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Capital Transit Co. Has 21 New Cars Ready for Service Replacement Program For Rolling Stock to Be Completed This Week Capital Transit Co. this week will complete a four-year program of rolling stock replacement, by which It will have added 152 new street cars to the system. At a cost of about $17,000 each, these new cars are being added gradually to the tracks, with the last of the final shipment of 21 cars expected to roll within a few days. Tire program of replacement be gan about four years ago when the first new streamline cars were placed on the Friendship Heights line, running to Seventeenth street end Pennsylvania avenue S.E. At the start, 20 were placed in serv ice. Next followed 45 new cars of a llightly different type, to be placed on the Fourteenth street carline, and 50 more which went on the Mount Pleasant route. The next group of 16, some of which are undergoing tests on the Rhode Island avenue, Potomac Park line, are now being used prin cipally in rush hours. Final Shipment Arrives. The final shipment of 21 cars, Which completes the company's gen eral program of car purchase, has arrived. They are being tested and tried out on the line to which they Will be assigned, the Georgia ave nue line, between Eastern avenue and the Seventh Street Wharves. A hew street car terminal loop is being constructed at the Eastern avenue terminus near Georgia ave pue. ' The new type of car is the so called President's Conference Com jnittee car. of a design which grew cut of a conference of railwaymen from the American Transit Associa tion. The car is fast and quiet, to be operated by one man. VJiitui liUdiiSi • The cars have been bought through a plan by which the tran $it company has paid 25 per cent of the cost in cash on delivery, and has borrowed the remaining 75 per cent from Washington banks. Near ly all banks in the city participated in this loan program, developed through Y. E. Booker & Co., which has proved satisfactory to both the company and the banking institu tions. The loans were advanced under chattel-trust agreements, in which the equipment was pledged to secure the notes. The securities bear 4 per cent interest, and are being curtailed at the rate of 10 per cent each six months, or 20 per cent annually, thus paying off the obligation in five years. Since the merger of the transit lines here the new company has spent more than $12,000,000 in re habilitating its property, including rerouting tracks, shops, garages, new cars and new busses, improving not only the property, but the service to the public. A. I. B. Tosts Filled. Two associate chief consuls and members of the Board of Consuls of the Washington Chapter, Amer ican Institute of Benking, have been selected by Kenneth Birgfeld of the American Security & Trust Co., who was recently elected chief consul of the chapter. Neal Wells, National Savings & Trust Co., and Lloyd Carey. Wash ington Loan <fc Trust Co., have been elected associate chief consuls. Mr. Wells and Mr. Carey have been ac tive in the chapter for a number of years Mr. Birgfeld is a native of Wash ington. having graduated from Mc Kinley High School and National University Law School. He is also a graduate of the American Institute of Banking and has been active in Washington Chapter for over 12 years, during which time he served twice as associate chief consul, has been chairman of the Athletic Com mittee, Publicity Committee, and served as a member of practically every other committee. Consuls Are Listed. The following have been selected as consuls: Daniel J. Murphy, Amer ican Security & Trust Co., main office; Gilbert Murphy, American Se curity & Trust Co., branches; Carl A. Steele, Anacostia Bank; H. Paul Mount. Arlington Trust Co.; Earle D. Miller, Bank of Bethesda: Fred erick Loops, Bank of Commerce & Savings, main office: George L. C. Scheirer, Bank of Commerce & Sav ings, North Capitol street branch; vv imam r. nuss, ouy »anK, oeorgia avenue and Connecticut avenue branches: Horace Williams. City Bank. Pennsylvania avenue branch and main office; Edward C. Cox, Columbia National Bank; C. Mil ford Cowling, jr.. First National Bank of Alexandria: Neill Raab, Hamilton National Bank, main office; Kenneth O. Hulse. Hamilton National Bank, branches: Frank Mc Creary, W. B. Hibbs & Co.; Wales H. Jack, Liberty National Bank; George Galleher, Lincoln National Bank, main office; Samuel Redman, jr.. Lincoln National Bank. Seventeenth and H street branch; Wilfred R. Dagan. McLachlen Banking Corp.; Joe Carpenter. Morris Plan Bank; George Griesbauer, Munsey Trust Co.; James D. Coleman. National Bank of Washington; C. E. Brown ing. jr.. National Metropolitan Bank; Robert Christie. National Savings & Trust Co.: Thomas F. Rosewag, Prince Georges Bank. Hyattsville. Md.: William Howard Smith and Jack R. Cocker. Riggs National Bank, main office; Addison B. Clif ford, Riggs National Bank. Seventh street branch; Robert C. Shipley. Riggs National Bank. Park road branch; Harry Chenoweth. Second National Bank. Seventh street branch: MacKendall Allen, Second National Bank. G street branch; Vernon Hill. Security Savings & Commercial Bank: Staten P. Alden Suburban National Bank, Silver Spring; Howard Robinson. Suburban National Bank, Takoma Park; W Edward Brooks. Union Trust Co.; Jeannette Fuchs, Washington Loan & Trust Co. Financial District Notes. C. F. Burton, president of the City Bank of Washington, is on a month’s vacation with his family at Reho both Beach, Del. G. Wesley Clampitt, jr., assistant secretary and assistant trust officer ©f Union Trust Co., is vacationing at Ocean City Md Alfred H. Lawson, vice president and real estate officer of Washing ton Loan & Trust Co., is on vacation in North Carolina. At Riggs National Bank, Gregg C Burns. Charles R. Fadeley and Wil liam H. Taylor, assistant cashiers have left on vacation. A TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Prev. 1839 Stock end Seles— Net High. Low Dividend Rate Add 00. High. low Close, ehge. 11 6% Adams Exp <.10g)„ 1 7% 7% 7% - V* 65% 45% Air Reduction! la) . 