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Big Gains Indicated In Yule Savings For 1939 Season Enrollments and Amounts Both Show Gains Over Year Ago By EDWARD C. STONE. Christmas savings clubs for 1939, opened by 16 Washington banks a week ago, are getting away to a flying start, both the number of enrollments and the amount of money subscribed being substantially ahead of the same period last year, an unofficial survey disclosed today. Inquiry at more than half the banks maintaining these popular clubs brought reports of an unex pected rush, every bank announcing more members and larger subscrip tions than was the case in the first six or seven days in 1937. Asked to account for the influx, which in many instances has almost swamped the tellers at the Christmas savings club windows, bankers said today that they could account for the upswing only by the fact that business in general is getting better steadily and that people have more ready money than they had in their pocketbooks or their bank accounts a year ago. The Christmas savings idea is more firmly rooted here than in most other cities in the country. The average savings laid aside by the members this year was nearly double the average for the whole Nation. This year the banks merely announced their plans for opening the clubs, making no attempt to stress the value of the clubs or the importance of thrift. That is why officials are so surprised as they look at the number of people going up to the windows. It was reported today that a good many of the new members are making their first payments for 1939 from their 1938 club funds received a few days ago. Enrollments in the new clubs will close on January 7. Right now the popularity of the clubs seems to be just as great as when the banks paid generous inter est on each account. capital traction Bonds Ip. Capital Traction 5s have recently displayed added strength on the Washington Stock Exchange, being more active and registering higher quotations. Two SI.000. one $500 and a $2,500 transfer were recorded on the exchange yesterday at 85. up from recent sales at 83'2. Members of the exchange lay the advance to the more favorable October report. Interest is unabated in Anacostia & Potomac R. R. 5s. which regis tered 86 on the last sale. The final court ruling on the liability for these bonds is awaited with deep interest by individual investors and several Washington banks. Answering the pending suit, the Washington Rail way & Electric Co. and the Capital Transit Co. denied liability in a statement filed with the court last week. I). C. Underwriters Meet. Three Washington insurance agents—Dwight L. Scott, William M. Werber, jr„ and Roy B. Lanham— addressed the December luncheon meeting of the District Life Under writers’ Association at the Willard Hotel yesterday. As producers with excellent records, they * presented many interesting ideas on ways of increasing sales. W. M. Werber, in addition to being an insurance agent in the winter, is the star third base- J man on the Philadelphia Athletics i in the summer. Richard W. Griswold, president of t the association, introduced several I new' members and anno”nced that there is a movement on foot to have the membership year run from July 1 to the end of June instead of from January 1 to the end of December. Most of the other associations in the national organization have the July 1 plan and it was the national organi- ; zation that requested the change, j More than 200 underwriters were at the meeting. Liberty Pays Yule Bonus. Directors of the Liberty National j Bank have declared a Christmas! bonus of two weeks salary for all j employes of the bank. President M. F. Calnan announced today. The disbursement has already been made and a portion of it placed in the channels of trade. This is the third bonus distributed by a Washington bank this year. Books were closed today on the sale of 375,000 shares of North Amer ican Co. stock, formerly ow'ned by investment trusts, which was offered at 21V«. Two local firms, Y. E. Booker and Johnston. Lemon & Co., were among the underwriters selling the stock. Several out-of-town houses, W'ith offices here, also had blocks of the stock. The Metropolis Building Associa tion was 72 years old yesterday. Assets now total $5,581,000. Officers include Harry G. Wilson, president; ! John Scrivener, vice president; Ed ward A. Trip, secretary, and Rudolph W. Santelman, treasurer. The directorate is made up of the officers and George A. Siebert, William A. Simpson, Harry M. Wieganri. Mar tin T. W’iegand, Arthur Seagren, W. A. Simpson and Harry E. Tripp. Mergenthaler Leads Market. Mergenthaler Linotype led trading ort the Washington Stock Exchange today, opening with 40 and 35 share lots selling at 237B. Later 12 more shares sold at 23 ;4. In yesterday's market two 50-share transfers were recorded. Attention is said to have been turned to the stock by the labor situation at the Brooklyn plant. Two $1,000 transfers in Capital Traction 5s were recorded at 85. Washington Gas Light preferred was strong at 105. Washington Rail way & Electric preferred appeared on the board on a small turnover at 115. J. C. Penney Co. declared an extra yesterday of $1 and the usual divi dend of 75 cents, while Greyhound Corp. voted an extra of 30 cents and regular quarterly dividend of 20 cents. Karl Hoffman, general agent of the Massachusetts Accident Co., is in Boston assisting in the celebration of the company's 55th anniversary. He is to speak at one of the business meetings, his office having written an extra large amount of business in the past few months. Noted Financiers Aid Drive. Nationally known business lead ers are actively supporting the “Fight Infantile Paralysis'’ cam paign, Chairman Keith Morgan reported in New York today. Among the members of the Finance Com mittee are Robert V. Fleming, pres ident of the Riggs National Bank; W. Averill Harriman, chairman of the board of the Union Pacific Rail road; John R. Macomber, First Boston Corp., and J. F. T. O’Connor, former controller of the currency. 