Newspaper Page Text
Survey Shows F. H.A. Home Loans Highest In Washington Monthly Payments For U. S. in 1937 Averaged $32.43 The average home purchased dur ing 1937 with an P. H. A. loan cost $5,067 and carried a monthly pay ment of only $32.43, the Architec tural Forum Magazine has revealed in the analysis of the Federal Hous ing Administration’s activities. The District of Columbia has the highest average in the country. The most popular mortgage con tacts, the analysis discloses, were lor 80 per cent of the property value and amortized in 20 years while the dominant security was the single family home which accounted for 94 per cent of the 102,000 mortgages written. "Upholding the mossy axiom that no more than one-fifth of monthly ucome should go for rent,” the Architectural Forum points out, "61 'er cent of ail borrowers pay less ^ rhan 15 per cent of their income for monthly amortization and interest, and 92 per cent pay less than 20 per cent of their income. Pay Under $30 a Month. "One-tourth of the families buying homes had internes between $2,000 and $2,500. another fourth had in come*; of less than $2,000. Since this group commonly has small savings, it can achieve home ownership only when the monthly costs are small. And 1S37 mortgages insured by F. H. A. provided just that—over 50 ; per cent of the borrowers are paying j under $30 a month, leaving plenty j ot leeway for operating and main- : lenance costs. i "Somewhat above these most pop ular groups of mortgage character istics are the average figures. The average borrower had a middle-class income and purchased a house well within his means. More light is cast on this borrower in a synopsis of the 1937 average mortgage trans action on the single-family, F. H. A. msured home: Borrower's income_$3,045 Total property value .. 5,384 Ratio of value to income- 1.8 Monthly payment...$32.43 Mortgage loan.. 4.541 House value_5,065 Land value- 913 Plot area isq. ft.)_9.199 Per cent of land coverage- 18.6 “The first four items refer to pre mium-paying mortgages on new and refinanced homes: the last five to i mortgages accepted for insurance j solely on new homes,’’ the Archi- j tcctural Forum explains. "Although j not entirely comparable, together they provide a good sample of 1937’s I greatest mortgage activity. Average Value Is S5.384. "The average value of the single family homes on which the F. H. A. insured mortgages was $5,384.. Aver age value per dwelling unit of two- \ family houses that were insured was $3,222; of the three-family, $2, 767: of the four-family. $2,789. Even for families of low income, the illu sion of independence implied in the free-standing house apparently car ries more weight than low cost. "The most popular type of new’ j one-family houses had five rooms >42 per cent); six rooms came sec ond (30 per cent). Three-quarters of them had one bathroom; one half had a one-car garage. The proportion of the lot covered by the ; house was generally low': 60 per i cent of the dwellings covered less 1 .lifin 20 per cent of the lot, 80 per cent covered less than 30 per cent. “It is interesting to note that as total value of the houses and lots increased up to S6.000 the area of the ’ot decreased from 11,700 square . eet for properties valued at less han $2,000 to 8.200 square feet for ’hose in the $5,000 range.” the architectural Forum comments. "In i tct. the cheapest houses were built ' it larger lots than were houses osting 815.000 and more. “Consequently, the most expensive liouses covered a greater proportion ' f the lot than did the cheaper ones. Tit even the smaller lots would cm extravagant in the average ibdivision—the area resolving into mensions of 75x100 feet. “The reason for the decrease in at sizes as costs increase in the lower brackets was probably the : radual shift of location to more select and higher priced neighbor THE CAPITAL'S FASTEST SELLING DETACHED BRICK LOW-COST HOMES ★ featuring ★ Five £r Six Spacious Rooms it Sturdy Brick Construction > Jon-I-Trol Air Conditioned ★ Rock Wool Insulation ★ Weatherstripped—Caulked it Bronze Screens