Newspaper Page Text
Real Estate Building News WASHINGTON, D. C., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1938. PAGE B—1 Building Gains Slightly for November - / Home and Apartment Construction Bring 1 Total to $2,213,530 Private building construction in Washington registered small gains in November over both October of this year and November of last, ac cording to the report of Building Inspector John W. Oehmann, made public today. The valuation of last month's building as reported by Col. Oeh mann was $2,213,530, an increase of about $50,000 over the corresponding month of last year and of $18,000 over the figure for October of this year. The total for last month does not include $255,500 in building car ried out by the District government, nor does it include operations of the Federal Government. Larger Homes Planned. Residential construction was again a feature of the building picture here. Almost all of the sum to be expended for private construction here was fof-erection of apartments and one-family dwellings. The average cost of the one-family dwellings revealed that larger type homes were planned during the past morAis. than have been earlier in the year. Permits calling for erection of 154 houses, with a valuation of $916. 000. were approved in November. 1 Included in the list of permits for November, 1937 were only 86 one family dwellings. The average cost cK houses for this November was considerably below that of the cor responding month last year. There were 207 houses approved for erec- j tion in October. Apartments for 448 families. Apartment construction in No- j vember showed a huge increase over November of last year, and doubled the value of this type of building recorded in October. Twenty-three apartments, valued at $1,020,500 were approved last month. These structures have a capacity of 448 families. In the same month last year, apartment building was valued at only $241,500. Apartment build ing in October was slightly above the $500,000 mark. Additions, alterations and repairs to existing buildings approved in November were valued at $254,850, considerably less than the figures for both the corresponding month last year and October. Valuation of new building opera tions in November by sections of the city follows: Northwest, $1,413, 300; Northeast, $394,500; Southeast, $150,880, and Southwest, none. Val uation of additions, alterations and repairs by sections: Northwest, $201,465; Northeast, $32,600; South east, $16,385, and Southwest, $4,400. Realty Securities Continue Gains Real estate security prices during November repeated the upward trend evidenced in October. According to the Amott-Baker average, the aver age price of real estate bonds during the past 30 days rose 1.8 per cent. Ninety-one of the 200 issues upon which the average is based increased In price. Sixty-seven were at the same level at the close of the month, while only 42 issues were quoted lower. The average price of a *1,000 first mortgage real estate bond on No vember 30 is *334. This compares with *328 at the close of October and *326 at the close of 1937. This Indicates a rise of 2’i per cent dur ing the first 11 months of the year. . Prices of real estate securities show an increase in all cities except In Boston. The New York issues Included in the average show an increase in the month of 3.1 per cent, and an increase of 5.4 per cent in the 11 months. Average price of these bonds is exactly the same as for the average as a whole, that is *334 per $1,000. 1823 Irving St. A larger, more comfortable home providing four bedrooms on second floor, extra bedroom on third floor. Living room has wood-burning fireplace; large dining room paneled in mahog any. Best oak floors. Front porch, double rear porch, two ear garage. Open Saturday and Sunday, noon to dork. wc^A.n.AAiLLtn> 111# 17th 8t. N.W. DIat. 41B4 ALL BRICK BUNGALOW $6,950 715 Gist Ave. Silver Spring, Md. five specious rooms. Full size attic suitable for two larre rooms and bath Full hirh eeilinr basement. Tiled bath, modern kitchen, house caulked, screened and weather stripped. Convenient to everythlnr, two blocks from stores, schools and transportation. Street paved and Jiald. Low down payment and easy erms. Open Daily and Sunday Out Georgia Ave. to Sligo Ave. list at. gait B. & O. viaduct). right on Sligo S