1 TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE By Private Wire Direct to The Star. 2:30 o.m. Prev. 19.38 Stock and Salei— Bet Hlkh. Low Dividend Rate Add 00. Hlch. Low Clone, chte. 61 36% Abbott Lab(1.6oa) 2 69% 58% 68%-% 12% 6% Adams Exp (,20e)__ 9 10% 10% 10% + % 67% 40 Air Reduct ntla) 12 63% 63 63%+ % 1% % Air- Way Eleo Appl. 5 % % % 13% 8% Alaska Juneau 60a. 11 9% 9% 9% — % 115 95 Albany & Sus (9a)_. 20s 125 125 125 +10 1% % Alleghany _ 18 1% 1 1% 17% 6% Alleghany $30 tw„ 7 13% 12% 13 + % 17% 6 Alleg’y pf $40 wtv.. 7 12 12 12 + % 17% 6% Allegh'y pf xw_ 6 12 11% 11%+% 21% 7% Alleghany pr pf ... 1 16% 16% 16%+ % 29% 14% Alleg-Ludlum Steel 10 25% 24% 25 + % 14% 4% Allen Industries_ 1 10% 10% 10% — % 197 124 Allied Chem (6) .. 5 183% 182 182%+% 14% 8% Allied Mills (.75e).. 4 12% 12% 12%-% 13% 4% Allied Stores .. 20 11% 11% 11%+% 55% .34% Allts-Chalmers 1.50. 10 47% 45% 46% + V4 20 11% Alpha Por Cem(l).. 1 18% 18% 18%+% 3% 1% Amal Leather 3 2% 2% 2% + % 78 55 Amerada <2> .. 4 70% 70 70 28% 23 Am AgrtcCh (Del). 1 23 23 23 - % 2.3% 10 Am Bank Note.70e. 2 17% 17% 17%+ % 14% 6% Am Bosch . 2 7% 7% 7% 52 23% Am Brake Sh(.75e). 3 47 45% 45% - 14 105% 70% Am Can i4) 7 95 94% 95 34% 12% Am Car & Fdy . 14 29% 29% 29%+% 57% 27 Am Car&Fy pf 2.50s 3 48% 48 48 + V4 23% 9% Am Chain & C(.70e) 8 21 20% 21 +% 125 88'-.. Am Chicle (4a) 1121 121 121 9% 4% Am Colortype _ 3 8% 8 8 15 9 Am Comc'l Alcohol. 3 12% 12 12 — % 16", 8% Am Crystal Sugar . 15 9% 9% 9% + % 83 68 Am Crystal S pf(6). 30s 74 73 73 -3 6% 2% Am Encaustic Til _ 3 4% 4% 4% 7% 4 Am European Sec _ 2 6% 6% 6% 5% 2% Am & Foreign Pwr. 18 3s, 3% 3% 20% 10 Am & For Pw $6 pf. 7 13 12% 13 25% 13% Am & For Pw $7 pf. 3 16% 16% 16% - % 12% 5% Am & For Pw 2d pf. 3 8 7% 7% - % 15 9 Am Hawa'n SS (1).. 1 14 14 14 5% 2 Am Hide & Leather 7 4'% 4% 4% - % 44% 30% Am Home Prod 2.40 1 43% 43% 43'% — % 2% 1% Am Ice .. 2 1% 1% 1% + % 8% 4% Am International... 4 7 6% 6% — % 29% 12% Am Locomotive .. 15 26 25 25% - % 79 44 Am Locomotive pf.. 1 68% 68% 68% — % 17% 10 Am Mach & Fy 80.. 6 15% 15% 15%+% 5% 2% Am Mach & Metals. 14 4 4 45 23 Atn Metals (le) ... 10 40% 38% 40% +2% 29% 20 AmNews (1.25e) ... 60s 26 25% 25% - % 7% 3% Am Power & Light 10 5% 5% 5% 41% 16% Am P&L $5 pf 2 50k 6 33% 33% 33%-% 47% 19 Am P&L $6 pf (3k). 2 39 38 38 - % 19% 9 Am Radiator _ 42 16% 16% 16% + V, 24'.. 12% Am Rolling Mills 22 20% 20% 20% - % 80% 58 Am Rolling Mills pf 1 70 70 70 20% 14% Am Sat Haz (1.60). 1 15% 15% 15% - % 23% 7% Ain Seating . 2 19% 19%. 19', 35%. 22% Am Shipbldg (2a) . 240s 32% 31% 32% +1% 58% 28% Am Sm & Ref 2.26e. 15 52% 52 52 + % 38 15% Am Steel Fopndry.. 16 34 33% 33", + ", 11% 6% Am Stores . 3 8% 8% 8", — % 31 20 Am Sugar Refining. 6 21'% 21% 21% - % 117% 99 Am Sugar R pf (7). 1 101% 101% 101% + % 150 111 An} Te! & Teleg (9) 20 149% 148', 148% 88'i 58 Am Tobacco (5) 2 83% 83% 83% - % 91", 58% Am Tohacco(B)(5). 12 86% 85% 86%+', 151', 130 Am Tobacco, pf (6). 4 152 152 152 +% 9% 3% Am Type Foundry.. 1 7% 7% 7% + % 16% 6 Am Water Works_ 20 12% 12 12% — % 7% 3', Am Woolen _ 2 5% 5% 5% 45 23% Am Woolen pf_ 7 37 36% 36% - ", 9% 4% Am Zinc 9 7% 7 7 42% 21 Anaconda Cop ,50e . 130 35 34% 34% +1 64% 29 Anaconda Wire & C 2 56% 56 56 4%. 2 A P W Paper 2 2% 2% 2% — •% 31% 20 Arch-Dan-Mid 1.25e 2 28 28 28 103% 82 Armour i Del) pf (7) _ 1 103%. 103% 103%+ % 7 3% Armour ■ 111 > 11 5% 5% 51, + y4 53% 24% Armstrong C’k 75e 3 52 51V, 51% - %■ 13 5% Arnold Constab 75e 2 11% 11 11% 8% 2% Artloom Corp .. 5 7% 7", 7", — % 12% 4 Assoc Drv Goods_ 7 10% 9% 9% — % 75 52 Assoc D G 1 st16)_ 1 68% 68% 68% -2% 44% 22% Atehtson 35 38 36% 36% + % 72 40 Atchison pf 3.50e)._ 1 62 OC 62 — % 29% 14 Atl Coast Line ._ 17 26% 25% 25% + % 8% 4% Atl Gulf & W ind_ 1 6% 6% 6', 14% 6% Atl Gulf & W i pf... 1 11 11 11 + % 27% 17% Atl Refining 11 > ... 11 22% 22% 22% 9% 5s, Atlas Corp (,25e)_ 20 8 7% 7% 48% 38% Atlas Corp pf (3) .. 1 44', 44% 44%+ % 68 36 Atlas Powder 2.25e. 2 66%. 65% 66% +3 125% 105 Atlas Pow'd pf (5) 40s 126% 1251, 125% 5% 2 Austin Nichols 10 5 4% 4% — % 36", 12% Austin NIch pf(A) 200s 35 34 34 -1 7% 2% Aviat'n Corp(.l*5e) 46 7% 7 7 — V, 15V 5 Baldwin Loco ctfs . 32 13V 13 13 11 4 Balto&Ohlo 40 6V 6', 6", 13"i 5'« {Jaito & Ohio pf 8 8 7", 7U 98 86 Bang & Aroos pf (5) 10s 90', 90’* 90', - 4* 23", 12U‘Rarber Asphalt 3 19', 19 19 14 5 Barker Brothers 1 11', 11U 111* + V 34 21', Barker Bros pf 2.75 50s 33 33 33 21", 10U Barnsdall <1> 22 18 17'4 174 21 9 Bayuk Clear (.75a) 2 18V 18V* 18V - 44 115 109 Bayuk Cgr 1st (7)_ 20s 114 114 114 19'. 1IV Beatrice Cr (la) 2 19'* 18V 19'*+ 4, 115"i 94', Beech-Nut <4a) _ 1 115". 115", 115V 9 5", Beldtng-Hem 625e 15 8', 7U 7;, 25". 8", Rendix Aviation 31 24 23 23 + V 20", 154* Beneficial Ln(1.65e) 2 20', 20 204 + V 56 26V Best & Co <2.325«) 6* 53 52V 62", + V 77V 39", Beth Steel 41 72V 71V 71'* + V 18V 12V Beth Sti 6% pf(l)„ 1 16V 16", 16", - V 114V 75 Beth Steel pf(7) ... .3 109', 109 109 -1 29", 17V Bigelow-Sanford 4 23*, 23V 23", + V 24', 9", Black & Decker 50e 3 22 214* 22 + 4 19V 10V Blaw-Knox 9 16", 16V 16'i — V 35', 19 Boeing Airplane 67 32", 30", 30", — ", 30'* 15V Bohn Alum & B ,50e x 1 26", 26", 26*,+ a, 10ft 82 Bon Ami (A) (4a) 20s 104 104 104 52 40 Bon Am (B) (2.5<>a) 10s Bl'j 51'* 51'* 14V 9 Bond Stores 4 12', 12V 12',+ H 19", 15 Borden Co (1.40c) 5 16", 16', 16', — V 36V 16'i Borg-Warner (.25e) 11 31V 31", 31V + *, 4", 2 Roston & Maine 2 2V 2V 2", + ', 28 14 Bower Roll Brg(le) 2 25', 25', 25',+ V 9 V 4 Brewing Corp(.75e) 1 5", 5V 5 V 14', 5", Bridgeport Brass ... 23 13V 13', 13', 37", 12", Briggs Mfg <.50e) . 48 29", 28', 28V + V 42"i 28 Bristol-Myers 2 40 1 41", 41*, 41** - V 14", 5", Bklyn-Man Transit 9 13", 13 13 - vi 46", 16", Bklyn-JIan Tran pf 2 42V 41V 41V — IV i 2*4 14 Bklyn* Queens . 2 2', 2U 24* + 4* 1 12 3", Bklyn & Queens pf. 3 10 10 10 — *, 23", 10V Bklyn Union Gas_ 4 17'* 17 17+44 14', 5', Rrunswick-B (le)_ 8 13', 13', 13V + V 13V 5V Bucyrus-Erie _. 