Newspaper Page Text
U. S. Treasury Bonds Lead Market to Lower Levels Some Corporate Issues Resist Main Trend And Rise Slightly Bond Averages 2o in in in Rails. Indust. Util. F'gn. Net change Unc. Unc. Unc. Unc. Todav, noon 58.0 100.7 97.2 59.9 Prev. day 58.0 100.7 97.2 59.9 Month ago 56.4 100 3 96.8 61.3 Year ago_ 60.4 100.2 93 9 62.8 1939 high-. 64.9 100.8 97.5 64.0 1939 low-.. 53.4 97 0 91.9 58.2 1938 high-. 70.5 100.3 95.1 67.0 1938 low.— 46.2 93.0 85.8 59.0 1932 low 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high—101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon 112.1 Prev. day 112.1 M nth ago 112.4 Year ago 110.0 j 1939 high 112.6 1939 low. 110.2 1938 high 110.7 1938 low - 106.7 1928 high 104.4 1932 low. 86.8 j (Compiled by the Associated Press.) By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Aug. 9—U. S. Treas ury issues showed the bond market1 the way to somewhat lower prices today. Some corporate issues resisted the main trend and recorded fractional advances in late dealings. Helping sentiment, bond men said, were re ports of avid demand for new is sues. including the big Pennsylva nia power and light offering. An urge to wait for Europe's "dan ger period" to pass was cited as one reason for inactivity on the buying side in today's market. Slipping for losses of fractions to a point or so were American & For eign Power 5s. American Telephone 3'iS, Commonwealth Edison 3'2S. Great Northern 4s, Loews 312s. Southern Railway General 6s. Northern Pacific 5s and Utilities Power & Light 5s. Losses in the Treasury list at one time ranged to 9 32ds. Italian and German issues lost ground in thin dealings in the for eign division. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO Auc. 9 P.—Hng prices con tinued downward today, but there was good Improvement. m cattle and sheep quota tions , , Trading wms slow in the hon pens and prices were generally from Jo to *20 cents lower than yesterday The day's top wa^ $6 5o. paid for good to choice medium weight hogv. Fed steers and yearling'- sold strong to 25 cents up Most advances were from 10 to 15 cents and trade was active. Ail grades shared in the upturn It was largel> an *8.50-9.75 mark- Strictly prime 1.375-lb. steers sold at *10...»• and the next higher price was *10.25. paid for long yearlings Sorin'* lambs sold in an nc:ive market a* strong to 25-cent higher price Sheep Were about steady Native lambs topped *9 00 ape in. Salable hors, p.oon total. 12 000; slow, teneraliv Ht-2o cent-, lower than Tuesday, top 6.50; bulk good and choice 180-240 lb.v 6 25-45 240-270 lbs., largely 5.75 6 35: 270-300-lb. butchers. 5.15-85: 300 330-lb sows. 4 85-5 25: good light sows. 4 75-5 on■ 300-300-lb. 4.2o-75: 400-500 lb 3.85-4.15 Cattle 6.500: calves 1 000: f d steers and yearlings stronR^o 25 cents up; mostly 10-15 cents h*ehcv: active at advance; medium wo:eht and we ghty steers up mo . reduced receipts main stimulating factor. . kinds grading good and better showing most upturn but plain .and medium cattle shar ing advance; largciv 8 50-9 7 5 market: strictly prime 1.375 lbs. 10.75: next price. 10.25 Paid for long yearlings: liberal sup- i ply all representative weights. 9.00-7 5. j with prime and medium offerings 6 25- \ 7 5o: fed heifers 10 to 15 cents up: other ( killing clashes fully steady, slow, most i fat cows. 5.25-6 25: outsidp on weighty ! sausage bulls o.75: vealers 10 00-50: Stockers and feeders slow, steady: Colorado bred calf yearlings to feeder dealers. ! 8.25- 10. Salable «heep 2 000: total, 5 000• active; spring lambs strong to 25 up yearlings strong. «h°ep about steady, good to choice native spring lambs to packer 8.60-90: t D 9 on. to sir ill killers medium and good yearling' 6 65-7.00. good native ewes. 2.50-3.50. Chicago Produce CHICAGO. Aug 9 l1 —Poultry, live. 3 4 trucks; stead: Plymouth Rock broilers. 15*2 White Rock*. 1 51 .*; ducks 41 - lbs. up colored 1 1 whit*. 11 small colored. 11 . small white. ! 1: other prices un changed Butter. 876.951: steady, prices un changed. Eggs. 10.128; steady: prices unchanged. Potatoes. 5. on track. 184. total U. S. shipments *. 1. steady; supplies moderate, demand far.-; sacked, per hundredweight, Nebraska Coobiers. >5 per cent or better. U S No. 1, unwashed. 1.12*2-1 .20: mostly 1.12*2-1 1 > Oregon. Bliss Triumphs. U 6. No 1. under ice 1.85-2.00: long whites, U S. No. 1 under ice. 2.0U-2.10. Idaho. Bliss Triumphs U. S No. 1. under ice, 1.95-2.00; Russet Burbanks U. S. No. 1. few sales, 1 *5-1.90. California, long whites. U. S. No. 1. under initial ice. 2.05. Washington, long whites U. S. No. 1. under refrige ation, fair condition. 1 so Minne sota. sand land section Early Ohios. generally good qualify, few sales. 1.16; Cobblers, fair qualitv. small to medium. Wisconsin. Biiss Triumphs, U. S. No. 1, 1.55; Cobblers generally fair, medium. 1.10. Missouri. Cobblers, fair quality. 85-1.05. New York Bank Stocks NEW YORK. Aug. n >.T .—Investment Bankers Conference, Inc.: Bid Asked. Bk of Am NTS <SF) (1.40) 34'. 3fi'. Bank of Man t.SOa) IH'a Is Bank of N Y (14) . 400 410 Bankers Tr (2) - 54 .ill Bklyn Tr (4) - 723, 773, Cen Han Bk & Tr (4)_ «7>a 10n'2 Chase Nat (1.40' _ 32'. 34', Chem BK & Tr (1.80)_ 4H3, 4K3, Commercial (8) __._171 177 Cent Bk & Tr (.8(1) _ 123, 14', Corn Ex Bk & T (3) _ 55 50 Empire Tr (.60) _ 11 12 First Nat ,Pos) (2)._ 435s 45sa First Natl 1100) _ _ 1825 1805 Guaranty Tr 112) . 26 7 272 Irvine Tr (.60) ... 111, 12', Manufacturers Tr i2) 30', 41'., Manufacturers Tr pf (2) ■ 53 55 Na-1 City 11) 25', 203< N Y Trust (5) .- 1001 a lilt, Public (l'a) _ _ 20', 3()3, Title G & T 33, 43, a Also extra or extras. Foreign Exchange (Quotations furnished by W. B. Hlbbs & Co.) Nominal Selling Gold Checks Value. Today. London, pound_$4.8665 $4.68i*» Paris franc _ 3.91 \c 2.65c Brussels belea_13.91c 16.99 V4C Berlin, mark _23.82c 40.13Vic Borne lira _ 5.26c 5.263*c Zurich franc _IP.3c 22.57Vic Athens, drachma_ 1.3c _ Madrid, peseta _IP.3c _ Vienna, schilling_ 14 07c _ Budapest, penso 17 49c _ Prague, crown mom ' 2.964c _ Warsaw, zloty _ 11.22c _ Copenhagen, crown __ 26.8c 20.90c Oslo crown _ _26.8c 23.53c Stockholm crown_26.8c 24.13‘2c Montreal, premium _ 1/64^ Financial Barometer NEW YORK. Aub 9 (£8.—Merchandise Inventories of 75 large corporations de clined 7 per cent during the six months ended June 30. according to a compila tion by National. City Bank, Inventories were also 8 per cent lower than a year a«o and 21 per cent lower than June 30. 1937 While these companies are only a small sample of industry and trade, the com pilation confirms the wldesDread belief that Inventories are conservative and in a position to support any rise in busi ness activity. Federal Land Banks NEW YORK. Auk. 9 Federal Land Bans bonds: Rate. Maturity. Bid. Asked 4s July. 1946-44 _ 1131,. 