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_ Utility and Carrier Bonds Take Lead In Brisk Advance Gains of Fractions To Point or More Are Recorded I— —■ ■ ■■ ■ | Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Rails. Indust. Util. F'gn. Net change. +.5 +.2 +.1 +.1 Today, close 57.9 100.8 97.2 59.5 Prev. day.. 57.4 100.6 97.1 59.4 Month ago. 58.2 100.6 96.9 61.1 Year ago_ 58.7 99.8 93.3 62.8 1939 high.. 64.9 100.8 97.5 64.0 1939 low... 53.4 97.0 91.9 58.2 1938 high.. 70.5 100.3 95.1 67.0 1938 low... 46.2 93.0 85.8 59.0 1932 low... 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high..101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Close_112.3 Prev. day 112.4 M'nth ago 112.2 Year ago. 110.0 1939 high 112.6 1939 low. 110.2 1938 high 110.7 1938 low. 106.7 1928 high 104.4 1932 low. 86.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Aug. 15.—Rail and Utility loans got out in front of a briskly advancing bond market to day. Volume expanded and at the start Of the last hour gains of fractions to a point or so—and some even more—were plentiful. Brokers said recent selling pressure had decreased noticeably. Many observers credited the Ital- ! Ian offer to discuss Danzig with part j of the lift, but the continued flow of ' business news were also noted. Most in demand were such issues as Commonwealth Edison 34s, Portland General Electric 44s, j Southern Railway 4s, Western Un ion 5s of ’60. St. Paul 5s, Pennsyl- i vania debenture 4'2s of 70 and Nickel Plate 4‘2s. | United States Governments gained j an outside of 10-32d point on slim volume. Italian loans were well supported in the foreign section, government j 7s added nearly 2 points and Milan 6'2s more than a point. New York Banks Are Creditors of Dutch.Firm By the Associated Press. u AMSTERDAM. Aug. 15—Ameri can dollar creditors of the suspend ed banking house of Mendelssohn & Co. fnclude the New York Trust Co.. $8,000,000: the Manufacturers Trust Co.. $4,000,000; the Chemical Bank & Trust Co.. $2,000,000. and the Chase National Bank, $1,000,000. it was disclosed today. Loans which had been made by j New York banks to Mendelssohn & I Co. were in all cases fully secured by stock exchange collateral, it was said at the various banks today. While the amounts in the list of creditors given out at Amsterdam ; were as of last Friday, w’hen the bank suspended, it was understood they since had been reduced in many cases. Although the New York Trust Co. appears as the largest creditor, the entire sum was not advanced by that bank alone. It headed a syn dicate of seven banks, six of which are located in other cities. The indebtedness to the New York Trust Co., it was learned, had been reduced to $3,000,000 and that to the Manufacturers Trust Co. to $660,000. variety More sales Climb 3 Per Cent By the Associated Press. Daily average sales of variety stores for July were about 3 per cent T above the dollar volume of July last year, the Commerce Department estimated. The dollar value of total sales for the first seven months of 1939 was about 4 per cent above that for the comparable figure of 1938. Sales declined from June to July by less than the seasonal count. New York Bank Stocks NEW YORK Aus 15 i4>i.—Investment Bankers' Conference. Inc.: (Quotations as of 2 o'clock.) Bid Asked. Bk of Am NTS (SE> (2.40) . 35% 37% Bank of Man i.80ai 17 18% Bank of N Y U4> 3RD 40R Bankers' Tr (2> _ 52% 5i% Brooklyn Tr (4' _ . 72'2 77% Cen Han Bk A- Tr (4) . _ HD% 102% Chase Nat (1.401 _ 32 .'14 Chem Bk A- Tr (1.80) 45% 47% Commercial (81 . 170 178 Cont Bk A: Tr i.8tti _ 13% 14% Corn Ex Bk & Tr (3) ___ 55 58 Empire Tr (.6(11 _ 11 % 12% First Na( (Bosi (2)_ 43% 45% First Natl (lOm . 1830 187(1 Guaranty Tr 112» 285 270 Irvine Tr (.80i 11% 12% Manufacturers' Tr (2) ._ 3D 41 Manufacturers' Tr of (2). 53 55 Natl City < 1 • 25% 28% N Y Trust (5) los% 111% Public 11 >2) ... . 29% 31 Title G & T 4 5 a—Also extra or extras. New York Sugar NEW YORK. Aug 15 12P1.—Trade cov ering in connection with improved business In raws steadied world and domestic sugar futures today. World futures, despite profit-taking, were % point net higher in the last hour. Activity of raws in London stimulated trade and Cuban buying. September was and March. 1.17. Domestic futures were up 1 to 3. as trade covering absorbed liquidation. Sep Cubes for lete September shipment at the duty paid equivalent of 2.83. Re fined remained 4.30-40. 1 Futures No. 3 closed unchanged to 4 higher. Sales. 13.200 tons. High. Low. Last. September _ 1.88 1.85 1.87b January _ 1.00 1.89 1.89b _ 1.93 1.92 1.92b Dry Goods Market NEW VORK. Aug 15 l/Pl.—Worth street textil* markets found It difficult today to break through between-season quiet Although prices held steady, buy ers seemed satisfied to flu day-to-day needs. Rsyon goods markets showed signs of coming to life, with interest centered on pigment rayon taffetas, acetate and rayon crepes, and novelties. Silk goods trade was sluggish, but turn over in hosiery market held up well. Wool goods division reported light sales throughout although fall prospects were described as bright. Foreign Markets LONDON. Aug 15 MW.—Firm price trends developed in the stock market to day. based largely on renewed hopes of a peaceful settlement for the Danaig con troversy international issues opened above parity levels and later advanced further Rritish funds closed unchanged to a shade up and most foreign bonds held steady Oil stocks were firm and kaffirs continued to improve. Not much demand a cpeared for rubbers and coppers, but prices held up well. Domestic rails countered the main trend due to the wage • religious holiday, will reopen tomorrow. • " " ~ ■ Every one who use* the streets has a responsibility, to himself and I others. BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK. EXCHANGE Bt prtuti wtr* Artel I* The Bt»r. Approximate Transactions Today. Dome«tlc Bond*_ 3,620,000 Foreign Bond* _ 610,000 U 8 Govt Bond*_ 60,000 T R EASU R Y. Hith Low Close. 214* 1949-63_ 106.17 106.17 106.17 214* 1960-62_ 106.20 106.19 106.19 244* 1956-69_ 108. 108. 108. 2*4* 1953-63_ 107.19 107.18 107.18 2*4* 1960-65_ 107.22 107.21 107.21 234* 1955-60_ 109.16 109.16 109.16 3* 1951-65 _ 112.4 112.4 112.4 314* 1943-45_ 110.12 110.12 110.12 314 n 1944-46 110.27 110.26 110.26 3*4* 1941-43 Mar 106.9 105.9 105.9 8*4* 1943-47_110.18 110.18 110.18 4* 1944-54 _ 116.18 115.16 115.18 414* 1947-62 ... 121.8 121.8 121.8 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 3* 1942-47 . 106.3 106.3 106.3 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 14s 1946-47_ 102. 101.31 101.31 24s 1942-44. . 