 00% oo% o Int Harvester 02% 62% 62% 6oo Marsh Field ... 13% 12% 13% 400 Mid West Corp 6% 6% 6s. 100 Midi Util 6% pi 1 % 1 1 10 Midi Util 7% pi l 1 1 1 oo Montg Ward 40% 40% 40% 100 Nachman-Sprg OV* 0% 0% loo Noblitt-Sparks 24 24 24 50 Nor Am Car .3 .3 .3 50 Nor'west Bancorp 7% 7% 7% 1 o No West Ut pi 41 41 41 2o Oshkosh B'Oosh 8 8 H 3 00 Peoples Gas L At C .37 .37 37 50 Poor A* Co B 13% 13% 13% ko Pressed 8t! Car 11% 11 11 .30 St L Nat 8tk Yds 70% 70% 70% 63 Sears Roeb 73% 72% 7.3 loSlgnode St 1 pf 26% 20% 26% 90 Std Oil Ind 28 28 28 fto Stewart-Warn 10% 10% 10% 3 50 Swift A: Co 10% 10% 10% 50 Union Carbide 86% H6% 86% 50 Unit Air Lines _ 12% 12% 12% 100 Utah Radio 2% 2% 2% 10 Walgreen 1 o% 16% 16% 57 West Un Tel 25% 25% 25% 5o Wieboldt Strs in% 10% 10% 50 Woodall Indust 5% 5% 5% 700 Zenith Rad 20% 20% 20% Total stock sales today. 0.non shares. New York Produce NEW YORK. Nov. 10 *P-.—Eggs 13 456: steady to weak Mixed colors—Special packs 34%-30: standards. 34: firsts 29%: seconds 25-26: mediums 24% dirties. No 1 23%: aver age check* 21%-22 refrigerator, specials. 24%-2?%. standards. 23%-24. firsts. 23%; mediums. 2*'%. Whites—Resale of premium mark* 40 42: nearby and Midwestern, oremium marks. 37-39: exchange special* .36; Mid western exchange standards. .3.3: nearby, fancy mediums .31 %-34 %; nearby and Western, exchange mediums. .30%: pullets. 26; nearbv and Midwestern, refrigerator, specials. 29-32; standards. 27-28; firsts. 24- 26. Browns—Extra fancy 37%-.3P nearby and Western, exchange specials. 37. near by exchange mediums. 28. Duck etas fancy. 33-34. Pacific Coast whites, jumbo and pre miums. 41-50%: specials. 39%-40; stand ards. .37-37%: mediums .3.3%-34: pullets. 27-27%: refrigerator, specials 32%-.34. BUTTER—905.679; abou< steady Cream ery: Higher than extra. 27%-28%; extra <92 score'. 27-27%; firsts <88-91), 25- 26%: seconds <84-87V 22%-24%. CHEESE—70.392; steadier; prices un changed. LIVE POULTRY, by freight, stead*. Turkeys, hens, 25. young toms. 22. By express, steady. Turkeys, hens. 26. --• Foreign Exchanges NEW YORK. Nov. 1!i <,TV—The foreign exchange market today was apparently still trying to gauge effects of the recently signed Brilish-American trade oact. Changes of leading foreign moneys were narrow in terms of the dollar, with sterl ing showing a decline of of a cent. The French franc was Oil', of a cent lower. Nervousness in money markets over sharp opposition to French Premier Daladier s reform measures was reflected in a jump in the discount on 90-day for ward francs to .06.of a cent from .04% of a cent Friday The belga advanced .00'i of a cent, the guilder dipped .02 of a cent and the Swiss franc was unchanged. Late morning rates follow: Oreat Brit ain in dollars, others in cents Great Brit ain. 4.70: 60-day bills 4.69’.: Canada. Montreal in New York. 99.IS5.: New York in Montreal. 100 84%: Belgium. 16.90'a; Czechoslovakia. 3.42%; Denmark. 70.99; Finland. 2.10: France. 2.02%: Germany, 40.07: benevolent. 19.76; travel. 22.25: Greece. .87%; Hungary. 