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2,587 Title I Loans Made on Property In Washington Large Volume Recorded By D. C. Banks Under Housing Act By EDWARD C. STONE. Washington banks, from February up to yesterday, December 2, granted 2,587 loans under Title I of the Fed eral Housing Act, for financing al terations, repairs and improvements on property in the Capital, accord ing 10 records oi the District Bankers’ Asso ciation, Hilleary G. Hoskinson, president. Interest in these loans has remained at a remarkably high point through out 193 8, or rather since February, when Federal Housing Act amendments went into effect and F. H. A. loans were revived P. D. Houston. The week of October 31 witnessed the record number of loans ex tended, 135 being the total for all the bayks. The fall weather proved Ideal for repair and alteration work, high temperatures keeping this type of business at a much livelier pace than usual at this season of the year. For the past six weeks loans have Averaged 89 a week. Throughout the year banks in the Capital have done everything in their power to extend loans of this kind, co-operating with all appli cants in order to help the building situation. Results have been most gratifying, much better than ex pected. Reports from the Federal Housing Association up to October 31 disclose than 2,456 Title I loans, totaling $1, 099,087, had been made from Febru ary 3 by all lending institutions whose head offices are located in the District of Columbia. In the same period 1,825 Title I loans, for a total of $796,432, were made on District of Columbia prop erty by all lending institutions. Houston Guest of Bankers. P. D. Houston, recently elected second vice president of the Ameri can Bankers’ .Association after one of the sharpest contests in associa tion annals, was guest of the District Bankers’ Association at yesterday’s weekly luncheon at the Willard Ho tel. Introduced to the banking experts, Mr. Houston spoke informally on various banking matters and as an officer of the A. B. A. offered his services at all times to the member banks. He was very cordially greeted at the end of the luncheon. Mr. Houston is chairman of the board of the American National Bank, Nashville, Tenn.; a past presi dent of the Tennessee Bankers' As sociation, former treasurer of the A. B. A. and former member of the Executive Council. Bank Adds $500,000 Surplus. H. Prescott Gatley, president of the National Savings & Trust Co., an nounces that the surplus account of the company has been increased to •1.500,000 by the transfer of $500, 000 from the undivided profits ac count, which latter account still shows a balance in excess of $500,000. This material addition to the sur plus of the company is added evi dence of the progressive policy of this institution, which is approach ing a record of three-quarters of a century of business in the District of Columbia, Mr. Gatley com mented. Christmas Club Checks Paid. Christmas savings club checks totaling around $6,500,000 were sent this week to 80,000 members who kept up their payments throughout the year in 16 Washington banks. The checks now being cashed have already become a real factor in Christmas trade in the Capital. The average distribution per mem ber amounted to nearly $80, accord ing to estimates made today. This is a vastly better showing than the average for the clubs all over the country, which was $47 per member against $45.55 for 1937. As near as can be estimated from past experiences, the club funds will be used as follows: Christmas pur chases, 32.4 per cent; permanent savings, 26.7 per cent; year end bills, 14 per cent; taxes, 9.7 per cent; insurance premiums, 9.3 per cent; education, travel and charity, 4.2 per cent; mortgage interest, 2.3 per cent and unclassified, 1.4 per cent. The percentages were worked out by the National Christmas Club Corp. on the basis of a great many letters from individual members. Municipal Bond Issues Curbed. Voters of 291 municipalities located In 36 States during the month of November approved municipal bond issues aggregating $31,732,124, as compared with $49,920,443 bonds ap proved during October, according to The Daily Bond Buyer. For the second successive year No vember bond elections have reversed the trend of many years when No vember approvals were almost in variably larger than disapprovals. This year the defeated projects outnumbered approvals almost 3 to 1. Exchange Stocks Strong. Prices were strong on the Wash ington Stock Exchange today, the market opening with five $1,000 transactions in Capital Traction 5s, all at 8314. National Savings & Trust Co. stock appeared on the board at 20514 and Capital Transit reached the high mark of the week when two 20-share lots changed hands at 8%. New Commissioner Sworn. Edward C. Eicher was sworn in as a member of the Securities and Exchange Commission yesterday. Commissioner Eicher was active !n Congress in the creation of the public utility act and the Malony act to regulate over-the-counter trading. He served as a member of the House Interstate and Foreign Commerce „ Subcommittee that drafted the utility legislation. Mr., Eicher expressed gratification at the reports of virtually unani mous compliance by utility holding companies with the S. E. C. request for tentative integration plans. Federal Land Banks KIW YORK. Dse. 3 (IP).—Federal Land Sank bends: „ Bid. Asked. 4s July. 1946-44_111 A U1H 3V«S May, 1955-45_ 106 106,’, 3s July, 1955-45_104% 104 A Ss Jan.. 1956-46_104% 104ft •s May. 1956-46_104% 104A Z*' TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE ■ » rilTlw WITS UIK1 to ina BW. Prev. 1038 Stock end Moo— Mot Hlth Low Dividend Rate Add 00. Biih Low Close, elute. 12% 6% Adams Exp (.10s).. 1 10% 10% 10% + % 67% 40 Air Reduot’a(la)— 6 64% 63% 64%-% 13% 8% Alaska Juneau .60a. 7 9% 9% 9% 1% % Alleghany .. 4 1% 1% 1% - % 17% 6% Alleghany MO ww_. 1 12% 12% 12% - % 17% 5 Alleg-y pf *40 ww.. 1 11 11 11 -1 17% 6% Allegh’y pf xw ... 