Throughout ★ Fully Equipped Kitchen it Tiled Bath with Shower ★ 60-ft. Landscaped Lot ★ Hardwood Floors—Floored Attic •k Large Basement *5,990" F. H. A. Approved ’590 CASH $AA.S0 m \J MONTH ★ HIGHLAND VIEW SLIG0° PARK DIRECTIONS: From tragic light in Silver Spring drive nut Cnletvillc Rood tn Franklin Are . turn right ahaut H mile to Flower Ave and right to propertv. ★ PERMANENT HOMES, Inc. IQc*. W. Defrauceaux Sh. 5111 IN CHEVY CHASE—This attractive new home at 6223 Thirty-third street N.W. has been purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Barton from Edmund G. Warther, builder. The sale was made by Frank S. Phillips, realtor. —Star Staff Photo. hoods, for the value per square foot increased progressively from 3 to 17 cents. Land Values Higher. “Although it might be expected that property costs would vary ac cording to the size of the cities in which they were located, such was not reported as the case. Average land values were higher in the large cities than the small, despite much smaller plot areas; but the average value of land and building com bined did not vary uniformly by city size groups. “In cities of over 1.000,000 popu lation the average cost of new one family dwellings was $6,566. In the smallest towns it was $5,823. The highest average cost < $7,265) was in cities with 50.000 to 100,000 popula tion and the lowest cost ($5.2471, for no apparent reason, was in the next large size group. “The South's temperate climate usually makes the cost of shelter in that area lower than in the North. But no such general regional varia tion is shown by the one-family properties securing F. H. A.'s 1937 premium-paying mortgages. Aver age property values went from $3,077 in South Dakota to $9,021 in the District. “Neither is there any geographical consistency in the average income of borrowers; they range from $2,249 in Wyoming to $4,694 in Nevada. Consistent, however, is the con servatism reflected in the ratio of annual income to property value, varying from a low of 1.2 times in come in Nevada to 2.4 times in the District. In three States average property value exceeded two times annual income. However, the na tional average of 1.8 times income , was well within the most conserva tive mortgage lenders’ rule-of thumb.” ——————-— Development Authorized The Virginia Real Estate Com mission has issued a license to the Broadmont Realty Co., Falls Church, for the development of 28 acres of home sites in the nearby Virginia town. The section, known as Broad mont. is located on the Tyson-Bux ton tract in the heart of Falls Church. Mystery of Steam Heat Plant That Balks at Stokers Solved The mystery of the home steam heating plant that develops tem 1 perament and refuses to function I properly when automatic firing with : oil burners or stokers is added has i been cleared up by laboratory ! workers. In nine cases out of 10. they say, the fault is in the venting system which, designed for the more or less continuous flow of steam character - | isticof the hand-fired heating plant, encounters difficulty when utilized in the automatically operated system. They point out that in contrast to hand firing the automatic burner j is either all “on" or all “off" and i that all venting as well as all heat ing must be accomplished during the “on" period. Because venting ' must precede heating and because | the firing period is limited, the time factor in venting becomes all important. Also the home auto I matic burner or stoker is usually Sonnysayings WII-B . I ' 'iMM*NC3-I fZoff IV*!, King Ff>t',re« Sv*4it«H, let, ^ end rig'•■ rtTH< _* _ J Every school-day as bright as two penines, an' Saturday here we is! UNIVERSITY PARK, MD. Owner being transferred to California, must sacrifice new home built this year 18 CLAGETT RD. • $10,850 This fine home is located In an unsurpassed residential section, just 20 minutes from djpwntown. Its woodland setting is one of true natural beauty and Provides the safest environment for children. Included in its unusually large rooms are .*{ bedrooms. 