Newspaper Page Text
HELP MEN. (Continued.) CARPENTERS, experienced in applying in~ aula ted brick siding or asbestos siding: steady work. State experience, age and telephone number. Box H2-D, Star._ CHEVROLET SALESMEN—We have open ings for several sober and industrious men who have had previous experience selling low-priced new automobiles in Washington. Demonstrators furnished: excellent floor play, and one of the best commission plans In the city. See Mr. Roberts between 1 and 3 pm. Addison Chevrolet Sales Co.. Inc., 1437_Irvin% sL n,w. __ GROCERY CLERK, first-class, experienced. Write full details. Box 387-D. Star.__ MAN. 21. must have reference, to work in delicatessen. 1137 14th st. n.w._ MAN. with a car. to drive man on calls 5 hours a day; expenses, small salary. Box 359-E, Star.* MEN with or without cars. Must have following In lunchrooms, restaurants, tap rooms, to sell food products. Apply 510(3 7th st. n.w._ MEN (2). to contact customers and sales by appointment; about $25 week to start; no car required. 1427 Eye st. n.w., Room 210. 9:30 to 12:30._ MEN living in Washington and vicinity. A large international corporation has opening for men to introduce a new product priced for this price-conscious period and easily acquired. It is phenomenal, exclusive, needful and fully covered by patents. A very larae profit to the dealer, and rapid Increases to the men who can do a good Job of distribution under franchise. Men for Washington and surrounding com munities can be placed at once. Prefer men who have had appliance sales experi ence and have automobiles. Men with crews should also see us. Can usp two men too. who have had no selling experience but are anxious to make money in this new field. Men of this type who impress lis will be trained at our expense. We Invite your thorough Investigation. The opportunity is unusual. Men replying should be able to eo to wmrk at once. Apply New Colonial Hotel, ] 150 15th st. n.w. Thursday 9:30 a m. Ask at desk for Mr. Williams.___ MEN. we start you in business without capital: quick profits, pleasant, easy-selling necessity; no age limit. Give experience. references, phone._Box 95-D._ Star. MEN (3), with car. that know how to sell. Southern States open. Box 375-E. Star. • PHARMACIST, registered in Washington. For regular hours. Good references. Box 133-A. Star. RADIO SERVICEMEN, must have car and test equipment. Apply to Mr. Barstow, 409 11 th_st. n.w. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN, experienced: an opportunity One of the largest firms in city. Replies confidential. Box t>L-D. Star._I SALESMAN—Young man wanted for men's 1 furnishings department. Apply Phil Bobys 1 Co., 725 7th st. n.w. SALESMEN nil; electric and household appliances; small drawing account against high rate of commission. Domestic Ap p 1 i a nee Co.. 13 35 41 h n.w._8 • __ SHOE SALESMAN. 22-28 years: must, be experienced. Apply in person. 3132 Wil son blvd., Arlington. Va. SODA FOUNTAIN CLERK, experienced. 3 : bights a week and Sundays. Telephone Met. 6f?47._* SOLICITOR-DRIVER for Quality dry clean ing plant. State age, experience, marital «tatus1 salary desired._Box 4H9-E. Star._ WORLD WAR VETERANS (5), single, leave town Sunday, travel Florida and South sales organization, permanent; expenses ad vanced, transportation furnished. Mr. Cro barger. Hotel Portland. Don’t phone. YOUNG MAN. neat appearance, between 21-35. Capitol Garment Manufacturing Co.. 1009 7th_sL_ti_w_ YOUNG MEN for circulation work: must be satisfied with about $25 week to start. Apnly before 8 a m. 219 Stuart Bldg.. 6th and D sts. n.w.__ WANTED—Experienced used car salesman, ample floor periods, attractive compensa tion basis. This is your opportunity to join old reliable concern sellinc finest products. nPPly to Mr. Wellborn. 1321 14th st. n.w. H. B. Learv. Jr Bros _ OPPORTUNITY to make extra Christmas money selling baby photograph books, rep resenting one of Washington’s finer pho 'ographic studios. Attractive commissions. Part or full time Apply Suite 303. Bond Bldg,. 14th and N. Y ave. n.w. TAXI DRIVERS. Good drivers can earn *25 week and up ! pemand for Union and Arrow cabs makes .t necessary to increase our organization. BEST PROPOSITION in town for clean-cut | men at least 21. with D C driver's nermit ' "REE INSTRUCTION CLASSES DAILY I for identification card. For complete de- j tails, apply between II and 12 f m . 1S40 Kenyon st. n w._ EXPERT watchmaker. Apply 516 F st. n.w. PERMANENT opportunity open. We have an opportunity for 2 men, between 25 and 45, neat appearance, who can fur nish good character references. This is permanent and will bring In about $35 per week for the first few weeks. Your weekly income will increase as you learn more about the business. Apply Thurs day afternoon at 1:30 sharp, 1010 Vt. ave., Room 205. salesmen! Salesmen <2>. experienced in calling on stores and offices. Field demonstration will i rove daily average of $9 in commissions. See Mr. Gorrin. S to 9 p.m., Vivian Hotel. 1723 Q st. n.w.___H• SALESMEN—Something new; just pat ented: quick seller; big profits paid daily. -iordman^Cairo Hotel. 9 a m. to 2 p.m. ^ £90 PER WEEK INCOME from three sales, interviewing filling station operators, ga rages and mechanics. If you are a sales man and willing to work act promptly. For Interview. Box 373-E. Star. • HELP MEN AND WOMEN^r LtVrNG QUARTERS, compensation, for settled. white couple to take care room ing house: man should have some outside employment: references. Box .'IHS-A^Star TELEPHONE SOLICITORS, selling home necessity. Prospect list supplied. Unlim ited . phone required. Call 9-10 a m. Shepherd lo27. _EMPLOYMENT SERVICES! __BUSINESS._ STENOGRAPHERS, accountants, bookkeep ers. typists, nurses, drug-store help, sales men. etc. Current openings for male-female. No charge unless placed. PERSONNEL SERVICE, mi G st. AUTO ADJUSTER, 5“krHk»*K auto finance exn. Over 25 yrs. old. Car and expenses furn. Salary. Slio mo. ARCH. DESIGNER, &at‘e7erExpAg7 75-45. Consulting engineer. Excel, salary. STRUCT. ENGR., ereta and structural steel. Age 28-45. Salary to M.BOn yr. SECY.-STENOG., ®1oAct.i,?i!£t Over 24 yrs. old. Quick and alert. Sal ary 825 wk. STTHWOCt Female. Cashier exp. with ^x vyvz., flnance co. or small loan co. Age 21-30. Excel, salary. PERSONNEL SERVICE, 1311 G ST. N.W. DOMESTIC;__ Reliable AGENCY. Dec. 556i. 1402 11th. has cooks, maids, nurses, houseworkers. part time day workers, couples, housemen. 7* HELP WOMEN. AGENTS—Sell our 50 for $1 Xmas cards, names printed. Free samples. 2-day serv ice. Also 51 box ass’t. 51 gift wrappings. Herbert Levy Co., 512 H n.e\_ BEAUTY OPERATORS <2), part time: thoroughly experienced. Atlantic 2700 after 9 p m.. or Lincoln 7134 after O a m. BEAUTY OPERATOR must be all-around operator: steady position. Apply in person. Lillian’s. 1330 Wis. aveL_ CORPORATION desires services of capable, ambitious woman. Interesting work for old established publishing concern. Op portunity for advancement. One week’s free training required. Box 310-M. Star. SALESGIRLS, experienced only, hosiery, underwear and baby wear; good salary. LInen Mart. 1225_G $t_rhw._ STENOGRAPHER, between ages 20-20. res ident of Arlington County; permanent, 575 to start._Phone_Oxford 2040._ TEACHER, home economics, dietetics: must have experience and best college training; private school._P. O. Box 3055._ WOMAN of personality, with good con tacts. to represent beauty requisite; liberal profits; excellent Christmas business. In quire mornings. Mrs. Marshall. 505 Wash ington Bldg., New York ave. and 15th._ §/OMEN. over 30. Part-time sales work. 715 9th st. n.w._ OPPORTUNITY to make extra Christmas money selling baby photographic books representing one of Washington’s finer photographic studios; attractive commis sions; part or full time. Apply Suite 303. pond Bldg.. 14th and N. Y. ave. n.w._ IMMEDIATE VACANCY FOR AN EDUCATED WOMAN. Age, 27-45. with above average Intelli gence: permanent position, leading to ex ecutive work in educational service dept. To qualify must be able to meet public easily, assume responsibility and unincum bered: to applicant selected position should pay over 52.000 per year; hours. 0-4; per gonal interview necessary. Write age. edu catlon. exp, and phone. Box 2M-C Star. _HELP DOMESTIC. GIRL, colored, for part-time work: small salary. North 8209-W. after_ti p m. • GIRL for g.h.w.. good cook, 3 In family. S26 month: go home or stay nights. 120 herman ave.. Takoma Park, Md. _ GIRL, white or colored, for general work In small family: stay nights; $3 week. Box J34-A. Star__ GIRL, white, willing to work for good home and small salary. No phone calls. 1009 G st. s.c, MAID, honest, 'competent, cook, laundress, housework; live in: experienced: reference required, Woodley 0277 after_4_:3(i_p.m.