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\/ Real Estate Mtuetixtii Building News __ V y J y > WITH SUNDAY MORNING EDITION / __WASHINGTON, D. C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1939.__^> B—l Private Building Figures Down For July Seven-Month Total Still Far Ahead Of Last Year By JAMES Y. NEWTON. Private building in the District during July dropped far below fig ures for the corresponding month of 1938 and for June of this year, ac cording to the monthly report made public today by Building Inspector John W. Oehmann. It marked the first time this year that a month’s construction valuation fell below last year. Ail types of private building for which permits were issued last month are valued at $1,755,495, as compared to $2,959,910 for July, 1938, and to $2,712,855 for June of this year. By far the larger portion of the valuation for last month was for new residential construction. In addition to private building the Dis trict government drew permits last month for construction valued at : $4,500,000. The July building total brought j the valuation figure for the first seven months of the year to $21, 741,881, which, despite the decrease for the month, represents an in crease of nearly $9,000,000 over the seven months of 1938. Greatly in creased activity in the field of resi dential construction, especially among low-cost, one-family dwell ings, is largely responsible for the huge amount of building here this year. J_>asi. monm, permits were issued for 149 one-family dwellings, valued at $761,500. In the coresponding period of last year 223 one-family structures, valued at $1,067,500. were approved. In June of this year 198 one-family dwellings were included in the building total. The valuation Of these was $1,089,800. Apartment construction in July showed a slight gain over last year's figure, but was far below the total for June of this year. Last month, permits were approved for 12 apart ments, with a capacity of 154 fam ilies. and a valuation of $387,250. In July last year, there were 10 apart ments, valued at $209,500. There were 39 apartments, valued at $726, 000 approved in June this year. The valuation of additions, alter ations and repairs to existing struc tures for which permits were issued last month was $372,745. a slight in crease over July of last year, and slightly under the figure for June. New building last month by sec tions of the city follows: Northeast, $276,350; southeast, $393,500; north west, $654.90. and southwest, $58,000. Modernization work by sections: Northeast, $20,855; southeast, $37, 450; northwest, $308,905, and south west, $5,535. Home Fittings Sales Up The upswing in building is carry ing kindred lines along with it. ac cording to reports from New York City where wholesale hardware firms are enjoying better than a seasonal gain. Sales of mechanical kitchen equipment, including refrigerators, washing machines and other electri cally powered devices are maintain ing a high percentage of gain over lact vaar BUYS NEW HOME—This at tractive home at 21 Worth ington drive, Yorktowne Vil ' lage, has been purchased by Harvey W. Mann from Joseph Hopkinson, builder, through the George W. Linkins Co. *---* Real Estate Survey Planned in Nearby Virginia Area 15,000 Deeds, Permits To Be Examined During Study On behalf of a group of leading bankers, builders, insurance com panies and real estate operators, Rufus S. Lusk, publisher of the Washington Business Review, started this week to make a survey in Ar lington and Fairfax Counties and Alexandria city of real estate con ditions and housing, development. "I have felt for a long time,” said Mr. Lusk, “that a careful check should be made in the Virginia area; no one knows just what is the sit- ■ uation there. The phenomenal J growth of that section from the i standpoint of housing is bound to * affect conditions in Washington s proper. This study will cover types of housing built, number of unsold q houses on hand, sectional develop- : j, ment of the area, the effect of low- q price housing and other pertinent 2 facts.” C( To make this study, according to Mr, Lusk, requires the examination f] of more than 15,000 deeds, deeds of g trust and permits back to January $ 1, 1938. The survey will also cover the growth of the nearby Virginia J area, its government, assessments j I and other data which will give a I comprehensive picture of the terri- , I tory across the river. 