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(Hark of GItianko. SAl'NDERg. FRANK. The family of the late TRANK SAUNDERS wishes to thank their friends and neighbors for the kind ness bald their loved one white sick and the Morning Star lodge. No. 40. Elks: Past Exalted Rulers’ Council. Chisley. flor ist: Thomas & Slve. florists, and em ployes of the Library of Congress for their beautiful floral tributes sent to him at his demise. Also their many cards of con dolence. THE FAMILY. • Sratf)*. ACKERMAN. ELIZABETH B. Suddenly, en Friday December 2- 1P38. at her home. 8127 Date st.. Mount Rainier. Md.. ELIZA BETH B. ACKERMAN (nee Thornton*, be loved wife of John J. Ackerman Services and interment at Auburn. N. Y. 4 ASHCOM. HENRIETTA MORGAN On Friday. December 2 1P38. »t Sibley Me morial Hospital. HENRIETTA MORGAN ASHCOM of 2P11 Cathedral ave. n.w. mother of Mrs Frank Whitehead. Remains resting at the S H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2001 14th st. n.w until in P.m. Saturday. December 3. Funeral services and Interment Everett. Pa 3 BAILEY. JULIA A. On Thursday. De cember 1. 1938. at her residence. 147 R. i ave. n.w.. JULIA A. BAILEY, daughter of the late William A. and Mary A Boyd, beloved wife of Ira L Bailey and mother of Ruth B. Frazier Julia B Edmonds and Pearl B, Jordan She also leaves to mourn a sister. Mrs. Mamie Smith, and three brothers. Dr. Beniamin B. Boyd John L. and William A Boyd. Jr Remains may be viewed at her late residence Saturday. December 3. Rfter 5 D.m Funeral Sunday December 4. at 1:15 D.m.. from the Second Baptist Church. Rev J L S. Holloman officiating. Rela tives and friends are invited Interment Woodlawn Cemetery Monday. December 5. Arrangements by Thos. Frazier Co. 4 BARNES. JAMES. Departed this life on Thursday. December 1. 1938. at Gallinger Hospital, after a brief illness. JAMES BARNES, the beloved husband of Mrs. Martha Barnes. He also is survived by one son Jesse C. Barnes; two brothers, three sisters, other relatives and friends Re mains resting with L. E. Murray & Son. 12th and V sts, n.w Funeral Monday December B. at 1 D.m,. from the Vermont Avenue Baptist Church. Rev C. T Murray officiating. Interment In Wilson. N. C 4 BARRETT. SUSIE V. On Friday. De cember 2. 1938. at her residence 404 El lerslie ave. Capitol Heights. Md.. SUSIE V. BARRETT, beloved wife of John W Barrett and mother of R. D. William R, James D John O and Gordon A Barrett Remains resting at the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. B17 11th st, s.e . until Monday. December 5. at 10 a.m Funeral services at the Congregational Church. Capitol Heights. Md.. on Mon day. December 5. at 2 Dm. Relatives and - friends invited. Interment Addison ChaDel Cemetery. 4 BLACKMAN. IDA MAY On Friday. December 2. 1938. at her residence. 1345 Girard st. n.w. IDA MAY BLACKMAN • nee Stewart), beloved wife of Samuel S. Blackman Services at the S. H Hines Co funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w. on Monday De cember 5. at 10 a.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 4 BROIDIE. ANNIE. On Friday. Decem ber 2. 1 !WS. at her residence. 4715 4th st n.w.. ANNIE BROIDIE. aged 55 years, beloved wife of Nathan Broidie and de voted mother of Dr. Herman S.. Jacob M *nd Eva Broidie. Funeral services at 11"5 Spring roac n.w.. on Sunday. December 4. at 11 a.m Interment Tifereth Israel Cemetery. BURGESS. CORA. On Thursdav De cember 1. 11138. at Homeopathic Hospital. CORA BURGESS. She is survived by one son. Livingston Burgess, and a daughter. Mrs. Sarah Godoy of New York: a sister. Mrs. Ella Tucker, and one brother. Cant, Frederick C Posey Services on Monday December 5. at 2 Pm. at Hvsone's funeral home. 1300 N st. n.w Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 4 BURKLIN. HATTIE E. On Saturday. De cember 3. 1(138. at her residence. 13 Bel mont court. Sligo Park Hill. Md.. HATTIE E. BURKLIN beloved wife of the late George Burklin and mother of Lydia A. H. Burklin. R. Rayburn Burklin. Mrs. Ruby B. Mitchell and Mrs. Maud Kimble. Services at the S. H Hines Co. funeral home. 2301 14th st. n w . on Monday. De cember 5. at 1:30 p.m. Interment Glen wood Cemetery. 4 CARY. SANDY. On Thursday Decem ber 1. 1038. at Mount Alto Hospital. SANDY CARY beloved husband of Mrs. Phyllis Cary, father of Thelma and Willie Cary He also leaves other relatives and friends Remains resting at the W2_Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st n.w.. where funeral services will be held Monday. De cember 5. at 1 p m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. Relatives and friends Invited 4 CHILDRESS. MARY E. On Friday De cember 2. 1038. at her residence. 1031 Summit place n.e. MARY E CHILDRESS, beloved wife of D. C. Childress and mother of Mrs. Eva De-Broske and Elmer T. Chil dress. Services at the above residence on Mon day. December 5. at 2 om. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Glenwood Cem etery. 4 CLAYBOURNE. ALICE. On Thursday. December 1. 1038 at Blue Plains. D. C . ALICE CLAYBOURNE. devoted sister ol Mrs. Cassle Hall. Mrs. Dora Jones and William Scott. She also leaves other rel atives and friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral chapel. 3rd and Evp sts aw Notice of funeral later. COLE LILLIE. On Friday. December 2. 19.38. at her residence. 28 Florida ave. n.e. LILLIE COLE, mother of Mrs. Cath erine Brannum. Mrs. Mftrv Richards. Mrs. Lottie Redmond. Miss Martha. Benjamin, waiter and Donald Cole. She also leaves one aunt, three grandchildren, other rela tives and friends. Remains resting *t 6tewart’s funeral home. .30 H st. n.e. Notice of funeral later DEWEY, ETTA CONKLING. On Friday. December 2. 1838. at her home. 4512 9th at. n.w, ETTA CONKLING DEWEY, be loved wife of Lvster H. Dewev and devoted mother of Mrs. Carl G. Frost of Ken more. N. Y. Funeral services at the S H Hines Co. funeral home. 2801 14th st. n.w.. Monday December 6. at 11:30 am. Interment private. 4* DOOLEY. HENRY. Departed this life on Friday. December 2. 1838. at his residence. 503 M st. n.w HENRY DOOLEY, hus band of Anna G Dooley. Remains may be viewed after 12 noon Sunday. Decem ber 4. at the Bundy funeral home. 021 Florida ave. n.w. Funeral Monday. December 5. at 2:30 pm . from Second Baptist Church Rev. Holloman officiating. Interment Harmony Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. 4 DOOLEY. HENRY. Officers and mem bers Past Exalted Rulfcrs' Council. No. 4. I. B. P. O. E. of W . are hereby notified of the death of Brother HENRY DOOLEY. Session of sorrow Saturday night. Decem ber 3. 1938. 7:30 p.m . at Columbia Lodge. No. 85. 301 Rhode Island ave. n.w. By order of DR JOHN R FRANCIS. Chief Antler. Attest: SAMUEL M. GRAHAM. First Scribe DOOLEY. HENRY. Columbia Lodge. No. 85. I B. P O. E. of W.. is hereby notified of the funeral of Brother HENRY DOOLEY from Second Baptist Church. 3rd st. between H and Eye sts. n.w.. Mon day. December 5. 1838. at 2:30 o.m. Session of sorrow at Elks' Home. 301 R. I ave. n.w. Saturday. December 3. at 7:30 p.m. DR. ERNEST M HARDY, Exalted Ruler. LEE CAMPBELL Secretary. DOUGLASS. JOHN W On Wednesday. November 30. 1938. at Galltnger Hospital. JOHN W. DOUGLASS, beloved husband of the late Florence Douglass, loving father of Marie and Aurelius Douglass, brother of the late Mary Lucas. He also is sur vived by two grandchildren Theodore and Wiletta Thomas: other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the John T Rhines funeral chapel. 3rd ana Eve sts s.w Funeral Sunday. December 4. at 1:30 p.m.. from the above funeral chapel. In terment Harmony Cemetery. 4 FLEMING. ALONZA L On Thursday December 1. 1838 at Washington Sani tarium. ALONZA L. FLEMING, beloved husband of Sarah Ella Fleming of Land over. Md He also is survived by one son. Henrv C. Fleming, and six daughters. Annie E Murphy Elsie Swann. Ida Christ. May Sisson. Mary Beall and Gertrude Foster Remains resting at Gasch’s funeral home. 46 Maryland ave.. Hyattsville. Md Funeral from the Landover Church. Landover. Md.. on Sunday. December 4. at 2 D.m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 4 ruilHiK. BEVtKLY On Friday. De cember 2. 193S. BEVERLY FLETCHER, beloved son of Rev Beverly A. Fletcher, brother of Maud Hughes. Leah Hamlin. Lillie Davis. Mattie. Rozlia. Charlotte. Rob ert. John L.. James and Benjamin Fletcher Remains resting ot the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church 1432 U st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. FRACTION. EDWIN G.. JR. Departed this life on Friday. December 2. 19.38. EDWIN G. FRACTION. Jr., beloved son of Edwin G. and Ethel L Fraction. He also Is survived by four sisters, two brothers other relatives and friends. Remains rest ing at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 U st. n.w Notice of funeral later. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Frank Geier’s Sons Co. Modern Chapel._TeL_ National 2473 V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successor to nor connected with the original W. R. Speare establishment. 1009 H St N W Phone 11 National am>« J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium and Maes. Aye. N.E, Lincoln S2M CEMETERY LOTS. CEMETERY LOTS. CEDAR HILL. 8ACRI flee. Must sell at once. Georgia 3236. after 6:30 p.m, __ THE UNDERSIGNED HAS FOR SALE VAL uable lot in CEDAR HILL CEMETERY. Washington. D. c. designated aa Lot No. 321 Section 21 Any one interested lh this lot will Dlease communicate with the carty listed below STANLEY A. OWENS. Manassas. Va B* funeral Designs. GUDE BROS. CO. Florafpiece. 