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Gov. Stark Will Run For U. S. Senate 'If People Want Me' Pendergast Machine Not to Effect Election, Executive Declares »r the Associated Press. | NEW YORK, Aug. 9 —Gov. Lloya C. Stark of Missouri said today ne would be a candidate for the United 8tates Senate next year “if the peo ple of Missouri want me." •‘I feel it my duty to run if tne people of my State want me to,” the 1 Governor said. He predicted that the political ; machine of Tom Pendergast, lormer ! Democratic boss of Kansas City, would have little effect on the out come of the 1940 election in Mis souri. when all State officers are to be elected. "I don't want to discuss Tom Pen dergast.” Gov. Stark said during an Interview at the Hotel Astor, "be cause he is in a very embarrassing position.” Pendergast is serving a sentence In Leavenworth for income tax eva sion. The Governor said emphatically he would not support the present Senator from Missouri, Harry s. Truman, in the coming campaign. Reorganization of the Kansas City Police Department under the guid ance of J. Edgar Hoover, director of the Federal Bureau of Investiga tion, and the management of the police by an independent board of commisisoners appointed by tne Governor, has caused gangsters and racketters to leave the city "like rats from a sinking ship.” he said. The Governor came here with his wife and two children to dedicate the Missouri Building at the New York World’s Fair tomorrow. H. M. Cochran, Diplomat, May Run Stabilization Fund H. Merle Cochran, first secretary Of the American Embassy in Paris, was understood today to be in line , for appointment as director of the Treasury’s $2,000,000,000 stabilization fund. He would succeed Archie Loch head, who is reported planning to resign this fall to join a financial organization in New York. Mr. Cochran, who has handled the Treasury's negotiations with the French Government since 1932, re cently was ordered home for duty at the State Department. Entering the consular service as a career officer in 1914. Mr. Cochran later was placed in charge of con sular commercial work in Paris. In 1930 he was transferred to Basle, headquarters of the Bank of Inter national Settlements. He returned to Paris in 1932 and played an im portant role in completing the Franco-British-United States tripar tite monetary agreement. It is understood H. Freeman Mat- ! thews will take over Treasury work in the Paris Embassy, replacing Mr. Cochran. Murphy Urges Aides To 'Forget' Politics Attorney General Murphy “some times thinks’’ that there should be i a law to prevent attorneys and other Justice Department officials from becoming candidates for elective offices until “a long time’’ after their governmental connection has ended. His views were expressed in a brief talk this morning to members of the department staff when Mat- i thew F. McGuire was sworn in as Special Assistant Attorney General. j Mr. Murphy, in presenting Mr. Me- ! Guire's commission, urged all of his ' aids to “forget’’ any political aspira tions and repeated that he himself cherished none. Mr. McGuire is taking over a new position in which he will act as | liaison officer between the Attorney j General and Congress and other agencies of the Government and willi handle also confidential, legal and administrative matters. The new special assistant previously had been serving as assistant to the Attorney General. In the latter position he is succeeded by Edward G. Kemp. wrho took oath yesterday. Boy hues for $90,000 For Electric Cable Burn Damages of $90,000 were demanded Of the Pennsylvania Railroad in a suit filed in District Court yesterday on behalf of a 14-year-old boy who allegedly was permanently injured when burned by one of the rail road's electric cables. The boy, Adolph Huer, was in jured, the suit alleges, last August when playing in an underground passageway near Eleventh and L streets S.E. He was burned severely and it was necessary to amputate his right arm, the suit said. Through Attorney Rowland Ed wards and acting with the aid of his father, Raymond O. Huer, 1233 Eleventh and a half street S.E., the boy charged that the railroad maintained a dangerous and “at tractive nuisance.” Court Bars Highway Shift WILMINGTOI^ Del.. Aug. 9 dPt.