104.28 104.28 104.28 3b 1944-52 _ 108.26 108.26 108.26 FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low. Close. Abltlbt PAP Es 53 ... 454 464 454 Adriatic Elec 7s 52... 504 49 604 Antloqula 7s 45 A_ 144 144 144 Antlooula 7s 46 B_ 144 144 144 Antloqula 7s 45 C_ 144 144 144 Antloqula 7s 45 D _ 144 144 144 Antloqula 1st 7s 57 ... 134 134 134 Argentine 4s 72 Feb . 774 77 77 Argentine 4s 72 Apr.. 774 774 774 Argentine 44s 48_ 924 924 924 Argentine 4 4s 71_ 874 864 864 Australia 44s 56_ 91 904 904 Austria 7s 57 _ 114 114 114 Berlin C El 6 4s 59... 28 274 28 Brasil 64s 1927-57 .. 144 144 144 Brazil C Rv El 7s 62.. 134 134 134 Brazil 8s 41 _ 16 16 16 Brisbane 6s 50 . 984 984 984 Buen Air 44-44.S 77. 544 544 544 Canada Ss 67 _ 1024 1024 1024 Canada 34s 61_ 1064 1051* 1054 Canada 4s 60_ 1104 1104 1104 Canada 6s 52_ 1094 1094 1094 Chile 6s 60 _ 154 164 154 Chile 6s 60 assd_ 114 114 114 Chile 6s 61 Feb . 154 154 154 Chile 6s 61 Feb assd . 114 114 114 Chile Mortg Bk 6s 62. 14 14 14 Chile Mtg Bk 64s 57. 14 14 14 Chilean Mun L 7s 60. 134 134 134 Colombia 6s 61 Jan .. 264 264 264 Colombia 6s 61 Oct .. 26 4 26 4 264 Copenhagen 44s 53.. 784 784 784 Copenhagen 5s 52 _ 82 82 82 Cordoba Prov 7s 42... 77 764 764 Costa Rica 7s 51_ 274 27 274 Cuba 44s 49 . _ 100 100 100 Denmark 44s 62_ 82 814 814 Denmark 5 4s 55_ 894 894 894 marlr Rm 1? 0*1- QSU 0*1 French G 7s 49 un st 104'v 104% 104% GerC A Bk 6s 60 Oct. 23% 23% 23% OerC Ac Ln 6%s 58 . 23% 23% 23% Qer Govt 5%s 65 ... 17% 17% 17% German Govt 7s 49 ... 21% 21% 21% Ger Gov 7s 49 un st.. 17% 17% 17% Grt C El Jap 7s 44 ... 75 75 75 Helsingfors 6%s 60 101 101 101 Hung Con M 7%s 45.. 8% 8% 8% Italv7s51 _ 61% 61 61% Ital P U Crd 7s 62_ 44% 44% 44% Japan 6 %s 65_ 51 51 51 Japan 6%s 64 _ 68% 68% 68% Medellin 6%s 64_ 14% 14% 14% Mendoza 4s 54 _ 69 69 69 Met Water 6%s 50... 98% 98% 98% Milan 6%s 62 46 45% 46 Minas Geraes 6%s 58 9% 9% 9% New So Wales Rs 68 .. 94% 94% 94% Nord Ry 6%s50_102# 102# 102# Norway 4s 63 _100% 100% 100% Norway 4%s 65_101% 101% 101% Norway 6s 43 _105% 105 105 Oriental Dev 5%s 58. 45% 45% 45%; Oriental Dev 6s 53 .. 49 48% 48% Panama 5s 63 st asd.. 74% 73% 74 Paulista Ry 7s 42_ 60 60 60 Peru 1st 6s 60 _ 8% 8% 8% Peru 2d 6s 61 _ 8 8 8 Poland 8s 50 _ 45% 45% 45% Porto Alegre 8s 61_ 9 9 9 Queensland 6s 47_103% 103 103 Rio de Jan 6%s 53_ 7% 7% 7% ■ Rio Gr do Sul 6s 68... 9% 9% 9% • Rome 6%s 62 - 65% 55% 65% Sao Paulo St 7s 40_ 20% 20 20 Sao Paulo St 8s 60_ 8% 8% 8% Serbs 7s 62 _ 20 19% 19% | Sydney 6%s 55_ 100% 100% 100% j Taiwan Elec 5%s 71.. 47% 47% 47% I Tokyo El Lt 6s 63 _ 50% 60% 50% Uru 8%-4-4%s ad1 79. 42 42 42 | Uruguay 3%s 78 Dec. 38% 38% 38% Uruguay 6s 60 42 42 42 DOMESTIC I0NDS. Alb & Sus 3 %s 46_ 82 82 82 Alleg Corp 6s 44 ._ 74% 74 74%; Alleg Corp 6s 60 std . 27 26% 26% Allied Stores 4%s 51 96 96 96 Am & For Pw 5s 2030 62% 62 62 Am 1 G Ch 6%s 49 ... 102% 102% 102% Am Inti 5%s 49 _103% 103% 103% Am T & T 3 % s 61_109% 108% 108% AmT&T3%s66_ 109 109 109 Am T & T 6%s 43 . HOfc 110# UOjfc Am Type Fdrs cv 50.. 106 106 106 Am Wat Wks 6s 75 108 108 108 Anglo-Chll Nitr db 67 27 27 27 Armour(Del)lst4s 65 100% 100 100 Armour Del 4s 67 100 99% 100 A T*S Fe adi 4s 9fi at 91 U 91 u 01 ii A T&S Fe gen 4s 96.. 110% 110% 110% A T&S Fe 4 %s 48 . 102% 102% 102% A T&S Fe CA 4%g 62. Ill 111 111 A T&SF TC StL 4s 58 111 111 111 Atlanta & Blrm 4s 33. 14 14 14 Atl Coast Lelt 4s 52.. 65 65 65 Atl Coast L 4 %s 64_ 64 64 64 Atl Coast L. 6s 4 5 ... 81 80 81 Atl & Dan 1st 4s 48... 42 42 42 Atl & Dan 2d 4s 48 .. 32% 32% 32% Atl Gulf & W 1 5s 59.. 63% 63% 63% Atlantic Refln 3s 53_105% 105% 105% B & G 1st 4s 48 _ 64 63 64 B & O conv 4%s 60_ 12% 12 12% B A O 4 % s 60 ct _ 12% 12% 12% B A O 1st 5s 48 ct_ 63% 63% 63% B & O ref 5s 95 _ 21% 20% 21% B & O ref 5s 95 ct_ 20% 20% 20% B & O 6s 96 F ct _ 20% 20% 20% B & O ref 6s 2000 D ... 20% 20% 20% B A O rf 6s 2000 Dct- 21 20% 20% B A O ref 6s 95 _ 23 23 23 BAG ref 6s 96 ct_ 22% 22% 22% B & O Swn 6s 60 ... 43% 42% 42% Ban* & Aroos 4s 51 . 88 88 88 Ban* & Ar cv 4s 51 st 88 88 88 Bell T of Pa 6a 48 B— 117% 117% 117% Beth Steel 3%s 62 .. 101% 101% 101% Beth Steel 3%s 66._ 105 105 105 Beth Steel 4%s 60 _106% 106% 106% Bos A Me 4%s 61 JJ-. 28 27% 28 Bos A Me 6s 65_ 32% 31% 81% Bos & Me 6s 67 _ 30% 30% 30% Bos N Y A I, 4s 66 ... 6 6 6 Bklvn Ed cn 3 %s 66 _. 109 108% 108% Bklyn Man T 4%s 66. 80% 80 80 Bklyn Un El 6s 60 ... 89 89 89 Bklyn Un Gas 6s 45.. 113% *113% 113% Bklvn Un Gas 6s 60 _ 98 97% 97% Buff R&P cn 4%s 57.. 36 35% 36% B R & Pen 4%s 67 ct 35 35 85 Buff R & P 4%s ct re* 31% 81% 31% Bush Term cn 6s 56.. 37% 37% 37% Calif Ore* Pwr 4s 66. 102% 102 102% Canadian NR 4%a 61. 114% 114% 114% can NR 4 %• 56_116% 116% 116% Can NR 4 %s 57 -116% 116% 116% Can NR 5s 69 July_115% 115% 115% Can NR 5s 69 Oct_119% 119% 119% Can NR 6a 70 _119% 119% 119% Can Nor 6%s 46 _123% 123 123 Can Pac db 4s perp__ 71% 71% 71% Can Pac 4 %s 46_ 96 96 96 Can Pac 6s 64 _ 92% 92% 92% Car & Gen 6s 50_ 95 94 95 Cent N Eng 4s 61_ 32 32 32 cent or is J gen ns » i . 104 104 Cent Pac 1st rf 4s 49. 71 684 71 Cent Steel 8s 41 -115J4 1154 1154 Cert'd deb 6 4s 48 .76 75 75 Cham P&F 44s 38-50 1024 102V* 1024 Ches* O 34s 96 D .. 934 994 994 Ches & O 3 4s 96 E 994 99 4 994 Ches & Ohio 34s 63 F 105 105 105 C & O gsn 44s 92 ... 1244 1244 1244 Chi B&Q gen 4s 51—. 98 974 974 Chi B&Q 44s 77__ 90 4 904 904 Chi B&Q ref 5s 71_ 964 954 954 C B&Q 111 dlv 34s 49. 100 994 100 C B&Q 111 dlv 4s 49_ 1034 1034 1034 Chi &E ill 6s 61 ... 164 164 164 Chi Grt West 4s 59—. 204 20 20 Chi Ind & L, 6s 66_ 34 34 34 Chi Mil & St P 4s 89— 224 224 224 CM&StP 44s 89 C .. 224 224* 224 Chi Mil* St P 6s 75.. 74 6*. 7 CMStP&P adl 6s 2000 2 2 2 Chl&NW gen 4s 87 . 12 12 12 Chl&NW 44s 2037 C. 74 74 74 Chi * NW cv 4 5*i 49. 34 S4 34 Chi R 1 * Pgen 4s 81. 12 12 12 Chi Rl*P44s63 A— 74 74 74 Chi RI*Pcv 4 4s 80.. 24 24 24 Shi THAS rf Bs »0 ... 65* 65* 65* Shi THAS Inc 6s 60... 62 52 62 Shi Un Sts 6*s 63 .. 108* 108* 108* Shi A W In cv 4a 62 . 92 91* 92 Shi AW Ind 4 * s 63. 94* 94* 94* Shilds A Co 6a 43 68* 68 68 SCCAStLLrf 4 *s 77 50 49* 49* Slsv Un Ter 6s 73 .. 82* 82 82* Slee Un Ter 6*8 72.. 91* 91* 91* SoloASo4*a80 ... 30 29* 29* Sol GAB 6s 62 May.. 103* 103* 103* Sol GAB 6s 61 - 103* 103* 103* Somw Ed 3*s 68 123 122* 122* Sonn RAL 4*s 61 st 109* 109* 109* Sonn R Pw 3*s 61 . 109 109 109 Sons Ed N Y 3*8 46 105* 105* 105* Sons Ed db 3*a 48 . 107 106* 107 Sons Ed N Y 8*i68. 105* 105* 105* Sons Ed N Y 8*i 68. 108 108 108 Sons 011 8 *a 61 . 104* 103* 103* Sonsum Pwr 3*8 66 108* 108* 108* Sonsum Pwr 3 *8 65 108 108 108 Sonsum Pwr 8*s 65. 107* 107* 107* Sontalner deb 68 43 100* 100* 100* Srucible Steel 4*1 42 102 102 102 Subs Northn 6*8 42 29 28* 28* Saba R 1st 6s 52 . 