1212 r 8t. N.W._National 4278_ GEO. C. SHAFFER, Inc. REPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES. PHONE NAT 0108. °ZS £3wT Cor. 14th & Eye St. Stephen's Lutheran At St. Stephen’s Evangelical Lu theran Church tomorrow the Rev. Sam H. Kornmann will preach at 11 a.m. on “True- Stewardship.”' -The men will be commissioned for the every-member visitation, which will take place on the afternoon of De cember 4. . ... , The young people’s service will be held at 7 o’clock, with Miss Lois Basinger as discussion leader. A meeting of the Sunday School Association will be held at the home of Robert C. Grossman, 2222 Ran dolph street N.W., Tuesday evening. The Women’s Missionary Society will meet Thursday at 7:30 pm. at the home of Mrs. Karl Schaefer, 1923 Bunker Hill road NE. The Men’s Brotherhood will meet in the church Thursday at 8 pm. Dr. Rasmussen to Begin Series of Sermons Dr. Carl C. Rasmussen, pastor at the Luther Place Memorial Church, announces a series of sermons for the Advent season, beginning tomor row at 11 a.m. with the topic, “Are Present World Conditions the Signs of the Second Coming?” subse quent sermon subjects will be: “Are Present World Conditions a Divine Punishment of the Jews?” “What Is Christ’s Greatest Present Rival?” and “Why Heaven Sang.” > The Ladies’ Aid Society luncheon, Wednesday at 12:30 p.m., will be served in the church parlors. Mrs. H. H. Howland will preside. The Church Council will meet at the home of Dr. Rasmussen on Wednesday at 8 p.m. FRANKLIN. IRENE E. On Thursday. December 1. 1938. at her residence. 42 O st. n w.. IRENE E FRANKLIN, beloved wife of Herman Franklin, mother of Vernon C R. James. Virginia E and Herman Franklin. Jr., sister of Mrs. Georgia Travis and Mrs. Jenny Brackett. She also leaves other rela tives -and friends Remains resting at Stewart’s funeral home. 30 H st. n.e . un til Sunday December 4. at 11 a.m.; there after at her late residence. Funeral Monday. December 5. at 1 n.m . from Second Baptist Church. Rev J L S. Holloman officiating Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. GREEN. ZOLA C. On Thursday. Decem ber 1. 1938. at Chicago. 111.. ZOLA C. GREEN, husband of Helen M. Green and son of the late George Forrest and Maria Devereux Green. > Services in Chicago on Saturday. De cember 3. Interment in Holy Rood Cem etery on Monday. December 5. ouiLruKU, MARY c Suddenly, on Thursday. December 1. 1038 at the resi dence of her daughter. Mrs. Wilford Arthur SimDson. 1706 Upshur st. n.w. MARY C GUILFORD (nee Dugan), wife of the late Eueene K. Guilford. Funeral from the above residence on Monday. December 5 at 8:30 a m.: thence to Sacred Heart Church Kith st. and Park road n.w . where reaulem mass will be of fered at 0 a m. Relatives and friends In vited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 4 GUILFOYLE, MADELEINE F. On Sat urday. December 3. J038 at her residence. S408 Colorado ave. n.w . MADELEINE F GUILFOYLE. beloved wife of John T Guil foyle and mother of Gerard Guilfoyle and Madeleine Guilfoyle Maldonado Funeral from the above residence on Tuesday December 0. at 0 a m. Rkouiem mass at the Church of the Nativity. 0000 Georgia ave. n.w . at 9:30 a.m. Relatives and trends invited Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Arrangements by P. A. Taltavull. 5 HARRIS. PORTER. On Thursday. De I ■ 19 3 *. at Gallineer Hospital. PORTER HARRIS of 631 Orren place n e . beloved husband of Fannie Harris, father of Napoleon Harris. He also leaves to mourn their loss seven brothers and three sisters Remains at his late residence after 2 p.m. Sundav. Funeral on Monday. December A. at 1 Dm., from Boyd's funeral home. 1840 L st. n.w. HORNBECK. PHOEBE SELBY. On Fri day. December 2. 1938 at Alexandria Hos pital. PHOEBE SELBY HORNBECK. Funeral Sunday. December 4. at 2 p m , from Groff's funeral home. Fairfax Va Interment Flint Hill Cemetery. Fairfax. Va. HUGHES. JAMES FRANCIS. On Thurs day. December 1. 1938. at Oteen. N C JAMES FRANCIS HUGHES, beloved hus band of Katherine M. Hughes (nee Mars den). Remains resting at the chapel of P. A. Taltavull. 436 7th st s.w.. until Sun day December 4. at 10:30 am Funeral from his late residence. 4313 12th place n.e.. on Monday. December 5. at 9 a m. Reaulem mass at St. Anthony's Church at 9:30 a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery 4 HUGHES. JAMES FRANCIS. Comrades Bunker Hill Post. No. 31. Amer ican Legion, are requested to at tend services for our late com rade. JAMES FRANCIS HUGHES, at 8 p.m. Sunday. December 4 .1938. at his late residence. 4312 . „ „ l~th Dlace n.e. and the funeral, at 9:30 a.m. Monday. December 5. from St. Anthony's Church 12th and Monroe sts n.e Military burial follows in Arlington National Cemetery. W. R. BRENNAN. Commander. Attest: JOHN R. WEITZEL. Adjutant. KERR. FRANK A. Suddenly, on Thurs day. December 1. 1938. at 2:30 p.m.. at his Leil?