3’*s May. 1955-45 - H>83, i09 3s July 19.-i.5-45 _ lot3, Kir 3s Jan„ 1959-48 _1(17’, Kiri. 3s May. 195H-4R 10R IDS', Freight Carloadings NEW YORK. Auk. 9 nip,.—Revenue feriKht carloadinas on railroads rennrtini today for the week ended Auaust 5 in cluded: Auk. 5. Prev. Wk Yr Am Burlineton _ 21.373 21.881 Pennsylvania PR.BR9 97.093 Rn'44 Norfolk & West. 28,583 27,714 20.715 K‘ )* BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK. EXCHANGE Br print* wire direct te The Star. Approximate Transactions Today. Domestic Bonds_ 3.440,000 Foreign Bonds_, 700,000 US Govt Bonds__ 220.000 T R EASU R Y. High Low. Close. 2 % s 1945 _ 108.17 108.13 108.13 2%s 1949-53_ 106.12 106.7 106.12 2 % s 1945-47_ 109.10 109.10 109.10 2 % s 194 8-51. . 109.8 109.8 109.8 2 % s 1951-54_ 108.16 108.16 108.16 2 % s 1956-59_ 107 31 107 31 107.31 2%s 1958-63_ 107.12 107.12 107.12 2 5*s 1960-65 _ 107.11 107.8 107 10 2 %s 1 955-60_ 109 10 109.6 109.6 3s 1951-55 . 111,31 111.31 111.31 3%s 1946-49_ 111.26 111.22 111.24 3%s 1941 _ 106.2 106.2 106.2 3%s 1943-45_ 110.10 110.10 110.10 3%s 1944-46 110.26 110.26 110.26 38*s 1940-43 .Tun 103.2 103.2 103.2 3*4s 1941-43 Mar 105 8 105.8 105.8 4S 1 944-54 _ 115.17 115.17 115.17 4%s 1947-62 _ 121.4 121.4 121.4 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 3s 1944-49 rg .. 105.30 105.30 105.30 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 3s 1944-52 108.23 108.23 108.23 FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low. Close. Adriatic Klee 7s 52_ 51 51 61 Antloqula 7s 45 D_ 14% 14% 14% Antwerp 5s 68 _ 89 88% 89 Argentine 4s 72 Apr . 77% 77% 77% Argentine 4s 72 Feb 77% 77% 77% Argentine 4 %s 48 93% 92% 92% Argentine 4 %s 71_ 87% 87% 87% Australia 4%s 56_ 91% 91% 91% Australia 5s 55_ 97% 97% 97% Australia 5s 57_ 97% 97 97 Belgium 7s55 111% 111% 111% Berlin C El 684s 66 28 28 28 Brazil 6 %s 1926-67 ... 15 14% 15 Brazil 6%s 1 927-57 ... 15 14", 15 Brazil C Ry El 7s 52.. 13% 13% 13% Brazil 8s 41 16 16 16 Buen Air 4%-4*4s 77. 55% 55 55 B A 4%-4%s 76 Aug. 54% 54% 54% Bulgaria 7%s 68_ 18 18 18 Canada 3s 67 _ 101% 102% 102% Canada 3%s 61_ 106 1051,106 Canada 4s 60 _ 110% 110% 110% Canada 5s 52 _109% 109% 109% Carlsbad 8s 54_ 17 17 17 Chile 6s 60 - 14% 14% 14% Chile 6s 60 assd .. 11 11 11 Chile 6s 61 Jan assd.. 11 11 11 Chile 6s 61 Feb . 14% 14’, 14% Chile 6s 63 14", 14", 14% Chile MB 6%s 57 assd 9% 9% 9% Chilean Mun t, 7s 60 12% 12% 12% Colombia 6s 61 Oct 96% 26% 26% Cuba 5"is 53 _ 101 101 101 Denmark 4%s 62_ 82% 82% 82% Denmark 5%s 55 _ 91 90", 90% Denmark 6s 42 _ 96% 96 96 ru oaivHoor ct _ 211 2U Ger C A Rk 6s 60 July 24% 24% 24% Ger Gen Elec 6s 48 50% 50% 50% Ger Govt Stys 65 ... 17% 17 17 German Govt 7s 49_ 22% 22% 22% Grt C El Jap 7s 44 ... 75 74', 75 Italv 7s 51 _ 60 59% 60 Ital P U Crd 7s 52_ 43% 42 42% Japan 5%s65 _ 51% 51 51 Japan 6 M>s 64 _ 69', 69% 69% Met Water 5 %s 50 99 98 98 Milan 6 Us 52 46', 45% 45% Minas Geraes 6 %s 58 9% 9% 9% Minas Geraes 6%s 59 9% 9% 9% Norway 4s 63 _100', 100 100% Norway 4'is 65_ 102 102 102 Norway 4%s 56 _104% 104% 104% Norway 6s 43 _ 105 105 105 Norwav 6s 44 _ 105 105 105 Oriental Dev 6s 53_ 49% 48% 48", Oslo 4 %s 55 101% 101% 101% Panama 5s 63 st asd 74 74 74 Panama 5%s 53 _ 106% 106% 106% Peru 1st 6.S 60 _ 8% 8% 8% Peru 2d 6s 61 _ 8% 8% 8% Tern 7s 59 _ 8% 8% 8% Poland 4 %s 63 asd_ 40 39% 40 Prussia 6s 52 ... 19% 19% 19% Rhine Rhur 6s 53 .. 21% 21% 21% Rhine W El P 6s 53 24% 24% 24% Rhine W El P 6s 55... 24% 24% 24% Rio de Jan 6%s 63 .. 8 7% 8 Rio Gr do Sul 6s 68 9% 9% 9% Sao Paulo C 6%s 57.. 8% 8% 8% Sao Paulo St 6s 68 .. 8% 8% 8% Serbs 8s 62 - 22V» 22% 22% Sydney 5%s 55_ 100 99 100 Tokyo City 5s 52 _ 36 36 36 Tokyo City 5 %s 61... 51 50 50 Tokvo El Lt 6s 63 ... 61% 61 51 Uitgawa El P 7s 45 .. 81 81 81 Uruguay cv 3% s 79 . 39 a 39% 39% Uru 33«-4-4%s ad1 79 42% 42% 42", Uru 4-4%-4 %s 78 .. 44% 44 44% Yokohama 6s 61 51", 51% 51% DOMESTIC BONDS Adams Ex 4%s 46 st 108 108 108 I Alleg Corp 5s 44 _ 75 75 75 j Alleg Corp 5s 49 . 65 65 65 ! Alleg Corp 5s 50 std . 27% 27% 27% Alleg Valley 4s 42 106% 106% 106% Allied Stores 4 V,s 51 96 96 96 Allis Chalmers 4s 52 109% 109% 109% Am & For Pw 5s 2030 61 59 59% Am 1 G Ch 5 %s 49 . 102% 102% 102% Am Inti 6 % s 49 - 103% 103% 103% Am r&T3V*s61-109% 109% 109% Am T&T3%s66_ 109% 109 109 Am T & T 6 %s 43 .. 110jj 1 10* 110* Am Type Fdrs cv 50.. 106 106 106 Am Wat Wks 6s 75... 107% 107% 107% Anaconda db 4%s50 107% 107% 107% Armour(Del) lst4s 65 100% 100 100 Armour Del 4s 57 100% 99% 100% A T&S Fe adj 4s 95 st 92% 92 92 A T&S Fe 4 %s 48 102% 102% 102% A T&S FeCA 4%s 62. Ill 111 111 Atl Coast L clt 4s 52. 65 64% 64% Atl Coast L 4%s 64.. 63 63 63 Atl Coast L 5s 45 .. 80% 80% 80% Atl Gulf & W J 5s 59. 63% 63 63% Atlantic Refln 3s 63 .. 105% 105% 105% Baldwin Loco Bs 40.. 101% 101% 101% KAr II 1st la It eo B & O conv 4 % s 60_ 12% 12 12 B A O 4 %s 60 ct- 12% 12 12% B & O 1st 5s 48 - 63V« 63 63 B & O 1st 5s 48 ct_ 62 62 62 B & O ref 6s 95 ... 21 21 21 B & O rf 6s 2000 D ct. 20% 20% 20% B & O 5s 96 F _ 21 21 21 B & O 6s 96 F ct_ 20% 20% 20% B & O ref 6s 96 .. 21% 21% 21% B&OSwn5s50 _ 43 43 43 B & O Swn 6s 50 ct 42H 42% 42% Banc & Aroos 6s 43 _ 106% 106% 106% Bell T of Pa 5a 48 B . 117% 117% 117% Bell T of Pa 5s 60 C._ 136% 134% 136 Beth Steel 3 %s 62 101% 101% 101% Beth Steel 3%s 66 106 104% 104% Bic Sandy 4s 4 4 - 108% 108% 108% Bos & Me 4%s 61 JJ.. 28% 28% 28% Bos & Me 5s 67 ... 31% 311% 31% Bos N Y A L 4s 55_ 6 6 6 Bklvn City R 6s 41... 66 65 65 Bklyn Ed cn 3%a 66 . 108% 108% 108% Bklyn Man T 4 %s 66 80% 79% 79% Bklyn Q C&S cn 5s 41 42 40% 42 Bklyn Un Gas 6s 45 .. 113% 113% 113% Bklyn Un Gas 6s 60 .. 98% 98 98 Bklyn Un G 6s 67 B._ 106% 106% 105% Bklyn Un G rf 6s 47.. 114 114 114 Buff G E 4%a 81 . 110% 110% 110% Buff Niac El 3 %s 67 . 110 110 110 Buff R & P 4 %s ct reg 31% 31% 31% B C R & N cl 5s 34 ... 6 6 6 Bush Term cn 5s 65.. 35% 35% 35% Canada South 6s 62 . 91% 91% 91% Canadian NR 4 %a 61. 115% 115% 116% Can NR 4 %s 56 _116% 116% 116% Can NR 5s 69 Oct_'120 119% 120 Can Pac db 4a perp_ 72 71% 72 Can Pac 4 %s 46_ 96% 95% 95% Can Pac 4%s 60_ 84% 84 84 Can Pac 6s 44_... 113% 113% 113% Can Pac 6s 54 _ 94 94 94 Car & Gen 5s 60_ 94% 94% 94% Celotex 4%s 47 ww . 91% 91% 91% Cent Pac 1st rf 4s 49. 69% 69% 69% Cent Pac 5s 60 ... 49% 48% 49 Cert d deb 6%s 48_ 77 76% 77 Ches & O 3%s 96 D... 100 99% 99% Ches & O 3 %s 96 E_ 100 99% 100 C & O gen 4 %s 92_ 125 125 125 Chi & Alton 3s 49 ... 8% 8 8 Chi B&y aen 4s 68 .. 97% 97% 97% Chi B&o ref 5s 71 . 97% 97% 97% C B&U HI dlv 3%s 49 100% 100% 100% C B&y 111 dlv 4s 49 ... 104% 103% 103% Chi & E 111 5s 61 .. 16 16 16 Chi & E 111 5s 51 ct... 15% 15% 15% Chi Gri West 4s 69 .. 19% 19% 19% Chi Mil & St P 4s 89.. 24% 24% 24% Chi Mil & St P 6s 75 6* 6% 6% CMStP&P adi 6s 2000 2 2 |2 Chi&NYV 4%s 2037 C. 7% 7% 7% Chi & NVV cv 4%s 49. 8% 3 3 Chi Rl&P rf 4s 34 ... 6% 6% 6% Chi TH&S Inc 6s 60.. 52% 62% 62% Chi Un Sta 3%s 61... 