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FORD$a ENGINE HEADS ^ M WELDED .I! WELDIT, INC. V j 516 l»t St. N.W. Me. 7944! If Your Dontist Hurt. You Try DR. FIELD PLATE EXPERT Double Suction I ruarantee a Tifht Fit In any Mouth Violet Ray Treatment for Pyorrhea Extractions II A 12 Also Gas Plates_SIO to S35 Gold Crowns_$6 up Fillinrs _Cl no DR. FIELD 406 7th St. N.W. MEt. 9256 Orer Wool worth Sc A 10e Store ‘TIVV HILL ILLINOIS NIGHT TONIGHT AT THE BALLROOM f • ESTABLISHED 1865 SCREEN DOORS BREEZES—NO BUGS Barker's two conveniently lo cated warehouses are com pletely stocked with all sizes at present low prices. Each door 11s" thick and made to give lasting satisfaction. "Qual ity-bilt" doors are sold exclu sively in Washington by Barker, home of quality lumber and millwork. GEO. M. BARKER • COMPANY • LUMBER and MILLWORK H 649-651 N. Y. Ave. N.W. | 1523 7th St. N.W. C ALL A A. 1348 HAY FEVER and ASTHMA If you suffer with those terrible attacks of Hay Fever and Asthma; if you wheeze and choke as if each gasp for breath was the very last; if restful sleep is impossible be C*U5« °f the struggle to breathe; if you feel the affliction is slowly wearing your life away, don't fail to get a package of ALLERGEN! No matter where you live or whether you have any faith in any remedy under the sun come m for a package of ALLERGEN. If vou have suffered for a lifetime and tried everything you could learn of without relief; even if you are utterly discouraged, do not abandon hope. ALLERGEN is guaranteed to satisfy you completely or your money will be cheerfully refunded. Put up in easy-to take tablets. No narcotics, no opiates, no habit-forming drugs. Costs only 39c. Clipthia ad as a reminder to buy ALLERGEN today. THE VITA HEALTH FOOD CO. 619 12th St. N.W. (Bet. F & G) SUNDAY. AUGUST 13 Round Trip NEW YORK $4.00 Newark, Elizabeth, Plainfield This Sunday excursion permit* 15 hour* for sightseeing at the World * Fair Ground*, lv. Wajhington . *12:30 A. M. ond 6:00 A. M. lv. Silver Spring 11:32 P. M. pre iout night. I l*Car» op.n 10:00 P.M. pr.vioui night.) Return tame day ATLANTIC CITY $3.75 lv. Washington 1:00 A. M. ond 6:45 A. M. Return tome day I; CUMBERLAND $3^00 Martin,kurg 52 00 — Harpar'a Parry J1.J0 lv. Woihington.8:35 A. M. lv. Silv.r Spring.8:49 A. M. PHILADELPHIA $3.00 Chgtt.r $3.00 Wilmington $2.75 lv. Woihington 6.45 A. M. ond 8:00 A. M. __ Return tome day Good on specified train*. For other details, Otk B A O Ticket Agent or phone Dist. 3300 DU PONT INSL-X McQUADE L. SONNEBORN BILLINGS CHAPIN BARRELED SUNLIGHT mm 1_\ For Prompt Delivery Call NA. 1703 HUGH REILLY » Since 1888 j 1334 New York Are. N. W. Aerial Casualties Mar Exercise of British War Power 5-Man Bomber Vanishes In North Sea; Four Die in Crash B? the Associated Press. LONDON, Aug. 9—Britain’s big show of air, sea and land power was marred today by aerial casualties—a five-man bomber vanished in the North Sea, four flyers died in a flaming crash and four were forced to "bail out” of a third bombing plane. A checkup established that a Well ington bomber disappaered at 2:30 a.m. today and was believed to have plunged into the sea east of Yar mouth. It was near Tollerton, in rural Yorkshire, that the four flyers died in a crash. The four airmen who took to their parachutes over Thetford were slightly bruised. They had been ordered to jump by a flight sergeant who himself stuck to the controls and landed the bomber with damage only to the undercarriage. Eastland vs. Westland. The aerial exercises—a mythical struggle between "Eastland” and “Westland”—were resumed at dawn today with about 1,300 of Britain's best warplanes in action. Waves of "raiders,” about 500 planes in all. approached a secret target from the , east. Weather conditions which favored the defenders last night turned highly advantageous for the in vaders. some of whom found con cealment above low clouds. When overhanging clouds per sisted late today the air command ordered a 24-hour postponement of the big blackout covering half of England, including London, which was to have started at 12:30 a.m. Thursday. rr'Y, _ _ ; : „ : _ 4 _i. .1 n j _ ’ -***'- c*** umiiouj i cjAn w;u uint vie- ; spite cloudy weather and poor visi bility, the "observer system is work- 1 ing perfectly” and every "Eastland” ! raider which crossed the coast in ■ 11 swift attacks last night was quick ly spotted. Throughout