£nce; '»»<* n.w„ FRANK A. KERR, the beloved husband of Marie L Kerr (nee Sherwood» and father of Mrs. James J. Murphy of Danbury Conn. Funeral from the above residence on Monday December 5. at 8:30 a.m.: thence to Holy Trinity Church, where mass will be said at 9 am. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Relatives and friends Invited. 4 LEANNARDA. FANNIE. On Saturday December 3 1938. at her residence 124 10th st n.e.. FANNIE LEANNARDA. be loved wife of the late Charles W. Lean narda and mother of Charles 8.. Arthur C and Howard E. Leannarda and Mrs Marguerite Hellmuth. Remains resting at the Lee funeral home. 4th st. ai)d Mass ave. n.e. where services will be held on Tuesday. December 0. ai 11 a.m. Relatives and friends In vited. Interment (private) Congressional Cemetery. 5 LINK. ANNA S. On Friday December 2. 1938. at her son's residence. 3713 Evans st. Brentwood. Md.. ANNA 8 LINK, be loved wife of the late Oscar M. Link. Funeral from the above residence on Monday December 5 at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Prospect Hill Cemetery. (Baltimore papers please copy.) 4 LOOR. BENJAMIN. On Friday. Decem ber 2. 1938. at his residence. 1030 Oales st. n.e. BENJAMIN LOOR. beioved husband of Edith M Loor and lather of Mrs. Ida De La Vergne Funeral services at his daughter’s resi dence. 139 Kith st. n.e. Notice of time later. 4 LUCAS, MARY. On Friday. December 2. 1938. at Gallineer Hospital. MARY LUCAS, devoted sister of the late John W. Douglass, loving aunt of Marie and Au relins Douglass, great-aunt of Theodore and Wiletta' Thomas. Other relatives and friends survive. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral Chanel. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w Funeral Sunday December 4. at 1:30 P.m.. from the above funeral chapel. In terment Harmony Cemetery. 4 LUCAS, MARY. Officers and members of Miriam Chapter. No. 4. O. E. 8.. are requested to be present at the funeral of Sister MARY LUCAS on Sunday. December 4. 1938 at 1:30 p.m.. from the John T. Rhines funeral home. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. By order of the worthy matron. SISTER LUCY DAVIDSON. W M BROTHER ROBERT ANDERSON. W P. SISTER BLANCHE BURTON. Secretary. MORRIS. MARY ERBEN. On Friday. De cember 2. 1938. at her residence. 3811 Davenport st. n.w.. MARY ERBEN MOR RIS. the beloved mother of Albion L. Mor ris. Remains resting at the W W. Cham bers Co. funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.W. Notice of funeral later. MUDD, JULIA CATHERINE. On Friday. December 2. 1938. JULIA CATHERINE MUDD. beloved daughter of the late Dom inick and Catherine Spalding Boswell Mudd and sister of the late Bernard M. and John E. Mudd of La Plata. Md. Remains rest ing at the Lee funeral home. 4th st. and Mass, ave n.e Notice of funeral later mudd. julia. On Friday. December 2. 19.38. at her residence. 904 New York ave. n.w . JULIA MUDD. Remains resting at the Lee funeral home. 4th st. and Mass, ave n e. Notice of funeral later. OWENS. GILBERT E Suddenly, on Thursday. December 1. 1938. GILBERT E. OWENS beloved husband of Annie L. Owens and father of William A. Owens and Lillian R. Anderson. Funeral from his late residence. 1234 8th st. s.w. on Monday. December 5. at 2:30 D.m. Interment Washington National Cemetery Relatives and friends invited. 4 RANSOM. J. CLINTON (POP). On Sat urday. December 3. 1938. at the residence of his son. 4505 Lowell st. n.w.. Wash ington. D C J CLINTON (POP) RAN SOM. aged 80 rears, beloved husband of the late Martha Ransom (nee Snow) He is survived by live sons. Edward S.. Henry c.. Dr. C. A.. PhllllD 51. and Samuel J. Ransom Remains resting at the Ives funeral home. 2847 Wilson Blvd. Arlington. Va.. where funeral services will be held Mon day. December 6. at 2:30 p.m. Interment Columbia Oardens Cemetery. SACKET. ROONEY. On Saturday. De cember 3. 1938. at the Washington Home for the Incurables. RODNEY SACKET. Remains resting at the funeral home of Wm. Reuben Pumphrer. 7006 Wisconsin ave . Bethesda Md. Notice of funeral later SCOTT. MABEL B. On Friday. December 2. 1938. at St Elizabeth’s Hospital. MABEL B. SCOTT, beloved daughter of William A. Scott She also leaves other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral Monday. December 6. at 11 a m., from the Metropolitan Baptist Church. R st between 12th and 13th sts. n.w.. Rev. E. C. Smith officiating. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Relatives and friends Invited. 4 J. Clinton Ransom Dies After Brief Illness ’ J. Clinton “Pop” Ransom, well known retired newspaperman here, died today at the home of hts son, Philip M. Ransom. 