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LEGAL NOTICES._ fniXIAM CLARK TAYLOR and GEORGE C. GF.RTMAN. Attorneys. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia.— MARGARET B. BOND. Plaintiff. vs. WELLYN P. GROVE, et al. Defendants — Civil Action No. 4 20.—ORDER OF PUBLI CATION.—The object of this suit is to obtain a decree for partition by sale of Lots 12 and 1.3 in Square 277ft in the Lynchburg Investment. Corporation Sud divislon of part of tract of land known as •'Girl’s Portion.” called Sixteenth Street Heights, assessed as Lots 12 and 13 In said square, and lor application of the proceeds as stated in the complaint. Upon motion of the plaintiff, it Is this 22nd day of November l!>.3tv ORDERED that the defendants Jessie Moore, Lena Schenck. Gaiua C. Fuller. Mark E Fuller. Eleanor Morrison and Louie Dawley. cause their appearance to be entered herein on or before the fortieth day, exclusive of Sun day* and legal holidays, occurring after the day of the first publication of this order, otherwise the cause will be proceeded with as in case of default: provided a copy hereof be published once a week for three successive weeks in The Washlnston Law Reporter and in The Evening 8tar. longer and other publications being dispensed with for satisfactory cause shown. O. R. LUHRINO Justice (Seal.) A true copy. Test: CHARLE8 E STEWART. Clerk. By ANDREW A. HORNER, Asst. Clerk. no23.30;de7. AUCTION SALES. _TODAY._ ADAM A. WESCHLER & SON. Auctioneers. TRUSTEES’ SALE OF VALUABLE IM PROVED REAL ESTATE THREE STORY AND CELLAR BRICK DWELL ING. ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. 1341 MONROE STREET N.W. By virtue of a deed of trust recorded, in Liber No. 6621. folio 320. et. seq.. one of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will offer for sale by public auction, in front of prrmises. on WEDNESDAY. THE SEVENTH DAY OF DECEMBER. li»3K, AT FOUR-THIRTY O’CLOCK PM., the following-described property in the Dis trict of Columbia, to wit: Lot numbered one hundred and twenty-seven (12<) in Lewis E. Breuiningpr's subdivision of lots in square numbered twenty-eight hundred and thirty-six (283ft) of Sowers and Mat tingly Trustees’ subdivision of part of the Estate of William Holmead. Senior de ceased. as per plat of first-mentioned sub division recorded in Liber County 23 at folio 124 in the Surveyor's Office of the District of Columbia. Terms of sale Fifteen per centum of the purchase money to be paid in cash, balance in monthly installments of $1 lor each *loo. including interest at six per cent, until paid secured by first deed of trust upon property sold, or all cash at option of purchaser. A deposit of $300 required of purchaser at sale. Examina tion of title, conveyancing, recording and notarial fees at cost of purchaser. Terms to be complied with within thirty days from day of sale, otherwise trustees re serve the right to resell property at risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five days’ advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in Washington. D. C.. or deposit may be forfeited, or without forfeiting deposit trustees may avail them selves of any legal or equitable rights Against defaultig purchaser. LOUIS C. DISMER. MELVIN F. BERGMANN. no26d&dsexsu_Trust ees. TOMORROW. \ Adam A. Weschler & Son, Auctioneers. Valuable Miscellaneous Items Also Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry by Public Auction at WESCHLER’S, 915 E St. N.W. THURSDAY, = December 8th, 1938 Commencing, 10 A M. i Including Cameras and Movie Cam eras. Binoculars and Field Glasses, Portable end Upright Typewriters, Schick. Packard and other Electric Shavers; 1M0 Bass Piano Accordion, ' Silverware. Portable and Floor Model 1 Radios, Electric Sewing Machines. Bur roughs Combination ('ash Register and Adding Machine. National Cash Reg ister. Violins, Gibson A Martin Guitars, Banjos. Trumpets, Mandolins. Saxo phones. Electrical Tools, 2 Auto Tires and Wheels. Barber Tools. Shotguns and Rifles. Gladstone Bags. Converter and Electrical Motor. Military Sets. Ladies’ Fur Coats. Also Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry. TERMS: CASH. Adams A. Weschler & Son, Aucts. defi.T, _FUTURE__ THOS. J. OWEN A: SON. AUCTIONEERS. 1431 EYE ST N.W. TRUSTEES’ SALE OF VALUABLE ONE STORY STUCCO DWELLING CON TAINING SIX ROOMS. BATH AND LAV ATORY ALSO SERVANT’S ROOM AND BATH AND TWO-CAR DETACHED GA RAGE. KNOWN AS PREMISES NUM BER 7308 ALASKA AVENUE NORTH WEST Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded in Liber No. 6164. folio 451 et seq.. of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the reauest of the party secured thereby the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on MONDAY. THE TWELFTH DAY OF DECEMBER. A.D. 1038. AT THREE-THIRTY O’CLOCK P.M. the following-described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being lot 77 in Alexan der R. Varela and William H Ritchie’s Subdivision of lot 74 in square '-778. “Six teenth Street Heights ” as per Dlat recorded *n Liber 71. folio 105 of the records of the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia. Subject to building restric tion lines as shown on said Dlat and sub ject to covenants of records Terms of sale One-third of the purchase money to be oaid in cash, balance in two equal Installments, payable in one and two years, with interest at five per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, from dav of sale, secured bv first deed of trust upon the property sold or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $500.00 will be required at time of sale All con veyancing. recording, etc., at cost of pur chaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within thirty days from day of sale other wise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser after five days’ advertisement of such resale in some news paper published in Washington D C GEORGE W GILLIGAN. PAUL S ANDERSON. |_ no30-de2. THOS. J. OWEN & SON. AUCTIONEERS. 