OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, December 06, 1938, Image 13

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1938-12-06/ed-1/seq-13/

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Bond Prices Display
Uniform Strength
In Late Trading
Federal Issues Advance
After Hesitation;
Others Improve
Bond Averages
20 10 10 10
Rail*. Indust. Util fan.
Net change, unc. —.1 +.1 +.1
Today, noon 57.8 98.3 92.3 63.8
Prev. day ... 57.8 98.4 92.2 63.7
Month ago. 60.5 98.7 93.6 65.1
Year ago... 73.9 97.1 92.3 65.5
1938 high.. 70.5 100.3 95.1 67.0
1938 low... 46.2 93.0 85.8 59.0
1937 high.. 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7
1937 low... 70.3 95.5 90.3 642
1932 low_ 45.8 40.0 64.6 422
1928 high..101.1 98.9 102.9 100 5
Ten Low-Yield Bonds.
Noon_110.2 Prev. day. 110.1
M'nth ago 110.3 Year ago. 107.7
1938 high 110.4 1938 low. 106.7
1937 high 113.7 1937 low. 107.0
1928 high 104.4 1932 low. 86.8
(Comolled bT tne Associated Presi.)
By the Associated Press.
NEW YORK, Dec. 6—The bond
market developed more uniform
strength in late trading today after
a somewhat uncertain forenoon per
United States Governments
pointed definitely higher as over
the-counter trading got under way
in the new securities involved in the
December Treasury financing pro
gram. All were quoted at a pre
mium above the offering price and
existing obligations had gained as
much as 7-32 of a point at the start
of the final hour of trading in the
regular market.
Corporate hens higher by frac
tions to a point or more included
New York Central 5s. Studebaker 6s,
Western Union 5s, Delaware & Hud
son refunding 4s and International
Telephone 5s.
Foreign dollar bonds were fea
tured by strength in French gov
ernment and Italian municipal
Zinc Production
Shows Increase
In October
Bj the Associated Press.
NEW YORK. Dec. 6.—The Amer
ican Bureau of Metal Statistics re
ported today zinc production of!
the world by primary works during
October totaled 142.641 short tons,
compared with 131931 tons in Sep
tember and 162.066 in October, 1937.
Zinc output for the first 10 months
of this year totaled 1.412.396 tons,
compared with 1.530.567 in the like I
period of 1937.
The world's refined lead produc- !
tion during October totaled 155.745 '
tons, compared with 149.189 in Sep
tember, bringing the production for j
the first 10 months of 1938 to 1.525,
118 tons.
- —-•
Wholesale Commodity
Index Up Slightly
Commodity price changes were
mixed last week, with advances
slightly outnumbering declines. The
result was an advance in the weekly
Index compiled by the National
Fertilizer Association to 73.3 from
73.2 in the preceding week. A month
ago the index stood at 72.9 and a
year ago at 78 7, based on the 1926
1928 average as 100.
Last week's rise in the all-com
modity index was largely due to
higher prices for foodstuffs, with
the food group average advancing
to the highest point reached since
early September. In the farm prod
uct group a fractional drop in cotton
prices was more than offset by rising
quotations for grains.
A small decline in the index for
livestock and livestock products was
due to lower poultry prices; reliable
livestock quotations were not avail
able because of the stockyard strike
in Chicago.
The only significant decline in any
©f the group averages during the
week was in the index representing
the prices of miscellaneous com
modities. which fell off as a result of
declining prices for hides, cattle j
feed and book paper.
B. & 0. Loadings Gain
Sharply for Week
Special Dispatch to the Star.
BALTIMORE, Dec. 6.—Carload
ings on the Baltimore & Ohio Rail
road for the week ended December
. 3 totaled 41.475. comprising 27.649
cars loaded on line and 13.826 re
ceived from connections.
This was an increase of 3.441 cars
loaded over the corresponding week
of last year when the total was
38,034, consisting of 25.237 cars
loaded on line and 12,797 received
from connections.
Last week's loadings were also
6.836 more than the total for the
previous week ithe week ended No
vember 26) of 35.639, including 22,537
cars loaded on line and 13,102 re
ceived from connections.
For the same week comparable in
the year 1930. total loads were 55,202,
of which 35.453 cars were loaded on
line and 19.749 received from con
Total loads for November were
173.212. against 179,791 in the same
1937 month.
O'Neil Named Chief
Of Dodge Bros.
B> the Associated Press.
DETROIT, Dec. 6.—K. T. Keller,
president of Chrysler Corp., an
nounced the appointment of w. J.
O'Neil as president of the Dodge
Bros. Corp
O'Neil will succeed Keller, who had
held the Dodge presidency as well as
that of Chrysler. O’Neil became
vice president and general manager
of Dodge in 1935.
O’Neil became associated with the
automobile industry in 1907 as night
superintendent of the Milwaukee
Motor Co.
Freight Loadings
■ NEW YORK. Dec. 8 i/p..—Revenue
tretsht carloadinss on railroads reportinc
today foe the week ended December 3 in
cluded. Dec 3 Pv wk Yr aio
Misourl Pac - 22.283 20.138 23,858
atuthern Pac.. 35.288 33.243 36,31*
'Wabaah - 13.486 11.435 13.15E
By private wire direct ta The Star.
High. Low. 2:55.
214s 1949-53_ 102.9 102 3 102 9
2 14s 1960-52_ 102.12 102 5 102.12
284s 1945-47_ 106.30 106.30 106.30
2«4s 1966-69_ 102.26 102.26 102.26
2«is 1968-63_ 102.11 102,6 102.11
2%s 1966-60_ 104.5 104.4 104,4
3s 1961-65 _ 107.1 106.28 107.1
3148 1946-49_ 109.4 109. 109 4
314 s 1949-52_ 108.30 108.22 108.30
3>4s 1943-4i___ 109.25 109.23 109.25
3 14s 1944-46 , 109.29 109.26 109.29
384s 40-43 June 105.9 105.9 105 9
3 *4 s 1943-47 .. . 110. 110. 110.
4s 1944-54 tk_ 114 3 114 3 114.3
414s 1947-52 118 26 118.22 118 26
2148 1942-44_ 104.13 104.13 104.13
2 84s 1939-49 ... 102.13 102.12 102.13
3s 1944-52 . 106 22 106 22 106.22
High. Low 2:55.
Abitlbl P* P 5s 53... 64*. 64*. 64%
Antioaula 7s 45 B_ 8% 8% 8%
Antloqula 7s 45 C_ 8% 8% 8%
Antloqula 7s 45 D_ 8% 8% 8%
Antloqula 2d 7s 57 ... 7% '7% 7%
Areentlne 4s 72 Feb .. 79% 78% 78%
Areentlne 4s 72 Apr . 79*. 79% 79%
Argentine 4%s 71 ... 86*. 886% 86%
Australia 4%s 66_ 99% 98 98
Australia 5s 55_103% 102% 102%
Australia Rs 67_103% 102% 102%
Austrian 7s 57_ 23% 23% 23%
Beleium 6s 56 104'% 104% 104%
Beleium 6%s 49_106% 106% 106%
Belclum 7s 55 _114 114 114
Brazil 6%s 26-27_ 9% 9% 9%
Brazil 6%s 27-57_ 9% 9% 9%
Brazil 7s 52 _ 9% 9 9
Brazil 8s 41 12% 12% 12%
Brisbane 5s 57_ 99% 99% 99%
Rrisbane 6s 50_102% 102% 102%
Budapest 6s 62 _ 11% 11% 11%
Buen Aires 3s 84 .. 37% 37% 37%
Buen Air 4%-4%s 77 53 52% 53
B A 4%s-4%s 76 Ar 53% 53% 53%
B A 4V>s-4 4;s 75 ... 55 55 55
Bulgaria 7s 67 31% 31% 31%
Bulgaria 7 %s 68_ 32% 31% 32%
Canada 2%s 45_103% 103% 103%
Canada 3s 67 98% 98 98%
Canada S%s 61_ 103% 103% 103%
Canada 4s 60 110%. 110% 110'%
Canada 5s 52 _110*, 110% 110%
Chile 6s 6ft _ 16% 16% 16%
Chile fis (10 assd_ 14** 14% 14%
Chile 6s 61 Jan _ 16% 16% 16%
Chile 6s 61 Feb . 16% 16% 16%
Chile 6s 61 Feb assd . 14% 14% 14%
Chile 6s 61 .Sept 16% 16% 16%
Chile Mte Rk 6s 62 14*. 14% 14%
Chile Mtg B 6s 61 asd 12% 12% 12%
Chile Mte Bk 6 %s 57 14% 14*. 14*.
Chile Mte Bk 6*48 61 14% 14*. 14%
Chilean Mun I-7s 60 13*. 13% 13%
Colombia 6s 61 Jan 19% 19% 19%
Colombia 6s 61 Oct . _ 2ft 19% 19%
Col Mtfr Bk 7s 47 ... 25% 25% 25%
Copenhagen 4 %s53 ... 94% 93% 93%
"'onenhacen 6s 52_ 96% 96 96
Costa Rica 7s 51 _ 19% 19% 19%
■'uha 414s 77 _ 6ft 59% 59",
Cuha 5s 1904-44 . 107% 107% 107%
Cuba 5 %s 53 10ft% lftft% 100%
Czechoslovakia 8s 52 75 75 75
Denmark 4 %s 62 99% 98% 98%
Denmark 5%s 55 . 101 100% 10]
Denmark 6s 42 105% 104*, 104%
Dominic 1 st 5%s 42 . 64 64 64
Dominic 5 %s 61 ext 65 65 65
Dom'r 1st 5%s 60 ext 65 65 65
Dresden 7s 45 20% 20% 20%
El Salvador 8s 48 ct 15% 15% 15%
Finland 6s 45 .. 106% 106*. 106*,
French Gov 7 %s 41 109% 109% 109%
Ger C Bk A 6s 60 July 29 29 29
Ger Gen Elec 6s 48 58%. 58% 58%
Ger Govt 5 %s 65 22% 22 22
Ger Gov 5'%s 66 un st 20% 20*, 20%
German Govt 7s 40 27% 26% 26%.!
Greek G 6s 68 pt pd 22*. 22% 22%
Haiti 6s 52 82% 82% 82%
Italy 7s 51 _ 79 78*. 78*.
ltal P U Crd 7s 52_ 58% 57% 58
Tapan6M>s65 _ 66% 66% 66%
Japan 6 %s 54 _ 86% 85% 85%
Medellin 6%s 54 8% 8 8
Met Water 514s 50 . 101% 101% 101%!