4505 Lowell street N.W., after a brief illness. A charter member of the National Press Club, he worked at various times as an editorial and finan^i writer on The Star, Post, Times and Herald after coming here in 1900 from Baltimore. For three years before coming to this city he was with the Baltimore Herald. Bom February 5, 1852, in Amboy. Ohio, he was graduated from Grand River Institute, Austlnburg, Ohio, and the University of Rochester. H« was a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Delta Upsilon Frater nities. He joined the faculty of Grand River Institute in 1880 and in 1887 went to join the Baltimore Herald staff. For several years he was tele graph editor of the Washington Times. He retired from active newspaper work 25 years ago. Mr. Ransom is survived by four sons besides the one with whom he lived—Edmund S„ Dr. C. A. and Henry C., of Arlington County, and Samuel J. of Frederick, Md. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Monday at the Ives fu neral home, and burial will be in Columbia Gardens. Confirmation Classes At St. Paul's Church At St. Paul s Church on Twenty third street., near Washington Cir cle, the confirmation classes take on new life at the beginning of the Advent season. The instruction for boys and girls is held on each Mon day afternoon. The class for adults, which consists of those who are preparing for confirmation and those who are renewing their instruction, is held on each Wednesday evening. This parish will be host for a conference on religion, which will be held the evening of December 14. The leader is the Rev. William C. Dunphy of Philadelphia Divinity School. His subjfct will be “Prep aration for Your Christmas Com munion.” On Sunday morning the rector, the Rev. Arlington A. McCallum, will continue his series of Advent ser mons on "Our God Is Marching On.” The subject is “God Marches Through the Pages of the Bible to You and Me* Bratlja. SOO. CHARLES L. On Saturday. De cember 3 1938. at 8ibley Memorial Hos pital CHARLES L. SOO. beloved husband of Nora C Soo. father of Raymond C. Bernard C.. Charles W. and Edward Soo and Mrs. Margaret Mack . Notice of funeral later. SPEAKER JOHN H. On Friday. De cember 2 1938. at his home. Cabin John. Md . JOHN H. SPEAKER. 88 years old. heloved husband of Julia A. Speaker Re mains resting at the funeral home of Wm. Reuben Pumphrev, 7005 Wisconsin ave.. Bethesda. Md. Funeral services at the above funeral home on Monday. December 5. at 9:30 a.m. Interment Boonesboro Md. 4 STAAL. JULIA MARIA. On Friday. De cember 2. 1938. at her residence. 4411 7th st. n.w.. JULIA MARIA STAAL the beloved mother of Armand Staal and Ger maine Staal and sister of Mrs. L, Boeck styns. Funeral services at the above residence on Monday. December A at 9 a.m.: thence to St. Gabriel's Catholic Church, where mass will be offered at 9:30 a.m. for the reoose of her soul Relatives and friends invited. Interment Washington Memorial Park Cemetery Services by the W. W. Chambers Co 4 ST CLAIR. HARRIET. On Friday. De cember 2. 1938. at her residence. 1838 Ingleside terrace n.w.. HARRIET ST. CLAIR, the beloved wife of David F. St. Clair and mother of Rebecca 8t Clair. Remains resting at the W. W Chambers Co. fu neral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. until Sunday. December 4. at 2:30 o.m. Funeral services at 3 o.m. at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church. 13th and Newton sts. n.w Relatives and friends invited Interment South Boston. Va.. on Monday. December 5. 4 SULLIVAN. ANNIE CATHERINE. On Friday. December 2 1938. at 8tate< Sana torium. Sabillasvllle. Md. ANNIE CATH ERINE SULLIVAN, beloved wife of Joseph P. Sullivan of 713 Silver Soring ave.. Sil ver 8pring Md Services at the Warner E. Pumphrey fu neral home. 8424 Georgia ave.. Silver Spring. Md.. on Monday. December 5. at 9 a.m.: thence to St. Michael's Catholic Church, where mass will be said at 9:15 a.m. for the repose of her soul. Inter ment St. John’s Cemetery. Forest Glen. Md. 4 SULTTVAN. ANNIE CATHERINE. Char ter member—Members of Court Forest Glen. No 961. Catholic Daughters of Amer ica. are notified of the death of ANNIE CATHERINE SUL LIVAN and are reouested to assemble at the Warner E. Pumphrev funeral home. 8424 Georgia ave.. Silver Soring. Md on Sunday. December 4. 1938. at 7:30 p.m.. for recitation of the Rosary for the repose of her soul and are also reouested to attend the mass at St. Mi chael's Church. Sliver Soring. Md.. at 9:15 a.m on Monday. December 5. (Signed). GERTRUDE M. BRENNAN. Grand Recent. 4 TILLETT, MART ELLEN. On Friday. December 2. 1938. at her residence. 908 Eye st. n.w.._Washington. D. C.. MARY ELLEN TILLETT. beloved wife of the late John W. Tillett and mother of EfBe M. Gar rison and Edward L. Tillett. Remains resting at the Ives funeral home. 2847 Wilson Blvd.. Arlington. Va. until Sunday. December 4. at 1 p.m.: thence to the Methodist Church. Annandale. Va.. where funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Interment church cemetery. TUTTLE. JAME8 C. On Saturday De cember 3. 