106 106% 106 Chi Un Sta 3%s 63... 109% 109% 109% Chi Un Sta 4s 44 ... 106% 106% 106% Chi & w In cv 4s 52 ._ 93 92% 93 Chi A W Ind 4%s 81. 94% 94% 94% Childs A Co 6s 43_ 69% 69% 69% 4 Ctn GAE S%1 ««_109% 109% 109% | CCCAStl. cen 48 93... 66 66 66 CCCAStl. L rf 4%s 77 60% 60% 50% Clev Un Ter 4%s 77.. 75% 75 75 Clev Un Ter 6%s 73.. 91% 90% 90% Colo F Air 6a 43_102% 102% 102% Colo F Air 5s 70_ 68 58 58 Colo A So 4 %s 80_ 27% 27% 27% Col GAE 6s 62 Mar... 103% 103% 103% Col GAE 6s 61 . 103% 103% 103% Colum Ry PAL 4s 65. 108% 108% 108% Comw Ed 3%s 68 ... 122% 121% 121% Comw Ed 3%s 68 . Ill 110% 110% Cons Ed N V 3%s 46. 106% 106 106 Cons Ed db 3 %s 48 .. 107 106% 107 ' Cons Ed N S 8%s 66. 106 106 106 Cons Ed N y 3 %a 58. 108% 108% 108% Cons 011 3 %a 61 . 106 106% 105% Consum Pwr 3 %s 66. 108% 108 108% Consum Pwr 3%s 70. 109% 109% 109% Container deb 6s 43.. 100% 100% 100% Container 6s 46_103% 103 103 Conti Oil 2%s«8_ 107 107 107 Crane Co 3 %s 61_ 104 104 104 Crucible Steel 4 %a 43 102 102 102 Cuba Northn 6%s 42. 29% 29% 29% Cuba R lat 6a 62 _ 33 33 33 Cuba RR 7 %s 46 A... 36% 36% 36% Del A Hud ref 4s 43_ 68 58 ,58 Den GAE 6s 61. 106 106% 105% Den GAE 5s 61 St_ 106 106 106 Den A R G con 4s 36. 8% 8% 8% Den A R G W 6s 55 —. 2% 2% 2% Del Edison 4s 65 . 110 110 110 Det TerA’l'un 4 %s 61 103% 103% 103% Duluth MA1R 3 %s 62 106% 106% 106% Duquesne Lt 3%s 65. 109% 109% 109% Elec Auto Ct 4s 52_ 109 109 109 Erie cv 4s 53 A_ 15% 15% 15% Erie cv 4s 53 B_ 15% 16% 15% Erie gen 4s 96__ 18 18 18 Erie ref 6s 67_ 10 10 10 Erie ref 6s 76_ 10 9% 9% Falrbks Morse 4s 56.. 105% 105% 105% Fed ElATr 5s 42 ... 103% 103% 103% Fed HlATr 6s 64 B... 101 101 101 Firestone Tire 3 %s 48 105% 105% 105% FlaECKy6s74_ 7% 7% 7% Gen Mot Aco 3%s 61. 105% 105% 105% Gen Stl Cast 6 %s 49- 61% 60 60 Goodrich 4 %s 66 ... 104% 104% 104% Grt Nor Ry 3%s 67... 77% 77% 77% Grt Nor 4s 46 G _ 99% 98% 98% Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 H . 90 89 89 Grt N Ry 1st 4%s 61.. 105% 105% 105% Grt N R ftn 4 %s 77 E. 85% 85% 85% Grt Nor Ry 6%s62 .. 99% 99 99 Hudson Coal 6s 62 A. 33% 32 33% Hud A Man lnc 6s 67. 14 14 14 Hud A Man ret 6a 57.. 48% 48% 48% 111 Cent 1st 3 %s 51... 88 88 88 j ill Cent ret 4s o6_ 62% 52 62% HI Cent 4 %s 66 - 46% 46% 46% ICCASti. NO 4%s 63. 46 45% 45% j ICCASli. NO 6a 63 .. 61% 51% 61% 111 Stl deb 4%s 40 A.. 102H 102ii 102H lndust Rayon 4 %s 48 97% 97% 9<% Inland Steel 3%s 61 . 107 107 107 j Intel R T 1st rf bs 66 63 62% 62% inter R Tbs 32_ 33% 33% 33% ! Inter KT 7a 32_ 60 60 60 I Int H T 3s 32 ct_ 58 58 68 Interlake Iron 4s 47.. 81 81 81 Inr H vilrn h'.l Kr aa m . IA ME. MEE lnt Mer Mar 6s 41_ 664 664 564 lnt Paper 1st 5s 47... 984 984 984 lnt Paper ret 6s 55_ 91 91 91 lnt Ky of C A us 72_ 82 82 82 lnt Ky C A 6 4s 47_ 9t>4 96 96 int T.te'1 4 4s o2 _ 604 60 60 lnt TitT 6s uu_..... 60 634 634 Kans City So 3s 50 .. 68 68 68 Kan Cit> Term 4s 60 . 107 107 107 I Keith 8 6s 4b . 1004 1004 1004 Ky&lnd T 4 4« 61 st_. 81 81 81 Kings Co Lt 6 4s 64.. 108 108 108 Koppers Co 4s 01 1044 104 104 Kresge Found 3 4s 47 10o t I0o4 1054 Laclede Gas 5s 39_ 874 874 874 Laclede Gas os 42 _ 864 86 86 Laclede Gas 5 4s 53 .. 57 564 664 Laclede G 64s 60 D_. 66 56 56 Lauiaro Nitrate 75... 26 254 26 Len New Eng 4s 65 ... 894 89* 894 Leh V N Y 1st 4s 46.. 30 30 30 Led V ai Her 6s 64 . . 48 48 48 L V Kll 4s 2003 asd._ 144 134 144 ! Lex & E Kys 5s 65... 1184 1184 1184 Loews 3 4S 46 1034 1034 1034 Lone Star Gas 3 4s53 1084 108 m, 1084 La A Ark 5s 69 854 844 844 Louisv G&E 3 4s 66.. 1094 1094 1094 L & Nash unit 4s 40 .. 1004 1004 1004 L & Nash 44s 2003 _ 914 914 914 L&NPM4S46 _101 101 101 McCrory Sirs is 51... 107 107 107 Me Cant KK 4s 46_ 754 764 754 Manbat Ky 4s 90 _ 654 644 644 Alanhat Ky 4s 30 ct... 624 614 614 Mead Co 6s 46 _ 1044 1044 1044 Metrop Ed 44» 68_ 1094 1094 1094 Mich Cent 3 4s 52_ 944 944 944 Mich Cent 4s 40 ... 994 994 994 Mich Cons Gas 4s 63 . 1024 1024 1024 MStPSSM cn 4s 38 7 7 7 MStP&SSM as 38 gtd 6?» 64 64 Mo 111 6s 53 .. 704 704 704 Mo K & T 1st 4s 90 .. 314 314 314 Mo K & T 5s 62 A ... 19 18 . 184 Mo K it T adj 5s 67_ 74 74 74 j Mo Pac 4s 75 34 34 3>4 Mo Pac 5s 77 F_ 154 15 15 Mo Pac os 78 G_ 144 144 144 Mo Pac 5s 81 1 . 154 15 15 Mont Power 3 4* 66 1004 1004 1004 Morrls&Es 3 Vjs 2000 404 40 40 Morris & Es 4 4s 55 . 36 354 354 Morris & Es 6s 65 384 384 384 Mount StT&T 3 4s 68 1094 1094 1094 Nassau Elec 4s 61 44 43 44 Nat Dairy 3\s 61 ww 1074 1064 106*4 Natl Distill 34s 49 . 104H 1044 1044 Natl Steel 3s 65 103*4 1034 1034 New Jer P&L 4 Hs 60 1064 1064 1064 New Uri PS 6s 62 A.. 1054 1054 1054 New Orl P S 6s 55 B 1054 105 105 New Orl Ter 1st 4s 63 684 684 684 New Orl T&M 44s 56 31 31 31 N Y Central 8 V*s 62 .. 584 584 684* N Y Central 8 4s 97 814 804 814 ; NY Central 3 4 s 48.. 744 744 744 i N Y Central 4s 42 . 844 84 84 N Y Cent rf 44s 2013 494 494 494 N Y Cent rf 6s 2013 . 554 55 654 NYC Mich C- 3 4s 98. 614 614 614 N Y Chl&StL 44s 78. 514 504 504 N Y C*StL 6 4s 74 A 594 594 594 N Y Edis 34s 66 D .. 109 109 109 N Y Edis ref 3 4s 66 109*4 109*4 1094 N Y & Harl 3 4s 2000 1024 1024 1024 N Y L&W 1st 4s 73 _. 55 65 55 Y IiitlV 73 RQlz. RQ EO NY NH & H 3 4s 54._ 124 12 12 NY NH AH 44s 87 144 144 144 NY NH A H el 6s 40.. 224 22 22 NY NH A H cv 6s 43. 144 144 144 N Y Steam 3 4s 63 .. 1064 1064 1064 NYSAWref5s37 84 84 84 N Y Tel 314s 67 .. 1094 1094 1094 N Y Tel gen 44s 39.. 1001! I00j! UlOH N Y WAB 44> 46_ 34 34 34 NiagSh5 4s60 ... 1024 1024 1024 Norf AW 1st 4s 96... 1284 1234 1234 North Am 344s 64 .. 1064 1064 1064 Nor’n Pao gn 3s 2047. 44 43N 44 Nor’n Pac 4s 97 .. 694 694 694 Nor’n Pac 4 4s 2047.. 474 464 464 Nor'n Pac 6s 2047 C._ 504 50 50 Nor’n Pac 6s 2047 D . 614 SON 514 Nor'n Pae 6s 2047 684 584 584 North Sta Pw 3 4s 67 109 109 109 Ohio Edison 3 4s 73.. 108N 108N 108N Ohio Edison 4s 65 ... 107N 1074 1074 Oreg Sh Line 6s 46 __ 117 117 117 Oregon W KR4S61.. 1064 106N 1064 Pac Gas A El 3 4s 66. 1084 1084 1084 Pac O A E 4i 64 1124 1124 1124 Pac TAT rf 34s 66 B 109 109 109 Panhand E T 4a 62 .. 1044 1044 1044 Param't Pic 3 4* 47.. 91 91 91 Penn Co 4s 52 E- 1044 1014 1044 Penn Co 4s 63 . .. 1U4N 1044 1044 Penn Dixl* C 6s 41 A. 1004 1004 1004 Penn O A D 44s 77... 98N 98H 984 Penn PAL 44s 81-104tf 1041! 104« Penn RH 3 Vis 62_ 864 864 864 Penn RR 4 4s 81_ 96N 964 96N Penn RR 44s 60 - 1194 1194 1194 Penn RR gn 44s 85.. 1004 1004 1004 Penn RR db 44 * 70.. 89 884 89 Penn RR gen 6s 68... 108 1074 1074 Pere Mara 6s 66 654 644 664 Phelps Dodge 3 4s 63 108N 1084 108N Phils Co 6s 67 ... 1054 1054 1054 Phlla Elec 3 4s 67 ... 1104 1104 1104 Phlla R C A Ir 6s 49.. 34 34 34 Philippine Ry 4s 87 _ 94 84 8N Phillips Petrol Ss 4*. 1084 108N 1084 PCCAStL 44s 77 ... 994 994 994 PCCAStL 6s 75 B .. 1064 1064 1064 Port Gen El 4 4s 60 .. 814 804 804 Portl’d Gen El 5s 50__ 107N 1074 1074 Postal Tel AC 6s 63 . 144 14 144 Public Sv 1st 34*68. 109 108H 1084 Purity Baking 5s <8 . 