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Five Chest Camps To Hold Open House Tomorrow Afternoon Opportunities Provided 1900 Children Will Be Shown in Program A demonstration of the oppor tunities provided nearly 1.900 chil dren this summer at five Communi ty Chest agency camps will be given tomorrow afternoon in the j Chopawamsic area. The Family Service Association,; ■dhest agency which sponsors Camp i "oodwill, and the National Park j ervice are co-operating in putting n the open-house program, to; vhich the public is invited. The program will open w ith a tour ! f the camp at 2 p.m. Children , com all five of the camps—now umbering 600—will put on a w'ater I 'arnival at 3 o'clock. A picnic sup per will be served at 5 o'clock, each 1 isitor providing his own food, and v general assembly wall be held at 3, followed by a camp pageant at 7. The visitors will include Commis sioners Melvin C. Hazen and David j McCoach. jr.; Judge Fay Bentley of i he Juvenile Court, Lewis Barrett, j co-ordinator of recreation, and Wil- : liam H. Savin, director of the Fam ily Service Association. T-TnrrA WT \UoHor ^irootnr rvf Pomn Goodwill, expressed hope that many [ Washingtonians would visit the j Chopawamsic camps tomorrow, so that they might learn the unlimited possibilities for health, character building, good citizenship and out of-doors enjoyment which they pro vide. Members of the Program Com mittee include Mrs. Charles H. Dodd, director of Camp Happyland, spon sored by the Salvation Army; Mrs. Edward P. Lovett, director of Camp Pleasant, sponsored by the Family Service Association; Lee W. John son, director of Camp Lichtman, sponsored by the Twelfth Street Y. M. C. A.; Benjamin N. Rosen berg. director of Center Camp, spon- i sored by the Jewish Community Center, and W. R. Hall, project, manager of the National Park Service. Mcycle Safety Club Starts ■or Children of Area Formation of the Bicycle Safety Club for juvenile cyclists of the District and nearby Maryland and Virginia was announced today by 'he American Automobile Associa tion. The club hopes to reduce bicycle accidents and to improve cycling tabits of children, the association stated. In order to join, each boy and girl must sign a pledge agreeing to abide by certain safety rules. Mem bership, which is free, includes a small red reflector to be attached to the bicycle, a record of serial number to provide against theft and & booklet on bicycle regulations and safety suggestions. The local A. A. A. offices pointed out similar clubs have been started recently in St. Louis, Detroit and Cleveland and have proved highly successful. Citizens Weigh Cycle Ban After Police Fatality Georgetown citizens today were '-onsidering an appeal to Police 3upt. E. W Brown that motor cycles be abandoned in favor of scout cars as a safety measure. Such a move was discussed fol lowing the accident in which Ray mond E. Grant, seventh precinct motor cycle officer, was killed yes terday. At a meeting of the Georgetown Lions Club yesterday John Paul Jones, past president of the or ganization, offered a resolution sug gesting that wherever possible scout cars be used by police instead of motor cycles. Mr. Jones pointed out that acci dents in which motor cycle police men figure are numerous, and that this mode of transportation is haz ardous, particularly on rainy days. The resolution, which would be forwarded to Maj. Brown, was re ferred to the club’s Safety Com mittee for study and report. New Junior High Bids to Be Opened Bids will be opened this after noon on the $775,000 Jefferson Jun ior High School, it was announed at the District Building. The new school will be located between H and I and Seventh and Ninth streets S.W. One wing will be a branch of the Public Library. Don't gamble with traffic safety. The odds are one minute to four score years and ten. I Ett jl ONE-DAY SPECIAL IN HOUSEWARES 3.99 Cornice Top Venetian Blinds Automatic Stop, Ivory Color 2.77 Worm Gear Tilting Device Mingled Tapes 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 35 and 36 inch widths. 65 inches long. Gold* nberf. Third Floor. Warren Basswood Porch Shades 13.44 16 ft. wide, 6 ft. I long in green. I K e e p s out the a rain, allows plenty of fresh air. 49c Washable Window Shades Cut to measure, fibre shades. White. Ivory, buff cocoa or creen. Brins measure- aa ments Goldenberr’.