Newspaper Page Text
Dratljfl BELL. ELIZABETH. On Sunday July 80. 1939. at her residence. 721 Tuckerman st. n.w.. ELIZABETH BELL, beloved wife of John C Bell and mother of Raymond. Irene and Esther Bell. Funeral from the W W. Deal funeral home 4812 Ga ave. n.w., on Wednesday. Auci'.st 2. at 8:30 a m.; thence to the Church of Nativity, where mass wil1 be said at 9 a m. for the repose of her .»oul. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Rel atives and friends invited. 1 BLUNDON. FANNIE P On Monday. July 81. 1939 at her residence 1235 17th 6t. ne. FANNIE P BLUNDON. wife of the late Joseph A Blundon and mother of Mrs Frank B Bombarger. Mrs. Marie B. Whitt and J Paul Blundoh. Services at her late residence on Thurs day. August 3. at 8:30 a m.: then to Holy Name Catholic Church. 920 11th st. ne„ where mass will be offered at 9 a m In terment Mount Olivet Cemetery. iPlease omit flowers.) 2 BOSWELL. WILLIAM DANIEL. Sud denly on Sunday. July 30. 1939. at his residence. Piscataway. Md . WILLIAM DAN IEL BOSWELL, beloved husband of Lucille B Boswell and brother of Charles C.. Henry T Richard F George C Joseph W Paul S. and Aubrey J Boswell and Mrs Hilton Robinson of Washington and Mrs. Harry Heinrich of Baltimore. Md Funeral from the Thomas F Murray fu neral home. 2007 Nichols ave. s e. on Wed nesday August 2. ar 10:15 a m Services and interment Arlington National Ceme tery Relatives and friends invited 1 BURGESS. HFLFN. On Monday. July 81 1939. HFLFN BURGESS of 321 S. C. t'e devoted mother of John Burgess and 6isfer of Cora Marlcnll. Fmorv and Mnn tell Davis. She also is survived bv five grandchildren several niecev and nephews and other relatives and friends Remains resting at the Mahan A* Sr.hey funeral home N. J. ave. and R st. n.w. Notice of funeral later • BUTLER. JENNIE On Monday. Julv 31. 1939. at her residence. 1514 Newton st. n.w JENNIE BUTLER beloved s»ster of Mrs A M B irch and William H Butler Remains resting at the Lee funeral home 4th st. and Mass. ave. n e.. where services will be held Wednesday. August 2. at 3 D.m Interment Cor.- ressional Cemetery. Rela tives and friends invited. 1 CRANE. WILLIAM L. On Monday. Julv 81. 1939. WILLIAM L. CRANE ot 1814 Kenyon sV n.w.. aged 53 years, beloved husband of the lare Mamie Haidell Crane ar.d father of Alice 'Iaplin Crane. Barbara Lee Crane and Jean Hardeil Crane. Funeral services Wednesday August 2. it 2 p m . at Hysong s funeral home, i.jon N st. n w Relatives and friends invited to attend Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 2 DEMING. WILLIAM I. On Monday. July 81 1939 at his residence 4 Oxford st . Chew Chase Md . WILLIAM I DEMING. husband of Aiice Fitz Hugh Deming and father of Catherine Deming Fordney and Alice Fitz Hugh Deming Friends are in vited to call at Gawler's. 175H Pa. ave n.w. Services at Gawier s chapel. 1759 Pa • ve. n.w.. on Thursday. August 3. at 10:30 • m Tnrerment Fairfax Vn '? DEMPSEY. LAURA. On Monday. July 81 1939 LAURA DEMPSEY, wife of Harry A Dempsey and mother of Myrtle. Laura and Harry J. Dempsey. Funeral services at her home. 69 Carroll ave . Hyattsville. Md.. on Wednesday Au gust 2. at 3 p m. Interment Philadelphia. Pa Services by Chambers’ suburban fu neral home Riverdale. Md 2 DYAS. HARRIETT MAY. On Monday. July .31. 19.39 at her residence. 802 Quin tana place n.w . HARRIETT MAY DYAS. wife of the late Benajah Dyas. mother of Rooert Douglas Dyas and Mrs. Jennev R. Bromley Services at the above residence on Thurs day. August .3. 2 p m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery Services bv Chambers. 2 GARBER. HILDA BENNETT. On Sun day. July .30. 