33 33 33 Dayton PAL 3 *8 60.. 108 107* 107* Del A Hud ref 4a 43 _ 58* 58 58 Del PAL 4*s 71 . 108* 108* 108* L>en & K u con 4s 36. 9 9 9 D A R G W 5s 66 ast.. 2% 2% 2% DenAR G W rf 6s 78.. 7 6% 7 Det Edison 4s 66 ... 109% 109% 109% Det Edison 4% 61 .111% 111% 111% Det TerATun 4%s 61 102% 102% 102% Duauesne Lt 8%s 65. 109% 109% 109% East R Minn 4s 48 .. 106% 106% 106% E T V A Ga cn 5s 66 — 90 90 90 Erie (ten 4s 96_ 19 17% 18% Erie ref 6s 67_ 10 9% 10 Erie ref 6s 75 ... 10 10 10 Erie Gen Riv 6s 67 — 42 42 42 Ealrbks Morse 4s 66 106 106 106 Elrestone Tire 3%s 48 105% 105% 105% Ela EC Ry 4%s 69—. 58 58 68 Ela E C Ry 6s 74_ 7% 7% 7% Sen Am Inv 6s 62 .. 103% 103 103 Sen Stl Cast 6 %s 49.. 62% 62% 62% Soodrtch 4 %s 66 _ 104% 104% 104% Srt Nor 4s 46 G .. 98% 98% 98% Srt Nor Ry 4a 46 H . 89% 89% 89% Srt N Ry 1st 4V«s 61.. 105% 105% 105% 3rt Nor Ry 6%s 62 .. 98% 97% 98% Sulf Sta Stl 4%s 61 — 96 96 96 dock Va! 4%s 99 ... 120% 120% 120% doe (R) 1st mtg 44 ... 70 70 70 dousatonlc cn 6s 37 — 35% 35% 35% dudson Coal 6s 62 A. 32% 32% 32% dud A Man Ine 6s 67. 14% 14% 14% dud A Man ref 6s 67. 48% 48 48% [11 Cent 4s 52_ 51% 51% 51% 111 Cent 4s 63 _ 49% 49% 491, [11 Cent ref 4s 66_ 63% 53% 53% [II Cent 4 % s 66 _ 48 47 47 111 Cent ref 5s 65 . _. 68% 58% 58% ICCAStL NO 4%s 63. 48 47% 48 [CCAStL NO 6s 63 52% 52 52% Indust Rayon 4%s 48 97% 97% 91% Inland Steel 3%s 61 107 107 107 [nter R T 1st rf 6s 66 63 62% 62% Inter R T 6s 32 . 33 32% 33 Interlake Iron 4s 47 . 81% 81% 81% Int Grt Nor 1st 6s 52. 12% 12% 12% Int Hvdro El 6s 44... 85% 85% 85% Int Mer Mar 6s 41_ 66% 56% 56% Int Paper 1st 6s 47_ 99% 99 99% nt Paper ref 6s 65 __91 91 91 nt Ry of C A 5s 72—. 82 82 82 Int TAT 4%s 62_ 60 59% 59% . ♦ 'T' P. T t. r f c ■ .... .... --- ” - - ——_. ui wo -j uo ■ a lames FAC 4s 59 ... 49 49 49 lones A L Stl 4%s *1. 95% 94% 95% <ani C FtSAM 4s 36 26% 26% 26% <. C FSAM rf 4s 36 ct. 25% 25% 25% <ans C So rf 6s 50 68% 68% 68% -van Cltv Term 4s 60. 106% 106% 106% \ansG4E 4 %s SO .. 104 103% 103% <eith’s 6s 46 _ 100% 100% 100% ■Coppers Co 4s 61 104 103% 104 vrespe Found 3 %s 47 105% 105% 105% -aclede Gas 5%s 63 55% 55 55% -aclede G 6%s 60 D.. 55 54% 55 -aclede Gas 6s 42 A_48% 48% 48% -ake SAM S 3%s 97.. 86 86 86 -autaro Nitrate 75_ 26% 26% 26% -eh CAN 4%s 54 C —. 51 51 51 -eh Val Coal 5s 64_ 25 25 25 -eh Val Har 5s 64 .. 46% 46% 46% -eh Val N Y 4%s 40.. 51% 51% 51% - V I^R con 4s 2003... 15 15 15 - V RR 4s 2003 asd_. 14% 14% 14% -lee A Myers 5s 61_ 129 129 129 -iee A Myers 7s 44 ... 129 129 129 -iquid Carbon 4s 47.. 107% 107% 107% -oew's 3 %s 46 ... 103% 103% 103% -one Isld ref 4s 49_ 87 87 87 -orillard 6s 61_ 128 128 128 -a A Ark 6s 69 _ 85% 85 85% -A Nash unif 4s 40.. 100% 100* 100% - A Nash 4 % s 2003_91% 91% 91% Me Central 4%s 60 ... 48 48 48 danatl Suffar 4s 67... 28 27% 27% danhat Ky 4s 90 . 63% 62 62 darion St Shov 6s 47. 65% 64% 64% Market St Ry 7s 40 .. 53 53 53 dlch Cons Gas 4s 63- 102% 102% 102% do 111 5s 69 _ 70 70 70 do K AT 1st 4s90_ 31 29% 29% do K A T 6s 62 A _ 17% 17% 17% i do K A T adi 6s 67 _. 7% 7% 7% do Pac 3d ext 4s 38 ... 67 67 67 j do Pac 6s 77 F _ 14% 14% 14% I do Pac 6s 78 G_ 14% 14% 14% | do Pac 5s 80 H_ 14% 14% 14% | do Pac5s811_ 14% 14% 14% do Pac 6%s 49 2% 2% 2% dob A Ohio 4 %s 77 ... 26% 26 26 dononR P S 4%s 60.. 109% 109 109%! Monona Pub S 6s 66 .. 110% 110 110 dont Power 3 % s 66 .. 100% 100% 100% dontr Tram 5s 41 .. 99% 99 99% MorrisAEs 3%s 2000. 40% 40% 40% dorris A Es 4 %s 55_ 36% 35% 36% Morris A Es 6s 65 38 38 38 Mount StTAT 3%S 68 108% 108% 108% Nassau Elec 4s 61... 43 42% 43 Nat Dairy 3%s61 ww 106% 106', 106% Natl Distill 3%s 49 _ 105 104% 104% Nat R M 1st 4s 51 as.. % % % Natl Steel 3s 65 .. 103% 103% 103% Newark C Gas 5s 48 . 125% 125% 125% New E TAT 1st 6s 62. 129 129 129 n»wun 1114% 104% 104% New Orl Ter 1st 4s B3 68% 68% 68% New Orl TAM 6%s 54 34 34 34 N Y Central S%s 62.. 59 58% 58% N Y Central 3%s 97 ._ 81% 81 81% NY Central 3%s 46.. 74 74 74 N Y Central 4s 42 ... 82% 82% 82% N Y Cent con 4s 98 .. 57% 57 57 N Y Cent rf 4%s 2013 49% 49% 49% N Y Cent rf 6s 2013 .. 55% 55 55% N Y C L Sh 3 %s 98 _ 63 63 63 N Y ChiAStL 4%s 78. 52% 51% 52 N Y CAStL 6%s 74 A. 61 60% 61 N Y Conn 1st 4%s 63 106% 106% 106% N Y Ed is 3 % s 65 D .. 109 108% 108% N Y Edis ref 3%s 66. 109% 109% 109% NY NH A H 4s 57 ... 4% 4% 4% NY NH AH 4%s 67 ... 14% 14% 14% NY NH A H cl 6s 40.. 20% 20 20 N Y Rys 6s 68 stpd... 106% 106% 106% N Y Rich G 6s 61 _104% 104% 104% N Y Steam 3%s 63... 106% 106% 106% N Y Tel 3 %s 67 . ... 109% 109% 109% N Y Tel gen 4%s 39 . 100f} 100}} 1005} N Y Tr Rk 6s 46 stpd. 85 85 85 Niag Sh 6%s 60 102 102 102 Norf Southn 5s 41_ 46% 46% 46% Norf A YV 1st 4s 96_ 123 123 123 North Am 8%s49_106% 106% 106% North Am 4s 69 ... 107% 107% 107% Nor’n Pac gn 3s 2047- 45% 45% 45% Nor’n Pac 4s 97 _ 70 69% 70 Nor’n Pao 4%s 2047.. 48 48 48 Nor’n Pac 6s 2047 C_ 50 60 60 Nor’n Pac 6s 2047 . 58% 57% 58% North Sta Pw 3%s 67 109 109 109 Ogden L C 4s 48- 7% 7% 7% Ohio Edison 3%s 72 — 108 108 108 Ohio Edison 4s 65_107% 107% 107% Ohio Edison 4s 67_108% 108 108% Dreg RR AN 4s 46_111% 111% 111% Oregon W RR 4s 61_106% 106% 106% Otis Steel 4 %s 62_ 76 76 76 Pac Gas A El 3%s 68. 108% 108% 108% PacGAE384s61-111% 111% 111% Pac G A E 4s 64 ..112 112 112 Para Brodwy 3s 65 ct. 60 60 60 Param’t Pic 3%s 47.. 91% 91% 91% Penn Co 4s 63 _104% 104H 104% renu KrC B%S DZ_ 86% 8G% 86% Penn RR 3%s 70_ 90% 90% 90% Penn RR 4e 43 _113% 113% 113% Penn RR 4%s 31_ 96% 96% 96% Penn R 4%s 84 _ 96% 96% 96% Penn RR *n 4 %e 35.. 101% 101% 101% Penn RR db 4 %a 70 88% 88% 88% Peoples GL&C6s 47.. 117% 116% 116% Peo GL4C 6s 43_116% 116% 116% Phelps Dodge 3 Hi S3 108% 108% 108% Phlla B&W 4s 43_111% 111% 111% Phlla Co 6s 67 . ._ 105% 105 105 Phlla RC&Ir6s7S._ 10% 10% 10% Phlla R CA Ir 6s 49.. 3% 3% 3% Philippine Ry 4s 378% 8% 8% Phillips Petrol 3s 43. 107% 107% 107% PCCAStL 4%s 77 ... 99% 99% 99% PCC&StL 5s 70 A ... 106% 106% 106% PCC&StL 5s 75 B . 106% 106% 106% Pltt&W Va 4%s 60 C. 29% 29% 29% Port Gen El 4 %s 80 __ 81% 80% 80% Postal Tel & C 6s 53 .. 18% 13% 13% Pub Svc E&G 3V«s 63. 111% 111% 111% Purity Baking 6s 43.. 104 103% 103% Reading Jar C 4s 31.. 61 61 61 Reading fl 416 s 37 A- 76 78 78 niKU. LOW. v-iuse I Reading R 4%a 97 B 72 72 72 Rem Rand 4V»s 66 ww 104 104 104 Rem Rand 4V« 66 xw. 102% 102% 102% Republic Stl 4%a 66.. 94% 94% 94% Republto Stl 4 %» 61.. 94 93 93% Republic Stl 6 %a 64.. 106% 106% 106% Richfield Oil 4s 62 .. 108 108 108 Rich Term Ry 6s 62.. 105% 105% 105% Rio G W col 4a 49 A 13% 13% 13% Rutl’d(Can)4s 49 stp. ||7 7 7 St L R M&P 6a 66 ... 60% 60% 60% St L-San Fr 4s 60 A.. 8% 8% 8% Stb-San Fr 4%s 78 .. 