4 54% 53% 54% +1 10 6% Alaska Junsau .S5g. I 7% 7% 7% 1% % Alleghany _ 21 % % % - % 14% 6 Alleghanv $30 ww.. 8 7% 7% 7% — % 13% 5 Allegh'y $40 pf ww. 1 6% 6% 6% 28% 14 Alleg-Ludlum Steel 6 18 17% 17% + % 11% 6% Allen Indust ,25g___ 2 9% 9% 9% 193 151% Allied Chemical (6) 4 164 163 163 42 11% 6 Allied Stores _ 22 8% 8% 8% 70% 54% Allied Stores pf (5) 2 70 70 70 +1 48% 28 Allls-Chalm l.BOg). 19 34% 33% 34% - % 17% 10% Am Bank Note -20g 1 12% 12% 12% — Vi 8 3% Am Bosch .... 6 5% 5 5 + % 138 125 Am Br Shoe pf 5.25, 10s 140 140 140 +2 103% 83% Am Can (4) 3 100% 100 100% -)2 179 167% Am Can pf (7)_ 1 177 177 177 36 17% Am Car & Foundry 3 21% 21 21% + % 55. 32 AmCar&Fdrypf . t 34 34 34 +1% 24% 13% Am Chain A C SOg- 1 18 18 18 + % | 130% 109% Am Chicle (4a 1 1 132 132 132 +1% ! 78 61 Am Crystal S pf (6) 50s 75% 75% 75%-% 5% 2% Am Encaustic Til . 3 3% 3 314 + vt 3% 2 Am A Foreign Pwr 11 2% 2% 2% 19% 10 Am A For'n P $6 pf 4 16% 16% 16% 24% 12% Am A For’n P $7 pf 6 22% 21% 21% - % 9% 5 Am A For’n P 2d pf 1 8 8 8 4 % i 55 41% Am Home Prod 2.40 5 61% 61% 51%+ % | 3% 1% Am Ice . 3 2% 2% 2% 7% 4% Am International.. 15 5 5 30% 14% Am Locomotive .. 1 1714 17V4 1714 +1 15% 11 Am Mach A Fy .80.. 2 12% 12% 12% 4% 2% Am Mach A Metals. 1 2% 2% 2% + V» 40% 26 Am Mstal L50g)- 1 26% 26% 26% + % 26 21% Am News (lg)-130s 24% 24 24 +1 7 3% Am Power A Light 12 5% 5% 5% + % 45 28 Am PAL$5pf 1.8751c 9 43% 41% 42% + % 50% 32 Am PAL$6pf 2.25k. 3 48 47% 48 + % 18% 10% Am Radiator _ 28 11% 10% 10% 22% 11% Am Rolling Mills 10 14% 14% 14% + % 72% 50 Am Rolling Mills pf 1 64 64 64 15% 11% Am Safety Rax 1.20 1 12% 12% 12% - % 20 10% Am Seating ( 50e) 2 12% 12% 12% 53% 35% Am Smelt A R l.BOg 6 44% 44% 44% + Vi 140% 129% Am Sm & R pf (7).. 1 138% 138% 138% + % 41 20% Am Steel Foundry.. 19 25% 24% 25 + V, 14% 9 Am Stove (.55g) ... 2 14% 14% 14% 91% 75% Am Sugar R pf (7). 2 78% 78% 78% -1% 18% 14% Am Sumat Tob (1). 1 1744 1734 17*4-14 170% 148 Am Tel A Teleg (9) 13 165% 164 165%+ % 87% 73 Am Tobacco (5) 6 80% 79% 80%+ Vi 89% 75% Am Tobacco (B)(5) 12 81% 80% 81% + % 8% 4% Am Type Founders. 2 5% 6% 5% — % 14% 8% Am Waterworks . 42 11% 11% n*, + \t 96 78 Am W W 1st pf (6.. 1 95 95 95 43% 28% Am Woolen pf- 1 331+ 331+ 331+ 7% 4% Am Zinc 1 444 44, 44, _ 14 | 36% 20% Anaconda t.75g) __ 31 26% 25% 26 + % 27% 13Va Anchor Hoc G1 30g 28 26 25% 25% + % 6% 3% Armour (111) .6444 52 33% Armour (111) or pf . 1 36% 361,, 3fiv* - H 68 33% Armstr'g Cork 75g. 2 39% 39 39 - Vi 13 9% Arnold Const!.50g). 1 10 10 10 + % 10% 5% Artloom Coro _. 1 g% 8% 8% + Vi 10'H 5H Assoc Drv Goods 18 8 8 78 70 Assoc DG 1st pf(6) 2 77 76% 76% + % 23' j Atch Ton & S F 10 97a* 97 *>7i„ . 1. 71 6l7/* Atch T&SF Df 3.50jr 1 57 57 57 +3 304 15 Atl Coast Line - 2 184 18 184 +14 234 184 Atl Refining (1)_ 2 194 194 194 94 7 Atlas Corp <.25g)_ 2 9 . 84 84 484 434 Atlas Corp Df (3)_ 3 484 474 484 + 4 44 14 Auburn Auto (r)_ 1 »2 2 2 + H 84 34 Aviation Com . 20 44 4 44 174 94 Baldwin Loco cifa.. 6 114 114 l)', + 4 8s. 44 Balto* Ohio _ 7 44 44 44 + 4 104 5 Balto* Ohio pf . 2 64 64 64+ 4 874 65 Bangor & Ar pf (5). 30s 664 66 664 214 104 Barber Asphalt_ 3 124 124 124 — 4 194 124 Barnsdall ill _ 5 124 124 124 + 4 28 17 Beatrice Cre (la) . 1 26 26 26 +1 94 74 Belding-Hem (.70) 10 84 84 84 + 4 294 164 Bendlx Aviat’n 50g 22 244 244 244 + 4 214 174 Beneficial L’n 90g. 7 204 204 204 + 4 574 38 Rest & Co I 1 60a ).. 3 404 404 404 + 4 80 504 Beth Steel L50g)._. 34 6I4 60 614 + 14 27 154 Bigelow-Sanford... 1 231, 234 234 174 84- Rlaw-Knox 24 11 104 104 + 4 234 164 Bl'mingdale ,5625g. 10r 164 164 164 -4 344 174 Boeing Airplane 9 22 214 214 — 4 284 164 Bohn Alum'n (.60g) 1 21 21 21 + 4 117 104 Bon Amt (A) (4a).. 708 1144 1144 1144 594 51 Bon Ami (Bt 2.50a 20s 594 594 594 +14 22 164 Borden Co < 60g) x 6 214 21 214 - 4 32 184 Borg-Warner 60g__ 8 244 24 244 + 4 74 54 Brewing Corp 30g_. 17 7 ~7 + 4 154 84 Bridgeport Brass _. 2 104 94 104 +- 4 314 164 Brigga Mfg i.60g).. 12 22 214 214+4 144 74 Bklvn-Man Transit 10 124 124 124 — 4 484 27 Bklvn-Man Tran pf 2 454 454 454 + 4 134 54 Bklvn & Queens pf 6 124 12 12 + 4 304 13-4 Bklyn Un Qaa 25g_. 8 284 284 284 + 4 184 94 Brunswick-B S0g__ 15 184 174 184 +14 134 7 Bucyrus-Erle ... 2 94 9 94 + 4 104 944 Bucyrus-E nf (71... 30s 105 105 105 +1 8 4 Budd Mfg _ 7 5 44 47, 554 29Vi Budd Mfg pf_ 10s 41 41 41 43 54 3 Budd Wheel __ 5 44 44 44 344 214 Bulova Watch (2).. 3 294 284 294 +14 194 114 Burlingt'n Mills (1) 19 184 18 184+ 4 184 11 Burr's Add M .30g_. 4 124 124 124 + 4 24 1 Bush Terminal ... 1 14 1», 14 + 4 13 64 Bush T Bldgs Dt_170s 94 94 94 + 4 94 54 Butler Bros 15g . 14 64 64 64 - 4 234 IS7, Butler Bros of 150 1 21 21 21 — '5 134 7 RversiAMtCc 9 114 104 114+14 74 25'-Byers A M nf 8.215k 60s 67 66 67 +2 174 114 Bvron Jackson ill. 1 13 13 13 + 4 204 134 California Packing 3 174 174 174 + 4 24 4. Callahan Zinc _ 2 1 7« 1 + 4 84 5 Calumet & Hecla... 6 64 57» 57, + 1* 174 94 Campbell Wvant .. 2 114 114 114 + 4 204 12 Canada Dry (,50g)_. 10 19 184 19 +4 64 34 Canadian Pacific . 74 ,34 34 3.1; 74 44 Capital Admin (A). 1 64 64 64 — 4 204 134 Carpenter Stl(.55g) 2 154 154 154 +4 34 24 Carriers & Qan lOg 2 3 24 24 1224 110 Case ij 1 1C0 of (7) 100s 1164 1164 116'a + 4 55 384 Caterpillar Trae<2) x 3 414 414 414 +-1V, 1074 102 Caterpillar T of (5) x 2 1004 1004 1004 294 134 Celanese Corn .. 34 27 264 264 1094 84 Celanese or Df (7).. 100s 1094 1094 1094 + 4 194 10 Celotex Corn ..... 2 114 11 11 + 4 224 184 Centr'l Aguirre 1.50 1 194 194 194 + 4 54 24 Central Foundry... 6 34 34 34 — 4 54 34 Central Violetta .. 1 44 44 44 — 4 95 85V, Century R M pf (7). 