1939 at George’own Univer sity Hospital HILDA BENNETT GARBER wife of Martin L. Garber Body resting a: the familv home Upper Marlboro Md Services ar Trinit v Episcopal Church. Upper Marlboro Md.. on Wednesday. Au gust 2. at 2 p m Interment church cem etery 1 GRAHAM. TENELOPF. On Sunday. Jolv 30. 1939. at her residence 1211 30th st. n.w.. PENELOPE GRAHAM. Services a* the T. Frank Murray funeral home. 741 11th st. s.e. on Tuesday Au gust 1 a' 3 pm Relatives and friends Invited Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery HALL. JOHN WILLIAM. On Monday July ,31 1939. a* Walter Reed General Hos pital. JOHN WILLIAM HAI.L beloved hus band of Rachel M Hall and brother of Mrs Philippa Stok^ 1452 Oak st nw ; Mrs. Louise Eggleston Miss Bessie Hall and E M Hall. He also is survived bv a host of other relatives and friends Remains rest ing af the Alien A* Morrow Funeral Home. 2nc.. 1326 Y st. n w Funeral Thursday August 3. at 1:30 |>m.. at Broad Run. Ya. 2 HARRIS. ELLEN F. On Monday July 31. 1939. ar Galllnger Hospital ELLEN ELIZABETH HARRIS beloved wife of Rob ert Harris: devoted daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry Hamilton She also i* sur vived bv three sisters, six brothers and other relatives and friends. Remains rest ing at the John T. Rhines funeral chapel. 3rd end Eve sts s.w Notice of funeral later. JACKSON. MARIE. Departed this life 6u*->dav. July 30. 1939, ar her residence. 1464 T st. nw Miss MARIE JACKSON, the daughter of th° late George W and Hannah Jackson. She is survived by two sisters. Mary Jackson and Phylis Blair, two brothers. William and Bradford Jark 6on and other relatives and friends. Re mains resting a’ her la*e residence after 6 pm. Tuesday August 1 Funeral services will be held from the John Wesley A. M. E Z Church Wednes day August 2. Rev S G. Spottswood of ficiating. Interment Payne's Cemetery. Funeral arrangements bv L. E. Murray & Bon. 12th and V sts. n.w. JOHNSON. NANCY. On Sunday. July 36 1939 at 19 am., at her residence. 28*8 Ei vans road se.. NANCY JOHN SON. beloved sister of the late William Colen: aunt of Horace Colen. Mrs. Anna J. Watkins. George Colen and Mrs Eliza beth Ricks. She also leave* other rel atives and friends. Remains resting at her late residence after 5 p.m. Tuesday. August 1 Funeral Wednesday August 2 at 2 p m from the Bethlehem Baptist Church Nichols ave s.e Rev. James c Banks of ficiating In’erment Rosemont Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. Arrange ments by W. Ernest Jarvis. 1 KNOWT.ES. PAUL S. On Tuesday Au gust 1. 19.39. PAUL S KNOWLES, beloved husband of Maude B Knowles and father of Paul E Knowles and brother of Mrs. Orla Bravman. Funeral from his late residence. 1525 Gales sf. n.e on Thursday August 3 at 2pm Relatives and friends invited In terment Arlington National Cemetery. 2 KRAHLING. HERMAN. On Monday. July 31 1939. af Homeopathic Hospital. HERMAN KRAHLING. beloved husband of the late Emma Krahling Remains resting at the Padgett funeral home 131 11th st s.e . where funeral serv ices will be held Thursday. August 3. at 2 p m Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. Rel atives and friends invited. 2 LAVENDER. EMM V Departed this life Monday July 31. 19.39 at .3:05 a.m at her residence. 224 Florida ave. n.w EMMA LAVENDER She leaves to mourn their joss a devoted husband. Nelson Lavender, a brother. Charles Johnson and many friends Remain1- resting at James H. Winslow & Co . J2th and R sts. n w Funeral Thursday. August 3. at 9 a.m.. from Holy Redeemer Church. Friends in vited 2 LIGHTNER. EUGENE O'NEILL. Sud denly. on Monday July 31. 