2 tiled baths and all-electric kitchen. It has slate roof, copper screens, gutters, screened porch: attached garage: basement lavatory: oil burner. Lot <52x1 44. Terms suitable to the buyer may be arranged and if financial and character references are satisfactory, no down payment will be required. TO REACH: Drive out Wcsh.-Balto. Bird, fo University Drive. le)t 1 block to Clagett Rd. FOR SALE BY OWNER—GREENWOOD 3963-W A Little Dream $7,950 4519 STANFORD ST., CHEVY CHASE, MD. Nestled among trees on a wide landscaped lot, this home will immediately appeal to the discriminating home-seeker. All rooms are unusually large and spacious. Close to schools, transportation and stores. Detached garage. This home has been recently renovated and is in new house condition. To Reach: Drive nut Connecticut Avenue to Rosemary Street, left nk Rose mary Street to Elm (a continuation of Rosemary), to tSantord Street and home, or out Wiaconain Avenue to Stanford, right two blocks to home. Open Daily and Sunday to Dark WM. H. SAUNDERS CO., me. 1519 K St. "Serving Washington for Over Fifty Years” DIst. 1015 controlled by a thermostat on the first floor and as the first-floor rooms without proper venting heat up before the second-floor rooms, the thermostat either shuts off the firing device before the second floor is heated or overheats the first floor in order to get proper temperature on the second floor. To meet these difficulties there is a new fast venting system that not only begins to function as soon as the firing device starts, but also automatically varies the port openings in the air valves so that air in the system is expelled in its proper proportion throughout the house and admits 1 heat evenly to the radiators. Its venting rate is many times faster than the average. It vents the air mains, risers and radiators throughout the system immediately after the burner begins its •'on" cycle, starts venting of all radiators simultaneously and regulates the flow of steam to each radiator. This is done with large venting ports cleverly introduced into normal size valves, which at as little as two ounces of pressure discharge air from the w'hole system and give the heat immediate access to the radia i tors. At higher pressures a patented automatic modulator reduces the ! port opening to that of the conven tional valve. The design of the unit prevents any hiss, sizzling or spitting and all danger of a clogged orifice from paint, plaster or tampering, i according to Mr. Root, and its lustrous black moulded jacket, ac- ! centuated b* brilliant chromium stripes, harmonizes with any well- ; ! appointed interior. Modernistic Style Of Architecture Has Had Fling Georgian Type Favored By American People, Says A. E. Allen The modernistic type of archi tecture has had Its fling and tjie American people are finding that they can have the Georgian or tra ditional homes which emphasize their heritage and traditions, but with plenty of modern advantages, in the opinion of Arthur E. Allen of New York, one of the Nation’s most successful designers of small homes. Mr. Allen, who has been the archi tect for more than 18,000 homes throughout the Nation in the past 11 years, believes that Americans have no heart for the “nudist” house, as he terms the modernistic dwelling. He declared that a ma jority of American architects, as well as private home buyers, are shun ning extreme designs tosuch an ex tent that modernistic styles are barred in many suburban com munities. Home buyers again are appreciative of Colonial styles and other examples of pure Georgian design which have made the public familiar with the enduring charm and dignity of buildings of that period, he said. Modern Standards Kept. “Colonial, American-looking homes can be constructed without sacrific ing the space and light which con stitute a chief virtue of modern istic architecture,” Mr. Allen said. "It has been possible to improve upon the Colonial type of house in keeping with changing standards of living and modern trends and still retain the inherent charm for Americans of this type of architec ture. “The newer homes of Georgian design have picked up the out standing good points of the modern trend, notably the large windows that make home life more enjoyable. They are made bright and cheery inside, through the use of large win dows, picture windows of plate glass, HOMES WITH BIG ROOMS Furniahed Exhibit Homb 41 GALLATIN ST. N.W. Open Sunday and Daily to 9 P.M. Large brick homes on lots ltfTft deen with southern exposure. StE THE NEW MIAMI BATHS . .and such features »s foyer, built-m bookcases, rear stairway entrance, knotty pine recreation room witn fireplace cedar storage closet. 