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Dr. Kaplan to Speak On Palestine Haven For Jews Program Will Be Held ' At Community Center t Tomorrow Night Palestine as a haven for Jews will be discussed by Dr. Louis L. Kaplan, executive director of the Board of Jewish Education, Balti more, at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Jewish Community Center. The sec ond of a series of cultural meet ings of the Washington Zionist District, an open forum, will be held at the conclusion of the talk. Dr. John R. Fitzpatrick, dean of the Columbia University Law School, will open a new series of institutes Wednesday night at the center. He will discuss the value of a formal education. Sponsored by the Educational Committee, other speakers in the Wednesday night series are: Rabbi Norman Gerstenfeld, associate rabbi of the Washington Hebrew Con gregation, and Rabbi Paul Rich man, director of cultural activities of the B’nai B’rith. Hirshman Is Chairman. Simon Hirshman, chairman of the Educational Committee, will preside as chairman of the institute at which Dr. Fitzpatrick will speak and will lead the discussion to follow. Another feature of the Jewish Center, the Town Hall of the Air discussion group, next Thursday night will discuss the subject, “How Should the Democracies Deal With the Dictatorships?” Among the ra dio speakers to be heard will be Linda Littlejohn, prominent advo cate of women’s rights, and Quin cy Howe, author of “England Ex pects Every American to Do His Duty.” The second of the center’s monthly national forum programs will be presented December 18, with Isa Kremer, monologigt and interpreter of folk songs, as the attraction. Camera Club Competition. The Camera Club of the center is sponsoring a city-wide competition open to all amateur photographers. Entries will be accepted in three classes: Portrait and human interest, pic torial, landscape and unusual trick photographs and interior or exterior snapshots of the Jewish Center Building. Prizes include photographic equip ment and a membership in the cen ter. Among the judges will be Hyman Greenberg. Arthur Ellis, Dr. S. S. Jaffa and Paul Segal. All photographs must be sub mitted. at the Jewish Center before January 4. The Center Guild, an organization devoted to providing social and rec reational activities for members, will hold & “tacky party” in the Little auditorium of the center next Sat urday night. An old-fashioned square dance, a broom dance and other country games are on the pro gram of entertainment. Dr. BriUs Will Speak On Social Unrest Opening a weekly forum at Georgetown University Tuesday eve ning, Dr. Geotz A. Briefs, professor of labor economics in the graduate school, will speak on “Social Un rest in the Western World.” Sponsored by the graduate school for alumni of the university, the Georegtown Forum will be con ducted on Tuesday evenings at 8 o'clock in the Copley Lounge, which can accommodate about 250 per sons. Dr. Briefs is in charge of the program, which is to be devoted to discussions of labor and eco nomics. The next speaker in the forum on December 13 will be Dr. J. W. Stone borough of the Department of La bor. His subject will be “Labor and Democracy.” There will be a recess during the Christmas holi days. Dr. Briefs conducted a similar forum at the Catholic University be fore joining the Georgetown fac ulty. He had a long and distin guished career as a professor of economics in various German uni versities, particularly at Wuerzburg, Freiburg and the University of Ber lin. From 1915-6 he served as the economic expert of the German ministry of interior. Shortly before coming to this country Dr. Briefs served as direc tor of the Institute of Industrial Re lations and was a member of the Unemployment Insurance Commis sion of the German labor of minis try. He has written extensively in connection with his official and university career. Soule, Sir George Paish To Talk at Town Hall Sir George Paish, British econo mist, and George Soule, author and editor, will stage a joint discussion of the economic causes of war at the Town Hall program in the Bhoreham Hotel tonight. Mr. Paish was for a number of years governor of the London School of Economics. He was also editor of the Statist. In 1914-16 he was adviser to the chancellor of the exchequer and the British treasury on financial and economic prob lems. Among his most important writings are “The Road to Pros perity" and “World Economic Sui cide.” Mr. Soule is an editor of the New Republic. He is also chairman of the board of the National Bureau of Economic Research and a trustee of the National Economic and So cial Planning Association. Dr. Paul van Zeeland, former Prime Minister of Belgium, will be Town Hall s principal speaker next Sunday. His subject will be “Can International Disorganization Be Remedied?” Lecture on Africa Illustrations of primitive settle ments, wild life and the natural beauty of South Africa will be ' shown by Miss Helen Lyon of the Washington Christian . Endeavor Union when she lectures Thursday at 8 p.m. in the Covenant-First Presbyterian Church. Miss Lyon, who attended the World Christian Endeavor Conven tion at -Sydney, Australia, during the summer and returned by way of South Africa, will discuss “The Lure or African Horizons.” i 4 \ Q Every Woman on Your Christmas List Would Welcome A Chenille Spread. \ !.f Gift Sale! CHENILLE SPREADS jfcr*, % 5' Save 25% to 44%: \ • -t •• x We’ve been weeks and weeks collecting them. Since we started, prices on chenille spreads have soared considerably . . . and we honestly doubt if for a long, long time, if ever, wtf ' can bring you such savings as thdse. All brand new, fresh merchandise, in the most wanted patterns and colorings. $7.99 Semi-Circle Patterned CHENILLE SPREADS One of the most distinctive of all styles ... at the lowest price we have ever sold it. One solid mass of thick semi circular chenille tuftings... and available ir\,not only the usual pastel shades, but new deeper tones. Both single and double sizes. $5.99 Floral Panel Patterned CHENILLE SPREADS ♦ Another favorite pattern. Both single and double size solid color spreads, completely covered with deep tuft ings and with a decorative floral panel down the center. Choose from green, blue, gold, rose, dusty rose or peoch. urn noor. Tht Htcht Co,) Reg. 7.99 Bedspread 5.99 Ref. 5.M Bedspread 3.99 # $3.98 All-White Shell-Patterti Chenille Spreads A universal fovorite . . . and at a mighty low price. 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