Newspaper Page Text
Building News ___ WASHINGTON, D. C, SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1939. ~ gi Private Dwelling Permits Valued At $527,000 One Firm to Build 24 New Homes In Southeast Permits issued last week by the office of Building Inspector John W. Oehmann for new dwellings in the District reached a total valua tion of $527,000 as Washington’s substantial private building pro gram continued. The number of permits for new residences totaled 152. The more important of these included the following: Wesmond Building & Investment Co., Inc., 1732 K street N.W., own ers and builders; G. T. Santmv ers. architect; to erect 14 two-story brick and cinder-block dwellings, 3035 to 3071 M street S.E.; to cost $56,000. The same company also obtained a permit to erect 10 two-story brick and cinder-block dwellings, 3030 to 3056 M street S.E.; to cost $40,000. Carroll Construction Co.. 1404 K Street N.W., owners and builders; G. T. Santm.vers. architect; to erect 12 two-story brick and cinder-block and rubble-stone dwellings, 15 to 37 Crittenden street N.E.; to cost ] $48,000. Richard F. Irwin. 4207 Ingomar street N.W., owner, builder and de signer: to erect nine 2-storv brick and cinder-block dwellings, 1507 to 1515 Twenty-eighth place S.E. and 2812 to 2818 Q street S.E.; to cost $36,000. Charles D. Sager, 924 Fourteenth Street N.W., owner and builder; D. H. Holland, designer; to erect nine 2-storv brick dwellings, 501-517 Twenty-first street N.E.; to cost $36,000. Gilbert S. Seek, 7011 Eighth street N.W., owner and builder: Joseph H. Abel, designer; to erect three 2-story brick, tile and cinder block dwell ings. 6928 to 6936 Eighth street N.W., to cost $24,000. ■ tfv im h r» uuiunn^a. Claude Livingston, jr,, 1519 K Street N.W.. owner and builder; S. J. Pielstick. designer; to erect five 2-story brick and cinder block dwell ings. 3788 W street N.W.. to cost $17,500. Claude G. Johnson. 416 Shepherd street N.W.. owner and builder; Har vey P. Baxter, architect; to erect two 2-story brick and cinder block dwellings, 6346-6342 Thirty-second street N.W.. to cost S17.00U. Shady Brook. Inc., Tower Build ing. owners and builders; Louis K Moss, designer: to erect three 2-story : masonry dwellings. 5029 to 5033 V Street N.W.. to cost $16,500. J. M. Jones, jr.. owner; Marthin son & Co., builders; E. Stanley Brown, architect: to erect one 2-story brick and cinder block dwell ing. 2312 Forty-fourth street N.W., to cost $16,000. Shady Brook. Inc.. Totver Build ing. owners and builders: Louis R. Moss, designer: to erect three 2-story masonry dwellings, 5021 to 5025 V street N.W.. to cost $15,000. Better Building Service. 1427 I street N.W., owners and builders: C. E. Menzel. designer; to erect three 2-story brick dwellings. 3200 to 3208 Sixteenth street N.E.. to cost $15,000 Two-htory Apartment. Harry Poretsky, owner and builder; Sidney Poretsky, designer; to erect one 2-storv brick and con crete apartment. 2111 Eighteenth street S.E., to cost $12,000. Harry Poretsky, owner and builder: to erect one 2-story brick apartment. 1715 V street S.E.. to cost $12‘000. Stone At Shockev. 3111 Fourteentn street N.W., owners and builders; J. J. Baldwin, designer: to erect one 2-story brick and cinder block dweil See PERMITS. Page B-2.) A11KACTIVE HOME SOLD-This residence, at 124 Rittenhouse street N.E., has been sold for the Simmons Properties through the office of James A. Boorman to Mrs. James Sweeney. Builders Plan Probe To End Undesirable Practices Here Group Representing Entire Industry Is Being Appointed The Washington Building Congress is joining with the Construction League of the United States in sur veying practices in the building industry in view of recent wide spread criticism and an investiga tion by the Justice Department for possible anti-trust violations. A committee made up of repre sentatives of all branches of the industry is being appointed to in vestigate the situation in Washing ton and this area. It is