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yWE BUY! \ Diamonds, watches, preei \ oas stones, etc. Stop in for \ an appraisal. Hirhc t cash \ prices paid. \ NATIONAL 6254 ARTHUR MARKEL 911 r $*. N.w. Suit* 210-211 \ # • ESTABLISHED 1865 • II SCREEN DOORS f BREEZES—NO BUGS 4 0, Barker's two conveniently lo- 0 0 cated warehouses are com- p " pletely stocked with all sizes p at present low prices. Each 0 door 1 Vi" thick and mode to p give lasting satisfaction. "Qual- 0, ity-bilt" doors are sold exclu- I sively in Washington by Barker, home of quality lumber and p millwork. GEO. M. BARKER ! o COMPANY • LUMBER and MILLWORK 649-651 N. ?. Av«. N.W. 1523 7th St. N.W. CALL NA. 1348 % MHMnr? i * I UNITED STATES J ^STORAGE COMPANYJ | WIU MOVE! i ^ See the United States first! Ml Pi UNITED STATES STORAGE vk I I SMS • Reasonable prices. (fA • Fine modern equipment. 0 • Reliable experienced men. yq • Fireproof storage. (:-l • Insured protection. SB | 418 10th St. N.W. I | ; Metropolitan 1843 |L__IZS_SSJ Rogge Speeds Probe in Louisiana After Receiving Threats Two Anonymous Letters Warn Official to Leave Or Be Killed BACKGROUND— For a week the Federal grand I jury investigating affairs in Louisiana under Assistant Attor ney General O. John Rogge has given its attention to an alleged tampering with the jury hearing the Abraham L. Shushan income tax case in October, 1935. The jury failed to convict the Huey Long lieutenant. By the Associated Press. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 15.—Assist ant. United States Attorney General n Trthn Dnooo enmrVit tnrtotr cnaad I preparations for the trial of Dr. James Monroe Smith, former presi dent of Louisiana State University, and four others on charges of de frauding the university. Mr. Rogge said all-dav sessions of the grand jury were planned through the week to clear up some other phases of the Louisiana inquiry be fore the jury goes into a two-week recess Friday to allow Government attorneys time to prepare for the trial, scheduled to start September 5. "I want to get all the loose ends cleaned up this week and then I shall make a week end flying trip to Washington and return Monday to start preparation for the trial,” the Federal prosecutor said. Two Threatening Letters. Yesterday Mr. Rogge was threat ened in two anonymous letters, one of which contained two revolver cartridges, and advised to leave here by Wednesday or be killed. Mr. Rogge did not connect the letters with yesterday’s indictments. He turned them over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and said he would remain here in charge of Fed eral investigation of corruption as | long as possible. “I want to know who threatens ! the Department of Justice,” the ' prosecutor said. One letter—containing the cart ' | ridges—*aid a price of $18,000 had been placed on Mr. Rogge’s life, and gave him until Wednesday to leave on pain of death. The other, signed the “Bullet Gang,” warned him ‘‘to lay off that Shushan Jury tampering case.” Workmen this morning—equipped with screwdriver, spade and lathe— began removal of Shushan's name where it appears in more than 1,000 places on the newly named New Orleans Airport, which Huey Long named for Shushan in 1934. Shu shan was then president of the Orleans Levee Board, which built the field. Yesterday's indictments named George Caldwell, former construction superintendent at Louisiana State University on two charges of using the mails to defraud in an alleged ‘“kickback" scheme on university contracts, and Eugene Barksdale, Caldwell’s former assistant, for al leged W. P. A. fraud. Williams Orders Inquiry. By the Associated Press. National Youth Administrator Athjrey Williams yesterday ordered an Investigation of the handling of ‘ N. Y. A. student-aid funds at Louisi ana State University. 1 He said there had been no evi- ] dence of mishandling of N. Y. A. funds, but that in view of the gen- 1 eral investigation of financial affairs at the university he wished to satisfy himself that the N. Y. A. student-aid program was being satisfactorily ad ministered. The N. Y. A. program at Louisiana State was handled by George Heidel berg, who was found fatally shot at his home last week, apparently hav ing committed suicide. Heidelberg was an employe of the university. Argentine Navy Note BUENOS AIRES W.