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Revision of District Social Security Law Will Be Proposed Efforts Will Continue To Permit Lowering of Unemployment Tax Bv HAROLD B. ROGERS. Proposals to revise comprehen sively the District of Columbia Un employment Insurance Act will be worked out for presentation to the next session of Congress in January. This became known today, as Dis trict officials and bankers made pre liminary surveys of the effect of the new amendments to the Social Se curity Act which became law' after Congress adjourned. The amend ments extend the Social Security Act to all banks, and building and loan associations. How the combination of the emended Federal Act, and the Dis trict law' will affect banks and loan associations here has become one of the vital topics of consideration in the financial district. One of the principal objectives of District officials will be to continue their efforts to permit a lowering of the 3 per cent unemployment tax now levied by law' on the pay rolls of employes. This tax so far has built up a fund of more than $13, 737,000, while the District is collect ing annually from three to four times as much from employers as is needed to meet cnsoursemenis unoer the act. Legislative efforts to get the District separated from the Federal Social Security authority were un successful in the last session. Face 3 Per Cent Levy. The national banks, which have not been paying the social security taxes to either the municipality or the Federal Government, will be faced with a current local levy of 3 per cent on all incomes—unless the local act is changed. Certain financial institutions here have been paying the local unem ployment tax. which has risen through the years from 1 per cent and 2 per cent to the present 3 per cent level. National banks coming into the jurisdiction of social security will have their employes covered begin ning next January 1, and the tax on these banks will not be graduated 1, 2 and 3 per cent as others which have been paying in the past. The newcomers to the field will pay the same current tax applicable to all. The District of Columbia act pro- j vides for operation of the unem ployment system here on a "poor ; plan, whereby taxation from all em- 1 ployers goes into one fund, out of which benefits are paid. Other sys tems authorized by the Federal Social Security Act include the "re serve" and “guarantee” funds. Pool Plan Backed. Local officials, it is understood, hope to continue the pool plan, with a view to giving the Unemployment Compensation Board the right to fix the tax rate yearly, the same rate to apply equally to all em ployers in the District, under the pool plan. One of the provisions of the new Federal Social Security amend ments. however, which will be sub ject to close scrutiny by local em ployers reads as follows: "No reduced rate of contributions to a pooled fund or to a partially pooled account is permitted to a per son (or group of persons) having ! individuals in his for their) employ | except on the basis of his <or their) ! experience with respect to unem ployment or other factors bearing a direct relation to unemployment risk during not less than three con secutive years immediately preceding the computation date.” The unemployment tax on em ployers which is 3 per cent to the Federal Government and 3 per cent to the District, with the former al lowing a credit of 90 per cent for payments made locally, has nothing to do with the 1 per cent Federal tax for aid-age assistance, paid by both the employer and the employe. Register for Conclave. The list of District bankers plan ning to attend the annual conven tion of the American Bankers' As sociation at Seattle, Wash., next month now includes Robert V. Flem ing. president of Riggs National Bank; George O. Vass, vice presi dent and cashier of Riggs; Sidney Taliaferro, vice president and trust officer of Riggs; F. G. Addison, jr„ president of Security Savings and Commercial Bank: W. J. Waller, vice president and cashier of Hamil ton National Bank; L. P. McLachlen. president of McLachlen Banking Corp.: C. F. Burton, president of City Bank: John A. Reilly, president of Second National Bank: James C. Dulin, jr.. treasurer of the Ameri can Security and Trust Co., and J. Frank White, president of the Na tional Bank of Washington. Others also have the trip under considera tion, it is understood. .Inins: Intiinnco CfnfT Robert C. Merritt, well-known local life underwriter, has joined the agency staff of the Washing ton branch office of the Connecti cut General Life Insurance Co., according to Ar m a n d Durant local manager for the company. For the past five years Mr. Mer ritt has been a field agent in Washington for the Acacia Mu tual. Mr. Durant also announced the addition to his agency of Capt. John S. Robfrt C. Mfrritt. Nesbitt, United States Army re tired. Capt. Nesbitt is a graduate Of the Military Academy, class of 1929, and will devote the major portion of his activities to the Con necticut General's business in Army and Navy circles. A. I. B. Cruise Planned. Plans are being completed for the annual moonlight cruise of the Washington Chapter American In stitute of Banking on the City of Washington. Thursday, August 17. Several hundred bankers have Indicated they will go on the cruise. Herbert D. Lawson, jr., of the Washington Loan & Trust Co., Chairman of the Entertainment Committee, is in charge of ar rangements. Financial District Notes. Albert S. Gatlev, executive vice president of Lincoln National Bank, 1s on vacation at Virginia Beach. William E. Howard, assistant Cashier of the National Bank of Washington, is vadationing at Ocean City, Md. TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK FXCHAkiof By Private wire Direct to The Star. Prev. 1939 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low Dividend Rate Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 11 64 Adams Exp <.10g)_. 