__ MOTHER S HELPER, must be neat, cheer ful. willing and honest; live in; $15 mo. Wisconsin 1445-W._ WOMAN, colored, to rare for home and new baby. Mtist live In. State see. refer ences and Qualifiest ions_Box 94-D. sta r_ WOMAN, white, unincumbered^for rooking and general housework: must be experi enced. clean and cheerful: references re quired; 3 In family; sleep In. SS. Tails Church 1401. ^ HELP DOMESTIC. (Continued.) WOMAN white, over 30, experienced, ref erences. to cere for small baby In two-room apt. while couple Is at work. Chestnut 1603.__ « WOMAN, white, general housework, care of 0-year-old boy: small apt.; live in pre ferred: $5 week. Adams 6X20-W after 0:3(1 pm__ SITUATIONS MEN.7 ”7 ACCOUNTANT, exp.: tax and financial reports prepared: part-time bookkeeping; good work: charges reas._Col. 2872-J, 15* ACCOUNTANT, expert, part-time book keeping hooks started, audited, balanced, tax work: city references. * Randolph 3131. ACCOUNTANT-BOOKKEEPER, experienced in retail credits and collections, desires re sponsible position: moderate salary. Box 3H0-E. Star.___9*_ BARTENDER, white. 2H. with local refer ence. desires work. Call Richmond, Co lumbia H0H5-J__8*_ BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly experienced, ac countancy education, age 38. desires re sponsible job._Lincoln 0185-W._9*_ CARPENTER, lst-class, used t<* quality work: by hour or job; or oversee work. Georgia 7448.__ CHAUFFEUR, houseman, butler or porter, colored: local references; free to travel. Dupont 0280._ COLORED, young boy. age 20 years, wishes work in restaurant or hotel; good reference. North 8637.___ DRIVER, colored, wants work of any kind; experienced chauffieur. handy man at radio, electrical repairs, general mechanic: ref erences._Dec. 1790-J. FATHER AND TWO SONS want farm work or dairy work in or around Washington. D C. Experienced in both. Box 200-C. Star,_8*_ GROCERY MAN. mfg. food, drugstore ex perience. drives car. speaks 6 languages: good refQjrences. Phone eve. Alexandria 1287, or write 315 So Washington blvd., Alex._8*_ MAN wants work as carpenter’s helper or work of any kind. Call Dupont 7545. MAN. white, wants work: sober, honest, good worker, can do most any kind of work._Box 305-E. Star. _ • MAN. colored, desires job as chauffeur, butler or :anitor; any kind of work. 1422 oth st. n.w.. Apt. 2. MAN. colored, wants work of any kind: also housework. Dupont 1040. PHOTO FINISHER, ambitious, experienced printing, developing, enlarging, copying, lantern slides, oil tinting, etc.; will go anywhere. Box 374-E. Star. 9* SERVICE MAN. Frigidaire and Kelvinator. 10 years’ experience: also on electrical appliance work. Will exchange mv service. 24 hours dav. for first-class furnished apartment. Box_289-E Star 7* YOUNG MAN. married, wishes position in office or photographic laboratory, experi enced. Box 202-E. Star. 9* __ YOUNG MAN. colored, position as house man, butler or waiter, ref.; 4 years’ exp. Decatur_3041 -J.__ YOUNG MAN. colored, wishes night job as elevator operator, waiter, porter or busboy; experienced: A-l ref. North 9047. Herman. WE HAVE SEVERAL young men, 18 to 2fT now' attending school two nights each week, seeking employment to help defray living expenses. Any employment will be ap preciated. Phone or write Mr. Price, 1232 14th st. n.w._Met. 2882._* SITUATIONS MEN fir WOMEN, COUPLE colored wants position as very good cook, experienced chauffeur and but ler: city_references_._Line. 8H8K_* COUPLE ^colored), wish job, cook, maid, houseman, butler^ city ref. Dupont 8288. SITUATIONS WOMEN. BEAUTY OPERATOR, with 8 yrs.' exp., desires position._ Box 37H-E. Star._ • NURSE. German trainfd. for infant; years of exp.: or will take charge of home; dietitian; best local ref. Col. 8735. REFINED WIDOW. Protestant, wishes po sition as companion to elderly, or working housekeeper in motherless home. Call during day. Shepherd 1822._ YOUNG LADY wishes typing at home eve nings. experienced on author’s manuscripts, theses, etc., reasonable. Box 394-E. Star. • SITUATIONS DOMESTIC. COOK, exnerienced. wants part-time eve ning or day's work; excellent ref. Call i Potomac 0377-R. _ _ DAY'S WORK, cleaning, laundry or part- j time work wanted by experienced woman. ; Can furnish ref. Decatur O017-J. DAY S WORK or regular housework any ! kind wanted by Southern colored woman; ref.: no^Sun._North 0534. GIRL, colored, young wishes work as I mother’s helper: willing to stay nights; refs._Decatur_5544.___ GIRL, colored, wants job. general house work; can cook; reference. Emerson 4861. Esther;_ GIRL, colored, wishes position of anv kind. Call 1533 B st. s.e. References. Walking distance._ GIRL, colored, wants part-time or day's work._Atlantic_2763-J._ GIRL, colored, desires position as chamber maid or care of child; good references. 637 New Hampshire ave. n.w.__•_ GIRL, colored, from Maryland, wants work as waitress, day or part time. Decatur 5093.__ | GIRL, colored, neat, reliable, desires work ! Part or full time. Decatur 6043. GIRL, colored, wishes day's work; best ref erences. Call Atlantic 021j>. GIRL, colored experienced cook and wait ress. wants full, part-time or day's work; city references. _North 3305. GIRL. light colored wishes full or part I time; neat, excellent cook, ref., full charge. Decatur 311 7._ GIRL, colored, neat, wan's job as nurse and general houseworker, no cooking. North 2253. GIRL, colored, wishes general housework; no nights, no laundry._ Col. 3054. GIRL, colored, desires job as pantry girl, maid in store, beauty parlor, cook, private family, or part time; references. North 6141 after 1 1 am.__ WOMAN, colored young, wishes position as maid in hotel, studio, store or office. Atlantic 5650. _p* WOMAN, colored, reliable, wants day's work or part-time work; reference. Deca tur 4435-J. • WOMAN, neat, reliable, colored, experi enced in housekeeping and good cook, city ref. Dupont 8066. _ WOMAN, colored, wants housework, wash ing. cleaning: reference. Columbia 1736-J. OOP Quincy st. n w.__ INSTRUCTION COURSES. BE A SECRETARY, ACCOUNTANT or Jr. Accountant, earn real MONEY. EASY, i intensive courses. Inquire Natl. 334m. ! BOYD_SCHOGL. 1333 F. CIVIL SERVICE BOOKS. home study courses— ques. and ans.; latest editions, price, SI up Inquire BOYD SCHOOL. 13.33 F st. National 3.340 *5—CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS—$5. Prepare now The Civil Service Prepara tory School. 530 13th st. n.w. Met. 6337.* Modern Beauty Culture, "A Lifetime Gift” Special Low Rate—Easy Terms. Modern School of Beauty Culture _131 7 F St. N.W._Natl. 4 7 71._ LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE! MABELLE HONOUR, 21 Years of Successful Beauty Training. 1340 New York Ave._Met. ^77*. LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE! Nakon Beauty School, 1434 Park Rd. N.W. LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE! WARFLYNN BEAUTY COLLEGE _1018 Vermont Ave. District 1763._ AIRCRAFT—AVIATION. Aero Industries Technical Institute is the only aircraft training institution under the direct supervision of leading airplane build ers. Free booklet. D. Miller. Registrar. 921 Emerson st. n.w. Phone Adams 7705. PERSONAL. HEMORRHOIDS ERADICATED BY MY own method. Results effective for s life time or money back. Write for booklet. No drugs or sureer*. DR. SOMMERWERCK. 1365 Columbia rd Adams 0388_ GOLDENBERG'S WILL OIL. INSPECT AND adjust your sewing machine in your home for si; parts extra. Natl. 5220. Ext. 310. FALSE TEETH REPAIRED WHILE YOU wait, emergency Laboratory. Rooms 801 802 Westory Bldg.. 14th and F. _Met. lS.'i.i. MISS FLOOD'S PRIVATE KINDERGAR ten, 1322 Massachusetts ave. n.w.; school of dancing and nursery; hour, day or week: 8:30 to 5:30.__ WILL THE TYPIST WHO COPIED A WILL lor Thomas H. Madieali about December. 1836. or any witness to the will com municate_Box 368-E. Star?_ 8* BETTER HEALTH STUDIO—COLDS AND chronic pains treated; trained nurse. Ap pointments. Potomac 4721.__ PERMANENTS, $1.75. Fingerwave. 1.5c: manicure, 15c. Met. 7778. Mabelle_Honour School. 