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FALSE TEETH REPAIRED WHILE YOU WAIT EMERGENCY DENTAL LABORATORY MR 14th N.W Rms. Ml -902 MIL IMS Ooooilto Garflnekel’a Dili Store. fCASH for your OLD GOLD & SILVER at Congressional Party Begins Florida Tour ay the Associated Press. JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Dec. 3 Congressmen and business leader! began last night a five-day tour oi Florida as guests of the State Cham ber of Commerce. The party of approximately 12® persons arrived here aboard a spe cial train from Washington yes terday. The group will head north ward next Wednesday. The trip was planned to acquaint legislative and industrial leaders with Florida’s resources and possi bilities. The resources “special” travel last night toward Miami and will spend today and tomorrow m the East CoaSt “Magic City” area. A WORLD’S STANDARD PIANO I I —Not because we say so—but because it is and I M has been the choice of the greatest artists and \M . composers for generations. Steinway tone, Ah responsiveness and durability are unsurpassed. ■ For permanent satisfaction, buy the. piano that ML serves indefinitely—the one that never fails you! Ik STEINWAY I I A ■ "THE INSTRUMENT OF THE IMMORTALS" » 1 The NEW MODEL BABY GRAND upholds all Steinway traditions for tone and I gentral excellence H / OTHER MODELS: $1,075 TO $3,050 _All of One Quality In Material and Workmanahlp. And Now the Exquisite New “Apartment Size” STEINWAY PIANINO IN MAHOGANY: IN WALNUT: *550 *575 Of amazing reionance and tone quality. Contain* lateit Steinway patent*. GENEROUS TERMS AVAILABLE DROOP’S • 1300 G Exclusive Steinway Dealers in Washington and Vicinity THE INCOMPARABLE HAMMOND ^2^ ORGAN FOR CHURCH • HOME • STUDIO • To one who has always dreamed D __e of having fine organ music in his “rice: $1,Z75 home, this beautiful instrument offers an almost infinite variety of tone colors and tonal combinations. IT HAS NO REEDS —NO PIPES —AND CANNOT GET OUT OF TUNE! Fits in a four-foot square. Just connect a cord to an electric outlet—PLAY—and enter a new world of music! Come in and hear it! DROOP’S * 1300 G RCA Victor Phonograph-Radio MODEL U125—8-TUBE AUTOMATIC COMBINATION INCLUDING $9.00 WORTH OF YOUR FAVORITE VICTOR RECORDS . . . (FOR 1 *7 C LIMITED TIME ONLY) _ ¥1 / O LESS ALLOWANCE FOR OLD VICTROLA $>4 A OR RADIO _ NET PRICE *135 Thie Special Offer it Made by the RCA Victor Company in Commemoration of Their 40th Butineee Annivereary. GULBRANSEN PIANOS are noted for their rich, sympathetic tone and out standing durability. Judge this for yourself by playing the charming new "Harmswood” t i A N Model Grand_ A /S Ideal for Small Music Rooms. Only 4 ft. 6 In. in Length PURITAN • $onr MODEL • This Console Model is an 9V* exceptionally beautiful piano of its type. It is built for service! Happy Hours of Enjoyment are yours when playing the Cutbraneen Double Reed Spinet Type Organ With Benth_ DROOP’S the MAGNAVOX PHONOGRAPH AND RADIO-PHONOGRAPH F VERY member of your family will thrill to the amazing “ fidelity and true musical tone of these fine instruments. There are many different models from which to choose— and they are correctly priced! Two very popular models are Illustrated here: The CONCERTO ELECTRIC PHONOGRAPH For Record Reproduction Only price_1__$69*50 LET US SHOW YOU THE “WINDSOR” Symphony, Combination Antomatie Marnarox llvv The HEPPLEWHITE I RADIO-PHONOGRAPH 1 It combines the finest of modern radios, wonderful phonograph performance, and every worth while Improvement In sound. oTye *145 International Bazaar Will Serve Food of Many Nations - —* / Americanization Body To Hold Event Tomorrow And Tuesday *. Foods of many nations will be served and demonstrations of for eign foods will be given at the 10th Annual International Bazaar, spon sored by the Americanization Asso ciation of the District, tomorrow and Tuesday from 10 a m. to 10 p.m. at the Webster School, Tenth and H streets N.W. The committee in charge has made arrangements for the sale of articles contributed by friends and members of the association. The articles, including dolls ahd handi work, will be displayed in typical nationality booths, presided over by young women in native costume. Announcement was also made that the monthly dance will be De cember 13 at 9 p.m. at the Elks’ Club. Chairmen of the bazaar, conduct ed annually to raise funds for the association’s welfare work, include Souren H. Hanessian. Albert Blum and Fritz Gimmet of the general committee and Mrs. Geoffrey Creyke and Mrs. W. W. Husband of the assisting committees. Teachers and student groups will handle the articles and food demonstrations. A large Chinese group, many of whom are American citizens, is ex pected to attend, and plenty of chow-mein is promised. -.