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Canon Wedel Gives Sermon Tomorrow At Cathedral Will Conduct Service For First Time Since Appointment The Rev. Dr. Theodore O. Wedel, newly appointed Canon Chancellor of Washington Cathedral, will preach at the service of holy communion and sermon in the Cathedral tomor row at 11 a.m. This will be his first appearance In the Cathedral pulpit since the appointment although he has preached there in his capacity of director of studies of the College of Preachers of the Cathedral, a work he is still continuing along with his new duties. At the people's evensong in the Cathedral at 4 p.m. the sermon will be preached by Canon Edward S. Dunlap. There will be celebration of the holy communion in St. Mary’s Chapel at 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. The music at the 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. services will be conducted by the Cathedral Choir of men and boys. > The Bishop's Garden will be open to visitors from 12 m. to 2 p.m. Pil grimages in the Cathedral and the Close will be led by Pilgrim Aides, following the 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. •ervices. 'Dying to Live' Topic Of Rev. R. C. Savage At the Metropolitan Baptist Church the assistant pastor, the Rev. Robert Carlton Savage, hav- \ ing returned from the Maranatha Bible Conference, Mich., will preach tomorrow morning on "Dying to Live. ’ The ordinance of the Lord's supper will follow. In the evening he will speak on "The Great Tribu lation " Miss Virginia Peed and Thomas Peed will present duet se- j lections at both services. At 6:45 p.m. the Training Union meets. The Junior High will be di rected by Mrs. Robert Savage. Sub ject, “At Home Again in Jerusalem.” “The Living Faith" is the theme of the Senior Union. Morris Rob bins will lead. The intermediates will be led by Richard Cole. Sub ject, "Standing Up for My Rights.” Miss Gladys Easterly will lead the adult group, and speak on "Learn ing From Christ to Love Lost Souls.” The Phi Gamma Kappa meets Tuesday at 8 p.m. Mr. William Bailv. president, will be in charge. On Thursday at 9:30 a m. the morn ing prayer hour will be led by Miss Maude Saunders. Dr. Fultz to Preach At Epworth Methodist The Rev. Dr. Clifton K. Ray pastor of Epworth Methodist Church, has left Washington for his vacation and during his absence the Rev. Dr Robert L. Fultz will preach. The evening service at 7 o'clock will be held by the young people. J. Clinton Lanham and Walter Shropshire have been elected to membership on the Official Board. The monthly meeting of the Official Board for August has been omitted Members of the young people’s department are planning to send fepresentatives to the annual Young People's Assembly of the Washing ton District at Western Maryland College, from August 21 to 26 Woodrow Miller has charge of regis trations for the local organization. Bethel Tabernacle Services Planned At the Bethel Tabernacle tomor row the Rev. Howard Salter of j Manassas, Va., will preach at both j services and for the next three I weeks in the absence of the pastor. W'ho is directing the annual camp | meeting of the Assemblies of God ; near Martinsburg, W. Va., route 11. j Tuesday, 7:45 p.m., the Christ Ambassadors Young People will be In charge. Thursday, 1 to 4 p.m., fasting and prayer. Friday, 7:45 p.m., song and praise service. Y. M.,C. A. News Kilsoo Haan. executive secretary j 6f the United Korean Christianj Church in Hawaii, will speak at the Y. M. C. A. open-air service in | Lincoln Park at 4 p.m. tomorrow. | William R. Schmucker will preside ] and lead the singing. Page McK. Etchison will speak at the Falls Church (Va.) Presbyterian Church tomorrow at 11 am. Church of the Brethren. Church school will meet at 9:30. At 10:15 Dr. Warren D. Bowman will speak on "The Lure of Goodness." At 8 o'clock he will preach at the union service at the Metropolitan Presbyterian Church, Fourth and B streets S.E. His subject will be "Life's Great Paradox.” Prayer serv ice Thursday evening at 8. GUEST PREACHER —The Rev. Dr. C. Marshall Muir of Bellefield Presbyterian Church of Pittsburgh, Pa., and son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Muir of Chevy Chase, who will preach in the Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church August 6 and 13 at 9:30 