8 74 74 74 — 4 274 194 Addressog’ph 1.40.. 1 204 204 204 — 4 654 45V* Air Reduction!]a) .. 3 544 53 63 —14 10 64 Alaska Juneau .65g. 1 74 74 74 + 4 14 4 Alleghany _ 1 4 4 4 144 6 Alleghany $30 vt.. 6 74 74 74 —4 284 14 Alleg-Ludlum Steel 2 17V* 174 17V* - 4 193 1514 Allied Chemical (6) 6 163 162 162 -8 13jC 94 Allied Mills (,76g).. 3 114 114 114 114 6 Allied Stores _ 7 84 84 84 —4 704 544 Allied Stores pf (5). 2 70 70 70 484 28 Allts-Chalm t.60g)_ 9 34 33 S3 -14 70 50 Amerada (2)_ 2 604 60 60 -1 364 164 Am Airlines_ 7 32 31 31 -14 174 104 Am Bank Note .20g. 2 124 12 12 - 4 8 34 Am Bosch _ 2 5 44 44 — V* 1034 83V* Am Can (4) .. 5 100 984 100 - V* 35 174 Am Car & Foundry. 4 204 20 20 -14 84 64 Am Colortypo __ 1 6 6 6 114 54 Am Cornel Alcohol. 2 64 64 64 — 4 54 24 Am Encaustic Tll__ 2 34 34 34 — 4 6 44 Am European Sec.. 3 54 64 54 — 4 34 2 Am & Foreign Fwr. 4 24 24 24 — 4 194 10 Am & For'n P $6 pf. 1 154 154 154 -1 244 124 Am & For'n P *7 pf. 4 21 204 204 —14 6V* 24 Am Hide & Leather 3 44 44 44 — 4 55 414 Am Home Prod 2.40 2 524 614 514 - 4 25 144 Am Ice pf __ 1 24 24 24 — 4 74 44 Am International_ 2 6 44 44 — 4 304 144 Am Locomotive .. 3 164 164 164 — 4 794 43 Am Locomotive nf. 1 454 454 454 —14 154 11 Am Mach & Fy .80.. 3 124 124 124 + 4 44 24 Am Mach & Metals. 1 24 24 24 —4 404 26 Am Metal (.50g)___ 4 28 27V* 274 -14 7 34 Am Power & Light 23 5 4 6 4 54 - 4 so in ritUDPi IN 41% 4(1% 41 —2% 50% 32 Am P&LS6pf 2.25k. 9 47% 45% 46 -2 18% 10% Am Radiator ... 35 11 10% 10% - % 22% 11% Am Rolling Mills 7 14% 14% 14% — % 15% 11', Am Safety Raz 1.20 4 13% 13% 13%+ % 20 10% Am Seating (,50e) . 1 12% 121, 12% - % 34% 26 Am Shipbulld g (2) 30a 28% 28 28 -1 53% 35% Am Smelt & R 1.50g 12 44% 44% 44% -1% 41 20% Am Steel Foundry.. 20 24% 24% 24% — 1% 14% 81* Am Stores (,25g)_ 5 13% 12% 12%-% 14% 9 Am Stove (,55g)_ 1 14 14 14 - % 22% 15% Am Sugar Refining. 1 16% 16% 16% 91% 75% Am Sugar R pf (7). 1 79% 79% 79%+ % 18% 14% Am Sumat Tob (1). 1 17% 17% 17%-% 170% 148 Am Tei & Teieg (9) 11 166% 165 165% -2 87% 73 Am Tobacco (6) .. ' 3 80% 80% 80V,- % 89% 75% Am Tobacco (B)(5) 6 82 81 81% - % 8% 4% Am Type Founders. 1 6% 5% 5% — % 14s, 8% Am Water Works_ 44 11% 10% 11% - % 6% 3% Am Woolen _ 3 4% 4% 4% — % 43% 28% Am Woolen pf_ 3 33% 33 33% -1% 7% 4% Am 7,1 nc 2 4% 4% 4% - % 36% 20% Anaconda (.75g) ... 94 25% 24% 25%-% 27% 13% Anchor Hoc Gi ,30g. 5 25% 25% 25% - % 29V, 21 Arch-Ban-Mid ,75g. 2 27 27 27 - % 121V, 116 Arch-Dan-M pf (7 ) 50a 117’% 117% 117% 105 97 Armour(Del) pf (7) 1 103 103 103 + % 6% 3% Armour (111) .. 3 4 3% 3% - % 62 33% Armour (111) pr pf_ 4 36 35% 35% - % 68 33% Armstr’g Cork ,7og. 4 40% 40 40 — % 13 9% Arnold Const(.60g). 3 9% 914 9% — % 10% 6% Artloom Corp _ 10 8% 8% 8% — % 10% 5% Assoc Dry Goods_ 4 7% 7% 7% — % 42% 23% Atcb Top & S F_ 24 26% 26 26 -1% 30V, 15 Atl Coast Line_ 5 17% 17% 17% -1 23V, 18% Atl Refining (1)_ 2 19% 19% 19% - % 110% 104% Atl Refining pf (4). 1 106% 106% 106% +1% 9% 7 Atlas Corp (.25g) ..3 9 8% 8% - % 66% 50% Atlas Powder l.oOg. 2 53 53 53 — V, 6% 4% Atlas Tack _ 2 5% 5% 5% + % 4% 1% Auburn Auto (r)_ 1 1% 1% 1% - % 8% 3% Aviation Coro.._ 52 4 4 4 17s, 9% Baldwin Loco ctfs.. 14 11% 10% 11 — % 8% 4% Balto & Ohio _ 13 4% 4% 4% - % 10% 5 Balto & Ohio pf .. 6 6% 6% 6% — % 30% 19 Bangor & Ar (2.50). 1 23% 23% 23V, - Vi 87% 65 Bangor & Ar pf (5). 20s 67 67 67 21V, 10% Barber Asphalt_ 3 12% 11% 11% — % 19V* Rarnsrinll Ml 19 19*. 191. ion. _ 254 154 Bavuk Cigar (.75)._ 13 24% 234 234 —1% 94 74 Belding-Hem (.70) 3 8% 84 84 — 4 29% 16% Bendix Aviat’n ,50g 29 24% 234 23% -Is, 214 17% Beneficial L’n 90g 7 20% 204 204 — % 574 38 Best & Co (1 60a) _. 1 41 41 41 — 4 80 504 Beth Steel (,50g)._. 60 61 58s, 58% -2% 18 154 Beth Sti 5% of (1). 2 174 174 174 -4 115 994 Bath Steel pf (7) 1 114% 114% 114% + % 27 15% Bigelow-Sanford_ 2 234 23 23 —2 17% 84 Blaw-Knox ... 17 114 10% 104 - % 34% 17% Boeing Airplane 11 21 204 204 — % 117 104 Bon Ami (Al (4a).. 40s 115 115 115 + % 59% 51 Bon Ami (B) 2.60a. 70s 594 584 584 -1 22 124 Bond Stores (.90g). 1 19% 19% 19% — % 22 164 Borden Co (.90g)_ 16 20% 20V, 20% — % 32 18% Borg-Warner 60g . 14 24 22% 23 —14 294 194 Bower Roll Brg (2). 1 284 284 284 -% 7% 54 Brewing Corp ,60g.. 1 74 74 74 15% 84 Bridgeport Brass _. 4 10 9% 9% -1 31% 164 Brigga Mfg (.50g)_. 12 214 20% 20% -14 53 41% Bristol-Myers 2.40. 2 52 52 52 +4 144 7% Bklyn-Man Transit. 15 12 11% 12 — 4 484 27 Bklyn-Man Tran pf 5 45 43V, 44 —2 2 14 Bklyn & Queens_ 1 1% 1% 1% 13% 54 Bklyn & Queens pf. 4 11% 114 11% — % 304 13% Bklyn Un Gaa .25g.. 6 27% 26% 27 -14 19% 9% Brunswick-B 1.25g 26 18% 184 18% - 4 134 7 Bucyrus-Erle_ 8 9 84 84 — % 8 4 Budd Mfg _ 7 54 4% 4% — 4 554 294 Budd Mfg pf_ 20s 40 40 40 -24 5% 3 Budd Wheel . .. 3 4% 44 44 —4 34% 214 Bulova Watch (2) .. 3 29 28 28 -Is, 19% 114 Burlington Mills (1) 7 184 17% 18 — % 18% 11 Burr's Add M .30g__ 6 13 13 13 — 4 94 5% Butler Bros lag 6 6% 64 64—4 23% 18% Butler Bros pf 1.50. 1 21 21 21 134 7 Bvers (A M1 Cc 6 11% 10% 10% — % 74 25%. Byers A M pf 8.215k 20s 66 66 66 -24 17% 114 Byron Jackson (1). 2 13 12% 12% — 4 20% 134 California Packing. 2 17% 174 174 — 4 24 % Callahan Zinc _ 2 1 1 1 8% 5 Calumet & Hecla_ 5 6 5% 5% - % 17% 94 Campbell Wvant ._ 6 104 104 104 - % 20% 12 Canada Dry (.50g)_. 16 18% 17% 184-14 64 34 Canadian Pacific . 34 3% 3% 3% 7% 44 Capital Admin (A). 1 64 64 64+4 204 13% Carpenter Stl(.55g) 5 16 15 16+4 n 4 ! C C __ 1 I . . r . , a e. , . — . . 122% 110 Case (J 1 )Co pf (7) 50s 115% 115% 115% - % 55 38% Caterpillar Trac(2) 1 41% 41% 41% — % 107% 102 Caterpillar T pf <5) 1 100% 100% 100% 29% 13% Celanese Corp __ 50 25% 24% 25% — % 109% 84 Celanese pr pf (7).. 80s 109% 108% 109% + % 19% 10 Celotex Corp _ 9 11% 10% 11 — % 5% 2% Central Foundry... 2 3% 3% 3% — % 113 109 Cent 111 L nf 4.50 .. 10s 113% 113% 113% + % 9% 3% Central RR of N J.. 1 4% 4% 4% - % 5% 3% Central Violetta .. 1 4% 4% 4% + % 52% 32 Cerro de Pasco<3g) 2 35% 35% 35% -1% 13 6% Certaln-teed _ 7 6% 6% 6% — % 11 6% Checker Cab Co .. 