3 11 11 11 - % 29% 14% Alleg'Ludlum Steel S 24% 24% 24% 14% 4% Allen Industries_ 1 10% 10% 10% + % 197 124 Allied Chem (6) ... 1 182% 182% 182% + % 14% 8% Allied Mills (,75e).. 2 13% 13 13%+% 13% 4% Allied Stores ... 4 11% 11 11 — % 70% 38 Allied Stores pf(6). 1 64% 64% 64%-% 65% 34% Allls-Chalmers 1.60. 4 45% 46% 46'V- % 23% 10 Am Bank Note ,70e. 1 17 17 17 - % 63 46% Am Bank N pf (3).. 30s 66% 66% 56% +1% 14% 6% Am Bosch .. _ 3 7% 7% 7% 62 23% Am Brake Sh(.76e). 1 46% 45% 46%+% 106% 70% Am Can ««» 4 95% 95% 95% -1% 34% 12% AmCar&Fdy .. 3 28% 28 28 — %l 23% 9% Am Chain & C(.70e) 15 20% 20 20% - % 126 88% Am Chicle (4a) .. 1 122 122 122 15 9 Am Comc’l Alcohol. 1 12% 12% 12% 83 68 Am Crystal 8 pf (6). 20s 76% 76% 76%+% 6% 2% Am Encaustic TU._ 1 4% 4% 4% — % 5% 2% Am & Foreign Pwr. 4 3% 3% 3% — % 25% 13% Am & For Pw 37 pf. 1 16% 16% 16%-% 12% 6% Am & For Pw 2d pf. 18 8 8 15 9 Am Hawa'n SS (1) 2 14 14 14 -% 36 12 Am Hide & L pf ,76k 1 30 30 30 - % 44% 30% Am Home Prod 2.40 1 44 44 44 -f* mApiice 5 1% 1% l%+% 20% 13% Am Ice pf- 3 15 14% 15 +1% 8% 4% Am International 3 6% 6% 6% + % 29% 12% Am Locomotive __ 6 24% 24% 24% 17% 10 Am Mach & Fy 80.. 3 15% 16% 15% 45 23 Am Metals (le)_ 1 38 38 38 - % 7% 3% Am Power & Light. 2 6% 5% 6% - % 41% 145% Am P&L 85 pf 2.50k 24 34 33% 34 — % 9 Am Had la tor ... 20 16% 16% 16% - % 24% 13% Am Rolling Mills... 6 20% 20% 20% 20% 14% Am Saf Rat (1.60).. 1 16% 16% 16%+% 7M> Am Seating ... 2 19% 19% 19% + % 35% 22% Am Shlpbldg (2a).. 90s 32% 32 32%+% 58% 28% Am Sm * Ref 2.25e. 12 51% 61% 51%+% 38 15% Am Steel Foundry.. 5 32% 31% 31% - % o,1% „®V* Am Stores .. 2 8% 8% 8% - % 31 20 Am Sugar Refining. 1 23% 23% 23%+% , HI Am TeI * Tele* *9> 6 148% 147% 148% + % 88% 58 Am Tobacco (6) .. 3 84 83% 84 +1 91% 58% Am Tobacco(BHE). 7 87 87 87 +1 9% 3% Am Type Foundry.. 1 8 8 8 + % 15% 6 Am Water Works.. 7 11% 11% 11% - % 45 23% Am Woolen pf ... 2 36 35% 35% -1% 9% 4% Am 7.1nc .. 4 7 6% 7 42% 21 Anaconda Cop ,50e.. 25 33% 32% 33%+ % 21% 10% Anchor Hoc G1 .45e. 1 17% 17% 17% 20% 10 Andes Copper(.25e). 1 16 16 16 7 3% Armour (111) 12 5% 5 5 — % 72 28% Armour (111) pr of. 2 44% 44 44 53Vi 24% Armstrong C'k 75e. 2 50% 60% 50%-% 32% 4 Assoc Dry Goods .. 5 9% 9% 9% 44% 22% Atchison 10 37% 36% 36% - % 72 40 Atchison pf 3.50_ 1 62% 62% 62%—% 29% 14 Atl Coast L(1.60g). 1 25% 25% 25% - % 27% 17% Atl Refining (1) ... 11 22% 22% 22% + Vi 9% 5% Atlas Corp (,25e) .. 3 7% 7% 7% 68 36 Atlas Powder 2.25e. I 63 63 63 —2 31 12% Austin Nicb pf (A) 70s 31 30 30 -1 7% 2Va Aviat'n Corp(.KSe) 10 7 6% 6% 15% 5 Baldwin Loco ctfs— 13 12% 12% 12% + % 11 4 Balto* Ohio ... 8 6% 6% 6% 13% 5% Balto & Ohio pf _ 7 8 8 8 36 29 Bangor* Ar(2.50).. 1 29% 29% 29% - % 14 5 Barker Brothers_ 1 11% 11% 11% — % 21% 10% Barnsdall (1) .. 14 17% 17% 17%+% 21 9 Bayuk Cigar (.75a).. 2 18% 18% 18%-% 19% 11% Beatrice Cr (la)_ 2 18% 18% 18%+ % 115% 94% Beech-Nut (4a)_ l 115% 115% 115% 25% 8% Bendix Aviation_ 7 22% 21% 21% - Vi 77% 39% Beth Steel ... 37 70% 69% 69% — % 18% 12% Beth Stl 6% pf(l)__ 1 16% 16% 16% 114% 75 Beth Steel pf(7) 2 110 109% 110 -1 29% 17% Bigelow-Sanford . 6 22% 22% 22% 24% 9% Black & Decker 50e 1 21% 21% 21% — % 19% 10% Blaw-Knox 1 16% 16% 16% 35% 19 Boeing Airplane 14 30% 30% 30% - % 52 40 Bon Am (B) (2.50a) 260s 51 50% 51 -% 14% 9 Bond Stores 1 12 12 12 — % 19% 15 Borden Co (1.40e) 33 17% 16% 17%+ % 36% 16% Borg-Warner (,25e). 3 30% 30 30 — % 28 14 Bower Roll Brg(le). 1 24% 24% 24% - V* 14% 5% Bridgeport Brass . 11 12% 12% 12% — Vi 37% 12% Briggs Mfg <.50e)._ 5 29% 28% 29 + % 14% 5% Bklyn-Man Transit. 7 13% 13% 13% - % 46% 16% Bklyn-Man Tran pf 3 43% 42% 42% -1% 12 3% Bklyn & Queens pf. 1 10% 10% 10% - % 23% 10% Bklyn Union Gas... 1 17% 17% 17% + % 13% 5% Bucyrus-Erle 5 10% 10% 10% + % 7% 3% Budd Mfg _ 4 6% 6 6 - % 5% 3 Budd Wheel__ 3 4% 4% 4% 25% 13% Bullard Co _ 1 22% 22% 22% 22% 14% Burr's Add M 60* . 2 18% 18% 18% + % 10 5% Butler Bros .. 1 7% 7% 7% + % 24 16% Butler Bros pf 1.60. 2 20% 20% 20% - % 15% 6 Byers (A M)Co 1 12 12 12 + % 22 13 Byron Jaclu’n 1.25e 2 17% 17% 17% - % 24% 15% Calif Paca < 1.26a).. 1 20% 20% 20% 2% 1 Callahan Zinc .. 6 1% 1% 1% 10% 5% Calumet&Hec .25e„ 11 7% 7% 7% + % 21% 12% Canada Dry «.25a).. 39 19V* 18% 19 -% 8% 5 Canadian Pacific _ 6 5% 5% 6% 4% 2% Carriers & Gan 15a. 2 3% 3% 3% 107% 62% CasetJ l)<6e> 1 86% 86% 86% - V* 58 29% Caterpill Trac (2)_ 2 45% 45% 45% — % 26% 9 Celanese Corp _ 4 21% 21% 21% + % 5% 2 Central Foundry__ 2 4 4 4 — % 8% 4 Central Vloleta ... 2 6% 6% 6% — % 59% 26% Cerro da Pasco (4). 2 46% 46% 46% -f % 46 17% Certain-teed pf 30s 39% 39% 39% -1% 106 94 Champ P&F pf(6) 10s 102 102 102 12% 6 Checker Cab Co 1 9% 9% 9% — % 48% 27% Ches Corp <4.T0e)__ 2 39% 39% 39%-1 38% 22 Ches & Ohio (2e) .. 15 33 32% 33 - % 5% 2% Chi Gt West pf <r>. I 2% 2% 2% + % 1% % Chi & Northwn(r)-. 11 % % % — % 19 6% Chi Pneu Tool 2 15% 15% 15% - V* 39% 22 Chi Pneu Tcvpf(3) 1 37 37 37 2% 1 Chi RI&P6% pf(r) 11 1 1 -% 3 1% Chi RI&P7% pf (r) 2 1% 1% 1% 12% 8 Chi YellowCab <1)_. 1 9% 9% 9% + % 13% 3% Childs Co 7 12V* 11% 11%-% 88% 35% Chrysler Corp <2e) 28 79% 78% 78% 76 59 • City Ice & F pf 6.60 70s 75 75 75 +1 5% 2 City Stores 2 4% 4% 4% + % 27% 10% Clark Equip (,25e) 2 19', 19% 19%-% 115 106 Clev El Illu pf 4.60 190s 112% 112% 112% - % 30% 15% Clev Graphite 75e 1 27% 27% 27%-% 60% 32% Climax Mobil* 9flel 2 56% 66% 56% 25% 10% Cluett Peabody .86e. 1 22% 22% 22% 142% 105%Coca Cola <4.50e) 2 129% 129% 129% — % 17 7% Colgate-Pal-P 50a 3 14% 14% 14% 8% 3% Colo & Southern 80s 5 5 5 — % 11% 4% Colo * Sou 1st pf 140s 7 6% 6% — % 10 4 Colo & Sou 2d pf 10s 6% 6% 6% — % 22% 13%Colum BC <4> 1.25e 3 16 16 16 - % 22% 13 Colum BC(B) 1 25e 1 15% 16% 15% 9% 5% Columbia Gas & El 26 6% 6% 6% 70 50 Col Gas & El pf<5)_. 10" 68% 68% 68%—% 59% 23 Cornel Credit (4) ... 7 56% 56% 56% — % 64 31% Cornel Inv Tr (4)... 14 60% 60% 60% 12% 5% Cornel Solvents . 