OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, December 07, 1938, Image 15

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1938-12-07/ed-1/seq-15/

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Bond Market Prices
. Gain Upward Tilt
From U. S. Issues
Sharp Recovery Noted
In Some Japanese,
Italian Securities
Bond Averages
20 10 10 10
Ralls. Indust. Util P'in
Net change +.1 +.2 —.1 +.2
Today, noon 58.0 98.4 92.2 63.5
Prev. day... 57.9 98.2 92.3 63.3
Month ago. 62.1 98.8 93.9 65.2
Year ago 74.4 97.0 92.6 65.7
1938 high- 70.5 100.3 95.1 67.0
1938 low,.. 46.2 93.0 85.8 59.0
1937 high- 99.0 104.4102.8 74.7
1937 low... 70.3 95.5 90.3 64.2
1932 low— 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2
1928 high-101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5
Ten Low-Yield Bonds.
Noon-110.2 Prev. day 110.2
M'nth ago 110.2 Year ago 107.9
1938 high 110.4 1938 low 106.7
1937 high 113.7 1937 low 107.0
1928 high 104.4 1932 low 86.8
(Comnlled by the Associated Press.)
By the Associated Press.
NEW YORK. Dec. 7.—The bond
market presented an all-round high
er appearance today.
United States Governments con
tinued in leadership with gains near
the final hour ranging up to 21-32 in
the case of Treasury 2!4s of 1951.
The turnover in some issues was
small, however, and advances were
much less in the most active obli
Corporate bonds higher by frac
.* tions to a point or more included
International Telephone 5s, Dela
ware & Hudson refunding 4s. Alle
ghany stamped 5s and Nickel Plate
Foreign dollar isties advanced with
the general market with sharp re
covery noted in some of the Italian
and Japanese issues.
Short-Term Securities
(Reported by Smith. Barney A Co.)
Bid. Offer.
Amer Tel A Tel f>*2s 40 112*4 1123a
• Auburn Auto Co 434s 0!) 20 25
Austin A Northw 5s 41 (OM-a 7434
Baldw Loco Works 5s 40 loo
Central Foundry Os 41 loo 111
Chesap A Ohio Ry 5s 09 10134 102
Commercial Cred 234s 42 1027b 300
Container Com 5s 40 1*8*2 9978
Cuba Nor Rwys 5*2s 42 . 02*2 0038
Delaware A Hudson 4s 40 55 55*4
Edison Elec Ilium 4s 09 . 100
Gen Pub Service 5*as 09 _ 101 10138
Gr Rap A Inri 4*?s 4L 100*-»
Houston Oil 5*2S 40 loi1 r 10134
t*linois Steel 4*?s 40 lo5*8 305*4
Tntl Merc Marine Os 41 52 50
Tntl Tel A Tel 4*2s 09 9!»34 lOOVn
Liclede Gas Li2ht 5s 09 7*5*2 77
jakp Erie A West 5s 41 _ 5s 88
L?high Val Ter Rv 5s 41 _ 5*5 0*5
Lou A Nash R R 4s 4o 997« 100*4
Michigan Crn R R 4s 40 _ 9434
« Midi R R of N J 5s 40 12 34Vi
Milw A Nor R R 4'2s 09 0234 08
New York Tel Co 4*.*s 09 30.3 V* 1007'8
Pennsylvania Co OVaS 41 99Vi 102
Penn-Dixie Cement 6s 41 89 90
Penna R R Co 4s 40 107**
Phila Balt A Wash 4s 40 _ lo734 108*.*
3io Grande West 4s 09 40*« 4*:
Ter R R As St L 4* s 01* 102 303*i
Tex A New Orleans 5s 40 _ 91tb
Vanadium Com 5s 41 9934 1**0
Warner Bros Os 09 _ 90* 8 91
Western N Y A Pa 4s 40 10034
Whitt Sew Mach (5s 4(* _ 3 01** 301*2
New York Produce
7 NEW YORK. Dec. 7 6PL—Eggs. 24.203:
‘rregular. Mixed colors, special packs.
02*z-34: standards. 02: firsts. 28*2: sec
onds. 25-25*2: mediums. 24Vi: dirties. No.
1. 24: average checks, 21*7-22: refrigera
tor. specials. 24*4-26. standards, 20Va-34:
firsts 20-20*4: mediums. 22*2.
Whites, resale of premium marks. 09
41 : nearby and Midwestern, premium
marks 07-08: exchange specials. 05-00;
Midwestern, exchange standards 03: near
by. fancy mediums 00‘2-00*? nearby and
Western, exchange mediums. 29*millets.
28; Nearby and Midwestern, refrigerator,
specials, 28-01; standards. 26-27; firsts.
Browns, extra fancy. 34*7-35: nearby
and Western exchange specials. 04; near
by. exchange mediums. 29.
Duck eggs, fancy 04-05. *
Dressed poultry irregular. Fresh:
Boxes. Chickens, roasters. 14*2-23. Boxes
md barrels, turkeys. Northwestern. 21
*7: Western, 20-26; Southwestern. 19-24.
Other fresh, all frozen prices unchanged.
Live poultry, by freight, steady to
weak. Chickens. Rocks 18; Leghorn. 12
13. Fowls, colored. 18-20: Leghorn. 13
15. Pullets. Rocks. 22-20. Turkeys,
henl. 25 toms. 22. Ducks. 16.
By express, easy to weak. Chickens.
Rocks, 2*»-21; crosses. 20: colored. 17:
Reds. 1*5-18 Leghorn. 15-17. Broilers.
Rocks. 17-22: crosses. 17-20: Reds 13
16; Leghorn. 18-18*2. Fowls, colored.
18*2-20*2: Leghorn 17-18 Pullets. Rocks.
2 4-26: crosses. 19-25: Reds 19-20 Tur
keys. hens. 27-28 toms. 24. Ducks. 15.
Butter 1.197.754 irregular. Creamerv.
higher than extra. 29*4-30'?: extra ‘92
ccore). 29-29*?: firsts (88-91 score), 2*5
28*?: second *84-87 score*. 24-25*2
Cheese 457.191: quiet, nrices unchanged.
, Rvp. spot, steady. No. 2 Western c. i. i.
New York 62 V „
Bariev firm; No. 2 domestic, c. i. f.
N. Y.. 53V
Lard barely steady: Middlewest. 7 40.
Other articles steady, quiet and un
.- 9--—
Jersey City Livestock
JERSEY CITY, N J . Dec. 7 f.P) (United
States Department of Agriculture).--Cattle.
830. including 550 direct. No steers on
sale. Cows and bulls fairly active, steady
to strong. Medium cows. 5 00-0.00: me
riium. 4 *25-75: low cutter and cutter 3.50
4.00; medium bulls, 0.00-7.35; odd head.
Calves. 1.050. Including 810 direct.
Vealers active and steady. Good and
choice, nearbv. 9.35-1*2.50 medium. 7.00
9.00: cull and common 5 50-0.5O. Calves,
steadv: two decks of medium to good. 398
pound calves 3.37*2.
Sheep and lambs. 3 180. including 1 930
direct Lambs steady: choice Pennsyl
vania lambs fed for show. 13.00. good and
choice. New York State. 9.75: few higher;
common throwouts. 7.00 Sheep, steady;
choice handyweiehts. up to 4.00.
Hogs. 1J200. including 1 130 (70 on New’
York market. 10 on Jersey City °5 cents
lower: good and choice. 194 pounds. 7.50.
- —■ ■— • -•*—
.Chicago Produce
CHICAGO Dec. 7 </P).—Poultry, live. 43
trucks firm; geese. 10; other prices un
Dressed turkeys firm: barrels, youne
toms. 34: other prices unchanged.
Butter 419.908. steady; prices un
Errs. 3.938. easy; fresh graded extra
firsts. 38 firsts 30*7: current receipts. 35;
refrigerator extras 33*4’ standards. 331 a;
firsts 3314
(United States Department of Agricul
ture).—Potatoes. 73; on track. 349; total
U. 8. shipments. 383; steady, supplies
rather liberal, demand very slow; sacked
per hundredweight Idaho Russet Bur
banks. U. S No. 1: very few sales: 1.70
80; Colorado Red McClures. U. S. No. 1.
^burlap sacks. 1.80-85: Wisconsin round
whites. U. S No. 1. 1.00-10: North Da
kota Bliss Triumphs. 9o per cent U. S.
No. 1. 1.45: Cobolers. 85 to On per cent
U. 8- No. 1, 1.13*2 Early Ohios. U. S.
No. 1. 1.35.
New York Bank Stocks
NETW YORK. Dec 7 ifPl.—Investment
Bankers’ Conference. Inc.
Bid Asked.
Bk«f Am NTS <SF) <2.401 35', 37'/,
Bank of Man <1.15e>- - 15>.« 183,
tankers Tr 12) - - 41'a 43'/a
klfn Tr <4> ,- 7.'l 78
Cenr Han Bk & Tr (4) - 711 82
Chafe Nat < 1.40> - 2ft'/. 303,
Ch<Sn Bk & Tr <4.801_ 40'2 42'A
. Commercial <81 - 131* 145
‘ Cortl Bk & Tr (.8(1) _ 12 1 ft'a
Core Ex Bk & T (3)_ 47'/. 48>,
Empire Tr <.<iO) - 13'a 14in
Ftrat Nat (Bos' <2)- 3iV« 303,
First Natl <1001 .- 1585 1(125
Guaranty Tr ' 12)- 231 238
trvtna Tr (.hoi - O', l''1/.
Manufacturers Tr (2) - 3. ■}!>
Manufacturers Tr pf (2) 52 o4
Nafl City O' - - 22V« 23V.
N T Trust <51- 70 82
Pumlc < 11 a> - 2.'/. 2*3<
Tltp G & T - t> 7
ILS. Treasury Notes
SETtv YORK. Dec. 7 </P..—Prices quoted
In polars and thirty-seconds.
■f Approx.
Pcta Month. Year. Bid Asked, yield.
1 'atf Mar., 1039_101.28 101.28 ___
!< at-June. 1030_1"2 102.2
l’rf. Sept.. 1030 _101.31 102.1
l3.* Dec. 1030 _ 102 102.2 _
, l>« Mir. 1040 .. __ 102.12 102.14
1 'at June, 1040_ 102.14 102.18 .
l'jfDec. 1040 _ 102.25 102.27 .00
1'jeMar. 1041 _ 102.28 102.28 .23
l3# June. 1041 _ 102.10 102.21 .31
lWDtf» 1041 _ 102.18 102.18 .30
1 Vj Mar . 1042 _ 103.27 103.20 .54
2 , Sept.. 1042 _ 104.27 104.20 .88
lVfcDec. 1042 _ 103 28 103.30 .75
1 'aeJune. 1043 *. loi.O ini.U .81
|V. Dec . 1043 101.7 101.9 ,8ft
B J orlrat* wire direct l* The Star.
