Newspaper Page Text
C ratlin BENJAMIN. JOSEPH F. On Wednesday. August o. 193P. at his rec,denre. 120 C st. n e.. JOSEPH F. BENJAMIN beloved hus band of fh* lat** Florence Beniamin and father cf Mrs Charles F. Riecks and Mrs. Margaret R Kelley. Remains renting et Lee's funeral home 4th st end Mass eve nr. where services will be held on Friday Aucust 11 at 2:30 pm Relative'? end friends invited In terment Flock Creek Cemetery. Please omit flowers 10 BUCKET. MARY M. On Tuesday. Au gust 8. 103P. at her residence 4318 Fe-sen d'»p st n w . MARY M BUCKEY. daughter ol the late Phillip J and Mary M. Bucfcey. Funeral from her late residence on Thursday. Angus; in. at 2 p.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery. CURTICE. COOPER. Suddenly on Tues day. Angus' 8. 1030 COOPER CURTICE of Beltsville. Md husband of Minnie K. Curtice. Remains resting a’ the C/hambers suburban funeral home Riverdale. Md. Notice of funeral later. CURTIS. GILBERT O On Tuesday. Au gust 8 1030. at Mount Alto Hospital. GILBERT O CURTIS of 033 N st. nw., beloved brother of Julia Marshall Marie Watson of Inriianaooli- In-1 ; Ruth Rhodes. McKinlev and Rev Herman R Cum- He Also leaves other relatives end friends. Remains resting a* the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. nw where funeral services will he held Friday. August 11. at 1 nm Relatives and friends in vited Interment Arlington National Cem etery. 10 DENNIS, SUZANNE MARIE. On Tues day. August 8. J 0:{0. a? Providence Hos pital SUZANNE MARIE DENNIS beloved daughter of Thomas H. and Marie C. Dennis Funeral services qt 2233 1 4th st se on Thursday. August in. at 11 am. Relatives And friends invited. Interment Mount Oiivet Cemetery. DOWNING. JUANITA ("CHICKEN"). On Saturday August ;v 1030. JUANITA ("CHICKEN") DOWNING, beloved daugh ter of Grace Ealev and the late George Downing stepdaughter of James Ealey mother of Clifford and Granon James Wat kins She also leaves other relatives and friend- Remains may he viewed at the residence of her parents. 1335 titli st. n w.. After 4 r» m Wednesday. Angus' <» Funeral Thursday. August Jo. at 2 p.m. from the W Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st n w . Rev H T. Gaskins of ficiating Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. l» GAINES. EARL. On Tuesday Augu l 8 1P3P. a I Gallingor Hospital. EARL GAINES, rle leaves hts mother. Mary Hudson a ftepdather. Jesse R Hudson, two sisters. Annabell lewis and Viola Fisher: one brother. Tavtor Gaines; eight aunt- eight uncles and other relatives and friends Re mains refine a' Fueene Fords funeral home. 130(1 South Capi’ol sf. Funeral Friday August II. at 1 pm. from the New Hone Baptist Church Farm VilJe. Va. Remains may be viewed Thurs day. August 10 GOODEELLOW. COI JOHN CARROL, of 85-55 70th st.. Jackson Heights. New York City. Services at S* -John * Catholic Cemetery Forest Glen. Md. on Thursday August 10. HARRISON. I YOU BOYETTE. On Sunday Aug-'-t H 1939 at Charlotte. N. C LYDIA BOYETTE HARRISON, mother of Mrs Robprt Harrison Richard and John Harrison sister of Mr? Frank Austin Mrs. Sup W Penner Thomas and Henrv Boy ette Funeral from thp Chambers funeral Lome 14(H) rhamn st. n.w- on Thursday. August ]<» at 11 a m. Interment Gien irood Cemetery HAWKINS. MARTHA I On Monday. August 7. 1939. at her residence In 14 S’h n.w. MARTHA F HAWKINS devoid wife of Jamps Hawkins and mother of Lil lian Pondextpr Harrip: Arthor. Beatrice F>a*ants James Hawk’ns. jr . and Viola Baker. Rpma-.ns resting at the Malvan A Fchev funpral home. N. J avr. and R. s rw until after 4 pm Wpdnr-sdav. August F- thereafter at her late residence. Funeral from the Vermoni Avenup Bap tist Church Thursday. August In. a’ 1:30 pm. Interment Lincoln Memorial Ceme tery * HAYDEN. FLORENCE*. On Tuesday Au gust K. 1939, ar Garfield Hospital, after a ihort illness. FLORENCE HAYDEN, sister of Elizabeth and Harrv V. Harden Funeral services, private, a- me S. H. Hines Co funeral home. 29nl I4»h s\ r. w Thursday. August 10 a- io ;;u am. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. HURLEY. TU I.IF S. Suddenly, on Tues day. August 8. 1939. at her residence v.’s Emerson st n.w . TTLLIE S . beioved wife 01 William F. Hurley. Funeral from the W W Deal funeral home. 4n 1 *’ Georgia ave n.w . on Thurs day. Auctis- in. at •’ nm Relatives and friends invited Interment Congressional Cemetery J ACKSOX. DELIA, < • > A - fus’ 9 1939. DELIA JACKSON devoted mother of Walter Jackson. She also 1 survived bv manv other relatives and friends Remain* resting a*, thp Malvan <v Srhey funeral home. N J. av< ana R m. 11.w Notice of funeral later. • .IALEPES. THOMAS (, On T;.<> dav Au «ust s, 1939. THOMAS O JALEi’ES of 1734 14th st. nw He is survived by one brother. Jack G Jaleoes. Remains resting a’ the S. H Hines Co. funeral home. 29'»1 I4th st n.w Funeral services at St.*. Constantine and Helen Church Oth and C sts. s.w . on Fri day. August 11. at 2 p.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery in JONES. GOLDIE GERTRUDE. On Monday. August "7. 1939. GOLDIE GER TRUDE JONES, wife of John H. Jones of 2 Mil Channing n.e Funeral services at Chamber-’ sub urban funeral home. Riverdale. Md . op Thursday August 11). at 2 p.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemptpry. 10 KING. FLORENCE MAI D DEALE. On Tuesday Aueust * 1939, at her nome. Upper Marlboro. Md . FLORENCE MACD DEALE KING, wifp of T. Luthpr King and daughter of Ella R Hardy Deale and the late Frank R I)enle Servicp* af Trinity Fm-copal Church. Urne’- Marlboro on Tuesday. August in at 2 30 p.m. Interment church cemetery 9 LANE. THOMAS. Suddenly, on Sunday. August 8 1939. THOMAS LANE Remains resting at Fraziers funeral home 3R9 Rhode Island a,-e n.w-. where funeral services will be held on Thursday. August 10. a- 10 a.m. Interment Wood lawn Cemetery. 9 MILLER. EDITH El 17 ABE HI On Tue - dav August 8 1939. at her residence. 4 035 Frandvwine st. n.w EDITH ELIZABETH MILLER wifp of the late Frank H Miller and mother of Thelma and Katherine M. JMiiier Services at (he above address on Thurs day Align*' Ki at S .30 a m . thence to S Ann's Catholic Church. Wisconsin ave. and Yuma st . where mas* will he offered a' 9 a.m Interment Washington Memorial Park. MINER. ELIZA. On Wednesday. August p. 1939. a' her residence. 1414 oth st. n.w.. ELIZA MINER Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by Thomas Frazier Co. NEWTON, LA WON VIRGINIA. De parted this life Tuesday. August f. 1939. at her residence 2502 M st. n.w.. LAWON VIRGINIA NEWTON hploved wife of Syl vester S. Newton, mother of Lawon and Svivester S New on ir. devoted sister of Oliver and Samuel Clement and Mrs. Pearl Bvrd She a>.*<» leaves other relatives and friends. Remains may be viewed at her late residence Thursday. August m. P'impra! ^rvirnt \i-t;: ho ct Mary s Episcopal Church \»:jrd st. between G and H st-. n w.. on Friday. August ] l. at I - noon, Rev. Ellis A. Christian officiating Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Ar rangements by Barnes £ Matthew.-. In riFRC'F., I.FWIS WAIFS. On Tuesday. Aucust K. ]!*;>!«. a' his residence. 