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Mrs. Weeks, 86, Recalls Victory Over Soldiers in Food Feud Celebrating her 86th birthday an niversary by doing fancy needle work, as usual, Mrs. Annie Denty Weeks, 19 Rhode Island avenue N.W., recalled yesterday how she won her own private battle against j the Union Army in the days of the Civil War. She triumphed in a food feud j With the army of occupation at\ Alexandria. Va„ by discovering un- I known virtues in the soldiers' ra tions of hardtack. Little Annie Denty was an ardent Confederate, though only a slip of 1 i a girl romping over the streets in a littlle yellow dress and "white lace panties that came down to the tops of my buttoned shoes.” “The first thing those Yankees did was to march right up in front of my eyes and shoot my favorite milk cow, Cherry,” she recollected yesterday with considerable heat. "They carved her up on the spot and broiled her for supper.” Annie Denty’s ire was increased when the soldier boys sat down and milked the rest of her family’s herd, using their hats for milk pails. And the food feud reached Its height when men In blue "stomped Into a friend's house and took her ham and cabbage right off the stove while they were cooking.” Annie was in a fever of anger and didn't care if she showed it. It was then that the soldiers tried to pacify her by giving her a bit of hardtack, which she took home but couldn't eat, because "the biscuit was hard as a brickbat.” “Then we got a bright idea,” she said. “We soaked that hardtack in milk and fried it deep in the richest lard. It turned out wonderful—no body could have imagined.” For the duration of the war little Annie Denty swapped Confederate homemade bread for Union hard tack and "never let on that I knew how to make hardtack taste like French toast and custard, only bet ter. I thought that war was real funny.” Bride, 13, Honeymoons With Youth of 15 By tha Associated Press. OAKDALE, La., Aug. 11.—A 13 vear-old bride and her 15-year-old husband were honeymooning today after a courtship of "three or four weeks” culminated in their marriage with “full parental consent.” The bride, Josephine Messer, was a member of the fifth grade of the Oakdale Grammar School. She and Elmond Hargrove were married at her parents' home. Library Fund Pleas Proper, Says Murphy Attorney General Murphy feels that the circumstances under which some Government employes were solicited for funds for the Hyde Park Library to house President Roosevelt's papers were "perfectly proper." He gave his opinion on the mat ter at his press conference yester day when asked if he saw any "analogy" between this solicitation and "putting the bite on W. P. A. workers for political contributions.” Good - naturedly, the Attorney General said he saw no analogy, and then defended the propriety of the procedure. • A circular letter was sent to De partment of Agriculture employes soliciting funds for the $350,000 proj ect, and the matter was brought to the attention of District govern ment workers by department heads, acting at the suggestion of Commis sioner Allen. Actress Operated On HOLLYWOOD, Aug. 11 (>P).—Ac tress Lynn Bari’s ailing appendix is out and her belated honeymoon is off The former Roanoke (Va.) girl underwent an operation yesterday. She and Walter Kane, whom she married last March, had planned to leave today for Honolulu. Three to Participate In Music Festival Three Washingtonians, C. Wil fred Smith of 1438 Taylor street N.W., Miss Helen Williams, 1235 Madison street N.W., and Miss Betty Bums, 2200 Branch avenue S.E., will participate Sunday in the fifth annual Northfield (Mass.) festival of sacred music, it was announced today. They are members of the choir led by Dr. John Finley Williamson, founder of the Westminster Choir College Summer School, now being held at Northfield. The festival will be broadcast over a New Eng land network. TRUNKS—SaJ5!t'SAnd Repairing of Leather Goods G.W.King, jr.,511 11th St. N.W. ADVERTISEMENT. Smothers Pain Corns Shed Off Pain goes, so does corn, when you use E-Z Korn Remover. Soaks through toughest skin and softens hardest corns until they shed right off. Easy to use—works fast. Sel dom fails. At drug stores, 35c. t .. . y/.