1431 Eye Street Northwest TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IMPROVED BY A TWO STORY BRICK RESIDENCE NO 1461 HARVARD STREET NORTHWEST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No. 7037. folio 171 et seq.. of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction, in front of the premises, on WEDNESDAY. THE FOURTEENTH DAY OF DECEMBER. AD 1038. a: THREE-THIRTY O’CLOCK PM. the followinR-described land and premises, situate in the District of Co lumbia and designated as and being lot No. 40 in George W. Sensner's Subdivision of part of lot 10 in block 30. “North Grounds of Columbian University.” as per plat recorded in Liber county No. 16. folio 140. of the records of the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia, and designated for taxation purposes as lot 40 In square 2670. Terms of sale: One-third of the pur chase money to be paid in cash, balance in two equal installments, payable in one and two years, with interest at 6 per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, from day of sale, secured by first deed of trust, upon the property sold, oi all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $500 will be required at time of sale. All conveyancing, recording, etc., at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be com plied with within 30 days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five days’ advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in Washington. D C. HENRY P. BLAIR, ALLEN P. CLARK. PO20 del . 12.13 Trustees. TH08. J. OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS. 1431 EYE ST N.W. TRUSTEES’ 8ALE OF VALUABLE REAL PROPERTY BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF HENRY W. CATTELL. DECEASED AND LOCATED IN SOUTH WEST WASHINGTON. NEAR BUZ ZARD’S POINT. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly recorded in Liber No 6298. folio 123 s*a, of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction, at the offices of Thos J Owen & Son. 1431 I Jtreet n w. Washington. D. C on MON JAY. THE TWELFTH DAY OF DECEM BER A D 1938. AT ONE O’CLOCK P.M.. the following-described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being all real estate, aituate in the District of Columbia, stand ing in the name of Henry W. Cattell. as shown by the land records of said District of Columbia, except the following property which was heretofore released from the lien of said deed of trust: Lots 5 and 7 in souare 613: lot 9 in souare 611: lot 9 in souare east of 667; lot 19 in square «03_ The proDerty to be sold will be sold subject to prior deeds or trust as of record, and subject to outstanding tax deeds and tax sales and to taxes in arrears. Trustees make no warranty of title as to property sold. (NOTE The trustees are informed that the following are amone the Drob yrties in the District of Columbia standing 1 in the name of Henry W Cattell. as shown by the land records of said District: Lots 1. 4. 6. 7. 9. 9. io In souare 606: lots 1. 2- 3. 4. 5 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 16. 800. 801 in square 610: Jots 1, 8. 10. 11. 12. 13. 34, 16 in square 609: lot 11 in square 738; , *©t 144 in square 744. The trustees, how ever. make no representation as to the \ tccuraev o! the above listed properties. ana DrosDfCtivp purchasers should make their own examination of the land records ot the D(«trict of Columbia to determine the properties covered by ihe lien of said fleeo o! trust the nature and amount of 2,rl°r deeds of trust of record, and the outstanding tax deeds, tax sales and ac crued taxes thereon ) Terms: All cash A deDoslt of $500 00 reoulred. recording etc., at ®drchater s cost Terms to he complied nthirty days, otherwise deposit forfeited and the oroDertv m*v be adver tised and resold at the discretion of the trustee*. RTOVL O BELT CLMRE KENNEDY DOUGLAS. OBEAR A CAMPBELL *e’' Southern Buildine • „ „ ^Sf9,rP£y* f°r Holder or Hot*. _AUCTION SALES._ _FUTURE._ THOS. J. OWEN k SON. AUCTIONEERS. 1431 Ere Street Northwest. — TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE IM PROVED REAL ESTATE KNOWN AS PREMISES 5019 WESTERN AVENUE NORTHWEST. By virtue of a certain .feed of trust duly recorded in Liber No. 0535. folio 40(1 el seq.. of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the underslsned trustee will sell, at public auction, in front of the premises, on FRIDAY. THE NINTH DAY OF DECEMBER. A D 1938. AT FOUR THIRTY O'CLOCK P.M.. the followlng-de scribed land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being lot numbered forty-elsht (48) in square numbered seventeen hundred and forty-six (174fi) in the Chevy Chat* Land Company's subdivision of parts of tracts In "Chevy Chase" and "Friendship.” at per plat recorded in Liber No. 72. folio 2H. of the records of the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia, together with the improvements thereon, consisting of a two-story detached brick dwelling with a one-car frame garage. Terms of sale: One-fourth of the pur chase money to be paid in cash, balance in three equal Installments, payable In one. two and three years, with interest at live per centum per annum, payable semi annually from day of sale, secured by first deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $500 will be required at time of sale Examination of title, convey ancing. recording, revenue stamps, etc., at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within 30 days from day of sale, otherwise the trustee reserves the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five days’ advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in Washington, D C or deposit may be forfeited, or with out forfeiting deposit trustee may avail itself of any legal or equitable rights against defaulting purchaser. NATIONAL SAVINGS k TRUST CO.. Trustee. (Seal.) By WILLIAM F WILLARD. Vice President. Attest: E PERCIVAL WILSON. _ no29 d.t-ds.exSu Secretary. THOS. J. OWEN & SON. AUCTIONEERS' 1431 Eye St. N.W. TRUSTEES’ SALK OF UNIMPROVED GROUND LOCATED BETWEEN ALA BAMA AVENUE. 32nd STREET AND NAYLOR ROAD SOUTHEAST. CON TAINING APPROXIMATELY 49.99 ACRES OF GROUND. By virtue of a decree of the District Court of the United States for the District of Columbia passed in Equity Cause No. 00.792. the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction, in front of the premises on Naylor rd at Southern ave.. on MON DAY. THE TWELFTH DAY OF DECEMBER. 