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directory of unfurnished apartments i (Continued.) 1417 NEWTON ST. N.W. Menton Hall—Elevator; reingeraUon included; resident manager. £ rms.. d. a . kit., batn $50.00 SHANNON LUCHS CO.. 1505 H St. N.W. Na11onal £345. 2001 16th ST. N.W., 16th ST. EMBASSY DIST. Very attractive corner apt., consist ing o[ 3 rooms, kitchen and bath: convenient to ears and buses. All rooms are large, bright, airy, with commanding view of the city to the aouth. east and west. THE SHELTON, 3520 W PL. N.W Two rooms, kitchen and bath. Electrolux refrigeration. $40. HARRY LUSTINE, *19 11th St. N.W. Natl. 2844. • 2440 16th ST. N.W. " Park Tower, opposite Meridian Hill Park—Carpeted halls: switchboard. 3 elevators: refrigeration; garage. 3 rms.. din., kit . b,. porch *95.00 2 rms.. d. a., kit., b. porch 07.50 1 rm.. d a kit . hath 52.50 Resident Manager. SHANNON a; LUCHS CO __1505 H St. N.W National 2345. $50—14th AND PARK RD. Select Quiet building lust around the corner from this poDular community center. Foyer. Living Room. Bed room. Dinette. Kitchen (REFRG.i. Bath and PORCH. A charming apartment home—and a value hard to equal' 1349 KENYON ST. N.W. i Davenport Terrace 2 exposures. Safe for chil dren . . . schools nearby. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath *50»» to *5750 Spacious Playground 4800 Connecticut Ave. Resident Manager* Emerson 1913 I YOUR MOVE THE WESTBURY 1401 Tockennan St N.W. 2 rooms, dining alcove, kitchen and bath. Double Exposure Carpeted Corridors, Venetian Blinds. See Mrs. Eshlsman, Resident Mgr, HA. 4638 I. A. McKeever Co., Inc. IMA K St. N.W. DI. *706 EXCELLENT VALUES l'|| Heat and Hot Water Furnished Overl coking the Park Just 2 Blocks Worth of 18th and Col. Rd. 18K0 Clydesdale PI. N.W. Friridaire Current Free Ij^i $40.00—Apt. No. 4U5—Rec. hall, i living room with Murphy Ijj 1 bed. dinette kitchen and bath. $55.00—APt. No. 203—Front apt.. ; . rec. hali living room, i i dressing room with Murphy bed. bed ; ! room, dinette, kitchen and bath. i,| In Petworth 12 IT Concord Ave. N.W. i $51.50—Apt. No. o—Rec. hall, liv ing room, bedroom, dinette, kitchen and bath, electric refrigera 1 tion. 4815 4th St. N.W. $51.50—Apt. No. 5—Rec. hall, llv i | ing room, bedroom, dinette, kitchen and bath. Electric refrigera , tion. Rear yard. 48IM 4th St. N.W. $60.00—Corner Apt. No. 1—Liv ing room. 2 bedrooms, di I nette. kitchen and bath; elec, re- , frigeration; rear yard. 47 Concord Ave. N.W. $47.50—Apt No. l—Living room. 2 ' i bedrooms, dinette, kitchen and bath. Elec, refrigeration. ' Right Downtown II If* N St. N.W.—Free Friridaire $40.00—Apt. No 3—Living room. bedroom, kitchen and bath. Near Walter Reed hill* Georgia Ave. N.W. $45 .00—Apt. No. 2—Living room. bedroom, dinette, kitchen and bath, screened rear porch, elec trolux refrigeration: rear yard. ~I3R Georgia Ave. N.W. $62 50 —Apt No. 201—Living room. 2 bedrooms, dinette, kitch ^ en and bath, electrolux refrigeration. ‘‘I 1404 K CAFR1TZ Plat. 9080 irPSiramrammfnmratr.i=;r.«'.if=i.