30s 91 91 91 524 32 Cerro de Pasco(3g) 3 36 36 36 +1 13 64 Certaln-teed 5 7 67» 64 102 98 Champ P&F pf (6). 10s 99 99 99 404 27 Cites* Ohio 12)_ 15 34 334 334 + 4 204 10 Chi Pneu Tool_ 3 134 13 134 + 4 4 4 Chi R 1 & P (r)_ 3 4 4 4 14 4 Chi Rl&P 7% pf (r) 14 4 4 134 7 Childs Co 3 74, 74 74 - 4 854 534 Chrysler 12.60g) 145 82 804 814+14 144 9 City Ice * Fuel .60s 4 13 13 13+4 974 79 City Ire & F of 6.50 20s 924 924 924 + 7, 26 15 Clark Equip (75g).. 1 22 22 22 + 4 604 344 Climax Molyb 1.20 1 394 394 394 354 214 Cluett Peabody .50g 3 334 33 334 + * 133 114 Coca-Cola (2g). 1 129 129 129 174 114 Colgat«-Pal-P I 50) 5 164 164 164 107 1014 Colg-Pal-P pf (6)._ 2 105 105 105 -4 364 204 Collins & Aik l.60g) 5 30 284 294 +14 234 1 14 Colo Fuel A Iron 1 1 i-V. l a. . 7 3 Colo & Southern 10s 4* 4* 4* +14 ! 234 14 Colum B C(A)1.05g. 16 24 22* 24 +14 i 234 14 Colum B C (B) 1.05g 3 234 234 234 +1* 9 54 Columbia Gas & El 68 7* 74 74 91 744 Col G&E ot A (fi> 2 88 87* 88 + * 15* 74 Columb Pic vtc 2*f 19 9 9 304 23* Colum Pic pf (2.76) 1 24 24 24 -2 57 38* Cornel Credit 14) .. 7 46* 46 46* +1* 60 42 Cornel lnv Tr (4) 5 524 514 524 +1* 1104 106 Cornel lnv T pf 4.26 2 1074 1074 1074 + * 13* 9 Cornel Solvents 5 104 10* 10* + * 31* 25* Comwlth Edls 1.20* 28 30* 304 30* + * 24 14 Comwlth & South’n 140 1* 14 1* + 14 724 45* Comwlth & S Df (3). 8 71* 71 71* + * 30* 19 Concoleum ,75e_ 1 25 25 25 91 794 Consol C pr pf 6.60.. 10s 90 90 90 -1 35 27 Consol Edison 12).. 45 33 324 324 + 4 94 64 Consol 011 (.80) . 33 7 64 7 3* 1* Consolidation Coal. 2 24 24 24 — 4 101 934 Consum Pw pf 4.60. 1 1004 1004 1004 - * 164 94 Container Corp ... 6 104 104 104 + 4 224 114 Conti Baking (A) . 2 15* 154 15*+* 100 88 Conti Baking pf <8) 2 964 96 964 +14 44 324 Conti Can (1.60*)_ 5 394 394 39* - 4 10* 6 Conti Diamond ... 1 64 64 64 + 4 374 294 Conti Insur (1.60a). 2 344 34* 34* 4 1* Conti Motor . 15 2* 24 24 — 4 314 20* Conti Oll(Del) .76*. 9 214 204 21 29V* 164 Conti Steel (60g)__ 4 274 26* 274 +1 664 544 Corn Products (3).. 7 604 60 6O4 + 4 | 44 34 Coty Inc (new)_ 15 44 44 44 + 4 24 1* Coty International. 8 1* 1* 1* 38 194 Crane Co .. 25 204 20 20*+ 4 13 74 Crosley Corp _. 1 94 94 94 _ 4 414 204 Crown Cork & Seal. 5 26* 264 26+*+14 14* 9 Crown Zeller (.50).. 4 10 9* 10 91 75 Crown Zeller pf (6) 20s 81 81 81 +1 47* 244 Crucible Steel _ 8 <82* 32 324 + 4 5 3 Cuban Am Sugar_ 3 34 34 3* 16 10* Cudahy Packing__ 2 11 11 n _ 64 34 Curtis Publishing . 4 44 4* 44 + * 49 38 Curtis Pub pf 1.25k. 2 46* 46* 464 + * 74 44 Curtiss-Wrtght 20 54 5 5 284 194 Curtiss Wr(A) .50* 2 24* 244 244 - 4 244 13* Cutler.Hammer . . 5 17* 174 17*+ 4 24 15* Deere* Co 1 184 18* 184 + 4 16* 114 Deisel-Wem-G .60g 1 15 15 15 + 4 254 124 Del * Hudson.. ... 2 16 16 16 +14 14 4 Den R Gr Wn of (r) 1 4 4 4 _ 4 1244 103 Detroit Edls (.6*).. 1 122 122 122 +1 32* 184 Devoe & Rayn (A) 100a 22 22 22 +4 344 28 Dlam'd Match 1.60 2 324 324 324 — * 204 154 Distillers-Seagdg) 3 18 17* 18 + 4 354 30 Dixie-Vor(A)(2.60) 100s 33* 33 33* * 34 304 Dome Mines (2)_ 4 33 324 33 + * 78* 56 Do'iglas Aircraft... 7 68 674 68 +1 19V* 9 Danhlll internatl— 1 9* 9* 9* + 4 14 10 Duplan Silk (1)_ 1 124 124 124 -- 4 1644 1264 Du Pont de N 2.60*. 10 162 159* 162 +24 142 1294 Du Pont deb (6)_ 3 1324 1314 1324 + 4 20 12V* Eastern Air Lines.. 7 194 184 194 + 4 8 3* Eastn Roll Milla_ 1 44 44 44 +4 1864 1384 Eastman Kodak (C) 3 1714 171 171'+ + 4 274 154 Eaton Mf* (1.60*).. 1 25* 25* 25* + * 3* 14 Eitington Schlld_ 5 14 14 14 oiut» ana oaten— Net Hlth. Low Dividend Rate Add 00 High. Low. Close. chae. 38% 22% Elec Auto LU.JBg) 14 34% 35% 36 + % 16% 8% Elec Boat (.SOg)_ 2 10% 10% 10%+% 12% 6% Elec Pwr A Light.. 37 9% 9% 9% - % 38 18% Elen Pw A Lt *6 pf. 10 32 31% 31%+% 41% 20% Elec Pw A Lt pf_ 18 35% 34%, 35%+% 30%, 23% Elec Stor Bat (2)_ 1 28% 28% 28%+% 1% %i Elk Horn Coal_ 1 % % % — % 37 28 El Paso Nat G (2).. 1 35% 35% 35% +1 111 103% Endlcott-J pf (6)_ 20s 107% 107% 107% 13% 7 Eng Pub Service . 61 13% 12% 13%+%, 80% 62% Eng Pub Svo pf (5) 3 79% 79 79%+ % 88 65% Eng Pub Svc pf 6.60 1 87% 87 87% 5% 2 Erie RR let pf (r).. 1 2% 2% 2% + % 24% 14% Ex-Cell-O (.40g)_ 10 20% 20 20% +1% 18% lt FedLtATrae _ 2 17% 17% 17%+ % 6 2% Fed Motor Truck_ 2 3% 3% 3% + % 3% % Fed Screw 1 1% 1% 1% 25% 17% Firestone Tire ,75g 4 20% 20% 20% + % 51 38% First Natl Strs 2.50 1 48 48 48 — Vi 31% 16% Fllntkote Co .. 8 19% 19% 19% 38 25 Florence Stove! lg) 1 37% 37% 37% + % 35% 21 Food Machine ,50g 1 34% 34% 34%+ % 108'% 103% Food Mach pf(4.60) 100s 107% 106 106 -1% 29% 14% Foster Wheeler ... 3 18% 17% 18% + % 13 7% Galr (Robert) pf... 1 8 8 8 + % 14 9 Gamewell Corp ... 10* 10% 10% 10% +1 7% 3% Gar Wood Indust... 1 4% 4% 4% + % 18 9 Gen Cable - 8 11% 11% 11% 35 17% Gen Cable (A)_ 1 22% 22% 22% + % 75 43 Gen Cable pf_ 1 60 60 60 +2 25% 19% Gen Cigar (lg)_ 1 21% 21% 21% + % 44% 31 Gen Electric !.60g). 38 37% 36% 36%+ % 47% 36% Gen Foods (2) .. 17 47% 46% 47% +1% 1% % Gen Gas A El (A)_ 1 % % % 127 117 Gen Mills pf (6)... 150s 120% 120 120 51% 36% Gen Motors (2.25g) 157 47% 46% 47%+ % 126% 122 Gen Motors Df (5).. 1 124 124 124 - % 10% 7 Gen Print Ink ,20g_. 10 8% 8 8 - % 28 14 Gen Rwy Signal ... 1 16% 16% 16%+ % 1% % Gen Realty A Util . 4 % % % + % 41 19% Gen Refractor ,25g. 3 26 25% 26 +1% 32% 16 Gen Steel Cast of . 100s 19 19 19 15% 9% Gen Thea Eq ,60g .. 3 11% 10% 11%+ % 27% 15% Gen TlreARub .50g. 14 22% 21% 22 8% 5% Gillette Saf R I 60) 7 6% 6% 6% + % 64 44 Gillette S R pf (5).. 2 53% 53 53% +2% 13% 7% Glmbel Bros .. 14 8% 8% 8% 66% 51 Glmbel Bros pf (6). 1 50% 50% 50% - % 24% 14% Glidden Co .. 1 17% 17% 17% - % 2% 1% Gobel Brew !.05g)_. 2 2% 2% 2% 84 70 Gold Stock Tel (6). 30s 84 84 84 24% 13Vj Goodrich (BF) . 130 21% 20% .21% + % 74% 53 Goodrich! BF)of (6) 18 71 69% 70 + % 38% 21% Goodyear !.75g)._. x 28 28% 28 28 + % 5 2% Gotham S1lk Hose.. 6 4 3% 4 + % 1% % Graham-Palge _ 84 % % % - % 7% 4% Granhv Const lfie) 2 7 6% 7 + % 16% 11 Grand Un pf(l.25k) 2 16 15% 15% - % 34% 24% Grant (WT) (1.40). 