1939 at his home 4826 Asbury place n.w. EUGENE O'NEILL LIGHTNER. husband of Phoebe R Lightner. Body resting at the Tabler funeral home. 4217 9th st n.w . where services will be held on Wednesday. August 2. at 1 o’clock, followed by interment with military honors In Arlington National Cemetery • LESH. CHARLES. On Sunday. Julv 30. 1939. at his residence 934 Varnum st. n w . CHARLES LESH. beloved father of William Mell Lesh. Funeral services and interment in New port. Pa., on Wednesday. August 2. 1 MAGINNIS. WILLIAM H On Monday. July 31 1939 a» Providence Hospital WIL LIAM H MAGINNIS. beloved husband of Mrs. Marion Nowland Maginnls and father of Mrs William N. Richards and Mrs. Raymond L Weber Remains resting at the Lec funeral home. 4th st. and Mass, ave n.e . until Wednes day. August 2. at 9:30 a m : thence to St. Peter's Church. 2nd and C sts. s.e . where mass will be offered at 9 a m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. MAOINNIS. WILLIAM H. The comrades of Richard J Harden Camp l No. 2 United Spanish War Vet erans. will assemble at lee's funeral home 4th st. and Mass | ave. n.e. at 9:15 a.m Wednes day. August 2. 1939 for the fu ..— „ nera! of our late comrade. WILLIAM H MAGINNIS Interment Ar lington National Cemetery WALTER L PIPER. Commander. H. L. LESLIE. Adjutant. McLANE. CORNELIA E. En'ered into eternal rest Sunday. July 30. 1939. 1:05 a m at her residence 73 Florida ave n w Mrs. CORNELIA ELIZABETH McLANE ♦ nee Lindsey* daughter of the late Rev. James and Elizabeth M Lindsey She is survived by a devoted husband. Lt Carey McLane. USA (retired' one son. Lo renzo A McLane one daughter Doris A McLane: two grandchildren Lorenzo and Edward McLane and a host of other rela tives and friends Funeral Thursday. August 3 at 1 D m . from the Metropolitan Baptist Church. Rev E C Smith officiating Interment in Lincoln Memorial Cemetery Funeral ar rangements by L E Murray & Son. 12th •nd V sts. n w 2 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium 4th and Mass Ave. N.E. Lincoln 6200 V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successor to nor connected with the original W R Speare establishment 1009 HSt NW Phono n Jt- m.FT. National 2692 Frank Geier’s Sons Co. 1113 Seventh St N.W Nalmnnl 747! Modern ChaDel. ToL National 44/4 FUNERAL DESIGNS. GUDE BROS. CO. Floral Pieces 1218 F St. N. W._National_«7« GEO. C. SHAFFER, Inc. expressive floral tributes at MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT 0106 °.ndD Sundays* Cot. 14tH & Eye Sretlp McLANE. CORNELIA E. Officers and members of James Reese Europe. No. 6. American Legion Auxiliary, are hereby notified to attend Auxiliary services for our deceased member. CORNELIA E. Mc LANE. Wednesday. August 2. 1939. at 8 D.m.. at her late residence. 73 Florida a\e. n-*^ARRIE E JOHNSON> President* JULIA C. BROWN Secretary. MUSE. CLARENCE. On Saturday. July 29. 1939. at Roanoke. Va.. CLARENCE MUSE, loving husband of Mrs. Hattie Muse, devoted father of James. Genevieve. Doro thy. Inez. Morse. Henry. Leola and Leonard Muse. He also is survived by his mother. Alice S. Muse, three sisters, one brother and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines & Co. funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. Funeral Wednesday. August 2. at 1:30 P m . from above-mentioned chapel. In terment Arlington National Cemetery. PERNA, FRANK. SR. On Monday. July 31. 1939. FRANK PERNA. Sr., the beloved husband of Mary Alice Perna tnee Dean) and father of Anna M. and Frank Perna. jr . and brother of Mrs. Antonia Pellegrino and Louise Perna. The remains resting at his late residence. 