-ar=iramfnfamfr I WHY PAY MORE? I 1410 CHAPIN ST. N.W. ij No. 35—2 rooms, reception h a 1 L H kitchen and bath. All night elevator service, re- S frlgeration on house cur- IS rent; built-in bath and S shower; hardwood floors. @ and electric light Jur- gJ nished free . $55.00 g] No. 3—1 room reception hall, g bath _$42.50 §j THE LAMONT, gj 1627 Lamont St. N.W- K No. 1—5 rooms and bath $60.00 Ej THE BIRMINGHAM. Sj 2611 Adams Mill Road N.W. S No. 1—5 rooms and bath $02.50 jgj THE CARLETON. S „ 1711 Lanier PI. N.W. @ No. 22—.7 rooms and bath $45.on g No. 24—4 rooms and bath_$50.00 g 3< THE TELANE, S S 2100 18th St. N.W. g IS No. 1—5 rooms and bath $55.00 Ej S" THE SORRENTO. @ g 2277 18th St. N.W S g No 7—6 rooms and hath $57.5(1 «1 g No. 21—4 rooms and bath $50.00 H HI ALAMO. @ 2lh St.. N.W'. g ns and bath $45.00 g DETROIT. S ridian Pi N.W. IS n and bath $25.50 H ns and bath $45.00 Ej ALIFORNIA. S fnrnia St N.W. bi ns and bath $45.00 S TRIBBY’S SONS. (3 Jwners. g \ National Bank Bldg, g ! District 4778. g 5jartarararaiaiajBiEiBraiaf < Economy Apartments Reasonable Rents Equipped with Bryant Gas Heaters. Unusually Large Rooms—Back Yards. Jutt North of Florida Ave. N.L. 1704 West Virginia Ave. N.E. $36.50 —No. 3—Rec. hall, living room, bedroom. dinette, kitchen and bath, screened rear porch 1722 Weit Virginia Ave. N.E. $45.00 — pt. No. 4. Corner apt.— Rec. hall living room, two bedrooms, dinette kitchen and bath. Screened rear porch. Res. Mgr . 1650 W. Va. Are. N.E. Apt. No. 1. Lincoln 3633-R In Petworth 5828 Colorado Ave. N.W. $41.50—AP(- 4—Rec. hall. living room. bedroom. dinette, kitchen and bath. elec, refrigeration, screened rear porch. Open and Lighted Until 10 P.M. 1404 K CAFRITZ Dist. 9080 THE CHASTLETON 16 th C o n v enlently located. ! , modern 8-story building. ana Dining room, dress shop. R Sts. valet, barber and beauty j hi M/ I shop- drug store on *”• ™ • II premises. iJTu, *32.50 ..ST* *50 to $10 3 rooms. Hit. *CC 1. «-TE bath & porch elevator, switchboard and front desk service. Phone Mr. Stilson, Mgx., Dud. 1000 | You can save time and\ I money by looking first at 1 Ialban towers* ( Iland 3 bedroom apartments,! I many with porches - ncvV ft I available at I b67»fc*l3S I R. N. KING Mgr. Cl. 6400 3700 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE | I K€ UU : $2700 QUE Street N.W. $ * C. J. LANK8. Manager * 1 room, dinette, kitchen, botn tsomc^r Jwith porch)_$42.50 to $47.50* *2 room:', dinette - HnnnMnnMMBsuiiMaa 1320 FAIRMONT ST. N.W. 1 room, dinette, kitchen and bath $.°»5 on up Electric Refrieeratinn. Resident Manager. THE CLYDE, 1121 loth St. N.W. i 1 room, kitchen and bath $40.0n Gas. Electricity anti RctrittcrattoTi Included. Elevator. Resident Manager. j THE MISSISSIPPI 1 m w st. n.w. ft rooms, kitchen, bath $40 up 4 rooms, kitchen. bath 550.00 i 1103 C ST. S.E. 5 rooms kitchen, bath $45.00 630 G ST. S.E. 2 rooms, kitchen. bath SoO.OO 1638 17tk ST. N.W. 3 rooms, kitchen, bath $40.00 1335 N ST. N.W. 1 room, Kitchen, bath 50o00 HG.Smitliij Go. 811 14th St. N.W. Natl. 5»03 ..