20 10', 10>, 1044 — v 100', 75 Bucyrus-E pf (7)._ 20s 97 97 97 —3 7'i 34* Budd Mfg _ 2 6V 6U 6V 547, 25 Budd Mfg pf_ 30s 45*, 44V 44>4 —14i 5", 3 Budd Wheel_ 4 4', 4U 4V — V 25"* 13V Bullard Co _ 5 23", 23 234* + V 39 15'i Bulova Watch (3e). 2 334* 33V 3314 + 4 16", 6"* Burling'n Mills(l). 3 14", 14 14 + V 22V 14', Burr's Add M 50e._ 6 18V 18 18 — V 3'* 1', Bush Terminal_ 2 2 2 2 — V 10 5", Butler Bros _ 14 7V 7 7U — 14 5 2", Butte Copper_ 1 3*i 3** 3", — V 15 V 6 Byers (A M)Co ... 3 12!, 12 12 + 4* 44', 20 ByersiA MJCopf 20s 36', 35'i 3544 22 13 Byron Jaeks'n 1.25e 2 17', 174* 171* — 14 24'a lo% Calif Pac* (1.25a) 6 20% 20 20 — % 2'a 1 Callahan y.lnc _. 7 1% 1% 1% ■+. % 10% 5H Calumet&Hec 25e_. 12 8% 7% 8% + % 20% 8% Campbell Wyant .. 2 16% 16% 16% + % 21% 127* Canada Dry < 25e).. 27 19% 18% 18% 8% 5 Canadian Pacific 42 5% 5% 5% + % 42 21 Cannon Mills! 1.50e) 1 33 33 33 +1 45 34'i Cap Adm pf ( A ) (3) 50s 44 44 44 —1 86 63% CaroClin & O (5) 20s 81 81 81 -1 22% 12% Carpenter Stael .40.. 2 19 19 19 107% 62%. Case!J 1 Mfie) .. 2 90% 88% 90% +3% 120 98% Case!J l)Copf!7)_. 10s 117% 117% 117% 58 29% Caterpill Trac 42>_ 4 46 45 45 -% 106% lOO1* Caterpillar T pflo). 10 104% 104% 104% + % 26% 9 CelaneseCorp _. 11 23% 23% 23% + % 96 82 Celanese pr pf (7). 2 95 94% 94%-% 16% 12% Celotex Corp ... 38 16% 15% 15% + % 72% 46 Celotex Corp pf <5)_ 10s 67% 67% 67%+5% 28 19% Cent Aguirre 1.60 ... 7 19% 187k 19% - 7k 5% 2 Central Foundry .. 1 4% 4% 4% 14 7 Central RR of N J.. 1 7% 7% 7% + % 59% 26% Cerro de Pasco «4)_. 9 48 47 47%+1% 12% 47k Certain-teed 110 10 10 + % 46 17Vi Certaln-taed pf ... 130s 41 41 41 +4 33% 18 Champ Paper &F_ 2 29 28 29 +1 48% 27% Ches Corp (4.70e)„ 1 39 39 39 + % 38% 22 Ches & Ohio <2e)_ 26 33% 32% 33%+% 1% % Chi Great Wnir) 7 % % % 5% 2% Chi Gt West pf <r)_ 3 2% 2% 2% 15% 8% Chi Mall Order _ 1 11% 11% 11% - Vi 1 Vi Chi Mil StP&P(r) 13 Vi Vi H 17k % Chi M StP&P pf(r). 16 7k % % + % 1% % Cht & Northwn(r)-. 38 % % % 574 2 Chi & Northw pf (r). 5 2% 2% 2% + % 19 6% Chi Pneu Tool .. 5 16% 16% 16% + % 3 1% Chi Rl&P 1% pf <r). 1 1% 1% 1% 19% 12 Chlckasha CO .75e. 3 14 14 14 + % 13% 3% Childs Co . 7 12% 12% 12%+% 88% 35% Chrysler Corp (2e). 60 81 79% 79%+ % 76 59 City Ice & F pf 6.60. 60s 75 75 75 5% 2 City Stores .. 1 4% 4% 4% - Vi 27% 10-% Clark Equip (.25e).. 4 21% 20% 21%+1% 115 106 Clev El lllu pf 4.50. 30s 113 113 113 307k 15% Clev Graphite .75e .. 1 28 28 28 + % 60% 327k Climax Molyb ,90e . 18 57% 56% 56%-% 25% 10% Cluett Peabody 85e. 2 227s 227k 227k + % 142% 1057kCoca Cola <4.5ue) -. 3 130% 129% 130% + % 17 7% Colgate-Pal-P 60a. 5 147k 14% 14% + % 39% 13% Collins* Aik 1.25e 9 33% 32 33% +llk 107'a 87% Collins* Aik pf(5) 100s 106% 105 105 -2 23% 9% Colo Fuel * Iron .. 2 19% 19 19 + % 8% 3% Colo &iSouthern .. 10s 5% 5% 5% + % 11% 474 Colo & Sou 1st pf 130s 77s 7 77k + % 22% 137kColum BC (A) 1.25e 7 16% 16 16 - % 22% 13 Colum BClBl 1 25s 1 157k 157k 157k - 4* 97s 5's Columbia Gas & El 46 6% 6% 6% 83 57 ColumG&E pf A(6) 2 77 76 77 +1% 70 50 Col Gas & El pf (5). 20t 69 69 69 19 9 Col Pic vtc 2.60%t_. 3 16 15% 15% 98% 53% Columb'n Carb(4)__ 4 96% 96 96 + % 59% 23 Cornel Credit (4) . 14 58 57% 68 +1 108% 84 Cornel Cred pf 4.25.. 1 108% 108% 108% +2* 64 31% Cornel Inv Tr (*)_ 9 61% 61 61 + % 12Vi 5% Cornel Solvents 36 97k 9% 9% 28 22% Comwlth Edls 1.(0.. 32 26% 26% 26% 2% 1 Comwlth * South’s. 141 1% 1% 1% 55% 25 Com 4k South pf (t). 6 48 46% 46% d 2:30 p.m. Prev. 1038 mock and Sales— Net Blah. Low. Dividend Bate Add 00. Hlah. Low Close, chie 29 16 Congoleum-N (.76e. 4 26% 26% 26% + % 26% 10% Consol Aircraft le.. 23 26% 26 26 + % 10% 4% Conaol Cigar (.7Se). 11 10% 8% 10 +1% 34% 17 Consol Ediaon (2)._ 106 29% 28% 28%-% 104 88% Consol Edls pf <5)„ 11102 101% 102 2% 1 Consol Film _ 3 1% 1% 1% 12% 4% Conaol Film pf (Ik) 3 11% 11 11 - % 7% 2% Consol Laundries— 4 6% 6% 6% + % 10% 7 Consol OH (.80) ... 30 8% 8% 8% 7% 2% Consol R.R Cuba pf. 1 3% 3% 3% + % 6% 2% Consolidation Coal- 1 3% 3% 3% + % 17% 9% Container Corp 4 14% 14% 14%+% 26% 8% Conti Baking (A)_ 2 20% 20 20 2% 1% Conti Baking (B)_ 12 2 2 2 49 36% Conti Can (2e)_ 12 39% 38% 39%+% 11% 6 Conti Diamond_ 2 9% 9% 9% 36% 21% Conti Insur(1.60a)_ 25 35% 34% 35% + % 3 % Conti Motor ... 110 ' 2% 2% 2% - % 35% 21% Conti Oil (Dal)U).. 44 29 28% 29 +% 56 40 Corn Exchange (8). 70s 47% 47% 47% - % 70% 63 Corn Products (3).. 9 63 62% 62% — % 177 162 Corn Prod pf (7)— 1 177 177 177 5% 2% Coty. Inc. 15 4% 4% 4% - % 42% 19 Crane Co 47 38% 37 37 — % 117% 85 Crane Co cv pf (6).. 1 115 115 115 - % 29% 21% Cream of Wheat(2) 2 26 25% 26 + % 10% 5% Crosley Corp _ 2 8 7% 8 + % 43% 22V* Crown Cork & Seal. 10 36% 35% 35%+ % 15% 7% Crown Zeller (.75e) . 6 13% 13 13 + % 92% 68 Crown Zeller pf (6). 100r 86% 86 86% -2% 44% 19% Crucible Steel 11 38% 38 38 -% 1% % Cuba Co _ 7 % % % 6% 3 Cuban-Am Sugar—. 5 5% 5 5% + % 87 58% Cuban Am Sug pf_ 20s 72 72 72 -2 21% 12 Cudahy Packing ... 2 13% 13% 13% + % 8% 4% Curtl* Publishing . 9 5% 5% 5% 56 35 Curtis Publlsh'g pf 13 45% 45% 45%+ % 7% 3% Curtiss-Wrlght . 76 6% 6% 6% + 4* 28% 12% Curtiss-W (A) (le) 19 26% 26% 26% + % 29% 13V* Cutler-Hammer — 11 23% 22% 23 - % 11% 6% Davison Chemical— 1 7% 7% 7% — % 25% 13% Deere & Co( 1.36e)_. 35 20% 19% 20% + % 24% 7% Del* Hudson _ 27 21% 20% 20%-% 8% 4 Del Lack & Wn_ 22 6% 6% 6% — % 40% 25 Devoe & Kay (A)(1) 150s 34% 29% 29% -5 30% 20% Diamond Mtch 126a 3 27% 27% 27% - % 41% 31% Diam'd M pf 1.60a . 1 41% 41% 41% + % 11 6 Diamond T Motor.. 19 9 9 23% 11 Dlstlllers-Sea (2).. x 17 20% 20% 20% - % 91% 66% Distll-Seag pf (5) . 1 89 89 89 17 8% Dixie Vortex 1.25a . 2 12 12 12 34 28% Dlxle-Vor (A) 2.60" 30s 33 33 33 +1% 25% 12 Doehler Die Casting 9 18% 18 18% +1 34% 27% Dome Mines (le)... 3 32 31% 31% — % ^8% 4% Dominion Stores _ 2 6% 5% 5% + % 71% 31 Douglas Alrcfti3a). 6H 72% 70% 70% 140% 87% Dow Chamlcal (3).. 2 133% 133%. 133% 18% 1*4 Dunhtll 1 nternat’l— 71 19% 17% 17%. — % 151% 90% Du Pont <3 25e>_ 13 146 144% 144% - % 138% 130% Du Pont deb (6) ... 1 138% 138% 138% +1 120% 109% Du Pont Df (4 50).. 2 120% 120 120 - % 15% 13% Eastern Air Lines . 39 15% 15 15%+ % 8% 3% East'n (tolling Mills 3 6% 6% 6% 187 121% Eastman Kodak («) 7 182 181% 182 +1 171 157 Eastm Kodak pf(6). 