blocks to Chicago Ave. (D. O S. stores), right short sauare to Gist Ave., left to home. SPRINGLAWN, INC Hurh Warren, Pres. e Call Shephard 1311 Aftarnoont 1 to 7 P.M. IN BATTERY PAR K-2-New home of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Gould at 509 Goddard road, Battery Park, Md., which was sold by Wesley L. Sauter through Edward H. Jones & Co., Inc. ----- Perpetual Is Rated Largest Building Loan Concern in U. S. Seven Other Organizations In District Have Assets Of Over $5,000,000 Eight savings, building and loan associations in Washington have as sets of more than $5,000,000, while the Perpetual Building Association, Eleventh and E streets N.W., is the largest financial institution of its kind in the country, according to figures made public today by the United States Building and Loan League. Two associations in the District come within the select group of 34 in the country which have assets exceeding $10,000,000, the league re ported. These are the Perpetual, with assets of $48,370,549, and the American Building Association, which has assets of $10,313,545. As sets of the Perpetual exceed those of the second association in size in the country by more than $10,000,000. Railroad Federal Savings & Loan Association of New York City ranked second in the country, with the Rail roadmen’s Federal Savings & Loan of Indianapolis in third place. Others Exceed $5,000,000. Other associations in Washington which exceed $5,000,000 in assets are Wtashingtcn Permanent Building Association, National Permanent Building Association, the Equitable Co-operative Association, the Me tropolis Building Association, the Northern Liberty and Columbia Building Associations. The figures are as of July 1. Twenty associa tions with more than $10,000,000 as sets showed a gain in assets during the first six months of this year, while five of them added on more than $1,000,000 during that period. Of its member institutions the league lists 72 with assets between $5,000,000 and $10,000,000 as of the same period. Exactly half of these showed gains in assets during the first half of the year and six asso ciations by their gains entered the $5,000,000 ranks for the first time. Gains Are Widespread. Analyzing the conditions reflected 1206 Old George town Road Bethesda, Md. Unquestionably, one of the most unusual, exceptional 3-bedroom bungalows ever offered in this section. One bedroom furnished in Walnut, another in Knotty Pine and the third plastered. There is an attractive Bay Window in the living room. The house is of Brick Construc tion. painted white. The lot has over IS,000 square feet, with many large trees. Price *7,950 Terms OPEN AND LIGHTED 8ATUBDAY AND SUNDAY LESLIE D. MEASE^L Adams »B*S 3*37 Conn. An. In CHEVY CHASE GARDENS "Washington’s Most Convenient Suburban Community" 4705 De Roney Parkway A traditional French Normandie home In a fine environment la this Cooley-built home. A dis tinctive design combined with spaciousness and Ideally placed In one of Washington's finest close - In communities. Three bedrooms, two baths, exception ally large living room with fire place. detached garage. Equip ment and materials of highest quality—every construction de tail rigidly supervised. Moder ately Priced—Easy Teraas. Will Consider Trade Furnished by P. J. NEE Drive out Wisconsin Ave. to our sign at DE RVSSEY PARKWAY. Turn lett to home. Tower Bldg. NA. Pitt* IN COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE—This new home at 32 Winston drive, Country Club Village, Md„ has been sold to Robert Kingdon Thurber by John F. Wynkoop, owner and builder. —Star Staff Photos. in this comparison of figures on the larger associations. A. D. Theobald, assistant vice president of the league, pointed out that the gains have been widespread geographi cally, an indication that recovery in the thrift and home financing busi ness is general. Tift over $10,000. 