104 1034 104 Reading R 44* 97 B 724 724 724 Rem Rand 44s 66 ww 104 103 104 Republic Stl 4 4* 66 94 94 94 Republic Stl 4 4*61- 94 93 93 Republic Stl 6 4s 64. 1064 1064 1064 Revere Cop 4 4 a 56_100N 100N 100N Richfield Oil 4s 62 ... 108 1074 1074 Rio G W col 4s 49 A— 144 144 144 St L-San Fr 4s 60 A_i 84 84 84 StL-San Fr 4s 60 ct... 8 8 8 StL-San Fr 44*78... 84 84 84 St L-8 F 44s 71 ct st. 74 74 74 St L 8 W 1st tsr 6s 63 174 174 174 f WW. V/llIBC. at P K S L 44s 41.... 64 64 64 St P Un Dep rf 6s 72.. 117 1164 1164 Seabd A L 4s 60 stp_ 10 94 94 Seab’d A L rf 4s 69... 3% 3% 3% Seab'd A L 6a 46 A... 64 6% 6% Seab'd A L 6a 46 ct... 6% 5% 6% Simmons Co 4a 62 .. 100 100 100 So Bell TAT 84a 62.. 108% 108% 108% Southn Cal O4s 66 . 109 109 109 Southn Cal G 4 4a 61. 1064 106 1064 So Colo Pwr 6a 47 A 106% 1054 1054 Southn Kraft 4%s 46 934 92% 934 3outhn Nat G 4 4a 61 106 106 106 So Pac 348 46 - 684 684 584 so Pac col 4a 49_ 45 45 46 So Pao ref 4a 56..._ 62% 62% 62% So Pao 44s 6*__ 44 44 44 So Pao 44a 69- 44% 43% 434 So Pac 4 4s*l- .. 444 44 44 So Pac Oreg 4 4s 77.. 60 494 494 So Pac S F Ter 4s 50.. 85 86 85 So Ry gen 4s 66 A_ 64% 63% 63% So Ry 5s 94 _ 874 86% 86% So Ry gen 6a 56 .. 704 704 704 So Ry St L dlv 4s 61.. 674 674 674 S W Bell Tel 3s 68 . 1084 1074 1084 3 W Bell Tel 3 4s 84. 109% 1094 1094 Southwn GAE 4s 60 . 106 105 105 Stand Oil N J 2%s 63 106 106 106 Stand Oil N J 3a 61 ... 106 106 106 Studebaker ev 6s 46.. 92 914 914 Term As St L 4s 63 ... 109% 109 109 Texarkana 5 4s 60... 874 874 874 Texas Corp 3s 69 ... 1054 105% 1054 Texas Corp 84a 61 .. 105% 1054 106% Texas A Pac 6s 77 B.. 87V, 87 87 Texas A Pac 6s 79 C„ 864 864 864 Third Av ref 4s 60 ... 43 43 43 Third Av ad1 6a 60 . 84 84 84 Tide Wat Oil 3 4a 62. 1054 1054 1054 Un El(Mo)3%a 62... 1084 108% 108% Un Pacific 3 4s 70_ 994 99 , 994 Un Pacific 3 4s 71 ... 99% 994 994 Un Pacific 1st 4s 47.. 1134 1134 1134 Un Pac ref 4s 2008... 108% 108% 108% United Drug 6a 63 .... 83 824 83 Utd Rys St L 4a 34... 31 304 31 U S Steel 3 v*8 48 106% 1064 1064 Utd Stkyds4 % s61 ww 874 86 86 Utah L.A1 6s 44 .. 1014 1014 1014 Utah Pwr A Lt 6s 44. 1014 101% 101% Utility F A L 6a 69 . 804 804 804 Utility P A L 6 4s 47. 804 804 804 Va Ry 1st 3%s 66_ 1084 108% 1084 Wabash 1st 5s 39_ 40 40 40 Wabash 5s 76 B_ 6% 5% 5% Wabash 54s 75 ... 64 64 64 Wabash Des M 4s 39. 11% 11% 11% Walworth 4s 65 ... 69 59 59 Warner Bros 6s 48 . 904 904 904 Warren Bros cv 6s 41 42% 424 42% Westcht B gn 3 4* 67 109 109 109 W Pa Pw 1st 5s 63 E. 120 120 120 | West Md 1st 4s 6* ... 834 834 t34 West Md 54s 77 .. 90% 904 904 West Paclfio 5s 46 A. 18 18 18 West Pac 5a 46 A as .. 18 18 18 West Union 44s 60.. 68 67% 67% West Union 6a 51_ 724 72 » 724 West Union 5s 60 .. 73 72 72 Wheel Steel 44s 66.. 974 974 974 Wilson A Co 3%s 47 . 97 97 97 Wis Cent 1st gn 4s 49 9% 94 94 Wis El Pw 34s 68 . 1084 1084 1084; Youngst'n SAT 4s 48 104% 104% 104% Youngst'n SAT «a 61. 105% 105% 105% Commodity Price Index Sags to New Low A moderate decline last week in the wholesale commodity price in dex compiled by the National Fer tilizer Association took it to the low est point reached since July, 1934. In the week ended August 5 this index stood at 70.9 per cent of the 1926-1928 average, compared with 71.2 in the preceding week, 74 a year ago and 88.2 two years ago. The principal decline was in the food group, with the group index declining to the lowest point reached in recent years. Lower prices for silk and wool were responsible for a drop in the textile price index. The building material average was also lower, reflecting declining quo tations for lumber. A fractional rise was recorded by the farm prod uct average, with higher prices for cotton, corn and poultry more than offsetting declines in w'heat and hogs. Continued strength in non ferrous metals and steel scrap took the metal index to the higest point reached in the last three months. Small Increases were also recorded by the indexes representing the prices of fertilizer materials and miscellaneous commodities. As a result of small increases in the prices of a number of less im portant commodities advances in price series included in the index outnumbered declines 25 to 21. In the preceding week there were 31 advances and 20 declines. In the second preceding week there were 12 advances and 26 declines. Montgomery Ward Sales Advance Over 1938 By the Aseoc-.ated Press CHICAGO, Aug. 9.—Montgomery Ward & Co. reports July sales to taling $33,451,508, representing an increase of 15.05 per cent over the July, 1938. sales of $29,075,336. Sales for the six months ending July 31 totaled $219,365,339, com pared with $190,593,738 for the cor responding period a year ago, an increase of $28,771,601. Packard Head Predicts Favorable Fall B? the Aesocieted Press. DETROIT, Aug. 9.—The automo tive industry may expect a "highly favorable fall and winter volume" judging from the present attitude of auto buyers. M. M. Gilman, presi dent of Packard Motor Car. Co. believes. Yesterday a private showing was held for 1940 Packard models, which he said were first in the field and would be supported by the largest volume of newspaper advertising the company has ever used. Prices will be lower on all models. He said: "The national Income is increasing faster than outgo and conditions seem ideal for increased employ ment. The automotive industry is in an unusually favorable position to facilitate recovery throughout American industry.” Pacific Finance Corp. Earns $218,678 BpecUl Dispatch to The Star. LOS ANGELES, Calif., Aug. 9.— Net earnings of Pacific Finance Corp. of California, the largest West ern automobile finance company, ior the three months ended June 30, 1939, were $218,678, after all charges, including reserves for Federal in come taxes, as compared with $193, 659 earned in the preceding three months, according to the company s report issued today by F. S. Baer, president. After deducting preferred divi dend requirements for the period, net profits were equivalent to 32 cents a share on the 428,098 shares of common stock outstanding, com pared with 25 cents a common share earned In the preceding quarter. Chemical Imports Rise United States imports of chemicals and related products totaled $90,000, 000 in the first half year, a gain of 18 per cent over the like period of 1938, the Commerce Department re ported. B. & 0. Carloadings Increase for July; Total Is 196,491 Week Ending August 5 Also Shows Gain Over Period Last Year Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE, Md„ Aug. Baltimore 6c Ohio carloadings for the month of July totaled 196,491, including 124,875 cars loaded on line and 71,616 received from con nections. This was an increase of 34,070 loads over July of last year, when the total was 162,421, com prising 100,076 cars loaded on line and 62,345 received from connec tions. July carloadings also showed an increase of 13,905 loads over June of this year, which totaled 182,586, including 119,482 cars loaded on line and 63,104 received from connec tions. For the month of July, 1930, total loads were 276,862, of which 181.751 cars were loaded on line and 95,111 received from connec tions. For the week ended August 5 car loadings showed a total of 45.575, consisting of 29,199 cars loaded on line and 16,376 received from con nections. This was an increase of 7,616 cars over the corresponding week of last year, when the total was 37,959, embracing 23,995 cars loaded on line and 13,964 received from connections. The previous week of this year fthe week ended July 29) showed 46.731, comprising 30,019 cars load ed on line and 16,712 received from connections. For the week in 1930 correspond ing with last week the total was 64,539, of which 42,522 were loaded on line and 22,017 received from connections. Washington Produce BUTTER—90 score. 