5 10 9% 10 + % 28 22% Comwlth Edls 1.60 _ 10 26% 26% 26% — % 2% 1 Comwlth & South'n 4i 1% 1% 1% 65% 25 Com & South pf Hi 1 47 47 47 — % 9% 3% Conde-Nast Pub 1 6% 6% 6% — % 29 15 Congoleum-N (.75e. 1 26% 26% 26% + % 14% 4% Conn Rwy & Lt pf.. 20s 8 8 8 " 26% 10% Consol Aircraft le__ 21 25% 25% 25% + % 34% 17 Consol Edison (2)_ 8 29% 29% 29% 104 88% Consol Edis pf (5).. 2 102% 102% 102% 2% 1 Consol Film _ 1 2 2 2 + % 10% 7 Consol Oil 1.80)_ 35 8% 8% 8% — % 17% 9% Container Corp _ 8 14% 14 14% 26% 8% Conti Baking (A)_ 2 20% 20% 20% 2% 1% Conti Baking (B) . 2 2 2 2 103% 65% Conti Baking pf H) 3 101% 101 101% +1% 49 36% Conti Can i2e) ... 14 38 37% 37%-% 11% 6 Conti Diamond ... 1 9% 9% 9% 36% 21% Conti Inauri 1.60a). 1 86% 35% 35%+% 2% % Conti Motor .. 140 3 2% 3 + % 35% 21% Conti Oil < Del HI).. 13 28% 28% 28%+% 56 40 Com Exchange (8). 40s 48 48' 48 176 162 Corn Prod pf (7) .. 1 177 177 177 42% 19 Crane Co . 4 36% 36 36% + % 43% 22% Crown Cork & Seal. 2 36 35% 36 + % 6% 3 Cuban-Am Sugar... 2 6% 5% 5% + % 8% 4% Curtis Publishing.. 3 6 6 6 56 35 Curtis Publlah’g pf 1 45% 45% 46% - % 7% 3% Curtlss-Wrlght _ 19 6% 6% 6% 28% 12% Curtiss-W <A> (le) 1 26% 26% 25% 11% 6% Davison Chemical.. 2 7% 7% 7% — 44 25% 13% Deere ft Cod. 35e>.. 17 19 19 19 - % 17 9 Deisel-Wem-G ,76e. 1 17 17 17 + % 24% 7% Del ft Hudson - 6 20% 20% 20% + % 8% 4 Del back ft Wn ... 15 6% 6% 6% 2% % DRioGr Wnpf(r). 2 % % % 4% 2% Detroit ft Mack 60s 2% 2% 2% — % 40% 25 Devoe ft Kay 1 A)(l) 80s 34 34 34 +1 30% 20% Diamond Mtcb 1.25a 2 28 28 28 + % 23% 11 Distillers-Sea (2) _. 3 21% 21 21% + % 17 8% Dixie Vortex 1.25e .. 2 12% 11% 12% 34 28% Dixie-Vor (A) 2.60. 50s 32 32 32 +1 34% 27% Dome Mines del 6 32 31% 32 + % 70% 31 Douglas Aircft(3e). 7 68% 68%' 68% + % 24% 15 Dresser <A) l.60g.. 1 18 18 18 — % 17% 1% Dunhill Internet!.. 22 16% 15% 16% + % 151% 90% Du Pont d.25e) 8 143% 144% 145% +1 118% 111% Duauesne 1st pf(5) 10s 113% 118% 118% + % 15% 13% Eastern Air bines.. 2 14% 14% 14%+>5 8% 3% Bast'n Rolling Mills 1 6% 6% 6% 187 121% Eastman Kodak >1) 2 179 178 179 + % 5% 2 Ettington Schlld . 1 3% 3% 3% + % 35% 13% Elec Auto b « 50#).. 9 33% 38% 33%—% 12% 6 Elec Boat (.60a) ... 4 11% 11% 11% + % 4 2% Elec ft Musical ,09e. 2 2% 2% 2% 14 6% Elec Pwr ft Ldgbt_ 7 10% 10% 10% - % 46% 22% Elec Pwr ft bt pf__ 4 35% 35 35%-1% 29% 17 El Paso Nat O (2)_ 1 29% 29% 29%-% 10% 2% Eng Pub Service — 3 8% 8 8 — % 9% 2% Erie RR 1st pf «r)_ 2 3% 3% 3% 7 2 Erie RR 2d pf <r)_ 1 2 2 2 ■ 16 5% Evans Products.._ 5»ll% 11% 11% -h% 21% 8 Ex-Cello (.60s)_ 3 19% 19% 19% 11% 3% Fairbanks Co pf- lbs 6% 6% 6% 40% 19% Fairbanks-Morse ■ 1 84% 84% 34% 5% 2% Fed Motor Truck_ 2 4% 4% 4% - % 2% 1 Fed Water Svc(A)_ 8 1% 1%' 1% 36% 22% Fidelity Phoe 1.60a. 2 34% 84% 84% - % 26% 16% Firestone <1.85e>... 2 23% 23% 23% + % 43% 24% First Nat Strs 2.50.. 3 42 41% 42 + % nw. stock ana Sales— Net • Htah. low Dividend Rate. Add 00. Rich, low dote, chse SO lOHFlintkote (.60s)_ 1 26 26 26 + % 89% 19% Florence 8tov l.SOe. 1 84% 84% 84% + % 29% 11 Foster Wbeeler_ 2 24% 28% 28%-1 6% 2% Francisco Sugar_ 1 3% 3% 8% 32 19% Freeport Sulob (2). 2 28% 27% 27% + % 5% 2% Galr (Robert) _ 3 3% 3% 8% - % 95 85 Gannett Co pf (6)_ 30s 95 96 95 9% 4% Gen Am Invest .18 8 8 68% 29 Gen Am Trans 2.25e. 2 68% 63% 63% + % 11% 6% Gen Baking (.60*).. 7 9% 9% 9% + % 6% 2% Gen Bronte_ 1 3% 3% 3% - % 19% 5% Geu Cable - 2 14% 14% 14% - % 28 20% Gen Cigar (2)- 2 23% 23% 23% - % 130 108% Gen Cigar pf(7)_ 10s 126 125 126 48 27% Gen Electric (,90e). 40 41% 41 41%+% 40% 22% Gen Foods (2) 16 37 36% 37 + % 1% % Gen Gas A El (A)_ 9 % % % 70% 60% Gen Mills (8) 2 70% 70% 70% 125 118 Gen Mills pf 46) — 10s 122% 122% 122% - % 63% 25% Gen Motors (l.SOe). 27 48% 48 48%-% 27% 12% Gen Rwy Signal ... 3 21% 21% 21%+% 95 85 Gen Rwy Sig pf (6). 30s 90 90 90 — % 2% 1 Gen Realty & Util . 2 1% 1% 1% 26% 13% Gen Realty & U pf. 1 20% 20% 20%+% 41% 16% Gen Refractories.. 1 36% 35% 35% + % 34 13 Gen Steel Cast pf.. 80s 26 26 26 -1% 27% 9% Gen Tire ( 50e) ... 2 22% 22% 22%-% 11% 6% Gillette Saf R .70s— 18 8 8 61 6a Gillettes R pf(6).. 1 55 65 55 +% 15% 5 Gimbel Bros .. 1 13 13 13 67 37% Gimbel Bros pf (6).. 3 60% 60 60 28% 13 Glldden Co _ l 24 24 24 + % 3% 1% Gobel (Adolf) . .. 6 2% 2% 2% + % 3% 2% Gobel Brewing ,15e. 1 2% 2% 2% - % 85 60% Gold Stock Tel (6) 10s 74 74 74 -2 26% 10 Goodrich 4 B F) 7 22% 22% 22% + % 68 32 Goodrich 4 BF)pf (5) 1 68 68 68 + % •mv* in* Goodyear . 13 32% 32% 32% - Vi 2 % Graham Paige_ 6 1% 1% 1% 8% 2% Granby Consol_ 1 6% 6% 6Vj - % 2% 1 Grand Union 1 1% 1% 1% 14% 8 Grand Un T pf 1.25k 2 11% 11% 11%-% 28% 12% Great North’n pf 9 24% 24% 24% - % 15% 9% Great No Or ct 75e. 1 15 15 15 + % 32 23% Great Wn Su 2.40a... 1 28% 28% 28% - % 21 7% Greyhound (.80) . 78 20% 20% 20%+ % 13 7% Greyhound pf (.55). 4 12% 12% 12%+% 34% 15 Harb-Walker __ 7 30% 29% 30% +2 6% 1% Hayes Body _ 2 4 3% 4 + %. 11% 5% Hecker Prod(.60) 5 10% 10% 10% 73% 42% Hercules Pwdr 1.50# 3 72 71% 71% — % 60 40 Hershey Choc (3).. 2 56% 66% 66% -1% 13% 5% Hollander & Son_ 2 9 9 9 — % 66 48% Homeatake(4.60)._. 6 61% 61 61% + % 18% 6 Houd-Hershey< B)2 14% 14% 14% - % 9% 5 Houston Oil _ 2 7% 7% 7% 53% 23% Howe Sound (3) ... 2 47 47 47 _ % 35% 20% Hudson Bay (1.50e) 1 33% 33% 33% 10 5 Hudson Motor ._ 3 7% 7% 7% - % 2% '4 Hupp Motor _ 20 244 2% 2% - % 17% 6% Illinois Central . 4 14% 14% 14%+ % 44 23 Illlnios Cent UL(4) 10* 43% 43% 43%+ % 10% 4 Indian Refining_ 1 7% 7% 7% 30% 14% Industrial Rayon .. 4 26% 26 26% + % 95 5644 Inland Steel(2.60e). 3 87% 87% 87%-% 19% 7% Inspiration Copner. 1 14% 14% 14% 5% 3% Insuranshares 10#. 2 5 6 5 9% 2% Interbofo R T (r)_ 4 9% 9% 9% — 44 34% 15 Interchemical_ 1 27 27 27 16% 6% Interlake Iron _ 3 1314 13% 13% — % 3% 2 Inti Agricultural . 1 2% 2% 2% — % 70 48 Inti Harvester 1.50. 7 59 59 59 9% 3% Inti Hydro-El(A).. 2 6% 6% 6% - % 57% 36% Inti Nickel (2) 18 52% 52 52% + % 15% 4% inti Paper A Pwr . 14 12% 12 12 52% 18% Inti Paper A Pw pf. ' 1 44 44 44 + V4 35% 28 Inti Shoe (1.60)_ 1 32 32 32 11% 5% Inti Tel A Teleg ... 8 8% 8% 8% — % 11% 6 Inti TelATel for ct. 3 9% 9% 91*— 44 8344 63 Interst D S pf (7) 20* 73% 73% 73% -3% 111% os Johns-Manvllle 50» 1 99 99 99 24% 12 Kan City Sou of(le) 1 18% 18% 18% - % 51 26% Kennecott <1.75e) . 