1938. AT FOUR O’CLOCK P.M.. the fol lowing-described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia and being Parcel No. 216/2«. containing, according to the highway plan. 6<> ana a fraction acres, which was reduced to 49.99 acres by the taking of land for condemnation of Naylor rd. in Condemnation Proceeding No. 1266, in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia; that said tract, ac cording to a plat recorded in Liber 67, folio 16. among the records of the surveyor of the District of Columbia, is surveyed by irregular metes and bounds, according to the land marks therein specified, and that said metes and bounds are more par ticularly set forth in a bill for partition, formerly filed in said court In Equity Cause No. 14360 Terms of sale: One-third of the pur chase money to b* paid in cash and the balance in two equal installments, payable | in one and two years from the day of sale, and to be represented by the promis sory notes of the purchaser, bearing interest at the rate of 6 per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, and se cured by deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the pur chaser. $1,000 deposit required upon ac ceptance of bid. All conveyancing, notary fees and recording at purchaser’s cost. Terms of sale to be complied with within thirty days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five days’ advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in Washington. D C. JAMES M. EARNEST. Woodward Building; DILLER B. GROFF. Denrike Building; JAMES A. WILLEY Woodward Building. Trustees. nol2.19.26.30 del. THOMAS J OWEN Sc SON. AUCTIONEERS. 1431 EYE ST. N W. TRUSTEES SALE OF VALUABLE IM PROVED REAL ESTATE. KNOWN AS 183H BILTMORE STREET NORTH WEST Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly recorded in Liber No. 5901 folio *201 et seo of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the reauest of the Darty <^cured thereby, the undersigned trustee will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on FRIDAY. THE SIXTEENTH i DAY OF DECEMBER. A D 1938. AT FOUR FIFTEEN O’CLOCK PM. the following | described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated 1 as and being Dart of lot numbered three i hundred and sixteen <31fl> m Robert O. Holtzman. Trustee's subdivision of carts of ‘ Mount Pleasant" and "Pleasant Plains " | otherwise known as " Mintwood.'’ as oer Diat recorded in the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber County 10 at folio 53. beginning for the same at the northeast corner of said lot: thence westwards with the north line of said lot ft? feet: thence southerly in a | straight line 8 feet east of and parallel with i the west line of said lot to a public alley. ! thence northeasterly with the easterly line i of said lot to the beginning; together with tne improvements thereon consisting of a two-story brick dwelling with a tw'o-car brick gaiage. Terms of sale: One-fourth of the purchase money to be paid in cash, balance in three equal installments payable In one. two and three years, with interest at nve per centum per annum parable semi anntiallv. from day of sale, secured by first deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $50<UM will be required at time of sale. Examination of title, con veyancing. recording, revenue stamps, etc.. at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within 30 davs from day of sale, otherwise the trustee reserves the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five davs’ advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in Washington. D C or deposit mav be forfeited, or without for feiting deposit trustee mav avail itself of anv legal or equitable rights against de faulting purchaser NATIONAL SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. Trustee. H. PRESCOTT GATLEY. x Trustee. (Seal.' Attest: E. PERCIVAL WILSON Assistant Secretary. _deh-dAds exSu_ THOS. J. OWEN <fc SON. AUCTIONEERS, 14.31 Eye St. N.W. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. BEING A DETACHED. TWO STORY. BRICK DWELLING. CONTAIN ING EIOHT ROOMS AND TWO BATHS: ALSO TWO-CAR BRICK GARAGE, KNOWN AS 5315 NEVADA AVENUE NORTHWEST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust recorded in Liber No. 8350. at folio 33 of the land records of the District of Colum bia. and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned will sell at public auction in front of the premises on Wednes day the FOURTEENTH DAY OF DECEM BER. 1038, at FOUR-THIRTY O'CLOCK P.M the following-described land and premises, situate in the District of Colum bia. and being lot numbered six (tii and the southerly one-half of lot numbered aeven (71 by the full depth thereof in square numbered twenty hundred and twenty seven (2027). in the Chevy Chase Land Co. and Fulton R Gordon's subdivision of part of the tract of land known as "Re-survey on New Seat." as per plat recorded In Liber No. 81. folio 31 of the records of the office of the surveyor for the District of Colum bia being described in one parcel as fol lows: Beginning for the same on the northeasterly line of Nevada avenue. 00 feet wide, at the most southerly corner of said lot numbered six (8). and running (hence northwesterly along said line of said avenue 80.005 feet more or less to the center line of said lot numbered seven (7): thence northeasterly through the center of said lot numbered seven (7) and parallel with the southeasterly line of said lot to a public alley. 15 feet wide: thence south easterly tlong the westerly line of said alley 80 feet to the most essterly corner of said lot numbered six (8): thence south westerly along the southeasterly line of said lot 130.23 feet to the point of begin ning. said above described property being known for purposes of assessment and tax ation as lots numbered six (8) and eight hundred and two (802) in square num bered twenty hundred and twenty-seven (2027). TERMS OF SALE: Purchaser to par one-fourth of the purchase price in cash, the balance In three installments in one. two and three years respectively, with interest at the rate of six (fls per centum per annum, and secured by deed of trust on the property sold or all cash at the option of the purchaser: taxes paid or adjusted to the date of sale: purchaser to pay interest on purchase price from date of sale to date of settlement at six (HI per centum per annum. All conveyancing recording revenue stamps, etc., at the cost of the purchaser: good title or no sale. A deposit of *500.00 will be required at. the time of sale, and settlement to be within thirty <3o> days of the date of sale, or deposit forfeited, and the property re sold at the cost and risk of the defaulting purchaser, after five (5) daya’ previous advertisement of said resale in some news paper published in Washington. D. C. J. WRILEY JACOBS. 925 15th Street. ft C. del .3.57.8,9.) 0,12.13,14 GARAGES FOR RENT. BRICK GARAGE, rear 1835 lflth at. n.w.i month Apply Janitor or call atent. National 6789, parking lots, CHURCH ST. BET. 14th AND 15th STS Rent lot. no rt.xno ft.. Inclosed by high wire fence: suitable for live or nead park- ( ing. trucks or used ears. Will consider reasonable offers MT. VERNON MORTO. CORP., Natl. 5538. | AUTOTRUCKS FOR SAIL ~ QUICK SALE, for cash. 1934 paneled Cher, truck; excellent condition, new tires. Oeor Bia 2313._0• DODGE 193« ’«-ton rstnel. No lettering. Private owner. Price only 9275 for Quick sale. ■''-'■S j-. that, n. w.