13 35 34% 34%+ % 31% 16% Great North'n pf 28 25% 24% 25% + % 16% 12% Great No O cfe 75g. 1 13% 13% 13%+ % 28 24 Great Wn Sug (2) . 1 25 25 25 35% 24% GreenlH L)(1.60a). 3 33% 33% 33% + % 21% 14% Greyhound (.SO)_ I"2 18% 17% 17% - % 15% 8 Hall (W F) Prtg_ 1 14% 14% 14% + % 4% 2 Haves Body .. 1 2% 2% 2% 13% 8% Heeker Prod ( SOa). 4 12 11% 12 + % 17 10 Hercules Motor .. 2 11% 11% 11*; +• % 66% 60% Homestake (4 60) 3 64% 64% 64% 17% 8% Houd-Hersh(B) 25g 5 12% 12% 12% — % 84 44 Houston Oil ._ R .64 54 51,4 654 40 Howe Sound (3) ... 1 494 494 494 4 1 364 254 Hudson Bay (.750 . 6 344 34 4 344 4 4 14 1 Hudson & Manhat.. 2 1 1 1 54 3 Hudson ft Man pf... 1 34 34 34 — 4 84 44 Hudson Motor_ 5 64 54 54 4 4 24 4 Hupp Motor _ 11 4 '« 4 204 94 Illinois Central ... 10 124 114 124 4 4 35 164 Illinois Central of.. 1 204 204 201,41 294 164 Industrial Ravnn . 1 254 254 254 119 86 Ingersoll R’d 3.50g_ 1 106 106 106 944 67 Inland Steel 1.60b.. x 3 77 764 764 4 4 174 94 Inspiration Copper. 1 114 114 114 4 4 94 34 Interboro RT (r}_ 4 44 44 44 + 4 334 174 Inter Chemical_ 19 354 324 354 43 154 74 Interlake I ron _ 2 94 9 94 4 4 1954 155 lntl Bus Mach (6a). 1 1874 1874 1874 4 4 664 48 lntl Harvester 1.60. 5 53** 53 534 4 84 34 lntl Hvriro-El <A)_. 8 64 54 6 84 54 lntl Mining ( 3(lg) 2 64 64 64 + 4 554 424 lntl Nickel (2) .. 28 494 484 494 6 4 144 64 lntl Paper ft Power 13 94 84 84 514 264 lntl Paper * Pw nf 18 344 324 334 +1 604 394 In Ry CA pf(4.50k). 20s 54 54 54 -4 314 19 lntl Silver _ 1 254 254 254 -4 94 54 tntl Tel ft Teleg ... 23 64 64 64 94 6 lntl T * T for ct_ 11 64 64 64+ 4 85 68 Jewel Tea (4a)_ 2 834 834 834 - 4 105 654 Johns Manvllle ... 9 704 694 704 +1 133 1224 Johns-Manv pf (7). 10s 1274 1274 1274 23 11 Kans City So pf_ 1 174 174 174 + 4 18 124 Kavser (J) (lg) ... 2 174 17 174 +1 104 54 Kelsev Haves (B) . 1 64 64 64 + 4 444 28 Kennecott Cop .7 5g. 12 354 344 354 + 4 13 84 Keystone Steel .45g 1 114 114 114 3 14 Kinney iGRl .. 1 24 24 24 264 20 KresceiS SX1.20). 2 254 254 254 — 4 294 20V* Kroger Groc 1.60a.. 11 284 274 284 +1 134 7 l.aclede Gai __ 20s 94 94 f4 + 4 184 14 Lambert Co 1.125g. 1 154 154 154 354 25 Lee Rub ft T 1.25g . 1 324 324 324 25 17 Leh Port Cmt .875g. 1 214 214 214 - 4 118 113 Leh Port C pf (4) _ 10s 114 114 114 + 4 274 204 Lehman Corp .6Pg._ 4 234 23 23 + 4 324 23 Lerner Stores i2) . 1 29 4 29 4 294 + 4 564 364 Libbey-Ow-F 1.50b. 1 494 494 494 + 4 64 44 Libbv McN ft Lib 1 54 54 54 + 4 434 344 Life Savers (1.60a). 1 434 434 434 + 4 1084 974 Llgg ft Myers (4a). x 1 108 108 108 + 4 1094 994 Llgg & ,Mv<BI(4a) x 5 10R4 1084 1084 + 4 19 134 Liquid Carbide 60g 4 16 154 16 544 35 Loew's Inc (2a) 4 434 43 434 +14 1094 105 Loew's Inc pf(6.50) 1 108'* 1084 1084 + 4 214 6 Loft Inc 206 194 184 194 + 4 62 414 Lone Star C (3)_ 4 48 474 48 ->-14 44 2 Long-Bell (A) _ 12 2 2 224 17 Loose-Wiles (.75g). 1 19 19 19 + 4 244 194 Lorillard (1.20)..3 234 234 234 1594 1474 Lorillard pf (7) .. 100s 1574 1574 1574 204 154 Louis G&E( A >1 50. 2 204 204 204 + 4 58 364 Louis ft Nash 2.25g. 1 49 49 49 + 4 30-4 184 Mack Trucks 4 214 204 21 + 4 434 30 Macy(RH)Co 1.50g. 11 304 .30 30 - a, 384 254 Magma Copper 75g 1 31 31 31 +14 144 5 Man Ry mod gtd(r) 2 124 124 124 +4 54 44 Marine Midl'd .32g_. 12 54 54 54 +4 84 34 Market St Ry pr pf. 2n» 54 54 54 + 4 154 9-4 Marshall Field_ 13 144 144 144 + 4 394 274 Martin (Glenn) _ 33 334 324 334 + 4 674 344 Masonite Corp (1).. 2 414 414 414 — 4 36 204 Math Alkill (1.60).. 3 22 214 22 + 4 64 34 Maytag Co ..._ 14 4 4+4 154 104 McCall Corn (1 >_ 4 15 144 144— 4 24 154 McGraw Elec (1)_ 1 23 23 23 + 4 184 84 McKeesport Tin ... .3 114 114 114 10 7 McLellan Strs 40g_ 7 84 84 84 + 4 124 64 Miami Copper .. 6 84 74 54 + 4 164 114 Mid Cont Pet (.26g) 9 124 124 124+ 4 304 184 Midland Steel (lg). 7 284 28 284 +14 118 101 Mid Stl 1st pf (») _ 20s U64 ]N>4 1164+14 854 544 Mlnn-fion Ros (2).. 1 56 56 56 +14 24 14 Mo-Kan ft Texas_ 13 14 14 14 94 4 Mo-Kan ft Texas pf 1 44 44 44 24 4 Mo Pacific pf (r)_ 4 1 4 4—4 111 854 Monsanto (2) ... 1 1014 1014 1014+1 65% 40% Montgom W'd (le) 34 52 51% 51% + % 37% 24% Morris & Es (8 875) 10s 26% 26% 26% - % 19 9% Motor Products _ 1 13% 13% 13% + % 16% 10 Motor Wheel (1.60) 1 16% 16% 16% + % 30 16% Mueller Bras.40e_ 2 21% 21% 21% 7% 4% Mullins Mfe (B)_ 7 4% 4% 4% 9% 4% Murray Corp- 17 5% 5% 5% — % 9% 5% Nash-Kelvlnator_ 83 6% 6 6% + % 15% 9% Natl Acme ... 18 10% 10% 10%+ % 14% 7% Natl Aviation .60*.. 1 9% 9% 9% 28% 23% Natl Biscuit 1.20g_. 7 26% 25% 26% + % 18% 12% Natl Dalrv (.4#*) .. 14 17% 17 17% — % 117% 111 Natl Dairy pf A(7). 203*114% 114% 114% - % 114 109 Natl Dairy pf B(7). 10s 111 111 111 8 4% Natl Dept Stores_ 34 5% o% 5% — % 28% 23% Natl Distillers (2). 3 24% 24% !>4% + % 16% 9% Natl Gypsum .. 8 11% 11% 11% 27% 14% Natl Malleable Stl_ 3 17% 17% 17% + % 9% 6% Natl Pwr ft L (.60). 99 9% 9% 9% + % 81% 52 Natl Steel (.SO*)_ 9 62% 61% 62% +2% 15% 6% Natl Supply 3 7% 7% 7% + % 20 10 Natl Supply 12 pf_ 2 11 It 11 — % 11% 9% Natomas ( .10)_ 1 10 10 10 — % 17% 8% Newport Indus_ 6 11% 11% 11% + % 22% 12% N Y Central _ 39 14% 14% 14% + % 23% 10% N Y Chi ft St L- 2 15% 15% 13%+% 38 18% N Y Chi ft St L of_ 6 27% 26 27% +1% 43% 30 NYC Omnibus_ 3 32 31 32 +1% 9 4% N Y Dock pf - 10s 5% 5% 5% 1% % N Y N H ft H (r)..'. 5 % % % 4% 2% N Y N H ft H pf (r). 1 2% 2% 2% 89% 70 N Y Shlpbldg of 20s 78 78 78 +1% 19% 12% North Am Aria.40g. 27 16% 16% 16%+ % 26% 18% North Am Co (.60g) 46 24% 23V* 24 59 63% No Am 6%%pf 2.876 2 57 56% 57 + % 69V* 54% North Am 6% pf (3). 1 59 59 59 + % 14% 7 Northern Pacific . 14 9% 9% 9% — % 112% 102% Nor’n Sta Pw pf(5). 3 112% 112 112% + Vi 5% 2% Norwalk Tire_ 1 4% 4% 4% + % 10% 6% Ohio Oil (,20e)_ 41 6% 6 6 -% 30 15% Oliver Farm Eaulp. 1 17% 17% 17% + % 20% 12% Umnlbue Corp _ 1 14% 14% 14%+ Vi 113% 104 Omnibus pf (8) ... 