17 43% 42% 42% — % 14% 6% Keystone S&M 65e. I 12% 12% 12% - % 30 15 KinneylG R)pf_ 10* 35 35 35 22% 15% Kresge (SS> 1.21 _. 6 20% 20% 20% - % 21% 12% Kroger GrooO.60a). 5 20 20 20 - % 30 15 Laclede Gas pf_ 40* 19% 19% 19% 25% 13% Leh Port Cem (1)__ 2 21% 21 21 1% % Leh Valley Coal ... 3 % % % 5% 1% Leh Valiev Coal pf. 2 3 2% 3 7% 3 Leh Valley RR _ 6 4% 4% 4% 29 19% Lehman Corp( 90e). 3 25% 25% 26% — % 9-6 Libby McN & Lib .. 1 6% 6% 6% + % 103% 81% Ligg* My(BI(«a). 3 98% 98% 98%+% 62% 33 Loew’s, Inc (3e)_ 6 69% 59 59 + % 9 % Loft. Inc _ 12 7 6% 7 63% 26 Lone StarC (3) .. 2 68% 58% 58% + % 23% 14% Loose-Wilesfl 05e) 3 19% 19% 19% - % 106 92 Loose-Wiles pf (5). 80* 106 105% 106 + % 21% 13% Lorillard <1.40e)_ 5 21% 21% 21% 19% 12% Louis G*K< A 11.50 l 15% 16% 15% - % 13% 6 McCrory Stores .75e 14 1!% 12% 12% + % 53% 35% McIntyre Pore (2). 5 61 61 51 26% 13% McKiesport Tin ... 4 17% 17% 17% — % 9% 5% McKesson & Rob ... 35 7% 7% 7% — % 11% 5 McLellan Strs 60e. 2 9% 9% 9% + % 32% 16 Mack Trucks ... 4 28% 28 28% + % 49% 24% MacyiR H)(2) .. 4 42% 42% 42% + % 19% 10 Madis So Gar 1.65e_. 3 18% 18% 18% + % 2% % Manat) Sugar .. 3 1% 1% lt» — % 10% 2% Man Ry mod gtd(r) 14 9 8% 8% — % 20% 5% Man Ry ptd (r> . 20s 16 15 15 -1% 7% 4% Marine Midl’d S0e„ 4 5 4% 6 + % 14% 5% Marshall Field_ 6 11% 11% 11% + % 34% 14% Martin (Glen)_ 10 31% 31% 31% 7% 2% Martin-Parry_ 1 5% 5% 5% - % 61 25 Masonite (la) _ 1 63 63 53 73 50 Mead Cpf(B)(5.50). 1 67 67 67 -1 57% 32% Melville Sh(2.*T5e) l 47 47 47 -1 29% 14 Mengel 6% pf 2.60 10* 27% 27% 27% - % 47% 26% Mesta Maeh (3ei 1 41 41 41 22% 12% Mid Cont Pet <.60e). 4 15% 15% 15% — % 8 4 Mlnn-Moline Imp .. 1 5% 5% 5% — % 11% 4% Mo Kans & Tex pf_ 3 7% 7% 7% — % 2% % Mo Pacific <r) . 5 % % V— >.* 3% 1% Mo Paelflo pf (r)_ 2 1'4 1% 1% 20% 10 Mohawk Carpet_ 2 17% 17% 17% + % 107% 67 Monsanto (2) ... 2 104% 104% 104% - % 117% 111 Monsanto pf(4.60) 10s 115 115 115 64% 25 Montgom Ward (la) 24 48% 48% 48%+ % 22% 19% Motor Products 1 18% 18% 18'* 17% 8 Motor Wheel (.40e). 1 13% 13% 13% — % 8% 4 Mullins Mfg (B)_ 6 5% 5% 5% 64% 26 Mullins Mfg pf_ 20s 37% 37% 37% - % 62% 34% Murphy(GCM3)_ 1 56 56 56 -2% 10% 4 Murray Corp__ 1 7% 7% 7% 12% 6% Nasb-Kelvlnator__ 6 8% 8% 8% 14% 8% Natl Acme _ 1 13% 13% 13% + % 14% 6 Natl Aviation ... 8 13 12% 13 + V* 28 15% Natl Biscuit (1.60). 6 24% 24% 24% + % 25% 20 Natl Bond&S(.15e). 2 22% 22% 22%+ % 30% 12% Natl Cash Reg (1).. 2 23% 23% 23%-% 16% 11% Natl Dairy (le) ._ 12 12% 12% 12%-% 30 17% Natl Distillers (2).. 1 27% 27% 27% - % 16% 5 Natl Gypsum — 2 14% 14% 14% 31 17% Natl Lead (,6#J .. 17 27% 26% 26% - % 28% 1*% Natl Malleable Stl— 1 22% 22% 22% - % 9% 6 Natl Pwr & L(.SO).. 12 7% 7% 7% 81% 44% Natl Steel (1)_ 6 76 76 76 - % 23 12% Natl Supply- 1 17% 17% 17%+% 4% 2% Natl Tea Co _ 1 3 3 -- 3 — % 19% 9% Newport Indus__ 13 15% 15% 15% — % 48% 20 NY Air Brake_ 2 41% 40 41% + % 21% 10 NY Central _ 22 17% 17% 17% + % 38% 12% N Y Chi & St L pr - Z 27% 27% 27%-% 37% 18 N T C Omnibus (4e) 7 36% 36% 36%+ % 11% 5% N Y Dock pf _ 80s 8% 8% 8% + % 2% HiNYNB&Blrl_ 9 1% 1% 1% 7% 2% N Y N H & H pf(r). 3 3% 3% 3% 15% 4% N Y Shipbuilding.. 75 15% 14% 15%+% 80 38 N Y Shipblde pf .. 380s 85 81 85 +5% 198 133 Norfolk Sc Wn (10). 2 170 170 170 17 6% North Am Avia 40e 13 15% 15% 15% - % 26% 13% North Am Co (1.20). 8 21% 21% 21%-% 67 45% North Am Co pf(3). 2 57% 67% 57% + % 14*4 6% Northern Pacific . 7 10% 10% 10% — % 101 92% Northn Sta Pw (5). 2 100% 100% 100% - % 5 1% Norwalk Tire _ 14 4 4 14% 8% Ohio OH <.20e) .. 14 9% 9% 9% 32% 19% Oliver Farm Equip 2 27% 27% 27% 19% 7% Omnibus Corp 1.80a 2 18% 18% 18% 111% 83% Omnibus pf (8) _ 110s 108 108 108 29% 13% Otis Elevator (.60). 17 27% 26% 27%+1 15% 6% Otis Steel .. 6 12% 12% 12% 76% 40 Owens-Ill Ol l.SOe.. 7 68% 68% 68% 4 % 9% 3% Pac Coast 2d pf .. 10* 6% 6% 6% - % io 22% Pass Gas ft Elec (2).. 2 28% 28% 28%+% 19% 9% Pac Mills .. 1 12% 12% 12% - % 15% 10% Pac Western 0.50e. 3 11% 11% 11% 6 3% Packard Motor . 12 4% 4% 4% 13% 5% Paramount . 14 10% 10% 10% — % 13% 6% Paramount 2d(.60)_ 3 11% hi 11% + % 3* 1% Park Otah Mines... 16 2% 2% 2% - % 42% 31% Parke Davls(1.70e). 1 41% 41% 41%+% ' 14% 3% Paths Film - W 10% 10% 10% 13% 8% Patino Mines) 25e). 1 10% 10% 10% 68% 41 Penlck ft Ford (3e). 1 56% 56% 56% -1 86% 65 PconeriJ 02.60s . 2 78% 78% 78%+% 5% 2% Penn-Dixie Com ... ,3 4% 4% 4% - % 15% 10 , Penn Glass Sand 1 14 *14 14 + % Penn Glass Sand pf 10s 120% 120% 120% +20%< 24% 14% Penn Railroad(.BOe) 18 20 19% 19%-% 88% 15 Pere Marquette pf 20s 27 27 27 -1 43 17% Pere Marq prior pf 70s 32 32 32 13% 7% PetrolmCorp (,81a) 3 10 9% 9% 47% 17% Phelps Dodge (la).. 13 42% 41% 41%+% 5% 8% Phlla RapTr pf (r). 10s 4 4 4 -1% % % Phila Read.C&l (r). 2 % % % 143% 76% Philip Morris 6.76a. 7 87% 87% 87% 44% 27% Phillips Petrol (*)- 7-40% 40% 40%-% 9 4 Pierce Oil pf_ 1 7% 7% 7% 9% 4% Pitts Screw_ 9 8% 8% 8% - % 17% 6 Pitts W Vs_ 60s 14% 14% 14% % % Pittston Co_ 14 % % % 25*. 16 Plymouth OiHl'40). 1 22 22 22 13% 4% PressiA Steel Car _ 4 10% 10% 10% 18% 4% Press Stl C 1st .25*. 3 10% 10% 10% + % . 69 39% Proctor A Gara(l)-. 3 64% 64% 64%-% '122% 114 Proct AGam pf (6). 80s 116 116 116 36% 25 Pub 8vc N J (2.20s) 3 81 30% 30% - % 106% 86% Pub 8ve N 4 pf(5)„ 1 102% 102% 102% - % 160 132 PubSyeA J pf(8).. 10s 160 160 150 -1-2 39% 21% Pullman Co( 1.125s) 6 33 32% 32% - % 13% 8% Pure Oil _ 17 10 9% 10 98% 84 Purs Oil pf (6)_ 4 86 84% 84%-1% 88% 74% Pure Oil (6) 4 80% 80% 80% + % 16% 7 Purity Baksriss(ls) 1 13 13 13 9% 4% Radio Corp (.20s).. 29 7% 7% 7% - % 66% 87% Radioes pf (2.60).. 1 63% 63% 63%-% 6% 1% Radio-Keith-Or (r). 11 2% 2% 2% - % 10% 3% Ralli'd Sec ill 8tk_60s 8%_ 8% 8% < * , i h Pr«v. 1938 Stock and Sale*— Met Hleh Low Dividend Rate Add 00. Sikh. Low Close, chge 80%/18 Reading 1st pt (2)-. 1 21% 21% 21% 27% 13% Reading 2d pf (2)_ 2 18% 18% 18%+% 11 6 Rela A Co 1st pf_ J 8% 8% 8% 17% 9% Rem Rand (.90a)_ 2 18 16 16 3% 1% Reo Motor_16 2% 2% 2% + % 26% 11% Republie Steel_ 36 22% 21% 22% + % 19% 7% Revere Copper- 1 16% 16% 16%+% 86 66 Revere Copper pf... 70e 76 76% 75% -4% 17% 10 Revnolds Metals . 