— The Superior Court declared un constitutional today an amendment to the act creating the State High way Department which, in effect, shifted control of the department from Democrats to Republicans. SAVINGS for- EVERYONE I 25c SHU-MILK White Shoe CLEANER [ 19c 25c DRANO FOR DRAINS 17c WINDEX WINDOW CLEANER 8 Ounct$ 15c 75e DETHSPRAY INSECTICIDE Quart Can 49c WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE Quart Bottla 35c 75c OVALTINE Plain or Chocolate 5Qc WILKINS TEA '/j Found Faehago 37c 75e PAGE'S OINTMENT For Athloto’o Foot | 49c 50c ANACIN TABLETS Tin of 30 39c I A Prize in Each and I Every Package of ] CRACKER JACK 5C; 3 10e A delightful nut-popcorn confec tion that children and aduts both will enjoy. FROSTY-AIRE 10-INCH OSCILLATING ELECTRIC FANS Reduced From f 5.98 ( Now Only_ - Relax in comfort. These fine fans have a powerful motor K that gives no radio Interference, chrome-plated propeller type blades that give a maximum of breeze, convenient ^ on-and-off switch, long cord and rubber base supports. NEW LOW PRICE! Regular $2.98 THERM-A-JUG To Keep Foods or Beverages Hot or Cold j 1 GALLON )1 AO { I CAPACITY I © 1 Gives double service! An unusual \ 4 feature is double stopper ... a small tfl opening for pouring liquids easily, and a large opening for removing f foods easily. Make your next trip or picnic a more enjoyable one! . For Outdoor Sporti or Work . . . WHITE HATS With Groen ^ C ( Vigor Front_ ^ ^ Tou will like on* of these com fortable hits for golfing. fishing, hiking or other outdoor sports. Protect* Your Eyet From the Sun . . . GREEN SUN VISOR CAPS C Tennis players and others will like the i protection fTom the I sun these visors give to your eyes, and also the fact that it keeps your hair from getting mussed. Rubberized-Lined Zipper SPORT BAGS Excellent for ■■ carrying V «0 sport or j swim toss ^0 ^0 . . . choice of plain duck or Mexican de signs. ROYAL "GOO-GOO" Goggles 49c Can be worn over regular g 1 a s aes . keeps hair from blowing. WILLSONITE GOGGLES Scientific Lenaea—Comfortable Framee 59c Eliminates 97of injurious rays of the sun. Assorted colors. | Cool Off With This Combination! MELVERN APRICOT SHERBET and MACAROON ICE CREAM A Delightful ^ Pint New Special Package ''Mfll Sherbet made with crushed golden apricots . . . com bined with a delightful almond-macaroon mixture. FRESH-FRUIT LIMEADE 10-Ounce Glats Made with a whole Per sian Florida Lime, syrup. scoops of crushed ice and sparkline carbonated water. FOR YOUR BABY While Visiting or Traveling CHUX DISPOSABLE DIAPERS Large size diapers that are soft and comfortable, yet dependable. Made by Johnson and Johnson. 10c Gerbers Baby Foods-7c j 25c Borden's Biolac, pound-21c $1.05 Lactogen, pound-72c j $1.20 Similac, pound_89c 75c Mellins Food_63c j 60c Merck Milk Sugar, pound__40c $1.20 S. M. A. Powder, pound__90c J 35c Bordens Condensed Milk__32c 25c Barnard Zinc Stearate-19c 25c Conti Castile Soap_20c | Ammens Prickley Heat Powder.25c 15c J Or J Baby Soap-2 for 23c 25c Z. B. T. Talcum-21c 50c J & J Baby Oil_43c Barnard Tissues, box of 200_13c 50c J & J Baby Cream, jar-43c j 75c Fletchers Castoria-50c Graham Catnip and Fennel-35c ] 60c Hands Teething Lotion-45c Peoples Lime Water, pint-15c Peoples Cod Liver Oil, pint-69c White Vaseline, No. 1 jar-10c I Peoples Olive Oil, 4 ounces_20c j Peoples Boric Acid, pound_29c Round Nursers, 8-ounce-2 for 5c Davol Anti-Colic Nipples_5c Rubber Baby Pants-10c Crib Sheeting, 27 by 36-inch__25c Baby Bath Thermometers-19c Mitot Teething Rings_10c Electric Bottle Warmers_98c Rayon-Covered Baby Pants-19c tt-99*<ma3&P DETECTO BABY SCALES You can re O AQ n°»e the ^J>y O tray and use ^ w as a house _ hold scale. To Keep Baby Comfortable . . . JUnN3UN AND JUMNiUN BABY POWDER You can be sure baby will be pro tected and comforted with this soft, smooth powder. Use It fre quently these hot summer days. Healthful—Prepared, Ready to Serve \ CLAPPS STRAINED BABY FOODS 7e 3 fOR can 20c VEGETABLES: Asparagus, Beans, Mixed Greens, Beets, Peas, Spinach, Tomatoes. SOUPS: Baby Soup, Beet Broth, Liver Soup, Vegetable Soup. FRUITS: Apple Sauce, Apricots, Prunes. CHOPPED FOODS 12c; 2 for 23c Neutralizes Mouth Acids as It Cleans Your Teeth . . . SQUIBB DENTAL CREAM t°i—33c This pleasant tooth paste is also a very effective cleanser. DON'T CUT CORNS Shed Them Off! Use E-Z KORN REMOVER Just apply a little E-Z. Pain stops . . soon the corn peels