1 8% 8% 8% 25% 17% Ches Corp (1.20b).. 4 21 21 21 40% 27 Ches & Ohio (2) 15 34% 33% 33% -1% 3% 1% Chi & East 111 pf <r) 2 1% 1% 1% - % 1 % Chi & Northwn (r). 3 % a, a, 20% 10 Chi Pneu Tool 4 12% 12% 12% -1 1% % Chi RI&P 6% pf(r). 1 % % % 13V* 7 Childs Co _ 2 7% 7% 7% _ % 85% 53% Chrysler Mg) - 202 81", go% 80", -2% 14% 9 City Ice & Fuel .60g 3 13% 12% 12% — "» 97% 79 City Ice & F of 6.60 30s 92% 92 92 4% 2% City Stores 1 2% 2% 2% + % 26 15 Clark Equip (75g).. 1 22'% 22% 22% - a, 115 109% Clev El Illu nf 4 50.. 60s 111% 111 111 - 30% 20% Cleve Graphite (1). 6 28% 27% 27% -1% 60% 34% Climax Molyb 1.20. 8 39% 39% 39",— y, 85% 21V, Cluett Peabody ,60g 21 32", 32 32% -1 133 114 Coca-Cola <2g) _ 1 127 127 127 -2 62 58 Coca-Cola (A) (3) ._ 2 62 60 60 -1 17% 11% ColEate-Pal-P 1 50) 42 16% 16 16 -a, 36% 20% Collins Aik (,75c) 8 30 29 29 —la, 24% 14 Colum B C(A)1.05b 9 24% 23a* 23% -IV, 24% 14 Colum B C (B) l.OSg 4 24% 23% 23% -1% 9 5% Columma Gas & El 127 7"* 7% 7% - % 91 74% Col G&E of A <6>__ 6 87a* 86% 86% -1% 57 38% Cornel Credit (4)... 11 47a, 45a, 45a, -1 u 60 42 Cornel Inv Tr (4)... 3 52% 52 52 -1% 13a, 9 Cornel Solvents 12 10a* 10% 10% - % 31% 25% Comwlth Edts 1.20g 31 30", 30% 30% — % 2% 1% Comwlth & South’n 85 la, 1% 1% _ y* 721* 45a, Comwlth & S Df(3). 11 71V, 70 71 —1 30% 19 Concoleum ,75b_ 6 25% 24 24% - a* 7 $4 Congress Cigar_ 1 5% 5% 5% 25% 17 Consol Aircraft .. 6 20 19", 20 — a, 91 79% Consol C pr nf 6.60. 60s 90 90 90 35 27 Consol Edison <2)__ 45 32% 31% 31a; — % 108% 101", Consol Edls pf (6) 2 107% 107% 107% — % 12V* 8% Consol Film nf .60k. 3 10", 10% 10% -1% 9% 6", Consol OH t.80)_ 15 6% 6", 6% lb* 9* Container Corp ... 1 10* 10'* 10'* — * 22* lm Conti Baking (A).. 4 15* 15 15V* - * 2 1* Conti Baking (B)_ 7 1* 1* 1* 44 32* Conti Can (1.50k)_ 8 40 39V* 39',- * 37* 29* Conti lnsur il 60a). 1 35* 35* 35*+ * 4 1* Conti Motor _ 3 2* 2* 2* — * 31* 20* Conti OiKDel) .75g. 18 21 20* 21 29V* 16* Conti Steel ,75g . 1 26 26 26 —1* 59* 49 Corn Exchange (3). 10s 55* 65* 55* — * 66* 54* Corn Product* (S).. 12 60* 59* 59* — * 4* 3* Coty Inc (new) 9 4* 4v* 4* — * 2* 1* Coty International- 7 1* 1* l* 38 19* Crane Co . 35 20* 19* 19*— * 110 93 Crane Co cv Df (B) 7 10*3 101* 101* —1* 32* 26* Cream of Wh’t(2) n 1 31* 31* 31*— * 13 7* Crosley Corp 1 9* 9* 9* 41* 20V* Crown Cork * Seal 8 26* 25* 25* -1 40V* 35 Cr'n CAS pf ww 2.a6 1 3474 347* 34* - * 14* 9 Crown Zeller (.50) . 13 10* 10 10V* - * 91 75 Crown Zeller pf (5) 40s 81* 80* 80* — * 47* 24* Crucible Steel .. 6 32* 30* 31 -1* 5 3 Cuban Am Sugar... 1 3* 3* 3*— * 16 10* Cudahy Packing . 2 11 11 11 49 38 Curtis Pub pf 1.25k. 1 47* 47* 47*-* 7* 4* Curtiss-Wright 14 4* 4* 4* 28* 19* Curtiss Wr(A) .60*. 20 24* 237a 237» - * 24* 13* Cutler-Hammer 2 17 17 17 -1 7 4* Darega Stores .16*. 1 4* 4* 4* — * 24 15* Deere* Co _ 7 18* 18* 18*-* 26* 12* Del A Hudson_ 8 16 15 15*-* 8* 4 Del Eack A Wn .... 4 4* 4* 4*-* 34* 28 Diam'd Match 1.50.. 1 32* 32* 32* - * 20* 15* Distlllers-Saagd*) 6 17* 17* 17* - 7a 35* 30 Dixie-Vorl A) (2.60) 140s 33 33 33 -1 22* 10 Doehler Dla Casting * 1 15* 15* 15*-* 34 30* Dome Mine* (2)_ 4 33* 33* 33* 78* 66 Douglaa Aircraft_ 12 67* 67 67 —1* 135 101* Dow Chamioal (*)_ 2 127* 126 126 +• * Prev. 1939 Stock snd Sales— Net Hlth. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. Ilk 6 Dresser Mfg- 2 8Vt 8k 8k- k 19k 9 Dunhlll Internatl_ 4 10 9k 10 + k 14 10 Duplan Silk (1)_ 1 13 13 13 + k 116 108 Duplan Silk pf (*).. 10s 116k 115k 116k + k 164k 126k Du Pont d* N 2.60g. 15 169 16774 15# -2k 20 12k Eastern Air Lines— 23 18k 17k 18k - *4 8 3k Eastn Roll Mills... 2 474 4k 4k 18674 138(4 Eastman Kodak (6) 6 171k 171k 171k -lk 18374 173 Eastm Kodak pf(6) 80s 176k 176k 176'# + k 2774 15k Eaton Mfg (l.BOg).. 3 26 25k 25k— 74 19k 15 Edison Bros Sts(l). 1 18 18 18 + k 3k 174 Eitington Schlld . 8 lk lk lk — k 38k 22k Eleo Auto L(1.25g) 30 35 34k 35 -lk 15k 8k Elec Boat <.30g) _.. 4 10k 10 10 - k 3k 2 Elec & Music (.09e) 2 274 2'* 2k 12k 6k Elec Pwr A Light . 33 8k 8k 8k - k 38 18k Eleo Pw A Lt $6 pf. 7 30 '29k 30 - lk 41'4 2074 Elec Pw A Lt pf_ 32 34k 32k 34 -lk 30k 23k Elec Stor Bat C2>_ 2 29 29 29 37 28 El Paso Nat 0(2) 2 35k 35k 35k 43k 38 Endlcott-John 2.25g 1 3674 36k 36k -lk 111 103k Endicott-J of <6»._ 50s 108 108 108 + k 13k 7 Eng Pub Service . 84 12k 1274 12k- k 80k 6274 Eng Pub Svc pf (5) 4 797* 7874 787*- k 88 65k Eng Pub Svc pf 6.60 3 89 87 87 — k 5k 374 Eureka Vacuum Cl. 3 4k 4k 4>/« 13 6 Evans Products 6 8 7k 7k — k 24k 14k Ex-Cell-O (,40g)_ 3 19 18k 187j -2k 4 374 24 Palroanks-Morse... 1 31'4 31k 31k — lk 6 274 Fed Motor Truck 2 3k 3'* 37* — 7* 37k 27k Fidelity Phoe 1 60a. 4 35k 35k 3574 25k 17k Firestone Tire .76g. 6 20k 20k 2074 — k 61 38k First Natl Strs 2.60. 1 49 49 49 + k 31k 1674 FllntkoteCo _ 6 19k 19 19 —1 «■ *i***'C V w\ Afi/. 1 olV] OfV) oc^ " Vs 34 14 Follanshee Bro <r)_ 1 24 24 24 — 4 354 21 Food Machine .60*.. 3 33 33 33 - 4 294 144 Foster Wheeler 7 174 174 174 —1 30 184 Freeport Sulph .75* 2 214 214 214— 4 14 9 Garnewell Corp . 60s 11 11 11 74 34 Gar Wood Indust .. 2 44 44 44 — 4 11 84 Gen Bakin* (.30*).. 1 84 84 84 - 4 149 134 Gen Bakinc pf (8).. 40s 147 147 147 -1 44 24 Gen Bronze_ 1 24 24 24 18 9 Gen Cable _ 2 114 114 114—4 35 174 Gen Cable (A)_ 2 224 22 22 — 4 254 194 Gen Oi*ar (lg) .. 2 21 21 21 — 4 444 31 Gen Electric (.50*). 50 364 354 364 - 4 474 364 Gen Foods (2) 12 474 464 464 — 4 14 4 Gen Gas & El (A) __ 6 4 4 4 99 724 Gen Mills (2.875*). 1 88 88 88 -14 127 117 Gen Mills pf (6) ... 70s 122 120 122 42 514 364 Gen Motors (2.25*). 200 464 454 454 -14 38 28 Gen Outd Ad A(3k). 1 34 34 34 -1 104 7 Gen Print ink .20*.. 1 84 84 84 + 4 28 14 Gen llwv Signal 3 164 16 16 - 4 41 194 Gen Refractor .25*. 4 264 254 254 -2 154 134 Gen Shoe (1) .. ... 1 144 144 144 _ 4 324 16 Gen Steel Cast pf .. 40s 19 19 19 -1 184 134 Gen Telephone (1). 2 184 174 174— 4 274 154 Gen TtreARub .60*. 