8% 8 8% St L-S F 4%a 78 ct at. 8 8 8 St L-San Fr 6s 60 B.. 8% 8% 8% St L-S F 6s 60 B ct... 8% 7% 7% St L 8 IV lat 4s 89_ 61 60% 61 St L S W 2d 4s 89 ... 28% 28% 28% StPKSL4%s4l/ 6% 6% 6% San Diego CG&E 4a66 109% 109% 109% Schulco 6%s 46 A ... 20 20 20 Seabd A L 4s 60 stp... 9% 9% 9% Seab'd A L 6s 46 A... 6% 6% 6% Seab'd A L 6« 45 ct_ 5% 6% 6% Simmons Co 4s 62 .. 100 100 100 So Bell T&T 3%e 62.. 107% 107% 107% Southn Cal G 4a 65 .. 109 108% 108% So Colo Pvr 6s 47 A . 105% 105% 105% Southn Kraft 4 %• 46 93 93 93 Southn Nat G 4%s 61 106 105% 105% So Pac 3%■ 46 _ 67 66% 67 SoPaccol 4s 49_ 45% 45% 45% So Pac ref 4s 65_ 62% 62 62 So Pao 4 %s 68- 45% 45% 45% So Pao 4%s 69- 45% 44% 45% So Pac 4 %s 81 . __ 45% 44% 44% So Pac Oreg 4 %s 77_ 49% 49 49 So Ky gen 4s 66 A_ 66% 66% 65% So Ry 6s 94 _ 87% 87 87% So Ry gen 6s 66_ 72 72 72 So Ry 6%b 66 _ 76% 76% 76% S W Bell Tel 3s 68 ... 107% 107% 107% S W Bell Tel 3 %s 64. 109% 109% 109% Southwn G&E 4s 60 . 105 105 105 Stand Oil N J 2%s 63. 105% 105% 105% Stand Oil N J 3s 61 ... 106 105% 105% Studehaker cv 6s 46.. 92% 92 92% Swift & Co 3%s 50 .. 107 107 107 Tenn El Pwr 6s 47 A. 100% 100% 100% Term As St E 4s 63... 108% 108% 108% Texas Corn 3s 69 ... 105% 106 105 Texas Corp 3%s 61... 106 105% 105% Tex & Pac 6s 80 D_ 86 86 86 Third Av ref 4s 60 .. 42% 42 42% Third Ave 1st 6s 37... 96% 96% 96% Third Av sdl 6s 60 . 8% 8% 8% Tide Wat Oil 3 %s 62. 105% 105% 105% Un Oil Cal 3%a 52 .. 106% 106% 106% UnOil (Cal) 6s 42 A. 114ft 114ft 114ft Un Pacific 3 %s 70 _. 9y% 98% 99% Un Pacific 1st 4s 47.. 114 113% 113%, Un Pac ref 4s 2008... 108 108 108 United Drug 6s 63_ 84 83% 84 Utd Rys St L, 4s 34... 31% 31% 31% US Steel 3%s 48_106% 106 106% Utah L.&T 6s 44 _102% 101% 102% Utah Pwr & Lt 6s 44. 101% 101% 101% Utilltv P & L 6s 69 . 80% 80% 80% Utility P & L 6%s 47. 81 80% 81 Va El & P 3%s 68 B._ 110 no 110 Va Rv 1st 3%s 66- 108% 108% 108% Va S W con 5s 58_ 68% 58% 58% Wabash 4%s 78 C ... 6% 5% 6% Warner Bros 6s 48 .. 90 89% 90 Wash Term 3%s 45 . 108% 108% 106% Westcht L gn 3 %s 67 110% 110% 110% West NY&P gn 4s 43. 106% 106% 106% W Va P&P 4%s 62 . 106% 106% 106% West Pacific 6s 46 A.. 18 18 18 West Union 4 %s 50.. 69 69 69 West Union 6s 61_ 73% 73 73% West Union 6s 60 _ 72% 72 72% W heel » n a l A 1< m C C . i —T t A" t, ■ Wilson & Co 4s 65 . 103',, 1034. 103'-, Wis Cent 1st gn 4s 49 lOVt 10 10',, ! Wis El Pw 3 Ha 68 ._ 108', 108'j 108‘, ! Youngst'n S&T 4s 48. 105'. 105 105 ! Youngst'n S&T 4s 61. 106 S, 106 106H ' Railroads to Change Demurrage, Storage Rules October 1 Receivers of Freight To Get More Time For Moving Goods By the Assoclsted Press. The Association of American Rail roads announced yesterday that ef fective October 1 it would revise its demurrage and storage rules so to give receivers of freight a longer period for removal of goods from railroad terminals. The association said the changes were made at the suggestion of the regional shippers' advisory boards. the National Industrial Traffic League and individual ship pers and receivers of freight. One amendment will permit a re ceiver of less-than-carload lot freight five days, rather than the present four, in which to claim the freight before it is subject to storage charges. Another will permit a consignee of less-than-carlot freight, who is lo cated from 10 to 30 miles from the receiving freight station. 10 days, rather than 5, in which to claim the shipment. At present, railroads permit two days for loading or unloading a car. A further four-day extension is granted at a charge of $2.20 daily. At the expiration of that time a pen alty rate of $5.50 daily is charged. unaer me new amendments tne penalty will be reduced to $3.30. Other revisions grant additional j time allowance without charge when , weatner conditions delay loadings j and grant 72 hours free time for j loading or unloading of cars which , contain at least twice the minimum ; weights prescribed by tariffs. Celanese Corp. Charges Violation of Patent By the Associated Press. WILMINGTON. Del.. Aug. 15.— Suit was filed today in United States Court for the district of Delaware by Celanese Corp. of America against Tubize Chatillon Corp., charging violation of patent in the manufacture of a braided yarn. Three letters patent actually are involved. The bill asks for a de cree holding the letters patent good and valid in law, holding that the defendant infringed, that a perma nent injunction and a preliminary injunction during the suit be grant ed restraining the defendant from employing inventions under the pat ents, that an accounting of the de fendant’s profits and plaintiff's damages because of the alleged in fringement be awarded to the plain tiff, and that because of the defend ants auegea miringement aamages be increased to a sum not exceeding three times the amount. The patents involved are in con nection with what are represented to be new and useful improvements in the manufacture of textile mate rials, and the manufacture of yarn and textile yarn. Blaw-Knox Co. Gets Big Utility Order By the Associated Press. PITTSBURGH, Aug. 15. — The Blaw-Knox Co. announced today it had received an order from Com monwealth Edison Co. for 500 trans mission towers involving approx imately 5,800 tons of steel. The towers will be used to extend Commonwealth’s service between Powerton and Crawford, 111, a dis tance of about 130 miles. Cotton Consumption Slackens in July, Tops Last Year Month's Exports Drop Far Behind Same Period of 1938 By th« Associated Press. The Census Bureau reported to day cotton consumed during July totaled 521,405 bales of lint and 74, )32 of linters, compared with 578,448 and 71,655 during June this year, and 448,453 and 61,559 during July last year. Cotton on hand July 31 was re ported held as follows: In consuming establishments, 861, 356 bales of lint and 290,732 of linters, compared with 1,021,236 and 300,572 on June 30 this year and 1,262,532 and 268,379 on July 31 last year. In public storage and at com presses, 11,620.955 bales of lint and iti.tit oi nniers, compared witn ll, 343.683 and 99,265 on June 30, this year, and 9,645,907 and 101,480 on July 31 last year. Imports for July totaled 15,840 Dales, compared with 11.824 in June this year and 25,047 in July last year. Exports during July totaled 106.531 Dales of lint and 19.820 of linters, :ompared with 113,634 and 14,751 tor June this year, and 195.706 and 20.864 for July last year. Cotton spindles active during July lumbered 21.915.363, compared with 21,788,286 during June this year, and 21515,394 during July last year. The Commerce Department re ported that a shrinkage in ship ments to the United Kingdom depressed cotton exports for the 1938-9 cotton season to the lowest level in the past 60 years. Exports for the season (August through July) totaled 3.327.000 bales valued at $170,682,000. compared with 5,598.000 bales valued at $306. 