4101 Brandywine st. n.w , Funeral services will be held at St. Co lumba Episcopal Church. 42nd and Albe marle sts. n.w . on Wednesday. August 2. at 2 p m. Interment Mount Zion Cemetery. PERNA. FRANK. SR. William R. Sin gleton Lodge. No. 30. F. A. A. M.. will hold a special communication Wednesday. Au gust 2. 1939. at 1 o'clock p.m.. at the Masonic Temple. 4441 Wis. ave. nw. for the purpose of conducting Masonic burial services for our late brother. FRANK PERNA SR. V R. BROWN. W. M. PHOTIS. HARRY Y. On Saturday. July 8aR Harbor. N V . HARRY Y. PHOTIS husband of Cora Photis. brother of Sakellis Photis and Luekathea Harto n le. Memorial Legion services in the Chambers funeral home. 1400 Chapin st n.w Tuesday. August l at R d m Funeral services in St. Sophia's Church. Sth and L sts. n.w.. on Wednesday. Au gust 2 at 1:30 pm. Interment Arlington Nat'ona! Cemetery. ROBB. MARY. Departed this life on 1939. at 11 a m.. MARY ROBB beloved member of thp First Bap t si church. Sherman ave. and Lamont s' r w. Remains may be viewed at the Eniesf Jarvis funeral church. 1432 \ou st. n.w.. after 10 a.m. Tuesday. Au eust 1 Funeral Werinesdav. August 2. at 1:30 om from the First Bantist Church. Sherman ave and Lamont st. n.w Rev P JVashinRton officiating Interment v\oodlawn Cemetery Friends invited. 1 ROCCA. DANIEL CARROLL. On Mon iaAyKrAry at Mount Alto Hospital. DANIEL CARROLL ROCCA husband of Della L Rocca. broiher of Claude M. Rocca Remains resting at the Chambers funeral home. 14oo Chapin st. n.w.. until Thurs day August 3. at 10 a.m. Services at 10:30 am. In Fort Mver Chapel Fort M.ver. Va. Interment Arling ton National Cemetery. ° ROSENBERG. DR. H. DAVE. On Mon : oay. July 31. 1939. at, Denver. Colo.. Dr. H. DAVE ROSENBERG, aged 35 years, be 1 loved husband of Betty D Rosenberg He also isl survived by his mother. Mrs Sarah Rosenberg; a sister. Mrs. Maurice Bisgyer of YVa^hington. D. C.. and two brothers. Dr Seymour Rosenberg of Perryville. Md . and I. Harrv Rosenberg of New York City Remains resting at the Bernard Danzan i sky & Sons funeral home after 10 a m. ! YYednesdav. August 2. . Funeral services at the above funeral : home 3501 14th st. n.w.. on Wednesday. August 2. at 1 p.m. Interment Adas Israel Cemetery. SEARS. ELI.A R. On Sunday. July 30. 1939. ELLA R SEARS beloved mother of Mrs. Ella Faust. Mrs. Belle Simmons. Mrs. Bertha Wettig. Mrs. Mabel Chanev and Mrs. Mattie Walsh of Washington and Mrs Jennie Bradv and Mrs. Hattie Stallines of Maryland Funeral from the YV W Deal funeral home. 810 H st n.e . on Wednesday. Au gust 2. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. SHFPLEY. GRACE A. On Monday Julv 31. 1939. at Atlantic City. N J.. GRACE A SHIPLEY of d('8 Kennedy st. n.w . be loved wife of Joseph J Shipley and mother of Milford A and Harvey J. Shiplev. Services a: the S H. Hines Co funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Wednesday. August 2. at 3 p m. SIMPSON. CHARLES RIDGELY. On Monday. July 31. 1939. at his home at Langlev Va.. CHARLES RIDGELY SIMP SON. beloved husband of Louise A Simpson and father of John R . YVilliam S . Linn and the late Charles L Simpson Remains resting at Birch's funeral home. 3034 M st. n.w. Services at the cemetery at Lewinsville. on YVednesday. August 2. at 2 p m SMALLWOOD. CLARA V. On Monday July 31 1939 at her residence. 1020 4th st n.w CLARA V SMALLWOOD. Re mains resting at Campbell's funeral home. 423 4fh st. s.w Notice of funeral later. SNOWDEN. MARTHA E. On Sunday. Julv 30 1939 at 0:50 pm at her resi dence. 210 S st r. MARTHA E SNOW DEN. beloved mother of Florence Snowden Savoy and devoted sister of Margaret P. Chase She also is survived by manv other relative" and friends Funeral YY'ednesdav August 2. at 2 p m . from Asbury M E Church. 