11 214 204 214 -14 84 54 Gillette Saf R (.60) 8 64 64 64 134 74 Glmhel Broa 16 84 8 8 — 4 664 504 Glmbel Bros pf (6). 2 50 60 60 — 4 244 144 Glldden Co _ 3 17 164 164 — 4 34 2Vi Gobel (Adolf) _ 3 24 24 24 — 4 244 134 Goodrich IBF)_ 74 204 194 204 —1 744 53 Goodrteh(BF)pf(5) 1 684 684 684 -24 384 214 Goodyear (,75g)... 14 274 264 274 — *. 1094 90 Goodyear pf (6) .. 1 1034 1034 1034 + 4 5 24 Gotham Silk Hose.. 1 44 44 4'« — 4 14 4 Graham-Palge 9 4 4 4 — 4 74 44 Granby Const.15*). 2 64 64 64 — Vi 14 4 Grand Union 1 14 14 14+4 164 11 Grand Un pf(l.25k). 2 154 154 154— 4 35 244 Grant (WT) (1.40). 11 344 344 314 — 4 25 224 GranttW Tlpfd)_ 3 24 4 24 4 244 - 4 314 164 Great North'n pf . 39 244 234 24 —14 164 12V, Great No O cfs 75*. 4 134 134 134 — v* 28 24 Great Wn Su* (2).. 2 244 244 244 — 4 1414 133 Great Wn S pf (7) . 20s 138 138 138 -1*. 354 24V* GreentH 0(1 60a) 1 33 33 33 -1 214 144 Greyhound ( 80)_ 28 I84 174 174 — *, 15*. 8 Hall iW F) Prte .. 1 14 14 14 - *, 74 44 Hat Corp (A) 20*.. 1 64 6 4 64 -4 44 2 Haves Body . 13 2** 24 24 — 4 Herkpr Prod i * 7 1 o 1 n. 1 _ u. 167 159 HelmefG W)pf(7) . 10s 163 162 163 -1 17 10 Hercules Motor 2 124 124 124 + 1 86 63 Hercules Powd (Me 1 744 744 744 — 4 i 51 314 Holland Furn 1 50g 1 394 394 394 154 10 Hollv Sugar 2 10 10 ]0 664 604 Homestake (4 50) 4 614 644 614 + 4 174 84 Houd-Hersh(B) 25g 12 12 114 114 - 4 734 61 Household Fin < 4) 1 71 71 71 — 4 84 44 Houston Oil _ 3 54 54 54 — 4 554 40 Howe Sound (3) _ 4 50 49 50 354 254 Hudson Bav ( 75g). 2 344 334 344 f 4 14 1 Hudson & Manhat4 1 1 1 84 44 Hudson Motor_ 5 54 5 4 54 — 4 24 4 Hupp Motor _ 11 4 4 4 + 4 204 94 Illinois Central_ 16 114 11 111, — 4 49 384 Illinois Cent LL(4). 30s 434 434 434 +14 294 164 Industrial Ravon 3 254 25 25 -1 119 86 Ingersoll R'd 3.50g. 2 106 105 105 —1 944 67 Inland Steel 1.50g4 754 754 754 —14 174 94 Inspiration Coprer. 8 114 114 114 — 4 54 44 Insuranshares .10g. 6 54 54 54 — 4 94 34 Interboro RT (r)__ 7 44 4 4 —4 364 174 Inter Chemical _ 12 344 33 344 — 4 108 90 Interchem pf «6)_10s 108 108 108 154 74 Interlake Iron _ 8 9 84 814 — 4 34 14 lntl Agricultural... 1 14 14 14 1954 155 lntl Bus Mach (6a) 2 186 1854 1854 -24 664 48 lntl Harvester 160. 14 514 51 514 —14 84 34 lntl Hvdro-EI (A) 11 6 54 6-4 44 24 lntl Mercantile Ma. 1 24 24 24 554 424 lntl Nickel (21 31 494 484 484 -14 144 64 lntl Paper & Power 8 84 84 84 - 4 614 264 lntl Paper & Pw or. 13 33 314 324 —14 64 34 lntl Rv Cent Am_ 1 44 44 44 +- V, 34 29 lntl Salt (150) _ 1 32 32 32 - 4 314 19 lntl Silver .. 2 24 234 234 -14 99 84 lntl Silver pf (4k).. 1 96 96 96 -14 94 54 lntl Tel * Teleg ... 25 64 6 64 -4 94 6 lntl T & T for ct .. 9 64 64 64 - 4 144 84 Interstate Dept St.. 1 10 10 10 85 68 Jewel Tea (4a)_ 1 834 834 834 + 4 105 654 lohos Manvtlle 8 694 68 68 -24 194 13 Kalamazo Sto .375g. 2 18 174 174 — 4 12 84 Kaufman D S .38g_. 1 94 94 94 — 4 18 124 Kavser (J) (1 g) .. 1 164 164 164 — 4 444 28 Kennecott Cop .75g. 40 354 344 344 — 4 13 84 Keystone Steel .45g 1 114 114 114 — 4 304 20 Kimberly-Clark la. 1 28 28 28 -11 3 1% Klnnev (G Ft) 1 2% 2% 2% - % 24 12% Kinney 15 pf L50g). 30s 21 21 21 — % 26% 20 KresceiSSlil 20). 5 25% 24% 24% - % 29% 20% Kroger Groc 1.60a.. 3 27% 27% 27% — % 13% 7 Laclede Oas . 10s 10% 10% 10%+ % 18% 14 Lambert Co 1.125g. 3 15% 15% 15% — % 35% 25 Lee Rub & T 125k- 2 32% 31% 31% -1% % % Leh Valiev Coal _. 3 % % % 5% 3% Leh Valley RR (r) . 3 3% 3% 3% — % 27% 20% Lehman Co>w> 6ng . 2 22% 22% 22% — % 56% 36% Libbey-Ow-F 1.50g 13 50% 48% 48% -2% 6% 4% Lfbhv Mr.N & Lth 4 5% 5% 5% 43% 34% Life Savers (1.60a). 2 43 43 43 -"% 109% 99% LlEB & Mv«B)<4a> 1 108% 108% 108% - % 180 171% Lice & Myers pf<7) 1 179% 179% 179% + % 47 31% Link Belt (,75g)_ 5 37 36 36 -1% 54% 35 Loew’s Inc (2a)_ 3 43 42% 42% —1% 21% 6 Loft lno 290 18% 18 18% -1% 62 41% Lone Star C (3)_ 2 48% 48% 48% - % 4% 2 Long-Bell (A)_ 4 2 2 2 24% 19% Lorlllard (1.20) . 5 23% 23% 23% 20% 15% Louts O&FK A IT 50.. 3 19% 19 19 -1% 58 3614 Louts & Nash 2.25g. 3 49 49 49 35 28 Mac And&Forb (2). 1 34 34 34 + ’4 30% 18% Mack Trucks 3 21 20% 20% -1% 43% 29% Macy(RH)Co 1.50g. 17 29% 28% 28%-% •1*4 1 Manati Sugar .. 11 1 1 — % 7% 5 Mandell Bros ,45g . 1 6 6 6 — % 14% 5 Man R» mod etdlr) 3 12 11% 11% — % 26% 9 Man Ry gtd (r)_ 150s 23 22% 22% 1% 1 Maracaibo Otl 2 1 11 5% 4% Marine Mfdl'd 32k- 17 5% 5% 5% - % 16% 9% Marshall Field .. 9 14% 13% 13% -1% 39% 27% Martin (Glenn) _. 19 32 31% 31% -1% 57% 34% Masonite Corp (1).. 2 41% 41 41% — % 36 20V4 Math Alklll (1.60).. 3 22% 21% 21%-% 6% 374 Maytag Co _ 2* 3% 3% 3% — % 15% 10% McCall Corp (1)_ 3 14% 14% 14%-% 14% 9% McCrorv Strs _ 12 14% 13% 13% — % 24 15% MeOraw Rlec (1) 3 23% 23 23 -% 10% 6% McGraw-Hlll(.15g) 3 7% 7% 7% - % 59% 49% McIntyre Pore (2) 11 58 56% 56% -2 18% 8% McKeesport Tin 9 11% 11 11 — % 10 7 McLellan Strs 40k- 4 8% 8% 8% — % 99% 88 McLellan pf (6)_ 70s 96% 96 96 12 7 Mead Corp .. _ 1 7% 7% 7% — % 6% 3 Mengel Co ... 1 3% 3% 3% 28% 14% Mengel Co 6% pf .. 40s 16% 16% lfi% —1 39% 25 Mesta Mach(1.26g). 2 29% 29% 29%+ % 12% 6% Miami Copper 2 8 7% 7% — % 16% 11% Mid Cont Pet L25g) 3 12% 12% 12% nnm/ 10s,. ari’Alo. a Ot.ei / t «• \ C 001 oti r> n i n 118 101 Mid Stl 1st Df (8) .. 10s 1164 1154 1154 - 4 854 544 Mtnn-Hon Ros <21 4 55 534 534 -2 144 94 Mission Corp (.25*) 1 94 9 4 94 -4 24 14 Mo-Kan * Texas . _ 1 14 14 14 94 4 Mo-Kan & Texas pf 2 44 44 44 — 4 111 854 Monsanto (2) . .. 6 1024 1014 1014 -1 554 404 Montgom W'd (1*). 14 51 504 504 -14 37V* 244 Morris & Es (3.876) 40s 26 26 26 -V* 19 94 Motor Products . 2 13 124 124 — 4 164 10 Motor Wheel (ISO) 11 164 164 164 -4 30 164 Mueller Bras.40*_ 5 22 21 21 —14 74 44 Mullins Mf* (B)_ 1 44 44 44 444 30 Mullins Mf* pf ... 20s 354 334 354 + 4 70 50 Murphy (GC) (3)... 2 67 67 67 -1 94 44 Murray Corp .... 7 54 5 5 —4 51 45 Myers (FE) 1.50a.. 1 484 484 484 -1 94 54 Nash-Kelvlnalor... 26 6 4 6 4 64—4 154 94 Natl Acme .. 1 104 104 104 —4 144 7k Natl Aviation .50*.. 1 94 9 4 94 — 4 284 234 Natl Biscuit 1.20* . 6 264 264 264 - V* 154 104 Natl Bond * In .60*. 