60s 170 170 170 23% 10% Eaton Mtg Co ... 3 21% 20% 21% + % 5% 2 Eitlngton Schtld.._ 8 3% 3% 3% — % •'<">% 134 Elec Auto E <50e). 70 354 34", 34",+ V 124 6 Elec Boat (.60#) __ 131 124 11% 11% - 4 4 24 Elec & Musical .09#. 2 24 24 24 — 4 14 64 Elec Pwr & Eight . 16 10", 104 10% 41% 18 Elec Pwr&Lt *6 pf.. 2 324 314 314 - 4 464 224 Elec Pwr & Ll pf.„ 5 364 354 354 + 4 35 21"* El#c Stor Bat 4 304 304 304 + 4 2% 4 Elk Horn Coal _ 1 14 14 p„ 294 17 El Paso Nat G (2)._ 6 294 284 284 — 4 454 33 Kndicott-John(3)_ 1 414 414 414 — % 1104 944 Enrtieott-J pf (5)... 30s 111 111 111+',. 104 24 Eng Pub Service 19 84 8 8 +4 72 40 Eng Pub Svc pf 6.50 1 714 714 714 + 4 24 14 Eqult Office Bldg_ 2 24 2 2 —4 64 1% Erie RR (r) 36 14 1% 1% — 4 94 2% Erie RR 1st pf (r) __ 2 3", 3", 3% + % 6 24 Eureka Vacuum Cl. 3 4", 44 44 16 54 Evans Products_ 3 124 114 12 — 4 214 8 Ex-cello t.60e)_ 61 22", 21 2P, +1 114 34 Fairbanks Co pf_ 10s 6 6 6 —4 40% 194 Falrbanks-Morse _. 4 36% 36% 364 + % 35% 224 Falardo Sugar (4).. 2 284 28 28 -14 844 67 Fed Lt & Tr pf (6).. 10s 794 794 794 -% 133 524 Fed Min & Smelt ... 1115 115 115 -5 54 24 Fed Motor Truck_ 6 4s, 44 44 — 4 44 14 Fed Screw ... 2 3 3 3 24 1 Fed Water Svc(A).. 3 14 14 14 29 124 Federated D S (1).. 1 254 254 254 36 4 224 Fidelity Phoe 1.60a. 7 354 344 35 -4 264 164 Firestone (1.25e)__. 6 234 22". 234 - 4 100 76 Firestone pf (6) ... 3 97 97 97 +14 434 244 First Nat Strs 2.50.. 6 414 414 41**+ 4 30 104 Flintkote (,60e) . 11 264 264 264 - 4 394 19*. Florence Stov 1.50e. 4 35". 34% 35% +14 4% 14 Follansb Bros (r)._ 1 34 34 34 — 4 374 18 Food Machine!.75e) 2 334 33 33 -1% 109', 85 Food Mach pf (4.50> 420s 1074 107 107 294 11 Foster Wheeler ... 8 254 23% 23"! - ", 54 24 Francisco Sugar ... 6 3% 34 3% + 4 32 194 Freeport Sulpb (2). 7 28 27"* 28 — 4 34 14 Gabriel (A 1 _ 1 24 2", 2% — 4 54 24 Gatr (Robert)_ 1 3", 3", 34+ 4 18 10 Gain Robertlpf_ 2 124 124 124 + 4 84 44 Gar Wood Indust__ 4 64 64 64 + 4 194 13 Gaylord Cont (1)_ 2 184 18% 18% 9", 44 Gen Am Invest _ 3 74 74 74 — 4 101 82 Gen Am Inv pf(6) .. 2,1024 101 1024 +14 584 29 Gen Am Trans 2.25e x 7 534 53 53 + % 114 6', Gen Baking ( 80e)_. 15 10 94 94 5% 24 Gen Bronze_ 2 4 3% 4 + % 194- 5% Gen Cable _ 6 15% 154 154 + % 384 11 Gen Cable (A) 1 31 31 31 +1 28 204 Gen Cigar (2)_f 1 23 4 234 234 48 274 Gen Electric (.90e). 72 424 414 414- — 4 40". 224 Gen Foods (2) ._ 16 37*. 374 374 + 4 1174-108", Gen Foods pf 4.50.. 1114 114 114 14 ", Gen (las & EI(A)_ 6 ", % 4 70', 50"* Gen Mills i3) 1 714 714 714 +14 125 118 Gen Mills pf (6) ... 10s 1234 1234 1234 +1 534 254-Gen Motors (1.50e). 102 494 484 484 +% 1244-1114 Gen Motors pf (5).. 3 1234 1234 1234 94 4 Gen Outdoor Adv .. 2 74 7 7 —4 124 6", Gen Print Ink 30e_. 4 104 10 104 + 4 24 14 Gen Public Service. 2 1", 1", 1", 274 12% Gen Rwy Signal ... 9 22% 214 224 + 4 24 1 Gee Realty & Util . 1 14 14 14 264 13", Gen Realty & U pf.. 1 20 20 20 41V* 154 Gen Refractories... 2 36 354 354 — 4 34 13 Gen Steel Cast pf... 170s 27 254 254 -4 164 84 Gen Thea Eq (1)_ 1 154 154 154 +4 274 94 Gen Tire t.50e) _ 17 234 224 22",-% 114 64 Gillette Saf R .70#.. 7 7", 74 7"* 15% 5 Gimbel Bros _ 10 134 13 134 284 IS Glidden Co ... 7 24 234 23%+ Vi 514- 37 Glidden cv pf(2.26). 2 48 48 48 3", 1*. Gobel (Adolf) . ... 7 24 24 24 - 4 85 604 Gold Stock Tel (6).. 20s 78 78 78 +4 264 10 Goodrich(B F) 19 23'/* 224 22% - 4 68 32 Goodrich (BF)pf (5) 3 684 67', 674 +4 364 154 Goodyear 64 344 33** 33% + V* 106 69% Goodyear pf (5)_ 1101 101 101 64 24 Gotham Silk Hose.. 6 54 54 51, + Vi 2 % Graham-Palge_ 14 14 IV* IV* 84 24 Granby Consol- 4 7V* 7 7'* + 4 2V* 1 Grand Union . .. 1 14 14 14 + 1, 14'* 8 Grand Un T pf 1.25k 2 114 11", 11",+ % 30 19 Grant (W T) 1.40... 4 25 244 25 + V* 24 20 Grant (WT) pf (1). 3 23 4 23', 234 28% 12% Great North'n pf_ 43 254 244 244 + 4 154 94 Great N O ctfs 1.25e. 30 15% 15 154+4 32 234 Great Wn Su 2.40a.. 14 26 244 26 +% 1404 122 Great Wn S pf (7) . 10s 140 140 140 -4 284 13% GreenlH EMI.60a) ll 261* 254 26V* + 4 50 344 Greene Cananea(3e) 40s 41 40 41 +1% 21 7% Greyhound (,80a) 120 204 194 194 13 74 Greyhound pf (.55). 4 12 12 12 1% 4 Guantanamo Sugar. 15 1 1 1 — vt 30 24 Hacken Water 1.50e 1 29% 2914 29% + % 35 30 Hack Wat pf< 1.75)- 20s 33 33 33 - % 34% 15 Harb-Walker - 4 29% 28% 28% - % 140 120 Harb-Walk pf (6)-. 10s 140 140 140 7% 4% Hat Corp (A) _. 3 7 6% 6% - % 75 50% Hat Corp pf(6.50)— 10s 74 74 74 -1 6% 1% Hayes Body _ 3 4 4 4 + % 11% 6% Hecker Prod(.60)_ 6 10% 10% 10%-% 111 80% HelmetG WH5a)._. 1111 111 111 161 140 HelmetG W)pf(7)„ 10s 161 161 161 20Vi 10 Hercules Motor 11 16% 16 16% + % 73% 42% Hercules Pwdr 1.50e 18 75 73% 74 +1 135 126% Hercules P pf (6) 10s 134% 134% 134% 105% 80 Hershey cv pf (4a).. 2 104% 103% 104% 52% 17 Holland Furn(2)_ 3 46% 46 46 25% 11% Holly Sugar <2e)_ 14 13% 12% 13%+% 66 48% Homestake(4.50)_ 27 62 60% 60% — % 18% 6 Houd-Hershey (B)_. 7 14% 14% 14% + % 9% 5 Houston Oil - 18 7% 7% 7% — % 53% 23% Howe Sound (3) 10 48Vi 47% 48 +2 35% 20% Hudson Bay (1.60e) 34 33% 32% 32%- % 3% 1% Hudson & Manhat-. 4 1% 1% 1% 10 5 Hudson Motor_ 2 7% 7% 7% + % 2% % Hudp Motor _ 7 2% 2% 2% 17% 6% Illinois Central_ 50 15% 15% 15%+ % 28% 12 Illinois Central pf-t 3 25% 24% 25% +1% 44 23 Illlnlos Cent LL(4). 50s 43 43 43 30% 14% Industrial Rayon .. 5 25% 24'% 24% — % 117 60 Ingersoll R’d 6.50e.. 5 115 114 114% + % 95 66% Inland Steel<2.50e). 2 88% 88% 88% - % 19% 7% Inspiration Copper. 19 15% 15 15% + % 5% 3% Insuranshares .10e_ 4 5 5 5 9% 2% InterboroRT (r)._ 7 8% 8% 8% - % 34% 15 Interchemical .... 4 28% 28 28 + % 98 80 Interchem pf (6)—. 10s 91 91 91 -2% 5% 2 Intercont’l Rubber. 1 3% 3% 3% ‘ 16% 6% Interlake Iron ... 27 14% 13% 13% 3% 2 lntl Agricultural... 1 2% 2% 2% + % 29 15 lntl Agrl prpfl 2k). 1 24 24 24 +1 179% 130 lntl Bus Mach<6a)5 178% 177% 178 +1 70 48 lntl Harvester 1.60. 15 60% 59% 59% + % 164% 141 lntl Harvest pf <7). 1 164% 164% 164% - % 9% 3% lntl Hydro-El (A).. 4 6% 6% 6% 4% 2 lntl Mercantile M— 1 3% 3% 3% - % 11% 6% lntl Mining (.50e)_. 3 8% 8% 8% 57% 36% lntl Nickel (2) ... 