expected, according to the August bulletin of the Washington Building Congress, that this investigation will be in strumental in correcting any local practices which representative mem bers of the industry agree are un desirable and not for the best in terest of the industry as a whole. Members of the organization are being asked to call the congress office with any information they i think may be of interest to the committee. When requested the in formation will be kept confidential. The study has been undertaken in order that an organization di rectly interested in and affected by the building industry will have facts either to refute the criticism, or, if it is true in some respects, assist in overcoming the undesirable practices. Building congresses and similar organizations throughout the country are co-operating in the un dertaking. In order to appraise the nature and extent of practices within the industry a questionnaire has been sent out. Topics covered in this questionnaire include bidding prac tices, financing of construction, wage rates, material costs, labor supply, jurisdictional disputes, con struction process at the site, build ing code, public control of con tractors, contract documents and outside influences. I i By LAWRENCE CROLILS. If you are on the lookout for something new and different in the way of decoration for your home, be it large or small, you will get a big kick out of a new translucent window- blind. These blinds ar“ of the Venetian slat type, and operate in the same way as the ones you are accustomed to seeing, but instead of having solid w-ood slats, they have handsome bakelite strips which transmit light. With blinds of this sort installed on the window's of one or more of the rooms of your home, you can round out a decorative scheme m a highly satisfactory manner. The translucent bakelite slats give off a pleasing glow' of color from either natural or artificial light, and you will find that an otherwise dull and drab room can be made bright and cheery if the old-fashioned window blinds are replaced w-ith these new , devices. Among the numerous interesting features of these blinds you will be interested to know that they are very easily cleaned because of their , smooth satin finish which makes it , difficult for dirt and dust to collect. ' This finish is also permanent, ac- , cording to the manufacturers, be cause it has been baked right into , the material, and is also impervious i to water, alcohol, and any high- j powered household cleansers that might be used on it. , The slats themselves are curved in i sort of a fiat S shape which should ] make them ideal from the stand point of light diffusion and ventila- ^ tion. This new shape, combined with the thinness of the material, —* *-A J makes it possible for the blind to be Hade very compact when it is in :he raised position. A facia board it the top is also supplied as stand - ird equipment. This further con ceals the mechanism and makes the i ?ntir« installation trim. A mechanical detail which is new in this type of blind is the oper ating machinery that enables the louse cleaner to remove the blind Tom its sockets completely for cither a thorough cleaning of the ilind itself or the window it pro ects. You have your choice of eight dif Trent colors ranging from white hrough cream, amber, scarlet, dark ■ed, dark blue, light blue to green. * * * * ine other day we saw something tew in decorative mirrors. Nearly ■very one would like to have a full ength mirror or two around the tome. Well, the only reason a lot )f us don't have full-length mirrors nsta’led at t%ery turn is because of heir rather high cost. We have ound a ne» steel mirror witji a •effecting surface. It is made* of hrome steel plate and has a 2-inch ;atin border all around the out iide. giving it a fine-finished ap learance. Because of the relatively hin sheet of steel that is used these nirrors are considerably lighter in veight and are. therefore, easier to nstall