000 associations gaining in assets were scattered in a dozen different States, including those on both East and West Coasts and in the central part of the country. Six additional States are represented by the $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 associations which have grown between January 1 and July 1, 1938. A third of the $10,000,000 asso ciations show larger assets today than they did five years ago. Mr. Theobald reports, in spite of the fact that most of the deflation of these institutions’ holdings has taken place since 1933. It is further pointed out that OPPORTUNITY IS REALLY KNOCKING SANTA CLAUS GET BUSY Investigate 5326 Nebraska Ave. N.W. For a Real Value 3 bedrooms, 2 tile baths, oil heat. 2 blocks from Connec ticut Ave. Owner leaving city will sell at a reasonable price and on attractive terms. OPEN AND LIGHTED SATURDAY AND SUNDAY LESLIE D. MEASELL Adana OM3 2037 Cana. Ave. Only One Left ot $5,750 New Air-Conditioned Bungalows Saratoga Village Silvgr Spring, 605 Tokoma Are. Furnished by Peerless Furniture Co. APPROXIMATELY $38-50 is 1 $5,750 to $5,990 F. H. A. TERMS KAY PROPERTIES, INC., Builders Open Daily and Sunday To Reach: Drive out Pincv Branch Rd., Saratoga Ave.. iuit patt Phila delphia Ave., left at tign; or Georgia Ave.. iuet paet Dietrict line, right on Falkland Drive, left to Gilt Ave., right 3 blocki to nev Furnithed Home. ROBERTS E. LATIMER Exclusive Avent 7733 Alaska Ave. Phone GEorgia 1270 whereas the Chicago area five years ago had only one association in the above $5,000,000 group, it has three today and one of them is more than $10,000,000. ■-• Domestic Perilla Oil Sought Experiments are under way in about 20 separate locations in the Southern United States to determine whether perilla oil—used in paint manufacture—may be successfully produced in this country. DRASTIC REDUCTION TO PREVENT CARRYING THROUGH WINTER Will trade or sell these surprising values on very reasonable terms. 3 All-Brick Homes in North Woodridge A rooms. Insulated, weatherstripprd and sereeoed. oil heat w immer and winter hookup, bar trim throuehout. fireplace. M • seen to be appreciated. Real Estote Men Need Net Apply Phone Adorns 06S3 Visit 105 Worthington Drive in YORKTOWNE VILLAGE •pYPICAL of the homes in ^ Yorktowne Village, whose plans are the result of careful research in the restored Wil liamsburg community, is this outstanding example of Early American-Architecture. It con tains 7 rooms, 2 baths, recrea tion room, 1st floor bedroom and bath, breakfast nook, ran dom-width oak floors, air con ditioning. OPEN SUNDAY AND DAILY 10 A.M. TO 9 P.M. TO REACH. Drive out Massachu setts Ave. one block over the Dis trict Line in Maryland. Turn right one block to Worthington Drive. 1110 K St. KA. 2049 Excellent Value 1 $8,750 4010 Leland St. Chevy Chase, Md. Six large rooms, open fire place, screened side porch, -oil heat, maid’s room and bath, detached garage. On a lovely lot with 60' front age and in a location of fine homes. We recom mend this if you are look ing for a comfortable home on easy terms. Open Sat. and Sun. Phillips & Canby, Inc. 1012 15th St. N.W. NA. 4600 ■ Architects Entertain Washington Chapter of the Amer ican Institute of Architects held its second annual Triangle Club ladies’ night Thursday at Normandy Farms Inn, Montgomery County, Md. Spe cial entertainment, including a floor show, was included in the program. Gilbert L. Rodier was master of cere monies. GLOVER PARK 2227 3Mk PI. N.W. Exhibit Home Furnished by Hilda N. Miller A modern, new A-room house, tile bath with shower, oak floors, rec reation room, automatic gas heat: house completely insulated, weather stripped. screened and caulked. Near new grade school, junior high school, high school and college and within 1 square of splendid bus service. Open 9 A M. to 9 P.M To Inspect: Drive west from Wis consin Ave. end Calvert St. to ,19th Place, south to exhibit home. MODERATELY PRICED VERY REASONABLE TERMS FOR SALE BY ANY BROKER OR D.C.GRUVER Owner-Builder 818 Inv. Bldg. NAt. 1737 $100 00 CASH* Pave* the Way to Home Ownerthip A highly reputable building firm operating for years in the Wash ington orea offers an original buy ing plan to a limited number of responsible families (11) seriously desiring home ownership. We offer the choice of a fine lot in a great subdivision of 200 homes, free architectural service and a financial plan based on in come and ability to save money. The homes range in price from $5,000 to $10,000 (four rooms and bath to seven rooms and two baths). This plan is available for a lim ited time only! Please supply your name, ad dress and occupation in your re quest for information. •(Why not put your Christmas Savings Fund to work on this idea?) Box 96-C, Star A TRUE STORY About 2 beoutiful homes that we have recently purchased, and have completely renovated from top to bottom. 