60 53% 53% 63%+% 15% 4% lntl Paper & Pwr— 36 13% 12% 12% + % 52% 18% lntl Paper ft Pw pf. 23 47% 45 46 +1% 6 2% lntl Ry Cent Am_100s 3 3 3 — % 30% 19% lntl Salt (1.60a)_ 2 29% 29% 29%+% 35% 28 lntl Shoe (1.60)_ 1 31% 31% 31%-% 35% 12 lntl Silver.. _ 2 30% 30% 30%-% 96 46% lntl Silver pf (2k).. 110s 96 95 95 -1 11% 6% lntl Tel £ Teleg_ 73 9% 8% 8% 11% 6 lntl Tel£Tel for ct- 4 9 8% 9 + % 18 6% Interstate Dept St_ 8 14% 13% 14% - % 12% ’8 Intertype Corp .45a. 1 11 11 11 + % t i 2:30 p.m. Prev. 1938 Stock and Sales— * Net High. Low. Dividend Rate Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 24 16 Island C'k Cl 1.60e~ 2 20% 20 20% - % 73 44% Jewel Tea (4a)_ 3 73 72V* 78 +1 111% 68 Jhns-Manville 1.50e 6 101% 100 101 +1 78 49% Jones & Laugh pf._ 30s 64 62 62 — 1% 24% 12% Kalamazoo S .623e_. 2 19 19 19 + % 123 118 KCP&L 1st B(6)_ 10s 121% 121% 121% 13% 6% Kan City Southern. 3 9V* 9 9 24% 12 Kan Clty'Sou pf (le) 1 19% 19% 19% +1 22 12% Kaufm'n Dept 1.16e. 1 21% 21% 21% + % 16 10% Kayser (J) - I. 14% 14% 14% 14% 4% Kelsey-Hayes <A)_. 6 12% 12 12V* + V* 10% 3 Kelsey-Hayes <B)_. 2 7% 7% 7% 61 26% Kennecott (1.75e)_ 85 44V* 43% 43% + % 3% 1 Vi KlnneylG R) _ 3 2V* 2% 2% 36 16 KinneylG R)pf- 20s 35 35 35 19% 9 Kinney (GR) $5 pf.. 60s 16% 16 16% +1% 22% 15% Kresge (SS) 1.20__ 3 20% 20% 20% - % 31% 22 KresslS HX1.60).. l 25% 25% 25%+ % 21% 12% Kroger Groe(l.60a). 14 20% 20- 20 18 8 Laclede Gas ... 70s 11 10% 10%— % 17 8% Lambert Co (1.50).. 6 16 15% 16 28% 10% Lee Rub & T(2.60e). 4 25% 24%, 24% - % 25% 13 V* Leh Port Cem d)_ 1 22 22 22 + % 1% V* Leh Valley Coal 6 % % % — % 5% 1% Leh Valley Coal pf. 4 2% 2% 2% — Vi 7% 3 Leh Valley RR . 3 4% 4% 4% 29 19% Lehman Corp( 90e). 15 26% 26 26 14% 6% Lehn & Fink d.25e) 1 U% 11% 11%+ % 85% 19% Lerner Stores (2) . 2 31% 31% 31% — % 68% 23% Llbbey-Ow-F 1.25e. 16 53% 52% 52% + % 9 6 Libby McN & Lib ... 3 6 6 6 101% 81 Llgg & Myers(4a)_. 1 98% 98% 98%+ % 103% 81% Llgg & JlylBlUa). 5 98% 98% 98%— % 40% 20% Lima Locomotive._ 5 35% 35% 35%+ % 50 29 Link Belt (1.25e)... 3 47% 47 47 21% 12Vi Liquid Carbll.25e). 3 19% 18% 18% + % 62% 33 Loew's. Inc (3e)_ 10 60% 59% 50% — % 9 % Lort. Inc _ 11 7 6% 6% - % 63% 26 Lone Star C (3)_ 8 59 58% 68% — % 21% 13% Lorillard d.lOe)_ 26 21% 21% 21% 19% 12% Louis G&El A) 1.50_ 2 16 15’* 157* + % 66_% 29% Louis & Nash (4e)__ 6 49% 48 48%+ % 31% 22 McAnd & Forb(2a). 1 28% 28% 28% — % 157* 8% McCall Corp d) 7 11% 11% 11% - Vi 13% 6 McCrory Stores ,75e 6 12% 12% 12% 20% 10 McGraw Elec d> 3 19% 10 19 + % 12% 7 McGraw Hill Cine). 2 10 9'* 9% — % 53% 35% McIntyre Tore (2).. 4 50% 50% 5(1% + % 26% 13% McKeesport Tin .. 14 18% 17% 18% + % 11% 5 McLellan Strs 60e.. 4 9% 9 9 — % 32% 16 Mack Trucks . fi 28% 28% 28% + Vi 49% 24% Macy (R H) (2) .. 16 43% 42V* 42% + V* 19% 10 Madis Sq Gar 1.65e_. 12 19 IS’* 19 +% 40% 18% Magma Cop 1.50e 2 351* 35 35% +1% 2% % .Manat! Sugar 6 1% 1% 1% + % 10% 2% Man Ry mod gtd(r). 2 9% 9 9 - % 20% 5% Man Rv ctfl (r)_ 10s 15 15 15 2% 1% Maracaibo Oil ... 1 1% 1% 1% — % 7% 4% Marine Mldl'd 30e . 35 5% 4% 5 + % 16 7 Market St Ry pr pf. 220s 7% 6% 6% — 1% 14% 6% Marshall Field .. 15 12% 11% 11** — % 34% 14% Martin (Gleni 182 35 33 * 34% +1% 2% 1% Martin Grts Dec 30 194 2fl, 2 2fc + 6, 7% 2% Martin-Parry .. 1 5% 5% 5% 61 25 Masonite (la) ... 3 54% 53% 53% - 7* 36% 19% Math Alkili (1.50).. .3 32% 32% 32%-% 165 156 Math Alkili pf (7)._ 80s 164%. 164% 164% +5% 53 28% May Dept Strs (3).. 2 48 47% 47% — % 7% 3% Maytag Co ... 5 5 4% 5 + % 95 75 Maytag 1st pf (6) . 10s 94 94 94 57% 32% Melville Sh<2.J75e) 1 49 49 49 7% 3% Mengel Co . 4 6 6 6 29% 14 Mengel 6% pf 2.50 40s 27% 27% 27% - 74 16% 11 Merch & Min Trans 60s 14% 14% 14% 47t* 26% Mesta Mach (3e) . 1 40 40 40 14% 5% Miami Copper 15 11 10% 10% + % 22% 12% Mid Cont Pet (.«0e). 4 16 15% 16 + % 30% 15'/* Midland Steel(,75c) 1 27% 271* 27% — 1 111 76 Mid Sti 1st pf (*) . 40s 109 108% 109 92 46% llinn-Hn Ros (2e)_. 3 84% 81% 84% +4 8 4 Minn-Moltne Imp... 6 5% 5% 6% — % 3% 1% Mo Kans & Texas 2 2% 2 '.% + %' 11% 4% Mo Kans & Tex pf.. 21 8% 7% 7% 3% 1% Mo Pacific pf tr)_ 11 1% 1% 1%+V»I 107% 67 Monsanto (2) . 9 107 106 106 117% 111 Monsanto pf(4.50) 110s 115%. 115 115 - % 54% 25 Mont corn Ward (1 a) 102 51% 50% 50% + % 40% 25 Morrls&Essex 3.875 50s 38% 38 38 - % 22% 10% Motor Products 8 18% 17% 17% 17% 8 Motor Wheel ( 40e). 2 14% 14% 14% + % 32 11% Mueller Brass .35e . 4 27%. 26% 26% +1 81* 4 Mullins Mfg (B) . 1 5% 5% 5%+% 64% 26 Mullins Mfg pf 90s 37% 36% 37 15% 9% Munsingwear(.25e) 1 12% 12% 12% + % 62% 34’* Murphy (G C) (3) . 1 55% 55% 55% — % 110 95 MurphviG C)pf(5). 60*110 110 110 +1% 10% 4 Murray Corp_ 10 8% 8 8 12'.-* 6** Nash-Kelvlnator_. 18 S7, 8*4 8** + *i 29 7>, Nash Chat & St L-. 50s 23', 23'* 23', 14", 8H Natl Acme _ 10 13s, 13s, D3'i - H 14** 6 Natl Aviation ... 43 14', 13s, 13s, 28 15'4 Natl Biscuit (1.60). 32 25 24** 24s, - *4 19 10V* Natl Bd & Jnv .96# - 2 16', 16', 16', - t, 25V4 20 Natl Bond & Sh .25e. 2 23 23 23 3OH 12*4 Natl Cash Keg (1) . 10 24'i 2414 24'i + *4 16', 11', Natl Dairy (1*1 . 31 127, 12H 12** + '. 113',. 1054 Natl Dairy pf B (7) 10s 113 113 113 + 2*. 107, 3', Natl Dept Stores 1 8'i 8i 8'j + *, 6H 3', Natl Dept Stores pf- 1 5', ft', 5', + *4 3.0 17'* Natl Distillers (2).. 5 28', 28 28 - '. 20*4 11', Natl Knam & Stpg.. 1 19', 19s, 197, + 7. 16H 5 Natl Gypsum _. 15 14s, 14’ * 14*, + *» 31 17*4 Natl Dead (.50) . 19 27', 26', 27', + *4 178'a154 Natl Dead pf A (7). 1 169 169 169 +1'* 145'i 127 Natl Dead pf B 16).. 90s 139si 139 139s, + *, 28s* 13*4 Natl Malleable Stl.. 7 23s* 23 23', + H 9H 5 Natl Pwr & D(.60)„ 9 7H 7H 7H — *4 81H 44s* Natl Steel (1)_ 8 78'* 77'i 77',-". 23 12', Natl Supply ... 5 17** 17 17',+ ', 30 21 Natl Supply *2 pf 2 23*, 23*4 23H - >, 40 28 Newberry t.TJ)2.10e l 35', 35', .35’, - ', 108s, 99', Newberry J.l pf(5) 100s 107:, 107s* 107s* 19', 9‘, Newport Indus_ 13 16', 151, 157» — *• 48', 20 NY Air Brake_ 6 41', 41 41 - ', 21". 10 N Y Central _ 90 18', 17'i 17'i - ', 22', 7 N Y Chi * St D_ 3 16', 16 16 .38'* 12s, N Y Chi * St D pf 14 29 28', 28'4+ '* 37s* 18 N Y C Omnibus (4e) 1 3474 347« 347, + *, I 4s* 2 N Y Dock ...... 