-y y . . , . • ; . ' * . ' >,* * . H OPEN TONIGHT AND [ SATURDAY NIGHT to 9:30 i i ■ ■ i |rrn3MiiiiMa Women s Smart BATHING SUITS Reg. $1.98 | .09 Half skirted and skirtless models sizes 32 to 36. Puckerette i n medium a nd large sizes. Surl Dent— Main Floor Misses’ All-Leather WHITE OXFORDS Worth 1.19 C Pr. All leather sewed soles. Smooth leather insoles. Rubber heels, Sizes S1^ to 2. Good fitting, long wearing. Shoes—Main Floor Circular Knit Chiffon PURE SILK HOSE Reg. 35c Pr. 2 prs. 50* 4 thread chiffon, strictly perfect quality. Rein forced for longer wear. Newest shades. Sizes 8'j to 10'2. Hosiery— Main Floor Gayly Striped YACHT CHAIR | Reg. $1.00 84** Hardwood frame, with bright striped canvas seat and back. SO-14 inches high. Seat 1 5x 1 7 >2 I inches. On the Terrace Misses and Children’s PLAY SANDALS - Sizes 5 Vz to 8 • Sizes 8! £ to t 89c pr. Uppers of smooth finish leather in white, smoke and brown. Rugged flexible soles. Rubber heels. ' Shoes—Main Floor Sears Master-Mixed DECK ENAMEL Reg. 2.98 ★ Gallon For inside and outside use! On wood or cement! Also for painting canvas. Available in 10 colors. Paints—Basement Women’s 98c BEACH OXFORDS 59 V Removable kiltie tongue. Blue, ma roon and white, with tan saddle. Neat toe shape. Cork insoles. Short—Main Floor Hot or Cold Water KALSOMINE -- Reg. 32c 5 lb. Pkg. 25c* Use on plaster, brick, stone, metal or paper sur faces. Will not peel. Paints—Basement 100°o Rebuilt No. 8 39.95 L. C. SMITH TYPEWRITER ss frnr °nd DOWN Wrl °,d M'nthS; rvpe p;«s T writer Carrying Charge Entire machine refmished, all worn parts replaced with new ones. Pica or elite type. Standard keyboard. Guaranteed 1 year. 100co Pure Pennsylvania CROSS COUNTRY MOTOR OIL Regularly SI.70 s 10 £ 1.29* ML' Plus JOc Tax IB No better time than now to start ifS using this wonderful motor oil! S. A. E. 10. 20. 30, 40, 50, 60 grades. Parkivo Lot in Rrar. Men's Rayon Lined STRAW HATS Reg. $1.00 74* \ Sailors in split v.'sennit braid, ^creased crown of Oriental Bangkok. Perforated leath er sweat band. Sizes 634 to 71-). Men's Shnv— Main Floor Imported Pigskin Seat SADDLE Reg. 34.50 29-9S Cut back front, leather covered latex foam rub ber, pad and seat. Buy on easy pay ment plan. Saddlery Basement Jl2-mcri bulton WEEDING HOE Reg. 59c 39'* Tough, steel blade, 3'i inches wide, with 4J3 ft. strong ash handle. Hardware— Basement 98-Lb. Size Washed FLOUR SACKS Reg. 10 for 95c 10 for 69'* Will make 20 towels. No holes or printing. Not opened. Limited quantity. Yard Goods— Main Floor •uiasoaice CUSTARD CUPS Reg. 5c ea. 2for Genuine Glas bake, guaranteed ovenproof. A t - tractive etched design. Housewares— Basement Men's Full-Cut SHIRTS or SHORTS 21c Value.’ 16'. Shorts of fast color cotton oroadcloth. button yoke front. Sizes 30 to 44. Swiss ribbed cotton shirts. Sizes 34 to 46. Men'* Shnv— _Main Floor 50-Ft. Hercules Blue GARDEN HOSE Reg. 4.65 With Couplings Heavy 3-piy fab ricated garden hose. High tensile reinforced. Guar anteed fi years. Non-kinking. Hnrdn'nre— — Basement 14-Gauge, 2-Wire ARMORED CABLE Reg. 1.59 I'9* SO-Foot Roll 2 wire, 14 gauge, double bushed for additional protec tion. Under writer’s ap proved. Electrical Goodj_ Basement 84xl05-Ifich Cotton BEDSPREAD Reg. 1.89 Good heavy weight, popular pom pom design. Blue, dusty rose, green, gold, or chid, rust and red. Bedwear— Main Floor 2-Quart Ice CREAM FREEZER Reg. 1.29 88e* Unpainted, with kiln dried tub. Tinned cream can. Enclosed gears. Makes de licious cream. j Housewares— | ^ V-7TS\ Basement Men's Rayon Lastex SWIM TRUNKS I Reg. $1.00 88c Others of all-wool