on any and all doors. They ire made in sizes to fit standard' loor panels and the manufacturers ell us that they cost about a third ess than the old-style mirrors. I ATTRACTIVE DWELLING PURCHASED—Maj. and Mrs. Elmer M. Jones recently purchased this new home at 3720 Alton place N.W. from Paul T. Stone, builder. —Star Staff Photo. Home Building Costs Downward, Study Discloses Figures Indicate Materials Outweigh Labor Changes 2 to 1 The trend of home building costs is currently down, and it has been ?oing down steadily since the mid dle of 1937. according to a study nade by the Building Reporter on the basis of statistics supplied by j the Federal Home Loan Bank Board. The study reveals that the de- j treasing cost of building materials ias been responsible for the down ward trend in the cost of the fin ,shed house. The cost of building ; labor, according to the report, is low higher than at any time in L937. Since 1936. it is pointed out. the Federal Home Loan Bank Board ias been collecting data from repu table contractors and operative suilders on the cost of constructing i standard six-room house < 24.000 ttubic feet) in a selected group of typical cities from coast to coast. Fnese data cover all labor and ma terial costs, except those for wall paper, other wall and ceiling fin ishes, lighting fixtures, refrigera tors, water heaters, ranges and screens. A compilation of the figures indi cates that the cost of materials outweighs the cost of labor by about two to one. The breakdown in ma terial costs normally shows; Lum ber. 55 per cent of the total; ma son's materials, a little less than 20 per cent; hardware, 3 per cent; painter's materials, a little more than 2 per cent, and heating and plumbing supplies, 20 per cent. Realtors Will Meet In Los Angeles in Fall Invitations have been sent out 'or the annual convention of the National Association of Real Estate Boaras. to meet in Los Angeles. Salif., October 24 to 27. As one of the features of the convention, which is expected to ittract delegates from every part sf the country, an all-day tour circling metropolitan Los Angeles is being arranged. The tour win swing through the more than 30 communities in the Los Angeles teighborhood. The trip will be a combined study , md recreational excursion. Special ists in industrial real estate will tave industrial specialists as their ?uides; home builders will be guided oy specialists in this line Edison Bros. Stores Lease F Street Site The property at 1208 P street N.W. has been leased for 10 y*ars by the Edison Brothers Stores, Inc., through Carl G. Rosinski, agent for the owners, the N. I. Urdong Realty Co. The Edison company, | after extensive* alterations, will oc cupy the property as Chandler's Exquisite Shoe Store. | Sales Agent Named George A. Wilson has been ap pointed exclusive sales agent for the Rock Creek Park Estates, according , to an announcement made today. Fourth of D. C. Debts Are Paid To H. 0. L. C. All-Time Record for Collections Set During 1939 ui vumujoia Dorrowers from the Home Owners’ Loan Corp. as of June 30 have repaid $3,057, 768. or 25 per cent of their total indebtedness, the H. O. L. C. re vealed today in announcing that collections set an all-time record during the first six months of 1939, Collections in the District in June were 100.1 per cent of the monthly billings. The H. O. L. C. has 1.411 accounts in satisfactory standing here, which means that payments are up to date or not more than, three months in arrears or in the process of liquidation. This is more' than 84 per cent of the 1.678 active accounts here. The H. O. L. C. reported that it-, awns only 19 houses in the Dis trict at the present time and has sold 185. Homes the agency has been forced to acquire, officials said, are sold almost as fast as they are acquired. The figures for the first six months of 1939 show that the H. O. L. C. is making decisive progress in its dual functions of rehabilitating dis tressed home owners and liquidat ing properties it has been forced to take over. Collections in June were 100.3 (See hTo, L. C , PagTB-57) ijj3®BJBEis®aiafs.