11th and K srs. n.w. Friends invited. Interment at Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Arrangements by McGuire. STONE, MAE LOUY1N1A. Departed this nfe Sunday July 30. 1939. MAE LOUVINIA STONE beloved wife of Sang ster S Stone. Remains resting at the James H Winslow' chapel. 12th and R sts. n.w . from Tuesday. August l. noon, until Yv'ednesday morning. August 2 Funeral Wednesday August 2 from 6t John's A M. E. Church. Philadelphia Pa. 1 STROHM. Sl’SlE C. On Saturday Julv 29. 1939. at Baltimore Md.. SUSIE C. STROHM. beloved wife of the late Jacob Strohm Funeral services at the William J. Tick ner & Son. North Pennsylvania ave.. Balti more. Md.. on Wednesday. August 2. at 11 a m. Interment Arlington National Cem etery at 1:30 D m 1 t ,iTA-yiLORlortSTEPHE^ B- °n Monday. 31. 1 at the Alexandria Hospital. STEPHEN B. TAYLOR aged 82 years, hus band of the lat" Virginia Taylor. Funeral services on Wednesday. August. 2. at 2 pm from the Wheatley funeral home. 809 King st.. Alexandria. Va. In , terment Bethel Cemetery. Alexandria. Va TIPPETT. CHARLES EDWARD. Sud denly. on Tuesday. August 1. 1939. CHARLES EDWARD TIPPETT, beloved hus band of Grace Lee Tipnett Services at the Chambers funeral home, ol. Jlth st. s.e. Notice of time later. WALTERS. SAMUEL T. On Sunday. f 939’ at Emergency Hospital. SAMUEL T WALTERS of 3209 19th st. n w.. beloved husband of Mary Evelyn Wal lers (nee Grove» and father of Doris Elaine Walters: son of Mary Alice and the late James F Walters, sr. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Wednesday. August 2. at 8:30 a m.: thence to St Ga briel's Catholic Church Grant Circle, where mass will be offpred at 9 a.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery 1 WATERS. Ll’LA L. On Saturday. July 20 1939. LULA L. WATERS of 145 S 5t rrw wife of Lorenzo Waters and mother , of Mrs Mary Green. Remains may be viewed at her late residence after noon Tuesday. August 1. from the McGuire funeral home. 181.0 9th st. n.w . Wednpsday August 2. at 2:30 p.m. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 1 WAYMAN. MAUD FLEMING. Departed this life Sunday. July 30. 1939. at 5 a m.. MAUD FLEMING WAYMAN. beloved wife of EugenP c. Wayrnan: daughter of the late n*lliam H. and Jennie S. Fleming and de voted sister of Mary F Peterson and Irma F Minor Remains resting at the McGuire funpral home. 1820 9th st. n.w. Funeral Wednesday August 2. at 11 a m., from Calvary Episcopal Church. 11th and Ci sts. n.e. Friends invited. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 1 WHITE. ROBINSON. Suddenly, on Sat urday. July 29. 19.39. ROBINSON WHITE father of Sue and Noel R. W'hite. of 2017 Woodley place, n.w. Friends are invited to call at Oawler s. 1750 Pa. ave. n.w SerYJCes 'Private) at Oawler’s chapel. ] / on Pa ave. n.w.. on Wednesday. August at 11 a.m. Interment Rock Creek Cem etery i WILLIS. EMMA. On Friday July 28 EMMA WILLIS of 17% Kalorama road n.w.. devoted friend of Myra Campbell Remains resting at the Malvan & Schey funeral home. N. J ave. and R st. n w Funeral from Florida Avenue Baptist Church Thursday. August R. at 1 p.m In terment Payne’s Cemetery. • WOODS. MATTHEW. On Tuesday Au gust l. 1939. at his residence. 517 3rd st. s.e MATTHEW WOODS, beloved husband ol Bessie M. Woods. Funeral from the Wm H. 8ardo & Co. funeral chapel. 