1938. at his residence. 733 1st st. n.w.. JAMES C. TUTTLE, beloved hus band of Mary Elizabeth Tuttle (nee Plate). Services at the T. Frank Murray funeral home. 741 11th st. s.e.. on Monday De cember 6 at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 4 WILLIAMS. ASBURT SAMUEL. On Sat urday. December 3. 1938. at his residence. 1312 R st. n.w.. ASBURY SAMUEL WIL LIAMS. beloved husband of Rose Williams and devoted father of Rose Battle. He also leaves one slater, other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. In Hemnriam. BEARD, KATHERINE E. A tribute Ot friendship and love in commemoration of my sincere friend. KATHERINE E. BEARD, who was called home four years ago today, December 3 1934. I never crossed your threshold with a grief But that I went without it: never came Heartsore but that you healed me. eased the blame And gave the sorrow solace and relief. I never left you but I took away Friendship that drew me to your side again, Through that wide door that never could remain Quite closed between us for a little day. Ohl Friend, who gave and comforted, wh» knew So overwell the want of heart and mind. Where may I turn for solace now. or find Relief from this unceasing loss ot you? Be it for fault, for folly, or for sin. Oh! Terrible my penance and most sore To face the tragedy of that closed door Whereby I pass and may not enter in. HER DEVOTED FRIEND. MARY H. DOW LING. , BEARD. KATHERINE E. In sad but lov ing remembrance of my foster daughter KATHERINE E. BEARD who went away four years ago today. December 3. 1934. M. C. JONES. * BUCKLEY. J. NORMAN. In loving mem ory of J. NORMAN BUCKLEY, who died one year ago today. December 3. 1937. THE FAMILY. • FAIRFAX. ESTELLE M. A tribute of sincere love and devotion in memory of our dear mother and grandmother. ESTELLE M. FAIRFAX, who departed this life one year ago today. December 3. 1937. HER DEVOTED FAMILY. * IRELAND. JOHN D. In loving memory of my devoted husband. JOHN D. IRELAND who left me one year ago today. December 3. 1937 When I'm alone I like to stray , Alone the road of yesterday. To live ataln In memory The happy days that used to be. I hear you lauth I see you smile. I talk with you a little while. I love to lincer on the way That leads me back to yesterday. There isn’t a day passes by _ That I do not think of you. DEVOTED WIFE. MAOOIE N. IRELAND. • SWANN. HARRIET LOUISE. In sad but lovlnc remembrance of our dear dauchtei and sister. HARRIET LOUISE SWANN, who entered into heavenly rest one year aco to day. December 3. 1837. One year aco today ancels took you away. We bow in submission to His will. Who loved us then and loves us still. YQURDSVOIHD MOTHER. FATHER AND l Mrs. Guilford Rites To Be Held Monday Funeral services for Mrs. Mary C. Guilford, 60, retired employe of the National Electrical Supply Co., who died Thursday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Wilfred Arthur Simpson. 1706 Upshur street N.W., will be held at 9 a m. Monday in Sacred Heart Catholic Church, fol lowing brief services at the Upshur street home. Burial will be in Mount Olivet Cemetery. ^ Mrs. Guilford was the widow of Eugene K. Guilford, who formerly held several important positions with the Interstate Commerce Com mission. Besides her daughter, she leaves a brother, Leo T. Dugan, and a sister, Miss Jeannette F. Dugan, both of this city, and six grand children. Another brother was the late John A. Dugan, former sports writer of the Washington Herald. Frank A. Kerr Rites Set for Monday Funeral services for Frank A. Kerr, 56, president of the plumbing and heating" firm which bears his name, who died Thursday at his home, 2606 Thirty-sixth place N.W., will be held at 9 am. Monday in Holy Trinity Catholic Church, following brief services at the residence. Burial will be in Mount Olivet Cemetery. A native of Bel Air, Md., Mr. Ken founded his business here in 1908. He was one of the founders of the Georgetown Boys’ Club and aided in directing its activities. He belonged to the Rotary Club, the Washington Executives’ Association, the Wash ington Board of Trade, and was a past president of the Master Plumb ers’ Association of Washington. He also was a member of the Holy Name Society of Holy Name Catholic Church and the Spalding Council, Knights of Columbus. Dr. Bowiby to Speak Tomorrow Night Dr. Harry L. Bowlby, general sec retary of the Lord’s Day Alliance, will preach at the Central Pres byterian Church tomorrow night. The alliance is celebrating Us gold eji jubilee and later elaborate exer-' clses will be held in New York, when messages from various churches and denominations will be received. At the morning service Dr. James H. Taylor, the pastor, will preach on “The Meaning of the Lord’s Sup per." Communion will be observed. The Young Peoples Friday