—- - ——, Moderate Rental*— Select Location— HARVARD HALL 1650 Harvard St. N.W. Overlooking Rock Creek Park SUITES of 1 and 2 Bed rooms, Dinette, Kitchen, Bath and Porch. C P EC I A L "Recreational" Features included in Rent— GYMNASIUM—B I L L I A R D ROOM—SWIMMING POOL 24-hour elemtor and switch board. service; radios, electric dishuashers, Frigidaires. Resident Manager Columbia 5*14 New Ultramodern Apt. Excellent location, convenient In stores and shopping district— walking distance of everything— excellent transportation facilities. „ the MAJESTIC |l|f 3200 16th St. N.W. "An address to be proud o/” "See this achievement in small apartment design” AH—Large living room, dress !!j «P*,V*VV ing room with Murphy J bed. kitchen and bath. i|jj $55 OO—Front aP'- Laree living v room, dressing room with !j; j Murphy bed. combination sunroom |;| and dining room, kitchen and bath. €QO no—Large corner apt., rec. vpsrv.w haH dinine foyer livinR , ii room, bay solarium, bedroom, kitchen !' and bath. Resident Manager. Decatur BfOO. Features of Building. Beautiful Sun Deck. Outside All-Elec tric Kitchen - Venetian Blinds. Painted Walls, Beautiful Lobby. Carpeted Cor ridors, Parquet Floors. Modern Win dows. Large Closets. 21-hour Switch board and Elevator Service. Open and Lighted Until 10 P.M. 14thOK CAFRITZ Dkt.90|0 l 1725 Lanier PI. N.W. | 1 Block North of 17th St. and Columbia Rd. Refrigeration on House Current. 2 rooms, dinette, kit., bath. $50.00 Laclede 1223 Verm At Ave. N.W. Convenient Downtown Location. !■ Electric Refrigeration Elevator. 3 rooms, foyer kit., bath. S75.00 i 3032 Rodman St. N.W. Block West of Conneetlcnt A»e. 2 rooms and bath; double ex posure. $45.00. W. H. WALKER Shoreham Building. National 1R80 j MARYLAND COURTS 9th and E Sts. N.E. i There ore a few 2 room, j kitchen, dinette and bath apartments available now. $45 up. Free Refrigeration. Elevator Service Switchboard Service Day and Night See Resident Manager L : Phone LINCOLN 10490 ALTO TOWERS | 3206 WISCONSIN AVE. N.W. A modern fireproof building in a refined neighborhood convem- j ent to cor line, buses, shopping | district, churches end schools. Elevator service. Carpeted halls, nicely appointed lobby. One and two rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath. Some with porches. $45,00 & $60 00 Re*. Mgr., Mr*. Moonahan Em. 8335 MAGOMB GARDENS 5725 MACOMB ST. N.W. A new building offering excep tional rent values. Features include elevator service, carpet ed halls, Venetian blinds, mod ern, lobby. Gas and refrigera- | tion included in rent. One and two rooms, kitchen, dinette and bath. $4T>60 & $60,00 Re*. Mgr., Mr*. Hertert Em. 5652 WEAVER REALTOR. * Washington Bid*. DI. 9486 APARTMENT HUNTING ? JUST PHONE NAtional 9300 4034 CALVERT ST. N.W. 2 rooms, dinette, kitchen, bath and Dorch. Electric refrigeration. $57.60 4030 CALVERT ST. N.W. 2 rooms, dinette, kitchen, bath and Dorch. Electric refrigeration $.57.50 4024 CALVERT ST. N.W. 3 rooms, dinette, kitchen, bath and porch. Electric refrigeration $07.50 4020 CALVERT ST. N.W. 2 rooms, dinette. . kitchen, bath and porch. Elec refg. $57.50 1611 31st ST. N.W. t room, dinette, kitchen and bath. Electric refrigeration $42.50 1501 & 1507 PARK RD. N.W. 5 and 6 room, bath and porch apts.: G. E. refrigeration. Convenient to churches, theaters and stores. Market within walking distance. $58.50 and $60.00. Free Parking on Premiaei 1314 14th ST. N.W. 3 rooms, kitchen and bath. $30.50 to $45.00. 