412 H st. n.e . on Thurs day. August 3. at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 2 itt iUrotnriam BENTLEY, RUFUS. In memory of our devoted brother and uncle. RUFUS BENT LEY. who departed this life one year ago today August 1 1938. Loved in life, remembered In death CORELIA JOHNSON. JOHN H. JOHNSON, JOSEPH AND MAMIE. • Miss Jennie Butler Dies at Home Here Miss Jennie Butler, 69, press feed er at the Government Printing Office for more than 30 years, died yesterday at her home, 1514 Newton street N.W. Retired in 1535, she had been ill since June. Miss Butler was a member of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union and the Grace Baptist Church. She is survived by a sis ter, Mrs. A. M. Burch, and a broth er, William H. Butler, both of Washington. Funeral services will be held at Lee's funeral home, Fourth fctreet and Massachusetts avenue N.E., to morrow at 3 p.m. Burial will be in Congressional Cemetery. Clarence W. Decker Dies of Heart Attack Clarence Watson Decker, 46, presi dent of the First National Accept ance Corp. of Jersey City, N. J., and a native of the District of Columbia, died Friday of a heart attack in Maplewood, N. J., it was learned today. Mr. Decker was born in Wash ington and was a graduate of West ern High. School. His father, Del bert H. Decker, was formerly a pat ent expert in this city. Graduated from Cornell in 1913, Mr. Decker was associated until six years ago with the firm of Farmer & Ochs, New York brokers, later be coming a partner. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Alice Merwin Preston Decker; two daugh ters by a previous marriage, the Misses Jean and Nancy Decker; his father and mother, of Freeville, N. Y.; four stepchildren and two sisters, Mrs. M. D. Dixon of Ithaca, N. Y„ and Mrs. A. P. Berry of Houston, Tex. Turner to Address Bar Judge Bolon B. Turner, a member of the Board of Tax Appeals, will speak at the Federal Bar Association luncheon tomorrow at 12:30 p.m. in the Army and Navy Club, Seven teenth and I streets N.W, In iHrmuriam CATON. ENOCH FRANCIS. In sad but lovine remembrance of our husband and father ENOCH FRANCIS CATON. who left us three years ano today. August I, I 1936. A loving thought, true and tender. Just to show we still remember WIFE AND CHILDREN. • CLEMENT SON, CLARA M. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear wife and mother. CLARA M. CLEMENTSON who passed awav one year ago today. August | 1. 1938 A mother who gave us The best of her life. Who cherished our secrets. Our sorrows and strife. W’ho taught us to love. W’ho taught us to pray— Our mother in Heaven— God bless you today The call was sudden, the shock severe. W’e little thought your end so near. Only those who have lost can tell The pain of parting without farewell. Mother darling, how we miss you And we are so lonely dear Life is. oh. so dark without you— Are you listening, mother, dear? HUSBAND AND CHILDREN. DESPERT. GEORGE. Departed this life five years ago today. August 1. 1934. In mv heart your memory lingers. You were loving kind and true: There is not a day that passes That I do not think of you HIS DEVOTED WIFE. MRS. ANNA DES PERT. • HARRIS. MILDRED AND LOUIS N. Sa cred to the memory of our mother and grandmother MILDRED HARRIS who died eleven years ago July 30. 1928. and brother and uncle. LOUIS N. HARRIS. August 1. 1936. LILLIE. ADA AND MARGARET. • JACKSON. DAISY. In loving memory of our dear mother. DAISY JACK80N. who passed away three years ago today, August 1. 1936. In our lonelv hours of thinking. Thoughts of you are very near; We who loved you sadly. Miss you at the end of three years. DEVOTED DAUGHTERS. HELEN AND MATTIE. • JARVEY, ELIZABETH M. AND WIL LIAM A. In fond remembrance of our loved ones. ELIZABETH M (CULVER WELL) JARVEY. who departed this life seven years ago today. August 1. 