200s 109 108% 109 + % 27% 16% Otis Elevator(.65g) 8 19% 19 19 15 7% Otis Steel . 3 9% 9% 9% + % 70 60 Owens-Ill G1 1.50g_. 3 62% 62 62% + % 5 2% Pacific Coast _ 230s 6% 4% 5% + % 17% 11% Pac Coast 1st pf... 100s 17% 16'% 17 +% 7% 3% Pac Coast 2d pf_ 70s 7% 7% 7% + % 34% 27% Pao Gas ft Elec (2). 16 34% 33% 34% + % 14% 9% Pao Mills .. 13 13% 12% 13% +1% 132 114 Pac Tel ft Tel 3.50g. 30s 123% 123% 123% + % 11% 8% Pao Westn O(.60e). 1 8% 8% 8% - % 4% 3 Packard Motor ... 82 3% 3% 3% - % 16% 10% Pan-Am Airways_ 3 13 18 13 + % 1% % Panhandle _ 8 % % % - % 14% 6% Paramount (.15*).. 12 9% 9 9% + % 13% 7% Param't 2d pf (.60). 1 10% 10% 10% + % 2% 1% Park Utah Mines _. 9 1% 1% 1% 43% 36 Parke Davis 1.60*.. 2 41V* 41 41 - % 19 11% Parker Rust (1)_ 2 18 17% 17% + % 13% 5% Paths Film _ 16 12 11% 11%+% 11% 7% Patino Mines 3 8% 8 8 - % 57% 48 Penick ft Ford 2.25* 2 57% 57% 67%+ % 94% 74 Pennsy (JC) 1.60*. 12 88% 88 88 24% 15% Psnn Kali road (.60s) 18 17% 17% 17% + % 20% 17^ Pet Milk (1)_ 1 20% 20% 20% + V4 \ Prev. 1939 stock »nd Sale*— Net High. Low Dividend Rate Add 00. High. Low Close, chge. 10 7% Petrol'm Coro .30*. 8 7% 7% 7% 44% 28% Phelpa Dodge .75*.. 6 39 38 39 +1% 48% 36 Phila Co I* pf (I)_ 1 47 47 47 + % 91 75 Phila Co pf (6). 1 89% 89% 89%-1% % % Phila A R C A 1 <r)_ S % % % 103% 82% Philip Morris (3a>. 3 87% 86% 87%+ % 43% 31% Phillips Petrol (J) 16 32% 32% 32% + % 60% 35% Pirelli Corp(3.894e) 20s 60 50 '50 9% 5 Pitts Screw ... 2 5% 5% 5% + % 24% 12% Pitts Steel 5% pf... 10s 15 15 15 +% 15% 7 Pitts A W Va . 10s 8% 8% 8% + % 22% 17% Plymouth 011 1.40a. 1 18% 18% 18% - % 10 6% Pond Creek Coal... 1 10 10 10 + y, 16% 8 Poor A Co (B) 4 9% 9% 9% 14% 6% Pressed Steel Car.. 2 7% 7% 7% 63 50% Proctor A Gam (2a) 12 62 61% 61% + % 119% 112 Proc A Gam pf (6) 30s 117% 117 117 41% 31% Pub Svc <KJ) 1.15* 5 41% 40% 41% + V» 114% 103 Pub Svc(N J)of(5) x 2 112% 112 112%+ % 128% 115 Pub Svc(N Jpf(6) x 1 126% 126% 126% -t- % 166 148 Pub Sve(N J)pf(g) x 60s 165 165 165 +1% 39% 23 Pullman Co (.50*).. 6 26% 25% 25% - % 11% 6% Pure Oil 29 6% 6% 6% + % 81% 64 Pure Oil pf (5)_ 1 64 64 64 8% 5% Radio Corp _ 21 5% 6% 5% - % 67% 63% Radio cv pf (3.60).. 4 61% 60% 61% + % 2% 1% Radlo-Kelth-Or (r) 15 1% 1% 1% 11% 5 Rallr’d Sec PI Stk.. 50s 6 6 6 18% 10% Reading Co (1)_ 2 12 11% 11%+ % 17% 10% Rem Rand <.80g)._ 1 12 12 12 + % 1% % Keo Motor (r>_ 26 1% 1 1% 25% 12% Republic Steel 34 17% 16% 17 + % 71 42 Republic Stl pf (A) 1 55 55 55 +1 14% 7% Kevnnlds Metals 2 9% 9% 9% + % 45 35% Reyn Tob (B) 1.60g 6 40% 39% 40 + % 10% 6% Richfield 011 10 7% 7 7 - % 48% 27% Safeway Stores llg' 11 46% „45% 46 +% 112% 96 Safeway pf (6) 60s 112 112 112 116% 104% Safeway S pf (7) .. 10s li2% 112% 112% - % 46% 27% St Joseph Lead .75* 3 36% 36% 36% + % % % St L-San Fran (r) .. 2 % % % 2 % St L-San Fr pf (r> 8 % % % - % 18% 10% Savage Arms (.25g) 1 16 16 16 17% 11% Schenlev Distillers. 1 12% 12% 12% + % 1 % Schulte Retail S(r). 2 % % % + % 10% 3% Schulte R S pf (r).. 1 5% 5% 6% + % 52% 45 Scott Paper 11.60).. J 52 52 52 + % % % Seaboard A L (r) 180 % % %- % 2% 1 Seaboard A L pf (r) 5 1% 1% 1% ant io'-« BBBDoaro un ill _ 6 IK 17% 17% -I % 80% 60% Sears Roebuck IS), x 8 7714 76% 77% +1% 18% 11% Serve) Inc (11_ 8 15% 15% 15%+ % 21% 10% Sharon Steel _ 1 12% 12% 12% 7% 3% Sharp & Dohms _ 1 4% 4% 41, + v» 11% 7% Shattuck IFGli.40) 4 8% 8'+ 8% + % 15% 10% Shell (Jn Oil (.25g>. 3 10% 10% 10% - % 107 101 Shell Un O pflfi 60). 1 102 102 102 + % 32% 17% Simmons Co ( 50k). 1 24 24 24 +1 29% 17 Skellv Oil I lei_ 14 16% 16 16 19% 11% Smith (A Ol _ 2 14% 14% 14% 171* 10% Smith & Corona .. I 11% 11% 11%+ % 13% 10% Socony-Vac'm 50g. 9l 11% 11 11% 3 1% So Am Gold 1 10k 1 3 2 1T« 1 % - % 18% 17% S E Greyh'nd 1.50k 2 17% 17% 17% — % 20% 14 So Porto R Sug 75k 3 16% 16 16% - % 29% 23% Southn Cal Ed 1 60a 12 29 28% 29 + % 21% 10% Southern Pacific 30 14 13% 13% - % 23% 11% Southern Railway.. 25 17% 16% 16% — % 33% 15% Southern Rwy or _. 14 26% 25% 25% — % 3% 1% Sparks WlthinKton. 10 2 1% 2 j 47% 36 Sperry Corp (Ik) .. 10 44 43% 44 + % ; 26% 11 Spicer MfK (.60k) . 1 25% 25% 25% + % 16% 9% Spiegel. Inc (.17k)- 9 11% 11% 11% + % 75% 60 Spiecel Inc of 4 50 40s 68% 67% 68% +1% 30% 18% Square D Co 1.46k) . 2 28% 28% 28% 7% 6 Stand Brands 376k. 31 6% 6% 6% + % 108 98 Stand Br’ds pf 4.50 1 104% 104%. 101% 4% 2% Stand Gas & Elec 1 2% 2% 2% 10% 4% Stand Gas & Elec pf 10 8 7% 8 + % 20% 10 Stand G&E 66 pr pf 4 17% 16% 17% + % 24% 13% Stand G*E *7 pr pr 4 21% 21% 21% ■+ % 30% 25 Stand Oil Cal (la), x 22 25% 25% 25%+% 29% 23% Stand Ol! !nd (1) _x 12 24% 24 24%-% 53% 39% Stand Oil N J (la).. 27 40% 40% 40% 12% 7 Stewart-Warner_ 5 8 7% 8 6% 3% Stokely Brothers_ 1 4% 4% 4% — % 17% 8% Stone * Webster... 11 12% 12% 12%+ % 9% 5% Studebaker _ 46 8% 8% 8% + % 128% 120% Sun Oil pf (6) . 30s 122 122 122 - % 11% 7% Sunshine Min *0g.. 3 10% 10% 10% + % 38% 22 Superheater (.375). 1 23% 23% 23% + % 3% 1% Superior Oil .. 4 2 1% 1% — % 19% 17 Swift & Co (1.20).. 6 17% 17% 17%-% 28% 24% Swift Inti (2)_x 1 27% 27% 27% + % 10% 4% Symington ww_ 1 5% 5% 5% 8% 4 Symington xw_ 2 4% 4% 4% + % Prev. 1930 8tock and Sales— Net Hlth. Low. Dividend Rate. Add (10. Huh. Low Close, chae. 6% 4 Tenn Corp _ 2 5% 5% 6% + H 48% 32% Texas Corp (2)_ 13 34% 33% 34% 41 5% 3% Tex Gulf Prod .10* 3 3% 3% 3% + % 32% 26% Tex Gulf Sul (I)... 4 29 28% 29 +1% 10% 7% Tex Pso CAO 4.40)_ 4 7% 7% 7% - % 9 6% Texas Pac Ld Tr.__ 1 6% 6% 6% + % 21 16% Thatcher Co 111 ... 1 20 20 20 60% 56 Thatcher pf (3.60). 1 60% 60% 60%+ ft 14% 10 Tide-Water AO ,65g 21 10% 9% 9% - % 18% 10% Timken Det Axle 7 15% 14% 14%—% 54% 34% Timken Roll B (lg) 2 44% 43% 44%+ % 7% 5% Transamerica (.60). 6 5% 5% 5% 12% 6% Transcontl & W Air 2 10% 10% 10% + Vi 4 2 Tri-Continental . 5 2% 2% 2% 26% 16% 20th Cent-Fox (Is). 4 18% 18% 18%+% 34% 28 20th Cent-F pf 1.50. 5 28% 28 28 -1 3% 1% Twin City Rap Tr._ 1 3% 3% 3% + % 35% 17% Twin City R T of.. 60s 31 30 31 %2% 12% 7% Twin Coach . 