High. Low. 2:65.
2%s 1949-53_ 102.15 102.12 102 15
214s 1950-52_ 102.16 102 16 102.16
2848 1945-47_ 107. 107. 107.
2*4* 1948-51_ 105.24 105.24 105 24
284* 1951-54_ 104.2 104. 104.2
2*4* 1956-69_103.5 103 2 103.5
2*4* 1958-63_ 102.15 102.11 102,11
234* 1955-60_ 104 8 104 8 104.8
3* 1946-48 _ 108.14 108.14 108.14
3s 1951-55 _ 107. 107. 107.
3 14 s 1946-4 9_ 109 6 109.6 109 6
3 H s 1949-52_ 108.29 108.29 108.29
3 14 s 1941 _ 107.12 107.12 107.12
3 >4* 1943-45_ 109.26 109.26 109.26
3 *4 * 1944-46 ... 109.27 109 27 109.27
4s 1944-54 ri?_ 114 9 114 9 114 9
4148 1947-52 118.25 118.25 118 25
3* 1942-47 . 106. 106. 106.
314* 1964 107 2 107.2 107.2
High. Low. 2:55.
Ahttlhl P & P 5s 53 .. 65", 65", 65",
Antiooula 7s 45 R_ 84 8'i 8'i
Antiooula 2d 7s 57_ 74 74 74
Antwerp 5s 58 ._ 96 96 96
Argentine 4s 72 Feb . 78'i 78 78
Argentine 4s 72 Apr _ 784 78'i 78'i
Argentine 44s 71_ 86", 86", 864
Australia 44s 56_ 974 97'i 97'i
Australia 5s 55_1(124 101", 1014
Australia 5s 57_102", 102 102
Belgium fis 55_1644 1044 1044
Relglum 7s 55 _113", 113", 1134
Berlin Klee 61As 51_ 29 284 29
Brazil 6'As 26-27 _ 9'i 94 9'i
Brazil fitAs 27-57_ 94 9 9
Rrazil 7s 52 _ 9 9 9
Brazil 8s 41 _ 12'i 124 12'i
Brisbane 5s 57_ 99 99 99
Budapest 6s 62 114 114 114
Ruen Air 44 -4%a 77. 524 524 52",
Bulgaria 7s 67 _ 344 344 344
Canada 2V,s 44_1014 1014 1014
Canada 24s 45_ 1024 102*. 102",
Canada 3s 67 _ 984 974 974
Canada S'is 61_103", 103", 10.3",
Canada 4s 60_.. 110", 110", 110",
Canada 5s 62_110", 110", 1104
i Chile 6s 60 _ 16', 164 16'i
Chile 6s 60 assd_ 144 144 144
Chile 6s 61 Jan_ 16'i 16'i 164
Chile 6s 61 Feb_ 164 16'i 16'i
Chile 6s 61 Sept_ 164 16'i 164
Chile 6s 62 _ 16', 164 16'i
Chile 6s 63 _ 164 16', 164
I Chile 7s 42 _ 164 164 164
| Chile Mtg Bk 6s 61 ... 14", 14", 144
Chile Mtg Bk 6s 62 . 14", 144 144
Chile Mtg Bk 6>As 57. 144 14", 14",
Chilean Mun 1. 7s 60 . 134 134 13",
Cologne 6'is 50 _ 194 19", 19",
Colombia 6s 61 Jan... 194 19", 19'i
Colombia 6s 61 Oct... 19', 19', 19'i
Col Mtg P.k 7s 47 ... 25", 25", 25",
Copenhagen 4,is53._. 9.3'i 93', 9.3',
Copenhagen 5s 52_ 96", 964 96",
Cuba 4'As 77 _ 594 59", 594
Cuba 51As 53_ 1004 100', 1004
| Denmark 4 >4s 62_ 99Q 99', 99'i
Denmark 514s 55_100". 100', 100',
Denmark 6s 42 ... 104", 104", 104",
Dominic 1st 514s 42 . 64', 64 64
Dom'c 1st 5 "is 69 ext 65 65 65
Dom'c 2d 514s 69 ext . 65'4 65', 65'4
Ger C Bk A 6s 60 Oct. 28 28 28
Ger C Bk A 7s 50 ... 32'4 32', .32'4
Ger Gen Elec 6s 48_ 59', 59'* 59'*
Ger Gen Elec 7s 45... 59', 59', 59'i
Ger Govt 5 >4s 65 ... 22', 21", 22
German Govt 7s 49_ 26', 26'* 26Q
Grt C El Jap 7s 44 ... 78", 78", 78".
Hung Con M 714s 45— 11", 11", 11".
Italy 7s 51 79", 79', 79'-,
Ital P U Crd 7s 52_ 59 58'-, 59
Japan 514s 65_ 66", 66", 667i
Japan 614s 64 _ 86 85', 85',
Met Water 514s 50... 100', 100', 100',
Mex 4s 10-45 asst_ 1 1 1
Milan 614s 52 . 59 59 59
Minas Geraes 614s 58. 7'i 7 7'*
Minas Geraes 614s 59 7', 7'* 7'*
New So Wales 5s 57— 100 100 100
Nord Ry 6*4s 50_ 101", 100', 100'/, |
Norway 4s 63 100", 100', 100','
Norway 414s 65_103', 103', 103Q
Norway 414S 56_1047, 104', 104", !
Norway 6s 43_105', 105', 105','
Norway Cs 44_105', 105 105 I
Oriental Dev 614s 58 . 527, 52", 52",!
Oslo 414s 55 . 101", 101', 101', j
Panama 5s 63 st asd .. 45 45 45
Paris Orl Ry 5'4s 68.. 95", 95 95'i
Peru 6s 60_ 9', 9', 9',
Peru 6s 61_ 9', 9', 9',
Poland 6s 40_ 42'4 42'4 42',
Poland "s 47 50", 50", 50",
Porto Alegre 7 "4 s 66. 7", 7", 7"*
Porto Alegre 8s 61_ 7", 7", 7",
Prussia 6s 52 19", 19", 19",
Prussia 614s 51_ 19", 19", 19",
Queensland 6s 47_ 106 106 106
Queensland 7s 41_104', 104 1041*
Rhine W El P 6s 53—. 28 28 28
Rio de Jan 6 "4s 53 ... 6 5", 6
Rio Gr do Sul 6s 68_ 6 6 6
Rio Gr do Sul 7s 66_ 7 6", 7
Rio Gr do Sul 7s 67_ 7 7 7
Rio do Jan 8s 46_ 7'* 7 7'i
Rome 6H>s 62 66', 66'* 66'4
Roumania7s59__ 19', 19', 19'-,
Sao Paulo C 614s 57— 6 57, 57i
Sao Paulo St 7s 40_ 18", 18", 18",
Sao Paulo St 7s 56_ 6", 6", 6",
Sao Paulo St 8s 36 11', 11Q HQ
Saxon St Mtg 614s 46. 21 24 24
Silesia Elec 614s 46 2114 21'4 21'i
Taiwan Elec 514s 71— 52'-, 52', 52'4
Un Stl Wk 614S 47 A- 49 49 49
Un Stl Wk 614s 51 A— 49 49 49
Uruguay cv 3-’is 79_ 39', 38'4 38'*
Westphal E P 6s 53... 22 22 22
Yokohama 6s 61 _ 5714 57'4 57!,
Adams Exp 4s 47_ 102 102 102
Adams Exp 4s 48_102'i 101% 102%
Ala Grt Southn 4s 43. 10#% 103% 103%
Alleg Corp 5s 44_ 77 76% 77
Allep Corp 5s 49_ 67 67 67
Allep Corp 5s 50 stp _ 35 35 35
Allied Stores 4%s 50. 98% 98% 98%
Allied Stores 4%s 51. 94 93 94
Allis Chalmers 4s 52 109% 109 109
Am & For Pw 5s 2030 53% 53 53%
Am 1 G Ch 5%s 49_102% 102 102
Am Inti 5%s 49 _102% 102% 102%
Am T&T3%s61_105% 105% 105%
AmTAT3%s66_105% 104% 105
Am T&T5%s43 . 112% 112% 112%
Anaconda db 4%s 50. 105 104% 105
! Anelo Chtl Nit db 67 .. 30 29% 29%
Armour Del 1st 4s 55. 97% 96% 97
Armour Del 4s 57 .. 96% 96% 96%
A T&S Fe pen 4s 95.. 104% 104% 104%
A T&S Fe 4 %s 48 . 99% 99% 99%
Atl Coast L 1st 48 52. 83% 8.3% 83%
Atl Coast L elt 4s 52.. 69 69 69
Atl Coast L 4%s 64 .. 68% 68% 68%
Atl & Dan 1st 4s 48 .. 31% 31% 31%
Atllantic Refin 3s 53. 103% 103 103%
B&O 1st 4s 48_ 49% 48% 49%
B&O 4%s 60 _ 11 10% 11
B&O 1st 5s 48_ 50 49 49%
B&O ref 5s 95- 16% 16% 16%
B&O 5s 96 F _ 16% 15% 15%
B & O ref 5s 2000 D... 16 16 16
B * O ref 6s 95 ... 18 17% 17%
B&O PUE&W V 4s 41. 43% 43% 43%
B&O S wn 5s 50 ... 32 30% 32
B & O Toledo 4s 69 .. 35 33% 33%
Banp A Aroos 5s 43.. 108% 108% 108%
Beth Steel 3 %s 52_ 98% 97% 98%
Beth Stl 3%s 66 _101% 101 101
Beth Steel 4% s 60 ... 106% 105% 106%
Bos A Me 4% s 61 JJ— 24% 23% 24%
Bos A Me 5s 55_ 28 27% 27%
Bos A Me 5s 67 .. 27 26% 26%
Bklvn Eden 3 %s 66 107% 107% 107%
Bklvn Man T 4%s 66 75% 74% 74%
Bklyn Un El 6s 50 .. 85% 85% 85%
Bklyn Un Gas 6s 45 . 107% 107% 107%
Bklvn Un Gas 5s 50 . 74 74 74
Bklyn Un G rf 6s 47.. 107 106% 106%
Brown Shoe 3%s 50.. 108 108 108
Buff G E 4 %s 81 . Ill 110% 111
Buff RAP cn 4%s 57. 25% 25 25
Bush Term en 5s 55 .41 41 41
Calif Ores Pwr 4s 66. 94% 94% 94%
Canada Sou 6s 62 .. 97 97 97
Canadian NR 4%s51. 114% 114% 114%
Can Norn 6%s 46 123 123 123
Canad’n P db 4s perp 80% 80 80%
Canadian Pac 4 %s 46 98 98 98
CanPac4%s 60 .. 92% 92% 92%
Canadian Pac 5s 54 .. 981* 98 98%
Caro Cl & O 6s 52 ... 105% 105% 105%
Celotex 4 %s 47 ww . 89% 88% 89%
Cent of Ga 1st 5s 45— 39 39 39 *
Cent of Ga 5s 59 C ... 4% 4% 4%
Cent of Ga 5%s 59_ 4% 4% 4%
Cent III E&G ~5s 51 103% 103% 103%
Cent of N J pen 5s 87 23 19% 22%
Cent Pac 1st rf 4s 49 • 72 71 71%
Cent Pac 5s 60 54% 53% 54%
Cham P&F 4%s 38-50 99% 99% 99%
Ches & O 3%s 96 D ._ 96% 95% 95%
Ches & O 3%s 96 E... 96% 96% 96%
C A O pen 4%s 92_118% 117% 118%
Ches & O con 5s 39_101% 101% 101%
Chi A Alton 3s 49_ 11% 11% 11%
Chi BAQ pen «* 51_ 87% 97 ; 97%
Chi BAQ 4%» 77_ 89 89 89
High. Loti. 2:58.