(ia®aiBiaaiai5iaja®Fd Liquidation Sale j This bpautiful home in Chevy Chase. Md.. on a corner lot over 100 feet wide, is being offered at approximately one-third less than its original cost Large living room with fireplace, screened side porch, center hall, spacious dining room with bay window, serving pantry and kitchen: 3 double bedrooms *J ilied baths. $13,500. on very easy terms will make it yours. Shown by Appointment Only. Maryland Office J. Wesley Buchanan 1 Realtor WKW* Wisconsin Are. WIs. 7575 Builders—Developers Read This Then Call Us Promptly Over '>50.000 so. feel. In the heart of a fine prominent X.W. com munity of new detached homes. Near schools, transportation and shpppint renter in D. C. Over 17, <4 OOO feet of present street frontage. AH utilities available. Some already i installed. Plenty of fine shade. EXCEPTIONAL BUY Account of owner leaving city. Call us promptly for further details Brodie & Colbert, Inc. No. 8875—Evenings Clev. 3953 li 10 Built—Only 1 Left $6,990 ! CHEVY CHASE, D. C. New, detached, air-conditioned brick homes, ft rooms Ci bedrooms) and tiled bath. An unheard-of value and price in this convenient and most desirable location. Just \<t j block west of Conn. Ave Only $50 Per Mo. Includes Interest. Principal. Taxes and Insurance on the F. II. A. Plan Exhibit Home 3519 Alton PI. N.W. Open Until Dark Daily Drive out Conn. Ave. to Albemarle St. left 200 ft. to 35th St., left J block to homes. Builders and Owners SPRINGLAWN, INC. Hnrh Warren. President. It Wooded Acreage Home Sites Beautiful rolling property on winding drives in the heart of the hunt country of nearby Maryland, within 7 minutes of 7 country clubs. All sites are ‘7 acre or over in BtodleyMilli Cjtove which is wisely restricted for *20 years and embraces acres—U34 miles from Treasury—a \!5-minute drive from downtown. Lots, $1,500 Up To Reach: Drive west on Bradley Boule vard J12 miles from Wisconsin Avenue. i R. BATES WARREN NAT. 9452 WIS. 3159 An Outstanding Value Barnaby Woods Chevy Chase, D. C. 6634 Barnaby St. N.W. o-ly si:t.»5» See this practically new center hall Colonial brick home—de lightfully situated and command ing a beautiful outlook as well as attractive surroundings. master size bedrooms. :2 tile baths, fin ished attic. FIRST FLOOR PAN ELED DEN AND LAVATORY— automatic heat—built-in gnraee —beautifully wooded lot. Many built-in features and added con veniences. Open for Inepection Sunday Thos. J. Fisher & Co., Inc. 738 15th St. N.W. Dlst. 6830 LOVELY CAPE GOD 4811 Alton Place N.W. Located on a wooded lot and in the most convenient section of American University Park. The first floor contains exceptionally large living room and dining room, well equipped kitchen and large bedroom with complete bath. Two spacious bedrooms and bath on second floor. Screened-in porch on first floor and open deck off master I bedroom on second floor. Oil air conditioned heat and 2-car garage. Built-in telephone conduit. $11,500 Open All Day Sunday & Evenings To Inspect: Drive out Mass Ave. to ■19th St., turn right on i9th. IV, blocks to Alton PI. then right to home. linkuvs co. I«22 H St. N.W. Dt. 3522 ^_ i Beverly Hills, Va. 326 Kentucky Ave. 6 Rmi, B.—Garage in minutes from downtown, with all city improvements, this charming < Dutch Colonial home has 2 large bedrooms, recreation room, oil heat, screens, furred, insulated, side drive garage A beautifully wooded lot b8xl5(l. $6,950—Open Sunday Drive across Lincoln Mem. Bridge, left on Arlington Ridge Rd. to Rus sell Rd.. right to Kentucky Ave , right to house. L. T. GRAVATTE 729 15th Realtor ^A. 0753 Small Down Payment Easy Terms 11 built—5 told before completion 515 Fern Place N.W. Takoma Park, D. C. Furnished bv Hilda N. Miller Bpautiful rcw brick homes in an excellent neighborhood Living room with fireplace. 2 bedrooms, tiled bath with shower, modern kitchen with rets, and ranee. H.