2 10% 10% 10% + % 12% 6% Union Bae & Paper 1 7% 7% 7% + % 90% 65% Union Carb 11.40a) 14 80% 79% 79% +1% 19% 16% Union Oil (Cal).60s 1 16% 16% 16%+ % 42% 33 Unit Aircraft! ,75g) 7 37% 37 37 13% 7% Unit Air Lines .. 2 11% 11% 11% - % 65% 62 United Carbon (3). 1 61% 61% 61%+ % 3% 2 Unit Corn 78 3 3 3 39% 30% Unit Corp pf 2.10k.. 8 37% 37% 37%+ % 6% 3% Unit Electric Coal.. 3 3% 3% 3% 83% 62% United Fruit (4)__ 2 81 80% 80% - % 14% 11 Unit Gae Imp (1)_ 49 14% 14% 14%+ % 13% 6% Unit Mer 4k Mfg_ 8 12% 11% 12 + % 7% 5 US Dlstrlbing pf._. 10s 7 7 7 11 5% U S * Fo+n Secur.. 9 7% 6% 7% + % 113 77 U S Gypsum (2ai .. 3 86% 85% 86% +1% 180 167 U S Gypsum pf (7). 20s 175% 175% 175% + % 10% 6 U S Leather (A)_ 1 7% 7% 7% + %! 49 35 U 8 Pipe & Fdy (2). 3 42 <2 42 +2 ! 62% 31% U 8 Rubber _ 103 44% 43% 43%+ %! 112% 86% U 8 Rubber let pf (I 2 110 109% 109%+ % 70 43% U 8 Steel _. 136 49% 48 48%+ % 37% 33 U S Tobacco (,64g). 3 36% 36 36%+ % 8% 6% Unit Stkyds pf(.70) 1 7 7 7 57% 46 United Stores pf __ l 54 54 54 78 45% Univ Ptctur 1st pf__ 10s 65 65 65 -3 30% 16 Vanadium Corp . 18 24% 23% 23% + % 36% 25 Van Raalte (1.50g). 4 36% 36 36 + % 116% 110% Van Raalte 1st (7)_ 10s 116% 116% 116% + % 25% 18% Victor Chem W.60g 4 24% 24% 24% +1 118 113 Va El Pwr of (6) _. 30s 116% 116'.., 11 fiu — 2b 1*4, V'a Iron Coal & C __ 90s lb lb lb 77 64b Vulcan Detin 2.50g. 60s 80 76 80 4 4 3b lb Wabash of (A Mr).. 1 lb lb lb + b 23b 15b Walgreen (1.60)_ 3 21b 21b 21b 50b 37 Walker iH)(4)_ 2 43b 43b 43b + b 9b 4 Walworth Co 3 5b 5 5 6b 4 Warner Broa Piet . 7 4b 4b 4b 31b 19V* Warren F & P 1 »0g * 2 27b 27 27 4- b 28b 16 Wesson OH (,50a) 3 16b 16b 16b 4- b 79 57 Wesson O&S pf (4) x 1 57 57 57 4l 101b 85 West Penn E A (7 ). 30s 101b 101 101b 105 88 West Penn E pf(C). 150s 105 103b 105 41'. 33b 20b West Aut S l.Oog _ 5 33b 33b 33b 4 b lb b Western Pacific pf. 3 b b b . 28b 16b Westn Union Tel 10 26b 25b 25b - b 31b 18b Westhse A B ,50g x 1 21b 21b 21b — b 120 82b Westhse Elec 1 Jog 16 108 104b 107b 42b 20b 10b Weston Elec Inst * 6 19b 19b 19b 4 b 26 15V* Westvaco(la) _ 2 25 24b 25 4 b 34b 29 Westvaco pf 11.50). 1 34 34 34 31b 15b Wheeling Steel_ 4 23b 22b 23b 41 13*4 7 White Motor ... 4 9 8b 8b 4 b 3b 1 WTllys-Overland .. 6 lb lb lb 6b 2b Willya Overl'd pf.. 1 3*» 3** 3** 4 v* 5 3b Wilson * Co .. 1 3b 3', 3b 4 b 50b 41b Woolwortb (2.40) 17 48b 47b 48b 4 b 23b 10b Worthington Pump 1 15b 15!» 15b 4 b | 38 24 Worth P pr pf_ 1 25b 25b 25b— b 85V* 75 Wrlgley (3a) _ 1 83** 83b 83b - b 21** 11'* Yellow Truck ... 20 16b 15b 16b 4 b 21V* 9b Young Spg & Wire. 1 12 12 12 4 b 55b 30 Ygstwn Sheet & T . 19 41** 40b 41 4 b 31b 17 Ygstwn Stl Dr 25g. 3 20b 19b 20H 4 b 22b 12 Zenith Radio (lg) 2 19 19 19 4 b Approximote Sales of Stocks on the N, Y. Stock Exchange. 11:00A.M. _ 110.000 l2:00Noon_ 210000 1:00 P.M. 380.000 2:00 P.M -. 420.000 Total Sales for the day. 550.000 sUnlt of tradine IK shares. rln bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized under Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed by such companies. Rates of dividend in the foregoing table are annual disburse ments based on the last ousrterly or semi-annual declaration Unless otherwise noted special or extra dividends are not included xd Ex dividend xr Ex rights a Also extra or extras e Paid last year f Payable in stock e Declared or paid so far this year h Cash or stock k Accumulated dividends paid or de- I dared this year Work to Be Launched Without Delay on New Canal Locks 25th Anniversary to Be Marked Tomorrow; Job to Cost $277,000,000 By the Associated Press. While the Panama Canal observes its 25th anniversary tomorrow, the United States is hastening both the reinforcement and expansion of the vital link between the Atlantic and Pacific. Preliminary work will start with out delay on a third set of locks, military officials understood today, though Congress in its haste to ad journ failed to vote a specific *277 000,000 appropriation when it au thorized the project. Pressure from ‘both Army and Navy is behind the urge for speed. The 45.000-ton battleships, soon to be riveted, barely will be able to squeeze through the present locks, and Congress was advised by ex perts that the trend is toward even larger vessels. The prime concern of the Armv, charged with the Canal s defense, is to distribute further the risk of blocking the waterway by direct at tack in wartime or by sabotage. Work to Take Six Years. The locks will require some six years to complete, it is estimated. First steps already have been taken nearly to double the Canal Zone garrison and otherwise to fhake the “keystone of the defense of the Western Hemisphere" secure against any threat by air as well as by land or sea. ine reason. Army *and Navy strategists say, is that the Canal may play an even more important role in world history in the next quarter century than in the years since the steamship Ancon made the first cautious passage on August 15. 1914. The anniversary prompted the comment from official students of military history that “Mahan was right.” When the “big ditch” was nearly dug. Rear Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan opposed vigorously the arguments of numerous eminent Americans that the canal should be neutralized and not fortified. The World War, which had started when the Ancon made her first voyage, settled the issue. Mahan's Warning. Without the canal. Admiral Ma han predicted, great separate United States fleets might be considered imperative for the Atlantic and Pa cific. Congress was told at the last session, when the proposal was ten tatively advanced, that this would cost $3,000,000,000, or nearly six times the $540,000,000 invested in the canal. President Roosevelt underlined a contention of Admiral Mahan when he announced that national defense had become a matter of hemisphere