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Bond Market Falls, With Losses Ranging More Than Point All Groups Share in Recession, but Selling Is Not Heavy Bond Averages 20 JO 10 10 Ralls. Indust. Util. fan. Net change. —.3 —.1 —.1 —.2 Todav, close 58.1 100.4 97.1 60.5 Prev. day. __ 58.4 100.5 97.2 60.7 Month ago. 55.8 100.1 96.2 61.1 Year ago... 61.4 100.0 93.8 62.8 1939 high- 64.9 100.8 97.5 64.0 1939 low... 53.4 97.0 91.9 58.2 1938 high- 70.5 100.3 95.1 67.0 1938 low— 46.2 93.0 85.8 59.0 1932 low— 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high.. 101.1 98.9 102.9100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. > Close_112.1 Prey. day. 112.0 M'nthagoll2 4 Year ago 109.9 1939 high 112.6 1939 low. 110.2 l 1938 high 110.7 1938 low. 106.7 1928 high 104.4 1932 low. 86.8 (Compiled by the Associated Preas.) By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Aug. 7.—'The bond ! - market backed down today to the j tune of losses ranging to more than a point. All groups shared in the | recession. While brokers admitted that sell- | lng—which was never very heavy— | might be based on overseas war' preparations, many were puzzled that end of congressional activity j and continued good business didn't j attract more support. At the start of the last hour corporate leaders in the minus col umn included Commonwealth Edi > eon 3'2s. Portland General Electric ♦ 'is. Western Union 5s of '60, South ern Pacific 4'2s of 69. American & Foreign Power 5s and Great North ern 4s of 46 “G." United States Governments lost as much as 14-32ds point but most de clines were smaller. Italian bonds were under mild pressure in the foreign group. Insurance Stocks NEW YORK. Aug. 7 i/Pk—Investment Bankers Conference. Inc.: * Bid A*:ed. Aetna Cas _ no J14 Aetna Ins (I.hoi _ 401* 48*2 Aetna Life < 1.2<)a) _ .11 .1.1 i . Am Equit (1) __ 20’a 22 Am Ins Nwk (‘na) _ 11 *« 1434 Am Reins (1.60) 42 44 Am Reserve < 1 *.a) _ 24U 253v Am Surety <2*») _-_ 51 S 51 V4*7 Automobile (la) _ 1512 17*2 Balt Amer L20a) U Carolina (1.1U> 2734 70*4 City of N Y (1.20) __ 21 2412 Conn Gen Life (.Him_ 281 a 10*2 Contin Cas (1.20a) _ II14 151 ♦ Fid A; Deo (4* 128 110V2 Firemens Nwk < 40) _ 0'4 10*<2 Frank Fire (la> _ 28*4 2034 • Gen Reinsur «la) _ 4234 45 Georg Home (la: _ 21*2 25'2 Glens Falls (1.60) _18’4 40*4 Globe A- Ren (V») _ lo34 12*4 Globe Ar Rut _ 2o 2234 Gt Amer Ins da) _ 20*4 2T34 Hanover (4.20) _ 26*2 28 Hartford Fire (7) _____ 78*a 81*2* Home Fire Sec _ 1*2 2*a I Home Ins (1 70a) _ 1o34 1234 ! Homestead (1) _ JK>4 103, 1 Knickerbocker (.60) _ . 0\4 jo»4 Lincoln Fire 23« 2% 1 Maryland Cas _ 1*4 4*4 Mass Bond <3*%) _ _ 57 *4 5834 Merc Ins Pr 1 4 *a 1 Natl Fire '2) ,61 61 ( Natl Liberty (,20a) 7*/4 s*4 New- Hampshire U.60a> 46*a 48*4? N Y Fire (1) . 15s. IT',, Nor East toe 4'. S', | , Nor River (1) _ _ 25 2fi's 1 Phoenii i2a) 17 SI Prov Wash II' , 34 31) Hep Ins Tex (1.2m __ 25 2H'i Revere 'P> In (1.20a) _ 25 26'i Rhode Jsland Ins _ 3 4'i St Paul Fire iRI __ _ 232 230 Sprtnanrld '4'2ai _ _ m.Tj i"it't, Sun Life (15> _ _ 370 4"n Travelers < 1U1 45.3 4113 T' S F,rl A Ouar (1) " ' 21U JJ 8 Fire <»* 51 *, 53V2 Westcb-ster <1.20a) 32*4 ii*4 a—-*lso extra or extras. Quotations furnished by Invest men • Bankers Conference Inc., which states tnpv do not necessarily reflect actual trans actions or Arm bids or offers, but should indicate approximate prices. Shorf-Term Securities (Reported by Smith. Barney A’ Co ) „ Bid. Offer. A% Ot Son*hern A 5* 1?M6 in'n„ jhii., Alleehary Corp Cv 5* 1044 TT 7R% Amer Tp! A- Tel 51 as 104.6 lio>2 nn\ Aua’in A- Nnrthwn 5s 1041 5‘? 50% Baldwin Locom W 5.* 104(1 1 o 1 * 4 m° Central Found-v 6S 104 1 fiO 105 Chicago Union Sta 4* 1644 105*5 306*5 Containe*- Corp 5s 1046 00% Ofi% Cuba Nor{he*-n 5%* 104*2 *’R% 60 Drier Mre A- Hudson 4s 1046 5R> • fi() Gr Rapid* A- Tnd 41 1041 1o4% Illinois SteC 4* >s 104 0 io°*. 101% inti Hydro-Electric 0* 1044 R5% R6 Jn*l Merc Marine Hs 104I 55% 56% I E"ie A- Western 5s 1 f»4 1 6*’ RR Leh Valiev Ter Rv 5s 1041 56 65 Louisviiip Ar Nash 4s 104o ino*’t 10o*-fe Michigan Centra! 5s 1040 003. ] 00 M dland R R N J 5s 1040 f>% 1 ** N v A- Braneh 4s 1041 74-T. Pennsvivania Co 6,:-s 1041 106% Penn-Dixie Cement 6s 104 1 100% ]ni% Pennp F R Co 4v J J% • 1 oil 100*. Pennies Gas L A' C 6s 104 6 im% 317 Peoria A- Eastern 4s 1040 47% 40 Phila Ba’t A- Wash 4s 1046 1*1 111% 1 Studebaker Corp Os 104 5 01 *5 Tev A New Orleans 5s 1046 70 union Oil of CaPf 6s 104*.' 114% 115 vanadium Corn 5s 1041 ]<)1% 106 - warren Pros 6a 1041 6R% 6R% Western NY A* Pa 4 s 1046 100% 1 11 vvhite Sewing Mach 6s 1040 101*2 Foreign Exchange NEW YORK. Aus. 7 "77.—Foreign ex change dealings were reduced to a mini mum today due to shutdown of London markets for the August bank holiday. The guilder and Flench franc edged for ward In relation to the dollar, but most others —including the British pound, belga and Swiss franc—were unchanged Late rates follow Great Britain in dollars, others in rents Trent Britain. 4.08'*. nii-dny bills. 4H7'4; Canada. Montreal in Nrw York. l(in: Canada. New York in Montreal. Inn: Bel gium- Hint): Denmark, 20.00: Finland. » 0,; France. 2.05: Germany. 4 < >. 1 ft - benevolent. JB.25: travel. 22 75 Greece .85’a: Hungary. 10 7(1: Italy. 5.20U- Nethl erlands. 53.32: Norway. 23.53: Poland. 18.85: Portugal. 4.27: Rumania. 72; Sweden. 24.13- Switzerland. 22.58; Ar gentina (officialI. .12.2(1: Argentina (freei. 23.2(1; Brazil (official i. 0.(15: Brazil ifreei, 5.10; Mexico., nominal: Japan. 27.30: Hong Kong. 28.00; Shanghai. 8.In Yugoalavia. 2.32 u Rales in spot cables unless otherwise P Indicated. New York Bank Stocks NEW YORK. Aug. 7 i/Pi.—Investment Bankers Conference, Inc.: Bid Asked Sk of Ab NT3 iSF) (2.40) ;(4a4 3Ha4 ank of Man (,80a) IT ]8u, Bank of N Y < 14) _40T 41T Bankers Tr (2).. _ 54'/4 88'i i Bklyn Tr (4) . _ 72a4 TT44 Cen Han Bk ft Tr (4)_ 08 101 Chase Nat (1.40) _ 0212 34'i Chem Bk A Tr (1.80)_ 4T'4 40Va Commercial (8) _172 ITS Corn Bk A Tr ( 8(1) _ 10 14'4 Corn Ex Bk A T (31_ 55% 58% Empire Tr (HO) __ 11 12 First Nat (Bos) (2)_ 4:P4 47,2, First Natl (100) _1828 1883 Guaranty Tr (12) __280 2T4 Irvine Tr (,8m __ 11% 12% Manufacturers Tr (2) __ 00)4 41)4 Manufacturers Tr of (2) _ 50 83 Natl City (!) __ 25% 28% N Y Trust (5) __ lin'2 llOVk Public 11 >2) ___ _ _ 20'4 31% Title O A T . ____ 3% 4% a Also extra or extras. New York Metals NEW YORK. Auk. 7 (iPh—Copper fteady, electrolytic spot, 10.60; export, jSJ-'l- , Tin steady: spot and nearby, fo,r*ard- 48.60. Lead steady; spot. Nfw York .Y06-6.10 East St. Louis. 4.9o. *.rTP; E*st St. Louis, spot and for P!f»iron- No- -• f 0 b- Eastern Pennsylvania. 22.00; Buffalo. 21.00: Ala oa;!?' Aluminum, virgin 90 per AnUniony. Chinese spot. if-"0- o9u;cksilver. 87.oo-R9.oo. Platinum. paid.' 19 0o"20.0« neSe "'olframite' duty Foreign Markets . ^bg. 7 <4**.—Bourse quotations i * tended lower in quiet dealings today many ' traders staying away due to the English ( bank holiday. Rentes held flrm hoiever Closing unchanged to 80 centimes Whey 4.RSi!ra.u747.B,M«,f.4”f " , BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE iMiwrn uitiimi Hinnr iimc.i By vlnli wire direct to The Star. Approximate Transaction! Today. Domestic Bonds.._ 3.130,000 Foreign Bonds_, 610.000 U S Govt Bonds_. 