^__ CLOSED CAB. NEW-OLD MODEL. 985. Hi-Rack Stake. Used 30 Days. 585. _Light delivery panel, new: good lor j”!,' MMU’ ft* «» O W. N.W, . J i TIRES FOR SALE. TRAILERS FOR SALE. AEROCAR. slightlv used, cost $4,000, 26 feet long, ileeplng accommodations for four, bottled gas range, icebox, china clos ets wardrobe, all lined in black walnut: will sacrifice for immediate cash sale. Box 4!i-C, Star._ *• _AUTOMOBILES WANTED. CASH FOR ANY MAKE CAR. WE PAY OFF THE NOTES. I.eo Rocca. Inc 6-7-9-11 N^Y. Ave^N.E. Natl._732l_. CASH FOR YOUR CAR. Don’t Sell Until You See Us Whether Car Is Paid for or Not. BARNES MOTORS. 1729 _14th St. BEST PRICES. SUPERIOR MOTORS. 14 th AND P STS._DUPONT 11)00. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. BUICK 19.35 coupe, rumble seat: Motorola radio heater, flue tires; private owner; $.17 5. Pho n e_M e t ,_5 3 31. BUICK 19.17 business coupe, special: excel lent gray paint, all good tires, spotless interior, heater. $035. C. C. C. Guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co.. 1332 33nd st. n.w. Natl. .3.300._Open Sunday and evenings._ CHEVROLET 19.30 de luxe sport sedan! finish almost like new; quiet, powerful, economical O-cyl. valve-in-head motor in perfect condition: spotless interior, five fine tires, large built-in trunk, knee-action wheels. Nowhere in Washington. Md. or Va. can you beat this fine car at our low. Honest Price of $4 15. Pay $115 down and we will %rrange low-cost G. M. terms to meet your budget. Owens Motor Co., 0.333 Ga ave CHEVROLET 1931 roadster. $37. "See dealer, Mr. Flood, 4331 Conn. Clev 8401.___ CHEVROLET 1935 four-door sedan; per fect: $309. See dealer, Mr. Flood. 4331 Conn. Clev 8491 i CHEVROLET 1930 de luxe coupe. $339. See dealer. Mr. Flood. 4331 Conn. Clev. 8491. CHEVROLET 1934 coupe. $189. See deal er. Mr. Flood. 4321 Conn Clev._8491. CHEVROLET 19.37 coupe O-cyl.: perfect; $.349. See dealer, Mr. Flood. 4331 Conn, ave. Clev 84917 CHEVROLET 1931 roadster; in running condition; private owner: no reas. offer refused. 418 H st n c. Atl. 3379. CHEVROLET 10.30 master de luxe 4-door sedan interior spotless; finished in origi nal black, tires, mechanically O K : spe cial today, only $377. Lee D Butler. Inc.. 1121 31st n.w. District. 13 1S. CHEVROLET 1938 master de luxe town sedan equipped with heater and radio, flexible steeling wheel, electric clock: But ler Bonded. $027. Lee D Butler. Inc., 112121st n.w. District 1218. CHEVROLET 19.30 2-dr. tr. sedan. An sli de luxe model, equipped with radio and heater Formerly owned by a Govt, execu tive who just purchased a new Luxury Liner Dodge. This car in black Is a fine example of our guar. Trew Value cars. It's a real bargain at $4.33. Use your car as down payment . . . nothing to pay till next year! The Trew Motor Co.. 1520 14th st. n.w. and 14th and Pa. ave. s.e. CHEVROLET 1938 de luxe town sedan, black; low mileage; priced for quick sale; perfect condition. Owner. Randolph 1521. CHEVROLET 1930 master de luxe town sedan, driven 19.000 miles; excellent con dition throughout. Sacrifice. $295.90 Michigan 7391.__ CHEVROLET 19.TT master town sedan: original Anish: hydaulic brakes: low mile age; very cl^Tn: reduced to $495 during our clearance sale. Arcade Pontiac, direct factory dealer. 1419 Irving st. n.w. Adams 0575._ CHEVROLET 1937 coupe. Motor, paint, tires and general condition ot this fine CHEVRO LET will please the most critical buyer. Re duced to $485 during our clearance sale Arcade Pontiac, direct factory dealer. 1419 Irving st. n.w. Adams 9575. CHEVROLET 19.30 de luxe sedan, radio, heater, knee-action wheels, excellent me chanical condition throughout, five fine tires, clean interior Formerly owned by careful lady driver who gave care every at tention. Honestly Priced at $385 Pay $85 down. bal. on easy, low-cost G. M. terms Owens Motor Co.. 833.3 Ga. ave. CHEVROLET 1938 master de luxe town se dan: built-in trunk: black Fisher bodv with no-draft ventilation: knee-action: hydraulic brakes; immaculate mohair interior: driven little by one careful owner. 5 excellent tires: faultless mechanical order; $159 down: easy terms: guaranteed. 8teuart Motors. 8th and N Y. ave. n.w., Natl. 71909. _ Open evenings. CHEVROLET 19.37 town sedan: black origi nal finish without a mark; upholstery clean and unworn, smooth, efficient valve-m head motor; 5 very good tires: built-in trunk and custom radio: $135 down: easy terms: guaranteed. Steuart Motors, oth and N. Y. ave. n.w., Natl. .3990. Open eve nings._ _ CHEVROLET 1938 master coupe. Rumble seat. Radio and heater. Good tire*. Looks and drives like new. Original owner: $.359. Columbia 4877 after 7 o.m. Dealer. CHEVROLET 1935 de luxe sedan, black finish, built-in trunk, all-steel top hy draulic brakes, very clean: $386. Addison Chevrolet. 1437 Irving st. n.w. Adams 5411. CHEVROLET 19715 ooach. brack finish, dandy motor, very good rubber, clean in terior. economical family #car: $375. Addison Chevrolet, 1437 Irving at. n.w. Adams 5411. _ _ CHEVROLET 19.37 de luxe coupe, dark blue finish, radio and heater, all-steel top. hydraulic brakes, low mileage, very clean; $435. Addison Chevrolet. 1437 Irving st. n.w. Adams 541 1. CHEVROLET 1936 coach, black finish, all steel top, hydraulic brakes, fine rubber: one owner: reduced to $345. Addison Chevrolet, 1437 Irving at. n.w. Adams 5411._ CHEVROLET 1936 sport sedan, trunk and radio, low mileage, fine rubber, one owner, very clean throuahout; reduced to $.'SS5 to aell quickly. Addiaon Chevrolet, 1437 Irving at. n.w._Adama 5411. CHEVROLET 1H37 de luxe sport Sedan. Here la one of the finest cars we have ever had in our stock. If you want new Car appearance, performance and reliability at » reasonable price this is the car for you. Wonderful fl-cyl. motor, spotless Interior, five fine tires, knee-action wheels, large built-in trunk Honestly Priced at $515. Pay $150 down. bal. on low-coat G. M terms to meet your budget. Owens Motor Co.. 6323 Ga. ave._ CHRYSLER 1938 custom Imperial 5-p. sed.. driven only 1.616 actual miles. Call Asso clatesJDlscount Corp.. Distrlct_3707._ CHRYSLER Imperial de luxe coupe. A late 193, model, run only 10.060 actual miles: In practically new-car condition. For sale by owner. Call Mr. W. H. aardella. Dlst. 3.(14._After 6 p.m.. Wisconsin 5906._ CHRYSLER 1937 “6” touring sedsn: very attractive one-owner car who gave It the best of care; fine motor, very good rubber, spotless Interior, and priced low for quick sale. $595 PACKARD, 24th and N sts. n.w. Republic (1145.