1.J2K lUh st. n.w I.FWTR WALES PIERCE, beloved son of Annie M. and the late Daniel T. Pierce. Services, private. Thursday. August 10. Kindiv omit flowers. • PRYOR. WILLIAM II Departed this life Monday. August :. lWILLIAM H. FRYOR He leaves to mourn their loss three sisters. Yetta P. Young Bessie Robin son Morgantown. W. Va . and Isabelle Jefferson one brother. Andrew Pryor of Boston. Mass ; a devoted friend Blanche Fullison. and other relatives and friends Remains a’ Barnes A; Matthews' fu neral home. »; 14 4th s». s.w. Notice of funeral later. Ol AXDhK. MARIAN s. On Monday. August T. IRfltl. MARIAN S. QUANDER 42*2 24th st n.e . daughter ot Eugene " and the late Bessie Stewart; beloved A*'ifp of Charles ,1. Quander and devoted inothpr of Charles .7 . jr.. Jacnueline \. Fatricia E. and Beverly O. Quander. also surviving are two sisters and two broth ers. many other relatives and friends. Remains resting at her late residence • fter noon Wednesday. August *». at vvhich add! ess funeral services will be np,d on Thursday August JO at A 1a m ; thence to St. Augustine's Catholic Church. Avhere reouiem high mass will he offered ®* ,0 « m Interment Mount Olivet Cem etery Arrangements bv McGuire. f» SCHMALZRIFI). MARY BARBARA. On Tuesday. August, x. l !>;{!» a1 her residence. RrllL/tft ,rn n.n; MARV BARBARA &CHMALZRIED beloved wife of O’to Bchmabried and mother of Mrs Dorothy Hnecker. Services at the 8. H. Hines Co funeral J4?h st- ,n w • °n Wednesday. ^ Vr KT?,ni' Services w ill loiiow at the Oliver H Rear Co.. 1 s-2(i Chestnut st.. Philadelphia. Pa,. Thursday at :i p in.. dav Leht saving time. Interment Odd Fellows’ Cemetery. Philadelphia. Pa. STONF. F.LIZARFTH JANE. On Tues August 8. lm:;:» a» her residence. G st n.w . ELIZABETH JANE STONE. ^ STnne and sister of David P. Williams and Joseph D Williams. wnSrVrSfs~ nt .chambers' funeral home. 1400 i n aDln s ’ n w - on Thursday. An HiU Cemetery. °m' InterInent Prosp,™t _funeral designs. GEO. C. SHAFFERTTnc] MODmASfE lnlCESRALpHONE,NATS 0108 __and _Sundays_ Cor. 14th & Eye GUDE BROS. CO. Floral Pieces 1212 V 8t. N.W. National 4278 _MONUMENTS. MONUMENTS 1 ?4oup MARKERS $15®p FALVEY GRANITE CO. INC. *• Established 50 Years 209 UPSHUR ST.N.W Near Rock Creek Cemetery ^0lumbiaj0793_> ► Navy's Postgraduate School Transfer Urged by Board Believe Change Would Relieve Congestion At Annapolis By the Associated Press. Transfer of the post-graduate school of the United States Naval Academy to a new site was proposed today by the Academy’s Board of Visitors as a possible aid in solving congestion problems at Annapolis. The board, composed of Repre- i sentatives named by the President, I the Vice President and the Speaker 1 of the House, made no suggestion ; as to a possible new site. "We recognize the crowded con dition of the Academy,” the board's report said. "This is due not only to a lack of buildings, but also to a lack of building space.” it added. "As one step toward remedying this situa tion the board recommends that consideration be given to a new location for the post-graduate school.” The board declared: "One of the greatest needs of the Naval Academy is for more land adjacent to its present holdings on the Annapolis side of the Severn River." The board reported that: The functions of maintenance and administration were carried on “in cramped and in some parts anti quated and temporary structures” and that an addition to the Admin istration Building, a shop building and an instruction and storage! building on the rifle range should be [ approved by Congress. Improvements to the mess hall “will remedy the' unfortunate con- J ditions which have long existed with | respect to noise, light and ventila tion.1’ Any considerable influx of mid- j shipmen in war-time would “ap parently have to be quartered on one or more of the already overcrowded j drill grounds or physical education i areas at a time when these areas would be more needed than ever before for precisely the purposes for which they are now used.1’ Mrs. William F. Hurley Dies at Home Here Mrs. Tillie S. Hurley, 60, a resi dent of Washington for 40 years, died yesterday at her home 828 Emerson street N.W. Burial will be in Congressional Cemetery after services tomorrow at the W. W. Deal funeral home. 4812 Georgia avenue N.W.. at 2 pm. Surviving are her husband. Wil liam F. Hurley, and three sisters, Miss Blanche Jones of Washington, Mrs. J. A. Croissant. Charlottes ville, Va„ and Mrs. H. D. Allen, Arlington. DratliB TAVLOR Gl OROf I On Tuesday. Au uusi x ta.