the night giant searchlights combed the skies and anti-aircraft guns were sighted on "raiders.” Bombers were equipped with outside flashlights to glow each time a theoretical bomb was dropped, and whether it hit the objective was recorded on the ground by photog raphy. Anti-aircraft gunners' “hits" also were checked photographically. Using Secret Equipment. Besides guns, lights, a balloon bar rage and the usual listening ap paratus. the defenders were reported to be using effective new secret air defense equipment. The high point of the maneuvers in the air comes tomorrow night with a gigantic blackout covering half of England, including London. Esti mates were that it would involve some 200,000 air raid precautions personnel. Householders, restaurants, railway , stations, factories and newspaper offices are to curtain their windows during the blackout, which starts at 12:30 a m. Friday. Traffic lights will be hooded and the street lights will be turned off. Trains, buses and automobiles will operate with lights shielded from the skies. Officials warned that those who fail to co operate may receive a visit from the police or air raid wardens. King George Reviews British Reserve Fleet WEYMOUTH, England, Aug. 9 (fP). j —In a heavy mist stabbed by the fire of saluting guns, King George VI today boarded the royal yacht Victoria and Albert for a review of 133 warships—the reserve fleet which Britain is tuning to war-time pitch. A thin rain was falling as the King was joined aboard the yacht by Rear Admiral Jean Darlan. supreme com mander of French naval forces. The King spent the morning in specting personnel and visiting rep resentauve snips, me nrst warship he boarded was the aircraft carrier Courageous, where he passed down the lines of 1.500 men on the flight deck—part of the reservists called up to man the refurbished fleet. A royal barge was ordered to take ' the King from the yacht at 3 p.m.' for a high-speed trip past the lines j of ships anchored across Weymouth ! Bay. After the review and two weeks of shakedown the second-line ships will join the mighty home fleet for ex tensive maneuvers in connection with the August-September pre paredness period on which Britain has embarked. All types of British fighting craft were drawn up for the passage of the King through the review lines aboard a royal barge—from the 29.150-ton battleship Revenge to small, highly maneuverable torpedo motorboats. Manning the fleet were 14.000 re servists commanded by Vice Admiral Sir Max Horton, World War sub marine ace, who played bridge on his ship in the mud of Helgoland Bight while German destroyers were combing the surface for him. Naval experts say the reserve fleet has been radically improved in the past three years. Formerly it was used to "prop up the dockyard wall' —that is, kept mostly at anchor during peacetime—and could not have been readied for the sea for many weeks. Now naval experts declare it is in almost complete readiness for war. Each ship today carried war time quotas of fuel, stores and am munition. Young Film Stars Welcomed By Enthusiastic Throng pt. i Mickey Rooney arrived here today, grabbed a horn from a member of the Police Boy’s Club Band—on hand at Union Sta tion for a serenade—and started swinging it. Judy Garland, who accompanied him here, called for a No. 3 blunt instrument to silence him when she found her baton inadequate. —Star Staff Photo. It was a royal reception that Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland got at Union Station this morning— slightly less formal than that ac corded their Britannic majesties, but still on the pomp-and-ceremony side. Commissioner Melvin C. Hazen. > preferring a white summer suit to diplomatic morning clothes, was on hand to put the official stamp on the event. Capitol Theater chorines, yawning visibly in the dawn's early light, but dressed for the occasion in woolly shakos and pseudo-military jackets, complete with abbreviated shorts, formed the honor guard with a delegation of theater ushers. 