Chi BAQ ref 6a 71.. . 98% 93% 93%
C BAQ 111 dlv t%a 4#. 97% 97% 97%
Ch! BAQ 111 dv 4a 49.. 103% 103% 103%
Chi A E 111 6b 51 _ 15% 14% 16%
Chi A E 111 6a 61 ct_ 14 14 14
Chi Grt West 4a 69 . 18% 18% 18%
CMAStP an 3%a 89B. 22% 22 22%
Chi Mil A St P 48 89.. 23% 23% 23%
CMAStP 4%s 89 C_ 24% 23% 24%
CMAStP 4%s 89 E... 24% 23% 24%
Chi MASt P 5s 76 9% 9% 9%
CMStPAP ad.1 5s 2000 2% 2% 2%
ChlANW een 3%a 87. 13% 13% 13%
Chi A NW Kn 4s 87_ 14 13% 13%
ChlANW 4%s 2037_ 8% 8% 8%
Chi A NW 4*4s 49_ 4% 4% 4%
ChlANW 4%s 87 _ 14% 14'% 14%
ChlANW cen 6s 87 __ IS 15 15
ChlANW rf 5s 2037— 8% 8% 8%
ChlANW 814s 36_ 16 15% 15%
Chi R1AP rf 4s 34 . 6% 6% 6%
Chi RIAP rf 4s 34 ct.. 6% 5% 6
Chi R1AP Ken 4s 88 15% 15 15%
Chi R 1 A P 4%s 62 A 7% 7% 7%
Chi RIAP 4%s52 Aefs 7% 7% 7%
Cht RIAPpv4%s 60 3% 3 3%
Chi StL A NO 5s 51 re 68 68 68
Chi T ll&S rf 5s 60 51% 51% 51%
Chi TUAS Inc 5s 60... 46% 46% 46%
Chi Tin Sta 3%s 51 102 102 102
Chi A W In rn 4s 52._ 87 87 87
Childs A Co 5s 43 .. 78% 78 78%
Cin IJn Term 6s 57 C 108 108 108
CCCAStL I. rf 4 Us 77 54% 53% 54
CCCAStL, LC dv 4s 39 99% 99% 99%
Clev El III 3 % s 65 .. 108', 108% 108%
Clev Un Ter 4%s 77.. 73% 73 73
Clev Un Ter 5s 73 __ 80-% 80% 80%
Clev Un Ter 5%s 72.. 89% 89% 89%
ColoP Air 5s 70_ 60 60 60
Colo A So 4%s 80 _ 41% 41% 41%
Col GAE 5s 52 Apl_ 95 95 95
Col OAE 6s 52 May... 94% 94% 94%
Col Gas A El 6s 61 .. 93% 92% 93%
Colum Rv PAL 4s 65. 109% 109% 109%
Cornel Cred 2*is 42 .. 102% 102% 102%
Cornel Cred 3 %s 51 104 103% 104
Com Ed cv db 3%s 58 105% 105% 105%
Comwlth Ed 3 %s 58 n 105% 105% 105%
Com Ed 1st 3%s 68 t. 106% 106% ]06%
Comwlth Ed 4s 81 P . 108% 108 108%
Consol Ed dh 3 %s 48 . 106% 106% 106%
Cons Ed NY 3%s 58 . 104% 104", 104%
Consol 011 3%s 61_102% 102', 102%
Consol Rys 4s 54_ 9% 9% 9%
Consol Rys 4s 56 .. 9% 9% 9%
Consum Pwr 3 tys 70 _ 108 107% 108
Container deb Bs 43 . 99% 99 99
Crane Co 3’4s 51 .. 105 105 105
Crown Will P6s51 . 102,*, 103,*, 103,*,
Cuha Northn 6Hs 42. 33% 32% 33
Cuba RR 1st 5s 52 ... 37% 37% 37%
Cuba RR 7Us.46 A .. 43% 43 43
Del * find ref 4s 43 .. 57% 57 57%
Del PwA I, 4 % s 69_103% 103% 103%
Den GAI'I 5s 51 _. 106% 106%. 100%
Den & R G con 4s 36 ._ 11% 10% 11%
Den & R G 4'is 36 ... 11% 10% 11%
Den & R O W 5s 55 . 4% 4% 4%
Den A-ROW 6s 55 ast 4 4 4
Det Edison 4 Us 61 .. 112% 112% 112%
Dow Chemical 3s 51 . 100 100 100
Duluth SSAAtl 5s 37 16% 15% 15%
Duquesne Lt 3Us 65 . 109% 109% 109%
E T V A Ga cn 5s 56 .. 82 82 82
Elec Auto l.t 4s 52 . 107% 107% 107%
El Paso N G 4%s 51.. 105% 105% 105%
Erie cv 4s 53 A _ 17% 17% 17%
Erie cv 4s 53 B_ 17% 17% 17%
Erie 1st 4s 96_ 38 37% 38
Erleeen4s96_ 18% 18 18%
Erie ref 5s 67_ 11% 11 11%
Erie ref 5s 75_ 11% II n%
Ela EC Rv 4%s 59 ... 03 03 03
FlaFGRv5s74 . 8% 8% 8%
Fla E C Rv 5s 74 ctfs . 8 8 8
Fonda JAG 4s 82 ct... 1% 1% 1%
Gen Am Inv 5s 52_104% 104'.. 104%
Gen Gable 5%s 47_102% 102% 102%
Gen Mot Acc 3s 46 .. 106 100 100
Gen Mot Acc3%s51.. 100% 100% 100'.,
Gen Stl Cast 5%s 49.. 60 59% 59%
Ga A Ala 5s 45 _ 15% 15 15
Goodrich 4 % s 56_ 99*, 99*, 99*,
Goodrich 6s 45 .. 100% 100 100%:
Goodyear TAR Es 57.. 102ft 102ft 102ft
Grt Nor Ry 3%s 67... 73 73 73 |
Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 G .. 93% 93% 93% !
Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 H .. 83 83 83
Grt N Ry 1st 4%s 61. 100 100 100
Grt N Ry 4 Vis 76 D . 83 83 83
Grt N R an 4%s 77 E. 82 82 82
Grt N Rv 5Us 52 _ 93 93 93
Gulf MANEs 50 _ 70 70 70
Gulf Sta Util 4s 66 . 107% 107% 107% !
HarRy PC 1st 4s 54. 51% 51% 51% !