— • ■ Dr. Noble fo Give Organ Recital at Cathedral Dr. T. Tertius Noble, organist of St. Thomas’ Church, on Fifth ave nue, in New York City, will give a public recital Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. on the great organ of Washington Cathedral. The program originally was scheduled for tomorrow evening. This is the first of a series of three special recitals by well-known guest organists planned by Robert G. Barrow, organist and choirmas ter of the Cathedral. Dr. Noble is a native of England and a graduate of the Royal College of Music in London. The Arch bishop of Canterbury in 1931 con ferred on him the honorary degree of doctor of music. At his recital Dr. Noble will play two of his own organ numbers— "Toccato and Rugue in F Minor" and his "Choral Prelude From St. Peter.” Other works to be played include Handel's "Concerto in A Major,” "Une Larme,” by Moussorg skv, and "Toccatina for Flute,” by Yon. -■ • ■— Will Hold Smoker Gamma Xi Alumni Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity will hold its annual holiday smoker at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Continental Hotel. The Dixie Harmonies will en tertain. Joe M. Howorth is president of the local group. ! Ecuador Club to Dance The Ecuador Club will hold a dance from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. to night at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 920 Tenth street N.W. ——-•-— Bready Is Penitent In Father's Death Ey the Associated Press. CHILLICOTHE, Ohio, Dec. 3 — Robert Bready, 29, charged formally today with killing his father. Dr. Russell H. Bready. Bainbridge < Ohio) Methodist minister, said he deserved to be punished. "I feel pretty bad about it,” de | dared the accused slayer in his jail : cell here. ‘’There’s no reason to ! feel otherwise." Asked if he realized he would be i punished, the son who fought in Spain for the loyalist forces for a "thrill,” said: “Yes, I have that coming to me.” Bready will be arraigned Monday on a first degree murder charge. Nine hours after the body of Dr. Bready was found on a street at Bainbridge, 20 mile* west of here, the son admitted the slaying in a signed statement, Prosecutor Lester S. Reid 'aid. Recalling only , that his father, a prohibition advocate, had taken him for a walk to “sober up,” Bready said, “I am morally certain that we scuffled and the upshot is dad was shot.” Funeral* services for Dr. Bready will be held Monday at 8 p.m. in the Bainbridge Methodist Episcopal Church, which he had served for four years. --•-- - - BAINBRIDGE, OHIO.—QUES TIONED—Robert Bready, 29, shown as he sat dazed in the village jail and was questioned in the fatal shooting of his father, Dr. Russell H. Bready, 62, Methodist minister who was found dead near the par sonage. —A. P. Wirephoto. A Christmas Book Gifts To Be Discussed Suggestions for purchase of new books for Christinas will be dis cussed by Mrs. Helen T. Steinbarger, readers’ consultant of the Public Library, Friday night in the lecture room of the Northeastern Branch of the Public Library, Seventh street and Maryland avenue N.E., it was announced by Iva L Swift, branch librarian. Mrs. Louise S. Shepard, children’s librarian at the branch, will speak on “Children’s Books to Give for Christmas.’’ Special exhibits of new adult and juvenile books and of a model home library will be on display. The pub lic Is invited. A Juvenile Delinquents Will Be Remembered At Christmas Woman's Council of Church Federation Plans Projects Youngsters who have run afoul of the law for minor infractions and thus, in some instances, have become known as delinquents, will not be forgotten by the Washing ton Federation of Churches ,at Christmas time. The Woman’s Council of the Fed eration has outlined four projects for its Juvenile Court Department to carry out during the holiday season. The first will be Christmas wor ship services to be held at 5 pm. on Christmas Eve in Washington’s