a.m. Mount Vernon Methodist Offers Guest Minister Mrs. Grace S. Overton Outstanding Teacher And Lecturer Mrs. Grace Sloan Overton, guest preacher at Mount Vernon Meth odist Church, one of the outstanding woman orators of the country, will preach at 11 a.m. on "Saints or Hu man Beings.” and at 8 p.m. on "Mar riage in the 20th Century.” Mrs. Overton is a teacher, lecturer, author and educator, a member of the National Preaching Mission. She has studied youth movements in Germany and Russia. Capt. Ewing Werlein of Houston, Tex., wall speak at 8 p.m. Thursday on the "Layman's Responsibility to the Church.” Representative George Mahon will address the Men's Pugh Class at 10 a.m. Arthur E. Martin, chairman of the Board of Stewards, will ad dress the adult department on “The Communion Service” at 9:30. Mar jorie Harrison will lead the young people's service at 7 p.m. Series to Be Continued By Rev. A. P. Wilson The summer series on “Epochs in the Life of Peter” will be continued at the Columbia Heights Christian Church when the Rev. A. P. Wilson preaches on "Peter Walking on the Sea.” The youth groups will meet at the church at 8 p.m.. going from there to Rock Creek Park. The Woman's Council will meet at the church Tuesday at 10:45 a.m. Mrs. E. H. Ehlis will have charge. The minister will lead the devotions. Retreat League Picnic Supper Tomorrow The team captains of the Wash ington Retreat League will be en tertained at a picnic supper to morrow at 4:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Leo Kelly, president, in Riverdale, Md. Plans will be made for the annual communion break fast to be held in September by the Laywomen's Retreat League. Team captains will represent the 34 Cath olic parishes of Washington and vicinity, and Mrs. Stanley W. Zveare will represent the Polish Women's Alliance and Miss Stana Koreckova the Bohemian Ladies’ Club of Washington Mrs. Kelly has appointed the fol lowing as the committee for the picnic: Mrs. Francis E. Emith, Jr., vice president; Miss Catherine Dolan, secretary; Miss Emily Jamie son and Mrs. Harry Goodwin. / Divine Science. “The Spirit Within" is the subject of the lesson-sermon at the Grafton Hotel tomorrow at 11 a.m. There will be a guest speaker. Christian Science. “Spirit’ ’is the subject of the lesson-sermon in all the Churches of Christ, Scientist, tomorrow, at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday school is at 11 a.m. The Wednesday evening meetings are at 8 o’clock. The golden text is from I Corinth ians ii 11: “What man knoweth the things of man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.” Schedule of Activities in Washington Churches Baptist Wisconsin Avenue. “Redemption by Blood” will be the topic at 11 by the pastor, Clar ence Ray Ferguson. The Lord's sup per will be observed. “Life With Overflow” is the topic for 8 p.m. Prayer service Thursday evening. Bethany. The Lord’s supper will be ooserved tomorrow, when the pastor, the Rev. M. P. German, will speak on "The Power of Quietness.” In the evening he will speak on “God's Finger prints in Nature." Chevy Chase. "The Trylon of Life” will be the theme of the communion medita tion by the Rev. Edward O. Clark, pastor, tomorrow at 11. The ordi nance of the Lord's supper will be observed. The pastor leaves soon for Pennsylvania, where he will spend his vacation. The Sunday school will meet at 9:45 o'clock. Takoma Park. The Rev. William E. La Rue will preach tomorrow morning on “The Worthfulness of Worship, ’ followed by the observance of communion. Monday evening dinner will be served in the dining room for the benefit of one of the projects of the young people, followed by quarterly business meeting of the church. The Rev. La Rue will depart for Ridgecrest, N. C., Wednesday to attend a meeting of the Social Service Commission of the South ern Baptist Convention of which he is a member. ivcurciuc i-Italian. Morning worship at 10:45 o’clock. The Rev. M. C. Marseglia will preach on “Why the Lord’s Sup per?" Holy communion. West Washington. Worship Sunday at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. will be in the newly dec orated auditorium. The Rev. Charles B. Austin will preach on “Tine Su preme Gift to Jesus” in the morn ing and “A Life That Satisfied God” at night. R. L. Haycock will con duct the midweek service Thursday