1340 N. Y. Ave. CAROL LYNN MUTUAL INTERESTS CLUB For Government and congressional em ployes. affords an opportunity for greater enjoyment of social activities, active or spectator sports and favorite hobbies, by creating good fellowship between persons having like interests. Clev. 0408 evenings, 0:30 to 8:30. or on Sunday. CAMERA REPAIRS. CAMERA REPAIRINO. FULLER A d'ALBERT. INC.. 815 10th St N W_Phone National 4718 HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANIES. HOMES MODERNIZED. SPECIAL PRICES—NO DOWN PAYMENT. SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS Papering Porch Inclosurte Painting Plumbing Plastering Heating Flooring Carpentry Roofing Cement Work TABORS HOME RENOVATING CO.. 1420_Irving St. N.W._Adams_7960._7^ MODERNIZE AND RENO VATE YOUR HOME ON FEDERAL HOUSING PLAN. ROOFING AND SIDING. We Renovate Basement to Roof. NO CASH DOWN. SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS. FREE ESTIMATES. Deal With a Reliable Firm. We Finance Where Others Don't. FEDERAL CONTRACTING CO., BIS New York Avt. N.W._ NATL. T41S. NZQKL BAND. MW. »• REPAIRS & SERVICE. ALBANO BUILDING SERVICE. Wisconsin 4821—Let us take care of your repairing worries Stone walls, brick work, plastering, chimneys, fireplaces, steps, walks, cement work, waterproofing. No job too far or too small._ BEDDING. MATTRESSES, box SDrlngs and pillows reno.: best prices and prompt del. wash. Mattress Co.. 310 L st. s.w. Nat. 0070. CARPENTER and cabinet-maker; general house repairing; storm doors, shelving, furn.; reas.;_work guar._Adams JIVtin-M. ELECTRIC REPAIRS. When you need an electrician, no matter how small or large the loh. call Electric Shop on Wheels and the job will be done immediately. District iii7J.. ELECTRICAlTsERVICE, wiring, "any kind; repairs; no Job too small; 24-hr. service; reliable; reasonable._ Col._8502-J. ELECTRIC WIRING, lets, repairs: old houses a specialty. Regal Elec. Co.. 84!) Upshur n.w Col. 881)1_ FT.nfiRS Sanded, refinished; dustless x xj\_svsxvh? machine; waxing, painting and papering._Call BEN. North 8582. » FLOORS "SANDED. White meehiinics^_Hankins. District 7206. FLOOR WORK, sanding and finishing; prices reas.: work guar. C. C. Deaton. 006 Longiellow st. n.w._Geo. 8450. _ IF IT IS PLASTERING, stucco, stipling walls, we specialize in the above work. Call Lincoln 5617._ PAPER HANGING—Fine worK don® reas. Free estimates cheerfully given. The Decorative Shop. >6536 Ga ave_CoL_l 117. PAPER HANGING this week only $6.60 per loom: 1068 washable, sunlast papers; work_sLyara nteed .__Adams_1501.__ PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING—Spe cial for this week. I do high-class work for low prices, with all washable and sun fast papers. Work dom by father and sons. Finest references furnished. Call any time, Columbisi 0666. 7 • PAPERING Painting. $4 room up! x floors refinished. Work guaranteed._Fields, jr., Dupont i>07 7. * PAPERING. WALTER CHADWICK PAINTING._ RANDOLPH 6445. 10*_ PLASTERING, stucco, cement, chimneys, painting; waterproofing basements, damp walls leaky roofs. Minnick. Line. 5071. 7 • PLASTERING and cement work—No job too far or loo small. District 457 0. Win. Thomas,_707 M st. n.w. j»* PLUMBING AN1) HEATING, jobbing and remodeling a specialty. Harry E. Williams North_d\!48._ _ _ PRINTING— cards. $1.75; 55)0 7) guest checks. $2.03; l.oOO letter heads. £tc.,_$2.05. Phone Adams_608f>. 0* Roofing—Siding—Insulation. Estimates Free. Terms If Desired ENTERPRISE ROOFING COMPANY. District Coal Bide . 2020 R. I. Ave NE POT. 0200.___ _BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES^ LUNCHROOJd-BEER, fully equipped; over $100 day business; same owner 7 years* low rent: price. $4.(>00: $1,500 cash and balance monthly. Box 2&5-E. Star. • GROCERY AND MEAT STORE. Must be sold account of sickness. Call Dupont 8806. DINING CAR, Washington’s finest, down town corner: rent. $117; does $8<m> wkly.: very profitable. $4,500 down payment. Bob Hollander. 007. Tower_ Bldg. RESTAURANT-—Owner desires experienced manager and operator to take over going concern and established business on down town Connecticut ave. Box 386-E. Star. GASOLINE. ACCESSORIES corner, upper n.w.: long estab.: mixed gasolines; doing large business; well equipped and stocked price $4.5oo: terms. Box 3H7-E. Star. • RESTAURANT next to theater. Rent. $105 with apartment; $-100 weekly, beer, $l,oou down._j»or TowerJBldg. WILL SACRIFICE my grocerv and~meat market: cheap rent; $500 weekly business. 1033 3rd st n.w 11* BEAUTY SHOP (colored1; 0 booths all rented, apt rear; low rent, well known, $300._Box 380-E_ Star _ STORE. 14x38 ft . 2 street fronts. 2nd to corner, n.c.. with 5-rm. and b. apt.; a m i., Col. 2785-J. • P9^’NTO}VJ? HOTEL. 27 rooms; rent only $-•>'». with hea: and hot water furnished. ?n£reii%«i,ilV^lo,r,QU,ck salp- ARMSTRONG & HAMMOND. OIL 13th st. n.w. Republic oji 11. • Tyhm DOWN buys ail established caie near Navy Yard. Phone Atlantic T12K NOTION STORE, equipped and stocked; ong estab.; short hours, closed Sundays, low rent; Price._$(tim. Box 215-E. Star. • ROOMS-APTS.. Harvard at J4th, rent, ;■ O' income. S20o monthly. 4 elec boxes Sl.oO": terms. Reach & McCown, Re^ public 2HW . 820II WILL BUY a business that, should enable you to employ 20 salesmen, selling a. patent article bringing a profit of ST5 to Sloo weekly. Mr. Boardman. J to II pm, Cairo Hotel.__ p. ROOMING HOUSE 11 rooms, cheap rent; good income. $350 cash. 1320 11th st. n.w. WANTED—Man. financially respontiblei-to operate fruit and vegetable concession in large super market dplni fine business■ must be gentile and high type. Box 3T2-E. Star. _ FLOWER, fruit, newsstand, well estab lished: low rent; lease. SHim; terms to re sponsible party. Box 38S-E. Star. • DELICATESSEN-RESTAURANT, n.w beer license; established business doing $2 non month: splendid opportunity. Box 40S-E, Star_ _ II* FOR LEASE, good corner location, vacant: first floor suitable restaurant, offices, lowest rent._Washington P. o. Box 3055. GUEST HOUSE720’ROOMS, 7j2 BATHS, OIL HEAT. N st., near 18th n.w.—Wonderful possi bilities if you know boarding business; $1.()0(» handles: better hurry EDWIN L. ELLIS. IblO Vermont Ave . Room 21T. Natl. 3310 • WE HAVE IT! ~ Are you looking for a rooming house or other business? We have a large list of desirable places. Visit our office. 011 13th st. n.w.. or phone Republic o:*l 1 ARMSTRONG & HAMMOND. »• CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTANT ON BUSI NESS AND PERSONAL PROBLEMS PRI VATE INVESTIGATIONS. COLLECTIONS. DAVID S. HAMMOND. BUSINESS COUNSELOR. •Ml Kith St. N.W. Republic njill. ROOMING HOUSE. Conn. ave. and R. 1 rooms rent. $125: very nicely furnished a wonderful renting location: $80n handle S. WINFIELD, 908 10th N.W hash’s Largest Rooming House Broker. 1 ROOMING HOUSE, 22 RMS P ST. NEAR DUPONT CIR. 5 baths. all bedroom': if you want real income inspect: $l’.SOO; terms EDWIN L. ELLIS, I'll n Vermont Ave.. Room 21 T._ Natl. .3310 • ROOMS AND APTS., loth and M: ift" rooms. 3 baths: rent. $!tn: garage: nicely furnished: $5(10 handles. Cal! Natl 9H54 S. WINFIELD. 908 10th N.W., Wash 's Largest Rooming House Broker. • THE VERY BEST ROOMING HOUSE we ever offered—21 rooms, u baths, exquisite furnishings, no vacancies: clearing about, $::oo. Exclusive residential district, walking distance. Rent only $lr>n. Price. $4 500: terms ARMSTRONG & HAMMOND, _EU 13th St, N.W._Republic non. _• HOME wi'h income: $ nice rms : rent $45; income. $ 1115: owner uses 3 rms. 11 rms.. - baihs, 2 Frrciriaires: price. $1,000; terms, in rms.. baths, well furn.: price. $900; terms. OWENS REALTY CO., 1343 H St._N.W. (Room 4101, Met. 30*y. ROOMING HOUSE, 12 RMS., COL. RD. AT 14th. , 3 baths, oil heat: all rented, easy rent ing location: sooo down EDWIN L. ELLIS, 1010 Vermont Ave.. Room 217. Natl. 3310^ ROOMING HOUSE, Logan Circle—Lge. corner house, 15 rms., 4 baths; quoted income. $*25o to $*>75: $;>(M) down. See F. C. Heigle, 1417 L St. n.w. Nail. ssso. _ BOARDING HOUSE, exclusive location. 15 rooms. 4 baths: rent only $100. The fur niture is far above average. Good income. shoo handles. Inspection invited. Natl. 0054. S. WINFIELD. 908 10th N.W., Wash.’s Largest Rooming House Broker._• HIGH-CLASS LOCATION7 ROOMING HOUSE, near Dupont Circle. 11 rooms. 2 baths: exceptionally nice fur niture: rent. $85: price. $750; terms. See our complete list. ARMSTRONG & HAMMOND, _»ll_1.2th St. N.W._Republic 0011. ROOMING HOUSE HOME! TOTAL PRICE, $550. Eye st.. near 19th n.w.—8 rooms, 2 baths, oil heat: good furniture. EDWIN L. ELLIS, lmo Vermont Ave., Room 217._Natl. 3.210.^ ROOMING HOUSE. R. I. ave.. near 14th: 15 rooms. 4 baihs. 2 extra lavatories: rent, $l4b; check income; nicely furnished; price. $1,000: terms investigate. Natl. !!t;54. S. WINFIELD, 908 10th N.W., Wash. s Largest Rooming House Broker._^ ROOMING HOUSE WTD. Plenty of buyers, we sure are busy. Phone or see EDWIN L. ELLIS, Rooming House Headquarters. 1010 Vermont Ave.. Room 217. Natl. .2.210. • ALL L.H.K. APTS., upper 1.2th st.: 1.2 rooms. :t baths: rent only $70: lully fur nished and clean: filled: showing income of $220: full price only $750: terms. See this money-maker. Natl. 1)054. S. WINFIELD, 908 10th N.W., Wash.’s Largest Rooming House Broker. • COLUMBIA RD. SECTION. ROOMING HOUSE. 11 rooms. .2 baths. 2-car garage: rent. $100: garage rented #10: nice furnishings, oil heat; income quoted $.300; price. $1,250: terms. See our complete list. ARMSTRONG & HAMMOND, au utb at. x.^ anuhiu oeu. • I MOTOR TRAVEL GOING FT. WORTH. DEC. 22. 