1450 GIRARD ST. N.W. 5 rooms, kitchen and bath $65.00 See Janitor DUPLEX APT. No. 1, 5316 4th ST. N.W. 2 rooms, dinetio. kitchen, bath and porch. Heat. gas. refrigeration and electricity included $52.50 No. 3, 5619 1st ST. N.W. 2 rooms, dinette, kitchen, bath and porch: refrigeration included $45.00 No. 2, 5623 1st ST. N.W. 3 rooms, dinette, kitchen, bath and porch: refrigeration included $50.00 Large screened concrete porches and garden. BOSS & PHELPS 1417 K St. REALTORS Na. BSOO -1 ' *SEEESSSSE2SESEEEEESESSEESESSSSSSr “A Nice Place to Live” WILLARD COURTS 1916 17th St. N.W. 2 rooms, kit., bath. tJC Afl Corner ant. ^D.UU 3 rooms, kitchen, bath, large foyer used as living room, CCA AA cross ventilation ^DU.UU Adequate Light and Ventilation ‘^4-Hour Elevator Service | See Mrs. Gee. Res. Mgr., or J. Dallas Grady & Son llOJ Vt. Ave. N.W. Dl»l. 3750 An Entirely Different • Duplex ★ Near Catholic Univenity Apt. 1—4013 8th St. N.E. Heat, Hot Water, Janitor Service Furnished • Refrigeration • Locker Room • Large Dinette • 10 ft. Porches 3 l.-’.rge rooms (2 bedrooms), kitchen, dinette and bath, $60. "A Pleating Addrett (or Tour Home” GRADY BUILT, OWNED & MANAGED 1104 Vt. Ave. N.W. Dist. 3750. ill) So Much !| for only $47-50 New Solarium Apt. I OTIS GARDENS 1445 Oti, PI. N.W. Just North of 1 !th A. Park Road Fxcellent transportation, conven ient to stores, theaters and shop ' p inq district: tcalkina distance of ' everything. Efficiency opartmcnt, unusually large living room, dressing room, Murphy bed, combination sunroom and dining | ! room, kitchen, tile bath, built-in tub jl; and shower. FEATURES Outside all-cleriric kitchen, beau tiful modern lobby. Venetian blinds, modern designed windows, painted walls, parquet floors, carpeted cor ridors. 24-Hour Switchboard and Elevator Service Open and Lighted Until 10 P.M. See Resident Manager. ADams 10133 Hu, & CAFRITZ Di* _\|_k WHrniifc 9080 etlbrit (£arbrna A Distinctive Apartment Development TV/O and THREE BEDROOM apartments with one or two baths. Beautiful living rooms, full S7» dining room and very como'cte kitchens. Every apart ment overlooks a garden. Revised rentals begin at *90.00 MANAGER’S OFFICE 3000 Tilden Si. N.W. Woodley 5334 MADISON TERRACE Mth ond Kennedy Sts. N.w, Convenient to Bus and Car Littm Delightful new building, free gcs end e'ecirlcity, carpeted corridors, roof garden; close to Rock. Cree< Perk, golf and tennis. Corner apt., 2 rooms, $CE. 00 kitchen, dinette. bath BREUNINGER AND SONS, INC. 1730 K St. N.W. No. 2040 | THE NORMANDIE 1 = 681* Georgia Ave. 5 — (New Building) 3 2 2 rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath and g = foyer . *60/"' 2 3 Gas. Elec, and Refrigeration In- 3 = eluded. _ = = Res. Mgr.. Mrs. Hyatt. Geo. 5909. g 1 THE WARWICK 1 2 NEW BUILDING S E 3051 Idaho Ave. N.W. 3 I and *> rooms, dinette, kitchen = 2 and bath $55.0(1 and $73.50 g = Res. Mgr.. Miss Nalley. Em. 61OO. g ! 2400 16th ST. N.W. | E Apts. J rm„ hath to 6 rms.. kitch- = = en. 2 baths Full hotel service. = 3 Dining rm.. garage. Fordyce C. 3 2 Minnick. mgr. Col. 7200. E | 2124 P ST. N.W. | 3 (| Block from Dupont Circle' ~ — 3 rooms. kitchen. hath_and = 2 porrh $55.00 g 3 Elec. Refrigeration. Janitor Service. E 1 5922 13th ST. N.W. | 2 1 and 2 rooms, kitchen, dinette — 3 and bath. Gas refrg.. 2 2 $42.50 and $o2.r>0 g 2 Res. Mgr,. Mrs. Seabrook. Ka. 5515 2 1 4917 1st ST. N.W. § — Dunlex. E — Living room. 2 bedrooms, kitchen, g = dinette, bath, screened porch. SoO — g (Keys at Office.' E 1 THE CHANCELLOR ! 