Guest preachers are as follows: August 13. the Rev. Paul B. Wat lington. Hagerstown. Md.: August 20, the Rev. Charles J. Bowen, Good Hope. Ohio; August 27, the Rev Vivian Broderick, Boston. Mass. The pastor and Mrs. Austin will leave Monday for East Northfleld, Mass., on vacation. Zion, Southwest (Colored). The morning service will be de voted to echoes of the Baptist World Alliance. The Rev. A. Joseph Ed wards will preach on “The Appeal of the Gospel.” The auxiliaries of the church will sponsor the family church picnic at Sparrows Beach August 17. Capitol View (Colored). Rev. J. Clarke Griffin will preach on “The Failure of Jesus” at 11 a.m. Baptizing service immediately after wards. Communion of the Lord’s supper at 3:30 pm. Christian En deavor at 6 p.m. Vermont Avenue (Colored). The Rev. T. T. Lovelace, secretary of the Home Mission Board, Nation al Baptist Convention, Inc., will preach at 11. Junior department at 11:20. Rev. C. T. Mayo will preach at 8. Second (Colored). Dr. J. L. S. Holloman will preach at 11 am. on “The Price of Prog ress.” The Rev. Arthur Chichester, pastor of St. Luke Baptist Church, will preach at 4 p.m. The Bible school will meet at 9:30 a.m. The B. Y. P. U. at 6:30 pm. ruriiusui|i ivuiuicu;. “Wings Over Jordan” will be the subject of Rev. B. H. Whiting, pastor, at 11 a.m. Rev. A. S. George will speak at 8 p.m. Friendship day will be observed at 4 p.m. Third (Colored). Dr. George O. Bullock will preach in the morning on “A Wise Choice” and in the evening, “The High Point of the World’s Baptist Alliance." Mount Bethel (Colored). Dr. K. W. Roy will preach at 11 a.m. on “God’s Grand Army of the Redeemed.” At 3:30 the pastor will preach on “He Went a Little Far ther.” Holy communion and the hand of fellowship to new members. At 8 p.m., sermon by Rev. Charles Hungerford. Christian Fifteenth Street. Morning worship and the Lord's supper at 10:30 a.m. Rev. Leslie L. Bowers will preach on “The Christ Directed Life.” Third. The Rev. C. N. Williams, pastor, will preach at 11 a.m. on “The Greatest of These.” The Lord’s 9upper will be served. Park View. “Spiritual Preparedness" will be the sermon subject by the Rev. J. Lloyd Black at 11 a.m. and at 8 p.m* 'The^feed of a New World.” Congregational People’s (Colored). During the minister’s vacation, L. Maynard Catchings of the School of Religion of Howard University will be guest speaker Sunday with the topic “The Oases of Life.” Services Thursday night will be led by the deacons. Lincoln (Colored). Dr. R. W. Brooks in his last mes sage before vacation will speak on 'God’s Favorites” tomorrow morn ing. The holy communion will be celebrated. The Men's Brotherhood will meet at 10 a.m. Dr. St. Elmo Brady of Fisk University will lead. Episcopal Church of Our Saviour. At 7:30 a.m., the holy communion; it 11 a.m., holy communion, with sermon by the rector, the Rev. Alvin Lamar Wills, on “The Ministry of Beauty.” All Saints’. Rev. Henry Teller Cocke will speak on “God” Sunday morning. There will be holy communion at the early service at 7:30 as well as at 11. At 4, the rector will conduct a baptismal service. Lutheran Zion Evangelical. Holy communion will be admin istered at 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. The pastor, Rev. Edward G. Goetz, will officiate. He will speak at 8 p m. at the Community Church at Wood land Beach, Md. Georgetown. “Angels and Hornets” will be the subject Sunday. 11 a.m.. by the Rev. Harold E. Beatty, pastor. “The Courage of Our Convictions” will be taught by J. Frank Butts and Mrs. j Hilda McCord at Sunday school. Prayer meeting meditation Thurs day, 8 p.m. St. Mark’s. “The Test of the Trivial'’ will be the sermon subject of Rev. J. Luther Frantz at 11 a.m. Mount Olivet (Colored). The Rev. J. E. Shufelt of High ! Point, N. C., will preach Sunday morning at 11 on “Righteousness! That Pleases God." Bible class Sun- i day morning at 9:30. "Elizabeth” j will be discussed by Mrs. Zellonia Applewhite Thursday at a meeting of the Candace Ladies’ Club, 1625 West Virginia avenue N.E. Methodist North Carolina Avenue. “Lest We Forget” Is the holy com munion meditation by the pastor. Rev. B. I. Barnes, for the morning service at 11. The union evening service will be at Metropolitan Pres byterian Church, with Dr. Warren D. Bowman as speaker. Rev. Wil liam Ackerman will