1 BEAUTIFUL ALEXANDRIA HOME—The new home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Weaver, jr., at 321 Mansion drive. It was designed and built by Cha rles Henry Smith. uly Building $278,212 n Metropolitan Area >ecial Dispatch to The Star. HYATTSVILLE, Md„ Aug. 5 — ost of new construction in the ietropolitan area of Prince Georges ounty for July amounted to $278. .2 according to Herbert Roby, >unty building inspector. » New dwellings numbered 68. A aternity house for the Phi Sigma igma at College Park, at a cost of 19,000, headed the list of permits issued. A commercial building on the Washington-Baltimore boule vard at Hyattsville was listed at $18,000. Good Paint Advised Good quality paint with a pure white lead base is recommended for woodwdHc and basement win dows which may be endangered by destructive termites. This has been found to afford a measure of pro tection against this enemy of lumber. Wall Recesses of Blue A living room in a New York apartment has walls painted white with blue recesses to accent the beautiful old furniture. Wine and gray chintz curtains frame the windows and the upholstery is a blue-textured material with beige and cocoa stripe. r 111 - m IN WEST CHEVY CHASE—New h< De Franceaux at 4831 Langdrum li Homes, Inc. ♦ Building Congress Expects Good Tourney David S. Haddock, chairman of the Washington Building Congress Golf Committee, reports that mem- I bers are responding with enthusiasm and he looks for a big turn-out at j the Kenwood Country Club Wednes day afternoon and evening at the | first golf tournament of the building congress, A great many members and their guests who do not jjlay golf are coming out for dinner and to see the awarding of prizes. A. Hamilton Wilson and Charles ; T. Penn are in charge of prizes and they promise that the ‘'duffers" will have just as good a chance to win as the experts in this tournament. George A. Ford and M. C. Mac Kinnon are taking care of the han dicaps and arranging matches, and A. W. Lee is making dinner arrange ments. Mr. Lee says that members >me of Mr. and Mrs. George W. me. It was built by Permanent who do not care to play golf may swim or play bridge. Other members of Mr. Haddock’s committee are Arthur B. Heaton, Robert W. McChesney and Maurice R. Colbert. Firm Sells 22 Homes Sale of 22 dwellings during the month of July was the record com piled by Leo Bernstein & Co., real estate brokers, it was reported today by Daniel Diener, sales manager. It was the most successful month this year for the firm. Brand-New Detached Brick Homes $6,300 Monthly Payment $47.60 207 Beech Street Mt. Ido, Alexandria, Vo. block off Russell Rd. and bus. Large living room 'open fireplace), dining room, cabinet kitchen, spacious unfinished attic with 3 windows; oil heat; lovely shaded lot. Brodie fir Colbert, Inc. 1707 Eye St. N.W. No. 8875 Loans on 6,486 Homes Total $28,308,000 Figures Also Released For Six Months in Virginia, Maryland Home mortgages on city and sub urban property in the District financed by all types of lenders in the first six months of 1939 totaled 6,486 and amounted to $28,308,000, officials of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board reported today. By types of lender, recordings were: _ . Number. Amount. Savings and loan asso ciations 2.470 Sll.544.000 Insurance companies 400 2,5S17.000 Banks and trust com panles 402 2,dl4'ono Individuals _ _ _ 1.008 5.0x3,000 Others __ 1471 H.470.000 New dwelling units constructed or projected in the District in the first ; six months numbered 3,311 and were VO lllnrl n« tf* TO 0>7C 900 O. _ i ’ • --' —■ - v>vmmviwvv. ui.auoiu.iano of the board based their construc tion survey on building permits re ported to the United States Depart ment of Labor. $30,711,000 in Maryland. Home mortgages on city and town property in Maryland financed by all types of lenders in the first six < See” MORTGAGES!-Page~B-3j GLENRROOK V THE BIG HOME VALUE OF THE YEAR F. H A. APPROVED A « room and garage ‘J-storv brick constructed home providing all the re quisites of better living, at a moderate price Living room with cozv fireplace, bright dining room, all modern k:r hen. •’* bedrooms, bath, lavatory and ’aui.dry facilities, ample closet space, gas air conditioning. A real value. Priced to Meet Your Requirements. Drive out Wisconsin Avenue i7 mil* beyond the Bank ot Bcthr-da. turn rioht at Glenbrook Entrance THE NEWBOLD DEVELOPMENT CO. 7611 Wisconsin Ave W.s. 5286 V;!;:': .