160.000 TREASURY. Huh. Low. Close 2%sl948_ 108.16 108.16 108.16 2\s 1945-47_ 109.14 109.14 109.14 2%S 1948-51.... 109.17 109.17 109.17 2 % s 1956-59_ 108. 107 27 107 27 2%s 1968-68- 107.16 167.16 107.16 2\x 1960-65_ 107.16 107.7 107.7 Ss 1961 -65 . 111.29 1 11.20 111.29 8'is 1944-46, . 110.31 110.31 110.31 3 Us 1943-47 _110.18 110.18 110.18 414s 1947-52 _ 121.20 121.20 121.20 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 2%s 1942-47_ 105.24 105.2% 105.24 3s 1942-47 _ 106.3 106.8 106.8 FOREIGN BONDS. High. low. Close Adriatic F.lec 7s 52 51 51 fil Agr Mtg Bk Col 6s 47 26% 26% 26% Agr Mtg Bk Col 6s 48 26% 26% 26% Antioouia 7.s 45 B_ 14% 14% 14% Antioquia 7s 45 C_ 14% 14% 14% Antionuia 7s 45 D __ 14% 14% 14% Argentine 4s 72 Fcb_. 77% 77% 77% Argentine 4s 72 Apr.. 77% 76% 77 Argentine 4 %s 48_ 92% 92% 92% Argentine 4 %s 71_ 87 87 87 Australia 4%s 56_ 91% 91% 91% Australia 5s 65_ 97% J»7'% 97% Belgium 6s 55 _103% 102% 102'* Belgium 6%s 49_ 106% 106 106 Belgium 7s 55 _112 111% l1l% Berlin C FI 6%s 59_ 27% 27% 27% Brasil 8s 41 . 16% 16% 16% Buen Air 4%-4%s 77. 54% 54% 54% B A 4%-4%S 76 Aug_. 54% 54% 54% Pnnnrln 91' a id 1H9*. 109*/. Canaria 2Us 46_103% 103% i03% Canaria 3s 67_102% 102% 10e% Canada 4s 60_110% 110% 110% Canada 6s 52_109% 109% 109% Chile 6s 60 _ 14% 14% 14% Chile 6s 60 assd_ 11 10% 11 Chile 6s 61 Jan _ 15 15 15 Chile 6s 61 Jan assd.. 11 11 11 Chile 6s 61 Feb _ 15 14% 15 Chile 6s 62 assd_ 11 11 11 Chile 6s 63 _ 15 15 15 Chile 6s 63 assd_ 11 11 11 Chile 7s 42 _ 15 15 15 Chile 7s 42 assd _ 11 11 11 Chile Mtg Bk 6s 61 . 14 13% 14 Chile Mortg Bk 6s 62 14 14 14 Chile Mtg B 6s 62 asd 10 10 10 Chile Mtg Bk 6%s 67 14 14 14 Chile MB 6%s 57 assd 9% 9% 9% Chile Mtg Bk 6 %s 61. 13% 13% 13% Chilean Mun L 7s 60.. 12% 12% 12% Colombia 6s 61 Jan... 26% 26% 26% Colombia 6s 61 Oct .. 26% 26% 26% Copenhagen 4%s 53.. 78% 78% 78% Copenhagen 6s 52_ 82% 82% 82% Cuba 4%s 77 _ 51 51 61 Cuba 6 %s 53 -101% 101% 102% Denmark 5%s 55_ 92% 92 92 Denmark 6s 42_ 97 97 97 Dresden 7s 45 _ 20% 20% 20% Ger C Ag Ln 6%s 58.. 24 24 24 GerGovt5%s65 ... 17% 17% 17% German Gov4 7s 49... 22% 22% 22% Grt C El Jap 7s 44 ... 74% 74% 74% Helsingfors 6%s 60.. 101 101 101 Italv 7s 51 _ 60% 60 60% Ital P U Crd 7s 52_ 45 45 45 Japan 5%s 65_ 51 51 51 Japan 6%s 54 70 69% 69% Medellin 6 %s 54_ 14% 14% 14% Mendoza 4s 54 _ 68 67 67 Met Water 5%s 50._97% 97% 97% New So Wales 5s 58_ 95 95 95 Norway 4s 63 _ 99% 99% 99% Norway 4%s 65-101% 101% 101% Norway 4%s56_103% 103% 103% Norway 6s 43_104% 104% 104% Norway 6s 44 _105% 105% 105% Oriental Dev 5%s 58. 45% 45% 45% Oriental Dev 6s 53_ 49% 49% 49% Oslo 4 Vss 55_i... 101% 101% 101% Panama 5s 63 st asd.. 74 73% 73% Peru 1st 6s 60 __ 8% 8% 8% Poland 4%s 68 asd_ 39 39 39 Prussia 6%s 51 _ 19% 19% 19% Queensland 6s 47_ 103 103 103 Rhine W El P 6s 52 ... 24% 24 % 24% Rhine W El P 6s 63... 24% 24% 24% Rio de Jan 6%s 53_' 8% 8% 8% Rio de Jan 8s 46 ... 8% 8 8% Rio Gr do Sul 6s 68 ... 9% 9% 9% Rome 6%s 52 _ 57 56 56 Sao Paulo St 6s 6R_ 8% 8% 8% Sao Paulo St 7s 40_ 20% 20% 20% Tokyo City 5%s 61... 51 51 51 Tokyo El Lt 6s 53 ... 51% 50% 51 Ujigawa El P 7s 45 .. 83% 82% 83% Uru 33,<-4-4V«s ad1 79. 41 41 41 Uru 4-4%-4%s 78 ... 44 44 44 DOMESTIC RONDS Adams Exp 4s 47_ 104 104 104 Adams Exp 4s 48 103 103 103 Adams Ex 4%s 46 st- 108% 108% 108% Alleg Corp 6s 44 77% 77 77 Alleg Corp 5s 50 std-. 28 27% 27% I Alleg Valley 4s 42 - 107 106% 107 Allied Stores 4%s 50. 100% 100% 100% Allied Stores 4%s 61. 96 95*. 96 Allis Chalmers 4s 62 109 109 109 Am A For Pw 6s 2030 62% 61% 61% Am 1 G Ch 5%s 40... 102% 102% 102% Am Inti 5%s 40 _ 104 103% 104 Am I' A T 2 !4s 61_109% 109% 109% Am T A T 3%s 66_109% 109% 109% Am TAT 5 %s 4 3 ... 110% 110& 110 A Am Wat Wks 6s 75... 108% 107% 107% Anaconda db 4%s60 107% 107% 107% Anglo-Chll Nitr db 67 27 27 27 Armourt Del) lst4s 55 100% 100 100% Armour Del 4s 57 . 99*. 99% 99% A T&S Fe 4s 1905-55. 100% 100% 100% A TAS Fe gen 4s 95 .. 110% 110% 110% A TAS Fa 4 %s 48 102% 102% 102% A TASF RMt dv 4s 65 102 102 102 At] A Ch A L 5s 44 .. 96% 96% 96% Atl Coast D clt 4s 52.. 65 65 65 Atl Coast L 4 %s 64 .. 63% 63% 63% Atl Gulf A W 1 5s 59.. 63 63 63 Atlantic Refln 3s 53.. 105% 105% 105% B A U 1st 4s 48 _ 62% 62 6214 B A O conv 4%s 60... 12% 12% 12% B A O 4 %s 60 ct_ 12% 12% 12% 3 A O 1st 5s 48 _ 63 62 63 3 AO 1st 5a 48 ct_ 63 63 63 B A O ref Os 95 _ 20% 20% 20% B AO ref 5s 95 ct- 20% 20% 20% 3 A O 6s 96 F _ 21 21 21 B A O ret 6s 95 ct_ 22 22 22 B A O Swn 5s GO_ 43 43 43 B A O Stvn 5s 50 ct_ 43 42% 42% Bang A Aroos 4s 51_ 87% 87 87% Bang A Aroos 6s 43 .. 106% 106% 106% Bell T of Pa 5s 60 C— 136% 136% 136% Beth Steel 3%s 52... 101% 101% 101% Beth-Steel 3%s 66_ 106 104% 104% Beth Steel 4%B 60_ 107 106% 107 Bos A Ms 6s 65_ 33 33 S3 Bos A Me 5s 67 . _ 32% 82% 32% Bos N Y A D 4s 65_ 7 7 7 Bklyn Man T 4 %s 66- 80 79% 80 Bklyn Un El 5s 60 ... 88% 88 88% Bklyn Un Gas 5s 45.. 113% 113% 113% Bklyn Un Gas 5s 60 .. 99 98% 99 Bklyn Un G 5s 57 B ._ 106% 105% 106% Bklyn Un G rf 6s 47.. 114% 118% 113% Butt G E 4%s 81 . 110% 110% 110% Bush Term 1st 4s 52.. 71 71 71 Janada South 6s 62_ 91% 91% 91% Jan NR 4 %s 67.116% 116% 116% Jan NR 4%s 65_ 118% 118% 118% Jan Nit 6s 69 Oct_119% 119% 119% Jan NR 5s 70 .119% 119% 119% Jan N'or 6 %s 46 _ 128 123 123 Jan Pac db 4s p*rp._. 72% 72% 72% Jan Pac 4 %s 46 - 96% 96 96 Jan Pac 4% s 60- 85 85 85 Jan Pac 5s 54 .. _ 93% 93 93% Jaro Cl & Oh 6s 52_ 108 106% 106% Jar & Gen 5s 50_ 96 94% 95 Jent N Eng 4s 61_ 33 33 33 Jent Pao 1st rf 4s 49. 70% 70 70 Jent Pac 6s 60 _ 51% 50 50 Jent Steel 8s 41_115 115 115 Jert'd deb 6%s 4 8- 78% 78% 78% Jhes & O 8 %s 96 D__. 100% 100% 100% J & O gen 4 %i 92- 124% 124% 124% Jhl & Alton 3s 49_ 8% 8% 8% Jhl B&Q gen 4s 58— 97% 97% 97% Jhl B&Q 4%B 77_ 91% 91% 91% Jhl B&Q ref 6s 71- 97% "97% 97% J B&Q 111 div 3%s 49 100% 100% 100% Jhl &E 111 6s 51 ... 16 16% 16 Jhl Grt West 4s 69... 19% 18% 18% Jhl Ind & L 6s 66_ 3% 3% 3% Jh) Mil & St P 4s 89.. 24% 24% 24% Jhl Mil & St P 6s 75 . 7% 7 7 JMStP&Padj 6s 2000 2 2 2 Jhi&NW 4%s 2037.. 7% 7% 7% Jhi&NW 4Hs 2037 C. 7% 7% 7% Jhl & NW cv 4%s 49 3% 3% 3% Jhi R 1 & Pgen 4s 88 13% 13% 13% Jhl Un Sta S % s 63 .. 109% 1*9% 109% Jhl & W In ov 4s 62 . 93 93 93 Jhl A W lnd 4%s 62 95 94% 95 Jin G&E 3 %s 66 . - 109% 109% 109% JCO&StL L rf 4%s 77 51% 61 51 J C C&StL Spg 4s 40 100% 100% 100% J C C & St L, Wh Wat Valley 4s 40_ 95 95 95 Jlev Un Ter 6s 73 ... 82% 82% 8J% ;iev Un Ter 6%s 72— 91 91 11 men. low. close. Cole F & Ir 5s 43_ 103 103 103 Colo A So 4%■ 80_ 29 27% 28 Col GAE 6s 62 May_.103% 103% 103% Col GAE 6s 61 103*4 103 10344 Comw Ed 3>/4s 68_ 123% 122% 122% Comw Ed 8 %s 61- 110% 110% 110% Conn R Pw S4i>s 61_ 109 109 109 Cons Ed db 3%s 48 .. 106% 106% 106% Cons Ed N ¥ 3%s 68. 108% 108% 108% Cons OH 3%s 51 _ 106% 106 106% Consol Rys 4s 56._ 10% 10% 10% Consum Pwr S'is 66 108% 107*4 107% Container deb 6s 43 _. 99% 99% 99% Container 6s 46 _103% 103% 103% Conti Oil 2%s 48 . 107% 107 107 Crucible Steel 4%s 48 101% 101% 101V4 Cuba R 1st 6s 52 ... 