1932 and WILLIAM A JARVEY. who pasted away November 22. 1934. It’s sweet to know we ll meet again. Where parting is no more: For the ones I loved so dearly Have only gone before EMMALOU. • JONES, SHIRLEY. In loving remem brance of our dear daughter. SHIRLEY JONES who departed this life a year ago today. August 1. 1938. Gone, but never forgotten. The midnight stars are gleaming On the silent grave Of the one we loved so dearly And tried so hard to save. The dear one now is sleeping. No care is on her br®w: Oh. blame us not for weeping For we have no baby now MOTHER. FATHER. GRANDMOTHER AND FAMILY. • KITTRELL, ROBERT THOMAS. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear hus band and father ROBERT THOMA8 KIT TRELL. who departed this life sixteen years ago today. August 1. 1923. In honored glory, may your sweet soul rest forever HIS WIFE AND CHILDREN. PORTER. THOMAS. In loving memory of my beloved father THOMAS PORTER, who left me so suddenly August 1. 1908. thirty-one years ago today. Gone, but not forgotten HORTENSE. * RAYMOND. ANDREW’ P To the ever living memory of mv beloved son. ANDREW P. RAYMOND, who passed into eternity six years ago. August 1. 1933. CARA P BUCHANAN. • SHEPHERD. CHARLES W Ir, sad but I loving memory of my beloved husband. CHARLES W SHEPHERD, who departed this life two years ago today. August 1. 1937. I have lost a life companion A life linked with my ow.i: And day by day I miss you As I walk through life alone HIS LOVING WIFE ELLEN B SHEPHERD STRIEBY. FREDERICK W. A tribute of love and devotion to the memory of our dear husband and father. FREDERICK W. STRIEBY. who passed away August 1. 1934. Men are of two kind, and he W’as of the kind we'd like to be: No broken pledge lost him respect. He met all men with head erect. And when he passed I think there went A soul to yonder firmament. So w’hlte. so splendid and so fine. It came almost to God's design. HIS LOVING WIFE AND SON. • Who Was the first under taker In Washington to change to beautiful, carved-slde hearses? ' i *\ntwer j C/um6ert FACTS concerning CEDAR HILL CEMETERY • Prices in beautiful Cedar Hill begin as low as Fifty Dollars ($50) per burial site and include perpetual and thorough care. Every section of this sacred Garden of Memories is beautifully landscaped and ready for immediate use. Both monument and non-monument sections are available. Tour inspection is respectfully invited. Cedar Hill Located at the end of Penn. Ave. S.E. Catee open until 7:00 O’clock. Dr. H. Dave Rosenberg, Formerly of D. C., Dies Dr. H. Dave Rosenberg, 34, former resident of Washington, died yes terday in Denver, Colo. While 11t ing in Washington, during 1934, 1935 and 1936, Dr. Rosenberg was a worker in Community Chest cam paigns and was a member of B'nai B'rith. He resided at 5600 Nebraska avenue N.W. Previously he had practiced op tometry in California, being at one time president of the California State Optometrists’ Association. He was a graduate of the University of Southern California School of Optometry and a native of Canyon City, Colo. Dr. Rosenberg is survived by his widow, Mrs. Betty D. Rosenberg; his mother, Mrs. Sarah Rosenberg, and a sister, Mrs. Maurice Bisgyer, all of Washington, and two broth ers, Dr. Seymour Rosenberg of Per ryville, Md„ and I. Harry Rosenberg of New York City. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. tomorrow in the Danzansky funeral chapel, with Rabbi Solomon Metz officiating. Burial will be in Adas Israel Cemetery. Knifed in Heart, Lives HOUSTONrTex., Aug. 1.