-.u, OEOROE v- TAV! or: ia-hcr r>f James t- „nri Georeo William Taylor and Ina Map rhnuln. Services a’ the Chambers funeral homn. l ino Chapin st n w . nn Thursday Amrust to. at :i p.m. Interment Glenwood Ceme tery THOMPSON, GRORGr I Suddenly on ruer-day. Aueiot x. in.ln a; his real- ' denre !l 10 C st. se. OEOFC.E E THOMP SON. helmed husband of Kubv M Thnmp snn inee Norton) and father of Gram C. Thompson Service'- will bo held at Grace Baptist Church, nth st and South Carolina avo so. oil Thursdav August In a’ ■’ pm Interment Prosper! Hill Cemetery. u TOSTON. PAULINE E. On Tuesday. Ati cust x ]tl.T'l a- Oenrcetnv n University Hnspeal. PAULINE F TOSTON beloved wife of Harrv F. Toston of Garrett Park. Md Funrra! srrvtces at ?h« funeral hornn of william Reuben Humphrey 7oo.% Wisconsin aVp • Rp’hc-rta, Md nn Thursdav Aueust ]|> a* S i:, am : thcnro tn Rr Johns Catholic Church, ^ore** Glen. Md . wher° requiem mnsu will bp vaid a• Mam in terment Forest Gipn Cemetery. W II.KFRSON. HiN V On Monday Au eusr 7. 1 !*’{!• at 10 "15 Dm. at, her resi dence. Hi 1 :j Sti st n v. . EDNA WILKER SON. bpiovpd daughter of the late William H Wilkerson and Mrs Anna G. Wilkerson She a’so leave' to mourn their less four sisters Mrs. Hatjie Coa*e< Mrs Cora Hunter. Mr* Beatrice Robbins and Mrs. Maude Battle: onp brother. William Wil kerson. and other relatives and tnanv friend1-'. Remains may hr viewed at the McGuire funeral home. is\’n j»rh st. n w.. after ] p.m Wednesday August fi. Funeral from the above-named estab lishment on Thursday August jo. at 1 Dm Interment Harmonv Cemetery. <i \\ II.KFRSON, Fl>\ \ Officers and mem bers of James Reese Europe Unit. No 5. American Legion Auxiliary, are hereby notified to attend auxiliary services Wed nesday. A*'trust n. 1 u: i • at Dm., at Robert G McGuire’s funeral home. CARRIE E. JOHNSON. President. JUI.IA C. BROWN. Secretary. lit fHrmnrmm RANKS. FRWCFS. A tribute of love and devotion to our mother, grandmother and sister. FR ANCES BANKS, who left us six years ago toriav, August !♦. We^eannor rla^n vour losing hand. Your sweet smile we cannot see Rur Ip? ihic iimn , i,„„. Wr still remember thee. HER DEVOTED CHILDRF'GOVEKNEAU. ULYSSES AM) RITRIE COLES. AND SISTER. BESSIE DIGGS. * I AN I Rfn . AM AND A. Tn loving mem ory of our darling mother. AMANDA FANTROY. who dr Darted this life nine years a bo today. August. <*. DWO. Sinre vou have gone before ns. Walk slow 1 v down the way of death. weU worn and Wide: For we would want to overtake you some day And seek the journey’s ending, by your side. We would ho so forlorn not f0 descrv you Down some shining high road when we came: Walk s'owlv and often look behind you. And pause to hear if wc should cail .vour name. HER DEVOTED CHILDREN. MARSHALL. ROBERT, SARAH AND ETHEL. GAINES. JOHN WESI.FV. Tp sad but loving remembrance of mv departed hus band. JOHN WESLEY GAINES, who passed into the life hevond just one year ago to day. August. !». 