fill the pulpit during the pastor's vacation, on Au gust 13 and 20. Brookland. Rev. J. M. Gillum, minister, will preach Sunday morning in the main Sunday school room downstairs. The 1 adult department of the church school will meet in Port Bunker Hill Park at 9:45 a.m. All other de partments will meet in the main church schoolroom. Union. In the absence of th% pastor, Dr. John R. Edwards, tomorrow, the pul pit of Union Church will be filled by Rev. Douglas R. Chandler, pro fessor of religion at the Theological Seminary at Westminster, Md. Congress Street. The Harrison Bible Class will meet at 9:45 a.m., William H. Har rison, president, presiding. Joseph L. Price will have charge of the _iCutljrratt_ ST. MATTHEW’S LUTHERAN I Kentneky Are. at 15th St. S.E. j Re?. Theodore Paul Frieke. S. T. M. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Re?. Robert E. Lee. |; lesson. Dr. Elmer Louis Kayser, dean of George Washington Uni versity, will speak. The lesson theme is “Elijah: A Life of Courage.” No preaching services. McKendree. Rev. J. L. Mixon will preach at 11 in the Masonic Hall at Rhode Island and Mills avenues N.E. Evening worship at 7:30. Metropolitan Memorial. In the absence of the minister, the Rev. William Andrew Keese, the pulpit will be supplied by the Rev. S. Paul Schilling, Ph. D„ of Prince Frederick, Md. Chevy Chase. Rev. F. Reid Isaac, superintendent of the Strawbridge Home for Boys, will speak at 11 in the absence of the minister, Rev. Edward Gardiner Latch, who is on vacation. Eldbrooke. The Rev. Walter M. Michael will preach at 7 a.m. and 11 a.m. The Lord’s supper will be observed at both services. The Epworth League will meet at 7 p.m. Waugh. Monthly communion service will be held Sunday at 11. The Rev. Clarkson R. Banes will be in charge. Lewis Memorial. Holy communion will be cele brated and “The Call to the Colors” will be the sermon subject by Rev. John A. Trader at the morning service. Lincoln Road. “He Bore Our Sins" will be the topic at 11 a m. by the Rev. Dr. R. H. Stone. Holy communion, and members will be received into church fellowship. At 8 p.m. a gospel serv ice: Dr. Don J. Klingersmith of Ponca City, Okla., a missionary to the Indians, will speak. John Wesley A. M. E. Z. Rev. Stephen Gill Spotswood will preach a series of sermons in August on "Vacationing With God,” beginning at 11 a.m. tomorrow, with the subject “The Hills.” At 8 p.m., the motion picture, “Pay-Off.” Metropolitan Wesley A. M. E. Z. Rev. David Cecil Lynch will talk Sunday morning at 11 o'clock on “The Branded Life.” Holy com munion will be administered. Jones Memorial (Colored). Holy communion will be observed at 11 a.m. Meditation by the pas tor, Dr. Julius S. Carroll. The weekly prayer service Wednesday will be in charge of a layman. As the district conference at Laurel, Md„ closes tomorrow night there will be no afternoon or evening service at the church. Ebenezer (Colored). The Rev. King will preach from the subject “David Versus Saul” at 11 o'clock. Rev. Brown of Re hoboth Baptist Church will preach in the interest of the auxiliary to the trustees at 3:30 o'clock. The pastor will preach at 8 o'clock on "Wait.” Metropolitan A. M. E. Sunday at 11, the Rev. Dr. George A. Singleton, editor of Christian Recorder, will speak. Communion will be served morning and evening. The Rev. J. C. Beckett will preach at 8 p.m. Pilgrim A. M. E. The Rev. Charles E. Walden, pastor, at the morning service will preach on “The Savior's Way in Dealing With the Accused,” followed by holy communion. The Allen Christian Endeavor League will meet at 6:30 o'clock. Preaching by a visiting clergyman, and continu ation of holy communion at the evening hour. The baby popularity contest will be held Wednesday night. Presbyterian Central. Rev. James H. Tavlor, D. D., pas tor, announces: 9: j0 am., Sunday school: 11 a.m., sermon by Rev. W. H. Allison: 7 p.m., Christian En deavor; 8 pm., sermon by Mr. Alli son. Eckington. The pastor. Rev. Henry B. Wood ing, preaches at the 11 o'clock serv ice. Knox. Regular services will be held at 1316 Vermont avenue N.W., at 11 am. and 8 p.m. In the morning the Rev. Leslie W. Sloat will speak on "Jesus Only,” and in the evening on "The Whole Counsel of God.” The Lord’s supper will be observed at the morning service. This church is affi liated with the Orthodox