Hock Val 4%s 99 . 116% 110% 110%
Houston Oil 5Us 40 . 101*, 101*. 101%
Hudson Coal 5a 62 A.. 33*, 33% 33%
Find A Man Inc 6s 57.. 11% 11% 11%
Hud A Man rf 5s 57_ 45 45 45
111 Cent ref 4s 53_ 49% 49% 49%
111 Cent ref 4s 55_ 53 52% 53
Ill Cent 4%s 66 44 44 44
111 Steel deb 44s 40.. 1044 1044 1044
Inland Steel 34s 61.. 109 108', 108',
ICC&StL NO 5s 63... 504 504 504
Inter RT 7s 32 _ 674 674 674
Int Grt N adj 6s 52_ 3 3 3
Int Hydro El 6s 44_ 74 74 74
Int Paper 1st 5s 47—. 974 974 974
Int Paper ref 6s 55 864 864 864
Inter RT 1st rf 5s 66 664 664 664
Int R T 1st rf 5s 66 ct 654 654 654
Int Grt Nor 5s 56 C ... 154 154 154
Int Mer Mar 6s 41_ 524 524 524
Inter RT 6s 32 _ 454 444 45
Inter R T 7s 32 ct ... 65 65 65
Int Ry of C A 5s 72_ 83 83 83
Int T&T cv 44s 39_ 994 994 994
Int T&T 44s 52_ 654 654 634
Int T&T Es 55 _ 694 694 69",
Jones & L Stl 44s 61. 96 954 96
Kans City So rf 5s 50. 654 654 654
Kans C Ter 1st 4s 60 . 1074 1074 107'-,
K C FS&M rf 4s 36 ct. 304 304 304
Kans City So 3s 50... 684 684 684
Kans G&E 4 4s *0_ 1044 1044 1044
Kings Co El 4s 49_ 834 834 834
Koppers Co 4s 51_ 1014 1014 1014
Kresge Found 3 4s 47 1004 100', 1004
Kresge Found 4s 46.. 10414 10414 10414
Laclede Gas 5a 39 _ 76 76 76
Laclede Gas 54» ES_ 47 47 47
Laclede G 5 4» 60 D_ 47 47 47
Laclede Gas 6s 42 B.. 42 42 42
Lautaro Nitrate 75 .. 284 284 284
Leh C&N44s54 A— 58 58 58
Leh Val Coal 5s 64... 2714 274 27'4
Leh Val Coal 6s 43... 774 774 774
Leh Val Har 5s 54 .. 42 42 42
Leh Val NY 44s 40.. 52 52 52
L V RR con 4s 2003 . 20'4 204 204
L V RR 44s 2003 asd 204 204 204
I, V RR 4s 2003 asd 204 204 204
L V RR con 4 4s 2003 21 21 21
Llgg & Myers 6s 51.. 1264 1264 1264
Long Isl ref 4s 49 _ 814 814 814
Long Isl ref 4s 49 st.. 81 81 .81
Lorillard 5s 51 ... 121% 121% 121%
Lorillard 7s 44 reg_ 128 128 128
La & Ark 5s 69 .. 79% 79% 79%
Loulsv G&E 3 4a 66— 1074 1074 1074
L & N unif 4s 40_ 100 100 100
ManhatRy4s90 __ 34 34 34
Manhat Ry 4a 90 ct... 32 32 32
Manitowoc 3 4s 41... 13 13 13
Market St Ry 7s 40_ 57 57 57
MStP&SSM cn 4s 3*.. 7 7 7
Metrop Ed 44a 68 . 110 1094 110
Met West Side 4s 38.. 8 8 8
MStP&SSM 5s 38 5% 5% 5%
MStP&SSM Es 38 gtd- 74 74 74
Mich Cent 44s 79_ 70% 70% 70%
Mo K & T 4s 62 B_ 304 30% 304
Mo K & T Es 62 A_ 334 334 334
Mo K&T adl Es 67_ 13% 13% 13%
Mo K&T 1st 4a 90_ 49% 49% 49%
Mo Pao 4s 75 _ 4% 4% 4%
Mo Pac 6s 65 A_ 16% 16% 16%
Mo Pac 5s 77 F_ 16% 16% 16%
Mo Pac 5s 77 Fct_ 16% 16% 16%
Mo Pac 5s 78 Q _ 16% 16% 116%
Mo Pac 5s 78 O ct_ 16% 16% 16%
Mo Pac 5s 80 H _ 16% 16% 16%
Mo Pac 5s 80 H ct_ 16% 16% 16%
Mo Pac 6s 811 __ 16% 16% 16%
Mo Pac 5%s 49 _ 3% 3% 3%
Mob* Ohio 4%s 77_ 28% 28% 28%
Mob* Ohio 6s 38 _ 32% 32% 32%
Monong Pub S 6s 65_99% 99% 99%
Mont Pwr 3%s 66_ 98 97% 97%
Montr Tram 6s 41_ 97% 97% 97%
Morris & Es 4%s 55_ 47 47 47
Nat Dairy 3%s 51ww 103% 103% 103%
Nat Dls P C 4%s 45.. 106% 105% 105%
Nat Steel 4s 66 ... 108% 108% 108%
New ET&T 4%t>61 . 123% 123% 123%
New ET&T 1st 6s 62. 124 124 124
New Jar PAL 4%s 60. 108 10754 108
New Orl P S 5s 62 A 102% 102% 102%
New OT&M 5s 54 B ct 325* 32% 325«
New Orl & N 4 %s 52 52 52 52
New Orl PS 6s 65 B 101% 101% 101%
New Orl Ter 1st 4s 53 66% 66% 66%
New Orl T&M 6%s54 34% 34% 34%
N X Cent 3 %s 62 _ 63% 63% 63%
N X Cent 3 %s 97_ 82 82 82
N X Cent 3%s 46_ 76 76 / 76
N X Cent con 4s 9* . 65 65 65
N X Cent rf 4%s 2011 54% 54% 54%
N X Crf 4%s 2013 n_. 64% 53% 53%
N X Cent rf 6s 2013... 58 68 58
N Y C L Sb 3%s 98_ 64 64 64
NYC Mich C 3%s 98.. 64 64 64
N Y Chl&StLi 4%s 78. 44% 44% 44%
N Y C&StL. 6%s 74 A. 53 53 53
N Y Chi&StL 6s 18 . 104 103% 104
N Y Conn 1st 4%s 51. 102% 102% 102%
N Y Dock cy 6s 47- 60% 60% 60%
N Y Edis 8 % s 65 D_ 107 107 107
High. Low. 2:65.
N T Edis ref 8m* 6«.. 107% 107% 107%
NY L&W let 4s 73... 62% 62% 82%
NT NH & H 3%s 54... 11 11 11
NT NH & H 4s 67 ... 6 6 6
NT NH & H 4%s 87.. 13 13 13
NT NH & H cv 8s 4S„ 13 13 13
N T O&W gen 4s 65... 4% 4 4
NT O&W ref 4s 92 .. 6% 6% 6%
N ? O&W rf 4s 92 ra. 5 5 5
N Y Rich O 6s 51 ■_ 95 94% 95
N Y S&W 4,%s 37 ... 10 10 10
N Y Steam 3%s63.__ 101% 101% 101%
N Y Tel 3%s 67 ... 109% 109% 109%
N Y Tel Ken 4%s 39 . 103% 103% 103%
NY Trap Rock 6s 46.. 63 63 63
N Y W&B 4%i 46 . 3% 3% 3%
Nlaa Falls P 3 %s 66 . 109% 109-% 109%
Norf Southn 6s 61 .. 15 15 15
Norf Southn 6s 61 ct.. 13% 13% 13%
Norf & W 1st 4s 96... 118% 118% 118%
No Am Ed «s 67 A_ 105 105 105
No Am Ed 5s 69 C ... 104% 104% 104%
Nor Am Ed 5%s 63_105% 105% 105%
Nor’n Ohio 5s 45 _ 38 38 38
Nor’n Ohio 5s 45 ct .. 34% 34% 34%
Nor'n Pac an 3s 2047. 47% 47% 47%
Nor’n Pac 4s 97 .. 82% 82% 82%
Nor’n Pac 4 %s 204750 50 50
Nor’n Pac 5s 2047 C._ 53% 53% 53%
North Pac 6s 2047 .. 60 59% 60
Nor Sta Pwr 3 %s 67.. 106% 106% 106%
Ohio Edison 3*4" 72.. 101% 101% 10114
Ohio Edison 4s 65_106% 106% 106%
Ohio Edison 4s 67_ 106 106 106
Oreg W RR 4s 61 _102*4 102% 102%
Pac G & El 3 %s 66_105% 105*4 105%
Pac G & El 3 *4 » 61_108% 108% 108%
Pac G * El 4s 64 ... 111% 111% 111%
Pac T&T 3 % s 66 C_108% 108% 108%
ranhand E T 4s 52_ 105 105 105
Pararn t Piet 6s 65_ 98 98 98
Pat & P G E 5s 49_ 122 122 122
Penn P & L 4 %s 81_105% 104% 104%
Penn RR 3 % a 52_ 78% 78% • 78%
Penn RR 3%*70_ 84% 84% 84%
Penn RR 4s 48 _ 108 108 108
Penn HR 4 % s 81_ 91% 91% 91%
Penn Rlt 4%s 84 ... 92% 92% 92%
Penn HR En 4%s 65.. 95% 95 95
Penn RR db 4%s 71).. 83 82% 83
Penn RR gen 5s 68 .. 103% 103% 103%
Peoples GL&C 5s 47.. 113% 113 113%
Peoria & E ine 4s 90.. 4% 4% 4%
Pere Marq 5s 66 . 67% 67% 67%
Phelps Dodge 3 %s 52 113% 113% 113%
Phila B&W cn 5s 74 . 109** 109*. 109%
Phila B&W 4 %s 81 D. 103% 103% 103%
Phila Co 6s 67 ._ 97 96*. 96%
Phila R C&Ir 5s 73.. 13% 13% 13%
Phila R C & Ir 6s 49._ 444
Philippine Ry 4s 37 _. 11% 11% 11*4
Phillips Petrol 3s 48 .. 109 109 109
PCC&StL 4%s 77_ 92% 92% 92%
PCC&StL 5s 70 A_101 10(1 100
PCC&StL 5s 75 B _ 106 106 106
Port Gen El 4 %* 60 . 60% 60% 60%
Porto liico A T 6s 42.. 46 46 46
Postal Tel & C 6s 53 . 14% 14% 14%
Potomac E P 3%s 66. 108% 108% 108%
Purity Baking 6s 48 .. 96% 96% 96%
R-K-0 6S41_ 74 74 74
Reading R 4 %s 97 A. 71% 71 71
Republic Stl 4%s 50 . 105% 105% 105%
Rem-R'd 4%s56 ww_ 103 103 103
Republic Stl 4 %s 66 .. 93% 92% 92%
Republic Stl 4 %s 61.. 91% 91% 91%
Richfield OH 4s 52 _. 106 106 106
Rio Gr Wn 1st 4s 39.. 40*, 40% 40% !
n 1 A & L 4 %s 34_ 9 9 9
Saguenay Pw 4 >4s 66 105", 105*, 105",
StL,P&NW6s48 .... 14’, 14 14>4
StL#-San Fr 4s 50 A_ 9", 9", 9",
St 1,-San Fr 4s 50 ct 8", 8", 8",
StL-San F 4 ',3s 78 rg 8*, 8", 8",
St L. San Fr 4 b, s 78_ 9", 9’, 91,
StI.-S Fr 5s 50 B ct_ 9'« 9', 9V,
St L, S Fr 5s 50 B_ 9", 9", 9*,
St L S W ref 6s 90_ 12l« 12', 12l«
St P K S L 4t4s 41 .. 6', 6', 6',
St P Un Dep rf 5s 72_. 116 116 116
San AAA Pass Is 43 .. 56', 56', 66>.
San An P Svc 6s 62 ... 110', 110', 110',"
Seabd A L 4s 60 stp__ 15*, 15', 15*,
Seab'd A L, rf 4s 69 . 6", 6", 6",
Seabd A I, rf 4s 59 ct.. 6 6 6
Seab'd A L 6s 45 A_ 9', 9t, 91,
Seabd A 1. 6s 45 ct_ 8*, 8", 8*,
Seabd A-Fl 6s 35 A ct. 4', 4', 4',
Shell Un deb 3 >4s 51. 104", 104', 104",
Simmons Co 4s 62 _ 97', 97', 971,
Socony Vac 3'4s 60 ... 106", 106", 106",
So Colo Pwr 6s 47 A . 101', 101', 101',
Southn Kraft 4'4s 46. 91V, 91', 91',
So Pac 3 % s 46 _ 60 59*, 60
So Pac col 4s 49_ 49*, 491, 49*,
So Pac ref 4s 65_ 67 66", 67
So Pac 4 ", s 6 8- 60', 50 50
So Pac 4 Hs 69- 49", 48', 49%
SoPac4»i«81- 50 491, 50
So Pac Ureg 4Hs 77._ 53", 52’, 53*,
So Ry gen 4s 66 A_ 55 54', 54",
So Ky 5s 94 _ 80 79", 80
So Ry gen 6s 66- 68 67", 68
So Ry 6 s 56 - 70", 70 70*.