12-DAY round trip, take 2._Atlantic OB59-W. 7* LOS ANGELES—COUPLE DRIVING VIA Dallas, take three, share expenses. JOHN STON. Met__X8.'tr>. A»t Jj_«• GOING TO MIAMI;'EXPERIENCED LADY driver; ItklS De Soto, desires passengers; references exchanged; $10 ea. Spruce FLORIDArARCADIA. DECEMBER lT, RE turn January 8; one or two ladies, share expense. Columbia 0422. after 0. _•_ DRIVING TO MIAMI THURSDAY. DE cember 8; accommodations lor 2. Senate Hotel. No. 21.1. H* MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. ANDIRONS. $1.50 per pair; real brass andirons. $3.50; two pairs of beautiful, an tique French andirons. For unusual Christ mas gifts, visit the GEORGETOWN BRASS SHOP. 3033 M st. n.w. Open evenings 'til 8; Sundays *til 2 p.m. __ ANTIQUES—Mahogany Lincoln sofa, excel lent condition: 12 milk glass goblets: 6 Hall marked silver porringers. Call Wood ley 2252_ ANTIQUES — Pair cherry gold-inlaid chairs; spool bed. rosewood bureau, chair, settee, beautiful old pieces. Make lovely Christmas gifts._Emerson 467 7._ ANTIQUES—Furniture, china, glass, paint ings. silver. Jewelry, fireplace adornments, at reasonable prices. Murray Galleries. 1724 20th st. n.w._Dupont 3 211._ ANTIQUES—Old glass, chests, chests of drawers, cellerettes. silver, etc. Curiosity Shop. 1514 31st st.. Georgetown. ANTIQUES—Very Small sofa, silk crazy quilt, other furniture and glass. 1814 Newton st. n.w. AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATER. Law soil. ncw:_cheap. Decatur 0245-M. BARBER OR FACIAL CHAIR. 4 dryers’ and one permunent waving machine, one utility cabinet; very cheap. 2817 14th st. n.w. __ BED and desk chest, maple, log cabin style. $29.75 lor the two Credit. Open nights. Georgia Antique ShODPe. 4012 14th st. n.w._Geo. 9700._ BED. brass, large size, clean, and coil spring: $5 for both if sold at once. Georgia 497 1. BEDDING—Imagine buying & splendid bed, spring and mattress, fully guaranteed. COMPLETE FOR $9.95. And I have many other things for the home. My prices are lowest in the city. I AM A MERCHANT. 1804 M st. n\v._Met. 2035. BEDROOM, maple, walnut, mahogany, sun tan: all styles and finishes. Prices that will amaze you. Make your own credit terms. We will breuk any suite. Before buying investigate. Open every night Follow' the crowd and meet Mr. Green personally, lie will help you beautify your home for Xmas. Green Furniture Co.. 3000 Georgia ave.. Col 10109 _ BEDROOM FURNITURE — Young girl’s single bed. desk and chair, chest of drawers, suitable for child 0 to JO; a real buy. $20 complete. No dealers. 420 Marietta pi. n.w. Georgia 3945. _ BEDROOM SUITE, studio couch, davenport suite. Crosley refrigerator, breakfast set, bee s, china closet. Edelman. 330.3 Oa. ave.* BEDSPREADS, hand crocheted, double bed. $50. single bed, $4o. Apply 511 West Clifton Terrace. ____ BICYCLES brand new. $18.50 up. also used wheels. $8 up. all guaranteed. D. Gilbert. 1106 H st. D.e._ BICYCLE (girl’s). 28-inch Cadillac, good condition._2414 37 th st. n.w._ BRICK. LUMBER AND PLUMBING ma terials at bargain prices from hundreds of wrecking jobs, reconditioned and neatly arranged for your easy selection at Hechin ger’s. You'll save time as well as money by coming to any of our four yards. We Quote delivered or undelivered. Phone orders. Atlantic 1400. HECHINGER CO.. Used Material Dept. 1 5th and H Sts. N E. 6th and C Sts. S W. 5925 Ga. Ave. N.W_1905 Nichols S.E. CABINET—Legal blank cabinet. 34x19x22; stationery cabinet 6 drawers: phone table, postal scale. Funk Ar Wagnall dictionary and stand, console mirror. 4 to 7 p m., 4123 Harrison st. • COAL. WOOD Sc OIL STOVES, grate bars, circulating heaters, stove pipe and fittings. HECHINGER CO. _4 BIG STORES._ CONTAFLEX. Zeiss. 1 5 and 2 8 lens, built in exposure meter, leather case: new condi tion. ideal Christmas gift lists $540. sac rifice $165._Geo 9001. Rand. Q983. CMT AWAY AND FULL DRESS, new. tailor-made, top-notch local tailor Each cost $150. Size 35 or 36, possibly 37. Dupont 0161 after 4 p.m DAYBED. gate-leg table, living room suite, side and easy chairs, chest of drawers, wardrobe, etc. Adams 517 1. • DESKS, students', maple and mahogany. $8.75: swell buy. credit, open nights. Georgia Antioue Shoppe. 4612 14th st. n.w. Geo 9700.__ DIAMOND 3 3 carat fine. In diamond studded mounting of your selection. This is our big speciai at $60 complete. Arthur Market. 918 F st. n.w. Suite 212._ DINING ROOM, walnut waterfall, mahog any. Duncan Phyfe style Dinettes in ; walnut, mahogany and maole A com ! Dlete and beautiful selection at “talk-of I town’* prices. Open every night Use j your charge account. Green Furniture Co.. 30OQ Georgia ave._Col. 10109._ ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR’ Crosley Shel vador. late model. A-l mechanical condi tion. Will sacrifice. $25 cash. 1342 11th I st^s.e____ _ : ENAMELED SINK good. used. 18x24. roll 1 rim with back, only $2.49; big bargain for i homes _cottaRes._etc._Hechinger_Co. __ 1 ENTIRE CONTENTS of 4-rm. apt., nearly ! new; cheap, as whole or separately. 1 Elm ave.. T.tkom.i Pk., Md. Shep. 3553. ! FINE FURNITURE from the Karolik House. 23rd and Decatur; also set Wedsewood china Philippine screen. Security Storage Co.. 1140 15th st.__ FRIGIDAIRE. 4-ft. size practically new: sold lor 144.50. w ill sell tor 5. Will make a nice Christmas present. Dupont 7002. FUR COAT gray Persian lamb excellent I condition. $85; also Hudson sea*. >25. | Cleveland 0032.__ in*__ j FURNITURE—Want to dispose of quickly: i Studio couches, beds, springs and mat J tresses, vanities, dressers, chairs of all 1 kinds, maple kneehole desks, walnut sec retary desk, breakfast sets, pictures, rugs, | lamps tables of all kinds. I AM A MER i CHANT. If the merchandise pleases you J and the prices suit you. then nothing else should matter. 1X04 M st. n.w. Met. 2035. FURNITURE—SELLING OUT BANKRUPT STOCK of brand-new furniture. High grade bedroom, living room and dining room, complete suites in mahogany, walnut and maple. True Hepplewhite. Chippen dale. Sheraton and Colonial reproductions. Chairs, odd tables, sideboards, china closets, chests, beds, studio couches, sofas, occa sional pieces. e*c. All very fine quality. Colonial Wayside Furniture Shops. 520 South Washington st.. Alexandria, on the Mt. Vernon boulevard at the Richmond highway junction. Open evenings until 10. i FURNITURE BARGAIN—$55 for entire ! contents of my charming threp-room apart ment. 42 Independence ave. s.w., Apt. J02. • j FURNITURE—Only 10 more days to buy real bargains in new and used complete I suites, odd pieces, rugs, lamps, etc. Buy i now snd save lots of money. 31 0 Oth st. n w. FURNITURE—Like new, for bedroom, din ing room, living room, at bargain prices. Apply Wednesday. 10 to 5. Metropolitan Warehouse. 50 Florida ave. n.e. Repossessed. FURNITURE—One mahogany Virginia sofa, like new, sacrifice at $35. Owner, Republic 2040. Extension lOKi._ _• FURNITURE—Sacrifice; leaving city, fine ! rug. S50; living room suite and covers, $35; gate-leg table. $10; small table. $1; vac uum cleaner. $10. Dist. 0004. 250o K n.w.. Apt. 112. after_7.___o* GAS FURNACE, h. w. used 10 months; carries gas company approval and free service, completely installed with ther mostat. for $225. Terms can be arranged. Washington Appliance_Co.. 423lj»th st._n.w GAS RANGES—-Cfa'sh sale of brand-new. latest models; prices less than wholesale; rebuilt ranges exceptionally' low prices; from $12.50. J S. Le Fevre. Inc., 2007 K st. n.w. Republic Q(H7. __ GAS RANGES—New. 40% off. Liberal trade-in: easy terms: used, from $8.25. Atlas. 713 G st. n.w. Dist. 3737. Open eves. GAS RANGE. Fire King, four burners, top oven; excellent condition; $12. Smaller stove, $2. Studio couch. $5. Hair mat tress. $4. 3321 xth st. n.e. Decatur 3452. GRANDFATHER CLOCK. Colonial, antiqued mahogany; good timekeeper; 400-day class clock, new._022 Maryland ave. n.e. 8* HEATERS, oil circulating, pot type, at wholesale cost. J. S. Le Fevre. Inc., 2007 K st. n.w._Republic 0017._ HOT-AIR FURNACES, cast iron or riveted steel, as low as $48. Van Ry Heating Corp., 3338_M st. n.w. Michigan 0022._ LAMPS, student, junior, table and boudoir, all styles. Rugs all sizes, grades and pat terns. These Xmas specials are lust what you want. ODen every night. $1.00 holds an.v item. Cash or credit. Green Furniture Co.. 3000 Georgia ave.. Col. 10100.__ LIVING ROOM, frieze. Frlezettes. velours, mohairs: lounge and occasional chairs. This selection is as complete as anv in town and at '•out-of-the-high-rent-district" m ice range. Save *25 to *50 bv following the crowd to Green Furniture Co, 3000 Georgia ave, Col. 10100. Open every night. Cash or credit.__ LIVING ROOM CHAIM, beautiful, com fortable lounge type. *10.75. You will buy two at this price. Credit. Open nights. Georgia Antioue Shoppe. 