Presby terian Assembly. metropolitan. Rev. W. C. Thompson of Bellefonte, Pa., will be the guest preacher at 11 a.m. Sunday school convenes at 9:30. Westminister Memorial. The pastor, Rev. Harry V. Por ter, will conduct the midsummer communion service and administer the sacrament of the Lord's Supper tomorrow morning when he will speak on "Confidence That Con quers.” The pastor will spend his vacation at Pair Haven, Md. Dur ing his absence, the following sup plies will occupy the pulpit: August 13, Laing W. Sibbet of the Wallace Memorial United Presbyterian Church; August 20, the Rev. Mr. J. Tracy Fenby; August 27. Durwood Hudgins of Bethany Baptist Church. Fifteenth Street (Colored). The "Adventure of Faith” will be the subject by Dr. L. H. Hemming way, financial secretary of the A. M. E. Church, at 11 o'clock Sunday, in the absence of the pastor, the Rev. Dr. H. B. Taylor, who is on vacation. Other Services Calvary Gospel. "Submitting Our Will to the Will of God” is the theme by Dr. Miller at 11 a.m. His evening subject will be “Jesus and Duty.” Young people meet at 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Pearl Nagel, speaker, assisted by Miss Frances Embrey. The Gospel hour, heard over WFMD by remote control from the church, will be at 1 pm. Mid week services Wednesday and Fri day at 7:45 p.m. Prayer and fast ing begins at 2 p.m. Wednesday. Healing Services. The Prayer Circle of St. Stephen's Healing Mission will meet in the par ish hall of the Church of St. Stephen and the Incarnation Tuesday morn ing at 10:30. "Light for the Day.” by Dr. John S. Bunting will be studied. Mrs. L. F. Boatman, who has been in tne classes or Dr. Bunting at the Church of the Ascension in St. Louis, will lead. Meditation and prayers for the sick will be given. The meet ings of the Prayer Circle will con tinue each week during August. Salvation Army. Salvation Army meetings tomor row: Temple Corps, 606 E street N.W.— At 11 a.m. Capt. C. W. Jaynes will speak on "Gibraltar in the Soul." At 8 pm. Capt. Herbert Robins of At lanta, Ga., will have charge. Southeast Corps, 733 Eighth street S. E.—.At 11 a.m. Capt. Lucille Gal loway will speak on "The Holy Spirit.” At 8 p.m. Lt. Payne will speak on “What Think Ye of Christ?” Georgetown Corps, 1075 JeHerson street N.W.—At 11 a.m. Mrs. Adjt. Powell will speak on “Fruits of Holiness.” At 8 pm. Adjt. William T. Powell, divisional young people's secretary, will speak on “Seek and Ye Shall Find.” Northeast Corps, 715 I street N.E. —Capt. Walter Swyers will have charge of both meetings. At 11 am. his topic will be “Jesus—Everlasting Son.” At 8 pm. his subject will be “God's Nearness to Us.” At 6:30 p.m., the Young People's Legion. Potomac Heights Community. At 10 a.m. Sunday school, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Sorensen, Nancy Quid, Jane Morse, June Sorensen, Alice Beal and Bob Philo will give an ac count of the Christian Endeavor con vention in Cleveland. At 11 o'clock holy communion will be conducted by the pastor, the Rev. O. J. Ran dall, who will speak on “What Are These Wounds in Thy Hands?” First Brethren. Rev. Herbert H. Tay of Pomona, Calif., will preach at both the morn ; ing and evening services. The morn I ing service will begin at 9:30 o'clock ; in continuance of the unified sum mer services. The evening service begins at 8 p.m. The midweek serv ice will be held Wednesday with the pastor in charge. He returns today from a week of Bible conference work at Camp Bethel, Va. Open Door. The pastor will have charge of the , regular services, at 11 a m. and ai 8 p.m. Lord's supper in the mornins and the evening service will be held in Judiciary Park, near Fourth anc D streets. The young people's serv ice is at 7 p.m. Self-Realization Fellowship. Brahmachari Jotin of Calcutta India, will speak at the morninf service at the Self-Realization Fel lowship on the subject, “Vision ol Truth.” The public class in philos ophy and yoga will be Wednesday ai 8 p.m. _#rpflbgterian Church of the Pilgrims On the Parkway at 22nd and P Sts. N.W. lh*.wPre,b5'**rUn» «f the South to the Nation's Capital. R' Blrd' D D ' Minister. Oirine Worship. 