1f>:*S The fondest of mptnories. More lasting and more true. Are memories of hanpv davs That T shared with vou. HIS T.ONFLV WTDOVV. MRS BERTHA DUSON GAINES • GAINES. JOHN W. Tn remembrance of our dear brother. JOHN W. GATNKS. who passed a wav one year ago today. August <». Ifi.’iS. From this wr>r]d of pain and sorrow To the land of peace and rest. God has taken vou. dear brother. Where vou hp.vp founl eternal rest HIS DEVOTED SISTER. GRACE HUNTER. • FORD. ANNIE. Tn loving remembrance of my mother. ANNTF LORD who died nine years ago todav. August u. in:ur. MRS. C. P. RAVENBURG McIntosh, mart eijza and albert. Tn loving memory of my devoted mother. MARY ELIZA McTNTOSH. who left me five years ago today. August n DW4. and lovmg father. ALBERT MclNTOSH. who died Au gust 10. ]JM0 HATTIE MCINTOSH BRADY. • SMITH. ELIZABETH A. Tn loving mem ory of our dear mother. ELIZABETH A. SMITH, who departed this life one year ago. August !». ]«»:?£. Our thoughts of those we love are like A rosary to us. We rount each one. and hold it close In cherished memory. And of these precious memories There's orn that’s like a prayer. So dear it is to us—because We alwavc find you there. _BRAD AND HELEN VOWELS. * FUNERAL DIRECTORS. V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successor to nor connected with the original W K Speare establishment 1009 H St 1\I VV Phont IWJg n Jl, n.YIr. Rational 3892 Frank Geier’s Sons Co. Wn,d!erSnTi?ne^„V.V National 2473 J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium 4th and Man. Are. M.E. Lincoln 5200 L KALAMAZOO. MICH.—WOMAN CRUSHED BENEATH HOUSE—Mrs. Gus Lindell was crushed be neath the wreckage of the Lindell home in nearby South Comstock, after tornadic winds hit West ern Michigan yesterday. She was critically injured. Shown is the wreckage with the roof blown away, refrigerator, bathtub, mattress and other furnishings exposed. —A. P. Wirephoto. (Story on page A-l.) Col. John C. Goodfellow To Be Buried Tomorrow Col. John Carroll Goodfellow. U. S. A., retired, who died Monday in New York, will be buried at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in SI John's Catholic Cemetery, Forest Glen, Md. > Col. Goodfellow was president of the board of the New York Poly- j clinic Hospital at the time of his death. Born in Washington, he was de- j scended from Leonard Calvert, one 1 of the first settlers of Maryland; I from the family of Archbishop John Carroll, the first Catholic Arch bishop in the United States, and from Robert Brent, the first Mayor of the District. He was a graduate of Columbian College, now George Washington University, and practiced law in the , District prior to his enlistment in the Army at the outbreak of the Spanish-American War. He also saw service in the Philippine Insur rection, on the Mexican border and the World War, when he spent nearly a year and a half in France as commanding officer of the 315th Field Artillery. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. | Florence Dudley Goodfellow, and a son. Robert D. Goodfellow. both of Jackson Heights, N. Y.; a niece. Miss Eleanor Hunt, and a nephew, Henry Goodfellow Hunt, both of Wash ington. Imperial Airways Cuts Empire Air Services B.v the Associated Tress. LONDON, Aug. 9.—Imperial Air ways has suspended passenger reservations on empire air routes to Africa and Australia after today principally because of a shortage of planes caused by Britain's mili tary speed-up. The company said Britisli plane factories were unable to fill com- 1 mercial orders in addition to the requirements of the army and navy. Imperial Airways therefore is buy ing 48 Pratt and Whitney cyclone engines in the United States. Reservations already made for passenger accomodations on the company's long routes will be filled, but no new reservations will be ac cepted. at least until after the Christmas mail rush. About 1,100 passengers have been carried each month on these routes recently. _ i Brain Twizzlers By PROF. J. I). FLINT. Down Through the Ages. A problem of the ages. We don't mean ages in the sense of centuries of time but people's ages. In a fash ionable English school for boys and