Mex 4s 10-45 asst 1 1 1
Mtlan6%s62 60 59 59%
Minas Geraes 6%s 59 7% 7% 7%
New So Wales 5s 57 . 101 100*. 100*.
New So Wales 5s 58 100% |00% 100%
Norway 4s 63 101*. 101% 101%
Norway 4%s 65_ 103*. 103 103
Norway 6s 43_ 105% 105% 105%
Norway 6s 44 _105% 105% 105%
Oriental Dev S'%s 58 52% 52% 52%
Oslo 4%s 55 102 102 102
Panama 5s 63 st asd 45 45 45
Paris Orl Rv 5%s 68 94% 94% 94%
Pernambuco 7s 47 5% 5% 5%
Peru 6s 6ft _ 9% 9% 9%
Peru 7s 59 - 10% 10% 10%
Poland 6s 40 _ 42%. 42% 42%
Prussia 6s 52 _ 19% 19*. 19*.
Prussia 6%s 51_ 19% 19% 99%
Queensland 6s 47_105% 105% 105%
Queensland 7s 41 .. 104%. 104% 104%
Rhine W El P 6s 52-. 28% 28% 28%
Rio de Jan 6 »4s 53 .. 6% 6% 6%
Rio de Jan 8s 46 ... 7 7 7
Rio Gr do Sul 6s 68 .. 6% 6% 6%
Rio Or do Sul 7a 66_ 6% 6% 6%
Rome6%s 52 .. 67 66 67
Sao Paulo C 6%s 57 . 6 6 6
5ao Paulo C 8s 52_ 6*. 6% ' 6*4
Sao Paulo St 7s 40 ... 19 18% 18%
Sao Paulo St 8s 36 11 11 11
Serbs 7s 62 .. 28% 27% 28%
Shln’su E P6%s 52.. 64 64 64
Sydney 5%s 55 _101% 101 101
rokyo El Lt 6s 53 ... 57% 57 57
Ujigawa El P 7s 45 .. 76 76 76
IJn Stl Wk 6%s 47 A 49% 49% 49%
tin Stl \Vk 6%s 51 A 49% 49% 49%
Uru 3%-4-4%s adi 79 40 39% 39%
L'rugy 4s-4%s-4%s78 41%# 41% 41%
Yokohama 6s 61 58%* 57% 57",
Adm Exp 4 4s 46 std 106 106 106
Alieg Corp 6s 44 77 76 77
Allea Corp 5s 49 ._ 644 64 644
Alleg Corp 6s 50 stp ._ 35 344 344
Alles Valley 4s 42 1044 1044 1044
Allied Stores 4 4s 50 984 984 984
Allis Chalmers 4s 52 110 110 110
Am & For Pw 6s 2030 534 53 53
Am 1 G Ch 6 4s 49 1024 1024 1024
Am Inti 64s 49 _102% 1024 102%
AmTAT3%s61_ 105% 1054 105%
Am T A T 3 4 a 66_ 1054 105 105
Am TAT54s43 ... 1124 1124 1124
Am Wat Wka 6s 76 1034 103 103
Anaconda db 44s 60 1054 105 105
AnRlo Chtl Nit db 67 . 30 30 30
Ann Arbor 4s 95 364 364 364
Armour Del 1st 4s 56 96% 96% 964
A T&S Fe ad j 4s 95 at 88 87% 88
A T&S Fe Ren 4s 95 1044 104% 1044
A T&S Fe 44a 48 99% 99% 99%
A T&S Fe CA 44a 62. 1054 105 105
Atl Coast L 1st 4s 52 834 834 834
Atl Coast L.c1t 4s 52 . 69 69 69
Atl Coast L 4 4s 64 684 684 684
Atl & Dan 1st 4s 48 32% 314 314
Atllantic Refin 3s 53 . 103 1024 103
B A O 1st 48 44 . 49% 48% 49%
B A O 4 4s 60 _ 11 104 104
B A O 1st 5a 48_ 49% 494 494
B A O ref 5s 95_ 17 164 164
B A O 6s 96 F _ 16% 16 16
B & O ref 6s 2000 D .. 164 16 16%
B AO ref 6s 95 _ 18 174 17%
B A O Swn 6s 50 ... 32 30 30
B A O Toledo 4s 69 .. 344 344 344
Bell T of Pa 6s 48 B . 11R 1174 117%
Bell T of Pa 5s 60 C._ 1284 1284 1284
Beth Steel 3 4s 52 97% 974 974
Beth Stl 3%s 66 _. 101 100% 100%
Beth Steel 4%* 60 .. 1064 105% 105%
BosA Me 4\s61 JJ.. 23% 23% 23%
Bos A Me 5s 55 . 26% 26% 264
Bos A Me 6s 67 27 26 , 264
Bklyn Ed cn 3Us 66 1074 1074 1074
Bklyn Man T 44s 66 764 754 754
Bklyn Un Gas 6a 46 1074 107 107
Bklyn Un Gas 6s 60 . 744 74 74
Bklyn Un G 6s 57 B 964 964 964
Bklyn Un G rf 6? 47 . 107 107 107
Brown Shoe 3%s 50 . 1084 1084 1084
Buff RAP cn 4 4s 67 25% 25 25
B C RAN cl 6s 34 64 64 64
Bush Ter BldR 5s 60 .. 524 524 524
Calif Ores Pwr 4s 66 94 4 94 4 944
Canada Sou 6s 62 97 97 97
Canadian NH 44s 61. 113% 113% 113%
Canadian NR 44s 57 1154 1154 1154
Can NH 5s 69 Oct -- 119 119 119
Can Norn 64s46 123 123 123
Canad'n P db 4s perp. 80% 80% 80%
Canadian Pac 5s 64 984 984 984
Caro Cl AO 6s 52 .. 106 105% 106
Celotex 4 4s 47 ww . 884 884 884
Cent of Ga cn 5s 45 ... 94 94 94
Cent of Ga 6s 59 C _ 4% 44 44
Cent of Ga 54s 58 44 44 44
Cent Ga Chat 4s 51 84 84 84
Cent 111 E&G 5s 51 1044 1034 1034
Cent of N J cen 5s 87 22 21% 21%
Cent N J gn Bs 87 rg . 21 21 21
Cent Pac 1st rf 4s 49 . 72 72 72
Cent Pac 6s 80.. 54 53w 54
High. Low. 2:55.
Cart’d deb EH« 41 ... 80 80 80
Cham P&F 4%a 38-60 89% 99% 99%
Chea A O 3 %■ 96 D_ 9A% 96 96%
Chaa A O 8%a 96 B_ 96% 96% 96%
C A O gen 4Ha 92_117% 117% 117%
Chea AO eon 6a 39_101% 101% 101%
Chi A Alton 8s 49_ 11% 11% 11%
Chi BAQ gen 4a 63.... 97 97 97
Chi BAQ raf 6s 71 . 93% 93% 93%
C BAQ 111 dlv 3%a 49. 97% 97% 97%
Chi A Bill 6s 61 _ 14% 14% 14%
Chi A B 111 6a 61 ct_ 13% 13% 13%
Chi Grt West 4s 69 ... 18% 18% 18%
Chi Ind A Lou 5a 66._ 3% 3% 3%
Chi Ind A L rf 6s 47 _ 12% 12% 12%
CMAStP gn3%s89B. 22 21% 21%
Chi Mil A St P 48 89.. 23% 23% 23%
CMAStP 4%a 89 C 23% 23% 23%
Chi MASt P 6s 76 9% 9% 9%
CMStPAP adj Ea 2000. 2% 2% 2%
ChlANW gen 3%a 87. 13% 13 13
Chi A NW gn 4s 87 .. 14 14 14
ChlANW 4%s 2037 . 8% 8% 8%
ChlANW 4%g 2037 C- 8% 8% 8%
Chi A NW 4%s 49 .. 4% 4% 4%
ChlANW gen 6a 87 ._ 15% 14% 14%
ChlANW rf 6a 2037... 9% 9% 9%
Chi B1AP rf 4s 34 .. 6% 6% 6%
Chi R1AP rf 48 34 ct.. 6 6 6
Chi R1AP gen 4s 88 .. 15% 15 15
Chi R 1 A P 4 %a 52 A 7% 7% 7%
Chi RIAP 4%s52 Aefa 7% 7% 7%
Chi R1AP cv 4%s 60 3% 3 3%
Chi T HAS rf 5s 60 ... 53 61% 51%
Chi THAS lne Es 60... 46% 46% 46% ]
Cht Un Sta 3 % a 63_ 105 105 105
ChlUnSta4s 44 ... 104% 104% 104%
Chi A W In cn 4s 62.. 88 88 88
Childs A Co 5s 43 ... 77% 77% 77%
Cln GAE 3 % s 66 . 108% 108% 108%
Cln Un Term 3%s 71. 108% 108% 108%
CCCAStL, gen 4s 93 71% 71 71%
CCCAStL Lrf4%s 77 54 54 54
Clev Un Ter 4%s 77 73% 73% 73%
Clev Un Ter 5s 73 .. 80% 80% 80%
Clev Un Ter 6%s 72;. 88% 88% 88%
Colo A So 4 %s 80 ... 41% 41% 41%
Col GAE Es 52 May 94% 94% 94%
Col Gas A El 5s 61 92% 91% 92%
Colum Rv PAL 4s 65. 109% 109% 109%
Cornel Cred 2%s 42 ... 103 103 103
Cornel Cred 3 y4s 61 103% 10,3% 10.3%
Com Ed cv db 3%s 58 105% 105% 105%
Comwlth Ed 3 %s 58 n 105% 105% 105%
Com Ed 1st 3%s 6R 1 106% 106% 106%
Comw Ed 3*4* 65 H . 108 108 108
Comwlth Ed 4s 81 P 108 107% 108
Conn HAL 4%s 51 ... 108% 108", 108%
Cons Coal Del 6s 60 _ 56% 56% 56%
Cons Ed NY 3>4a 46 106 106 106
Consol Ed dh 3%s 48 106% 106% 106%
Cons Ed NY 3 %a 58 104% 104% 104%
Consol 011 3%s El . 102% 102% 102%
Consum Pwr 3%s 65. 107% 107% 107%
Consnm Pwr 3'is 70 107% 107% 107%
Consttm Pwr 3%s 65 108% 108% 108%
Container 6s 46 _ 104% 104% 104%
Crane Co 3%s 51 ... 105 104% 105
Crown CAS 4s £0 _104% 104% 104%
Crown Will P 6s 51... 103ft 103ft 103ft
Cuba RR 1st 6s 52 ... 38% .38% 38%
Dayton PAL 3 %s 60 108'-, 108', 108%
Del A Hud ref 4s 43 57% 54% 57%
Del Pw A L 4 %s 69 103', 103% 103%
Del Pwr A Lr 4 %s 69 106 106 106
Den GAE 6s 51 .. ]06% 106', 106%
Den A I! G con 4s 36 . 11 10% 10%
Den A R G 4 %s 3fi _. 11 10% 11
Den A R G W 5s 55 4% 3% 4%
Den A RGW 6s 65 ast 4 3% 4
Den A RGW rf 5s 78 8 8 8
Det Edison 4%s 61 . 112% 112% 112%
Dow Chemical 3s 51 . 105", 105% 105%
Duluth SSAAtl 5s 37 . 15% 15% 15%
Duouesne Lt 3%s 65 110% 110% 110%
KT \ A Os f n 5s 56 82% 82 82
Ed El 111 Bkljn 4s 39. 100 100 100
Elec Auto Lt 4s 52_ 107% 107% 107%
Erie cv 4s 53 A_ 17% 17% 17%
Erie 1st 4s 96_ ,77% 37% 37%
Erie gen 4s 96_ 18% 18 18%
Erie ref 6s 67- 11% 10% 11
Erie ref os 75__ 11% n 11
Falrhks Morse 4s 56 .. 105% 105% 105%
Fed Lt&Tr 5s 42 . 100 100 100
Fla E C Ry 5s 74 8% 8% 8%
Fla E C Ry 5s 74 ctfs 8 7% 8
Fonda J&G 4s 82 ct . 1% 1% 1%
Gen Am Inv 5s 52 _ 105 105 105
Gen Mot Arc 3s 46 106% 106% 106% I
Gen Mot Acc 3 %s 51 106% 106% 106%
Gen Pub Svc 5%s 39 101% 101% 10]%
Gen Stl Cast 5%s 49 60% 60 60
Goodrich 4% s 56 100 po% 99%
Goodrich 6s 45 . 100% 100% 100%
Goodvear T& 11 Ss 57 - ]02J, 102yj 102y,
Grt Nor Ry 3*iB 67... 7.3% 73 73
Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 G .. 93% 93% 93%
Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 H .. 83 82% 82%
Grt N Ry 1st 4 %s 61. 100 99% 99%
Grt N Ry 4%s 76 D 83 83 83
Grt N R gn 4 % s 77 E . 82% 82% 82%
GrtNRv5>4s52 .. 93% 93 93
Gulf Sta Util 4s 66 .. 108% 108% 108%
HoelRllst mtg 44 _. 66% 66% 66' .