19.85; Italy, 6.26',.; Yugoslavia. 2.34: Netherlands. 54.34; Norway, 23.62: Poland. 18.84: Por tugal. 4.28%; Rumania. .76: Spain un quoted; Sweden. 24.22; Switzerland. 22.69: Argentina. 31.33n: Brazil (free'. 5.90n: Mexico City. 20.75n: Japan. 27.42: Hong Kong. 29.35: Shanghai. 16.15. Rates in spot cables unless otherwise indicated, n—Nominal. ■ • — Chicago Produce CHICAGO. Nor. 10 i/pi.—Butter. ftftft. 328. steady, creamery extras <82 >. 2«',a: extra firsts (80-81). 251.4-2.5*4: firsts <88 80) . 2414-25V2: standards <80. centralised carlots), 2554-28: other prices unchanged. Eggs. 2.434: steady; refrigerator extras. 22'4: standards, 22; firsts, 21‘/a: other prices unchanged. Potatoes 88: on track. 282; total United States shipments. 434: Russets, dull and unsettled: other stock about steady: sup plies moderate; demand alow: sacked, per hundredweight; Idaho Russet Burbanks. 1.57%-1.72%: mostly 1.00-l.HS: Colorado Red McClures. U. 8. 1. car. cotton sack. 1.8ft: Wisconsin Round Whites. U S. 1. flo 1.02%: Michigan Ruaset Rural. U. S. com mercial. 1.05: North Dakota Bliss Tri umphs. U. S. I. car. 1.45: Cobblers. 00 per cent and better. 1.1 o-l .12‘4: Early Ohio, 00 per cent U. S. I. ear. 1.20. U. S. Treasury Notes (Reported by Smith. Barney & Co 1 Rate Maturity Bid. OfTer. 1 >/« Dec. IS. 38 100 1-3? 1% Mar. 1ft, 30 _ 101 18-33 101 20-32 2V« June 1ft. 30 102 2-32 102 4-32 l3* Sept. 1ft, 38 . 101 30-32 102 1% Dec. 1ft. 38 _ 101 30-33 102 1% Mar. 1ft. -40 . 102 8-32 102 8-32 1% June 1ft. 40 _ 102 8-32 102 11-32 II/, Dee. 1ft. 40 _ 102 20-32 102 22-32 IV, Mar. 1ft. 41102 20-32 102 22-32 1% June 1ft 41 . 102 1.5-32 102 17-32 1 >4 Dec. 15. 41 . 102 11-32 102 13-32 1% Mar. 1ft. 42 _ 103 18-32 103 20-32 2 Sept. 1ft. 42 . _ 104 10-32 104 21-32 1*4 Dec. IS. 42 ._ 103 20-32 103 22-32 1>/. June IS. 4.3 _ 100 20-33 100 31-32 Money for Contraction Low* and Loam oa Exietiag Properties 5% FIRST DEED OF TBDST O.VLT GEORGE I. GORGER 848 Indians An. N.W Nat’l 83M •n business, invest ment and residen tial properties. In D. C. and vicinity. Broker’s applica tions Invited. H. CLIFFORD BANGS 200 Investment Bldg. ME. 0240 U art a an Loan Correspondent Homa Lift Insurance Co. of N. Y. __ T A NEW YORK CURB MARKET (By private wire direct to The Star.) Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate Add 00 Hith. Low close. Aero Sup B .125e. 81 5% 4* 5* Air Asaoc(.475e). 4 11% 11* 11% Air invest 2 2* 2% 2% Air Invest war 5 A * * Ail’d PwrtA 11.75 100a 19* 19* 19* Alum roof Am 650s 120* 119* 120* Alum Goods 66s. 4 14* 14* 14* Alum Ltd 400s 140 139* 139* Am Airlines 1 19* 19* 19* Am Centrifugal 1 1% 1% 1% Am Cynam(B).60 6 26* 26* 26* Am U 4k El I 40 4 33% 33% 33% AmOiEpf(l). 26s 114* 114* 114* Am General __ 8 6* 5* 5* Am Meter (le)_ 1 28* 28* 28* Am KeDuh 10a 2 9* 9% 9% Am 8ea! Kap 20s 2 5% 6% 5% Am Superpwr 8 A * * Am 8uperpwr of 3 20* 20 20 Arctur Rad Tuba 6 A A A Ark Nat Gas (At 3 3 3 8 Ashland OAR .40. 2 5* 6* 5* Assoc Gas A El . 