1,000 on Hand to Cheer. The Metropolitan Police Boys’ Club Band played the “Beer Barrel Polka" and about 1.000 fans, mostly of the younger set, were on hand to cheer. There was one casualty. A sta tion policeman tried to open a w-indow and banged his head. He was removed in a wheelchair. The diminutive stars—Mickey is an inch or two shorter than Judy— , were alternately overwhelmed ana convulsed in giggles. They made faces for the pho tographers. They said the rignt things to the radio audience until the announcer commented on how i fresh they appeared so early in tne morning. "We both took showers,” Mickey explained gravely. "Oh, Mickey,” Judy chided, "over the radio. Showers!” Mothers of both the youngsters stepped off the train with them, but after the first moment of introduc- i tions they laded into the back ground and were not seen there at ter. Judy Takes the Baton. After the broadcast red-nairea Judy and grinning Mickey startea down the concourse between their •jii■; guard of honor. At that point tne boys’ band struck up the "Beer Bar rel Polka.” Mickey started to strut. “Gee,” he said, “this is wonderful." Judy promptly took over the baton and Mickey blew the trumpet. They went through a chorus of the polka. Then another and another. Meanwhile they had shaken hands with a number of youngsters from the Metropolitan Police Boys' Club. Mickey is a member and has been for some two years. MaJ. Ernest W. Brown, chief of Metropolitan Police, patted Mickey on the shoul der while other officials of the boys’ club looked on. The youngsters—Judy is 16. Mickey 18—seemed to be having fun. "Gosh, we never expected any thing like this," murmured Mickey as he climbed into Commissioner Hazen’s car for the trip downtown to a hotel. Netherlands Cabinet Is Formed by De Geer By the Associated Press. AMSTERDAM. Aug. 9.—Dirk Jan de Geer, leader of the Christian Traditionalist Party, has formed a new cabinet and will present the names of the ministers to Queen Wilhelmina late today for approval. Last Friday the queen asked De Geer to form a cabinet in an attempt to end the Netherlands' six-weeks old political crisis. De Geer will be finance minister as well as Premier. Wang Is Reported Planning Peace Move By the Associated Press. HONG KONG, Aug. 9.—Domei. Japanese news agency, reported yes terday Wang Ching-wei, former pre mier of China, would make a radio appeal for peace today probroly as the opening move in a Japanese directed campaign to extend au thority in the South by political means. The appeal w'ould be di rected to southwestern provinces | and Chinese overseas. Wang arrived at Canton several days ago. the agency said, lending substance to recurring reports lie might head a Japanese-controlled South China regime, but informed Chinese said he was reluctant to do so because Japanese control does not extend far beyond Canton city. Gen. Franco lightens Direct Control Over Spain's Government Heads National Defense Council; Ministry of War Split Up By the Ajsocf&ted Press. BURGOS, Spain, Aug. 9.—Fran cisco Franco assumed greater direct control of Spain's government today through a ministerial reorganiza tion to promote peacetime recon struction of the nation. Gen. Franco, as President of the government, retained the supreme right to promulgate laws of a gen eral character and may issue de crees without consulting the cabinet whenever national emergencies arise. In such cases, however, he must inform the cabinet of his action. Adding to the generalissimo's di rect control were the splitting^ of national defense into ministries of marine, army and air with Gen. Franco in executive command of a new national defense council and absorption of the old vice presidency of the government hj’ the presidency, Franco’s post. Vice Presidency Replaced. Gen. Franco created a subsecre taryship of the presidency in place of the vice presidency. Count Francisco Gomez Jordana has been vice president and minis ter of foreign affairs. The latter portfolio was retained in the new setup but the names of ministers re tained or to be appointed to fill new posts created by the three-way divi sion of the defense ministry had not vet been made known. Other ministries called for in the ! new lineup were Justice, finance, industry and commerce, agriculture, national education, public works and labor. The labor ministry was substi ! tuted for the old ministry of or ganization and syndical action. Aim to Aid Reconstruction. The reorganization decree in part j said that “The war having ended and the task of reconstructing the 1 nation begun, it is necessary to adapt the organs of government * * * rapidly and efficiently to ; carry out the national reconstruc | tion and the aggrandizement of Spain. "These