Houston Oil 5%s 40 . 101% 101'* 101%
Housatonlc cn 5s 37 . 25 25 25
Hudson Coal 6a 62 A. 34 34 34
Hud & Man inc 5s 57 12% 12 12
Hud & Man rf 5s 57 45 44% 44%
111 Bell Tel 3%s 70 B_ 111% 111% 111%
111 Cent 4s 52 _ 54% 54% 54%
111 Cent ref 4s 53_ 49 49 49
111 Cent ref 4s 65_ 53% 52% 52%
111 Cent 4*is 66 _ 44"* 43% 44
111 Cent ref 5s 55 . 58% 57% 58%
ICC&StL NO 4 %s 63. 47% 47 47%
ICC&StL NO 6s 63 50% 49% 50%
111 Steel deb 4%s 40 - 105% 105'* 105%
Inter RT 1st rf 6s 66 68 67 67
Inter RT 6s 32 44 44 44
Inter RT 7a 32 67% 67 67
Interlake Iron 4s 47 . 88% 88% 88%
Int Grt Nor 5s 56 C 15% 15% 15%
Int Grt Nor 1st 6s 52 16% 16% 16%
Int Grt N adj 6s 52 ... 3% 3% 3%
Int Hydro El 6s 44 _ 74'a 74% 74%
Int Mer Mar 6s 41 ... 52% 52% 52%
Int Paper 1st 6a 47 .. 98 97% 97%
Int Paper ref 6s 55 ... 85% 85% 85%
Int Ry C A 6%s 47_ 87 86% 87
Int T&T cv 4%s 39 ... 99". 99% 99%
Int T&T 4 %s 52_ 65% 64% 65%
Int TAT 5s 50 ..... 69% 68% 69%
James F & C 4s 59 ... 55% 55% 55%
Kans C FtS&M 4s 36 . 29% 29% 29%
Kans City So 3a 60 69 69 69
Kans City So rf 6s 50 66 65% 65%
Kans C Ter 1st 4s 60 107% 107 107%
Keith's 6s 46 _ 94% 93% 93%
Kings Co Lt 6%s 54 . 104% 104% 104%
Koppers Co 4s 61 102 101% 101%
Kresge Found 3 %s 47 100% 100% 100%
Laclede Gas 5s 39 . 77 77 77
Laclede Gas 6%s 63 .. 48 47% 48.
Laclede GaB 6s 42 A.. 43% 43% 43%
Lautaro Nitrate 75 . 28% 28% 28%
Leh Val Coal 5s 74 .. 27% 27% 27%
L V RR con 4s 2003 . 20% 20% 20%
L V RP. 4s 2003 asd 20% 19% 20'*
L V RR con 4%s 2003 21 20% 20%
L V RR 4%s 2003 asd 20% 20% 20%
L V RR con 5s 2003 23% 23% 23%
L V RR 5s 2003 asd .. 23% 23% 23%
Ligg & Myers 5s 61 126% 126% 126%
Liquid Carbon 4s 47.. 109 109 109
Loew s 3%s 46 .. 102% 102% 102%
Long Isl ref 4s 49 st— 82% 82% 82%
Lorillard 5s 51 _121% 121% 121%
La* Ark 6s 69 _ 79 78% 79
L & N unlf 4s 40_ 100% 100% 100%
McKess&Rob 6%s60 103% 103% 103%
Manhat Ry 4s 90 .. 34% 33% 33%
Manhat Ry 4s 90 ct .. 32 32 » 32
Marion St Shov 6s 47. 87 87 87
Market St Rv 7s 40... 57 57 57
Mich Cent 4 %s 79 ... 73% 73% 73%
Mil Spa & NW 4s 47 .. 12% 12% 12%
MStP&SSM cn 4s 38- 6% 6% 6%
Mo 111 5s 59 48% 48% 48%
Mo K & T 4s 62 B_ 30 29% 30
Mo K & T Es 62 A_ 33% 33% 33%
Mo K&T adj 5s 67_ 13% 13% 13%
Mo Pac 4s 75 5% 4% 4%
Mo Pac 5s 65 A_ 16% 16% 16%
Mo Pac 6s 77 P _ 16% 16% 16%
Mo Pac 5s 77 Pet_ 16 16 16
Mo Pac 5s 80 H __ 16% 16% 16%
Mo Pac 5s 80 H ct_ 16% 15% 16%
Mo Pac 5s til _ 16% 16% 16%
Mo Pac 6 %s 49 3% 3% 3%
Mob A Ohio 4%s 77... 28% 28% 28%
Mob A Ohio Es 88 32% 32% 32%
Monon* Pub S 4%s60 107% 107% 107%
Monona Pub S 6s 65 99% 99% 99%
Monona Rj 1st 4s 60 . 103 103 103
Mont Pwr 3%s 66 97% 97% 97%
Morrls&Es 3%s 2000. 53% 53% 53%
Morris A Es 4%s ES .. 47% 47 47
Nashv C&L, 4s 78 .... 70 70 70
Nassau Elec 4s 51 .. 37 36% 37
Nat Dairy 3%s61ww 104% 103% 104%
Nat Dls P C 4%s 45 106 106 106
Nat R M 4%s 26 asst % % %
Nat Steel 4s 66 108% 108% 108%
New E TAT 1st 6s 62 123% 123% 123%
New Jer PAL 4%s 80 107% 107% 107%
New Orl P S Es 62 A 102% 102% 102%
New Orl P S Es 56 B 101% 101% 101%
New Orl Ter 1st 4s S3 66% 66% 66%
New Orl TAM 6%s 54 34% 33% 34%
N Y Cent 8%s 62 63% 62% 63%
N Y Cent 4s 42 80 80 80
N Y Cent con 4s 98 65% 65% 65%
N Y Cent rf 4%s2018 54% 53% 54%
N Y C rf 4 %s 2018 n 54% 53% 54%
N Y Cent rf 6s 2013 57% 57 57%
N Y Chl&StL 4 %s 78 44% 44 44%
N Y CAStL 6 Vis 74 A 51% 51 51%
N Y Chl&StL 6s 38 . 103% 103% 103%
N Y Conn 1st 4%s SI. 103% lft 103
High. Low. 2:65.
N Y Dock 4b 61 .... 57 55 57
N Y Edls 31&a 66 D._. 107% 107 107
N Y G E H&P 4a 49... 116% 116% 116%
N Y G E H&P 5s 4* ... 124% 124% 124%
NY NH AH 3%s 47.. 11% 11% 11%
NY NH &H 4s 65_ 11% 11% 11%
NY NH & H 4s 66_ 12 11% 11%
NY NH & H 4> 67 .... 6 6 6
NYNH&H 4%s67~ 12% 11% 12%
NYNH & H cl 6a 40.. 21 21 21
NY NH & H cv 6s 48.. 13 12% 13
N Y O&W ref 4a 92 .. 6% 6% 6%
N Y O&W rf 4a 92 rg. 5 5 5
N Y Ilya 6s 58 stpd... 105% 105% 105%
NYS&W6s37 __ .9% 9% 9%
N Y Steam 3%s 63 ... 101% 101% 101%
N Y Tel gen 4%s 39.. 103% 103% 103%
N Y W&B 4%a 46_ 3% 3% 3%
Norf Southn 5s 61 .. 15 15 15
Norf Southn 6s 61 ct_. 14% 14% 14%
Norf & W 1st 4s 96... 118% 118% 118%
North Am Co 5s 61... 105% 105% 105%
No Am Ed *a 67 A_ 105 105 105
No Am Ed 6a 69 C ... 104% 104% 104%
Nor Am Ed 6 %s 63 . 106 105% 105%
Nor’n Pac gn 3a 2047. 47% 47% 47%
Nor'n Pac 4s 97 _ 82% 82% 82%
North Pac 6s 2047_ 60% 59% 59%
Ojtden T, C 4s 48 ... 4% 4% 4%
Ohio Edison 3 Vi* 72.. 101*, 101*, 101*,
Ohio Edison 4s 65_106% 106 106%
Ohio Edison 4s 67 ... 106 105% 106
Okla Gas ft E 4s 46_104% 104% 104%
Ont Pwr Nlapr 6s 43— 113% 113% 113%
Ores W RR 4s 61 _ 103 102*. 102*1
Otis Steel 4 Vis 62_ 78*, 78*, 78*,
Pao G & El 3%s 66—_ 105% 105% 105%
Pac G & El 3 *i s 61_108% 108", 108%
Pac G& El 4s 64 _111% 111% 111%
Pac Mo 2d 5s 38 _ 63 63 63
Pac TftT 3 % s 66 C . 108% 108% 10814
Para Broadway 3s 65. 58 57% 57%
Param't Pic 3 %s 47 .. 83 82% 82%
Tararn’t Piet 6s 55 ... 97% 97% 97%
Parmelee 6s 44 _ 50 50 50
Penn Co 4s 63 .. 96 96 96
Penn Dixie C 6s 41 A. 89% 89% 89%
Penn P& U4Vis 81 ... 105% 105 105%
Penn RR 3 % s 52_ 78% 78 78%
Penn RR 4 % s 81_ 92% 92 92%.