3 12% 12% 12% - % 68% 51% Reynolds Tob 2.90e. 10e 66 66 66 46% 83% Reyn Tob (B) 2.90s. 2 43% 43% 48% 9% 5 Richfield Oil (.60s). 18 8% 8% 8% - % 83 13 Ruberold Co (.60s). 1 SO 30 80 + % 2% 1 Rutland RRpf(r).. 1111 29% 12 Safeway Stores <2e) 5 28% 28% 28%-% 108 79 Safeway pf (7)_ 100a 106 106 106 49% 26% St Joseph Ld (1)_ 2 44% 44% 44% 1% % St L-San Fran<r)._ 2 % % % + % 3% 1% gt L-San Fr pf (r) 2 1% 1% 1% — % 19% 8% Savage Arms (,26e). 2 18% 16% 16%+% 27% 13% Schenley Distillers. 6 19 18% 19 - % 1% % Schulte Retail 8(r). 33 % % % + % 10% 3 Schulte R S oflr)_ 3 8% 8% 8% + % % % Seaboard A L (r)_ 3 % % % 27% 15% Seaboard 011 (1)... 1 21% 21% 21%-% 80% 47 Sears Roeb’k (3a).. 10 72% 72 72 — % 18 9% ServeL Ino (1) _ 4 16 16 16 + % 9% 3 Sharp A Dohme .. 6 7% 7% 7% 49% 36 Sharp A D pf (3 50). 1 47% 47% 47% + % 12% 6% Shattuck(FQ) .40a.. 4 11% 11 11%+% 18% 10 Shell Un Oil (,70e).. 1 14% 14% 14%-% QIa a a. cuvo* i/in» i»«. o p. p. p.. »% 4% Oliver King Coal n.. 3 5% 5% 6% - Vi 105 91 Sloss-Sheff pf (6)„ 30s 103 103 103 24 13 Smith (AO) _ 2 20 20 20 + Vi 15 8% Snider Pkg (.75e).. l i3Vi 13% 18% 16% 10% Socony-Vae (.60) 16 13% 13% 13% - Vi 3% 1% So Am Gold & P ,10e 3 2% 2% 2% 28 16% So Port R Sug 1.75a 2 19% 19% 19%-% 26 19% Southn Cal Ed 1.60a 2 22% 22% 22% + % 22% 9% Southern Pacific . 18 17% 17% 17% - % 21% 5% Southern Railway.. 35 18% 18 18%+ % 31% 8% Southern Ry of_ 4 27% 27 27% 46 29 Spalding 1st pf_100s 39 39 39 4% 2 Sparks Wltblngton. 1 3% 3% 3% - Vi 40% 15% Sperry Corp (1.60e). 13 39% 39% 39% 17% 7% Spicer Mfg (.50e)... 1 14% 14% 14%-% 15% 6% Spiegel Inc .. 4 12% 12% 12% + % 31 12% Square D Co (,75e).. 2 28 28 28 + % 9% 6% Stand Brands 625a. 10 7 6% 7 3% 1% Stand Com Tob (r)_ 1 2% 2% 2% 6% 2 Stand G&E (r) _ 4 3% 3% 3% - % 11% 4% Stand G&E pf (r)... 6 8% 8 8 - % 28 13 Std G&E *7 prpf(r) 3 20 19% 20 -1% 34% 25% Stand Oil Cal (la).. 22 27 26% 27 85% 24% Stand Oil Ind (1) ... 27 27% 27% 27%+ % 58% 39% Stand Oil N J (la) .. 15 50% 60% 50% -- % 71% 49 Sterling Prod(3.80). 6 70% 70 70% +1 12% 6 Stewart- Warner. _ 1 9% 9% 9% + % 11 6 Stokely Brothers . 5 7 7 7 17% 5% Stone & Webster_ 7 13% 13% 13%—% 9% 3% Studebaker _ 9 7% 7 7^—14 59 45 Sun Oil(l) .. 2 57 67 57 + % 14% 9% Sunshine Min 2.20e. 10 10% 9% 10 4% 1% Superior Oil 13 3% 3% 3% + % 23% 8% Superior Steel ... 1 18% 18% 18% 32 17% Sutherl'd Pap 1.60.. 2 30 30 30 21 15 Swift & Co (1.20)... 3 18% 18% 18% 29% 22% Swift Inti (2) .. 1 27% 27% 27% + % 10% 4% Symington ww ,25e. 1 7% 7% 7% - % 49% 32% Texas Corp (2) ... 22 43% 43% 43% - % 5% 2% Tex Gulf Pod ,15e... 1 4% 4% 4% 38 26 Tex Gulf Sul (2) ... 5 32% 32% 32%+ % 12% 7 Tex Pac C & Oi 40) 2 9% 9% 9% + % 11% 6% Tex Pac Land T 15* 2 8% 8% 8% - % 5% 2% Thermold 14 4 4 _ 28% 8% Thompson Prod .25e 3 25% 25 25 — % 15% 10% Tide-Water A Oil) 11 12% 12% 12% — % 98 77% Tlde-W A O pf 4.50. 1 92 92 92 -2 19% 8 Tlmpken-Det ,50e _. 4 17 16% 17 -h % 65% 31V« Timken Roll B (1).. 4 49% 48% 48% - % ,12% 6% Transamerica(.75). 27 7% 7 7% + % Pw». 1988 Stock and Sales— Met H1*h t«w Dividend Rat* Add 00. High. Low. Close, cbs*. 4% 2% Tri-Continental ... 1 3% 3% 3% + % 28% 16% 20th Cent-Fox (2)._ 2 26 26 26 38 26% 20 Century F ptl.50. 1 36 35 36 + % 18% 6 Twin Coach . 3 10% 10% 10% - % 6 1% Ulan ft Co .... 6 4% 4% 4% + % 70% 41 Underw'd-E-F 2.60* 1 67% 67% 67% + % 90% 67 Union Carbide 2.40* 18 84% 84 84% + % 22% 17% Union Oil Cal 1.20.. 2 18% 18% 18% 99% 66% Union Pacific (6)_ 2 89 88% 88%-% 88% 59% Union Pac pf (4).._ 1 77 77 77 -1 89% 19% Unit Aircraft 1.26*. 15 37% 36% 37% + % 13% 6 Unit Air Lines_ 6 11% 11% n% + % 4% 2 Unit Corp’n _ 22 3% 3% 3% 88 - 22% Unit Corp’n pf- 2 33% 33% 33%-% 7% 4% Unit Drug - 3 5% 6% 6% 8% 3 Unit Electric Coal.. 1 7 7 7 — % 67% 60 Unit Fruit (3) ... 4 58 67% 68 + % 12% 8% Unit Gas Imp (1)... 20 11% 11 n - % 114 100 Unit Gas Imp pf (5) 1 113 113 118 - % 10% 6 UnitMer&Mfg ... 4 7% 7% 7% 8% -8 Unit Paperboard .. 17 7 7 Id 4V» u »m vorn seeur.. 2 94 94 94-4 116 66 USOypsum(2) ... 6 104 1034 104 804 184 U 8 Indus Alcohol.. 2 26 254 26 - 4 74 34 U 8 Leather ... 1 54 54 64 -4 494 214 US Pipe* Fdy <2). 2 434 434 434 -4 7 24 U 8 Realty & Imp . 2 44 44 44 - 4 664 21 U S Rubber 12 48 474 474- 4 1094 464 U 8 Rubber 1st (4e) 6 1044 10*4 1044 + 4 724 444 U 8 Smelt & Ref Ml 1 66 66 66 704 65 U 8 Sm&R pf(J.60>. 4 69 684 684 714 38 US Steel 27 624 62 62 -4 121 914 U 8 Steel pf (7)- 5 1164 114 1164 +14 34 14 Unit Stores (A)- 1 24 24 24 + 4 15 74 Unlv-Cyclops 1 13 13 13 -14 82 48 Unlv Leaf Tob(3a). 3 82 82 82 +1 14 hUtll Pwr&L(r) 25 4 4 4 14 4 Vadsco Sales 13 4 4 4 + 4 284 114 Vanadium Corp ... 2 244 244 244 - 4 42 304 Vick Chemical(2a). 1 394 394 394 194 134 Victor Chem (,56e). 1 184 184 184 + 4 64 24 Va-Caro Chemical.. 2 34 34 34 - 4 324 154 Va-Caro Chem pf 1 264 254 254 - 4 44 14 Wabash pf A (r)- 1 24 24 24 +4 20V* 134 Walgreen (1) 1 17 17 17-4 20 174 Walker(H)pf(1)__ 1 194 194 194 - Vi 104 44 Walworth Co ... 6 74 74 74 + 4 8 34 Warner Bros Piet.. 9 54 54 54 + 4 25 11 Waukesha Mot (1). 6 204 204 204 - 4 344 17 Wayne Pump 2.50e. 1 30V* 304 304 - 4 244 124 Westn Auto Sup »1) 1 224 224 224 — 4 44 24 Westn Maryland . 4 34 34 34 - 4 34 14 Western Pacific pf.. 19 14 1 IV* + Vi 344 164 Westn Union Teleg. 1 24 24 24 33V* 154 Wsthse Air Brl.Ole 3 28 274 28 +4 1244 614 Westhse Elec 2.60s. 6 1144 114 114 — 4 324 144 Wheeling Steel ... 1 264 264 264 — 4 34 14 Wlllys-Overland... 3 24 24 24 54 3 Wilson & Co ... 1 44 44 44 -4 60V* 32 Wilson & Co pf _ 1 43 43' 43 — 4 634 36 Woolworth (2.40).. 5 504 501, 50V* - % 274 114 Worthington Pump. 9 20V* 194 194 — v« 654 28V* Worth Pcv pr pf... 2 48 48 48 -2 120' 654 Wright Aero (2ei._. 30s 111 110 111 214 84 Yellow Truck .. 4 174 174 174 - 4 254 94 Young Spg He Wire.. 2 184 184 184 + 4 57V* 24 Ykstwn Sheet & T.. 6 494 494 494 — 4 28 11 Vi Ygotwn Steel Door. 2 244 24 24 54 24 Zonite Products 1 34 34 34 Approximate Sales ot Stocks on the N. Y. Stock Exchange. 