young men, where they were taught from infancy all the way through, an instructor once asked questions regarding the age of each boy in a particular group of 15. A little boy stepped forward in response to the request and said, “You probably know that I'm the youngest here, but I know' a lot about the different ages. There is an interval of 18 months between the ages of each two of us. Anthony is eight times as old as I am. he's the oldest.” The little boy, John was his name, was a very smart youngster. Can you fig ure out how old he is? (Answer on Page B-4.) IS YOUR DOG SCRATCHING? WITCH’S BREW Relieves itching heals the sore and raw spots, promotes the growth of hair. SCHMID'S, INC. Wash. Oldest and Largest Pet Shop 712 12th St. N.W. MET. 7113 _ADVERTISEMENT. Corns Sleep Then Shed Off Throbbing corns quiet down when you apply E-Z Korn Re mover. Numbs pain—loosens hard est corn and it comes right out. Easy to use—works fast. Used by thousands. Try It yourself. Only 35c at drug stores. Joseph D. Scanlan, Republican Leader, Dies By the Associated*Press. MILES CITY. Mont., Aug. 9.—Jo seph Scanlan, 63, publisher of the Miles City Daily Star and former member of the Republican National Committee, died at 1:15 a m. today. He had been bedfast since Feb ruary 8. The publisher was a close ac quaintance of Herbert Hoover and other Republican leaders. He re signed the national post May 1. He had been a member of the Repub lican State Central Committee since 1909. Funeral Rites Held For James Trimble Funeral services for James Trimble, 77, executive vice president of the National Bank of Washing ton, who died Sunday, were held yesterday afternoon at the Central Presbyterian Church. Fifteenth and Irving streets N.W., attended by many prominent Washingtonians. The services were conducted by the Rev. Wade H. Allison of Fleming ton. Ga„ and the Rev. William B. Mcllwaine, jr„ of the First Presby terian Church of Alexandria, Va. Active pallbearers were Benjamin H. Brooks, Selden M. Ely, Roy W. Prince, James T. Matthews, 6. T. Wright and W. L. Fulton. Among the honorary pallbearers were Kenneth Romney. J. Austin Latimer, George Gertman, L. E. Breuninger, Julius Eisenbeiss. L. G. Graves. R. F. Pitzer. Alexander Muncaster, Maj. Hampden Wilson. Brig. Gen. E. R. Darnell, Raymond M. Hudson, Homer F. Brown, Cor win Newkirk. Edward H. DeGroot, jr.; A. M. Cooper. William H. Ram sey, Arthur G. Bishop. Harry Hos kinson, Mrs. John S. Bennett, Mark Coblegard, T. C. Barr, Prof. Addison Hogue and R. P. Clarke. Opportunity Knocks ALBUQUERQUE. N. Mpx. <T).— When opportunity knocked a home run into this 10-year-old's back yard he was quick to cash in. He demanded, and got, 5 cents for the ball. He knew he could get his price. The Yankees, despite their fancy uniforms, had only one ball. ATTICl FANS Bring COOL, FRESH AIR —QUIETLY, SMOOTHLY thru your ENTIRE HOME. CICHNER NA. 4370 Plates, sin sir. and *•;« Plates Repaired While Von Wait Work Done in M.v Own Laboratories No Lon* Waitine No Hi/ch Prices * CROWNS AND BRIDGE WORK $5 <nnmM5 Extractions. $1—By Gas, $3 Dr. SMATHERS DENTAL SPECIALIST R-'tS Eye S«. N.W Over Rites Natinnsl Bank (7th and Eye St. N.W.) Hours, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Ph. MEt. 98,19. k _ Thomas G. Jalepes Dies; Services Friday | Thomas G. Jalepes, 46, who came to this country for the Jamestowm | Exposition in 1907 and stayed to i open a restaurant in Washington, | died yesterday at his home, 1734 Fourteenth street N.W., after a 10 weeks’ illness. Mr. Jalepes was born in Sparta, Greece. After the Jamestown Ex j position he entered business in the District with his brother. Jack G. Jalepes. Together they operated a wholesale confectionery and restau rant at the Fourteenth street ad dress. Besides his brother, Mr. Jalepes | is survived bv two sisters in Greece. ] He will be buried in Fort Lincoln j Cemetery Friday after services at i the Church of Saints Constantine ! and Helene. Greek Orthodox, Sixth and C streets S.W., at 2 pm. $550 Nugget Found BATTLE MOUNTAIN. Nev. (A*).