33% S3 33 Cuba RR 7%s 46 A_ 36% 36% 36% Dayton PAL 3 %s 60 . 107% 107% 107% Del A Hud ref 4s 43 . 59 58 58 Del PAL 4'is 69 . 105% 105% 105% Den A R G con 4s 36 9% 9 9% Den A R G W 5s 55 . 3% 2% 2% DenAR O W rf 6s 78 7 7 7 Det Edison 3%s 66 ..111 111 111 Det Edison 4s 65 109% 109% 109% Duluth MAIR 314s 62 107% 106% 106% Duauesne Lt 3%s 65 109% 109% 109% Erie gen 4s 96- 17% 17% 17% Erie ref 6s 67_ 10% 10 10 Erie ref 6s 75_ 10% 10 10 Fed LtATr 5s 42 St . 103 103 103 Firestone Tire 8 L»s 48 105*4 105% 105% Fla EC Ry 4%s 69... 57% 67 57% Fla E C Ry 6s 74_ 7 ~6% 6'4 Gen Am Inv 6s 62'_ 103% 103'% 103% Gen Cable 5%s 47 ... 102% 102 102 Gen Mot Aco 3%s 51. Iu5% 105% 105% Gen Stl Cast 6%s 49.. 62 62 62 Ga Caro A Nor 6s 34.. 17% 18% 17% Goodrich 4%s 66 ... 104% 104% 104*, Grt Nor Ry 3 % s 67 ... 78% 78% 78% Grt Nor 4s 46 0 ... 99% 99% 99% Grt N Ry 4 '.is 7 6 D 86% 86% 86% Grt N R pn 4%s 77 E. 86% 86 86 Grt Nor Ry 4S 46 H .. 90% 90% 90% Grt Nor Ry 6%i 62_ 99% 99% 99% Gulf MAN 5'As 60 87 87 87 Gulf & Ship 1 5s 52 st. 854 864 85'i liar River&P 4s 54_4fi 46 46 Hudson Coal 5s 62 A. 33 314 314 Hud & Man Ino 5s 67. 144 14 144 Hud & Man ref 5s 57. 48 48 48 111 Cent 4s 63 604 5014 504 111 Cent ref 4s 55_ 524 524 5214 111 Cent 4 94 s 66 . ._ 46', 46 46 ICC&StL NO 44s 63. 46 46 46 ICC&StL NO 6» 63 624 51*. 51', Indust Rayon 44s 48 97'i 974 974 Inter R T 1st rf 6s 66 644 634 634 Inter RT 6s 32_ 34 334 334 Inter RT 7s 32 _ 604 604 604 Int Apr 5s 42 stp _1034 1034 1034 Int Grt Nor 1st 6s 52. 12 12 12 Int Hydro El 6s 44... 854 854 854 Int Mtr Mar 6s 41 ... 66 56 56 Int Taper 1st 5s 47_ 984 984 984 Int Paper ref 6s 65... 914 904 91 Int Ry of C A 5s 72_ 824 824 824 Int T&T 4 4s 62_ 614 614 614 Int T&T 5s 65 . 654 644 644 Iowa C 1st & ref 4s 51 24 24 24 Jones & L Stl 4Us 61. 95 95 95 Kans C EtS&M 4s 36. 254 254 254 Kans C So rf 5s 50_ 694 694 694 Kans G&E 4 4s 80... 1044 1044 104'. Keith's 6s 46 . _ 1004 100', 1004 Koppers Co 4s 61 ... 104 104 104 Krespe Found 3 4s 47 105', 105', 1054 Laclede Gas os 39_ 884 874 874 Laclede Gas os 42 .. 864 86', 86', Laclede Gas 5 4s 63.. 56 554 56 Laclede G 54s 60 D.. 554 554 554 Lautaro Nitrate 75... 254 25', 254 Leh New Enp 4s 65 ... 884 884 884 L V RR 4s 2003 asd 144 14 144 L V RR 4 4s 2003 asd 154 154 154 L V RR 5s 2003 asd.. 17 I64 164 Lion Oil 4 4s 62 ... 964 964 964 Liquid Carbon 4s 47 . 1074 1074 1074 Lone Star Gas 34s53 IO84 IO84 1084 Lone Isld ref 4s 49... 88 88 88 La & Ark 6s 69 .. 854 84', 84', Loulsv G&E 84s 66.. 1094 1094 109', L & Nash 39;s 2003 . 834 834 834 L & Nash unlf 4s 40_. 1004 1004 1004 L & Nash 4 4s 2003_ 914 914 914 L & N 5s 2003 B _ 99', 994 994 L&NPM4S46_ 101 1004 101 McCrory Strs 5s 61... 107 107 107 Manati Supar 4s 57—. 284 284 28', Manhat Ry 4s 90 _ 644 634 644 Manhat Ry 4s 90 ct... 62 614 614 Mead Co 6s 45 . .. 1044 1044 1044 Mich Cons Gas 4s 63. 1024 1024 1024 Mo 111 6s 69 _ 70o, 70 70 MStPSSM cn 4s 38 . 7 84 61, MStP&SSM 5s 38 ptd. 7 7 7 Mo K & T 1st 4s 90 ... 324 324 324 Mo K & T 5s 62 A _ 194 184 184 MoK&Tadj5s67__ 8 8 8 Mo Pac 4s 75 _ 34 34 34 Mo Pac 5s 65 A_ 15. 15 15 Mo Pac 5s 78 G_ 15 15 15 Mo Pac 5s 811._.... 15 15 15 Mo Pac ’64s 49...._ 24 24 24 Mononp P S 4 4s 60 — 1094 1094 1094 Monomp Pub S 61 65__ 109 108', 108',; Mont Power 394s 66 . 1004 1004 1004 1 Morrls&Es 34s 2000. 414 404 40*,! Morris & Es *4s 66 — 36', 364 36',, Morris & Es 5s 65 ... 384 384 384 | i\dNNiu Ciiec is Oi_ 4>>‘n 4.f'4 Nat Dairy 3*. a 61 ww 1074 1074 1074 Natl DlEtlll 3 4s 49 _ 1044 1044 1044 | Nat Gypsum 4 4» 50- 103 103 103 j Natl Steel 3s 65 ... 1034 1034 1034 New E T&T 4 4s 81.. 1294 1294 1294 1 N Y Central 34s 62 . 69 684 684 NY Central 34s 46. 764 764 754 N Y Central 4s 42_ 84 4 84 4 84 4 N Y Cent con 4s 98 . 574 664 564 N Y Cent rf 4 4s 2013 504 494 494 N Y Cent rf 5s 2013 . 564 56 56 NYC Mich C 34s 98. 614 614 614; N Y Chl&StL 44s 78. 614 504 50*. N Y C&StL 6 4s 74 A 60 594 60 N Y Chi & St L 6s 41. 63 4 63 4 634 N Y Conn 1st 4 4a 63 1064 1064 1064 NY Dock 4s 51 .. 514 514 514 N Y G E H&P 4s 49 ... 1184 1184 1184 N Y G E H&P 6s 48 ... 126 126 126 NY NH AH 44s 67 .. 14H 144 144 NY NH & H cv 6s 48. 144 144 144 N Y Queens 34s 65 . 1104 110', 1104 N Y Steam 3 4s 63 . 1064 1064 1064 N Y Tr Rk 6s 46 stpd 88 88 88 N Y \V&B 44K 46 ... 34 34 34 Niag Sh 6 4" 60 1024 1024 1024 North Am 34s 64_1064 1064 1064 North Am 4S 69 ... 107*. 1074 1074 Nor’n Pac gn 3s 2047. 434 434 434 N'or’n Pao 4 4s 2047.. 474 474 474 Nor'n Pac 6a 2047 594 684 584 North Sta Pw 3 4a 67 1094 1094 1094 Ohio Edison 3*.s 72.. 1084 1084 108*. Ohio Edison 43 65 ... 1074 1074 1074 Okla G&E 3Y.s 66 ... 1094 1094 1094 OntPwr Niag 5a 43... 1124 1124 1124 Oreg RR & N 4s 46 ... 1114 1114 1114 Oregon W RR 4s 61.. 107 1064 1064 Otis Steel «4« 62_ 78 774 774 Pac Gas & El 3 4s 66. 109 109 109 Pao G & E 34is 61_111*. 1114 1114 Pac G & E 4s 64 ...111411141114 Pac T&T 3V.S 66 C... 1104 1104 1104 Para Brodwy 3s 55 ct. 504 50H 604 Param't Pic 3 4s 47.. 914 914 914 Parmelee 6s 44_ 50 60 50 Penn Co 4s 52 E_ 1044 1044 1044 Penn Co 4s 63 1U44 1044 1044 Penn P&L 44s 81_104M 10433 104|| Penn RK 84s 52_ 86 86 86 Penn RR 3-%s 70_ 90 90 90 Penn RR 44s 81_ 964 964 964 Penn R 44a 84 . ... 964 96*. 964 A CU1I AAAI fell ~ 7* • UU -- 1UU7K AUV/'ll 1U</^ Penn RR db 4 4* 70— 884 884 884 Penn RR Ren 5s 68 — 1074 1074 1074 Peoples GL&C 6s 47.. 1164 1164 1164 Peo GL&C 6s 43_117 117 117 Peoria & E 1st 4s 40— 484 484 484 Pere Marg 6s 66 - 644 644 644 Phelps Dodge 3 4s 52 109 1084 1084 Phila Co 6s 67 .. _ 1054 1054 1054 Phila Elec 3 4s 67.—. 1104 110 1)0 Phila RCA Ir 6s 78— 11 104 11 Phila R C & Ir 6s 49._ 34 34 34 Philippine Ry 4s 37._ 84 84 84 Phillips Petrol 8s 48. 1094 108*4 1084 PCC&StL 4 4s 40 A.. 105 105 105 PCC&StL 44s 77- 984 984 984 PCC&StL 6s 70 A_ 106 106 106 PCC&StL 6s 75 B ... 106 1064 106 PlttAW Va4 4a60C. 304 304 30% Port Gen El 44s 60 — 804 794 80 Porto R A T 6s 42 st.. 264 264 264 Postal Tel &C 5s 68 .. 14 14 14 Public Sv 1st S4a 68. 1094 109 109 Purity Baking 6s 48.. 1034 1034 1034 R-K-0-6s 41_ 734 784 734 Reading R «4s 97 A. 734 734 784 Reading R 4 4s 97 B. 73 4 73 4 734 Rem Rand 44 66 xw. 1014 1014 1014 Republic Stl 44s 56.. 95 95 95 Republlo Stl 4 4a 61.. 944 944 944 Republic Stl 5 4a 54. 1064 1064 1064 Richfield Oil 4s 52 .. 1074 1074 1074 Rich Term Ry 5s 52— 1064 1054 1054 Rio GW 1st 4s 39 ... 314 31 31 Saguenay Pw 44a 66 107 ' 107 107 StL 1M&S R&G 4a 33 624 624 624 St L R M&P 5a 55 ... 60 694 60 St L-San Fr 4a 60 A.. 84 8 8 StL-San Fr 44a 78 . - 84 8 8 St L-S F 44s 78 ct st. 8 8. 8 St L-San Fr 6a 60 B_. 8 v I 8 St L 8 W lat is 19_ 694 »9 69 Hieh. Low. Close. St L S W 1st t»r 6* 62 18 18 18 Schulco SH« 46 A_ 20 20 20 Schulco 6%s 46 A stp 20 20 20 Seabd A L adj 8s 49.. 2% 2% 2H Seab'd A E 6s 45 A_ 6"4« 6H 6% Simmons Co 4s 52_ 99*. 99% 99% Skelly 011 4s 61... .. 103% 108% 108% So Bell T&T SHs 62 . 108% 108% 10g% Southn Kraft 4>4s 46 92% 92% 92% So Pac ool 4s 49_ 46% 46 46 So Pao rsf 4s 66_ 62% 62% 62% So Pao 4Hs 66_ 46V, 44% 44% So Pac 4%s 69_ 46% 44% 44% So Pac4 Hs II... 46% 44% 44% So Pac Ores «Hs 77.. 50V, 60 60 So Pac S F Ter 4a 60.. 86 85 86 So Ry pen 4S 66 A_ 65 63% 63% So Ry 6s 94 _ 87% 87% 87% So Ry gen 6s 66_ 71 71 71 So Ry 6%s 66 _ 76 76 76 S W Bell Tel 3s 68 .. 