__ DE SOTO 1937 4-door trunk sedan; radio: we aold this car new and serviced It: ex cellent throughout: guaranteed. Nick Bom bard. Inc. 1424 Fla. ave. n.e. Atlantic 6633. De 8oto-Plymouth._•_ DE SOTO 1937 de luxe coupe. This late model De Soto was formerly owned by a local school teacher who took care of it as you would take care of your own car! This iet-black finish is like new! The motor and interior, tires and equipment is like the day it was purchased. We recommend this car to the professional man or woman for dependability, safety and economy. Priced special at $535. On display only at the Trew Motor Co.. 14th and Pa. ave. s.e. Call Atlantic 4340 for a demonstration. DE SOTO de luxe sport roadster: runs, looks fine: sacrifice. 999. terms, 910 cash. Roper. 1730 R. I. ave. n.e._•_ DE SOTO 1937 touring sedans. We have 2 of these fine cars for your selection— both in best of mechanical condition, fine rubber, clean interiors; either one is truly a bargain. See them today, your choice. *545. PACKARD. 24th and N sts. n.w. Republic 0145._ DODGE 193A de luxe 2-door trunk aedan: only one owner and clean throughout; guaranteed Nick Bombard. Inc.. 1424 Fla. ave. n.e. Atl. 6633. De Soto-Plrm outh._•_ ! DODGE 1035 4-door gedan; blue finish, good tires, equipped with reconditioned 19.W Dodge motor: carries blue ribbon guarantee; only *J*5 down, balance easy monthly payments. Triangle Motors. 1401 1 Rhode Islands ve.n.e. DecaturJV.WO. | DODGE Ifl.lft 4-door touring sedan; heater and radio equipped; this car has an all- , tttrt hefty. g»n»nl hyflv&ulic hrrtn. flo»V inf power and i* JButier Bonded; full price, $46,. Lee D. Butler, Inc., 1121 21st n.w. District 1219. __ DODGE 1936 4-dr, de luxe sedan. This car formerly owned by a naval officer, who was transferred to sea duty. It has very low mileage and is in excellent mechanical condition. It* appearance is like new and it is equipped with a fine heater. Our trained mechanic* h»ve reconditioned it for safe, dependable winter driving. Our special price Ja yens. Pay NOTHING until next mil The Trew Motor Co., m« 14th st. n.w. and 14th and Pa. tve. a.e. i AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. (Continued.) DODOE 1017 4-door touring sedan; jet black finish Ilka new; floating-bower engine excel lent: hydraulic brakes and many other fine DODOE features; reduced to *545 during our clearance sale. Arcade Pontiac, direct factory dealer, J4IH Irving st. n.w, Adams (1570._ __ __ _ DODOE 1 (1.1(1 D 8 coupe, attractively re flnlshed: custom seat covers famed for economy and endurance; hydraulic nrakes: Ideal personal or business car In faithless condition throughout: excellent tires: *4111; easy terms; guaranteed. Hlrilart Motors. (Ith and N. Y, ave. n.w., Nall. Kino. Open eves DODOE 11115 touring sedans—We have two of these flue, sturdy cats to select from: your choice at *185: tine motors, clean interiors, very good rubber: carefree trans portation at low cost. PACKARD. :f4lit and N sis, n.w Republic (i 145. _ FORD 11)17 model H5 gotipe: jet-black fln lah. low mileage, perfect motor, winterised, sold with blue ribbon guarantee. Your present car may be I hr full down paymrnt: easy terms Triangle Motors. 1401 Rhode Island ave n.e._Decalur MOO._ FORD 1011 station wagon: olive grern fin ish. good tlrrs. excellmt motor which hag been winterised. Only *885: easy terms. Triangle Motors. 1401 Rhode Island ave. n.e.__Decatur ll.'IOO.__ FORD llllti Fordor sedan, latest series: gray finish, mohair upholstery, mechani cally perfect, winterised, carries blue rib bon guarantee; *05 down and easy month ly payments. Triangle Motors. 1401 Rhode Island ave. li e. Decatur 11.100.__ FORD 1017 coupe. H0-h.p.. *100. Perfect condition: very economical; original owner. must sell. North 4070. 8l8u P n.w._8*_ FORD 10.17 Tudor touring sedan: equipped with radio and healer; your 1015 Ford. Chevrolet or Plymouth In average Koud condition and #81(1. Lee D Duller, Inc., 1181 81st n.w. District 1818.__ FORD J914 de luxe Tudor sedan: good transportation. sniHlI outlay. Nick Bom bard. Inc. 1484 Flu ave. n.e. Atlantic 111111. De Soto-Plymouth._ FORD 11117 club conv. coupe, perfect con dition. radio and healer; 1(1.(KM) miles; must be sold._Call Columbia 1(151._* FORD 19.17 "(!()'' de luxe Tudor tr. sedan. The famous economy car of the Ford family. Tills one is finished in a sparkling blue, with'practically new tires, spotless uphol stery and a built-in radio. For smooth, quiet, economical transportation, lines the car tor you! Trade In your car today! Tills one Is only *4(i|i and you pay nothing until next year! The Trew Motor Co.. 15811 14th si. n.w. and 14th and Pa. ave. se. __ FORD 1937 Tudor, like new: must sell, no reasonable offer refused. Owner, Mr. llerk. District 4748. _ POtvD lii.iw converiiuie ciuu couwr. iuw mileage: like new: one owner: very iPorty and attractive car that cost nearly $; fully guaranteed; NOW $025. Arcade Pontiac, direct factory dealer. 1410 IrVtng at. n.w._Adams 0676._ ____ PORD 1034 Tudor sedan: dandy motor: very aood rubber; very clean safe winter transportation for only $226. Arcade i Pontiac, direct factory dealer. 1410 Irving st. n.w._Adams 0676._ FORD 1037 Tudor sedan: two to select from; powerful and economical V-M motors: clean interiors: low mileage fully guaran teed: your choice. $436. Arcade Pontiac direct factory dealer. 1410 Irving st. n.w. Adams_0575._ PORD 1037 Fordor sedan: custom built-in radio and heater; black baked enamel fin ish appears new; splendid V-x motor com pletely reconditioned: 5 excellent tires: $120 down: easy terms: guaranteed. Steu art Motors. Oth and N. Y. ave. n w.. Natl. 3000. _Onen evenings._ _ _ __ i PORD 1037 Tudor sedan; black factory finish: mohair upholstery clean and un worn: smooth, economical V-x motor; excel lent rubber an exceptionally clean, sound car at a bargain price; $00 down: easy terms: guaranteed. Steuart Motors. Oth and N. Y. ave. n.w., Natl. 3000. Open evenings _ PORD 1030 Tudor sedan You can look i long and far and not eaual this fine blue ! car for smart appearance, economical per formance and bargain price value Very clean; runs smoothly and has good rubber: $310, only $7h down; easy terms: guaran teed. Steuart Motors. Oth and N. Y. ave n w . Natl 3000. ! FORD 1037 Tudor ho; in excellent condi [ lion, heater: $300. Republic 4142. Ext. I 20.30. during office hours. FORD i 030 .6-pass Tudor, trunk black paint, excellent tires, clean upholstery, radio $205. C. C. C Guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co . 