2 A A A Assoc G A El i A) 4 % y n Assoc Gas E war. 34 A A sS Assoc G A El pf. 2 7% 7% 7% Austin Silver M.. 3 % % % Automat Prod . 1 1% 1% 1% Avery (BF) .40e. 1 '6* 5* 5* Aviation A Trans 6 3 3 3 Babcock A Wti . l 31* 31*’ 31* Baldwin Rubber. 1 7* 7% 7% Baldwin Loo war 7 6% 6* 6* Bardstown Dist.. 11 11 Bath Iron 1 7% 7% 7% Beech Aircraft . 16 ’4% 4% 4* Bellanca Aircraft 61 9* 8* 9* Bell Aircraft_ 10 26* 25* 26* Bliss <EW> __ 2 12 11* 12 Bowman Blit_ 1 1* 1* 1* Breeze Corp _ 1 6* 6% 6* Brewst Aero .J0e. 17 10% 10* 10% BrdkPt Machine. 3 7% 7* 7% Brown Rubber... 9 6% 6* 6% Can Marc Wire4 IS 1 1 Carlb Syndicate.. 6 1 1 1 Carrier Corp 3 194 19s 19'* Casco Prod 1.50e 1 16 16 16 Catlln Am 5 34 3*4 3S Celen 1st pf 3.53e 25s 874 87S 874 Cent Ohio St .75e 2 94 94 94 Central States El 2 A i £ Cent St El cv pf 50s 6 5 6 Cent Si El Df 12os 4S 4S 4S Cent St El 7 % pf 125s 124 12 12 Chesebro Ma) 100s 116S 116’i 116S j Chi Flex Shaft(4) 50s 73 73 73 Chlldapf ...,100s 51S 51S 51S Cities Service_ 2 7S 74 7*4 Cities Svc pf . 2 38', 371, 384 Cllnchfleld Coal . 2 IS IS IS Col Fuel*Ir war 3 8 7*. 8 Colts Pat F A(2> 15 78 71'. 78 Com with A S war 7 S S S Cona C Min .25# . 3 7', 7S 7ty cone GAE Bo 3 60 1 71', 71S 71 S Cona Steel Corp.. 2 64 64 6S Cooper-Bess _ 1 8% 84 8S Corroon A Bey __ 1 2S 2% 2% Coeden Petrnim. 1111 Creole Pet ,60a .. 5 22’, 22'. 22'4 Crockei Wheeler. 2 8', 8', 8', Croft Brewing 2 S S 4 Crn C’k inti A(1 >. 1 10 in 10 Dejay Stores - 1 4S 4', 4S Derbv OH 2 2 2 2 Det Paper Prod . 1 2S 2S 2S Eagle Richer Ld. 2 13 12’, 13 Eastn Gas A Fuel 1 IS IS IS E O A F pr pf ... 60s 23S 23S 23V* Eialer Electric... 2 IS IS 1V4 Elec Bond A Sh . 43 11S 10S 11 Elec BrtASh pr * 3 65', 65 65 Elgin Nat W .75e 225a 22S 22 224 KmscoD&E 70# 1 9S 9S 9S Equity Corp 3 S ti *« Esauire ll.20a> . 7 10S 10S 10’* Fairchild A v .15# 2 94 9S 9S Fisk Rubber 2 9'* 9S 9S Ford (Can 1 A (11 1 22S 224 22S Ford (Can 1 B (1) 25s 23 22** 224 Gen El Ltd .703e 2 18S 18S 18S Gen Invest 2 ', ', Glen Alden 375e. 4 5S 5*4 5’« Goldfield Cons . 7 S S 4 Gorham. Inc pf 100s 20S 20', 20', , Gorham Vtc (2e). 2 21 21 21 Grand Nat Films 4 A A A Gray Tel Pay Sta 2 10 10 10 Grt AiPn-v (I). 75s 66', 66', 664 I GtNorPapHai 200s 39S 39S 39S Grumman AE 50e 37 19S 18', 18** Gulf Oil <1) .. 2 394 39', 39', Hecla Min 15e . 2 10 10 10 Heller (WE).40a. 18 8 8 Holophane <.75e) 1 13 13 13 Humble Oil <2e).. 5 654 65S 60S Huyler's (Del)... 5 A S S 111 Iowa Power . 3 4S 4', 44 Imp Oil Ltd ,60a. 1 17', 17', 17S lad Pipe L ( 60e) l 6S 6S 6S Ini I o No A m '.‘a 200s 68S 68'* 68S Int Hydro El war 2 s S S lnt Hydro Elec pf 2 18S 18S 18S lnt Pa&Pwr war 2 3** 3s IS Int Pet 1.60a ... 1 284 28s 284 lnt Products _. 1 3S 3», 3** Int Radio (.60#) 1 12s 12S 124 Int Vitamin .275# 2 4S 44 44 Jacobs Co 1 44 44 44 Jeanette Gla ... 1 1»* IS 1*4 KgsCLtd pfD(5) 20s 48 47 48 Kreuger Brew .. 2 5 5 6 Lake Shore MM) 1 49*. 49*. 49*4 Lakey Fdy AM.. 1 34 34 34 Leh Coal A Nav_. 13 4 3S 4 Leonard Oil_ 7 S S S Lion 011(1)_ 1 19S 19S 194 Lit Brothers_12 2 2 Lockheed Aire_ 62 294 28S 294 Lone Star .60#... 