107% 107% 107% S \V Bell T< 3Hs 64. 109% 109% 109% Southwn G&E 4s 60.. 106 105 105 Stand Oil N J 3s 61 ... 106 105% 106 Studebaker cv 6s 46.. 92% 92 92 Tenn El Pwr 6s 47 A. 100% 100% 100% Texarkana 5 Hs 60 .. 87% 87% 87% Texas Corn 3s 69 ... 105% 105% 105% Texas CorpSHs 51 . 105 105 105 Texas & Pac 5s 77 B . 86% 86% 86% Texas & Pac 6s 79 C_, 87 87 87 Tex & Pac 5s 80 D ... 87% 87% 87% Third Av ref 4s 60 .. 42% 42% 42% Third Ave 1st 5s 37.. 96% 96% 96% Third Av ad1 5s 60 . 8% 8 8 Tide Wat Oil 3 Hs 52. 105% 105% 105% Tol & Ohio C 3 % s 60. 89 89 89 Un El(Mo)3Hs 62 ... 108% 108% 108% Un Pacilio 3 Hs 70 ... 99% 99% 99% Un Pacific 1st 4s 47.. 114% 113% 114% Un Tac ref 4s 2008 . 108% 108% 108% Utd Cftr W Strs 6s 52. 75% 75% 76% United DruK 6s 63... 83% 82 82% Utd.NJR4.s44 _110 110 110 Utd Rys St E 4s 34... 30% 80% 30% U S Steel 3 %s 48 ... 106% 106', 106% Utd Ktkyds4 %s61ww 87% 87% 87% Utah E&l 6s 44 _101% 101% 101% Utah Pwr & Et 5s 44.. 101% 101% 101% Utility P & E 5s 69__ 80 80 80 Va Rv 1st SHs 66_108% 108% 108% Va S W con 5s 68_ 67% 67% 67% Wabash 4%s 78 C_ 6% 6% 6% Wabash 2d 6s 39_ 16% 16% 16% Wabash 5%s 75 . 6% 6% 6%j Westcht E tin 3 Hs 67 109 109 109 ‘ Westchester E 5s 50 . 129% 129% 129% I West Sh 1st 4s 2361.. 50% 60% 60% West Aid 1st 4s 62 .. 83% 83% 83% West N Y&P «n 4s 43. 107 107 107 I West Pac 6s 46 A as.. 18 18 18 ; West Union 4 Hs 60.. 68% 67% 67% i West Union 5s 51_ 73% 72% 73V, West L'nion 6s 60_ 72% 72 72 Wheel Steel 4 H* 66.. 97% 97% 97% Wilson & Co 4s 55_ 102 102 102 WlsCent4s49 _ 9% 9% 9% WIsElPw 3%s66_._ 108% 108 108 ‘ Youngst'n S&T 4* 48. 105% 104% 104%' Younust'n S&T 4s 61. 106 106 106 __. I Corn Prices Are Down At Frederick Canneries Bj the Associated Press. FREDERICK, Md., Aug. 7.—With three factories ready to open and two already in operation, Frederica County's corn canning season will get under way this week, providing jobs for several hundred persons. Prices established at plants last week were down $3 a ton as com pared with last year, with some of the first early sweet corn reported | irregular in quality. Farmers blamed dry weather and said value of the late crop would depend upon rainfall within the next few weeks. The plants were paying $7.50 a ton for Evergreen and $9.50 a ton for Golden Bantam last week, as compared to $10.50 and $12.50 last year. General Food Sales Co. Names Vice President By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Aug. 7.—Clarence E. Eldridge. vice president of the adver tising firm of Young * Rubicam. has been elected vice president of Gen eral Foods Sales Co. in charge bf cereal products merchandising, it was announced by Clarence Francis, General Foods' president. Rubber Imports Rise The Commerce Department re ports that American manufacturers j reversed a trend and increased their 1 importation of crude rubber in the first six months of this year to $4,112,078, compared with $2,172,581 in the similar period last year Rubber imports declined steadily through most of 1938 because manu facturing was at a low level. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO Auk. 7 </P-.—Last week's ; downward price trend on hogs was halted at the opening of the market today. Quotations were generally steady to strong, with spots up ft to 10 cents. Cattle prices were mixed. Spring lambs were weak to lft cents off. A top price of $6.70 was paid for good to choice medium weight hogs, and the bulk was selling at 0.40-05. There were 10.000 hogs available to open trade ! out of receipts of 12.500. The cattle run in general showed quality. A top price of 10.00 was paid for l.ftOO-pound yearlings. Bidding was 25 cejus and more lower on medium weights and weighty kinds. Fed heifers were fully steady Spring lambs and yearlings got only moderate action in a weak market. Native spring lambs topped at 8.7ft. with the bulk going at 8.00-00. Sheep held about steady. Salable hoRS. 10.000: total. 12.500; i generally steady to strong with Friday’s average, spots 5 to 10 higher; top. 0.70. Good and choice. 180-240 pounds. 6.4o 0ft: 240-270 Bounds largely 5.00-0.55: 270-300 pounds. 5.30-0.00; 300-330 pounds, 4.00-5.40: good light sows. 5.00 45; mostly 300-300 pounds. 4.00-5.00; 400-500 pounds. 4.00-50. Salable cattle. 13.000: salable calves. 1.500; moderate supply: most yearling and yeaciing type light steers, along with fed heifers, steady: early top. 1.500-pound yearling steers. 10.00; 740-pound heifers. 0.75: but very liberal run medium weight and weighty good to near choice steers here; nothing done: bidding 25 cents or more low’er: plain and medium grades steady to 25 cents lower: mostly 25 cents off. except on light kinds: several loads strictly choice and prime weighty steers in crop: run being largely grain fed. with bulk bearing considerable weight: fed heifers fully steady cows scarce, weak: bulls steady at 7.00 down on sausage offer ings: most cutter cows 4.50-65: vealers steady at 10.00-50: stocker and feeders supDly unseasonably small. Salable sheep. 4.000: total. 6.500: spring lambs and yearlings only moderately active: weak to 15 lower: top native springs. 8.75: bulk. 8.00-00: good Idahos. 8JJ5-50: sorted. 10 per cent and less: good Texas yearlings 7.00; sheep about steady: native slaughter ewes. 2.50-3.50. New York Produce NEW YORK. Aug. 7 OP).—Eggs. 12.113. weaker. Mixed colors, fancy to extra fancy. 1 8>/a-22V standards. 173i-18; firsts. IB's; seconds. 143«-l: mediums 141 a; dirties Nn. 1. 141/4: average checks. 13*4. Whites—-Resale of premium marks. 28>/a 11. nearby and Midwestern, premium marks. 25*a-2R: exchange specials. 25: ex change standards. 21>/a-22; resale of near by heavier mediums. 23'/a-28; nearby and Midwestern, exchange mediums. 23. Browns—Nearby, extra fancy. 2.1'/a-29; nearby and Midwestern exchange specials. 22*4-23: exchange standards, 21-21'a; nearhv mediums. 2(1. Duck eggs—Nearby, lfi-20. Butter. 499,290; steady. Creamery, higher than extras. 24Vj-25*/«: extra t92 score). 24*/4t firsts (88-91 scorp). 22*4 2334t seconds fM-87 score. 20*4-21 *-4 Cheese. 112.439: steady. State whole milk flats, held 1.938, 16*/a-19; Junes 18; yther fresh. M34-153,4. Flour steady; spring patents. 4.90-5.15; soft winter straights. 4.26-4.45: hard win ter straights. 4.(10-4.80. Rye flour steady; fancy patents. 4.00 1.25. Rye spot steady; No. 2 American, f. o. b. New York (carlnts), ho3*: No. 2 Western, 1. f. New York. 5934. Barley firm; No. 2 domestic, c. 1. f. New York. 59*4. Buckwheat ateady; export. 1.35. nominal. Pork steady; export, mess. 17.75; fam ily. 14.26. Lard steady; Middle West. 0.10. Tallow steady; special, loose. 4*4; extra ,oose. 4**. Greases steady; yellow and house. 4*«. Hay steady: (new). No. 1. 19.00; No. 2, L8.00-17.00; No. 3. 14.00-15.00. Stra steady: No. 1 rye. 21.00-22.00. i Beans ateady; marrow 4.65: pea. 3.10: red kidney. 3.75; white kidney* 8.50, How steady. Pacific Coa*lfcl938s, 20 91: 1937a. 18-20. nominal. ^ F. W. Woolworth Co. July Sales Near Record for Month Total of $24,340,307 Is Second Only to Mark Set in 1937 By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Aug. 7.