1222 22nd st. n.w National 3300. Open Sunday and evenings FORD 1030 5-pass. Tudor; excellent gray paint spotless upholstery all good tires ! and a splendid motor. $206. C. C. C , Guaranty Capitol Cadillac Co.. 1222 22nd st n.w. Natl. 3300. Open 8un and eve PORD 1034 Tudor. $115; Ford 1035 Tudor. $15o. Plymouth 1030 coupe $250. All I perfect condition. 8tored 51 Eye it. h e. ! Mr. Teichey. FORD 1933 de luxe sedan, beautiful condi I tion: sacrifice. $295. terms. $70 cash. Mr. Roper. 1730 R. I. ave.n.e._ •_ ■ FORD 1934 de luxe sedan; must sell. Fi nance Co.; $112 (full price). Mr. Roper. 1730 R. I. ave. n.e.__• FORD 1935 Tudor sedan: must sacrifice; $13.s. terms. Fine condition. Mr. Roper. 1730 R. I. ave. n.e.___ •_ FORD 1934 de luxe coach. O. K. motor, very good rubber, excellent finish, clean interior: a dandy car for only $176 Ad dison Chevrolet, 1437 Irviag st. n.w. Adams 5411._ HUDSON 1934 de luxe coupe, tires like new. motor O. K.. radio, fine car. special price for a few days only. >195 Addison Chevrolet. 1437 Irving st. n.w Adams 5411. LA 8ALLE 1937 5-pass, touring sedan; black paint, white sidewall tires, seat cov ers. fog lights, spotlight, radio and heater. This is surely a oeautiful car. *725. C. C. C Guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co.. 1222 22nd st. n.w National 3300. Open Sunday and evenings LA SALLE 1933 5-passenger 2-door sedan: black paint, spotless interior, radio, heater: >525. C C. C. Guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co.. 1222 22nd st. n.w National 33(»u. Open Sunday and evenings. LINCOLN-ZEPHYR ]H;t7 4-door, li-pawien ger sedan; heater and radio equipped, two to choose from, one finished in gun metal. t one in dark blue, white sidewall tires, i spotless interior, mechanically perfect: Butler Bonded: your choice. >:t>7. i^ee D. Bftler. Inc . 1121 21st n.w. District 1218. ! LINCOLN-ZEPHYR 1933 5-pass, sedan; black paint, excellent tires, clean uphol stery and a splendid motor. >4:5. C. C C Guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co.. 1222 22nd st. n.w. Natl. 3300. Open Sun. and eve. OLDSMOBILE 1933 coupe. 3; blue-gray, custom radio and heater, exceptionally clean; $389. 2454 39th at. n.w. Woodley 5235. OLDSMOBILE 1038 sport coupe. 3-cylinder. Will sacrifice my $200 equity for >75. bal ance >27.77 per month. Call after 7 p.m. ! Dupont 8383. Apt 709. _ OLD8MOBILE 1938 3 2-door sedan; only 4 .300 miles. Sacrifice sale, to close estate. No trades but terms can be arranged. Gall Chestnut 5500. After 6 p.m.. Chest- j nut o42o. OLDSMOBILE 1935 4-door touring sedan: j economical family car that’s ready for safe winter driving; reduced to $385 during our : clearance sale of 75 fine cars. Arcade Pontiac, direct factory dealer, 1419 Irving st. n.w. Adams 0575.__ OLD8MOBILE 1938 5-passenger touring sedan. 8 cylinders. Here is a real clean car. the paint, tires, upholstery and motor are all in excellent condition; >435. C. C C. Guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co.. 1222 22nd st. n.w. National 3300. Open Sun- j day and evenings. OLDSMOBILE 1933 5-passenger. 2-door touring sedan: 8-cylinder, large trunk, ex cellent gallant blue finish, spotless interior; all good tires, and a splendid motor. Here is a very clean car. priced far below the j market for a quick sale; $395. C. C. C. Guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co.. 1222 22nd st. n.w. Natl._3300._Open Sun. and eve. OLDSMOBILE 1937 5-passenger 4-door touring sedan: 8 cylinders; excellent paint; fine, clean upholstery; good tires. This is a very clean car; $575. C. C. C. Guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co.. 1222 22nd st. n.w. Natl. 3300._Open 8un._and eye._ OLDSMOBILE 1935 de luxe convertible coupe, beautiful condition; sacrifice, $289. No trades. Mr. Roper. 1730_R. I. ave. n.e. • PACKARD 4-door sedan, with large built in trunk. This 1937 model 3-cylinder car has had the care of a millionaire's baby. The original gun metal metallic finish Is without a blemish. The interior of gray broadcloth is spotless and shows no wear whatsoever. The equipment consists of a Motorola radio of the most expensive type. The de luxe Packard heater, with defroster built in. is what any one will appreciate this weather. The new GoodyeaM tires make it safe for winter driving” This car is fully guaranteed. For a real buy. see this one today. Price. >395. Republic Auto Sales, Packard dealer, 8911 Wis consin ave._ PACKARD 1938 model 12o B touring coupe; motor, paint, tires and general con dition far above the average; low in price at $495. Drive this safe car this winter and enjoy life. PACKARD. 24th and N sts. n.w._Republic (|145._ PACKARD 1938 model 120 B convertible coupe; very sporty job that's excellent mechanically; thoroughly checked for safe winter driving: truly a fine car for only >495. PACKARD. 24th and N its. n.w. Republic 0145._ PACKARD 1937 modei 120 C touring se dan: very attractive and high-grade car that performs and looks like new; a car you will be proud to own and drive; ask the man who own* one: reduced to $8.35. PACKARD. 24th and N sts. n.w. Republic 0145.__ PIERCE-ARROW 1934 7-pas s. limousine 1240-A. Original black paint, six steel wheels, trunk rack, spotless interior. This car had remarkable care. Surely It Is real value at $425. C. C. C. Guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co.. 1222 22nd st. n.w. National 3300._Open 8unday_and evenings._ “BARNES” GUARANTEED USED CARS. TERMS IF DESIRED. 1729 14th ST. N.W. (BETWEEN R AND 8). DEC. 2390. ALL CAR8°PRJCeSLPOR 'qUICK SALE. ’37 BUICK "41" 4-D. TRUNK SEDAN (6 WHEELS. RADIO). ■30 BUICK -*y 4-D. TRUNK SEDAN. '37 CHEV. DE LUXE 2-D. TRUNK SEDAN I (RADIO. HEATER. FOG LIGHTS). ’*7 CHEV. MASTER 2-D. TRUNK SEDAN. , "3ft CHEV. WASTER-4-D, TRUNK SEDAN. I •37 CHEV. MASTER COUPE. ’36 CHEV. SEDAN. ’34 CHEV. MASTER COACH. 37 DO DOE 3-D. TRUNK SEDAN. | 716 DODGE CONV. COUPE (RADIO AND | HEATER). ’35 DODGE COUPE (RADIO). ’37 PLYM. DE LUXE 4-D. TRUNK SEDAN (RADIO AND HEATER). . I •39 PLYM. DE LUXE 4-D TRUNK SEDAN (HEATER) l '36 LA SALLE 4-D. TRUNK SEDAN (RA £>IO AND HEATER). __ aa ■■ ' ( _AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. PLYMOUTH de luxe coach, 1934: one owner car: perfect motor: upholstery like new^ pvt. party._Randolph ! 521._ PLYMOUTH 1937 de luxe coupe. 9390. See dealer. Mr. Flood. 4221 Conn. Clev. 8401.__ PLYMOUTH 1934 four-door sedan; *180. flee dealer. Mr. Flood. 