4013 14th st. n.w. Geo. 0700 ____ OFFICE FURNITURE, used; all grades, all sizes; from U. S. Government and other sources; bargain prices. Commercial Office Furniture Co, WOO E st. n.w._• PEN FI ELD AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATER. *25; Garland gas range. *20. Also floor model Frigidaires; large Frigid aire beverage cooler. 40 cu. ft. Reach-in box with new Frigidaire compressor. A. B. C. washers and ironers. Save money. See Arthur H. Todd. 3418 R. I. ave. n.e. Phone Greenwood 1501._ PIANOS—Baby ^rand. Merriam. mfd. by Wurlitzer. *200. Aeolian player, *35; VVeser, *35: Foster, *30; Story & Clark, *15- others. *10, Smith's Storage Co,. 1313 You St. n.w._North 3343._ PIANOS—Buy your Christmas piano at the Piano Shop: lowest prices, easiest terms In the city: new full keyboard spinets. *•’05; new full keyboard consoles. *105: new full keyboard baby grands. *295. NO MONEY DOWN, start payments next year. Republic 1590. The Piano Shop, 1015 7th st. n.w. Open evenings._ PIANO—Used Knabe grand, special, only *•’•’5 on terms. Natl. 3323. Jordan's, corner_J 3th and G sts._Open evenlngs._ PIANO, baby grand, good condition: rea sonable: on view. Price. *136. Kreig's Storage Room. 010 Eye n.w._8* PIANO. Lester upright, mahogany, good condition: will sell for storage and other charges. At American Storage. Mr. Lawson. PIANO—Slightly used, full keyboard apart ment upright; like new; *140; very easy terms: new guarantee Natl. 3223. Jor dan's, corner 13th and G sts. Open eve nings; [ MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. (Continued.) PIANO-—Plain case Wurlitzer baby grand in very good condition. $195; a good, sturdy instrument, beautifully toned; spe cial low Christmas terms. Natl. 4730. Kitt’s. 1330 G st._Open evenings.__ PIANO, upright, recently tuned; medium size. Will sacrifice. $20 cash. 1342 J lth st. s.e._ PIANO. Kimball upright, beautiful ma hogany crfse. good condition; sell cheap for cash. 035 Irving st. n.w.. Mr. Lawson. • PIANO. Baldwin grand, mahogany: must sell, cash or terms: wonderful value. At American Storage. Lawson. _• PIANO, spinet console, mahogany; will exchange for grand or good upright. At American_Storagc. Lawson. • PIANOS—Brand-new. full keyboard~spin ets. only $229: the latest models in a very popular style; ask about special low ChMst mas terms. Natl. 4730. Kitt s. 1330 G st._Open evenings. PIANOS for rent; new spinets and”small uprights, only $5 monthly; money paid as rental applies on purchase price if you decide to buy later. Natl. 4730. Kitt's, 1330 G st. RADIO PHONO. COMB., MajestYc~cabinet model; $25.00 cash. Apex Elec. Co.. 709 9th st,_n.w._(Open eves.) RADIO, 1939 model; 40*7 oil for cashT 0 tube. a. c.- d. c. foreign short v.ave and tone control. Apex Elec. Co.. 709 9lh st. n w. (Open eves.)__ RADIO. Stromberg Carlson7c0binet~modeF excellent condition; $25.00 cash. Apex Elec. Co.. 7Q9 Oth st. n.w. _<Open eves.) RADIOS, reconditioned sets. $3.95 com plete and up. 8-tube Majestic, $0.95: 10 lube. R. C. A. Victor, $9.95. Apex Elec. Co., 709 9th st. n.w._(Open eves.) REFRIGERATORS, used floor models. G. E.. Norge, etc.. $49.50 up. terms. Electrical Center 514 1 Oth st._National^8M72._ REFRIGERATORS, new. 40'7 off, repos sessed; $29 up. terms; liberal trade-in. Atlas. 713 G st. n.w. Dist. 3737. Open eves. REFRIGERATORS, bargains on repossessed boxes; $25 up; easy terms; guar up to 5 years._413 H st. n.e._ Line._0o50. RESTAURANT’ EQUIPMENT — Counter" stools, steam table, dishes, tables and chairs: practically new. 2 loo Nichols ave. st, SECRETARY, mahogany and maple: kneehole. students, in maple, walnut and mahoganv; wonderful Values. Odcii everv night. Green Furniture Co.. 3600 Georgia ave . Col._10Him. _Cash or credit _ SEWING MACHINES U2>. $5 to $22.50; some like new with all attachments; all guaranteed. _241 2 lHth st. Col. .1245. SEWING MACHINES. $5 up: portable elec trics $lj>_uo_Other yood buv«s _B25-0°7 SEWING MACHINES. SINGERS—Port, elec.', round bobbin, knee control. $32.50; d.h., 1 i ke_n e w._ $ 10.50. G u a r. 3113 7 Con n. a ve. STRING BASS, swell back. •** size; $50 cash._Adams 7023.__ SUITE. overstufTed. dinette set and secre tary; apartment also available. Apt. 007, 1835 K. after 4 :30 p.m._ _ _•_ TABLES, cocktail, lamp, shelf, end and occasional. Duncan Phvfe drop-leaf; 3 sizes. Xmas specials at special sale prices Ouen a cliarae account. $1.0o will hold anv item. Open every night. Green Furniture Co . 3600 Georgia ave. Col. 10100 . _ TUXEDO, with vest. 38" breast, trousers 34x32". excellent condition, $10.50. 1.310 Kennedy. Geo. 5374. TYPEWRITERS—Standard makes; rent. $3 per mo. New portables sale. $1 per week. Barg, in rebuilts. Repairing. Capitol Type writer Co.. 140i*_Eye st. n.w._Natl. 4858. TYPEWRITERS—American Typewriter Co. Estab. 27 years. Open eve. All makes. Sales rents, repairs. Large number of cheap ma chines marked down for immediate sale. $15 up. 14.31 £ajt_Capitol st. Line. 0082. TYPEWRITERS—Late models, rented $3 per month; 3 months for $7.50. We tell, service, repair ell makes and supplies. United Typewriter Co. 813 14th at. n w. Reoublic_ll 77^_ ___ TYPEWRITER RENTAL SERVICE. Georg fa 1883. 5716 16th n w. — Underwoods. $2 mo . 4 mos in adv^O. no del.: $1 addl dep. TYPEWRITER 10.37 Corona “Sterling' portable, absolutely new. ideal Christmas Rift. Call Adams 2451 after 6 p.m. UNIFORM high school cadet. .38" breast, trousers 34x31", excellent condition. $8. 1.310 Kennedy. Geo. 5.374, VACUUM CLEANERS, rebuilt.-like new. 1 yr. guar . $4.05 and up Hoovers. Eurckas. Royals, etc.; 10 days’ free trial, free d**mo. Electrical Center. 514 loth si. n w. National $872. VACUUM C LEANER S-—EU R E K AT $6.7 5? HOOVER. $12.50 ELECTROLUX. *10.50. Many other bargains, bond guar, like new Open evenings BEST BRANDS CO. 805 11th n.w. _Natl 777-i. WrASHERS AND IRONERS. used and floor models. ABC Apex Maytag etc.. *14.05 up. also see the demonstration of the new Bendix home laundry Most liberal terms and trade-in on your washer. Electrical Center. 514 1 (,th_st^n.w._Natl. 887 2._ WASHING MACHINES—Used Maytag, Easy. *12.85. Sacrificing new washers. Atlas 713 G st. n.w. Dist. 3737. Open eves. RUGS—RUGS. All size.1!, laree assortment, room sizes. J9.95: 9x1? J21.75; hall runners, $1.05. CAPITOL RUG CO ?R?1 14th St. N W. at Harvard. Up One Flleht. Open Eves, and Sum_ RE-UPHOLSTERING. Three-piece living suite upholstered for $45; covering and new inside material in , eluded: made like new in finest tapestry j and friezette workmanship guaranteed. 1 LA FRANCK UPHOLSTFRINO j ~v>il 14th ST. N.W. COLUMBIA U>172. I MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT._ HAMMOND ORGAN i For rent; model B; most rea sonable. Immediate delivery. Dupont 1331, John Hartsfield. I COAL, WOOD, FUEL OIL. OAK WOOD, seasoned. M<» per cord, deliv ' ered and stored. Call J. S. Buck, Jackson ; 3U30. , FIREPLACE WOOD—Oak. dry. any length. Mo cord: prompt delivery; exclusive dealer. District 1045. HARDW'OODS give a cheerful, blazing fire in the flrpplace with seasoned oak and hickory: MO cord, stored. Pierson. Sandy Spring. Md. Phone Ashton JN3. 7 _ DOSS, PETS, ETC. PERSIAN KITTENS, registered stock, ex ceptionally healthy. Black male and tortie female Apt. 3<>3. 3755 Macomb st. n.w.__ COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES. black7 maleT pedigreed A. K. C. registVation; reasonable. 104 Garfield ave., Hyattsville, Md.. after 5_p m _____N*_ 3 ENGLISH SETTERS’, partly trained. 1 year old. wide and fast: price. $5o each. Also 3 Orange Belton setters, 5 months old. well grown and granddaughters of the famous Sir Orkney Racket: price. S35 each. Being sold to make room. Om°r Hirst. Route .3 A’exandria, Va. Phone Alexan dria Kl.D-J-l. _ ADLEA KENNELS. A. K C REGISTERED BREEDER OP WIRE FOX TERRIERS. Complete Grooming of All Terriers. $.3. Includes hand-plucking, bathing, deflea ing. nail filing, teeth cleaning: calling for and returning. Boarding of selected dogs. Freshly ground SANITARY STORE beef fed daily. Veterinary supervision. Adlea Kennels. Mr. and Mrs. S A. Woolner, Washington Grove. Md. Use Route 340 Prom Washington. _PHONE GAITHERSBURG 77. __FARM AND GARDEN. COW MANURE, well rotted, guaranteed, delivered, loads and bags, on the place. Waters. Wisconsin 41fl5._ WANTED—BID on approximately 30 tons of well-rotted manure, to be hauled b v mi rch a se r._Call She oh e r d 3575 _ Pink Flowering Dogwood. WHILE THEY LAST. The ideal permanent Christmas tilt: beautiful, heavy, well-branched trees: 8-10 ft., dug with solid balls of earth, planted and guaranteed for 1 year. Now is the ideal time for pre-holiday planting. Total cost. Si5. Ivy lpHO.__ « WHAT A BARGAIN! Your aeighbor says so. and so will you when you have tried a ton of that rich, black manure, screened and delivered for $8 a toil. Jackson i!(lH3._• •BABY CHICKS. ALL BREEDS—BLOOD-TESTED. Win. James & Son. tflO K St. N.W. _Metropolitan 0088.