—Rear Ad miral Leon Scaso, minister of ma rine, speaking of the Argentine navy's immediate needs, said none was more urgent than replacing its two-line-of-battle ships, the Riva davia and the Moreno. Mpha Chi Rho Meeting A meeting of the Alpha Chi Rho 31ub of Washington will be held to norrow evening at the home of W. Srnest Offutt, 4540 Chesapeake itreet NW. I 0F II | Fine Clothing and Haberdashery f I SUMMER CLOTHING I Bj| Lorraine Seersuckers formerly $10, now $8.95 ■ Tropicals, formerly $15-$22.50, now $12.85 Sf B Congos, formerly $25_now $19.75 ^B Linens, formerly to $25_now $14.75 BH WOOLEN SUITS I Formerly to $50, Select Group, now $29.50 ■ Formerly $55 and up_now $39.95 All other, Langrock included_20% off SPORT COATS Special Group up to $25.00_now Vz price Remaining Stock of Sport Coats_20% off SPORT SLACKS Entire Stock of Fine Slacks_20% off Hj Sport Shirt and Slack Ensembles $5.00 Ensembles-now $3.95 $8.50 Ensembles_now $6.75 10.50 Ensembles_now $7.75 13.50 Ensembles_now $9.75 20.00 Ensembles_now 14.75 SHIRTS, Patterned Shirts including Windsor Oxfords. Were $2.50 and $3.00_now $1.95 each (3 for S3.73) Were $3.50 and $4.00_now $2.85 each rrwarc <s ,or ,r80) TIftiS, Large Selection of Fine Cravats. Were $1.50 solid coi»r inei. _now $1.19 (3 for $3.30) Were $2.00 Knit Ties (stripes only) $1.59 Were $2.50 Ancient Madders and Fine MB Foulards-now $1.89 Hi ■ hats, (3 ,or ,8-80’ m Entire stock Panamas, Leghorns and Novelty Braids-now V2 price 24 Lightweight felt hats. Were $3.50. now $1.95 each 50 Assorted felt hats. Were $5.00_now $3.75 HOSE 50c and 55c fancy hose—now 39c each-(three for $1.00) $1.00 fancy hose—now 69c (three for $2.00) $1.50 to $3.50 French lisle_now 20% off ROBES, Entire stock_25% off 1 ' ■ ' " . ■ ' ' — ■" 1 ^ 200 Fine Belts, white and two-toned effects, all regular stock. Values to $2.50. | NOW 55c each. ALL SALES FINAL. || | Sailt* $xxl.J*t. mPimt mAjfmXxf ftX \ I I I Of lifetime furniture I Storewide Savings Now I LIFETIME DINING SUITE_§179 j | (Ten Attractive Pieces) | A specially priced full ten-piece Dining Room Suite with Duncan | | Phyfe Extension Table and six chairs, including two arm chairs. | Roomy server, 66-inch buffet and cupboard type china cabinet. | It is here in both mahogany veneer and walnut veneer and gum wood. Many other dining suites reduced now! DUNCAN PHYFE CHAIR— Ibelow) —Mahogany fin ish on birch—up holstered seat $7.75 LADDER BACK CHAIR —A Chip pendale style with upholstered seat— birch, mahogany finish. $8.50 w Drop-Leaf Table $16.95 Splendid for either dinette Or living room that is used also for dining. One drawer, ma hogany and gumwood construc tion. LIFETIME DINING SUITE-$259 (Ten Charming Pieces) A distinctive 18th Century English style with 8-ft. extension ! ! table, cupboard china cabinet, two-drawer server, 66-inch buffet, | four side and two arm chairs. Honduras mahogany veneer and I selected American gumwood used in construction. See this and I the dozens of other delightful suites sale-priced. Complete ; Decorator Service Charge 1 Accounts I As Usual ■ I Share in the August Savings Now I 1 MAYER & CO. I % Seventh Street Between D and E M HOUSE OF LIFETIME FURNITURE M , i These new editions of our three exclusive lines bring you the complete picture of 1939-40 styles in a man's world. In our Advance Sale you can make your selection in comfort—at your leisure. You have complete stocks to choose from. * You get the advice of our clothing specialists who hove just returned from the leading men's wear markets. 3-MONTH BUDGET PAYMENT PLAN Pay Vt September 15th Vi October 15th V3 November 15th ISo Down Payment—ISo Carrying Charge 825 LANSBROOK SUITS New Fall models in one and two-trouser styles. Fine wool worsteds, shetlands and tweeds. Includes popular 3-button coats, drape and many conserva . five types. All sizes in a complete assortment of styles. You save $5 in the Advance Sale. $35 MICHAELS-STERN SLITS Exclusively ot Lansburgh's. Famous Rochester tailored quality. Every one with many expensive band-tailored details. All with Talon closures. ~ Luxurious wool worsteds and cheviots. Handsome new Fall shades. Full size range. $40 GOODMAN St SUSS SUITS Exclusively at. Lansburgh's. With 23-point hand tailoring. Fine domestic and imported woolens. Many of the patterns are exclusive. This is your opportunity to buy a really handsome customized Fall suit at substantial soving of $8. „lft TOpco^s W.TS t. *® ^ ^=rj^Ss»jS-“"“ -- ‘ v '* gg&gaw”* l I *