1-pound prints 26; tub. 25; t»4-pound prints. 27; 92 score, tub. 26; U-Pound prints. 28. MEATS—Choice beef. 18 good beef. 16 ' »12: calves. 16-17; spring lambs 21: veal 16-18; pork loin 20-21: smoked regular ham. 22-23; smoked skinned ham. ;.4: large smoked skinned ham 20-21; oacon. sliced. 28 bacon, piece. 23: com pound lo; pure lard 8'2 LIVESTOCK — Pigs 120-140 pounds .V25-5 50: light pies. 140-150 nounds. 5 o(l-5 ,5 150-200 pounds 5 75-6.30:210 2oo pounds. 5 25-5.50; 250-300 pounds. 4 ,5-5.25 calves good grade 8>'2 down lambs s»? down: buck lambs 1.00 less, sows. 3.25-3.50; stags. 2.25 down. Fruits and Vegetables. Sales up to 8 a m todav: CANTALOUPES—Market weak Truck receipts moderate. Delaware. 1* crates 24 s. 50-75 HONEY DEWS— On** Arizona, one Cali fornia arrived two broken and two un broken cars on track Arizona, standard crates. Os and 12s. 1 75-2.00: jumbo crates. 8s. 1.75 CARROTS—Market steady One Cali fornia arrived, one unbroken car on track. California. Los Angeles crates bunched. Pennsylvania, bushel baskets, topped, washed. 75-1.on . CORN—Market weak. Maryland, sacks. 0 dozen 3o-4o CELERY—Market steady. Hp carlot ar rivals: one broken car on track New York. >2 crates individually washed, all sizes. Eastern. 1.25-1 5c. Western. 1.75 2.00. ONIONS—Market steady No carlot ar rivals: one broken and one unbroken cars on track. 50-pound sacks yellows. U. S No. 1. Indiana 75: New York. 1.00: New Jersey. 8.V Massachusetts. 1.00. PEACHES—Market steady; no carlot ar rivals: three broken and four unbroken cars on track; truck receipts light. 8outh Caro lina. bushel baskets. Elbertas. U. 8. No 1. E.VwS't 1.25-1.60: Virginia, bushel baskets. Elberts. U. 8 No 1 2*4 mch minimum. 1.25-1.50: fair condition. 1.00: bushel baskets. Hales. U 8. No 1. -“Ijnimum. mostly around 1.66. PEAS—One Idaho, one Colorado ar rived; four broken and one unbroken cars gn^rack Colorado, bushel hampers, 1.90 POTATOES—Market dull: nft carlot ar rivals. no cars on track: truck receipts lib eral 100-pound sacks. Cobblers. U. 8. No. ! 1 East*rn Shore Virginia. 1 25-1 40. Pennsylvania. 1.25-1.35 SWEET POTATOES—Market weak no carlot arrivals; no car* on track: truck re ceipfs H*ht Rushel baskets. Maryland. Golden. TT 8 No i. 1.75-1.85; Georgia. f™0 *^ 1 lair condition 1 00: North Carolina. Nancy Halls. U S. No. 1. small. 1.75 WATERMELONS—Markpt dull; truck re ceipts liberal. South Carolina. Tom Wat sons. 24-35-pound average 25-40 each. Virginia, boat bulk, per loo melons, various varieties. 18-22 Dounds. 10.00-15.00; 30 45 oounds. 25.00. LETTUCE—Market steadv: three Califor nia arrived; three broken and two unbroken cars on track California. Los Angeles crates. Tceberg type. 5-rio7en 3.00-3.25; New York. Eastern crates. Big Boston type. 2-dozen. 40-50. MIXED VEGETABLES-—No carlot ar rlv£i?:Jhrel oroKen cars on tracg. SNAP BEANS—Market steady. True* receipts light. Pennsylvania bushel ham pers green flat type, 76-90; fair condition, on. LIMA BEANS—Market weak. Truck re ”rP. en-V JI?‘- Uelawar' buab“ nam SPINACH—Market dull. New York bushel baskets. 76-1 00. CABBAGE—Market weak. Truck re ceipts moderate. Pennsylvania o-pecx hampers, domestic round type. 76-1.tin Nearby, bushel hampers, domestic round type packed locally 5u-76. APPLES—Maryland Pennsylvania Vtr §lb'*- West Vir»Inla bushel baskets. U , N.?i/ 1 Wealthys 2-2>. Inches 35-411: 'nches HO-flR: 2%-2s, inches. «6 ,6. Rambcs. 2Va Inches. 76-85: other va rletles. so-i.oo. a« tn *j7e BLUEBERRIES—Michigan. 18-22 per pint. _ _PLUMS—California, four-basket crates. ORANGE8—'two California arrived: ttir*e v.c*r® diverted: six broken and nve o",bx°Jtnn cars. on tr*ck California, boxes. 2.25-4.00. as to trade and size HUCKLEBERRIES—Pennsylvania 15 20 per quart. -.pineapples—crates. Cuba 3.00-350: Florida. 4.00-4.60. AVOCADOS^Florida. flat crates, 76 l.oo. LIMES—Florida. >4-bushel cartons. 75 l.oo: poorer lower GRAPES—Camornla. luts Tnompson 8eedless, 1.25-1.60; Red Malagas, l.&o. Delaware. 12-quart climax baskets, blue varieties. 65. FIGS—California, flat crates. 60-1.00. LEMONS—California, boxes No 1, 5 su 6.00: No. 2. 4.50-5.00. BEETS—Pennsylvania. crates 2Sk dozen bunches. 60-76. BROCCOLI—Pennsylvania, crates, eiant buncnes. l no. MUSHROOMS—Maryland and Pennsyl vania. 3-pound baskets. 75. PEARS—New Vnrk. -bushel baskets. Ciapo Favorites. 75-00. EGGS—Market steady. For eggs can died and graded in Washington (August 0): Whites. U. S. extras, large. 27 cents; U. S. extras, medium. 23 cents; U. S. stand ards. large. 23 cents; U. S. standards, me dium. 18 cents: U. 8. trades. 17 cents. For nearby ungraded eggs: Current receipts: Whites. 17 to 17Va cents: mixed colors. 15Va to 16 cents. LIVE POULTRY—Market about steady. Fowl: Colored, all sizes. 16 cents: No. 2s. 10 to 12 cents: Leghorns. 10 to 11 cents: roosters. B to 10 cents. Chickens: Virginia Rocks: Broilers and fryers, all sizes. 18 to 10 cents: No. 2s. 12Va to 13 cents. Dela ware Rocks and crosses: Broilers and fry ers. all sizes. 16 to 17 cents; No. 2s, 12Va to 13 cents: mixed colored fryers. 14 cents. Leghorns, broilers, all sizes. 14 cents. Turkeys: Old toms. 12 to 13 cents; old hens. 15 cents. U. S. Treasury Notes (Reported by Smith. Barney A Co.) Rate. Maturity. Bid. Offer. 14* Sept. 15. 39 - 100 2-32 14a Dec. 15. 39.. 101 12-32 101 14-32 14a Mar. 16. 40.. 101 20-32 101 22-32 1‘a June 16. 40.. 101 20-32 101 22-32 1 Va Dec. 15. 40.. 102 102 2-32 1V4 Mar. 16. 41.. 102 10-32 102 12-32 1% June 15, 41-. 102 13-32 102 15-32 1V« Dec. 15. 41 ._ 102 22-32 102 24-32 144 Mar. 15. 42.. 104 104 2-32 2 Sept. 15. 42._ 105 12-32 105 14-32 IV, Dec. 15. 42._ 104 27-32 104 29-32 lVa June 15. 43.. 102 17-32 102 19-32 114 Dec. 15. 43 . 102 18-32 102 20-32 44 June 15, 44 100 21-32 100 23-32 Boston Wool Market BOSTON. Aug. 9 i/Pi (United 8tates De partment of Agriculture).