—F. W. Wool worth Co. today reported July sales Of $24,340,307, second largest for that month in the history of the com pany. Only in 1937, with a figure of $24, 727,000 did a July volume top that witnessed this year. On a strictly day-by-day basis this year’s sales were even faster than two years ago, for the 1937 month contained an extra business day Last month’s volume represented a rise of 7.1 per cent over the $22, 733,471 sales a year ago. In June volume was 6'i per cent above the like 1938 month. For the first seven months this year sales were $163,089,650, a rise of 4.7 per cent over the $155,789,063 In the like 193% period. Greyhound Is Authorized To Issue $768,000 Notes B.v the Associated Press. The Interstate Commerce Com mission authorized today the issu ance of $768,000 in mortgage notes by seven subsidiaries of the Grey hound Lines for the purchase of 57 new super coaches. The subsidiaries are: Capitol Greyhound Lines, Cen tral Greyhound Lines, Inc,, Dixie Greyhound Lines, Inc., New England Greyhound Lines, Inc., Ohio Grey hound Lines, Inc,, Teche Lines, Inc , and Central Greyhound Lines, Inc ’ of New York. Visible Wheat Supply Increases in U. S. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Aug. 7.—Visible sup ply of American grain showed the following changes from a week ago tin bushels): Wheat increased 3, 876.000. corn decreased 2.709.000. oats increased 708,000. rye increased 191, 000, barley Increased 417 000. Washington Produce BUTTER—1*0 score. 1-pound print*. 2ft; tub. ^-Dound prints. 2 7: J*2 score, tub 2ft '4-DGiind print*. 2*. MEAT8 -Choice beef. IK; Rood beef. 1ft 1. j • calve*. 1 ft -17; spring iambs. 21: veal. 1ft-IK pork loin. 20-21: smoked regular ham. 22-23: smoked skinned ham. '■* large smoked skinned ham. 20-21: bacon, sliced. 28 bacon, rnece. 23: com pound In pure lard. 81? LIVESTOCK—Pit* J 20-140 pound*. f>fto-.»X5; light pigs. 140-150 pound*. 5.85-0.1 o; 150-200 pounds, ft.lo-ft.55: 210 -•■»o Pounds. ,*>.00-5.85, 25o-.'too pounds. ;*» 10-5.60; calves, good trade. 81, down: lambs. 8 down buck lambs, j oO less, sows. 3 ftO-3 85; stags. 2.ft" down iETjcjs P*id net fob. Washington.! EGG8-—Market steady. For eggs can died and graded in Washington 'August *>: Whites. U. S. extras, large. U S extras, mediums. 23; U S. standards! 23: u. 8 standards, mediums. 18. U. S. trades. 17. For nearby ungraded eggs Current receipts, whites. 17 to 17>s. mixed colors. 15'7 to i«. LIVE POULTRY—Market weak price* lower on some classes. Fowl. Colored, all sizes. 15; No 2s. 10 to 12 Leghorns. 10 to 11; roosters. 8 to 10. Chickens Vir ginia Rocks, broiler* and frvers all sizes, lx. No 2s, 121 / to 13: Delaware Rocks and crosses, broilers and fryers, all sizes. 17: No. 2s. 12l2 to 13: mixed-colored fry er* 14 Leghorns, broilers all size*. 14. Turkeys: Old toms. 12 to 13; old hen*. 15. Other Market*. Florida—32 bushel baskets okra, four standard crate* pineapples, five lugs man goes 11 bushels avocados, six Ift-quart crate* blueberries. 11 bushel crates limes, three lugs limes. North Carolina—7ft half-bushel baskets okra ftO bushel hamper* okra ftn stand ard crate* cantaloupes, two 24-quart crates huckleberrie*. Pennsylvania—258 4-pound baskets 1 mushrooms, 14 24-quart crates huckle berries TENNESSEE—ft bushel hampers okra. 1 MARYLAND—23 bushel hamper* okra MTrmr**N_•’<» lii.nlm c berries. CALIFORNIA—05 flats fies. WEST VIRGINIA—0 boxes watercress. UNKNOWN ORIGIN—00 boxes mixed vegetables. CANTALOUPES—Market dull. Truck re ceipts moderate. East Shore Maryland. *;t crates. 24s 25-75. standard and jumbo flp's 12s. 25-50. HONEYDEWS-—Market steady. No car lot arrivals: three broken cars on track. Arizona and California, standard crates. jib. I 75-2.00. CARROTS—Market steady. One Cali fornia arrived: three broken cars on track California Los Angeles. crates, bunched. 2 50. Pennsylvania, bushel bas kets topped washed. 85 CORN Market steady Truck receipts liberal. Maryland, sacks, five dozen. 2()-0o. CELERY—Market steady. One New York arrived: one broken car on track. New York, one-half crates, individually washed, all sizes. Eastern. 1.25-1.50; Western. 1.76 2.oo. ONIONS—Market steady. No carlot ar rivals: one broken car on track. 50-pound sacks. Yellows, u S No 1: New Jersey, 75-85; Massachusetts. 1.00. PEACHES—Market steady. Four South Carolina arrived: five broken and five un broken cars on track. South Carolina, bushel baskets. Elbertas. U. S No. 1. 2-2*4 inches. 1.25-1.50. Virginia. bushPl baskets. Elbertas U. 8 No. 1 2-2*4 inches. 1.25: bushel baskets. Hileys. U. 8. No. 1. 2-2U inches. 1.25. PEAS—Market steady. One Idaho, one Coloraao. one California arrived: three bro ken and one unbroken cars on track. Colo rado. bushel hampers. 2.00. POTATOE8—Market dull. No carlot ar rivals: no cars on track. Truck receipts liberal. East Shore Virginia and New Jersey. lOo-pound sacks Cobblers. U. 8 No. 1. 1.40-1.50: fair condition. 1.20-1.25. SWEET POTATOES—Market dull. One Louisiana arrived: one broken car on track. Truck receipts light. Bushel bas kets. Jersey type. U. S. No. 1: North Carolina. 1.75-2.00; Georgia. 1.76. Louis iana. bushel crates. Puerto Ricans. U. S. No 1. 2.00. WATERMELONS—Market dull. Boat re ceipts equivalent six cars Virginia. North and South Carolina, truck. Tom Watsons. 20-25 pounds. 25-40 each. Virginia, boat. bulk, per loo pounds, various va rieties. K to 12 pounds. 5.00-10.00: 18 28 pounds. 15.00-25.00; 30-40 pounds. 30 Oo-.3n.oo GREEN BEANS—Market steady. Truck receipts lieht Pennsylvania, bushel ham pers^round stringiest mostly 1.00. Mary land 2-bushel sacks, round stringless. 1.75. LIMA BEANS—Market dull. Truck re ceipts liberal. Delaware, bushel hampers. [10-1.00. PEPPERS—Market steady. Truck re ceipts light. New Jersey, bushel baskets, green. 50-00 SPINACH—Market dull. Colorado, half crates, few sales. 1.25-1.50. CABBAGE—One Virginia arrived: one unbroken car on track Market steady. Truck receipts light. Pennsylvania. 5 peck hampers, domestic round type, 1.00 1.2.1. uiiwu^ei—Mr»uy. rvnr uail rorma arrived: two broken and four un broken cars on track. California. Los Anseles crates. Iceberg type. 5 dozen. 2 .5-3.on. New York. Eastern crates. Big Boston type 2 dozen 25-50 APPLES—-Maryland. Virginia. Pennsyl vania. Wes» Virginia, bushel baskets, U. B No. 1: Rambos. 2'<> inches. 75-85: 3*« inches Wealthys. 2V« inches, HO-flo: "1-i inches. 05-75: Wilson June, 31« inches. 05-75: 21■, inches, 1.00-1.15; Duchess, overripe. 25-40. BLUEBERRIES—Michigan, 15-20 per Dint PLUM8—California. 4-basket crates. 1.2o-l .75 ORANGES—Four California arrived: six broken and eiaht unbroken cars on track Boxes: California. 3.25-4.25: Florida. 2.BO 3.25. as to grade and size HUCKLEBERRIES—Virginia. 24-Quart :rates. 3.00-3.50' Pennsylvania, quarts. 15 PINEAPPLES—Crates. Cuba. 3.00-3.50: Florida. 4.00-4 50 AVOCADOS—Florida, flat crates. 75-90. LIMES—Florida. Vs-bushel cartons, best. 15: poorer lower GRAPES—California, lug boxes Thomp ion seedless. 1.25-1.60: fair quality. 1.00. EIOS—California, flat crates. 50-90: nostly around 75. EGGPLANT—New Jeraey. bushel bas kets. 50-00 BROCCOLI—Pennsylvania, crates. 