1731 Flower Ave., Silver Spring, Md. Detached brick, 6 rooms, 2 tiled baths, oil heat, lot 75x135, 3-cor garage. (Bedroom with full bath on first floor). 5506 North Capitol St. N.W. Eight large rooms, 2Vt baths, recreation room, attic, yard, brick garage. All large rooms, bedroom and lavatory on first floor. Near stores, schools and bus. Note: No price it Quoted on thete hornet, but will accept any rea sonable offer lor cask above the trusts, or will tell with tl.000 cash payment and balance like rent. Will alto rent them.. Open, heated and llshted, ufter neens and area, until S HI. Stroup Realty Co. 931 New York Are. N.W. OK. 413S—DI. MM LARGE HOME PURCHASED—Fred A. Hessick has acquired this attractive home at 4543 Klingle street N.W. from Mrs. Rose A. Lewis. The sale was made through the office of J. McKenney Berry. The house has nine rooms and three baths. Falls Church Tract Development Started The Fairfax Realty Co. announced : today that it will develop a tract of 35 acres located at Falls Church, Va., j which it recently acquired. The new section has been named Sherwood, and work has been started on the first group of homes. The new section is conveniently located, and may be reached from Washington by either the Lee high way or Lee boulevard. The lots are large and wooded. Construction of the homes is being done in accord ance with requirements of the F. H. A., and under the personal direction of a former construction foreman for Wesley Heights and Spring Valley. Baldwin F .Cook is presi dent of the real estate company, while H. Gabriel Murphy is vice president and Humphrey Daniel, secretary and treasurer. -£-. Sales Office Moved The office of Robert B. Hollander, proprietor of the Capital Adjusting ft Finance Co., has been moved from 1008 H street ff.W. to the Tower Building at Fourteenth and K streets. BRICK BUNGALOW 4807 Westway Drive LIKE NEW First Showing$5 #950 ft Urge rooms on one floor, concrete covered front porch, slate roof. Large level lot fenced In with white picket fence, abandonee of shade trees, auto matic heat, attle. The price has been reduced for oniek sale. Open Daily and Sunday Tn Reach: On to Western Are. and Ellicott St., follow Exhibit Home sign on LeRov Place, fVi blocks to West wav Drive and home. it2fi k ni. St. N.W. 1311 2251 Shannon Place S.E. ' A corner i>rick— ond just consider the fact thot you con buy this splendid home in this excellent neighbor hood for $6,950 Arran ting the Termt to to Suit You Perfectly It'1s conveniently arranged for two families—so you will hove an income producing investment os well os a home. Six rooms ond bath; glass inclosed porch; built in garage. We have put it in perfect condition in every detail— good os new. Open Until 9 PM. Daily Out Nichols Avenue S.E. to the 2200 block, turn ri*ht one block to Shannon Place. CAFRITZ 14th & K St*. DI. 9080 Drastic Price Reduction $17,650 3106 N St. N.W. A substantial, charming detached brick home, first floor, living room, dining room. library, butler’s pantry, porch and kitchen; there are 4 large bedrooms on second floor with 3 modern baths, sleep ing porch, viewing the park sec tion of tn city, a fireplace in most every room, hardwood floors serv ants’ quarters and bath In base ment; nice garden with boxwood: 1-car garage with complete chauf feur’s quarters above. Suitable for club, fraternity or professional service. 4333 46th St. N.W. $13,950 • Detached Brick • 4, Big Bedroom* • 2 Bath* • Fint Floor Library • Built-in Bookahelvas • Screened Back Porch • Largo Kitchan With Motel Cabinet* • Lovely Recreation Roam • 2 Fireplaces ■ • 2-Car Garage Both Open Sunday FRANK $. .PHILLIPS behim A rent 927 15th St. Dl. 1411 Building Congress Hears Architect Monday Gilbert Stanley Underwood, prom inent Los Angeles architect, who is designing the projected War De partment building, will he the fea tured speaker at the luncheon meet ing to be held by the Washington Building Congress Monday at the Lafayette Hotel. The meeting is scheduled for 12:30. The subject of Mr. Underwood's talk will be “Architecture of the Future and the Outlook for Build ing Construction in the United States." The speaker is a graduate of Yale University, and received his master s degree at Harvard. Later he pursued special studies in arch itecture abroad. He has been con sulting architect for a number of prominent Government buildings. Spend Christmas in Your Own Home *8,450 ' 2-FAMILY HOMES that help to buy themselves. 