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. r~" -- Dr. Gould to Preach At Both Services Tomorrow 'Training for Glory' Morning Topic at Francis Asbury The pastor of Francis Asbury Methodist Church, Dr. Robin Gould, has returned from his vacation and will preach at both services Sun day. His subject at 11 a.m. will be "Training for Glory.” At 8 p.m. he will speak on "The Fascination of a Book.” At 6:45 p.m. Sunday the young people and Wesley Fellowship will meet together. A three-reel film will be shown of the activities of Greens boro College, including the visit of the glee club to this church. The public is invited. Monday, 8 p.m., the Board of Stewards will meet. Tuesday, 6 p.m., the auxiliary members of the Women in Christian Service will have a picnic at Hains Point. Wednesday. 8 p.m., the young peo ple and intermediates will meet. Thursday at 8 p.m. the pastor will conduct the prayer service. {J^itide 'SiarieA ahead, f fiRFffr h vmns i ^ deum" ^ "Holy Cod we praise Tty name! 1 Lord of aft we Low before Tlicc! At! on cartt Tty sceptre claim. All in Heav’n atovc adore Ttee! Infinite Tty vast domain, .Everlasting is Tty reign.** '“Te Deum,” or “Holy God We Praise Thy Name,” a great hymn of the church, breathing praise and adora tion to Almighty God, was spontaneously composed and sung alternately by Saint Ambrose and Saint Augustine on the night of Easter eve, 387, A. D„ at the baptism of Saint Augustine. > *-"■ ■ .^-*J ~ CnithikUsd hf DEAL FUNERAL HOME 4812 Georgia Avc.N.W. &16 H Street ME. Branch Home jCutttgran FAITH Lee Bird, at Jackson, Arlington. Ti. Sunday School. 9:30: Morning Worship. 11:00 a.m. Fellowship. Weil, 8:00 p.m. REV, GEO. J. GREWENOW. Pastor. CHRIST LUTHERAN (MISSOURI SYNOD) 16th and Gallatin Sts. N.W. REV J. FREDERIC WENCHEL. Pastor. 8:15 a.m.—Holy Communion. 8:30 a.m.—Sermon on "Christ on Mount Calvary.” INCARNATION (Maryland Synod United Lutheran Church) Rev. Henry Manken. Jr.. Paster. R :30 a.m.—Matins. . 9:45 a m.—School. 11:00 a.m.—The Service. TRINITY MISSOURI SYNOD 4th and E Sts. N.W. REV. HUGO M. HENNIG 8:30 a.m.—German Service. 8:45 a.m.—Sunday SchooL ll:Ma.m.—English Service with Holy Communion. "Treasure Hunting.” Augustana Lutheran Church Invites you to its service in its new sanctuary on V St. N W.. lust off of 10th St., tomorrow at 11 a.m.. and to its Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. ARTHUR O. HJELM, D. D.. Palter. Residence. 3630 Veatey St. N.W. Tel. EM. 0011. We Invite Yen te Attend Atonement Lutheran Church Maryland Synod. U. L. C. North Capitol and Rhodt Island Ave. Sunday School_9:15 a.m Services During July-8:00 a.m REV. H. E. SNYDER. Paster. CHURCH OF THE REFORMATION 212 East Capitol Street Opposite Folger-Shakespeare Library. 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.—Morning Worship Services. Ser mon. "On Finding a Way Out.” 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 8:15 p.m.—Evening Worihip Service. Sermon. "Making^ My Mean tains A Way.” Rev. Ralph W. Loevr WIU Preach. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED. ST. PAUL’S Conn. Are. and Everett St. REV. HENRY W. SNYDER. D. D. Pastor. 0:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Sermon: “The Locust Eaten Years.” Keller Memorial Lutheran Church Maryland Aye. and 9th Street N.E. J. Harold Mumper, S. T. M.. Palter. Sunday Church School at 9:30 a.m. Classes for all ages. Morning Worship at 11 a.m. Sermon: "The Unjust Steward." 7:00 P.M.: Candla Light Installa tion of Young Paopla's Officers. THE HOME-LIKE CHURCH TAKOMA Seventh and Dahlia N.W. (Three Blocks East of Walter Reed.) Rev. J. Adrian Pfeiffer. Pastor. 8. 8. at 9:00, Morning Worship at 10. CflSAD E.liana, Paitbl — 8:30 a.m.—Matins. “On What Street Do You Live?’’ 9:30 a.m.—Church School. Classes for All. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. “Careless Christians and Clever Sinners.” LUTHERPLACE Memorial Church At Thomas Circle. Rev. Carl C. Rasmussen, D. D-. Pastor. Rev. Frederick J. Eckert, Assistant Faster. 11 O'clock Service: “THE QUEST FOR THE PEACEFUL HEART.” Dr. Carl C. Rasmussen. 9:4S a.m.—Sunday School. 7:00 p.m.—Senior and Youn* Peo ple's Luther League Meet ing at the home of Dr. Wicker. 7518 16th St. N.W. i- i=J| EtJangrltralan&SUfflrmrl) CONCORDIA umSuf*1 I 24Uh and G 8t«. N.W. REV. CHARLES ENDER8. Pallor. 9 45 a m.—Bible School PREACHING SERVICES. 10:00 a.m.—German 11:15 a.m.—English._ ©lifer &rruirr0 Dr. Charles A. Shreve Joppa Lodge Masonic Temple. Ga. Are. at Upshnr St. 11:00 a.m.