8 lunches, 1.75. Boston Wool Market BOSTON. Aug 7 I/P) tUnited States Department of Agriculture'.—New busl bess was slow today on the Boston wool narket. An occasional Inquiry was being ■eceived for fine Western-grown wools. Hecent buyers of three-eighths and one luarter blood fleece wools were either tut of the market or bidding lower than irices that had been paid In the past 'ew weeks Asking prices on most hold n«s of domestic wools In ^Boston were Irm compared with last Week's selling irices. NEW YORK CURB MARKET win Hired bo mo BIlr> daetern Darllrkt Ravine Time.) Stock and Salea— Dividend Rate Add 00. High. Low. OIom. Aero Supply (B). 1 3% 3% 3% Ala Power pf («) 140a 89% 89 89 Ala Power pf (7) 40e 97% 97 97 Allied Prod .25*.. 1 9% 9% 9% Alum Co of Am.. 100a 119 117% 117% Alum Co pf (8) — 60a 115% 115% 115% Alum Induetrlea. 100a 6% 6% 5% Alum Ltd (.25a). 50* 127% 127% 127% Alum Ltd pf (6).. 60a 111% 111% 111% Am Capital (A).. 1 1% 1% 1% Am Cap pf .25k .. 3 16% 16% 18% Am Centrifugal 1 % % % Am City Power A Lt(A) 2.52 %h .225a 34% 34% 34% Am C P & Lt (A) ww(2,06>/«h) . 2 34 33% 33% AmCltyPAL(B) 6 1% 1% 1% AmCynamB.60. 16 27% 27% 27% Am Fork A H .60 100a 10 10 10 Am Gaa A El 1.80 10 39% 88% 39% AmLaundM.80- 1 16% 16% 16% Am Mf* Co _ 50a 12 12 12 Am Maracaibo... 1 % % % Am Republlce ..' 1 6% 5% 5% Am Seal-Kap.24* 1 6% 6% 6% Am Superpower 2 44 4* 44 Am Superpwr pf 2 21% 20 20 Am Thread pf .25 3 8% 3% 3% Appal El P pf(7). 20a 111 111 111 Ark Nat Gae._ 2 2% 2% 2% Ark Nat Gaa A .. 8 2% 2% 2% Aaaoc GAE (A) 4 % % % Assoc Gaa&El pf 19 9 9 Avery* Sons 5 6% 6% 6% Avery (BE) war 1 1% 1% 1% Aviation A Trana 2 2% 2% 2% Babcock A Wll .. 2 17 17 17 Baldwin Lo war 15 5 5 Baldwin Rub.25* 1 6% 6% 6% Barium Stain Stl 1 % % % Beech Aircraft 3 6 5 5 Bellanca Aircraft 6 7% 7% 7% Bell Aircraft 8 20% 19% 19% Benson & Hedges 100a 40 40 40 Bliss (EW).. 6 11 10% 10% Rlue Ridge _ 1111 Rohack (HC)_ 18 8 3 Brazilian T A L.. 1 8% R% 8% Breeze Corp .14 4 4 Brewst Aero 20* 8 7% 7 7 Brldgp't Machine 1 8% 8% 3% Brill (A) 1 2% 2% 2% Rrit-Am T hr.71* 2 21 21 21 Brown Rubber 9 4% 4% 4% B NAEP pf 1.60.. 2 22% 22% 22% Tab El Trod vtc 1 4* 4J 4* f'Arlh fivnrtirats 1 li li U Carrier Corp _ 3 13 12% 12% Catalln (Am) 13 3 3 Celan ptc pf (7a) 150* 108 106% 108 Cent NY Pwr pf 8 70* 96 95% 95% Cant States Elac 12 A A A Cent St* El 67. pf 1 3% 3% 3^ j Chamb MW .10g. 14 4 4 Cities Service 1 5% 5% 5% Cltiea Service pf 4 54% 54 54% Cities SPAL $7 pf 10* 78 78 78 Colts Pat F A (2) 2 76% 76 76 Columb Oil A Oaa 10 3 2% 3 Com P & L 1 st pf 225s 38 37 37 Com'ty P S (2) 175* 27% 27% 27% Community Wat. 3 % % % Compo Shoe (1). 1 16 16 16 Cone CodM 16g. 14 6% 6% 6% Consol Gas Util . 2 1% 1% 1% Cons Royalty .20. 1 1% 1% 1% Cons Steel Corp.. 10 6 5% 5% Copper Ranee ... 6 J% 3% 3% Cosden Petrolm . 2 1% 1% 1% Coaden Patrol pf. 1 11 11 11 Creole Petm 50a. 1 19% 19% 19% Crocker Wheeler. 2 6 4% 4% Croft Brewing_ 2 % % % j Crown Drug ... 2 H % % Cuneo Press (3a) 200s 49 49 49 Davenp t Ho .50g 1 17 17 17 Dayton R (A)(2) 100s 29% 29% 29% Decca Ree (.30g) 6 7 6% 7 Dlvco Twin T 6 6% 6 6% I Duro-Test (4*f) 3 3% 3% 3% j Eagle Plcher Ld. 1 9% 9% 9% East’n Gas & F__ 1 1% 1% 1% Eastn GAF 6 pf 260s 11% 11% n% Eaatn GAF pr pf. 75s 23 22% 23 | Eastern Sts pf A. 25s 15 15 15 Eisler Electric... 1 1% 1% 1% ; Elec Bond A Sh . 106 10% 9% 9%, ElecBASpf(B) 1 61% 61% 61%' Elec BAS pf (6) 2 69% 69% 69% ! ElecPALwar 2 4 4 4 j Emp G A F 6% pf 10s 61 61 61 Emp G A F 7* pf 175* 64 62% 63% I Empire Pwr (Ik) 150* 27% 27 27 j Emsco Derrick... 1 8 8 8 | Equity Corp _ 3 % % % I Esquire (,«0g) .. 1 4% 4% 4% [ Fairchild Av .20g 1 11% 11% 11% Fisk Rubber 2 10% 10% 10% Ford Ltd (,16g) . 1 3% 8% 3% Froedtert (,48g) 1 8% 8% 8% Froedt cvpf 1.20 50s 18% 18% 18% ! Fruehauf T .80g. 1 19% 19% 19%' Gen Alloys ..11 1 1 Gen Pub Svc pf.. 10s 39 39 39 Gen Sharehold . 1 1% 1% 1% Gen Share pf(6h) 110s 80 79 79 Glen Alden Coal. 14 4 4 Grav Mfe . 1 10 10 10 GAAP 1st pf (7) 50s 129 128% 129 Grum'an Air .25g 4 16% 16% 16% Gulf Oil of Pad ) 2 32% 32% 32% Hall Lamp ... 2 2% 2% 2% Harvard Rraw K liu il. n Hazeltine (3)_ 1 30% 30% 30% Hecla Min (.20*) 2 7 7 7 Hoe (P.) & Co A 1 5% 5% 5% Humble Oil 1.50 8 57 55% 55% j Hvgrade Syl 1.50 50g 30 30 30 llllnois-la Power 1 3% 3% 3% Ill-la Power pf _ 3 22% 22% 22% j Ill-la Pwr div ct. 2 6% 5% 5% Imp Oil Ltd 50a. 3 15 14% 15 ! Ind Svc 6% pf ... 30b 15 15 15 Indus Finan pf._ 50s 12 12 12 Ins Co N Am 2a . 100s 59 69 69 Int Hydro El pf.. 2 1RH 18 18 Int Indust .10* .. 1 2% 2% 2% Int Pa&Pwr war. 1 2% 2% 2% Int Petrol 1.50a.. 8 22% 21% 21% Int Util pf ,75k . 50s 18% 16% 16% Interst H Eq 50 18 7% 6% 7% Interst Hos Mills 1 10% 10% 10% Interst P Del pf 175s 6% 5% 5% Irving Air C (la) 1 17% 17% 17% Jacob* Co . 7 3 3 3 Jer CF&L pf (6). 10s 97% 97% 97% Jer CP&L pf (7). 20s 108% 103% 103% Kingston Prod .. 1 1% 1% 1% Koppers pf 2.25k 60s 60 60 60 KressiSH) pf .60 1 13 13 13 Lake Shore M (4) 2 41%'41% 41% Lakey Fdry & M 2 3% 3% 3% Lehigh Coal &N 6 2% 2% 2% Lipton pf (1.50). 100s 19 19 19 Lockheed Aircr 13 25 24% 24% Lone Star (.40*). 22 9% 9 9 Long Island Lt* 5 1% 1% 1% Long Isl Ltg pf B 100s 34% 34% 34% La P & Lt pf (6). 40s 103% 103% 103% McCord Rad <B) 2 2 2 2 Mo Willma Dredg 1 8% 8% 8% Majestic Radio . 6 1% 1% 1% Mass Util Assoc. 1 2% 2% 2% Master Elec ,50g. 150s 19% 19% 19% Mercantile Stra.. 60s 18% 18% 18% Merr-Chap & So.. 1 4% 4% 4% Mich Buraber—. >2 £ H % Mich Sugar_ 37 % % % Mich Sugar pf .. 12 6% 4% 5 Minn PAL pf (7). 10s 94 49 94 Mo Pub Svc .20g_ 3 5% 5% 5% Molyodenum . 9 4% 4% 4% Mount City Cop.. 14 4 4 Mount Prod .60 1 6% 6% 5% Muskegon P .70g 1 18% 13% 13% Nat City L ,50g 1 16% 16% 16% V/l A j A-l VO/ lOUB MM 4 4 4 4 Nat PSiLpf < 6) 275k 89)4 88)4 89 Nat Rubber Mach 8 3(4 3(4 3(4 Nat Stl Car (2) 25s 49 49 49 N E P A pf 3.50k 150s 76** 76)4 76)4 ! N J Zinc (1.50*). 100s 65 55 55 NewMexAArix 6 1V4 1)4 1)4 Newmont M (1*) 3 72 7H» 72 N Y P & Lt pf (6 ) 20* 104)4 104)4 104)4 NY Shipbld fd eh 1 10)4 10)* 10|* N Y Water Svc pf 10s 21 21 21 Nla* Hudson Pwi 6 7)4 7*4 7*4 Nla* Hud 1st (5) 76s 88 88 88 Nla* Hud 2d (6). 10s 77 77 77 Nla* 6h Md (B) 3 6)4 6)4 6)4 Niplssin* Mines 1 It* It* it* Nor Am Lt & Pwr 6 1*4 1*4 1*4 Nor Am LAP pf 26s 63)4 63)4 63)4 Nor Ind Pub Sva 6% pf (3k) 90s 100 100 100 N IPS 7 pf 3.60k 60s 107 107 107 North'n Sta P< A) 6 12 11*4 12 ' Ohio Brass (B) 26s 19 19 19 Ohio Edls pf (() 60s 107 107 107 Ohio Pwr pf(*> 10s 112*4 112*4 112*4 Ohio P S pf A(7 ) 60s 114 113(4 113)4 Okla Nat O .60*. 2 16(4 16*4 16** ] Okla Nat G pf ( ' 200s 45 45 45 , Okla NO cvpf(«) 26s 110*4 110*« 110** ' Pac Gas 6 pf 1.60 8 84(4 34*4 34*4 Pantepse OR 6 6 6 5 1 Pender Gr A 3.60. 60s 41 41 41 { Pa-Cent Airlines 2 9)4 9)4 9)4 Pennroad Corp . 4 lt4A,l'4 It* PennGAE(A) . 2 3*4 M3*< 3** I Penn PAL pf («) 80e 106 106 106 1 Pann PAL pf (7) 60a 109)4 109V* 109)4 Pepperell (4*)... 75* 73S 73)4 73** . Phillips Packing. 1 4)4 4H 4)4 < Phoenix Secur *14 8)4 7*» 8 j Phoenix Secur pf Ms 83 S3 83 £ meet ana m m— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Blah. Low. Close Pioneer Gold .40.. 1 24 24 124 Pitta Porting.. 2 94 94 04 Polaris Mining .. 2 14 14 14 PramlerGold .12. 