—Prices were mostly Arm on a moderate volume of busi ness In the Boston wool market today. The bulk of sales were of fine territory and Texas wools at firm prices In ranges realized last week Fleece wools were slow. Graded combing bright medium fleeces were quoted steady at 32-33 cents In the grease for three-eighth blood and at 32-24 cents for auarter blood. Metal Market NEW YORK. Aug. 9 OP).—Copper quiet: electrolytic spot. 10.50: export. 10,66-70. Tin ategdy. spot and nearby. 48.76: for ward, 48.60. Lead steady, spot. Ntw York: 5.06-10: East St. Louis. 4.00. Zlne steady. East St. Loula. soot and forward, 4.75. Pig Iron, aluminum, antimony, quicksilver. | platinum and Chinese wolframite un 1 changed. NEW YORK CURB MARKET ay irniu wire direct to The Star. (Kaitern Davllsfct Ravine Tima.) Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate Add 00 Blah. Low. CIom. Aero Supply (B). 13 3 3 Ainsworth - 1 84 64 64 Air Asaoc (.50).. 3 7Vi 74 74 Alliance Invest.. 3 14 14 14 Alum Co of Am 60s 117 117 117 Alumn Goods .30 2 17 164 164 Alum Ltd (.25a). 200s 126 1234 1234 Am Box Board. 1 64 64 64 Am Centrlfural.. 5 4 4 4 AmCrnamB.IO. 8 284 274 274 Am Fork ft H .60 100s 11 11 11 Am Gas ft El 1.60 18 384 884 384 Am G ft El pf (6) 100s 113 113' 113 Am Gen pf (2) .. 25s 284 284 284 Am Laund M 80 1 164 164 164 ■Am LtftTrac 1.20 3 174 174 174 Am Maracaibo .. 4 4 4 4 Am Seal-Kap.24g 1 64 64 64 Am Superpower . 3 4 4 4 Am Superpwr pf. 2 204 20 4 204 Angostura (.05g) 1 24 24 24 Ark Nat Gas_ 2 24 24 24 Ark Nat Gas A... 5 24 24 24 Ark Nat Gas pf .. 17 7 7 Art Met Wks.30g. 1 44 44 44 Assoc Gas ft Elec 14 4 4 Assoc G A E (A). 14 4 4 Assoc Lau of Am 3 ft ft ft Atl Coast Fish... 1 34 34 34 Atlas Corp war_ 13 1 1 1 Avery ft Sons 2 74 74 74 Avery pf ww 1.50 25g 214 214 214 Avery (BF) war. 11 24 2 24 Aviation ft Trans 4 24 2 2 Baldw L of 2.10.. 100s 214 214 214 Bath Iron ... 3 64 64 64 Beech Aircraft .. 2 64 64 64 Berk ft Gay Fur.. 14 4 4 Bliss (EW) 1 104 104 104 Bliss* Lau (1(). 25s 20 20 20 Blue Ridge ... 2 14 14 14 Bowman-Blit_ 1 14 14 14 Breeze Corp .. 14 4 4 Brewst Aero 20g 1 74 74 74 Brldgp’t Machine 2 34 34 34 Brown Co pf 100s 104 104 104 Brown F&W ,20g 1 54 64 54 Brown Rubber .. 1 44 44 44 B N&EP of 1 60 . 1 224 224 224 Bunker Hill 50g. 5 144 134 134 Cable Elec Prod.. 6 4 to ft Carlb Syndicate 24 1 1 1 Carnation Co (1) 1 34 34 34 Carrier Com 4 124 124 124 Carter (JW) .30g 17 7 7 Casco Prod (lg) 1 154 154 154 Catalln (Am) 2 34 3 34 Celan otc of (7a) 125s 107 107 107 Cent NT Pwr pf 5 60s 95 95 95 Cent ft Sown Util 1 14 14 14 Cent States Elec. 2 ft 4 ft Centrif Pipe .40 . 1 34 34 34 Chi Flez S (Ba).. 150s 724 724 724 Cities Service ... 2 54 54 64 Cities Service pf 3 544 544 544 Cities SP&L S6 pf 10s 76 76 76 Claude Neon L ' 24 ft 4 ft Clev Tractor 5 4 4 4 Colon Dev pf (8) 7 44 44 44 Columb Ull ft Gsa 4 3 24 24 Comwlth ft S war 37 4 4 4 ComP&Llstpf 425s 384 36 36 Com'ty P£ (2) .. 100s 264 264 264 Compo Shoe (1) . 1 164 164 164 Cons CooM 16e 7 64 64 64 Cons G&E Ba 3.60 3 834 83 834 Cons Retail Strs 1 34 34 34 Cons Steel Com . 2 54 54 54 Copperweld 60*. 4 14 14 14 Cornucopia Gold. 18 1 1 1 Cosden Petrolm 2 14 14 14 Cosden Petrol pf 2 11 11 11 Creole Petm 60a 3 194 194 194 Crocker Wheeler 1 44 44 44 Croft Brewing 5 4 4 4 Cuneo Press (3a) 150s 494 49 49 Darby Petroleum 1 44 44 44 Decca Rec (.30*) 17 74 74 74 Det Gray Iron .04 1 14 14 14 Duke Pwr 1.50* 25s 71 71 71 Eagle Picher l.d 3 94 9 9 East'n Gas &F _ 3 14 14 14 Eastn G&F 6 pf 900s 134 12 134 Eastn G&F pr pf 175s 26 25 26 Easv Wash M(B) 3 34 34 34 Eisler Electric .. 3 14 14 14 Elec Bond & Sh 67 104 94 94 ElecB&Spf(6i 3 69 69 69 Em G&F 64% pf 20s 624 614 624 , EmpG*F7» pf 25s 684 634 634 : Faulty Com ... 2 4 4 4 Esaulre (.60*) ... 5 44 44 44 ; Fairchild Ay .20* 2 11 11 11 ! Fanny Farm .75* 1 244 244 24V, Fedders Mf* .35* 1 7 7 7 Ferro-Enam .60* 2 20 20 20 Flak Rubber 7 104 1014 104 Fla P&L of 3.93k 100s 76 4 764 764 Ford (Can) All) 1 194 194 194 Fruehauf T .60* 4 194 19 194 ! Gen El Ltd(.67g) 8 174 174 174 i Gen T&R pf A(6 ) 30s 1024 1024 1024 Gen WG&Epf<3) 25s 38 38 38 1 Glen Alden Coal 4 4 34 34 Goldfield Consol 10444 Gorham Inc pf 50s 17 17 17 Gray Mf* 4 104 104 104 Greenfield T & D 1 54 64 54 Grocery Prod 1 14 14 14 Grum an Air 25* 3 164 154 154 Gulf Oil of Pad) 3 324 32 32, Hecla Min t.20g) 8 74 64 64 Horn&Har pf (5) 10s 112 112 112 Hubbell (H) .80 . 50s 11 11 11 Humble 011 1.50 3 554 554 654 111-ia Power pf 1 22 22 22 111-la Pwr div ct. 1 64 64 54 lndSvc6%pr . 10s 144 14Vi 144 ‘ Indus Flnan pf _ 50s 12 12 12 ! Ins Co N Am 2a . 60s 704 704 704 Int Indust .10* .. 2 24 24 24 Int Pa&Pwr war 1 24 24 24 Int Util war new 1 it & Int Util prpf 3.50 100s 364 354 354 Jacobs Co 13 3 3 Jer CP&L pf 6.60 26s 914 914 914 JerCP&L pf (6). 20s 974 974 974 Jones & Lau Stl- 2 23 23 23 Klmb-Cl pf (6) . 10s 111 111 111 Koppers pf 2.25k. 190s 604 60 604 Lack RR NJ (4). 10s 38 38 38 Lakey Fdry * M. 3' 34 34 34 Lane-Wells .50*. 1 94 94 94 Lsmgb Coal * N. 6 24 24 24 Locks Steel 1.20. 50s 124 124 S124 Lockneed Alrcr . 13 26 244 244 Lone Star (.40*) 5 94 9 94 Long lal Ltc pf B 50s 344 344 344 La Land & Ex 40 1 44 44 44 La P & Lt pf (6). 10s 1034 1034 1034 Me Willms Dredg 19 9 9 Majestic Radio.. 1 14 14 14 Massey-Harrls 2 44 44 44 Master Elec .50*. 300* 19v« 184 184 Merr-Chap & Sc.. 2 44 4 4 Viatel 'Paw* 1 fl rr 1 11. 17: IT/ Mich Sugar_.. 6 S * * Midland Stl <lg). 1 15* 15* 15* Mid WeatCorp . 19 9 9 MlnnMAM(lg) 260a 56* 56 56 Molyodenum .. 4 4% 4* 4* Monogram Pic l l>r 1* 1* Monroa Ln A.15g. 1 2* 2* 2* Mont Ward A (?) 10a 164 164 164 Mount City Cop.. 4 3* 3* 3* Mount Prod .60 . 6 5* 6 5 Muskegon P .70g. 2 IS* 13* 13* Nat Auto Fibre.. 2 7* 7* 7* Nat Bella Hess _. 1 * * * Nat City L.60g 3 16 15* 15* Nat Fuel Gaa (1) 14 12* 12 12* NatPALpf(C) 225s 90 89 89* Nat Rubber Mach 5 4* 4 4 Nat Sug Ref 75g. 1 10* 10* 1071 Nat Transit .35g 1 8* 8* 8* Nat Tunnel A Min 1 1* 1* 1* Nat Union Radio 5 1 1 l Navarro Oil .40a. 2 12 11* 11* Neptune Met (A) 1 6* 6* 6* N E P A pf 3 60k 200s 76* 76*. 76* N J Zinc (1.50g). 350s 65 55 65 NTPALtpfiS) 10s 104* 104* 104* NT Shipbld fd sh 1 9* 9* 9* N T Water Svc pf 60s 22* 22 22* Nlag Hudson Pwr 11 7* 7* 7* Nlag Hud 1st (6) 60s 89 88* 89 Nlag Hud A war 1 4 t 4 Nlag Sh Md pf A 6 10s 92 92 92 Nlag Sh Md (B) 4 6* 6* 6* Nllea-Bam-P .60a 1 51* 61* 61* Niplsslng Mines 1 1* 1* 1* Nor Am Lt A Pwr 2 1* 1* 1* Nor Am LAP of - 50s 62* 62* 62* N Am Ray A ,50g. 1 19 19 19 N Am Ray B ,50g. 2 19* 19* 19* NorEuropOU... 10 A A 4, Norto n Sta Pi A) 1 11* 11* 11* Ohio Edit pf (6). 200a 106* 106* 106* Ohio Oil pf (6) .. 2 106 105* 105* OhloPSpf A<710s 114 114 114 Okla Nat G 6Ug.. 4 16* 16* 16* Pae Gaa 6 pf 1.60 S 34* 34* 34* PacPALt pf(7). 20s 87* 86* 87* Pantepac 011 16 6 4* 4* Pender Gr A 3.60. 150s 43 42 43 Pa-Cent Alrllnea 2 9 9 9 Pennroad Corp 5 1* 1* l* Pann PAL pf (6). 30s 106 105* 106 Pann PAL pf (7). 