11:00 A.M. 150.000 12:00 Noon 320.000 (Unit ot tradms 10 shares •In bankruptcy or receivership or Deink reorganized under Bankruptcy Act. ot securities assumed oy such companies. xd Ex dividend st Ex riant? a Also exua oi extras 0 1-10 share ol $2 prelerence stock d 1-25 share ol $3 preference stock e Declared or paid so far this year f Payable in stock g Paid last year h Casn nr stock k Accumulated dividend bald or de flates of diviaend in the .oregotng table are annual disburse ments based on the last quarterly or semi-annuai declarations. Unless otherwise noted, special or extra dividends sre not In cluded Washington Exchange SALES—AFTER CALL. Capital Traction 5s—$1,000 at 834, $1,000 at 834, $1,000 at 834 $1,000 at 834, $1,000 at 834. National Savings & Trust Co.—5 at 2054. 25 at 2054. 10 at 2054. Capital Transit Co.—20 at 84, 20 at 84. Bid and Asked Prices BONDS PUBLIC UTILITY _ Bid. Asked. Anacostla Ac Pot. 5s _ 86 88 Ana Ac Pol. Guar. 5s 10U1, Cap. Traction R. R. 5s __ 83>2 86 City Ac Suburban 6s _ 854 88 Oeoraetown Gas 1st 5s ... 116 Pot. Elec Pow 34s 1064 Wash. Gas 5s 1958 ... 1044 Wash:nsrton Gas 5s 1960... 1204 Wash. Rwy. Ac Elec. 4s_ 107 1084 MISCELLANEOUS Chevy Chase Club 1st 44s 104 Col Country Club 1st 44s 103 Ter Rf. & Wh Coro 1st 44s 103 _ STOCKS PUBLIC UTILITY Amer. Tel. A Tel. (9) 147’. . Capital Transit Co. _ 8Va 9 N Sc W Steamboat «4> 58 70 Pot. Elec. Power 6% Pfd. (HI 11*‘2 Pot El Pw 5(4% Did (5.501 114'/a Wash Gas Lt. new (1.201 24 27 V^sh. Gas Did (4.501 1114 105 Wash. Ry A- El Com <a36> 030 Wash Ry & El. old. (5> 114 _ BANK AND TRU8T COMPANY Amer. Sec. & Tr. Co. (e8)._ 248 280 Bank of Bethesda ( 751 25 30 Capital (4) 128 Coinmei * Savinas (elO) 230 Liberty (6) _ 167 200 Lincoln (151 . _ 200 Natl Sav Sc Tr . _ 203 212 Pr. Georaes Bk Sc Tr. (.601 17 22 Rises (e8) ___ 285 Riggs pfd. (5> _ _10] Washington (6) _ _125 Wash, loan & Tr. (e8> _ 225 240 TIRE INSURANCE. American (t6) _121 -_ Firemen's (1.20) _ 28 _ National Union (.75) ... 15 _ TITLE INSURANCE. Columbia (k.30) __ 12 Real Estate (m6i _ 160 _ MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Corp. Jt2.00) .. 25 . .. Lanston MondlyDe (4) 54 62 Lincoln Serv. com. Ihl.00) *19 24 Line. Serv. prior pfd. (3.60) • ._ 51 Mergenthaler Lino. <d.50> 23 25(4 Peoples Drua S Com (tl.00) *27 31 Peoples Dr. St. old. (6.50) *113 Real Est M AG pfd ( 60) 4(4 6 Security Storage (5) 112 125 Ter Ref. Sc Wh Corp. (3 ) 60 68 Wdwd. Sc Loth, com (H.60) 54 57 Wdwd Sc Loth pfd. (7) 118 * Ex dividend ♦Plus extras, e 24 extra 12(4% ex tra h 75c extra g *14 extra paid No vember 30 1937 K 30c extra m *3 extra D 50c paid September 20 1938. Dividend Is Ordered NEW YORK, Dec. 3 (Special).— Directors of General Theaters Equipment Corp. have declared a dividend of 25 cents per share on the capital stock, payable December 22 to stockholders of record December 12. This brings total dividend dis bursements for the year to $1 per share. Insurance Stocks _ new YORK. Dec. :> IF.—Investment Bankers' Conference. Inc.: Bid. Asked. Aetna Cas (3a) _107% 111% Aetna Ins (1.60)_ 44% 46% Aetna Life (la)_ 24% 26% Am Equit (1) _ 25% 28% Am Ins Nwk (Via)_ 12 13% Am Reins (1,60)_... 35% 37% Am Reserve (1%)_ 26% 28% Am Surety (2%)_ 50% 52% Automobile (la)_ 31% 33% Balt Amer (.20a)_... 5% 6% Carolina (1.30) _ 23% 25 City of N Y (1.20)_ 10% 21 Conn Qen Life (.80)_ 26% 27 Contin Cas (1.20a)_ 35 36% Fid St Dep (4a) _113% 115 Firemen’s Nwk (.30)_ 8% 10 Prank Fire (la)_ 27 28% Oen Relnsur (la)_ 39% 41% (Glens Falls (1.60)_ 43% 45% Globe dc Rep (%)_ 12 13% Globe dt Rut _ 27 30 Ot Amer Ins (la)_ 23% 24% Hanover (1.60) _ 29 30% Hartford Fire (2)_ 74 77 Home Fire Bee _ 2 3 Home Ins (la)_ 28% 29% Homestead (1) _ 16% 18% Knickerbocker (%)_ 9% 10% Uncoln Fire _ 2% 3% Maryland Cas _ 3% 4% Mass Bond (3%)_ 50% 53 Merc Ins pr _ 4 8 Natl Fire (2) _ 81 63 Natl Liberty (,20a)_ 7% 8% N Hampshire (1.60)_ 44% 48% g Y Fire (,70e)_ 15 16% Bor River (1)- 23% 24% Phoenix (2a) _ 77% 8)% Prov Wash (1)- - 33 35 Revere (P) In (1.20a)_ 22% 24% Rh Isl Ins_ 4 8 Rossla Ins _ 4% 5% gt Paul Fire (g»- 222 227 prlngfleld (4%a)_120 123 Bun Life (16)_ 420 470 Travelers (16)_ 439 449 t«RA°—— hU: l\l Westchester (1.20a)_ 31 83 a Also extra or extras, e Declared or paid so far this rear. • Paid last year. Montreal Silver MONTREAL. Dec. 3 OP).—Silver futures dosed unchanged. No sales. Bid: Decern* ber. 40.50. Gifts to Take Smaller Part of Yule Savings Bs the Associated Press. ANNAPOLIS, Dec. 3.—Less than half the Christmas savings funds distributed by three Annapolis banks will go to buy Christmas presents, a survey completed by Robert Kucera, jr„ Chamber of Commerce secretary, showed. Approximately 42 per cent of the $97,000 paid out will go for Yulejide gifts, Kusera said. The balance will be split between year-end tax pay ments, current household expenses and investments. The $97,000 distributed is $22,000 more than the $75,000 paid out in Christmas savings by local banks last year. Washington Produce Prices paid shippers, net f. o. b. Wash ington. By the United States Bureau of Agricultural Economics: EGGS — Market steady. Government graded and dated eggs: Whites. U. S. ex tras large 42: U. S extras, mediums. 31: U. S. standards, large. 36%; U. 8. stand ards. mediums. 27%: U. S. trades. 27%: millets. 25. Nearby ungraded eggs: Cur rent receipts, whites. 31a32: mixed colors. 28»2P LIVE POULTRY—Market steady. Fowl: Colored, all sites. 17alH. No. 3s. 13a14; roosters lOall. Chickens: Virginia Rocks, broilers and fryers all sizes. 18alH: No. 2s. 12al4. Delaware Rocks and crosses: Broilers and fryers, all sites 1 Halil. No. 2s 12al4 Mixed colors, fryers. 15al6: No. 2s. Ilal2. Capons: 7 to 0 pounds. 25a38; slips. 16al8. Turkeys: Young hens. 10 to 12 pounds 23a24: young toms. 15 pounds and up. 20a22: No. 2s. 16al8: old hens. 18a20: old toms. 18a20. Guineas. 2 pounds and over 6(1 cents a pair: under 2 nounds 40 cents a pair. BUTTER—00 score 1 - pound prints. 30: tub. 20: '/4-nound prints. 31: 02 score. 