circumstances make ad visable a more direct and personal ! action by the chief of state in the 1 government of the nation and also the splitting of such ministerial ac tivities as defense, which, though fused In one because of the exi gencies of the war. now would ham per the work of making the forces of land, sea and air a permanent organ of work under direct orders of the generalissimo." I Grace Gray DeLonc I * Life Reader-Adviser Consultation, Si nwi 1»tb St N W Cor. L Private Parking Space Telephone. Met 5234 ft undecided, in doubt troubled unhappy, consult — ' ‘The Helpful One” today cnmuiiso* CREDIT™? MEMIER wnnMvi FLY UNITED'S MAINLINERS I "EVERYWHERE WEST" Shortest, fastest to San Fran cisco. Visit Los Angeles at no extra cost. Only sleeper serv ice to the Pacific Northwest. Fast, convenient flights to Chicago, Denver. Reserva tions: United, travel agents, hotels. Fly Unitmd to Colorado Yellowstono Yosemlto California Arrive sooner. Stay longer. Low round trip fares. Via P. C. A. to Cleveland. ■■■ He mm m^m rnmmmmmm I UNITED air lines ■ \ ” ■ ■ ■ • ■■■r ijoistrM*N.w. PheMi ME-56J6 ^ i. SLEEP WITHOUT TAKING DOPE rS2£ It may a 1 a o How Sound Sleep, Keen Appetite and More Pep d'u'f i non often follow Good Hearty Bowel Activity, ac°h. Cd bflchina when Constipation has caused Gas, Restless coaled* **tongue! Sleep, Sour Stomach, Headache, Nervousness, of pep'.’aournrsv and Biliousness. TAJ* 1 helps to correct ! > - ■ —- ■ — the cause. Thousands who formerly suffered from sleeplessness at night, and miserable stomach distress by day. because of ir regular bowel action, now feel fine, eat with appetite, and sleep soundly since using TAM. the fruity preparation to relieve constipation. Everybody knows that exercise keeps your muscles firm and vigorous. But when you cannot exercise, the abdominal muscles as well as the arm and leg. fre quently become flabby and weak Then TAM can often be a great help. TAM benefits your intestinal muscles very much the way a good swim benefits your external muscles—wakes them up. takes out the laziness, stimulates them to action. TAM helps restore regularity to the bowel movements, It aids In bring- I ins: about normal rhythm and tone to the bowel muscles. With proper elimination restored 'hrough the help of Tam. one of the great troubles of the human race, is curbed. \ "We have seen some perfectly remark able improvements following the use of TAM for intestinal cleansing and toning ” declare health advisers from Coast to Coast TAM contains no artifical laxative drugs or chemicals. People of all ages use TAM writh safety—it is gentle and reliable Made like high grade jam. with LEAVES AND FRUITS from many countries. Money back unless TAM hplps you feel oetter. sleep better, eat better and look better. Full pound jar. $1. Trial—5 >z.. 4i*c. tor bale at THE VITA HEALTH FOOD CO. ft 19 12th St. .201A 1 tth St. (Betw. F & G St».) Col. 2980 For Your Present Furnace America’s Quality OIL BURNER INSTALLED Greater economy . . . more dependable . . . Product of General Motors. The new World's Fair Model Delco Oil Burner with the famous Roto power unit and thin mix fuel control brings magic comfort and conven ience plus years of dependable service. Scientifically installed—fully guaran teed ... see it today. Payments begin In September. Other Burners aa Low aa $225. Lowest price ever offered on Delco Oil Burners . . . fits your present furnace. DELCO QUICK-ACTION OIL FURNACE _ A complete heating plant, sure-fired by the famous Delco Oil Burner. Heats faster—burns low priced oil . . . cuts fuel cost to rock bottom. Priced within your budget. DELCO OIL FURNACE i Automatic ! Efficient! For 4 to 6 room house. Destined to cut fuel cost in a hit way. Ask about the low price and EAST TERMS within the reach of all. ' & BOSTON. — LEGISLATOR GETS “BUM’S RUSH”—State Representative John B. Wenz ler of the South Boston dis trict got a quick “bum’s rush’ yesterday wfceri he tried to invade the Legislature clad only in a bathing suit. He is shown as he dropped his trousers to make a dash to the door of the Lower House, but alert attendants, tipped be forehand, headed him off and chased him into the- press room. Wenzler said “hot air” in Legislature made bathing suit proper attire for law making. —A. P. Wirephoto. Bovine Triplets WILKES-BARRE. Pa., Aug. 9 (tp. —Bossie, a 6-year-old cow owned by a proud farmer near