150s 110 109* 110 Pann WAP 1.60*. 150a 77* 77 77 Pharla TAR .46g. 1 8* 8* 8* Phoenix Sacnr . 4 7* 7* 7* Phoenix Sacur pf 350s 31* 30 30 Plonear Gold .40 2 2* 2* 2* Pltnay-Bowas It 8 8* 8* 8* Pitta PI Ol 1.60*. 1105 105 106 Potraro Sugar_. 1 * * * Stock and Sales— Dividend Rite Add 00. High. Low. Close Pratt ALam.B Ok . 1 18% 18% 18% Prosperity <B) . 1 3% 3% 3% Pub Sv Ind IS pf. 25s 42 42 42 P S Ind *7 pr pf 50s 78% 78% 78% PS Ok pr In pf (7) 30s 109% 109% 109% Puget Sd P *5 pf 150s 67% 67 67 Puget S’d P|« pf 125s 24 23% 23% Quaker Oats (5) 30s 125 125 126 Quaker Oats pf I 60s 155 155 155 Rwy&LtSecur. 25s 9% 9% 9% Reed Roll B (la) 1 26% 26% 26% Rome Cable lOg- 6 11 11 11 Roosevelt Field.. 1 1% 1% 1% Root Petroleum 14 2% 2% 2'% Royal Typ .2.25g. 150s 62% 62 62 Rustless lr & Stl. 1 10% 10% 10% Ryerson H.2- 4 % % % St Keg1s«Paper _. 2 2 2 2 St Regis Pap pf.. 25s 43 43 43 Salt Dome Oil . 4 8% 8 8 Scovlll Mfg ,30k.. l 21 21 21 Scrant Lace ,50g. 10s 20 20 20 Scrant SBW pf... 25s 36 36 36 Secur Corp Gen.. 1 1% 1% 1% Segal Lock _ 1 % % % Selberllng Rub 2 7% 7Vi 7% Select Ind cv pf.. 100s 6% 6% 6% SentrvSafCon 1 % % % Seversky Alrcr”t. 2 3% 3% 3% Sher-Wlllms(2g) 60s 92% 92% 92% So Penn 011 1 50 . 5 30 28% 28% So Col Pw pf(2k) 60s 65% 63 65% Spalding 1st pf n. 80s 17 17 17 Stand Dr pf 1.60 .. 60s 10% 10% 10% Stand Oil Ky (1) 2 18% 18% 18% Stand Pwr & Lt.. 1 % % % Stand Prod 25g.. 1 9% 9% 9% Stand Stl Spr .50g 6 36% 36 36 Starrett vtc 4 1% 1% 1% Stein A & Co ,55g 200s 13 13 13 Sterling. Inc 20a 6 3% 3% 3% Sullivan Mach .. 6 8% 8% 8% Sur.rav Oil 05g 7 2% 2% 2% Sun’y O cvpf 2.76 1 36 36 36 Tampa Elec 2 24. 1 32% 32% 32% Technicolor ,35g 3 15% 16% 15% Thew Shovel ,50g 100s 15% 15% 15% Tllo Hoofing (1). 1 12% 12% 12% Tri Conti war .. 1 & & & i Tubtze Chatlllon. 3 10% 10% 10% i Tublze Chat (AI 60s 33 33 33 I Tung-Sol Lamp 1 2% 2% 2% Tung-Sol L pf 80 1 7% 7% 7% UnPremFS(l). 1 18% 18% 18% i Utd Cgr Wh Stra. 2 1 ii 1 | Unit Gaa _ 4 2 2 2 ! Unit Gas war . 3 % % % Unit Gas pf 5.75k 2 88 87% 87% i Unit Lt&Pwr (A I 1 1% 1% 1% j Unit Lt & Pwr pf 2 30% 30% 30% Unit Sh M 2.50a . 150s 85% 83% 83% Unit Specialties.. 3 3 2% 2% j U S Lines pf . 1 1% 1% 1% U S Plyw pf 1.50. 60s 24 24 24 Unit Wall Paper. 8 2% 2% 2% j Utah-ldaho Sug 1 % % % I Utah F’&L Dt2%k 75s 62% 62% 62% | Util P&L pfir).. 100s 20 20 20 Utility Equity .1111 Utility & Ir.d pf. 1 1% 1% 1% Wentworth 10g.. 1 2% 2% 2% West Va C &C . 1 1% 1% 1% Western Air Exp. 1 3% 8% 3% Wichita Riv Oil.. 2 5% 5% 5% Williams (RC) .. 5 7% 7% 7% Wilson-Jon 25g.. 1 7% 7% 7% Wolverine T 20g 2 6% 6 6 Woodley Pet .40 .1 5 5 5 Wright Harg.40a 12 8% 8% 8% Yukon Pac Mfg 2 % % % r In bankruptcy or receivership or beint reorganized under Bankruptcy Act or securities assumed by *uch companies Rates of dividends in the foregoing table are annual disbursements based on the last auarterlv or semi-annual declaration Un less otherwise noted, special or extra divi dends are not included xd Ex dividend xr Ex rights a Also extra or extras e Paid last vear f Pay able In stork « Declared or paid so far i this vear h Cash or stock k Accumu lated dividend oaid or declared this tear ur Under rule ww With warrants rw Without warrant* war Warrants Rains Have Mixed Effect On Virginia Crops By the Associated Press. The Department of Agriculture re . ported today general rains in Vir ginia truck crop areas since July 20. with mixed effects. Very dry weather previous to that date on the Eastern Shore greatly reduced the potato yield. Rains, though beneficial to the tomoto crop, temporarily hurt the quality. Too much rain in the last two weeks hurt watermelons, caus ing development of wilt and other : diseases. Cabbage and snap beans in the Southwest were greatly benefited by the rains, the department said, and a normal late crop of cabbage is expected. Potato shipments were practically finished by August 1. Watermelons started to move the last week in July and are expected to reach a peak about August 15. At the same time, the department reported that receipts by farmers from sale of livestock and livestock products in Virginia during the first six months of 1939 nearly doubled the receipts from sale of crops. Pullman, Inc., Reports Net of $1,104,127 By the Associated Press. CHICAGO. Aug. 9 —Pullman. Inc., large railroad equipment manufac turer and sleeping car transporta tion concern, reported for the six months ended June 30 consolidated net income of $1,104,127, equal to 28 cents a share. This compared with net income of $644,901 for the corresponding 1938 period. George F. Kelly, vice president, said the chief source of consolidated earning power in the first half of this year was the Pullman company sleeping car subsidiary, which re ported operating income of $1,317,131 for the period, compared with an operating loss of $355,898 a year ago. Car manufacturine activity Mr Kelly said, resulted in a small profit during the second quarter, but showed a loss for the first half year. Sugar Quota Imports Off For 7 Months By the Associated Press. The Agriculture Department re ported imports of sugar under the quota law totaled 2.771.729 short tons, raw value, during the first seven months of this year. Imports during the comparable period last year totaled 3,049.474 short tons. The imports were as follows: Cuba, 816,385 short tons; the Phil ippines. 713,161; Puerto Rico. 723. 598; Hawaii, 506,830. and foreign countries other than Cuba, 11,755. The department said these areas had total remaining quotas of 1,992.211 short tons for the balance of the year. New York Sugar NEW YORK. Aug. P i/P),—World sugar futures rallied on action of the London market today Light offerings were read ily absorbed by trade and foreign buying and prices In late dealings were >2 to 1>,5 points advanced. September was up the most at 1.1# and December was ahead V, at 1.18. Domestic futures were easy, unchanged to 1 lower on September liouidation which offset trade support. September was off 1 at 1.86 and January unchanged al 1 #0. Raw sugars were oulet with duty frees held at 2.BO cents, while Cubas were re ported available below 2.85 on a duty paid basis. Refined continued 4 30-4(1. Futures No. 3 closed 1-2 lower. Sales. 12.350 tons. High. Low. Last. September _ 1.86 1.85 1.85b January _1.90 1.89 l.snb March_ 1.82 1.92 1.91b b-Bld. _f Quick-freezing is to be tried in Germany for the conservation of wild fowl. 4 " ■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ——■ * Great Diversification Of Steel Orders Is Hailed by Magazine Industry Hopeful of Higher Rates When Auto Tonnage Climbs By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Aug. 9.