Sowst Bell T 3s 68 C- 102", 102", 102",
Southw B T 3>4s 64.. 110 110 110
Southwn G&E 4s 60 . 107*, 107", 107*»
Stand Oil N J 2 Sis 63. 102", 102", 102*,
Stand Oil N J 3s 61... 105 105 105
Studebakercv 6s 45._ 81 81 81
Tenn El Pw 6s 47 A._. 92 92 92
Term As St L 4s 53_102', 102', 102',
Texas Corp 3 s 51 — 106", 106', 106",
Texas & Pac 5s 77 B__ 83', 83', 83',
Texas & Pac 5s 79 C_. 85 85 85
Texas & Pac 5s 80 D . 83", 83'. 83',
Tide Wat Oil 3%s 52. 105', 105" 105',
Third Av ad 5s 60_ 6", 6", 6",
Third A v ref 4s 60_ 42 41*, 41*,
Tri-Conti 5s 53_110 110 110
Un El (l!o)3fis 62_108', 108', 108',
Un Oil Calif 34s 52 — 109'* 1094 1094
Un Uii Calif 6s 42 A— 116 116 116
Un i'acitlc 3 4a 70_ 944 944 944
Un Pacific 3 4s 71_ 944 944 94',
Un Pac ref 4s 2008_1054 1054 1054
Un Phc 1st 6s 2008 — 1144 1144 114',
United Biscuit 5s 50— 108 108 108
UtdCgr W Strs 6s 62. 814 81 814
United Drug 5s 63 694 684 69
Utd Stkyds4 4s 51ww 894 894 894
U S Pipe&By 3 4» 46. 118 118 118
U S Steel 34s 48_ 1044 1044 1044
Utah L,&T 5s 44_ 954 954 954
Utah Pwr & Ut 5s 44- 97 964 964
Utility P & L. 5s 69_ 624 624 624
Utility P&L 5 4s 47. 624 624 624
Va El & P 3 4s 68 B_ 1074 1074 1074
Va By 1st 34s 66_ 1054 1054 1054
Va S W con 5s 58_ 571* 674 574
Wabash 44s 78 C_ 10 94 10
Wabash 1st 6s 39_ 424 424 424
Wabash 2d 5s 39__ 24 24 24
Wabash 5s 76 B_, 94 94 94
Wabash 6s 80 D_ 94 94 94
Wabash 64s 75 _ 104 104 104
Walker H&S 4 4s 45. 1074 1074 1074
Walworth 4s 65 . 66 66 66
Warner Bros cv 6s 39 904 904 904
Warner B cv 6s 39 cfs 884 884 881a
Warren Bros cv 6s 41. 46 46 46
W Pa Pw 1st os 63 E- 1204 1204 1204
W Va P&P 44s 52... 107 107 107
West Md 1st 4s 52 814 814 814
West Pacific 5s 46 A— 214 21 21
West Pac 5s 46 A as.. 204 204 204
West Union 44« 60—. 58 574 58
West Union 6s 61_ 60 60 60
West Union 6s 60 _ 694 58 684
Wheel Steel «4e 66— 94 94 94
Wilkes B&E 5s 42 — 44 4 4 44
Wilson & Co 3%s 47— 924 924 924
Wilson & Co 4s 65_ 1004 1004 1004
Wls Cent 1st gn 4s 49. 84 84 84
Wls Cent 4s 49 ct_ 84 8Vi 84
Wis Pub Svc 4s 61_ 108 108 108
Youngsto'n S&T 4s 48 1064 1054 1064
Ygstwn S&T 4s 61_ 104 1034 1034
U. S. Dollar Advances
In London Dealings
By the Associated Press.
LONDON, Dec. 7.—The United
States dollar gained 9-16 of a cent
in terms of sterling today. Final
rate was 4.68 9-16 to the pound,
compared with sterling in New York
overnight at (4.69%.
French francs ended unchanged at
177.37 to the pound.
PARIS, Dec. 7 (A5) .—The United
States dollar finished 37.83 francs
(2.643 cents to the franc) in foreign
currency dealings today. In com
parison the franc was 2.650 cents in
New York overnight. Exchange on
London, 177.35.
Principal rente issues in the Bourse
were: 3 per cent, 82.15; 414s “A,”
86.80 ; 414s, 1937, 142.25.
Odd-Lot Transactions
By the Associated Press.
The Securities Commission report
ed today these transactions by cus
tomers with odd-lot dealers or spe
cialists on the New York Stock Ex
change for December 6 : 4,662 pur
chases Involving 134,119 shares;
5,306 sales involving 135,575 shares.
Electric Production
Makes New Record
For Year
Gain Is 4.7 Per Cent
Above Preceding
Week's Report
By the Associated Press.
NEW YORK, Dec. 7.—Electric
power production, in the United
States for the week ended Decem
ber 3 hurdled the Thanksgiving lull
of the preceding week to chalk up
a new record output for the year,
the Edison Electric Institute re
ported today.
Power production in the latest
week totaled 2.285,523,000 kilowatt
hours, a gain of 4.7 per cent over
2.183.807,000 in the preceding week
and 6.2 per cent above 2,152,643,000
in the like 1937 week.
The advance, which was more than
seasonally expected, carried the As
sociated Press index of production
to 116.5 from 116.4 in the previous
week. The index, based on 1929-30
as 100 and adjusted for seasonal
and long-term trend, stood at 111.8
a year ago.
The range for recent years fol
1938 193? 1930 1935 1934
Htsh .... UH.7 125.2 119.8 105.5 97.4
Low 102.8 111.8 102.0 94.1 91.9
Percentage gains over the like
1937 week, according to major geo
graphic areas, were reported as fol
lows by the Institute: New England,
12.2; Middle Atlantic, 6.1; Central
industrial. 5.3; West Central, no
change; Southern States, 6.5; Rocky
Mountain, 3.1; Pacific Coast, 7.2.
New York Cotton
By the Associated Press.
NEW YORK. Dec. 7 —Cotton lost
early gains on trade and foreign
buying today when a little hedging
and liquidation appeared.
March sold off from 8.27 to 8.23,
but recovered to 8.25, leaving the
market 1 point net higher to 2 lower.
Cottonseed Oil.
Cottonseed oil advanced 4 to 6
points by noon today on continued
mill demand against sales of crude
oil. July sold at 7.73. Also sup
porting the market were steadiness
of hogs and corn.
Crude oil was unchanged at 6‘,4
cents bid in the Southeast and Val
ley and 6'„ in Texas.
__ N>w Orica nt Prirea.
NEW ORLEANS Dec. 7 up .—Cotton fu
tures improved slightly at the opening
here today under renewed trade buying
and covering and on favorable cables
'racip> *rre ‘l-.'t points net higher.
Transactions were moderately- heavy under
the start, but prices reacted a point
or two under realizing and some evening
un in advance of the official crop estimate
due tomorrow-.
Cottonseed Oil.
r m,fLUoniPPd 0,1 opened steady December
o f*f*b. January. 7 <>4b. March. 7 17b
Mav. . July. 7.;t:th. b—Bid
Shorts appeared to have covered and
demand tapered off later in the morning
as trading became less active Trade buy
in*-, however, served to support prices
around the prevoius closing levels de
spite intermittent evening up
Near midseason December sold at R 57:
March. H.14. May K17: July. 7 nit. and
Sf~°„bpr ■n‘ Yor unchanged for all months,
compared with yesterday s close
The turnover yesterday was 17 700
bales and open commitments 4.1400
bales an increase of 1,300 bales over the
previous day.
S. S. Kresge Co.
Reports Sales'
By the Associated Press.
DETROIT. Dec 7.—S. S. Kresge
Co. reported yesterday November
sales of $12,634,731, an increase of
eight-tenths of 1 per cent over $12.
531.175 in November last year. Sales
in the first 11 months of the year
were 5.8 per cent below the similar
1937 period. Company operates a
national chain of low-priced variety
Western Auto Supply.
NEW YORK. Dec. 7 i/P).—Novem
ber sales of Western Auto Supply
Co. amounted to $3,618,000, a gain
of 5.1 per cent over the like month
last year, the company reported
yesterday. Business in the first 11
months of the year showed a de
crease of 3.1 per cent from the sim
ilar period last year.
Dividends Announced
NEW YORK. Dec. 7.—Dividends de
clared iprepared by the Standard Statistics
Co T.
Pe- Stic, of Pay
Rate.riod.record able.
Gilmore Oil _75c 12-1 12-15
Oilstocks Ltd _ ftc 12-16 12-24
Penney J C_ f I _ _ 12-9 12-20
Lionel Corp 20c . _ 12-16 1-3
Cuban Ameflcan
Sugar 7% of *2 .. 12-17 12-28
Marine Midland Corp 12c 12-16 1-3
National City Lines 50c 12-17 12-27
Delay Stores Inc 20c 12-15 1-1
Canadian Celanese Ltd 75c 12-16 12-31
Modine Manufac _ 25c 12-10 12-20
Pacific Can Co 50c 12-15 12-22
Reece Folding Mach 6c 12-15 12-28
Provid-Wash Ins 40e 12-9 12-23
Eastern Steamship
Lines $2 cum cv pf 50c 12-16 12-23
United S*ores Coro
$6 Df $4.50 12-16 12-27
Adams Oil & Gas 6c Q 12-19 12-28
American Express $1.60 Q 12-16 1-3
Brlegs Mfg Co 50c 12-16 12-24
Can Celanese Ltd $1.75 O 12-16 12-31
Cent Aguirre Assoc 37bjC Q 12-16 1-3
Cons Cigar Corp 75c 1-3 1-14
Detroit Steel Prod _ 25c 12-16 12-22
Dunplan Silk Corn
8-7 pf $2 Q 12-16 1-3
Florsheim Shoe A 25c Q 12-20 1-3
Florshelm Shoe B 12 */4c Q 12-20 1-3
Food Machinery Corn 25c 12-15 12-31
Food Mach Corp
4'/j% of $1.12'* Q 12-15 12-31
Gilmore 011 25c 12-1 12-15
Homestake Mng .37'/sc M 12-20 12-24
Lionel Corn 20c 12-16 1-3
Locke Steel Chain_30c 12-15 1-3
Oilstocks Ltd __ 2oc SA 12-16 12-24
Penney J C Co __ 75c Q 12-9 12-20
Provid-Wash Ins __ 25c 12-9 12-23
L S Starrett Co 25c- Q 12-19 12-30
Sun Life Assur Can .$3.75 Q 12-16 1-1
Trlco Prod 62 tic Q 12-8 12-23
Western Pine & Steel 25c Q.12-15 12-31
— •
Dry Goods Market
NEW YORK, Dec. 7 I/P).—Cotton goods
prices showed an easier trend today in
Quiet dealing. Percales sold in good
volume, and a (air demand appeared for
other finished goods. Raw silk was un
changed. Rayon yarns moved In mod
erate volume and burlap was steady. Wool
goods mills marked up men's-wear Items
2 Vi cents
New York Metal Market
NEW YORK. Dec. 7 (/Pi.—Copper steady;
electrolyte spot 11.25; exports. 10.41.