1 • custom-built Oxford kitchen cabi nets. gas furnace, ti-ft. electric re frigerator. Caulked screened and weatherstriDPed Plastered base ment SO ft. lone. High elevation. Near all conveniences. Drive nu> New Hampshire Air tn Gallatin St., right ■, block to hornet. Tower Bldg. |Bj na. ■.• An Inspection Will Convince You of the Real Value of This Yew Home Only 1 Left 4528 WINDOM PLACE N.W. American University Park We've reached a new high in value with the presentation of this new Colo nial home by C. H. Small Co. Typical of their fine appointments is the distinguished home we picture. Six spacious rooms, living room with open fireplace, dining room, complete kitchen. A bedrooms. baUv large basement with lavatory, automatic gas heat, large fenced lot. insulated, screened, weather-stripped, copper downspouts and gutters, slate roof. Built-in tele phone conduits, no exposed wires. Furnished by Hilda Miller TO REACH Drive nvt Mats Arc. to Hfith St., turn /■ right to Windom Place. noht on Windom to homes. 1515 K Street Open Daily District 3100 Until 9 P. M. SOUTHEAST HOME HUHTERS Top of Pennsylvania Ave. S.E. New 6-Room Modern Homes *6,450up Ttz':: $500 Cash and $55 Month Most substontiol construction. Semi-detached Bricks, Porches. Large basement with automatic heat; AMPLE CLUB ROOM SPACE; verigated slate roof on porches; copper valleys; furred walls; insu lated; screens; weather-stripped; hardwood floors; large fenced back yards. Washington's highest elevation and most convenient near-in location of new homes. We urge your immediate inspection, as 6-room houses in this beautiful location are limited. Model Home Open Daily 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. 1817 Fort Davis Street S.E. <Straight out Penn a. Ave. S.E. to tov of hill across Alabama Ave., first street to left./ WAPLE & JAMES, Inc. 1224 14th St. N.W. ExclB,lTB AwntB Dl. 3346 up-to-the-minute planning of wall treatment, placement of many mir mors and smart selection of fur nishings.” An Economic Problem. Mr. Allen pointed out that buyers, builders and architects must con stantly keep in mind the fact that (a house is primarily an economic problem, that it must supply a max imum of comfort over the longest possible period of time at a mini mum of cost, and still retain the greatest possible intrinsic value. A Georgian type of home is not "dated,” nor is it limited to the mere present needs or whims of the owner, the architect declared. "Of course, the major reason for traditional architecture persisting in popular preference is based di rectly on the individual’s idea of what a home should be,” Mr. Allen concluded. "When Americans think of ‘Home, Sweet Home’ now they think of the traditional homes which have been a part of our his tory, and the fact that these have been brought up to date by the use of plentiful windows and the latest in fittings and materials does not alter that basic concept, but merely enhances the appreciation.” — — -0 Buys 20 Houses Twenty houses in the 2100 block of Fifth street N.W. have been pur chased by Charles Werner through Presenting a Beautiful New Corner Home 7915 Faulkland Drive Silver Spring, Md. • H Large Rooms • •l Baths • Large Modern Kitchen • Excellent Location • Fully Insulated • Air Conditioned • Slate Roof • Copper Gutters • Attached Garage • Large Lot • To reach: Out Georgia Ave one block beyond District Line to Faulk land Drive, (hen turn right one block to house. Open Saturday and Sunday x D. S. BIRON OWNER-BUILDER MET. 5H2 HOME SEEKERS INVESTORS COURT RECEIVER’S SALE of ^ Convertible Two-Family Homes 1347-55 Queen St. N.E. *6,750 e«h TERMS Modern brick homes con taining two separate apartments, each with private entrance. Insu lated, furred walls, steel casement windows, deep lot, tiled baths, auto matic heat. Renting upstairs apart ment will about meet monthly payments. To reach houses: Out Florida Are. N.E. to West Viramia Ave., left to Queen St . right i blocks to property. Wm. L. Browning and Raymond Gittelman, Receivers Repreeentative on Property I THE CHEERFUL CHERU& I evnrtot mikt V rkvme tod%.y Altkouqk I’ve tried for quite a, wkile . My ql'idnea* kes no words -I’ll try To qive it to you irv V smile. the office of the Howenstein Realty Corp., it was announced today. The dwellings were bought from Henry P. Staley for about $60,000, it was stated. New Homes Model Home 5308 N. Capitol St. (Between Kennedy and Jefferson Sts. N.W.) Distinctively Designed 6 large well-arranged rooms: I baths; recreation room; OIL BURNING AIR - CONDITION ING HEAT; full sized attic with stair off hallwall; brick garage; elevation one of the highest In city. There are many structural features, such as furred walls, Buckingham slate roof, quarter sawed oak floors, and others we cannot tell you about here. See These Homes Saturday, Sunday or Any Day. Open and Lighted 10:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Built by Edward A. Hydo WAPLE & JAMES, INC. 1224 14th St. N.W. Di. 3346 First Showing FRIENDSHIP HEIGHTS 402 High Street EXCLUSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD 4 rooms, kitchen and bath on 1st floor; 3 rooms, 2 baths on 2nd floor; built-in garage; recreation room, laundry; air conditioned; oil burner; 1-fare zone; lot 60x100, Come ond see; you'll like it. Select your lot here; we can build you a 5 or 6-room house as low as $40 a month. TO REACH Enter through Montgomery St from Wisconsin Are., just above District Line. Open for Inspection Daily. Financed Through F. H. A. YOU ARE BUYING DIRECT FROM OWNER Adams 6273 Adams 3150 Saratmia UilUuu' SILVER SPRING, MD. ■i—i n — i■ i i ■ i i mi i— iwmiHiiimruw 1 605 Tokoma Ave. Beautifully Furnished by Peerless Furniture Co. New Air-Conditioned Bungalow $5,750 $38.50 MONTH—F. H. A. TERMS AT LAST you can secure your choice of beautifully designed new brick bungalow*, on tree covered lots. COMPLETELY AIR CONDITIONED. At a savin* of from S500 to *1.000 over comparable homes elsewhere. Five delightful rooms, colored tile baths, modern kitchen equipped with refrigerator and fully insulated cas range, electric log fireplace, plenty of closets, floored attic, basement with laundry tubs. Large, wooded lots. KAY PROPERTIES, INC., BUILDERS Open Daily & Sunday To Reach Drive cut Pinev Branch Rc . Saratooa Ave just vast Philadelphia Are , left at sign, or Georgia Are., just pa<t District l>ne. right nn Falkland Drive, left to Gist Ave . right t blocks to new Furnished. Home. ROBERTS E. LATIMER 7733 Alaska Ave. EXCLUSIVE AGENT Phone GEorgia 1270 Thousands Have Acclaimed the SILVER STAR HOME Now on Display in Forest Hills _ . - —rm—rr I III, II'.W.WWBgBW A View of the Charming and Spacious Living Room 3060 DAVENPORT STREET N.W. Attractively Furnished by Hilda N. Miller—D. S. BIRON, Builder In one of the most exclusive residential sec tions of the city, amid a sylvan woodland setting, this home will meet every demand of the most exacting home seeker looking for the ultimate in value. On the first floor there is a large living room, opening to a covered screened concrete porch; spacious paneled dining room, full-pdneled library, modern de luxe kitchen, dinette, un usually large, powder room and lavatory. Random-width floors on first floor. The second floor has four very large bed rooms, two baths. A maid's room and bath in the basement. The recreation room is most unusual. Two-car built-in garage. Oil burner, air conditioned. Built-in telephone conduits. OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY TO 9 P.M. Out Connecticut Ave. to Davenport St., and eaet one and one-half blockt to home. BOSS & PHELPS, Agents 1417 K St. Realtore Nd. 9300