• •' , •: •;•• 9 Cleveland Park A pretentious corner brick residence, with nearly 120 ft. frontage; cost $30,000— now priced $16,950. 3433 Wise. Ave. 8 Rooms—2 Baths One of the few outstanding homes that offers great possibilities for future development: has beautifully landscaped grounds containing over 11 non square feet: 4 delightful bedrooms and 2 baths on 2nd floor: hot-water heat (oil-flred furnarei. electric refrigerator. 2-car brick ga rage: assessed for taxation purposes at *24 40(1. Only $2,000 Cosh Down Required Open Sunday Afternoon L. T. Gravatte 729 15th Realtor NA. 0753 MEW ciL. .HOMES AMERICAN UNIV. PARK Pull 2 stories, detached, all brick; 6 rooms, tiled bath, attic, full basement, oil heat, large lots. | Built by Monroe Warren ONLY $9,250 The finest materials and work manship. Complete modern equipment. A lovely home in a delightful restricted community, convenient to everything. Outttanding Value*! See Them Today! Exhibit Home 4358 Windom Place N.W. Open Until 9 P.M. Daily Drive out Wise. Ave. to Yuma St.. Tatt to Hth St., left one short block. A 4 Montgomery Hill Must Be Sold 1116 Stratton Rd. $5,000 Below Cost of Reproduction Handsome Colonial brick home, 5 bedrooms, sitting room, 2 baths on second floor, ample servants’ quarters on 3rd floor; 2-car built-in garage; 130-foot frontage. Trade considered. TO REACH: Drive nut Georgia Ave. past Silver Sprino traffic light to Montgomery Hill, turn j left one block to house. Roberts E. Latimer 7733 Alaska Ave. Geo. 12M 10 Built—Only 1 Left $6,990 CHEVY CHASE, D. C. New. detached, air-conditioned brick homes. 3 rooms (2 bedrooms) and | tiled bath. An unheard-of value and price in this convenient and most desirable location, iust block west of Conn. Ave j Only $50 Per Mo. Includes Interest. Principal. Taxes and Insurance on the F. H. A. Plan i Exhibit Hornc 3519 Alton PI. N.W. Open Until Dark Daily Drive out Conn. Ave. to Albemarle St., left ton ft. to 35th St., left 1 block to homes. Bnilders and Owners SPRINGLAWN, INC | Hugh Warren. President. I J. WESLEY BUCHANAN | invites you jj to visit the one remaining H V completed home in LYN- g 5 DALE. This house was sold, H | but the purchaser preferred S ; a later date of occupancy— H so changed to one of those s B under construction. It is a & | cream painted brick and very “ E distinctive. » J SEE IT THIS 8CNDAT! | (aa Drive icroji ej R? “Jv" Penna. Ave. S.E. {8 tttf Bridge. turn left Q 9 on Minnesota & 9j A MONTH K 2; » am j tq to LYNDALE. J S AND UP ATIontic 2889 ^ 55 The Community Built ?;j Around a Park i, aaiiwuT i J “Honesty Hill” Selected by the first settlers as an ideal home site. The house ha* been modernized and is now a most comfortable home, containing 4 bed rooms, bath, large living room w’ith mammoth stone fireplace, spacious dining room, all-electric kitchen with maid's room adjoining. Lovely gardens and landscaping enhance the beauty of this home on a knoll. Just 1 miles bevond Kenwood Club on River Road—look for our sign. Open Saturday afternoon, all day Sunday; other days by ap pointment. Maryland Office J. Wesley Buchanan Realtor ♦WOO Wisconsin An. Wii. 75TS Small Down Payment Easy Terms 11 built—S told before completion 515 Fern Place N.W. Takemo Park, 0. C. Beautiful new brick homes in an excellent neighborhood. Living room with fireplace, 2 bedrooms, tiled bath with shower, modem kitchen with refg. and range. H.-w.h. Pull basement with paneled recreation room. Close to Walter Reed Hos pital. schools, stores and transpor tation. Open Sunday and Daily To Reach: Drive out Georgia Ave. to Fern St., right 4 bloMts to homes. For farther information, call Claud Livingston, Jr. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO., Inc. 1519 K St. N.W. District 1015 I * I Your Home I investment 1 FOREVER ■ SAFEGUARDED Hi When sou acquire your home Ht sl,e 1" picturesque Westmore B land Kills you have purchased B not only the distinction of a B fine address, but you -will be B a property owner in a com B munity that is permanently protected by rigid restric ts tions. Why not select a lovely B wooded setting for that home B of your dreams in the peace B ful. secluded surroundings of B this garden apot? Lot prices B are as low as SI,880. B * H Drive out Massachusetts B Ave. to Westmoreland B Circle and Meld office. B * I LOUGHBOROUGH jj DEVELOPMENT CORP. ■ 995 15th St. N.W. ■ft NAtionat A370 