3 214 Mass. Ave. N.E. 2 s 1 room and bath $'>000 s 2 1 room, kitchen and bath $42.50 3 3 2 rooms, kitchen and bath . $50.00 = 2 3 rooms, kitchen and bath $65 00 _ 2 24-Hr. Switchboard & Elevator g 2 Res. Mgr.. Mrs. Grant. At. 4240. E 1 THE GELMONT 2 1835 3rd St. N.E._ 2 2 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. $4..50 E 2 Gas. Electricity and Refrigeration g 3 Included in Rent. _ 3 2 Res. Mgr.. Mrs. Etzler. Dec. 2690. E 1 1314 MASS. AVE. N.W. f 3 l room, kitchen, bath and foyer. 2 3 $47.50 up E 2 Elevator and Switchboard Service.- ss 3 Res. Mgr.. Mrs. Ball. Met. 34. (. g 1 3101 PA. Ave. S.E. 1 2 (New Building Overlooking City* = 2 1 room, kitchen, dinette, dressing g = closet and bath $38.0(1 — 2 2 rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath. _ — $55.00 — 2 Living room. 2 bedrooms, dinette* “ 2 kitchen, bath (3 exposures!. 3 2 $65.00 = 2 Res Mgr.. Mrs. Middleton, E g At. 8321-J. = 2 ill Apartments Open tor Inspection = 3 —Day and Evening — s WEAVER BROS in( | REALTORS I 2 Washington Building District 9484 E illlllllllllllllllllllllllllUlHlllllllllllHIIIKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlir 1025 Conn. Ave. N.W. (Between K and L fits.) Select suites in a thoroughly modern building. Elevator and switchboard aervice. Newly conditioned. Now Available 1 room, large kitchen, bath and foyer. 2 rooms, large kitchen, bath and foyer. A rooms, kitchen and bath. 6 rooms, kitchen, bath and ioyer. Rentals from 975 See Resident Manager. MR*. ROBERT DOVE, or WEAVER BROS inc REALTORS Washington Bldg. DI. 0I8« IjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiHimiiiiiiHiiiiiiiimirdiiitiiiii'j; i THE NEW 1 | IIE.\TIIERI\CTO\ I | APARTMENTS | | 1421 Massachusetts Ave. i 1 ★ i 2 /LL8.T WEST OF THOMAS § E CIRCLE . . ON THE TERRACE 2 1 WASHINGTON'S FINEST 1 | DOWNTOWN LOCATION § 2 1 room, kitchen & both, 1 2 $47.50 to $55 00 1 1 2 room-, kitchen & batn_$72.50 2 § —All Ultramodern Units— g 5 Electric refrigeration. Elevator and = 2 secretarial. service. Representative £ i g on premises. 2 | See Resident Manager, or E 1 BOSS & PHELPS I 2 1117 K St. Realtor, NA. 0300 2 Agent = ... ' DOWNTOWN APT. Near Gov't Depts. Walking Distance of "Everything.'* Save Carfare and Time PARK CENTRAL Corner 19th and F Sts. <47 50—Living room. dressing v ' room with Murphy bed. I dinette, kitchen and bath. 550 00—Living room. dressing j .uv.vv room. Murphy bed. port ! able dinette table and chairs, sunroom i with Murphy bed. kitchen and bath. j <62 50—,'r0I1, *pL. rec. hall, Uv v mg room, dressing room : ! with Murphy b-d. sunroom. dmlng it room, kitchen and bath. ; 577 50—hs!1- !sr** living j «e room, bedroom dmmg I room, sunroom with Murphy bed. i kitchen and bath. j See Resident Manager—Met. 0540 FEATURES OF BUILDING! Frlgldslre current free: C4-hour switchboard and elevator service. i.,,j Radio. Carpeted corridors. Open and Lighted Until 10 P.M. 1 "1* CAFRITZ mi— DUPLEX APTS. 2714 26th St. N.E. 2nd floor—2 rooms, kitchen. large dinette and bath, large back porch and rear yard, gas heat ___ $40.00 628 Girard St. N.E. 1st floor—2 rooms, kitchen, large dinette and bath, large back porch, gas heat, private parking space .. —-$40.oo Heat, Hot