— Third rinnr Half-Price Sale 18-Piece Blue Willow Lunch Sets 1.38 3ood duality pot ery. Serves four. Mnch plates. 7Va nch coupe soups, tups, saucers, one •alt and one pep >er shaker. 10c and 1 5c Silver Plated Tableware QC ea. Cmtjtassy. Silver listed on 1 R'r nickel silver. Ten rear guarantee, rea. dessert, table ind soup spoons, rable. dessert, alad forks, butter knives sugar shells, rainless steel blade cnives. 4.98 Metal Utility Cabinets 3.74 Heavy gauge metal. ttffxlHxl‘Mn. size. Six compartments. White, ivory or green enamel fin ish. Modern handle. ! Decorated Tin Kitchen Sets 74c Flower pot dec oration. White and green enamel fln i lsh. A hinged cover J bread box and 8 • piece canister aet. 9x12 Regular 49.50 ltoyal Wilton Rugs In a Tremendous One-Day Offering at Handsome reproduction of fine Persian" designs in a gor geous showing of colors. They'll make your living room look like something out of a photo. Royal Wiltons are j known for their length of service and fine finish, so plan to be here early tomorrow to get your choice. vvear-cver Aluminum 3-Qt. SAUCE PANS 74c List price. 1.50 Three - quart size, with long handle and drain cover Heavy quality aluminum. Goldenberg’s— Si Shoe-Shine Cabinet An unpainted wood box with heavy iron shoe stand A positive necessity in every home. 98c Garbage Cans Heavy rorrugated, hot dipped galvanized iron. Guaranteed not to leak. Tight-fitting cover. 4 gal. ■Downstairs. 9x12 Waffs Hair Rug Cushion__3.99 3.95 ROOM-SIZE FELT BASE RUGS 9x12 and 9x10% ft. Perfect quality in floral, tile and carpet designs. Handsome color combinations suit- 9 able for dining rooms, kitchens, bedrooms. ■ 34.50 ROOM-SIZE AXMINSTER RUGS 9x12 and 8.3x10.6 ft. sizes. A famous make at huge savings. Early American, Persian and Chinese de- / H signs with or without borders. Some are slightly imperfect, but scarcely noticed. JB_ 1.00 Colorful Scoffer Rugs 45c Luxoleum Floor Covering £.!iC»ien! copi,,s ,of old Persian Our own famous brand. Twelve beau- AM 3 designs in many colors and combina- Atat tiful patterns in tile, floral marble productions E*St Indla Numdan re~ 4 4 C and et'om‘'lric effects. All new colors sq. yd. _ Goldrnberg's—Third Floor. 24.85 Gilders 12.45 p Six cushions. |: Woter repellent I j covers. Metal pr ’ plain fronts. I Coil spring con struction. each cushion with coil spring base. Pull, ball-bearing. Rub ber tipped base. Many colors. G o 1 d e n berg's— Downstairs. 1.1V ruH-Length Framed Mirrors Choice of eeveral Mm art | UniihcB 8»c Mahogany, maple, walnut or white finishes. Clear glass, for bath room or bedroom doors. Golden berr’s — Down stairs. Rayon and Cotton Knit Curtains 66c Bordered and allover patterns in two-tone effects. All wanted colors. 2’6 yds. long. Also 1 and 2 of a kind rayon or ninon show room samples. 3.98 Pinch-Pleated Damask Draperies 2.8ft 100 inches wide to the pair. Two and one-half yds. long. Fully lined. Complete with tie backs. Blue, rust, gold, red, green, wine, eggshell. I Mahogany, maple, walnut or white finishes. Clear glass, for bath room or bedroom doors. Golden berg’s — Down stairs. 8-Pc. Living Room Group Completely Ensembled for Your Convenience! No need to worry about which piece will harmonize with the other. We’ve gone to great lengths to en- Hv me semble a complete room and save you money at the BB same time. Large sofa, arm chair, channel back wing chair covered in durable cotton friezette in a choice ^k ^B A of colors, two lamp tables, coffee table and two table lamps complete with shades. Goldcnberg's—Fourth Floor. SURE-FIT SLIP COVERS 5 1-44 Floral pattern cretonne In nine, blue or green with large motif. Corded seams. Box pleated skirts. Club. wing, lounge, or cogswell. 3.98 SURE-FIT STUDIO COVERS Nubtex. woven vmj ''rash and _ga A plaids in wine mw rust, brown, blue or green. With 3 separate cushion cov ers. Box pleated. Goldenberg's—Third Floor. Reg. 1.89 to 2.35 Monad Paints Half Gallon, Vary Spaeial 1.69 Gloss, semi-gloss, outside house paint, floor and deck enamel and clear varnish. Plan to reflnish home inside and out now for Fall. Golden berg's— Downstair*. Perfect Quality 79c Full-Fashioned R ingle $ s' CHIFFON SILK HOSE 1.00—81x99 and 72x99 Inch "STRONGWEAR" SHEETS Our famous quality made of 64-square sturdy sheeting in full and twin bed sizes. Free from starch or dressing. 