3 134 134 134 -4 264 164 Natl Cash Re* (1) 2 18 174 174 -4 124 84 Natl Cyl Gas (.20*). 1 104 104 104 184 124 Natl Dalrv (.40*1... 25 174 17 17 -4 114 109 Natl Dairy pf B(7). 40b 111 111 111 8 44 Natl Dept Stores_ 3 64 54 54 —4 284 23V* Natl Distillers (2). 6 244 244 244 -4 184 114 Natl Enam & Stp*.. 1 104 104 104 -24 164 9V* Natl Gypsum _ 7 114 ny* 114 — 4 274 174 Natl Lead (.60) ... 5 214 21 214 - 4 274 14V* Natl Malleable 8tl„ 2 174 174 174 -14 10 64 Natl Pwr * L (.60). 74 9 4 9 4 94 —4 814 62 Natl Steel (.80*)_ 10 634 614 614 -24 154 64 Natl Supply _ 8 74 74 74 -4 20 10 Natl Supply 12 pf_ 1 11 11 11 Prev. 1939 Stock and Sales— Net Hifh. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 11% 9% Natomas (.10)_ 4 10% 10 10% 2914 18% Nelsner Bros (1)_ 1 25% 25% 25%-% 17% 8% Newport Indus .. 3 11 10% 10% — % 47% 27 N Y Air Brake .50*. 2 38 37'a 38 + % 22% 12% N Y Central _ 75 14% 13% 14% — % 23% 10% N Y Chi ft St L_ 3 15 14% 14%-% 38 1814 N Y Chi ft St L Df14 25% 25 25% -2% 43% 30 NYCOmnlbus_ 5 32% 32 32 —1% 3% 1% N Y Dock . - EOs 2% 2% 2% 4% 2% N Y N H ft H pf Cr). 1 2% 2% 2% 16% 8% N Y Shipbuilding .. 3 11% 11 n%_% 19514 168 Norfolk ft Wn (10). 3 188% 187 187 -2 113 106 Norfolk & W pf (4) 50s 110% 110 110 - % 19% 12% North Am Aria.40* 56 16% 15% 15% — % 26% 18% North Am Co ( tOg) 40 23% 23'% 23% — % 59 63% No Am 6%(fcpf 2.875 2 57 57 57 — % 59% 54% North Am 6% pf (3) 1 58% 58V4 58% - % 88V* 82 North’n Central (4) 10s 88 88 88 +1% 14% 7 Northern Pacific_ 15 9% 8% y — % 5% 2% Norwalk Tire .. 7 4% 4% 4% — >4 44% 32% Norwalk T pf(3.50). 10r 43% 43'% 43% +1% 10% 6 Ohio 011 (.20#) .. 6 6% 6% 6% - % 30 15% Oliver Farm Equip. 1 17% 17% 17% — % 20% 12% Omnibus Corp _ 7 15 14% 14%— % 8% 5 Oppenhelm Coll_ 1 fi% 5% 5% 27% 16V4 Otis Elevator!.55g) 6 19% 18% 18% — % 148% 135 Otis Elev pf (6)_ 20r14» 144 144 -1 15 7% Otis Steel . 8 9% 9 9 _ iv, 70 50 Owens-Ill G1 1.50*.. 5 64 63% 63% -1% 17% 11% Pac Coast 1st pf... 80s 17% 17 17 — % 8% 3% Pac Foam 2d pf 30s 8 7% 8 - % 1 93,. O.t - I7W __/ aa_v . . _ .... ."4*4 27^ Pao Gas & Elec <2). 11 34** 3314 33% — Ti BO7* 41 Pao Lighting 13)_ 2 50 50 50 - a, 14% 9% Pao Mills 5 137;, 1314 13«i — i% 117» 8% Pao Westn 0( 60e). fi 8at 8% 8% — % 4% 3 Packard Motor „ 227 3% 3 3 — «, 16% 10%, Pan-Am Airways... 3 12% 12% 12% — % 14% 6% Paramount 1 15g) .. 29 9% 8% 9 — % 107% 80 Paramount 1st < R). 1 95% 951, 95.1, _ *, 13% 7% Param't 2d pf ( 60). 3 10% 10% 10% - a, 2% 1% Park Gtah Mines _. 1 1% ]i, i% _ % 43% 36 Tarke Davis 1.60g . 2 41 40*, 40% — % 13% 5% Paths Film _ 26 11% 11% J]% _ % 11% 7% Patino Mines 1 71, 7% 7a, _ % 94% 74 Penney (JC) 1.50g_. 5 9n 89 90 — % 5% 3 renn-DIxie r*m 1 3% 3% 3% + % 16% 12 Penn Glass Sand ct 3 13 13 13 - % 24% 15% Penn Ratlroadi fide) 21 17a, 17 17% _ % 40% 30% Peoples G & G 2.5dg. 3 39% 39% 39% — a, 34 15 Pere Marouatte nf 10s 18% 18% 18%-% 10 7% Petrol’m Gorn 3dg.. 7 7 7 7 8% 5a, Pfeiffer Brew 50g__ 2 7% 7% 7% + % 44% 28% Phelps Dodge .75g_ x 22 39% 38 rs% -1% 48»* 36 Phila Go J6 pf (3)._ 2 47% 47 47 91 75 Phila Co pf (6) _ 1 89% 89% 89% 2a, 1 % Phila Ran Tr (r)_ 60s 2 2 2 103% 82% Philip Morris (Sal _ 2 88 87% 88 -1 43a, 31% Phillips Petrol (2). 13 34 33% 33% — % 8% 6% Pierce Oil pf_ 2 6% 6% 6% - % 20% 12 ritts Goal pf- 2 14 13% 13% + % ! 9% 5 Pitts Screw _ 8 5% 5% 5% — % 15% 7 Pitts* W Va . ]0s 8 7% 7% — % 22% 17% Plymouth 011 1.40a. 1 19 19 19 — % 16% 8 Poor * Co (R) 6 9 8% 8% — % a* a* Porto R Am To (B). 2 % % % 14% 6% Pressed Steel Car 5 7% 7% 7% - % 63 60% Proctor * Gam (2a) 13 63% 63 63% _ % 41% 31% Puh Svc (N'J) l.SSg 10 41% 40% 40% -1 114", 103 Puh Svc(N J)pf(5). 2 112% 112 112%+% 128% 115 Puh Sve(N Jpf (6) 2 127 127 127 + % 143 129 Puh Svc (N J)pf(7) 1 142% 142% 142% +1% 39% 23 Pullman Co (,50g).. 9 26 25% 25% - % 11% 6% Pure Oil 18 6% 6% 6% - % 81% 64 PureOilnf(B) . 3 64% 64 64 18% 10li Purity Baking 65g. 9 17 16% 16*i — a, 13 11% Quaker Sta O (,60g) 2 11 11 11 — % 8% 5% Radio Corp 23 5% 5% 5% — a, 67% 53% Radio cv pf (3 E0) . 6 63% 62 62 — % 2% 1% Radlo-Keith-Or (r). 6 1', 1', la, 17 6% Ravonler Inc _ 2 7% 7% 7% — % 23% 12% Ravonler Inc pf_ 3 14a, 14% 14% -1 5% 3 Real Silk Hose_ 1 4% 4% 4% + % f>% Reliable Stores _ 2 7 7 7 — % 17'« 10% Rem Rand < 80g) _ 7 12 11% 1P«- y4 75'2 65 Rem R pf wwi4.50) 1 67% 67% 67% -1% 72 60 Renssalaer & S (*). 20s 64% 64% 64% - Vi 1% % Reo Motor <r) _ 5 1 1 1 — yk 25% 12% Republic Steel 45 17% 16% 16% - % 71 42 Republic Stl pf (A) 1 54% 54% 54% -2 20% 9% Revere Copper 3 11% 11 % 1 |ij _ s4 14% 7% Revnolds Metals _. 3 9% 9% 9% — v, 11% 5v» Reynolds spring 2 6% 6% 6% -f % 45 35% Reyn Tob (B) 1 50g 5 39% 38% 38% -lVi 10% 6% Richfield 011 3 7y4 7v, 71, 34 18% Ruberoid Co (.10) 1 20 20 20 48% 27% Safeway Stores 1 lg’ 24 45% 43% 44% -1% 116% 104% Safeway S pf (7) 20s Ii2% 112% 112% 46% 27% St Joseph Lead 75g 4 36% 36 36 -1 % % St L-San Fran (r)._ 8 % % 14 — % 2 % St L-San Fr pf (r) . 3 % % Vj — % 17% 11% Schenley Distiller*. 2 12% 12% 12% — % 1 % Schulte Retail Sir). 3 % % % — % 10% 3% Schulte R S pf lr)_. 2 5% 5 5 — y, 52% 45 Scott Paper (1.60).. 2 52 51% 51% — u. *» % Seaboard A L (r)_ 2 % % % 22% 16% Seaboard OH (1)... 1 17% 17% 17% - y$ 80% 60% Sears Roebuck 43). 14 77% 76% 76% -1% 18% 11% Serve) Inc (1)_x 6 15% 14% 14%-% 21% 10% Sharon Steel _ 2 12% 12% 12% 7% 3% Sharp & Dohme_ 3 4% 4% 4% — yj 11% 7% Shattuck (FGH.40) 2 8% 8% 8% - % 15% 10% Shell Un Oil (,25gl. 5 10% 10% 10% — v4 107 101 Shell tin O pf (.6 50) 1 103 103 103 + % 32% 17% Simmons Co t.50g). 3 24 23% 23% — % 29% 17 Skeilv oil lie) .. 2 16% 16% 16%-% 17% 10% Smith & Corona_ 1 11 11 jj _ v< 22% 12% Snider Pke 5 20 19% 19% -lu 13% 10% Socony-Vac’m 50g. 73 11% 11% 11% - % 3 1% So Am Gold 1 llig) 4 1% ja4 _ l4 18% 17 S E Greyh'nd l.oOg 1 16% 16% lf)a4 - y4 20% 14 So Porto R Sug ,7og 1 15% 15% 15% - % 29% 2.3% SouthnCal Ed 1 60a 5 28% 28% 28% — % 21% 10% Southern Pacific 32 13% 13 ]3% — a, 23% 11% Southern Railway. 35 16% 15% 15% _ 33% 15% Southern Rwy of . 