Night Class will resume the study in the life of Christ. Universal Bible Day To Be Observed Universal Bible Sunday will be observed at Christ Lutheran Church tomorrow morning. Holy commun ion also will be commemorated. The Rev. J. Frederic Wenchel will speak on "The Claim of the Bible to Be the Word of God." The Christ Church Eagles, boys and girls' club, will go on a hike im mediately after the service. The business and social meeting will be held in the home of Paul Buck, president, 101 Pierce drive, Silver Spring, Md., next Sunday. At 6 o'clock Sunday evening the Walther League will have a supper, followed by a business meeting and social hour. Trinity Walther League, Mount Rainier, Md., will repeat its play on Friday night at Christ Church, under the auspices of Christ Church Walther League. Petworth Baptist The hand of fellowship will be extended to new members at the communion service tomorrow morn ing. Rev. Henry J. Smith will speak on “Life’s Eager Expectations.” Hon or will be paid to Mrs. Anna M. Wat kins, the oldest member of the congregation, who will be 93 years old on December 5. Mrs. Watkins has attended quite regularly the morning services of the church. The evening evangelistic and song service will hear “To Reach, to Grasp, to Hold.” The pastor will preside at the prayer service Thurs day night. The Yaden Bible Class will meet on Wednesday for business and so cial session. Alumnae to Hold Mass The annual mass of the Cath olic University Alumnae Associa tion will take place tomorrow at 8 am. at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. The rector of the university, Msgr. Joseph M. Corrigan, will celebrate the mass. Breakfast will follow at the Pil grimage Hall of the Franciscan Monastery. The officers of the as sociation, Miss Vivian Barr, Mrs. J. P. Fitzpatrick, Miss Marcella Maloy and Mrs. Lucy Berrarducci, are in charge of arrangements, as sisted by Mrs. Mildred C. Bennert. Series to Continue Dr. Henry W. Snyder will de liver the second in his series of Advent sermons at St. Paul’s Luth eran Church tomorrow morning, using as his theme, "If Christ Came Today to Our Church.” In the evening the topic will be "Modern Daniels.” Loyalty Sunday will/ be observed tomorrow and pledges for the year 1939 will be received at both services. At the Wednesday evening de votional service it is expected that & guest'speaker from Japan will be present. Trinity Episcopal At the 11 o’clock service of the holy communion the Rev. Reno S. Harp, Jr., will preach on “God’s Judgment.” Holy communion at 8 am. At the meeting of the young people at 6:30 pm. an admission service of new members will be held. The Daughters of the King meet on Monday at 1:30. The rector will continue his study class on “Pray er.” A meeting of the vestry will be held on Thursday at 8 pm. Nice Recesses Hearing ANNAPOLIS, Dec. 3 WP).—Gov. Nice yesterday said he had recessed the hearing on the petition of Fred L. Brown for commutation of his death sentence until December IS. Brown, under sentence of death from Dorchester County for a “plow share murder”: was allowed the ad ditional time for his counsel to present new evidence. Gov. Nice said. Russia Is training former soldiers for the railway service. >• Mrs. David F. St. Clair Dies; Rites Sunday Mrs. Harriet Easley St. Clair, wife of David F. St. Clair, author, died yesterday at her home, I860 Ingle side terrace N.W., after a short illness. A native of Chester Springs, Va„ Mrs. St. Clair was a daughter of the late Dr. Henry Easley and the late Mrs. Louise Watkins Easley. She attended Averett Junior College, Danville, Va., and taught for 30 years In Virginia schools before coming to Washington. Since coming here she had been active in women’s organizations of St. Stephen’s and Incarnation Epis copal Church. She also had been an active member of the Hillary H. Her bert Chapter,' United Daughters of the Confederacy. Besides her husband, Mrs. St. Clair leaves a daughter, Miss Re becca Campbell St. Clair, member of the executive staff of Oeorge Wash ington University. Funeral services will be held at 3 pm. tomorrow in St. Stephen’s and Incarnation Episcopal Church. Bur ial will be at South Boston, Va. _ A William M. Norris, 92, War Claims Aide, Dies Bt the Associated Press. PASADENA, Calif., Dec. 3—Wil liam M. Norris, 92, a former Federal Judge and counsel for the United States Board of War Claims after the Wor^ War, died at his home here yesterday. He successfully defended the Gov ernment in Germany's $340,000,000 suit over merchant ships confiscated during the war. Funeral services will be held here Monday. The Christian Mystery' To Be Cleric's Theme At the 11 am. service in Petworth M. E. Church tomorrow Dr. Prank Steelman will preach on "The Christian Mystery.” The Intermediate League will meet at 6 p.m. Ardis