—The out standing significance of current steel business has been the great diversification of orders both in re* spect to products and range of users, Iron Age said today in its weekly review of the industry. "As there is no’ indication of a *‘ cessation of yiis flow of miscel laneous business in the near fu ture," the magazine said, "the steel industry is hopeful of higher operat ing rates as soon as automobile ton nage is sufficient to make itself felt. Within a week or two the trend of * automobile assemblies will be up ward. when production of new mod els begins. * "Settlement of the General Mo tors strike has not yet had an im-' portant effect on steel releases * * *, but specifications in fairly large volume are expected before the end of this month. “Meanwhile the adjournment of Congress, together with the defeat ' of the New Deal’s spending-lending program, has had a good senti mental effect on business, notwith standing the fact a good share of present steel buying flows directly or indirectly from Government ex penditures." Expectations for a stronger trend in steel business during the late summer and early autumn, Iron Age continued, were borne out by a rise in steel ingot production of 1 point to 61 per cent, highest since November last year, and a further gain in scrap prices which raised the Iron Age scrap price composite to $15.42, highest since October, 1937. Foreign business, particularly Jap anese, was partly responsible for increased strength of scrap markets in the East, the review added. R. F. C. Loans to Industry $5,635,813 in July The R. F. C. reported yesterday that during July it authorized 99 loans to Industry aggregating $5,635,813. Since the R. F. C. was formed, the report said it has authorized 6.613 loans for the benefit of industry aggregating $343,616 177. Of this amount $77,223,879 has been with drawn and $93,120,490 remains avail able to the borrowers. In addition the corporation has I agreed to purchase participations amounting to $115,672,382 in loans to 1.543 businesses. Emil Schram. R. F. C. chairman, said the R. F. C.'s commitments and | authorizations of all kinds in con nection with the recovery program totaled $12,398,614 during July, j Total authorizations since the R. j T C. started, and tentative commit ments jutstanding on July 31, amounted to $13,352,422,609." Of this, $2,245,185,371 has been canceled or withdrawn. i_ CURB BONDS DOMESTIC BONDS. .. „ , High Low 1 P.M. Ala Power 4s 6, . __ Ml>» I01>» 101'» Am G A E 5s 2028.- 1084,108 M8 Am P A L 6s 2016_HP3, 9P3, po3. Am Radiat 4'?s 47 103', M3'B m3>« Am Seat 6s 46 cv st — 1024a 102',a 102'« Appa.ach E P 4s 63.. M8 M8 MS Appalach E” 4'2s 48__ Ml i2 M?1* Ml >» , Ark PAL ns 56 ... M5 M43, 1043, As El Ind 4‘aS 53-. 67 6H3, 6H3, g * | <’>* *8 45', 4.V, 45’, As G A E 4'as 40 45', 45', 45'4 As G A’ E 5s 68 453, 45', 45'. ! As G A E 5'as 77- 53 5.3 53 . S'T.ry'r* § 5' 4 J **- 1"1 1"1 1"1 i He rl £ 2s £ - 102.’. HI7,% 107,\ S L TS c 5s 5, B 125 125 125 Beth Steel 6s 08 I5n 140 is,. Birm El 4'2S 68. .. 08’, p8', P8'i Birminc Gas 5s 50 07 96’, 06’. Broad River P 5s 54__M1 Ml 1111 Can Pac 6s 42 . 102'4 1 02•„ M2'4 Cent Oh LAP 5s 50__ M3'4 11)31, io.3'4 Cent Pw a Lt 5s 56_. 1044, 104.', 104 Cent St El 5s 48_- 4"3, 4*"2 4"'2 Cent St El o',s 54 ~ 4"3, 4A1, 4Z3* Cent St P A L 5>,s 53 * 723B 7‘i3. 7"ju Chj MAIU 4>,s 56 A_- 104'a l"4'a 104'" Chi Rvs 5s 2. c.o.d... 52.'2 52', 5"' Cities Svc 5s 50_ 763, 763, 7634 Cities Service 5s 58.- 76’, 76', 76’, Cities Service 5s 60.. 76', 7«', 7R1, Clt S PAL 5'is 52__ 88', 88 88'4 Clt S P A L 5'4s 40— K83, 88 88 Comuntv pal 5s 57- 88 88 88 Cons GEL4P 3s 60__ M7'2 107', 107'4 Cons G Util 6s 43 st__ 743, 743, 743, Cent G A E 5s 58 A__ 034, p:(i, P31 * Cudahy Pkg 3>4s 55_- 04'2 94'a 04'i 2e EL Pw S'3* _ 106 106 106 * East G A r 4s 56 A.. 75 73 74'4 Edis El Iltu 3'2s 65— 1 093, 1093, 1003, FI Pw A Lt 5s 2030— 70", 78', 78'4 Emp Dis El 5s 52. . .. 103'2 M3', 103 >4 F a Pwr Coupn 4s 66.— os3, os3, 983|, Florida PAL 5s 64_102’, M23, 102’,* Gary EAG 5s 44 st_ 093, 00', 99", Gen Bronze 6s 40_ 86', 86', 86'. Gen Pub Ut 6'2s 56_94’2 94', 941,J Georgia Pw 5s 67_ 1053, M53s 1053, Hygrade Pd 6s 40 A — 65',2 65'“ 65'4 111 PwALt 5'as 54 B_102’a M2'4 10"',4 111 Pw A I. 5s 56 C_102'a 102 10"'4 Ind El C 6s 47 A _104', 104', 104', Ind Hvd Elec 5s 58— 99 09 90 Indiana Svc 5s 50 A_ 71 TO', 70'i Indiana Srr a Inti Pw Sec 7s 57 E_ 48 48 48 | Interst Pw 5s S7_ _ 7o% 70 70 Interst Pw Hs 52_ 53% 5.1 53 Interst P S 5s 5t> D-__ loo% 100% 100% I»-N LAP 5s 57 A-104% 104% 104% ’ Iowa Pub Sv 5s 57_ 104,*, 104,*. 104,’. • Jackson G 5s 42 stp_ 46% 46% 46% •Jpr £ S*. 47 B I0.I3. 1033. ipr £ P*L 4 'is 61 C _ 106 106 106 Ky Utilities os 61_103% 10.3% 10.1', Kentucky U 5s 60 I 103% 10.1% 101', Lehigh P S 6s 2026 A. 110% 110% 110% Lex Util 5s 52_103 10.1 10.1 La Pw A Lt 5s 57- 106 106 106 Mar Rse Pw 4%s 52.- 104 104 104 Metropo] Ed 4s 65 G-- 108% iiik% ins'; Mil OAE 4%s 67_101 mi 101 < Minn PAL 4%s 78_102% 102 102 - Miss Pow 5s 55 -loo3, 1003, I003i Mo Pjib Svc 5s 60_ 03% 03% 9.1% Nat PaL 5s 2030 B._ 105% 105 105 Nebr Pwr 4%s 81-100% 100% 100% Nebr Pw 6s 2022 A... 123% 12.1% 12.1% Neisner Bros 6s 48_100 100 100 I Nevad Cal E! 5s 56_S3 8,1 8.1 I New E GAE 5s 47_71% 71 ¥l | New E GAE 5s 50_ 71% 71 711'.* ! New E Pw 5s 48_ 98% 98% 98% New E Pw 5%s 54_ 09% 99% 993. New Or P S 6s 49 A— 1003, 1002 100,J N Y P A Lt 4%s 67.. 106 105% 105% g Y S EAO 4%s 80-. 104% 1043, IOC, No Con U 5%s 48 A___ 58 58 68 No IndIP S 4%s 70 E-104% 104% 104% Norw El 6s 45 stpd_ — 1063, 108V, 1063* Ok a N G 4'2s 51 A-.. 105,’. 105,’. 105,*. Okla Nat Gas 5s 46-110,’, no,’. 110,’. Pac G A E 6s 41 B— 111% 111% 111% Pac PAL 58 , 55 - 94’, 9.9% 93% Penn CLAP 4',s 77._ 101% 101% 101 >., - Penn P Svc 6s, 47 C . 106% 106% 106'* Pa Wh A P 4%s 68 B 106 105’J 105% Poop G L A C 4s 61 D 100>, 100'/, 1003* Phlla El P 5%s 72 112% 11234 112% Portland G A C 5s 40 77 76’/, 77 Pur Sd P A L 5%s 49 953. 95% 95,4 Pu« S P A L 5s 50 C 94% 94% 94% Pur S P A L 4%s 50 D. 913, 913, 91% Quee GAE 5%s 52 A 96% 06% 96% Safe H Wa 4%s 79 108 107% 108 Sherid Wyo 6s 47 _ 82 82 82 • S E P A L 6s 2025 A. 1103, 110% 110%' Sou Cal Ed 3%s 45 104% 104% 104% Sou Cal Ed 33/,s 60 . 109% 109% 109% Sou Caro 5s 57_ 993, 993, 9934 Sou Ind Ry 4s 51 46 46 46 - Std G&E 6s 48 cvst_ 72 72 72 Std Gas A El 6s 51 A.. 713, 713, 71’/, Std Gas A El 6s 57_. 71V, 71% 71% Stand Pw A Lt 6s 57__ 70% 70 70 Tenn El Pow 5 s 56__ 100% 100% 100'/,' Texas Elec 5s 60_ 104% 104 104 Tex Pw & L 5s 56_ 107 107 107 Twin CRT 5%s 52 A . 65% 65% 65% Unit Lt A Pw 6s 75 85 85 85 Unit L A R D 5%s 52._ 91% 91% 91V, Unit. L A R M 6s 52 A 119% 119% 119% Utah P&L 4%s 44 _ 99% 99'/, 99% Utah PAL Hs 2022 A__ 99% 99% not, Va Pub 8 5%s 46 A__ 100% 100% 100V, Va Pub 8er 5s 50 B. 100% 100% 100% Wald Ast Hot 5s 54 12% 12% 12% West News U 6s 44 60V, 60% 60% FOREIGN BONDS. Fin R M B 5s 61 st.. 100% 100% 100% Ger Con Mun 6s 47__ 19 19 19 Isarco Hyd El 7s 52.. 44% 441, 44% ww—With warrants, xw—Without war rants n—New. st (stn)—Stamped. INefotlablllty tenured by maturity. 4