Tin steady; spot and nearby. 48.50; for
ward 48.55. Lead auiet; spot, New York.
4.85-00; East 8t. Louis. 4.70. Zinc Quiet;
East 8t. Louis, spot and forward. 4.50. Pig
iron, aluminum, antimony, auicksilyer,
platinum and Chinese wolframite un
Burner Orders Decline
The Census Bureau says new
orders received by oil burner manu
facturers dropped to 20,346 in Oc
tober, compared with 26,403 in
September and 23,390 In October,
(By private wire direct to The Star.)
Stock and Sales—
Dividend Rate. Add 00. Rlth. Low. 2:00.
Aero Sup B.126e. 3 6b 5b 6b
Ainsworth Mfff- _ 6 6b 6b 6b
Air Asaoc(.476e). 2 10b 10b 10b
Air Invent .. 1 2b 2b 2b
Ala Power pf (7). 70a 74b 74b 74b
Alum Co of Am.. 900e 123b 119 123b
Alum Ltd _ 760a 142 140 141
Am Airlines 6 20 19b 19b
AmCappf (lk)... 1 22b 22b 22b
Am Cap pr pf 5*4. 60s 68b 68b 68b
Am Centrifugal . 4 lb lb lb
A C PftLA 1.875h. 60s 25 26 26
Am City P & L
(A)ww(2.06h) 2 24b 24b 24b
Am Cynam(B).(0 12 26b 25b 26b
Am Fork&H 65e.. 1 9b 9b 9b
Am G & E <1.40). 21 32b 32 32b
Am G & E pf (6). 50s 114 114 114
Am General _ 3 4b 4b 4b
Am Gen pf (2) 50e 24b 24b 24b
Am Hard Rubber 50s lib lib lib
Am Laund M .80.. 1 17b 17b 17b
Am Lt & Tr 1.20. 1 15b 15b 15b
Am Mfg _ 25a 15b 15b 15b
Am Maracaibo_ 12 b b b
Am Repub(JOe) . 7 9b 9 9b
Am Seal Kap ,30e. 1 5b 5b 5b
Am Superpower 61 14 b 14
Angostura (.20e). 13 3 3
Ark Nat Gas . 6 2b 2b 2b
Ark Nat Gas(A). 23 3 2b 3
Ark Nat Gas pf ... 37 7b 7 7b
Art Metal W 80 . 1 7b 7b 7b
^shland O&R .40. 4 6 4b 4b
AssocG&EiA). 1 b b b
Aasoe G & E pf .. 2 6b 6*» 6b
Assoc G & E war. 2 i, ti A
Assoc T&T (A).. 26s 2*4 2b 2b
Atl Coast Fish . 10 3b 3 3
All Coast L (le). 20s 27 27 27
Atlas Corp war.. 1 b b b
Atlas Plywood... 14 25b 25b 25b
Automat Prod . 9 lb lb lb
Auto Vot Ma 50a. 1 7b 7b 7b
Aviation A Trans 11 3b 3b 3b
Axton FlshercA) 40s 45 44b 44b
Babcock* Wll... 21 30 294 30
Baldwin Ho war 2 64 64 6V«
Baldw H pf(2.10) 60s 18*, 18** 18**
Bsldwin Rubber . 1 7** 7** 7**
Barium Stain Stl. 7 14 14 14
Bath Iron _ 4 7** 7** 7*»
Beaunit Mills __ 15 5 5
Beech Aircraft 8 44 44 44
Bellanca Aircraft 12 104 104 104
Bell Aircraft 11 26*, 26 26
Benson & Hedges 100s 14 14 14
Berk & Gay Fur.. 6 4 4 4
Bliss (EW) ... 19 124 114 124
Bliss & Haugh... 200s 204 20 204
Blue Ridge _ 1 14 14 14
Breeze Corp .. 21 84 7** 8
Brewst Aero 30e. 13 10** 10 104
Bridgpt Machine. 8 7 64 64
Brill (B) ... 5 IV* 14 14
Brillo Mfg .80 .. 1 11 11 11
Brown F&W 25e. 5 74 64 74
Brown For Dist_. 2 24 2V* 24
Brown Rubber_ 6 64 64 64
BruceCo(EL) ... 1 144 144 144
Bunker Hill & S .. 7 154 15 154
Can In Ale A 10e. 1 24 24 24
Can Marc Wire 3 14 1 1
Carlb Syndicate . 2 4 4 4
Carnation (la) 1 24 21 24
Carrier Corn' .. 4 18 17»* 174
CarterCJ W).45e. 16 6 6
Casco Trod 1.50e. 1 164 164 164
Catlin Am 20 54 54 54
Celanese 1 pf(7a) 150* 92 90 92
Cent N Y P pf 5 60s 894 894 894
Cent Ohio St .756 1 84 84 84
Cent P&H pf (7) . 25s 88 88 88
Cent & Sown Ut . 5 14 14 14
Cent States El 52 ft # ft
Cent St El cv pf 50s 44 44 44
Cent St B 75 pf 50s 104 10 104
Centrif Plpe(.40) 1 40, 44 44
Chi FlexShaft(4) 200s 75 75 75
Chief Consol 14 4 4
Childs pf 305* 62 69 61
City & Sub H ,35e 31 44 44 44
Cities Service_ 5 6*, 64 6*,
Cities Svc pf 33 46 444 45
Cities Svc pf(B) 14 4 4
Cities Svc( BR)pf 40s 424 404 42
City Auto Stpg... 6 64 64 64
Clev Tractor _ 8 54 5 54
Claude Neon H_ 8 1 1 1
Club Alum Uten_. 1 24 24 24
Cohen & Rosen... 2 74 74 74
Colon Develop .. 2 2H 24 24
Col Fnel&lr war. 2 74 74 74
Colts Pat FA(2a) 5 86 844 86
Col G&E of (5) 100s 55 55 55
Columb Oll&Gas 1 24 24 24
Comwlth Dlst 2 4 4 *,
Comwlth & S war 5 ft ft ft
Com'ty PS (2) 50s 27 27 27
Com PAH 1st pf . 25s 28 28 28
Com'ty Wat Svc 1 ** *» 4
Cons C Mln(.25e) 26 74 7 74
Cons G&E B 3.60. 7 714 71 71*.
Cons Retail Strs.. 1 44 44 44
Cons Steel Corn.. 2 6 6 6
Conti OH (Mex).. 14 4 4
Conti Roll & Stl.. 1 94 94 94
Cooper-Bess .. 2 8 74 74
Cook Paint (.60).. 1 8 8 8
Copper Range 6 54 54 54
Copperweld(1.20) 1 264 264 264
Cosden Petrol 7 14 14 14
Creole Petr(.50a) 18 23 224 23
Crocker Wheeler 1 ,74 74 74
Croft Brewing - 2 ft ft ft
Crown Cent Petr. 1 24 24 24
Crown C In A (1). 1 94 94 94
Crown Drug .. 3 IV* IV* IV*
Cuban Tobacco 14 4 4
Cuneo Press (2). '50s 444 444 444
Darby Petrol .50.. 1 7% 7% 7%
Dayton Rub 50e 1 15% 15% 15%
Dayton R (A)(2) 100s 23 23 23
Det Gasket (.50e) 1 8% 8% 8%
Det Mich Stove . 2 2 2 2
Det Paper Trod_ 2 2 2 2
DivcoTwinT_ 1 3Vi 3% 3%
Domin Stl&Coal_. 4 11% 11% 11%
Dubllier Con .10e. 1 1% 1% 1%
Durham Hos (B). 2 5% 4% 5%
Duro-Test(.lOe). 8 5% 5% 5%
Eagle Pieher Ld. 10 13% 12% 13%
Eastn G&F . .. 34 IS 1% 1%
Eastn G&F 6 pf_. 150s 10% 10% 10%
Eastn G&F pr pf. 125s 20S) 19% 20
Eastern States_ 2 1% 1% 1%
Easy Wash M(B) 3 3% 3% 3%
Eisler Electric_ 1111
Elec Bond & Sh._ 66 10% 9% 9%
Elec B&S pf (5).. 3 56 55 55
Elec B&S pf (6).. 2 63 62 62
Klee P A(A).10a_. 7 2% 2% 2%
Elec P&L war ... 1 4% 4% 4%
Elec Sharehold'g. 2 2 2 2
Electrol vtc_ 7 1% 1% 1%
Emp G&F 65 pf 100s 58 58 58
Em G&F 6%5 pf 50s 58% 56 56
Em G&F 75 pf.. 400s 59 52 52
Em G&F 85 pf... 60s 60 57 57
Equity Corp _ 9 ft % %
Esquire (1.20a).. 1 9% 9% 9%
Fairchild Av ,30e. 13 9% 9% 9%
Falstaff Br ,60a . 1 7% 7% 7%
Fanny Farm(le). 1 22% 21% 22
Fedders Mfg- 3 6% 6% 6%
Ferro Enamel- 2 19% 19% 19%
Fidelio Brew ..74%%
Fisk Rubber .50e. 5 10% 10% 10%
Fla P&L of 3.06k. 650s 70 67 70
Ford(Can)Ad).. 1 21% 21% 21%
Ford Ltd (,17e)._ 1 3% 3% 3%
Franklin Rayon . 2 4 4 4
Fuller (G A)84pf. 26s 38 38 38
Gen Invest _ 1 % % %
Gen Pub Svc pf.t 160s 47% 46 47%
Gen Tel pf (3)._. 1 49% 49% 49%
Ga Pwr pf (6) _. 60s 81% 81% 81%
Glen Alden .375*. 13 6% 5% 5%
Grand Nat Films. 10 % % %
Grand Rap V .20.. 1 6% 6% 6%
Gray Tel Pay Sta. 2 11 10% 11
Grt A&Pn-v (4). 60s 67% 67% 67%
Grt Nor Pa (la).. 150s 38% 38 38
Gruman AE .60e_ IS 19% 17% 17%
Gulf Oil d) . 6 38 37% 37%
Gulf StUt6% pf. 80s 101% 101 101%
Hall Lamp - 2 21* 21* 2t*
Hartman Tobac_ 8 1* 1* 1*
Harvard Brew_ 1 11* 11* 11*
Hazeltlne (3)_ 1 281* 281* 281*
Hearn Dept Strs. 2 5% 51* 5H
Hearn DSpf<3). 50s 241* 241* 241*
Hecla Minins .30* 2 91* 914 9>/«
Helena Rubin .75e 4 5 41* 41*
Hewitt Rub .65*.. 1 91* 91* 91*
Hoe(R)ACo(A).. . 2 61* 614 61*
Horn & Hard <2e) 60s 37 37 37
Humble 011 <2*1. 13 67H 671* 671*
Hummell Ross F. 2 31* 31* 31*
111 Iowa Power ... 2 4 4 4
111 Iowa Pwr pf— 1 19 19 19
Imp Oil Ltd SOa. 6 16*4 161* 16**
ImpT (Can) .625. 4 141* 141* 141*
Ins Co N Am 2a 200s 681* 681* 681*
Int Hydro E war. 1 1* 1* 1*
Int Pa&Pwr war. 12 314 31* SI*
Int Petr (1.60a).. 2 26 2514 26
Int Radio (.60e).. 7 9** 9** 9*4
Int Utlllties(B).. 6 1* 1* 1*
Int Vitamin 275*. 6 4 4 4
Interst H Eq .44.. 8 614 6 614
Interst P Del pf.. 10s 414 414 41*
Irving Air ChUa) 4 17H 17 17*4
Ital Superpwr A. 1 A & 4
Jacobs Co _ 14 4 4
Jeanette Gla. 1 1*4 1*4 1*4
JerCPAL.pt (6).. 40s 781* 77 78
Jones A Lau StI— 1 86 86 86
stock and Sale*— '
Dividend Rate. Add 00 High. Low. 3:00.