defense as well. The naval officer had declared that, with the extension of American influence into Latin America and elsewhere, “we shall also be entan gled in the affairs of the great fam ily of nations, and shall have to ac cept the attendant burdens.” Decrease in Leather Exports Revealed By the Associated Press. Value of United States leather exports for the first six months of 1939 totaled $5,647,325, a drop of $714,629 from the corresponding pe- I riod last year, the Commerce De-1 partment reported. Willys-Overland Votes Change In Certificate By the Associated Press. TOLEDO. Ohio. Aug. 14 —Stock holders of Willys-Overland Motors. Inc., voted today to amend its cer tificate of incorporation to comply with a condition imposed by Recon struction Finance Corp., on a pros pective $2,500,000 loan. The amendment defers the pas sage of voting rights to preferred stockholders until six quarterly divi dends. dating from August 15, 1944, have been passed. Under previous plans, the preferred stockholders were to assume control after one more dividend was passed. Five dividends already have been passed. Preferred stockholders favored the amendment, 193.213 to 2,035. New York Cotton By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Aug. 14.—Cotton fu tures moved irregularly today. Hedge selling. Southern and local liquidation were only partly offset by trade price fixing and some local covering. Midafternoon prices were un changed to 4 lower. October at 8.75 was 3 down: December was off 1 at 8.60. Futures closed 4 lower to 2 higher. Open. High. Low Last. October __ R 78 8.78 8 7(1 8.74 December _ . 8.67 8 62 8 54 8 60 January 8 48 8.4!) 8 43 8 47 March 8 37 8 38 8 33 8 38n May 8.lfl 8.25 8.15 8 71-22 July 8 0(i 8.06 7.96 8 03 Middling, spot. 9.29. n Nominal. FaI I An gaa^ A i I Blcachable cottonseed oil futures closed 13 to 18 lower. Sales. 343 contracts. September, ft.20: October, ft 27b: December. 5.41; January. 5.47b; March. 5.58. b Bid. New Orleans Prices. NEW ORLEANS Aug. 14 i/PV—Cotton futures were under slight pressure from hedge selling and liquidation here today and at midsession prices were net un changed to 5 points lower. High. Low. Last. October _ 8.88 8.82 8.84 December_ 8.70 8.84 8.87 March_ 8.48 8.43 8.45 May _ 8.31 8.2ft 8.31 Cottonseed oil opened steady September. 4.82b; October. 4.7 0b: December. 4.84; January. 4.88b; March. 4.B6b. b—Bid. Alleghany Discloses $1,118,331 Deficit By the Associated Press. CLEVELAND, Aug. 14.—Alleghany Corp. reported net loss of $1,118,331 for the period from January 1 to June 30,1939, compared with net loss of $441,896 for the corresponding period of 1938. Net loss for the second quarter of 1939 was shown at $597,665, compared with $437,319 net loss for the same quarter last year. o Associated System Output NEW YORK, Aug. 14 (Special).— For the week ended August 4 Asso ciated Gas & Electric System reports net electric output of 97,940,522 units (kwh). This is an increase of 10. 011,722 units, or 11.4 per cent, above production of 87,928,800 units for a year ago. Gross output, including sales to other utilities, amounted to 108,138, 276 units for the current week. Silver Import Price Is Raised to 355-8 Cents an Ounce Premium Over Treasury Quotation Increased At New York By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Aug. 14.—The im port pMce for foreign silver today was boosted to 35s* cents an ounce, a rise of 38 cent over Saturday. The advance increased to 58 cent the premium quoted in the trade ovfcr the 35 cents an ounce the United States Treasury pays for the white metal. Imported silver went to a premium over the Treasury' price last week, the first time since 1937. In London silver was quoted today at the equivalent of 36.20 cents an ounce in United States currency, a rise of '8 cent over last week. The advancing quotation for im ported metal, the trade said, re flected current scarcity of silver in London, plus short covering by in terests who had anticipated a mark down in the Treasury price for the foreign metal in the final days of the session of Congress, ended re cently. Domestic silver continued todav at 70s* cents an ounce, unchanged from Saturday. Georgia Tobacco ATLANTA. Aug. 14 (TP).—A total of 33,507,282 pounds of tobacco was sold on the Georgia bright leaf mar ket last week for $3,779,938.76. an av erage of 11.20 cents a pound. This average was more than 2 cents a pound under the previous week and more than 3 cents under the opening week. Commissioner of Agriculture Co lumbus Roberts reported total sales for the season of 96,047,958 pounds for $12,623,409.88, at an average of 13.14 cents. Roberts said about half a dozen warehouses ended the sales season Friday and that most of the ethers in the 15 Georgia cities were plan ning to close this week. He said indications were a record crop was grown this year ‘‘as it is thought this week's sales will swell the total be yond the 103,305,159 sold in 1930, the record crop so far." In 1930 the crop sold for $10,767, 000, an average of 9.86 cents. New York Sugar NEW YORK. Aug. 14 UP.—Scattered buying and covering steadied world sugar futures after early irregularity today. Late afternoon prices were unrtianged to 1 points higher. September was unchanged at 1.15 and March was up 1 »/a at 1.17. Domestic futures were unchanged to 1 higher in quiet trading, as replacement buying offset nearby liquidation. Sep tember sold at 1.88 and July was 1 higher at 1.98. Raw sugar on a duty-fre* basis was January -1 89 189 i.88b M*jch-102 1.92 1.91b b Bid. United States Treasury Position By the Associated Press. The position of the Treasury Auiust 11 compared with comparable date a year ago: ■ . . August 11. 1938. August 11. 