—Ar. un identified man stuck a knife in Har old Ince’s heart and ran away. The 19-year-old youth pulled the knife out of his chest and walked a block to call an ambulance. Doctors said the knife penetrated Ince’s heart half an inch, but ihat he probably would recover. Rainbow Division Vets Elect Witherite The Washington Chapter of the Rainbow Division Veterans elected James E. Witherite president, it was announced yesterday. Chair man of the Nominating Committee was Elmer P. Neagle. Other officers elected were: Ber nard V. Rhodes, honorary president; Walter E. Fillman, first vice presi dent; Frank M. Stockton, second vice president;- Col. A. L. Smith, third vice president; Maj. H. J. Bryson, fourth vice president; Jos eph M. Cohen, secretary; Irving H. Silverberg, treasurer; the Right Rev. Arlington A. McCallum, Chap lin; Frank B. Hill, sergeant at arms, and Fred W. Jordan, color sergeant. Ex-Circus Manager Dies f DETROIT, Aug. 1 C45).—SamU&l W. Beckett, 52, one-time manager of the Barnum & Bailey Circu*, died yesterday at his home here. Mr. Beckett left the circus to enter the automobile industry. x'RedlaQ jokfi I . J- 0t thrifty Furruture b“yers Knov. | iBB-m&SL »«WS! 9 lions—The Hub reloadsby possmj Re|nember_No Money Down Wm will be a banner day-get «r* Um Easy Credit terms. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS Fairbanks-Morse syg.«o Originally $114.95. Guaranteed by PHILCO. 4-cubic-foot capac ity, Brand-new 1938 model. Crosley Shalvador *88 °° Originally $139.95. 6-cubic-foot capacity. Brand-new 1939 model, fully guaranteed. 9-Piece Solid Maple Bedroom Ensemble An outstanding Red Tag Value! Includes a full-size Bed, Desk Chest combination and your choice of Vanity or Dresser constructed of solid maple. Also included: Simmons Coil Spring, Komfy Mattress, two feather Pillows and two Vanity Lamps. No Money Down! At The Huh! 8-Piece One-Room Sofa Bed Ensemble Consists of attractive Sofa Bed with hidden bedding compartment, covered in heavy cotton tapestry; also includes 6-drawer Kneehole Desk, matching Desk Chair, Coffee Table, End Table, Table Lamp, Smoker and a comfortable Occasional Chair. | No Money Down! At The Huh! I - 9x12 or 8x11 Oriental Reproductions Beautiful copies of Sarouk and other famous ^ patterns. Choice of Red, Blue 81R.95 or Rust with fringed ends 4x8 Oriental reproductions. Ex tra heavy pile on these attrac tive rugs. Chinese or Persian patterns. 9x12 Gold Seal Tongoleum Rugs Limited choice of these perfect quality well-known rugs. We ad vise early selection. 2-yard wide felt base floor cover- A AC ing. Cut from full, perfect rolls. Please bring your measurements. ^^S^ra. Save on Washers Our reg. $49.95 Gen eral Electric Washer. Porcelain tub, alu minum Wringer and fully guaranteed. S3T*80 Our reg. $69.50 RE LIABLE Electric Washer with Pump. Has corrugated tub and balloon roller wringer. 8^9.95 MAYTAG Electric Washer. Porcelain tub, fully guaran teed. Buy on the Hub's Easy Terms. *49-95 Regular $139.95 ABC Spinner with pump. All white porcelain, has large agitator and tub. Easy terms. 88995 Our Reg. $18.95 100-Pc. Dinner Set Complete service for twelve. A beautiful SO.98 pattern. " t11 ii—ii —— n ——■ Our Reg. $3.95 Telephone Set Table and stool, stur dily built of hard- SI .99 wood, walnut finish. I Our Reg. $6.SO Boudoir Chair Covered in colorful glazed chintz. Choice $3.66 of attractive colors. Our Reg. $6.95 Occasional Rocker Button - tufted seat, cotton tapestry cov ers. Walnut finish 33.97 hardwood frame. i " .■■■■■> Console Mirror Size 16x24, gold frame. Ideal for the hall or $1.00 living room. Gladstone Bag Genuine split cow hide leather, rein forced comers. Lock S.95 and key.