4 14 14 14 Producers Corp.. 1 A A A Prosperity <B) ... 1 34 34 34 Pub Sv Ind It pf. BOe 424 424 424 P B Ind »7 pr pf . 160* 79 784 784 Puget Sd P |6 pf 100* 69 68 68 Puget S’d P SC pf 150* 24 4 234 234 Richmond Rad .. 1 24 24 24 RochGAEpfD6. 76* 1064 105 105 Rome Cabla .10*. 2 114 114 114 Roosevelt Field.. 1 14 14 14 Root Petrolm pf. 8 84 54 64 Rossia lnternat'1 6*44 Rustless lr A Stl. 1 104 104 104 Rust I&S nf 2.60. 60s 46 46 46 Ryerson H._„._ 1 4 % 54 St Regis Paper_ S 24 24 24 Salt Dome Oil.. 8 84 84 84 Schlft Co (1)- 1 134 134 134 Scullln Steel war. 2 14 ^ £ 8elberling Rub 1 74 74 74 Selby Shoe ,875g 150* 11 104 104 Sslect Industries 2 44 4 Select Ind cv pf _ 60s 64 64 64 Seversky Alrcr’t. 10 84 84 34 Shattuck-D 125g 2 64 64 64 Sher-Willms(2g) 60s 944 914 944 Simmons H & P._ 2 14 14 14 Sonotons (.05*).. 1 14 14 14 S C Ed pf B 1.60 . 1 294 294 294 Spalding 1st pf n. 200s 17 17 17 Stand Dredge . . 1 14 14 14 Stand Oil Ky (1) 2 I84 184 184 Stand Oil Neb 2 154 154 154 Stand Stl Spr .60* 1 36 36 36 Sterchi Bros Sts. 3 44 34 34 Sterchi Bros 2d . 50s 9 9 9 Sterling. Inc ,20a 1 34 34 34 Sullivan Mach .. 2 8 8 8 Sunray Oil 05g 2 24 24 24 Sun’y O CYDf 2 7K I la ,c ic Tampa Elec 2 24. 1 324 824 824 Technicolor .35*. 1 154 184 154 Thew Shovel .50* 100» 16 16 16 Tilo Booling (11. 1 12", 12", 12s Transwest Oil... 1 34 34 34 Trl Conti war 2 A A 2. Tuhlze Chatillon. 3 114 10s 104 Tuhlze Chat (A) 250* 354 34 34'.. Tung-Sol L pf .10 1 74 74 74 Unit Chemical _ 2 7 64 64 Utd Cgr Wh Str* 64 1 1 1 Unit Gas 9 2 2 2 Unit Gas pf 5.75k 2 914 90 90 Unit Ut&l’wr (A 1 8 14 is js Unit Ut&Pwr (B) 3 14 14 p., Unit Lt & Pwr pf 8 82 304 314 ! Unit Shipyda (B) 17 i»t 14 j*., j Unit Sh M 2.60a 125* 864 85 854' Unit Sh M pf 1.60 100* 484 474 484 U S Plywood .. 1 124 124 124 Unit Stores new. 1 4 4 4 Utility Equity 1 14 14 14 Utility & Indus .24 4 4 Utility & Ind pf. 1 14 14 14 Wentworth ,10g . 1 24 24 24 W Tex L*t H pf 6 40* 984 984 98', west'n Md 1st pf 10* 43 43 43 William* (HC) 3 74 74 74 Wolverin* T .20* 3 6". 6". 6S Wright Harg.40a 1 84 84 84 r In hanxruB'c* or reeetver.«hlB or Bern* reorganized under Bankrupted Act or ®e<n/r***e* assumed t>v such comoanlea Rates of dividends in the toreaoinsr table are annual disbursements based on rhe last auarterlv or semi-annual declaration Un 1P98 otherwise noted, special or txtra divi dends are not included xd Ex dividend xr Bx rights a Also extra or extras e Paid lAtt year f Pav TJ?« ln stoc^ * Declared or oaid so far 1 hCash or stork k Accumu lated dividend oaid or declared this vear ur Under rule ww With warrants iw Without wnrrante war Warrants I I Coca-Cola Corp. Orders Dividend Of $5.80 By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Aug. 7.—Coca-Cola International Corp. directors today voted a dividend of $5.80 a share on common stock, payable October 2 to holders of record September 12. A similar amount was paid July 1. investing Companies NEW YORK Au» 7 ijp..—Investment Bsnkers Conference. Inc : . . „ . . Bid Asked. Admm Fd 2nd Inc llfl.3 ]" 3; Affiliated F Inc _ 3,39 3 7fi •Amerex Hold __ __ 22 5n "4 nn Am Bus Shrs _ 3 in 343 Am Gen Eq Inc 4n 46 Am In' Stocks 4 73 3 25 •Banker' Nar Inv Corp A fi 25 7 25 Basic Industry 3 «R •Blair A Co 1 25 0 95 Bullock Find 13 nn 14 25 Can Inv Fund 3 85 4 20 •Central Nat Corn A_ _ 22 nn 25 nn •Central Nat Corp B 1 nn 2 nn Centurs Shrs Tr 24 Oft °5 nn Chemical Fund _. 10 13 in pfi Comw'th Invest __ 3 35 3 fi4 •Continental Sh pf _ fi 25 7 00 Corporate Trust _ 2 41 Corporate Trust AA _ 2 31 Coro Tr AA mod I 2 74 Corp Tr Accum Ser__ 2 3! Corp Tr Acc mod ____ 2 74 Cumula ive Tr Sh ~ 4 Depos Bk Sh N Y A _ 1 fin Depos Ins Shrs A _ 2 95 Depos Ins Shrs B •«! Diversified Tr C _ 370 Diversified Tr D _ 5 75 fi 45 Dividend Shrs _ 1 19 ] ”9 Eaton A How Fund A-l 17 SH 18 ai; Equity Corp *3 pf 28 00 28iS0 Fidelity Fund Inc _ 18 4" 19 84 •Frst Boston Corp 17 «"5 lh r’i First Mutual Tr fl sr 7 61 Fiscal Find Bk Sh.. _ - sn 2 ?« 1 Fiscal Fund Ins _ 3 31 a s? Fixed Trust Sh A _ <1 44 Foreikn Bond Assoc __ fi 04 7 fi4 Fouid T'ShA _::: 475 455 Fun-1 Investors Inc_lfi 94 Find Tr Shrs A . . 5 n.7 5 75 ! Fund Tr Shrs B.__ 4 3« Gen Capital Corp 3n 2n 30 4 Ger Investors Tr 4 87 5 3n Group Sec Agricultural 5 7.3 5 7n Group Sec Automobile 4 fi4 51111 Group Sec Aviation 7 °7 7 91 Group Set Building fl 20 fi 75 Group Sec Chemical H4; - ni Group Sec Foods 4 55 4 pfi Grour Sec Invest Shrs 33.3 3 04 Group Sec Merchandising 5 4« 5 95 Group Sec Mining fi 37 «on Grorn See Petroleum _ 4 in 4 54 Group Sec R R Equip _ 371 4 95 Group Sec Steel t jt 27,1 Group Sec Tobacco_ 5 5 •Huron Holding H j'j °o! Incorp Investors _ 15 84 i~n:i Independence Tr Sh_" 717 1 Instl Sec Bank Group ... 1 09 1 •() Instl Sec Insurance _ 1 31 i Investors Fd "C" Inc * in'on In 9! Keystone Custodn B 1 o- -444 -'a'ej-. Keystone Custodn B 2_"2‘3n 4:’ Keystone Custodn B 3 14 48 i.5114' I Keystone Custodn K 1 14 58 inn-’ Keystone Custodn K 2 _ . 101.3 n » i j Keystone Custodn S 2_ 14,08 15'jv’ i Keystone Custodn S .3 in«5 11 70 Keystone Custodn S 4 _ 394 4 44 Manhat Bond ’Fund 7117 7 an «i«larnd Fu,ld - ---- 4f>* sins Wass Invest Tr . _ sn.fis 22.20 , UaHon - 19.69 11.68 Nation Wide Sec ___ _ 3 ftp Nation Wide Votini _ 1 °4 1 .*17 *atl Investors 5 74 «*i 1 New England Fund 12°5 1 ,V«n ■J v Stocks Automobile 5'5.1 N Y Stocks Aviation __ p 24 P pp S[ Y Stocks Bk Stocks S 4H p‘17 5 X Stocks Bldg Supply fl ft* 7 00 v v i,1?*?* flpc Eq,,lp 7 76 7.86 ; 5 X Stocks In«ur»noe ... 9 63 in 43 N Y Stocks Machinery 6.98 7 Sfi N Y Stocks Oils A 7fi * 3" ■J X Stocks RR Eauip . fi.1p 6 Tf N Y Stocks Steel ._ 7 n« ; «5 North Am Bond Tr ctfs 49 73 Nor Am Tr Shares 1953 2 33 Nor Am Tr Sh 1935 2 80 - Nor Am Tr Sh 1956 " 2 75 Nor Am Tr Sh 1958 "I 2 37 Plymouth Fund Inc . 38 ~ 43 ubuain ivjti runn J4 0] 14 OM 3u»rterly Income Sh R>3 n 73 ■Schoellkopf-Hut * Pom l.nn 2.00 Selected Am Sh Inc 9.1 0 05 Selected Income Sh 4 j:t Sovereign Invest __ 04 71 Spencer Trask Pund_ 14.04 15 84 stand Util Inc 58 OM 'State Street Invest__ 77 25 80 00 Super of Am Tr A_ 3.80 Super of Am Tr AA __ _ 2 40 Super of Am Tr B_ 3 73 Supervised Shrs 9 94 10 00 rrustee Stand Inv C 2.50 rrustee Stand Inv D 2.44 rrustee St. Oil Shrs A 6.21 rrustee St Oil Shrs B_ 4.78 rrusteed Am Bk i'B" .87 03 rrusteed Industry Shrs . .80 po Vellington Pund __ 13.89 14 95 Quotations furnished by Investment Sankers Conference. Inc which states they lo not necessarily reflect actual transac ions or firm bids or offers, but should ndlcate approximate prices, and unless itherwise Indicated, are as quoted by the j ponsors or Issuers. •Asterisk Indicate* "Not quoted by spon- 1 ora or issuers ” :reight Loadings NEW YORK. Aug. 7 </P).—Revenue ; relght carloadlngs on railroads re- i wrting today for the week ended ; August 5 included: Aug. 5. Prev. wk. Yr. ago. lalto. & Ohio_ 45.875 40 781 37.850 anta Fe_ 23.371 24.319 It. Paul_ 27.774 26.006 :ederal Land Banks NEW YORK. Aug. 7 UP).— s July. 1946-44_lfgt. •** jMu*.yy; faL::;:; M a January. lPBOlW ... 