1938. Receipts - *13.474.848.58 *11.888.138.17 Expenditures - 22.396.750.35 21.828.673 5.3 Net balance--——- 2.457.241.407.14 Working balance Included- 1.768.872.495.91 1.638,226,820 62 Customs receipts for month - 10,338.809.40 10.028.885 08 Receipts for fiscal year (July 1)_ 541.266,136 28 6°5.0o,> 717-(4 Expenditures -- 1,155.229.827.01 1.081.714,138 72 Excess ol expenditures- 613.96.3.690.7.3 455.791.421 38 Gross debt- -- 40.773.839,694.60 37.352.168,910 45 Increase over previous day_ 1,253.715 40 Gold assets - 16.280,703.218.40 13.034.531.910 18 A * _ 1 Stock Leaders Climb Fractions to $2 in j Quiet Trading Modest Buying Appears In All Sections After Hesitancy Stock Averages ••to 15 15 50 „ , , Indust. Ralls. Util. 8tks. Net change +.9 + .1 +.3 -r.6 Today, close 68 9 18 6 39.8 48.9 Prev. day . 68.0 18.5 39.5 48.3 Month ago 70.6 19.8 39.2 49.9 Year ago.. 69 1 18.8 32 6 47.2 1939 high.. 77.0 23 8 40 6 53 4 1939 low ._ 58.8 15.7 33 7 41.6 1938 high.. 79.5 23.5 37.8 54.7 1938 low... 49.2 12.1 24.9 33.7 1932 low... 17.5 8 7 23.9 16 9 1929 high..146.9 153.9 184.3 157.7 1927 low... 51.6 95.3 61.8 61.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press ) Bv VICTOR EUBANK, Associated Press Financial Wr’er. NEW YORK. Aug. 14.-A little better tone to the foreign news, coupled with continuance of pleas ing business prospects at home, helped plant gains of fractions to around 2 points in today's stock market. Modest buying in virtually all categories made its appearance after a hesitant first hour Volume was slack throughout, however, with transfers approximating 600.000 shares. Profit taking near the close reduced top marks in many cases. One of the best performances was given by steels following the es timate of the American Iron & Steel Institute that this week's mill opera tions would jump 2 points to 62 1 per cent of capacity, a peak figure since November 14 last. niuiuugn uie conclusions reacnea at the recent Italian-German con ferences regarding Danzig and other disputed matters were still shrouded in secrecy, speculative sentiment seemed to have been aided by un confirmed London rumors that plans for a •'negotiated” settlement of European problems were in the making. Lack of clarification in the overseas picture, however, evidently kept many commission house cus tomers in a wary frame of mind and dimmed bullish ardor perceptibly. Much of the day’s stock turnover was accounted for by several low priced issues. Blocks of 1.000 to 10.000 shares of Commonwealth & Southern and Seaboard Airline changed hands. The former was about even, but the latter dropped from 50 cents to around 25 cents a share, a new year's low. Loft again was a lively actor on the upside. Favored the greater part of the session were Bethlehem Steel. Na tional Steel. Chrysler. United States Rubber, American. Can. Westing house. du Pont, Union Carbide, Al lied Chemical, United States Gyp sum, Loews, Kennecott, Great Northern. Sears-Roebuck, Douglas Aircraft, Phelps Dodge, Pacific Gas, Texas Corp. and Consolidated Edi son. * Chicago Grain By the Associated Press. CHICAGO, Aug. 14.—After scor ing gains of almost a cent a bushel, the wheat market reacted partially today but held some of the advance. Prospects that a substantial por tion of this season's crop will be tied up under loans tended to sup port the market. Millers also were reported buyers and a statement at tributed to the Canadian federal minister of agriculture that deterior ation the past two weeks has re duced the Dominion's crop encour aged some purchasing. Wheat closed cent higher than Saturday, September, December, 64T»-65: corn, 'R-58 low er; September, 433g-\; December, 4258-i2: oats. !8 lower. WHEAT —Open. High. Low C'osc Sep. _ ,64'2 .65 >2 64-2 OS',-'', Doc. . __ .64', .65’ 4 .64-4 ,64*«-65 May ,64’« ,65sb .64*4 .65'4 CORN— SeP .43*, 44-4 .43'4 .43*,-', Dec 4 2'a 43', 42>a 42*.->2 May ,45*» .46', 45>2 45*, OATS— SeP .26’, .20'« .28*, .28*4 Dec .26*, .263, ■>.„ May 26*, .29 .26*, 26*, SOY BEANS— Or' 6614 ,66*. 67*. 67*. Dec.67 .67 66'2 66', M*r „ .«»'a .69'-a .69', .69', RYE— SpP .40*4 40*2 3fl34 40 Dec .42', .42*4 42 .42'4 44', .44', 43*4 .43*, LARD— Sep 4 67 4 95 4 so 4 92 Ort _ 4 97 4 67 4 97 Dec 5.05 5.15 5 00 5 10 -4a-i 5.15 5.20 5.10 .VI7 BELLIES— Sep _ 5 00 Chicago Cash Market. Cash wheat—No. 2 yellow, hard i tough i. 65-65%; No. 2, mixed. 67: No. 4 (tough). 65-65'.,. Corn. No 1 yellow. 45%-\; No. 2, 45%; No 1 white. 56'2. Oats. No. 3 mixed. 30 30%: No. 4, 29-29%; mixed grain, 29; No. 2 white. 31%; No. 3. 30-30",; No. 3 (tough'. 29%: No. 4. 29%-31. Barley, malting. 47-55, nominal: feed, 35-40. nominal; No. 3. 43-44' ,; No. 3 malting. 51. Timothy seed. 3.65-3.90. nominal; clover seed, red top. 8.50-9.00, nominal; alsike, 12.00 15.00. Winnipeg Price*. WINNIPEG. Aug 14 >p.—Grain range today: WHEAT— pr,v _ , . Hiah. Low Close, close. October _ .51 ,5m, .51 .50% December ..._ .52% 51% .62% .52 M»y _ .55% .55 .55% .55% OATS— October _ .27% .27 .27% .27% Wheat No 1 Northern. 51%: No 2. 4R%: No. .1. 44%; oats. No. 2 white, 28% No. 3. 24%. Baltimore Quotation*. BALTIMORE Aug. 14 uP>.—Wheat. No 2 red winter, garlicky, spot, domestic. 71, Machine Tool Index Is Boosted for July By the Associated Press. CLEVELAND, Aug. 14.—Heavy demand boosted the index of ma chine tool orders for the month of July to 230.9, compared with 89 6 for the same month in 1938, the National Machine Tool Builders' As sociation announced. The June In dex was 211.6. Last month's activity kept the in dex above 200 for the third consecu tive month for a three-month aver age of 220.8. This compared with 75.5 for the corresponding period last year. Typewriter Orders Rise NEW YORK, Aug. 14 (Special),— L. C. Smith «5c Corona Type writers Inc., reported that unfilled orders for the company’s L. C. Smith machines at the end of July were approximately 28 per cent greater than on June 30, this year, and approximately 10 per cent greater than at the end of July last year. 4 t