25c "STRONGWEAR" PILLOW CASES i q _ 42x36 and 45x36 Inch_ I 1 •00—70x90-1nch Pastel Blankets 69c Heavily fleeced quality in extra large sire Rose, green, gold, orchid and blue. Virginia Maid Mattress | Covers Sure-Fit covers in full and twin bed sizes. Cord-O-Welt seams/ Rubber but tons.—Main Floor. 1.95 Jacquard Cotton BEDSPREADS 84X105-inch, heavy ^ OQ quality, closely woven ■ tMo W cotton In all smart ■ Fall colors. 84x105 Colonial 2.95 SPREADS Rose. blue. green, gold, rust or orchid spreads in new pat terns. 89.95 Bedroom Suite Complete With Spring and Mattress Three major pieces in beautiful veneers, mas sive lines and modern styling. Butt walnut veneered on gumwood with deep waterfall fronts. Large dresser with round mirror, four drawer chest and choice of twin or full size bed. Deep coil spring and roll edge mattress. Goldenberg’s—Fourth Floor Half Price—$50 New Electric Sewing Machines 825 Full size head, knee control, fold into an attractive night table. No Money Down Convenient terms can be arranged. Goldenbers'a— I_1 I_I Goldenbero’t—Main Floor. 19c Dundee Turkish Towels 20x40 inch, heavy, closely woven terry. Very absorbent. White with colored borders. $1 Lunch Cloth^ Rayon Table Cloths 52x52 printed cloths of fine 4>Q Reg. l.flP. Demask in egg- AA. cottons. Colorfast new pat- Oc7" shell green, blue, peach. aftfC terns. 52xS8-lnch. 15c Tea Toweling, yd. 98c Lace Scarfs Mill lengths. Part-linen, cotton Q_ 15x45 and 15x35 inch scarfs toweling in white with colored Ov and matching 3-piece vanity borders. sets. Rich colors. Goldenberg'i—Main Floor. main rioor. NOTION SPECIALS 98c Bathing Bags. Rubber lined. Some with zippers -ggc fi9c Bathing Shoes. Klelnert's assorted col-i ors. sizes -^gc 1 Oc Rubber Baby Pants. 8mall. medium and large_*_g 1.00 Garment Bags. 80-ln. R -garment size. Snap fastened_69c 39e Shoe Bags. 12-pocket stge. Wight Ir regulars __2gp 5c 0. N. T. Cotton White and black, gt M__ on. 40 to TO. Colors RP IOl* in mercerize. 44e Bucilla Crochet Cotton. Blue label 800 yd. -29c 29c Chair Pads. Chintz chair pads. As sorted colors_19c 09c Scissors and Shears. 3 Vi to 8 In. sizes Many types-^gc 2Ac Dress Shields. Regular and crescent shapes 3.80 Shoe Cabinets. Solid wood. Solid i54c 3-thread crepe chiffons, , all-silk front top to toe and reinforced for wear. Stunning Fall and Summer shades to wear 1 with black or pastels. Sizes 8V2 to 10Va. Buy l\ a supply. \ Full Fashioned Silk Hose Seconds of 79c and 1.00 rtniless chiffons *?0v > in all colors, sires d'-a to lO'/a. F. Fashioned Hose Crepe chiffon. 2 and nCjg •'1 thread Mill mends CVV of 79c to 1 Oft. Wanted colors. 8V1 to lo'/a. ^39c Pure Silk Hose Silk from top to toe. Iff* Knit to lit. Slight sec- I lie onds of .19c. Sires 8'a to JO'/*. 29c Service Hose Rayons in popular col- I 9* ors. Long wearinf. I mW Seconds Sizes 8’a to low. | Goldenberg’s—Main Floor. . I 1 29- inch printed rayons, Crown-tested quality. Guaranteed tubproof. Stun ning new colors and patterns. ^ 59c Rayon Taffeta 39c Nubby Rayons 30- inch celanese In 2 to 8 yd. lengths. Washable creoe in white and a eom Whlte. black and all the newer plete range of beautiful colors for colors for spreads, etc. AA_ now and later. Extra qual- 1A _ Yd.-- <£efC lty. Yd_ leIC Goldenberg’s—Main Floor Twin Metal Bed Outfit 2 Beds 2 Inner spring Mattresses 2 Springs Two Windsor beds with graceline tubing and oval fillers. Foster coil springs and Inner-spring mat tresses covered with pretty art ticking. A remark able value, for this one-day sale. Goldenbtrg’—Fourth Floor USE OUR LIBERAL CREDIT PLAN! i i 1 Printed voiles, dimity, batiste and lawns In a lovely assortment of colorful patterns and backgrounds All guaranteed wash- yd. able and tubfast. 39-inch. 29c-38c Wosh Fabrics 59c Woven Dot Swiss Printed cottons in pique, dotted 36-inch imported Swiss in white, pas Swisa, musline. chenille dot g (J tel or dark pounds. Sheer. qq_ voile. All tubfast. Yd... ADC permanent finish. Yd....... uvC Qoldmbtrg't—Mal* Floor i --Z.49 S9c Sanitary Aprons. Flesh color rubber, jjjp 59c Knitting Yarn Camel brand, 4 01. hanks, an. Wide variety of colors_ C Qoldenbertft—Main Floor. I