Water, Janitor Service furnished Apt. No. 3, 721 Hamlin St. N.E. 2nd floor—2 rooms, kitchen, di nette and bath, refrigeration. $47.50 Apt. No. 2, 709 Jackson St. N.E. 1st floor—2 rooms, kitchen, di nette and bath, reirigeration, large back porch_$47.50' J. Dallas Grady & Son 1104 Vt. Ave. N.W. Dist. 3750 ■ —I s^ss= 1862 Mintwood PI. N.W. , 570 00—rooms, kitchen, hath, f porch, refrigeration; three exposures front am. , 3218-.Wisconsin Ave. N.W. 547 50—2 rooms, kit., din., bath; refrigeration on house meter. Resident manager. 3018 Porter St. N.W. 550 00—Apt- 201—2 rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath: refrigeration: two exposures, front apt. Near Conn. ave. 1342 Nicholson Sh N.W. 542 50—Apt- 2 rooms kit., * din., bath, screened porch: gas heat. 2012 0 St. N.W. 545 00—2 rooms, kitchen, bath: ^ refrigeration. Near Du pont Circle. AMIf«'eCAN S1CU*,TY _ l*lh and Pa. Ave. N.W. R. E. Dept. Natl. 4SI5 -j ■ i n 2605 Adams Mill Rd. I (At 18th and Col. Rd.) 2 rooms, kitchen, bath and porch. Electric Refrigeration 1809 Belmont Rd. N.W. CRT Rfl 3 rooms, kitchen VW f iwtl and bath. All apartments equipped with electric refrigeration. 2300 18th St. N.W. RA 4 rooms, kitchen vw f iaAI and bath. Electric Refrigeration NATIONAL MORTGAGE & INV. CORP. Natl. 5833 1312 N. T. Ave. LIVE DOWNTOWN Within Ratlin* ef All Activities THE WILLSON1N 1830 K Street N.W. Available December 15th S 1 ream, perch, kitchen | and bath .*51.50 !| Gas. electricity, re/nyeraiion, etcitchboard service included in Irent. Roof Garden, j([ Resident Minster. XA. S06S MUNSON HALL (New Building) jj 2212 Eye Street N.W. (Aviilsble December 15th) 2 room*. dinette, kitchen and If bath .$76.50 ji! i|l Electricity (for lighting, cook- ii‘ ’ll ing and refrigeration > and S': jwilchbaard ,errlce included in " I rent Resident Mmiser, REp. 23*3 THE WEST END 2124 Eye St. N.W. Available Immediately 2 rooms, kitchen and bath . $65.00 Gas — electricity — refrigera tion — switchboard service in eluded in rent. Root Garden Resident Manarer, REp. 3404 III I ; J. A. NeKeever Co., Inc. 1625 K St. N.W. DI. 9706 THE EDDYSTONE (Yen Building) 1301 Vermont Ave. N.W. 1 Block North of Thomas Circle Available Immediately Living room, sun porch, dressing closet, kit chen and bath..$59.50 Electricity (for lighting, cooking and refrigeration) and ewitchboard ■ervice Included in rent. Root Garden Resident Manager, DEcatur 1080 or J. A. McKeever Co., Inc. Managing Agents 1625 K St. N.W. Diet. 9706 A Most Desirable 3-ROOM SUITE In this distinguished Apartment Residence Attractive apartments consist of Rental includes sec livinc room, with in-a-door bed. llrse retarial service, elec bedroom. larye bath, dinins alcove, tricitv. electric refris kitchen and 4 ono ..„ 1 dtQO eratlon. ras A,"4 Bark larte closets ailCl «POO ine facilities for meats oi tenants. , OAc KENNE1DY-WAJRREN Washington’s First Air-Cooled Apartment 3133 Conn. Ave. Adams 9600 HAMPSHIRE COURTS _.*>0*11 Sew Hampshire Av.._ . 1 bedrm. »Dt„ S52.A0 J badrm. apt.. *60.50. $62.50. $64.50 10 Fireproof, well-kept bldgs., spacious lawns, convenient to stores and bus. Mgr.. BA. 2935. 