20s O'* 3'* 3>4 - *» 11s* 5'* N Y Dork pf _ 20s 8 8 8 - 2s* l',NYNH4H(r) ... ' 10 1*4 1'4 1*4 7', 2H N Y N H & H pf(r). 8 3s, 3H 3H 1', N Y Ont & Wn(r)__. 4 ', ', *j 15H 4s* N Y Shipbuilding... 11 15’. 1.5 15 -14 89', 38 N Y Shipbldc pf _. 170s 88 86', 87', — H 198 13.3 Norfolk & VYn (10). 2 1 69 1687, 169 4 5 108 100 Norfolk & W pf<4) 10s 107*. 107*. 107s* + >, 17 5 74 North Am Avia 40e 1 12 1674 16'* 16*4 — 26', 13s* North Am Co (1.20). 90 21s, 21'* 21’i + *4 57', 45s* North Am Co pf (3). 3 57', 57H 57*, - % 93s* 75 North’n Central(4). 20s 83 83 83 14', 6*4 Northern Pacific . 51 ll'i 10s* 10*4 + 14 101 92', Northn Sta Pw (5). 1101 101 101 14% 8!i Ohio Oil L20e>_ 60 9% 9% 9% 32% 19% Oliver Farm Equip. 5 28% 27% 27% + % 19% 7% Omnibus Corp 1.30e. 17 19% 18% 19 + % 10 4 Oppenhelm Coll .. 1 8% 8% 8% + % 29% 13% Otis Elevator (.60). 10 28% 27% 27%- % 15% 6% Otis Steel .. 5 13% 12% 12% + % 76% 40 Owens-Ill G1 1.50*.. 11 68% 67% 68% +1% 11% 6 Pac-Am Fisheries.. 10 6% 6 6% — % 5% 214 Pac Coast . 10s 4 4 4 21% 10% Pac Coast 1st pf_ 20s 17% 17 17 -% 9% 3% Pac Coast 2d pf_ 50s 6% 6% 6% + % 30 22% Pac Gas & Elec(2).. 6 28% 28 28%+ % 43 32% Pac Lighting (3)... 5 41% 41% 41%+ % 19% 9% Pac Mills . 2 12% 12% 12% 118 87 Pac Trl * Tel fi.SOe . 20s 118 117% 11S 41 149 132% Pac T&T pf (6) 10s 148 148 148 31 18% Pac Tin spl (le) 5 20 20 20 -3 15% 10% Pac Western O .50#. 2 11 10s. 10%-% 6 3% Packard Motor- 18 4% 4% 4% — % 2 1 Panhandle _ 2 1% 1% 1% 61% 29 Paraffine (2)_ 3 58 58 58 - % 13V* 5% Paramount _. 73 11% 11% 11%+ % 101 65 Paramount lst(6)_. 1 95 95 95 13% 6% Paramount 2d(.60). 5 11% 11% 11% - % 30 16 Park & Tilford ... 3 28% 28 28 +2 3% 1% Park Utah Mines .. 1 2% 2% 2% -i % 42% 31% Parke Davis(1.70e). 3 41% 41% 41%-% 21% 13 Parker Rust (.90).. 1 18% 18% 18% 14% 3% Pathe Film _. 23 10% 10% 10% + % 13% 8s* Patino Mines!.25e). 13 11% 11% 11%-% 58% 41 Penick & Ford (3e). 1 57 57 57 + % 85% 55 Penney,(J C) 4.25e_. 18 80% 79s* 80 +% 2% 1% Penn Coal & Coke... 1 1% 1% 1% 5% 2% Penn-Dixie Cem_ 2 4% 4% 4% 30 10% Penn-Dixie pf (A).. 1 22% ’ 22% 22% + % 15% 10 Penn Glass Sand 1 14 14 14 24% 14% Penn Railroad!.50e) 76 20% 19% 20%+** 6% 1% Peoria & Eastern... 3 3% 3 3 — % 17% 5% Pere Marquette_ 4 14 13% 13% — % ,43 17% Pere Marq prior pf. 40s 33% 33 33% +1 17% 8% Pet Milk (1) 1 17% 17% 17%+% 13% 7% Petrolm Corp (,81a) 8 9% 9% 9% + % 8% 4% Pfeiffer Brew(.BOe) 2 7% 7% 7% + % 47% 17% Phelps Dodge Ue).. 43 43 42% 42% + % 43 30 Phila Co $6 pf (3).. 1 39% 39% 39%+% 3 1% Phila Rap Tr(r)- 40s 2 2 2 - % 5% 2% Phila Rap Tr pf (r). 10s 4 4 4 +% % V* Phila Read C&l <r). 10 % % % 143% 75% Philip Morris 6.75a. 6 88 86% 86% - % 44% 27% Phillips Petrol (2).. 34 41% 40% 40%+% 26% 20% Pillsbury FI 1.60... 1 24% 24% 24%+% 7% 3% Pitts Coal _ 8 5% 5% 5% - % 35 20 Pitts Coal pf- 2 21% 21 21% -1% 9% 4% Pitts Screw- 4 8% 8% 8% + % 16% 7% Pitts Steel _— 1 13% 13% 13% + % 52 20% Pitts Steel pf B_ 10s 41 41 41 +1 30 11% Pitts Steel 5% pf... 20s 26 25 26 +1 17% 6 Pitts W Va ... 580s 14% 14 14% + % % % Pittston Co. _ 4 Vi % % 25% 15 Plymouth 011(1.40) 1 21% 21% 21%'-% 11 8 Pond Creek Coal_ 3 8 8 8 15% 5% Poor & Col B) .. 16 13 12% 12% -% 3% 1% Porto R Am To (A). J 2% 2% 2% 1% % Porto R Am To(B). 1 % % % 4% 1% Postal T&C pf(r)._. 2 1% ' 1% 1% - % 13% 4% Pressed Si eel Car... 6 10% 10% 10%+ % 13% 4% Press Stl C 1st .25*. 1 10% 10% 10% - % 38% 13% Press StlC 2d 2.50* 1 31% 31% 31% + % 59 39% Proctor & Gam(2) . 6 55% 55 65%+ % 122% LI4 Proct&Gam pf (6). 60s 116% 116 116 35% 25 PubSvcN J (2.20e) 11 30% 30% 30%-% 105% 86% PubSvcN J pf(6).. 1 102 102 102 150 132 PubSvcN Jpf(S).. 20s 150% 150 150 39% 21% Pullman Co (1.125#). 30 33% 33 33% + % 13% 8% Pur# Oil_ 54 10% 10 10 - % 88% 74% PuraOU (S)_ 6 80% 80 80%-% i I z:au D.m. Prev. 1938 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low Close, cbge. 15* 7 Purity Bakeries(le) 2 13* 13* 13* 9* 4* Radio Corp (.20e)_ 46 7* 7* 7* - * 66* 37* Radio cvpf (3.60).. 12 63* 63 63* +1 6* 1* Radlo-Keith-Or(r). 4 2* 2* 2* » 10* 3* Rallr’d Sec 111 Stk.. 210s 9* 8* 9* + * 24 14* Raybest-Man .925*. 2 19* 19* 19* 24* 8* Rayonler. Inc_ 1 17 17 17 + * 29* 18 Rayonler. Inc pf__ 1 23 23 23 + * 22 10* Reading Co(l.50#)_. 5 15 15 15 + * 30* 18 Reading 1st pf (2).. 1 22 22 22 58 34* Real Silk Hose pf_ 10s 50 50 50 17* 9* Rem Rand (,90a)_ 4 16* 16 16 + * SI* 1V4 Reo Motor-- 5 2* 2* 2* + * 25* 11* Republic Steel_ 109 23* 22* 22*-* 78* 39* Rep Steel cv pf_ 1 ^4 74 74 -1* 19* 7* Revere Copper__ 22 18 17* 18 + * 17* 10 Reynolds Metals_ 4 12* 12* 12* + * 12* 4* Reynolds Spring 17 9* 9* 9* + * 46* 33* Reyn Tob (B) 2.90#. 12 44* 43* 44 +* 9* 5 Richfield Oil (.50#). 15 8* 8* 8* + * 13* 7* Ritter Dental . 1 8* 8* 8* -1* 33 13 Ruberoid Co (.60#). 3 30 30 30 2* 1 Rutland RRpf(r).. 4 111 29* 12 Safeway Stores (2e) 13 27* 26* 26* - * 83* 58 Safeway pf (5)_ 20s 82* 82* 82* -1 108 79 Safeway pf (7)_ 60s 105* 105* 106* - * 49* 25* St Joseph Ld (1)... 8 44* 43* 44*+* 1* * St D-San Fran(r)_ 4 * * * 3* 1* St L-San Fr pf(r) . 4 1* 1* 1* 19* 8* Savage Arms (,25e). 4 17 16* 16* - * 27* 13* Schenley Distillers. 6 19 18* 18* - * 85 62 Schenley pf(6.50)._ 2 76 75* 75*—1 1* * Schulte Retail S(r). 13 * * *— * 10* 3 Schulte R S pf(r)_ 1 8* 8* 8* * * Seaboard A L (r)... 16 * * * 3 1* Seaboard A L pf(r). 2 1* 1* 1* 27* 15* Seaboard 011 (1)_' 4 21* 21* 21*+ * 80'* 47 Sears Roeb'k (3a)._ 21 73* 72* 73 — * 18 9* Servel. Inc (1)- 5 16* 15* 15*+* 23 10 Sharon Steel- 1 18* 18* 18* + * 9* 3 Sharp* Dohme_ 2 7* 7* 7* + * 49* 36 Sharp & D pf (3 50). 1 48 48 48 + * 12* 6* Shattuck(FG) .4<>a_ 8 11 10* 10* — * 28* 20* Sheaffer Pen 1.75e.. 40s 27* 27* 27* — * 18* 10 Shell Un Oil (.70e)_. 3 14* 14* 14* + * 9* 4* Silver King Coal’n . 10 6* 6* 6* + * 35* 12* Simmons Co (1.25e). 6 32* 31* 31* o*/4 2% Simms Petrol _ 13 3 3 24% 14% Simonds Saw (le).. 