15 25% 24% 25 — % 3% 1% Sparks Wlthington 3 1% 1% 1 v4 _ y^ 47% 36 Sperry Corp < lg) 19 4.3% 43 4.3 — 7. 26% 11 Spicer Mfg (,60g) 3 25% 24% 24% -1 16% 9% Spiegel. Inc (,15g).. 20 11% n ny4 _ a. 75% 60 Spiegel Inc of 4 50 20s 69 69 69 -1 30% 18% Square D Co (.45g). 1 28 28 28 — & 7% 6 Stand Brands ,376g. 15 6% 6% flu _ y* 108 98 Stand Br’ds pf 4.60. 2 104% 104% 104% -1- r 4% 2% Stand Gas & Elec 5 2% 2% 2% — V 10% 4% Stand Gas & Elec pf 17 7% 7% 7^ _ a* 20% 10 Stand G&E $6 pr pf 2 17 16% 16% -1% Prey. 1939 Stock snd Sales— Net High. Low Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chee. 24% 13% Stand GAE $7 pr pf 16 21 19% 20 -1% 30% 25 Stand OH Cal (la).. 32 25% 24% 25 - % 29% 23% 8tand OH Ind (1)... 15 24% 24 24 - % 63% 39% Stand OH N J (la).. 48 40% 39% 40 — % 33% 20% Starrett L S (.60*). 2 28 28 28 -1 79% 66 Starling ProdlS.80) 4 77% 77 77 -1 12% 7 Stewart-Warner_ 4 8 7% 8 — % 17% 8% Stone A Webster 27 11% 11% 11% — % 9% 6% Studebaker_ 32 8% 7% 7% - % 66 46 SunOfl(l) . 5 49 49 49 - % 11% 7% Sunshine Min ,*0g__ 6 10% 10% 10% — % 38% 22 Superheater (.376). 2 23% 23 23% — % 3% 1% Superior Oil _ 1 1% 1% 1% - % 19% 17 Swift A Co (1.20)_ 5 17% 17% 17% 28% 24% Swift lntl (2)_ 1 27 27 27 - % 10% 4% Symington ww_ 2 5% 5% 5% - % 8% 4 Symington xw_ 1 4% 41a 414 _ y4 7% 5 Talcott (J) (.40g)._ 1 5% 5% 6% - % 6% 4% Telautograph .25g.. 1 4% 4% 4% 6% 4 Tenn Corp 1 5% 5% 5% 48% 32% Texas Corp (2) .... 85 34% 33 34%-% 5% 3% Tex Gulf Prod .10g. 1 3% 3% 3% 32% 26% Tex Gulf Sul (2) .. 2 29% 29 29 — % 10% 7% Tex Pac CAO (,40)_ 2 7% 7% 7% 9 6% Texas Pac Ed Tr_ 4 6% 6% 6% - % 4% 2% Thermold 3 3% 3% 3.--, _ y4 27% 14 Thermold pf 1.75k.. 10*4 27% 27% 27% 28% 17 Thomp Prod .60g... 5 24 24 24 - % 3% 1% Thompson Starrett. 1 1% 1% ita -u u If>4 74 I homnson Star pf . 2 84 84 84 — 4 144 10 Tide-Water AO .$5g 9 10 94 9:, 184 10% Timken Det Axle 11 144 144 141/,— % 644 344 Timken Roll B (Ig). 4 45 434 434 -24 74 54 Transamerlca (.50). 2 54 54 54 + 4 124 64 Transcontl* W Air 7 94 94 94 - 4 104 54 Transue & Willms.. 3 6 54 54— *, 4 2 Tri-Continental . 7 3 24 3 264 164 20th Cent-Fox (lg). 9 19 184 184 - 4 34 14 Twin Cltv Rsd Tr_. 1 34 34 34 354 174 Twin Cltv R T of— 60s 314 30 30 -1 124 74 Twin Coach 5 10 97* 10 — 4 66 44 Underw-EU-F 1.50g 5 47 46 45 _2 124 64 Union Bae & Paper 7 74 74 74 — 4 904 654 Union Carb (1.40D 28 804 774 794-2 194 164 Union OH (Cal).log 4 164 I64 164- 4 104 814 Union Pacific (61... 4 97 964 97 — 4 90 78 Union Pac pf (4) . . 4 874 87 87 -4 234 204 Un Tank Car (1 20). 2 214 214 214 - 4 424 33 Unit Alreraft(.75g) 28 364 354 354 -14 134 74 Unit Air Lines _ 26 IP, 114 114— 4 654 62 United Carbon (3).. 2 604 604 604 -14 20 134 Unit-Carr F (.60g). 1* 174 174 174 + 4 3% 2 Unit Corn _ 107 34 24 3 394 304 Unit Corp pf 2.*0k._ 10 37*4 37 374 - 4 74 44 Unit Drug 2 54 54 64 — 4 64 34 Unit Electric Coal.. 1 34 34 34 — 4 834 624 United Fruit (4)_ 7 814 SO 80 -14 144 11 Unit Gas Imp (1)_ 33 144 144 144 - 4 134 64 Unit Mer & Mfg ... 12 114 n 114- 4 74 5 U S Distrlbing pf... 10s 7 7 7 113 77 U S Gypsum (2ai 7 81 814 814 -34 254 134 U S Indus Alconol-. 3 164 15'. 164+1 54 34 U S Leather . _ 1 34 34 34 — iu 104 6 U S Leather (A) ... 5 7 64 6',- 4 49 35 U S Pipe & Fdv (2). 1 424 424 424 + 4 64 14 U S Realty A Im(r). 2 l*t 1', 1*4 + 4 62*4 314 U S Rubber 161 434 414 424 —14 1124 86*4 U S Rubber 1st pf<8 7 1104 109 110 -1 654 48 U S Sm & Ref (3g) 1 53 53 53 70 434 US Steel 128 484 47 474 -14 1204 984 U S Steel rf (7) .. 7 1094 1084 109 - *, 374 33 U S Tobacco (,64g). 3 354 35 35 — a, ^24 14 United Stores (A).. 3 1*, 14 14 _ 1, 78 454 Univ Plctur 1st pf.. 10s 63 4 634 634 -14 *4 4 Vadsco Sales _ 1 4 1. 1 3 HU 15 Vanadium Corp 11 23’a 22>» 227* —1VH 35 25 Van Raalte (1.50g) x 1 354 354 354 - 4 25•» 184 Victor Chem W.50g 1 244 244 244 4 i 24 Va Caro Chemical . 2 24 24 24 — 4 80 644 Vulcan Detin 2.50g. 10s 78 78 78 -2 234 154 Walgreen (1.60)_ 6 214 204 20*. - 4 504 37 Walker (HM4)_ 1 434 434 434 — 4 94 4 Walworth Co _ 5 5 5 5 44 31 Ward Bak pf (lk).. 2 314 314 314 - > 6 » 4 Warner Bros Piet 23 5 4 , 44 - 1’ 58 36 Warner Bros Pic of 360s 54 524 54 +1*. 34 14 Warren Bros (r) . 3 2*4 24 24 - 4 244 144 Waukesha Mot (1). 1 is 18 Is - 4 34 14 Webster Eisenlohr. 3 24 24 24 — 4 284 16 Wesson Oil ( 60a) 1 164 164 164 + 4 1014 85 West Penn E A(7 ) 50s 1014 1014 1014 105 88 West Penn E pf(6) 140s 1044 103 103 -li, HO CkZ. «T-_- r»_ rs. • . .. - ■■ i i -iiv/.-* i 'tj'i iuo 1 a in, a — 114 33', 20l* West A ut S l.Oog_ 6 324 314 32 -14 44 24 Westn Maryland _ 1 2', 24 24 — 4 14 4 Western Pacific pf. 1 «4 s, ,t 284 164 Westn Union Tel _. 33 244 234 24 — 4 ®1*« 184 Westhse A B ,50g 13 214 20V* 204 -14 120 824 Wasthae Elec 1.75g. 18 107 104 1054 -34 204 104 Weston Elec Inst 1 184 184 184 — 4 26 154 Wastvaco (la)- 3 254 254 254 - V, 314 15', Wheeling Steel 5 234 214 224 -14 60 45 Wheal St prpf 1.501c 2 53 524 524 + 4 134 7 White Motor . 9 94 8', 84 — 4 24 24 White Sew M new _ S 24 24 24 — 4 17V* 16V* White Sew M pr pf. 2 174 17V* 174 26 14 White Sew Mch pf.. 2 234 234 234 — V* 34 1 Wlllys-Overland_ 14 2 14 14 64 24 WlllysOveiTd pf._ 2 34 3'* 34 5 34 Wilson * Co _ 2 34 34 34 - 4 494 35 Wilson* Co pf- 2 354 354 354 -4 254 15 Woodward Iron_ 2 174 174 174 — 4 504 414 Woolworth <2.40) _ 21 484 484 484 - 4 234 104 Worthington Pump 1 144 144 144 _ s, 120 85 Wright Aero_ 10s 98 98 98 -2 854 75 Wrigley(3a) 1 84 84 84 334 214 tale & Towne(.60) 2 :>04 204 204 -14 214 114 Yellow Truck 42 154 154 154- 4 llo 98 Yellow Tk 77. 3.60k 30s 116 115 115 +14 214 94 YaungSpg* Wire 3 12 114 114 — 4 554 30 Ygstwn Sheet & T 45 40 384 39 -14 314 17 Ygstwn Stl Dr 25g. 1 194 194 19V* -14 22V, 12 Zenith Radio (lg) 6 18 174 174 -1 34 24 Zonite Products 1 24 24 24 — 1* Approximate Soles of Stocks on the N. V. Stock Exchange. 11:00 A.M— .... 210,000 12:00 Noon_ 320 000 1:00 P.M. 400.000 2:00 P.M ... 