1 9S 9** 9** Long leland Lt 2 14 IS 14 Long Is) L of 1.50 280s 284 27S 27*4 Long IslLpfB(3) 200s 24s* 234 24»* Loudon Packing 1 IS IS IS La Land A Ex .40 5 7S 7S 7S McWlllms Dredg 1 174 174 174 Majestic Radio.. 1 14 14 14 Mangel Stores _. 2 24 2S 24 Marlon St Shov.. 2 44 44 44 Merr-C A S pf A... 60s 59 69 59 Mich Bumotr - 1 S S S Middle St Pet B.. 1 S S S Mid West ws .. 1 A A A Minn MAM 1.20e. 50s 39S 39S 39H Mont Ward A<7> 270s 160 160 160 Mount City Con. 7 64 64 6S Mount Prod .60.. 3 54 5 5 Nat Auto Fibre . 2 84 81, 84 Nat Bella# Hese_5 S 4 s Safe Investments First Mortgage Notes Secured an cou •emttTCly uirik rd new buildlnra. Bradley, Beall & Howard, Inc. Southern Building NA 0271 Established Nearly to Years WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE OFFICE FURNITURE Desks Steel Flies Tables Steel Cabinets Chairs Safes BAUM'S OFFICE FURNITURE Ere St N W (Next to Post Ofllce) W 21*4 Wo Branch Stores The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company PRESENTS Its new plan to finance detached homes on lone term, S% interest, small amortisation loans. Let Ue Solve Your Financing Problemt Tyler & Rutherford, Inc. Natl. 0475 1512 L St. N.W. Loan Correepondent FIRST TRUST MONEY 5% Straight Loans for 3 Year* Construction Loans Monthly Payment Loans $6.60 per $1,000 per month BOSS & PHELPS MORTGAGE CO. Loan Correspondent John Hancock Mutual Life (ns Co. Hit R at m W OHMt Stock and Salei— Dividend Rate Add 00. High. Low. Close. Nat Contain .60#. 17 7 7 Nat Fual till) 6 M 14 14 NatPALtpfU) 150s 72 71 71% Nat Refining_ 2 3% 3% 3% Nat Rubber Macb 1 6% 6% 6% Nat Service 2 % % % Nat Steel Car(2). 60s 67% 67% 67% Nat Tunnel AM 12% 2% 2% Nehl Corp (2e> 3 44 44 44 N E P As pf 4.50k 100* 50% 50% 50% New Eng TAT(6) 10s 102% 102% 102% New Idea .46# .. 3 15 14% 15 N J Zinc (2).100s 66% 66% 66% Nlag Hud Power 7 8% 8% 8% Nor Am Lt A P.. 3 1% 1% 1% Nor Europ Oil... 1 £ 4 £ Novadel-Ag <2).. 1 28 28 28 Ohio Brass <B) . 25s 25% 25% 26% Ohio Edls pf (•> 2os 99 99 99 Okla Natural O 1 11% n% n% Pac GAE 6pf 1.50 3 31% 31% 31% Pan-Am Air (1).. 14 17% 16% 17 PanteptcOII 16 6 5% .6 Parkbg RAR 1 *0 1 14% 14% 14% Pat Plymouth le 10s 17 17 17 Penln Tel l 60... 400s 31 31 31 Pennroad 26g._. 2 1% 1% 1% Pa PAL pf (7)... 25s 99% 99% 99% Pepperell Mfg . 25» 74 74 74 Phila El p pf(2) _ 26s 30% 30% 30% Phillips Packing 3 3 2% 3 Phoent.v Secur 1 5% 514 514 Pioneer Gold .40. 3 2% 2% 2% Fltney-Bow 40a. 2 7 7 7 Pitts Metallurg . X 8% 8% 8% Pitts PI G1 1.75e . 1 108% 108% 108% Powdrell A Alex 3 4% 4% 4% Premier Gold .12 6 2% 2% 2% P S Ind J6 pf 90s 27 25% 27 P S Ind 17 pr pf 30s 44% 43% 44% Puget Sd P $5 pf 25s 38 38 .38 RaymdConctt) 100s 18% 18% 18% Reybarn t.30e) 1 2% 2% 2% Reynolds Invest 1 % i4 14 Rustless Ir & Stl. 2 10 10 10 Ryan Consol . _ 13 3 3 St Regis Paner 7 3% 3% 3% St Regis Pap pf 25s 60 60 60 ScovilJ Mfg . 1 28% 28% 28% Snullin Steel .. 3 12% 12 12 Secur Corp Oen.. 12 2 2 Seiberllng Hub.. 2 4% 4% 4% Severskv Alrc 98 5% 5% 5% Sher-WIll 2.50#.. 100s 105 105 105 Silex Co (la) ... 1 12% 12% 12% Singer Mfg 16a). 