4221 Conn. Clev. 8401._____ PLYMOUTH 1939 de luxe 4-door trunk sedan: driven 1,000 miles only; for quick sale. *«75. Col. 0180-M: dealer welcome PLYMOUTH 1030 de luxe 2-door trunk sedan: good tires, motor, everythin* per fect; anxlous to sell. *346, Emerson 2030. PLYMOUTH 1937 de luxe touring sedan; neater and radio: two to choose from, one In original black, one in original aqua marine treen: these sturdy cars are priced ffto below market. *477. Lee D. Butler, nc.. 112! 21st n.w. District 1218. PLYMOUTH 3 937 de luxe 4-door tourln* sedan, we have three of these to select from, all guaranteed. Nick Bombard. Inc . 1424 Fla. ave. n.e. Atlantic 00.33. De Boto-Plymouth._• PLYMOUTH 1937 4-dr. de luxe trunk sedan. The moat popular car In America today! It’s sparkling beauty . . . unequaled performance and economy features should convince you that here's the car for your family. Tills Plymouth has a custom-built radio plus all de luxe equipment. It has been thoroughly conditioned under our rigid supervision. It's winterized and fully guar. For a limited time only 9554. Call Dec. 1919 or Atl. 4340 for a demonstration. The Trew Motor Co. __ PLYMOUTH 1934 coach: very clean: fine floating-power engine: very good rubber; ready for safe winter driving; only *195. Arcade Pontiac, direct factory dealer. 1419 Irvine st. n.w. Adams 057 5.__ PLYMOUTH 1938 coupe P K de luxe: avoir areen safety steel body aooears brand new: little used floating-power engine Is perfect: hyrdaulic brakes: nearly new tires: spotlessly clean Inside; *)4u down: easy terms. flteuart Motors, tlth and N. Y. ave. n.w.. Natl. 3090._Open evenings. PLYMOUTH 1937 P 4 de luxe 4-door tour ing sedan: built-in trunk: finish and in terior have new-car appearance and its pertormnnee will please the most exacting buyer, tires are excellent: hydraulics *135 down; easy terms: guaranteed. Steuarl Motors, tlth and N. Y. ave. n.w.. Natl. 390(1. Open eves _ _ WARNING t TO MOTORISTS • Compulsory inspection is here. It may cost you less to trade on a later model than to condition your present car to pass the test. DID YOU KNOW that your Ford In average condition and $179 will buy a reconditioned and guaranteed IfMH FORD, or your Ford and $‘579 will buy a practically new I9.‘I7 Ford? Take as Iona as 18 months to pay. Drive in safety thla winter. Call or see Mr. Thompson HILL & TIBBITTS 1114 Vermont Ave. N.W. National 9$ft0 DEPENDABLE USED CARS DRASTIC PRICE CUTS Finest Reconditioned Cars GUARANTEED 'Ofij INDOOR DISPLAY 1937 Chevrolet De L. M4Q Sport Coupe . __ 1937 Chevrolet De L. CACQ Town Sedan tY®* 1937 Chevrolet De L. CC I A Sport Sedan DM IW 1936 Chevrolet De L. (Ofifl Coach 1936 Chevrolet Std. $329 1936 Ford De L. PQCQ Sport Sedan _pWOg 1936 Ford Sport $319 1935 Chevrolet De L. C)4Q Sport Sedan (Radio) DwfcW 1935 Chevrolet De L. $299 1934 Chevrolet De L. $229 77 OTHER FINE CARS Easy Terms and Trade 1130 CONN. AVE. District 4200 Open Eveningt and Sunday WARNING f TO MOTORISTS * Compulsory Inspection is here. It may cost less to trade on a late model than to condition your pres ent car to pass the test. DO YOU KNOW that your 1933 Ford in av erage condition and $239 will buy a 1934* Ford reconditioned to R. £ G. standards and fully guaranteed! Take as lonr as 18 months to pay. Call or see Mr. Blessing HILL & TIBBITTS 1114 Vermont Ave. N.W. National 9M0 poooewwiaiMaeeswewsMiwewi _automobiles for sale._ PLYMOUTH 1887 business coupe. P-4: black paint, clean upholstery: all good tires, and a splendid motor; *48ft. C. C. C. Guar anty. Capitol Cadillac Co.. 1222 22nd at. n.w. Natl. 8800. Open Sun, and eve. PLYMOUTH 108ft de luxe coach; finest con . i9.onL sacrifice. *257. terms. Mr. Roper. 17.10 R. 1. ave. n.e.__ • PLYMOUTH 1887 touring sedan; low mile age: one owner: excellent condition me chanically and In appearance; a flne car reduced to *49G: trade your old car and drive this safe one. PACKARD. 24th and N sts. n.w._Republic 0145.__ PLYMOUTH 11180 two-door aedan. large bull!-In trunk: quiet, powerful motor: clean Interior, excellent tires, equipped with radio. Check our low. Honest Price of *870 against what others charge, check our car agtfln/t any In town. If you so desire get an expert Plymouth man to assist you in mak ing this check. Check our low-cost O. M. terms against what others chkrge. Pay *so down. bal. to suit fou. Buy here and save your money. Owens Motor Co., 8828 Oh ave._ PONTIAC 1084 2-door trunk aedan; reduced to *240 during our clearance sale: radio: fine motor; very good rubber: spotless in terior. Arcade Pontiac. 1*19 Irving at. n.w. Adams 0B7S. __ P9NTIAO1 *014 »P°rt coupe: dandy car for only *248: O. K. motor, flne rubber, clean Interior: every car reduced during our clearance sale: over 7ft flne cars at bargain 5ri('es- Arcade Pontiac, direct factory dealer. 1418 Irvlng_st._n.w._Adams 067 8. PONTIAC 1882 de luxe coupe; looks, runs ?2$;.s“crlflce. *88. terms. *10 cash. Roper, i < 80 R._L_ave._n.e._ _• PONTIAC 1887 6-pass, touring aedan. 8 cvl.; large trunk gray paint, clean uphol stery, excellent tires: SBT5. C. C. C. Guar anty. Capitol Cadillac Co.^ 1222 22nd St n.w. Natl. 8808._Open Bun. and eve. PONTIAC 188ft •'8'' touring sedan: O. K. motor, flne rubber, very clean Interior: economical family car that will sell quickly for only *24fi. PACKARD. 24th and N sts. n.w. Republic 0145, _ Guaranteed Used Cars • Displayed Indoors • Fully Guaranteed o New Condition r»:n Ford - Tudor: Radio 193ft Pontiac <‘!qq Cabriolet 8459 *369 Sedan ?*rmAi<r, trunk *569 IB.Ifl Cher. ^ 4-doer Sedan .... fiAAA 1938 Lincoln Zephyr: radio. Tudor* Sedan $500 off 215 Pa. Ave. S.E. Line. 2077 Open Eve*. “DIVIDENDS” in Safety—Style—and Satis faction are consistently paid Emerson and Orme used car owners. On inspection will per suade you to buy at the Home of Buick while PRICES are DOWN BL'ICK 1037 Stdan. Trunk. Gray BUCK 1937 Sport Coupe. A wheel* oUifil BL'ICK 193H Sedan. p* a mm Trunk BL'ICK 193*,,» Sedan. OQQST Black. BL ICK 193*1 *‘.s7'' £» ■ Ap Sedan <clean) tUltfO CHEVROLET 1937 Coach. PJip Black. Clean *Mt4o) CHRYSLER 1937 Sedan, apap Like new_SOTO OLDS 19311 Sedan. g JAP Trunk. Gray PLYMOITH 1937 *»-Door QJAP Trunk Sedan FORD 19.36 Convert. Sedan. Black *5^0 FORD ^Tndo,. S445 CHEVROLET 1937 ‘i-Donr o JAn Trunk Sedan PACKARD 1936 Convert. 0» JF Canpe. n wheel. «5«R“vR OLDS 1936 Sedan. 0 4 Fit S-evl.: trunk PLYMOI TH 1937 Coupe. C JA* Low In mileare CT'^aFe* 60 OTHER BARGAINS Emerson & Orme "HOME or THE BUICK" 17th & M Sts. N.W. Dist. 8100 Open Sunday M'eOVOK'OpKWOHMHMiNfOpg I HERE'S THAT MAN AGAIN! 