585.000 in the previous season, a decline of 40.6 per cent in quantity and 44.3 per cent in value. "The principal factor in the sharp decline in cotton exports to the lowest figure in the past 60 years was the drop in shipments to the United Kingdom by 1.151.000 bales, or 74 per cent from the shipments in the preceding season,” the report said. July cotton exports from the United States totaled 107,000 bales valued at $5,718,000, compared with 114.000 bales valued at $5,945,000 in June and 196.000 bales valued at $10,141,000 in June. 1938. an analysis of the export statistics showed. Washington Produce BUTTER—90 score 1-pound prints. 26: tub. 25; *«-Pound prints. 27; 92 score, tub. 26 14-pound nrints. 28 MEATS—Choice beef. 18: good beef. 16 17'a calves. 16-17: spring lambs. 21: veal. 10*10. IJvJl K 1U11I i AUKJlkCU lriliis: ham. 22-23. smoked skinned ham. 24: large smoked skinned ham. 20-21; bacon, sliced. 28; bacon, piece. 23: compound. 10. Dure lard. 8V». LIVESTOCK — Pigs. 120-140 pounds. 5.06-5 30; light Digs. 140-150 pounds. 5.30 5.55: 150-2O0 pounds. 5.55-6.10: 210-250 pounds. 5.05-5 20; 250-300 pounds. 4.55 5 05 calves, good grade. 9 down; lambs. 81? down; buck lambs. 1 00 less: sows. 3.05-3.20: stags. 2.05 down. From Agricultural Marketing Service: From Agricultural Marketing Service. Prices paid f o b. Washington. EGGS-—Market steady. For egg#' can died and graded in Washington 'August 15): Whites. U. S. extras, large, 27: U. 8. extras, mediums. 23 U. S. standards, large, 23: U. S standards, mediums. 18; U S trades. 17. For nearby ungraded eggs: Current receipts whites. 17 to 17Va: mixed colors. 15*2 to 16. LIVE POULTRY Market steady. Fowl: Colored, all sizes. 14 to 15: No. 2s. 10 to 12; Leghorns. 10 to 1 1: roosters. 9 to 10. Chickens: Virginia Rocks, broilers and fry ers. all sizes. 18: No 2s. 12*2 to 13: Delaware Rocks and crosses, broilers and fryers, all sizes. 16 to 17; No. 2s. 12‘j to 13 mixed colors, fryers. 14 Leghorns broilers, all sizes 13 to 15. Turkeys: Old toms. 12 to 13: old hens. 15. Fruits and Vegetables. Compiled by the market news section of Agricultural Marketing Service. Sales to < a m on this morning s wholesale market n less than carlot quantities CANTALOUPES—Market about steady, rruck receipts moderate. Maryland, packed ocallv. ‘2-bushel hampers, green and pink ■neats. 35-40: hearts of gold, standard »nd jumbo flats 9s to 12s. 4o-60: bushel hampers and baskets, pink meats and treen meats, best. 80-85. HONEYDEWS—Market steady. Insert yesterday's report. No carlot arrivals: hree broken cars on track Today: No :ariot arrivals: two broken cars on track. California, few standard and jumbo, flats, is to 8s. mostly around 1.15; 9s to 12s. 1.75-2 .no. CARROTS—Market steady. No carlot arrivals: two broken cars on track. Cali fornia. Los Angeles crates, bunched. 2.25 . 50. Topped washed: Pennsylvania, bush el baskets. 15: Ohio. 12-quart climax bas kets 35-40. CELERY—Market steady. No carlot ar rivals: two broken cars on tratk. One half crates individually washed: New York. Eastern, all sizes. 1.25-1.50: Western, 1.75 2.00; New Jersey. 1.00-1.25. GRAPES—Market about steady. Truck receipts moderate No carlot arrivals; no cars on track. Delaware and Maryland, table stock, cartons containing 12 2-quart baskets. Concords and Niagaras. 1.75-2.00: Moores, early. 12-quart climax baskets. 50 65 2-quart climax baskets. 7-10 LETTUCE—Market steady. No carlot arrivals: five broken cars on track. Cali fornia. Lc,s Angeles crates. Iceberg type, 5 dozen. 4.25-4.50. very few higher. ONIONS—Market about steady. No car lot arrivals: one unbroken car on track. Fifty-pound sacks, yellows. U. S. No. 1: New York. 75-85. few high as 90: Massa chusetts. 85-1.00. mostly 90-1.oo. accord ing to quality: Pennsylvania, best. 15-1.00, mostly around 85-90. PEACHES—Market about steady. Truck receipts moderate No carlot arrivals: no cars on track. Bushel baskets. U. 8. No. 1: Maryland and Virginia. Elbertas. 2-2U inch. fair quality and condition. 1.00-1.25 few higher, best. 1.75. few higher; Belles, all sizes. 1.00-1.75. according to quality and condition; West Virginia. Elbertas. 2 inch minimum fair condition. 1.25. PEAS—Market steady. No carlot ar rivals: one broken and one unbroken cars on track. Colorado, bushel hampers, 1.75 2.00. mostly around 1.90. POTATOES—Market about steady. Truck rpppintw mnrlprfllp One Trialin orrii pH ■ nn*» unbroken car on track. One hundred pound sacks. U. S. No. 1: New Jersey. Cob blers and Chippewas. 1.35; Maryland. Cobblers. 1.30-1.36. SWEET POTATOES — Market about steady. Truck receipts light. No carlot arrivals; no cars on track. Bushel bas kets. U S No. 1: North Carolina. Gold ens. 1.00-1.25. according to quality; Mary land. Goldens. 1.26-1.50. few high as 1.75. WATERMELONS—Market about steady. Truck receipts moderate. No carlot ar rivals: no cars on track. Virginia, truck receipts. Thurmond Grays. 30-40 pound average. 35-50; Cuban Queens, all sizes, 20-30, according to quality: Dixie Belles. 20-25 pound average. 20-25 each; bulk, per 100 melons, various varieties, wide range in prices. 16.00-30.00, according to quality, condition and size. MIXED VEGETABLES—No carlot ar rivals: two broken cars on track. SNAP BEANS—Truck receipts light. Market slightly stronger. Maryland. New Jersey and Pennsylvania, bushel hampers, 80-1.00. Lima Beans Steady. LIMA BEANS—Market steady. One New York arrived: one unbroken car on track. Eastern Shore Maryland, bushel hampers, fair quality 75-1.00; Long Island, bushel hampers. 75-1.25. according to quality and condition. SPINACH—Market about steady. Bushel baskets: New York. 1.00-1.26; Pennsyl vania, 75. CABBAGE—No carlot arrivals; no cars on track. Pennsylvania, bushel hampers, domestic, round type. 75-1.00. APPLES—Maryland. Pennsylvania, Vir ginia and West Virginia, bushel baskets. U S. No. 1, Rambos. 2‘i-inch minimum, 75-85; 2J/«-lnch minimum. 90-1.00; Wealthys. 2Vz-inch minimum. 85-86; 2Vt inch minimum, 80-65; McIntosh. 2v4-inch minimum. 80-65; 2Vi-inch minimum. 85 90; 2J'4-lnch minimum, mostly 1.00; Sum mer Pippins. 2'/a-inch minimum. fiO-66; 234-inch minimum, 75-1.00. BLUEBERRIES — Michigan, cultivated. Pints. 20-25; Maine. 20-25. Per quart; Pennsylvania. 20-25 per onart. ORANGES—One California arrived; 6 broken and 11 unbroken cars on track. California, hpxes. No. 1. 