4 7 0 7 Connecticut Ave. N.W. (Corner Davenport St.) k Modern buildint. anacious lobbv. J. rarpeted corridors. Electric relrir eration on hoase current. Cl-hour elevator and switchboard service. Garace. laundry facilities, screened porches. Convenient to churches, schools and stores. 3 or 4 rooms with kitchen, foyer and bath. 2 exposures. Resident Manager, Em. 6800 Your Choice? BLAIR PARK BLAIR PAP^ APARTMENTS GARDENS To the right of Georgia Avenue ct D.strict L -e 7819-23 Eastern Avenue 7700 Blair RocH Select units with largo rooms, La-ge Lrdng F om, E e ^ r ■- -- t.vo p-Dosures, Venetian bhnds and Keener, Dme'te c'd Bath parquet floors. and 2 Rooms, Kitchen, Dinette and Bath k',r3* rocm, Two Fed" Kit'nen, Dinette and Ben 850.00 857.50 & 869.50 Carpeted Halls Cross Ventilation Elevator Service Plenty of Closet-, . _ . c , 4 G. E Refrigerotcrs Lgundn/ Facilrt es Heat, Gcs ond Electricity Inc’jded Recreation Room in Rent. Resident Manager, MRS. BLAUER, SHepherd 4713 7823 Eastern Ave., Apt. 5 WEAVER Washington Building BROS UK District 9486 REALTORS V&tsr APARTMENTS 39th and Davis Streets X.W. Out Wisconsin Avenue to Calvert St. <ih block south ot Mt. Alto Hosw’ah. west on Calvert to 39th. north, to buildmas. Resident Mgr., Mrs. Pullman, Em. 8766 • Everything included in rent but telephone De Luxe 4 Exposure Apts., S83 Living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, jr. dining room and kitchen. 4 closets. In a quiet, convenient neighborhood close to schools and trans portation. Large rooms, full t e baths, G-E refrigeration, Vene tian bimds, and every apartment hcs crcss-verr at on end c abundance of closets. OPEN for INSPECTION DAILY WEAVER BROI ihc Washington Building MAlYOItS District 9486 Randall H. Hagner <& Company Real Estate 1321 Connecticut Ave. N.W. Telephone DEcatur 3600 2222 QUE STREET Apts, containing entrance rail liv ing room dmlng room kitchen. pantry. 2 bedrooms and 2 baths Electric refrigeration. Res Mgr. Elevator. Bnildine desirably lo cated just off Mass. Ave. 1419 COLUMBIA RD. 2 rooms, kitchen, bath and porch. Resident manager. Re!g. on house current. 3800 14th STREET (Furnished or Vnturnishedi 1 room, large dressing room, bath. Frigidaire. 2 and 3 rooms, kitchen, bath and porch Refrigeration on house current. Large enclosed porches; garage. Res. Mgr. 180! CALVERT STREET 2 rooms, kitchen, bath and large porch: shower bath: abundance of closet snare. G. E. refrigera tion. Res. Mer. 1026 15th ST. N.W. 2 rooms and ba»h (.no ktrh*»nV EIrcrric refrigeration Switch board Elevator service. Resident manager. 1015 N STREET a rooms kitchen and bath 557.50 4 rooms. Kitchen and oatn a,', 'J .'vi Electric refrigeration. Res. Mgr. Elevator switchboard. 3025 15th STREET 2 bedrooms, living room kitchen and bath $50.01) & $55.00 Electric refrigeration. Res. Mgr. 1107 11th STREET 1 room, bath (no kitchen), elec tric refrigeration 1436 R STREET 2 rooms, kitchen, bath and porch Electric refrigeration. Resident Manager 2551 17th ST. N.W. 8 rooms, kitchen, bath, dinette, larse foyer $H5.fio Elevator Refrigeration. Resident manager. 4514 CONN. AVENUE 1 bedroom, bath, living room. 91 nette. kitchen $t>5 "0 1 bedroom, bath. Lving room" din ing room, dinette. screened or enclosed porch, kitchen _?97.->0 3 bedrooms. bath living room, dmin* room, dinette, kitchen and enclosed porch_.510.5.00 Res. Mgr Elevator. Sec. Svitch board. Refs, on house current. 