7 22 21% 22 — % 34% 18% Skelly Oil (le)_ 2 26% 26% 26% 98 84 Skelly Oil pf(6)_ 2 96% 96% 96% 122 45 Sloss-Sheff (le)_ 30* 108% 106 108% +4% 105 91 Sloss-Sheff pf (6)._ 20* 103% 103% 103% + % 24 13 Smith (AO) _2 19% 19 19 — % 15 8% Snider Pkg (,75e)_ 8 14 13% 14 + % 16% 10% Socony-Vac (.50)_ 61 13% 13% 13% — % 3% 1% So Am Gold & P ,10e 7 2% 2% 2% 28 16% So Port R Sug 1.75e. 14 17% 17% 17%-% 25 19% Southn Cai Ed 1.50a 4 22% 22Vi 22% — % 22% 9% Southern Pacific __ 81 18% 17% 17% 21% 5% Southern Railway.. 65 19% 19 19 31% 8% Southern Ry pf_ 80 30% 29 29% + % 4 2% Spalding 2 3% 3% 3% - % 4% 2 Sparks VVithington. 4 3% 3 3 — % 42 15% Sperry Corp (1.60e). 144 45 43% 44% 4 1 17% 7% Spicer Mfg (,50e) .. 2 15% 14% 15%+ % 15% 6% Spiegel. Inc 8 13 12% 12% 70% 48% Spiegel. Inc pf 4.50. 30s 65% 65 65 9% 6% Stand Brands 625e. 34 7 6% 6% + % 107% 94 Stand B'rdspf 4.50. 4 102% 101% 101% -1% 3% 1% Stand Com Tob (r). 2 2% 2% 2% 5% 2 Stand G&E (r)_ 1 3% 3% 3% - % 11% 4% Stand G&E *f (r)_. 8 8 7% 7% + V* 28 13 Std G&E $7 prpT(r) 9 20 19% 19% + % 1 s % Stand Investment . 1 % % % 34% 25% Stand Oil Cal (la) .. 41 27 26% 26» 35% 24% Stand Oil Ind (1 ) 34 27 26% 26% — % 50% 32% Stand Oil of Kan 2e. 3 50 50 50 — % 58% 39% Stand Oil N J (la). 34 50% 50% 50% - % 34% 17% Starrett <LS) (le) . l 31% 31% 31% + Vi 71% 49 Sterling Prod(3.80) 6 70% 70% 70% + % 12% 6 Stewart-Warner. . 17 9% 9% 9% 17% 5% Stone & Webster_ 26 13% 13% 13% 9% 3% Studeliaker_ 20 7% 7% 7% — % 59% 45 Sun Oil (1) 6 61', 60 61 +1% 128 119% Sun Oil pf (6) 75s 125 125 125 14% 9% Sunshine Min 2.20e 14 10% 10 10% — Vi 43% 17% Superheater (.50) . 2 36% 36 36% +1 4% 1% Superior Oil (10e) 11 3% 3% 3% 23% 8% Superior Steel ... 5 191, ]9 19 21 15 Swift & Co (1.20)... 14 18% 18% 18% 29% 22% Swift Inti (2) 5 28% 27% 27%+ % 10% 4% Symington ww ,25e. 15 8% 8% 8% + % 8% 3% Symington xw ,26*. 4 6% 6% 6% + % 49% 34 Taicottf J)pf(2.75). 30s 47 47 47 8 3% Tenn Corp'n _ 4 5% 5% 5’4 + % 49% 32% Texas Corp (2) _ 50 44% 44% 44% + % 5% 2% Tex Gulf Pod ,15e_. 14 4% 4% 4% - % 38 26 Tex Gulf Sul (2) _ 12 32% 32 32 12% 7 Tex Pac C & 0( 40) 3 9% 9% 9% - % 11% 6% Tex Tac Land T .15e 2 8% 8% 8% - % 26 13 Texas Pac RR_ 2 20% 20 20%+ % 25% 15 Thatcher (la)_ 2 21 20% 20% — % 5% 2% Tile Fair _ 2 4% 4 4 — 5% 2% Thermoid _ 1 3% 3% 374 28% 8% Thompson Trod ,2.".e 7 26% 26% 26% +1% 4 1% Thompson-Starrett 4 2% 2% 2% + % 19 5% Thompson-Star pf.. 1 12 12 12 15% 10% Tide-Water A Oil). 31 13% 12% 12% 98 77% Tide-W A O pf 4.50. 1 92% 92% 92% - V. 19% 8 Timpken-Det ,50e 12 17% 17% 17% + % 55% 31% Timken Roll B (1)_. 5 49% 49% 49% - i* 12% 6% Transamerica(.75) 46 7 6% 6% — % 10% 4 Transcontl & W Air 4 9% 9 9 + 14 12% 4% Transue & Wlllms . 1 10 10 10 + % 4% 2% Tri-Continental ... 34 4% 3% 4% -j. 14 6% 3% Truax-Traer Coat.. 3 4% 4 4 — u 28% 16% 20th Cent-Fox (2) 22 25% 25% 25% 6 2% Twin City Rap Tran 1 3% 3% *3% 41 16 Twin City R T pf 10s 31 31 31 +1 13% 6 Twin Coach 4 11% 10% 1C‘« - % ^6 114 Ulrn & Co 1 41, 414 41., "O'., 41 Underw'd-E-F 2.50e 1 67', 67% 67% - t, lo'i 7'* Union Mac & Paper 9 12', 12% 12'* + % 9'1;, 57 Union Carbide 2.4(Je 28 86 85 85% + 1% 22', 17'« Union Oil Cal 1.20.. 5 18T4 18", 18',+ i» 99', 55% Union Pacific (6)... 5 93 91% 91% - j% 8:’.'. 59+ Union Pac pf (4) . 2 78 78 78 +1% 23', 20 Un Tank Card.20). 5 20', 20'+ 20%+ % 39% 19%. Unit Aircraft 1.25*. 133 39% 38% 38% — % 13% 5 Unit Air Lines . 29 12H 11'4 11% — % 73% 39 Unit Carbon 3.25e__. 6 69% 68% 68% 4% 2 Unit Corp'n _ 160 3% 3 3 38 22% Unit Corp'n pf_ 6 33% 33% 33% 7% 4% Unit Drug _ 9 5% 5% 5% + % 8', 3 Unit Electric Coal.. 8 7% 7% 7% 67% 50 Unit Fruit (3) 5 59% 58% 58% - ", 12', 8% Unit Gas Imp (1)— 27 II 10', 10% - % 8', 3 Unit Paperboard_ 2 7% 7% 7% + % 1% % U S Distributing_ 6 ", 1, i, — % 9% 3% US Dlstrib’g pf_ 40s 6% 6 6 13 4% U S & For’n Secur _ 5 10% 9% 9% _ % 85 62 U S & For Sec pf(6). 2 84 84 84 +1 12% 5% U S Freight _ 1 9% 9% 9% 115 55 U S Gynsum (2)- 7 108% 107 108’, +2 10% 4% U S HolTman 1 7% 7% 7% 35% 24 U S Hoffman pf 2.75 1 32% 32% 32% — % 30% 13% U S Indus Alcohol . 3 26% 26 26 — % 13% 5% US Leather (A) . 2 10% 10 10 — % 49% 21% U S Pipe & Fdy (2). .3 44 43% 43%-% 7 2% U S Realty & Imp . 3 5% 5 5 + % 561, 21 U S Rubber 87 50% 49% 49% + % 109% 45% U S Rubber 1st Me) 15 107% 105% 105% -1% 72% 44% U S Smelt & Ref(4) 3 65% 65 65% 71% 38 U S Steel 80 64% 62% 62% - % 121 91% U S Steel pf (7) ... 3 117% 117 117 +1% 36 29% U S Tobacco 1.35e_ 3 33% 33 33 — % 5% 3% Unit Stockyards ... 3 3% 3% 3% — % 10% 7% Unit Stkyds pf 70_ 3 8% 8 8% + % 3% 1% Unit Stores (A)_ 7 2% 2 2 15 7% Univ-Cyclops _ 3 13 12% 13 +1 83% 48 Univ Leaf Tob (4a). 2 84 84 84 + % 158 134 Univ L T pf (8) ... 10s 157 157 157 +1 70% 27% Univ Piet 1st pf_210s 73 70% 73 +3 1% % Util Pwr & L (r)_ 41 % % % 1% % Vadsco Sale*_ 3 % % % 28% 11% Vanadium Corp_ 8 25% 25% 25% + % 36% 14% Van Raalte (2)_ 1 31% 31% 31% 42 30% Vick Chemical(2a)_ 2 39% 39 39% - % 19% 13% Victor Chem (.55e). 2 19 19 19 51% 2% Va-Caro Chemical.. 1 3% 3% 3% 32% 15% Va-Caro Chem pf... 2 26% 26% 26%+ % 116V, 105 VaElPwrpf(6)_ 70» 114 114 114 + % 4% 1% Va Iron Coal & C .. 10s 2% 2% 2% — % 75% 37 Vulcan Detln 1.50e. 30s 76 75% 75'., + % 4% 1% Wabash pf A (r) .. 1 2% 2% 2% 3% 1% Wabash pf(B)(r)._ 60s 1% 1% 1% - y» 8% 5% Waldorf Syst ,50e._ 8 7% 7% 7% 20% 13% Walgreen (1) 150s 16% 16% 16% + V* 87 74 Walgreen pf (4.60). 2 85 85 85 -1% 54 30 Walker(H)(4)- 6 50% 50% 50% + % 10% 4% Walworth Co ___ 14 7% 7% 7% 4 2 Ward Bak B new .. 3 2% 2% 2% 8 3% Warner Bros Piet.. 27 6% 6 6 45 20 Warner Bros Pie pf 140s 42',* 42 42 +2 4% 1% Warren Bros (r) . 3 3% 3% 3% — % 16% 5 Warren B cv pf(r).. 1 14V, 14% 14%-1% 25 11 Waukesha Mot (1). 7 21% 20% 20% — % 34% 17 Wayne Pump 2.50e. 1 31 31 31 + % 97% 74 West Penn El pf(6) 20s 92 91% 92 + % 102'% 82% West Penn El pf(7) 10s 102 102 102 24% 12% Westn Auto Sup (1) 3 23% 23% 23%—% 4% 2% Westn Maryland._ 2 3% 3% 3% 1% % Western Pacific_ 3 % Vi Vi 3% 1 Western Pacific pf- 38 1% 1 1 34% 16% Westn Union Teleg. 5 24% 23% 23% — V, 33V* 15% Wsthse Air Brl.Ole 8 28% 28 28%+ % 124% 61% Westhse Elec 2.50e. 5 115% 114% 114% + % 144 103 Westhse Elpf 3.50e. 10s 140 140 140 +1 21 9% Weston El Inst ,50e. 18 20 19% 19%+ % 20% 10 Westvaco (1) .. 2 18% 18% 18% — % 30% 20 Westvaco pf(1.50)_. 1 30% 30% 30% 32% 14Vi Wheeling Steel_ 2 27% 27% 27% + % 15% 6% White Motor ... 