3.00-4.60. ac cording to size and quality: No. 2, 2.50 *°A VOCADOS—Florida, flat cratez, 75 1.00; bushel boxes. 2.60-3.00. LOCKS—Florida. Vi-bushel cartons. 1.25: best, 1.50; bushels. 3.00-4.00. GRAPES—California, lugs. Thompson Seedless. 1.60-1.75; Rad Malagas. 1.25 1.50. PIGS—California flat, 36-66, according to condition. BEETS—Pennsylvania, crates. 30 bunch < NEW YORK CURB MARKET i nr private wire direct te Tne star (Eastern lavtnr Ttne.l Stocx and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Rich. Low. Close. Ala Grt Sou (3*) 65a 72 72 72 Ala Power pf (7) 170a 98% 98% 98% AlumCoof Am . 200a 119 119 119 Alum Ltd (.25a). 300a 125 124 124% Am Centrifugal 22 % % % Am City Power A Lt(A) 2.62%h . 100a 34 34 34 Am City PAL(B) 1 1% .is 1% Am Cynam B .60 15 28% 28% 28% Am Gas A El 1.60 16 39% 88% 39 Am G A El pf (6) 25s 113 113 113 Am General _ 1 4% 4% 4% Am Gen pf (2)_100a 28 28 28 Am Republics ..1666 Am Seal-Kap.24f 1 6% 6% 6% Am Superpower.. 9 Ik A % Am Superpwr pf. 2 21% 21% 21% Am Thread pf .26 12 3% 3% 3% Ark Nat Gas_ 1 2% 2% 2% Ark Nat Gas A... 11 2% 2% 2% Ark PA Lpf (7). 110s 95% 95 95% Ashland OAR .40. 2 4% 4% 4% Assoc El lnd .83* 1 9% 9% 9% Assoc Gas A Elec 1 % % % AssooGAE(A). 2 % k % Assoc GasAEl pf. 2 9 9 9 Avery A Sons 13 8 7% 8 Avery pf ww 1.60 100s 21% 21V* 21% Avery pf xw 1.60. 100s 18 18 18 Avery (BF) war. 6 2% 2% 2% Aston Fisher A.. 70s 43% 43 43 Babcock A Wil .. 6 17% 17% 17% Baldwin Lo war 4 6% 5% 5% Baldwin Rub.25* 2 6% 6% 6% Basic Dol .1876*. 1 6% 6% 6% Bath Iron ... 3 6% 6% 6% Beech Aircraft... 1 5% 5% 5H Bell Aircraft_ 3 20 19% 20 nen nn,«n (SI 1(11 170% 1(0% 1(0% Benson & Hedges 60s 45 45 45 Berk & Gay Fur.. 1 % % % Bickfords 1.20*_. 100s 15% 15% 15% Bliss IEWI .. 2 10% 10% 10% Bliss* Lau (1*). 26s 20% 20% 20% Blue Ridge _ 1 1% 1% 1% Bourjois. Inc ... 1 5% 6% 5% Brewst Aero .20* 2 7 7 7 Brldgp’t Machine 2 3% 3% 3% Brill pf 60s 29 29 29 Brlt-Am T rg.71* 5 20% 20% 20% Brown Rubber .. 30 4% 4% 4% B N&EP of 1.60.. 2 22% 22% 22% Can Col Airways. 17 7 7 Can Mare Wire.. 12 1% 1% 1% Cap City Prod .. 100s 4% 4% 4% Carnation Co O>. 1 34% 34% 34% Caro PAL pf (7). 10s 100% 100% 100% Carrier Corp 7 13% 13 13% Celan ptc pf <7a) 25s 108 108 108 Cent NY Pwr pf 6 60s 95 95 95 Cent Ohio St 65g 4 8 7% 7% Cent PA L pf (7) 60s 108 108 108 Cent States Elec 3 & ft * Cent Sts E cvpf n 25s 3 3 3 Chi Flea S (5a).. 150s 73 72 73 Chief Consol _ 2 % % % Cities Service pf 2 63 62% 52% Cities SPAL *7 pf 40s 77 75% 75% Claude Neon L... 7 % % % Clev Tractor ... 1 4% 4% 4% Cockshutt Plow.. 1 fi fi fi ColG&Epf (5) 100s 71 71 71 Columb Oil A Gas 8 3% 3 3 Comwlth A S war 21 * % * Com PAL 1st pf 26s 35% 35% 35% Com'tv P S (2) .. 100s 27 27 27 Cons Cop M .15* 8 6% 6% fi% Cons GAE Ba 3.60 2 83% 82% 82% Consol M AS (1) 450s 44% 44% 44% Cons Steel Corp . 2 5% 5% 5% Cook Paint (.60). 60s 10 10 10 Copper Ranee . 100s 4% 4 4% Copperweld ,60g. 2 14 14 14 Cosden Petrolm 3 1% 1% 1% Cosden Petrol pf. 3 11% 10% ]0% Courtaulds 078g. 17 7 7 Creole Petm 60a. 4 19% 19 19% Crocker Wheeler. 3 5 4% 5 Croft Brewing .. 1 % % % Crown Cent Pet 1 1% Cro'n C’k Int .75k 2 10% 10*. 10% Crown Drug .. 2 % t* Cuban Tobacco 2 2% 2% 2% Cuneo Press (3a) 100s 48% 48% 48% n ncv ... OO Det Mich Stove.. 1 114 IS It* Det Paper Prod.. 11 11 Dlvco Twin T 7 6(4 6W 6t* Dom Bridge 12ft 250s 26S 26'* 26t* Draper Corp (3a) 10s 72(* 72W 72t» Eagle Pleher Ld. 6 9>4 9t* 914 East’n Gas A F _ 2 IS is IS Eastn GAF 6 pf . 250» 1SS 13'* 13W Eastn GAF pr pf. 226s 26(4 25t* 26t* Eastn Mall Iron.. 76s 7 6(* 7 Eastern States... 1 H H Eisler Electric... 3 It* It* u* Elec Bond A Sh . 144 10(* 10(* 10(4 Elec B A S pf <6). 8 69W 69 69W Electrol vtc_ 1 r* r* *4 Equity Corp_ 2 (* (4 s Equity cv pf (*). 200s 27t* 27 27(4 Esquire (,60g) ... 2 4 4 4 Fanny Farm ,75g 1 24 24 24 Fldello Brew_ 2 S S S Fisk Rubber .. 21 lit* 11 H Fisk Rub pf (6) 60s 86 85 85 Fla PAL pf 3.93k 350s 78W 77S 78'* Ford (Can) A (1) 2 19S 19s 19s Ford Ltd (16g) .. 1 37* 37* 37* FruehaufT 60g_ 2 19S 18S 19S Fuller »4 pf- 25s 38 38 38 Gatineau P pf(5) 80s 93S 93S 9«S Gen El Ltd(.67g) 6 17S 1714 171* Gen Out Ad pf(6) 40s 70 69S 70 Gen Sharehold 2 2 2 2 Gen Share pf(6h) 10s 76 76 76 Glen Alden Coal 5 4 4 4 Gorham Mf l.Bftg 1 23S 23(4 23 V, Grand Rap V .40. 1 8'* 8'* 8'* Gray Mfg . 12 US 10W Ift7* Greenfield TAD 1 6'* 6'* 5(* Gulf Oil of Pad ) 1 311* 31 >4 3lv, Gypsum L A A— 100* 4S 4S 4S Harvard Brew .. 3 It* It* U* Hat Corp (B).20g 16 6 6 Hecla Min (.20g) 4 6S 6*4 6S Heller pf ww 1.76 150s 28-v, 28S 28*, Hewitt Rub .20g. 1 10 10 10 Heyden Ch ,80g.. 1 4014 40(4 40(4 Hubbell (H) .80 __ 50s 11 11 11 Humble Oil 1.60. 4 55(* 65 65W Hygrade Food_ 1 11* it* j7* Illlnols-la Power 11 4(4 4 4(4 Ill-la Power pf . 5 23t* 22H 22'* Ill-la Pwsdiv ct. 3 6T* 5:* 57* Imp Oil Ltd 60a. 1 15t* 15(* 15t* Imp Oil reg 60a 1 15 15 15 I Imp Tob Can 40a 1 16H 16S 16S I Ins Co N Am 2a 100s 69W 68S 69t* Int Indust ,10g .. 1 2S 2t* 2S Int PaAPwr war. 2 2>4 2V, 2(4 Int Products .. 1 4(4 4t* 41* Int Utilities (B). 1 t* t* t* Int Vitamin .15g. I 2*, 2S 2»* Interst H Eq .60.. 13 7H 7(* 74* Interst P Del pf 50s 6*, 6*, 6*4 Iron Fire vtc 1.20 150r 16(4 16V, 16(4 Jacobs Co . 5 3 27* 3 Jer CPAL pf (6). 30s 98 97*, 98 JerCPAL pf (7). 70s 104(* 104W 104'* Kennedy's 60g__. 1 514 5(4 5(* Kingston Prod .. 2 14* 14* is Koppers pf 2.26k. 20s 62 62 62 Lake Shore M(4). 1 4H* 41W 41(* Lakey Fdry AM. 4 3S 3W 3S Lehigh Coal AN_ 3 24 24 24 Llpton (A) (1)._. 1 124 124 124 Lockhead Aircr . 8 26 4 26 254 Lone Star ( 40g). 2 9 9 9 1 Long Island Ltg. 2 14 14 14 Long Isld Ltg pf 60s 39 374 39 Long Isl Ltg pf B 200s 364 34 354 La Land A Ex 40 4 44 44 44 La P & Lt pf (6). 10a 103 103 103 Lynch Corp (2).. 100s 31 31 31 Majestic Radio.. 8 14 14 14 Mangel Strs pf .. 20s 314 314 314 Mapes Consol (2) 1 244 244 244 Margay Oil < 1) — 1 144 144 144 Massey-Harris 3 44 44 44 MAMptpf(2a). 60s 274 274 274 Merr-Chap A Sc . 2 4 4 4 Merr-Ch & S pf A. 26s 67 67 67 Mesabl Iron_ 14 4 4 Mid West Corp._ 81 94 94 94 Midwest 011 .90.. 2 7 7 7 Mo Pub Svc .20g_. 3 64 64 64 Mock Jud V 60g_ 1 IS 13 13 Molybdenum _ 4 44 44 44 Monogram Pic .. 2 14 14 14 Monroe Ln A.16g. 1 24 24 24 Mont Ward A <7) 10s 164 164 164 Mon LHAP 1.50.. 60s 324 324 324 Mount City Cop.. 2 4 4 4 Muskegon P .70g. 1 14 14 14 Nat Auto Fibre.. 8 74 74 74 Nat City L.60g 4 164 16 164 Nat Contain.225g. 1 64 64 64 Nat Fuel Gas (1) 7 12 12 12 NatPALpf<6) 976s 96 92 94 Nat Rubber Mach 2 4 4 4 NatSugRef .76g. 3 104 104 104 Nat Tunnel A Min 6 14 14 14 Nat Union Radio 1111 Nehi Corp 1.50g_. 2 444 444 444 N El P A pf 3.60k 25s 764 764 764 N J Zinc (1.50g). 150s 57 67 67 Newmont M (lg) 1 724 724 724 N Y Merch (.60).. 