__^ MISCELLANEOUS WANTED. AMERICAN OR FOREIGN COINS stamp collections. autoarabh letters bought. Hobby Shop. 71H 17;h st. n.w.. Dlst, 1272. BEDROOM, dining room, living room fur niture wanted at once; contents of apt. or homes: also odd_pieces._Adams_141 ti._• BOOKS—Highest Drlces paid for good used books and old National Geographies. Bar gain Book Shop. 808 i»th n.w. Dist. 5mi7. _13 *_ BOOKS, all kinds; highest cash prices: bring them or phone G. David Pearlmau's Book 8hop, 1407 G iww. Met, 6415._ CLOTHING—Highest prices paid for men'a used clothing. Berman’s. 1122 7th st n.w Met 3767 Open eve Will eali_ COAL RANGE wanted good No. 8 with water jacket on right side; reasonable. Adams i 253-M after 7. 9*_ FURNITURE—Want to purchase some good, used household goods, also piano. Call after 6 pm.. Republic 4226. 7* FURNITURE, rugs, stoves, office furniture, household goods etc.; positively highest cash prices. For beet results call any time Line. 6488. Reliable moving done._ FURNITURE, bric-a-brac, china, glassware, rugs silverware, paintings: highest cash prices paid._Call Murray. Adams 6133. IMMEDIATE CASH for used furniture. Courteous, prompt service. Adama 2136, SEWING MACHINES—Will buy ell types. We do hemstitching, button-covering, pleating. 927 F at. n.w. Republic 1900. GOLD—BRING YOUR OLD GOLD. SIL VER. PLATINUM TEETH. DISCARDED JEWELRY WE PAY CASH. A. KAHN. INC.. 46 YEARS AT 935 P. OLD GOLD. DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. WATCHES. HIGHEST CA8H PRICES PAID. A. MARKEL, RM. 211. 918 F ST. N.W. OLD GOLD, silver, platinum purenased for manufacturing use; maximum prices paid. BURNSTINE’S. 931 G ST. N.W. Since 1866. CASH FOR OLD GOLD. Silver, watches, diamonds and old dis carded jewelry; full cash value paid. SELINGER'8. 818 F 8t. N.W 1 ROOMS FURNISHED. 171* 17th BT. N.W .—Nicely furnished room. Cleon, comfortable, single. *4 up: double. up._Walking distance. CHEVY CHASE—Quiet room, private bath; gentleman or employed couple. Emerson 135(1. 3413 Quesada st. OPP. CATHEDRAL,—Couple's home; 1 or 3 choice front rms., pvt. bath, twin beds. .15(1,' Woodley rd._Woodley *807._ ORAFTON HOTEL. I12!i Conn. ave. n.w.— single rooms from *30.50 mo.; double. *35.50: weekly rates begin at S7.60: Inner spring mattresses: your mall and phone messages attended to: full X4-hour service; rid course,! of housekeeping worries and walktojwork._ PRINCE KAHL. lKOl K st.—Attrac.. clean, airy rms.: 34-hr. switchboard, hotel sent ice;_«ingle._*5.7 5_up|_double._*10_up._ 1 *34 COLUMBIA RD.—*3 wk. Single rms.; clean, warm. 4 baths: c.h.w.; 3 car lines. Basement ini . *3^50: men._Adams 10313. GORDON HOTEL. 1(1(1 Kith st.—On beau tiful Kith st.. local ion desirable and con venient; comfortable rooms, single, *(1.50 to **.50; double rooms with running water, *0.50 to *11.50 weekly: double rooms with bath, twin beds. *13 and *14 weekly: 31 liour elevator and switchboard service._ ALTURAS. 1500 10th st. n.w.—Comfort able rms.. nr. showers; flreproof bldg.: daily maid rerv.: 34-hr, elev.: S4 wk. up. 1040 NEWTON ST. N.W.—Single room with screened porch. 2nd floor: next bath: glenty heat. lioL-water; all conveniences: lock cars. I Oth_st._bu»._Columbia_70i It. 01 GALLATIN ST N.W.—Double room, twin beds, next to bath; new home; *25. Georg ia_7K4/j.__ 1430 J7th. corner P—Very large front room, well furnished; *(i week. Single room. S4-M.50._ ATTRACTIVE: close In—Everything new; pvt. enlr : oil heat; phone: showers; single, double: *4 week._1434 Belmont n.w._ 1401 EMERSON ST. NW.—Modern, de tached home; a.m l.; quiet neighborhood. reasonable ____ 2112 H NW—Nice bedroom and larve kitchen. *.'I(J month. Adults. Refined home. — 7* 4105 18th ST. N.W^BriKht. sunny, warm. 2nd-floor front room, semi-private bath ami shower: $20 month. _ 1022 RIGGS PL N.W., near Chastleton— Large, quiet room: cont. hot water; gentle manre f e re n c e 18 m ont h. .Dupont_H794. 1754 PARK RD. N.W. -Single, front, light. newly_dec.;_$4 _week._Columbia_100H4.. 185.5 WYOMING AVE. N.W.—Single or double rrn.. with pvt. bath or lavatory; reasonable rates._Adams .2929._ 219 H ST. N.E.-—2 large front rooms for 1 h k ; Frigidaire. sink, oil heat, gas and elec Included, adults: reas___I 52 14 KANSAS AVE. N.W.—Room, next to bath, shower, c.h.w., pvt. porch; bus, car; gentlemen._Georgia 05Ktf._$1 5.__ l lu.2 12th ST. N.W.—Well-lieated. 2nd llOor l.h.k. room, running water and next bath: $n weekly._ DUPONT CIRCLE—Southern exposure: gentlemen: references exchanged; private home; permanent; reasonable. Phone North 024o. ____ 2007 F ST. N.W.—Parlor, bedroom, bath Cs.-p ), connecting: suitable for doctor, den tist or^professional man. Met._1023_._ 2020 ' UPTON ST. N.W —Double front studio room, near Bur. of Standards; use Dhone home privileges: must see to ap preciate $4 5o each, _Emerson 7082. «• 1321 RANDOLPH ST~ N.W—Nice front roomc lose to ca r_l i nej_rent_re asojiable. JT • 2434 FRANKLIN ST. N.E. (cor. 20th) — 0 r. <h . k . b. and 3 r ); water, elec., gas: 2 porches: 2nd fl: $28 mo $7 wk. Open. 11 • 2828 CONN. AVE.—Living room, adjoining library and bath: private home; garage; immediate occupancy:_rel_ 1407 OAK ST. N.W.— Lovely large room next to bath: comfortable double bed, 1 or 2: very reasonable__ SCOTT CIRCLE 1521 R. I.—Front single; double room: well heated; every convenience home, transients considered ^reasonable. $10 MO. $4 50 WK : pvt ent.: cozy base ment. l.h.k. room, clean, quiet home, sober adults. 1400 Harvard st. n.w _ NEW BRICK 1 room; Venetian blinds; pri vate bath; delightful surroundings; $20 per month. Shepherd 25ID. _ _ 1821 BELMONT RD. N.W. (near 18th and Col. rd.*—Single, also double room, com fortable and attractive. Adams 4574._ • CHEVY CHASE D C— Nicely furn. rm pvt. bath well-heated home: conven. trans.; gar. available. Woodley 4032 2 \ ''.rd ST. N.E.—Single room. 2nd-floor front; bright, warm, clean ^reasonable 817 TUCKERMAN ST N.W.—Clean, warm, light and quiet; excellent bed. cont. hot water tel. service, garage _reasonable _ 1101 K N.W.—Front warm, l.h.k.. $3.75; double. $4.oo; hot water, living room, maid service: ladies.___* 1841 INGLESIDE TER. N.W. <Mt. Pleasant) —Large, attractive, front room, in owner's home, a m l.; reasonable. Adams 5580._• THE WESTMINSTER. 1007 17th n.w.— Warm, comfort, rms.. with running water; I singles. $4.50 up; doubles. $0 up. with bath. ! *0: plenty hot water, shower; elevator. j Large_2-room basement apt . l.h.k., $*._ i GIRL desires another to share room in apt., i twin beds; near Capitol, ail home privi leges._Atlantic 7323-J._•_ LARGE FRONT ROOM, sunny, light: $2<).oo; for single lady. Apply 1523 Ogden st._Tel. Columbia 7501._ • 038 4th ST. N.E—One room, kitchen, running water; convenient transportation; reasonable._* CHEVY CHASE—For gentleman, nicely I furnished room in refined familyrWis. 3307. __8* | 1 744 M ST. N.W.—Conveniently located. I single and double rooms; newly decorated. I maid_ service: _reaconabk __ I 1 3oo HARVARD ST. N.W.. Apt. 1—A room | you'll be proud of. Newly furn.. large | front room, next to bath, unlim. phone. $28 per month double. 1730 10th ST. N.W.—For lady. Single , room, south and west exposures, h.-w.h., I semi-private bath. Reasonable, j 35 MADISON ST. N W.—Two sisters desire" i to rent attractive room with semi-private i bath (shower*. Single. $5: double. $7.50. On bus line, unlimited phone: employed la dies references. Randolph 0028. 3321 17th ST. N.W.—Large. 2nd-floor front studio room: running water; l.h.k ; elec, refg.: also 2-rm. apt. 1 744 K ST. N.W.—Large, front rm.; also 1 double or triple rm : 0 windows in each I room; walking distance. __ SINGLE STUDIO ROOM. warm, well-ap pointed :_$25._1703 p st. n.w._ 2130 P ST. Niw. and 1307 H st. n.w.— Housekeeping rooms; $3.75 week each. District 52OP.___ 15.3.3 MONROE ST. N.W. (cor. 16th)—De sirable front room; south exposure; grill If desired: reasonable._ .3541 loth ST. N.W.—Two rooms for house keeping. sink, heat, electric., gas. phone, $o 50 week._ 14.35 ”FAIRMONT N.W.—Delightful, spa cious. front so. room: refined surroundings; modern: convenient location: also garage_. DOWNTOWN. CONN. < Hotel-Apt.). Beautiful bed-liv. rm., large clos.. next i bath for quiet, refined gentleman: refs.; reas.: unlim. ph. Met. 147 5. 6 to 30 p.m. THE MAURY,” 701 19th st. n.w.—100 beautifully turn, rooms, running water near showers and tub baths tnner-SDrlng mattresses eleva tor; single rooms $< week up; double rooms $S week up._ THE VIVIAN, 1721 O st. n.w—100 rooms, modernlstlcly furnished, inner-sprin* mattresses; hotel service; sinele. $6.50 ud: doubles. $8 week up._/_ POTOMAC HOTEL, 18th end H N.W. National 9216. Attractive rooms in a convenient location. Excellent cafeteria In basement. Prom $10 month with running water and $40 with onvatebath._ NEAR BRITISH EMBASSY. Semi-Private Bath, Garage. Woodley 5981. 