4 12% 12% ' 12% - % 11 5 White Rock Min S._ 2 7% 7 7 3 1% White Sew Mach . 1 1% 1% 1% + % 24% 8% White Sew Mach pf. 6 21% 20 21 +1 3% 1% Wilcox Oil & Gas 13 3 3 3% 1% Wlllys-Overland .. . 6 2% 2% 2% 5% 3 Wilson & Co 2 4% 4% 4% 105% 88% Wise El P&L (pf (6) 20s 106% 106% 106% +1% 27% 10% Woodward Iron .. 1 24% 24% 24% 53% 36 Woolworth (2.40).. 26 60% 50 50% + % 27% 11% Worthington Pump. 7 20% 20% 20% + % 65% 28% Worth Pcvprpf— 1 49% 49% 49% +1% 120 65% Wright Aero <2e)-~ 10s 113% 113% 113% + % 74 61% Wrlgley (3a)- 3 72% 72 72% - % (Continued ofa Page A-17.) Market Speculation Flows to Buying, Stocks Move Up Gains of Fractions to Two Points Made On Exchange Stock Averages T IS If M Induit. Mil*. Util. Stk*. Net change +.7 +2 +2 +5 Today, noon 74.7 205 35.0 51.0 Prev. day.-- 74.0 20.3 345 50.0 Month ago. 79.3 23.2 375 54.7 Year ago— 66.1 22.5 345 47.2 1938 high.. 795 235 375 64.7 1938 low_ 495 12.1 249 33.7 1937 high-101.6 49.5 54.0 75.3 1937 low_ 57.7 19.0 315 41.7 1932 low— 175 8.7 239 18.3 1929 high..1469 153.9 184.3 157.7 1927 low— 51.8 955 615 615 (Comclled by the Associated Pm*.) By VICTOR EUBANK, Associated Press Financial Writer. NEW YORK, Dec. 7.—Speculator flowed to the buying side of the stock market today as the line of least re sistance and prices moved upward in a leisurely recovery. Gains of fractions to around 5 points were general through the list around the fourth hour. Whili somewhat brpader than in the pre ceding session, dealings were quiet The action of the market itself thi last few days, indicating reluctanci to resume the November downswing appeared to be the chief influenci drawing traders back to the ranks o) buyers. Many analysts took thi performance lately as a hint reaction had run its course and began t< think in terms of a year-end rally Industrial Shares Attract. Aviation, motor, steel, copper and other industrial shares were thi main attractions for the bullish con- , tingents. The buying in those groups brokers said, was guided largely bj, expectations 1939 would see further business revival, especially in thi heavier industries. An upward slant also was notice able in corporate bonds and most active commodities. Setting the pace for the recovers were United States Steel, Chrysler Greyhound, Douglas Aircraft, Ex Cell-O, Union Carbide, Montgomerj Ward, Electric Auto Lite, Westing house Electric, Anaconda, Cerro de Pasco and Sperry. Rails stepped in line toward mid day. including Santa Fe, Southern Pacific and New York Central, anc utilities also shared in lesser degree in the advance. Action on Curb. On the curb, Aluminum of Amer ica shot up more than 6 points ai . one time. Also higher were Ameri can Gas & Electric, Lockheed Air craft, Great Atlantic & Pacific anc Electric Bond & Share. A further reduction in productior quotas by the foreign copper carte, was a stimulus to demand for thi red metal, buying for export ws.1 described as the most active m somi time. Copper shares likewisi benefited, especially Cerro de Pasco Aviations remained in the specula- ♦ tive limelight. Wall Street rated re ports Congress may be asked for i preliminary $100,000,000 appropri ation to speed the air defense pro gram. Aircraft manufacturers alsc looked for more export orders ir view of the money foreign nation; were lavishing on air forces. A setback in European exchang: rates was a drag for security mar ! kets, it seemed. Renewed selling ir ! the British pound and French fram | was blamed, for lack of better ex planation, on the Italian agitatioi * for French territory. However, ex change men said speculation again; the pound lately has proceeded oi the idea it was over-valued in term of the dollar. Chicago Grain By the Associated Press. CHICAGO, Dec. 7.—Corn climbec a cent in Chicago today owing large ly to over-night jumps of 2 cents a' Buenos Aires, but gains here failec to hold well. The Argentine com market soar ing included about 10 cents' rise during the past 10 days. Trade specialists said Buenos market ac tion indicated the United State: and the Danube region were at present the only available source: of corn supplies, and that Europe would require large quantities from • North America between now ane spring, regardless of heavy feeding of low-grade wheat abroad. At the close. Chicago corn fu tures were 14-% higher compared with yesterday’s finish, December, 49-49’s; May, 51%-34; wheat un changed to % lower. December, 64'4 3»; May, 66%-67, and oats varying from % decline to % advance. WHEAT— Open High. Low Close Dec - .64% .64% .64% ,64%-*i Mai - .66% May .-.6, .67% .66% ,66%-H7 JUCORN—' '8H * '°''11 86% Dec. - .48% .49% .48% .49-491. Mar. -.51% .51% .51% .51% May -.51% 52% .51% .51%.% July -.52% .53% .52% .52%-'S OATS— Dec. . .27% .28% .27% .28% May . .27% .284, .27% .28% July .27% .27% .27% .27% SOY BEANS— Dec. .78% May _ .80% .80% .80% .80% July -.80% .81% .8044 .81% RYE— Dec. _.41% 41% May _.45 .45 .44", 44 % July „ -- 45% .45% .45", .45"* LARD— Dec. - — —. ... 6 85 > Jan. . 6.87 Mar._ 737 May - 7.47 7.60 7.47 7.55 Cash Market. We*t. no aales reported. Corn, No 1 mixed. 51%; No. 2. 54; No. 1 yellow, 51%: No 2. 51-52: No. 1 white. 54%; No 2. o4-54%; sample. 49%. Oats, samp'n mixed. 26%: No. 1 white. 32-32%. Barley, Illinois, 33-63 nominal: Michigan and Wls« con sin. 45-66 nominal; No. 3 malting. 54 Rye No 1. 46. Soy beans. No. 2 and 3 yellow. 79%. Timothy seed. 2.95-3 15 red clover seed. 13.00-16.00; red top 8.75-9.25. Filipino Sugar.Quotas Are Virtually Filled The Customs Bureau reports lip ports of 109,788,089 pounds of re fined and 1,776,301584 pounds of un refined sugar from the Philippine Islands from the first of the year te December 3, virtually filling the Filipino quotas. Shute Is Elevated NEW YORK, Dec. 7 OP).—Emmett R. Shute, general superintendent oi traffic of the Western Union Tele graph Co., has been elevated to vice president in charge of traffic, the company announced today. Montreal Silver MONTREAL. Dm. 7 UF).—Sliver futurei opened 70 points off; December, 40.BO Me I 1