10* a May. 1980-46 _108 U. 5. Exports Down 11 Per Cent in First Six Months of 1939 European Purchases Of Farm Products Drop Sharply By the Aisocl&tcd Preu. Secretary of Commerce Hopkins said today a sharp reduction m European purchases of United States farm products was primarily responsible for an 11 per cent de cline In American exports during the first six months of this year, compared with the same period last year. Imports increased 14 per cent. Secretary Hoptcins said this was ac counted for by greater American purchases of crude materials ana semi-manulactures. The value of American exports to all countries, Including re-exports, totaled $1,415,427,000. compared with $1,590,788,000 during the first half of last year. Imports were valued at $1,094,563,000. against $960,955,000 in the comparable 1938 period. Exports to Britain Down. Exports to the United Kingdom, principal market for American agri cultural products, declined 10 per cent in value during the six-month period, the department said, while agricultural shipments decreased considerably, it continued, exports of finished manufactures to the King dom increased in value. At the same time imports from the United Kingdom increased 41 per cent, due in large part, the de partment reported, to increased re ceipts of rayon filaments, tin and platinum. The slump in grain exports was pronounced, such shipments being valued at less than $40,000,000 in the first six months of this year, com pared with more than $120,000,000 in the 1938 period. Increased purchases of wool, hides and skins helped swell the import total. Imports from Argentina in creased 48 per cent, from British South Africa 51 per cent and from Australia 98 per cent. Latin American Sales Drop. Exports to Latin America—especi ally Argentina. Chile and Cuba— were smaller during the first four or five months, but showed improve ment in most cases after that time. Japan bought more manufactured articles, but this increase was more than offset by reductions In pur chases of raw cotton and crude pe troleum, the department said. Ex ports to Japan of copper, steel scrap, metal working machinery, gasoline and lubricating oil Increased In value. The value of imports from Japan increased 5 per cent, but the department said this was due chiefly to increased prices for raw silk. The department said the decline in exports to the Netherlands. Bel gium. Ireland and Germans', which were important buyers of American grain last year, was in each instance sharper than the general decrease in the total eocport trade of the United States. Lumber Orders Rise Reports to the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association yester day showed new orders in the week ended July 29 were 24 per cent greater than last year's seasonal average. Production was 19 per cent and shipments 13 per cent greater than last year. Curb Market DOMESTIC ., _ High. Low 1PM A a Power 4'as fit-ini ', 1011* 101'* Ala Power 6s 51-lu4’a 104s* 104H Ala Power 5s HR. . . __ 104 104 ]04 Am P A L Rs COIR 99s, 99s, 9914 Am Radiat 4Vas 41_103’2 10.T* 103'. Apnslach Er> 4s 63 108', IOR 108 Ark-P A L 5s 5R_ 1057* 1415s, 1 n67i As El Ind 4>as 5.3_ R?', rt fir As G A E 4'2S 49_ 457« 45', 45H As G A E 5s 50_ 48 48 48 As G A E At R8 _ 4fi‘s 4R 4Ri4 Bald Loco Rs 50. _ 95 94 94 Bell Te C 5s 57 B_lC5'a 125'a 125', Blrm El 4'aS R8 991, ppi2 991, Blrmina Gas 5s 59_ 97 9R7« 97 Can Nor Pwr 5s 5.3_ s03'2 103', 103'i Caro PwALt 5s 5R. lots7. inR', lORt, Central Pw 5s 57 D OHS PR', 9Rl* Cent Pw A Lt 5s 58_104', 104', 104', Cent 8! El 5s 48 _ 4C> 43S 4Ca Cent St El 5'as 64_ 4'.’'a 47 42S Cen St PAL S'.jK 53._ 73 71s, 71»« Chi J RAUSY 5s 40. - I11C2 IOC* 10C5 Cm St Ry 5'2s 52_ 87 RC SC Cities Svc os 50__ 7«7, 7R7* 7fl7« Cities Service 5s 58 ... 7HS« 7R‘, 7R’, Cities Service 5s RP 7«s, 78 s, ?fis-« Clt S PAL 5'2S 5C_ 88'2 87'a 87 ’ 2 Clt S PAL 5'as 40_•_ 89s, 80s* 89s* Comun'ty PAL 5s 57_ 88', 88 RR'« Con C.ELAP :t',s 71_107'. 107'. 107'. Cont G A E 5s 58 A_ 93‘a 03', 931, East G A F 4s 58 A_ H87« 88*, RS', El Pw A Lt 5s 5O30-- TO7. 7P1, T97. Tod Dis El 5s 57 103s, 10.1s, ]o:** Fa Pwr coupn 4s RR 90 90 99 Florida PAL 6s 54 . 103', loci 103 Gary EAO 5s 44 st OO'a OO'a 00'* Gen Pub Dr R'is 58 04'2 94 04 Gen W WAE 5s 43 A 95 95 95 Georgia Pw 5s 87 ]oR IOR IOR Glen Aiden Cl 4s 85 88s, RRS, RR3', Guard Tnv 6s 48 A 45'* 45'2 4S'k Hftli (W Rl Rs 47 si A 10.3 103 103 til Pw A L 6'as 54 B 1037, 1037k lot7, til Pw A- I. 5s 5R C IOC'* 107'a lOCH tnd FI C Rs 47 A In4'i 104'a 104'i tnd F C 5s 51 C 101 101 101 Ind PAL 1st 3s,s 68 100 109 100 tnterst Pw 5s 57 71 7044 70‘t tnterst Pw Rs 52 53 62 5° [nrerst P 8 5a 58 D _ 100‘e 100'a lOOtk tnterst P S 4'is 58 F 100S 100'i lon'i Iowa PAL 4'is 58 A IOR', IOR IOR tow a Pub 8v 5s 57 104,7, 104,*, 104,\ Kv Utilities 5s Rl 103 lOC'i 103 Kentucky U 5s R9 I 101s, 101 Vi 101s', L S Dist P 3'2s P« A 107s, 107*, 1073, Lehigh P 8 Rs COCR A 11 Of, 11 O'« 110', Long Isl L' Rs 45 inc«, mc»* 10'7S La Pw A Lt 5s 57 IOR*. IOR', IOR3, Mengel Co 4'is 4 7 00 90 90 Metropol Ed 4s RS G lOs'a 108'i 108'i Mil G A E 4'2s 67 101', 101', 101', Minn P A- L 5s 65 108'i infl'-a lORt, Miss Pow 5s 55 - 100', lOOVa 100'* Mo Pub Svc 5s RO 92 91*, 91s, Cass A- Su L 5s 45 97 964, 97 Car PAL Ha COCR A 111 111 111 Cat PAL os 2030 B IOR IOR IOR Cevari Cal El 5s 5fl 83 'i 83 R.t Jtw E O A E 6s 47 71V, 71 71 Cey E G A E 5s RO 71s, 71'k 71 tk Cew Or 5s 42 stpd 1102'i 102'/* lflCVa ‘ _r ™' V. ‘ 1VO“* H>0*n ]M07* J Y 8 T A a 41 as SO 104*4 104*4 10414 2o Con U .Via 4R A 5R 6R 5R Ro Ind P S 5s fin D 105', 105', 105V, IojTP S 4>,S 70 E 104', 104'J 104'* 5hln Power 1',s RR ior®; 10R®, iflR®, ^!* X 9 ~'2S .Sl A l05V, 105', 105', Jkla Nat Oas 5s 4fl 110'* 110'* 110'* ®ac O * E Rs 41 B 111N 111 H 111H P A; 1* 8* SR 04'a 0.1®, gm *enn ^.^P 4 *« 17 101 101 101 ®enn El 4* 71 F 105 105 105 ’enn El 5s fill H inflsj, iors* ino®* ’a WaAcP 4'*s RS B lnfl 106 }<>« ’enn WaAcP 5s 40 1 ni a* ioi ini at >11118 El P 5'*s 72 1125 ll2»i 1125 ’otomac E 5s 5fi E 107 107 107 »C» C 4'js 50 B 104 1 04 104 ’rotero Sua 7a 47 at 4R 4R 48 i“R ".'»s 40 Pfl'a 05*, OSH ’ua 8 PAcL 5s 60 C 04'* 04 94 *U» 8 PAcL 4Vas 50 D 0"'« D" 62 SChulte Real E fls 61 "5*, 25*. 05H icrlbos 5Via 43 lo?V* 102'* 10*-* 'cullin Steel Is 61 56 59 4 5S * >ou Ind Ry 4s 51 .... 4R'i 4fl 4fl 'balding fls 80 _ 571* 57■* 571* KdOtS fls 4R st __ 72», "i*! 7 <4 ltd O Ac E fls 4R cv at_72'« 72 72^ ltd Oas Ac El fls 51 A 72*, 72 V, 72 Vi 'd Gas Ac El 6a fifl B 72', 71V* 71V* ?tand Pw Ac Lt fls 57 .. 714/. 71 71 rexas Elec 5a flo __ 104 103*, loin rwin C R T 5V*a 62 A flfl'* «6*, R5V* Jnlt Lt AC Pw Rs 75 .. R6 R5 R5 Jnlt L At R D 6'*a 52 ... 01*, 91*, 91H U Pub Ser fls 4fl 95'* 05V» 96V* fa Pub S 5'*s 4fi A 100®, lOOVi 100<* fa Pub Ser 5a 60 B ... lofit, oo’i 09®* Vald Ast Hot 5s 54_ 12V, 12 12 Via P Ac L 4s flfl _ _ 105’* 105*. 105H fork Ry 6a 37 mat... 95 95 95 fork Rwy 5a 47 st 96 96 96 FOREIGN Ihile Mortg Bk fla 31 12*, 124, 12H luban Tob 5a 44_ 55 V* 86 88 !reo M El 6'*a 63 A .. 42t* 42V* 42V* >er Con Mun 6s 47 18 19 l3 tans M Ac 8 7s 41_ 31*, 31H 31*, lantlaa CbU 7s 49_12V* 12 12V* 'erni-Soc fl‘*a 53 A _42', 42'* 42V* ww With warrants, xw Without warrants. 1 New. at (»tp) fia raped. INaaotUbUlty unpaired by raaturtty.