0*_ ROOMS FUR. & UNFUR. 630 RANDOLPH ST. N.W.—Lovely front room, suitable lor gentlemen to share, or working couple. Columbia 3052-J._ COLORED—12 Logan Circle n.w.—Entire 3rd fl. 3 unfurn. rms.. bath. 1 h k.; adults; $45;_also furn._single_rm.._$22.50._ COLORED—Kinsman Park—Furn. or un furn. rm.. Including use of phone and re frigeralor_53H 24th n e_Linc._1962._7* ROOMS WANTED' MT. PLEASANT—Large, sunny lst-fl. play room for children during morning hours. Georgia 2442._ COLORED--Unfurnished room for light housekeeping: n.w. section; reasonable. Phone Woodley 122.1 until 3:30 p.m._ SUBURBAN ROOMS1 CLARENDON—Warm, cheerful room, suit able one or two: oil heat: near bus; board optional. 944 N. Highland st. ROOMS WITH BOARD. 1235 W ST. S.E.—88 week single '$7.50 double;_phone service._ 1754 MASS. AVE. N.W.—Large, comfortable rooms for men and women; recreation room, plenty of good food, reasonable. NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE. 1 It27 19th st. n.w. —Beautiful rooms, private, semi-private bath ;_excellent_mea!s ^reasonable._ ITTtt MASS. AVE. N.W.—A distinctive home for young people ill an unsurpassed localton ^reasonable._ DIABETICS AND OTHER CASES where proper feeding is Important; bright, aunny rooms, beautiful surroundings. Woodley 6466._ 1629 K ST. N.W.—Beautiful, large, front rin.. double or triple: seml-pvt. bath; also Binjle rm.; selective menus.* 1219 VERMONT AVE., downtown—Select, front, suitable two; best food, c.h.w.; $7.50 weekly each. Also single._Met. 7204._ ATTRACTIVE ROOMS—Double bed or twin studio beds; near Bur. of Standards; excel lent meals, use of phone: home privileges: garage if desired. $50 each. 2926 Upton st. n w._Emerson 7082._7*_ 1738 HOBART ST. N.W.—Lovely room, semi-private bath: home privileges; deli cious food; congenial home. Adams 0212. _13*_ 1600 16th ST. N.W.—Young men; single and triple rooms; good food: $3U-$37.6o. Dupont 9856. ___8*_ MT. PLEASANT. 3169 18th n.w.—Second floor, from. 4 windows, newly decorated. Well-balancedjmeals. convenlent_transp.__ JEWISH GUEST HOUSE. 2013 Mass. ave. —Single and double rooms: friendly at mosphere '^excellent food._Decatur 6283. SCOTT'S. 1426 21st st. n.w.—New house opened. All new furniture, rooms with ' running water; just 1 double left at $41: single rm.. $45. Other vacancies, $38AO to $42.50. You will enjoy the meals. Selective menu, generously served. Call now. North 8099._ ATTRACTIVE PRIVATE. HOME. W. ROOMS WITH BOARD. (Continued.) 2024 N ST. N.W.—Large second-floor front room, next to bath, twin beds, plenty of good food, oil heat; eultable for two gentle men. Government clerks preferred. Also single room._ ____ New Hampshire Terrace, 1707 New Hampshire gve. n.w.: beautiful town house, convened Into guest-house; mahogany Colonial furniture: newly deco rated throughout: large, sunny, double and single rms.; pvt. baths; immaculately clean._ CALVERT HOUSE; 1401 Kith st. n w.—Single with running water: large double, connecting bath; front basement studio, private bath and en trance; each with phone: selective menus; parking. HENDERSON, 2460 16th st.—The hotel with a mansion atmosphere: single, double, private, semi private baths: all outside, beautiful rooms: best of food, service.__10*;_ 1633 16th N.W., COR. R. Single, double rm.: private, mod. bath: beaut._furn.: jinusual meals. __ 2521 CONN. AVE. Warm, attractively furn., newly deco rated. inner-springs, ample closets: deli cious. well-balanced meals; reas. Adams 641._ INVITING AND DISTINCTIVE. WESLEY HALL AND ANNEXES. 1703 K st. n.w.. offers the best In room and board accommodations, within easy walking distance of .office, shopping and theater districts. No expense spared to make rooms comfortable and attractive. Famous for delicious food. Here you will nnd real comfort and convenience. Dis trict 1700. _ WALBRIDGE HOUSE, _ 1759 R BT. N.W. FOR SIX YEARS THE WASHINGTON LEADER IN STANDARDS OF SERVICE. FOOD AND FURNISHINGS. NOWHERE WILL YOUR DOLLAR BUY SO MUCH IN CONSISTENT COMFORT, SECURITY AND DIGNITY OF ADDRESS. WE INVITE IN SPECTION AND COMPARISON PHONES IN ALL ROOMS. TRAY. LAUNDRY AND BELLBOY SERVICE COUNTRY CLUB. SINGLES AND DOUBI.ES. RATES, $411.11(1 TO $55.00 PER MONTH. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. 5 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.W.—3 ROOMS? kit., bath. eiec. refrigeration. $42.50. W. H. WALKER. Hhorehain Bldg. _ Natl. 16So. 300 N 8T. S W.—4 LARGE ROOMS. BATH, modern; 2nd-floor apt.; private yard and entrance; garage; $32 50. Apply Gordon. 321 N fit. *.w Met. 157 3. Or FLOYD E. DA VIS CO.3 3_121 h _h_tn. w._ 2524 17 th ST. N.W (JUST OFF Co lumbia rd.)—3 rooms kit . bath, mention hall._inclosed Dprch._Fmidaire. $52.5(9_ 3519 13th ST. N.W., $45; 2 RMS . K., B., elec. refg. on house current; near 14tb ana Park rd.. shop, theater center. BRODIE_&_COLBERT_INC.. NATL. 8875. 6509 9th 8T.’N.W. (9th AND KENNEDY) —2 rooms, kitchen and bath: modern 2 story corner bldg.: Frigidaire on house current. Rent. $50. See resident manager or call EDWARD L. _STROHECKER1_Met._2 713._ RENT REDUCED—2910 P ST. S.E . APT. 1—3 rooms, dinette, bath. Frigidaire. screened porch. OWNER._2528 Pa. ave. s.e. NR. WALTER REED, 7 19 FERN PL. N.W — 2 rms.. kit., bath: elec. refg.. gas. heat, elec. furn.; newly decorated Adults. WEAVER APTS . 147 3 IRVING ST. NW' —Convenient to schools, churches and shops; excellent transportation facilities. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. $42.5o. See resident manager or call Adams 4998. 213 J 9th ST. N E . APT. 4—$4(77kE Y~AT Apt. 2. Living room, dinette, large bed room. tile bath, kitchen with elec, refg . screened porch, excellent condition. B H. GRUYER, Natl. 1737. Evenings. Woodley 7 049 ___ 2715 tjth ST. NE—3 RMS.. BATH INCL. porch, heat, gas elec., gar., reas., private home; i2_bl. bus: adults preferred._ 229 PA. AVE. SE—1 ROOMS. BATH* h.-w.h.. gas. electricity, back porch, front ; balcony. Newly renovated ___j 2909 CONN AVE N.W.—ONE-ROOM, j kitchen, bath apartment. Convenient loca- : non.__Columbia 2925._ 3220 WIS —2 R K. AND B . $40: 1 R . k and b.. $32,50. Met. 4309, Dupont 120Q. • 1190 ABBEY PL. N*E /BETWEEN 3rd AND 4th. on L—3 rooms, kitchen and bath: •modern 2nd-floor outside apt., now avail able. $42.59. See janitor on premises or call Lincoln 9*1 3. WESTCHESTER APTS.. 133275th ST. N.W. —3 rms., recep hall kitchenette, bath; elec. refg.. $57.59._ __ 4”3 Tth ST. N E—l^ROOM AND KITCH en. sleeping porch, and private bath. incl. gas. lights, heat: adults. $35._ 7499 BLAIR RD. N W —2 ROOMS. KITCH rn. bath; heat, gas and elec, included, j Shepherd 3021.__ I 2920 PORTER ST. N.W.—2 RMS.. KITCH 1 en. bath, screened porch: \2 block Conn. ave.:_good__trainsp.; $52.50._Res. mgr. _ 14 8 ST. N.E.—2 ROOMS. KITCHEN AND bath, newly decorated. $42.59. w H. WALKER. Shoreham Bldg. Natl.J9M9_ 1428 CLIFTON ST N.W.—$54.75:5 R., B., glassed p.; Electrolux: through ventilation. h, water; gar.. $3. Janitor. Col. 4759._ PARKWELL. 3599 J 3th ST. *N.W.—1. 2 and 4 large room 4 kitchen, large dinette, huge closets. Frigidaire: elevator: S35-S68. WOODRIDGE — FOUR - ROOM DUPLEX apartment in detached horn. tiled bath and shower, complete, private heat, light and gas: adults, $50.09. Dupont 1504. Away Sunday. 2434 FRANKLIN ST. N.E. ” (COR 20th ♦> r. <h.. k . b. and 3 r.t: water, elec., gas. 2 porches, 2nd fl.. $28 mo, $7 wk. Open. ___1 12*_ 4*9 F ST. SW —3 ROOMS. BATH. BACK porch $30 to. Apply WM. E. MILLER Ith and E sts. s w. .____ : 4031 5th ST. N.W.—7 ROuMS. KITCHEN, i pvt. bath. incl. sleeping porch; elec. refg.. ; neat c.h.w . gas. elec.; adults. Rand. 5382. j 505 12th ST. N W. Two rooms, kitchen and bath. $40.00 SHANNON & LUCHS CO.. _ 1505 H St N.W. National 2345. 4524 IOWA aVE NW'.. APT. 2. 2 rms kitchen, bath; Frieidaire on house current $40.59 M. FRANK RUPPERT. 1021 7th ST. N.W. 211 N. FAIRFAX ST., Alexandria. Va. $45—5 Rooms. Kit.. Bath. Resident Manager on Premises. 2494 J4th ST. N.W. 3 rooms, kitchen, hath $35.00 SHANNON & XUCHS CO. 1505 H_St. N W National 2345. DISTINCTIVE APARTMENT <Jn FA^H IONABLE Itith ST.—Large living room, dressing room with Murphy bed. dinette, kitchen and bath beautifully decorated; completely modern: excellent outlook over Rock Creek Park $59. _"RICARDO 3925 10th ST. N.W._ 5330 COLORADO AVE. N.W. 3 room*;, kitchen, bath: reasonable rent. Resident Manager. Apt. 202. Geo. 0739. 2504 IRVING ST.' N.E. 3 bedrooms, liv. rm., din. rm.. kitchen, bath. elec, refg : $55. Key at 3135 24th st. n e Phone Dupont 7275. R ANDALL H. HAGNER A' CO.. INC . ♦ _132l_Conn. Ave. _Decatur_360(L_ SILVER SPRING. MD . 8417 Maple ave.