20s 220 220 220 Solar Mfg .. 2 4% 4% 4% honotone (,15e> _ 1 14 14 14 South Coast .16#. 2 24 24 24 Spencer Shoe 14 4 4 Stand Oil Ky(.is) 2 184 18', 184 Stand Oil Ohlotly 5 204 204 204 Stand Prod __ 1 94 94 94 Stand Steel Spg. 1 224 224 224 Starrett Cor vtc 1 34 34 is Sterl'g Alum .50#. 1 64 64 64 Sterling. Inc .20a 1 34 34 34 Stetson (JB) ... 300s 7 64 7 Sunray 011 .06*.. 33 24 24 24 Taggart . 15 5 5 Tampa Elec 2.24. 1 334 334 334 Technicolor .85#. 4 21 204 204 Thew Shovel 150a 154 15 15 Tilo Roofing (la) 1 144 144 144 Todd Shlov'd(3e> 50s 964 69 694 Tonopah Belm’t 114,^^ Traas-Luz (10e). 1 24 24 24 Tuoize Chatlllon 4 94 94 94 TubizeChat (A). 1 35 35 35 UnPremFS(l). 1 121, 124 124 Unit Cg- Wh St#. 22 14 14 14 Unit Gas _ 4 34 34 34 Unit Gas war_ 111 1 Unit |„t & P cv pf 2 264 264 264 Unit Milk pf (3a) 100* 70 70 70 Unit Sh M 2.60a 75* 814 814 814 U S & Inti Sec 4 4 4 4 US Hub Reclaim 1 24 24 24 Unit Wall P 10#. 2 3 24 3 Utah Idaho Sug.. 5 14 1 1 Utility Equity _ 1 24 24 24 Venezuela Petrol 3 (i Waco Aireran .. 16 64 54 64 Walker Mining - 1 14 14 14 Western Air Exp 1 44 44 44 Wright Harg 40a 2 74 74 74 TukonPac Mng . 1 14 14 14 r In Bankruptcy or receivership or oelni reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act or securities assumed By such companies. Rates of dlvtdr-ids tn the foregolni tacit tre annual disbursements based on the las; quarterly or «eml-annual declaration! Unless otherwise noted special or extra dividends are not Included a Alson extra 01 extras # Declared or paid so far this year no recular rate f Payable In stock, c Paid last year h Cash or stock k Accumulated dividend paid or declared this year ww With warrant! rw without warrant! war War rant# --• Sugar Deliveries Go Well Above 1937 By the Associated Press. The Agriculture Department re ported yesterday that sugar deliv eries by refiners, beet sugar com panies and importers totaled 576,063 short tons during October, compared with 372,409 for the same month a year ago. This brought deliveries for the year through October to 5.404.759 short tons, compared to 5.633,275 in the January-October period of 1937. Refiners’ stocks on October 31 were 285.620 short tons of raw sugar and 409.768 of refined sugar, com pared with 171,596 and 328.799, re spectively, the same day last year. Industrial Rate Hits New High Ground For Recovery Associated Press Index Reaches 89.3, Against 86.5 Week Ago E> the Auoclated Presi. NEW YORK, Nov. 19.—The Na tion’s industrial machine whirled into new high ground for the cur rent recovery this week, as a deluge of new orders opened the throttle another notch. The Associated Press seasonably adjusted index of industrial activity, based on latest available data, jumped to 89.3 per cent of the 1929 30 average from 865 the week be fore and topped last year by a sub stantial margin. Operations have registered phe nomenal gains recently, the index chalking up close to one-third of the increase from the recession low dur ing the last three weeks. Steel mill