500,000 Total Sales for the day. 640.000 sUnlt of trading 10 shares. rln bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized under Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed by such companies. Rates of dividend*in the foregoing table are annual disburse ments based on the last quarterly or semi-annual declaration. Un jES.otherwise noted- special or extra dividends are not included ,.,?dE* dlvl;S>nd xrEx rtrtt* a Alsa extra or extras e Paid La» year. f Payable in stock e Declared or paid so far this chmed thi^y-ear1" stoc^ * Accumulated dividends paid or de Price of Silver Drops Half Cent On London Move By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Aug. 16.—A u-cent'■ drop in the price of imported foreign silver today clipped a rising price curve that started last week and carried the foreign silver quotation to a premium of cent above the United States Treasury price. Today's quotation of 35 >4 cents was only 'i cent above the Treasury figure. The premium was estab lished last week for the first time since 1937. A decline of 1 - cent in the London bar silver equivalent caused the drop in the local market. Bullion dealers had accredited the recent rise to covering opera tions by traders who sold the metal short during the squabble in the last session of Congress over price policy with regard to the white metal. Kimberly-Clark Corp. Orders Extra Dividend Ey the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Aug. 16.—Directors of Kimberly-Clark Corp., manufac turers of paper and absorbent tis sues with plants in Wisconsin, Michigan, New York and elsewhere, yesterday declared an extra divi dend of 25 cents a common share in addition to the regular quarterly dividend of 25 cents. The board also declared the regular quarterly dividend of $1.50 a preferred share. All dividends are payable October 2 to holders of record September 12. A similar extra dividend was paid on the common last July 1. 175 Tons of Lead Sold NEW YORK, Aug. 16 {/p.—St. Joseph Lead Co. reported 50 tons of Southeast Missouri pig lead sold yesterday at $4.90 per 100 pounds East St. Louis, 50 tons at $5.10 New York, and 75 tons at the New York average. Leather Glove Output The Census Bureau said that out put of leather gloves and mittens cut in the first six months of 1939 increased to 1,039.670 dozen pairs from 752,450 in the corresponding period last year. A New York Cotton By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Aug. 16.—Cotton futures (old) opened unchanged to 1 lower on hedge selling. Bombay and Liverpool liquidation. The market met further hedge pressure and Bombay selling which depressed prices 1 to 3 points around mid-day. Trade price fixing fur nished the principal support. Oc tober and December were each 1 lower at 8.73 and 8.59 respectively. Small Southern buying and trade selling in the new contract put prices 2 higher to 1 lower. Cotton reacted in late morning close to the previous finish, or un changer to 2 lower around midday. Scattered professional buying and Wall Street covering developed on the belief the weekly weather report indicated a slowing up in crop prog ress in the West, particularly Texas. Offerings came mostly from South ern spot interests. October was down 1 at 8.73 and December was 2 lower at 8.58. Cottonseed Oil. Early gains of 11 to 20 points in the cottonseed oil futures market to day were shaded a few points in forenoon dealings. Aggressive gen eral demand was induced by strength in lard and firmness in hogs and grains. Prices around noon held advances of 6 to 15 points. Decem ber and March each were 13 higher at 5.70 and 5.88, respectively. Crude oil in the Southeast was quoted at 4Vg cents bid while sales in the valley were reported at 4I4. Texas was nominally 4** New Orleans Cotton. NEW ORLEANS. Auk. lfi ..$>>.—Cotton futures (old) were slightly easier here to cay under liquidation and hedge selling and at mid-session orices were net un changed to 5 ooints lower. Eleven Banks Liquidated The controller of the currency announced that in July liquidation of 11 bank receiverships was com pleted. This brought to 1.333 the number of receiverships finally closed or restored to solvency since the banking holiday of March, 1933. Wallace Moves To Establish Tobacco Quotas 13y the Associated Press. Secretary Wallace took the first step today toward imposing rigid marketing controls and penalties on this year's record-breaking flue cured tobacco crop. The Secretary ordered the Agri cultural Adjustment Administra tion to arrange for a referendum among tobacco growers on market ing quotas. Two-thirds of the grow ers of flue-cured leaf must approve the marketing restriction and pen alties before they become operative. A similar attempt by Mr. Wallace to impose marketing controls this season on last year's drop failed when only 56.8 per cent of the grow ers voted favorably, less than the required two-thirds. Under terms of the Farm Act the Secretary must proclaim marketing quotas whenever supplies of a ma jor farm crop exceed certain re serve levels. Then a farmer referen dum must be conducted. Atyhough Mr. Wallace has not yet officially proclaimed the tobacco quotas and has until December 1 to do so, the A. A. A. announced that this year's large crop "appar ently will bring supplies to a level requiring proclamation of a quota.” Hewitt Orders Dividend NEW YORK. Aug. 16 (Special).— Hewitt Rubber Corp. announced that at a meeting of the Board of Direc tors held yesterday a dividend of 25 cents per share was declared on the capital stock of the company, pay able September 15 to stockholders of record September 1. Previous quar ly dividends of 10 cents per share were paid on March 15 and June 15, making a total of 45 cents paid or declared this year to date. Daydreams in traffic soon turn to nightmares. _V_ United States Treasury Position Bj the Associated Press. The position of the Treasury August 14 compared with comparable date a year ago: Rereint, August 14. 1939. August 13. 1938. - SI 3.086^00.55 $10,428.) 57.57 Ne?ebadianrc'es24g?t?