Penn RR 4%s 84_ 92 92 92
Penn RR 4 %s 60 ... 116% 116% 116%
Penn RR Kn 4Us 65_. 95% 94% 95
Penn RR db 4%s 70 . 83% 82", 83
Tenn RR Ken 5s 6R 103*, 103*, 103*,
Peoples Of.AC 5s 47 — 112*, 112", 112",
Peoria & E 1st 4s 40 . 43 43 43
Peoria ft E Inc 4s 90 . 5 4% 4%
Pere Marn 4s 56 62 62 62
Pere Marq 4’is SO 61% 61"; 61";
Phelps Dorttre 3%s 52 113% 113 113
Phila Co 5s 67 . 97 97 97
Phlia P. C A lr 5s 73.. 13% 13% 13%
Phila R C* lr 6s 49 _ 4% 4 4
Philippine Rv 4s 37 . 12'. 11% 11** i
Phillips Petrol 3s 48 1P9 108", 108%
Pitts C ft lr 4Us 52 92 92 92
Port Oen El 4 Us 6ft . 60'. 59', 60'.
Postnl Tel ft C 5s 52 14% 13*, 14%
Prov Term 4s 66 43 43 43
Puritv Bakins: 5s 48 97 96% 97
R-K-O 6s 41 - 75 75 75
Readinr R 4 %s 97 A. 71% 71% 71%
Republic Stl 4 Us 50 105% 105% 105%
Republic Stl 4 %s 66 . 93% 92% 92%
Republic Stl 4'is 61 .. 92 91", 91%
Republic Stl 5 Us 54 . 1PR 1P6',106',.
Revere Cop 4 % s 56 . _. 99 99 99
Richfield Oil 4s 52 ... 106% 106 1P6
Rio Or June 6s 39_ 40*, 40", 40",
RIA&L4V4S34 8% S'- 8'.
Rutl'd RR 4U* 41 St 6% 6 6
StL IM&S RAG 4s 33. 59 58 58%
StL-San Fr 4s 60 A .. 10 ]0 10
Stl^San Er 4s 50 ct.. 9 8", 9
St L San Er 4 Us 78 . 9", 9", 9%
St L S F 4 %s 78 ct st 9% 9% 91,.
St L. S VV 1st 4s 89 50% 49% 49' .
St L S \V 1st ter 5s 52 19% 19%. 19%
St LSW ref 5s 90 11% 11", 11",
St P K S I. 4Us 41 6% 6' 6%
San AAA Pass 4s 43 . 57 56% 56%
Schnlco 6 'i.s 46 A . 16% 16% 16%
Schulco 6%s 46 A stp 17% 16', 16%
Seahd A 1. 4s 50 stp . 15% 15% 15%
Seah'd A I, rf 4s 59_ 6", 6", 6 %
Seah’d A L 6s 45 A—. 9% 9 9%
Seabd A I. 6s 45 ct 8% 8% 8%
Seabd A FI 6s 35 A ct 4% 4% 4%
Seabd A Fla 6s 35B ct 4 4 4
Shell Un deb 3 Vis 51 104 104 104
Simmons Co 4s 52 ... 97", 97% 97%
Skellv Oil 4s 51 _. 103", 10.3*, 103",
Soconv Vac 3 ’is 50 . 106'. 1P6’ , 1P6U
So Bell TAT 3%s 62 107% 1P7 10? ’
So Colo Pwr 6s 47 A 101% 1P1% 101%
Southn Kraft 4%s 46 91% 91 91
Southn Nat O 4 %s 51. 101", 101*, 101%.
So Tac 3**8 46 _ 60 60 60
So Tac col 4s 49_ 49 48% 49
So Pac ref 4s 65_ 67*, 66%. 67",
So Pac 4’is 68_ 49%, 49 491,
So Pac 4’is 69_ 49% 48% 49%
So Pac 4' s81 _ 49*, 48% 49
So Pac Oreff 4 Vis 77.. 53% 53 53%
So Ry Ken 4s 56 A_ 54*, 54 54%.
So Ry 5s 94 _ 79%, 79 79' .
So Ry Ken 6s 56_ 67% 67%. 67%
So Ry 6 '.*s 56 .. 70%. 69%. 70%
Sowst Beil T 3s 68 C 102", 102% 102",
South wn G&E 4s 60 . 107%. 107%. 107%.
Stand Oil N J 2%s 53 102", 102%. 102",
Stand Oil N J 3s 61 . 105 104 % 105
Studebaker cv 6s45._ 80 80 80
Swift ft Co 3*4 s 50 _. 107 106", 107
Texas Corp 3 %s 51 .. 106% 106% 106'.;.
Texas ft Pac 5s 77 B.. 84% 84% 84%
Texas ft Pac 5s 79 C.. 85% 85", 85%
Texas ft Pac 5s 80 D— 84% 84 84',
Third Av ref 4s 60 _ 41% 41% 41",
Third Av ad 5s 60 7', 7 7%
Tide Wat Oil 3’is 52 105% 105 105
Un E!(Mo)3*4s 62 108% 108% 108%
Un Oil Calif 3 Vis 62 109 109 109
Un Oil Calif 6s 42 A 115% 115% 115%
Un Pacific 3 %s 70 94% 94% 94%
Un Pacific 1st 4s 47 . 111% 111% 111%
Un Pac ref 4s 2008 105% 105% 105%
Utd CKr W Strs5s 52 81 80% 81
United DriiR 5s 53 68% 67% 68%
USSteel 3 <4 s 48_104’, 104% 104",
Utah DAT 5s 44 _ 95% 95 85
Utah Pwr ft Lt 6s 44 97% 97 97%
Utility P ft I* 5s 69 . 63 62 63
Utility P ft L 5 Vis 47 63% 62 63%
Vanadium 6s 41 .. 99% 99", 99%
Va El & P 3 Hs 68 B._ 107% 107% 107%
Wabash * Vis 78 C_ 10 9 10
Wabash 1st 5s 39_ 43 42% 42%
Wabash 2d 5s 39_ 25 24 24
Wabash 5s 76 B_ 9*, 9% 9%
Wabash 5s 80 D_ 9% 9% 9%
Wabash 5%s 75 . . 10 10 10
Warner Bros cv 6s 39 90% 90% 90%
Wash Term 3 Vis 45 106'-.. 106% 106%
Warren Bros cv 6s 41 46% 46 46
Westcht L urn 3Vis 67 105’, 105’, 105%
West Md 1st 4s 52 82% 82% 82%
Westn NY&P gn 4s43 103% 103% 103%
West Pacific Bs 46 A . 21 20% 20%
West Pac 5s 46 A as.. 20% 20% 20V*
West Union 4 Vis 50._ 58 57", 57%
West Union 6s 51 — 61 58% 61
West Union 6s 60 . 59% 58’% 59%
Wheel Steel 4 Vis 66- . 94 94 94
Wilkes B&E 5s 42_ 4% 4% 4%
Wilson & Co 4s 55 . 101% 101 101
Wis Cent 1st Kn 4s 49 8% 8% 8%
Wls Pub Svc 4s 61 108 108 108
Youngsto’n S&T 4s 48 106 105% 105%
Ygstwn S&T 4s 61 104 103% 104
"■ ' -•
Hill Is Elected Head
Of Illinois Zinc
By the Associated Press,
CHICAGO. Dec. 6 —James A. Hill
of New York yesterday was elected
president of the Illinois Zinc Co.,
succeeding L. E. Wemple, who is
retiring from the company.
Hill, long identified with the
mining industry in the East, is a
former president of the Penn
Southern Power Co. and is director
of the American Water Works &
Electric Co., West Penn Electric Co.,
West Penn Power, and Mononga
hela West Penn Public Service Co.
New board members elected by
stockholders at the annual meeting,
besides Hill, included J. Ford John
son, jr„ New York; Francis M. Bar
ker, Baltimore, and Leroy E. Nelson,
Chicago. W. B. Porter, also chosen
to the board, joined the company
recently as vice president and gen
eral manager.
U. S. Treasury Notes
Pet. Mo. Tear. Bid.' Asked, yield.
ItS Mar. 1939 .._ 101.22 101.24 ___
2Vs June. 1930 ___. 101.31 102.1
IV, Sept. 1939. _ 101.31 102.1
IV* Dec.. 19.39 _ . 102.1 102.3 _
1V* Mar.. 1940 102.12 102.14 ...
IV* June 1940 102.14 102.10
l(5 Dec.. 1940 102.25 102.27 .10
IV* Mar.. 1041 102.20 102.28 .21
IV. June, 1941. 102.20 102.22 .30
It'* Dec.. 1941. 102.10 102.18 .40
1*« Mar., 1942 _ 103.20 103.28 .55
2 Sept., 1942._.. 104.26 104.28 .69
lVi Dec,. 1942_ 103.26 103.28 .77
IV. June. 1943_101.5 |01.7 .84
lti Dec.. 1943_101.1 |fil.3 .91
j Wall Street Hears
Carriers May Keep
Lower Fares
Eastern Roads Cut
Rates for Christmas
And Fair Travel
By the Associated Press.
NEW YORK. Dec. 6.—Wall Street
hears the Eastern railroads, which
are lowering passenger fares for
the Christmas holidays and New
York World Fair travel, may keep
permanently the lower-fare sched
ules when the World Fair is over.