1 pound prints. 32: %-nound prints. 33. MEATS—Choice beef. 20: good beef 10: calves. 17: lambs. 20: veal. 17: fresh Dork. 20: pork loin. 23: fresh ham. 10: fresh skinned ham. 16%: smoked hams 25: large smoked skinned hams. 22: smoked skinned hams. 26: Piece bacon. 24: smoked bacon. 20: compound. 10%: lard. 0%. LIVESTOCK — Pigs. 120-160 Bounds. 8.45%-7.04%: light Pigs. 140-160 pounds. 7.04%: 160-210 pounds. 7.20%: 210-240 pounds. 6.70%: 250-350 pounds 3.70%: 4 70%: calves. 10.29%-10.79%: medium calves. 5.04%-7.04%: culls. 2.84%. Short-Term Securities {Reported By Smith. Barney it Co.) Bid. Offer. Amer. Tel. & Tel. 5%s. 1043 117% 112% Auburn Auto Co.. 4%s. 1030 23 25 Austin & Northw 5s 1941 69% 74% Baldwin Loco Wks 5s 1940 100% Central Foundry 6s 1941 102 111 Chesapeake & Ohio R 5s 1939 101% 102 Commercial Credit 2%s 1942 102% 102% Container Corn 5s 1943 99% 100 Cuba North Rwys 5%s 1942 34 34% Dela & Hudson 4s 1943 50% 57 Edison Elec Hlum 4s 1939 100 Oen Pub Service 5%s 1939 101% 102 Grand Rap & Ind 4 Vis 1941 103% Houston Oil 5%s 1040 . 101 101% Illinois Steel 4%s 1940 _ 105V, loo Internet Mer M* 6s 1941 52% 56 Internet Tel & Tel 4%s 1939 100% 100% Laclede Gas Light 5s 1939 77 77% Lake Erie A Western 5s 1941 58 88 Lehigh Val T Rwy 5s 1941 58 66 Louis A Nash RR 4s 1940 100 100V, Michigan Cen RR 4s 1940 94% Midi RR Of N J. 5s 1940 15% 16 Mil A North RR 4%s 1939 38V, 52 New York Tel Co 4%s 1939 103% 103% Pennsylvania Co. 3%s 1941 30% 102 Penn-Dixte Cement 6s 1941 89V, 89% Penn R R Co 4s 1943 106% 111 Phtla.. Balti & Wash 4s 1943 107% 108% Rio Grande West 4s 1939 40 42 T RR Assn. St. L. 4%s 1939 103% Texas & New Orl 6s 1943 91% Vanadium Corp. 5s 1941 99% 100 Warner Bros 6s 1939 90 91 Western N Y Ac Pa 4s 1943 103% 104% White Sew Machine 6s 1940 101V, 101% Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. Dec. 3 </P).—Hog prices at major slaughtering centers in the corn belt held about steady or turned down ward today, as the Chicago stockyards continued strikebound. Tops ranged from S7.15 at Sioux City, where a slow market was 10 to 20 cents lower, to $7.80 at Indianapolis. Indian apolis, however, was 15 cents under its early Friday market and 5 cents under its late market Friday. Xaat St. Louis and South St. Paul were about steady. Omaha and Bt. Joseph were nominally steady, with the latter not hav ing enough on sale to make a market. No fresh hogs were offered at Kansas City. Receipts at Chicago today totaled 4.000 hogs. 1.000 cattle and 3,000 sheep, all direct to packers. There were no indications of strike con ferences before Monday, when another at tempt was to bs made to end the labor trouble. Foreign Exchanges HIV YORK. Dec. 3 MV—The British pound and French franc shifted narrowly forward In terms of the dollar In foreign exchange dealings today. Strength of the French unit continued In face of fresh strike difficulties. and the official control was said to hare again sold francs and acaulred outside currencies. The Swiss franc and guilder were un changed. while the belga dipped .01 of a cent. Late morning rates follow: Great Britain In dollars, others in cents. tjW ln°I?ew & Denmark 20.92: Finland, t.08; France. 2.03%; Germany. 40.08; beneror ' trajel. 24.50; Greece. .86' 19.85: Italy. 5.20%; Netherlands. 54.39; Norw 18.87; Portugal. 4.25: & £9r * New York Bank Stocks Ease in November Special Dispatch to the Star. NEW YORK. Dec 3.—New York City bank stocks declined moderate ly during November, according to Hoit. Rose & Troster. After opening November 1 at 42.60. the weighted average of 17 leading issues tested the October high of 43.93 with 43.81 on November 12. Subsequently, however, the list re acted in sympathy with the general market, to 39.41 on November 29. a point still 7 per cent above the September lows. Close November 30 was slightly better at 40.34. Range of the average was as fol lows: Month's Month’s high. low. _ , Nov. 12. Nov. 29. Bankers Trust_ 45s. 41% Brooklyn Trust_ 79% 77 Central Hanover_ R8 80% Chase National_ 33s. 29 Continental _ 13% 11% Chemical _._ 43% 41 City _ 2H 22% Commercial _ 140 140 Corn Exchange _ 51 % 47% Empire Trust _ 15% 14 First National_1703 lfilo Guaranty Trust _ 249% 225 Irving Trust _ 10’, 9% Manhattan _ 10% 14% Manufacturers Trust_ 41 % 37V. New York Trust _ 90 80% Public _ 28 27% Weighted average ... 43 81 39.41 Dollar Goes Down On London Mart By the Associated Press. LONDON, Dec. 3.—The United States dollar lost % of a cent in terms of sterling today, placing the final rate at 4.681» to the pound. In comparison, sterling in New York overnight was $4.68%. IVench francs finished 177.69 com pared with 177.81 yesterday. Burley Quota Cards To Be Mailed Today By the Associated Press. BLACKSBURG, Va„ Dec. 3.—S K. Cassell, secretary of the State A. A. A. Committee, said quota cards for Virginia's burley tobacco growers would be mailed today. The State’s only burley market opens at‘Abingdon next week. The cards specify the poundage each grower will be permitted to sell without penalty. About 12.000,000 ponds of the leaf are raised in Washington, Lee, Scott, Russell and Smyth Counties. 50 Tons of Lead Sold NEW YORK, Dec. 3 (JP).—St. Joseph Lead Co. reports 50 tons of Southeast Missouri pig lead sold yesterday at $4.85 per 100 pounds, East St. Louis. Dividends Announced NEW YORK. Dec. 3—Dividends de ctared. Prepared by the Standard Sta tistics Co. Extra. Pe- Stock of Pay _ , , Rate. riod. record, able. Beatrice Creamery Co 75c 12-13 1-3 Or Lakes Drg & Dock 75c 12-10 12-22 Natomas Co 10c 12-13 12-27 Gt Nor Iron Ore ProD 50c . 12-13 12-20 Resumed. Hyarade Sylvania _ 37Vie .. 