-w.h. Full basement with paneled recreation room. Close to Walter Reed Hos pital. schools, stores and transpor tation. Open Sunday and Daily To Reach: Drive out Georgia Ave. to Fern Si., right 4 blocks to homes. For further information, call Claud Livingston. Jr. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO., Inc. 1 519 K St, N.W. District 1015 Cresittoooti AT ROCK CREEK PARK STONE, LORD & CALDWELL. Developers introducing MONOTONE the modern trend in decoration The first exhibit home in Washing ton ever to express the modern trend in decorative themes. Visit it. inspect it and profit by the new ideas it conveys. Here, in Crest wood you will find something en tirely different in decorative motifs; it is called Monotone—a symbol of perfectly planned color harmony. An all-stone home on an exception ally fine corner lot in Crestwood. The new development of 53 acres circled by Rock Creek and Piney Branch Parkway A highly restricted wooded in-town section only 10 minutes from the White House. 1800 SHEPHERD ST. N.W. Famished by COLONY HOUSE Draped by WALES DECORATING CO. *■ TO REACH—Out ISth St. Turn left at Shevherd. Tavlor. Vvehur or Varnum to ISth St. Owners— Paul P. Slone b Avon Shockey —Builders Presented and for Sale by PAUL P. STONE, Realtor COL. 4667 AD. 0653 Sill 14tfe St. N.W. • ft 4708 RIVER ROAD You have never before seen a home f in such a Quaint setting. A lovely j home of white painted brick sur rounded by beautiful landscaping \ and flower gardens. When new. this home had the distinction of being a Silver Star Home. Large lot. built-in garage, automatic gas heat, flrst-floor den or bedroom with lavatory, two large bedrooms and bath on second floor. Drive out Wisconsin Avenue to River Road, turn left to 47OF. “Honesty Hill” Selected by the first settlers as an ideal home site The house ha* been modernized and is now a most comfortable home, containing 4 bed rooms, bath, large living room with mammoth stone fireplace, spacious 1 dining room, all-electric kitchen j with maid's room adjoining. Lovely gardens and landscaping enhance the beauty of this home on a knoll. j Just 1 miles beyond Kenwood Club on River Road—look for our sign. j Open Saturday afternoon, all day Sunday; other days by ap pointment. j ' Maryland Office J. Wesley Buchanan Realtor ftflOO Wisconsin Ave. W'is. 7573 Once in a Lifetime— Only once In a lifetime do most ! of us undertake the building of a borne. Therefore, it is important that all the details be carefully planned, so that the completed structure will suit you "right down to the ground." For years Paul T. Stone. Inc., has been building better homes, suited to the individual’s own taste. You can get an idea of our master abil ity by inspecting our homes in NORTH CLEVELAND PARK 4314 36th Street N.W. 6 Sold—Only 2 Left '*1 $12,350 From every angle—location, con struction. environment, price—these homes are the “buy” of the yearl 5 bedrooms. 2 baths, floored attics, full basements, main-floor lavatories, breakfast rooms. Venetian blinds, garages, rear porches, AIR-CON DITIONED. More than the average in modern refinements and features. Inspect today or tomorrow! Open Today and Daily Until 9 P.M. To Reach: Drive out Massachusetts Ave. to 34th St., north on 34th to Reno Road, to Warren St., riaht one block to 36th St., left to home. OR—Out Connecticut Ave. to Van Ness St. to Reno Road, to Warren St., right one block to 36th St., left to home. Paul T. Stone, Inc. Philip E. Tew, Sales 927 15th St. N.W. NAtl.0856 i«. HOMES IN THE COLONIAL TRADITION FOR DISCRIMINAT. ING PEOPLE. AWARDED THE GOOD HOUSEKEEPING SHIELD PRICED FROM $14,150 TO $17,250 Drive out Oue Street thru George* town to Wisconsin Avenue. North one block and left on Reservoir Road to Dumbarton, just West of Foxhall Road. mmtmoiac Architect* Builder* Realtor* ^4" >4 V/ ".. ■ — : 3 . 