rieht off. No razors, no clumsy corn pads needed. Keep False Teeth Clean and Sweet Without Brushing . . . DR. SHERWIN'S STERA KLEEN it_27e it_53c It's easier, more thorough than brushing. Developed by a dentist. Bottled Health From Hot Springs, Arkansas . . . Mountain Valley MINERAL WATER Haif 4T Cr Gallon (Plus 10e Deposit} Com of 6_$3.50 (Plus 00c Deposit} Enjoy Cooling Showers and Shampoos With Handy KNICKERBOCKER 1 BATH SPRAYS / • Hangs Up Anywhere I • Fits Most Any Faucet l Don't let the hot weather get you down ... V enjoy cooling showers once or twice a day \ and keep cool, comfortable and even-tem pered. The two suction cups make it easy to hang up, or it can be used as a hand shower. Large Size—Thick—In a Variety of Colors . . . WASH CLOTHS 5 for 29c Attractive cloths In pastel colors . . . keep them handy and re place your cloths more frequently. _n 'Omm^njoy a Real Bath DUR-A-TEX BATH BRUSHES Reaches ’way down your back . . . has detachable handles . . . some with canvas hand strap. 49c, 79c, 98e DUNDEE BATH TOWELS _29c 4 -51.00 Large, thick-napped towels . . . white with colored bord ers to match your bathroom colors. Glorifies Hair In a Safe, Thrilling Way! Special DRENE SHAMPOO Economical $1.00 She 79* Z. 49c I Reveals hidden " hair lustre, leaves hair silk ier. makes per manent vavinc taster. UNCORK YOUR CORN With Quick-Acting BLUE JAY CORN PLASTERS It_2\C Safe medication removes the corn painlessly . . . soft felt pad relieves shoe pressure. Wet-prut tape holds pad firmly in place. 10c LUX FLAKES Small 8< LUX TOILET SOAP jjc CAKi 25c FEENAMINT Chewing Gum LAXATIYE 19c 25c ASPEftGUM (Aspirin in Gam Farm) 21c 75c Pint SQUIBB MINERAL OIL 59c 75c SQUIBB ASPIRIN SattU pf WO 59c - 55c Unguentine OINTMENT Tub. 55c AMOLIN CREAM DEODORANT SOc FROSTILLA SKIN LOTION 31c 3Sc FROSTILLA Brushless SHAVE 29c SUMMER COMPLEXIONS —require special care! Change to sultry shades of face powder that flatter your summer complexion, and use special summer lotions to cleanse and pro* tect your skin. Du Barry FACE POWDER in Tropical, Light Ton, Ton Rachel, Special Rochel, and Rose Beige ... all with the exquisite DuBarry fragrance and fine tex ture. $2.00. FOUNDATION LOTION, a soothing powder base for dry skin (Beauty Lotion, $1.00 for oily skinl. Use before and after exposure to tun, wind and water to protect, soothe and beautify. $1.25 SKIN FRESHENER is recommended for all types of skin, ta cleanse thoroughly, freshen and stimulate the skin . . . mildly astringent. $1.00 and $1.75. OTHER DU BARRY BEAUTY PREPARATIONS v^icansmg v.ream( $ i .uucj ^.uu Contour Cream _$1.50 Foundation Cream_$1.00 (Pink or White) Pore Cream _$1.00 Tissue Cream --_$1.50 Hand Beauty Cream_$1.00 Moulding Oil ..$1.00 & $1.50 Rose Cream Mask_$1.50 LipsriCK _JI.UU Coke Rouge_$1.00 Cream Rouge_$1.00 Eyebrow Pencil_ 50c Lash Beauty _$1.00 Eye Shadow_$1.00 Special Astringent_$1.50 Beauty Lotion_$1.00 Powder Lotion _$1.50 tye Lotion ... _ji.UU Dainty Dry Deodorant_51.00 I Dusting Powder_51.50 i Talcum, jar_$1.00 Sachet Powder_$1.50 Bath Soap _ 50c Brilliantine _$1.00 Special Preparations for Blackheads _$1.00 I | ON SALE AT ALL PEOPLES DRUG STORES j I I I I--— $1.25 Petrolagor (All Numbers)_89c 10c Turns-8c; 3 for 21c $1.00 Ironized Yeast Tablets_71c 35c Vince Antiseptic Powder_31c 60c Bromo Seltzer for Headaches_36c 50c Noxzema Skin Cream_39c $1.00 BiSoDol Antacid Powder_79c 60c Tyrees Antiseptic Powder_40c 25c Bayer Aspirin, tin of 24_19c 60c Zemo Ointment, small_50c 60c Musco Rubbing Oil Liniment_49c $1.50 Anusol Suppositories_$1.00 60c Murine for the Eyes_38c 75c Horlicks Malted Milk_69c $1.00 Estivin for Hay Fever_84c 35c Freezone for Corns_24c 50c Haydens Viburnum Compound—45c 50c Lysol Disinfectant, 7 ounces-43c Pricer May Vary Slightly in Maryland and Virginia Staree on a Few Iteme Which are Under State Contract Lawt. i I. ■ A Diet of Clean, Nourishing Seeds FRENCH'S AIR-WASHED BIRD SEED AND BISCUIT 10-Ounce 1 C# Package_I 2 for 25c Air washed to remove dust, dirt and chaff. The bird biscuit contains yeast and other materials lacking In seed mixtures. Spray in the Afternoon—Entertain in the Evening—NO AFTER ODOR! DETHOL INSECTICIDE £ 3 5C iir..69c Dethol kills flies, moths, mosquitoes, ants, roaches and many other house hold pests . . . will not stain . . . and, best of all, leaves no telltale after-odor. j