^?P^ «, -M-S^-81 Working balance included.. 1.769.146.516:86 1:637:466:127 97 Customs recetots for month_ i« oi i non •>,, 35iS <i5/r“{ Receipts for fiscal year (July 1)- 586.582.484:00 652:'l62 728 47 Expenditures . - 1.201.974.834.48 1.121.490 007 82 Excess of expenditures- 635,392,350.48 469.327>79 35 Gross debt- ---—-- 40 821.488.262.82 87.362.601.078 61 Increase over previous day- 1 Gold assets - 10.295,510.090.48 13.042,755.887.40 A Stocks Back Away As Timidity Rules Over Market Traders Appear Wary Of Day's Developments In Europe and Asia Stock Averages . 30 15 15 50 „ . , Indust. Rails. Otll. Btks. Net change —1.5 —.5 —.7—1.0 Today, close 67.9 18 3 39 4 48.2 Prev. day... 69 4 18.8 40.1 49.2 Month ago. 70.3 19.4 38.9 49 6 Year ago... 70.2 19.3 33.0 48.0 1939 high.. 77.0 23.8 40.6 53.4 1939 low... 58.8 15.7 33.7 41.6 1938 high.. 79.5 23.5 37.8 54.7 1938 low... 49.2 12.1 24.9 33.7 1932 low... 17.5 8.7 23.9 16.9 1929 high..146.9 15S.9 184 3 157.7 1927 low... 51.6 95.3 61.8 61.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) By VICTOR EUBANK. Associated Press Financial Wrrer. i NEW YORK, Aug. 16.—Timidity seized the stock market today and prices sank fractions to around 3 points in quiet trading. J From the outset offerings ap peared, although not in volume, and the dip was emphasized as the ses sion wore on. Toward the close mild efforts to rally cut a few extreme losses. Dealings were slow and „ transfers approximated only about 600,000 shares. iraaers shied away from com mitments, brokers said, because they were wary of the day s develop ments in Europe and on the inter national front all around. Danzig remained a complicated problem, and a march of Japanese troops toward British Hong Kong, where English soldiers were lined up in readiness, affected sentiment ad versely. Domestic business news was favor able in many sections, including ad ditional second quarter earnings statements reflecting a better situa- » tion than had been expected. These were largely ignored, however, the professionals treading cautiously be cause of war crisis fears. Steels, motors, chemicals and a few miscellaneous manufacturing shares bore the brunt of the selling. Some of the rails were in supply and the oils at on time displayed firming | tendencies. Various specialties were a little resistant and here and there investment issues tried to buck the . general trend. Down most of the time by fairly wide margins were United Stat£&~-< Steel. Bethlehem. General Motors, Chrysler. United States Rubber, Montgomery Ward. International Harvester, Douglas Aircraft, Boeing, American Telephone. W'estern Un ion. Consolidated Edison, Kennecott, Westinghouse Electric. Du Pont, , Union Carbide, Allied Chemical, Johns-Manville, Eastman Kodak, U. S. Gypsum. Santa Fe. Great Northern. Texas Corp.. Celanese, Loft. Allis Chalmers and Loews. More resistant were Sperry, Wool worth. American Can and Cater pillar Tractor. Chicago Grain By the Associated Press. CHICAGO. Aug. 16.—Wheat prices * reached the best level in two weeks here today, advancing more than a ! cent a bushel at times. Corn, after an early decline, firmed upward for net gains of a cent or more. Strength at Winnipeg, where wheat advanced more than a cent a ! bushel, and a fair demand here for I September contracts combined to 1 give the market its upw’ard move monf QontcmKnv ««« 66%, up 1% cents from the previous. December was up 1'8 at the maxi j mum and May a cent. Wheat closed %-l% cent higher, . September 66-657g. December 65% %; corn, 3s-34 higher. September — 43%-3a. December 4238-,2: oats, v2 Rs higher. WHEAT— Open High Low C]n;» S»p. .65 .66% .64% .66-63% D»c. 64% .65’, 64 % 655,.% , May .65 .66 64% .65%-% CORN— 1 Par .1-’% 13% .42% 43%-% Dec 41'. 4'.’’, 41% .42%-% * Mav .44% .46 .44% .45%-% OATS— Sap .26% 20% 28% 20 Dar. .26% 28% 28% °6% Mav 28% 20% 28% • .20 SOY BEANS — Oct. 67% .67% 68*, 68% Dec. .66 .66% .66 66% May _ _ .66% .68% ye_ S*p. .39% 40% .39% 40’4 L>"c IP, 42% *1% 42% May .44’a .441 ^ 44% .44% LARD— I Sep. 5.02 5 30 5 02 5 15 ! Qct. 5 15 5.35 5.15 5>2 , Dec. _ 5.20 5.47 5 20 5 Jl* , Jan 5.35 5 52 5 .35 .V.37 BELLIES— ScP- --- - - 5 05 „ Chicago Cash Market. Wheat. No. 1 hard. 70: No. 3. 67% Vn - yellow, hard. 07%-%; No. 2 mixed. o;'%. No. 3 Northern spring. 07% Corn No 1 mixed, .y. 2; No. 2. 55 imamly white'. No I yellow. 4-i-4.->% sample grade, "’hitr 4, i. Oats. No. 2 mixed. 31; No. 3 ,30 30 ?: sample grade mixed. 29- Nn 3 white, thin. 29%: No. 2 white. ’.31%-’ Bariev malting. 45-57 nominal: !e.*d 75 40 nominal: No. 3. 48-50: No. .3 maltirs seed. 3.4*5-90 nominal: red r^p. 8.0O-9.OO nominal. Alsike 12.00-15 00 Winnipeg Prices. WINrnpEC. Aug. 16 1^.—Grain range today: WHEAT— High. Low Close, close. 1 October .52 .50% 31% .50% December 53% .52 53% .52% OATS— 563,4 •55V* Sfi** 55S October .27*, ,27V» .27% .2-^% * Keystone Steel & Wire Orders First Dividend PEORIA. 111.. Aug. 16 (Special).— At a meeting held yesterday direc tors of the Keystone Steel & Wire Co. declared a dividend of 15 cents a share on the capital stock, payable September 15. 1939, to stockholders of record August 31. This is the first dividend to be declared in the current fiscal year, which began July 1. Commenting on current opera tiongs. W. H. Sommer, president, said that the company’s present rate of activity is the highest of the past two years. Earnings for July and * August are well ahead of last" year, he said, and if the current rate of operations is sustained throughout September the quarter’s earnings are likely to show a considerable gain over the earnings in the cor responding period of last year. Peach Harvest Starts HAGERSTOWN. Md„ Aug. 16 <>T»). —Harvesting early peaches started here this week. Growers reported better than average crops in low land orchards, but highland orchards showed thin crops. Early frosts and * poor pollenization hurt the fruit on _. high ground. Late peaches were re ported in need of rain.