1 8 8 8 N T P A Lt pf (6) 10s 105 105 105 Nlag Hudson Pwr 9 74 74 74 Nlag Hud 1st (5) 26s 884 884 884 Nlag Sh Md pf A 6 10s 92 92 92 1900 Corp (.60)... 8 9 8 4 9 Nor Am Lt A Pwr 6 14 14 14 Nor Am LAP pf.. Ma 98 614 88 stock and Bales— Dividend Rate Add 00. Hlth. Lo-v. doss. I Nor Ir.d Pub Svo pf (3k) . 20s 97% 67% 97% ‘ N IPS 7 pf 3.60k 10s 105 105 105 North n Sta Pi A) 12 13% 12% 12% Novadel-A* (2).. 6 36% 34% 36% Ohio Edls pf («). 60a 107 107 107 Ohio Pwr pf (8) 20s 112% 112% 112% Ohio P S pf A(7 ) 10s 114% 114% 114% Okla Nat O .60*.. 9 17% 16% 17% Okla Nat G pf 3 150s 46 46 46 Okla NG cvpf(«) 225s 111 111 111 Oldetyme Diet .. 1 1% 1% 1% Omar. Inc 1.60*.. 1 8% 8% 8% Pac Gas 6 pf 1.60 1 31 81 31 Pantepec Oil .. 17 4% 4% 4% Pa-Cent Airlines. 3 9% 9% 9% Pennroad Corp .. 3 1% 1% 1% 1 Penn G & E < A).. 2 3% 3% 3% Penn PAL pf (6). 60s 106% 106% 106% Penn PAL pf (7). 26s 110% 110% 110% ( Penn Salt (4*).. 26* 147 147 147 Penn WAP 3.60*. 50s 77% 77% 77% Pepperell (4*> _. 76s 73 73 73 Pharls TAR .46*. 1 8% 8% 8% Phoenix Secur .. 34 8% 8 8 Phoenix Secur pf 160s 31% 31 31 Pioneer Gold .40 8 2% 2% 2% Pttney-Bowes 40 1 8% 8% 8% Pitts BALE 1.60. 26s 43% 43% 43% , Pitts Forging . 2 9% 9 9% ' Pitts ALE.60* 20s 53 61% 63 PowdrellAAl .30* 1 4% 4% 4% Pressed Metals.. 19 9 9 Prudential Inv... 1 6% 6% 5% Pub Sv Ind 36 pf. 150* 42% 42% 42% P S Ind 27 pr pf 225s 79% 79 79 PS Ok pr In pf (7) 10s 110 110 110 Puget Sd P 25 pf 150s 69% 69 69% rugei Born [[ 3UU* 204 24*. 24*, Raym’dConc(l) 100* 144 14 144 Relian E&E ,25g. 1 10 10 10 Rice Styx DG ._ 1 44 44 44 Richmond Rad .. 1 24 24 24 Root Petroleum 1 24 24 24 Rossia Internat'l 10 & ft ft Rustless Ir&Stl. 3 10 10 10 St Regis Paper... 1 24 24 24 Salt Dome Oil.. 8 84 8 8 Savov Oil _ 1 4 4 4 Schlff Co (1) 2 154 15 154 Seemn Bros 2.50a 1 344 344 344 Selberling Rub 4 74 74 74 | Select Industries 6 a, *, a. Select Ind cv pf.. 200* 64 64 64: Sentry Saf Con .. 1 4 4 V« : Seversky AircFt. 1 34 34 34 Shawn W&P ,68g 2 20 20 20 Sher-Willms(2g) 200* 914 914 914 Silex Co (la) . 1 14 14 14 Singer Mfg (6a). 10* 172 172 172 Solar Mfg .. 4 24 24 24 Sonotone <.05g).. 6 14 14 14 Soss Mfg (.25g) . 4 4*4 44 44 S C Ed pf C 1.375. 1 29 29 29 So Col Pwr (A) 1 24 24 24 So Un Gas pf A.. 50* 15 144 144 Spalding (new).. 13 44 4 44 Spalding 1st pf n. 60* 174 17 174 Stand C & S 1.60.. 3 164 164 164 Stand Invest pf . 50* 124 124 124 Stand Oil Ky (1) 6 184 184 184 Stand Oil Neb 1 154 15*. 15*. Stand Oil Ohio(l) 2 23 224 28 Stand Oil Oh pf 5 25* 107 107 107 Stand Pwr & Lt 2 ft ft ft Stand Prod 25g . 2 9*. 94 9*. Stand Stl Spr ,60g 7 36*. 364 364 Starrett vtc _ _ 1 14 14 it* Sterling. Inc 20a. 3 34 34 34 | Sullivan Mach .. 1 84 84 84 Sunray Oil .05g_. 7 24 24 24 Tampa Elec 2 24. 1 33 33 33 Technicolor 35g. 1 15*. 15*. 154. Thew Shovel ,50g 250* 164 164 164 Tilo Hooting (1). 1 13 13 13 ! Transwest Oil_ 2 34 34 34 i Trt Conti war_ 2 ft ft ft Tubize Chatillon. 9 104 94 94 Tubize Chat (A • 250* 344 31”, 31*. Tung-Sol L pf .80 9 7*. 74 7*. UnPremFS(l). 5 174 174 174 j Utd Cgr Wh Strs. 8 1 1 1 Unit Corp war_ 1 4 4 4’ Unit Gas 6 2 14 14 Unit Gas pf 5.75k 2 854 84 854 Unit UlAPwr (A) 3 1*. 1*. 14 Unit Lt&Pwr (B) 42 IS IS IS Unit Lt A Pwr pf 16 324 314 314 | Unit Milk (2) ... 25s 214 214 214 Unit Sh M 2.50a 225a 82 82 82 I ! Unit Specialties.. 1 2S 2S 2S ' U S Foii (B) .. 2 4 4 4 USA Inti Secur. 1 A A A Unit Wall Paper. 1 24 24 24 Utah-Idaho Sue.. 2 4 4 4 I Utah PAU pf24k 50a 64 634 64 Utility A Ind pf. 9 14 14 14 ■Wentworth 20g.. 2 24 24 24 WestVaCAC .. 1 14 14 14 Western Air Exp. 2 3H SS 3S Wichita Riv Oil.. 2 64 64 54 William* (RC)„. 1 64 64 64 r In bankruptcy or recelTershlB or betna reoraaniied under Bankruptcy Act or securities assumed by such com Denies Rates of dividends in the toretolnx table are annual disbursements based on the last ; ouarterlv or semi-annual declaration Un less otherwise noted special or extra divi dends are not tncluded xd Ex dividend xr Ex rlahta a Also extra or extras e Paid last rear f Pay- j able in stock a Declared or oaid so far this vear h Cash or stock k Accumu lated dividend oald or declared this vear j ur Under rule ww With warrants aw Without warrants wsr Warrant* Chemical Consumption Far Ahead of 1938 Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK. Aug. 15.—Seasonal influences were responsible for mod erate declines in the movement of such commodities as pigments, dry colors, fertilizer materials, but many other chemicals found a ready mar ket in the past month and opti mistic views are held generally both regarding the current tonnage movement and the outlook for the next two or three months. The preliminary index of Chem- ! ical and Metallurgical Engineering ! places chemical consumption in July at slightly above 116. which com pares with 92.66 for July last year. Operating rates have been speeded up this month in some of the large consuming industries, including ray on. textiles, rubber, steel and metal lurgical. glass and coal products. This points to a rising trend for the chemical index for August, with seasonal influences favoring marked advances in September and October, j Low Costs Expected To Protect Rubber By the Associated Press. A Commerce Department survey found that while there is some scientific opinion that natural rub ber has reached the height of its career and may be superseded to » '-Akvuv wj ojmtickiv UU“ ucts. the low production costs of the natural product will probably always affect the use of substitutes adversely. Net of Consolidated Coppermines Gains By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Aug. 15.—Consoli dated Coppermines Corp., for the second quarter reported net profit of $223,323 after amortization of mine development, depreciation, etc., but before depletion, compared with net profit of $119,478 in the preced ing quarter. Principal holdings are in Nevada. Executive Is Dead CHESTER, Pa., Aug. 15 OP).