here, gave birth yesterday to triplets—two bulls and a heifer. They weighed 50 pounds each. FRESHEN UP YOUR HOME! Low Easy Termt No Money Down HOME OWNERS—Aik About Our F H, A. Plan. REMODELING FROM BASEMENT TO ATTIC • Painting & Papering • Enclosed Porches • Roofing • Guttering • Plumbing • Tiling • Recreation Rooms FREE ESTIMATES. j Forster, Returning From Seeing Hitler, To Address Nazis Speaks Tomorrow Night To Mass Meeting of Danzig Citizens Br the Associated Press. FREE CITY OF DANZIG, Aug. 9. —Danzig Nazi Leader Albert Forster is returning to the Free City with his latest instructions from Fuehrer Hitler and will speak to a mass meeting of Danzig citizens tomorrow night, it was announced today. Party leaders announced that Forster, his adjutant Felix Strang mann, and Wilhelm Zarske, head of the Nazi district chancellery, had flown to Berchtesgaden and con ferred with Hitler. On his return trip Forster spent several hours in Prague yesterday on a private visit, it was said. He is expected to arrive in Danzig some time tonight. Big Turnout Sought. Whether Forster will bring a per sonal message from Hitler to Danzig citizens could not be learned. Party officials said he was expected to em phasize in nis address the "unbear able war threat of the Poles against Danzig.” Efforts to bring out a huge crowd for the meeting, which will be held In a square In downtown Danzig, were started immediately. The speech was scheduled to begin at 8 pm. '2 pm . E S T.}. Forster visited Hitler at the 6ame time the Danzig Senate softened its attitude toward Poland to the ex tent of agreeing to negotiate a thorny problem of Polish customs control in the Free City. Margarine Imports Barred. The Senate answered a sharp note from Marian Chodacki, Polish commissioner for Danzig, Monday with an offer to discuss the number and competence of Polish customs inspectors in Danzig. Poland has refused to permit the export of Dan zig margarine to Poland until the Senate takes measures to assure re spect for the function of Polish customs control in the Free City. At the time the Senate agreed to negotiate the dispute, Forster was with Hitler, but officials hero would not discuss any possible connection between the two events. The tone of Forster's speech as indicated by party associates will not be softer i than the strong accents which have i dominated Danzig Nazi utterances 1 for months Bribed QUINCY, Mass. OP).—Mrs. Elsie Engels leaves her German police dog Fritz to guard her cafe at night after she closes. Opening the cafe Sunday she found $60 had been taken by robbers who had smashed a rear window, tossed Fritz a hambone, and then ransacked the place. HOSPITALIZATION Policies issued by an old line Stock Company CHOICE OF HOSPITAL You select any licensed hospital in the United States or Canada 75c PER MONTH PLUS AN | INITIAL POLICY FEE OF SI.00 Individual policies Issued on the quarterly, semi-annual and annual basia. I PAYS $5.00 PER DAY FOR 21 DAYS IN ANY POLICY YEAR i FOR HOSPITAL SERVICE OPERATING AND DELIVERY ROOM $10 ANESTHETIC $10, X-RAY $5 Pays Surgeon's Bill for Operations as Listed from $5 to $75 for a Small Additional Coat of 35c per Month Policies are Issued to Men and Women Brtween the Ages of 18 and 85 ? LONG & CIRRY l Barr Building, 910 Seventeenth S*. N.W. ! Telephone NAtional 3611-12-13-14-15 J. Stanley Long. Pres. Spencer B. Curry. Sec.-Treas r—————i 11 a————~ Houses Wanted For Sale or Rent—Furnished or Unfurnished JHOULD you wish to Sell or Rent your bouse we can be of service to you if you will list it with us. •• We have numerous requests for City, Subur ban and Country Properties. RANOi\LL U. X2AGNER <£f COMPANY SALES RENTALS LOANS INSURANCE 1321 Connecticut Avenue A.H'. Telephone: DEcatur 3600 * DUNCAN PHYFE CHAIR . . . mahog any finish on birch ...upholstered seat.$7.75 DECORATOR SERVICE DESK CHAIR . . . also suitable for di nette. Birch finish mahogany; u p h o I stered seat. $9-95 Among the hundreds of pieces reduced now ore many attractive chairs suit able for use as desk chairs or dinette chairs. A sug gestive few ere illustrated. CHARGE ACCOUNTS CHIPPENDALE CHAIR . . . pierced ladder back, birch finished mohog ""P .$8-50 Fin^niTBK * KNEE HOLE DESK CHAIR . . . uphol stered slip seot . . . birch, mohogony fin - **.$6-75 LYRE BACK CHAIR . . . illustrated be low ... unusually at tractive; birch, ma hogany finish $7.95 1