—Worship, Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper 7:45—“A Sinner’s Let ter to a Famous Church” Everybody Welcome All the Time. Phene ADam. 3847. Nmt-£>frtartan I k 111 til MR "Well-Pleasing to Christ" M M 8 P.M. I I (One visit will make this a VTV “must" service ever Jm ■ afterwards. |' "SEED CORN BELIEVERS" |i| 11 A.M. I P| Church of the Air 4 £ * WOL. » A.M. Thursday Meeting. K PM. A WORK OF FAITH VJ For God and Souls. Hr WELCOME TO ALL. Kg On. Clark. Pokey , Minister Pincy 0R.Qo.dt Geokia Ave.HWijI Union £>proirp UNION SERVICE at ALL SOULS’ CHURCH (Unitarian) Sixteenth and Harvard Streets 11:00 A.M. REV. DAVID RHYS WILLIAMS RoeheMtar, N. Y will praach Co-operating Churches Mount Pleasant Congregational Universalist National Memorial Epiurotial Eptaropal —- —:- —^ Washington Cathedral Wlaeonsin and Massachusetts Arena** and Woodley Road. At 8t. Mary's Chapel. Holy Communion_7:30 and P:30 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon.,-11:00 a.m. Preacher. Rev. Theodore O. Wedel. Newly Appointed Canon Chancellor. People's Evensong and Sermon. 4 p.m. Preacher, the Rev. Edward Slater Dunlap. ROCK CREEK PARISH REV. F. J. BOHANAN. D. D. The Country Church In the City ST. PAUL’S CHURCH Webster St. and Rock Creek Church Rd. Services 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. HOLT COMFORTER CHAPEL 7th and Oklethorpe Sta. N.W. REV. JOHN S. KROMER. Services at 7:30 and 10 a.m. St. Margaret’s Conn. Aye. and Bancroft Place. REV. HERBERT SCOTT SMITH. D. D.. RECTOR. 7:30 a.m.—Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m.—Holy Communion and Ser by the Rev. William L. Mayo. Thursday—Holy Communion at 11 a.m. &aint Jtlarfe’s "ON CAPITOL HILL” Third mnd A Streets Southeast 7:30 a .m .—Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m.—Holy Communion and Ser mon by Rev. 8. Janney Hutton. CHURCH OF ST. STEPHEN AND THE INCARNATION Sixteenth and Newton Straeta N.W. The Bey. Arthur LeB. Ribble, Priest in Charge. Holy Communion_7:30 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon_ll:00 a.m. WEEKDAY SERVICES: Thursday Holy Conynunlon___10:00 am. ST. JOHN’S, GEORGETOWN 3240 O St. N.W. Rev. F. BLAND TUCKER. Rector. 7:30 a.m.—Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m.—Holy Communion and Sermon ST. AGNES’ CHURCH 46 One Street N.W. Her. A. J. Dubois, S. T. B.. Rector. Sunday Masses. 7 and 10 a.m. Mass Daily. 7 a.m. Fri.. 8 p.m.—Benediction. All Souls’ Memorial Church Cathedral and Conn. Ares. N.W. REV, H. D. STERRETT, Rector. | 11:00 a.m.—Holy Communion and Sermon EjJtpfyattg 1317 G Street N.W. Rer. T. B. Phillips. D. D.. IX. D. Rev. Duncan Prater. B. A. 8:00 a.m_Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m.—Holy Communion and Ser mon by the Rev. Mr. Fraser. 8:00 p.m.-—Evening Prayer and Sermon by the Rev. Mr. Fraser. ST. JAMES’CHURCH 222 8th St. N.I.—Tel. Atl. 1746 THE REV. A. Q. FLANK Sunday Masses. 7:30 and 11 Church School at 9:30 a.m. Vespers. 7:30 p.m. Dally Mass. 7 a.m.: Holy Hour Thurg. 1 p.m Confessions. Sat. 7-9 p.m. ' St. Thomas’ Church 18th Street, Between P and Q. Near Dupont Circle. Rev. H. t. Wilkinson. D. D„ Rector. Rot. Rodney F. Cobb In Charge During August. 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m.—Holy Communion and Ser mon. “The Mountain and tha Multitude." Thursday. 11 a.m.—Holy Communion. SAINT JOHN’S CHURCH 16th and H Streets 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m.—Summer Session of Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Holy Communion and Ser mon. Preacher, Rev. Mr. Acton. in l|.i‘ Maas. Ave. * A 8.E. i ne nativity, h. c.. 7:30 and 10-.30. Rev. Enoch M. Thompson. Rector. The Faith of the Holy Catholic Church In the Transfiguration of Christ. Calvary Methodist Services Announced "Why Cast Down?’’ will be the subject of the sermon at the Cal vary Methodist Church tomorrow morning by the Rev. Orris Grave nor Robinson, minister, who will preach at both the 8:30 and the 11 I o'clock services. 1 Mrs. George S. Colison, 1762 Kil bourne place, will be hostess to the ; Young People's League tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. Miss Mary Vetter will be in charge of the service, and Miss Jacqueline Waldron will read. The Calvary Men's Class, Mr. Ralph Bodle. president, meets Sun day at 9:40 a m. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR Union Fellowship Meeting Monday—8 P.M. Covenant Fellowship House 36th and Mass. Ave. "ANSWERING CHRISTS CALL" I 4 Short Talk* #r?flbytmatt CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN Southern General Assembly 16th and Irving Sts. N.W. Rev. James H. Taylor, D. D.v Pastor 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Sermon by Rev. Wads H. Allison. 7:00 p.m.—-Christian Endeavor. 8:00 p.m.—Sermon by Rev. Wadt H. ____Allison. WESTERN 1906 H St. N.W. HEV. J. HARVET DUNHAM. D D Minister 11:00 a.m.—"A Keepsake." Sacra ment of Lord's Supper. 7:00 p.m.—Christian Endeavor. 9IYTH Sixteenth and * 0 Kennedy Sts. N.W. J. HERBERT GARNER, Minister 11 A.M. Holy Communion Sunday School, 9:45 a m. NEW YORK AVE. CHURCH 13th & H & N. Y. Avenue _ Ministers: DR. PETER MARSHALL. DR ALBERT EVANS. 0 45 a m —Church Bible School. 11:00 a.m.—"STRANGE ALTARS.” Dr. Evans preaching. fl:45p.m.—Young People's Meetings. GEORGETOWN (Fannied 17SO) P Street near 31st Street N.W. Rev. John Bailer Kelly. D D.. Pastor. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. Dr. Freely Rahrer. formerly of Metro politan Presbyterian Church. iiPVRARAI IV A ai rtnpenwWK ■ . . • SHERWOOD "The Churchy Church" Rhode Island Ave. at 22d St. N.E. Thomas Law Coyle, Minister Morning Services 8:50 A M.—11 A.M. Sunday School 9:45 A.M. COVENANT FIRST Connecticut Ave. at 18th Sc N Sts. N.W. Ministers: ALBERT JOSEPH McCARTNEY, D. D. REV. SAMUEL R. ALLISON 11 A.M.—Morning Worship. "What About God'* Plan?" The Rev. Mr. Allison Preaching. 9:45 A.M.—Sunday School__ CHEVY CHASE _ Cherv Chase Circle Dr. J. Hillman Hollister, Minister. 9 30 a.m.—Nursery Junior Departments 9:30 a.m.—Morning Worship Rev C Marshall Muir. D D Belle fleld Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh, Pa. mbinyiwbiinii l LM/M1 V.nURV.n ! 4th and B Sts. S.E. Rev J. Lowrey Fend rich. D. D.. LL. D. Rev. W. J. Sly Ph. D.. Parish Minister. 11:00 a m.—GUEST PREACHER. REV. W. C. THOMPSON. Bellefonte. Pa. £lfp iflplhobiHl (Eljurrij Headquarter*—Methodist Building, 100 Maryland Ave. N.E. Resident Bishop. Edwin Holt Hushes. D. D. LL D District Superintendent. G. Ellis Williams. D. b. Church School in All Churches at 9:45 A.M. Ill i • 1^1 I I as nvun Third and A Streets N.E. Clarkson R. Banes. Minister. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. McKENDREE MASONIC HALL Rhode Island and Mills An. N.E. Bee. Samuel E. Bose. D. D.. Minister. Worship 11 A M and 8 P.M. RYLAND 10th and D Sts. 8.W. Rct. K. G Newell. Worship. 8:30 AM. and 11:00 A.M. DOUGLAS MEMORIAL 11th and H Sts. N.E. Rev. Clarence H. Corkran. Minister. Worship. 11 A.M. and 8 P.M. TRINITY 5th and Penna. Are. 8.E. Rev. Edward B. Wilcox. Minister. 11:00 a.m.—Rer. Albert E. Gingrich. 8:00 p.m.—Union Service at Metro politan Presbyterian j Church. Sermon by Dr. Warren D. Bowman, "Green Pastures.'* CALVARY Colombia Rd. Near Fifteenth St. N.W. ORRIS GRAVENOR ROBINSON. Miniater. LOCIS POTTER. Minister er Mosle. Two Morning Services at 8:30 and i 11 O’clock. No Evening Service. merroponran Memorial The National Church Nebraska and New Mexico Avenues. WILLIAM ANDREW KEESE. Minister. 11:00 a.m.—Rev. S. Paul Srhillint of Prince Frederick. Md. ELDBROOKE Wisconsin Ave. and River Rd. N.W. Rev. Walter M. Michael. D.D., Minliter. Worshio. 7 A M. and 11 AM. WESLEY Connecticut Ave. and Jocelyn St. Rev. J. Lather Neff. Mlniater 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. PETWORTH N. H. Ave. and Grant Circle N.W. Dr. Frank Steelman. Minister. Worship. 11 A M. and 7:30 PM HAMLINE 10th and Allison Sts. N.W. Rev. H. W. Burran. D. D , Minister. Worship. 11 AM. UNION 701 h Street Near Penn. Ave. N.W. JOHN R. EDWARDS. D. D.. Minister. Divine Worship—11 a m. and fi p.m. WOODSIDE SSI 4 Georgia Avenae. (Silver Spring Maryland.) Rev. R. D Smith. Ph D.. Minliter. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. FOUNDRY r.Vs, “The Church of the States” FREDERICK BROWN HARRIS, Minister Sermons hr Her. Chesteen Smith. D. D. 11:00 a.m.—"THE HIGHER TESTS OF CHRISTIAN CHARACTER." 8:00 p.m.—"AN ANCIENT DEFINITION OF DCTT.” Mount Vernon Place ^s&ThSS: The South’a Repre tentative Church DR. JOHN W. RUSTIN, Minister. 11:00 a.m.—“SAINTS OR HUMAN BEINGS.” 8:00 D.m.—'"MARRIAGE IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY.” MRS. GRACE SLOAN OVERTON. Gneat Preacher.