2 full baths, 2 complete kitchen - dinettes. 5.2 Farragut PI. N.W. Furnished by The Hecht Co. ‘2940 a Month ! _ • Estimated Cost of Purchase to Ou/rjer-Occupant « Tenant Secured Without Charge New J B Tiffey development reoched by driving out New Hamp shire Ave. to Gallatin St NW , ond right two blocks to Farragut PI. N.W.. Tiffeys. Flynn INCORPORATED Woodward Bldg. REpublic 1218 Architects Told Service Must Be Provided Committee Named to Study Ways to Aid Home Builders Unless the Nation's architects provide service for all home owners they “may find themselves before Congress, fighting for their exist ence,” declares Walter R. McCor nack of Cleveland, chairman of the Housing Committee of the Ameri can Institute of Architects, in a re port dealing with “The Real Issue in the Small House Problem." Principles involved in the con troversy within the ranks of the American Association and between the association and the United States Government apply to the architectural profession, according to Mr. McCornack, announcing the appointment by the institute of a special committee, of which C. Her rick Hammond of Chicago is chair man. to study the problem ex tending architectural service to the entire building public. The committee, consisting of six institute members and three mem bers of the Producers’ Council, has undertaken in co-operation with Government agencies “a study of ways and means for finding a j method for providing architectural I service, including supervision, for 1 the great mass of the American public who do not now have the advantage of such service." Service Chief Object. The Housing Committee dis claims any intention of devising a policy applicable to every com munity, expressing the belief that the institute's 70 chapters through out the country, as well as indi vidual architects, “should be free to (See ARCHITECTS, PageB-2J -1_ TIRED of MOVING? Live in Your Own Home! ^ Your rent receipts - will never five [jp you the sense of * security that a ^ deed to your own 3 home will! To say ™ nothin* of the expense and an “ noyance of con C stantly movinf. Live in a Stone K built home, be cause that is a • "bette r-b u 111 home"! See tho m many attractive “ plans on file In ^ our office, arranfe E for such ehanfes III ** necessary and ■ then let us relieve jP you of all worry. From start to fin t ish, we handle all details, and help i> you in financinr. !too! As an exam ple of our work. INSPECT: *1821 Parkside Drive N.W. Fronting Rock Creek Park—20 minutes from downtown—this beau tiful Williamsburg Colonial, com prising all the niceties you would desire. Wicluding paneled library, lst-floor lavatory. 2-car built-in garage* recreation room and 90-foot lot. is now available for your in spection. If you intend to make a change in the near future, by all means inspect Aodav. Out 16th St., left on Kalmia, left on Beach Drive to Parkside. Trades Considered Philip E. Taw, Salaa 1 927 15th Street N.W. \ L NAHenal 0856 ^ EXHIBIT HOME—1817 E STREET N.E. CONVERT YOUR RENT MONEY INTO A SOUND HOME INVESTMENT! Just think—far S50 per month yoir ran afa Jh pi A own a flne. modern home of yonr own. Si* lk|a M |a■ ■ lam roomi. tiled bath, fall basement. UJU.A air conditioned. Insulated, furred walla. ▼ w weatherstrlpped and screened. Deep » a..k fenced-ln lot. Every nfhdern appointment. wnlill waSn r 1 jmunT Visit this new stoop today. Use your Christmas savins* cheek for *■ A. Terms If a dewn payment. — Desired. Op«n Daily and Sunday LOOS H. HALL Drive out B. Capitol St. to 17th, turn left to E St. and right to . Kealtor-HU liner _homei-_ PO. 6021 •»'••• i'•_> v-.i\ \i~7ir* iaijr]JW STOP! Have You Visited the Brand New MT. VERNON PARKWAY HOMES 5 Mi nut** Front Comtitution Ana. The first of a group of ONLY 00 homes In one of the most beautiful locations * mm mm mm bb around the Nation's Capital m o M . . . Stone and brick con- m 1 ■ E m. 1 structlon ... 5 or 6 rooms. f ■ ■ Alr-conditloned heat. 2 or 3 f. H. A. APPROVED bedrooms, colorful tiled bath. _ ^ ^ _ _ beautiful terraced lot. P■ B ED CQ DKIVB OUT Mt. Vernon dO Boulevard part WJSV* to our tiffn—turn rtght. PER MO.