2 Every Year Before the Christmas | Holidays L. P. STEUART Forgets ! Cost and Gives You an Oppor tunity to Purchase a Late-Model Used Car at Prices That Will Be ' Bargains Next Year!!! 24 HOLIDAY SPECIALS I 1* P. STECART Washington a Outstanding uoaior tot wver da iotas i WAS I NOW I WAS I NOW 1,"l;r,r,T.a.l$475iM36 153751365 HSgViU.14951465 Tonfini 6e6. 1557511525 55955545 ’TC^n 1552515425 Se«»» [$465 13751 1935 Pont a|gJ*a. _ 14251345 ig'Kr;!tM..1475133»» ■ggyiMtSIMH ■"•ISIVX...14751365 '“a".13251395 ^ /Coupe.. . 147514251 ^[$5951575 •=»„. m.142513345 I 13451285 ,~|SPfrS;.,W1425l»3761 *m NO PAYMENT UNTIL JAN. IB. UN L. P. STEUART, In*. ATI. 6200 132S I4tl.St. N.W. Dle.4*» *- Finn). Ave.S. E. 74 1' * _ AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. PONTIAC 1937 "8” touring sedan; origi nal finish like new. motor thoroughly cheeked and Is excellent. A practically new tires, very clean Interior: will please the most critical buyer; well worth *575. PACKARD, 24th and N sts. n.w. Republic (1146.___ __ PONTIAC 1936 2-door sedan: reduced to *325 during our clearance sale; motor'ln fine condition: excellent finish, fine battery: very good rubber. Arcade Pontiac, direct factory dealer. 1419 Irving st. n.w. Adams (1375._____ _ 3TUDEBAKER 1113(1 fl-cylinder cruising sedan, with large built-in trunk; recondi tioned In our shop and fully guaranteed; tires and finish like new: $437, Lee D. Butler. Inc.. 1121 21st n.w. District 121b. 9TUDEBAKER 11(34 (i-cynnder sedan, with large built-in trunk. A sturdy, depend able car that will give many thousands of miles of carefree service: 3 to choose from Your chotce, full price *227. Lee D. Butler. Inc.. 1121 21st st. n.w. District 1218._ TERRA PLANE 1934 de luxe sedan: must sell Immediately: looks, runs like new. good tires; *135._Cleveland ill.3L_ TERRAPLANE 1934 coupe: O. K. motor; very good rubber; very clean: splendid transportation for only *123. Arcade Pontiac, direct factory dealer. 1419 Irving st. n.w. Adams (1576. _AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE._ WILLYS de luxe eeden: looXi. runs line: sacrifice. *67. terms. $10 cash. Mr. Roper, 1730 R. I. ave. n.e. • WARNING } TO MOTORISTS • Compulsory Inspection Is here. It may cost less to trade on a later model than to condition your pres ent car to pats the tests. DID YOU KNOW that your 1032 Ford In average condition and $17P will buy a reconditioned and suaranteed 1033 Ford? Take as lone as is months to pay. Drive a safe ear this winter. Call or see Warren landers HILL & TIBBITTS 1114 Vermont Ave. N.W. National SIM 1939 SPRING PRICES NOW! Don't wait until Spring—drive a safe car this Winter at prices you will pay later. Entire stock of Horner's Famous Guaranteed Cars—REDUCED to 1939 PRICES—RUY NOW—SAVE THE DIFFERENCE. BUICKS ... BUICKS ... BUICKS Cor No. Year_Wos Now 61 5J 36J M.d,l 41 d-Door Trunk [ $545 $485 540 | '36 1 Coui*' Thrt«~ [ $495 s $445 539 1 37 | as ^ian8"”1*1 4Door j $775T$725 CAd t Model *M5 Sperial Opera Seat I C"7QC <£T4C ^ IT | Coupe. Radio, white side tires. : -4) ' * J ' 533 | 37 ! gff,^>~^~c“7;^$~895~r$845 579 j 36 | ^..Co—‘ rBmM* ! $665 | $595 OTHER MAKES OTHER MAKES 1938 De Soto 4-Door 1037 Ford Conv. Club Ppwp Trunk Sedan -Coupe; fl pass. 103* Plymouth Trunk <£dTAC 1*37 Olds •'*" Convertible sP^mrp Sedan_yUTJ Coupe 4>0 0 1038 Willy* -C30C 19*a Chrysler Conv. (FAF Coup*-y377 Coupe; like new 20 Other Buicks for Your Selection and 50 Other Makes and Models STANLEY H. HORNER, Inc. Buick Dealer for Over 25 Yeart 1111 14th N.W. Open Evenings «mxr TO A NWeAR AMEMWmfflt C** IS ; ii:-■ r ■ ." =----- &•';•• , ,u( YOU* \ 'l*tui fytty <$\ CHERNERIZED \ P'UtfLCtt&ft J I ' SAFE Bit** Ike temperature _ goes 30 protective operations ~~il\ — '• i—My and chaiai* waahcd and cleaned. V § *2—Motor cleaned. Grease and oil removed from power plant, v • 3—Inspection by Service Super visor for necessary repairs. V • 1—Reconditioning of motor; necessary replacements made. • 3—Transmission tested# neeoa sary repairs made, v § A—Rear axle construction in spected. necessary replacements • 7—Front construction Inspected; worn parts replaced and thor 1 oughly tightened up. V J • ft—Steering construction cheek ed; adjustments or replacements 1 made. V . _ . . . : I # 9—Wiring Inspected for bad I connections, etc. V : j • 19—Wheels removed; necessary ; j replacements of bearings, wasb 1 § iV—Brakes Inspected! linings I replaced if necessary. V I g i Inspection for necessary body and fender repairs. V I 9 13—Paint examined. reflnisbeC 1 where necessary. V I # 14—R»of «r top examined, loaka 1 repaired or new materials in 1 stalled. V . . • 13—Roof #r loo rt-drmtj. V • in—fllass eaamined I placed where chipped or cracked. :l:i • 17—Upholstery cleaned, re paired where necessary er ma I terials replaced. \/ I * in—Chatfil and all hack rnn 1 nine rear painted. V • I • in—Bulbs, reflectora ee tense* replaced where necessary. V I • 2<V—Windshield wiper* tnspeet ;i:l|||| rd. necessary repairs or replaee 1 ments made V ... __ I g 21 — Bumpers Inspected, bent or I broken units replaced. V I a Tl—Tires inspected; replaee ''iiijiil ments made where necessary. I g «3—Car thoroughly lubricated j and springs sprayed, v ■■Hi:::| g .24—Crank ease drained, flashed I and refilled with fresh oil. V I 9 2.%_Radiator Inspected, cleaned I out or repaired as necessary. V | g —Body bolts ehookod and 1 tightened. V . . .. .. 1 g *27—Battery tested; ednnestlons checked or replaced; new bat tcry installed if necessary. ^ g *28— Body and fenders cleaned 1 and Simonixed expertly. \ g 29-Road-tested to Check P«r I formance. V . . __ • :t*—Last, but not lea#t. •« cuarantee tee# with at.rr iiiiiiHifi Chernerltei ear. v 1 - _. - 5ft " Trade$ pour in on New 1939 Fordt, _ Lincoln-Zephyr* and Mercury* J^o give you greater variety than ever in Cherner ville! ’35 Packard I 1938 Plymouth De Lux* PfOQ Sedan _ 193* Ford Tudor Tour- PJ1A ing Sedan_ v"!*' 1937 Ford De Luxe €490 Tudor_ Vldd 1937 Ford De Luxe ffJiiQ Tudor Touring Sedan _ V*** 1937 Ford De Luxe 0> dQQ Fordor Touring Sedan V *01/ 1937 Oldsmoblle Tour ing Coach; radio, t£JA heater _ VuW 1936 Ford Tudor Trunk POJ A Sedan _ «PJflI/ 1936 Ford De Luxe M/JQ Touring Sedan_ $00*/ 1936 Ford Fordor De (POQA Luxe Touring Sedan ... $00*/ 1936 Packard 120 Tour- PfiA ing Sedan; R. and H... 004*/ 1936 La Salle Touring CCOA Sedan _ $00*/ 1935 Studebaker flJOdA Sedan .. viw 1935 Ford De Luxe ffOOQ Touring Sedan. $£0*/ 1935 La Salle PiAQ Coupe . VTfcu 1935 La Salle Touring PiiQ Coach . VTTJ 1934 Graham MOQ Sedan. $L0*t TUNE IN Tony Walternant Spent Review WOL—6 to 6: IS—Every Nile Except Sunday. 4