operations, electric pow er output and residential building continued to set new high marks for the year or longer, while other ma jor industries hovered only frac tionally below best 1938 levels. Steadily improving retail demand for automobiles was reported an Im portant stimulus to practically every branch of industry. Assemblies of new model cars has almost reached the 100,000 weekly mark, with all it means to steel mills, carloadings, electric power consumption, rubber and cotton activity. The index, with its seasonably ad justed components based on latest statistics, compared as follows: Latest Previous Year Week Week Ago •Composite index Sli .tr XH.5 x.l 9 Automobile products 74 .or H5.0 s.'t •’ •Steel Mill activity X4.n si x 4S 9 Cb'tnn mfg act 111 H 107 1 97 l ■Elec. Power prod. 114 9 114 x HAS •Residential bldg xt H XT o 5.7 9 Tbtal carloadings hh.,3 AH 3 71.5 • — New 1938 high, r—Revised ----•-— Gold Imports Down Further in Week B> tht Associated Press. The Commerce Department said yesterday gold imports declined to $45,335,976 in the week ended No vember 11. Receipts in the previous week were $59,327,271, and several weeks before that the totals were over $100,000,000 a week because of the European war threat. Last week's gold included $11,073. 650 from the Netherlands, $1,135,877 from Switzerland, $17,601,844 from England. $4,009,720 from Canada, $1273.585 from Mexico and $7,049 - 590 from Argentina and $1,676,484 from Hong Kong. Silver imports were somewhat higher in the week at $15,826,162. principally because of the arrival of $11,152,395 from China. Other siver included $583,788 from Mexico, $130. 464 from Canada and $3,801273 from England. _ attention: *•»> s«uu iNtan, Pnxrtt Ovam, Electric rtMln if all desortptlera within l hoar's nails*. PENN ELECTRIC CO., INC. IMS Uth N.W. NATL. Ml! Lmtasates dwtrfbllr given *n hiMhilwt, For Investment Funds First Trust Notes Secured On Conservatively Appraised Properties MOSS REALTY COMPANY Eealter Tower Bids Mat. 1778 5% PLUS S AFETI The Suburban District Building and Loan Association of Silver Spring, Md. Has always paid 5%. Money deposited in this Association will be invested In but one kind of loans—loans that are insured under the terms of the Na tional Housing Act. Member federal Nome Loan Bank Swittm 8433 Georgia Ave. Shepherd 5200 Property Management Automobile Insurance •$rM‘ ■oaMWff Mortgage Loans Fire Insurance ^ If you will appoint our Property , „ Management Department to look and House after your apartment house and residential properties, you’ll be re Manapement lieved of all the incidental worries— 8 at a fee you’ll find most reasonable. B. F. SAUL CO. REAL ESTATE 925 15th St. N.W. McPhtrton<’souare National2100 REAL ESTATE lows on District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia Properties at ATTRACTIVE INTEREST RATES Amortized monthly for 15,20 and 25 YEARS Contult Our Mortgage Loan Dept, for Complete Information CACIA MUTUAL LIFE INS CO SI Looitiaaa Art. N.W. Facing the Capitol