inhabited alleys. The services will be supervised by Mrs. Frank A. Linzel, president, and Mrs. Thomas J. Howerton, chairman, of the Ju venile Court Department. The second will be to provide the family of one of these errant youths with a Christmas tree, dinner and gifts for all the members of the family. The /third will be to fully clothe a high school boy, since many cases have come to the attention of the council where boys are ashamed to go to school or even leave the house because of the lack of decent cloth ing. The fourth will be raising a fund, through cash donations, to provide a family with coal, food and other necessities. Persons anxious to aid in any of the projects should get in touch with Miss Etta Mai Russell, at Ju venile Court Building, 472 Indiana avenue N.W. -- Miss Bankhead to Star in New Heilman Play By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Dec. 3.—Tallulah Bankhead, daughter of Representa tive William B. Bankhead of Ala bima, Speaker of the House, Is busy reading the script of a new play, “Little Poxes,” by Lillian Heilman, scheduled to open in January. Miss Bankhead, who was on the road with “I Am Different,” will be the star of the new play. Words for the title came from the song of Solomon: “Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines; for our vines have tender grapes.” -C-—— -—... — ISTEWARTWARNEIVSWv M1UIRDUDUY£ ■ 1716 l4wftN.W. NORTH 1583 ■ Some suggestions—from among the many Occasional Pieces for the Living Room—Lamps—unique Oddities from the Gift qnd Decorative Accessories Shop—and Oriental Rugs—combining the practical with that touch of thoughtful selection which is the real spirit in giving. Georgian Lamp Table With hand tooled leather top. Genuine Honduras mahogany. $17 Pembroke End Table Sheraton period, scaled to fit against arm of Sofa or Chair; one drawer. Genuine Hon duras mahogany. $17 Magazine Rack 18th Century design in genu i n e Honduras mahogany; mounted on casters. $21 Colonial Wing Chair Exceptionally comfortable model in genuine Honduras mahogany. Claw and ball feet; tailored in tapestry, simulat ing hand embroidered crash. $83 Tailored in Muslin—$56 secretary - Genuine Honduras mahogany construction with pediment top ond serpentine front; four drawers. $77-50 Open Arm Chair Chippendale design; genuine Honduras mahogany, and up holstered in green damask. $)6 Tailored in Muslin—$27.50 Oriental &ugs —suggest themselves os Ap propriate gifts within the family or circle of intimate friends. Here ore some specials that will hold both' value and price in terest. * Scat ter Sizes Hamadan Rugs Size 2x3 Regularly $15 $9.75 Persian Rugs Size 2x4 Regularly $24.50 ns Super Chinese Rugs Size 2x4 Regularly $35 $22-50 Hamadan Rugs Size 3x5 Regularly $49M $33 Sarouk Rugs Size 3x5 Regularly f 75 $59-5° Sarouk Rugs Size 4x7 Regularly $125 *95 *Room Sizes A special collection of fine Per sian Rugs, size 9x12, - in the charmingly characteristic pat terns and colorings. Regularly $350 to $495 *245 Persian Sarouk Rugs Size 8x10 Regularly $325 to $425 $198 • Oriental Rug Sizes Are of Neccessity Approximate. Courtesy Parking Capital Garage Cocktail Table Large size, in the Georgian de sign; genuine Honduras ma hogany, handsomely carved with wood gallery around top. $17 Pier Bookcase Of the Sheraton design in beautifully matched mahog any. Four spaces for books at top; fitted with one drawer; large cupboard, with two doors in base. - $54-50 Flat Top Desk Knotty pine, scaled for a small room, but large enough for all practical use. $65 Mantel Clock' Colonial design, in genuine Honduras mahogany; hand some inlays and equipped with fine electric movement. $40 Lamps Junlgr Floor Lamp, the popular 58-inch height, with antique brass base and light tan shade. I.E.S. specifications. $15 Boudoir Lamp, decorated milk glass; with pleated silk shade. $5 Other Boudoir Lamps of vari ous types and motifs. Beginning at $2*95 In the Gift Shop Novelties that you have read about but that you will find displayed nowhere else in Washington—among them Scrap Baskets_$2 to $10 Cigarette Boxes, Lenox China and Crystal _$4.00 Dresser Sets, hand decorated bottles and powder Jar_$12 Mirrored Clothes Hampers ond Bos kets _$7.50 Hand Painted Tole Troys from_$2 to $10 Trays—from the individual supper sizes to large serving Trays, $2 to $f0 / w*’SLOANE 711 Twelfth Street