—Ed ward S. Wagner, first vice president and treasurer of the Scott Paper Co., died today at 48 of a heart attack. He became ill last night after at tending a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Delaware County National Bank. Wagner also was a directory! the Brunswick Pulp Si Paper fb„ Brunswick, Oa. Rubber Futures Chrysler Corp. Earns 525,345,771 Profit In First Half Net Is Nearly Four And One-Half Times Level Year Ago 37 the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Aug. 15,-Chrysler 'orp. and subsidiaries reported net aroflts of $25,345,771 for the first talf of this year, nearly four and )ne-half times the earnings of $5, (09,599 for the like 1938 period. First half profits were equal to (5.83 a share on the common stock, :ontrasted with $1.31 a share a .'ear ago. For the second quarter the com pany showed indicated earnings of >13,707,481, almost four times than the ts SQQ Kin ,h. •* June quarter last year. This year’s June quarter net was equal to $3 16 4 1 common share, against 83 cents 1 share in the like 1938 period. June quarter earnings were sub stantially ahead of the $11,638,290, sr $2.67 a share, reported in the opening quarter of this year. Directors voted a dividend of $1.50 1 share on common stocks, payable September 13 to holders of record August 24, which will lift disburse ments thus far this year to $4 a share, contrasted with $2 a share for all of 1938. The earlier 1939 payments were 61-50 a share on June 12 and $1 a . * share March 14. "The immediate prospect seems to be that business will continue at current levels or possibly show some improvement,” K. T. Keller, president, said in announcing earn ings and dividend. Keller said passenger cars and trucks shipped from the company'! plants during the first 1939 half to taled 496.206 units, a jump of 901 per cent over the 261.048 in the first half of 1938. Net sales for the six months were 6342,877.293. an increase of 82.2 per :ent over the $154,662,828 a year ago. Retail sales of passenger cars and :rucks in the United States in the first half numbered 405,421 units, Keller added, compared with 259.702 :n the first 1938 half, an increase of 56.1 per cent. Huge Union Oil Issue Is Placed On Market By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Aug. 15.—A new issue )f $30,000,000 in 3 per cent debentures 3f the Union Oil Co. of Cali4ornia was offered publicly today by an underwriting syndicate headed by Dillon. Read & Co. The price was 103 and accrued interest. About $20,000,000 of the proceeds was intended for repayment of out standing bonds bearing higher in terest rates and the rest for addition to the company’s general funds. It was pointed out the company planned to make "substantial capital expenditures” and was considering construction of another tanker and various improvements in its Pacific Coast properties. CURB BONOS DOMESTIC— Oren High. 1pm. Ala Power 4%s 67_101 100% 101 Ala Power 5s 46 A_107% 107% 107% Am P & L 6s 2016 ... 100 99% 100 Am Radiat 4%s 47 102% 102% lo2% Appalach E P 4s 63.. 108 107s, 108 Ark P A- L 5s 56 105% 105 105 As El Ind 4'as 53 68 67*. 68 As O & E 4*25 49 45 44% 44% As G A E 5s 50 47 47 47 As G A E 5s 68 45% 45% 45s. As T A T 5%s 55 A 79% 79% 79% Avery A S 5s 47 ww 102 102 102 Bell Te C 5s 55 A 107% 107% 107% Bell Te C 5s 57 B 125 125 125 Birm El 4%s 68 96% 95% 95% Birmine Gas 6s 59 96% 96% 96% Can Por Par 5s 53 103% 103% 103s* Central Pw 5s 57 D 98 98 98 Cent Pw A Lt 5s 56 104% 104% 1U4'« Cent S: El 5s 48 42% 42% 42% Cent St El 5%s 54 42% 41% 42% Cen St PAL 5%s 53 _ 74 73% 74 Chi J RAUSY 5s 40_102% 102% 102% Chi Rys 5s 27 cod_ 52 52 52 Cities Svc 5s 50 _ 77 76% 77 Cit S PAL 6%s 52_ 88*2 88 88% Cit S PAL 5%s 49 _ 87*2 87% 87% Comunty PAL 5s 57 _ 87% 87% 87% Con GELAP 3%s 71. 111% 111% 111% Cont G A E 5s 58 A.. . 93% 93% P3% East G A P 4s 56 A... 74s. 73% 74% El Pw A Lt os 2030. 79% 78*2 79% Fed Wat 5%s 54 _. 90% 90% 90% Florida P A L 5s 54.. 103 102’. 1021, Gary EAG 5s 44 si.. 99% 99% 99% Gen Pub Scs 5s 53 99 98s. PP Gen Pub Ut 6%s 56.. 96% 96 »6% Gen W WAE 5s 43 A 95% 95 95% Georgia Pw 5s 67_105s. 105% 105% Georgia P A L 6s 78__ 72s. 72s. 72% Guard Inv 5s 48 A_. 44% 44% 44% Houst LAP 3%s 66.. 109% 109% 109% 111 Pw A Lt 5%s 67.. 96% 96s. 96s. Ill Pw A Lt 6s 53 A__ 105s. 105s. 105s. Ill Pw A Lt 5s 56 C-. 102% 102% 102% Ind El C 6s 47 A_ 104*2 104% 104% Ind E C 6%a 53 B_ 105 105 105 Ind E C 5s 61 C_101% 101% 101% Ind Hyd Elec 5s 58.. 98% 98% ps% Indiana Svc 6s 50 A 73% 73% 73% Indiana 8er 6s 63 A _ 71 70% 71 Interst Pw 5s 57_ 72 71 71% Interst Pw 6s 52_ 55 54% 55 Interst P S 5s 56 D__ 102 101s, 102 Interst P S 4%s 58 F 102s. 102% 102% Ia-N LAP 5s 57 A 104s. 104% 104% Ital Su Pw 6s 63 A._ 41% 41% 41% Jackson G 6s 42 stn._ 49s. 47% 49% Ky Utilities 5s 61 . 102% 102*2 102% Libby McN A L 5s 42._ 104*2 104% 104% La Pw A Lt 5s 57_105% 105% 106s. Minn P A L 4!s 78 101% 101s. 101% Miss Pow 5s 55 _ 100 100 100 Miss Pw A L 5s 57_103s. 103 103% Mo Pub Svc 5s 60 P2’« 92% 92’, Nass A Su L 5s 45 . 97 97 97 Nat P A L 6s 2026 A 110% 110s. 110% Nat P A L os 2030 B _ 105% 105s. 105% Nevad Cal El 5s 56 . 83 82s, 83 New E O * E 5s 47 71s. 71s. 71s. New E G A E 5s 48 _ 71’, 71% 71% 1 U « E ti .. 71T» 71’* 71** New E Pw 5s 48 _ _ PR PR PR New E Pw 5' as 54 1(1(1 pp’, pp’, New Or P S fis 40 A 100*. ion*. 100»4 N Y P A Lt 4%s 67 _ 105% 105% 105% N Y S E A G 4%s 80 _ 104% 104% 104% No Bost Lte 3!s 42 105 105 105 No Ind O A E 6s 52 _ 105*4 105*4 105*. No Ind P 8 5s 60 D 105% 105V. 105% No Ind P 8 4'as 70 E _ 104,'. 104,'. 104,4 Norw El 6s 45 stpd . 106'/, 106'* 106'/, Wen G Co 5s 45 — 110% 110% 110% Ohio Power 3',s 68 __ 108% 108% 108% Oh o Pub Svc 4s 62 108*. 108*4 108*. Okla Nat Gas 5 46 _ 110% 110,•„ 110% Pac Coast Pw 5s 40 _ 102% 102% 10"% Pac P A L 5s 55— _ 93V. 93% P3*. Penn CLAP 4%s 77 102% 102% ln*>% Penn C P A L 5s 79 105 105 105 Ef.0.D 2 L, * c.45 61 D 100*4 100% 100*. Pitts Coal 6s 49 104*4 104*4 104*4 Portland G A C 5s 40 _ 75% 75% 76% Pub Ser N J 6s ctfs— 157% 157% 157% Pua Sd P A L 5%a 4P P5*, 95% gv, S P A L 5s 50 C _ 93% 93’, 93% Pua 8 P A L 4'as 50 D _ PI % pi % pi% Ouee G A E 5'aS 52 A- 95 95 95 Scullin Steel 3s 51 __ 55 55 55 1SW 2! £ £ 4V*S 6T A— 104% 104% 104% Shw WAP 4%s 70 D 104% 104% 104% = E X fi.s 2028 A 110% 110** 110% 3ou Cal Ed 3*.a 45 104% 104% 104% 3ou Cal Ed 3»,s 60 109 109 109 Sou C Gas of Cal 4s 68 1 04% 104% 104V. 3ouw As T 5s 61 A_— 105 105 105 Souw P A L 6s 2022 A 98 98 98 Souw Pb Svc 6s 45 A 107'/* 107% 107% Spaidin* 5s 89 — 56% 56 56% St<| o At E 6s 4R at— 70*. 70% 70*4 Std Gas A El 6a 51 A.. 71% 71 71V* Std Gas A El 6s 66 B . 71% 71 71 Stand Pw A Lt 6s 57_. 70 70 70 rex Pw A L 5s 56 „ 106% 106% 106% nWP f.RJ2H* 82 A~ «6% 65 65% Unit Lt A Pw 6s 75— 85% 86% 85% Unit Lt A Pw 6%s 74 __ 89 89 89 ’ Unit L A R D 5%s 52 _ 91% 91% 91% Unit L A R M 6s 52 A 118% 118% 118% £t»h P A L 4,/as 44 _ 99% 99% pp'/. Pub Ser 6s 46 .. P6 95*. 96 Va Pub 8 5V»s 46 A _ 100% 100% 100% v.a Pub Ser 6s 50 B_100% 100 loo WaW Ast Hot 6s 54_— 15V. 15 15 Wis P A L 4a 66 __ 105*. 106% 105% York Ry 6a 37 mat . 94*. 94 V. 94% FOREIGN. Cauca Val 7a 48 15% 15% 15% H E A V Ry 5a 38 mat 28*. 28*. 28% Terni-Soc 6%a 53 A 42% 42% 42% ww With warrants, xw Without warrant*, n New. at (atpi Stamped. INetotlabillty Impaired by maturity. New York Bar Silver NSW YORK. Aug. 18 OP).—Btr ■liver, 38ft, up ft cent.