—3 rms., dinette, kit . bath. $65. Heat and hot water furnished SHANNON fz LUCHS CO.. _1505 H St ._N W._Na t ion a 1_234 5. ATTRACTIVE APT . LARGE LIVING ROOM and bedroom, foyer, kitchen, bath. Also large poroh. Free refg. Adults only. _EVANSTON.3427 13th St. N.W._ NO. 1 S ST. N.E. 5 rooms, bath_$42.50 1 Hot-water heat. SHANNON <fc LUCHS CO.. _1505 H St. N.W. National 2345. ONLY $32.50—ADULTS ONLY. Spacious 1 Room. Kit.. Bath. Porch. _Apt. 201. 038 F 8t. N.E._ s 1400 NO. CAPITOL ST. 3 rooms, kitchen, bath $85.00 SHANNON <fc LUCHS CO.. _1505 H_St. N.W. _National 2345. 1808 CONN. AVE. N.W. Eight-story elevator bldg., walking dis tance of downtown; electric refrigeration cn house -current. Two rooms, kitchen, bath; $50.00. See resident manager on premises._ 4840 N. H. Ave. N.W. 2 rooms, din., kit., bath . $50.00 Heat and hot water furnished. SHANNON & LUCHS CO.. _1505 H St. N.W._Natlona^2345^ FRONT APARTMENT OVERLOOKING ROCK CREEK PARK; foyer, living room, bedroom, dinette, modern kitchen and bath with shower. $55; refg. free; elevator building. • RICHELIEU’U 750 HARVARD &T N.W. 1832 BILTMORE ST. N.W. 2 Rooms, Kitchen. Bath. _3 Rooms. Kitchen. Bath._I Downtown—2121 H ST. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen, bath, refrigeration Included._$44.5<)._ Resident manager. 8* $60—MERIDIAN PARK. ' If you like a truly lovely outlook, you'll appreciate this unsual apart ment—directly facing the Park. Living Room. TWO Bedrooms. Di nette. Kitchen <REFRG.> and Bath —TWO EXPOSURES. _2201 15th ST. N.W. 3022 WISCONSIN AVE. N.W., Opposite Cathedral. t rooms, kitchen and QQ Refrigeration on House Current. Resident Manager. H. L. RUST CO., _ip0116th 8t.JJ.W._Natl. 8100. 16th ST.—4-RM. APT., $55. Modern apt. bldg ; large, bright rooms; splendid view, embassy section; convenient apt*, with double exposures, 3033 Itith et._n.w.__ COPLEY COURTS, 1514 17th at. n.w.—Air-ventilated, elevator building. Two rooms, connecting bath, large kitchen, foyer; electricity, refrigeration, switchboard, tax Included In rent. $57.60 $(S0.5U. Also 2-rm. furnished apt.; rea sonable rent. Resident manager._ THE GELHAVE, 406 loth ST. NE. Two rooms, kitchen CAO EG and ba;h One room, kitchen and JJjCj QQ Electric r$4rigeration on house current. Resident manager Atlantic .■1443 L. E BREUNINGER A PONS. INC.. 1730 K St. N.W. - National 11040. CONN. AVE.—3221. $ ' 7 APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. (Continued.) 1420 CHAPIN ST. N.W! ’ 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. $42.50 Refrigeration Resident Manager. SHANNON At LUCHS CO.. _1606 H St. N.W._Nationalising^ 1375 PA. AVE. S.E. A first-floor flat, consisting of four ■oomi. kitchen, bath porch and back yardi yith Areola heat: $32.50._ THE WINONA, 414 11th 8T. N.E. Four Rooms Kitchen and Bath. $40.50.^ 54 R. I. AVE —49 T ST. N.W. Four rooms and bath-$40 00 Five rooms and bath 4 i .50 SHANNON & LUCHS CO _ 1505 H St. N.W._National 234Bfc TALK OF THE TOWN. NEAR 16th AND PARK RD Modern n.w. bldg .: large 3-room nita, $45; 4-room suite. $55: door-length win dows, parquet floors: double exposure: con* venient to cars. schools._Adams 0484. f SOUTH FRONT—$50. In the convenient 18th and Colum bia Road .section, near new schools, stores, theater, cars, buses, etc. Foyer. THREE pleasant Rooms. Kitchen iREFRG > and BATH— TWO EXPOSURES 1829 CALIFORNIA ST. N.W. LOW RENT—PORCH APT. Modern bldg.; large llv. rm.. din. rm., kit. dress, rm.. Murphy bed. recep. hail, sleeping porch: lights, refg. free; $50. Also 6-nn._apt. $05. See 2514 Que at. n.w. t 1016 16th ST. N.W. Desirable Downtown Location. 8 rooms, kitchen, bath $75.00 and dressing room ^ 4 rooms, kitchen and $115.00 bath ^ Elevator. Resident Manager. Electric Refrigeration. 1 H. L. RUST CO.. _1001 15th St. N.W. Natl, 8)00. it 900 19th ST. N.W. Cor. Eye st.—RefriKeration: 1 eleva tors; switchboard; resident manager. 1 rm.. kH,. bath .._$4fU>n 2 rooms, kitchen and bath 62.50 SHANNON & LUCHS CO.. _1505 H St. N W. National 2245. 2129 PA. AVE. N.W. 1ST COMMERCIAL ZONE 6-room brick house, suitable for dwelling and office or shop pur poses. $50. CHAS. L. NORRIS, 2135 Pa. Ave. N.W. Rep. 2112. 3901 FULTON ST. N.W. 2 rms.. d. a., kit., bath $57 50 In-a-door bed Elec, refrigeration. . SHANNON &: LUCHS CO _1505 H St. N.W'. National 234 5. THE DRESDEN, 2! 26 Connecticut Ave. N.W. Desirable apartment of three room', kitchen-, bath. Exclusive residential secrio; Twenty-four-hour switchboard and elevator service. Resident manager. Electric refrigeration. $69.50. B. F. SAUL CO., 935 13th St._National 3166. TTHE SALUDA. 1101 EUCLID ST. N.W Two and thres rooms, kitchen, bath; free refrigeration, see janitor. Sit.50 up. HARRY LUSTINE. _R19_inh_St. N.W. Natl. 2844. » NEAR WALTER REED, 6634 Georeia ave.—New. 3 rooms, kitchen, amine alcove, screened porch with yard: all outside rooms: 1st floor. O B. HOPKINS. 1136 Vt ave. District 7371 Woodley 0929. THE NORWOOD, East Capitol st.—5 rooms, reception hall and bath: electric refrigeration: $45. THE SHARON. 2148 O ST. N.W. Elevator service: electric refiieeraticn “"TWO ROOMS' KITCHEN AND BATH. $47.50. B. F. SAUL CO., National 31 no. _935 .1 fith St._ FRONT COR.—DOWNTOWN. A particularly choice apartment In this popular buildine only a few squares from Govt. Depts. and main shoppine district. FREE reTrieera tion. 24-HOUR switchboard and elevator service. Foyer. LARGE Livine Room. LARGE Bedroom. KUchen and Bath. $67.50. See "**' M" at “The PENTILLY." 1812 K ST. N.W. 1831 2nd ST. N.E., McKinley Apts. Opposit# aMcKinley High School. 2 rooms, kitchen. <Mnettv $45.00 and bath Electric Refrigeration on Houa# Current. Resident Manager. H. L. RUST CO., 1601 15th St. N.W._Natl. 8106_ THE SUSQUEHANNA, 1430 W ST. N.W. _Pour Rooms. Kitchen. Bath. $42,50. 6323 LUZON AVE. N.W. LUZON. „ „ NEW MODERN BUILDING. ^ 4 Living room dressing room, dinette kitchen -and oath -- $52..n» Living room. bedroom. dinette kitchen and bath - $62.oO Resident Manager SHANNON & LUCHS CO.. _1505 H StyN.W. Nattonal 234 >. THE COLTON, 40 EYE ST. N.W. Desirable apartments, conveniently lo cated within walking distance of the Capi tol and other Gove-aiment buildings con sisting of two room\ dinette. kitchen ar.d bath. Redecorated throughout end equipped with new. modern eas ranges. From $42.50. _% RESIDENT MANAGER. MET. 3*P6. * NEW BUILDINGT 5408 1st PL. N.W. 'New Hampshire and Kennedy>—Lnrc« living room, kitchen, dinette, bath and dressing closet: absolutely modern; $45 3222 WIS. AVE. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath $39 50 SHANNON A LUCHS CO . _1505 H St. N.W. National 234o $45—DOWNTOWN. Amazing LOW' RENTAL In large apartment Just a short distance from Govt. Depts Foyer THREE large Rooms. Kitchen 'REFRG.i and Bath—TWO EXPOSURES _ 1133 24th ST. N.W. 3>DZ.0U. Includes gas. elec., heat and refg.: liv. rm.. bedrm . kit.-dinette, bath; J B. TifT^v development of new 2-family homes, de signed for complete privacy. Drive out New Hampshire ave. to Gallatin st. n.w., right 2 blocks to Farra«ur p’ TIFFEY & FLYNN, INC.. _Woodward Bldg._Republic 121*. 1843 MINTWOOD PL. N.W. 3 rooms, kitchen, large hall. <tKf) f|f) bath; free refrigeration v 1 room, recreation hall and 227 50 1511 PARK RD. N.W. 5 rooms, rec. room. bath, porch, 262 50 fireplace; refrigeration- v For Car to Inspect Call WALTER A. BROWN, _1415 Eye St._N.W._Natl. 1W52. 1513 MERIDIAN PL. N.W. 2 rooms kitchen, bath $37.50 SHANNON At LUCHS CO . _15(15 H St. N.W. National 2845. 5430 CONNECTICUT AVE., CHEVY CHASE. D. C. Large apt. of 3 room*, kitchen 257.50 and bath ... . — ^ Refrigeration Included In Rental. H. L. RUST CO., 1001 15th 8t._N W._ _Natl. IlSgw AT DUPONT CIRCLE—$50. Elevator building Just a souare East of Dupont Circle, within a few aauares of main downtown district. THREE bright Rooms. Kitchen (REPRG1. Bath and CONCRETE PORCH—two exposures. _1705 P ST. N.W, THE WINTON, 1409 Harvard at. n.w.—Completely redec orated apt., consisting of 2 rooms, kitchen, bath and porch, $46.60. 4226 7th, COR. VARNUM. 3 large rooms, bath, ahower, refrigera tion: #front. near Grant Circle._Janitor. • 1441 HARVARD ST. N.W. A most desirable and convenlene loca tion. Two large rooms, kitchen end bath, newly decorated; *45, Including refrlgera tlon. Mgr., Apt. 32. Col. 1719. 11 COLORED—3 ROOMS. PRIVATE BATH h -w h : K st. near North CaDitol; In good condition; $35-$37, Wle. 4823.__ COLORED—53 QUINCY PL. N.W.—3 rooms kitchen, foyer, bath. *48. Ask for janitor or call Nail. 14U3.___ COLORED—717 5th ST. N.W 3 rooms bath. 2nd floor; heat, light and eas- *47 50. 3 rooms, basement: heat and llgh*; *30. 2 rooms; heat, light, gas; 3rd floor. *27 50 O B HOPKQcS. 1170 Ver mont ave. Dist_7 271 or Woodley_0029. COLORED 1111 LAMONT ST N W. *37.50—Large living room, dressing i room, breakfast alcove, bath electric refrig eration: in flrst-class condition *12.50—2 rooms, kitchen, bath, rmette. electric refrigeration. FRANK S. PHILLIPS _Pitt 1411. _ (Continued on Next Page.) '