Kingston Prod . 3 2% 2% 2%
Kirby Petr(.lOe). 13 3 8
Knott Corp(.30e). 2 11% 11% 11%
KreugerBrew .. 3 4% 4% 4%
Lake Shore M(4). 4 48% 48% 48%
Lakey Fdry AM- 7 3 3 3
Leh Coal A N .10# 14 3% 3% 3%
Leonard 011 21 4 4 4
Line Mater'l .20*. 550s 15% 15 15
Lion Oil (1) , 1 18% 19% 19%
Locke Stl C 1.40# S0e 13% 13% 13%
Lockheed Alrcr.. 90 30% 29% 29%
Long Island Lt 1111
Long Isl Ltg pf B 125a 23% 22% 22%
Ludlow. Valve 200# 1% 1% 1%
McCord Rad <B) . 1 2% 2% 2%
McWillms Dredg 3 16% 16 16%
Majestic Radio .. 7 1% 1 1
Manati Sug war.. 1 % % %
Massey-Harrls 4 6% 6% 6%
Mer A Mfg(A ).S0. 2 5% 5% 5%
Merritt-ChapAS 15 4% 4% 4%
Metal Textile .10e 2 1% 1% 1%
Mich Bumper 1 % % %
Mich Gas A Oil 17 3 2% 3
Mid St Petr (A) 2 4% 4% 4%
Midvale Steel (5e 50s 102 101 102
Mid West Corp . 2 6% 6% 6%
Molybdenum ... 5 5% 5% 5%
Monogram Pic 1 1% 1% 1%
Mont Ward A(7) 120s 158% 158 158%
Moody ptc pf (3). 60s 29 28% 28%
Moore(T)Dist .24%%
Mount City Cop . 7 6% 6% 6%
Mount Prodl.60). 1 4% 4% 4%
Nat Auto Fibre .. 4 7% 7% 7%
Nat Bellas Hes«.. 49 A % %
Nat City Lines . 3 11% 11 11%
Nat Contain .50#. 3 7% 7% 7%
Nat Fuel G 11)... 1 13% 13% 13%
Nat PAL pf 16) 50s 66% 66% 66%
Nat Rubber Mach 7 4% 4% 4%
Nat Service pf 1111
Nat Transit(.75e) 1 7% 7% 7%
Nat Tunnel AM. 1 1% 1% 1%
Nat Un Radio ... 1 % % %
NewEPAsso — 25s 11 11 11
N E P A pf 4 50k 25s 52 52 52
New Eng TATI6) 20s 104 104 104
NJ Zinc 12) .. 1150* 55% 54% 55%
NY PAL Df (7)... 10s 106 106 106
NY Shiphldg F 1 12% 12% 12%
Niag Hud Pw 25# 18 8 7% 7%
Niag Hist (5) 275s 86% 85% 86%
Niag H (A) war 5 % % %
Niag Sh Md B.25e 12 5% 5% 5%
Niles-Bem P 12). 6 55% 55 55%
Noma Elec .65e 3 5% 6% 5%
Nor Am Lt&Pw. 7 1% 1% 1%
Nor Am LAP pf . 100s 62 62 62
Nor Europ Oil 13 % 4 A
Nor States PWr A 2 9% 9% 9%
N W Eng 1.25e . 1 15% 15% 15%
Ohio Brass IB) . 75g 25% 24% 25
Ohio Edis pf (6). 25s 101 101 101
Okla Natural G . 6*12 12 12
Okla Nat Gas pf 150s 40% 40 40%
Okla NG cvpf(S) 25s 103% 103% 103%
PacG&E 6 pf 1.50 7 314 31'/* 31V*
Pan-Am Air (1). 11 174 174 174
PantepecOil 200 64 6 64
Parkbp B&R 1.60 1 134 134 134
Pennroad <25g) 33 14 1»* 14
I Pa Cent Airlines 6 8 74 8
j Pa P&L pf (7) 250a 99 984 99
PharisT&T 60e_ 2 84 84 84
Phila Co (,55e) 2 54 54 54
Phillips Packing. 1 24 24 24
Phoenix Secur . 18 54 44 54
Pierce Govt 30e). 1 164 164 164
Pioneer Gold 40.. 3 24 24 24
Pitney-Bow 40a.. 5 7 64 7
Pitts Metallurgy. 18 8 8
Powdrell & Alex.. 1 44 44 44
Prud Investors .. 1 64 64 64
P S Ind $7 pr pf 40a 444 444 444
Puget Sd P 15 pf 100s 374 374 374
PupSd PJ6pf... 25a 164 164 164
' Rwy & Lt Sec 400a 104 10 104
I Ravmd Coned) 250a 20 194 20
■ Red Bank Oil . 15 5 5
I Reed Roll B 80a. 1 32 32 32
Reiter-Foster 1 4, % \
Reybarn t.30e) .. 1 24 24 24
Reynolds Invest. 14 4 4
Richmond Rad xr 1 24 24 24
! Root Petr pf 5 5 44 5
| Royal Typ*r(3). 100a 754 754 754
| Ryan Consol ._ 4 24 24 24
j Safety Car (2e)_50a 6p . 63 65
j St Regis Paper... 16 3 24 24
Salt Dome Oil_ 3 174 164 164
Schiff Co (1)_ 2 124 12 124
j Scovill Mfp ... 2 26 254 26
1 Scrant El pf <6) . 20s 114 114 114
: Scrant Lace (1) . 10s 20 20 20
Scullin Steel 1 114 114 114
Scullen Steel war 10 l** 14 14
Seemn Bros 2.50 1 32 32 32
Sepal Lock -54** *,
Select Industries 11 1 1 1
Sel Ind al it 5.50 100a 70 70 70
Sal Ind pr pf 5.50 100s 694 694 694
Seversky Alrcr.. 16 54 54 54
Shattuck Denn 16 8 74 7*»
Sher-Will(2.50e) 550s 105 103** 105
J Simmons H&P.. 1 24 24 24
I Singer Mfp (6a). 10a 210 210 210
Solar Mfp 3 44 4 4
So Penn O 1.50a._ 2 304 304 304
S C Ed pf B 1.50 . 2 274 274 274
S C Ed pf C 1.375. 1 26*. 26*. '26*.
So Col Pwr (A) .. 2 14 14 14
Southl'd Roy 50e 1 54 54 54
5 Stand C&SI1.60) 1 16** 16** 16*«
Stand Invest pf 200s 11 11 11
i Stand Oil Ky(la). 1 174 174 174
Std Oil Ohio d ).. 2 194 194 194
Stand Pwr & Lt— 1 4 4 4
Stand,Products.. 19 9 9
Stand Steel Spg— 6 214 214 2D.
Stand Tube (B)— 2 24 24 24
Starrett C vtc 1 34 34 34
Sterl’p Alum 50e. 1 54 54 54
Sterling Inc 20a. 3 4 34 4
Sunrav Oil 05e _ 2 24 24 24
Sup Oil of Calif_ 2 444 444 444
Taggart ... 2 4% 4% 4%
Tampa Klee 2.24. 1 33% 33% 33%
Tastyeast (A) 2 ft % %
Technicolor 83e. 8 20% 20% 20%
Texon Oil -.7 4 4 4
Thew Shovjel .50*. . 50s 14% 14% 14%
Tob Prod Ex ,35'e. 2 4% 4% 4%
Trans-Lux (lOe). 12 2 2
Transwest Oil . 6 4% 4% 4%
Tubize Chatillon- 3 9% 9 9%
Tubize Chat (A) 2 38% 32% 33%
Tung-Sol.L pf .80 1 7S 7% 7%
Un Prem F S(l)_. 1 13 13 13
Utd Cig-Wh Sts. 4 1% 1% 1%
UtdCorpwar_ 2 % % %
United Gas 101 2% 2% 2*.
United Gas war_ 11 ft % s„
Unit Gas pf (7) . 1 82 82 82
Utd Lt&Pwr (A) 13 2% 2% 2%
Unit Lt&Pwr (B) 5 2% 2 2
UtdL&Pcvpf 4 26% 25% 26%
Utd Shipyds (B) 2 1% 1% 1%
Utd Sh M 2.50a 300s 83% 83 83
U S Foil (B) ... 5 6 6 6
U S & lntl Sec 1 ft ft ft
U S Rub Reclaim 1 2% 2% 2%
Unit Stores vtc 6 % % %
Utd Wall P(.10e) 4 2% 2% 2%
UnivCorpvtc 4 5 4% 6
UtP& Ltpf4%k 25s 48% 48% 48%
Utilities P&L (r) 3 % % %
UtilP&Lpfir) .-60s 8% 8% 8%
Utility Equity 12 2 2
Utility Equ pf lk 100s 82% 52 62%
Utility & Indus 3 % % %
Valspar Corp 12 2 2
Van Xor MT 1.80e 2 27% 27% 27%
Venex Mex Oil . 2 7% 6% 7%
V'enezueia Petrol- 2 % % %
Waitt & Bond(A) 1 6% 6% 6%
Walker Mining... 1 1% 1% 1%
Wayne Knit M_ 1 10% 10% 10%
Wellington Oil_ 5 3% 3 3
West Va C & C_ 1111
Western Air Exp 4 4% 4% 4%
West’n Md 1st pf. 10s 50 50 50
Wolverine Tube 2 7% 7% 7%
Wright Harg ,40a 5 8% 8 8%
r In bankruptcy or receivership or being
reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act or
securities assumed by such companies.
Rates of dividends in the foregoing table
are annual disbursements based on the
last quarterly or semi-annual declarations.