— Fred Madsen realized the dream of many a placer miner when he reached into a streambed and picked up a nugget of almost pure gold. It was valued at approxi mately $550. Good Will Thoughtfulness and syr?ipa thetic understanding have gained for RYAN'S funeral service lasting appreciation and good tcill. No matter how modest your means may be, any family can afford RYAN. "Ideal Service at Moderate Cost” Our new air-conditioned home ! is a model of comfort and con venience. Dc Luxe ambulance service, with courteous attend ants, always available. James T. Ryan Funeral Director 317 Pa. Avp. S.E. Atlantic 1700, 1701 II I I Down to Rock Bottom Price— i The Lowest of the Season *2175 SUMMER SUITS Yes, it’s true—you can buy any $21.75 genuine tropical worsted suit for $9.90—less than V2 its regular price. Here is an opportunity to save considerable on a cool suit that holds its press. Smart patterns in light and dark shades. This is a bargain event you should not miss. EISEMAN’S j F STREET AT SEVENTH -- , 1 f G. E. Thompson, 51, Mail Carrier, Dies George Edward Thompson, 51, ! mail carrier for 21 years, died sud denly yesterday at his home, 910 C street S.E. Born in Washington, Mr. Thomp son was the son of the late Free Man G. Thompson and Mrs. Emma J. Thompson, who survives. Also surviving are his widow, Mrs. Ruby M. Thompson; a son, Grant C.; two sisters, Mrs. William Jenkins of Washington and Mrs. Arthur Jewett, Arlington County, Va. Funeral services are to be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the Grace Bap tist Church, Ninth street and South Carolina avenue S.E. Burial will be in Prospect Hill Cemetery. Boy Survives Deep Well CLOVER, S. C., Aug. 9 (jy—Seven year-old John Carter tumbled 55 (feet into a well with 5 feet of water at the bottom. A friend dashed for help. When rescuers arrived, fearful of finding the boy drowned or badly injured, there was John—halfway up via the pump rod. ” i Sonnysayings i A fat lady got on in the night said we was so little we had more room than we needed so she put all her things in 'ith us. A Germany syndicate is construct ing the large Rio Negro hydro-elec tric project in Uruguay. Milburn T. ZIRKLE Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS S Ambulance Service 510 C St* N.E. Line. 5537 North Side of Stanton Park LI. 2204 AT. 1622 T. Frank Murray FUNERAL HOME 741 11 fh St. S.E. Ambulance Service Cremations one or the; largest undertakers IN THE WORLD BOY IT AT GiOtqtt 5 STORES Washington’s Largest Frigidaire Stores ^®ur Regular Ice Money BUYS A HEW 1939 FRIGIDAIRE With the Meter Miser America s No. t Refrigerator j . No Money Down LIBERAL ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD REFRIGERATOR ** Y ’'"■ Sove your regulor ice money in this Electric Bank Clock —furnished with every Frigidaire ot no extra cost. Spectacular? New Features of Model illustrated • 6.7 St. Ft. Food Storoge • World-Famous "Meter Miser" • Uni-Matic Cold Control • Quickube Trays • One-Piece All-Steel Cabinet • With Exclusive F-l 14—the Safe Refrigerant • 5-Year Protection Plan on the Sealed-in Mechanical Unit I ... Over 5 Million Frigidaires have been built and sold. This year’s Frigidaire is the greatest of them all! i t : j;! WASHINGTON S LARGEST DEALERS! A Store Wear Your Home 814-816 F St. N.W. • 3107-3109 M St. N.W. • 1111 11 St. N.E. 2€il7 14th St. N.W. • 3038 14th St. N.W. \ All Stores Open Till 9 P.M. District 1900 > \ HE-S-*-^