Cannon will lead the Senior League at 7 o’clock. It will be Young People’s night at 8 o'clock. Gene Otto will lead in a song service. Dr. Steelman will preach on "The Great Conqueror.” On Monday evening the Berean Bible Class will meet at the home of Mrs. David Price for a business meeting and a Christmas party. The Official Board will meet Tues day evening. Dr. Steelman will be in charge of the midweek service Thursday evening. Dr. Howard Wilkinson To Conduct Services Dr. Howard S. Wilkinson, rector, will preach tomorrow at 11 o'clock at St Thomas’ Episcopal Church. All regular services will be held. The Woman's Auxiliary will hold a silver tea and sale of fancy articles on Monday, from 3 to 6 o’clock, in the parish house. Their regular weekly meeting for sewing will be held at 10 o'clock Wednesday morn ing. Charles Mason Remey will enter tain the Men's Club at his home, 2440 Massachusetts avenue N.W., on Friday evening. Mr. Remey has ar ranged an interesting program. The early eucharist, at 8 o'clock on Wednesday mornings, has been resumed and will be held regularly, as is that on Thursdays at 11 a.m. The Altar Guild is asking for donations of cash as memorials, which may be used for the purchase of flowers and chancel decorations at Christmastide. Lutherans Will Hear Secretary of Synod The Rev. Sigfrid Engstrom of Des Moines, Iowa, executive home mis sion secretary of the Lutheran Augustana Synod of America, will be the guest preacher tomorrow at 11 a.m. at the Augustana Lutheran Congregation at 2400 Sixteenth street N.W. The service will be In charge of the pastor, Dr. Arthur O. Hjelm. Mr. Engstrom, who also is presi dent of the Luther League of the Augustana Synod, has been in Washington the last week, together with Dr. P. O. Bersell, president of the Augustana Synod, to confer with the local congregation pertain ing to erection of a national Au gustana church in Washington. Dr. Hjelm will conduct a Swedish communion service tomorrow at, 4 p.m. at 409 Fourth street N.W. The Board of Administration will irteet Tuesday evening in the chapel. A meeting of the Junior Luther League will be held Friday evening. Christian Youth Sunday Tomorrow The Incarnation Lutheran Church will observe a Christian youth Sun day tomorrow in connection with the 20th anniversary of the organization of the Incarnation Luther League. The sermon at 11 a.m. will be preached by the Rev. Warren C. Johnson, a former member of In carnation and pastor the past four years of St. Luke's Lutheran Church of York, Pa. He has been just called to the Second Lutheran Church of Baltimore. The church council will meet Monday at 8 pm. Broad Specifications A royal decree law published in the Italian Official Gazette requires that all new power plants be built so they can use gas, solid fuel or electric power. ! Cellar Util 1 jj Washington’s Most Beautiful 1 Cemetery HTo connection with any other cemetery 1 Faneral Sprays <3 ap FLOWERS Dupont Circle. Dupont 7PM WOODLAWN One of Washington's Oldest ond Most Beautiful Colored Cemeteries CEMETERY Jy! 01*ft than children in Washington depend upon charitable organizations for the bare necessities of their existence, for food, for clothing, for shel ter. These organizations do a vital job, a great job, but they can’t be expected to give that something extra those boys and girls will want at Christmas. That is YOUR job. Christ mas is approaching and these children must depend upon you for the toys, the gayety, the fun, the special clothes, the special food, the gladness conjured up by the word Christmas. TO HELP YOU MAKE SURE THAT HO ONE IH WASHINGTON WILL BE OVERLOOKED THIS CHRISTMAS The Evening Star is conducting a campaign to provide food, clothing and toys for the needy with the aid and co-operation of the Metropolitan Police Department, the Parent-Teacher Associa tion, the Council of Social Agencies, Warner Bros/ Theaters, the National Broadcasting Company, Federal employes in every branch of the Government and fifty Peoples Drug Stores. NEW TOYS AND CLOTHING MAY BE SENT TO any Warner Bros. Theater. In addition, special matinees will be held at seventeen of these theaters on Saturday morn ing, December 17, at which a new toy or article of clothing will admit you. FOOD, CLOTHING & CHRISTMAS BASKETS MAY BE SENT TO any police precinct or to the National Guard Armory at 6th and Pennsylvania Avenue. Or a call to police headquar ters will bring a car to your door to collect your offerings. TOYS AND CLOTHING MAY ALSO BE SENT TO ANY PEOPLES DRUG STORE IN WASHINGTON Gifts collected from the above places as well as from all Federal bureaus will be delivered to Warner Bros.' theaters or to the police for later distribution by the police and Parent-Teachers. TUNE IN RADIO STATIONS WRC & WMAL FOR SPECIAL PROGRAMS FULL DETAILS DAILY IN Wk kf