Unless otherwise noted special or extra
dividends are not Included.
a Also extra or extras, e Declared or
paid so far this year, no regular rate,
f Payable in stock. g Paid last year,
h Cash or stock, k Accumulated dividend
paid or declared this year. ww With
warrants, xw Without warrants, war War
New York Sugar
NEW YORK Dec. 7 UPi.—Sugar fu
tures were firmer today on further cover
ing and trade buying, encouraged by the
better tone of the actual market.
March No. 3 sold ud to 1.05 and July
to 2.02 or 4 points net higher, while
March No. 4 advanced to 1.08% and May
to 1.11. or l'/j to 2 V, points net higher.
The market at 2 p.m. held close to these
New York Silver
NEW YORK. Dec. 7 UP).—Bar silver.
42%; unchanged.
Crude Rubber Futures
. NSW YORK. Dec. 7 UP).—Crude nA
ber futures opened 7 lower to 6 hither.
December. 16.90b; March* 16.99-16.03.
k *
Crude Oil Production
Drops Moderately
For Week
Oklahoma Accounts
For Greatest Part
Of Reduction
Bt the Anocleted Preu.
NEW YORK, Dec. 7.—Crude oil *
production declined moderately dur
ing the week ended December 3, the
American Petroleum Institute re
ported today. *
The' crude flow dipped 37,250 bar
rels daily to 3,223,650 barrels, well
under the 3,387,000 barrels turned
out in the like week a year ago.
Oklahoma accounted for most of ,
the reduction. California and Kansas
were also in the minus column. Texas
and Louisiana, on the other hand,
produced more crude oil.
Refinery operations dropped to 79 *
per cent of capacity from 82 per
cent the week before, runs to stills
slipping 120,000 barrels daily to
3.175.000 barrels; approximately'un
changed from last year.
Finished and unfinished gasoline
stocks continued to expand, rising
419.000 barrels to 69,155,000 barrels.
The total was, however, substantially
under 1937.
Gasoline production fell off to
9.658.000 barrels daily from 9,772.000
barrels the week before. Imports
of crude and refined oil totaled
1.180.000 barrels, against 934,000
Cut in Production
Of Copper
Is Ordered
bj the Associated Press.
LONDON, Dec. 7.—The Interna
tional Copper Committee today or
dered production cut to 100 per
cent of basic tonnages by January 1.
A restriction to 105 per cent will
be made effective December 15. At
present the quota is 110 per cent,
effective January 1, with output
on an unrestricted basis until that
(In October, when the red metal
was in the best statistical position
for some time from the point of
view of existing stocks and con
sumer demand, the copper cartel
removed all restrictions on output
then established the 110 per cent
base as of January l. in the mean
time recurrence of political trouble'
in Europe and a slackening demand
restrained copper buying and pointed
to a possible glut in th| market
Tne cartel regulates production
abroad, but not in the United
1 . High. Low. Noon
Ala Power 5s 68 sg*. xgs. gg3
Am GAE 5s 2028 1II81, 11)84 108',
Am P A L 6S 2016 834 83 83's
Am Radial 44s 47 1 04 4 1 04 4 1 04 4
1 Ark P A L 5s 56 101 4 10] '4 101*,
As El Ind 4 4s 53 44 >4 434 44 4
As T A T 54s 65 A 76 76 76
Baldn Loro 6s 5o 1004 no loo4
Bell Tel C 5s 57 B 121 4 1 21 4 121 4
Birmiii, G»s 5s So 7o'« 70 7o
; Caro Pw A Lt 5s 56 ns ns PS
Sedar R MAP 5s 53 114 114 114
ent Pw A Lt 5s 56 WH MS*. »M
Cent St El 5s 48 31 31 31
£fn St PAL 54s 53 55 54 4 65
£{“ 5a, EM *s '° a 104 4 104 4 104 4
Chi MALU 44s 66 A 09 4 99 4 09*,
Chi Rys 5s 27 cod 45 45 45
Cities Svc 5s 50 68 674 67 4
£!]’** I Sas 4- 1"1S Dll*,
Cities S.9»s p ds 43 1024 1024 1024
Clt S PAL 54s 52 73 4 72 4 73
Cu S PAL 5 4s 49 73 724 73
Comnty PAL 5s 57 754 754 761,
Com Pb Sv 5s 60 A 101 1004 101
£°nt G A E 5s 58 A 824 814 814
Cudahy Pkg 34s 56, 934 03 * 93 *
Bra BkV.'s 4§ 10?U 1074
get.* In B 64s 52 cd 74 74 74
&*5' 4s 56 A 82 4 62 62*»
IP Pw * Lt os 2030 73% T234 73
fvrt’w.1? fl1 5-,5~ yy4 9"4 9ft*,
rfd X?,* S’* °4 90 SO 80
Sor,S?V°,UP,n *s ?? 894 *94 894
rtorida PAL ns n4 95 05 P5
Gatineau Pw 5s 56 1044104410417
§Pn ,?,U v Ut fi,*S oH 814 814 g|t',
Gen W WAE ns 43 A 85 4 854 85M
v-eoreia Pw 5s 67 964 964 96*t
Georgi; p a L 5s 78 63*, 634 634
9lpn1 A!dfn Cl 4s 65 724 7"4 7*U
H?llerVyS-p,ia4inSt A 1004 1004 lOOt*
Holier <WE* 4s 40 WW f*H PH PP
Hou Gulf G Os 43 A It)3 103 103
ill plwAi*af 3 T, 1084 1084 108M
PWivL R'js o4 B !lp .op po
111 Pw A L 5s 5fi C PfiT4
IjJ jn E C bb 51 c
India no Ser 5s 50 So 1
l"d|*n» 8*r 6s 63 A 674
Indiana Gs 5s 52 S-aj
Int erst Pw 5s 57
Intersi Pw HS 52 2o
Inters! PS 4%.s 58 F 7,, ’eii
J?rNrLPXT Pns* ST £ 100% 100loot]
xfr C f*L * 2S Hi C 105% 105% 105*4
Kentucky U os HO I 87% 87% 87M
E?n U 5%S 55 F 0:? P3 po *
tf'lf S6S-2026 A 105*, 1054 105H
r x •»* 52 PP% qqi/_ noil
L® p9** & Lt 5s 57 10H% 10H% 106*1
2jumuh P a L 6s 48 A 02 904 90 4
Metrop Edis 4s 71 E 108 log ins*
8 P* 64 45 A 93 ' 93 *SS
w1 E 4YjS 8' 100 100 100
Minn PAL 44s 78 994 99 99
Miss Pow 5s 55 82 8° 8“*
MtSS Pw A L 5s 57 90’, 904 90*4
Mo Pub Svc 5s 6(1 _ 73 73 73
5»‘ PA L Hs 2026 A 97 4 97 4 9713
V8h Db S- 58 "S CO<1 38 38 ^ 38 1
Neb Pwr 6s -1022 A 1184 1184 ] 1 gu
Nevad cal El 5s 56 . 82*4 82
New E G A E 5s 47 55 55 55
New E G A E 5s 50 54 64 M
New E Pw 5s 48 904 90 90
mv 2rv0f. 4i stpd 99*. 994 90*1
2 X ? E JP 44s 80 1004 100 100 *
S’ I.nd CA E fis 52 1084 1084 108'j
2 Jnd P f os 66 C 1054 1050, 1054
SS t o8;JS *if* 2 165V, 1054 1054
2 Jpd P 1 4 4s 70 E 103’, 103*. 103*1
Northw P S 6s 57 A 99 99 99
Okla P A W 5s 48 . _ 94'4 94 4 94 '4
Pac PAL 5s 55 77’, 774 77*1
Penn C LAP 4'*, 77 934 93a. nnaj
Peon GIAC 4s 81 B 914 914 914
Ppop OLAC 4s 61 D 94', 04', 940
Pitts 8teel 6s 48 994 994 990
Pug Sd PAL 54s 49 774 77*, 774
Puc S PAL 44s 50 D 7°4 7"4 70*1
Safe H W, 44s 79 1064 1064 106’]
Schulte Real E 6s 51 294 294 20M
Shw 87 A 1044 1044 104*4
Sou Cal Ed 3*., 60 1084 1084 108*'
Sou Cal E 34s 60 B 1084 108*', 1084
Souw P A L 6s 2022 A 814 814 81*1
Std OAK 6s 48 at 60*/, 59*. 594
Std G A E 6s 48 cvst 60'/. 59*'. 89*1
Std Gas A El 6s 51 A 604 604 60*4
8td Gas A El 6s 57 6n>/« 60V, 60'1
Std Gas A El 6s 66 B 60 594 60
Stand Pw A Lt 6s 57 _ 60'* 60 80
Texas Elec 6 s 60 98', 974 91*4
Tex Pw A L 5s 56 1034 103', 10.34
Tex P A L 6a 2022 A 101 101 101
Tide Wat P 5s 79 A 89 89 89
Twin CRT 54s 52 A 56 56 56
Ulen A Co 6s 60 IV st 534 534 53 4
Unit Lt A- Pw 6**s 74 75 75 75
Unit LARD S'is 52 80 80 80
Va Pub Ser 6s 46 83 83 83
Wald Ast Hot 5s 64 214 214 21 4
Wash W A P 5S 60 _ 1054 1054 1054
West News U Hs 44___ 58 58 58
West Pa 5s 2030 1044 1*144 104*4
West T Ut 6s 57 A 904 994 99 M
Wis-Min LAP 5s 44 107 107 107
Wis P A L 4s 66 994 99V, 99V4
Cauca Val 7s 48 1ft'* 104 low
Cuban Tob 6s 44 65 65 66
Danish Con 5'is^ 65 994 99*i 99*1
Denm Mt B 5s 72 lx 994 994 994
Prussian El 6a 54 22 4 22 4 224
Stlnn <H> 4S 40 2d st 59 59 5ft
ww With warrants. xw Without war
rants. n New. st (stpl Stamped.
5 Negotiability impaired by maturity,
t Companies reported In reeelverihlp.
Federal Land Banks
NEW YORK. Dec. 7 UP—Federal Lani
Bank bonds
Rate—Maturity Bid Asked
3V4S Mar. 1055-45_lOOVi 100*?
3s July 1955-45_104'i 104’1
3s Jan. 1050-40_104'* 104s]
3s May 1050-40 _104 Vi 10441
Cuban Sugar Exports Rise
NEW YORK, Dec. 7 OP).—Cubar
exports of sugar from January 1 t<
December 3 totaled 2,467,981 loni
tons, raw value, an increase of 0.)
of 1 per cent over 2,465,001 in thi
comparable 1937 period, according t4
Havana advlcea to Lambom & Co.
sugar brokerai

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