worsted, with slide fastened pocket, cotton web belt. 1 Rayon lastex with drawstring. Sizes 28 to 40. Men's Shop Main Floor Seamless Tray WHEELBARROW $4.25 Value! Hardwood frame, steel legs. Strong ly braced. Holds ) 3 cu ft. dry ma terial. I tV/'W Hardware— I Basement Royal Fibre Auto SEAT COVERS Reg. 5.50 4-45 * Long wearing heavy cotton Jacquard fibre, trimmed with Aqua-Sec treated water repellent ma terial. For coach or sedan Set of scuff pads included. For Coupes SI.75 to *3.98 ★ 4-Lb. Jars Fruit PRESERVES p—— Reg. 59c Jar 2 Jars 99« Famous Peggy Kel logg’s — peach, grape, pineapple, apricot, blackberry. , raspberry. orange l marmalade, orange pineapple and dam son. Candies— Main Floor 14-Piece Glass KITCHEN SET Reg. 1.00 79c* set Crystal glass set, practically every thing you need for the kitchen. Housewares— Basement “Windsor” LAWN FENCE 30 inches High 50, 75 and 100 foot Rolls. Hot dipped gal vanized in pure molten zinc. Heavy 9'i-gauge, containing 20% to 30% copper. Wire Lot—In Rear Complete Paint SPRAYER Less Motor. 15.9ft# $3 DOWN Balance Monthly Plus Carrying _Charge_ Efficient piston type spray outfit 2ra cu. ft. free air displacement per minute. 25 lb. op erating pressure. Hardware— Basement 36-Inch Sanforized PRINTED MUSLINS Reg. 39c yd. I9C j,d Not more than 1% residual shrinkage. Fast colors and wrinkle resistant. Yard Goods— Main Floor White With Black Trim! ENAMELWARE Reg. 79c to 89c 69C et 2 qt. Double Boiler, 5 qt. Tea Kettle, 6 Cup Percolator, 5'i qt. Kettle and 3-Pc. Saucepan Set. Housewares— _ Basement ironing uoara PAD AND COVER Reg. 59c 34c* All hair pad. Flameproof. Fits boards up to 15x54 Inches. Muslin cover. Houiewarei— Basement $139 Value! Honor Bill! 2 Extra Corner Pillows! Made to Your Order in a Choice of Over 100 Patterns and Colors! Imagine, for less than $100.00 you can have this hand some suite made up in the material and color of your own choosing! Extra large, deep seated settee, with 2 extra pillows, large barrel back chair and roomy comfortable club chair. Honor Bilt super-sagless under construction. • Mohair • Rich • Lustrous I Frieze Velours Tapestries Main Store and Georgetown 9x12-FT. SERVISTAN AXMINSTER RUGS Fine Quality Axminster Rugs, and mind you—no seconds! Securely woven of all wool yarns. Choice of Hook, Texture, Border and Persian designs. Rich brilliant jewel colorings. ’ 6x9-ft. size -14.95 36x63-inch size _ _ 30s 7 ft. 6 inch by 9 ft. size-16.95 28x48-inch size_2 49 Main Store and Georgetown $2.50 DOWN Balance Monthly Plu* Carrying Charge \ ,4rr«ng<-« Lo"n \ 1 S100 to $2500 \ L Home Moderni*atton\ WorHom ^ 1 l ¥•**•*’ J L»o3toars»op«,l l c-«,„pra TSece»»ary1 rY„»fo-"1sirfl,“re 1 \ Only*_1 42-lnch 66Tudor” Combinatu 26-93* Genuine Aristocrat enamel sink, right or left drain. Fitted with chrome faucets, large strainer and trap to wall. Furniture steel cabinet in gleaming white Dulux. Installation Arranged, Guaranteed and Financed by Sears! MURN YOUR^ BASEMENT \ [ INTO AN 1 \ EXTRA I \room/ | HERCULES I OIL BURNING ' BOILER Size for Average 6‘Room House ' 324®5* Delivered and Completely Inetalled, Ready to Operate! Finest oil heating equipment money can buy! Improved, co-ordinated unit designed exclusively for burning oil. Compact, dependable, quiet operation. One-Tear Service! Heating—Basement Hercules Boiler For Average 6-Room House 480 Sq. Ft. Hot Water ft.) • DOWN Radiation Capacity I Carrying SHOP TONIGHT AND SATURDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9:30 i I MAIN STONE. 911 BLA0ENSBUR6 ROAD. ^A^JTI^iiAIMUJI^^PHOJEATlMti^SOOHajEM C + "wTaEORclA^wior"® *"'\\m V JHONEJRA«juii^i2^^B COMPLETELY ■ ■^T^^rrr'm.*'" 6°°*.eo ^b | caaroe Quick pick-up, low fuel cost! Thoroughly Insulated to prevent heat loss. Large roomy fire box with fewer firings. Ample space in fire box assures com plete burning of gases. Long fire travel through flues Insures high efficiency. Heatino—Baiemint _