Eastern territory rail fares are now
2 Vi cents a mile for coach and 3
cents for Pullman travel, the high
est in the land. However, special
reductions have been announced for
the Christmas season, and sched
ules posted for 1939 World Fair
travelers chop rates down to as little
as 1 Vi cents a mile for round-trip
coach tickets, or as low as prevail
ing rates in any section of the
Coach Rates Boosted.
On July 25 of this year the East
ern carriers jumped coach rates to
2>i cents a mile from 2 cents, hop
ing revenues yielded up by the
boost would offset any decline in
number of travelers. Results, how
ever, did not come up to anticipa
August, a vacation travel month,
from the passenger standpoint was
reported as the worst in many years,
and Labor Day business was dis
If the Christmas holiday and
World Fair reductions boast busi
ness by any discernible degree ft
it likely strong pressure will be
placed on managements to main
tain the lower rates as a perma
nent proposition, according to opin
ion in railroad circles.
Since the Government turned the
carriers back to their private own
ers after the World War there has
been frequent criticism of the pas
senger fare structure. From 1920
until 1932, when the Nation was
rapidly becoming automobile-mind
ed and bus lines were beginning to
web the country, the railways firmly
maintained the historic 3.6 cents
per mile rate, giving reductions
sparingly and usually only at holi
day times.
Western Lines Lead.
It was late in 1932 that the break
in the 3.6-cent rate came. Western
carriers reduced fares for Chicago's
World's Fair. In December, 1933.
Southern systems swung into line
alongside the Western roads, also
posting reductions. But Eastern
roads remained aloof. However,
special rates were set up for Chi
cago's World's Fair travel, but when
the fair was over back snapped
Eastern tariffs to the 3.6-cent rate.
The Interstate Commerce Com
mission in Washington, holding the
pulse of railway trends, noted pas
senger travel under reduced fares
was climbing in the West and the
South. Finally, in 1936, it ordered
Eastern roads to install basic rates
of 2 cents a mile for travel in coach
es and 3 cents in Pullman cars.
These rates held until July of this
year, when Eastern carriers obtained
I. C. C. permission to advance coach
rates to 2\2 cents from 2 cents.
Investing Companies
NEW YORK. Dec 6 i/T.—Investment
Bankers' Conference. Inc.:
(Noon quotations >
Bid Asked.
Admin Fd 2nd Inc,. 12.id 1.1.57
Altillaied F Inc _ 4.02 4.45
•Amrrex Hold __ 22.3 7 5 ‘’3.375
Am Bus Shrs _ ;i,40 3.82
Ant Gen Eq Inc .54 .01
Am Ins Stocks __ 5.no 5 50
•Bancamer Biair 3.25 4.125
•Bankers Nall Inv Corp A 5.875 (i.875
Basic Industry 3.HO
Boston Fund Inc ____ 16.39 17.53
Broad St Inv __ 35 42 27.18
Bullock Fund 14.(175 15 875
Can Inv Fund __ 4 On 4 35
Chemical Fund _10.22 11 (Hi
Comwlth Invest __ 3 hi ,:.b3
•Continental Sh pf 7.50 8.25
Corporate Trust _ 2 41
Corporate Trust A A_ 2.34
Corp Tr A A mod _ 2.82
Corp Tr Accum Ser_ 2.34
Corp Tr Acc Mod _ 2.82
Cumulative Tr Sh _ 4 50
Depos Bk Sh N Y "A • 1 .32
Depos Ins Shrs A' . 2.HI
Depos Ins Shrs 'B ’ _ 2.HI
Diversified Tr C . __ 3.80
Dividend Shrs _ 131 1 42
Equity Corp *3 pf __ 27.00 30.00
Fidelity Fund Inc _ 1H.7H 21 "8
•First Boston Corp___ 18.825 lH.ti'5
First Mutual Tr Fd 7 40 8.04
Fiscal Fund Bk Sh _ 2.24 2.48
Fiscal Fund Ins _ :t *’u 3 5t»
Fixed Trust Sh A _ 11.7(1
Fixed Trust Sh B _ 7 nil
Foreign Bond Assoc _ _ _ H.7 0 7 28
Found Tr Sh A _ _ 4.15 4 45
Fund Investors Inc 15.1111 ill 58
Fund Tr Shrs A _ 5.18 5 75
Fund Tr Shrs B_ 4 58
Gen Capital Corp 31'54 33.91
Gen Investors Tr __ 5.00 5 44
Group Sec Agncul (newi 5 57 (Mill
Group Sec Aiuomobl (newi 5.Ill 5.58
Group Sec VAviation (new) 8.25 8.97
Group Sec Building inewi 7.55 8 54
Group Sec chemical mewl H ill 7.52
Group Sec Foods (newi 4.OH 4.43
Group Sec Inv Shrs (newi 5.81 4.Hi
Group Sec M d sing (newi 5.39 5 87
Group Sec Mining inewi. 7.05 7.H7
Group Sec Petroleum inewi 5.15 5.Hi
Group Sec R R Equip inewi 4.41 4 81
Group Sec steel (newi 8.77 7.37
Group Sec Tooacco new o.24 6.71
•Huron Holding .35 .85
Incorp Investors _ 17.64 18 97
Instl Sec. Bank Group .95 1.06
Instl Sec, Insurance _ 1.29 1 43
Investors Fd “C" lire.. 11.24 12.00
Keystone Custodn B 2 21.10 23.16
Keystone Custodn B 3 14.34 15.7 6
Keystone Custodn K 1 14.48 15.90
Keystone Custodn K 2 10.57 11.74
Keystone Custodn 6 2 14.13 15.85
Keystone Custodn S 4 4.90 5.48
Maryland Fund _ 5.71 6.20
Mass Invest Tr _ 21.29 22.69
Mutual Invest __ 11 62 12 70
Nation Wide Sec _ 3.38
Nation Wide Voting_ 1.37 1.62
Natl Investors _ 5.93 6.31
New England Fund 13.40 14.41
N Y Stocks. Automobile _ 5.43 5.89
N Y Slocks. Aviation 10.15 10.97
N Y Stocks Bk Stocks 6.98 7.68
N Y Slocks. Bldg Supply 8.53 9.23
N Y Slocks. Elec Equip 8.06 8.72
N Y Stocks. Insurance . *.14 9.88
N Y Stocks, Machinery H.43 9.12
N Y Stocks. Oils 8.46 9.16
N Y Stocks, RR Equip 7.92 8.57
N Y Stocks. Steel 8.04 9.34
North Am Bond Tr ctfs 62.375
Nor Am Tr Shares 1953 2.30 _
Nor Am Tr Sh 1955 . 2.81 ..
Nor Am Tr Sh 1966 _ 2.75 _
Nor Am Tr Sh 1958 . „ 2.54
Plymouth Fund Inc .45 .51
Putnam (Gi Fund . __ 14.79 15.82
Quarterly Income Sh . 11.35 12.43
•Schoellkopf-Hut * Pom _ 1.00 2.00
Selected Am Sh Inc 9.74 10.61
Selected Income Sh_ 4.27
Sovereign Invest _ .72 .80
Spencer Trask Fund_15.90 16.88
Stand Dtil Inc _ .54 .58
Super of Am Tr A_ 3.64 _
Super of Am Tr AA_ 2.43 _
Super of Am Tr B_ 3.71 _
Super of Am Tr C_ 6.88 _
Super of Am Tr D_ 6.88
Supervised Shrs _10.13 11.01
Trustee Stand Inv C._2.53
Trustee Stand Inv D _ 2.4<
Trusteed Am Bk "B" _ .55 .81
Trusteed Industry Shrs .98 1.10
Wellington Fund 13.48 14.80
•Quotations not furnished by sponsor
or issuer, all others are obtained by I.
B. C. from those sources.
New York Produce
NEW YORK. Dec. 6 IIP).—Eggs. 13.824:
steadier. Mixed colors, special packs.
32-33- standards 31',i: firsts. 28Vi: sec
onds. 25-25Vi: mediums. 24 Vi: dirties.
No. 1, 24: average checks. 21 'i-22; re
frigerator spec als. 24 Vi-28 Vi; standards,
24: firsts. 23'/4: mediums. 22Vi.
Whites, resale of premium marks, 38-40:
nearby and Midwestern, premium marks.
36-37: exchange specials. 35: Midwestern,
exchange standards. 33: nearby, fancy
mediums 30Vi-33V4; nearby and Western,
exchange mediums 29-29Vi: pullets, 28;
nearby and Midwestern refrigerator, spe
cials. 28-31: standards. 26-27: firsts 24-25.
Browns, extra fancy 34Vi-35: nearby
and Western, exchange specials, 34; near
by. exchange mediums. 20.
Duck eggs, fancy, 34-35.
Butter 1,907.862; unsettled. Creamery,
higher than extra 20'4-30Vi: extra (92
scorei. 29-29Vj: firsts (88-91), 28-28'/«;
seconds (84-87). 24-25'i.'
. Cheese, 463,455; auiet.a Prices un
changed. A
(By private wire direct to The Star.)