5 . PREVAILS IN AVONDALE, Only the best materials are used in the construction of homes in this PERFECT Community. Presenting 9 New 3-Bedroom , : Hemes—Seme With 2 Beths $7750 A carefully restricted community. e J hounded on three sides by educa tional and Government properties, which protect it against commercial encroachment. j TO REACH: Drive out Michigan Avenue poet Catholic Inherent/, J { over netc bridge to 18th Street, turn leU tiro block* to Avondale 8 land- g scaped entrance. D. C. DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1 XM2 K Street N. W. Dl.trlct 3S30 **SJ**,*£.-4 * , Ho** fi '»I8V?sf ft00.1. EIh,V 4^1^34 s'" ^ '-c^ \ot. ..rfW \»t«e .jUOt1' 6417 33d St. N.W. Chevy Chase, D. C. A few doors from Pinehurst Circle Surpriting Value— *10,450 Six large rooms and bath, also lst-floor lavatory; alr-eondl tioned and insulated; garage. Modern, new and of the finest construction available. On a beautiful wooded lot 55 ft. wide. Phillips & Canby, Inc. Natl. 4600 1012 15th N.W. TODAY... See ,k. \ ——-! 4 4 » DETACHED GRE YER HOMES American University Park 4539 43rd St. N.W. N>w brick, c, rooms, tiled bath, extra stool and cool lavatory on first floor covered concrete front porch, ideal kitchen wit# Oxford cabinets insulated gas range and Westinghousp refrigera tor. livmz room with open fireplace, iun basement, automatic air-condi tioned heat, house fully insulated, xurred walls screened and weather stripped throughout Priced under >10.0oo; exceptional value Lett 40xf*n <4 built. ‘2 left in this group- ALSO new Se.n.tV.‘Pntrance corner house available. *12.250. Open Daily and Sunday to 9 P.M. D. C. GRE YER Owner-Builder. Investment Bldg. NA. 1737 Washington's Most Unusual Homes Jiorfetotone tillage Visit Our Furnished Home at 25 WORTHINGTON DRIVE A home that reflects our half cen tury of building experience the moment you enter the door. It contains 6 large rooms. 2 baths, screened porch, attic, attached ga rage, air-conditioned heat; deep lot. Drive out and see how at tractive this new development is. Drive nut Massachusetts Avenue ont block over the District Line to James town Road, turn rioht 1 block to Worth tngton Drtve. wC£$reunin$er'& Sons r—1 - I *5,950 t Fine Colonial Brick 3 F. H. A. Approved 3 Five very large rooms, beauti g fully decorated. Large modern gj 3 kitchen, tiled bath, shower, steel 9 | casement windows, sliding §j | screens inside. Dry basement (3 3 painted white; air-conditioned b | heat, rock wool insulation, slate g ' g roof; very large lot; beautiful S’ 3 street. 9 - ! Directions: Traffic tight at Sitter @ g Spring take Colesttlle Pike to Four 9 ' g Corners, right to Indian Spring Vtl- 9 g lage to home jjj E. M. FRY, Inc, a 4703 Hampden Lane, Bethesda, Md. Ij Wise, 6740 | I J. WESLEY BUCHANAN & Suggests a Visit p M To this fast-growing new com- ra !£> inumty of small ‘ quality homes" Kh m lying between Anacostia and ggj 5J Fort Dupont Parks. The pur- Dp pC chaser of one home in the group Dg Bn completed wished to wait to J53 J move, so changed to one of nu - tho.?e under construction. This TO is a very attractive design and rcC Ba finish you will like it better to gw the longer you study it! g SEE IT THIS SUNDAY! 8| 01 Drive across OP gt 5*10.23 Penna Ave S E. Eg k? Ut) Bndoe turn left Dp on Minnesota Du _ B< A MONTH Ave * squares TO £< Avn rp to LYNDALE $2 ^ AND LP ATIontic 2889 p iThe Community Built « Around • Park jg They Must Be Good—They ARE! I 3 SOLD THIS WEEK! | $8.950 up WEST of Conn. Ave Furnished Model Home \ 5028 Nebraska Ave. N.W Old Colony Homes j Built and Owned by Barkley Broi., Ine. j Open Daily 10 to 9 P.M. THos. J. Fisher & Co., Inc. 73S 15th St Sales Dl 6SB0 MORTGAGE LOANS 414% INTEREST NO COMMISSION Effective Immediately: This new low interest rate applies to con struction loans as well as refinancing of existing property. In many cases, loans up to 90% of the value of the property can be approved, with payments at $5.97 per month per thousand for a 25 year period. Frederick W. Berens# Inc. 1627 K Street N.W., Washington, D. C. Phone National 8280-8211 4 * ,