ft Home Sites Beautiful rolling property on winding drives in the heart of the hunt country of nearby Maryland within 7 minutes of 7 country clubs. All sites are »/a acre or over In JhlU which is wisely restricted for JO years and embraces 050 acres—P3. miles from Treasury—a Jo-minute drive from downtown. Lots, $1,500 Up To Reach: Drive west on Bradley Boule vard Sl/2 miles from Wisconsin Avenue. R. BATES WARREN NAT. 9452 WIS. 3159 When Paul T. Stone, Inc. | Builds It for You!! Look over the many attractive elans on file in our office—plans that have proved not only dependable, but popular as well—and then have our architect make such changes as you want before building is begun. Inepeet— American University Park 4420 Windom Place N.W. 4 Bedroome—2 Bathe SSi $12,750 This home offers you those essentials so vitally necessary in today's com plex living. Large landscaped grounds, rear living porch, pine paneled den on first floor, modern kitchen, large living room with open fireplace, bright dining room. OPEN TODAY AND DAILY To Reach: Drive out Mass. Ave. to Jktb St., rioht on itith to Windom, right on Windom to homes. Paul T. Stone, Inc. 927 15tk St. N.W. Natl. 0856 Philip E. Tew, Bale* ?! Reduced $300 706 Gist Ave. Silver Spring *6,950 New O-room house, large living room 14x21 with fireplace, dining room, modern kitchen. bedrooms, tiled bath, attic, large basement suitable for recreation room, built-in toilet in basement: fireproof garage: 10x20 cement side porch. House is screened, caulked and weatherstripped: con venient to stores, churches, schools and transportation. | Very Easy Terms Open Daily and Sunday SPRINGLAWN, Inc. Hugh Warren, Pres. Nat. 9452 Hyattsville 92-W Ellif « | INSURER 41/0% 1 FINANCING ■ / ^ /ly I L ★ \ Interest | NO COMMISSION on COMPLETED HOMES or CONDI TIONAL COMMITMENTS Small Charge for Construction Loans W. ERNEST OFFUTT 8116 Wilson Blvd. 1580 K St. N.W. Arlinrton. Va. Washinrton. D. C. CH. 3441 RE. 3161 Breuninger's YORKTOWNE VILLAGE Open* a New Home at 25 Worthington Drive It is not by chance that so many 1 fine families have located here. It is by careful comparison with : other high-class communities that they have selected York towne Village as the ideal en vironment in which they will like to live. Drive out and see for yourself Just how attractive this new develop ment is. j Drtte out Massachusetts Avenue one . block over the District line to James town Road, turn right one block to Worthington Drive. J£g$reunin$er&Sorts Astounding Value in Edgemoor 6811 Exfair Road Corner Hampden Road and Exfair Road A new surprisingly beautiful brick with six very large rooms, 2 full baths, breakfast room of large dimensions, full attic, garage and air-conditioning. '‘Drive nut Wisconsin Are to Bradley Dane, turn lett to Glenbrnok Rd then TlQht to Hampden Lane and two blocks to home. ’ Phillips & Canby, Inc. Not. 4600 1012 15th St. N.W. Cresttooob AT ROCK CREEK PARK STONE. LORO A CALDWELL Developers 1816 UPSHUR ST. N.W. Furnished by Hutchison's, inc. Dropes by John Ligon, Inc. Early American ! Designed in’ the Early American j tradition, this home enjoys a setting worthy of its architectuie It contains it spacious bedrooms, two beautifully tiled baths. Large livinR room with fireplace. Dining room, breakfast room Modem kitchen, screened-in porch, finished attic and recreation room. Air conditioned heat. Built by H. S. Hovermale TO REACH—Out lAth St. to Up shur. Lett to home. Alto See 1765 Shepherd St. N.W. PAUL P. STONE AD. 0653 THE HOMES OF TOMORROW Near the Great New Airport Ill"' -I Overlooking the Beautiful Memorial Boulevard $|T QQQ 23 S010—M0UNT VERNON PARKWAY HOMES J t ~ The second of a eroup of <i0 homes in one of the most ra. beautiful locations around the Nation's Capita! . _*£5™ ™P»r®»e« Stone and brick construction . 5 and 0 room Air C3Q Dap Ha conditioned heat. '! or :t bedrooms, colorful ted b.u.i. ■ BI mUs beautiful terraced lot. Drive out Mt Vernon Boulevard vast WJSV |. 1 4fl£ I fl towers to our sign—turn right. Furnished Home Open Daily Until 9 P.M. 1M5 K st D, ai#0 | A MORTGAGE LOANS 4</2% INTEREST NO COMMISSION Effective Immediately: We will receive F. H. A. applications based on the above lower interest rates, without any commission, charge. This applies to construction loans as well as refinancing of existing properties. « « Frederick W. Berens, Inc. 1627 K Strut N.W., Washington, D. C. Phono National 8280-8281 I I k