12-10 12-23 Aeeamalated. Canadian Tube A Steel Prod Ltd 7% cum pf $2 __ 12-7 12-15 Regular. Albany * Susq R R $4.50 8 12-15 1-3 Allied Products 50c 12-14 12-24 Beatrice Creamery _ 25c Q 12-13 1-3 Do $5 pf $1.25 Q 12-13 1-3 Cham M Weath Strip 10c 12-12 12-10 Gen Theaters Equip 25c 12-12 12-22 Grant W T Co 35c Q 12-14 1-3 Int Shoe Co _.37'Ac Q 12-15 l-:: McCrory Strs _ 75c 12-13 12-23 Ohio P Svc 7% of 68‘,<ic M 12-15 1-3 Do 6% Of- 50c M 12-15 1-3 Do 5% of _41*<c M 12-15 1-3 Sancamo Elee_ 45c 12-14 12-24 Stein A A Co pf $l.fl2>4 Q 12-15 1-3 Wayne Knitting Mills $1 12-14 12-24 West Jersey A Sea shore RR -$1.50 8 12-15 1-3 Natomas Co -20c Q 12-13 12-27 Southwest Penn Pipe Lines -50e __ 12-14 12-28 U. S. Treasury Notes (Reported by Smith. Barney ft Co.l Rate-Matprity. Bid. Offer. iyf Dec. IB. 38 — 100 t**r }?■ 3?- 101 21-32 101 23-32 2ft June 16. 30 102 1-32 102 3-32 1 tt !8I 181 IM S 8“ I- «::: |P ifflH lis5 » 8:--SifeS MBS B g? if: SI::, iff 5831 iff RS ifffe iS ffi. it I::; i!i=l! 185=535 V Few Specialties Rise In Stock Dealings, Others Neglected Small Gains, Declines Are About Even at Session's Close d- ■■■■ ■■■■ Stock Averages .30 15 IS SO Indust. Kalla. OtU. Ktka. Net change —.1 —.2 unc. —.1 Today, close 73.7 20.0 35.0 50.3 Prev. day... 73.8 20.2 35.0 50.4 Month ago. 765 21.9 36.7 52.5 Year ago... 65.2 22.6 345 46.7 1938 high . 795 235 378 54.7 1938 low... 495 12.1 249 33.7 1937 high .101.6 495 54.0 755 1937 low .. 57.7 19.0 31.6 41.7 1932 low... 175 8.7 239 169 1929 high.. 1469 1539 1845 157.7 1927 low... 51.6 955 618 618 J (ComDlled b.f the Associated Press.) I By VICTOR EUBANK, Associated Press Financial Writer. NEW YORK, Dec. 3.—While buy ers nibbled at a handful of specialty stocks in today's market, most dis played a notable lack of appetite, so far as the majority of leaders was concerned. Continuance of extremely light liquidation was the principal encour aging factor for boardrooms. Trans fers for the two hours approximated 350,000 shares, one of the smallest turnovers for a single session since last August. Minor gains and losses were about even at the close. Wall Street apparently took a somewhat more cheerful view of the foreign field, although the row be tween Italy and France over French owned colonies was still a perplexing development for the financial sector. Business news, generally, lacked motivating power either way. The flattening out of the trade line, on the whole, was about what had been expected, and speculative forces were inclined to await indications of what the new year would bring forth be fore extending commitments unduly. Year-end adjustments of accounts for income tax purposes again acted as a recovery brake. Steels had to contend with signs of a further slight downturn in mill operations next week. Labor diffi culties at plants of Chrysler, Gen eral Motors and Nash kept auto motive shares in the background. Continental Motors, speediest mover yesterday, edged into new high territory for the year on hopes plans for expanding airplane engine building would boost company earn ings. New York Shipbuilding pre ferred and common exhibited strength on prospects for new mari time construction in connection with armaments. Aircrafts were re sistant, as were some rails. Supported were Chrysler. Grey hound. Douglas Aircraft, United Air craft, Southern Railway, Delaware & Hudson, General Electric, Du Pont, Anaconda, American Smelt ing. Goodrich and Montgomery Ward Without climbing power most of the time were United States Steel, Bethlehem, General Motors, Wool worth. Consolidated Edison, Amer ican Can, Great Northern, Kenne cott. Monsanto Chemical and United States Rubber. C.&O. Sells$30,000,000 Funding Bond Issue By the Associated Press. CLEVELAND, Dec. 3—H. P. ; Lohmeyer, treasurer of the Chesa peake & Ohio Railway Co., yester day announced the sale to Halsey, Stuart & Co., Inc.. Chicago, and Otis & Co.. Inc., Cleveland, $30,000. 000 refunding and improvement mortgage 3\? per cent 25-year bonds, series F. The sale provides for a 2 per cent annual sinking fund. They were sold for par plus ac criited interest, the bonds to bear the date of December 1, 1938, Loh meyer said. “The sale is for the purpose of retiring an equal amount of first consolidated mortgage 5 per cent bonds due May 1. 1939,” Lohmeyer said, “and is made subject to ap proval of the Interstate Commerce Commission.” Lohmeyer's announcement was made after a meeting of the Board of Directors here yesterday. Home Telephone Stock Accorded Approval Bj the Associated Press. ' RICHMOND, Va., Dec. 3.—The Home Telephone & Telegraph Co. was authorized by the State Cor poration Commission yesterday to issue 36,000 shares of $5 per value capital stock. The commission's order specified that $157,500 of the $180,000 issu ance should be used for the liquida tion of notes issued in favor of the Carolina Telephone & Telegraph Co. and affiliates. The remainder of the money was to be used for improvements of the physical prop erty of the Home Telephone & Tele graph Co. An application of the Southside Electric Co-operative for permis sion to issue secured notes for $258, 000 was referred by the commission to the engineering department for * study. Heads Baltimore Bank BALTIMORE, Dec. 3 (Special).— George W. Reed has been elected president of the National Marine Bank. He fills the vacancy caused by the recent death of Thomas F. Shriver. Mr. Reed has been vice president since 1931 and has been associated with the bank for many years. He also was cashier. John Sellers, assistant cashier, has been made cashier. Metal Market NEW YORK. Dec. 8 Mb.—Copper steady: electrolytic spot. 11.25; export. 10.32%. Tin steady; spot and nearbyT 46.85; forward. 45.00. Lead steady;sPOL New York, 5.00-5.05; East 8t Loull 4 8? Zinc steady; East St. Louis, spot and for ward. 4.50 PI* iron, aluminum, anti mony. quicksilver, platinum and Chines* wolframite unchanced. U. S. Treasury Position By the Associated Press. The position of the Treasury on De cember 1: Receipts. $11,706,120.86: ex* pendltures. $56,129,105.03: net balance. 92,443.642.0?7,(J6. ineludlrig S1.82083& . 774.09 working balance; customs reeetpl* * for the month. SI.061.524.39. Receipts for the fiscal year fslnee July 081.81 of emergency expenditures: excess 2fv.ex2?'}.<1itu"». $i .480565, gross debt,938.639.791.43. an Increase ofc li.5.. d,,:,oM >* *