Stock and Sales—
Dividend Rats. Add 00. Hlrh. Low. 2:55
Aero Sup B .125e. 3 6% 6% 6%
Ainsworth Mfsr _ 1 6% 6% 6%
Air Assoc(.475e). 5 10% 9% 10
Air Invest ... 2 2% 2% 2%
Alum Co pf (6) .. 60s 111 111 111
Alum Goods ,55e. 1 14% 14% 14%
Alum Industries. 150s 4 3% 3%
Alum Ltd . 60s 137% 137% 137%
Am Airlines_ 6 20 19% 19%
Am Beverage_ 2 1 % 1
Am Centrifugal . 2 1% 1% 1%
Am City P&L(B) 1 1% 1% 1%
Am Cynam(B).60 3 26% 25% 26%
Am G & E (1.40). 32 32% 32 32%
AmG&Epf (6). 100s 113 113 112
Am General . 2 4% 4% 4%
Am Lt & Tr 1.20. I 15% 15% 15%
Am Mfg ... 125s 16 15% 16
Am Pneumatic 1 % % %
Am Repub(lOe).. 3 9% 9 9%
Am Superpower 10 % % %
Am Sup 1st pf <6) 1 70 70 70
Apex Electric . 1 10% 10% 10%
Arctur Rad Tube 1 % % %
Ark Nat Gas(A). 10 3 2% 2%
Ark Nat Gaspf 1 6% 6% 6%
Ashland O&R .40. 6 4% 4% 4%
Assoc E Ind 3.62e 10 9% 9% 9%
Assoc G & E {A) . 3 % %
Assoc G & E pf— 2 7% 7% 7%
Atl Coast Fish ._ 4 3% 3% 3%
Atlas Corp war_ 6 d % %
Atlas Plywood... 7 24% 24% 24%
Automat Prod .. 1 1% 1*4 1%
Aviation & Trans 20 3% 3% 3%
Axton Fisher(A). 20s 45% 45% 45%
Babcock & Wll... 5 30% 29% 30%
Baldwin Bo war 6 6% 5% 6%
Bald w B pf (2.10) 100s 18 18 18
Barium Stain Stl. 5 1% 1% 1%
Bath Iron __ 2 7% 7H 7%
Beech Aircraft 12 4% 4 4
Beilanca Aircraft 19 10% 10% 10%
Bell Aircraft 20 26% 25% 26%
Bickfords pf 2.50 26» 33 33 33
Bliss (EW) ... 9 11% 11 11%
Bliss* Baugh 25s 20%- 20'i 20%
Blue Ridge . 1 1% IV, IV,
RohacktHOlst. 10s 20% 20% 20%
Bourjois, Inc _ 3 5 5 5
Bowman Blit __ 2 1% 1% 1%
Bowman B 1st... 100s 17% 17% 17%
Breeze Corp 4 7% 7% 7%
Brewst Aero 30e 33 10% 9% 10%
Brown Co pf 50s 21 21 21
Brown FAW 25e 2 6% 6% 6%
Brown Rubber 3 6% 6% 6%
Bruce Co(EB) . 1 14% 14% 14%
BNAEPpfl.SO. 2 21 21 21
B NAE P 1st to). 200s 105% 105% 105%
Bunker Hill AS 5 15% 14% 14%
Can Marc Wire 3 1 1 1
Carlb Syndicate 1 % % ?4
Carnation M (1) 1 24 24 24
Carnegie Met ___ 18 A A S
Carrier Corp 9 18% 17% 17%
Catlin Am 31 5% 5% 5%
Celan pt pf(8.53e) 300s 90 90 90
Celluloid l 4% 4% 4%
Cent A Sown lit .. 1 1% 1% 1',
Cent States EJ 9 % ft, A,
Cent St Kcvpf n 25s 4 4 4
Cent St E 6% pf 250s 4% 4% 4%
CharisCorp(.60e) 3 6% 6% 6%
Chesehro (4a) 50s 116% 116% 116'.
Chi Flex Shaft(4) toils 74% 74% 74%
Childs pf . 200s 58 56 58
Cities Service ... 7 6% 6% 6%
Cities Svc pf _ 7 44% 4t% 44.^
Claude Neon L_ 3 1 1 1
Clev Tractor .. 3 4% 4% 4%
Clinchfield Coal _ 1 1% 1% 1%
Club Alum Uten. 1 2% 2% 2%
Cohen A Rosen .17 7 7
Colon Develop _ 1 2% 2% 2%
Col Fuel*Ir war 17 7 7
Colts Pat FA (2a) 8 84 83 84
Col GAB) pf (5) 25s 55% 55% 55%
Cons Gas I'tll 1 % % %
ColumhOUAGas 1 2% 2% 2%
Contwlth Pist 1 % % %
Com with A S war 78 h, 4,
Com'tvPS 12) 5"s 27 27 27
Cons Biscuit 60e 1 6% 6% 6%
Cons C Mini,26e) 2 6% 6% 6%
Cons GA E B 3 60 9 71% 70% 71%
Cons M A S ,5fe 50s 58% 58% 58%
Cons Retail Strs 2 4% 4% 4%
Cons Steel Corp 4 5% 5% 5%
Conti Roll A Stl . 6 9 8% 8%
Cook Taint (.60) 2 8% 8% 8%
Cooper-Ress 3 8 7% 8
Copper Range 1 5% 5% 5%
Copper weld (1.20) 1 26% 26% 26%
Corroon A Reyn 2 2% 2% 2%
Cosden Petrol 26 1% 1% 1%
Cosden Petrol pf 4 7% 7 7%
Creole Petri.5*a) 14 22% 22% 22%
Croft Brewing 1 A tk A
Crown C In A (1)_ 5 9% 9% 9%
Dayton Rub 60e. 1 15 15 15
Dejay Stores 2 54 5 5
Derby Oil 3 14 14 14
Det Gray Ir ,o<a . 10 14 14 14
Det Paper Prod _ 1 24 24 24
Det Stl Pr <.25e) . 1 30 30 30
Duhllier Con 10e 10 14 14 14
Durham Hos (B)- 1 44 44 44
Duro-Test(.lOe). 1 54 54 54
Elagle Richer Ld . 8 124 124 124
Elastn G&E’ . 3 14 14 14
Elastn G&E" 6 pf . 150s 10 94 94
Elastn G&E’ pr pf. 250s 194 194 194
E'.astern States 2 14 14 14
Easy Wash M(B) 3 34 3 34
Elec Bond & Sh . 8fi 104 94 10
Elec B&S pf (5).. 2 554 56 *55
ElicB&Srf (6)-. 1 63 63 63
Elec P&L w ar 2 44 44 44
Elec P&L 2d pf A 50s 23 4 23 4 23 4
Ellec Sharehold g 2 24 24 24
Electrol vtc 1 14 14 14
Ellg Nat W 1.25e 100s 204 204 204
Elmp G&E’ 67» pf 22f»s 584 57 574
EmG&F64?epf 60s 584 584 584
Em G&F 74 pf 700s 59 58 584
Em G&E" 84 pf 500s 594 59 *94
EmscoD&E.TOe 1 11 11 11
Equity Corp 2 4 4 4
Europ E deb rta.. 3 ft ft ft
Fairchild Av ,15e 8 94 9 94
E’eddersMfg 3 64 64 64
Fidelio Brew 11 4 4 4
Fire As Phil(2a) 30s 624 624 624
E’lsk Rubber ,50e 8 104 104 104
Fla P&L pf 3.06k 50s 67 67 67
Ford(Can)A< 1) 5 22 214 22
E’ord Ltd (,17e) 5 34 34 34
E"uller (G A) 25s 154 154 154
E"uller G A cv pf 3 100s 20 19 20
Fuller (G A)$4pf 25* 38 38 38
Gen Invest 1 4 4 4
Gen Out Ad pf(6) 20s 774 774 774
Gen Teleg (la).. 3 154 154 154
Ga Pwr pf (6) _ 200s 814 814 814
Glen Alden 375e. 1 64 64 54
Goldfield Cons 10 4 4 4
Grand Nat Films 32 4 ft ft
Grand Rap V .20 1 7.4 74 74
Gray Tel Pa v Sta 3 104 104 104
GrtNorPada) 60s 374 374 374
Greene Tap &D 5 7 7 7
Groc Stores Prod 1 24 24 24
Gruman AE 60e 13 184 184 184
GullJOil (1) . 6 38 374 38
Gulf St Ut 6% pf. 50s 1004 1004 1004
Hall Lamp __ 2 24 24 24
llartfd E (2.75).. 100s 614 614 614
Harvard Brew 2 14 1 14
Hearn Dept Strs. 1 54 54 54
Hearn D S pf(3) 50s 26 26 26
Hecla Mining ,30s 9 94 9 94
Helena Rubin ,75e 1 44 44 475
Helena R( A) < 1) 100s 84 84 84
Hoe(R)& C'o( A) 1 74 74 74
Horn & Hard (2e) 60s 364 364 364
Humble Oil (2e) 7 674 674 67V,
Huyler'stDel) . _ 2 4 4 4
Hygrade Food 3 14 14 14
Hygrade SjT 1.50e 50s 24 24 24
111 Iowa Power .14 4 4
111 low Pw div ct. 1 64 5V« 54
imp Oil Ltd 50a 7 164 164 164
lnd Ter 111 (A)... 1 4 4 4
Ind Svc 6% pf 10s 7 7 7
Ins Co N Am 2a 150s 684 684 684
Int Hydro E pf . 3 174 17 17
Int Pa&Pwr war. 1 34 34 34
Int Petr (1.50a).. 5 284 254 254
Int Products 7 3% 34 34
Int Radio (.50e).. 3 94 94 94
Int Safety R(B)_. 1 4 4 ' 4
Int Utilities(A)_ 1 74 74 74
Int Utilities)B)_. 2 4 4 4
Int Vitamin 275s. 1 44 44 44
Interst H Eq .44 2 54 54 54
Iron Fire vtc ext 200s 16 154 154
Irving Air Ch(la) 3 164 164 164
Jacobs Co 2 4 4 4
JerCP&Lpf (7). 10s 91 91 91
Jones & Lau Stl. 2 344 34 344
Jul’n&Kok 1.375e 75s 22 22 22
Kennedy's ... 1,5 6 5
Kimb-Cl pf (6)... 10s 103 103 103
Kingston Prod . 1 .24 24 24
Kirby Petr(,10s). 2 .34 3 3
Kreuger Brew 1 44 4)4 44
Lake Shore M(4) 5 494 49 49
Leh Coal & N ,10e 14 34 34 34
Leonard Oil 3 4 ft ft
Line Mater'l 20e 450s 15 15 - 15
Locke Stl C 1.40e 100s 13 13 13
Lockheed Aircr 160 304 284 304
Lone Start.60e) 19 9 9
Long Island Lt 3 1 M
Long Isld Ltg pf 25e 274 274 274
Long Isl Ltg pf B 100s 224 224 224
Loudon Packing., f. 2 14 14 14
Stock and Sales—
Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. 2.65
L« Land & Ex .40 22 7% 7% 7%
McCord Rad <B) . 1 2% 2V4 2%
MoWlllms Dredg 8 16% 15% 15%
Majestic Radio ..7 1 1 1
Manatl Sur war.. 17 % H *4
Marion St Shov_ 1 4% 4% 4%
Massey-Harrls.. 6 6% 6% 6%
Mead John <3a) .. 250a 126% 126% 126%
Mem T&r, pf (7). 25a 60 60 60
Mercantile Sts le 600a 18 18 18
Mer & Mfpr(A).60. 1 6% 5% 5%
Merrltt-Chap&S 1 3% 35* 35*
Mer-Ch pf A 6.50k 60a 64 63 64
Mesabl Iron _ 1 *4 % %
Mich Bumper_ 2 Ik % %
Mich Gas & oil... 8 3 2% 3
Middle Sts PB . 1 % 5* 6*
Midvale Steel (5a. 25s 103 103 103 s
Midwest Abras . 2 2 1% 16*
Midwest Oil (1).. 1 8% 8% 8%
Minn M&M 1.20e. 60s 41 41 41
Mo Pub Service 2 3 3 3
Miss Riv P pf (6) 40s 114% 114% 114%
Mock Jud Vo ,70e 1 14 14 14
Molybdenum 1 5% 6% 5%
Monarrh MT .95e. 1 17 17 17
Mont Ward A(7). 50g 158 158 158
Mon L.H&P 1.50._ 60s 29% 29% 29%
Moore(T)Dlst 3 A £ j,
Mount City Cop . 14 6% 6 6%
Mount Prod( fiO). 12 4% 4% 4%
Murray (O) (.15e). 1 9% 9%, 9%
Nat Bellas Hess . 3 is, % 1.4
Nat Contain .50a. 2 7% 7% 7%
Nat Fuel G(l) 1 13% 13% 13%
Nat P&l, pf (6) 60s 67 67 67
Nat Rubber Mach 2 4% 4-\ 4H
Nat Service 3 fa fa
Nat Steel Car (2) 60s 66% 66% 66%
Nat Sup Ref 1.50e 1 13 13 13
Nat Transit!.75e) 1 7% 7% 7%
Nat Tunnel & M . 2 1% 1% 1%
Nat Un Radio 3 1 1 ]
Navarro Oil ,40a 1 135* 13% 13%
New K P Asso . 100s 11 11 11
N K P A pf 4.50k. 200s 52% 51% 52
N J Zinc (2) . 200s 56 ■ 56 56
New Mex & Arlz 1 1% 1% 1%
Newmont M OSe) 1 77 77 77
NY P&I. pf (7) 10s 106% 106% 106',
NYShipbldKF 6 13 12% 12%
Niae Hud Pw .25e 15 7% 7% 7%
N'lac H 1st (5) 50s 86% 86% 86%
Niac H 2d (5) 25s 82% 82", 82%
| Nlae H (A) war 3 % % %
Niles-Bem P (2) 1 54". 54 . 54".