4701 CONN. AVENUE 4 rooms, bath, kitchen, dinette and notch. Ref*, on house current. Res. Mer. Elev ator. Bee. Switchboard. 3411 29A ST. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath 543 SO Refrigeration on house current. Resident manager. 1901 WYOMING AVENUE 2 and 3 rms k:t and bath. 4 and 5 rms kit. -i oaths 4 bedrooms. .1 baths, draw m. library, din. rm.. kit.. maids quarter*. Electric refrigeration. Res. Mgr 3314 MT. PLEASANT STREET 2 rooms kitchen. bath 947 50 Electric refrigeration. Res. Mgr. 3145 MT. PLEASANT STREET 4 rooms, kitchen, bath and porch. 58O.i)0 Refrigeration on house current. 2116 P STREET 3 large rm.*.. kit. and bath $45.09 Electric Refrigeration. 2310 ASHMEAD PLACE 1 room, kitchen and bath. 3 room*, kitchen and bath. 3 rooms, kitchen bath, with or without noreh. overlooking Rock Creek Park. Refrigeration on house current. Resident Manager. 1818 RIGGS PL. N.W. 1 rm., dinette, kit., bath. Resident manager, elec. refr*. Under Management of B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th St. N.W._National 2100 2100 19th ST. N.W. Elec refg. on house current. Elev. switchboard. Resident manager 3 rms,. kit. and bath $02.00 THE METROPOLITAN 200 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.E. 5-story elevator bldg. Secretarial telephone service. Gas. electricity and gas refrg.. included in rent. One. two and three rooms, kitchen, d. a. and bath (some with porchesi. Resident manager. THE LA REINE 5425 CONN. AVE. N.W. Elec. ref. on house current. Elev and switchboard. Garage, laundry fa cilities. Resident manager. 2 rms.. kit., d. a. and bath $59.50 THE PARAMOUNT 829 QUINCY ST. N.W Gas elec and refrg included in rent Elevator. Resident manager. 2 rooms, kit., d. a., bath and open porch. 1430 CHAPIN ST. N.W. Electric refrigeration. 2 rms. kit. and bath __ $40 00 3659 N. HAMPSHIRE AVE. N.W. Electric refrigeration. 2 rms.. kit. and bath $45.00 6228 N. DAKOTA AVE. N.W. Electric refrigeration. 2 rms.. kit. and baih __ $14.50 1875 MINTWOOD PL. N.W. Elec, refrigeration on house current. Resident mcnagrr. 2 rms.. kit. and bath $50.00 1315 BELMONT ST. N.W. Elec. refg. on house current. 1 rm., kit. and bath $33.50 GARDEN TOWERS 2125 15th ST N.W. Modern elev bide Serre^ari^l tele phone service. Gas . elec, and re frigeration included In rent. Resident manager. 2 rooms, kitchen, dining alcove and bath (some with porches). 1445 SPRING RD. N.W. Elec refg. on house current. Resi dent manager 2 rms.. kit., d. a. and bath. $59.50 SULGRAVE MANOR 5130 CONN. AVE. N.W Secretarial switchboard Elevator. Electric refg. on house current. Res ident manager. 2 rms.. kit., d. a., bath and foyer. $60.00. RHODE ISLAND .GARDENS 230 R I AVE N E Elec, refrigeration Switchboard. El evator. Resident manager. 2 rms.. kit., d. a. and bath $54.50 THE RHODE ISLAND 1437 RHODE ISLAND AVE N W Eight-storv elevator bldg Elec. ref. and electricity on house current. Resident maracer. Two rooms ’-.--h. en. dining alcove, bath, foyer. $67.50 425 D ST. S.E. Electric refrigeration 2 rms.. kit. and bath $42.50 739 NEWTON ST. N.W. Electric refrigeration. 1 rm . kit. and bath $34.00 3115 MT. PLEASANT ST. N.W. Elec, refrigeration. 2 rms.. kit. & bath $47.50 Ji (Continued on Next Paje.) 4 A