NTpissine M ,15e. 3 1% 1% 1%
Noma Klee .40e . 9 5", 6% 5%
Nor Am Lt ft Pw 4 1% 1% 1%
Nor Am L.&P pf 250s fi2 61". fi2
Nor Am Ray (A). 1 22 22 22
Nor Kurop Oil 10 * 4, £
Nor States Pwr A 2 9% 9% 9%
N tv Knjr 1.25e I ^5', 15% 15%
Novadel Ac (2a). 1 32 32 32
Ohio Brass (B) 75s 24 234 24
Ohio Edis pf <«) 25s inO!. 100'. 100'.
Okla Natural G 2 114 114 114
Okla Nat Gas pf 360s 40 394, 40
Okla NG rvpf<6) 25s 103 103 103
Oldf-t vme Dist 2 Is. 14 11.
Omar Inc (,25e) 1 54 54 - 54
PacG&E 6 pf 1.50 4 314 31'. 314
Par Gas A- Elec
544- Pf 1.375 . 50s 284 284 284
Pac Public Sve . 1 74 7'* 74
Pan-Am Ait (1) 7 17s. 174 174
PantepecOil 48 6 51, 6
Pat Plymouth le 20s 18 IS 18
render! B) 1 74 74 74
Tennroad <25e) . 6 14 14 ]*,
raP&Lpf(7) . 25s 99 99 99
Tepperell Mfg • _ 25* 72 72 72
Pharis TAT 60e 1 84 84 84
Phillips Packing 1 24 24 24
| Phoenix Secur 5 44 44 44
Phoenix Sec pf 100s 24 24 24
Pierce Gnv< 3('e) 3 16 16 16
I Pines Winter 1 1., 4 4
i Pioneer Gold 40 1 24 24 24
Pitts Pi G! 1 75e 1 104'. 104 . 1044
| Polaris M (26e) 4 14 14 14
Potrero Sugar 1 ft ft ft
Powrirell * Alex 2 4 4 44 44
Prosperity (B) 1 • 44 44 44
PRInd$$pf 70s 25 25 25
PSInd $7 pr pf 20s 444 444 444
Pug Sd P 16 pf 25s 164 164 I64
Puget SdT&T 2 64 64 64
[ Raymd Conc(l). 250s 20 20 20
| Raytheon Mfg_ 1 24 24 24
j Red Bank Oil_ 1 5 5 5
, Reiter-Foster_ 3 ft ft ft
Reybarn (.30e) 2 24 24 24
Richmond Rad xr 6 3 24 24
Rom® Cable 1 124 124 124
Roosevelt Field _ 1 14 14 14
Rustless IrA-Stl . 3 94 94 94
Ryan Consol __ 3 24 24 24
St Regis Paper... I 34 34 34
Salt Dome Oil_ 2 17 17 17
Scovlll Mfg _ 1 25 25 25
Scullin Steel 2 114 114 114
Scullen Steel war 2 14 14 14
Seemn Bros 2.50.. 1 32 32 32
I Segal Rock 4 4 4 4
j Seiherling Rub 4 44 44 4'..
: Selby Shoe (1) 50s 124 124 124
Select Industries 9 1 1 1
i Seton Death .50e 1 ‘ 64 64 64
i Seversky Alrcr 29 54 5 5'.
Shattuck Denn 1 74 74 74
Sher-Will (2.50e) 200s 1014 1014 1014
Singer Mfg (6a) 10s 210 210 210
Solar Mfg .5 4 4 4
Sonotope (,15e).. 2 14 14 14
So PenftO 1.50a . 3 304 30 30
SCEdpfBl.su . 1 28'a 284 284
S C Ed pfC 1.375. 2 264 264 264
[ Southn L'n Gas 1 14 14 14
Spencer Shoe 3 3 3 3
Stand C&Stl.60) . 1 I64 164 ]64
Stand Oil Kyi la) 2 174 174 174
Stand Oil Nehr 1 64 64 64
Stand PK r&Lt 7 ft 4 4
Stand Products .19 9 9
Stand Silv & Ld _ 1 ft ft ft
Stand Steel Spg.. 2 214 214 214
Stand Tube (B) . 1 24 24 24
StarrettCvtc 1 34 34 34
Sterl'g Alum 50e 1 54 64 54
Sterling inc 20a 16 4 34 34
Stroock & Co 200s 9 9 9
Sunrav Oil 05e . 2 24 24 24
Sup Oil of Calif . 2 454 45 45
Tamil, Elec 2.24. 1 34 34 34
Tastyeast < A) 1 ft ft <a
Technicolor ,85e 6 204 20 204
Texon Oil 14 4 4
Tob Prod Ex ,35e 1 44 44 44
Trans-Lux (lOe) 5 24 24 24
Transwest Oil . 1 44 44 4.1,
Tri-Conti war 1 4 4 4
Tubize Chatillon 19 9 9
Ulen & Co pf A . 1 54 54 54
L'n PremFSll). 1 124 124 124
Utd Cig-Wh Sts 7 14 1 14
United Gas 41 3 24 24
United Gas war_ 3 ft ft ft
Unit Gas pf (7) . 1 80 80 80
Utd Lt&Pwr (A) 5 24 24 24
UtdL&Pcvfcf . 7 254 25 254
Utd Shipyds (B) 6 14 14 14
Utd Sh M 2.50a 300s 83 824 824
Utd Sh M pf 1.50 60s 424 414 424
US Foil (B) . 5 6 6 6
U S Lines pf . 1 14 14 14
U S Rub Reclaim 3 21s 24 24
U S Stores 2 ft ft ft
Unit Stores vtc 1 4 4 4
Utd Wall P(.lOe) 1 24 24 24
UnivCorpvtc 3 44 44 44
Utah Idaho Sug .11 1 1
Ut P & I.t pf 4 4k 25s 484 484 484
Utilities P&L (r) 15 4 4 4
UtilP&Lpftr) 450s 84 84 84
Utility Equ pf lk 50g 52 52 52
Utility & Indus 14 4 4
Utllity&Indu.s pf 2 14 14 IV.
Venezuela Petrol. 5 ft 4 ft
Wagner Baking . 1 64 64 64
Waitt & Bond (A). 3 64 64 64
Western Air Exp. 1 44 44 44
Willms Oil-O-M .13 3 3
Wolverine Tube. 18 8 8
Wool w Ltd .538e . 1 134 134 134
Wright Harg ,40a 4 84 8 8
r In Danaruptc, or receiver,tup or Deln,
reorganized undei the Bankruptcr Act or
securities assumed by such companies
Rates of divide-ids in the foregoing taoie
are annual disbursements based oh the
last quarterly or semi-annual declarations
. Unless otherwise noted special or extra
dividends are not Included
a A Ison extra or extras e Declared or
paid so far this year no regular rate,
f Payable tn stock, g Paid last yaar
h Cash or stock k Accumulated dividend
paid or declared this year ww With
warrants, xw Without warrants war War
New York Sugar
NEW YORK. Dec. 6 m.—Early losses
of 3 to 7 points In the No. 3 sugar futures
contract under further liquidation pro
moted by the large 1039 quota figures were
recovered later. The No. 4 moved nar
March No. 3. after declining to 1.91.
sold at 1.96 at the beginning of the last
hour, when the list was unchanged to 1
point net higher. May No. 4 sold at
1.08% and September at 1.12%. or net
Federal Land Banks
NEW YORK. Dec 8 IJPI.—Federal Land
bank bonds:
Bid. Asked.
4s July 1946-44 . 111% 111%
3%s May 1965-45_100,'. 106,*,
3s July. 1955-45_104,’. 104 I
3s Jan. 1056-48.,_104,’. 104 I
Sa May. lBSfi-i^_104i’. 10411
Permanent Recovery
Is Held Impossible
On U. S. Borrowings
Manhattan Co. Chairman
Says Uncertainties Must
Be Ended
By the Associated Press.
NEW YORK. Dec. 6.—J. Stewart
Baker, chairman of the board of
the Bank of the Manhattan Co.,
told stockholders at the annual
meeting today "it is as impossible
for our economic machine to run
indefinitely on money borrowed by
our Federal Government as for an
automobile to run on its self
"The present improvement in
business,” he said, "will not con
tinue unless throughout the coun
try men are convinced they are
taking no undue risks in making 1
business commitments and that
they have a reasonable expectation
of profit.”
He said there was nothing so un
settling for business as the prospect
of constant change in laws, and
there recently had been indications
"that the people of this country
would like to see business men re
lieved of this uncertainty.”
“Already it has had its effect on
the business man." he continued, <
"and if he sees further signs that
he is not to be exposed to more ex- '
perimentation. it is my belief that
business activity will increase.”
Baker announced directors intend
ed to declare a special year end
dividend of 10 cents a share on the ;
capital stock.
J. C. Penney Votes
Extra Dividend
Of $J a Share
By the Associated Press.
NEW YORK. Dec. 6 —Directors of
j J. C. Penney Co. today declared an
I extra dividend of $1 a share on com
! mon stock, in addition to the regu
| lar quarterly dividend of 75 cents a
share, both payable December 20 to
j holders of record December 9. An
! extra payment of SI.50 a common
| share was made a year ago.
: I-1 _
Curb Bonds
. . „ .. High. Low. Clo*e.
Ala Power 4‘aS 67 81 *4 84
Aia Power 5s 5J 88 *2 88*, 88*-,
Ala Power 5s 56 0 7 u“,
I Alum Co Ltd 5s is . jut;*-* ]o6*4 l«**;>4
; Am PAL 6s ‘.’Ml 6 82 k-> 8*’
, Am Radiar 4‘2s 4 7 1H47* 1o4’2 164Va
^r*,r,P*A’ L As 06 Jni >* joi J4 JO] *4
As Ei Tnd 4*^ 50 4:«1 ^ 423* 4.v!
As G A- E 4* S 48 •>», ->i, Zh',
As G A: E 5s 50 ;»1>2 :{] *2 ;u > ,
, A G A- E 5s 68 ;{n>2 ;in»a
A I Grs L. 4J^s oo H •; J0.{ in:i
Bald Loro 6s on 88 * ;#7 i a ;»s.i
j Beih Steel 6s 88 ]4‘» ]4*» J40
; Can Nor Pwr 5s 5'i 1 n:p* Jn.^* in’*,,
1 Caro Pw A- L! os 56 07*2 .07 >2 0:1,
I £er‘ *L.P S 4*2s 6 7 F ln:t ]n:t in.;
Ceni Oh L A’ P 5s 50 ]op4 ]nl34 lop*
1 Cent Pw A Lt 5s 56 88** 88 88
I Crtr. S; El 5s »s :i] 1 a ;*i ;u
i Ceii St P A L 517s 5.4 54 54 54
| Ch: Rys os 27 r. o. a. 45 45 45
! Cities Svc os 5n 68** n;7* 6p.
! r\\1Pi n -i'* -'5 lnl5* lnl5*
Cl. S P A L o*2S r»2 7.1 72*2 7J
C’t S P A L 5*25 40 7.1 72*4 7o
Commun'ty P A- L 5s 57 747« 74** 747.
** 5»* loo 105 105
Dr? Int Br o2 7*2 7?- * 1,
Det & Int B 6 • 2s 52 cd 7>* 7*1 7*1
£«*St G A P 4s 06 A 625n 62 **
Ei Pw A L- As 20.40 72'« 725I
Emn Dis El 5s 52. of* *5 88 on*3
Fed Wat 6fas 54 bU bU SO
Fia Pwr coupn 4s 66 88 *2 88 88
Florida, P & L 5s 54 04 *2 04 8414
Gary E A G os 4 4 si O',1* 86 !* 87**
Gatineau Pw ,5s 56 1 n4 * 4 } 041 * ] *14; 4
I Gen Pub Ui 6*2s 56 81 81 m
I 9P1‘ W A E OS 4,‘J A 85*4 80 4 86’*
Georgia Pw os 67__ 86‘2 86>,4 86’4
I Georgia P A L os 7 8 64 64 64
V,lpw El o*2.s 5. \i 88'2 88'a
111 Pwr 6c Lt 6s A 182 102 102
I 16 Bw A L 5s 06 C on'* 86-‘4 j»634
; Indian Ei C 6s 4: A 88'4 88 l4 88 »
1 Indiana Ser 5s 5o__ ;,8*a ;>hia a*1*
Incuana ser os nii a o,*a 5, 57
Inti Sait 5s 51 __ lo: •» in, •* 1U77*
lntersi Pw os 5, 5H*4 58 58’-4
Inierst Pw 6s 52 __ 40 40 40
lntersi P S 5s 06 D 8-' 8-’ 8*’
Inierst P S 4-as 58 F ,8 78*a 78
irai Su Pw os 0.» A 4o'2 451a 45‘*
Jer C P i L « i; B 105 105 105
; fwentUCKv b OS 68 I 8,*a 8,*4 8 , * 2
: Lehign p s Os 2u2(> a lo.V, 105 , 1051,
I Mempn PAL 5s 4b A 01 0" H"
; Mil G * E 4'as Hi 911’, HO3, 9ti3*
! Minn P A L 4'as lb HH 9h5, hh *
.vuss Pow os 55 bl>a bl'a SI',
Miss River P ns 51 1093, 1093, 10HJ,
I Mo Put) bvc ns HO , 413 ;4i, 741,
! Nat P A L. Hs 202(1 A 117'3 9713 HI‘a
I Pb S 5s In cod .lb ;tb 35
Ncvad Cal El 5s 6H b‘1*., bX‘,
I V r f a ?* 4S ->434 543, 543,
I New L G A L ns all .,4', 541, 54
I Nett t Pw ..'as 54 HUS HIS HI3,
I New Or P S Hs 49 A S63, bn'a b53,
NYvPa&Ohio 4Ss 5ll 7HS .H'a Tfi'a
:N Y b EArG 4'aS bo 10(1', 10(0, IOOS
Nor A L A P 6'aS 5H 94 9.1'a 94
No Con U n'as 4b A tb'a 4b‘a 4b',
! ,In? P * E Hs n'J lob'a lob'alllb',
| No Ind P S 4'as To E 1 oil'a ion', 10.3S
Northw P S 1 Is 57 A Ob', Ob', HSV,
. Ox a Nat Gas 5s 40 I0.3 10.3 loll
Pav G A E Hs 4 1 B 1 1.13, 1 1 .IV, 1 1.3*4
| Pa.: Invest os 4b A 94 94 94
; Pat P ,v L ns 55 7li3, 70', 7H'7
i Ptilll C LAP 4'as 7 T 94', Hit3, Hit3,
1 Ptup GLAC 4 s bl B HI S HI'a HI',
^OP H.,& 4s «1 D H41, H4'., H4 ‘,
; Phna El P n'as 7 1 11 "1 >., 11M lr>
1 Potomac E 4'as HI P 109 109 109
Polomac E 5s 50 E I073, 1U73, lo73i
! Pug Sd PAL 5'as 49 _ 77', 77',, 77',, *
Sale H Wa 4'as 79 loo loo 10H
ScriDDst 5‘as 4:t 101'a 101 '4 101 'a
15*'. W*P 4 as 07 A 104', 104', 104',
Snerid VVyo 6s 4 7’ 72*2 7',,2 7n,/2
S E PAL Hs Itlllo A Ilf3, HI3, 91 s
Souw As A ns HI A 1033, 1033, IOC3,
Souw-_Pb Svc Hs 45 A 104’, 104’a 104'a
Std G A E Hs 4S st Ho HO «o
o'd G A E El Hs cv si Ho3, HO',, HO3,
Std Gas A El Hs 51 A Ho3, HO H0‘«
Std Gas A El Hs HO B HO1, Ho', HO',
Stand Fw A Lt Hs 57 HO'a 59', HO',
Texas Elec ns Ho 9 b', 97s, 991.
Tex Pw A- L ns 53 10.3 10.3 10,3
Tide Wat P os 7 9 A b93, S9V, 893,
Twin C R T 5'7s 53 A 5fi 5H 5H
Ulen * Co Hs 50 IV st 5.3 53 63
Unit. Lt A- Pw Hs 75 7.3'a 73‘, 73'ta
Unit L A R M Hs 53 A 1 13', 112', 112',
Ulah PA L 4' as 44 9:t', 93V, 9.3',
Va Pub S n'as 40 A 933, 93 933,
Va Pub Ser os 50 B b7', S7Va S7'
Wash R A E 4s 51 1"7 '., 107‘,a lOT'a
West T Ut 5s 57 A 99'a 99', 99',
We U G A E 5'as 55 A 105 105 105
Wis-Min LAP 5s 44 107 107 107
Wis P & L 4s 06 99*/a 99'i 99'a
Antloquta 7s 45 A ct TV, TV, TV.
Cauca Val 7s 4M 10', 50', 10‘a
Denm Mt B 5s 72 ix 99'2 99'a 99'a
Pied El O'as 00 A 543, 54»* 543,
Ruhr Hons fi'as 5S 28 28 28
Terni-Soc O'aS 53 A 57'a 57'a 67'i
ww With warrants, xw Without warrants,
n New. st istpi Stamped.
(Negotiability impaired bv maturity,
tCompanies reported in receivership.
New York Bank Stocks
NEW YORK. Dec. H HP).—Investment
Bankers Conference. Inc.:
(Quotations as of 2 O'clock.)
Bid Asked
Bk of Am NTS (SF> (2,40) 8H‘/, 3S'i
Bank cf Man il.loel_ 16 1$',
Bankers Tr 12> _ 41'4 43’/*
Bklyn Tr (4) 75 80
Cen Han Bk Tr 14)_ 78Vi 81'A
Chase Nat (1.40' _ opv, 303,
Chem Bk A Tr (1.80)_ 40'/, 42V,
Commercial (8) 140 14H
Cont Bk A Tr (.80)_ II3/, 13W
Corn Ex Bk A T (3)_ 47 48
Empire Tr (.00) _ 13Va 14'4
First Nat (Bnsi (2)_ 37V, 39V*
First Natl (100) 1695 1836
Guaranty Tr 112 231 23H
Irvina Tr (.001 _ 9'j io(4
Manufacturers Tr (2) _ 30Vi 38',
Manulacfurers Tr pf (2) 62 54
Natl City i]i 22V* 031/
N Y Trust (6) _ 78',, 81V*
Public 11 '41 _ 27',4 29
Title G & T_ 8 7 •
U. S. Treasury Position
By the Associated Press.
The position of the Treasury December
3: Receipts. 514.206.652.35; expenditures.
*21.505.630.01; net balance. $4408.455.
435.76. Including $1.788.646.32?.32 work
ing balance: customs receipts for tha
month. $3,402,100.30.
Receipts for the fiscal year (since July
IV $2,263 168.140.70: expenditures. $3.
771.787.170 50. Including $1,230.5*0.
880.76 of emergency expenditures: excess
of expenditures. $1,508 610.020.So: gross
debt. $38.643.406 504.45. an increase of
$0,253.180 05 above the previous day.
Gold asets $14.346 230.176.54.
New York Bar Silver
NEW YORK. Dec. 6 UP).—Bur
silver, 42%, unchanged.

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